I)c i.ntliam Rccorb. H. A. LONDON, Editor And Proprietor, RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one insertion $1.00 One tqnure, two inecrtifena 1.60 One square, one month 3.60 For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance VOL. XXV. ITfTSBOKO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C. Til U US DAY, JULY 30, liMtf. No. :o. Ttt E 11Y5TE li - t'.lvS. 'T&U QV.r.i "... V,W - .Aulttor or4- Ihe Mouse 1V'I yriFlu, :;, lj CHAl'TKU XVI. r Cunt inn tl. ! ' TllO Cold drive ll I' 111" (.eorf'O Cl:n is I in l ill W.4 niece hepm in silence. They j Well' nhvady in siv:hl ni' i ( It If- j J.'1'uup of buililiU".:: nl' which the llluo 1 l.ion was the principal, wmii iho prl, I turning suddenly in In r um!e, asked: j "I'nelc Ceorp', wlint is ilii' mallei-'.' Why art' you diiTcri m, different t me':" Tlii'i'i' was ,i pause. A strup.;lc was guini' mi in ilii' man'.- breast, n stru:.: jrlo pitifully keen. Il iwi'ii'i llie line lir li.nl always borne Inward his Noll and tlir attacks i.i' li.Mi'u ami ml- ph-iim. I. Was in a husky, nun niiral vni.c ih.u In- ir.'.si'iitly n j I tfil. i.aiT.wnj; tin1 qiirs tlnii: ilfi li'i:t: Mi. iv ililV. i'. iil :" "Ym l,n. iw. ymi Uiniv.-," Ni-ll wliis Tpcivil ha. h. .i'ii'lv 'MariM Im.k.il at Inr. Anl fur a iiiilllll.' tin- 1. 1.1 trust ran:.- li.n k In: o liis Inari. ami lit' l.'l'l li : iis! r that In- was a IVnl, a inisi'i al l.- n';il j foal, to allow n iloiiiit of lii'i'.,.'i!.si,liii.. .'iumIik-ss ami liiiiii to i nt.'r ins mini!. Ami Hi. n t Mil in l!'o uu'iy ilioiiir'.iis ; whi. h hail Ituuii lo ilarh. n his mii:,l, niMly insiillicl l.y j he ilmil.t an. I mis- i I'icioii in all in... niimls ai'oiuiil him, f loii.h'il r ! him mi. in. ii-.'. I i.- I'l.ulil not -.'iV'' hi'i-an .'i'.n an-wrr. :.l:liui!'.:h ho fnli iliat i: wmiM haw ln ( n hnMi r ' If In- i-.liiii ha vi iSuiio so. 11.- hravml i it !dir si.;ii, ami ansu on il wiihout look- "Ah. wi ll, my tirl. ii's not r i asy to ho livi ly ami i Ii rl'ul with sm li IhinjiS as li.i'i'i." ami lu vauiioly iml: i-ati'd I ho i in in-. nnvii.T, .i ; k!n.' his whip hail, in tin' iliivnloii ..f sti'oan, i i ; 1 1 1 1 . i i : 1 1 l; iimhi' olio's very Window s. ii Iin i ..-I ." Ami tin n i hoy I'oi'a wi-iv sih nt. hoth i . in so io'.i at llio .-alii' inoiin'iit lhal lin y wi i'o i Ins,, in i no .sjini won' tin' ) .dy of .li i.i f h ., ,s had In oii found v.i llio pri'vii.iis n'uht. Il.iili iiiiolc ami lilo. Inoki .1 I'.iriiv i ly al llio spot, nasi !..' ilisivnii'iii. l.y tlir lroihli'ii down iiiniiiion of tho w.ijviilo iriass. Am! t : i ii. ipiit.' smiili nly. llndr I'univo (.'l.'inrrs soiivrlii oai ii olina's faro, ami f-r a inouii in i!n ir ryi s inri. "I ni l.'." :is!;. .l Ni 11. in a wliisp. r. 'a;' llio 1.-IIII licit lil'.d 111;.' hill' t f..'.il'd':" 'aoiKe t'huis .:; . : his Inad in a:: v.or. This. Imhcd. was tho chief dillii tioy villi whiih iho lo'-al pnliio, pin mi tlnir lai'lil.' hy Iho i;vse,ii'n in iluir lo'iist of ll' iinniiiL'. Iho I.omh.ii iloli c livo. had in vnmoml. T!,n h'lii.'t f'.ini'l n ih" hrn.l of .lorn ' lii'Iii'l-i had Ovid. ihI.v Imoii lirod frmii t) ll I'll! flir-hloil! (I Vt'il.oll, llOillf,' Hi' i:iip s!;:o and of oliJulfio pattoni. And i:o weapon had iioi-n louml in tho : iielphhorlmod. after a ililljjeiit nud ox- I Ji.i'.'.stlvt' M'iiri'h, Tho theory of tho otoi's was Unit llio hull'.'t had hoen t':'seharf;i'd from u pistol nt a dlstanco of at least Mime yji'ds; hut at pros cut this theory had Pome no fruit ex cept 111 Iho hl'.iill tf tin1 deti'i live, Ilt'lil- IlllllC. rhat ustuti' person had l.ocn rovolv- j in:; in his miii. I au idea, whieh lie tool; care to k i p to himself, ami which led him. It lift) an hour of the conclusion of the Inquest, in the direetloii of Shin gle Knd. Whore would NYU he so likely to find ft weapon with which to commit tho crime which freed her frnin her fear of Jem Stieki'ls as at llie house of an oh! Kohlier? Soinewhere about the house, i'lnl prohal'ly lu a placp with vhleh she. all habitue of the house, vas well acquainted, the old colonel would be sure to keep some mementos .;' his soldiering days, an inspection of which Ileiiiiiiiuv; felt was very like ly to .'ive him the clue he wanted. It was. as usual. Miss I'nstal who opened tli" door lo him. Her prim face rocmed to I i.tv: li ; up on i-ei ins who it was. 'Come in, do come in," nald she, ! tlil'owiii!' the door wide open, and in- ! vitin.n him to cntor the ilia winprooin. "I do hope jim haw pit some inor.' I news for us. Iio ymi know I hope ! more from what you w ill iind out than j from all these cminiry policemen! II j they were to sit and talk till in!.sum- ! user. I don'i belicM- they would be any i nearer lo timlim; out who did it lhaii they r.i'e now." 'l'he ih leelive smiled. "1 think you are loo hard upon them. ma'am." said he. 'They think they've I p.t a pretty pn.il elue already. And j they quite on. lo mak- au arrest j liefoie many days are over." ; Ms !:im:iI. who hal f.ilh.wid hi.a i Into li e lii.iwiuv; I'.ioni. and ':w pro- . cci.lin.- to lichi a s lii a y candle, afte, I In-.' l.ospltl'.'le i llfloia. t 'U:4''4' d in . l:t'!e. thin shniilil. ;-.; iii;;:.i: ii nil.'. "TLi-y a;-va.vf. s i.v t l:,ir. B.it v. i."" ; do yi, ii liiini:'.'" The ih'Tietivo i!: l m.t :ii:sw,-'i' at one.-. 'Ami whin she iniu l In Inquire tin. reason of this, she p r. i;'essou of his face t-lartleil hini. "What is the mailt .d l y the r.v- i.icilii.'i;. I. a. I i siie quickly. "I slijipese these dnia. have ii.:n! rue liervi.us, P'k.' the n .1 of Uiem. tna'.'iin," aii-wer.'.I I:e. Inn!. in;: liov. n :n liis hat. ami lii'ii.-iriii'; it carefully wiih his hand. "For I l incinl I war sonic In.dy In ihius in al i!i" v.'i:i low." Miss !!.. !-i looUed ill ili'.i ci 'i .'.". It tsieiiuj lo In r i lull ! em v.'.c .. I,.- R.Y O T f1.B "Ali.- -.. .'Vvj ,;, 1(0 on Hk Marsh." ck. II.. milt's s. ie. I . ;i' loio.i (. V.': I'.lii' Cell lit: ilii i i ill the ;'!.! Doi'Vler. -li .1 villi wis '.i :i e I -1 . lil'iT .if Iho win I o.'ii el inll of nil.' VI T 111 lllnlltl'l- Kin vv belter lli.'in iiw. Sin- v;ilki'. i ill" v!i ,'..ws. in' after i itt otlic hi looked niil. ' I llnll't SCO il'IVllM'I.V," Said fill i:i;iy have lu'i n miii i,C tin urchins of I o.o pia. )i"c iinv: in flit of curiosity. i !'!;! ; i I . i is nut much used, and l In. l';!i: m.iy haw :i 1 1 1'.'n-l iil liiui.'' I "Wry li!;. ly. i i:i : s t . ".iii in nv what is tin re wo can do ; y.i'i. P. r. of cditse, you have n-me II Mi -im - ':" I "Win-, ii''- H'.'i':ilil. Toil!-.- Iur.lt very jPl.uk amiim-i yniir youm; lady friend j vw,,;..,'.- I An. I In' n . Mi ii in the direction of j .!'. !-li:. 1.;..!!. j "Nov. .Mi'. 1 1 : i ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 vr. I n il! not hear I I v.i. nl :i.::tiiis that prl," said Miss I ! : i ', villi sudden wai'mMi. "I tell j v., t liii- ii.iiii.-i is :ilisii!'il lli:it tin- rlillil -n..nl.l !ia.' lia.l anuliinc in i'u with Ai:. 1 i'ln nii'iirisi-il M hear sue h a .n'"si.':-ims siivr.', stioii from a man of v.. r il:-. iriinii'iii." T!: .!.' . rtivr I.r.k. .1 ilown at his hat. "H !". yu m-ilii. ma'aiii, to ta!;.' 11 '' pari." lit- sai.l. l a : m r ilryly. "Si ill. ill1:.' a.'' so-.m- om.-ti. ns 1 must asU ' '''.ml. if In' w:II (.rivo i;..- livo ; : 1 1 1 1 - . A i t I'm mi v 1 .shall be n'.a.l -Ii lo ln li rl.-.-r In 1'. "..' lath"!' will sio ymi. I am Mire," a:ii Mis Initial, pi-nmii: !y, piiiii In iin' uu:.v. "11. oaiiso ho Is as sure as I i'ii ll:al all 1 i 1 I on this Uliiltof is ill i i s I 'hiris's ill'.errsl." Anl, ialhi'1' n- oil) fully planeinir nt hii i as si" woiii mil. she criissi'd the .i.iii- :!a!''."l a-at;". ami lohl hi'i' laii.r thai th" J..iii.!o!i tleterlivi' nv In d In m e him. "."'how hini in h'le." Ilemiliiil.; i. iard iiio oi'I.iml answor, in tones n.tirli mme disi;:!!ii'il than his (iauh- Mi: s 'riii'ii...va iili. r. d IlemmiiiK in i :ii" ilininv: riM.iu, whi. h looked suui: m l warm .'ifiei- iho eold han inss of i he sin if apain lenl; ami Iheu she left Iho I wo men loi'i'ther. ' I've mine lo asl; you. sir," said ii. iiimiim. wh. u he had apoloi.ed for inn mlinvr. "wli Mher you have any lire aiii's sforeil away ahoiil the house';" "l'livarmsV .No. n itainiy not." yn ..v.'i'i'eil the e.ih.m l, in a loiio of in.li Miltion whieh t-liowcil that ho seeiileil I X -1 1 ; : : i ii li'-s ihsiro lo eonneet his prii i I l.v Willi iho rlMr.'iv.e. ".No oil. n.-e. sir." said I leminiiivT, per lasiveiy. "Hui I am hound to make i.'.'Hilri.'.s. as you know. 1 set you'vo u .t a ir'.jihy on ih.' wall olltsiile, with ii: ai:-, a hi:jf AiV'han nun, ami " "Why, thai kuu wouM do luoru harm l 'io iuk-i " o men it mau it woiua to aaytiilujj ho ISivd at:' "And thero's nu old pistol thoro, too. May I look at that':" "I'l'i'tiiiuly yoit eau. If you choose." 'i ho ilelei'tlvo availed himself of tho permission, ami l.rom;ht into iho loom from tiic plaeo where ihey hail liuni; on the wall of tho pas.sue. tho Afghan flioi't iind heavy i amel uii. and iJn pisiol in iiui'stlou. It was au old cavalry pistol, of oln-o!ote pattern. This weapon Ilemiuiui; pruecedt'd to handle with interest. "Take oaro.'' said the colonel, ninl lenly dinklnj: his head as the dote.:- the held it up ami put his hand on tho tricccr. "It s loaded." "i think not." answered IleinininL', luiotly. And he pulled the Iritrj'cr three or four times wiihout cffoi l. The colonel iuiaii.'il up. "Why," cried he, "! loaded it myself 'he hi Inr ilayl 1 was ;howiiif; the la- Pes hnw it was used, and I know I :'.:. h'd il Pci'tirc I put it hack in its lace." "Aii," said I femiiiini;, more dryly i.an ever, "it's l.een used since then, sir. Will you show mo tho bullets you taw hy youV I want lo compare (hem witii on:! at tho Stroan iKilice station." "Why, man. you don't mean lo lay' ..oil suppose ' "That you showed it to tin- ladies to nine purpose'.' I'm afraid I do, sir." ciiai'tim: xvii. ,:i j.s ., !! and in r iim h n-'.!i::-'i t i ih.' i.!i:..' l.i.'ii ilny were met .. ill.' M'.rs.' v;ni w.m j.iii-miinv; t'ilf ford. She said her paiient was so anx ious to see .Miss Claris lhal she had been ohliircil rclm-tantlv to :rive I,.:,. permission to i1o no. fearini; lhal he would worry hlr.;elf into a lever if she refused. Hut, much to the mirsu's surprise. Sil was even more rcluetani lo see iiiu) than .she hoi.silf hail been m cive ; her ptrmissinll to do so It needed j half a dozen i.:rucsi messages in ptr saado her to c,o io tho sick man's room.' j CliU'ord, wlin whs lyln in the lit tin ! siMiiis-roum. which had been yiven up ! io him, .ave a ions sigh of relief when he sruv Nell. the was very pale, and tin' expression of her fiice was full of sadui'ss and leri'L-r. '.it iP.wii hei'e, Nell, lieside nie," aid he ill a weak voice, "ami nil mo . why you look like thai. I am not piiuv; lo die. I:i that what you arc ! afraid of. dear':" Nell shook her head, ..ll.l tried to smile, us she look his hand. A hoarse. ! :: 1 1 Uiii wound came from her lips, bin i 'in ar-i. word. Then, ineeiiiii; his I lv,in, ij.-, ht- broke down aud burst Into n pasioii of t.iivs. riifrord iT( .in.-t the very best ihinv p i.-.ilii. iti lln .'irciliuslii'iees: If let In r cry. Willi ni.' a word ho si'iiyhl and l'..im. her se.-oud ha;id, piaecil il Willi the nl hi f in his own left hand, while with his r:;-lit In- pmily carcssi'd her pil.l. u head, s'o flu. cii. d billerly for a l it!,., and ilieii ..ss l.iiierly. uniil. Iho press ure of her acute misery relieved, so" sil.lih.ltiy spiiinvr Pa.-!;, snaiclied Inr hands ii.v;,y ami ill led In'i' eyes "N..W, N... do you feel better-.'" asked ClliV'.rd. as a faint smile bi'van lo hover on lln- irirl's I'a.-e. "Vos. I do. mm-li I r." atisw.Ted sin- in a in. ii-,. s.-lf ii. ss. sse.l . y. ; "Now I .-an loll ymi Miitmihiti'; My uncle think-; I I did il." "Shoi .P in Sli. kels';" "Yes." "Wei!, whal mi earth is h" to tlnii':? It is just what 1 should have ; in.uu'lil myvnif if - - " "If whai':" ''If I hadn't hapj ii"d Pi he in love w!ih yon:" Neil stared. "Vmi diui'i mean that, really?" "Vis. Inn I ilo, ih.im'h. Look here; I pil llie nurse lo pay someone to pi to tin- Inquest and reporl lo ni". He i!';.l, wlnn tin 'jury ad iointied fo'' Iuiio'iichm. And in iw I've just hinrd of your ovi i..:te:' ami Hi" verdiei. and 1 i'..n'l s. . how anjhoJy. I'Ni-ept I'm, could fail to suspect yon. Y. s. you." Nell, who had been very while vv-'W eriiiisnn as s!f looked at him. "Von iiiean that you suspect me, loo'.' Von think mo ciip.iiiio of "No, child, of course not. Hut I Ihiuk y.m i.-ave your evideneo very b;"ily. an.l that ymi i !i.".'.'f..re can"! rs peel In Pe pitied. Now i.'l! mo wi.y Vol diihi'l w.ilil lo come ami see me':" Nell sih-nily hunv; In r head. "Was it bec;m.' you didn't care if ymi ii' Vi r s:tw me apiiti':" I'p v.cii! ih-' face, radwint wi:h p:i : i . : i : 1 1 1 - denial. "Wei!, was i: I au-e you knew I i h.-u'-.l iist-: y.ot some quot i..iis':'' I '..wit wetii ihe face npiin. "What was it ymi wauled to see me al mi when you sciii I'm- in.- to come down from town to see youV ' she looki.l up at him witii a file full of i. ri'or ".'ill. Ii' al's il." she wllispel'eil hlir i'i .lly. "Thiii is why I didn't want to sc you. I knew you would want to l.tniiv lhal. And now-1 cannot tell .von:" "Why mil':" 'Veii'l rday. ' We!!, oil Nell, h 'I' Voice P'liiie.' low'.-r. "1 was p.iicj.' i.i a.-k your advice; for ll was only case of ih. it. To day I dare mil. for it is now a no, '-lion of murder'." "Von know soiiieiliin.-'. Noll'" "I iloit'l. I wish I did. I'.Hl -I sits iti.l. Am! I d ire pot whisper my siis n'cion i v. u to y.nt. uiu il I lan e fell my w'.iy to a liiilo more know l. ip.'i'. Now will VOU be clllelll Willi lllilt. illld Hot v. ,i:ii lo make me speak v. hen I would r.iil.el' he si!. III '.'" 'iilio'.d hcsitilti d. "Wouldn't ymi trust ni" to he silent, loo':" Neil l.cran to look per p'.'Xo.l iind mis. I'iil.lo. ili'iiwu this way ami that :.y conilieliii:: fediii-s of love and duty. Clifford saw how keen llie slniu ii. - was. and like a p-iicroiis fellow, cut ;t slmrt for In. r. "All ri.'iit. Nell, you shall keep your socivt. Only mind thl: I m" ,H' "'0 first to know it. Will yon promise me that?" "Yes, oh, yon, and I thank you with all i'iv heart." The wejirht of care Hpran;: tip from off tin- pill's heart at one hound. The mire trust which Clifford showed in Inr was just the balm her wounded 'old needed, ami the hour the nurse allowed her to spend by her l.mr's bedside, althoupa It was passed almost In slleueo after this explanation, was one of happiness ami relief so deep that she vent out to face tho world and her uncle's suspicion with fresh colirap'. Clifford's wound had proved more, serious than was ai ilrst supposed. There was risk of inllaiiim.iti.ill. and ill,- doctors ordered that he was to be Pent very quiet. YVhoii. I herefore. that sain.' I'veninu'. Hemming called at tl:e inn. am! asked to see Mr. Kin.', he would have Peon denied aitop'th'T if Clifford himself had m.t hoard I he in quiry and rcco:.ri.i"i'i'.: tie voice, in :.M '. on seeill',- the ilciective. "V-.'. il. iind what do ji.n want with ,, e'." asked Clifford, v illi iiiier. sl. us I P'nimi'.i.v, was shown iiiti Ids tin.v .until. "Well. sir. I hear you've seen Miss Claris since the imp. .si." was the de leeiivc's alirunt i.pcninp "Vos. Well':" .'Well. sir. thimrs l"ok about as bliu li for her as they wt 11 c:i:i." Ami he nave the yoiini; man n -h'.i wd look as he p: omi'iiicd t!iis lateiiieat. Clifford said not him;, ami Ileiiiinim; went on: "Knowim; li"W yon wire-were n friend of the youtivr lady. sir. I thought ii only riuhi you should know as 1 inn ilowiuisht ceiiain who was at the i,,.ti iimh of the murder and the fobbcry: and I'm only .v.iitnii; lo make t in chain of proof a Pule Mronp-r Pe i'oro making' au aires!." "Of w hom'.'" "I leave you lo pm ss. sir. I may tell you I've found i he pisml" i Pffonl siartcd-"aud the Pullet tits it exact ly." "Io you w-.'ipt t" put nny more (pii p lion.i to Miss Claris:" asked Clifford, inipeiturbiibly. "Well, tho Julius; lady seemed so mi w illim; -Iilt, of course, if ymi think siie wouldn't itilmi after nil. it's only a rehearsal like, and I dare tiiy she l;uows that." To be Colli itnied. A Mliini'i.111,1 I'rruk. There is a lady in the Fourth Ward who plays the piano not from custom i,r habit. P'.it for musical purposes. Milan nvelis. JtUlunl. iTiTHITT m .li I ?SSC:f:f'ef':C--t-l?4- lii-,tii.i-ii..i. in iiou-. I"" !l"'l Hi" cr.,p. at besi. and wid There is in,;, Ii wriiteii avxainst lie pr..ve disas roils to it if I'"'. dry plan of lee:lim: corn ,,t hos wln-n th. I sp.'ll of wctiln r should inlenni.' :ft llliiiliiii. are J.'Ulii;-. 'l'he evils which It!:. il lime. Nili'ilt of soda is . o'li- resith from mi, h f -ciliir: . e from l i.i il.v a l"i .lie-sin' i.iai"; ial. and iu usiir;- corn to H .'lelii-ioii of nth. r j all as, s :.,, nl, l. appli.'d sparinvly grains. If. then, corn is f. ,i in prnp"r I in lhei'iiM. proporiii. us wiih the oih.-r u-iiiilis suit-j I ri. d Plo d is an ex. . IVM snlisti aPle to llie aire of the i.i--. there is , lute Inr a poi-ilnti :' Hi" niirate of in. thin; be let- for the animal. Willi Ih" y.ium; ph; on ih- ram.e il is c, r tniiily sa!e lo make half of lis daiiy liitinii coil', u.-imj ii in the form of imal. wiih loan or oilier ro'im? ur.'.ilis. If e,i:si,!,.-;,!,e variciy is pieti j .I'nw.li. To siqiply this, acid phos- ill the other uraill-. Hie resuils will be, I'll. 'If is lo Pe i aimemlcl. hnth on Pi'iier. If Hi. yoiiii-; ,; is cmiliiied ! scor.. of its 'teapnes ami the and has link' in- mi p-eon fe -d during I :i v:i ilabiliiy of ps phosphoric acid. Ihe summer, then corn must be used l'"!ie is ion s!mv ..-". i for a quick w iih canilon. ami ccriainly i.iiuhl ! i-'ruwim; crop. Il.ver to I.e fed In ll xeillMnu of oi In r v'rains.- I iidiamipolis News. ll.nv iiml W ln-n in I'IhiiI Siv-. i'i-ih. i "file swccl pea is a peculiar Ida I't." i fa.'. s i::,eii i:. IP'Moril. in I.innim oil's ; it i,.,I PI. ,,.!, ."ii.n; ." i 1 pliosidi.'it". lUHil; Mi!!ii';:i:i". "in s.'iu' ies..i'i-ts. and re- i miiriaie pota-Ii. " n. Apply Jon to -h quires ir, iiinn'tn quite unlike that j ,oi:inl an :ce in tile drill. If fish is i-1 v ell olhi'l' pii'liis if we would have il ! o-e, in plae - of k li' 1 the InlUiue do its Pe,.'. li mrsi I.i' plan!e.l ..ry ' will not ,e s i i ";iiciisi e. Ti:e itliove curly as mh.ii. in I'aei. as Ice .roiiini will cost aPont N'J- a ton. ami will c:in lie ipiv: iqi in tc eive lit ' M'.'il. This ; anaij ze f.-ur p a- cut. nil !'., :et'. nine Pecaii-e ii is a ill ;ti licit does lieiicriper cent. . In ..-j .li..;:.- acid ami fn e p"r in co.tl weailfi' liiiin in lieai. ami tlcjcciit. acimii poii.-h. Hr.uit Pavis, in .n.liiioiis wlii.lt prevail in sprim: are j New York Tri'eit I'anin r. pic i-. ly ll'..-, 1 cm siiii.'d i, i it in vret-i ti.e a M art. If ii l..rms sirom; m ! j MovuMi I'miltry lom. ! ! in ! the hot . . :i ; ii.-;- is upon us, and I W!i"ii f'-r any reason one do s not I lies.' I are .! cp in Hie soil, where j c:i'e to pi to Hi,. cp ci:.-" of perma- th- y w ill i"!i::ii:t n-ei- i am! i . we ; iii'ii f. lies .'I'-oiied He- p .n'.try yard. may expici si is-- iioucrs and a .ureal j aPh fciic - li!:; il'"t s!,,wn in many .' li.cm. Put if we pve ii a I He- m: may Pe 'is ,1 in advatnap-. sii.ilie'.' pi.'-i'.iinv.. whi.-ii Priii'.-s iislTh.y m-l Put lini". :.ml if well mail.' !'. ..is no,;,' th" s!e iitee, .Mill a hll" ,,.:.' ' w i'! l.l-t foi' sevei'lll seasons. 'I'm' v. im-ii i ' . i i i: , . ii tn pq iis i-iar: .n .""i:oii as si, nvn, may be of any '.:. -!i"r Ii 'l lo p. lil-iiii;'. we m-cd i:o dim. n-;.,:i ;;"!. altlmililh If Ji'mnt v.c:.l, if i- .i. ippohit us. 'I he plan I I fi.i'r I' d It ami six feci hws tli y !..:; .". v. itii . i- ilns: Iu April 1 if:: I can b. I . iier t:tti11-1 than wh-ti V -iian. i! i !-!.-!- aPi.'.tt six iiiei-es Uww. Vli. frin. " teey be of cny i "en. 1 S"V.' ie ! lil ill ' I o.'i'itl I of ih"-e iti, mil an im-h apart. I . over i: i.iiii iil'iiiit an it, in of soil, wlmh I pre-s down l I'miy. When Hie p!a:t;s jiiivc vnm l i a heiviht cf tlii'ce im-lics 1 li!! iu a! Hi them w lib some of ihe : ,; liii'.i.' 'i .-nt from th" trench. I li t:. ima' :n .' . lit's al im- rvals ;t the :i!"s icj'.-ii lip uiuil Hie itvnoh is lil'e I. I ;: ihis way I s'l. 1 in i.'."i Iin;: I he t j ivil.i c, 1 1:. Ti!:: is do .p i:i i !. iii'l-: .-oil. ice I- -I tr-'liis lor lifm is otic I ;;it!" i.y iiiuv, ci.ar '-nic-!i i wire i. -iiii".' ci p. .--is. ll should l-e al least :l: f.-i-i wiii--. lis tl:c swe.-i pea lllilfie. ." i-iim':.iM '.'i'liwih et:.!cr favorable i ii'. lilii.-l :: l!. i .-. Ill order io assure a j lioiiiitifiii .!; of i!.i'..'er.s tl'ri.ii'.'i!o'ti I tilt' '.-:: o'.t il is i.i sol!i:el;.' Il"i i'.'. V j to p. 'vii; :'., !, rma !!:! of seed. 'o i.v.-i' ii.-' vines ilaily aii'! remove every I liov.ei- pa-l its p.ii i.'. !f '.his inh ice i- foil.cvid. we c:.:: have till" lloweis. I it!-. I p!' my of ill from June to Nu- ember." .1 r.l.i.!:. !;: i". t . .. 1 a , ai i i i ' i Mil -oho,'. in ; !., to a rn: p mi! '.m il 'vice, s ::: ! '..::;; Hi-. ; i!:::t si:, wu n. th- c'.t, is us.-. I. 'I'ii!-; Is simply m. ;!' iMa'i c-.'.islsia t.iah.'iy of two pices c! 1',::j -.awed sim ..i: so ;!:a; liny w ,!! s: iii-.l lirnily, rays ti; Iiidlanapncs Ne-vs. Th-'se ;;!: s t ii'-e'.li foil'.' fe-t v1 7J f-"t.. -J.I Ail iV-J $ i ,s: a iiani, i' wo ! r.:.orK. apart ai'd c-nh o- is jiiu.i;:; t li;-i, feet hiu!i. im t p of i,..s.' ,,.s j jilae, d ail o!ln r. v. lii.-li rein-lies from eml to cm! nf the bits,. ,;s ;,s siioHii iu th-. cut. Slit! i .in ami lasui,,.,! ,,, ,,,. I"".: as sio.wu. so as p. In hi jt iirm-y in p. -iti hi. 'I'lils v. lio!,- arraimemi ii', is piaii'i!' ! so lli.it Hi,, lov; w ill be of t he Vivihl l'cj-.-hi (,: i-miii,..- wiihoui i. ins Inu one in I ind over loo far. In or o'er to pivwiit danp'i' f-nm Hyinu pieces of w, ml. sin h as small turns of tr, an iron. I,, pt shown in I', i fil -i, ne.l lo Hie chopplti-j lovi. and iiiiili r tl.-is iron s placed ih, siiuill i win or limb to Pe cut, il:e a urikiun it i.n ihe sid,. ncn-ct ilm chopper, ami ih,. n,m ,ievciil,n ll I run ll.it:: lip am! sirikiii" Hi. '"ucr. A woo,! Pic, !, iirtan;;,,! in the maiai-r imlicaicd v il! b,. louml to km-- many backaches and can he worked on quite as wc! as if th,. lil.i,-!; Were low e . Plixilll: .1 I'it. iti.-r Fur tl.il. The . at i ! qi is ti:,. riui.-. d and liar lin-mPci of i!i.. f.i! !m r's familv nl crops. Htiiviu on most anv kind 1 1'.-:' i iinii t . It is mo pariicul.il- as to Hie l.i'h cf ihe soil ,,r the qn.iliiy of H: j. :!il fend i out. lined theiein. Nd . Hi. el".-, no clop p. y:. h..;t,. - ,,-tli!-U . a a siii.-i.i a:ai.i:ut lu'.-osriii ,u tuti!- : ii.e.'.-f.hr... .1 hruJ.-. wnij.nu. p-itme: iz.-r.s li li'sr.riinls quii kly to a meie I ihiii.C ut of P.ilai'i e. .r.i.l that T'hi'e .i i!,l:lin: oi ihe piupci- ilictn. .1.- ii:.,v:- off ini.-t I,-, ti,!. put a till who Yd I have in .ird !ai m. i s say that th,", IV.. la. l and iml .nu :t l cniiUEh to pet have list tl foriilix.'i's mi oat-- wuhoi.t !., lust iv uhs, mi :i :i ,ier-.e.v cow is le nils. Tol.ii.'. some "phos,,,:i." ,,, i ,,,, ,iaiii!,.. ,, win by persuasive mikie.v n iim.cit.i-iii i. exp.iiinu it to j i easiir.- a. fa vor si; may i ovet . til Hi.- case, is M-ty liablo to ict-uit i: I . I v.ictld sa. lo I in- tanners amiss. j l'lmPt. i s. stick to tie farm, lake- up H is i o i 1 1 , 1 1 , t . I .-elvi- d to make ..iime p; ,.i --ii that c.-n lie practiced nil, .Me of so,!' ihe principal i on.-! I: - : ,,:i t he fi. . c. w !,d le-i- it Pe datryini; i r lien' of a iiiiMiire lor oats. Put i : , - ' . t ; 1 1 1 ; y lai "-'. don't lor ll sinzlo iiin i p'i I, nee lii' ls m,- pi think li:is a j ;i cm let the i mpter have possession nil-lake. pi. cui' d the fei til'i'.i r is to : el j ..;. tun I'i.ek of yntir health, and lo ), applied "iiii Hi,- irain diill iq th.. ' th,...,. bill.. ,,id mims oa the farm tin cf p'ov.P".. as i- I's.ially ili-..t-.,- j :.: , -.cnln r tlm, w.lh health culm s Tin luir.Ue d s iin. v lien used ln-i iy, j happiiiet-.; nud with hiippilu t-s Wealth." will force uu caily ((I'vwtk uud uive -ludiauavulis N.cw, - thp crop a proiui lm; siart. but lt work is S....H d At the oriii.-il llmo of blooinlm;. wln-n the (at phmt ti.i.cs in more ,,lv.':en llnni nt any other p. ri'.i! of its lii'Mivili. th1 soil in i.'fi without readilv avaipible ni. rat. t -i its ih ma mis. This la.-k will soda, all h.c.iidi at nv-c::t it is e li','!n ly hi'jii .!! il. Ii.'icil tish, finely V.'iiii:ii.'. may al-o ! .' ns d. I'lio-.hor';e a. id in ::rcat dt ma'nl by the oat ; crop in ii'l periods el its I li'iv- Pad ptoil sncc ss with the follow im; mixture, li seems to pvo practical ro.-ult-. iis well as ennformii'i! I,, il,,, bei'i'cl icid cieulit ions of the case- Nillllle ..!' s, ,1:1. inn Hounds: '.':.:; v "a.:t ma ' . mm "';'i so thai ii v.'i!l Pe as. siifi' as p-'s- sii I; miviln Pe a p'-d idea, and !.. Si V if lee sc ii. lis Were of :i-e-:!..r illioen-l.'Us than those L-iven. to : nil a loac" from coriie-.' io rner ilin ir .iii'ily to a ive a. Mil ioiial stilfm'r -'. 'Pin .-ol-il.-iV should he '.veil f.;si--i;. ,1 ai.d '.ho fr.-iiai' is il'cii co-.crcl v.iih wir,' net iim.. Ti'.ie.- pian'.is are fastened to ill" boiiom of ihe frame at intirvais, :'.s sli iwn, i'lid braced v. iiit a sn ip fro:: Ihe i-:tme In : " pla'iks. Tl.c.e l lanks will hoM i! st-.i-ui np.lyiif i,i-, prevent i! I've: i '.io;;!'!-' iulo Hie !.:::. 1. I'.-.i-ral -; ,.,. c."i be quickly n ade nit' r !!:; -.:'.: pali-'i'li ami In ,i'.i- -.! to'.eih'i' a: :he i oners the ilo. -ii -,! It 1 1 1 1 1 . T!i-."". niovii!,!o fences wi,r.:i l.e isi.r..;;i;!y valuable in the si-.'.li'.'j. wi.ei:' miai'-ers of ciiicki were o ! - raised ami !i n-,w desired to kep lii'.'in in lm-!o: '.to:-. If used to si'.r loan.! chicks. :t wii i of a ilmr mesh Wiotld lie I to Pe Used. -IlldlallillMils News. Tin l ili ini i ' Kiliisht'r, la a pap-r r ml before ;!: thirtecntli iimiml i e-ir. ca, Ion cf iin' Indiana Stale Hairy A-soeiat!. n. M ; lvlltli Far . as. of II-'i: !i!-ks County, a stililent Iu ih" w i.'.:c- e e.irse of i'urtlue Fui-ve:-.y. ::ave an im-'rc'llii-,' aeemint 1 1 her d.peiicme in iiiiiiyinv;. M;- s l'iir-eiis b"::a:i ti-ith the three or foi:.- enws kep; to sti'iply their iwn fiimiiy. .an i i u w seliiu-,' the 0- .niiii-l in' ' i .ve il f.:':i-.n ami iwuny cows at a preiiiaP'o price, Pecause of ': unifc;". e:..v'.!'.'ii.' and rivitlarity of sqpply. After ti'cii'.'ii; iiiv: her diliiculties In . 1 1 ; 1 1 ii :i '.ion, I In :',i. sli- said: "After yi n ileeiil.. to Pe'-in dalryinvr. llie cucsii.ei arlsis. Who 'hall care for Hie mill; and malic the bn'.icr? ''hall it 1- Hi" .::'!!, '!' aid Ills sons iv I i! in the f. i.i all day. or shall il 1- the tire! im. Hi" ' an I w ife who shall .In this work, ih.iii.iicr it one of her many dm lis. iiis.cad of a source of pleasure lo he;-': No! "In my opinion, it should he the farmer's iPtii'-li'.cr v. Im should eonie forward ."ml say. I am voiim; am! hi'-'-v that I would . nioy lakiu-.' full ! ''!:.'ii vie .-'' I p.. dairy w .'Ik. Ii..w proud I w ill fed to Hiink that I am liiakin :;ill , lb;., m. tier. "Many moihers persi t in savitit; that Hie work in a il ury is loo hard for tli"ir iliiiivihli'is and would soon lie- ni'i' a i!ri'.i!::oi j- io i belli. Inn 1 lie lii'Ve iii- :h r- of this opinion fov-iet th.il iini wo-!.. no iii.-.l-ev imv hard. i if i nl. i lion w ii h i h sou! and w ill- ins iiii ml.-. ciii-cs to Pe iliiiilp'iy and Pe. omcs an ait. "The dnk Mile to dairyinc for the l tin'or's d.::i i'!i. r i iliat it is .ir prcry -.!.-". I'i:f;..i-t : h.it ..:i,i.'oi In' pill iuto cue-- MODceT-l ' MOTHER.'N.LAW. A ( tl i mi i nir Cmit'irc Tioil Anr Koii-ln. l.iiw May Wi'll Hi- 1'nnnt f. 'i'lm early jears o' Ihe tweiitielh ceiituiy with their libra-civilization, common seii-e and deli-'hl in novelty, w ill Pe known to history us tin- period of the annihilation of i. invent tradi tions am! sup '1st ii ions. Throuj.'h loiii; . Ill lil ies the oPmixiie.lslless of the mother-in-law was a liriuly cherisht il m i c!e i:i the er- i d "f every marrie l liialt. He held il as an utter inipossi Pilily that his wife's lnolh' r couhl bo oiher than an npressive. iiitciferini:. ill tempered creature who cum her' d iho earth, ami most pari icularly his own threshold. As laic as tweniy years !i;:o th" nvcravc Pi lie. lid sei ne d limlcr the iin pressiou iliat the inoihi'i'-iii-law wns created solelv to buffet and torment llie husband of her daupitor. and to i si (Tor 1 1 a mirth Insplrin:; topic for Hie ' coiiiie papers. S h- was the luckless ; c.c piioii iu lb" ordinary run of mor- j t.ils wlio had iieiili. ! merits, nor charm, ' i.oi' riiis.ui d'cir,'. I l'.ut now man h inclined to regard : this i.ipe of iiioihor in law as a riyili ! delved from tile iin.'i'.'iiiiitioi's of his ' umipprecialivo prcd-'cc.-sors. Ti!" limit- ! i I'll Hint In'l'-in law is a youthful. .i"liy. i exquisitely ilrcs-'d woman, rather liiore juvenile iu lo r lasie ami appeal'- ! i'.q.'o lhaii her ilair-hter. I'.om-. s'ici- lies do lad. apparently, interest '!l !' and m-iiii'l of Inl rferin,' wiili Ihe j en..;., she lilies to li'i ii l tie iiiovahiv: wi.ii lcr s ,!i in law mi the i.-o!'' links. ! Insicad of '.".!. linu' him ai:d calliii'-' ! him John. -I: p-i-rally allm'.e. to tin' im s: r cf I h ho.is" a "dear ;.! Ci iiuqieis." or culls him by sonic equal ly !'.!:. ii ions nickname, ami lliris mild ly with him w hen he tak. s her to ihe Hi.-air". She restrains her i!att-:hlo;''s curiam h.-lure propeiisitics and i.ever ItM ill's l.ei-self lii 1 in. liollse or sla.Vs a day lniivi. r Hian she is expected to. . 'I'i:. mother-in -law of to-day is. in fad. almost .an ino'litive to matrimony. To be i ti such eouiidoiilial terms wit.'i s i oliarmiiiv: and experienced a mem lor of ha' sex. as the relationship in s'lrts. cannot fail I i Pe a pi. mailt coii-'iiinn of affairs lor the harass ,! ami easily Pot- d modern man. The j u:i-:o dam ltiotlier in-!:' w is sympa thetic, amn-im; ami the i-iiili"diii:,'ii-of laet. Sin- knows how lo ''!-iss over l-lnid's youthful ih'liei.'iiei'-s. ami to coin iil.-e Ihiid's husbaml Unit lie had marred the i n st cifiri:ii:i'; member of a f 'S'-lnal i'-.z family. ! liisic.-.il of t.ikin:, n painful i! iiv'lit In dilating up-m her soa-in-!;; w's faults and sl.o'.'t' diiinv:-; she s' euros popu l.".i:y by liip'.oina'iic alhisauis to Jink's ii any ami conspicuous virtues. Why the ciliimelee'.i should t'.ll'S Pave chamed iis spds ami the role of tin' nnii!i.-r-'n-!;;w so u'li-rly liavo reversed it-.!' may pe 'xpla in-.1 l.y a Mirl":y cf l'e;iol-:. Woman is a witry ci-i-a tu:-" iiowinlays. iind Hie ii io -law a pr..v .-: I.'ah'y lilllietil! bP .l to cunture. 'I'll" common sense, too, of :h" eiiriv ;w.iit!oih cer.uir" woman has taiiitht iicr ti;:' '.penctiveness or ;:; "ssner iind liiveci'-e I" ai'suioenta w.tli the "mire iu:'.:!." Tl" nictlern no;inv-in-law limy not Pe less of a tyrant than h-r pnd lessor. Put she has at any i:it had tho wit io ohamie her we-ip. ens ;iti I iii"i hods of attack for the ai t and itaft of f-a:i:i:ne i harm ami per suasiveness. New Yolk Commercial Advertise;. Ioli'l I'ur Atlilvtlc M'niorii. Hon r ev-rolse onn part of the Pet'y i in.) mu.-ii ami another pan net :i; a!!. I.e: th d vi'ltciui'.'m ho symi.n iileal. Hon't use tin much force. If oxer r!sn Is i'o vl.'o-ous. you will ho ex hausted b- fore you can coiuiih te It, Don't exercise beyond Cm a'aiiliy of the heart lo keep ace with yen. I'ali-llatioii is a certain im'.h'atlon of CXci ss. Don't exercise for ni least r.u hour after meals-. Don't foi-irei iliat a Path s!ieu!: fol low cxerc'-e. Don't i:.-e iron dunibP-'ils. Put weed en ones. The former chill ih,. blond. Don't have iuteriiiit o-nt attacks of cc'vlsii: your ii:iii, 'cs. In oiibr lo I' ive i.ny Peiielii you dn u!d dovolv snli'e lia.e daily to athletics. Don't for.;ct tli.it where lie re's n xv iil i hen's a way. If you really moan in bi'com . st-om- and shapely, tho way i:1 easy U!ul silnpl!'. Don't forp: to inhale slowly nr.d deeply when perfuriiiiiis any i-xen-l-e. Tii i-s will ma!,. Hie cli":-i iPt-p ami full. Don't think that athletics should he m ill r of im-lies ami p urn is only. Th-ir inereiiM. is certain to tell most Pern fn ially on Hie he.iti ai,,j spirits a- w. 'I 1 ', n i exd'ei-t- a unmeiit .if'ir vou fee! ehai!. ,. ,1 D.i.' .M ml with t'v Pa.-!; Pe-u .ive:. I!i" shi.iiliii'is i l,i-i ,-. n forward, the l.ti.d ciopi'id ami tin che.-i sunk in. D. n't pi. 'trr.de the hip and ahi'.oim n. er tut thr' v-' ipi.t nprvrniy upr-n the I . -t No i im , isf, ;s of a:iy b: 11, 'lit V.'ll'lt. ev r nalef!- the correct f-t-Uoicu .;! .' tidi is :i!:i n I v ctT time. Del:': forpl that f.vt-.y v.'.nm I.;- as yi.ioc.' as tin looks. Put tii.it she can I oi '.- !; yo'iii.; with a Pro!;ei! l'.-;uro. Yi'..: d, lii-toii Siar. rui'.i.r roiurnrt.'rii 1 or Stouim,-. Iii oi r Jiomc wii- te cue or m.-ire r.iris ai'lile, ihe pi'i'ttj siimmer itr, sses made 'rem lawns, dimities ami ehallies will accumulate, says mi exchange. Ol.e season's wear leaves them Plight Mid prelty. Just e!ion;.;h out of (Into to make lbcm midesirabli for another stavoii. jet the material is almost as piod as new. Tho most ronreidcnt way of utiUziiiii Jja, y ju vxWwl comforts for the beds In nuuiincr. Cut t lii-in In snips or as hirp squared as possible, sew the pails top'tler on the machine, use bleach"il Hour sacks for the lit, int. tine pound of cotton hat I in;; is siillioieut for llie lillinp 1 iml spend your time in quiltinj; them. Inn knot with a pretty contrast of y.cjihvr yarn. Tlu-y require so much less lime .'ind niiil rial Hum the making of siiiumer quilts. They are easily washed am! their lipht weiviiit tuakci lliem comforts iin'.c d. The process of miikini; may be very simple, too. one n "i d not liother witii quiiiii'vx frames, Put pin the four cor ners of the liniii'.' to the carpet, spread the liiittini: i vi'iily, lay on the piiced top and carefully pin or baste the parts t.'Ui'tlwr. iheu remove to a table ami in a couple of hours the knoitoni; may le finished. Hind wiih the machine aivt you are done. I have used comforts imide from such material, ami in this p cotitiiinoi-.slv for four years ami i hey are p.ml yet. -New Orleans 1 rieayune. I'.r'olnl 'niien. Si.Mie fatiiastie ideas are le'In; n- nloitcil iu eoltliei lio'l wiih iill'.'lish .,.,, pll;,s jk, i:,,w. and one of these is :) bask-'i. I ':;::: I which the j,,.;,.,, Pi-jib-ei-nun s . :: l'.tl to receive f..,,,,,js -n,,, bum!!,, stitmls lip , s. ;;ml fie Paskd is (1H,., vvhh i.oiiqiie:-. w-'ii-h ave .,j ;t,,:l,,-T t .. .;u -,-.- w ii oi the .,,,, ,v ;,::. :- ! :io' h'fl ami ,.,,.(;. t j ,,; ijtr,. In'i'-c-:;"1 s h:ivo Peea S.,,C., .;,.! ,v,.q ,' . cv.i.i:.- I by tlnir .,s' t), y wish t!:e"i Cod sp-eti. q,,f:s mail"' to r::f--U 'he parasols . f.,.. ;, ,, ., ,.j,;f i;, ..,,:i, roes. or , ,v;,, j-i-i!'i . i ; . i ::-rss. am , to be '".'.". a'd by :v'A si.ir.ids ' ,. t.::..;;.'-. br'.d.i:s. ' . . v-,.,., I'm.: tic bride r.T.do a ,p j ;, rt l';,,' i the o:'.l;u:'i-y prae:itP p.j!,. .Vs In u"ceie her : nr." of leralds, lac satin i mliroid !:! f.-ar liri'lc lliepire dresses of pretty Pri.b's own i-iilln c'liiiroideroil u.- il 1.:--ill ill !!' ere 1 V. Ii'l ". .'.il 'I; maids, w , wer Pine :ofi silk. Ti; d -e-s xvi.s of ivory wii h , di-.i iiavlri: sli 'ves and tu.-kcl chiffon. r.t'ooUljU Kavile. A'ocliy I" Suiiinirr Mnfli. A f'-w muffs haw been made for w.-iKi'tp, P match the parasols iri..ii'.: .I v illi fi'u i. a n-5 pa , or made i,i pink cl:ifi'."i with i'".-'s. They do very well 1',,.' Prin.'s-.iald-. 'I'lierc are a ..o.l i-.i-.ny fanlas'.ie ideas for wed i1Iiil:s iu-; m 'v. i:m! 'ii" "f these Is a !nrv," i-:i sii.-t . 1 oh. ml whi.-'.i the blh'o ami l-ri.'ie;:roo:ii s ai.d to r- coive tlioir fri-ml-. 'I'I'.o handle stands l over tiieir h.'uis. am! the basket Is lilled vvi'h tinv Po-.l.p'i ts. (Viii. ii are scattered am.-ic: the ;:U' sts when the bride and bri.e v.".-.!. io have h'.'l and eoafotti or silver lior--sines have b-cii su'.lieientiy w-ll ciic'.'.aic I by tke'.r Iio :n'.:i '"-'.v Wish ll.t lll SOlli-P' - d. Tim Mrrve Srltrmr. Iii n'.ak.n -: a new sioco or Ir. l'i'In.T in:; an old one down to date thoro is out pqioiMl f-h-nie. The fuiiless whii-ll appears :n th" elbow and hi low i eillnr pleated in c-'.' rllirred from tho shoulder nearly io the eP.-w. As to thu cuff... ii:-o v.-hi'.-li this full..- is cau-jhf, lliiuo are two s'.ylcs; fii.e.-r a broad, narrow cuff, or a .'"; ami ireii.emioi'.s tlarlm; die, rca.-hli-r. to the ci Low. This holt's v..j!:.l for coats and coat suits ci-pi'i hilly. I'o' fh'.rt waist suits tin- narrow c.ii'i Is noUiin,-: llUe t-0 broad. I'ulnly ri-rfiimli-c. A thumb nail sise bai; of one's favor. Ite p.eii'.me p-owder in put by niauy lir.make.'s if. the t-lreves of aii their boih.es, ii::,!'; the shields. Tills is a dainty way of usiii!; porfiuno, Wottin.i; tii hi:.;".' in i-o'.i!'-'i!o and ili'itwlii-j if over the ycbrev.H is harmless and npvo'.b'.e p.ivhle.- haviliv! a most sooth in-., cffcc'i. 'I he blouse cl.'o. t iil 111 ' fro.lt of all jackets i.-jiiii a n ilh' i xa-.;i 'tat' d. The most stylish bullous used for th- I-.-..I.I- of shin waisis this s'.ason are very larvc. o-'o iiiany iniors :ire fashionable this year that otv mi;;ht aluto-t say every cnli-r i-i in vo.aue. Th knee 1. nph coat is tlie sniartent f..r ail coat, and skirt suits, whether of Pnon. s:lk or woe!. I 'ro:-s SI iicil baud:; of Ulilll.V Ooloi'Cll silk v;iv siyie io many swauger blilU mer iiml ii' iind shirt waisis. lan e wraps of all kinds are consid er.'. 1 smart and evi u i Id lace fduiwls ate bcins Lr.iu.v:ht out a;-:ain to bo W.'l'll. one of r.n newo.i m nl. -Is for fmlar.l sluri will. i suits has a shirred yoke fi r tl..' I'pne; on'! tf Ih" wa.st. as well as for the shirt. A i iilli.ries' .'iii kct ,s not culy nitt'h cooler to: siimme;-. Pin diiplays to ad v antiine ih" very s:.i:t: t collars and tics Wei li ti.is Sl'ilSOi.. A touch of while is i.oticcd In all tii;ij'.ii.ii,';c. put on ill pip.n",:, or bi3S '!''.-. net ofM u s-tnv.sh!. but in curvoU cli.'cl, or v. iih scilPip, d iipre... Tu'le Pal i are l iin h smarter than chiffon one; at prc-ei'l. Those of P'aoii, of rovv alii r row of the finest plcallii'-'s of tulle, are very svaRpr. A l.ivoiil,-. sit eve lor pi'.vm: of lliin mat 'rial tils clost, almost In the wrist, ami then has two wide rubles of tho sun- m:, tdi.il filed with ribPou in :-llk. Wliile short skirts are the rule for the plain tailor trnwu tiny are not cdislderi d cum ct for the more elabor ate cjsiuiiies of cloth or funcy ma t,tiiQl, bU(,b '.v vi-lufi sl' t'tituiUiei - '

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