$bc l)ntl)mu Hcrorfc, l)c waa Hccoro. H. A. LONDON, Editor and Proprietor, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance TH E fY 5TE I I U I v I Ik. W U.I J V. Author of""Thc Aouse on Hie A&rsh," cfc-i H'.ipjTiihli 1-'.'.'. I.y H CHAITKU XVII. Continued. Now those words, l:ik"n wit li tin tone in which tln'.v wore, spoken, wi'iv strong tests of 1 1 n lover's trust, l'.ut Clifford liil not Hindi. Ho told II.-iu-niing lo fill tlio nurse, who whs wait ing oiitsiili- tlio !oor. iiml :il once sent 11 message 1.1 Nell hi ask hi T to rollli' iiml see liim. And don't toll her." In' went on, Willi ii defiant glance nl the detective, "who it is that wishes to see her." When Noll tamo in, therefore, she v;is taken by surprise. It Worried Clifford to note that she tiinii'd wry white ami began lo tremble violently when she found xvhn il wns thill Wind ed to .-polk lo Iht. Hemming onini- lo tin- point iit oinv. 'Io you remember. Miss," said ho. In :i wry deferent kil tone. "Colonel lii.slal's inking doxvn an old pistol from :i li.-i i 1 in tho Willi of his house, nliout n week ago. iiml shoxviug il lo you iind sonic otiii'l- ladies'" Vis. Noll remembered. Slio threw n fiighiciicd glance at Clifford ns she made this iidniission. "l 'an you loll nio who tlio hollos were'" '"Mis. I.aii-iloxvne iiml hor iiLrliti-r iiml Miss Theodora iiiul - and I!" "The colonel lireil ii off, did ho not " "Ves." "And wanted you ladies lo do the same':" "Vis." "And did you do so'.' I'lcaso loll me What happened." "They wore all afraid to toileli it." "All;" "All. except - oxoepl ino." Trembling from head to foot. Nell cast an imploring glance :il hor lover. "Vmi lired il off I wo or Ilireo times. 1 lielieve. Miss'.- And you hit it mark that you lii ed ill ':'' Tiii- girl iiii-vvered almost in a shriek !' tenor: "1 did not hit ill Who says that 1 hit il'.'" Clifford si :i i i oil up, li':i nl iilx on his n rni. In an instant Nell room fled enough of her Self pil-Sosslou to tell liim to lie down again, lint hor voire shook, llcinniiiiv; spoke in ii Very gen t'e and apologetic tone as he went on wilh his Interrogatory ; "Is this I he pistol you used. MissV" He pliiiitlocil from olio of Ills pockets Foe old eaviilry pistol, whieh lie had brought from Shingle Lnil. "Ves." replied Nell, Hot hooding Clif ford's attempts to I M'inir tin' oxiiiuina Cell to an end. "l lint is the one." "I'ii you n liieinlier xvhnl Imppened wi.e!! you had all seen ii, and it was il.;o with':'" "Ves. The eelollcl I. loaded it - Slio .slopped .short anil looked down. "Veil are sure that ho reload. -d It';" "Ves. He i i loaili il it, and hung it lipoli the nail again." "ihive you ever touched the pistol since';'' "No, no.'' "Has any one else, to your knoxvl nice. touched it since'.'" "No." Wliiil is all this to lead to':" a -lied Clifford, impatiently. "Wi ll. I eau't tell you yet, sir. l'.ut tile c olonel says - and the young lady and Miss I'm. stal all say the sail:"-l hat il pui tlio pistol haek on its nail, loaned, ii week iii.m: and when I took It down from its nail to ni.'.'lit, it had leea disehari,Ml. That's nil at pr. s rut. sir." l'or one uiiiiuto li.-iiitaiiii; waited, exporting to luivo oiiMliin pa U1 to liim py ClitTord Kin;; or Noll. As they remained siloiit, lie took his leave, Willi ii. me apolo'Us for his intrusion. Till- lovers looked at eiuh other. "Nell," asked CI i (To nl lu it 'whisper, when i hoy had been alone si ml silent for some moments, "is It tnio that you lired it off?" "tjuite true. Now do you doubt u:o, too':" ".No. I swear I don't. Hut, Nell, my ilarliii),'. I heym to tremble for jou nil the same." The young man's voice sliook. Nell Razed iu'.o Ilis face in au iijoliy of horror. "If I know iinyihiii!.'. I would tell it, whatever happened," lie cried, sud denly. "It is not fair that I should have to suffer like this!" Now this speech was perplexing to her listener, but she would give uo explanation of It. She only told bim that she wanted time to think, to con sider. And ou the following uioruing, foon after breakfast, she vailed the uutse oui of the room to ask if she could o in and say good-bye to Mr. Kin?. CHUmd stored at bcr In astonish c;ent. s-iit had on her bat and cloak, ccd was evidently ready for a jour ney. "Hidii't you kn.ov that I was goim: to Loudon yest.rd.iy, lo my kuiuV:" she iisU 'd. "They st.ipi'.sl ino. lo give I'Videll 0 lit Hie illiJtli'SI. Sill 1 11 lu J'e- ing to-day, iiisiead." " Hil! "iiegau Clifford, an. 1 hesdated. you ihink it looks lad l'or me to go nwnyV" said she impiiliently. "Will, l-eojile must think what I hey like. If liie police waul me. 1 ilarv say they will l e able ; i find me out," she a ! li ! bi l telly. Ci:i: .il v. Ah siiovked, "iJvu', iliiivi, iJi'U i BjK.'ak lilts ItiRt," VOL. XXV. R.Y opTf1E nlH'rt Buioier'. Hous. ' cried bo. ' I only tlmmrlil you would he loo nilli'li ilileiestcd in Ihis business to go ii way iiulil tiny had found out Ihe Iruiii." Nell moved restlessly, and looked nuxioiis. "When will thai be':" she asked, shrugging her shoulders. "I might i lay here forever if I waited for thai:" Clifford leaned on liis elbow and stared iit her. "Nell, do you want them to Iind it out ':" 1 e asked. elll i"Usly. he hesitated. Then, raising lo'r head iiickly, she hissed out in a low voice: "N.i. 1 can't tell you why; I won't tell you w l.y; but - no, no, no!" Then she looked at him, li.r blue eyes filled wilh imploring tears. lie held out his arms. "Never lililld, Nell. Whatever you tell mi, or whatever you choose nol lo loll. I love you iind 1 trust you Just the siinie." "Now." she whispered, with a sud den change fnuii her rather hard, de limit tulle lo one full of gentleness and gratitude. "I ibn t care what ihey !o ! lieve, or what they il l lo inc." "Von will wriie to me, Noll? You will let me wine to you':" whispered ! Clifford, as he clung to lo r. I Hut. sobbing, shaking with anxiety and grief as she was, Nell was obsti nate. "Voil may write lo me," she said, 'when all ihis mystery is cleared up. I'm not before." "Hut, Nell, you siiid thai might be never!" protested Clifford. I " Then you may never write lo me." j lliswered the girl, half suffocated by lu r sobs, as she tore herself away from him. anil ran out of I lie room. Her uncle Wiis wailing outside. He ,vas deeply moved, ami ii was wi'h litlieiiliy ilial 'no repressed all outward ligil- of the st rilgglo between love i;ml '.ispieioii of his niece, as he helped her -ii ! llie dotciul. Their drive to tint lialion was ;is siloni as their drive roin the tow njiiill ou the preceding lay had Icon, ll was not until they i.iid driven up to Ihe door of the rail way slat ion ihut Nell addressed In r mole. "l ii' Ie Heorge." she said. In a low, ion:. led voice, "why can't you trust The innkeeper was toiiolied; he was iboiii to answer her wilh words ivhi. 'i would have convinced her that, wliali ver his suspicion might be. his '. .v.- for her was ns strong as over, .- I. 1 1 tlio sight of a polio oninu watch ug I hem intently froze the words on liis lips. "There's i ho reason why I can't,"' '.nswerc.l Heorge Claris, hoarsely. 'Look how y.ni are watched, wherever roil go. They won't lei you go away, I expect." Nell said nothing, but got out of the log ciiri with compie-scil lips and anx ious eyes. Contrary not only to her uncle's expectations bill lo her own, however, she was allowed lo start on hep .journey without hindrance. Win n llie train had steamed out of the lit.le ktaiioii. the innkeeper turned abrupt ly urn! defiantly lo ih" policeman. "Well." said he, roughly, "what do vmi want ':" I "Nothing at pres. tit. Mr. Carlin." an : weved Ihe man. "When we do want i'liyihing. y.ui know, we cau always Iiml it." Whatever he though! of the truth of i ins siaieoii'iii, i .corgi- i :.iris was pru dent enough nut to ipiesliull it. CIIAI'TKU .Will. In llie week which followed Nell's departure for London the spirits of her undo declined day by day until the red-faced, genial innkeeper had be come little more than the shadow of his former self. He missed his niece more than he would admit even to himself. And al though it is true that liis mind had be come tainted with suspicion of her I rill li and honesty, he would have been '.I'.idy and w illi.c; to receive her back and to fore-l liv doubts w hich 1c could not v.liolh- sidle. Hut Nell was shirpshditcd omim.li to understand ihis s;ate of feeling, as revealed lo her nil ohm i'jusly by her undo in liis I t tors, i' t she made cn-nses for re maining iu London, ami Ceorge Claris was left lonely. The iniikci per. all hough he did not share Clifford'.- in:'.re cotltidence in Nell, was gi.iii ful to the young barris lor for i". Hut he said that Nell had fothiiYicn hiiu lo d vulge her address, and Mr. King must wait for the girl's own time for making it Uuowu to him. Just before Cliffivii left reludautly for London, uo bad acother interview with the detective Hetauiii)?. who, aft er having disappeared for a fortnight, had returned to liie scene of-his iiivca tigatiou. Hemming was reticent, but gave the impression I'm; lie was more strongly convinced than iii-r that be was i n llie right irack us to Ihe per petrator of t'ne murder and of the robhoi ies. "Well, what are you guii'g to d '" asked Cliflord iivpai ion: ly. "Are Ji '.i going to set alio: her doeoy to work :" Hemming looked i t him shrewdly. "It won't be any use," iisweied 1 .lryiy, "tni!i! -'' Ult! wiiitli" PITTSHOUO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, AUGUST "Well. sir. If I must say it-untll Miss Chil is coincs bad;.'' Clifford coin rolled the anger he felt, since au exhibition of it would only have dosed the ileieclive's lips more lightly. "1 should like you lo make an experi ment, though," said he. "Will you make it on my aceoiiuiV I want it very well done, no mailer what it costs." 'Vou're throwing your mom sir," replied Hemming civilly if you wish it. and choose to y away, . 'sun, pay for It. of course it can be done." Clifford found a card, and gave it lo the detective. 'There is my address." said he. "I rely upon you lo do your best." "And yon won't be dissuaded, sir, from a useless expense':" "No." Hefore (key parted, ClitTord and the detective had arranged between them the details of a little plot which Clif ford thought would ccriaiuly snll'ue to excite llie iippetile of the astute hut daring thief who was a' the bottom of all the mischief. In the week following Clifford's de parture, therefore, there arrived iit the I'dile Lion a rough looking person wlio gave himself mil as a successful emigrant, who had rciumcd lo his na tive hind with his pockets full of money. The man stayed at th" inn for several days, boasted openly in Un bar of his luck, sh'iwoil the results of il in lavish "mating" and iu the ap parently careless exhibition of hand fills of gold. Hut it was all in vain Hemming liiid to report to Clifford, not without secret triumph, thai the "wealthy emi grant" had been allowed, after a pro longed stay, to leave the inn wiilunit having received a vi.-ii from the mid night thief. Cliffoid was mm h cling rineil. ahliotlgh he nflVctcil to think thai il was only in common pruil. nee that liie thief, on whom at lea-t llie suspicion of murder in.w hung, had grown more careful. lint when I lemming had left him. Cli i'iird began to think out a new problem whieh this last oeourreiicu had presenii d to him Was Jem Stick els the chief' Hut then il was eorlniiil.v not .lem Stii kels w hose hand he bad i aught under his pillow. And a shiver passed through tin- young follows frame as he rcinenibeloil the to'ieh of Ihe smooth skin, of the little slender lin gers. Il was not until the first day of March, ou a Mustering, stormy morn ing, thai Noll Claris. In p resolution broken down by a pathetic appeal from her uncle, came back lo Stroan. licopge Claris met his niece at the station, ati.l each was shocked at the changed a pin arauco of the other. Nell seemed to have lost half l.i r beamy; her cheeks had lost their roundness which had been one of her greatest eh.'irins. "ili, uncle!" she cried softly, when she had received his silent ki-s ou her forehead, "you don't look the same ! uncle! What have you been doing lo voiirsell":" ; "Oh. we've been poiieiing along niii li in the same old way." answ ered die Innkeeper, affecting an indifference ivhich lie was far from feeling. Nol lung's happen, d iu pari ielliar, inee Mr. King went back lo London, lie wanted your address, as 1 told von ill my letters. Why wouldn't you let me give it to him':" "I'nele, I like him too much," an swered the girl, steadily. "If it had been iu the old time, now. he should have had it quickly enough. Hut un til ihis miserable business, that's been the ruin of everything to us all. is ! cleared up, I'll not let any man I care j about involve himself iu my disgrace." ' "I lisgrace. Nell!" echoed lieorge Cla- j ris in a low voice. "Hon't say that, j child, don't say that." I lu this lone the girl detected all tin! j 'motions which th" story and the ru mors about it had set stirring iu her i.in ie's simple mind. She felt keenly liie a fleet ion, the doubt, the auger, which had tortured him timing the long weeks of ihe wilt.er. She gave i sigh, and tucking her hand under his arm, whispered: "We won't siiv disgrace, then, but ailsi'ortune." "Aye, thill's better, dear," agreed tho poor fellow mournfully. At ihat moment liny emerged from ihe shelter nlVorded by the trees of Si run ii Court, the mansion which stood itisl outside of the walls of the old town. They weie within sight of the spot where the b"dj of .lem SiickeH had becu discovered: bill any emotion they might have fell at I he recollec tion Were overpowered by a sense of actual physical danger, l'or the wind, which had lieeu boisterous all l In; morning, was now so strong thai they were afraid that the dog cart would be blown over; while at the same time a blinding snow-fall made it almost impossible for them to discern the read a yard iu front of tic horse's head. "It blows straight on ihe shore." said Ceorge Claris. "It'll bo a lucky tbing if none of the ships iu the chan nel get drove out of their course to night." Nell shuddered. Living as she did by the seashore, she was accu: lomed to itoriBS acd tbe toiTQis aitejidant up oa tbetu to the sb.ps at s.ui. Every giile brought disaster; and although, ihe Inn being on i'ie shore of a bay, nost of the accidents of whieh Neil he:' fil happened some few i.u'i s away, yet she ,'iu l her uncle v. ere ;:h. :s .vcolig the tirst to hear i.f Ih. e. : :. lil Ihe lips of the frequenters of liie Itoth Nell and lu r uncle ihov.l.t it ;irudeiit to finish their short journey I'll loot, leading the horse, and lindiug heir way with some diiliciilty through ,Ue snow storm. lo be (V:i;inwl. A 1-.H Of 111'.' m.e-t cV'IU:Vl I'Vl'l'l'.' it. iiv worlil uio in Ih'Mi'nylng Wi'cnli. Many becausi pnrtiiki belter farmers do not feed turnips sometimes tile slock Will Hot of 1 1 ! i i when they can get liialel'iill. Something depends upon the maimer in whieh the turnips lire fed. No animal tares for a hard, woody or frozen turnip, imr should the loots be led without some preparat ion. The belter liK'l Iiml Is to si i ll III llioin ami add ground grain, but the majority of farmirs object to the labor of su.-l proceeding. A root slieer, however, may be used by w hich the turnips may be sliicd. They should t lit ll be eov ered with Wilier over night, spiink'eil wilh meal and sail the next mornic;'. and fed. Tiny are, of course, u-.i ns valuable as hay, corn fodder or iialn. but tiny serve au excellent dict;;:y purpose, iinreasing the appetite and assisting to keep the animals iu good condition. Ii lolling I' oiiiitiiln. The illustration shows a very handy form of drinking fountain for young chicks. This may also be used as a I'cid trough, for which ii lias no o.p'::!. In ordi r to u-e it till a small tin can Vr,-.TI!V MIINKlVii POt'STAlN'. w ith water or fo ..!. Iny il on I WO l ie. os. it n, hnif inch ihiek. and 1hc-e put a lid of a larger can. Iiiv u rt the whole quickly iiml the lid nil remain li'led with waior till th" can i rln! i.e. lii. 'hard Seheiih ret", ill Uraiigi .liiild Farmer. rri'ioii-eil Sc-cil I'e.l. Most of us imd: rsiaiid thai in order to gel ill" best r suits i'lolll il el'op wo iii ll -t Hart light, y l Ihe lec'eniy is to gel ill'.' seed illio the -oil as quick ly as p.:.sji,!e in il:e spring iind lake chances en i'ie r siili. In view of the fact thiii we ii:o wholly dependent up on Wialh.T conditions as to results, we !:'. ui'jast to ourselves if we leave undone an; tiling ihai will oii.il li us to eoii' with abnormal eondii ions. Tb's is mi-isely the stale we arc in vie n We fail I ) piooeily prepare the sec. I bed. Summer drouths b.iug the tiling mi st to be fiari'd. the proper p:e,iar:iiieii n the si ed h 'd lie mis pul ling it in the condition where it will be I" st a' !e to ovicv.mio drouth-: the Moisture Is conserved by the prepara tion of tic seed bed. If. ill addition to ihi- work. I'nere has been put in'" the soil by the r,-e t..' cover crops of grei ii maiiut iie. of any kind an ani'iiini of himius slltlicii 111 lo keep the soil l'o;.-i;s mid liu.'ing the growth of the oi'.ci a snii'a." ciiliiviiiioti is ii'.ain t ill'i d. whidl also ns-i- is iu conserv ill-.;' Ill-' lll"i-l 111'.' ill the soil, there ! ".e;V llMtl '" i.l fa Vol' of :l el'op lli.il 1.111 he sn.i -faclory even under colnc l:- ,.s of i.i. ie or l. -s proum droughts, li' ihis is contrary to gen eral praeCoe it will ee-i bui lilt!'' lo tleinousliale ils runPi tiles.- ill a small area.--Indianapolis N ws. Tltn Iiav of Stn.iU t-'ui m. Except in the Far West the I. ndenev !s toward ihe small farms, :m. ii is certainly a st p in the right direction. In the I'.i-i t!;-.' majority of farms are under lo' acres, .".ml in many seeii :is more money is In ing made from ihiny tieie ; tliau I o:i. l'aviioiilnrly is ibis the i-e where the farms are located near t Hi: s or large towns, i ms same si.ne ;" alf.iiis wiil gradually o e about in the We-t as the population increases. If one has large numbers of cows ami horses so that there is an abundance i f large towns. This same stat fi rtili'. r and plenty of In tp to liamile farm, bill w lie re il comes lo the choice bet we a il-lug llie fertilizer for l'u'ty acres that is none too much for twenty .ion -', common souse leaches us that ii would be best to put the l'crtilir.er and Int. oi- on l lo. sitoitli t- :ife:l n tiioii 'l, the re-t of the farm stem! idle. Around vYc soiiio of llie great dties of tha country j "loci nr.. time!. .:- frn-ios. m. rather, gar.lt ns. for c where the land value i high, on which are v.ii-etl crops of greater value to lb, acre than are raised in ten acres of fioiiie of the large farms iu ihe niuiiiry. These plols are evidences of what can b" iioli" lip.h : the intensive sy-ictii of fanning', which is b.isul mi (he princi ple of I small aiea well tilbd. If one is local, d near good markets it will certainly pay h'u:i to look into the -object of toiieetitraiinc his energies eu a una!! at ea.- Indianapolis News. Mnnricrmmt or tlio siiiinc litn. Wi:"ii a hen watits to sit. and 1 am wiil.pg she should. I select a box or mat iu some d.nk corner, sprinkle lliv.e or coal oil over ibo bottom, to keep away lice and mttts. and put in fresh, dean straw. .Hist before da-'k 1 place thirteen or fifteen eggs in lac nest ami set the ben on then:. Sou i times she reimas lo her old nest, bin :.s a rule my bei.s are satl-iicl where I sol ll1.' m. I'"!' -' i nil tliy- Ihe Inn is allowed to sii undisturbed, but after that I see that she is fed and watered .'ia! if possible lias her dnsi baiU rcg; lilaiiy exery d ay. About the uii'iii day 1 test th" egg--. T take a l ic e of cardboard s. xeii by eight inches and make a flii'ii"' of it. Next take the c-gs t'ro'ii one:"' 'a hen. Citiol'iilly iay them iu a p.ui n; tii-ltek Bnd liK" 'li"'u to Hi" I'slit. Hold up t.'leh e'.'g liclwifii the sun m l yo;.r funnel ai.d examine It. If fertile, you can sc the nircll plainly, iind tnu egg will look ilaili. while an Infertile one Is perfectly dear ami should lml be put back in the nest. The intertill.' eggs can be 1 oiled ami fill to chick.'. on ihe niiieli't'iith day 1 pin the eggs In water as warm ns the hand can com. fortably bear. This softens the shell, thus making il easier for t In- ehick to pick its way mil. As fast ns the chicks are halel.eii. I take them from the lien, wrap them in llniiiiel in it basket, and keep theni ill n warm place until all are hateh. il. Then I fi ed the hen well and give In r llie chicks.- Cecilia Stick in New llliglainl I loine.-le.id. (it-coil l-ornl l-'or I'i';-. No otic is iii a p.i. iiiuii In grow pigs wilh prol'u iinbss he can provide p.is lii re or green forage of some kind for his animals. Tiny me 1 this from siniug lo autumn, and t'e-n Uiey go lo grain for lini-lilng. In ihis connec tion il." following opoi-iiiie-,i! is inier esling th" i ioa In ii.g lo see whether a portion of the grass or libious fond fed ill coiijuiiei ion w ith corn meal was not mol e le :i 1 1 1 1 !'u! mid protilable than the iical without any other admixture. Taking a litter of six pigs, live weeks old. it was divided into two lots as tiearlv equal in weight :u:d thrift as possible. Hue Id w as kept In a "-i and fed upon corn meal snaked in w.it.r twelve hours. Tlie other lo! was kip: in n pen alongside and fed upon green clover, cut short, ami mixed with corn meal. At lirst only one quart of this cut clover was foil each pig. wilh all the Iiienl th v would cat. This meal being mixed with clover, ih" particles were separate,!, and win n eaten went to the loin.'iob in a spongy eondii hm, .-n that Ihe gi'stri" jiliie could p. 'Ul timo ihe mas-, x- wao-r 'Iocs a sponge. This juice being able to come in eon lad willi all the food Very quickly, digestion is soon accomplished. This lot of pigs, wilh the clover iind an a!. Wife alwny- lively, always ready for 111 "If fond, while the nther lot. with I'le.ll alone, ale greedily for a time, then boom laimy for a few days. sllowine- a feverish stale of llie sys tem, content ing iheiu-eb es for a few I nie.ils wilh wati r. unlit, by fasting, j they got over their Indisposition, and j wi lit on feeding again. This w as re- I pealed many limes during Ihe live j months tha; llie experiment la-t.'.l. j At Ih" cm! of ihe lime Ihe IW o loiS j wen- weigh, il. I Th" o fed on in. d alone sealed 1"" pounds each, the other lot 'JKi pounds i each, or loi'iy per eoi.l. more for being ! ireai' d as grass i ming animals, l-'.ai-li j lot consume! 1 1," .-line .unomit of meal, j The . lover ia ties cms,, was giv.-n ill ! small quantity, mid iineinled merely lo j act as a divider for the meal. The ; amount nevi r i xceede.l lio quart- of cut clover at a meal.-American Oil- I livaior. i -rs h: mi hum .l.icll bot.-nii-iS bunchy bcrl) a Willi gra isli-gn ell o: inn low. pea-like numerous species those native in ihe grt :ii maj.ii'iiy are ic.ieu bet w. en tbe Mis he I'nciie. w here they anil- bad rt pule as a horse r the strange e;','. .- i x- i' sua, i.-s liiinti li .r es an. I ll them. Some prim .pie the brain a .- .rt e! resiil at i:i Ihe plant attacks of the animal ami produces iu-anilv. I Ir.iilually the hor Ill'sll. I'ligih and inli N 0 '. .'-'-VF' i f : - v t'V1 : ' Utf f .fe?- ; v i'i?" K s! I ss J-frV . j 'lNs&- VVc-i Ti Va'we i y I or y yVW Y&Tt& ' tl', 1i' Lm !)' . 'iinr"i j j unlit robbed of all that makes ils life woiih living, ii linally dies a premature and ini-eriible death. This tln ad dis- . a-.- is called iii seine pans oi me grass siaggcrs" and til:' term laulsli .ivi u to tlie plant is zy . Ciittli mi ll w ill tell you thai, like ihe o.c. s-ivo list' of nnrctiiics imd alcoholic siiniiiiaiii- among men. the loco habit once eslaldidicd iu all aiiim.il becomes a tilling passVn. A depraved taste fop the poison is developed and whole seme fond- become distasteful to the victim, livery one who has (raveled much in the rural districts of the Far West have probably seen a ''locoed" horse and perhaps been struck by ihe obvious parallel between the poor beast's ragged co.it. lack-lustre eye and ; staggering gait am! the condition of a ' mnn wlmui whisky or morphine has j brought to the gutter. So in Western ti3Ug an intoxicated person is iald to ; p0 "lo.-oc-J " At the time of blooming, rhieh is in : the spring, the lot o xvee.l is believul to be coiniiaratixciy harmless, the poison ous principle oevokipiiig most actively when the seed pods a,,, full groxvn. It s in: - resting to know that Mother . ntiire. wlio-e kindly hand is prone , to l.e-tow even in the midst of things ; evil some modicum of good, has pr i- vided il o astragali!- tribe with at least lwn spi a s that bear edible fruit, 'llie pods oi ih.se are sueouleut and pliiiii -b.iiicil. mid iu the o'd days of ! M e MMl-ie schooner travelers used lo v ih tlcm under the name of ground p'al'.i.- un.l eat Cielil both tW SUil jCDi'tod. rilllllileli'liiit Ut-ffifxl, l.llftl Wl'I'.l J A bmie In stock-'. I know as astragalus loot or two high. loiillge illol spikes ! tlcwcrs. I'b ae n i oi the world, imd i j I'nilo.l State- the i li uinl iu ibe sl-.sipi.i and i j holil in aboii: ! ii i. .- i,... ..ii - . c, len l.v ilia 1 cattle that ci 7, llMtf. NO :, 1 rs s&J ; MILADY'S 'KERCHIi-Fb'. j llizurre 8liUil uml I on' "' li'"i-! Itilnus. I l'vcii milady's hand'.' r o'"1'. v '.' 'i. by ihe way, she imw i .'ii- !: : '. " i choir, has fallen a i. iln: u i i : . wlh -of Madame Mod". ll i- ic 1 !: r eiy a bit of lim. W hile ll,.fl. ..I-... .i oeciis it.nally w ilh a nm ' "-v t ni.e:-. ; ll is a .li-iiii- il.v fn-ki. i.::b' if i ' ohms, bil of f'lie.y. i " i.l -:. I :! toward inak'liig lln- mi:s:mt -.' : a j".'. forever. If over I';. : v :.- a p - '.. lion in things li mit; ... , iii - ' !' ! year, iu this le 1 1 . i . :: ,;l ai.i tritle. 'I'lioso ooliecils ;-ppi ar iii p-li'.' . bbl' ' liiveii.lers. yell, w hi;.: 1 1 .; s. e ,..i i ' .. lire I'l'iiml. sqiiitr.- ecd .;.. ' - "::,' ihe laller variety id-.'. I . : ili.i'ely in lace, like th" niiev, li i' .i;i ' a p 'Hi- coal. While edge. I i t ' black, will till b. in ... ,! I i Hot so now as i in- iti-. ' !.: signs. I'll" wcll-tlr 1 -"' ! v. ii! er d liainll:. j-.-li : -!" ' n le'i- gowns. lii1:, r square of lie- :.' !-. I'!-, or a i mind bit. :' -.' I In an-v.'cr the pie' I. she pollgo,. goW II. si. I'll'- hav choir of the -'' i:.' i':.b! ' i-i I'll. gown is triinine.i i ! i .. ..:. p;.,.--r to adoi'f i' !".'' -Ihe same t1 inim'.'c-. Fine whip. I::-'.' I'ti. Iit'-ailiif-tl a 111 I ml Le' :' !; .! il' I heir naimul o. b.r-. :- . ' - li. - t style- ill s-l ',:. Flow or i ; , .-I.l lo ! ' . . I e feiaiiiin fancy ih'- - .;. foiiiiil their v. :,y in:.: . ..,.11!.. . siiniinor gii !'- w iiiib o1 e. I'lnk. I.l p hr . 1. ' : i'.r, bri.i.l 'I'o.l ill Will:.', lei '; - 1. off el. w llioh Wi'i I i ', . This coMMllllt;.,., ' M.'i.l . popular wn-li ciwi-- . .' I'.;, n as. T! ... while i -'I !' .1. : v handkerchief m.n.-l . . ll.n, g'lW 11. The illl!.. Will," silk h'.l: he Fo iv lii -! ill Vogue :- v ; .; ! ye: have I', ll'l-lie.l. bill il:' : a e I iretei, lioii--. Fl.i::- .: V hile or c.eoi . lie" C: '1 : billk :'l I -'! 1. 1 -. ' I- il.y !.; mils, add m a il i. ;! 1 ' suggest., ihai a Pi.o i la . M ill finish thi- - n , ; 1 ,.n ' nit. nnprae; e able !: i .: .' i--ntice In i he sli..i All ,.t!. :il"! I e, ! I de-igli i I'.'ilild ill bi.-v :i : .. s-ripe.l goo '.. ll 1- li....'. : s.piiir,-: j."ic .1 io .1 1 . ;' w ;i I'.-.gol'Ulg in1'' 1 11 - ' e. i. i..y be fii-ie. n il l -. ' ; :. : ilni'iiM,' nor .-1 1 i i . . iii. 'I'll fll '! Illoe- a . v.'.V- . f.i-i,i.'ii:,ig of Ih" ... I. :. !:. ma! li.is .'jti-t iiuiy I t siiiiin cr girl ino... . :! . The t.ss m' a ham!'. . tc 'v..'.:w I:-.'-,- :;:.' it, lo.'i -sloii oil ilea, l.ll 1 loi ' t..' 1 i I:. o. . ::: . lllilll 'Via. lu . w i i slllil'l' r . iii'a-o'.iell el :.i tiii Is than fo-..! I' tar. 'c.K Ucitli'. The pi eit it -. ii ... .i.i of r.- : -; . . :-, a.e e:'g. d v.ilit : - .' upon ii,. li ;....e - a bl.lt !.. C a 1. 1 . lilnaiie. mi I il ta. w ".. n, ok nii'l o 'e i a.. ' . . . lb" i .if on i: i palllie Mail! io I . I I l.o fonndal : .n ol I ! there be a !:l.:.' b!.o I. .-. lolgei lil.it it ll.n-. I ' I long ill Ue Ilea,, tar 1 Llie. 'i he inil-l. n i el.il'. i- ia. ill si'.niu ar oi net : i ..liar which i- v. o n i wi'is; siiiis. bin i : i :.i'a to s;ik i:i..si;n. 1 ; . . ;: : sliirriiigs mid .:.:. ! Piblell, tl'iilitlg- ii : fringes :::..; wii.1. lllel.l. Tli f...iioi.i: ;. a for i i.l'.va; - a t ..;' oh : l"-"P. eel -- "' ' ' ami out in .'ar la- : ' ill Ih" ba.;. i lie ., .. cial-. live;- ;ho plileoil il . : ' i ,;' t .!.!. U IS...! -Hlllli s of -i;'-. A"'l ..I '' ' i H ' there ill" X al l ll.ll'a.e.V ill I- "" i X elx c; . no xx :' r 1 'am a - ' . each side o'' t':.e band . f b'.i- . x . there may be a fi iii.e or i:-e i .: a 1 11. IliligS. 'I'll !i.. !: i. .: nice t.-uamcii! (': :i fe. I : keep '.li"-e io:::.' . l!.i.p i '. i i mings iu sio. k. gr a: 1- 1 1. : a ' nil. I so vapid the sale. N'.x - i;.. tliey .Tiive than th y go .utt. a: l-iest cry ii :v ; ;!.'. io!!.i:. F..-. .-. white, willne,'.! as mil' t a- . ;. ,,! b'niek to ldiexe It 'I - - !' V late -ilk mils In. of wli'' . b'l'le'i if wldie -alio, all upon a I i, i .: Wide ell':': ell i . ief,.'.-t .1 Willi n !..:!" nf xviii.c !.: 'le : :. lire -klyii V Atiirr'.cmi llti.tif XX inc-tot in I'm:.. American woiucii are invading lie ' bllsili-.-S WOt ill "f i'l'-.s h I.. il ,'isttilii-iilliclit of ih" I'l' . ;i. a" ! I" the sa l is'.-ii i ion of ; lei, o . n . , , , Won: ii. 'I lu x ll. e : ,ig in t - " :! nil '- tO' piojool , ;:'. I a a -. , . 1 ' i profit-, light out of tl'" !: 1 ff :a ( giasigiag rieeelm.ati I i)u! u' the mio-1 sii i e-l'iil ',ii i5 n RATES OF ADVERTISING, One pquaro, oeo insertion One square, two ineertienfl $1.00 1.60 3.60 Ui;e Bquare, vuo uiuuvu For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. pb-me.-ri Is n rrefy. blue-eyed mother r a I'i.miiv who. alone ami unaided. Pes . -iiibli-Ii-,1 a nal csiale agency !',,; A i,i '..mi : 'ie li'i-' s. arcely been a v. a i- in i .'.:-; i - .. but aboady she is 're. o'pi of a line illoniu". and l'or 'is'-,.i- eli-m's has increased so rapidly that .!,,. is iiiinl.ii!.' of branching mil ill i.:,t!' a l !.. ii lh r cilii -'. i; ., .. i',..d of selling herself tin in .ii-;i-..-s was oi' i'ie simplest. She j..,ew I. or I'aris well, having lived 1 1, , . ...,i ... years, ami during her v. .ii!. . l.e w it! I jel tl..w'.i tic aihlrcss ,, ; ;,,, mir.H iiv looking iipiirimeiit , ; I.., . i i.::i In d a sign lo lot on il. I I,..,. i ;i soi l' s of friendly visits! . i 1 1 , , i j , ;. own i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y w o 1 1 1 1 1 1 . Most. ,..' i - . i i v oie ii t i on-: of small French ) ,. ;. . ,. , , ,- , .il i ..'i foi l is diliieiilt :,, i,., i ' . . : 1 1 p I : i m i ' s w ere invariably ," l!,. o'! ing. U i,v u. 'i't you lake an a.nurt ,. , io -' i'.e .olii'vo ag.-iii w ould ask. t .. don't know v. here i" look for i if i, go to .me of llmse awful ,-, :. l.e:, all- know we w ill lie , i. ; 1." wa- ihe ei:i. r.-al -ry. i . .... g. i vmi one: only tell me what .. ,. ,. :' ug to pay." ;.. .ii I e l them i iiiy :i f''W" !lt i ,,, --mi', but g'-aibmby inure . ! ;. -I, ;.,. w wliiil Americans ... ,., . .I. ai'd i.-:..b .1 lie- lisi of neoes. ii ,. ; v ,'li i, l.:i i li tub. instead of wilh ... . ..;,,); ;. ' i ! 1 1 1 il g i I ' WOllM J .'..:.. - Yolk Tics-. snugi . liim- 1" I'"' Vlll..f. I ,, , ,,.. ; eur w leome. even ; ..,. ,.,(,. ii i p. . e.iiili l'-liger. U ;.. : : , ;- ., lay m l Imig cimligii ,-. .-. . ,. l.-.t :. I .1 Wil li ."'oil tleeid.- , ;.,. ;.:;-, i.i lis-- lloll.-i'llol'l ... ...j r v'siig.'jiietns. K.se when , . c. .,' . at I'-ei'l -. , ,. .. ;: a .oi all . - -eat in! art ides ,.. i, ;. :-la.. plea-uiv in the cnier ..e ,.. in - .i.'iai'ge.l tor mi and cuter eV'.'.l. ':; te ia y li-lo ell pli'.ns '''- I . . ,,t !,, hard f ci. ten aim Mak" ,, ,.;e:- m- lor ).mr ho-io-s m have v.ei 'v Hit bcr. and ii reiT. I to say ..'.I ! . I.-..,.".- ep :. t er .'-mi les.nirccs and .,..:. , : 1.. -lion - wiii'ii plans ,j.ni!, in a: a tliM'll ed. Idling ' ,,',; d j'ldgi lain control you in ,!," I' lie -' t.i' -ll: g.-sl.olls. ,,, -:. , . ;, ;ii plea-tire in everything a ;;: ii., . ....it.. -i. -an ou your hostess ,i,...m ... s.i ,! , in. i bo siiaring in cx I - a : ,.; ." !m i.-U'-'tl. , ... , i .ii . .lebillilble subjects such ... ,...,. .-.!. I,. ;;:;. . n.-'iaphy-ics. etc. i a, ti y io ,Ioiiii :it.'. Adapi your. oi.". i-'.ii n i.iiteeii. l alll-llliq.llli; llt'Vll-P. 1 , i'. '...ad i woman has inmie .1 bid .. ., ; i i . t.,i ibe grin it title of the , . , ... i,. i- , l.v invi-ating a itew :, ,.-. liie sewing tfibie. Shu , i : . a .-. ,;l.. :'ipp r. I, ( i, .;,ap . il. . .1 knife with one i- ,. .er.ae.i ... do me l .pping. A hook . ao.l I" tile knii'e and with ibis ,1,. ,.,i- ,.f I,l.,.eil somas cull be ,.;.-,;.;, I ' . a ' ,g..t . urn of ihe w l ist. , ii,. : ippii',:; of tin- semiis in making , , , , '.! oi. ;';!. - i- in" meanest part of ,,s :, ., i.... k. 1 he niM'iiior -ays iter ,' . a , ; p. la -r v. .am she Willi . , ,, . ,, 1. .,l..i . l- ll. '-. She .'. i a ;' i i i :' :,; in in: ii w i ii ... a I id o. a i a :'.! ami a o i: .: . .. .. s. ;iin .".ii i a -p. cial 1. nl. f .- :i 1 iwo inch width r.o.o pro.iiineiil en 1ms i ... ;;:. gold p.ps. a.m.; . ..if. ore f-l.l-ii. ., ;. ; as popular on straw .v e. i . I ; '. la-.- d in niiyihmg , l ';,!, 1 ,l;.V lip! -liqli" 11 .11 il 1 Illl Jl S l i of I ne da :.".'' e III hi ' : v. . I i. in i - me Ihe l.ilc-l de- ., . "ii ! i he dangle fad. a .. -..,i::-ii. i aiolle pin I", lln ha.r . . .. oi gold a id ilaioioiids. : , a : uh I xx ill carry a wri-t- ... ,., o ..it.-, -ays an cXcliange. . . ... .in i- a io v. fabric, like . . e mi oied wilh a mi-ly pat- i , -,..;: , ,. ..nl t inbi'ol.lei y is on tho aped collar el a pale pink Libel'iy I .. a - . am! : " ih have excry-.- : 1 ,-'; .:w i x-. ay e:i the summer I s. "lob nl. lid wall p ip i .n a bold tie I . c i- i.e-c. Ii may be for '.'..li- clll'i I a. l-ea I IPoil-e bolliee, Willi a -el .b'-ig.l on j ;,. l eij. f.i-,e:i '.nd.T the It ft iil'iii or Ci'''.ed xvl.'iie milal for various ' ic.i.inuia ,:i ..'ii. lo .l.s iii h. ever j illltiql'.' . j l'..r leoi. la,,, dr. --a s -iiapod ruf I :i . ..- r a.-, .a,:i. act fi-ills o" liloe aro I a o .. i I'i l . . xx us il;.- I in ' of black , .:: !; ' .:'. '..v !. 1 l-Vcv X, hile ll:,,- of iii inw linen ,(iwi:s of xivid i.i.m'-c bi i:e i s t: lOiiii: d wi, h but- ! : ! color .xak la. c. ! 'i 1 Id -1 ibii: .' ill hats is ii hi? 1 :' ' - rii b .y xvHli a crown m' black '-' a '' ;.a I 1 i ill 111 V. I'll' S I 1 1 e 1 1 p.... i in i iu-' al or oih -r .-h.-.-li s Js r !:.:ia rs va il a-, lo, ew i mo!'! -! r ami io:. f tt'liidiiiiitih "' ''.-',:.''. 1: -- jt

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