3ltcfll!jutltam2cni I'ilUTlSPAY, OrruiiKii 15, lim;! II. A. LONDON. Editor. The Haywood niunlor trial at 1 1 ilei-'h should impress upon nil persons the injustice that is often .... no persons diar-vU wan crime, l.y cuuJemuitii' thoio in public i pinion before hearing both sides, As soon as a crime is committed many persons, indeed we may say la st persons, form their opinions ti o hastily. This is one reason whylyuch law is so dangerous, for lynchers generally act hastily and without a proper investiga tion of the victim's i,niilt. For some davs after llavwood shot Skiuuer very few persons, if ;:i,v. believed that there had b. . n ail altercatitui or that the latter ad struck the former. When the papers published that Mr. 11. X. .siaims said there was an akeiva- (Ion joid tli.if he saw Sl.iim.T s: i ike I fay wood iu the face many persons derided the statement and said that Mr. Siuims was I -i n ; and had been bought up. And this condemnation of Mr. Siuims, whose ch iraeter was as yUod as any man's iu llah i-h! And yet alter all the i valence was heard in the trial last week, the presiding jud.e stated that he could not see how the counsel for the state could have any doubt that there hail been a stnuule and a blow struck. And before the ar gument be.an the solicitor slated in open court that there was not any evidence of murde' in tin1 first derive and that he would a? k for only a verdict of murdc-r iu tlu second decree. Here was a case wliere public opinion generally enndemneU the prisoner as a odd binodol mur deivr and insisted that he ouu-ht to be han-ed. And yet, aft. r aii the evidence was h".ird, the jlldefi) and solicitor both d.-elafed that there v as not any i vi.h-nce to justify this opinion. Sur.-ly t liis case slenild be a vv.irnin-jr t-i all persons not to form tla-ir opin ions too hastily or t condemn anybody until his side can be fairly heard. Cii.KF.rrsnor.o has done it only to her..-'f but to th by the very great success .lit not State of her grand "ileuni.n," held there Monday and Tuesday, It was a big undei takinu', (ireeiishoi'o was eou d to it last ollt and made it a grand siuee-s. Never before has there been such a gathering of mui-i". sid. nt na tives of this Stale, and we doubt if there has ever been such a gath- ering of resident t atives. It seem ed as if the wholeState wiis there. Certainly t Ley were there from parts of the State, and iud.-.-d it seemed as if North Car linians from all parts of the I'nited States were there. Truly does it seem as if there 's no limit to the public spirit and hospitality of North Carolina's must progressive citv! Tin: Auditor's report for the fiscal year ending' November :;o;h, j ;h o2, is at last being printed and being' distribute.!. This long delay is utterly inex cusable, and is another illustra tion of the necessity of our net legislature compelling tic mop prompt printing of ail our public documents. It was about fiv m r ' ; . t " i - after the legislature adjourned before the laws were published and dis tributed, and the journals of the last legislature have not yet been published. All tliis long delay is utterly in excusable and is certainly not very business like, and it is hoped that the next legislature will prevent its recurrence. Tin-: State fair and Confederal" reunion will attract a large crowd to Fialeigh next week, and if tho weather is favorable it will l-e a most pleasant occasion. This fair promises ilikeall its predecessors i to be the greatest cue that has ever been held at llaleigh. l'ersous attending it cannot be too careful with their money, for bosides ti e pick pock ets there will Lo all kinds of "mid way" shows to entice the unwary. We have never been able to un derstand how all these fakirs pro mote our agricultural and indus-; trial interests. Washington Letter. Washington. Oct. S, l'.Hi;!. 1 A little more th.in four months niro Postmaster (ieueral Pi.vne declined in an interview that re- ports of the scandals in the post- oluce were "hot air ami a "stump speech. today thirty persons, ineluiliiiLT a former postmaster Uem'ral, four heads of the divis- lou, ami two assistant attorneys f the Postoili besides an ex- 'ws.si,mn a aow lork state , , j,,!,,..,,! ....i t',;.,l f,,,. aefr.-iudiu- the overnnieiit thr.mh the I'ostoihYe Depart- ""t."' A -a i list one uilicial four- teen indietnieiits were found, against another six and against sevi-ra ol t hem two or three. tu Monday the Washington urainl jiirv was disiuis.-i'vl and its last act was to announce thirteen in dictment against ten men. The names on the list are .lames X. Tyiier, Harrison .1. 1 'arret . ( ieore W. I'.eaveis, W. Scoit Towers, .Janus T. Metcalf. August W -Uachell, .Norman l. .Melcail, i t it IT ('. llabenoook, llnaui I. i ), in:w mm. I 1 I I' I i.e.. II r; ,i ,,r i . ;T . uill 1 n diitiiiu- the present I lie court and t lu-y an loll i pecte.l to the winter '"''-i a. on-' t ana tn-xt rumaiei. i ne i ran. is may be divided hit.) tillee classes; the taking of commissions. ii sup plies purcha.-ed by the depart ment, the aci-eptinu- of considera tions iu return for allow iiu traud-uk-nt o uuvi ns to ui- the mails and the incorrect i 1. ii'jin of ex pense account-? to the d 'p u tuient. AtuoMg the latent indiclaieiits the m.'st intelt stuu- is that ot I lu-r lie is m arl'.- eiirhtv Vi-ars old has held hi-ii positions in the t'ost.-llice department for n.aiiy years. At one time dui ing tiie Presidency of tieheral tirant he w as I'ost master (iein-r.,1. ih-toiv his reo lit dismissal he Was As sistant Attofi-eV lielUT.ll for the I'ostult'u-e. As sue!; he was chief le.-il ad is.-r to the d-'oarlini-nt, Vet is the eiy .-I.e. W !iO with his n.-ii-u-w -in l.ov Pallet, allow ed the iiiisiis-- .if tie mails by ";et-l'i.-ii-.;ilek" c.-!n'enis. The report . f I'euith Assistant Ibis t.e.v uii! be ready by Oct her 2'. It is sal I to i-'-isi-t of eeO type wrifte.'i p tj.es. This w ill practi cally elld tie- illVestljatii'll, unless the republicans carry out their pr. sent ii.tei.tioii f ca!bnur for a c.eu'lessini.-d investigation, "to forestall the democrats." Was!iii;t)l was startled last Mend iy by the i..'ws that all arm ed lunatic was arrested at the White lb-Use where be had l:'o!ic in a Vain attempt to sec the l'res- delit. The Watchman expected hiiii as hi- had sent hi-, photo graph a few days before to Sec retary I.eol) with a letter asking for an interview with the Presi dent. The police othecr.s trn d to induce him to leave uui.-tly. I at he refused an-1 in a dispute v.hich f i d he drew a IV lle 1 ried was disarmed at once oft' to the p.diie statin; way there he si rug 1 gu il d v. In w as .s,- el by the glass of the W il was broken during t he police later learned th. 01. On his i With his !y iiji.i.d low which .on!;!.-. The t th man iiott to was a !ane named I t. ami tJ.at he li.i-t J!l.r in. ', hhiglon i'ruiii Mi lie; W h.-re he spel.t his t ii..e invent a perpetual m- t lying to i i ii ma-unie-.l in i as, ium. it oil the Cl.llie. lie was J i 01 sane and was sent to ; It was also l".-iriieil 1 1 piec.-diug Sunday l. President to ehuvel hands with him afP-i i his fact si.uc.s i.,. Prcsi.l. i.-'s g;i..r.l. :' so , li-s i r--. i be mig ht Presid-nt as he s'c ... hi:a. thoiliih it is ) the Presi-ieiit would disarm-"! him. Tin led t- an..: ;,er discu Chief l'.- cutive's The pi-.-.-, -nt secret tailed 'rohl the I'rea dh the i and shook the service, futility of the r had I'.iliott Lave s!,..i the k haii is with lobabie that have ipiickly ' llici.ieiit has ssi Ul of the bod.y guard, men ale de nrv iep.-nt- uient without any -pet-mi authori ty and th'-i-f-'le Vfg.ir.l--d as a kind of make.- 'uiM. Tin-re is s .'He talk of introducing a 1-iil at the tn-xt S--.-I. ei providing fr a regu lar guar ! detailed from tin- War Depal fluent. It is sai l that the inemb-ns of tlie President's cabi net wi'l advocate such a nieasiii". Th- negroes ,,f the District of Columbi-. continue to e'-i'i-cise th" republican party. Ar a recent in.-. -ting at which many members of th" snll'r.age J j:-igit'' were pr.-sent. ti e pres ident of the league declared that the colored p""p!e were going to create a stir if their liberties m-re taken awav from them. Another speaker ad-I.-d, "L.-t us not b" l.-d asi ray by talk eatioii. and lu i 1 1 -1 1 1 s 1 1 1 a 1 eda- ing- of properly. ll' tl-.ev can sfe.-d "nr ballot th.-v c-in s!--.-il - nil- prop -rty." While the republicans fail to eo'ii" to an agreement on financial legi.h't i-m Secretaiy Shaw co:i tiuaes to rel'.-ve an imaginary m.e-.ev striugencv. Since isent. 1, he 'has placed i . J;s'.,-J,l0 , .f the the public nio:,i-y in circulation. He has a-complished this by de positing g-e. ei nment money in the national banks to the credit of tile Treasury mi-I by redeeming; I'nit- ed Su;'., I- m-ls i.efole th, y ,.ie due. il is i.o .iiinoiliii ed that th- le'. ,.US S III appoint a i .iio.-.c into legishitiull. committee lo il needs of curif ucy tile An iinti-salo.iti h-ague was or gauwed iit C'uncoid Friday night. I 500 Families Rendered Homeless. Vaters.ui. N. J. Oct. 11. -For nenriy is hours I ahrsnii lias Invu at the mercy of the. l'lissiiie river. The waters have maintained " lu-iy lit sudi. iout to cut oil tlio western half of the citv from the eastern, ami almost all means ot couiinutucai ion oy iirnijres has heen deslroved. Three bridges helow the Valley of the lioeks still stand, hut it is impossihle to live in reaehinir I hem. Seven other hridovs in the citv have been car ried awav, and their loss alone is half a million dollars. The iium The iuun- datioii of the low-kin:.' districts of the city has resulted iu ineon- ceivable dama-e to property. The Hoo.l, iiowver. is lieiiiimiLr to re- cede. A number of buddies f 1 u.aay aiui many oiia rs nave neen uiii th. lennine.l. Itthev ilo Hot tall y, at least, w il! be untenable. Spruce street hill is falhm: away ph'ce-meal, and only a little more du t and stom s separate the falls basin Irom the bi-- black lace thr.-u-h which millions ot gallons ot water are rushing every hour, lh.' eate house is in a verv weak- '1U'" eoimill ami is uahle to yo it spruce str t lull breaks much , tin t tier. ,f .Mayor 1 1 im-Iicblle, who has been at this point all night and today, stipei intending the work strengthening the dikes and the water gali s, regards the situation as most critical. One hopeful sign at this place is l hat the W ater has fallen sever al inches since morning. All day long boatman have been at Work r. scuing people from the flooded vilsti icts. The sUlVel iug 111 t he til st a-id second w ai ds has been intense, as it was almost impossj- ,1 be- to reach the residents there. Several hundred pi is, ns wi re re moved from linns s surrounded by the tin. id and ready to Collapse at any mou.i-nt. Ade.'.eii or more of the hollses later did Collapse and lloao-d dow u stream. The damage tomili property ischit tly from tin submersions of poiiious of the plants ami great quantities of products. I'heus.mds ,,i men, women and children will be out of employ uient for a longtime, and it s cms altogether ptobable that this tlood w lii cause the city of P.itci.seh a greater direct loss of hiou. y and property than the tire nearly two vears ago. The gloss hiss was sii.oon.ooo, with an insu rance of S 1.(100,0(11), The loss to dav is eslimaled at eiuisiderably more than J.ijUi'.o to with no in surance. Tun Accidents Near Alicillc. A- die ( ct. 10. A rather re mark -bie accident occurred on the Southern n. -ar I'.iltmore this morning-. Just aft.r passenger train No. ;$0, east! .-Ul. d. had passed thi 1 1. - th' ! . ar the station, the o. lur ed tin-man stepped out on the side of the engine to oil s..ne of t he macl.iiiety. hen the train reac'n e.l t lie s it., h t he lii email was hurled some distance oiii in a field, lie was not missed until the train stopped at the station, and then the train w as run back to w hero the accident occiirr. .1. 'i he man -vis i;. t Mii iidy injured, but it was iiece.ss.-o-y to take a tin-man frohi a fivL'ht train so that the passing, ,- ,., ,,,1,1 ,,, Salisbury. A painful accident this liioriiing l'.-tell r. Kesh r of Cincinnatii, who owns a country home mi J-dk Moiii tain. Or. ivesh-r was run o.-r by a wagon on his farm, and for a time it was feaied that his injuries might prove n-ry serious. Tin- news of the accident was ti-1-e ihoned to Mrs. Kesh r at Mago Terrace by a negro farm hand, who wished to exercise the great est dearie of diplomacy possible in ge-! Iy breaking the news. When Mi. Kesh-r asked how bad her hiisbai -l was hurt the darkey re plied that he had been told not to tell an-1 then quickly r.-uigotf. The injured lean will be brought to Mago Terrace this afternoon. Durham .Merchants li colled. 1 il churl "- Ol-.-.-: v-r. Durli.im, Oct. K. The most resting thing in Durham is ;!il that is being waged bv in- j ... the el i, ai lv closing- of stores. th-- merchants with the ex-.ti.-n of four or five have been sing- for some time, but a few em.-oning' opei efi tnce ol l.-rks and the entreaties of t her meichauts. The brick- .us e.-o iieefeis iil.islio-ei-M , .. . th tho line jo!! i s and other unions have de- ilare.i a iM.ycott upon these mer- chants w !i.j ai" now classed as un- Iy Laden with lumber and an af fair. The latest move of the clerks t"hipt t" save at least a portion is !- get the dressmakers of the "f her cargo will be made. The city to sigi will not en i contract that they work or handle auv go.. Is purchase 1 from the unfair sS ri-s. In addition to th the i-et ks re using every ll'ort to get their il'li liil country trade stores." The ti the iinish. s and to turn the iiwav from these ht is to be one to Durham Man Attempts Suicide. . . f'l.ur el,. ,.; v.-r. rfo!k, Va, Oct. 11. -II. E I ns, a young man of good ap-aiiet-, from Durham, N. C, at- ..-a; tempted suicide at I o clock this lieu nnig, by swallow ing the eon- t a!.-of a ia! containing i'.") cents Ui i th of laudanum. He said he 1 ... 1 1 i.u.ii n ih d w itl: his sweetheart ami wanted to die. H - was s--ut to St. Vincent Hospital, and will probiibb- recover. Lyons is em- veil in West Noifolk in a lum- Ur mill. rieach Mrcwn With Wrecks. Norfolk. Oct. 11.-T!.; north ,,.,1,, l... v.,,.! mei- iliis r' Mm since Thursilav has toni-ht practically spent its power hut f,. miles ami miles alon- the S ir- .. jn i t t.(,.,st tu, i.u., is littered ..itl, ieelu--e .-md thion-li.nil .1 ...: i: ... ... ti.., i ll.l.lol.llll'll ill n III I I III ll.lIfclT IM tile storm. Thousands of people crowded trains to the coast today, and saw the. wrecks of the lutr lunges Ocean I'ello and Georgia near Virginia Jh'aeli. There is i.;.... Ct, i..o .... 'i;......i.;..( tan-le of delu is alow,' t he shore at fatn Neck to inarlf the end ,,f the three-masted schooner Nellie, muhiuir let) Imt an uuliscruumat (,vlett. The bod v of I'ahtaiii 1 (ioure l'.vans of" the (ieor-ia! ...... ,1S ,r ,( MSt n ,v . ,,,ilr.. ,,tl, ,,f S.. o.,, l; llf..U:v i,,r st:ii,ii 'l'l.. I....K- .,f (!..,,.,-.. )Z 1,.,-s, the colored 'seaman of the samo vessel has not been recover- ,.,1, The rescue of the reinainiiii,' three ue-roes of the crew bv the siirfmaii, W. A. t'apps, of Seatack stat ion, was om? ot the most he- ril. JU.ts jn ,istory of the .,,,,,,,,, ,,f :(. ;i ,.Uast. fV-iiiiw uliiln t it a utiltxa fi'.titi mi- ..II... lo, l,..i.- :,,1 hi. tiollin his stretch betwei-ll the,J,USUl- stations, saw one negro over a hundred y.-nds otl'-shore iu the . . -: . l . ...... . i - . roaiing sun. auoui il momeiii s ( hesitatation at ; the peril he wasj iacing, iu' strippeii ami inungeu int.. the sea, that was already a seething mass of wreckage from the barges, and. atler a half hour's hattle. single-haliilc.l ill:. I alone, brought the uiicoiiscioiis man ashore. He had not recovered his breath l c!ole he disci rned through a rift in the spume, another form, and oi.ee more he went into the surf. I his time, by reason of his exhaustion, his struggle Was a hal iier one, but he et lit llall.V suc ceed. .1 lii saving the negro. Plac ing the two men U.I. hi the he. of a, clilt', he started back to the station ' to give the alarm, when he saw the third negro in the waves, and for the third time he plunged in, and hi. light all ma-cn.scious man ilshole. I'iipps did hot cease his woik until ill! three men had i-ieli call .1 for in the station, and al night he resumed his legul.u trick of patrolling the storiu-.sw cpt coast. ' rentier News of tlto Wrecks. Norfolk, Oct. 1-J. -There fust lie .vs received from the Carolina coast sine.- the beginning of the hurricane last night dispels tin hope that the treacherous shoals between Currituck and llatt.-ras hav e hot clailni d their qlloto of the daft. Two vessels are known to have been lost oil that stretch of the const and fin t h. r r. p. -i ts are e:. peeted to bring news of mole wrecks, ,-is i.t this time three scllooiiel-s ail' t.lissj.ig, 1-igethel v. it 11 on.- bio- --'. Two schooners ami a barge in addition to those w recked by Cape Ileiirv and I am Neck wen- h-st dui ing Thursday .ni l r'ridav. The cr.-w of the sch.o!irs were saved, but the b ug-., went down with ail hands ,,n boar,l. The tug Pan-.-ale-er, Captain .)o- p!i J j.i in-, lei.oits that the Ola cie founded ot't' Caju- lli-ni y with Captain Cooks, .11, her cook nial three sealiiel!. all w lilte. The tug sailed from Haitimore towing the Oracle, which was coal laden. The tug could !i.-t approach the barge in the heavy sea, and was forced to come h.-re for .safety. ' day afternoon, lie was asceml- Obsei ver A. W. Drinkwat-r. of ing on an ei.ivator und was par the Currituck station, reached tiallv King down on a ba.-- of Norfolk l-.-d.v Lv the inland route and reports the loss of the schooners Mabel Kose and J. W. Holdell. The lifc-sav-rs had seen the Kose about 2 p. in. Saturday wlih l i ; . t ... i . ' ne.. in mi- i iggiug i-iii si.e liieaililli ai-cliielir Cle.lteil colistci'- was then tu- miles out at sea .and nation in the mill and v.-i v keen nothing could be done for her. At regret was felt among all the em t a. m. Sunday the life-savers ployee.s at the ui.foi t uiiate occur succei del in s'aooting a line ,-n loss rciice. The lad's mother and fa tlie wreck, .and with it eighteen t her are both dead, tlie father minutes afiei the fust man had hav ing pel ished in the Cumnock b-et-li started ashore the captain .-iliil clew ot seven luell Wi le on the shore iu safety. 1 1 is est i mat - ed tuat the cargo o! lumber carried uy me scnooiier iiose was worth n.-nii:;; i -iciu -la-more than ?."),U0O. . -'---i i. na.-1, The threp-masted schooner .T. ' u' 'ln"" it i t t i r ... iv ii . i. iionu-n, 01 nuauik, s asin.re near r a.se I. ape, a., and is a total loss. lb-r captain, W. (). (.'ram- mpv. of Su ll'ol k. a hd her ere w w ere taken ofT by the life-savers and are s.a;,-. i ne it omen was ne.ivi ocean-gojug tugs accustomed to s! and !!' Cape 1 1 -nry awaiting the arrival of the Laltimore bound schooners were unable to stand the storm outside and came in here. They report that the schooners Isabella, Mary Lee l.'a ft on and Jennie Thomas, bound from the South for Baltimore, are not accounted for. Tiie wires to tiie coasts are down, but there is grave reason for fear for the safety of these vessels. Captain Thomas, commanding the schoon er lleiny S. Little, which came in to-day in distress, in reported : in the marine district as saying1 that he s.ivv three schooners in a very dangerous predicament, and which ; --med to Le in danger of going i.shoro. He managed to keep cleat of the coast and made tin's port. It is regarded as pos- Kible that the Patton niav make some port and the fact not yet re- ported. Ri'tiuus. .-! r t I" Cliilrl..ltl- OI-Mtv.-r, Asheville, X. I'., Oct. 10. ( leor.-,! imderhilt iirrived at !lltm"n' afternoon. When lr- ill"1,,'',"lt l,,ft Hiltworn a lew '1'W-s ai;.), after ap)rovin;,' of the i """-t 1 ''ar' 11 I"' slimed that he would r ahroad at oiii'e and the fact that he was .. speeding towards I'.iltinore in stead of ln'inir out on the hreast of the ocean, listening to the call of cirht hells, has heen the suh- jeel of ID lull comment on the part of t hose interested in the all'air 's,alt'- However, it is said "'at all was well on the estate and ,,':,t iU' txl,'I.'t a,1v"u.",i",t WWH S"U ul.:V 1 . " 1 "L ' K ' .l '"' ""''I'esttiiir tact was nscer- :""" " "-j "m- i,.m i nun.-. are to j;rmv out of statements' made by certain papers concern-j iuy the alleged scandals and in-; stances of ."raft on t he estate. A' foreman of one of the departments has instructed his attorney in New York to at once institute suit against the New York Herald. It was said that this papei had priuti d statements of such treiier- id and sweeping eharacti' astodo ;s""ie employe ot the estate an in Fatal Circus l ight. ....-ui l il. ciuiri-.u.' ii..rv.-r. K ingslon. Oct. '.. --This evening ...liout .'i o clock, Joe Peaver, a .a blacksmith, was beaten bv 1 i-aiivasiuau attached to Sautcl'l ,.1,.,., ; t, jrlt !,., l st., l,.,.! ,,,, called Dnti pel- ha. fatally. O.-aver is a man of powelliil pli.vsnpie, ami l..a! tloii ble with the canv.ismau i arlii-r in the day. After the afternoon performance this man accosted I'eaver ami drew a pistol to shoot. Peavcr grappled and succeeded in securing- the weapon. Two oth er show men came behind iK-illi I' and ih-lt him a blow mi il- head w ith a tellt pule. Oeavi r fell, and the na a continued to beat him un til he was dead. In the .sctimV Denver stab! ed the fust man with a pocket knife. The doctors say he has slim chali i'i s for life. I '.ye w it ucssi s found the stubbed man under a wagon. 1'heli the police found the chief man m the beating at the laiiroad : junction, about three hundred j yards away. The other man es j caped. ! Crisis Coming in Head. ! Yokolioma, Oct. 10. The Ibis 's.. -.I.i p, a i, ese 1'i-got iat ioi.s :it To- k'o d not appear to be plngo ss i 11. g r.ipldiy. I!ai-. a de lb sen, ti e P'.lssiaii minister, uptolhis ev.--: liilig has not replied to Poii-je,, ; Mi. lister Komura's suggt st ion, that llussi a shouhl i coi.siil, r Li-l viiws, w hich ale ,-tt al i.il:ce with lapau's Minister Koimn t ai ' ' Plelliliel- Kals;:- , ;,,..,v col.lell. .1 ' with the Mo ist, is of Wiir and of the N.oy. Kolt.lir.-t also Visited the Marquis aiuagata, chief of the council o I b ; , I leaishals. c. .Using the Mlggestii.il in some quarters i hat the crisis is coming to a head. A petition sigm-d by lo.nuo niendii-rs ol the Anti-Ku--siau 1'iiion, protesting against the llussiau action in Manchuri.i and Coiea. Las been pri-s, i,tcd to the Premier. Hoy Ki!!gil iu ,i Cotton Mill. i m t!i- i.n-i n-i...i- - l-i.-ri .-tin - ( l l ill Poe, it little w hite boy, was accidentally killed at the lievolutiohnrv Cotton Mill v.-sl.-r- waste. His lie.id was lead oi-r the i-iIl-c of the elevator. iii:g At the first floor leached by the ele. ator the boy's head was cauejit Letvw-eli the elevator an. I the lh-nr nnd his neck was biolu n. The lile.-ntlul acclifeiit created const i mine disaster of a few years ago. " Notice to Creditors. ii. Iil-TriC -r i.fA.T. 1.,-inl-li -1 iry nil , i: l.lil. Iiii e.-lulo 1-. pri-t,.-nt s..,,.,, ,.,,. ,...,,,, u,,Wc ,0,1 ,. in i.nr-.f o..-n ro.-. v.iy. aii .--i-.iih ii,.i.-in-.i i- bum ..-at.-co win i.ii-.oo p:ui. n.i s.--.im. noj 1 'f a. i.amukiii. ei-Mi i- - u;.i mi ji-r.-ii:iii I ..ii ..r t,'. rn A Iiu. A. I. Li.lukK.--.il, , VVuam k li Iluyc-M, i:v- & D.V.INISTRATOR S NOTICri tl.f fr a: -r J. J wtt.4ttrt dwi-nscO, Is , n-ttiry nil i )-..! Kuvlui: dui apilimt tlio rs tii'i' of lift hum !..-c.Lt:iJ tr ;)nH'nt th tu ihi ur-1 mlkM!) "ii. r t i f. rr ti;n H'h any of ivw t. n, r tliN u tt-.-o yrl'A be i-i.-al lu bur ft TUth !ici'b H, iv-JJ. II. W. WKliSTnt, AUimuls'iHbr. WE WILL PAY SPOT CASH to those who will take orders for us in their section ot the country. Addies, ' SOU , HbR.N MAN AGKK. (jieeii.'-boro, N. C. j AV VUI Toko laxaUVe lircmo quinine Tablets. P Seven MOQoa boses told in oast U meht. This Sicnatnrc. O- JUST ONE WORD that wordlJ It refers to Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills and MEANS HEALTH. Are you constipated? Troubled with indigestion? Sk k hcHduche? Virtifto? liilious? Imioinniu? ANY of these symptoms and many other Indicate Inaction of the LiVUK Yovi Nood Tutt's Pills Take No Substitute. - WANTED - REAL ESTATE, Town Property, Farms. Mineral and Timber Lands. J. SlU.tKT MA IvI.M) VI b, (;i I'l'iishiirn, N. V. 03 (ilizen OF oue.1.1 to 'h'.id THE CHATHAM RECORD v hich foi m-FIT! h.is heen doitti; its ulinoNt to up our l.ind old county. hii'd Till RIXORl) ( I.D b'l I I M l I ." th.tt IVluhd oil ll.-t Olllv ll-l can hi he Latest News but lor its advocacy of all measures that will lest promote the piospei it v ol all Wie (ople. SUBSCRIBE Onlv 3 cents a week. I COTTON GIN NIK OUCHT TO I.Y( SCI THEIR PROPERTY IS THE I. c. 1! Uii! This i.-- it Home coin- pp. i iind di .server the ji.iiii.tiiiee ot iiil .ortu CiireliiiiHiis. Ii w-is organized in ami has piiid over il,(MKl.(i00 in losses mid there is imt one .'untested claim iii;tiiist if ! Ah losses pii id prompt ly. Etiy prudent man oiie-ht tu insure his pr' -t rty. For terms, Cvc., applv tu 1878. in-, a e's or lhVll,V CHATHAM V CI VVTAVI M VliV Vtt V in Two Dyt. Vu- i.n.iii.tiy oUiilii U. S. and Koreiu Hc-ml in,Kk-),Mttclior iiliuto ni invention Ipr froeri-rort un pftti-iitiil-illl on puti-ntui-llliy. tor in s iwiii, ."TRADE-MARKS iiiiwuian.'iiiv HLH ? II .' f oT.TTW 1 iVESTIBUtttj llMlTED Trains Double Daily Service ULTWKEN NEW Y0UK, T A.MT A, ATLANTA, NEW0I1 IiEANS am. TOINTS HOD J'H asi) WEST. I In t'flcvt April 12th, iex). i j Southbound. jHlllB I lmily Hiilly I N...III I.v N.-w v,.rk. I- It n in :.i i.ni U in un I Ml't.l.-li'liift, - ;( -v . in J in Hiu I" li.ililiii..r.-, S I'. .iu iiskii " ttll.-lllllt- - ll. W N lly l.li . Ill lllllHIU " l.l-l.ll I. S A I. lly ll ill (.III llll-ll " l.-ll-lnlilio; ll i.il-.ll M .ID ' N-.llln.l li.i.iiu " 6 Jlli, 10 '" II. ii.I'-o. ii ' -j ;n mi, & M .ir. ; l. I.nii-ih s A. 1., 4 ... ..in , :i;i j it I " n.-rn I Ii.. i. i. .... inn U Ji.-ll ' ii.iiiii.-i .un :.nii.in ! 1 1 ciimii'iiii - Mui i, in ii :,nin - Sniiii.i all -l. .lti 4.'miiui Ar .1 ii ks. uvillc j- i. i" m w :! Hiu SI Auijiis li.i. ' ll'i.lnli: : ,i- iinii.-i " t. is miii 6 do i.ra N... nil. N... l i i Vi v -.k N v Ht i-m i-it I liilli.l- ll'l.l-l " 111 no, in ll '.l'.i " .. wV-lk Us Si i. Dili, il II " II il 111.- O'l'.i l. ll Mil) i - .-ii.il n: s a w su nan .in " 1 -. 1 1 s I ii. u Ii s A I. lis !".'lll '.--j-.ii.m ' M.-l l- ll tl l.' in II f-J Mill " r'lii-i I .-,.1 inn I i.'i .ui ' M, i ti .' i-.'Hitm -j ei inn 1. 1 1 I'll. '. Ii " 4 I.'. .1 .. II 15 (nil , s..ii I..H I1 1 -iih-b i'. ii, i. in i. ; ,ui " I i ' ' .i riu '.' i-m u ..i. in t ii 3 i,i ,m l CI, ,i..ll- ' lnn.liiiu Klil'i ,n 1 i h. --'it " lu :' hiii "" lii mi . " i.r- i-i tt....U " lv .j tun illliiiu A II- I.H -J .HI I III I, lii , Al' .'I'll l.l " 4 L I In it- mo u . ilii-l-i l Hi- "" ' ' J 4- Il H I - C.i-- I- C ., Ii;. " '-.-l-llll"" lli!.l-ll H M l . A U I' V -.. III I, -.i Hill i v. i i . 1 N -.-:-. i c s , ei I. i I s N 1 in o s , mi-n i x M i.. i,i', in c .' : I IC ' Ar I .11-1 I,,- ' 4 1.-. lu leinic Nortt Ijcund- KtiM H 41. 1 IU 1.' O- I . V I.' I I I. A .1 .It" I- I.t lit 1 oil ('11) 'MM 2 " II .til I Itl .' I-1 II V t II 1 III f '" i in 11 v:i i m M ( Ml I , u i , III 4 V Hit) I I III 0 Hill v. i ii iii.-i. n .1 I " e. hiu -'i H III 11 l& HIU W IV II) I ('. I'lll II . I- l i .4 lu I- HIU II 15 b 111 I r. mi i id M U ii 111 10 Hi ii in N.-..4 f 11 HIU 5 Ml I'lll H I II lll 11 i...,IU 'i im hiu k i . (I iu I' '.'i Hill II iO Kill l'i 1'Ul I 4.Sfl 4 (.III 4 .V. l.li. H .ill )-lll II ii.- lll i HIU II JO .mi I ,l,U'- "I, Ar N. u V Ik. i I I.H: .'. I l.l . S. S. C. i j. r t: it in t- lo I III l. -rn n S A I. l.y .i i.-.-. ... Hi- " .-.u;.l.!,Hli ' i : ii .ui.i.i I " liuiiil.i ' h.-uili. Hi I'lue-. I.v l:.i,--o, ,s '.. 1.- inn 1 . .- Ill 1 I, A J ill II- 41- I-III II. - e "Il il . ;il. I .N.l.ll... ..,,.--15 ' Il.-I.l I ' W.i-liliK,.i MM;, : .I'll, ..,.. 1' I. II 1 I.I.M-I.-I.l.l.l r .N-.ii i u, I'.-iiii. Ii. :l 4.'. fun .M i. in ii ;ir. .un in in Hill 11 i.'i Hill l in-, i-in 4 1.1 i III N.'U... I iMIly il-i'tl'rul Tln:ii. A. i-l.i Siiu.i.'iy. iljL-t,.ru 't'liuo. TKAINS I.EWE riTTSIiVHO :i. "( p. ui. !.oo a. in. Trains Anive at l'iltshnro H). l." ii. in., 5.50 p. m, Ihiily t.rrt j't ,StinIiij. Ar. M -uoiro Dully. 4 VJ ii ra V 45a m tUkll)' Ei. l-uiiiluy connections at Jacksonville anj Tampa tor all Honda tiast Coast point.-), and Cuba and Poito Kicu. At New Orleans tor all poin.s in lexas, Mexico and California. Sleeping Car Service. Nos. il and M, 12 and H Flor ida and Metropolitan Limited. Draw, iiiji Koum. Sleepini; and Through Day Coaches between New York anj Jacksonville. Through D aw ine. Room BiiiIl- Sleeping Cars and , day coaches between New York ai J . Atlanta. Nos it, U. 2 and )) carry Cat cars between Hamlet and Athens ; l-Ltinht and Savannah. Nos. 7andr-6 Florida and At l.mta Fast Mail. Through Drawing Room Bullet Sleeping cars between New York and Jacksonville, con necting at Hamlet w ith Sleeping car to and from Atlanta. For TicketN. sleeper, etc.. apply to Zeb. P. fmith, T. V. A., C. H. Cattis, C. T. A., Yarboroueh House, Ualciijh, X. 0 U. M. lV.e, A-ent, i Vittsboro, N. C. (V ? very y 9jCrVr bOX. 25c.

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