'-'"i 'H ii iruifflwimi IV rt - ) , , .. .1 (flhe vllhatlium Hvmuu w ' TTT! " . , , TrlUUSDA. OtrroHKii b, l'.HKI. Local Records. Thero was a slight frost lioro yesturuay morning. Carry your cotton ami cotton seed to llyuuui & lleailon, .Tho best fertilizer niul wheat drills on the market at Uymuu At, Mr. Wm. Steele, of KoeLiug lleadeu a. ham, has been on a short visit to -Full stock of wheat guano and phosphates on hand at llynum & lleudeu'B. A few days ago two partridges were- killed iu the deiiot yard here by flying against tho telegraph wire. -The rush of trade, at Foo - At - water Mer. C o s. factory store is an evidence oi tuoseieui sine unit ngnt prices. Foo-Atwater Mer. Co. will re ceive u car-load of salt this week. They will have all size, sucks; also rock salt for stock. Tho railroad faro from hero tollaleigh next week, including admission tonic nur groiiuus, m be $1.85 for round trip. liynum it lleaden want to call your attention to their mam moth stock of gnus. The best sin. gle-barrol gnu on tho market for $3.00. Hev. Thad. A. ("heathain will . , ii preacnaiu.e i on. ,y 1' riday afternoon, the S.Jnl, at o'clock. The public in the Mir-1 rounding community is invited t lie present. j . , . . ! ()ur stock of Dry (.ood,, i lot nuiL', rinoes, jiaisami vai, , J,adies" Jackets ami Furs is co n-l jilcte. Conio to see us and we will1 Have vou money. 11. Wcathor- spoon, Maht'ord, X. C. On liith of October will seil to highest bidder horses, cows hogs, aud all fanning utensils consisting of plows, mowers, drills, cnttaway harrows, Ac. .liiver Side Farm, 2 A miles east of Ore Hill. . . r.... !!... o ...! . ;. ..... V .r.,. . . ' lllllllll.il. .1 HI. I''. ......... day. M.... i:. ; ..iv n.r imi.it Hatisfactioii to our customers, aud her trimmed hats have been very much admired. While the wind was blowing so hard on last Saturday oui town was excited a short time liy the alarm of lire. The roof of Mr. Ja cob Thompson's cook room acci dentally caught mi lire but was extinguished before any damage w as done. In accordance with the notice, of sah' published in Tin-: Hi i okp the Taylor coalfield place, near (iulf. was sold on the premises on last Thursday by an older of the J-Vderal court. It was hid oil at ; ?2.-,0io by Mr. John M. Mcl ver, ; of dull. . -Men's Hats! W. L. London A- Soil's are lieadquarters for men's hats and caps, as well as ready made clothing. They can dress you from head to foot iu the la test style for the least money. Their stock is full and complete. They have the handsomest if' 10 suit you ever saw. A lerge stuck . . 1 1 ' .... 1 mensarn, uojs Now that cold weather is coming you will need some shoes for your wife and children as well 1 jjajn;ld; .-it Cameron with hi1, it here this week, uiub-r the as for yourself. W. L. London , tjt, 1;l!,t. ':lil1(,JU, at M011- 'iiispices of the Knights of I'y S011 have them. Colue and so? I t.ul.(i Wlth Ihe Fittsboro liraneh : thias and the tire department. The liow cheap you can shoe tho en- j ;.uni;U ;iiul at Apex with the I company was twelve hours late in lire family, (loo.l shoes are the 1 .-t,lU. .iud Xdj thern liaiiroad. j reaching here, owing to high cheapest either for yourself or ; special trains between union w inds, and consequently the opeii- hildic!:. lhey have, the best 1 woman's shoe made For the uonveuiejeo of per hous attending the State fair from h"te. special trains will be run on the l'ittsboro railroad on Wed nesday and Thursday of next week to connect with the main liue special! from Hamlet on those days, leaving here at 7 A. M. and reaching Haleigh at i):30 A. M.; re turning leave Ilalcigh at 0:1.1 1'. M. and reach here at S:W. Applicants for teachers' cort if- i.MiK.o uAVii i.v :i tn iiu.d l.-isf. wiek be Superintendent 11. P. Johnson, j i .. 1 .... 1 ami nrsi-giiuio eeruueaies ttcio granted to Misses Fthol V. Johu Kon, Mary W. Pynum and Mamie M. Pearcfc and to Messrs. T. V. ltiggshee and 11. P. Norwood. Seeoml-g rade certificates .welt: 1 irrauted to the following colored teachers: Sophronia ( omauder, Mary Williams and Henry T. Lu cas. yVAliTI'm.Y CiiXFKisr.SiiE. The last quarterly conference -r .1. . 11 .... ..if f...- 1 vear was iieia iu .hi. 1 icasnui Mt P easant church, in Haldwiu's township, on last Saturday and Sunday. On account of tho inclemency of the weather the attendance was not as large as it otherwise would have been. .Much interest, however, was taken by those present iu both sessions of the conference. The presiding elder, Hev. J. H. Hurley, pleached two strong sei -moiis 011 Saturday and Sunday. He also preached to a large con. gregation at liynum Sunday night. 'about 7.") per cMit. of an average1 The next quarterly conference will crop- 'I'1"3 ''J'11'1 "'""s assigned 1 Tho town of Hickory by 11 um bo held at Mann's Chapel some , for the shortness of the yield were ; jority of 7S in the election held .1 i .i.i t 1 1... ... ...I ..,.t .Im... in,. I lb.. 1I1 v 1 b hi, I iv voted for bonds to es- l lie 111 inn new e.u, im- u.iiv Jioi, yet luvin- been set. Wti regret to learn f the so- smio.oss with typinid fever of Missus Annie, and Katie Mcl vcr, ilaui-liliMH .)f Mr. Duncan Mclvcr, of nit.ii(y Mountain township. ! teksoNAL n ems. .. Iliirn it. J he regular steiinier lroin Mr. II. M. London is a tending x-folk, .jcli anived here this o Central Carolina l air at ;.,.;., . ivoorts the roiiL'hest ex- (Ireensboro. v.. iD n 1 1 i i,.ivn' r.....l frnm a visit to relatives at Chapel Hill ' his family here. Mrs. Frank 1'age, of Aberdeen, has been mi a visit o Mrs. J. 1$. A twitter, at liyniim. Mrs. M. T. Williams has gone on a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Thom as Long, in Asheville. 1 )(. aMtl MfS Kall(lfol,1) of siler (iit.. hilV() 1)(lt.n a short yisit to l4ts f -m tuiily of Mr. 11. L. Coblo. Mr. J. A. (iiles was called to Jamestown, (iuilford county, by the critical illness of his bister, Sunday. Kev. F. T. Clapp and family, of ' " J1;tvin'r bought have moveil here, the Wright Cutten place uear hero. Mr. and Mrs. AY". J. Calvert and children, of Portsmouth, Va., have returned to their home after a vis it to Mrs. M. Hill. Mrs. lielle M. ( raves and son, Mr. J. W, (i raves, ot Jiastlantl, i ;initii i-uui, nit- iii Caswell maty, are visiting her sister, Mrs. A. (i. Headen. Mr. I!. II. Hayes left yesterday for l.)avir county to join his wilt; at tho bedside of her father, Mr. Isaac Kohei Is, who continues to bl. iu ;i .jtjcal conditi.au The followiiiL' ladies have gone as delegates to the annual conven tion of the N. ('.Division of the Daughters of the Confederacy in session this week at Asheville: M.-sdanies Ii. X. Mann, ,1. 11. Mil likeii and li. II. I'ilkingtoii. Mrs. II. A. London, the recording sec retaiy of the Divison, is also in attendance. " Special Trains lor Great State Fair, The Seaboard Air Dine announ-! bv odds tlio best scries of . , trains for the; scacilules oi special approac-nill'4 s.aie iao i n.u ii.i-.i'i . hen pn.vi.l.d for any fair in ' i . ... i .1 N-.rth (' on oi l mm. 1 u aetlon ol the company is a hli;li t.-stiiuouml to the i.ilpoita'.av l this t!e!il"ll doijs state enterprise. The sched u!e follows: wi'.PNi:snY, octoiiki: 2lsr. Special train ironi lianuei i" KaleiL'h: ! laave Hamlet tl::!0 a. m ; arrive llaleiii '.t.:! a. in. lift ;i in i leavi p. m.; ariixe Haml Ka.eigli o: l i U:y p. ni. This train connects at Aberdeen with the Aberdeen and lioekll-di . Kaiiroad, and Aberdeen and Ashe- horo liaiiroad; at i ameiou ii u with the t ai tha-e K.nlroad, at .uon - j elite with the Fittsboro branch ! Kaiiroad, and id Apex with the i Cape Fear and Northern Kail- road. Tltl'liSlUY, OlTolIKU Special train from Hamlet to Kaleiyh: Leave Hamlet ti:'M) a. m.; arrive Kaleiy h IC.'tO a. in Keturning, leave Ilalcigh 0:15 p. 111.; arrive Jlauilet VAo p. m ' 'This train cmuect at Aberdeen ! w,ti, tu. Aberdeen and HocLlish J o;.;1();U aud Aberdeen und Ashe- 1,.,.. .....1 1..:.. ..voniids every U0 ! I minutes on Oct. 20th and J.'bd, ! 1 and every 20 minutes on Oct. -Jlsl 1 -mil 'inl i Arrangements are also being j made for a special traiu over the jCanc Fear and Northern liaiiroad from Dunn to Ilalcigh. (icneral News Items. (Irei'iisboro Ileeord: In the Federal Court yesterday after noon J. K. Payne was found guil ty and liued $r0 and costs for mak- ig' fl returns w hile t.ostuiaster .it 1 ii.iiii-i- ir.wL in,, i.-iiii i-oiiiit.c '""".' " .-- The juries in the Haywood trial at llalei-rh aud Tilliuiiu trial at Lexuulou, S. C, will take those . ." ! ... 1 ' I ' 1 1...V MM.. eases today (Thursday). The re-! suit if both verdicts will probauly I not be kuown before Friday. At the annual convention of the Illinois Civil llights Protective League recently held in Spriug- held, Hooker Washington was vigorously attacked for favoring the recent coiisiiiiiiioni 1 auieuu- llieiJIS IU tue C William J. the probate 1 Conn., last S; editor tiled : oi tho late- Mil will dispose .niiioviiiiate v .."!.'!. 000. I i It is said that the peanut crop . in eastern Carolina and Southern V li-ginia tins year win not ne as ; large as hist, the yield being only ine v."-i, v 1 September. Southern States. ' . " . i ""'i .v rsTul ; b.w ushis at the depot Saturday ; ; Hryan appeared in ' Mtl U . after the furniture j "iT C . Court of New Haven,! had been delivered at the address r T " , , is .a.,a ;l! a tho otwi. ! 1 " r'u ; Saturday, und as ex-! she gave, she shipped it to Hani-; 11 ' s , , tor the States o North and South , for probating the wdb let, where she was b-g with VlS.Mh liles. livnuett. x he , .vinain 1 leius. , u ; , al,n liud struck the ' 1 ' " - , dey Ne-di-enceaud' s of an estate worth got hot on their trail the negroes . f M i p Tharpe. who 1 1,1 V " . ' ?. VV. . . J? ' . ! lit J Blew U Miles an Hour. Wilmington, Del., Oct. H. The bureau received a report from the. signal station at Cape Henry, Va., today saying that tho wind was then blowing 73 miles an hour ami was carrying everyiiiing tm- nerieneo in the history of the line. with one exception. The utenmer inline, up tiie i iiesapoaKe I ay in a (SO-mile trah) last night with the seas washing over the bow all night, but escaped without acci dent. Killed His Cousin. 8'clnl in Iho llnluliili I'uM. (Ireciisb ro, Oct. 5). Ed. Hani mer, aged 10 years, shot and killed his 10-year-old cousin, Henry Hammer, this morning at 11 o' clock at a brickyard iu East (lor rell street. Tim boys were play ing with a shot gun that they did know was loaded when the fatal shot was tired. The wounded boy lived only a short lime. His body was removed to his homo only a short distance away and Coroner Turner viewed the remains. lie found that tho load entered tiie stomach. An inquest was not con sidered necessary. likvtric Car Kims Wihl. Knoxville, Oct. 12. An clee trie motor rar and trailer, heavily loaded witli passiMiirorK, en route to the circus grounds here this af ternoon, was lost control of by : t, nu tninian llld rapidly de street hill, he- Kconiled the (iav tweeii me ami .i.uuson avenues one of the- steepest inclines iu city. A number of passcnj were injured, including many o men. They fell and jumped from the cais iu their rapid II in ht. None is believed to he fatally hurt. The inotar car struck another car id the foot of the hill. Cliim-.-L' to He lU'poital. Huston, Oct. Of the :;oo or more Chinese taken into cuslo- will exhibit in IMmigli mmies- tUw tnr the purpos.. ivum-iK- ln.ri. ei.sli.nl-iv lim-Miisii tin. v ilav al'teino'.ii and evening, Octu-1 j,, the taxes dim tor the year could not prodiicu legist rat ion eeri ilieuti'S. about Kill weru re lease.! iluriue- the ni.'ht. friends having placed the lvuiiisite Pa- pers in the haud.s id' the Federal! authorities. 1 he police say tii.it most of the others will be deport- ed. A huge number claim that ...ii.. i ..u i . .... 1 1. 1. 1 1 1 i.ur i.i. v. ..... .... . but t l.e act of Coa-ress makes no Provision lor such loss ami in '.m cases tiie author; ties say 1 ikiI tatio.-i must tal-.e pi:: A Xc;;iu 1 Jc.-i'i'l'.t.h. liiriiiiii.'ha'.ii, Ala., Oct. 10. ' hile at l.-mpt ing to malo rest at North Mirniiii-ham t iii ar-' ni.L;lit ivliu(v Sherill'Stroii-was wound '..,! i,v Samuel n.iilev. a ue-ro. Af . tt.,. (Ifspeiate sti ii jide the negro jeseaped w ith a mob of white t; sol) :,. nmsiiit. the puisuiu.' party 111- 1 r as (.v ,.., tl(. st,vet. "pu! returned the tire, einp- vj,, two levolveis into the crowd. ij re than "ie hundred shots were exchanged, but no one was se riously wounded. After a hot cliam the lie-to escaped into the woods and has not been captured. A posse has been organized and is scouring the country. Street I air At Newbein. Sivin 1.1 Cli'irl.illo ulwrn'r. Newbein, Oct. 12- -The Lavtoii I'an.ival Company arrived here to-night on the steamer Ocracoke, from K!i..-.beth City, and will ex- mg will not take place until 1 110s- day night. It is expected Unit tins win oe me greaiesi street fair New hern has ever la-Id, as superior court is in session, and -. gar.l Asheville as a sort of ha besides, great crowds are expect-; yen of refuge, and the question ed from near-by towns. The city whether they shall bo granted li has been thrown open to visitors cense has created wide discussion, ami a gay time is expected by all. .The question hasjjreacheil a some- what acute form w ith the board !of aldermeu, and when it became Negro Woman Plays Sharp Game. ;UOWn today that W. F. lUudolph i-i.iu Hie Clwrl..t:o Oliwrver. had resigned IIS a UlOlulkH1 of the Van (irilVni, the colored detec- board, the report was immediately tive came back to town yesterday ' circulated that Mr. Randolph's with fresh laurels. Ho had been down in M.u lborou-rh coiintv, S. C, and tho trip was moie fort u - uate than a former visit to that State, when he was mistaken for !;iu escaped convict and thrown in- . -... 1 l.l l. 1 M to orison. Van brought to Char- , lotto Ella Fisher, alias Mary jJohuson, aud Abraui Fields, two I Hamlet negroes, who were wanted i j in this city for obtaining goods! i under false pretenses. I ! Mary came to Charlotte several 1 I weeks ago and bought bills oF u, s,t;ltesvil!e, and healed." For sale by IS. It. Pilk , turuitnre on the instalment plan, ... u,,,hei-s. of Shiloh ' iugtou. druggist, 1 ro ll 11VO ill uis. one te ui-wuu-ii decampei 'olina. Flla and Abraui will be .iveu a hearing at the December 1 .j,,, ju,.,l term of Mecklenburg Su- ..,.. ;.. i'uult ... . ..... . - - t.ibhsli a system of witter- oils, 1 aud went to Minn ar- ......1:... 1,.. ,.i,tf.,,, ... ,.. ,in mn i ii I I III II I nil till I II Hill Pi I II n r"1 i -mil IIWIMM KSmL 1?) XIIE E03rr'Cri-i.33 STOHB- f wIID F) 111 I ; AT LONDON'S t IL N K Wc take pleasure in aimouiicin that our niaininotli stock of Fall and Winter goods is now read for your inspection. We have oil our shelves the newest that is shown in Fall and Winter goods. Our stock of Dress Goods w ith trimmings and linings to match was never more complete. - charge of a trained milliner is full of all the newest creations the milliiicrvari. Our Pattern Hats were never more beau III III tiful: we call vour especial attention to our line Our line of Men's and Boys' Clothing and Hats is the best we have ever shown. We keep everything and want your trade, am! guarantee to sell as cheap or cheaper than any store in the county, and are V FI TS IK) 150, N. Slit. Sautellc Shows ' Si". Sautelle, whoso mammotli; twelve combined railroad slmws her 21, pr.-.'bablv ludongs to as ..... . i i . . i i many itiUeivni social cuius, ein i, fraternal and ti.Miraiice rtucU-tien i and companies as any other per - son on earth. With lour old line j while in the event oi : ii-aiii n ..i.- ' i'ii i .1 1 n in ii . " .ii..." ., ,1 iv,- l-i.oiiii enriched by an "duitiuiml ..o.tioo. . i o- i- .i u. . - " - - 'organizations, a .!Jd ileuiee .Ma ison. an Odd Fellow, F.U., lleiliuan, Forrester, Vioodiuaii, Jv.niuiit oi I'yihian, as well as being ide-nti-i'!,.d u-ith seM-ral other orders of 1 t..ss -i- oi-oniiuem-e. It is uiu'.er- nlo-'d that in wi!! be one o: June M Sautelle les from ' the candidit for the :;;il the highest his district le-.'l-ee honor in mas'iiiry, ; within the order. J I i v i n g to Solve the Kace Problem. Chicago, Oct. 12.--A memorial pre.iciitcd to Congress several days ago by Dr. Parks, of Atlanta, recommending the education of I h.- colored people of the South by tho Fnited States government, . WI.IS iu lopte.l today by the liocli ; Piver Conference of tin.. .Method-: i..,t Church in session at Aurora,' 111. Dr. Parks desires to put the negro on the same piaue wuu wic Indian, making him a ward of the government. The legal ilitlieulties which may arise, he believes, can he surmounted by a carefully planned campaign, and sees in the consummation of his plana solu tion of the negro pioblcm. A com mittee of seven is named in the memorial to convey the resolu tions to Congress. .1 . ! .1.11.. Distillers Looking to Asheville. Asheville, Oct. 10.--A large number of distillers apparently action was prompted by disagree ' men t between members with ref ' erence to the distillery question. Several licenses hav been granted, recently, but it is believed that the board will hesitate in the - .'. 1 1.... . .1 :.. . .,...,1.1.. ture before taking fioorable tiou on such applications. A Bystander Shot, Sl,P,.al v, ciMiii.e.o oin.rvr. . u ( x..,,VlU i,,,,..,,,,,. was standing 011 the platform The ball entered the base of the instep aud lodged ill the heel, l.einster alleged that Wurieii rau against him and when he ivprov-, ed him Warren cursed him. Lein- ster was away tioui the depot a short while and when ho returned the trouble was renewed, thoi f, 11,,,. ni shooting follow ... OUR MILLINERY always glad to show you whether TAX NOIltE s reouired by law I will at- tend at t he lollowing times anil i vH)!i: . . .... . i.r.rsl,,.,., Friday, ( Jet. Hi. i-.i,,,, Satui'.lav. Oct. I 1 , -..Liston's Store, Wednesday s. j j( . vi Uo, Thuixday. Oct. mi,, in. ...... nope, f rniav, ei. ..o. ng !-JiIMMH,:(. ,.uu.ifssiioi .Saturday, Oct. :(1 All taxpayers are reipiesti-.d to meet me and pay promptly, ami thus save costs. .JoliN K. Mli.l.IKIA, Shei itVChatham County. Sept. 17th, Jim::. For a pleasant physic tala Chamberlain's Stomaeh aud Liver Tabh-ts. F.asy to take. I'leasaut i:i i tlei t. J 'or sale by li. 11. i'lik iugtuii, druggist. Mr. S. P.. Denny, who lives near Pilot Mountain, had quite a thrill ing experience with a lattl-.-suakc a tew days ago. He carried it about littv yards in a bundle of fodder. Mr! Denny has killed four rattlesnakes and three moccasins this suuimer and they all measiii ed hut three feet in length. He Le.irneJ .1 (iiv.it Truth. It is said of John Wesley that , K..;4i to Mistress W h th. Whv do vou tell that child same thing over and over again "John Wesley, because one t is uot enough." It is for this same reason that you are told again and again that Chamber lain's Cough llemedy cures i-olds and grip; that it counteracts any tendency of these diseases to le sult in pneumonia, and that it i pleasant and safe to take, sale bv (i. 11. Pilkingtoti, gist. S impson Democrat: Mr. J. VA . Pryaii, of Newton (!roe, may very properly be called a dealer in shingles, honey and coons; a ra ther novel and peculiar industry, though his coons got away. It is iu this wise: Mr. Hryaii cut down a cypress tree fiom which he got .",U00 shiugles, ;!0 pounds of nice honey, and in the tree was aUo a coon deu, but the coons got away. . ! Kan a leu Penny Nail Through Hi Hand. While opening a box, J C. M,)Uut. of Three Mile Uav, N Y ,..U1 a tl.u p0nny nail through tho tlt.shvpartof his hand. "T thought , ii .1 .1 .". . at once of all the paiu and sore ness this would cause me, he says, "and immediately applied Cham berlain's Pain Halm aud occasion ally afterwards. To mv surprise it removed all paiu and soreness ,-uul the injured parts were quickly CilllSO as.il; .lied. Tu Curtf i Cold 111 Oik Day. . . Take Laxative bromo ()iuuine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. F. W. (iroe's signature is ou each box. drug- DEPARTMENT Wb Lb 1Mb SON FALL ANNOUNCEMENT ! WE WANT Who arc iiitcri-sti'd in v.oo.1 clothing .i:;d all others to know where t tvstlHivtlichfit COMI: AND Sbb HIE LAVISH SHOWbNti of the liiu'st piv.hi.tioiii liom the vhups i.f the: ( dt:ATl:S I" CLOTH HS .AKl:KS IN 1111: WOild. WL W AN l' I HL MLN to buy here t.) .Uw-i i l-jthinii they'll be thurouejilv s.uisiicd with, .i&d we make oui 5eLvtifi. with that object in view and we keep the same object in view when iiiakiiii; the price -all our clothing is priced -that nun will see hiunci d advantage, a:, well :. adv.uitA)it iu rtsp.esJ to Stle and Mate ria!. Jt vc-u want .invthinj; 111 Wearing Apparel FALL TO SEK I S. Cross w Linehan Co, FJJ TO-l'ATi: (T.OTHIKUS AND 1TKN ISHFILS. (Vt.K, IVKlt. li 1 g I - V-S iJPdSJf t 1 v 1 . ''v;v'i-? 'fl! lo im vol The lveeSev Cure I AND SALF: Hv vi-.tuc ot an 4 ..r.ii-i ..! Kill- i ui!-..'a ili. '!". '' Ci'iill l li.Clmiil .limy -u 0.0 .HIf. .1: ! r M r.-ttii'-. s.n'i.li J, .'i.'.rMu i-t at iiji.tiim: !i"i . ..f .lan . I. ga. una in L.-ii.-'.i .111.1 Jiiltim. tin Lmm li i'i ul lu-.rs it torn "I 11.-.. winh I.-iikuo .liiivan.-,!. I Kline, no1.', ii: luo dvlui'. 1" s.lir m . N. e. hi la ,-;... k ii "ii s.v ri u; av, ov iim:i; :lst, 10o:, U- !..,l,.u.f: 1..VII Lnl.ili'. !i' ll A lli.-l "I l.'iml lyuu in iimilii'W . i"U ui.1. n- 111 1.111a i --uni ''!- J..IUII H'. 111.' 1 Ihii.Ik ! Mill!. III!, ni.-l, Wl.lU'll I'm in,! .ill,, rr. .111 I I' .-11:1.111! i.i. lull. l:.-t;iiiillU(. am .hi I'lk. .1.1. k .' W i-.ruoi-. iui-1 1.. uli. u.Tili u!i l.i.-i in.- l.'i l- '- M'k ! 'W I" C, L. l-. i-a .an-. II. iu- 0 l ti I11.1 IHi'-'.M l" t" t- Kuit.i.-mk m M A s!'-f 111,0, iii.-n.-.- ah lae nut-1. i ii- i .r-:- i. a l:--k-ry bii.m.. hi -I rii-r. n.i-.i- w;i!, la;, -e.i' r in.- Ill I'.-ln, i" 11 wl.la- v-ii.. ill'-.i.-- -."ii:., !.l ' lli'l '.!U ill. ;.'iii I- h i-v.l .-..k. Ins. ..Hi. .' la.-, tli.'.uv J-is' i l-'" 1 1- uijlu 'k i- k in M. A. .. im" iti-ui-i n-ii-ih ' wuh :in !in- ' 1 'I lin-i"iik, l" '"O"-'. iln in - i-.ihi lot ,,ih-r llui'M' in-liK '".'i I'll"-' '",k, tlu-ii.-- . uih la-. 1 nun-1111- I- :i nl.li- "iik, lU-u.-o 1.H.H 111.- '.!- r !U, -1.: p.'li-i. i" i.i.i-i.k 111 Jti.-k C.- k'i. im-. lln i.1-- u -1 ill l" H"B l" C.i' mil si-mi..!!, o-li-iliiilng '.O" a. ri-i, in. iv .r '.-nw. li V.i-mh-tli.-lli'Z-kliib Tmj-i" li"- I '-i'O :iil (-Id ki1i.1-.-1 1.. a- .l..-r ri(jlii;.i L.-M-y itniiio,iJ' llllr. iU.l IU "1 Hfl'lolli'HT, I'J'M, J. A. M'KNiT., C. uiiuiMS-Utfr. Stock and Poultty Farm For Rent or Sale. Contains 2S0 crey. Larj;e wood, .. , , 1. ... .... .1,11.1111,. 11 iii't- -1 lUUl, Mill liliaui.-n.i, iui""",s ......... tood tarm Lui.t. Located on 1.0I ioaJ two miles trom Ciinino.k. Address I'. U. Box 12;. Sanford, N. C. Am;. 13, L'j. J"-V of walking hats. you buy or not k sum. THE MEN KNOW WHAT IT IKIES? If relieves a person tioni all desire tor strong drink or drugs. lestoieshs ueivoiis system to its notm.i! condi'ion. and reinstates a .man to his home and business. For lull p.ti ticulaiN address. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, Greensboro, N. C. 1 AND S All HtlHlll I,T Bllll) I' We will oft it itio Ij Il.e5l buldvr 0 MONPAl, OCi0bi:ii lyth, VJOtl, 111 , 11- 1. i-,i k. iii k. kts -f LM. lixiuerlT Ixw .l-niitni; t- t-aii.b-u i: intir.lii. ai-.-ottu-a. lyli g mi4 t'-in In A.iilit I' .1 111.11111. tliiitluiiu i-.iuuiy, -11 tlu- wuiori, ul ll.i.-ky rtv-r. aai-ilutiig iliu 1ul -1 w. A. I'liu-a 1, w tiiti-hfaa ami r-i uud iUir. U.m, .1 p"il aw-l'.luj; b-UMi. tv - uumil bourn-. .Kvi ..Ul LuiMlUn, U gi.a "r It'ilaHV Hud ft .,I.1hiii Lir tuiMlu-tiii. ull wmuri'l. woU utuburiil ut'l. wtiliii -iik. UU-kory. iilui', I'eam J"i;'v.l iiu.l ii-rnimuiiiu. 'HiU laud lift wlt ii.la;ii-.l I- u.i uti..iii. tm. ,nru aaU cmIUiii. .iiia 111 "U-li.i iiua ibou wtld lu ihreu tiL. Soi-t-j w u Hi- iirt'.iB-. iii 1 o.'u'jiiitn liil H.-rii. i."i N". UojuiMiiis lita.-rtfk I... I N.i. j oUnu- Ul H-Y.-O. V-miH Oun-haK cub, bulani-u lu Ml ttiouths WUU tnti-rtibi fruiu n!.'. auil ml rMM-.a uutlt ;,ur.li-ii.o in-uey l yUi. mil- lull -io Cir ik day 9 l.ir 10 pur ct-ul. luirouatHl bM. noi't I'J. Vi"W, Z. C. JOHNSON, W. SMITH, dm uiiii iiur. LIVKUY STABLK. LTiavpl Hill, - - S.V. TLAM KK tllKt A T KLASciNAbLt KAUS. Tas.-eugferi carried with duily mailbet ivet-u Fittsboro und Chapel Hill by a white, driver. 1'are oub 1. tHiiW