' FIT3o."Tiiinntly mr.l. ! fit .r mrvmn. liosa aftar ttrst liny 'a uso o." Dr. Iviv's tiiv.it erveU3StoriU2'tri:il b ttlo ariil if.-.i. I -,.-.'!' J Ur.U.H. Kuan, I.t.l., i'.U Ar.::i St., l'tiiu., l'.i. Many theories nrc cxeel'ent uulil y.iu try to reduce them to piaeticu. Mra.Winalow'ii SoothlnijSyr.ip fur children tuot liiiiLf, soften tUn miau, re.lii.-c.s i n ll :t ' 11 11 1 : t tion.alliiys .ulu,eur-s win leoii.-. 25.'. a halt!.) The hnritest work mnie iioiio have to do u looking for a Rood i .niu. Money it'tiinilcJ for eacli p.i kaje of PlIlNAU I'AUtLI.bb 1JVLM II ll. Is.lt, i.li: tory. l)oc lucress make the oiiiinu-t, or .IjcJ the optimist make smros 3 do not boiiovo I'Isj'j rur-a lor t'om i nn llonhm .in in il ruj.i;.n an I e.i'ds Join i . liOYKB, 1'riulcy ilproi ;. In I.. t'e. I J, 1J. Hope U often a -o r .i:i!i':y to au ach ing hi'art or an ciu-ly atuina. Ii. It baa boon tU'ddod that the or trait of the Eiii'treas P'J'tasor if China now lieiiij; painted by Mi Kate Augusta Curl, an AuiiTicaii ar tist, shall bo exhibited at tin' ft. Louis Ex posit ion. It is i-outiary to Chinese traditions to have I i ktiiitsi-s of the nik-la malt' ntid llns innova tion has canned a sensation at court. There Is morn f'al arrti In tl'ii .t,in ot t!"i ouutry tlmu nil etlieriiiseasi's put tirether, lind until tho last tuw years was sapt-osed t.i beiueurulile. l'nrur:at imuiv ve us, .,'0.r pronouu,'M,l It n loi-Hl ilisease iuid r.'s. ril ed local rnicilifs. nu.l ty eoustuntly faiiim; t cum with loeal trentiiii'iit. -ronoiiu.-eil it in Ourabli. HeiiMii'K has proven l alarrii t.. I'e a OonatltutloiinUlisiiiM nu.l th-n-rorij reuiilres Coustitutlonal treatment. II ill's Catarrh Cure, umiiiifa.'tm-i' I l.y F. ,T. t r.niev .1 i ',., Toledo. 0.,lstlue:i; .'I!i.-.'. u m i. . i;.-t "eu n" eii the market. It is taken mt -nut liv in ,1 ses ; from lO.lropsto a tempneiiiul. It nets, lire 't- 1 ly on the Mood and iihi.miis siina -i s el t m yitteui. They offer one huiivlr ?d dollars 1 ,r nay ca.ni It full to en re. Send for .ir -nlars nd tustimouial.s. Addresn 1'. J. .ut.M.i i Co., Toledo, o. Hold by PruKuisN. T.V-. UU'Vttuul) fills a:.- t'.ie best. Tho worbl needs more religion ia polities and less poliln s in religiou. 'Mrs. Tupmr a prominent1 lady of Richmond, Va., a great sufferer with womaa's troubles, tells how she was cured. " I'or some years I suffered with backache, severe bearitiy-dow u pains, leucorrhcca, aud fal'.'.nif of the womb. X tried many remedies, but notain gave auy positive relief. "I commenced takiriT l.vdi.V l Plnkhatn's VefretAMe ('oiup.onicl la June, liKU. hcu I ii el tr.ken the first half bottle. I feit a vast iiapiove luent, aud have now taken ten bott'es with the result that 1 feel like a new woman. When 1 couiu eneed taking the Vegetable Conipniud 1 felt all worn out aud was fist approaching rompletuuervouscollap.se. 1 weighed only Vi pounds. Now I webrli lc 1oundi and am iaiprovinj; every day. '. pladly testify to the bom-tits re ceived."" Mus.'U. C. Tl I'M.vn. 3 We-.t 30th St.. Riehmon.l. Va. ;5. - ' o-lgmal of above let:' jevt '-v gt'. :;t3 ta'!r "When amotlieino lias leen stir cossful in nioro than a iiilli,:i ruses, is it justiee to .votf-elf 1 1 say, without tryintr it. " 1 do not lx-"lieve it wotil.l iiclj) nio? " Surely you cannot ili to re mnin weak ami sick. Irs. I'inkham, lios. :i.! r.-s Is Lynn, Mass., will iiusi crcliccr ftilly and without cost all letters nd.lresse.l to her by sick women, Perhans she has lust tho know I edjje that will hell your cum- try her to-day it costs nothing'. Os00C000 cooooo f APUDINE cwb J COLDS and 5 Fr VHRIH CO.MJlTlONS. 9 5f 10, ;San HOP-nts. t brus-sM (m J ' so. ;?t "P ROMPT. Safe, Reliable." !.f whit t-. rur.... sl,.c n : nt'r-.r .... . ul ,tru.-.,-l.. r l, ii: .ti I ur 111, topl'lli 4 fib pant . erlilA .1 lH.'i.u.r.N C Stories . f hunt. Endless stories cf Charles 11. H'int. thief of police of Portland. Maine, are told by his admirers, and an.otiv; them "is one that ilbistrat-.s the ready liu I :vr of the old man At a diuti -r given by promim nr (itiner.s cf that place the chief was tao pnn.epa! gue.-1. and tn tht icur.-e of 'he f--a-t he was called upon to tcspciv! to t.ie toast. "The Poll, e." Ami 1 appkciso. Mr. Hunt arose i-i the full ihimtv of bis gorgeous uniform and. itt a sil ence indicative of the affection felt for him, said with a . .::.:: ai wink "Here's to the pom ii. r in w ar. tirst in peace; lir.-t in th- pockvt of l.is counirymeti ." Trli'd l.v Tin.,'. Kugene 11. tario. of V.M Tweiitieth ivenue. ticket seller i:i the l uion Sta tion. Ieiiver. Col . s.-y: "V-ui are at liberty to repeat .. . I list stdted throuili I'.'iiverpapersaboiit I'oan s fj over papersaboiit p.uui s Idn.'J- Pills in the sum- fT er of IStfJ. for 1 have had i; moi UV ICMUll O'e -gstgM vtmug my .tltii..!i of ihe tfi r-.-medy. L said w hen first 4' Interviewed that if 1 had a ?&J l.-ieud and m-.p alnlam-e uffering from t-.e-k u-h" '.Y or kidney trouble I would ? uuhesltatiiiitly a.lvis.'tlielt) K I take 1 man's Kidney m Pills. 1 was subject to .......t. .. '.- S! ii'ri .in."-- " .-- .k -be, ulwuys unzm vate.l if I sat l-mc It a desk. It siruek me liiat If Ioaii's Kidney l'ills perform d half what !l-y jromlseil they m.i;ht at least help. Thii luduced me to try the remedy, ll abso. lut-.-ly stopped th- back a. bo. 1 lmv never bad a pain or a twit:e since" A FKKK Tin vi. of llns ureat kidney inodieine which cured Mr. tario will be mailed to any part of the I'mr-i States on application. Address I os ter-MUburu Co.. BuHh!". X V l or Mle bv all Uriii-;it. price Ou 'en's per I AGRICULTURAL. I How lit I'ull I'osti. To pull a post, lia.-U tin' farm vvsao'i tip near ii. 11 a chain io liin;:tf or bmly, and the otln-i- end, which slioulil liavo a slipknot, lr p over tli- post. Thi'ii Maud a planl. nhoiu two Mini a ball' feet b in;- under the clialli, tin IT .IIVJ V04l upper end near the pest, the end on the ui'ound i.iiii.'i' flout post, ilia u lil,' upper el:.h lly snil'lia-; the l.:l!.l the po-i wi.I he drawn out. Throw post in ihe v. .-I'.'.ei and h.ieh lo next pox, procecilin in Cos way until a load is made, i', lieaty, in l'arui aud ll in.-. Tin- farm l ln.W. 'I'heie is Ihe salae lieecssiiy for hav ill;, tlie feua l!o, eon-i-l of prolilab'e individuals thai tin re is ill the . ae of t.ie Hocks ai.d herds of l.iruer aii.mals, and in a general way tin- same rub apply to luakiin; am! maiiilaiuini; .-uc'i a Ho. k. There is often .ai the farm a tin, U of ...ooioa sick that is trie fro in doi'iise. baidy aid vigorous, we.l a,cli;::uicd a. ..I we.l a.ctisioincd to its surroiiiitiias ai d yet Hot very piein ablo. The on.- who has the care of th.s tlock s'.i eld into the mailer ami leu a i.' pessiide !:y it is so. liloo 1 is nuicii in a deck, bat it is u t every tiling. I he el e who tales for tee Heck should be rhle l.i tell the pro di.ei is a l .I l:eae rod lb. ei s; he should know ti:- i.cod ua-tliers from lllos,. tii.ll ale too !;.K.V t- scraieli for is:e ehiek; sl'.oiiid know those that readily respond to Ihe.l. lie should consider the piirpo.-e fe-.- wiii.!i the fowls are . kept. We he.;;- Milch to-day a' oili ' Kciici.il and special pu.'po-e c illlc; ihe i ant,. .lisiii.eii.-K i h uihl leeva.t 'i. ! the poultry .'I'lr.sl. v. W in n the pur- pese for v. hick the thvh is t.. be kept jthe pens in pasture, and at farrow il ls i!e. :. led up. u, w holle r for e--s or! lane the -ws -II r W I olio ai:d no let a', w, , d o,ii. lh" lie. k i ioscly al. ii- in without funk, r I -ottble. At l.-.i-t this i .e. p;.-i;:re a pu'.o bred male of , thai will be the rule. As lies p., n is eta- I'o br. -Is .ipp.-epii.u 1.. the 1 ii'at as We'd a s si tel..'. ii ,;l ll be pi. hod purp ,. .ti vle.v. .ii.d le up the up by two i.u-u au-l ..'.rn-'-l b any hardy. .: .'. -.s, w, ll ae.-l uiai.'.l birds. , phu- .'.eslre.i. la w. t and :o:n.y i--liLiilli: t . le.oce-s ..,' sole, i.on i weatlli-r It can be rce.e.l , r sl.np'.y f :'.'.n ye: era- ..: to el'.e: ail-.n. Tl proce-s is so f.ip.d. e? loll!-,'. the slib-t.tiKe'ii ,-: ia-e pure bred ... ,i treiii the s;.irt. i ;: :l is safer. .;::-! w i h tl. i e ;ea-,i. ; he..-:, si thai v .11 be t.ik'-n ;;s t . . .ir,-. m.imu --ai.-i.t and s'lei.le.i. :: .1 '.y and knowledge to irlve put.- ere. I ,-are w.ll l:ie Ice'.', acp.tiiv.l l y the i::ue the ilo. k is prae i.e. -.liy pr.re b;ed. - Celicva M.'.ivii, io The ilp.t. m.st. Mo a.i.t ...i.-vlily in l rutt. The ve.u'.e of a crop of fruit depends I't.'.e upon its ,, :..h:y then niiaiii.ty mailer i'o.r I e e the cucral fruit . : may 1. . '. -,v l..'.il'y the mar k.-ts i..:.y 1.- yleieeh - eel fruit will a I v. is sV'.i reau.ly, and at fair prices. N.c cen ih.ro I a s'.'.rplus yrow ti. 1: 1 e so',) ::.:::-... .'.'. ti-.e crops may le lrh .1. e a; or. ,:'! . r ca'.mcl. for there w.i airii" ;i t u.e v. l.-u s't--U w.ll be hi il. ieaiel. T" ' I: e. h fru.t !i;i s no: ye- I -n . ! .h:;.:u at.v season u ' ie- ! 1 . -.-rry v. .. s u-ade a cltl tlv.i'ed crop it was pr. hl i. d thai, a ll. fett.-e cor:: :'s . ::,! al an l.-ned 1". .-t- : - h '. l alw.-ys :.' .;. led a supply, the ii.;r. ,!;:. .;!! o.' ler. ' quantities .' tie- leihlvai.-d k:::-N would render jiri.es too low io real r.e ; r 'li's. but the eroes we: ;.. - r . - '.I the berries v.-re Improved, .i .lema: d wes cr. a led that jr-'W v.ih ih. -ep; ly, the cell -en :.-ie .- I .vr.- :1a-. al' '.: '.: -'ll car loads are si i p, , a;- la;--,, cities (!::', . m; the fru.t v..s a, te.e j.rU'es have been lhyhcr il.au a: ..i y .ei. -r jereviotts time m I n l lie c:..p u cvv wil l. The saiee' rule applies t- oil ,-r I'mii c;. ps. .r,.;. i fniit- As tic s-.'.tei'v iii'-i'ivi-i s. tl. crow.',- cede. tv o;- to adv,,nee firic. I.v I iu-pi-ov.i-- the si.e ::i:d .t!allty of th fruit. There are many way open fo l"-.'-.-rv '.ii the tr-ps. Such crops a ars, jiea.-h-s. plum.s an i j - lie rries may be at.-d ami stored, i vine-:-;- ;:te ills-I while j.ro h i. to ; ay i. '.c.u-i "i tae var.otis ti.e;!,.!s t.f eat!:i:::i au-l j'-.-t-'ervia. the ,1 hY-ret. t 1 nis of ft Mil. in veiiiur in ; ti; ei fr:: h ::. w iti;. the vari-lVs s-lee-e,! o.i.l l... ,!;.,. 1 est a I;:p--'.! e the clhaato hi vv'.... it ih-'y are to 1c e.o'.vii, p. , ,. '. a y. h ir.i n-'ss r. ml ip-all y b.-ii.vc I h - '.:'.( l:- 'va;' -::. Ami it m im: ..v-t-bv-ke I that soi :-- v.ir .- ;.-s r--:::i ' sp -. l.,l . tilt v a tl'.t:. wlel tie- oka:., tcr of the s. il Is in.- fruit s -;: ,0,1: en 's c.poa the l! '.- of -Itiiii.i.'ii'. while lh-1 n.aiii.":' -;' h 'rvcs'im; and th" pr.., -r 1 .no f.-r - :u 1 1' ly alT- is th- he pin.' ,e-ale : s. '. - ev ery .eho.- j.-ii-s' '. . !-;-,.! .C.i.s and i.mi.li-.s at ti.- ri,-ir nee. -: t catN f,-;- e I Ju l .'ue-pi am; l-au .Iii a ici ' i, . lh. l.l lelphhl leo:.l A i I.. a. oil.i. I- s a.., av s mo!.- or b s . IP of ea ee-,r :i. :i ami a ".....1 oi.e to le.: hi v. , it ,.1:1 b . ea.h- this way: la v-l a :;-'. - at ',- t.r foiin-. ,1 f In d ae.eter Uy ilrlvh; au inei lit i t the lit. 'hi!" ii'"! p'.'.l te." a p'--- e "-' -i t w ; k a pie eh v. h h a k '- e:i the Phi. 1 ' ,t le-, . I ;;.', . fill, "li'.d ' e. h 1: e V i'le ! .e.lld ! , ll s.e .sia ;,.: e sii.-'-.-ii.ler-s :: .1 a-outi- V.' 1 a Marl, vet:.- c.: : !;.--;. -d -l f.u : 11 ;T'. -r p 11 u: a . , ;: foot d op w ll .;.. 1 Oh r s . U w ; ; have to I - f.e.it -.1 a. . ':, . id: lifH-Il hi h'S Vi h- is .1 1 VV 1-1 ' e Ihil w hii st. .;:. i.a ".:.- tl . u-p if ;!.:; cites. Have n . -ly two phv tw-a'y feet : ;.'. vv I 1 ti: tn :'-: ie op . the th 1 he i .eiei. : he i : Ih" I a. 1 :-. . ic. ; a !. I earn,' d ie hi Mi vu ea- U cud. Tw. pieces, cavil j twenty feet loistt. ninko (he hoop.' Have a washer anil nut ."or each end, Kadi biiup ivuuiii's two boles In tl: Is I uprisbf. H.-t 1 1 1 slaves, oue nu.l a I, ill" lii,.,,, 1,v r.nir inches 1111(1 1 1 I'll I V foot Ion,',, of hemlock, it" you ran haw it, or spruce, or oven pino it' you ennm t mot hemlock. Siiiaiv ea.'li bottom otiii. Ki-m.l v. .in- Jvl on wall, tult in lilac.' your two biiltoui ho,- tiul one as h!-;!i as von ran roach handily. Com n. '.uv wiili 11." V,M by cad. is .lau.lini; from ivu It shb l.is; :tnit; t ,, ., " . , ,, .,.... .,..... i. :z ,,, : :.'. , , :,;.. other Iiisiilo by i-arn-l ttavos or small pieeej ot' bo:ir.ls. uulil v, u luaUe ot'e- half. Tbi'ti ma'-e Hie other half, a-.M tlie rest of the hoops and u;r-t luul t!u .. .. ,. . , bottom with i i.-i . ;:ie,i i;i u.iu Iv.ter put In before the lat few slaves are set li I'ic'.ilell t.ie hoio s nml ii is ready to lilt. The whole wvrk may be done by tli fanner, his boya an. I ii'.s, and Cue neeessary e.st be le.s ill in .'!'. K' lie buys ihe luiu'oi r, and milt ll b's ,- he ems and ha--, it saved. It won't I"' pei-fenly r,.i'ii I'.' WeP w ho ear, It will keep iiisiia-o riioti.'li for tn.l.e rows and pay for ;;-.-l'' Hi" !iri v.'.ir. t'. M , in A-.io ii in I'lill.i.ilo',-. VlllTOH llltf fell. The cut sh.!vs a c, nvi i.ient, cheap fan-on iiu pen for brood sows, when a suitable li lorn-..' N n ! bad. It is lU'ide live ::nd a half f. el Sipiale at 1 iiver end or where it rests e.i i he i.noin.1. AH pie. es U--.I are five :M:d a half feel lorn; .- 'ept pan of bead's nailed aero.-s the el. .Is. At top a pie, e two by four inches by li'.e all 1 a h.ih' loot I.'"-. I'eic.ci ai un-H " for naiiiiu' b ::r. N teal are p up and .low ii. ANi a .V. o iv.i by four in. hes by live and a half fee. 'co.; a: lower cn.l where pen rests up. a !i c ..'round for naihm; boards o:i. 1 "i 'i t . i d is left .ntir.-'y open cc pi a w boards u.ilh'd across ihe to., to uive strcSi-Mli. At b.u k :.! it is boaro- d 111. close, the .'tie f t I-' ell !' o lifof.i'd belli, live and a half feet 1 ii-r. i'la.e turned a round to I'Voteit the j-ii from yettiny tiiiil'-.h l'.y tii'k.c.y one .-n; of two and a half fo t s-.uff it vv 111 1 e e.thef turkey s -f l-.-iis w .;h th. Ir l r,. ,1 in. if a ! v. laths are tia.l.d a, -it's lie 1'r.e.t to prev- i.i the Umlhei- f'.olil yet-ill-C .io. l.cw.s i I'.sei'. in I lie l-.;-.l..'!u- l'r,i,l iit-ilis Ci-.k at I .-il-l -t. Th. til sr M.o in the i.reduet:e:t of rf til- br. e !- stock, v. hi, h in every pii'.'e-bie.l of ileal ly ... t;,od-.ia.h- -n s bred 1" pure males w ill pro. !u. e -I r.siilis. as will ;:'.-,. a cro-s ,.; ptl-.e bie.ls, leu the i.it:.-f should i:..; c :,..;. eel 1 ed the t.'-t ---. as the t. nd-ie-y Is i, retm-n to tie--e.'lli.il s. if''. As to :h bleed, s. h- ill- en- ou i:i. s; fm y. Any .,' the "ecde's. Th- 1 .vv i e.- .: :.-:. t staiica e.M a ,-s ,,f n -is t .!.- i.h-.l that in- lie: k.hires. r-ki::'! fiiltu's a'el M.iro Jcis.-.vs we: c th-- i.. : proiitahh- I '-. - I and fed t' '-.:.! ihem a -o pro It- rh-hires :t:i 1 !.ea"iy. ::-: - le.-t ('..iii :i -o'.-.l p:.. Il.'.e strain. It e, s's pi mole -o w inter a uo.-.l ani'i-fl h.-itl I't'e the.r is not. ,u. J if the s..vr has cr. at vital, y tie;-' is l,ss h-s fl'iiu dls-a.-o. 1'ec'd from ma : -to.k. as J-..S f: ::: t.. '.t-r.-.l p.:;et 's .:;.' mii.-li 1;. .;-.;. r .if! sroW n:u. It .h.sier than 1" i v.-i.:.'. lmma :u;--s.o. k. W e- 'l y...i !: ,'-.;:e this, y , a have selv.-l he'.:' the problem of J'.o- It-e'ns . I ia.p p -h. The other bail ! a the f.-e.l a::.' 'lo- aoiiilV ei T.:e 11. II W l-.O (i-.-s re, I f-edln It has he been all est, 10. J lished fact that . I II is as cheap a fa' I mnit.s; food as th- :- . but slioitkl Le , l for ot! .-! 1 -,: p s ..n'.y t" .". htiitte.l evtei.t. a- te.t ti any t;:-o.tt extent ,11 crii s-. -ii ' e-.-iti t 1 s , Vitaptv. Sim, i;:.,'..n.- ee...y t ' .:.-.':..' ami 1 br, ...ii tah::- 1-ss a .h::,. tor t-ur s-'., k I yoe.isi 1'1-s. we !;-:st l.k for a I'.'.'.l ri.-h.--f in pro-. one calctihit.il t pr-il'i o 1 .:; and ::.'!s, ie and 1. t so it' 11, ii fat. WTe-at mi,b"it:;s, vv h-11 ir . . p;ir. U i-ci p 1 a. Ivatita is a v,-,y .Icsha: 1. love" is o! ef ll.-' u'.-s: a feeds f. : svv :'-i'. . ".:'.. r as -r f -.!.!. : .itirlt,-'; tl w ait":-. h'.Im -1 that an 11 e ,? el-v. ;' ; !. an a re -f . .re. .1: d from j It coee! s -Itel ti t!-, eln't i-tn e 1 I et-ve this to be ti'!!-. t I'll various ,. -:!:..!: 1 h tv- tun -1 t s''..ecs on clover as . .. n as it was se: t. t a'-l- ,u lh- sp, :;-. etel at th .. , .' !"...'. : 'li isiv.-ii ..en th.-y won!.! ! - fi-a . 'il.ty to ,.::,. I. ait It. d ..!: ! Ie.11 l-r. 1 s an a r- of h -, . a vv hi .,-s: .. a' .-it l:rht u -ed si.-..- s. ih,. value .' ilovt : . , a-, y . , ; ;;.!:. After several .e.llll- t'e- ver 1 t'ld.ln-; ii" w t- e-.oii l:r. I meili d of k ea-!l bl'eod s..w ..VV 1!.' i! but,, r. If i hit v. no .eh. : ,!-r.i 1- f,....l I buy i ihlllll.s to !..i o. .tli th - milk tek-l! 1 on fr-ni th s. ;..::.r,. - ih.-u .v ih 1 -p. i'e; p --s 'an h:i tl e t in a ' .1 . !. vei lias. 'ir.-. w 1th ph : ' y f lm: r ,.;' the s-m. : ad f-1 K''il. : h l he te idl in-s .-1 d up;;; a:--e'l al'-ov e :o e . ,' . , :t. y oil !.a' -si v--!i Ii vv i 1 i...t ..,.' .;,.: io !-: k. M-t u -.' i'.o.hl' e v. ne on of t..e l...i :i As tl:- t.'es the ei :i s- Cut Ten ph.'s fed -a 1. at - v. le on s ' ii. --(.. C'.le, ia 'Hit- .1-1 s.- flit, lie O.cri. I'l n . i;.y i-. -ly street in .tipar- ' ! i s :s a puehe t.v a. r.'h a .. fee a :,m.! 'o: le-r."a iv s may itave ihelr diuntra aud su;''j;ifs cvjlk-cj Jvr tUcai gSsfVW -r. SzSSL y $ (v CA t&J T CCVSj ' A s.ni..i iim.. , , . . . , f ' "' ' T, 1 is claimed by some that m m mmus r ro.-..ts u I I po) fpl: ' - A strielly a W :U mutter, that Urn bei-.ellls are u tirely loeal. and that the whole t'xpciiso shoulil I, 1 be; tie bv the loeal iounnutm:i's. I los . t .. . . ..;... ,.t..,t in fli.i must ,f .,.. -,,., . , '. ... ,. tb.e buildiu.' and inaintenanee of road is mie of the important functions oi Lovei liii.eiil. rraiiee, C.riiiany nuo Sw itzei laul are covered by a network of t!,' liuest i-oa.ls in the world. As a -.. s'ai! the wesiern half of l'u:"i'-e l Ik- pleasure ut'oimd of the world. The l.u-i.i;,. i'e...cd i'iol.i lellils'.s s one of th- principal MUirees of ineoine for pe pie of u-ail.v all .hisses Cut wiih e;n these po.l roads, I'uis reviuue ieiil.1 l;eer be secured. The aim of the p opie in those coun tries is lo make ih.-ir viand nioiiii tail s, tii, i r- biau'iiul lakes, their lively valleys, thcr cistb's and in. nuineu. s ,;;:; acssible by means wf line, l..r. ,1. s:'.ic.i;h reads. What a ceinra-t appears wh.-n we tern lo our own eounliy. We have lie- tine-: sc. uery ill I he world in ihe ...ii laoiiu-ains of tb.e West, but it , . ..... .!!,!... Kvcci.l at v ml -iitnpscs ei ll iroin ear w in- .'..vs. ihe Liiai..'.. ur of our mountains a id canyons, and the beauty of our noimiain lakes, sir. aais and valleys a e a scaled 1 e. h to the ','eneral tiiiv- in-.' p:ilhc. Am! this will always be ti e ease -o l.-nu as steep stony moun tain trails are the only means of ttacl biyou.l ihe lailw ay lint s. In much o,' "iir finest scenery ean n .t I, ie.i. lie.1 . v . n by su.-h trails. If the l ulled Slates ( lov cruiuelil. in to operation wiih ihe States and local . .eiunuui.ies w,.i:'d build u'l'cat smooth 1 i.'l.vv ays. maki: the won. b i s and l.a'.it'.s if our -tent West tasily ae-e- s;;-l.. io tciiri-i-. iti a few years the l i'o of ti.a.l Would be tinned west- a..i No: e'.l.v would millions ol dollars sp. i:t annually ny .iiierican in ll'.::,-; be kept at home, but other i-hll'cns would ' . broiiyht lo cur si -es by iciirlsis fi.aii fotviu'ii lands. I'.at th- iiatm.'.: attractions of our ..umty ale r.ot th- only thiuys which ;.:,. tr:o'e hi..,e --.b!,. by the lack cf e.-'d ior.1 . iir.r phics ef b.storie let -.'-! are ft. -lly in the sane- .ale-uo-.y. Take, for itis::tnee. Monlieello, 1 .:.. at:.l ueiih .1 lite immortal ,lef-!',:- .!! lh vv A'.iei icins ev.-ii know . it is. mu. h less visit it. Monti . . ll.. is only tl roc miles from the .iiy e' l h li'.oii.-sv t ie. Va., whi.h is on two ur.-at in:m. Hues. Why, tli.ti. is t: s,, !.;:'.,. known: Ccaus-.- three : 11 s ... ' about as lad i-ad as .an be '' ,. l:,::-ii:..l lie I -.ween ii am! l rail- v. ay si; t. tUie camiot travel over steep. I'oU.'o. mt! l.lv- n I'.t-.VV . -nntry r.e.! wl.h.-ut a fe. litis !:;. At pies, m an 1 tTorl Is I'.-tlist t. a ' by a small I -a ml "f pairiotle meu :..i.l women t build what is known as ih .1. s..;i Mc 'iorlal U-ad t- I ;1... M. ei;.. ;t.-. t" the I'M1'- I. i. -t ..-..'v a ! culie.i'.i--; h is b c-a i a-- . em! th- y are Sh:. he it up hi'l v.. . !" lai-e t tit !s to complete the ': -f a'hor a'l th eie oiira tti. tn of ': v 1 is m- the la. sr iao-'ttanr tcti- :. ! - ',:. .-.: of ir--',! r-' ids. Th y .-!' e.' s .'i-.-v ly nec,-ssa;y l.r ih.e pies ... : ' c rm! ieii.phi.ss ,.f the J.-opl-. Th- ,:a 01 ve"".'-:d l"i:l !l':vt mi a la s, ,. . , je a--. Icily at an n h In th . .!-: - 1.: , . .miner. h:l : -i 1 in.'ustr'a! ,' . : , n- vv hav,- 1, ael.e.l a p-lnt v !.. :,. tl... .11 nrohh-.a f improvh II ,. ,-".:!. :: -..: ' Is mite 1 .. fa.vl. We .-.iti 1:0 ! r neat it ;'s a l-.-a! ones-i-.et. '.- ! e.ve tried !'-..: for three. c-ta: :,-:- , ' a c. ::;i:ry. :: ! in tiear'y 1 . ; v t -: ie' the ' i'':v the Ill's ,:a! I- -.. -'. are a'.par- : ' The u "! ! j pro! ' 1 v. i", -.. v . ; b,. s-'l" d !o a"v. Ii is to v.i-t It .-.-.ii le se-v.,1 ot.ly ly the :: his. ih,- wealth, th- hi' ..: a:: 1 th ' I'e;: I- :l-:u of ll -vv h-'h- j . e I -. A tffeat mil iott.tl tm-V iiieiit is n- --aty. ti pcia'ieti .-f t.:-' uav et. t!: States, th.. ,, .unties alel II, . ! .. a! , - emiiniii.s 11- th olll!ii'-a 1 l,.- rani. ' In I'l"'. am- Ch::s. Y. K:: -ht. .f I'- ' :;-,:.. :;.-t lv-y Vniolt. 1 ntiy c- ,,.,.. .) . ;s, !f ;1s f illo.vs .-..necrttltu . ti Itrow::!, vv bill: ' in . .'ia; .my vvrh hv.i dr. ds -f l!;.'U- M.f.s. 1 am v ,-,-.v mu -h ii:'-:-.1 !! lies bill. 1 ha .',. .iu-l w tin :', d a a t. . :' Italy, lh. ,- at 1 lh . 1. w! . I I : 1 tin . pp..; line. y 10 a.--, .. ihe oh; r.te -r 1,' the mail, in 1;. .... ee-::iiri.s. r.iu-.iuj h-nie ale! !..ek.ll ; -v .r el'.r ll.l I.lble f:l' ibtl'S t'. : - it.!:-' ar..u:i 1 in the rural !- s. I n ad- up e y mind that it w 11! . ss.i: v this country in '. ..mop. :in;rh s hav .! o - '11 . 1 t-ads. i. e.. 1: av e al I'.-'ry I'll in is nr h :'-. N"i ih in . ..ay ,he... i which l .is ituy : -h til". rat const, tu- n-y. i'y ..;' tlie opiii1- n t!:at '-'.. d est "I t d I .-til f ss.lv- t are , -s vvh nr- dah y 1! 1 - hi favor ef the bill for ! ah'. I am . much inter-s e 1 .'! cess th 11 I .oil W !!!'! to Use ". -- -o !...'. t:r dairy farmer . -. ,a f,,r te ; er 11, .s re:. ! vi ;'d he wiih: t . ,iv several I.Uii- li e ! .., '-US ..IO. 1U.V "W ll I'oek. t o s .. ti r.,.i !s .... this country i:u-pi-.v. d h ;e !:-, of trance." Tin- I rtryest Sim.. J --ph W. ltiti r. of Jeiikintowu i. . i I .-ii apfoliit- ! sta'e Highway i'..-:-..',..;, tier "i" p. misylvatila. and - hi th.-i-'-t'ore have . imrjie of es t -: . 1h:::v oT lit- la-it-st sum ever np j.n n: ei -d at ..; - tee by any Ameii i.,t. State for tel. I iti.proveujetit. W ,.r.!.l.--s l;, ,,!. ree ling weitlil. ss roads Is one of ti ,, -moss- st f-rms of svvltidiltiv: the pe e.ie. At hist th- public is awake lo 'he tie--. -shy ..f h.ie.Ui. roads which shall I- sroej both ia name aud In fa. t - I'uiVitl" Kii'iuitvr. A lip. i ... . m..s clevt'loJ'S iUtQ ft ,isceMl ioeiui we kli".W it. ... Making Tresj Eat. In the Crimea dentists have been making queer e.vpe; biu-nti with fruit trees, lust-ad cf trying to Increase their iT.-wtli ar.d ic!d by lieapiiig for ti'.h.vis around their rents, they hav b-'.-'t cutting liny holes into their trunks ntnl Insert:!'. salts of iron in ko.h solid Qid li'pil-.l form. An n.--court of ll e.-e euno'.is .-xp.'i'lmc'iits has 1 ceil read bef.e.e tho imperial society recently nu.l It was declared by tho nu n who l ave been thus feedlrg the trees that the method has proved Itself lo bo hi'.'hly Miece'.-ful. Dictographs were s'a vvu of nine hundred trees that oad I -en thus treated, ami the, pie u:v3 app. an d to jirove the truth ot the all- ati' i s, for all the trers were l.a'Oit'al with f.liiU'.o aud tlourishinsj t icelh'titly. C.iaantlw vVoddlng Feast. A r.iioi.iier n.i-ap.ict lias junt been rl."J by a wealthy landovvner at (.'uimpiTle. In Normandy, to eelebrato tin? siiiiuitam ous we, tin of his four ihibli. a, two h i .- itul two .laughters. Nn ievcr (h.-in l.ihn (.msts s:u .lovvu to the feast, v. hi. 'a tck place in tha (-ea air. Tl bi'l of fare Include I I've cat:!.' a :d Fixte.-n ianiln. So hivish v.e.s the scale of ordorlr.K that, Ihoiiih tho I tmesis are rejuirte.l tc I'.avo ha 1 timauili. cut appetites, I '-ere was mere than emmrh for all. :;..! was their thirst tieb cled, for tha , e ? c-'ip'lcl ten l.ir:.o li'.rre'-, n v i' - i'.r.l l;'i . ti . r cider, besides .lis-i-rsiiii, of '.! if h else of a li'liiiJ caarac i.t. Ne w s oi the 1) " . "J. ieitco" -ays that i' i- piopos, d to celeb' ate the Tot'i bin hhay of Prof. Au oi-t W. i.'iiiann. the chief l.'prcseii tat ;v o . f I lie opinit a th.iit aci.iiirod t:ai. litnn. t be t . iill.-lllit led lo otf s;: ,!!.. It will o. ear on January IT, I: "I. The ommitt - has .it cnl.-d to I. ave prepared for that time a portrait I-.:-1 of i'rof. Wcisinaiin. which shall be .leposit.-.l at the Zoi'lojli' ill Insti tute cf the Cnivcrsiiy f l-'ifibarg with appr 'p: ate festiviiies. ll invito! I I. op. tr.ta-n .n thi-s iindertakimr. not etilv from i!: o who ewe s. ieniitio s'itii'ilus to lhof Wei. iimnti and have 1 e, i. tiiidel bv him in' ' zcolojti.nl a. r'viiv. lut also from till collenmi-s who dciiv lo j"!n ia li.'f-'i inj-r Prof. Wetriminn f-r l.is work. Miss Kl.b in Sinks, i f Mareujju. Iowa, has i, ciived notl. that $'."'. Htm was bci-atti ,1 lo her by It. .1. Tltoiiipson. i f C.'lora I Sirini;s. Tliomi son watt a mine . v. tier and a l a. Itch r w -.-n Mi.-a Sinks, w ith a parte of fr:. -i lJ. visit, -.1 Coloiado three years ae ' i.'i 1 became ae .pi'iinicl with. l.im. He was evidentl. attra.le.! to b i. She :.p nr the entire Mimm.-r in t!i- We t and. r-tuininn boaie. sap-i led t ho vvm'ihl t.evei aa '.in li- ir . I.. .- mi bile :u- , a ! r.irer. lie. oii'lv th- ii-ttc of his.., nth .r.iue. with the t-'a 'em. ::t that he had willed his et-o.lre e-t.ito t her. having Un I cirs. A l',i'.'..-.-cls J.Mitii.il v.onhes for the truth of thi : story tol l ot' tne re, ently .1.'. -'as.-.l P.eU'l-.tl. Co tl l!i hlilllout . When l.e was ut wn- k on bis "l-'orti-fniitictis of tail- Tine." ivkhh was ptibUslic l in 1 " I ho : k .1 pe-nrs-.-ton cf tho K c-;. 'a a"t!:o-iti. s to in clude s ure ..f th. Ir hit. .-t plans, lie was po'." ly i'tf e itie.i ;!mt the plan w.re S:,i'- -it.-, which ioul.1 net I. .iimlia'.l. "'!.,! ap.'ti be went to lti'r!in and th.-iv sc. me! these same plans withe. t any .!it!i. t:lty. A woman wi'h thirt-cii livini; hus bands, says a liispa'.h from Kokotno. la b. to ih Chi ae.-' K. -or I Herald, is the cla'm in a .!,: omp'aint for di v..f. e ill .1 tor - re-, ntly in wih. li Sarah Poi.lt.ian s-. l.s 1 . '.! -- opiu atioii f:v.m a- e,-h P -.'man. It was al loc..'. i Ma: .ie.lt uf th- husbands live i:i t'hi ami liv- in Indiana Tho lion si.-r sj..:u.-:.'s ar, said to bo John Tyler, (b ore Ihiie Thomas MeV. la. Ki. li ar 1 Johns, a. and th- cross -complainant. Joseph P 'h'.man. There a:v f rty -one State univ.-r-si-:, s ia this . o-iutry wit:: more than 4- '.Indents ami with ait in. onie cf $. T!:. if vv. -rk is little ktuw:i p;irti. tiki! lv in i! Iki.-t. and the nr tn le bv W. S. Tarvvoo I in the i.ito 1 or S- ribn r's will. th. : f.ev. bo ir.,:! ttte.ly. Th- ill'i-: .i'-ions will show tho very cod tti I m architec ture "f ma:;-,' of the Sta'e I'-aivei -lty I '!'! lit-cs. A li-r:ran is rollim; : t-ar'. 1 vt wine th-T.en.-h Svvii eer'-'tt I in a waiter, li bel that 1 - i-ahl roll it from his town. ire!: . n I'.ri-.'avv. to Itonie. Th- iarr-! c-tca't.s s'sty itallons of wine. Tin- io'i-ticv as mapped out i i 1 1 ,ako Mm throtiuli are. Munte:-. lee . rn . A!'o;f. St. ilothhard Pat s. I.-igiii o. fcitin and Milan. An A't r. p.i'itist th- redemption in m.'tiev of ib.tiks issu-d in paynu-nt of assigned aes. which is applic able -i iy to it'--' ban's on the one haul and oal miners n tho o'her. is hold, in Hlxon vs. I'oe. ilnd i ' t. It A . :!"s. to be void, a- .lass leg islati-n. (h t: Jann-s. F P-. ttna-ter fionoral of th- Civ.'--1 S'a'c wlole in Kus laml. stil rhat a pinny pes' between Fncku'c! nr.! m---ic.i wo'ibl be a financial sm Poorh? tor ro vciiri I sui.erej t-r ribl v flora vi.srspsia. v, an Rrcat dcprcSiion. anJ viasaiwavs feeling poe-'.v. i th.-n tri-." .'er's Sarst pattila, and in o:m -v.-ck I was a new nt a n." JoU-.t McDonalJ, Ph.laJcl-'hia. !'.'. N Don't forget that it's I "Ayer's" Sarsaparilla that will make you strong and hopeful. Don't waste I your time and money by I trying some other kind. Use the old, tested, tried. and true Ayer's Sarsapa S rilll .... . . w- j ,' ar.r dj,-t.r rba! i: lli'nlu of Aer' Mt.l-tl .4. 11' lliu . ..:ii'---.'' ."l'i'.ii 111 ba ,:ci-"-t J c .inn i o . t'.ws 'jiatifu! Psnm$sip b; Mail, .;.,.ii e ill , 1 s , H- Thompson's Eya Watir IIP ' II , r.ll i f ii ii l.uU , ,.r j.- h'. -I- . 6 11 w i ! i-om-oJ I i;:'v..'"vu-! rv COMMODORE NICHOLSON Recommends Pc-ru-na-Othcr Prominent Men Testify. Commodore Soiiifrville Niehi'lfon, of tap Ciiiii-,1 i.,i.s Njvv. in ii letter from lfc!7 It Street, X. W ., Washington, 1). C, -a't): I'.iiu I'eruna has bern find Id now used ln ho many of tin frlrmlH ami at iintntanceaa Kurecurcjor tutu rrh Unit lam convinced of IIh curative (ftaUUeM na.l nnie,f ifrtt inillu rrctimmend ll tr. all prisons Buffering from that complaint." S. XlcholHun. I' uited Slates Mif.fst.r to (iufttcmala Ku.lors'.H IV. in-nn, lh-. W. (i.'dfr'v lliiiuer, lh S. Minister ,i loi.iieiiiiil.i, ' x nieiiiber of Ombres lieiii Kent ii. ky . in a Inter from Washington, i C., vviilc: "I am fully sulisti.'.l lh.it your P.-riiin is an .tli .un us iciiic.lv for c.itatiii. as I all, I in. .ay uf n.y liiends ii.ive been bene Itle.l by lUs iim-."- W. Vi. Hunter, M. I). Meuiber of t'nu'41'tss From Virginia Utiles. Hon. (1. It. ltr.ivvn, M irtinville. Va., ex ineiitlier uf C-iii;iess tilth District, flulli Congress, vvni.s; "I i hen -fully (tive my emlorsi-nipnt t" x on r l'.i una us a cuie lor ..noih. lt- I cllcliclal l"-ull.s have bu ll so lllllv delil olisiitiicd that its use is essential I i all p, cons Miirerili)! ll.iiu tll.ll lllse,ic." lion. (!. K. Urovvn. The day was when men cf pi'iimiii.-nei' lie-ii iie.l lo co i' their testimonials l.i jo ..t-i,l.u y inc. li. lues tor publication. This I. a. ., tits true to djy oi in-st pi'opi ict.ii ) II oh.ar.es. Itul IVrtm.l has l.cionie H'i j.tst y f.ini-'is. os nieitis un- known lo so lit.i-iy people of liinh and low t. it inns, that no ..tie hc.-itales to s.e hi name in .-iiii re. oiiiiit.-iiilin Pertui.i. Tlie li.clnvt men in mir I'.nnm Icive given I'. i iin.i a sir. iik' endoi sciui at. M-n r. pi seal iii): all ,-a sis an .1 buttons at e t-.iualiy lepicsenti-.i. iiffl i. .i.i i.-T-Ttaiy'oi'i 'oi I jri1i.rrliTl'a. GU ARAN II-tlD CURK for !! bowel troublrs. oppfniclti. I ijiouun-ss. t? - rcait.. UJ ?xi, w.nd on tf fttomarh, Moatrd nowrlo. mi no iiTPBri-m livr rniihli'. tnl ow f.::in Lai v van ftri" lo:i"iTlPolllon km is s'.ruti chr'Ti: ailmrnt ana Ijhc years o! fiunrr.:i- mai.cr wiint ct.s yf-u, r.... C ASCAR 1 T3 toJav. for you will nrvf r r wxU nrti siavw'ti utr.ii y . r' WI" T-u-. ..r u.itk r."irptt to I-i nn.ler it ' is .-, ! , . f r - irifltf f tfl rtlfJ monf rpf;:nd'-J. Th- cpnuin laMi stumped C i' C. Nn- r mJ ir. I'uln. S-implf an4 bc.oklc-t frrr. St-ritn? R'm-civ Company, ( ht.'ipi i-r N v -rk, yhursfora Clear Head BROMOSELTZElh l TORN MILLS and J mm m HILLS! ONUS if Iii i h,i ,.f i ,,-n Mia -r Vli'H.mr 0 ll wl "li I I: I -..' ."-.r l.ili-i. ! 1 '.'..i'.-., oi. I 1 U:. . Xllnl lXV Ml l -IOVK It. O ' "i". N C ii.,o.,it.i uir,-r, ..f . ..ro J St.. I, fr- in I hi- Uti us M...re . ..imljr i.rll. Q Your Liver Is it acting well? Bowels regular? Digestion good? If not, remember Ayer's Pills. The Kind you have known all ; rnitP 1ifo .t r Aver Pi.. Lowe'.l. M-vea. 1 ' : I Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use iBUCKSNGHAM'S DYE Yew wibb riKD Olb&P CWOTMIWC TV tsit. ctiMiiiM iK-XTfflv v.) ? i' if. octn f'X'"'Me Ivovr !.: TOWER cWko Oatv4 !!-. fa-) l"tc .vli sr T'ty j-; mt tc :r n tA'.r - '".- V wt -. 'ic iMur ,-."- tf -Tj'.-.t 31GN Of TI1E FlH : -u. vt-!4 :o - z i:'s,t :i A ! rc jet m to x i -.s-v AJ.TCWICOC3T0I.MA5iB.5i rm CAiwtu ca.L.rtM tos-hto wi OS I rnyc""'"' ON FILL Coure. nj R. R Fare P&id Km' l':.ri---i t.,i:.M. wU un un- Ini r ( tt i.trs. wit i t . i.-ri . t .'(( I .ti U ail.Hbles'e i us htr hii-Jrtiil l ti- i l lit fill i ilU. i . t-Xt i l;i l It i-t. 'liab't Hnlfoj b.'ln ngs TXufincf'S College. CHARLOTTE. N. C T? UP-TO-DATE. j I T pew rt'T w lav i 'urn nm, 9 ... t - 9 . j i 1 1 -. i- .i In s-i'-ri 1 n.vi i Ti'i 'ih '. 'i th- Southern Typewriter Exchanj: . McC. Dillon. Mgr. 21 W. TRADE STR.EF T. CHARLOTTE. N. C. Dropsy CUFiElJ Gives i fitiick 8elier. : Rfniovf i a'.i we'.lmjt ia S to ;j d.o s : etletis o pctn. uncut ctae is! -l o,.'.iavs. 'l rirtt treatrn ut jpvrt. inn. 5thi:i'-.--.4:i iaatt Wiite Or. H. M. Creo-i'j Son. Su-iJlitt. Bo ll. A! a.iu. 6a. EPICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA. Kacabllahfd 13 Dtrtmef.u uf Ml;ciDp, Tatl(itry !on wtl. oiiiituttirt St(i'triunr lti. ut t u ff i hvitirf ni eu" r ra'dff F'r Hn.i...uii"iii- nt and furthr Inforouw 31. 1A, 1UU HU hlUUUd, UtAMlmw YPEWRITERS CHEAP I I ;g 1 f s.. , il Mtli hllO'Of al. mukct ' s part p .v for tl.o t'iiTvr M. g..:-n for ijjii-k baymt. J. t. lUAVIUishtrlotto, . C, 5 KfllfH-S ' . ' n mn R ! f. I k krn S ; ILr 11 1 sUlVi',; IssL, r m i OF OUR "navy 1 (MM &'. mm KS?. h. I .'S.-tfil'W- V-i mmm COMMODO'W-iS JVichoLon 6 If y-ii do n-t d'live pioitii-t ami sit -fa.-t-iv n stills 1 1- "ti lie. ii-c ol Pei'iaia wi.ic'.it I'lne to Dr. ll.irtnt.in. (tiv it:,; a lull sl.tlctlicilt ol v. ei Old he Will hi p'.i.s.. to give ve.i l.-s v.ihi.ib.e u.iv.ce '.d'i-.-.s Dr. Il.ntir.a-i. Ihi-e! at of Tho ll.il in. nil Sainl.ti nun, X ol'.nni'i.s, O. v:V, j-.nr-oowr :ot niouirt, i;".v3t i,, i;.t:. ---; i t mit! dirsurf J. P.rn VOl'f C. t mirr prji'if umn nu iu;nr x:t:-r. Ihp.-iitsTiibu'.esa fS,:i'' l.''l"l's ill n S.l.-e Ilverv i!lni'--4 arising from a .' . i e I st..;ii:ii-U : r iicved or eu:cd by ih.ir use. t- i coiuiiii'ii is il tl.it ih- iiscs oi ii;iit:i:o from the sloina.-ii it i-av !- i-iifely as serted there is l: i . .:. .!!::. ti of ill health til-it w.ll i t 1- h- in lited or cured by the ... casiciia! lis,- -f l:ipa:.t Tabiil.s I'hy-h laiis !.t."v tl.-'iu ac.-l sp-ali : a'- ' .-;' i. - Ad .IriU'si.-t S..-1I t-i.-ai. The ii- e ' ' l:t paehlle is) .no:iv.h t.r au e.d.uaty ..e.asioii. and the Ihiudly P.. t.ie. -.i.v "M. c-iit.-liliM :i h-easchcld si t ply : i a y. nr. duv -eiici.'.'.ly rilv. :. . f within tvvnity W. L. DOUGLAS 3.&3 SHOESlrlt! You cai nave no.n t3 ti :; j yearly by weariu W. L. D-his t j.50 or 3 shocf. 'l'iti'V . ; ei t - t!i.it lev.- -ii. v '.i to I l-lll IS s ,.. . p tin-It s ll I i:y ail -Illel- ie.is.i- -. ' S-!l bv i -: hi sho- 1 V; de.l.-rs eve,;. .. A -. I,...:, for,...- e,i a.ft?: ' e llul lii.iii;!... ii. '. I . i. s .,?'. pn-idi'l r- . I'l ,.. is A valu,' ill lime, -I. -V- "l - oi'..u I, th- l.uh- .t ;.,-.'-v. lfr.ii i .ii . !., .1- -i i 1'i.i'ii. . . sv..,- .y. v 0-J4l. : - t '- . ..- I; ... -i-.-. Mi.m-s I,, i-iail. -J". ,,l ls , t'l. lilUslmtl-4 t'Ulotf fri-e. . I . I'l't ' I I. U'.'.l. "ii, l4s. -)av. Mi,... -.i:,-vt:!i:i . i i : t- !! . -k- i' uepx v.-.l . lira's I : -;vk-'u'i il :'...- I lo, i "... ,.-.'.: r , . i t i: ,i HilV ce.ll-K ... .::.: -. ee '... t. U'tose-tjltivr ,-t -- . f : '!; ! -rt WsAI leliR'i'.'.li.l.,. ',, t A l to. . SOFT, SILKY HAIR -.'f fK III N Vl I K Carpeut.rs OX 'WJ TOUOb .IIKW.KK " ' 1-: 1 1 ,. I. sill . rli .-. : -' - s"-,,s ' ' 1 faJiiuir ". jii.l .--if.-. Jn-ii -X -- ti-.-. .-"tav ku hl' - a' -r ' P :Ce. 25 CENTS. At aiir i!ni,Ti r -t ly i.l Ailx.-.. CAKPt:Mf: A CO , loiisville, Kv. Insures against D!tU.......s 9LjJ Hiisb-vii rvgu!..:i.--t f' rebclii' as lo . : x r r nt.1.:. than 5.S v- :r-L HIE TAhltA.sr CO. r... iitwiiatia, haw York. At . drugg.su ui ty ciiU, 6 i &A& V svt ",:l'!'- 2 I (V JaPZIx htiudred inihio: d 2 : ' ,!l I':lV ' c:i' . j - - (i pasiifHf.iifty.iy "ins?