i. ) v ; in Vs THURSDAY. O. roiii:!: 22, VMV.l. Local Records. Many of Chatham's veteiuns are attending the Confederate lle union at Kaleigh. Uynuin & Headen have, on hand a full stock of tho best wheat fertilizers. If yon want a nice fall hat, trimmed in the latest style, try Mr. Homo at liynum k lleadeu s. ldcv. J. H. Frizello will begin a series of meetings in tho Meth odist church here next Sunday night. Missionary .tally Day exer cises will bo held in tho Method ist church hero next Sunday by the Sunday school. ,. i., :J -1110 leiepiio.ic, t.,..,.h. being removed o mo new uu.m - iug of the telephone company re - ceutly erected on ho old Murdoii Jot ou Salisbury street. Your attention is again called to the beautiful lino of dress goods and novelties that they are bhowiugat JSynum a neaoeus. They have just received a now lot of mercerized waist ings. Our stock of Dry t""'s. ' D.miels at Ilalei-h. in is wood. And w hih- the old man Clothing, Shoes, Hals and Caps, I I w as th an in-- it I h ipjii'iied to be ,adies' Jackets and Furs is coiu- Miss Sallie I.onl London is m ! jilviuu- - smui t binu you know J plete. Come to see us and we will H ileigh this we.-k as the maid of !.,, li;, f,,,-. ',.! a im.., ,..,. save you money. J. lb Weather- honor to the State .sponsor of tli- j -! the old man as you will see la hpoon, Sauford, N. C. k'oiifetleratt; Jteiinioit. h,.,., paid him "j eeiits ami toid 1 ...la ..t;.l lliir (radel i ii'"'' ' , ,uite successfully at the t.tvens- boro fair last week. Among their (.,ulllt Vi to visit his brother, Mr. victims was Mr. Juno N. Peoples, ; ,I;r,,lu. Alston, who is tpiiie siek of Siler City, who is said to have j jj,,.,. been robbed of ?"". , . .... . ,. ,,' Aiiioiil' the veterans who went A. Max is still at ''! f,,.,,, .1V t ,,.,! t,o Keuniou known department sb.re in )':.lt n.-d.-j-di Vest.-r.l..v were: Me hain. w here he will he pleasetl to i ... r .;. . i M v ,., I! erve his old Chatham cu douieis. cannon i;M',.'m. rains than ever helore. ' Thus far tin! weather has beeu j most favoral.le for the Mate t-air, it i nl thousands areatteinlini: it. The I Hiiecial trains from here are a "i eat 1 1 : I . ..,..,., mole r con veil lent e i" iui- i"nnu' j :.u I surr.iuiitting country. Mr J. V. Cole, a Very pros-: n-rons farmer li in-; liileen miles' ! .1. i a Im.im int :iel-o,s I lie ( )raii-'e county line, paid our town ( 1 "IbU ' J " " - n visit Tuesday for the first time tu i ice he was a boy, 'l years u-o. lie v. Jesse Mi-Carter, of Wake l-'orest Colle-re, filled IS.'V. W. I. Hayes' appointment here last Xnn day iiioruiii". and eveiiin- at the Jiaptist church, Mr. Hayes bein em:a'jed in a series oi meetings at rianioiii. i i l...,. ,.f i, I,, . uv,. .'.ii.iiiT.i." the State Fair at : i. ,i : .i. t.:J ....... i.- n;h..u-.iIii-....1 Jl.lieiuu iiii. i , Thcue shoes sell themselves, (.'unit in and call for your number and htyle. W. li. London A- Son. -We are always expected lo j lead in quality in w hat wt; handle. . A'e show vou this week the Cele-! brate-1 Stetson J 1 at. They need no advertisiiiir. 1 he wearers do that. J. at us show y mi the new tickets were sold here yesterday u ic-o o . , , , ,.,,.,- . .1 im Saw y. r was shot and l.!!!.d . , . . , .. 'S v-("'- ' .'v 'VW morning. A trreat many (.,-rs,.,,. : ol A'amance, but, at he su-ees-, i- , ' . lt Mr ("'s to'-iii ' t 1 i, wip-v i!!e Sn unlay i,i,lt A speed iron, Su-ly bm, jlU" will aUoro down today (Thurs-, Has writer wl,.. was ,,,,, , ! , , M s t .n ;,,,, tiii. s,;llL ,j,.t!i .,. ,,,,,,. (i-a-s cout.ty. says that ;.s a .,- ? Wi? ,,'vi , l,,,u, h. .-.'irtcted this t-rrt.r bv '!'!' t aie il I :.. .. tn. . , s, ,ls.j( S!i t f an allei.ipl to kindle a t.r, , W - clf Sti&m&Wts Cll, . , slat.n, ti,at In- was brn in ,ht , .i.e .unied a.,,1 l....ked "i. 'V '' "l in a st,.vv w it h Ur ,, oil t. Vi ; jMAMX -We are opening- this we, k u, (lf Chatham vv hid, the I ..-is- , as .1 she had never seen ""' i . ;". ' : 1 v: p i,') I i-. vH ', v, kite i.K a -.! I -and f.!':., . . - titl onv second Fall shipment of , iature of ls:i.. ,ave to Alamance. ee.re, and i:i a noli lone said: "I , ' , ,' ,; ,,,,1,;!,:,,, ,,'M,, l:i!l v , X'MAMfSS (ee uility shoes for ladies. ... reck,,, w.oit ... a!..;,- -'";... . I- thv. i, a.,. Miii((! V, MWWV ,l Walk-Over shoes for im-i, vvll e bran. ! y , .,;'a t o;,. A; nv j ' ''' - ' '.i V.? X . A tfc&SP4& styles. W . J.. Jj union A Son. the stoie otM is. Mai l.arruiyer doin foolisl, thii.-s. but I will j , . !at I.ockville. Al I '.' o'clock Ihat ;,.( hi. did not tell his v.iyes auv I -On hist Saturday mh a nc-; uh hl Ml ... Ua. . i..-.r ha, n. d to ,,f ,,iiS M,(,,.,Si ,!,,,,!,,. he lived) -ro limn, named .John atsn, (,tkv a ,i;Jlt ilt j,,,,, slllil, door'j,, i.,-ice. lint if he was living now was run over by a trei"ht '"" ilt which is near h.-r dw.-llii.e-. and . -...ii.hi'l he have a time eiiin Sder City and had his riirht I.--; ,,,,,,, p, ,t slu. f,,uud that a 1 1 ,., :, ,.u h it t !,,.... :, cut off above the knee. r -XV'i beat'ni" his way on tin- - train an I fell in altenqifin jump off. to, , , . J -i.reat rci u.-uou s e now m . the b..o; depaitment store t . , Max a Durham Several t ho.ts- uud .lobars worth ot all kinds .i ooits Will oe soul !U ami ueiovv W I e.ost. N(w is the line O "t't , bargains. Do not dclav, but has ten to yet the best, l'irst come, lirst served. Invitations have been receiv ed here annouiiciiivT the aiproaeii lu marriage, on Wednesday i-vt niu". November 1th, in Trinity Melhotlist church, at Durham, ofi'"" ";th , UHU'1 Aliss Ldla larrini.'-er, aaue-nii-r ot Mr. ami Mrs. Ihomas li. I'eay, to ; tli. ii .in r.,,.i... 'I-,,,, ilE;-,)UD extends congratulations. ' ! Mr. Francis M. Fai r.-ll w ill go to Alabama neu w eek w here he liaa accepted a responsilile posi- lion in construcliii-- the Seaboard . a;, i ; ,-,il,,el Iliii,,. ir i, .rij lvl We hope this will ap pease and relieve those who have 1IIU l.UUI. Crcitiug'judioe against ; -av State of Wasl,in,,on.o this - X our new road law because ho vaiV j"; ' J'iLl, hu ,. i n !..Jil e "I nnn(v Kiinei iiittMideiit nf lo ids Vvilll.llu 1j. opllllel llolll . It-, . .' . . . .. . . . S touuti supuintu.de nt ol loads. jl.illM.I.tii Wiimi.,uloni.-,n, now it that he ,s be,;: held by kidnap- P - ...... i I h'.'tf till' ;i I, .11:11', I VoB-Atwafer Mer. Co. keen the most complete stock of goods: at their factory store that is kept iu the comity, "if there is anything! vou waul that they haven't in .stock j , i . 1 1 .. i . f 'i-1 I iney win oroei ii im jtm, i ncy j have hist received a lot of biiL'trien. ! liarness, cooking and heating stoves, also a big lot of furniture Tliev are exiiectiiir a car load each of Hour and salt this week. They would call your- special at- j tention to uieir siocii in cioinuig; Hid sUoc.'i. PKUSOXAI.I1 EMS. Mr. and Mis. C. ILGrifVi.. s.;i,t Sunday and Monday In-re wmi relatives Mis. Uarlowa? Taylor and daughter nre visiting relatives in ltalcigli. m,. T,w T, riiiiVm is visitiuir her mother. Mis. Kmina Wivim, at Siler City. I Miss Alice Ijyuuin is spending; tho week in lbdeigh with LeraboyJ would come in at mid- brother, A. J. Hyauiii, Jr. j night aud slij in the cellar and Mr. J. C. Lanins, who travels for the Wrought Iron Hange Com pany, is at homo for a lew days. Mrs. W. W. Hose, who has been visiting her sisters here, returned to her homo at cldoii J .iiesday. Mr. C II. Mart .... private seen- ary of ('ongressuian 1 is heu - in the interest ot Mr. 1 ou s cm- slitueius. AT... l? II li,,.. l,:m returned , ; , j . , m i. i u- " : ' "' 7, , fat her, Mr. Jsaae Kobeits, 1 still j4u,le sick. Mr -.lMIui.t.-r . a-c.iiip:ini.-.l 1,.- Miss Annie F.iewer, has re- 'turned from Soiit hern 1'iues much luprovod in health Mrs. J. J. Jackson, Miss Carrie M. Jackson and Mrs. II. A. l.-.n- . t... I 1... 1 1. tn n ! v s r .ills. j nsviMin.T . r i. . ... I f, T......1.... l. a pi. 'i. I . .vii"ii i ii ' f,. jlll!M.,.a Sp,inys. I lalijax j -,.-- J ajd ,ai,. jisoi. Clark. A nts rix.irisin:i (-MATH AM II I!. Aliioiiir the tlisl i;iL'iished visi i-s aud sneakers at I he ( ireeiislio- JL'U ti'ill hi-! Week WaS I 1 . loseli I l. 'I "ll. W lio . Is li 'I'll ' ( . , . soil ot' the late lllljll W. )lon. About Iw.-ive v.-.-.tsairo he in, n i. I I r, mi '!:.i t ha ai to M . .lit .lila . ' w here ii t udi.-.l la -a in tin in. ! :...U', -b Frank il. ' e from Chat- 1 .. .l-y S!N I i l-t eh-l-tlm! ,. (-,,,,.; . oi ii v. w a-1 n.i-1 - I I. i to .b.,ila;:a Veils :i o i. At t!i Ml. Ibsoli as el ress and h is tin honor ol l.ein - . I . I i ... ; ., I '. .. i lie 'Ii I V I ii Ol .-sen i .1 1 1 e i.i v on u oae i f the m...-i that was v. i l!eiiiiio:i and lie mat pleasant impn ssiou on heard or nu t - . : .... . ; . r . . . M 1 ,, ' l . .'.. Ue.-lv-.. h.ir, iV-UI-llt! ! lul noil oil. e U.i-. lailo- '"ii ion,., v.a.i an unl.aovvn fi lui-.-'n a se-.:o. ) v r wSr v1t 1 i . .i .. i: i..,.l I ...it in l,i lul .1 i-- (,- 4 . I ii-'.'- '.ay. t-...,a wioppu, ( I,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,, r T - 'A, t UuW! 1&fflt&&& On last, l-relay lillit the store ri hi, but h.-in.ir bet rayed by my of bamh.-lli Ih-othi rs at I .ockv iile j -, j,.!M-, w a -rent deal wi.-r.-e. was broken into and robbed of n'lint I learned l u o thin-s: !;,,, number uf art hi au,o,u,-t of money from the money diavvt r. but ctl'orts to open the i.i 1 1 safe were unsuccessful. ( )i, t he same initht an inisue- t-, ssf n . attempt was m.-.d.- to Imru had been siarti-d so as lu burn tnestore. .VMS. liailiu.r .us- d "Tent pit selu-e oi mind and I coinage in et in-uisliiii- tin lire the by herself, before any ol " j hllor!J ,..am0 l(, u.r H.,,. w ;lt(,u,. ,,.,,..,,,,,.,,1 , ....j h ,-. th(! ' v,HlU.tli:iVV , ,,, t( ,a lulll,ds to be brou-ht on n . i . I ... i I II . . . i ' , , . , " be obtailieil. ,,.i . i iii i . ' nut iiiiiu iiiii iiu, no cum - ' niittetl these two crimes, ii "ro youlh, aliout twenty old, naineil .lohn Smit h, a son of Dowd Smith, who lives near I ....I. .111.. II,. u ....... I. ..'I ,,..,1 , ' , V i ' i H,u n'""J V"- . . . r . "'"""n , clotlies unit a nice pair oi yaiteis V'1 '"n il(nt(sl"'1 ,'s,:al"',i although shot at six times. . . A Gia.il Tin nip. n-m .. ,,,.. v, I'robably the htiLU-sl turnip ev er seen in this section is one that . c-. .-.v , .. i ,, .in,, . . . .". ... . ...... Ii ... ;,, . ; ... I ; ,1,. f.. , lias just it iiiriieyetl iiom tlie lar resident ot tlie great .Noi tliwest. ' Tlu- etr.it,rdiiiary speciman ofj ve-eiaiue protiucr is a w nopper, with the accent oil the "whopper." It weidis precisely twelve pounds, ,, .iii.l ..ii. ., I', , ,,, i i i "- ... ....... ....... ...i size, it is of a decnledly he.uthy appearance. The express alone jfiom its distant starting place i was nearly lour dollars. The tur- nip was fi'mvn on the extensive farm, called Fe Fli, of Mr. H. 1 1. op;io u. .- .oi....j , . ...1.1.1.- Itou. Buck's Letter. Hinn bve, X. C, Oct. la. in " , i ,m:m,llu,i And (In- northwest wind blows the persimmon down. The coi l) iUil pumpkins We'll gath er later, J 1 il t tile best of all it's the time 'possum and tati'l-. The hoys th.it don't go 'pos sum hunt ill'' lose il -leat deal of tlie joys of this life. hen 1 was ret nit; some liotatoes and uluc thc-m ju tlt. l1(,t embers until morning, and then when my J'a railed ino to get up and niako the t;... il,.,,. ,r.l ,,, .,,lf ,,,,.i , i .w u, ... i it I1;u'(; tljl.11 i,,.,., j Wiis ;l ontlly number of tho ho.ys now, t,j(J tfa,'k 1Uu, ,,, llnt ,,.. miu.h a x Wu,,; f()u, , ;i s,ja )( ,ik(, , I thought my parents wile, born Theiv was a man in the nei-h- borhood who made brantly, ami it was awful trout I loo-..-v. i y bod y lved it vv l, 1 1,-r Ihey di .ink it or my , , (. u , my on Saturday night and yo with him 'possum hunting. So j brother ami I were right m for the iiuiii.aiiu iiuioi iiiuaieiy lor us rso happelietl to I liilik it wmild In- a good time to el some brandy. So we to.. I; along a little oaurt jug as 1 ... ..il i.i i ... . : it n i j iii i lie i tis ii i i 'iu i Jin v. 111 isi - 1 lu l,,,f,V S:'' "".Vthli.g I?'' ' ' -i I ,i tl t US "ell ill" the If' lla : V, '7 auiu ,' I ised that la; would Mil. We ad a in the straw slack and we would look at 11 ei-iy lot l! i i n ; and lilou ourhi'eatli tin on. h our hat i'limsj to fool the old lolks. A v.eik hid passed and we felt! we wel t: sale. but S it ill da V e Ve- , ,,,ng l'i i notmu and ot li'i lll.il i.e uoiiei i su.ii.e on .i.i .i .. ..ii i . ,, , , i , ami he weld atlir soiue lilandy. V , , I ,1 i I , II, o, I - ill-' his i 1 1 ; 1 1 1 I V he teii-thuij- that lbick had I'a soine- said. I'a say lias Hi - hoys been hel. 1 1 Hi"; lirainiy r ".Now dear liie, s the old mall, "1 have told ..lsom. - lhiii - - tli.il I inomised not t ; ' h," s;;. s 1 .., -tell It, I t'.oli't Wed. he caiue home an. I Sl t h is J IIJ do MI ala 1 V. eld III t he e Ma was an. I s.nd. ,;" "' ina'i, ilmi i y.ui tnimi t t:-IU iittie ih-tlls vvel.t to I ., 1 i-Iel S alld "I't Soil.; bi.llld.V '.' Novi le.l (el d, ;.'l e'. .-1 , ne,V ii. ;". it. ;i;i ti. ii is ii,.,; v,e l-i-.; ,o;i. in..;, ,; i;u y.: a ,..y ii.at we, li.e ' o.-o i I. I ; oil i . t t i I l.l V . eo.i! e It i . I I.-, at! I l-l.l t' 1'IVe a.lV I.e lo ijill- t.-i-, lull v.e I..SIM !:! f -iVet I-. : J com. ,avi loo . a vi liiooiiiL- Idoli't too! til folks. v. rv linn (.v ilUlj, t1( v do, and yo.i M i d ; I I i..l ..!,',,. i,...- t. . i I. t . . I 'aM.nl. l i e. 1 a I I He K- ' ' I ll i Me III III. . a.' o. I ne mm i ' " . .... , i - t . ,. lll,M'(!r.-,.iv..s. vi..urec-:-.l held b.v l...u I).;!,-!, foa-.p.-iin,-., ,.v !.er , a.r-iitei, .-.li- - - x . .VfA" 1 dl vvl'o! I hi-eoliv. r-atiol) In tw.-eii lhe:i'.::d ! ! 'I- P -imar Ly a .piart.-r ll;-y., lri;..i.u.-u..u...u, ...... i , y v -V iVrJf. JL ' j Stiltutioii is s.-.id b have soenl!was mjuiei j ids life in s.ivi-i-; wi.-e sa , y.-jHy il is savin - v.iy little t,,r ,..,, tu.it cai i lui li oiii '. email j ;, ,,ice hat hill it does come mi-hty olieu J!l i K. Large Reward fur Mis.sir.j; .Man i t m,., Oct. l.s. -Fivi'i'l , i ..lays nave cia nseu suiee. r. Wentz, the soli of a Fidladi- j I I pealed in the mountains of W '.. i county, a., and iiotwitiistaiidiiiL;- j t hat a p. ii ty ot thousand men ; 41... , i..;,... ! "".' "r. ...........-,,,, lias i it-t n sc. mi t in lor I.mr davs, no clew has been . oajmd u, wl.at has becumo of I'aiiicl I,. W.-nt, a loot lu r oi Ulf. Mssiinr man, lias increased the reward for finding the young j 1 luaii from s.",otMi to .?'.-, i ioo, pro-j vided he shali be returned alive. I Mtimlil lit' Oe lollllil tlead Ule re-; ward will be Sa.OOO. The father ; has been .snnuuoiied from l'hila-i thlphia. j The theol V is held that he has . , . f . won not tai .i. ii i i.i. iic. .oi .iii"-,, ll.'i n tiinr. .'led as a matter o spite . 1 :. . .1 ,, , ,, , 1 ...nut i hi main In less sir. . t in . . i F.h cl ions m the Iupior tpn-s- ; tj,,,, w,.lv 1. Id Tuesday at several ,,a,.,,s j,, this Stale. ' Henderson i i if . i i . ueerueii mi a tnspei.sai y ov a ma :,;.. ,,r i -jo vote:.: I bnale: souvi!!- ; ii'iuajoi dy ih cided to l.-main ' (i',.v; p.lack ( 'reek. Wilson coiintv, ! voted for saloons hv ."i maioritv: at : V,ld,,n the dispensary was " do - ! iVati'd by a vote of fil to 41. Of Uu. ;)1 VnU'il ior baioons, is ttt-ie lieyrocs. m IS Y T $ IS Ell I Lm, E K ph.. a ITcS re H a IS N H i We take pleasure in amioiiiiciiig that our mammoth stock ?all and Winter goods is now ready for your inspection. of I Wo hsive om our shelves the newest that is shown in Fall and Winter gosxls. linings to match WW WW WW in charge of a trained milliner is full of all the newest creations in the millinery art. Our Pattern Hats were never more beau tiful; wecail your especial attention to our line of walking hats. Our line of Ilieifs and Hoys' Clothing and Hats is the best we have ever shown. We keep everything and want your trade, and guarantee to sell as cheap or cheaper than any store in the c()untv, and are I'llTSISDIiO, N. ('. (i.-iU'iiil NfAs Items. Northern N.-w York had its first r 1 1 1 I U SI e I II I o I . , .i , ,,, u:i.v' ( '"' ''I"1"'1 -ra: Satur- . l Ol.., i.. Mil HI! II while w ith snow. i T.,, i,,uii,,i' ,.(oii was vis ited Sunday lii-ht by the :uo-t desti uelive lire in its history. N cle as to the I' i J ill of the lilo Was discovered. ( ioVellior . Vi-'iel; has set le- eeln Ml ii p.t'i::, Cm .lol,' I I I I ' I ' ay of ei i. while v ho was i I 'IN;. i-.,i.:.tv i i '! I Ii. ; I., r !,v.': !.i!l ():ie-li.ii! . i. the I r.ri I uiti ' lb.- Lou-- i.i nl-e ".- r t!i- l'oloniac at Wa'iii...i"ii -ave wav Sunday : n i- !.t ui. e. r t he ( 'i.i ii ai-.f A ! ( lino In joi:,-- V.e, The I ia, el of vva l;e pel sol : be i coliai'.-.i d il.to Ii" I iV a liiarvel o.iiv ter. tluv liniiiali bciii"- 1 j 'slightly cut on the lo Lrac Iclcgrapli Oivrator. I'utte, Mont.. Oct. 17. Two nia d.e.i mounted men to-d.iv r de up the lo iiitie st..!l..n ft Welch'.--Spur, Ivvei.iy mih -s ca- t of this cit v, on t nc .North. -i n i acilic, am, covt :in--the opeintei- vvith their ivvolvcisiirove him iiiM-h- his ol - lice and locked him 111. 'I'lleV llirne.l the si-ual iluilt so as tt. vi..,, l!., e.ll, ('.-..i-t l.iiuileiL w Inch was due in halt an hour, he t peialor, F K. Law, a boy .!' at years, threaten. -I With death ll he moved, crawled on his hands and knee.- to his tele.-r iph k.-y and reachiu-- from under tiie table wired tin- operator at. I ! oniesPiki to teii the eli-illeel- Hot to Stop, .... i i.. I,. .1.1 lllfll,llll.ll ......... v .."I- the train at Welch's Spur. 1 he train went thn-.i"!, the latter place at f-u ty miles an hour and the l.andils tln-u rode ol!. A poss to il; the trail at daylight. A Destructive Lire. Aberdeen, Wash., Oct. lti. in this tow u today caused deaths and d.-stioyed pi. I 'in valued al appr.'Mi. lately one nnl ,. .. , o ..... i. . ii.. ;., ..1 . w' l'V 'T '"' i"1" . ,,ud MV otht S V. ' ) e lllole o!' less ... . I his most di -si i uelive lire wip ed out tell business blocks and residences, caiisii of probably oi.e Not more than oi is stated .1 loss llli. in th-llars. lialf of the I ns led by inuraiict the in- : surance comi'imi. s liaviu- refused ; t- carry auv rt d risk, on accounl 'f the iullam, ,.b!e m..:..i..i o! w hich all the bull iin-s of Abei- ! de.-n are const im ted. INciy bus- iness man in the city is a l"sei eiiuer oy 1110, numi, iciiiev. o, breakage or loss ly tliclt. ! 'ilie world's in tun.- ii c.-rd !! ; :, l.m'.-.ii l,c ii" famous Mrs. .Iein-rs.::i P ivi-i, who 1 ,..(...,... :i ;;l W i ! , ! K-:l:- !.,'.l 1,1 il! h!l!':'ll'l f'T SfV I'.d ..... AT LONDON'S Our stock ofDress (Joods with was never more complete, - always glad to show you whether IT. TAX NO I1C I! As r. ijuiivd by law I will " 1 '' ' , lihices f'T the I'lirpo-e ot eo. 1 1- 111.' tlie ta.ves illle loi me ,)e..i l;to-; i;i..-sbee. FrMay, M. Hi. i oo, Satllld.iV , ' -t. IT. ( Jold-ton's More, Weiine-hiy, -Js. I.o.-kvibe. I huisdav, . l. Ii'.'. New lb .-, Friday, t. Colim-il's ih.ip, SalllldaV, t ct. .il. All l.i:;i.:cl i nr.- ivijiirsted t" trie. ! n.e and pay promptly, and Uh.s .-.;:w costs. ,! 'i:N F. Mil I.!!-.! , Sii.-i ':!)'( "hathaiii County. Sept. 17th, I'.'-.'.-J. .. J .i ( ,!.-., l u,;;-. !l i- said ol John We:,',, V that i o jc. : -al ! to All -lie-- VV . Y ii d" y oil tell that i in!, elan- thin- over alal oi r a- -IfV : th -.b'hll l :-!". bee.,!!-,- .1. ie. tin: . i-m.iijh." It is tor thi r, le-i'i: tii.it y.m are tohi and ajalu that Chaiub- i Cot:. !i 1 !"i:u dy i -.ii i o!u-rip- ! h., i it connit-i act- any I..-V f lb. s.- di.-i- i --s t" iv- iaii: ami t; la idt in I'lie.laionia, and t ii.it it r-lea-ant and s-..f. to take. 1 "l lie by (i. K. l'iikii.ion, drn--iit. , Secrelarv ,b.,- .y has an uov.-d ' ''' esl I UU. I e lor t he -li ppol't ol i he navy lor the l,et fiscal year as lecoinmellded by the chl, t ol iu- ivaus, aii.oun! I..- to ..-loj, ! P.t r.-pn as against 7;,sir,.7Vl, ap aie.i ior me lasi n.ic.i v eai . . K;;i .1 Tea I'cnnv N.ul Iii-. li.m.1. 'IKD W hile opening a bos, .1. C. Mount, of I iilee Mile Day. N. ., ran a ten pelinv nail tl:iou-h the tle.diy pait of his hand. "I tho'luh' at o nee of all the pain ami soie liess I his would cau-e in. , ' he ia s, "and immediately applied Cham berlain s Fain Malm and otvasiou ally ai'terwaiiis. To my suiprin it ii iiioved all pain and i.olt in ss and the llijilli d pal Is w tie quick! v lour heal-'d. For sale by ti. Ji. Filk ' 1 1 - in ton, th u.:;.ist. (i.-n. F. M. Mickle. adjutant "i-Uel al of t he F nited Confederate i ter. ins. has called a Jiiceting til the ei i-iltive committee to con- ene in Lou is iile November 1st h. 'I Ids committee will select tin place lor t he next reunion. 1 1 is staled that I '.all imoiv, Nashv il !e, Atlanta ami Louisville each will invite the Veterans. l o ("lire a Ci-l.i in l )ne Day. Take Laxative Fronio (tipt.iiit1 Tablets. All drugyists refuial the ,U y if it fails to cure. F. W. n.i , im-s signaiurc is 011 cacti pox. 1 I : t- k UMDUH FA I ANNOUNCES! EXT ! U'li-. imk-u-.-Ivt l-t; llu-lv-t tli.- tin.--', pvdm MAK! l-' l. 'I'll ;!,ii- i!; -!..-.! -: with :h. w !wu in.ikir. ' Ik- iin.i .UWIM.I- ,d. v.i:'t iii!i:. in U c.ti call IT-TO-DVIT. CLOTlIli:US AND FFKNISllFUS. l!l Mil LN'JH what it does? 5 U V i'N . i ,.- Cure THE iil lUIAM ilAUHLinVOKKS.? 31eiiiimoBiis and Tombstones,! . ! IC N WD 1 IA! 1 W MAIvH!.! T IV-,..:: ..--i ! - !l..l!:-iU.I "11 , - 1 V,1NM f K : . I; .: r, I , ! .' I I I MM !CL ' J, I " VV 1 I- I I ,-ii.aa. a I . j Notice to CrciHtors. I llitvliv i l-.-'li, .1. -i C.:.i : .1- ,1 '. 11. ...... tr..' -r "f.V.'l'. l.i.tii a. a,.- Ix !. 1. )lll all ),.-l.- 1.- :.. M 1 il-:.lll-l I, 'a C. '.ah! I . ,'L.-.-. I,! U,-- l.M !fl-l'l.f, "'Il er I'.-l- li- llll, I.', I, ' C U.li II-!!.- Will I"' I'lC l l ;""'" ": ' j ill. n r, 1 , .'-. All i.-r-..i.H ni.!..t.t.-t t-i ..v 111 l-le ,0 tU... Oil- " l-l, I". I'"1- t. b. 1. s nm ii. A '.ill A. T. l.filiil.-i.lli, v.y. w-. n- ti u trimmings and WW WW you buy or not. k I WE WANT THE MEN j i in i iloihiti .ti!.i :dl ollu-rs know where to '( OVI Wh-li: llli: LAVISH MIOWINti of i ,,p.; ih.l.oj-M.! i!u- ( iRIiATLS I' C.I.OTHHS t M I . I . V L W AN T I lib MLN to hu.y licit -. il !-iii .ion.-.!.! , -.Ueli.-.l with, and wc in.ikt. out i i !;. vt i.i viv-v. a: i.i v..- !;.-tp .iuu' obji"l in view "u- "iir vloihitK i pi.cb-th.tt nun will set ,r- w Jl .is .:.lv.:'.!i..o- in iONpect to Slvle and AUtr- -v pp.! rd lo si:i: i s. LlMEHAN CO., 1 '3L 1 I .i y n t;om all dei-e lor strong iu- li nefvou.s system to its .ii:d i . ii'--;.r.e-- a ni.in to his Lor i nil r.iitiii. has .uklress KEELEY INSTITUTE, Crcensboro, N. C. t '. .IPP'K'.I!!"!!- Y Stock and Poultry Farm For Rent or Sale. Contain "Jso aeies. I.arj;e wood r.i;ive; line nieadowv; runninj; water; e.oo.1 t.u m l.unl. Located on rail io.ul two miles poin Cumnork. AddresN I', t). Hox Gilford, N. C. Aug. Ui, 1 3"ii. WE WILL PAY SPOT CASH tothosewho will take orders for ; in their section ot the country Address. SOUTHh'RN MANAGER, Greensboro, N, C

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