.Sharps and Flats. For Borne time past doctors in Fraiien have been xvartiiiif; tin' public HKaiu.st the dangers of tin' latest . inzi' opium smoking. The habit lias I. ecu Inti oilmed by officers aiul m hi i -i home fritiii ludu-l'liiiui ami ifta.liiall.x ev tindeil to society at Marsel'li a:i I Toulon. After 1 it-i 11 l; inh nte i in other Heupoiis tile mania has Una reached I'uris. where i! is I I 1 11 n i I hi widely spira l. Al lans' lin ing have In ii i ompleieil for tlu' return m' Pn siilciii lions. fli ami hits family, ami the esei uiix force In Washington lb.- party xxill leave Oystt'r lia neU Momiax uiorn lllg. at !' n'( hick on a spioia! I.oim Island llailroa.l train. Work if Trarlla i I'linyi. T1n viviy lnn--- i,.iir naoiie'i . n .Cincs Used on We-ieri. i. in, !i.' n :i pull siiiiiiliuiicoii-l.i seventeen loin- Ifl'll-lll. ll p'oXX. li HI- !,, -,tx a,i- per day. or " ill plux , ilr-ll ,i:;, h.i: r.ox . nil ill nlm tiilir, xx:!h l i.,'i l .i IT. lime I tools, frmn il . '.i 1 1 . - t.. ni'y a. iv. per ilay. too llttnai-.l. lli. ' Th reader-! tin-, i. xxil'. ...-. 1: 'furn tbal there I- :ti ! im Irn.i ! t .ti it..e I lull - 'lea ii.i i i ,r-w i . tir- ::i .t . U....I Hi,'., an. I ttiilt i ' .tiai-r.i. II i : - i at ir:- a il r- I- tin' nulv ( ulx,- .-nr.' ti..-.v Wii-nint I lie Ein' lrai tiao-ruiix. I'.it.irrn i a 'on Hitutioiiiil .li-ase iv t-:r a . u-iit h. !. I re;iini"iii . Halt -1 nut: t'ii u : . , -1 i , -a u' a: iwlly. ( in,''lir" 1 1 j ,i i ii" i i.i.i l'ii - I'U-mirlit if th-v-'..-:u. fieri-- -i-Mr n i lit: tin' (- Hi 1 i:i -Hi : i .i- li- i- .a U-uiii; the patient streittita l--..ii.l:ii4 "I- 'I " ' 'ii-f-utiir-ii ait I a.-.-i'-i iti,- iiiti;r' in l-i'ii: ri work, t'lit- pr-ipni-r i- li.o.- -.. mo; i luitli.u II - ur.it I vn c i A-'i - iii i - :!! i ; ! 1 1 .1.1 -drfil l 'liar-f 't-.uiv t i i i t it :.n.- : m:. t-enl t.ii-1 1 -r of t-ii:u m.is. vi, !. F. I. hem , ,t i 1 ,h i ., u. .-.1.1 l.y IT i,-,-i-l-, 7 ' Hull's Kiimilv l'ii;- .ir." tin- ' Il.ii- ;, I ' I ..I . I .... . li; Ii hurt, i !, xx . ' I . i o h i.o . ,i lYii.i l.y ii. i - i -v ;ii - ' . .. .-i it l.y not niiin-.viiii: .- i- !. -on ;:.ilti'. IVrU'. lly jl unit I Wlirii il . oiiii- i.i l.i. i.u i i li.v li.ilnnil ti'uiiii .i...si- ..r. n :U',I to use jiliUliH'lil. '.-lii-.Hi itol-i-. A Cough "I have made a most thoroush trial of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ahj am prepared to sav that for all dis eases of the lungs it ne er disap points." J. Eariy l'inie, Ironton, O. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral won't cure rheumatism ; we never said it would. It won't cure dyspepsia; we never claimed it. But it will cure coughs and colds of all kinds. We first said this sixty years ago; we've been saying it ever since. Tbnc lit: Jit., fik.. tl. i Jnniun. Conflu'.t vo;,r do thn Uo a l.o s . to tbkft il. Ttien i If he in t talca it. It tm tei;. yuu Dot iiik? H. tu kouwi. Lrav It w th tiii. i i J. V. AVLKI'l l-t'.'lliu- . LwM'l Mhis. HOol?oioaoirior s.;if : tOHC3 2 I f APUE 2- V CURES nt. Inififfettiiin Eilut ti fen iKimei!'- vJ M ' . in i,r ', lir.R R.T.riiy Co ad siiU in ihe lead- 3 Waterproof j& Oiled Clothing' A. J.Tcr Cx BtistoA, Man. U.S.. -t.-rt m. i-a tci-jt u -.ii. J una 5v. ut I'vifciinre s.,i.. CttS'40M0ilC-4C''il?.r4O4O)l0C'M3 ' v-n and So. 4. ami t... ' ' " """j!w!iv.. . "'' '!'!' "I Bn4 Cm.-U o BO--I !: 1 ''t n- 1 l'l:" l w l-li., .it tl,. m 1 w ti Ir , ... 1 ,i i;r.- n n .. , ,, tvrpia hvi-r 1 h-i! . ,' -v h . ..ik-.:. , u' -..-ri . t. :v c. ; '-..:. ii. 1 1 :-i i r- I :' t lm i oiTli.,1, v r- .ii..: :. I ":-m , u.y rr:- ... ih. Ui ii,-: t. i ! v -. ' 1 " 4DIII iliaiii-: mh ra ll . .N j a.i ."iV?r. Mast. ' '- ho CANOV C4THABTIC ' i'siitl, . P!Mit I'. lu,'-... P -,..-nf Ti.. .1 -4 r - C'.r i. ! !.-. Kir.r S -i:i. W . ,.n r . o : - ' -vr-t l-'i-i 11 l-'i '. '1 -' .--E.it-' ' cj'- L ' L : ' ' .,C!..ak,ir.rN.Y. 6n, ''' """"' i a i tsexteii-Hv.'lv ie-il evf-rvn-l'.-re in :lie 3 fl .i0 K tii;icd n.rlill':.' f.u-l. i in tms. M "sJl ti .... . , I ' tn.' inches loll j i in- ii. iu : lit iimroiin-iv i.i rj its pr .l'ii i. a ll al e nailed 1 Tell vour dmicr " I . M. C." hen 3 i twelve oi In be okn : What kmi! ' S ; j.. , I The Union Hta!!ic CirtridyB Co. I ' bK-IOC.l.FOHT CONN reach li: l I Aimer. Jl.i lli,m,lun.. B I- '" which JT c,i. N. X, 1 U r in J. a .X 4 ; m r mAS Brta iK iii in,-, el'ioilM CiilitiiiKe lllnense. Tin- hIsiMm. liiioull to lalibitui' piowi is a- "I. I. ii U Int." or "Mt'lii lot," lias i-oiui; mi. i pinniineiiiv witliin tbo few yiai-. in. I i Miiil In be u m'Iioiis liui.il an.-e i.i ralbaiH -lusviui; In -i-M'ial Siaii. I'lntii a t'aiiiii'rf.' bulletin pivpaieil by llie Cliii-f ol' tin' li !-ioli ol' i-m laMi' I'.i t lioloyy, il ap peals i liar no way is knou ii in' eiii ini; tin- iii-ea.M or of entiiily viililiiiK :l loe.llity of il lieu nil. e it is well i-Kl.lb-lislieil. Hie wliole siibjrrt of iroat liieiit in.iy be suiniiieil iqi in one way pleveiuiim The ili-ea-e i not coii litieil iii I In- i abbai:e. bin attueks n lllinibel' oi -pei ies beloiluiuu; In tile !i,ii-i,ii.I I':iiiiiI. I'lie planting of oilier etop- lor a loin; .evil's of Veal's is salil 10 be t he only .at isfa. toi y way to an iiil.it i lr.. iliseaso of I lie rabbaie when 11 has oli.e been mo sevioii-. M.iii.m.iii.-iil nt Milk ( .11. in. Tin- 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 r 1 1 of .illavs ale el.V i ill - ; pi opeily ein il.Ueil. anil the leniltli ol tune mi- Keeping luilK therein varies oil I nearly all farms. ,o -ueiess in the i i.-aiiii i ies i. iliie to ihe observance of I a pi-nper decree nl leinp-ra t live, ami i ui iii fanners bo.-onie more obsnviiiH i li ili.it p.. mi they will iiuitinuf to have ibilii ultii's lino of ihe obstai Ies is nu i li'.iiiliii.'-s in the -table, a- well Ms ill I ihe milk liiui.es Tin- regulation of the ! i liuriiiiii. is a- muhiiii: iiuiipareil Willi lib... -.iiifal re.ini.'i.'s of properly Ueepnm ll:.- pli.es ami tlteiisils m ihe ln--l i i.ii,l:i am The water. Iiowomv. ' i- Ihe -omvo nl Ihe uvoatest ilatiuev. ; ll ha- been .lilii.iii-iraleil by aitlial ; experiment thai the l.-vuis of ili-oj.o e!-lui-4 in impure water are arricil wiili-in . hane int. i ihe milk, where lle-y rai'iilly multiply ami aiiso ile.-otu-1 p...it'... --.iit;i-.lioii of Nulini. N.ifn. .iuue.li.. .ii i lie natural ami ' '. -k l::..i:: ..; a -ve.H i:niety of ass. . :i . , i, .!. touetliev.lli.lt a in V in:- ,' :. I .-1 1 . . . : i may yioKI a laicev M"-it;t i.v "i iV'l.il'V pi .'.III.-.' ll. ,ni ,,u .v."o aim ..hi I,.' ii'.ia ni.'.l ;;::' ., ;-m,i of one -pei ,e. alone, v.'tn.i! . pi-i;ii;eiil hi. .mw li i':ia' a In ti!,-.. of !.r i. il.tiaU.V iiio'.e pro- .-: ,i : j:i n- , nil , at mil of a -ait ie oi.e i, .i. -.o oi' p.-. i. a llil oat- ni'i.M 11 I. -: in-i will i ;i-:.l IM..V.- ilian iiaif an .,' : '-J. il -low ll -lit.ly. A ttebl m i-'-''I lo 'h.v ami clover iroiltii ii : -i: :in : : ! hi ,-,i In-r .own alone. A li. p. ' 1 ol olcil.l! a'i.l K-'i:i'r 4: .1 1, . 'I .1 11: limn i:,iu -p.- 1.1 ... bllle , ! . I' "s I 1 1 1' s net I'l.ilital.li. sliipiti.-uu. o ! il I' .11 ib'lliallil ,- In- l oon . inj e. -li ..no A man - .-.! ::. ; be-e mail' r- i.b - .,, I o . o.o ": dri --.-.1 poiiit r. i:..i:i.oi li.- ha- leiloW lei;-, li-i- an. I ic.itacivd le in hi i..:,.o; I ! - 'i l- lin m ami li'! iii'.i. ho ii we will -ay, for il oil i. mil.. . ei i - pi-r pound, am! lip l!,-' ipioVtioll. Illl'l ttlnls ',. ii , irk, ! ,i ,01. nine In , .-i: - per pi, nod. Ii.-ILLllbol . Ui.ll ll.l. Kl.eil the t!'..: : . ! . ". 1 : ,-..w : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 . I. a selected a ml -k.u bleed. He .hip. turn- and li' returns are 11. ov !., W.-le cell's per ! il. o.ir friend alio'lt il. iia-.tio:! ari.es in nuv friend's l: .iolll't 1 net eleven of i- - ii:-;.-a. of nine o-hk per loll j on why he dull t i-l'.i knows that if he sh.ps a barn I , .. half of t Ii. - in l. I and the -i.e.!.-.! or lotion, in- do.-. n't t,.p price, but if be ships ;t l,.u 1- (ml fruit returns with the III'.!.. I .on. I .; 'V ! I illL tile HUH' 1. ! -toi k.'.i lie llltlsl raise that IX el'Vloih does not il l the!'.' I- ll.i daliL-'Or ol over i lie neivk'-l Willi lil-l ' I a s l'ii-. i . la.- oods a:'.- always in . ih. -a hi., in the poultry bll.i .n,y other b.i.ine.. - .1. .'. I'at Ir . i:i The ( 'ultiv.--tor. iii-itmiiiiiral Keeilin;. nill hero try to ib -.-nbe my pij; L.m and hope 1 can make it plain ih lor oiir to uiiderstaud. 1 a -shaped irnui-'li out of one by .i:id one b i;o in -li boanl.: I" ,-od of tloiuii I ii.i 'I A. which is i' one by Uilec III. ll sl.u-, wil'.l il ,111 ill top ell.l to receive U. ii is al." a one by liiree in.-h slat. r t tin 11 ihe trough. I o one bv inn inch sin's, urtecii inches l.inj:. four n al'ernai" sides, and the in li -lats Ion;; eiioiiL'h to e t,i, it. mi of troiiizh. w ben thev ,-ii'e nailed, is -et ill and three inch wkihI pins put I ii'-oie: ;i : lop end to keep pii.'- fimii liltuiL. t ""ii of ploe by drawing out flu- pui' I'art with one by iw.. iin-li sla's ii.i led on .-an bp lakeii off and tfoth 's easily clnaiirH I have a sin rl ''i-ii to -ei ihr ii-ouh in. and 'Vhey li e ir-'ilt'-'tl is tiiled i-iiifll th" -I if floor arid : ; "i rcn Thr-y '-a'.' ivi'ifc on irhor side. wIiti po.'s hip nver f.i'.ir months old thy --In. it!.! ha-, f a l i'L;-''r rt'o'lsli. II :. i- the best thins I ha vp e er tried to T.eep piL-s out of Ih: to irel trough, as tiny more than thei . 1 'ail A. Ueibk ve mi room ones in thi ll The Kpit OllllSt. A 100, 1 liv sknttks. -tin iv 1 f io'ce iil le ' com" CMin cmi ni -i lily cross kn t. :!: 11 ' ! Infill lat'l a' tic Iiiv e em i-i!iice. audi j irta.-l.il, u .mx 01. e e ho j:i'i' a ny xx iii'ie ! 'via- ;jjeuj. l.'i su-:ij v-.i-x. iito hum of ; this Irrjtnbllity fro(uemiy proYM to have b(Mu a Nkiink. They sonietunea annoy ttio been in Kiiiiimer, lint we have umiHlly foil ml them most tronblesouie in the full. One of our nprinries in partleular lias for yearn apparently bi-eii a remilaf slaiii)ilii); tivoiiiiil for skunks, nn, we have killeil thein off by the doen liuv' inu (he tall iiinuilis. After the weather becomes ipiilo cool ilieir ilejireilatious are iiioro disastrous, as their Mi ratehini; on the hive causes the bees to fly out in lat'ue numbers, ami those not ilevniire.! perish by bciin.' chilleil. tioml. lare swarins are souietiiues innieil in ibis inauner. A steel trap is the surest way of riiKliui; one's self of sm-li a uuis aii.e. Wo attach the trap In a stout pule, or NciilitliiiK. about liftcen feet lull),', a. they are not likely to walk off with that, ami set it near tlm hKe en trance. Weilo lint ol leu use halt, but last spvinn after three traps hail been successfully avoiileil several nights in succession, while nut chickens di-ap- peareil like uiaiiic we u.fil ..raps or raw meat as bail, ami with results We take liclil of the cmi of ihe pole :t lit I carefully hobble his sktmkship ilown to the brook, ami all is oier in a tew iiiiuiites. ami with no mini. .u. h i is .ure to be i .iuseil if tlu v are : killed by cluhhhu or siouiim llilas 1. : Pavis, in Amevii an t'tiltivatnr. , k til it tree rtiiiilKie) inn. Ii has I n pretiv coin lu .i civ ilenv oiistvaled that fuiumatioii i.. a remedy for all of the insecl pels h I, n h attai k plant life Thi mi . in. of kfepiim the nicharil in pi ime comliiioii has been Hi. I. , I -oil b the Am i. iiltui al lbir.-au. which has eili'Ulaleil a vtveat ileal of literature relative in this melhoil of ilisjiatchinu' .cale ami other insect lite which will kill the trees if allowed to do so Ihe melhoil followed Is (o 1MI l:o . i:p T N t r. till', iw ,i lent o el 11. IT. tfMll.lTlON. a tree and after fas- iiiiiii. all il.e end. down to prevent I ill till' .-, ,pe "l with i i.e f ii:,.i -. ilit- interior i ie poi-oiio-.i- v apm s. The lilovie.l to mnaiu in post- pre -nbeil !e:iL.'ih ol I line. coveruu 1. ti.ui a i-riaii .-..'icr wl... h ll will b. - been k natio itmciii o o'.ind that tin ,1 biwond pn. Ills,-. la ll.:s ami ill." ha rd- ai::y cpi of pie. w t- iit ha the ili,.. it Ul-L I II w a.ie of n:Uev;..l I ib-v.-ed .-.ml i- b. in; W 111, b II :. p,l..:b;e Ii ,o-:i, the Jloolltll of .una le.pnre.l tor :l each p.. i i, n.ar tree w.i.i, ..f inat-na! and iusuie. tin- app!i. at inuvdu. ed. by te.I al oli.'e. e lai ale of pous- I uti.iua lion of This prcveiit ;i: the same I line ill ol sl.'.tl.-icllt material to e I h:. is do) I the :.-,! I la .-nil. b, Inaklli- II- of !l i-a'na- other siiita- sipiare p:. .e ol cauxas hie inater'ai. and ot, w led marked, As ihis ritis. one w.th i.lll-l lei, i ih' ow a ox i - the it aled mi. and as ihe too UTnllll.l. .1 Is possible illdce tiie . litis, i otil.-io by the examination of blloW in.' i he cubic ' : -pace III be tiled tin :. .- pre.-cnpii'L; the .i in il i iT Uia let'l lls: to I c u.e. I lie, ol d. c lo be opef . tall to the o ac. uiately of the tellt Ihe lilies, lent, of l!f e lived rules f ' uieiizat tiiLL I'il.la.Ielp'na KlllillK V, I ii ...ime re-e raised a,ua:ii-: upper stllpiia: V II li I lii nimil-. ol'je. ali-s ha ell iie of solutions of spi-ci i li v upon pla ni s intended for totaia-. since il .uiudit l'e o.silie for ai in.als in -jot an amoiiid ..Ulhcielil to kill them. While ..tlcii a condition of affairs ,s pos.lble, it is hardly probable .11 the usn,i praitice of w. ed di-.tt u. ti..i I ,1 111 el -collie tin- d. lib till., the li" solutions ol coppei.. . 11: 011 siilphatci is rei ouiiiiendcd in I '.. rind's' l'sillel in No. I'.'i. W'la-lc copperas i. employed. It will be found li.i-es.aiy to bale str..IiL.'.'l sollllloli Ihall whole blue iivi.'l is ll.l .1 t'l.ppeV.ls siiluta.li. -ii.in'nl I"- loin tell to tll'ii ell pel' colli, ol' llboill ol:c pimnd of the 1 hemi.al u 1 .a h cai'.m of water. The results secured with this chemical do not -i .-iu to be .leitf as satisfacinry as where the own r sulphate is us,-.!, nnd the inirc.i.cd -ircii(.'lh of snlaiiou .eii'lired innke. their cost about ihe same. It ruUol not be expei 'cd that all weeds n.ay be de.-trovi d by ciielin. als-. I at least in an icoii'ime al way. ouie w. cds are sn protected by hairs semes and wax as in render their haves un pen ions to the solutions usually 1 m ployed Auaiust sin h weeds ll.e i.e chemiciis will be followed by ib.ap 11 in 11 u results, bin ai:ai:i-t charlock, wild mustard, shepherd'. pe.:-e. wod radi.li and penny 1 res. they may be successfully Used if the appii.-almiis be made accordiiiL; to the .ULt'-l mtis L'iven above. The .ohltillU. !i; .e becll folllld to e" tard ihe L.-1-o.vtii of other weeds, with mil . oinplelely ilestro.vin tli. ni. as fol lows furled du.-k. bindweed, liamle lion, sow thistle and "oouti'l-oi. Ill any case Ihe re. lilt, attained w ill d-.e id upon ihe thotoiiLihiii - - !' tin- apnle a tlotl. 1.1'nmmffcr itiel l'tc A liftlf bor w bo iivr- in 1 lif i- ' frn part of the city 1ms jdfis I i,n-c wmi-ii Ur - e.ut tirti- r- i-ipa . ' tii HVi.iriislirr.eiit ari l Hiruiseni- I his paif-n" and til" turiiibfr ' ! family. j lie is very fond of ,weets e-pe, j of pie w hich his i 111 it ti. 'i make.. 1 othvr day tin v had ei,.-ny p, I dinner ,.1 by ll, f lie bad i.ilen nm- piece ,;i said. "M:.iniin. ' an I e.-u h 1 ' "Vf." lull --letl his 11:01 . an. but may you is the . f tisiinxx '." s.-inl tie- nm xv I .iix..i. t:il IiI.k ). ' jfi'ttuiiiiMf." - I'lilliuleijiliiii l.e j - ' I'll a Coat of llml KuaUa. T i.s eatimHted, uftef thor ough iincstieation, that ninety per cent, of eiety pound of fu'it;ht carried by rail or water has been or will tie rarrieil over the public toads of the country. It is dlllleiilt to impress these fuel :m the public. The fanner does not I'ah'Ulate Ihe wear iiud tear on his horses and vehicles in transporting his products from luune and his pur chases to his home. Ilo does not ihari;v for his time In travelini. over the roads. He is Kent-rally in no par ticular hurry, iiud would as soon make two trips to town as one trip. How to impress on him and ihe public gen erallv the cost of bad roads and the ! profit of conil roads is a problem which ! Professor l.attii. of Ihe l'lirdue l td lersiiy, of Indiana, uiiileriook to solve, i and he seems to have solved II. lie ; laid dow n Ihe ploposit ion that pclina I uelit pind roads would benefit the ' farmer, hetue the communities, in' 1 live different ways, in thai they would: ' r.conotui.:o tune and force in trans 1 povlation between farm and market. laiable the farmer to take advantage I of market llucinatioiis in buiini; and .scllniLi: j Permit trauspiivi.iiion of farm pvod ; 11. Is and purchased commodities diirinu' j tunes of comparative leisure: licdtice the wear and tear on horses, harness and vclm lo; Dnluince the market value of real es tate. In older to ascertain from the fann ers ilicinselvc the fads from which hf could reduce answers, aihriuatii e or uenative. lo hi- proposition, he ad dressed to iheni the followiuu inter-rogatories- lit .t - Aboiii what proportion of the public highway. 111 your county an now uood ura 1 el roads-.' Second Please estimate ihe aievauo in. lease uti dollars and cetitsi in the ' .clinic price an acre of laud thronchout the county as tin- result of such 1: ravel reads l iiivd- It all ih.- public road in your lonniy were colixcl'H-il into improved 'highways, how unicli. in vour .iitdL; ' na-ut. would 11 increase the uerav,e scllinj; price per aire of laud ihfninth Hit your county l-oilith- U b.n would be a lair csii inate of the 00.1 per mile of coinelt-iiu- our cenina-ti dirt roads as the.i now ',.t into ir I uravel road., ptoi iib d. of course. Ihe work were to be per formed e.'on.c.ui. ally under some com petent general supervision, and not hampered by IclthI restrictions': I'ifili - Supposim; that your county were divided into 1'NI acre fat Ills, and , that the avev.iL;e distance of each farm from the market were the miles, what, 111 your .lUilctuclil. would be the aver :ilo' animal "'si mi dollars and cetitsi ... cadi farmer ef our improved hiitli- , w a s ' In ausweriiiit the liftU iiuesinm ploase lake into account the reduced loadi. iu r.ascil time, extra weir and tear, ami los. in .ale. from inability lo deliicf j product when the market i best. Averages from forty counties in his State, from v Inch lie was enabled to : approximate averum-. were as fol- l.'Ws; l ir.t The si v erase e.uin.iicd in : 1 leas,, in th,' ..elllliL. pric of land due to exist inn improved highw ays is Sil.-1. 'per acre The estitm't". from which' this avcrai;.. is made refer in most ! i. i.e. io land, near the improved road-. I Inn in a lew instam es they apply to all lit' lands of the county. The average merease. therefore, of S'i 1 p.-r acre is lower than was intended for ihe lauds near the improved mads. Second The estimated average in- , crease I'd- acre that would result from , impr.iviiiv' all the public roads is 8'.'. ' Third I he estimated aveiaire eosi of ! convert 1111: the cumiiion public roads, ' into improved highways is Sll Pi per ' mile. Kolirth-The est itnaled average an ! tiual loss, per one hundred acres, from I poor loads is $Tli.-S. I lie 1 hen remark, as a result of these; i funre. I If th. -e esiiiuatcs are even approxi- I ' mately correct, they furnish a key I to the satisfactory .solution of the ipies- , j lion of highway improveinent from the I money standpoint, fit the basis of the j 1 last ineiil ione.l estimate, the ii venule j i annual loss an acre from poor roads j is inoiv than seventy-six cents. In! five years the losses would HKKfeiiaie j Jt.'.-J for every section of land, and' this sum would eniistr'tcl two miles at ! a cost of SlUltl a mile, w hich is ?Tt a j mile above the estimated uver.'iKc ' oft ( L'ueti by the fanners themselves. The : nresnit road tux. which, under exist- im; laws, is largely thrown away, j would, inider a proper system of road j maintenance, doubtless keen improver : hmhwajs in perfect repair.'" i 1 f ibe forettoins statmetits are a m ar ' approach to the truth, il follows that i the losses iiinl expenditures v hi li I farmers actually Itu-nr on count of ; ioor roads would alo secure perma- ' n.-ntly piod mad- t'nti any sane man doubt the vvisilnui of exehaiinini; ihe losses, delays, accidents and vexation j of spirit occasioned by bad toads f or th - comfort and other advauiaL.'cs of 4 in n. I roads, win 11 the 10..1 i. the; same 7 1 '"roll! the irive.1 nation, and labels of 1 men intellectually and morally compe-; tent to make them the extvavHsant t lost of bad loads is indisputably pl-newl. I f'-m ihe .laf-meui. of prison olt. ial-- and prison eonimi..ii.n.. who "na-. p had ii .K-(i. . expel e-n. " .p work-it:-; convicts on 'I." public roa.l-. thP opuimn is ii'.iit!'ti,.cis that the rorn a t thus omploypil '. ff iflf'if value 'be ; il!-iie. 1. b"tl.- tr- ied ami illlPi fl. es .... ui'li frt vxav -Liallas ilian in . Ncix-. ix ti mr i f. ll .1.1, "i 'an t x fin- tn i.v nail . ':'' le. : "I !! tvn'i'.l t e a tin -Nearly every a I i-arii Al nm . . I eiicf hi K uut .1 lnt.ii il X' u- : I'm Uloil ' .11 in It i-sia xx cars 1 :oe il xvas I lie jit-ii- I .- ;li.i . a 11. an x. .1 li-1 ,ilt8. in Jr. MM Lament of th Lay Brother. font), O lona' Mv ilayfi (o sad and slow. For ml.1 vuin t si 1 11 11 , incadowa I licar no eattlp low I mlaa tho Del. Is of Karry. Tha green tiukla ami th klne. Ami In my brother's chiiiitlna; Is hi'iird no voice of mine; loitii, O lona' I My nuitea are kIkiI of cheer, i Bui 1. the. Kerr tieaaant. I lined aa.l ami loneli her. ; 1 a.Miit an exile s sia-blns A.-reaa the lUil.-rui sea ; I O won l.t I were tn Kerry. Or the kmc wire hero iih 1110 ! : lima. 1' I01111' ( The Saint sleeps , II. I mm Nor uYrunis that one pom livniher'a ttciritiroke for Ireanil now. lleartbrnko te I'- 11 bl-nlliey Ati.l nab'ti the cuttle fee.l. ; And cull Hie cuttle hoinenai.t A-'t-eaa tlu diirkt'Tihitf m.Niil. bma. O l.-in.i' All ..iiniuier swiiUaws mhv About iir tawers the seaRiills I To Ir.unl take ihi-tr wa. I A ii.i woiilj. I cry with weeping-, "t'lie neaiiulla roa.l were mine, To t-e.ir ami iep tin lowing. The km.l yen of the klne' lona O 1 mi a ! I nlilentirtej. The Worm Turns. I Philadelphia Press. 1 "You're forever try inn to Rive the impression that you "re a martyr," snapped Mrs. Helipeck. "I suppose you want everi body to think that you sitf fi 1 ill silcli, e." "No.'' replied Mr. Ileiipe.k: "I suf fer in the perpetual absence of silence A little silen.e would be a positive pleasure to me." Reflections of a Bachelor. I New York Pres.. 1 (tin- double with the clothes women wear is they have no place tn siiatdl mati hi s mi Just as soon as a pir! noes to hin dicon with married women she hesins to think she is wiu.tly Nothing makes .1 wmnau so furious a.- to pii tine how sweet and sympa thetic lor bitterest rival would be at her funeral When a woman yuts neivotus over I. ! husband's wnrkiiiK so late at ninht in his oft i.-e it is .1 .-ii;n she doesn't he hex e In tu Not Obliged to Smoke. 1 St lands Kepilblii 1 Pn. hi- th - new rule West Point ca dets may .-moke pipes. Probably it is intended 'hat pipes shall conduce not In peace, but to generalship. Pur the benefit of an :011s or alarmed par-nts, it should be state 1 that the rule does not make -mokiui; compulsory. Bulletin Bubbles. 1 Philadelphia Pulletiii.) A peo- h't potter's tield. In ho; xvi at he; ex en a .-Ira a hat is felt. Pea I '..tl.i- io nut icpuie a "post' mortem n iip-tu .'at" iiewspapc! ilocsu't al ways xxe.i' a stylish wrapper A -tliiL-x man may hedi: .111 I still ti u be a In-. In. hoi;, Wht 11 some men ut t a job they are bi t ween tw o Iii es. Unanimous Opinion. 1 Phiiadetphi.i Pi. .... 1 " i h ' ies. i;.ii;i::iii i. .1 ve.-tiyman of nu- . In:r. !' "You don't siv' lb- loi ..n't behaxe a. if he heloiiec I 1 1 any diiiidi." 'Tii. 11 s -.. II. i,cl..i s a- if the ciii.r. h hehuiaeil to him.' rn'siv-r , :. a:,-.- .' t- i.e.- 1". 1 ai-l .1 , - -n dt.-tov :- s:' li e '!. iL-.l! H Si :m- I.' I. ' Ai I. ..:': - -1 - ;.. i ... :.. " x . i . i' i-ia. . -Hex v. x 1::-:. .x - s- aia - x'i 1 !' mr -laeir-ll t-'-liai.--' - ::, I . lT 1 , 1 1 . . r. P. ...ii Mii.i.'lia 11 .'i 11ll.1v- 1 '... - wind. 1 -. a t tti nsiira I'W 1 life ttuea x n dire, a.ir-i m for font irr. ,:iod ital . M R.. !' uia hoi- , a. N V.. Ke'i. 17, PU. ... J.. le si I CM JlV ::if luiilitt In. Ii.i.'i 1 t 1, 1 i ,. : lit lltK ' ol.OIt ll.it-.CS K'I bat;..:-. Good Pills Ayer's Pills arc good liver pills. You know that. The best family laxative you can buy. They keep the bowels regular, cure constipation. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful browner rich Mack? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Noli si 11 J Paragraphs. The titfiitis 1 fircsent nit ihe xvhiu, ii-uil.i:'tiri of 'cent Hritain's iolm:es will ..iirprief nian;.- pirsun-. The it-.'.-Iiortant ton.- are t'ati.i'ia. ."...".."..ttt.n . Australia. M n one. Sonth rfict. S". 011(1; ew Z.-laiol. xil."i.(i'iu winch ttiaki-s a total ol 1 1 ''7,, iiua I't rsans. Theie aie. l,t. xvi xi r. .-a...-, the l.tnoti Time.-. 2" eon xxhiti .i:miil- tu: otriK to the . 1 1 1 1 : .- to -ett. 1 a. li mouth, as a re sult 1 if h ! Tinas in I'liflairl. Alolll I'm l'irv.r:::i'l bi.VS I -in i It i til by tin- lliitiie - l'i -!ri't Tt-I"i;r:iih I'', ill paiix .ti.ii,l .::. :n CliiciiKo. Tills action xxa.- il.-i i.le.l 'iiion as a prote-t anii;n-t th mi.!, ui' iit of colorcil box.-. STRAIGHT TO THE SPOT Acliiiijt I iu ks are ra-nl ii, hack, lid ii ill '.litis i'V,-c,.,-.e. Sxvellitli; t-f tlie limbs, rfu :iina!m a'n! dr-insy s'iriis Tani.li. They corr- tt n i:.e i:ii brivk uii.t bctiinient, liiyli t. i. n l. txussive, tmiu iu f-ns-h: f . ilri'.ibliiu. fi-rjin-noy. Poau's Kinney J'ti'. tiisAoive uJ remove calru'l ar.'i jr.ircl liiHe". e lirart palpiti tii;i. 'ee;.-!t-!sui-..i. hen In!;.'. terPou orss. Tf.LL Cut. Im I rietiveil the free tiial r.f lioan't. Ki iu'-y Tills They are I ! nili'l. I liHl nn an fit! pain in n,v I 1 i. : en taisiu Ha- lulls the pain It'll me ri.:':t a'.xav itn I ! fee! bio- a nexv m.oi :i iihcti s,i h i fi r fts. At nif Am.u'.' s. j;. 1" i. So. 1. !'.! ti-mi. V'.. x.iit-s. I nieivi.l t ite !' e 'rial tl I lean s K i'ltn v I'll Is with Hint h In in I t. My 1'ttle tit-nlicw Mas I hiifft riinj ternbly vxi'li ki lm v trouble j frm si arli t fever. Two tl. itors failt-J to la -i him aa.l he luially xxent info l.':cai-. Ilia I.i 1 he 1- tue l.ilil lte.-Jit avixluc l'n. mid tl.'lil flic fiuu.l Uo.i- WORN OUT, Am Mnst WnttiPn in Siimmnr Pe-ru-na is a Tonic of Efficiency. HTP1II K Ml H U I. t ,111, lli-.Hikl.x 11, N. 1., xxritt-a: I eiuia is .1 tine me. In me 1.1 lake mx lime nt the vear. hill I llaxe folllld 11 e pe. i.illy lielphil to xx ith-iand Ihe weir and tear el' the hot weilt'iev. I line taken ll n.. lor te siuiiiiht-. and teel tti.it 11 lei i.epl 111 sx.tem nee ti.iiu mala via . .mil als.i kept mi' from iuivuii; th.it wnvn out, ilr.ifcineit nut l.k ix In. ii sn iii.inx xxnineii have I tlieivlnre luxe no In .il.on v in ivmc that I think it is l lie 11111-1 tniiie 111 the world " .loM'phuie Morns. Perun.i i tri'iiieiit Ix u-eil a- .1 initial t mn ol the effects nl lint cat her. What .1 hath to the skin. Peiim.i 1- lo Ihe ma . nils lllelllhraue. litllhuii: keep the -kill he.ilthx. Periuia in.ikoi. the imicou- 1111111 br.mes rlean ami lie.dlhy nh the .kin and linn-. 'Us meinbr.iiie. 111 ttn..,l w 01 knit; order hot weather cut lie with-tood with very little sarin 111c Kitiiient bathing nun jn 01c.1s11u1.il use of I'i'liliia ls sine t.i niuikMtf tile li.urni 01 hot xvtatlit'v Mhiix hi. lies luxe ,b-,ox il M.I Ntlaflk, REPEATING RIFLES ST v No matter what your preferences are about a rifle, flxrt't.iiTht Hif Ffe..nf Wim-heStLT models SlUltlX- .tiiV vl uv viH" u ill Miit you. Winchester hl. fur shooiinir anv fame, nmi in inanv stvles and weichts. Whichever model youi ' ' ... .. . j t::. U.,J select, you can count on its reliable in action and a strong, t'Kt't: Pir ItO ' WINCHtSTCR REPEATING OfJaRAN- y it eo Din $5,000 S DANK DEPOSIT Pi IrMi Fais Piid 00 r UK K C ,-i-a Ofte'tJ. (-MriatCott.Wtl- ?j'.i tLORGM'AUIBAMA Bt)StNSSCOLLEQE.tl .n.Ca. USAWMILLSirii villi Hece'a I -ox-i ie I i.e tii-a.ii -. it e.-t 1 1 1 11 r. SO'iiiita::.... i..-' W..rlt.a..i 1'ie II1.1 l ......i Kim u"t- :- V t XX "' li' are ultax IOelle 1 to t' I 3m X . .1X1 11 ll'ITV. M KX1III :t X am. t: x-t "t nCtH iT:,it U rite tor fa!1 xWrlDtf.eete-.:.tr, 'a ,..ta"tu.e I y the S.U.KVi I H'.N XX. ;: K s XX : ..,ii Sil.'.i,N' r tasrsBJ Ml EDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA. y K.i.ilill.heJ IH.1t m I it v r 1 t. : Mfi!'i-:n lnttry si.tl 1 'nfiit.cy. 'Iii.- ;x;y-estt!h Pi" wiii i-.,nitiit'. 1 ri'.fl. yUw 'A, l'1 t- '''ll- I n fwH 1:1.1 1 , tu -x ; ! tkTv tnx.I . r- . K-l Htiii' fill, itt ;im! lurll.f r il:f.MitV ..-I.. m IJ'.ss. i lirUl.'i'tit'r loinrktiiVf. M, iKt 1 eii, lllvhiiiuuda Ixiulm- CURED Gives ft u i c k 8elicf. ropsy Remox-rs nil weUi:' lu 81030 ti.o - . t -ie. t . it i-ei ii-anmt care ::. : ' . i:.ix-. 'li :..! l:r .fulfill . ,. ! : 0 r fs 1 -l t: lew ' an '' l "HI XI :i:.- Dr. H. H. Green's Sons. SjecillHi. Box II. Atlanta, lit. I TORN MILLS and at... HlLLSrONluS S If 111 tee.t or com viii . r Meton.- Q Q ton will flii.l 11 to yoiirlriU'rr.t t.. t'.-.rn-n, i.iJ i with I thnl.lM Mil I..'IVK tit. O O I orrun. Y 4'. u.ar.itra.'lulf nt i.f l orn Mill, from Ihe fam .11. SI.,. .re I'uuut; orll. A Nvs ol th; t)dv. Wit inn a x . ar it i.. . iaiim I t liat tnriiUKli . "ti'i' . ;ion l.x il.a f-a railxx iv will be est ilea-Jt'il lietucen 'Velatni. Oii:i. .1 ti il I'tttsliiim I'm . .1 ili.-.iaii,e of KIT milts. The .-.uititty to lie traverse, by the new lints is very rtuiifli, le.it its iroinoter.. liclil thai ils succi-s s as.-iiii-. A. . orilum to iii;.. v.ho ii.ixe i.een .t n ix inn the ,iie..t ion. tii ,cati .md tt'tat t'Vt iiu I ion of the :eh ialiinc tla . iei. :s etilv a ma'te:' of Mile. In the I 'aaph't'e lp.. si-vi-tiiecn uiain k'.i i f's have l.ien int.! r .lose n;i..t nation Sim ' I viii. .iml all hive -launk steailily (lurin; t!ie iiirioil ..mjc of them 11s ion. li as fifty feet a tiny . the pitiii vxiif. !c.-s He J-.e!m to pain hint is to -day a wi-li boy, Li. life Saved by no'in's Kidney Tills. Hiniii.i.s Mu.f.s, Kv. I rcii'ived the tree trio 01' i ii'.. They did me great jrood i had bladder trouble compelling me to i:et up cffcii rliiiitif; nicht. Now I sleep well ; no pain in neck of biadder; p.tiu in ba- k is goue, nb-o hMdache. Jmj L. Htt.L. loan's rifs. .ct. Unit, a. t.t...t fo fvefvuti tftiAtv xxiT V NAME P. O F..r fr. trial l,i mitil thin eel b r-Hi ...ei. . ,. lttt.Uc S I ..- uiauaitH-iit. wrilv aAlilnwa w ! ap 'EL ; arfTT5f mm .1 ruiP" ,.t"jea DRAGGED OUT, i Mrs. TresHie JSi'Imih, 1'.".' Ulead St., J A.n-lix ille. lenii., xx 1 itoa: i I'truna has done mr 01I of (;uoiI, J frcl in fiiity J btund to tell 0 ti, in hopes tat it may meet the eye of u'O- j nt nu trho ha Htijfered at I have, j "for five year I realty did noil know what a perectly welt day) leas, 11 ml If I ia not ha er nnrtu- j I ache, I fit bticWtehe or a patnj sonieitirff mill real! it life ieaij J not worth Ihe effort I made i keen going. J "A good Irtentl advled me to J 1 ie I 'crii n 'i and I u na ilad to try t J anything, and I um very pteaned 2 lo mi.) thai Hl.r bottteH 111 ml anew J ui.miin ' me and I have nn morel J pniiis ninl life looks fljlj J nualn."llr. Trefle Xvlton. t end that the ttvpres .nm nt hi, I we.nhep in. I the rittni. tlnv haxr been in th li.it,.: 1,1 .itlnl'iituii: to ma. .11 'l iiiuiku .b-.ipif.it xx lien thex n-f Pt ittit.i. I'lna ui In Pel una 1 - ' popuiai xxith them. Pe 11111:1 prox i.le- -!c..ii itiiit nti. tiieiiihr.inea, .nut the 1I1. 111 mile., 11. niriiihr itu s do the re-l ll xon if. 11." .hme pi.xtnpf nd .i i.ntoix re-nits tioin liie tn.e nt Peiunail xxrite at on. e to I i l.n'ttti.111 ftivuur av lull -l.ilcineiil ot ..111 ci.e. and he will be plci-eil to k'ix, x.mi hi. x .tillable advice, prat i. . Idles- lr ll.iuin.in. Pti'Milent ot Tbe Ihll'tlll.tll .s.lllll.ll illlll, t oiltlllhllb, tl. " Ri.les are made in calibers suita- from rabbits to crizzly bears, being wen maue anu nmsmu, accurate snooter. pMt illustnttJ .Jia.' v-w. ARMS CO. NEW HAVEN, CONN mYPEWRITERS T CHEAP! leg I nt st,'.,n.-l..il Ma. huie of till 111 iki's lak!t a lirt p-iv fe tbet t'liv.-i- lU'nlin l..; .lank li'- .ara, J. K, 4 HriIV,l bulftte. N. CU W. L. DOUGLAS 3. & $3 SHOES Vd1! You can save troin 3 to S5 yiarly v ' Wfariiitr W. L. Douglas $3 51) or $3 iho .-. . 'I iu-V rifll.d la-'-" th.lt ll.ive 'I-" in.; ..u fioai t"" to .".it. I lie ini l,i..,.e ..lie ot W. I.. P.cul.is siloes liloxc. then- siij.ertoii'v oxer .ill otlc-v ilia's.'- I i io, retail -li. ,!. lei. CIS exer.VXXilere. t . j l.nok f.-r n one an I Ac ; - 1 U.ttoil. IS. I hat I'uiiirla. il-.- t nr. niMt ..II tir.m-. Ih. r.. x.itin In l..ntft.t. -le. . 1. .1... 10..1. Uriel rat. Leather ma.li-. 4 Of !' ;f'l-' lo "a . f !..,-!.. I -I' H'w t l. M... I.t until. 'J.'i ..10. rlrn. III11.I rule J auili.t- Iree. . I. Unit. I Is. Inm ktun. Mm. I;ii.liis Tfllmles r the b.-st ilysi''sia lint illi Mie ex er mailt. fA hliu. ire I tniliious if tlletll have beOll .olil in ibe I lilted Mutt's iu a single year, livery illnttiM .irisiitK from a tlisortlered .tomai ti i relieveil or cuit il by t In if Use. So coiuliion is ii thai tli.ci.es oriittiite from tjie stotuacli ii may be saleiy as- S'Tteil thlff is 111 col.itltloll of ill bea llh thitl will not be li.tielileil or cured by the ... i a.iona! use ol" llipan Talniles I'hysici.'ins know theiu and siieak li Kli'y of ihoin. All ilrui-'istf sell tin in The live cent I'Ueklllfe in eiioueh for an otil'ii.iry occasion, ami tCe I'niiilly Rottle. s:ly ci UN, conlallia a household supplx for a year. On cenerally gives relief within tweuty m.tjiitcs. o 4i. " NO MORE CURLS IN YOUR HAIR Carpenter's OX MARROW POMADE B t . r r n - twit .pin ( lii'1ifi h . u iiX II. I' " OIHTlU ,rfll!li'kI. ." PRICE, 25 CtNTS. Aidm-. CARPKNTEK & CO., Louisville, Ky. The Effervescent Stomach Cleanser prt'Vi'tits headiithe. t'ii:um?-, c;i(ti(-aiion. At I'rUh'toMt. &H: nod Sla. ui by iiiu.i tfin T tllKIT 4 l Jmj Mn-rl. lwr r.t t.y A.i- -. Plijui.'imii ttiKC 1-44. 1 . t ' . Jfisy