) - I II fv Lv m-r j . 4 - - rcy rct to M'iir "I ViilirUlliatlutmmcrurn wi."f i..c. n, jo,-... - ' f ' Ni'v Hope township, whodiedo 1 US DAY. () lov.r.ii '.). 1 Local Records. 1100tl- lal'ire crov.,1 and ,.,.Lr;,i,t time. Your nots and accounts aro ' - The Supreme Court, on list' Mr. P. II. Petty, of this place,1 duo at JJynuinA; Heailen'sNov. Jst. Tuesday, at.irm... th. jii.liii.-nt . hail the Mi.:r..rtun.. to loso his rlM , , . rendered l.v Jinl-i- ). II. Alh'ii purse containiii- ', I in bills ai:l rim frost yesterday mormmr ,( .lst May term of oin sup..-, soine small chaiero. II,. oil', r, d a covered tlio ground us white, as a ri()). (.nu.( d,.' the railroad rights- reward of s'Kl for its recovery, hut1 liht suosv. of-way are not liable to stock law "is yet not hiny svhatover lias bun The first killing frost of this tax. The hist board of county heard from it. i fall fit this plaeo vu4 on last Tues-' commissioners levied a stock law i Tin; past hound So. y. train has i day morn in;,, tax on tho riy. ht-of-way of the ; beeti unusually lain for 1 1 1 - pa-t ! v i .-,,. t ii railroads in this couutv, and the : two weeks .supposedly on account oar v 2ni) persons hmiyht . ; ' . , ,, .,rn... .t .. . i .. i . . l .r..i v. . l..:.. rai road compuiiieseoiiteiided that "I lln tans at ( ivenshoro and. radroad tu-1 ets f,r thn Mate Lair, vnut last week, at tins place. is Kllstiuned by the Supreme j J'Vei-ht Irallic is heavy over (Ids Corn Khuckins are. now all Court. branch of the 'Suutheni." Nine: the ', and every niulit may ho. . (trains passed throne h here last' hoard the kou-s of the. merry i The many friends of our for- Sunday hesides tho regular sched-1 Bhuekcra. mer countyman, .dr. Philip bar-( (.,1 ones, i w..ll L ,,.. ,d.1 o, h.roA ,vl1, wi!1 r,'-r' t l" ll, iir "f .!!"M We are havm-an epidemic r,f , A well h.o.w. dd eobned (,(m(Ii ()f ,iis ;lt Swepsony. lie, Uills here now 'II,, , must he ! hnck-niason of this p ace, mimed on Wednes lay of last week. Her me , ml ie r ri 1 , ,, ' t 1 Jacob Sutton, died, jiiito suddenly ,..,,.,. u,m,i next day at 1 """in. ii).laii..l .1, posit , . ..uf 'I'l.i.i- leuiains wen; lult I led ni XI as il Sl, h.whe re aioi ind here, on hist lhu.sd.ii. Hanks' Cliapel, .d which church; Frank Kissell has M! ( N(,r. Tho "oldest inhabitant" does she had ln-en a member for -'' f,,k to accept a posilimi with a! not ronioiuhcr ever beforo seeimr years. M r. l'ai rell requests 'J 'he j jrr,.,.rv store at t hat lace. j a snow storm before thero had ItKronn to express his thanks toj1" 'ji,,.').,,.,. (jddiorsc boiler for! bona a killing frost. It is unpre- his friends at Swepsonville and at Mj, J . j; . limm' sawmill has ar-! cedented. his old home for thidr lovin- sym-! nVed anl is hein-' out in place i ,i i i i . ...i.... ; ,. i ., f ' i , . . r 1 . 11 .uni iwuon. .-..i i.i ...o ami mo nun will las hi readiness: CuniiKick Jol I i n-.-. Cumnock, N. C., Oct. -J. f i , , i :.. i.; :.,i.i... r . attended the !air and all repm I ... 1 . i .lack l osl has made nis iiooi ar- ilav lit I era lOllir KICKIU'SS. , . , .. . - Til U KS DAY. Orr.nn: ii 2'.). 1'.m.. j!o W4(S ..' of the oldest physi- l"l'll some ol Uu-reon Several of our yoiiny people last Tin si i . i ...:o 1 ., clans in tins county aim win THEY ASS i: ALL TALKJM.' about W. L. LONDON & SON's sphMitlnl line of3k mi's C IcMiiini k ( )vvrco.its from ?2.si up to floi. 2 ?2 Midi's Suits arc the Km for the ii.-v that 2 2 can 1-hoir.-lit. 1 2' 1 ll you v.ant soincthin- clic.ip look at ihcir $ 5.'"' Suit. II you v:'!.t :-o!iK!hi!i- thai i stj.lidi and iu-.it ih.it will wear well take a Jk peep at their ;-lu.x xi:it. IF YOU WANT 0N TO CET MARRIED & in and i;oo.i eiiom;li tor auvhoJv eall for their 'mi and :;.in Suit., (jther peu- pie vet S20..IO lor them. for work the first 'of the' week, i j) SfSWSfSfjrfirSffV ju i iu i irii oil in ill" .'irtnwiini i Tl . " 4 I t- I J I church here hy its popular pasl,,r, . Who has ever be for., hoard ol '"." '. , "":,L ,,.' ,.. ! i I lev. J. II. Trizelle. Jt h.-an last a smnv storm in this section a11 'j; -f he lar-.. I mey Wo.ls; Sunday ni-ht. early as the 21th day of (Mob..,? j V" '-".VT') V T ' ""Tn'O . . , ,. . S.farasweca am it is nnpr.J '' ' ': 2-...M0 ,.,1 oady. All A. Max H Klashiin.' prices ,.,.,i ,.., i i i, ., sl i..-l,i ' '"' machinery is ot t be latent, up-: r rhht and left at his hi- depart- ,,u.r'v r sow last Saturday n.on.-' ,"-,,i,t" I'ftt.-ni. Mr. Jhirns has '91 1.-.. , incut store at Durham, and is of- niL,;..ni, ll;lt ltsll,nV(,l a;-'-ders loi an lien,, use amount ftl L 1 51 Hi IllHl 1110111 Sl lenil ' l)ar''aius in all lines ol Lfeii- 1.1...1 , .1. , ,. "i Heavy luiaoer I r .xorllie t r il merchandise. I EL l Bl 1 s jr jr 7 i v r f f f r i Bovs' Clothing! it 9 0 T 9 9 p.u lor i! :-i a !-..;. a . . -I aw i lie l.n- !, ...r ve i:.,.-e !!u..l ! ).' SH?RTS AND URDEfiVE AR. Ad k.vov !l..-v , v . I !::. ! hill for ni ..1.' :i pia. We mult l 'A . a I' H'yoii iui to f33v (ilooils that arc (;(0i and at the same time -ood deal enoueh toSIHIUI.e ev-, '"ivy "imher Id' soil hel'll U ervhodv next morniiej hen t hey markels. 3 auokeio the er ,d white I, Mr. LA. lysorhas the latest M It wis d-cidedlv a ,,( o 'l ms a :e 111 l a I s comiiniii- y and' the contrast ' s ' ' mon( hi o. a.,1 will $ VI I TS IIOIIO. N. V. , (), -:!,. heeai.se U''1'-'1' ,',l'li.V ' I'-'il-ls ah, I .-. Hot hilly lit vl. .Mr. I vsor Mill r, t --t ten! leaien if vou want sot thiiir new and nice in the ivay of w'b snow, an overcoat don't fail to c.dl on w'i:il,'V seei..., livMism a- 1 1,. ;!..,. 'n,..v was the lilol inveasp.enii.M.neoicioiinu- -j . k.-.-j. I.im until dan a ny next i Chathaias hirl hunt. is ean ""' (the hopes of reachin.' the .V.m sir i!i Hi. die poiums !i.-iir. otieT nhv h,.. he Mr I vi-v iibiU'i el ...ll's h -III J' tle.d lle( ...j. ....... .......... i , .;i;sS U. I I le'i eMIIIU iV WltlloiH Ii .il' o! lo- : latino the law. The putrid 'es are Mrs..). Ihuditon Ihrie an Haiti to t! very plentiful this year, chii lrei. h.ie voiie on a visit t . , . ' her iiniti.er .il AMaiila. --Our stock of )iy ( Kinds, Clothiii.-. Shoes, Hats and Caps,' fr. 11. A. London, dr. an Lldle.s .Jackets a la I I 11 IS s coal- d III - Id el'. o ( hrilh U le. Ve I. ecu ,i,ds under I'ne iiipi.-.-(ilete. Come to -e us alelweuiil oil a short visit to his parents. ! i In- l.i -.v has exoii'eil. j d ! TiiL- VaiUii'.s Co:.;pa'a iii in fi)i m y,a-. a illitliy ec still. I As 11,. ye,,s iuenase The A, ,, 1,.. )ilU. , ui, h'i' iippeimi- 1 , , . , ,:. ,: , .,11 ... , ' , 1 ' 1 ' 1 I'o 1- .w in ( 1 r;.i and .'iti.and is makiiu laiorabi.- i'-'o-. .' v. j !.,..,.;!!!' il ,, I , '. , J ,v e. i;'r;'f ''i'' '"" 1 ';,,'!'":" "' Some of tie- bovs shootm; 1. 11 ,1 '' ' ' " ' ' ' " ' I'' I . ;... I ,,. ally hi-il I'hll'e M ho.'.!-. III the COil- V,..v j,, ,,. -(.;, 1 1 1 1 t . -, 1 1 11 . .. t 1 1 1 , f , i 1 !., , 1 , Mr. Ihiherl W. Lland. of I hi-; ,' '"".... mi-t dy. I i.e,rd a .). !'. ,rii; ,',r ... ,!.!.-. Ti e.ea,,., p!a,-e. issun,mn,,, as a juror flt r-inaik hat unless,, wa a n.-.v fi vijj.. ,., , ; ;,, ,,,(.,s f 'vntnle.!.- :. 1h.1t .-e-t the law etdlel! on the J.' insl. In:; ?i h., . each V-ar fold ils readers how the l.'U' was. tin 'V ii 11 wo 1 id 1 1 IV i'i'id if i: had 1. t I 11:1 I. lit s! l!i !; .. . r ) e-- i.,p!, v-. I is h.o I, d i . j tr', I .' to I. 1 s!i .-.I !.( l-t .in! 1 ,.. , j". V. d Mr. ,1. V. Oaek to h nave you naiuey. .I.h. Weather hp.ioii, Salil'iii d, N. ( '. When the cili.'iis of this .he n.-i h-n,, of the fed.-ral i-ourl phice a .ioke on list Sunday iuin- at L.deijh. in,' thev wen surprised o liud all .... ,. ... ,, , the roofs covered uith snow, and b; "difor ol I ;m: hi-' o!;. has 1 wo ,1.1 have !,.,. cov- '" 1. iai.: i:ir:o!'i and imi 'n'.v ni.. Id New h mi. whei- -.e-oi.;. Your a!t. I.tion is aeain :i- hili : el. i-i i. ijf. will hi- I.. Id I:. .t v : rd to the ,-ph n did !i f s'n.-s Tu sday. ; ( III r IOl ll u Ih .tden's. "l he;, J, IV,' ! ll . the lar'.'st stn.k of air lieit ... , ..Ii. healers, v,.,,,, ani I,., 0:n,ra! N,w, -.n,. htov-'S for seh :ol houv.s. 'I. h.-ir. j,. tl,,. I...;. I ; at !s !;! ii ed to '-':!' 1 ! jiri-es ale he.v. Tu.-diy the d i -i ..-ii sary c.n 1 led hrii: Li.-. -The teiephoi xciial.ee i. I'.V a y . . I aiajoi i t y. o! M: :.e d' im. in opei.n :om a i ie new ipi it - , t unn. fa! a I f . ;.' a . Ms (ei on the oM -.M iot. ,,, ,,,, t , I'lLid-dil Il.ss Lva llatei:, uho his l.e, u llie ;.,,-, ,,f M.i' .. last Tin's lav. poilte and ni.::eia.: ".-eat r.ii," jias tendered h,r 1. si ...all,,!, t. t.l.'.e M ". I'.. I . I !l , l. ! eU'll. of A-!..- lll'eet the '.' h of i.ext inoi.th. c .!i:ilv. Ii-.s 17 c'.i! ir.-u an 1 i;. :-r in h'hii lieu and eie.il jraniU La lies, no.v is thrf time for ,.' ildreii. ii.lt Co. ll or cai,. liviiillUiV Ihad- -ii haw a splendid line of l.-eli.-n" M-'eki. ideii'e- cmndv ill build ,n to th.-ir aje cant he l.e.-.t. I'o. its and capes, and I he lMin.b. r a le-w eoimly home thai w ill co:.t Tht '.' ar- of the lihe-k L. .h thai they have allea'lv sold spe.d.s h". 0:11) and w ill he the iine.st !u breed and arc beaut:.-... 'i la y are lou h i- for them than 11 v I h i 11 st ... fat that ti.ey arc totally blind. that Could b" s. lid thlolljll llle-e . i i , i, ,.i ,, , , A i 'e'l S. . ,, 111 Idllid eil or more lolllle-e .e; .i.iu.un.s. ..neinan, a look .- ,.,,,,,.,.,, j ,. ,.,. 1 ,If ,,,..), t f"1,:l"1VUl-"- i.Ni .v hern to lake the place of l.e- at- lay. ' ) 'l. -J'.i. V. let. oil. if- shop, s 1 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 x . 1 M. :;!. t l p le., ,d'e , (jlievled lo " and pay pmm 1 , I v, and FA LL A SSii LXC LI KXT ! ei1 lil ni..-. o! I'l .Ml .': ' Ii vile.- ,-i'lt h' US ill ; 1 ; .;, i(' ' . ' 1. A:ao::e (la- iao.i.l! o,t se,-;.,, f Mil MM v, articles u iil be 01,.. oj, . ocenp.) - M" 1 i!:' lial !::::n Ceninl y. :!!! ' he fal":.er i.u inany pait Sept. 17t!i, J '.'.. of the v.i.ri.l it; Li, lal.d, il, Jo .. land, i !,;.;.;, i I .'. : .e !.' !i;a, ele. Tee i i ' , ,. . (hi "ll,l e: I l.e sl.ol; j II; h-i of ''':' (''.V.iV.'w'.io:. d'e.s. l ihiee ;l I he ( 'i, 10 aide at Lellie.iit !.,; - .-: o d-'d. I le- S ii , i intei. ,',..,t W l,-, av :;! I !la 1 '; ' ' V, . I I'- I I . . ; .. I .. e : 1',! -ele.'!..-: '.' A !i.-ii 1.1 d ;n I WE WANT THE P.'iEN e-te.l in -O'oJ v!-!iine and a!! .-'hei e (a )V.I-. Wt -I I; I III. I .'!.,:. :: Ii a:: ::.e h-p -I !':a 1 d i.D. V. i. v M 1 1 i - ! l.n...'. where w 1 -11 : w i , 'i 111 :; :he-. ';' 1 d!i iha' !!.; ' !;e j' 1 ie u .'. anl a:r. Kaap ll 1 ; lue. ,1 ed, ni J.aha - a I', an: a. ...di;;.; Appaul ( Al l. IO M i I S . '. I :.-l ( .! O l il: S WIN to Iniv here . and e make 1 'iir a .,111a 1 .'.da. I in view 'li.d m, 11 will ec ! to S; 1,.- juj M.de- Cross Li:;:-ha:! Co. ,e I i , u:i !! ai.il. v. ..I :ll tin- is. f d' I'.iHl S of 'l i e P-.n.lene. le re and oil tin 11. et V. I'e l-i Ci 1IT1 s 1 ;!'.. .- :. ni hil;.: t"Uald prospee- i:..j ..r !( at V- i:;v pi In ar '.ii'n. iiie 'i'l.eie i-; in da;, je.il y di !'..!!.wi!e.' tl.i.- I), i ji riv.-r coal. .Mr. .1. ('. Adco-k, of ihi . ,.! ar", 1 I IS a p.'ll of l.oe-s I h.d f,,r la'MltV ; '.' nl I'l CI I'. i 'o;ep o.io. 1 for t !: 1 1 .. . e. ; i.- 'i ipdoa; ..j-. 1 1 i.c . oii- Ml: ca'.-l. Ill foi I '.ID I. ! 1 1 im; ra , in I -.- : ... ..!. is and e,.!d. T.:.. V ri. ira 1 v J5 . ... ': . one I I !;! -to;. pe I t :e l:.!i! ll ;i . !:!:. :' mi aci-i n,.t o1' (he ;. i.at.v. s I e,n .- hapiiy. A nan.! i' of " .-r-al!".. w.-te -I,-. iMin-r and t! that v.ei-.- I-... ; heeti,,... .v, ,,. ..(. el.dil.e I f 'it T II, t lu-)li: ( l.l I'l IIII.KS AND 1 I'KNISII IdiS. ;, , e. till." lotliose M ho Mile s hull I - . -V."h. '-- '.'--. v ' i .-i-V-il- '&. ' "31 iT. iaa. ' 'in- oii:i'' l.'.nV Mild lido a .'.. -' -v'.' ....'.'" , . . . 'J'-j; :- ;' - , , j lialie.- al.d was ll nenl; M-i, ,;;s f.-r y'jfHik, . : '! C' ahoiit luelve hours. She said , j' VS",t . ' ' f.t.iX ' !:. she :,., 1... that she ,i heel, ,,tWM ... h-aven I.u. -!:,-, ).!:,. Ii... '. t ,V tli.-r.. hec.-oi-e she had ! ,1 '-V i-' !- i , ' '. "' i: V i - -tm.ler t ii.-i-, I en c i:a, ii, , after la r all I! In Sa,;!o On I'rid ay t.i-hf of next weel tlcre Hill In a er.nud education lahoia is. rally and, ehhr.itiou at (,ldsln v ' ' 1 , "''' w ' "peiat nm in Jli.dl S.hool ii, the mtelest of I "''' fl" ';;' I. "" and side Ca H it;. !,. ) 't. ;. - A rev- : Vas!:in:'toli, Oct. 2!i. --TI- re moval of IV.Muia.sh.-r .1. I). M:;sie of Saiil hliehl. N. '., is reconiu.eiid- ld li I ,,e pi I.-! i , Jiice I ll-pi 1 I : I' l,o , Wi-.o -.. Ill I I i I h.il place In la.d.e Ml ! ili a -! i af ;. il, of I he cliari;. s po--feri'e.l aL"ii.:-l lie- ollici il. The II,' Lai 11 i- said of .1..!.; i ,liee .s-d i dn ; thd.e . -i. .. 1 ' .. . .. . -- .. 1 i'::'! fWJ,- : v4MMr& i: !!.at el' .;, d o-.e Ill.-peCtol' .I..!,!. W...I...- i.. .- ..s.. ...... i. lei ii ii I occi: on s a im- ,'.. , ., oi ni ion. h ho-1 1 lias, in a n on . in wiii..,, , ,i , 1 1 , . . . !.. ! . . i' l i. n. -. . . , There are now in operation in h,. i,oi f !,. i n part d I he n public 'sj I'o.tma-'tei' ( ienerd Id i'. '"'.'' I,ar '" ,v"" :',lv I""1 orth Carolina ih". rural routes ,,.' Santo Dondieo, and which al- i ,ii i i.'i ,...,, ''-'"" 'i d.d r- l. .t i ....: .(.:.. . :. . t a: id I lie mon r n I y ei y mi 1 is con- I, , i... ,, i i., . . . i .i ... ,., ' i.o n s otrj u i e : iv -:n.- ,; inai nun isiniio i nsi 1 1 in ion oi ., , . ...iii. i ... mi;i aim iiu-ii .-i.'iii' . irdiiiiai; learniiio-. A lar.-e crowd is s''i','-a,'.V owr .- u,oihi. J i-hiue-u provisional e, ,,. amiei.t IJoihns u iii he a-k.-d to rnn.e a liected i.l;l an inin aid.; occasion ; ntlir(. nann-.l Lou Ihlloii urn ler 1 1,.- pr.-!, ney nl i.-uerai successor (.. Mr. .Mas.siu lor th" en t. ra. 't is aiiucip.'.ie... trotted a miie at Meiephis on la-t -When you eoh. Durham be ' ""''V i.t, ""i'lecedelded fill rr to call an A. Max for jlllV. ; m''f on.i lainuto ami ..s.l see thing you n.-ed at the lowe-t pri-i"1"s- 'i-s. Ills ''l'eat leililclloli salt s I of dollars worth of ."nods are I lu re be ill-' sold at and hi low cost. Moral. and ::in: tn.-i. ten.leia-V of fh, di-e-K. s ... -Illl ill I - i e I i ( ;;, ,e tint ll 1- w He::i. i.-t. a!,t and .-;,'. tn (.,!... . , !y i. II. I 'ii i. in ton, din..- Il I'lieto I'l.lt.l, IS. ill'- Smitiilieh c. irdine !o ad ii-f s r. ceived hid'.-, . cail.-ed by the ll 11 ll'.el'i ills cU-!olu ; lions,, frauds and prevarications: -bi i id lallilsleis ol war and linalav. I',,,. ., ,.n,.,w.,,.l i.,,.;.. ..! .. I 'I'l.e SI led for t he old!, leak o liow otb r the la st opportunity to ' ( , , 1 1 ; . i i ; k Stomach and I .i'wi- I h.' n-vol't was eiv, n at ..'- r i V. ' ' '.' ' , I ahlets. I.asy ti. take. Pleasant clock iNi.iir.lay l.y tliive cannon in eli'ect. for sale by (i. tl. l'ilk-' Ik-Is. '1 hit same ex.-hiii all the , . " i- 1 1.. : i . . 1 1 . i melon, itlileeist. pa I . -. l. ni llc.-lleiii I ,,,,,!..,. .. . .,,,,, ;, . i ,, ii Co c.as. -Ano la-r lot o nice hnery . ' '' "'t; ' av aire s,,. n. ,,,.,,.;. Saiur.l-iv niyl.t .-.n.! Sun- moi.th. just reeeiv-d ::t L. Londoi, .V I 1 he number o had s r.rms , he inhalu.anls of Mniile , , i,,,, on the .a.lroad, be- Soii s also a nice lot of yard wide the State . I uri iiir tic past stimuli ! La Li-ne and Mm a milled and . , , , , . , , . , i v ,.,i, -..,. black silk. I law. v.. ii ever seen ; i"st hao be.-i ipnte lar-e, as the attacked Santiieo. Ihaitoun is, ,-. , , , N , kana leu I eiiiiv N.dl their nice cloaks and jackets, not :i-"i't ol one hail insurance com- now surround, d hy n vo!:il mnisis ,' , ,, ; ,i h li.ukl. sj . -I i! .. tl;.-1 1ml iv .'' .-' rv. r. New hel'll, 'lit. Jii.--V.-tcr.lay T he i I'a 1 1 1 ia M li d ., I led it lit' In ..mine the people of N'ett hern i'; "'h'-d mi accind of tl.i were awaken, d to the sad le ws preaen. e of tpi.md f. . r ii thai star. c an. cow a i'i l.eviieali ii. w I iia-e I uni l-e !iae and d! n Keelev Cnre this i4 01 b Vi U II AT l i ikils- 1 ii;!:. a i, !.m, ! Jk a. !m je.. .b.i.i. "i ,iei.' . !.-!: !i- ur.. n ...in t-. it I,. i ni , , nhd:; :. a,. ,.:..!:, ,i, '.;!, a man to hi !.. ," a . a d :'.e :n. -. I i ' I al! P.- d . i.lai a J ili"- THiZ KCEI..F.Y INSTlTUTfT. Crectishnro. W. CI. ... . . ..... -i . i ,.'. . aei,ii,.iiiia'ciiv iiiiiiis, ihh-i only for ladies but h-r children. l':i".V S''.VS o incurred olio losses. , wno haveseveied leh-eraphic com- ..... , .. i . .' ..... ,..i ... i . , t .1 I- . ,. ' .: 1 ... . 1 'en e-s ...e.l.io,..-. ...l". .loo..,., ... U I.I -Illll.' !l l.oV . I 'i i i l " f i ' sk;, s "-"-l Kin - Ldward hasapproyedthe v ' ', " ' , The su pp, sed ,.', h r. r as W, il M, , ,,f ' I, M I i y 'lhcir stock of illesseondsis coui-l . . dj- w ., rll " inn. .oil. i.a,, . plete. All kinds of trimmme-s ntnn-ut o Sir Henry MorL-1 lll(.llt is ,.x t . , J . ., . ' . ' ! ' O . 1 1 ' f t - V 1 ' J , ' ' " 1 VV - 'r"' llTTU ' ", iiul ornaments. "'"J" lunu,. , the Lnti.1, Amhas-1 Vj,. ,.,,.,,,,,( , sehamps hax , , .,.,1 . i ! 1 1 ! b, a I. ' l-l..v 1-rt h.s hand "1 tbo.,,bl T . . , sador i.t Madrid, as lb it ish am- i , . , . : .i;,,, . , S.itiiida nijlit tne I'otli hi le ,, -) t,,. pin, .and so,- -It is now tune you were hav- b.issa.lor to the lulled States I,,.", f., j,' Ah ;,.' . . i .,. 1,1 ''""d'"'y ' - Habicbt s ness I his w. mid en ...-cine." besavs in- your huntin --o.itlit and W. L. j succeed thu hit..- Sir.Micha.l Her- ' ' , , ' '' , , , n l'an....in. Witnesses testili.-l be- ..., j,,,,,,,.,!,,,,, v appli.,1 Chan. I)UIllA)i MAIiiiLK V.ORKil C. nily to embark on hoard a vessel . . , . ... ., a in i i in i in . 1 .' 1 . . J fore the col'oliel'S jury tollleht, , ,.).',,';, I ..dm and occasn that they had a .piarr.l in said ;1v :,f(,rw aids. T v uirpri-. .ol'elle-- London ,t Son's is the place lodn-rt .-..l .1 'I'l,.,.- I... ... ., ,r..o. I I. .4 ..t. '..., t ' . . 7 . . .1 . . . o i . o no : 1 loll ll.l f. 1 1- :i fol-ei --ll 1 II 1 1 1 jfuns. l lie iiest siiielc-harr.-l Ijreeeli I' ayet levine utis.rver: iiiere , r . . .' . . iiairoom ai.oiit sua .Mcniows j( t-, .ltl, , v. d all pain an -Kia.lllie-.'iii, ,,r only ;.). 1 his is ai was a slioelillie-accnleiit in upper; - -.'. w He, .Meadows promisine- i luilii .s i , i ,i .... ,i ontsuei o,IU l.iei.e-Un.J)l),h..n.Teeunsfrou.,r.'.yettev.lle yest.-rday mnrniiur, .'aimc.u of 1 .culi-iit W.-si ( ;l .-kly bonus, to eh, bi,,,' 'j - ';;h jju!" ,. p, ijflO up. Shells, shot, powder, the Victim of which Was Lliiln.i 'll is lost. wife back, but Philips refil-ed. ' j;,. ,,,!, ilU""ist. loa.li ii of tools, huntiii!,r coats, cor- j llolnies, wife of the well known I . t; i 1 la y hot li h ft the bar toeether duroy ciij.s, lee-etns, yciud water-j ii.'"io ilriver. The woman, w ho I Attempted AKautioii. land w.-re seen together until u proof shoes, .Ve. J is a )iaralytic, was alone in her si,"i,u i n-.--i'i -it. ! od-hn-k Saturday ni; lit. M. adou.s M irned Atttr M.mv Ve.Us l',fll-i,i.l,,io,.1,.,i',i.,. m ! house on ILobinson street, when' ibniii'toii, N. C., Oct. Jii. A . H-as found dead Sundae inoiiiiiij , ' ," l , ' . -lKkpiuketswe e wi mimer-,. ,,.,. i,,.,. ,.,.f,; , . nan iriviii-- his name as Kavnuui , : ,.vi. L i .1... .: :b i.i.l, liichiuoinl. a., hi. 'Jil.- M ah- i)ii4 una ;. ihi nl l i ,lnifi. t - ;i 1 1-" - . . .. . , . - ... .... i last week. Aiaoiio- thiir victims' Monuments ais! Tomhstones. ! .'. I I I A I 1 " Alh, 1 cailL-Id atire and. before her lieieh- -lose, a tollower ol III. La ton ' Sl.;irs ...jhir, throat as ll choked to a. I . ilai ty ... I alisas ity a In I . I i i '..,,,:,., 1 I ',,, 1.,,. ,,.,t i .. .one l .. . Mis M,,,e S, 1, Molly, i- .,1' ll,ii Hi,, odd,, r i,f 'rue Pi.'iii o I'ois, wno were aiiiacieii oy n. r . , ; ueain. runups is uiui. r arresi. -. - i i . lml tl, i l,io f ulu, .rot In i .L f .lellllS'lU KlTl'llUlS, COIUll leaill 1 .. i"' i e n. , 4l,,y Willi. '.SSCS SSlle CXalllll IioiiL-muni Inwf.loli ,n i.t. I I her, she was almost burnt into a , L-iUoii Horn ahoanl I lie sinov train . ,,, i,,,,.,,.,, it .x, .i; f..i ..i.... i, 11 .crisp. as it was about tod. ; at lor ..Ion- Dr. .1. I'. Kb. in. the coioiar, r. lir- : ..... i town, wliu weie sw ei t hearts feeline- manifested, iviii.on. y n;iy y.ais an., w.ie in. ii rieil In re today alter a sepa- it and found only one dollar in it.' We had fortunately secreted ; our money nut tliat in another pocket, w hich was not in. as it svas about h ' roe. N. C-, at If o'clock this iiiorn- ,., . i... ;,.,. ., si-. L ,.i1 1 1 ... ration of I hii t s -si-m u y. a is. 'I he Durham lferuld: Dm ham conn- in- and landed in the tuiliee sta- ,..,., . i.., di..i ..i - ;.u h,..i ... la ide. i o.,ni is about sixty 1 iv is now spelnline; Upwards of t Ion, where he s as ihai'LTed with s.,jd M,. adous H. i,, I, is ,l,..iil, "hi and I he bride is hardly h-.-s another iar.diiiti per year in buildiui; ma-' iibibictiii; prettv 1 hirteeii-year-ohl a ,, ,;l.s ,,f p,ilip.-,. Philip. I ban tifty-live. ivuh has had a ohsted ; cidim roads and about ten miles ; Maivarct -Mel'abe. daii'dder of a .. 1...,,,., I o. .1... V. ...,., I .... 1 1 v at inal i inn n y before and both We have more than once coin-. of "ood roads are completed an-'well know n ship carp. -liter lure. : term of the ci iniiual eeiii t. haxe he. n in this coimtiv toisi- plnini'd of the inetlieieiicy of theinually. 1 1 is one of t Ik; -aleatest , lose had stow. d t be child in a end decades. I he bride's maideii railroad fivieht service between works in connection with the box car coiitainiii j- show tents and ' naiui; was Mary ?.Ie.Maln ii. here and Charlotte and the many county e-ovci niiicnt. The f-ood other paraphernalia and she was The Ch.-irlotb) Ob-ei vcr says inexcusable delays that occur. We ! loads are now stia tehine- out in discovered there by tins carnival that .John I larrison, the colored regret now to eito another proof : all directions from Durham to- uianaeer, h ho prompt ly turned t he poi t. i on t he 1 1 ;iiu from lloaiu.ke I o l aire .1 ( !ohl in ( ne I My. or lustaueo of this iiiellieieiicy. j wards the counts lines and the abductor over to tin police. The t Charlotte, had a pi uliar acci-' . . The package of sheets lor 'I'm-: people -many ol whom ni lust man had piomis.-d the e-irl a posi- dent last Natiir.I.ay . n aniiir. As 1 .... .... .... i,,.. ,,..,,,, , Town PrOf)crty . Furms IkKl'oltU which were sent from j opposed the move are be-mni ne; t ion w alii t lie cal i ival company to I he ll aiu w as pulli ii ' into Mocks- Tablets. A II .d ue e is i el nnd t he Minei a I lt cl Timber L n n tl S . Charlotte on the Hth of October , to nadize the aihantaircs ollered sell. fetti and Met her by ' an-, ille, a car door slammed on his in. y if it fails to i ure. !!. Y. J. MU III' h P i Is LM V I.I.. ID RE AL ESTATE, did not arrive here until the -JClliJ by the nesv system and are lemhii'- oointmeiit early in the meld as hand, ciittiiiir the ihuuib idi' iros.-'s .si;'iiatuie is on nearly three weeks on the was! I their entire support to thu Move, 'sin was on her way to chinch. 'smoothly at the fust joint. each 'M," (i i eeiisljaro, N. ('. Stock and Poultry Farm Tor Kent or Sale. i .id nils 'J -i . ,n i'e. I .il e,e ss o. J i.t'!... Im. in ..J.e.ys; iiiiiinii water; e..- , i.iii i laiiJ. I oi de.l on rail i -..ul f.v. miles In in 'liiiiiio.k. J,J., - I'. ( i. box 1 s . s.infoid, N. C. Al,.. Id. I'K't. llls. WE WILL PAY SPOT CASH p. th,. y uh.o will lake oidei for ir ia ihiir Ni!nai ol the lOtiutiy. A.'.div-s, bOUmi hlN MANAf iLP, i .1,-eii -l'oio, N. u.