Dr. Murrih ilailey. of Titu.svi'.'e, Penn. lately n--!-!rut-J his 'Mil birth day, an .-specially marked th-. -!:iv !v erasing frcn his !'. 31 i !. : tt-iHlinn over l-'if r 1 . nt-try vid an grpjiatiiiw a!n.iir -1;' Thi- v..- 1 ' i :' .iv.t '' r $.ju,i'.ni :..r.i lT- : . 1 . 1 Texas for (ii iniiv, r a weevil i-Xtcivh-f -I . I-I i.- -: Vil '-(till ..; hill IV'.l"lls 'bat tic. I- has fiiliilloj t!'.- r. , !!.!!. n 1 law. Tho ci..'!ni:sai -i .to-s 1: 't ' iipair. InwriiT, of an if, o-,r, i. ruinator ln-inp ! ; i 1 1 u t ly b.uu I. ALl llRFr) OUT. Tim weary, w OUt, till tiled tee!- fV- lugs come to every body wl:u taxes tin kidneys. When tin. kidneys tin- over worked they fail to perforin tho duties nature has pm i 1 I for tin-!!) to do. When the kidm-vs fall danemn - i!i-- ... ...J a 1 1 1 ; . -1. Iv 1..1. low iniii. iv .li...-A'.' fjers, diabetes, ii j -8 y , ilicuiiiat i-:u. Briuhl's disease. Iioan's Ki.it:' cure all Uidu. j an I bladder ii! tho foil i i tiit Vi-tcraii Johna Hi- i.r, of To ', Walnut Ntrii-t. I i-.11,.:. I . -In th-.- fail of t-pa :,:; ; Ililllll's K n I in V I' iis ;,t t 1 : '.I.a Bros.' .Iriiu st.-u- !r 1 Inn .p.-ri--i : tukin;r a 1 : r - o:' t - i ' 1 1 ; - ' . r 1 -a; -readers of II. .- 1 - H i; I I:..-1 lieVed tin- o' !.;'!a j 1".. ".!!.-. di-p... '. of a l.'iii.i- I w ::'i pain a-r. -. c loins ami l.ei.. .tit, :'. i...t::.:.-r t.'.... During tin' i:.i.'! -. v. I : -i 1 h.-.. ,: I have bed a-'. a, o, r, - v. In 1 iu,: ' Kid hey I'iils v. l.-;i I . "I - :.. of n It :i 1 111 1 . ..... the results .it. d i.e. ' ,.- . factory -i ui.. ;. i! -:.i. v. Ii' : lrolii;!.l tn 11;, no;.. ... 1 i,.-t a- . in- phalicaliy i ii',.. :-e ;: , ,. day as I iU o 1 !' t v . .. : a A I-'l!!.K 'i'tilAi. 0.' rli. ni kw.-y lucdiciur :; ,'in . . M II.-. . r v. 1 I be tii.'iiliil mi ., : ."! '.i any i'. '. Of tllC t'i.!." ! S...I. - l, ,'!, :.! . frcc:tri -'. . '. -i.t:. . '.:i... ..... 1cr-Mill,;:! : ' , I :: .1 1. .. . . '.,; S i l'i K'-i 'l!':' .-;-. l:Vl' ."o ci-,; The Si-sit Litt;e t.ayer. My lit!!.- ... t i- :. : A(!'l K.U-! ' . r : i n:" : ' 1. Thn f - a : -a w . . h-l '' An.i v,:.. : ? - - For r '. 1 " ' I n--k'.l w n His .V. Ill'IUl'-f.! '"I. ' " -I I . .1 IV - . t !. in;;.' . The rr.;-.li ' v.' . - f-f-r .i : '. To u . ' ' : ' I,;. . v Tho I'ttie . - ' ' ' i ' ' ' Vlio ;." OIK Tnjf. t-r '"' : " . sal 1 For tr. ;) i :. '.' .' ! '. " .'Uiiii Till l!..'!:t - ri.il;.'. nr-i."i -if. . no-a1'' 1 . - r ' ' - N-rvi: ..- . ' i ' - Ur.U.H. !..;.!. Il i .... ..- ' ' tin- . 'I i'i . Mr..il;-i' ' - ' tKlltl.lHJ,!-""" .:.' - " ' - ' '. tlon.ttll.i.'.''-; .i.a. ' TI.e f!'.. ... ; - i.- i-'., : orMinmi i. i:. ,a i . riso''.iri far ' rna'.l 1 1 Ii i i i1.' i. ill'ilu I'J- iin I ' 'iii. N. bAm-r.i.,U i i ir--v -. S..l..j -A'. 1 '. Tin- fi'i.,,-. .1 ii. i . .- ' 1 . i ' KPin r.oU' .-,n : i:,. - i - : ' I'M NAM I A Ml 11- I'll , . , briaii 5t .ii. I ! !-'- A Ml. Ill I. '.i . I '' : . I .i .-Ml. ' th.aiK'il In; in1 ; I .'. One t:oiliie Wita tin lotl.i .-. : war is tiny have im pn i- tu . i mntehi on. lull in mull i:.i'i.. The l'ei i nli'iila. ,.,ii ti.at i-a" in II i U- shuns that the .ivi'i.i." :,i ' . of cllililrcll ill tin- uniti- lial w fa. i a i'1'iiliiry a an in lie- I'siitc! .was more than -; in 1S;m ,' i fallen tu i". id, ii, tin-, ii. is.,,1 ,. , than four: in 17.' to ! -- i !:; 'ii.' l!)i, iiiiiiiin; tin- "U.i,i'i- i la--.- - 1 BoHton, to li-s tliiin two. ll.iw'n 1 1 1 1 otmr line lliiii'lri'.l ! i, If. II- v..r I ' i liny i'ii, ot iit.iri n uuil " u.:."' i ' ,.ii HliV'.iliirrn i af. T. .1. i ar.sr .V " ... I 1 . ... We, the an I'T-i-'ii'' ! I. r. , i BHV UT t!i . I i V" f. ;.. !';'.., ln;tly h'.ii'.r ilii-in ai: -e. . in..- .-ii .n anil itnuii 'i iiiy .'i'i.a t, in ..' f iou-irniile n i ic. r ni'.i.. Whi I iiimi. 'A ii'ili.Mi,.. Urn - I ,." 1 1, Obi,,. WiLUI.vo. Iii . o,l il a m ' 'A n a I l SldtS, 'l'i"l '. I' ll". lairnCatiirrn L arm - i.oca i!i;ern4uy. i -big diroi'tly ii(i.iu ttin Maa-l an-t am-' mi - i: feeof luesy?" i . i i'-tl iK - . u-: I'rtr, 7.V. .er ii itiln. xil'l n.- all I iro - -Hall's l iiiiniy I'm- an' ulltl lit' I..oikiI.i. . The 1 1 1 1 ii I i -1 1 lalii"i.i'.'.'. ii' i.pii: -j. iii it Gpriiian hintisijei 'ii v. !,. in- i.t a BtUll.V or the i '.'!;, . i . . ' i i . Ii of lanKlini:' -, In .el- III" li-i Ui.li the enoriitoiis .. -;i 1 . t !. 1 1 y ( i i, . .,! ItWtlinll n.lai- lic.M. il'i s i i i word; then Italian. null "'oi; Fretn li. unli :; n; 'l .i' U.-'i i'!i 6uu, ami S aiii.-h. ith .""", Bilious?. Dizzy? Headache? P.nn back of your eyes? It's your liver! Use Aycr's Pills. Gently laxative; all vtvct ihlc. Sold for 60 years. :!C; Want vnur moustache or r zr..' a beautiful brown or rich black ? I ac BUCKINGHAM'S ilYE nfTT i-t" Tint ' .So 41. I rilllC H0.1 All lis. IJI IS. I IMat i:ub Slrrui.. l-n- li.l. I .t) in t-,i.. r. "i l n jr-itfui-t.. VMMH , ... to. "2 (jA 1 fa . , THI AMERICAN ClrlL. 1 1 1:1. I.i- luii a I' !!! Wi mi. 111 Vi- ; lr.i.liil tin 'J lie i. al i.i .;. al A:io i i. .111 i :. 1. :.., 1, .MUiiui. .... ,1, ii .-.. ,., I. ni.-i:i : Uti'll a ic Im 1 . I..-.- iKIflicS il llil j I '! ' -.H-i.il mi n-y-ijii l.n'Uil j . 1,11. I' ale ll.it hi'l- life. of l -i- life, tor Ini' to I : i i ! ,i e".i- -i.e. y-ar in ami year , 'i. i-i- ii'i'c of iii uirK ;ili tbeir I. ill i. .ii !''-' n' ;.al'. ill lll'l I'll. --, ill i..:-..-.i,ii' an. I m jaclit.i.i. I'i-i arc ,:,.ii'.,,. -- l.; -.il of i he . la--. Ilm II. III.' ijii'n lint HHII. I T "lie I.e..:. I'd il.-. !-.;!.! iiinon- -iieiiiy mil - 1..H ..'o.:,.. ;::.! n.e:ii!'. :- "f thi ie.s- ia-- ai ' :i.-re! - : lie' lin'l. '': .1 .'. :i' a I - ln..! Iiali in ;. Uo:-K'.i.u . i.nlie- it i!n .Irawiiij I :...!, I': !'' So ll-e t i'i'Ml A:.. 1 a . i, i :! a ill not I,.- I.miii.1 in In f I' .,a-i -In- wears i: '!,,,, ii,,!!,..,! M , .,.v ,. !..'. Mill! l-'.ll tfl.i. Wl'ell j ji vtitehiili'. lie .!',:! Ua'-i "n'n.K. i .0 rail:.'.' -lie j,,,.,,, ;l. ,, i.. :,. n. ai , I ". v. ! ;. 1, .'!,, I,,-- i . .,.,.!... .,( .,'U !! '!': I I .'-- 1','V ... il , ill,- of "Id i ll. II. I' ll hef lo .. fit. n tl... ' I'.' f .i e ,.; ...1. laev 'li'l'-.- : in i ...' -:i .- ai iai:i ,. i al.e ia'-. il look I..,.-,;- V1:...'V, r .. ..I.-! I ne true a,, ill u ;.! a!w a -,l! i wol.tan at'l'.o I . r, .ii. i 'I tie li. I I - . I..I l l.-ki ii. j.,:',i of fiati M-.i ,,: ., l;Ml;i It n ,. I' in. .!!.- of ill. :l fa- ' 1 ' '. - ! !; I. .. :.,.'- e.l I- 111"', . ;. . I..'' II ila! .n.ii ! c.i.:.!. ...I-i ic. j ,; ii,,,l. i,..;;. la in- i. ..i-rn v.' a hue. na-iiiia l!i.-:c '- -mi .m .-lo-.-ar i.it- f-r .i.i.ii. Y.iU j :. si- tw., it- ai f : - ff-ci 'in' a....' :. a.i in- in . , -n, male in ., fan' ..: pad,'.-.! .-.!. ..- at- Ten. rife, j.,,,.,, pn,;, i:,: : -ii'- v-e ui i'iuiiv and j i (,.-- i' !" - r- .- ii ie...-,i.,.,,,.s. .Ml j ly j, , -I., i.i:.-; - e'nn t: ""i ;!l..i'. anil j,.,tt-., ,!,-, oti ti.- i!" .'i a c met i ..in-oaf naimi ate! r-iiii'.-l in a I i- . .r i n ,1 to tian: 'ne 'nine I'liel ho e i .ll :. .1-.' I aii .il-o l a'.h d upon ti I. ei- i'.'A II. sort- of i iiri.iii in-!, i. - la i -. -i ena.l'ia i. - ratifies -l,a:.,ie ,at""' I tl'i'lC-' ll :- al-o u I i , , I.. i pai'at- li-'".i -;,k In. - .a- I- lav. n -l la : ami ! , - sl.p ,..,. fn. ha' - -.piai'i- ..-I, i,n:-il off Hi lol.i i- -nil M-i i.ipn ,-d in iis i.i'iih' ..f a. u:i;i.i-' i I "III l.-. 1 1... i.i.ii.auiiv l'i. ,1,'H- ill'.- eXir.lMI-i.lhlly K'oUoll in.. 1 1. idea to k-en thein llaf at ti,.- li.e and HI ill the bottom. I III- oil, l. .-,', ,,f a Ian,.- . t. l-e-l of ill- pet a f.'.lls iihd iloiilee-. hia-e. p 'llicoais arc - t'-inne-'d tb.i'l lo-l i'':ni,uiai- are t Tliel'e is ili;te 11 1 and .a-.;,- ..;- '.ic.;. alal while, atl.l ilU .. , ,, -. o ... os ale ill f.lll. y a, ' :-. ii.l: : ,'!nl ba'.-'-. A'nel'l- ,111 ..i I. I'., i ll. :o , I l.ii.il.HHv. . .n,. .a. .nil. ii. i.i ihe I'i.ii ,. .- jt j. ;.pi ! . :;t to i.'i-.'i v ml c.i es I..' 11. !'.', ill'l - . ho IHV lio-soss, ., of ,1 . o' ph. s,.';i; . li ii la do not ..i. it i!:at ai .iahii y and kindliness a' -.i.ii-it v !i!"b arc .,ilalili-'s J...- - -..! i- " i- . cer. .'in aiooimi of pride. . a j'.-- on l-,'!i-;!.i a---, v. liich. Hi the , ,1-,'t ... i. an obstacle lo all I ii. I I i.. I . -;, on t ii.-i r i.iod In.. i. . wiih w olll-ll as well : ..... ; :. ! lh.-y do lint tak- it -', a;,, i.e. thit a tiyt liiiii' more . ..i ih ... 'h an ;.. !o..h pr-ny ,1 ir, w ,-;..-- Mrs. l I. A. in- i" an i lit. --li. They arp I,, .- -in,," an nititnd" of .mi ll lou.ifil ,abi -.- - and all on their .superior looks'. i -. i if!. :,!, iinnti l.iat sUe nas a 1 i y to d '!' 0 I upon for . . . ap : t-s a. i riiioable ami '..Hi! a ', :i bp. i atiu c i !m apin iliiii to olhors ! In a i .'.re r. al and pei uia nelil way. l:.-;illtv I- truly but -hi'l deep, but ll I b 1 1 t . 1 1 liltlire will, ill the loll- mil. ' will mole li'ieiid-i tr-ie. butini: friends I - :!!!! a1! the Ila-hi:!,; eyes and pearly j t.'"ib in tli" "!'l f (,, .ii- i i pt'i ,ly tfirln. liovvevrr, if i-aiiiiot l ni-il I Ii:. I there lire Millio ns r.pii.b!,' as ihay an- pretty, but this is i.t tin- i nl,-, by any means. There ie o liei . who a re fiitlly nuiiiibb1, lint ho i : Ic .. no oftiU't lo exhibit the fai t. n.-'l.t en ccr.itiu uwisivui. Thvuv girl imt thpmwplvos !n a false llclit anil cause others to iielievo tbcui IncUiti in n quality ' liich tiny-the boiiutics - i!u not think it mo. 1I1 v'ni'c t' v l.ihit. In nril. i' 1.1 l.e l.uj.ii,.-; ai'.-l In lnvi .l. a iil'l -!i"i'M i vlip-il !e"' ! ' - '"'.! a... .,ity 1 . I ;.. .., " . - 'I .!:! Ii'.-- A ma 11 w in : I'1' : ! lee!,-, -.r.t.l ill l.-ai i- ' .fetty the ! :,.- : -"1 " a tiJ jm ui' l.i-ti'ii. i ii :'i"o' paiiti.'l' irii l c to ie-" n lii 'ie ,,,,,,,., p,,,,,,!-!! 1 Tli stilrt iii-i .Phi lo t. li.al'.l : a' tie "Ion vai-t 1 1 i.i ii i.i'.i i ,! ila i i' c tiltay hr' we -'. and t . !i.iu i I, ! a u! Iii" -liM II. IM ii. a, I, m.l a- i.o.,l, . ,.' o i i, ; i jn. l i.e.v the . iL ei .m.l in tfotit the ; j.,.-:j...t i- .-tn .'i-y !. v ami iitiili-l I v.,j li'Se.-. A te l'i '' 'hi! - , ,,., .va;st t I ii- i.t -it let -'i'. I1'1' ii,. v iih Lia. I; in.ii-e I-.-,. ; - : i.'l ,:i!s i j-.,r . ,..,., !,,., s. ll.e La. a. "1 I il'' ! ;,,;,. ,.,,( ii ( ; ; , - : in ihe t',.:.i j , .,.,, j, ., .!i.,.. !ii. Ii i drawt, ; jm,, the whim !- a n.ii i"" l-l.o i. i. .: .;t. H.-S..W ihe I..'!. .-',", :l I j ,.N.,M j ,,,. . , i ;, narrow '. J ,,Vl.- the lltlK. W..ii t o ''.l" ' j j,, t.,,,,, l.;. y. ,'. ;": Hi'iulit li.'lh. ::lal ""in el' "'i w I. iti- a:-l. It i- y ! ,v !v n . I .1 ai i.ii.k ! in- :;!" - -i' ' Y I.:.,, K 111., ,11' i- II .1 I'1' ''"' i ,, ! .a, i,,,. . . :, .. . ::- ..",..., I . ... I!' a . il-:..!). I il- I. nl. (on. Win!,- iiiaaU ard n.a'i"!.- t'l" ; ( .-:i i It i-i i.i ui .. a' t.o: -" ! x '! f .1. ;-, '-.l I I . i: a- II' f - ih l',.'..,i'.'ll'.. . .'!'! .'I'e I.. I V il" !..! -Il..; I :. i I ll'.'e'- il- !' ' 'Il 1 'a' ; t.-i oi 1...-H, l.y -'l ei' i" i'i - oii. ' j -niall .w it. la-, i.. i!.' :a it." I I ' j litttii.iti Inlif I- oi : !i m .-:'t I'1 I W.ll..l U i.'l l,a. 1. ! m lie I H!.. i vi...iv oi .a!-.- h.., . ,I -;. red i.,. a i lew . vtra l ai-'e'l- le-M v. .aiei use n.aj li'.i-' JU-I ii.'W !' ll-il' fore- .:iii' i iai. '.i ,i'lirili!.ii. of .1 -" ! I. air l.iiii'U I and i.ai'ie: ;. i ri- I or .he I, a r i... :U- ! and :l li'l .' ha!, h - I.t- 1 . I., iv... cMoltill lo . ii" - Hill-. I', I .1 Ti,.. j-., ' la. . e.,1 lam .1, Iin:.-' '..'III.. 1 ii:-i Ii ...:a : o . i.t. in. ,i slim v . -..ill- liar.- j ! I' ll.-i, ! "I tl.eil 1'-"' 'i : thnii i" ., ih h - i -In- lia . I., l -.a it h hlakiiii' voir t-'- til-1 i "'. It Is .ij.l for iialii--iion. t!,i- app.or.lu-. nml t-r ..lie's ,- lit.oii t. ii -aiilh a- v.eT as .aie's t .ni .-. 'I in- .:! "" 1 - n i h- iv a: : he '.' -P. ,:,:! : I.i- tiu- -in i.i. -I pait !' Ii." ' '' I IV Id. ll I V .' ! ' i ' - t!l- 111" iv at.-l. i-n, I . "t i-ili ,y S.lil t I'littN llioniiii V..-I . .- .! 'I Iii, :i, j. .;. -i in., ..lis re.-r at I, ulid. -.1 lie Ni- H p. 'I I V. I I .11 nl i i nl ..I! I'-lll e- l.s of. i I -I h -I i: a s I"- who ar- ii-' !"l.una' '''' I spe- in, .-ii- ol In .' hati'ia ;ait ni,., t, I an illllv t ,::.' ii.nl I- -i'.'-e'a;',y j h,,.,', in ln i i .. a. I. in. H, oil of I .. I-i - ai . I ni.-tal:.- u hil- tin i- a:.- m.l a f-v- "'i' "' s M lil r t M-la'l. "I." : I'e I 'l' i ' i' " ! ! - i.' pi. .ml - .-ini rcidlN :'f Iii- cviui-ii. hat puis, ami i in. nous, inn. -o ihains which their .-b-ver linu.-r- bave asbloiicf Truly n pretty pastime. : ml a useful one to l o..;. and in e ,a' ihe tad ll a ih i a of b-M'1-,1 li has ,,!r,a, P, liaua.-il. Ibis I. a ,. w lin li women w ill ,.. wi il to on'ma - New V'-ik fonilnerciai Ad el t .-'!'. I lull for lines m .i.i". ( 111.- of ill- lllo.t I I. V be!,-l oh'I't iiiternr.ses is th- i. ropes--1 ,-i,b h,,iis,. r..f ma ids . ..ni.- ' I i.1 I.-ue. Tbe w oi k w ,.s mi.!, sludelils' as-oeiatioii of ll -ar C'l- ,,' ' ', is now under the ilii-c li-ci of ih- - '! le-e set I ieliii-l.t ils.iii ialioll o' 'ass;.- . .. .. .. . , . 1 1. tiiniii ,,i w, . os . ... , xi1.i(111., ,.stiIlial,,, ;ll tr.,u in-, to ' " V- " l';'1"";' Mi ,,.,,.,,.,,1. and one of, be ne.st 'IV '' v1'';1- ''".jilestr.lclive. was the Ililickl-V. Mi.,-.. lM,,, A -mill.,,- in.,':.'. -la,,,.,, o mv f , .,.,. ,,,,.,, LnH!-V "'"r" ' , an a wa- less ,, in s,c of the every . .inn- ,s toiind , ih- '" j ,m.v , . ilr , ,,,,,,, M,"s 11 ' ,- , , were um.sitally heavy. Ih.i.bl.y ami .-ervimis t ,. o ... I-.., in- ,-. .. ( ( i ((.,1,,Vl.il nt..,,.y IS slliiol ie I "J I'lO'ii' In- 1. 1, 111 Suc.lell lll'.l bl ill" ilOelest iroina lai-se endow ,,,-e, - t: 1 II i:ceplli'-'. I',, i, kl.- nlul tini.iiiii'.il" r.ncklcs are prou. in. ntly i . ii r..re .mailt. 'I ii i - i- partly He- I'cs i! of .1- :, .linn of hiiher iion . . P.: which ...Ids of lebet. dl'.iWII tt!l'oll"h an ol- loti". l.tn Ule. shaped .- is to ."librae,, lieaily half its . ii-. n iu !" fence, is an almost necessary addi ioti Larc ..j.t.tiv aim 1-1.1i12.il ..--I ma iuonu snap-n I I nckh s- hiiwcvfr. arc rn'eh tisr 1 if; , e,,i,t,j,,atioii w 1 1 Ii ribbon triu niin-:- on dber hats inn I to, pics. Ami. in; ib.- i tY.-r.-nc -ort of buckle- providiil for tln-s.. pufpos. s. tl,.. -n ail r nun. bet- ari iu -ilt metal s, w ith cut st, e poll. is, in chaste and inetal "ilt or silvered or in j. t.-.Millinery 'IT ado B.Vi.w. MAimli-rs of 1-;ui;iriprlnc, Tlie (rreat iron bridi'e over the I tan iibe. neiir .Itillor, which is nearly Mil, yards Imiij and wci-h a ::uimi tons, inn been Hlllftell to a lieW Jiosltioll Ubollt loll yards distant. Th" whole work wat Uou iu fwrli' uiluutc iv"-J.lf ILE ''3 LSN"- . L - ;, '.:. ,,'ini- - i'.'i-.. ' .; .- .1" I e : I.,,,.-.: l.y H..' ;!. l. ..lie r :. y. "i . i'lii. : im- fan...:;- rn.neil i:i,. .nie.s ,. st. i ;. ar. .c.i me lt:.it. Pa- ea-i'.' ;:- '-'l'i! in ihe year I.M.". j:.; ( in- l.i-;.i.i.'i 'ai i in- l'in-- - a:, im al '.'I ..iv ;.. ... . i.i .. .m : .ii , i.ill'.'il I' " a I'-" An.i'e ..' :'' ii.n.,-i. r ai -"ii- I :(.., ! "V;ll!"l I I.i -i.o.V .' 1,1 III. I'I- I I' aU';e .::,!. of ' kl.!.. all i 1 1 .en Ii.a.' Ian. ill ni. ;o ..- . :,n". in I ' l'i O' -.1 '. a . - oalKln :..r il . A . . a ai ,-n n-."l -..I ih. Hertz. ,n.'. . -- ! .i.li- -i ilial ! I,. 1. ai' .'..'. ' i . i .; 'Hi.' ..in , i . . ! ;i e it - :! . r - i ; i . .! I.-, i aai . :.. a I.. .'tiiiM, . ti. .. ..... .'.lal j. at,, la "; Hie , ah ,, -ii ii k -I -. r i :.. I- ,.l.."!l.. ! a .'..I :. ..',., , .! ,. vai .a;.- SI erks a of Ni, .ii-aiila. and fn'ted Siao i ..!. oi 1 Norte. ,iv.i.-' , l ,.ni'- al'el kin. i.i.- In- iui..i' . d into i : i :!h ad ; 1 mud St. . Tl . I.i! i to t: !, - i..r indnlnal pur .. : sharks is i i:.'..!ii-. . : . .."an i:le rv k' ,'l l! a a .'.t. J.' , ,,i . i.. '. no i-j..ii ' duty : ... .: .iditei .let i ',! ti ,.ni II . I.idni Is fan.. a:- l-r . inn-a il-.it. ' 'n - aiy ti.i. i iiia kly . I ll-lnlli; ft-'. l- of .; d ih-' -in.nrioi.iy ...t- is asei'ili.,1 to ,: ,. . . :.t ,.,.,! I : ..in , .". ;n li..!ia e' 1 1 , i. -i-.i.e. 'i ;: i and ..-fleet .pi:. - -j ,i i;,,. j,. i p-uiiisiila has ri;- .! I., ll. V ;:!.' dislrh'l eljstals. I. ,,;;." ..t m i-.o. ile inii-.i have I , .,,,1 .e . i! . .l-liriili t.-.l fed ,-. il. I . - 'I ,..,n -s!ialiy tln-y .... ;: , i,, i'V-ii in India . . .., il . . ar.h I.a- I ol I., -n .. ..i ,;. i to pi -' ci." Iin- , . ..: . ..il.-'fltlticfc ol ihi- .-1..I v., in: ... I. mi. ml. I o ! ki'lon .l i t Ho' I : ( "I- .- ., .. ,, ha- of i n . tit y. ai s i,. I pi,; and 1 , , .... ,i-I - a i o ,.,i ol the lal. nail- laxorile tn-i'i ol . i i . 1 1 i s : . . Twcli'.y I ,..i . -,. r. il v .,- still ., n-v-,i. .... .i in.: i'.i; p.;:.il . r- v. ,, : less s. ri.. .-lo s. tlnin it liii i . , s i.i .la;. . ll a- w.'.li -m.l.1-. . i- J.!., o . tin 1. i..: e, that n I. A . .'. at . ...Innit. d I-, tl - salni'i e In-. ! i ... . ..I ih- t;...al S.'i, et li- Society of li-.l ihlll i,h In aid th- pre ill l-oi'.l Is. i ui .ii.i,..'. i.c- T . c i '.. ys a- ihe . !!.,. ,-, ,1' hi- pap.-r for ill"- evelinii. I-i that t.l-ak laud, w ll-To tin- after- . , I'll!, ol t. .1 is il - UlliNclsllI ll.ll.il. l.e eamlcl ho...', lo -lip ov. l ll.- teapot .. ,. :., iesi th- .i i' all":. o lis . -at : , , . a , le t - in ii Lot. I W-lviii ; ! : an . :,liais,Hi -1 M. I "I nidi- ; '...,': in ptopolil'ill to li.e Mll'i'.o'e oT i. '.'.rot. atnl wished to show liuU :!;, surface of ll'.- teapot niiilii bo re- llllee l to .1 l-i.e lll'l- tin' -.V Weill. I l... I-.iii. t l;p il w.iiin. hat make it a-iivi!' colder. Tin- l.oy on the back seal li-i. tied .Mi. rl.v. li-i.- al last was a p:.a ina! u-c for sci.-n - l!y Inati'l p . ,.n :.i i. .....,s ol si .eaiit-eall.v exact t. : ,.- i - 'I - ciilid-ei - ma- t.-a en y li , t -1 P.- .l,s,en.se.l v. ila atnl one's i..r,iii.e i ...!-. Thi-oili!: .-n il. -s for 1 , n'.a- lie- la,', iri'.d to I'-ll-.w tin- coiu-e oi ilie ai ..a, a. -id. At ia-i lord Kehiu r ach. d I-i i' elusion. "TI.e proper - ,'. in -',"!'!. for III- id.al Icatiot." he ; , ,! "i apieoMinately that "f ,.. ol .tlllai illl'di'll pel "-ll.il pel's W. el.ly. Illsi.nl.' lri-.t I li-i-n. In p,.ii i ..I loss ol life, til- IVshriso i a-. ..n-iii. ill . t. -I'. r. 1-S7I. w as 11,., -I S.M-I ,V il. This thi- coiiniry lias - binned .ever Jooii .tro;i;i' millions III lli.lle ll.il-s. II dollat- worth or tlluiiel' nlul oiuer ,y. The nutiibei- of lives lost ,;s h..W.'.-ll l"IMI illill l."."ll. III. Itlllilll lie.; i'I.i half of the town of lVshtieo. AI'o.H I li. -nine titue. a lies of tires ... an re, I ,i, ,,-hii'a a hieb scleral I, I.c.l p.-r-'.ns peri-h.-d. The prop- - l i.i ..-s w as about sn noo.iiiiii I iiir.ni tin- eariv part oi Septeti-i ,-r. T-sl. ileal f.il'esl lire- nuaili swept Mnhii-aii. and the iiiir."--alc of llie lafiotts areas burned was nniic lhali ts io .,, II, lie !ni!es Tin" nrsi-ell.'ilieoilS , i i.a pei'. v I. i-n-, iii addition P. tin um ber .leStl'I.Vl'll illliolllltel to SJ I II lll.lll II I. I'llllV ."il'IIU people Wel'c left destitute, i and Ihe niiiiilief of lives lo.-l has heeti ."INI live- Were lo-l. alld lllol'. til. Ill JIM I lib led lleslit llc. I he .1 property was s-j.'i,. ',1 1 11 H I I II III. Tin- most r in ileal disaster froiii : tor, inv was mat i .-epi.'ii.oei. j bio.', in I M'.-ioii and Wn-lonytoli. It I loMilled in a !" of eii'liteen lives nud P.', I II H I.I 11 K I in timb.r allll piopiity i.t j various kinds -il Suter. tu ll-vi. w i of Kc ieiv. ...... . ...n. Tljerr- se-n,s ; .c a ttcit .V..1 of iiii.apiireli-iision m r.-aard to the vilue (,f ecrtniti i oins h.-r.- in Ann rica The I ((ilnml.iaii half dollar of ivrj. w hiib is the ran -i of ihe two l oliiinbiaii half-dollars stian , wtirtli to dealers only !ifl tin- i . ti t Hi casionally dealers ask as Inih as scv.-iity-tive cents for then', but ibey will not .ay that much. Ihe Im li'-dollar of lv.'u. it in what is tailed ihe "mint slate." would perhaps be worth lis llillcb as one dollar, not m-If the coin Ih iiiueli worn l y i in nlatioii, the value would hu less - U ' -ti); ii'k Uouic I'oiu-nauiou. Household To I. mill. -ii : Hull It.iiilil. A il.eot.lt.il s.IVs that while wool v. o:k and illiiw paper n-t only n I'Mctively livhiiii a ill. II loom, but il -i..is markedly its apparent size. A sat 'slactori jelloH- pai-r for a dinini; ..oii i. in;:- with narrow lipaud -ili.w U -inpi -. iiiiu and slightly darker si. a ! ,.! ii. T. plat- rail is .-v. u let:- I- i'a Ibis -lu ll' blue rant-:; p'a'.s r ...'..1 :. . es of china :uc tif-l.iiii- 'l. The ti i.'.c in ll'.at ci sliouid P leli -i.: "l. I ..'in V! all . 1 c 1 1 - ion of the eii.ui Iii I... .1 I In- .iot in- in-ll.n-'. 'I h t-iat.-s no; ;,s ,i.-c..'ar.-.: s ..,f th-. lri..c -pa-" -N- ' T'-l. I l.e (ui- i.r s,i,,t.. . ii ...,-. ,.f st ii,-. w h-i be, i i ..: i v.-a-ps. I.,., s. I.ot'n-t- -I I. inc le-l'i e- - spoui.l l-c st. lo-.t I move .; .i.Uc'l p.. is, a, :.s p,.-sll.;e. tin ll ha'.- a -in ' of acid li n l. apple, ioma r pi a b. a i : u 'n .1 b.-n . .. il ape. .-'nl ' r I H r ei. I -, i iiiilth' Ol i, W-cilid It 'in- p.. :u i- ; " ' ' a i a tail 111- hi a tl'-' .'fl.t W a-il Ihe siil.i III Wat III Water and I'.l'i'c il Well in ;.)-. ho! I k, . net a f.,!,;-.l l.n-n tVi in , i:ie, ;. - ,; ,. or ti.. j.'i . and bit ! . a l! sti-i. p. ii-pin i alcohol. i. - I. .of ..! ;,..y ...ri is ft ba- .1 l. a :! ,, - .1 pi; ;, ...c e at 'lial i-ta- -npi: ai.-ei. w !..-!. -cr il i-. .'I'-l.- t , :- r.nt.l ih- pain ti,,. 1 il- " . :.", ,.'.!.. A I till liimli-M alter. It is .. ry hat-1 to 1 p pc! i-'c :;b f.ii. I -.reel in -1 1 ti i in. 1- ii- la.i i, :!'.",is. -. Th- foo l i i ninnioiilx li. pi ill ti e cel lar, makiiii many liack-a- hiuu t'-ips r.; :;inl down si.'.ir.. In lb- narrow ibim'i- Wail-f. si' -ii ,,- is -eowu In Ibe "'. c-uiil be i .a,!.- by an;. ..an hab ly wiib tools. .,-.,! ;:e .. p. ,, -.ill save will I... cii in.I' --. .: . .b.'-.'n wail, r I- s" li.hi n .'. I . i . .--.1 w :t'i a i'.i.i-r. It ! i jus; b-r... ei... i- la. id a p'al". "r pad;, l. :. . -'- If- and is lilil'i wit'l w iml.e- ii-'il-' - Mui old'. H -all oi-t.-i, b i i :- I i: ' s,,me conn -, or an.''.. pi a kilcl.e'i v. I-a e it w il! I-.- cry i't-,..n-pi' i. a.-. Tb ' -helves and th. ir p..-. . . lei- .p. a' .1 down bis..:- two bo i.b- i . . . ..;!'a.l' !i c p' ! I. I'.i.ia .bc.nal. 11.1..1-. I'l ep.ii eil w , r. ..': mi" d " Vc.ii. in - . Wbe'o ...1..I and a: n.-l- a. -' b 1 npp!i. .1 ti-- ,h-l.i ; : : ai' W in u boards iir- lii-s i si; ;:,.i if. tin ;i lai-nlsli. d lb- coioi rcn.-in- ei. wh.-n ll.e at ni-b has worn off A n. -v' ly-iast I'" . i iii.i: I-- tiibb. siuootii l lilbbin. ea-li l-oa nl wi'li handful "f li;-d:ilili chiiim- steel v.oa to be had at a paintci's' supply stof.- 'I In- till, r may be pun hi,s.-ii ..; n;.o r. i home. - I III. half pint of ll.'lhe W 111!.'. 1 aif pint of w liilinv. on,- pint of I oi'. d iii .. ,a end ilii i e pint- of hi: n n- .' in. il.- a i I Idler f..r bihl wo-, I. I'ainii'.l. varnished and .-ib-.l 1' may be I'-au-.i with ".tile ti a i -i. .'-i Uiiii ih. boards m 1 1 1 1 a w oolen . ;, dipped in ll.e poind. 'iii. i and . a ,'. loom for a t"W h,.;.r-. Tin u v i b .-lean I-n . loth iiv. ..ii.l I on a '... blllsh tub Iin- t!o.c, hard Ihi- i... polishes and removes Ci, -up. I tlllo; oil, ivhi. !i .s t.cci --ary W'aM'd thiol s sboilitl be illi-l' I, suit . loth or dust mop I til arc removed by wipmy nl' ' d. impelled with turpentine I' liliAi-s the WllX. so It s miessar over tin- spots with a cloth Ulol-lelie.l With WllX I'm dark woo.l a .ilalt ci l.il, il bus. ed oil and liu pcu'in. pint of wliitiiii- are r-piiic.l. i lilesiioiiiif ill of hum! aii, a an, 1 ; lilespooliflll of yellow o' lire W ill malioiiiny shade. i.ib- f c w a tablespoollful of blind titiibc.. teaspooiifiil of Vcticliati f-d and teaspootiflll of y.-ll.ov oclile sb. ndded. I'or ash add a h vcl ic. fill of raw- sienna. - I'l. ibnl-Ip hi onl. . . recTpes . reach Sliow l!-al one cllpf'll of rrram lo a stiff fr ith . add to ii on cup ful nf lim-ly (bopjicil peaches and half n cupful of powdered siiuav. mix lb-July and pile in a itbiss ill-li : s.-rve with tillu'el s of spoliue cake iinakitiL' I'tiddiiii' - Add I ie cupful of united bread four wa ll beaten i ami one tablespoon of tic- Hour; add this lo one ipiart of milk; add one t--a-sponn '.f salt and the iiatcl find of half n b tiioii; put tin- mixture in a but tered twiv. 1 and steam two and oin- balf hours; serve w ith nny f'"it xmicc rotato ritfl I'ut otic cup of po.ato In a small pan. add the yolk of one ci-j. two tablespo.uil'iils of crcmii; sap ami pepper to M'.iori; stir over the lire un til hot; remove, add the well beau n whites of tup ".-:; put this mixture into a ii easel b.ikiiii- di.-h; bake iu a fpiiik mm t.-n minutes Mlneed Veal ( hop .old .oiked veal In small pieces: make a thin, w hilt. Mince, iisini; veal slock or broth, in stead of milk; add the inil.c.-d Veal, let it t-iiiiiuer ten minutes; have slices ol toast nicely browned and buttered just before scniuu add n few drops ol leiunli juice nlul a little hopped pars ley to the veal; serve some of this on slices of toast; a little chopped parsley to the v. al; serve sonic of this on sll-cs of toast; a little chopped bit til In ail im l.iovi iiictit if lidded to the veal; utrvt hot wilb gUvta. . !E4 n HL' m m - ami a i- '' j H . 1 H sac? 37i35MtJri l"4s 5 astm ij'H--.-'1 ..,;. u . r r-.li.nw out ve f fast --v.-i I -. ..; n.-'.-sily idarmtd. I j tiien tricJ A. irr's li.r '.'i-or and j k my hairstcj-rtd fa!:irtatoncc." 1 3 Mrs. G. A. McVay. ALxandria, OJ The trouble is yourhtvfl does not have life enough Act promptly. Save your 8 hair. Feed it with Aycr's jj Heir Viqor. If the pray hairs arc beginning to show, Aycr's H&ir Vigor g will restore color every time. ?' ') twuv. :i iniji'i. sip r4M who mm m.t ir iff A rcputi-tion etonciir.g over ii.-vi.y-i.ix 6vr3 and our ; 1 f -ja'-.M-.'.-: ? ero bacis. if c-ry crT.T..b.-'i:infJ the ;r I.. s-ilGNOr-TML-FiiH. j l Thfr ro ie.;.ny iTitta'.iops. t ' bo i'lr? of i.'V? -14If.! '" ' TOWt:? cn the bt'ttons. iy, ' C:s:.i&fcvniTrHi. ... A 1 Tovt:; c: i o.l. r--..v.u s. a. TOV.'C? i.AM.sl.'!. arras ts.arr ;-c:r.o. cam. j.;ira.,-';iic Vour Hair ,C . -li-ijiijra i'jihf-i-i- -! "'.-, ' ;. !! Ciin. :!:r's 0 eU'lOV P'1.1)H p "i..: '. cf-f rs. ,-it i.r l- '-1 - - it -j' I ui- C V i.'H si : A CO . E I -..:..v-:. k'. 1 ALL IkAiiCr;,,! (li (if r If.i-u'.U ! . a I r- !' I.i :i Vi ctj'lt ..) .!) ft 0 . C-r.- fv'V ESST m . -si- v ... , v: rx& t 'i IcJaUAt-'li-itJ CltftK fn. c 1 hivH 0 p I ar .i-.!. - ? t put. i ly veR y .. -..I'. . . a.-.... y V',r"uJ P lijm Mtr." atrial wipxjiiiiiiii iiii -.1. vncl .n ;hr ntn:n.- li. H '.' t-rl iv.w'l. f' lit "H1h, l-.Mrtnchi". ir..:"f.T"nn, tumpic, a:: j'- t r.:i:-.-. bvi-r tr iM'-. 'ifliav r n and tii.-iie"t. v'-'itr. jt N.wi ' ttaii't ir.cvo ; .:-: .' -."--i .ir - ::.iVf. (. i .'!..vi,ni:i3 -: r'i7" ,-ili;..-i.f. im '. a : v-.ir-i ..f (. - CA 'CA .--' : t f r j a .viu i.-vrr e-t t r.-r r..'. ' " '. nl -.v!-i Cit-. jrrtu t. .la- under nt-vi'iiv- r.t.trnitc-i' to cure cr ... r.-i.ifd. t -ri r t i-lt M.ninfd C C C. Ni-vi-r r. Iii I -I Ivvlk. Satnplf ? lool:t (r. f. llv.. r-r'e; ; K.-i . r"mi.inv. Chii-iiprf.r Is- w Y'r'; r r, e --n . t s..., s ! , , ;,. I, ' PJ!1SUJLJ!M immm THA(,HER MEDICINE CO.,CHATTAHaOCA,TtNH.J P in a - a ball jtfaiVeaJierfliJtKg ' ,,:''"r roisio Promptly cures all lieadacties mYPEVVRlTERS CHEAP 1 i.t (, D'l.iil il Marli i.e. of nil rnvkn I a'; " - thirt p v Iv the Oliv. r ''. :..li. im- ia-K i.-ts J. I.. HA lV,i hi.lnUc. N. f. .. lThornpscn's EyoWatcr Ale.nl ;',i ii-.br. alas, lo.-t by their (iwnet in .! . at-1 train.;, arc awalt- i m- i b ntit'n at' ni in Iii- "lost anr fi ut! f " of.ii,- nf the Manhattan Hail- v.-!.v l-'fi i:- ,n N.-w York. About half . i .!" nnnib, r we., taken In by the .-. b, ,n tin- recent PciiHl of lainy wi.i'h-r l lli'l'li' 'I "fill' "ilk III UII 11- fat' m or. wi'-., ,;.;.,); f'ct'uvd from : ... I : I o I ..ill for I. liiso f till l ake foil-tiiin o a habitation t xivtly after I he nioiUI ,,f tin- iir, historic- lake Jwcllcis sliowii iu the 'tii'icb Mubcuiu T 1 ' - 11 rtd'tinTnbulesat i be b-st dysprpsl iii'tjn ine ever made. 'A lii'i.drcd milfoil tie in have been void in the l'uni't ;;' iu U tiit:-.'! ;.t. I'.very llltnin nriHlnj? froai a (liscrdariil stoinueb i reliwvd or run I ) Ui b" ""'' s eoiiiuioii .3 b tbat ..s.t;-.i. oii.dnntP from the stoma -h It tuny be safely ns-.-t-rtcd I'ncti' is n-. ...udliioti cf ill health that will not be b-m Itirrt or cnre.l by the a. . iiM.Hia! m-c "f lilpati Ti.lmtru I-hvsicians know- i belli ati'I -p-nl; liiiildy of ili.-m. A'l dnii-ii'st ! s. II tl 1. ' Hie ic cent paik.ii-c isi .iiouih for an iciiinaiy oi iasioii. aatl 'in- r.-imlly Buttle si.i cn:-. ciuilaui a Imii-eheld stippiv for n yi-nr. -w I i.'t er.'il.y elves i. l.ef within twenty ! ii-.imiti. L. DOUGLAS 3.B2&S3 SHOES'h'aS Yoa rv.c ti.ir .3 yearly ty wearing W. I. Djuj. 'v3-50 or .: 3 tliows. llri ha 1 ' " "5 illi.' ..H flO II ' I "' Vi i t S-, 11 1. '. a.' I.'- .i in.-: s si I . I- ' I ila- - i" - i',. i, siip-rac '.'... r ,1, .e iter iii. no - -..) I ey r-'.nl -a Tl.it l,.ii'.-b.v,...-lo;- . ViV.iV'iii ,ii."'ii.-1.iV.i''. -X" '-' ''J.i, i - I- l'..' Iiiili'-t vT'-lVN 'Jii'!- ... n-i'ii.i...nii...c.:iii'.V.i.;'. . TVflsrr.ipi;- o- ..4,i :UJ, I--- i ''''!"'' ' sh.-s In I....II. -.'.'. .ral .Mi;.. ll.'M-lrnlp.l I m.t.n fr.i. li. I.. IHili.l I- f.ii.. kli.n. rrQAVMIII-'M- iv st u n id miuLu '- Saw Mui". I.. an:-.lr!uii: ,. ..vi-. v v . ..... n:ll nil- Ili-n Iv' ..1 a a I " -I 'A-' I" ' U!iX 1 fa- ac iii-i. -' n'l unv. of KU'.n -.- . ......... . . ..... ..no Vti;f.r 'ila !...'., :,. . V e'fac.'irr.l '.T 11 ., 11:1 ' ' I i . V ' r . I s-i riM.r. 00 0C C5 C C 0Q00 1 fORN O j m m m MILLS and $ HILLS TONUS 2 i ? 0 r in "l'i irpti.ni-a Q von v. 1 r. i.'l i ' i i- I.- rui- it. 6 e.r. i. - f i mil i i.iiiat i. til. (S !lll I !("l.l o I tl.l-v Ir. in !fi o o o-o o o o c CUBED (lives El " w r m . cK 1" K rtclief. v'.- e a pri; -'ii at niri .Oi .s ..i.at,.- N- :'::,.:. ..' ft.te, li. - Savv.il.re. lit- AIia.i;.Ci JF? VINES BY tLJ fHOUSA.'.'DS V.I.I;.-.. i ".I i-i K i M icf.i:itii:. I.uii.e I... Vi 7A .mr a A ATI 1 J" i..l l:l I ll. - tl f V ... i. .1 i .: I , . ,l .on i. I.., Pff v-si ..;. ii:t- ri rn :ic i . Stomach Cleanser : -. t-rra-.TiYi '.Vui I ..via. ie. a.;.,. :.. . I J;-'. -in . .-:i-i!,ation. tvii i vv r i it Jl Jn s.,-,.,., ,u Turk l'iii THE COWELS tro-ib!rs, npfftic'icitis, lalinuMi'L'.. t 1 t-rnlh, ra mui - ra'uei- tfltr. all rtli. r cr. Itv-s ioi;i 'nn. is irfrniir. No nmtl-r wtct mis y. u. start taloriir; well end elav well neti! y- u c t your Bow-i-m DR. THACHER'S . I. a niviiinnn r -M in ii i T Our os by Removing tho Gauao A TlirtEB-FuUi HEMMiY dr .ill i ;. due fu uiir nor.at troub!. Ar-tva the l.! Kltiei.t Kin.NKVS.inJ PURIFIES THE BLOOD mill? tioiilr hy mull frre or twtie ai uii iiruier. m - Seltzer Mo. 41. iVEDICAL CCLLfCE OF VIRGINIA. in Eilabllahrd IM3S. .Pt-ievtnieiits nf Modii'iin-. pmttMre ami ibaimscr. Hi" Sixtc-"lillt ; ion wlh ceuiinriii e Srpii ia!.i.r a.lU'l nl- ton fees U.I livu. . Ii eu-es an- in. in-r- a'..-. Fur enu.iuureiit. n .and luifhcr Info. . V'Ull HERE IT IS! i VI ant to Unrn all ats.iit a Aa Hnrs- tlrwtu In k inn a A s toi.,One Kino Inits-its.-.v ' I ""'" "1 """' ' m'..'. b i i t:.i.l- l..-.-,t li,.-. .ul i ; 1 ''" '"' '""- I I '":.'""; V. ' l ne lis-il,. wi n. in. all lniriirHnt I'arln ef Ilia iila.alr H.. I.. Sli.n. a Hume l'reMirly All tlila ' ''"'''"w l.t. I Ini.iriiia-iiiD can iMutnaiiiisI liy I 'ZLlW ;-"T"Tlt " "- '"-" (.aid.ua rts-aipt of i.uly lij i-rttia iu alalia. UiioK 11 li. liiHAi:, I 34 Lvunarit HI.. N l . Hr.

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