Dir. 10, loo.'k Local Records. Make your Sauta Claus pur chases at Byuuui A-- lleiulen'H. Poe-Atwater Mer Co. is the place to tiud a suitable Xuiaa or wedding prescut. 20 pounds granulated sugar for $1.00. l'oe-At water Mer.' Co. Club Shells 40c a box. Bvnum A- Headen's line of groceries embraces everythingyou ueett lor Xuias cookiug. Poe-Atwater Mer. Co. liave a nice assortment of Freuuh candies, also all kinds of fruits uud cauuud goods for Xinas. Hawley, the Pittsboro Jewel er, has a few second-hand watches which he is offering at bargains. Come mid see him. Special bargains in Dress Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Ladies' Jackets at J. It. Weather Bpoou's, Sauford, N. C. The most economical heating stove is the Oil Stove, sold by Poe-Atwater Mer. Co. Call and have them explain its good qual ities. If your sewing machine runs hard or needs any repairs Hart ley, the Pittsboro Jeweler, can lis it as good as new. All work guaranteed. The finest line of spectacles and glasses, as well as a nice as sortment of jewelry to plea.- ', at the store of Bynuni Milling and Mercantile Co. Holiday tJoods and Xinas novelties and Xmas tree orna ments. Special prices to Sunday schools. J. It. Weatlierspoon, Stanford, X. C. tiood spectacles at 15c per pair. Solid gold and gold tilled tit unheard of prices. Satisfaction guaranteed at Hart ley's, the Pitts boro Jeweler. Major B. F. Dixon, our State Auditor, announces that the Con federate pensioners can get their pension warrants from the clerk of the court next Monday, Dec. 15th. We regret to hear of the death of Mr. Charlie Holt, the 22 year-old son of Mr. II. J. Holt, who lives four miles south of In re, resulting troni pneumonia, JaM i Friday night. Did you ever see rain and Hliow falling together for any length of time' 1 Ins uuiisiiai hlght was seen liele yesterday ! luoriiiiiL', w Inch indeed piesciiletl a "battle of the elements." On 'Wednesday of last week Mr. William Foii-diee ami Miss JCmeline Vow, both of Bear Creek township, were married by D. . White, J. P. Tim happy groom is a Canfedci'dtc pensioner. Imitations have been issued by Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Chapiu to a reception Wednesday evening, December Uth, complimentary to their guests, Dr. and Mis. S. W. Htaley.of Aurora, Beaufort county. The Winnie Davis Chapter of the Daughters of Confederacy will meet with Mrs. Alvis J. Hynum next Saturday afternoon at 2:'M o'clock. A full attendance of the members is desired, as business of importance is to bo transacted. Don't forget the ladies ba zaar to be held at the old Bamsey Hotel tonight (Thursday) and to morrow (Friday) night. They will have for sale a nice variety of ar ticles suitable for Christmas pres ents. Oysters will be served on Thursday night. At a meeting of the Pittsbo ro Lodge K. of 1. Tuesday night the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: J. A. Ciiles, C. C; J. V. Maun, V. I'.; Dr. J. X. Taylor, Prel.; W. M. Hearne, M. of W.; A. H. Londo j, M. of 1; B. Noue, M. of L; F. C. Poe, M. at A.; U. H. Moore, 1. Ci.; A. II. By uum, O. G. Old Santa Claus is iu full blast ut Loudon's, llorus blow ing and children looking us well ns buying. Come and seo what they cau show you. All kinds of presents, some useful and some that are not. A nice stock of sil ver ware and novelties. Florida oranges just from the groves, fr.sh, nice and sweet, and every thing else nice to eat. The county commissioners, at their meeting Tuesday, instructed their attorney, Mr. 11. II. Hayes, to begin suit at once against the Carolina Steel Bridge and Con struction Company for failing to complete the new Hay wood bridge, according to contract, oy Ueeeui ber 1st. ork lias not ut been com- 't- i a nice dress me need on the bridge Don't vou want for Christmas. W. L. London iV i Sou are now selling some special! bargains iu dress goods. $1.00 goods for 75c; others just as low. ; Come and get a nice waist or dress ! while they are going. A large I lot of ladies' handkerchiefs, drum- j tiiAr' moiiiiles. roiii'' at less than! Iiiw loi k cost, lliey aie sellui' ; t . their ruilbuery stock very low, THUUSDAY. Herbert Poe, a son of Mr. D. M. Poe. who lives two miles east j of here, caino near being seriously Hurt Uiestiay nigur. " "" nt a rapid gait his horse stumbled throwing its rider violently to the glOUlHi 1111(1 SlUUlllllg mm mi ne eral minutes. Fortunately no bones were broken, though it was a very narrow escape. AIr Robert II. Dixon will re move from here to Mt. Vernon Springs, and Mr. William E. Brook's will rent and move into his dwelling just after Christmas, and Mr. James L. Griffin will move into the dwelling vacated by Mr. Brooks. Mr. Samuel W. Womble, of Loekville. will occupy the dwel- ling now rented by Mr. Griffin, and which he bought a year ago. AN Ari'ROACHISd MAKKIAGi:. The following invitation has been issued to friends out of town: Mrs. Delia Lutterloh requests the honorof your presence at the marriage of her daughter Annie Moore, to Mr. Henry Atwater Byimm, Wednesday evening the twenty third of December, nineteen hundred and three, at six o'clock. Methodist Episcopal Church, Pittsboro, North Carolina. list ok jr nous. The county commissioners, at their meeting the following on 1 uesiiay, drew iiynum iv I leaden, lor sup list of jurors for the plies for court house,. . . February court, which begins February 1st: j S. J. Campbell, G. W. Walls, Dan Uosser, Charlie Poe, Georne Smith, J. T. Coz art, D. G. Fox, W. 15. Headen, Artemiis Hatch, L. T. Council, William Buckuer, i I.J. Johnson, J. L. Smith, Thorn-' as Stone, Archie Cotteii, C. T. ! Discern, Milton Smith, F. U. 1 Knight, .John Womble, John; llaUL'hton. John Griffin, M. N. Dark, H. M. Lindlev, C. F. dock. F. N. Hohhv. Milton Mm- Duh - ling, G. L.IJovil, Lee Coieland,D. C. Perry, W.' D. liuie, W. II Beckwith, L. Emerson Cole, C II. Wilkie, S. P. Headen, S. V Whitaker and J. II. Ellington. (o.mmissionkks j:xri:s'si:s. '1 he Bepublieans of Chatham (for there are now no Populists) have been boasting of the econ omy of their boards of county eoumiissionei s, and have been pre dicting gnat e:.t ra valance bv onr I )i'i!loei at ic bo. nd. 1 he faci-i ad figures, houeei', do nt Mistmn ei; her their boast or t heir predic tions. East week Till' I IlioUi showed tliat our I l.-nioer.il ie eoaimis.-ion-elS had bce:i paid .'or the past year : 15 a. IS 5, and that tht-ir L'e public.iii piedecessors had been paid nearly twice thai sum. And to show this Republican "ecoiio mv" still stronger we will men tion that ON E mend cr of tl: publican board alone was ;!SM.H4, actually more than ' Ke paid was paiil Al.li our Democratic inissioiicis! Let us next compare and tlast the number of days tin colil- con A the l'.IOl boards were in session. In tin; Piepublican board was in ses- sion 13 da ilid ill 11102 they were in session 31 days, whereas our Democratic board was in session only 30 days. lut it is alleged as an excuse by some of the llepubli cau leaders that their board was iu session several days with stork, law petitions. Ibit if this was true why were they in session 37 days! in 1811), the year before tiie Chat ham stock law was passed' A Pleasant Atarriaje. Fall Creek, N. C.N'ov. S, l'JOIi Ennor. Hkcoiid: Mr. dames 11. l'eace, of Thorn asville. N.C.. was happily united in marriage on last Wed- nesday night at 8 o'clock to Miss' Collie F., the charming daughter! of Mr. E. C. Brewer, of Boa, N. ; C, T. B. Bray, J. 1'., otliciatin.g. . After the ceremony was perform-' ed the bridal party, by th aid of .i nnndierof relatives and friends. made some excellent music to the delb'ht of all present. Mr. l'eace is a business man,! connected w ith the Thomasville J Spoke Works and lias cliaige ot a $ N jjalm K,,Mlt Sunday M sookti mill at Fall Creek. .'liiv1.,...! i,..i. ; ;i.,Pcii,.,L;ii,, I t li.v to eniov a lino old !.''e of happiness and imM many stars: to their crown of usefulness. A Fi:ii:ni. Mine Superintendent Killed. rmm Hie CU iri'ilie observer, Sill. Mr. John M. Beid, of this city,';. ,.,... lost his hfo as a result of a blast:,i!lls wjll 1)0 let'ed at the iu the Miami gold mine the old iirilie's iesidcuco on Dec. 21th, nt IMioeuix niiue six miles from Concord, yesterday morning. Mr. Held was superintendent of all the underground works of the mine. He was iu a tunnel 000 or 700 hundred feet deep, and hail p.-epm-ed a blast of dynamite for he lifting of ore. The fuse seem- i. . i m.. f.,. ed to go ou , and Mr Leid, f e waiting a long time, concluded that it w.'s safe to return to tiie place here he had arranged the blast. Win n he had come close to the dynamite it exploded, and Mr. Beid, met ! ing the full impact of the exploded pieces of rock, was instantly killed. One leg was ill , 11 ... i liivn on mui no was nist;a or mjuvet .1 111 (UIUIML LU I i WLtlVI 'UI t Commissioners' Meeting rpi.. mmlir coiiiivn'ssioiipi-s Iiol.l jM,ir niJ,ular monthly meeting on Just Monday uud Tuesday and au dite(j ,e r(;nmvjUJ, accounts: j R JInU, f()p k 334 - . , .... f.. ..,,..1. .,,,,1 material for bridge Fortnell's branch 120.50 W. L. Brazington, lor cof- - fin for Margaret ll- liams 2.00 Graham Johuson, services at county home 25.00 C. II. Culver, for collin for Nancy Kelly 2.00 Alex Oldham, for lumber for bridge on Indian creek lT.JlO V. S. Kussell, for nails for bridge on Indian creek II. H. Palmer, for lumber for bridge on Indian creek 1.9'J 113.10 G.00 2.35 2.13 O. A. Palmer, for liaulinj. A. D. Coggius, insolvent fees Frank It. Knight, for re pairing stock law fence, W. A. Headen, for build ing culvert in HiMsboro road II. L. Ward, for bacon W. H. Bryant, insolvent fees 3.75 4.U5 1.05 Geo. L. Taylor, for carry ing Charley Mobley to State prison 11 H. Hayes, for balance salary as attorney to board of commissioners, .05 .".00 t.5 I lorcnee Ward, for sewing for county home, W. II. Waul, for services as superintendent of coun ty home Waltei Ward, for cooking for home A. 1!. Clark, for keeping jurors all night, A. 15. ( .'lark, for services us jailer John Hart, insolvent fees, 12.05 50.00 12.00 10.25 32.10 1.10 J. K. Milliken, for hold ! ing Noveiniier court ... . '7.80 P. Mann, for arresting and guarding G. H. Hi-1 G W. Walls, for arresting and conveying G. 11. High to j id J. T. Wright, for guard ing and conveying prison ers to jail Jas. E. Griffin, for services as clerk of the superior coin t, November term, Willie Hiatal, for molasses for county home ();M I,I.), that the stock l.'.o ; 4.15 0.50 '0.30 aw la remit ted on all part les re ill that part of New llopi siding ii low llhl law bv brought under stoel, act f the Leg islature biking eil'ei t Oct. 1st, Ulna. Byninu Locals. Dyniim, N. t, Dec. 8th. Topics i'f the season: M linages and Christmas. The I'ynii'u day sehool will ob serve North Carolina Day and will have the exercises in the school house on Friday night De cember ISt h at ":.'!( o'chu k. The school extends an invitation to all to come and enjoy an evening w ith our Stale. Itev. Jesse L. Cunninggum, of Vandei bilt I ' ni vi rsit y, has been . visiting- his sister. Mis. 1!. W. ! Hailev. He oceiinied the mil l lit of the Methodist church Sunday by W. K. Mason, who has also night and preached an excellent been in the employ of the same 'sermon. He lefMhis morning for company. Durham to visit Kcv. . L. Cini- 'j'here is not much preparation uiuggum. being made aroinul here for Xinas1 j Kev. 11. W. Bailey returned to a1i wt. predict nu unusually dull! 'his work last Thursday. His:,,,,,, 'p.1( w ill not be any church 1 ' many friends are delighted to i-l- J entert.iiiiimutti that we have heard conie nmi i kick anil wish ior mm another snecesstul year. Mr. Edmund Atwater, of Bur 'lington, spent Saturday uud Sun I day in our village. I Miss Fannie Williamson is vis 'iting Mrs. Durham atCbapil Hill. Mr. Wiil Odell was a most wel- come visitor iu our village last week. Mr. L. 15. llynumand son, Jell, leave Thursday morning to at - tend the meeting of the directors of the colored insane iisyluin. ilvs. K. W. Jiailey and 1'aliner ! returned from .Durham Thursday ' night. They report Mrs. Bailey's ! condition much unproved. Mr. K. B. Leach, of Raleigh,! visited Dr. J. N. Taylor last week. I nn.l Miiml.iv in Siler ('ilc visitim' 'i-. r'..i !.. i v m ..1.7. i- I . Miinn. who it ' fw.ule' 8'tat; o l.Vahh. is in n very r ) Mr. Walter Hariis spent Mon day in Uliapel ilill. Iuvitatious are out for the mar riage of one of our most popular young men, Mr. Joe W. Maun, to mine oirouii, one ui -t-uai t p. in. The Bynum-Lutterloh marriage is also one of the most interesting topics, due to tho deserved popu larity of tho couple. Quite a .V) 1 linil h. ' w,tnp he and they have a host ( a inos, loro on liiarriai'e, of friends happy life, Mis. J. l'age and child, of F.is. . t I ' ! I C( ll -pent last week in our village the guest ot her cousin, B. Atwater. Mrs. J. We will have no Xmin-Ovcicises, iu the church, as the operatives! have lost so much time it was . 'l I 1 4 U'hmihhi pi mu-ia ma uu-ui nuy . lUV'll; I A I 'I BoBlN Ai'.vli;. r( Ltd rl txse E5or5"crxJ.i3 stoeb pl jj , l?ll And asain Old (he Popular Store. This store tre of Christmas Shopping in Chatham for nearly half a century. this year nitha more complete stock than ever; we have any thing that yon We are I! Cumnock Joltings. Cumnock, N. C, Dec. (. The cool weather of the last few days has been favorable for killing hogs. The mine here is running on full time ami is employing a larger force of hands than for some tune (past. I he demand lor coal can (10 not be supplied. Some ol our hog racers have killed their bogs, Mr. Adcock's largest weighing something over :;nt! pounds. It is generally con ceded that L. A. Tysor has the largest hog ill the place. The farmers are about through sowing grain ami a small crop is planted. There is poor encour agement to sow grain as tlie last two nr three crops have been al most an entire failure. T. L. Hood left last week for Norfolk, Va., w here he has accept ed a position with some railroad company in the mechanical de partment. His family wll follow soon. E. F. IV p per who chii f clerk in the olli has been ' the Chatham Coal A- Iron Company for the past 11 months, left for Trinity Satuiday, having resigned : I. is i losit ion here. He is succi eded :,,( There was n social gathering at the residence of Mrs. E. L. lysor last 1 hursday nignt, villi plenty ..f r.fi..sl.iiu.nts ill the. W.lV of all- pics, candies and other sweet- lueaiS. t Shelby (iroce wears a bright smile. There arrived at his borne Iast Friday an eleven-pound baby UOy, the first, 1 Tu.e is more corn being sold j !U.om,d C'umnock than we have j(.vur known of a sign of prosper jj) : 1 r ii.au " ""I'lM Beef and pork in plenty ou our market and the prices high, much higher than the Sautord market. Feter Alston, who hit some I time ago for New loik, has re- ' turned, l'eter says that it is en- tirelv too coKl up tlieio loi nun, and be came back '..mil I... -:init bnek to his old posi - ; tion, biakemau ou the Kaleigh vV Western. Bumor says we will soon be able to rep'ort some important ! business changes in these parts which will be noted at the proper uie AnonymoI's. Head About to Hurst From Severe bilious Attack. "I had a severe bilious attack and felt like my bead was about to burst when 1 g- t hold of a free sample of Cliambci Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I took a dose alter supper ami me i-ai uo -h I r . 1 il. .. .1 ... ..! like a new mau and Have Keen feeling happy ever since, ays. .Ml.. I. . runiUl, oi iiiiii, ieas. For biliousness, stomach troubles and constipation these Tablets have no cipial. North Carolina has J 008 fourth class postmasters, ranking tilth umiiinr Kl:iri- 111 II1I1 it'nptTL. 1 ll- iw.w..n -- - - ijyajwriHMBHjEa MxmiRrMWimmra5& i mi t i n in i i hi inn imiiimiiihi iiiiii hi t j w bich is very low. - Santa Clans has Wli iWli l&mm III HIM rttUH I ' call for, something for the old as WE WANT YOU TO COME TO SEE OUR STOCK Whet her yon want to buy or not, and brinj; all your l.tmily, espe cially the children. Remember we carry the L re est and most com plete stock of merchandise ot any house in the county, and it cjii.d- : ity and iii.uitity are considered, sell cheaper than any other linn. ; always glad to see you. Eleven Coal Miners Killed. Liego, J'elgium, Dec. 4. F.lev en coal miners were killed today at Gassoii-LaQuasse mine, Monte gene, through the breaking of a cage being hauled u i. The men e precipitated to the bottom were horribly and their bodies mangled. Bilious Colic Prevented. Take a double dose of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Dier rhoea 'teinedy as soon as the first indications of the disease appears and a t in aieiied attack may be ESfifE way with perfect success. For sale by G. K. 1'iikington. To Cine a CoU in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo (Jiiinim Tablets. All druggists refund tin llioue Grov y if it fails to cure. K. e's signature is on each box ! Notice To Tho Public. 1 I- IminliTi' 1 !' lli- l-"iir 1 uf C .imty C mni!i" ' ni--ihm-h i.f Chu'liiim i'..uiiiy th-it Hi- Cimnl: I rlJt i vi.r llnw i -iv. r lai .wu ii ilio II i 1. 1 lr,. ),. nit.l ln i.;il.l'- IS llt-rt't')' llL'-llh I'.'li-li'lllll - i .l ami nil ffisi'iH m- lirroby f'Tla l Ik.i ! itiwi ili-ii "ii. una li l tin ln-r i.elcri-l lli.n u imilrn I ..t this. --til.-iniiat... 1 1 miIiIWm'i iiim a wi'i k I r (ci.r i ktii lli" I'l.uiliiira Hiv ril. I'Li-h-i n OIimTVi r nil I 1 li Clutlli nil IT.U'li, an I ' -.y In- p.-Mi-il ill imi-Ii i-ua "I hlilJ lrUe". I 'rim l i-c mil, i-.'im. COMMISSION.' KXPt-NSKS. In r.nit:.-o willi s...-. ti-i ..f ii,.. r...l. I, ' F.. lir.M k. li rk i i!i" n r I "( '"iiii'y C mml Hl.-iiirH.-l rliHiliHin i'"uniy. il" licrri.y .-ni.: : timt n- i..ii.in i n n ! n" ili.-y.mronilhc s an I I'.-ri'i'-'t ciiit .v. :i., IWl i, nf tlie in- I-I.UIIIH. IIOIIISIll.il IIHIIIM- I.I Hll l-illlu'IKHll"ll III ..vti".l by Urn II 'mil 1" il' n oiiiln rs in.Ti-.if. I" ' ppt'i-uTuly. ih" uunii : N.B,i.,iiii,t a,u ai.v.t I .1HK I 1." irmi-ili'il I ) oi ii iii it: J. 1!. A1W A11 l:. II iIaviua i-"iniiil'.bt"i'r, 'iO iiilliii iriivi'lli'.l, Ti.lnl T. W. SKOKOVI S. ' 0li.5-8 ft.i:lllln.illiT ' 3 ,.,. m,.! i,ri.i,!.. i i ilttyn "ii A'' lln nilli-H iravi. tun i t Un k nor, .a. T.ilBl, I.. V.. KOI.I.INS. 18 lj m C"iunilh-1 hit. IS .HV I'll KikMUlll "I ITl.l(i i. ! l any m iiienii-r i"'r I in huh. ",U"'B"""" r..mi, S. II. IT.V.KAI.I.. 2d iiy 11 i-rnr inl8l"iHT. 11 .lnymmn.-11'uni "f brl Ik'1". 3JH null's Irnvulle I. V.ii 'J1.INI ill VI Tntnl, n. w. ni. an p. 2 ily iw (''niiull"iii,r, W n-' I 4 , ily i n Hi-.-.-Mil ut llmnr i f i I , J'.i.ih in Jnye in m' -iifii of bria-jM, 31 ml t .ii)!i .hi n-viint "f M.'i'k l, ill I .Ivy rk mi'iHlxr "f 11 .Hr.l .if H";iMi. 2 00 i .lyH a mi'nit or of H' iir.1 "f r..alliiitl"ii, 4 mi Tom i, !-- Ttif u i'l w in nl'ii 30 ilwys. Ko unvrrlH .. n UU'H WIT" ftllilllol W. r. IIIUM'KS. l:ot:lH(i'r"f lii-.l aii l i i-i.fTu-io I'U-rk rf llw llril. OTUT TO CI1FD1TOKS: lltvli-e .rmllil.. I - :iiii'U.l-,ra--'r 1 i" mlaipnf Ii N. J- l.li-'-n. . llil- Is I my ..r.'U6 h'iMII'1! i-lltl: If-' 'ill- Mllil 1-.-IHU- t. .i..-.'tit Ibi' -ftn In 11' on i'-i flt-'ii'-l ii- 'T l"' Hi.' T l imv .'I I' n.l ". Iv -1, . r 11, N Ii-' ll - ;il N'.!i.l In bar 1 II. 1 . 1 !V'iti-. TliU S 'V. l'.HM. w. t. srrni'ivANT, A lmr. 11. S. Ji lui-' -ii.'lr.'M. Wi :uck llnjes, Attj. established his has been looked FA L L A Ni OU WE WANT nil mmii vnnnm Who are interested in ood clothine. and all best Imv the best COMI: AM) SFH Till the linest rod i MAKhlfS IN Tl to iet clothiiu; ihe"ll be ihoioiie.hlv satisiied with, and we make our selections with that object in view and we keep the same object in view when making the price - all our clothine. is priced that men will see liuuncul aJv.int.ise, as well as advantage in respect to Style and Mate rial. If you want anything in Wear ins Apparel CALL TU SEE I S. Cross w Linehan Co, Fl'-TO-DATE CLOTHIEKS AND FUllNISir Fl'-TO-DATE CLOTHIEKS AND FFliNlSHEBJi, ( Kt- .s', l')0. JtJ2'' K'Mf, Si ,!tf..-i-V3J t!;' --J The Kecley Cure I , It i 2 DO i DURHAM 31AI.BLK WORKS.! : - ' ! HDvLrlcirrs., 1ST- C. Monuments and Toinbstoiies, A.WEMC N AND ITALIAN MARBLI; Designs .ind pi ices tuinished on application. NATURAL STOCK LICK'. Cove vour Horses and Cattle what natine intended tor them and keep them :'i a normal 0-ikhtion. Dli. IM.1TY S NAII RW SIOLk l.Kk Is the r?al 1 ic's. M.u'.':!.u'nivd bv I ick Comp.nn, Vm-t--n-Mlcm. N. c. s. ia in y .. u. riikMigt. ui. . I . l.."ijvn' Son and Womble e l.iiulvnv, I'ittsKro, N. C, and other dealers in the county. Headquarters at upon as the cen well as the young. NC EMENT ! THE MEN t hers to know where to LAVISH SHOWING of ..ns trom the shops of the ( ittliATlfST CI.OTHb'H WOI-'LD. Wi: WANT 1 1 lb Mb.N to buy here VOl KNOW WHAT IT B0ES? Ii relieves a person I mm all desire for strong drink or drus's. restores lis nervous system to its iiinni.il coiuiition, and icinstates a man to his home and business. For lull particulars address THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, Crccnsboro, N. C. SPECIAL RATES via Seaboard Air Line. (VmrncnciuK Oct. lSMi, tlK)), th Seaboard Air Line Railway will place on salt- round trip winter t .-mist t ckets to all Winter Resorts in the South and Southwest. I ickets will be sold up to April :!oth, Px : i, with fm.il return limit Mav Mt. bio-t. for tmthei mtormation apply to I ocal Auent or address .. 1'. b.wii'H, T. 1. A., Raleigh, N. C $1 prices cut iu two. j of his body.