i I i i' V: I I, I s r 1 .'I if 1 if LKtlL lint ham laMOru "f " i " AY. Drr. 1,. lUQ.t. - al Records. 1111111 1111,1 THUUSDAY L()( ... Apples, oranges, nuts, ults, apricots, riiisins, currants, caudles, etc., at Jiyuum v iieadou s. ( Don't fail to see tlio framed au J uuframed pictures at ISyniim; AHeadeu's. They certainly inc. I J j Special bargains in Press Goods, Clotllliij;, Hats, Shoes and T tit i i i. i i w.,il, .. Ladies Jackets at .1. K. Weath.i- spoou s, Sauford, N. U -AVe have had more j;eiiuinr cold, wintrv weather already tli. m ' during all of last u.nter, and thej waiter has ouly just beuu. i Ji Holiday Goods and Xni.is novelties and Xinas treooina-, meuts. Special pfivs to Sauday schools. J. ll! Woatherspoon,1 Sauford,X. 0. j ' The old friends of our former eiuntytuau. Dr. Is me. Jai-kson.will regret to luaru that he is . i ll ieally sick at his homo at Whitey illc, Cduuibus comity. Mr. (".. .1. Hri.rhl. f N.HV Hill. writes us that tlie chaiiipioii ho,' raiser m his section is Mr. T. ii. teu!ieus. who killed a wei - 'h - iug 033. Who cm beat thU? The bazaar held by tla ladies of the E)iseopa! church he; e last Thursday uij-lit pr nv.l put.' a SUCCfSS. Over .:) was Ve:ili:-'d which will l. used ill lcp.-nutia the t'liurch shortly. Fe,r m ire than a we. k p-:s ( ' ! the editor of T;n: Ui:. o:;i. i;:ss i b-'en coaline.l to his b.'.i w i; ii ;:;. ; ' 'r' '' ' ' narrowly eseapin an attach ":!.' V' V-' ineuiu.Jiiia, hut is now l . -i i r an bupes to be oat in a few days. We lire pleased to note that (he condition ol our tow :isa an, Capt. Ij. Ii. I!!iiie, who has iifii conlined to his bed mo-.: of i he time since bis ret ira from Wasij iutou, is s.i.iii'ivlnl improved. What would make a better m Wore appropriate I'hristuias ires- j iit for your wife than a ood ! cook stove? liynuni .V Ilea leu i Hell and ,-u.-irautei! th-iold reliable Loth stoves. They are ti.e b. t. j i A force of Is w.iS pvt a ! work vest. : : ; ia . .;;; r for the pi . -! s (, j' 1 ! je i ii , ia woo i ; bridge. The ro.-l. is beis-j.- pi.:r- j . ried about !:aif a nit" v., -! o. !' Haw river and i; rt'i of the -'. ... j J.. railro.nl. j Mr. Ab-ier B. Bri!.t. if f'-i'. j town.-.iii), we r,;r..-i to !,..::, last week, aj-ed aiio .t ;i; s.ar-.l lie whs it mail if i'.l'.;e .4 MM .v. j deep voi.-i-, and !ir.:i s.-t fa.-e, r. I inia !::!r o;e :' '.'n- i !. a! l;; 'i.',v:i; wcir.s ',;id J. ,: -.:.! :" Work o:, 'he e:ciio.r; ..f tin i teh'pholie !i;c i ; o:a her., to ( '!c;p I d Hill is i.roer. s:!!.r !.:v:.; .. ' Jt is hoped to h l.i .-o i;, i ; uectioa :l!i the li'il 111 a sl..'it time in v.-. Co:ii,ei-.;in:i v.i'.-i Pa:-! haul and iLilet-ii is e:,.,:,u;ii:.!e.i. upon the ciinipietioii of tt, ;!:: to Chapel Jilih So far as we have h v.rd, th. larire.-.t ho killed it; ti., c.-uutv this winter b, loaded to Mis. M i ry Ban-in,' t, ..t L . kvi:!", the lift Wli.Lt'lt of V. ! I ! . '. ! was "s pounds. Mrs. B.'.rrin.-er had 1.1:1 hoys killed in a!!, eoiui ii:,.: weight bi'it:r pea;. U A white man named .JosIum Clark, id' this county, was las' week sentenced by Ju le 1'uniel! of the Federal Court 111 llaleieh to four mouths in jail for illicit distilling. He elected to serve ills Sentence in Chatham jail, and wa accordingly broua'it lu re on Wed nesday ni;;ht to ik ;i:i his sea tencc. Xinas is aba 'st Itv.ili euts u;..i pay you to p.t ,,::r ,ther Christmas things at oace be fore the rush. W. I.. London eV Hon have a uew aaul full .-to. k ( i everythi:iv; nice to eat in !iae con fection ries. 'Pry a bos of st u dates or a buckeL f idee !i.-s. Thev are hea hi n ii ! ". s for :', ...; I'loriila oi'.me'es, nr. r,i i-,ia , :: ... j ; ' the beat nuts. 'J.lii.s si: .-:ir loi ! inor ra $1.21. Hcst lkmr to hi.d.c cukes. ' t ons o Clerk of the Court .l-ams ,a ."-!. Orillin has fini-hed mailii"- ih, j i a 1 1 pension warrants to I iait ;! ,;, j - ii;. , , pensioners, wt.ieu v. ui coiae j.., the nature of a Christmas r.-mei's- j brauce to this wortbv class i,f on citizens. In ui1 115 v.ai rant-, wt i. sent out, distribuied as i'oi;, One first -class, dra'.v in:: t!;iii ; eeeotnl-ciass, (ira--M!ie- .-i.,; . -v, i, third-class, dra'.Voio- -:',a. :"i. , hundred mi l t hirt v-b'U" fou,-tb-in class, iiicludimr si:;! -seven w ; I-i own, draw in e; ill. i i: ,1' a, . , I M. , a.-, Ii-,.,:, Amontr the hands my, yp- j :,,.,,,, ,.. ... !.,,.,. etits and toys at W. L. LoilIoh e, : .' Son's you can lind ':ne Bil l. . ( ,,; -i j,4, ij... i ,... lovely pictures and i'iaiaes. ,, it. l.ov,vi bums, fine Wiitiia,' p',;. r :; d n ', . ;. j. , ,., elopes, laveh Iia;.. :!.. t .a, 'ef - j, . , ; . . ... ; ' .doVis. silver WalV, , o. . . ,, . rlass ware, a!! l.i.e .jimMiv ' ! a ,,, , .-: i ; , - very low pries. u a'l !.;:.. v- j,,.!,,,,, ,a, they have t he most c mip'i !e sj. i - ;,.,.,',. , of toys for your children, do!i i Vij, i. carnages, vaj-.ms, chao s. i1,,!a ' , i, .... of all fixes ami prices. (.i.,es . ,;. ,.,, y . l i j'verv de-script b lain- v ; i ; ,! ... c , ; chi' jrcu to se-Cid Saut ;Ci....... , or.;. Tim i.-i o it ion ivmi by Dr. . n,:,i" 1:,sl u,.,lair,"''y. evuiiuiir, eompi cve,n,ouUU,H,,a,,s,,; their quests, Dr. ami Mrs. .s,alc. Ann,,-;, ;, was one ol he plensnt, . st social lunet.oiisof tb.-s.-as..!, he :ious.sb.,ti.na,.nor::!!,i -t.-...., was tastily decorated, choic u - I",- ,Ji, tu..i,. serwib ami all . . i ..i .......... present speiu a ium p..Mr..uu eveiuuvr. it.uson i. n r.Ms. . ,,.,, ., .Mrs. H. 1'"" " visit to her daughter, .Mis. II. !. ii. .ii.. in ,...- i. .. , ..,, . . " ' " .. .. . . ., , . I '.'ell iitteluluiu Jjille s ii'.'iU .e.i- ,,, 1(. ; timi;.a ,,ollu;. Mr. W. II. Hunter, of Kalciirh, .' '. " ',. '. .J.S . ,' . . ' , ,. . , , with lii.T iu il In r, .Mrs. M. t 1 Drewer. . . . ... . I()!,r'""m,11 ..sm:,u, Mi. ... lh:i ul.-n. vv 'l.o .s ea.lu,. or a huye ee.n-nt eoianauv at C ra.-sv.lle a has tu-.m Irm.- on :i short visit. ISvi'iuni l.o.als. Jyi;iiui, N. ('., I,'.'. 1.1, !!')':. In order tor hristmas: l ra::- j berry sauce ;ind tmk.'.v. j The li. nu:,i s.-i,,..,! will have I the ".ori.i Vaol.iii i..v , :-..-r- " l i:oa mji't. All ! Vlted. 'J'iie .;-o.;.-:i!!l 1-- M I V l-i- I i,.-,.u:i .- and i...,;n:ive i e. .;. . J ,,,,. ( i i'o-ii i,.- j ,,f our St..: . It : 'I : ::!:.: . credit lot m -.. : :- , ,;,.,, t ti : . i . . - !...;;.: .,;, .. '.Jmae,. ti.-i.-. .' . A e. t,, v. !, in ti.e M :!iovuiii.j- C.ia.ly i',. -. u v-i:i v fA III. .W::;s are it r.-ts o! u, la ( i. : '.:; . t. '-iv-, ::ol i i::; ! -s (; !; ' .le.ie ..;! . n land of .). LL l.eaiiii ; ,. 1 1 was a :! 1 v p p;..i' of ;r.i-i.- si,, ii;a-ueiii.r .-,v.-n o: 1 ii c:i -. I,: a :. : !., a, i i .,- . 1. 1 I i.. ;,,.! ' . ',.. ! ,: e.a iO'eL'. The t.oiv i, ..:' ;h I ; :':' ii'-iy var.ety, o v;;..i.,! a '.. . ia, i i ria ,; in the ;,, a. a arc 111. I ii'le V. uo.l :. i'..'l.!.. hiej, p.dish an. I ,, -..!. j ,:....:.., r. a- i. Ii", l' r .-',:p, ia.. - ,o ai !, i" . BueCs Letter. umoi, n. i ., i CC. 10. W! , , ,M z,; ti(,. j,sl tn v,lvKs t!j,i( , t,,llKl lt nil, 1;iV ,.;,,, u,1 titll,. . i:,..sho:,i.i i... , ,!lill;rifil ,;!. . ' ' I !li w : I 1.1 ,..,. i.. ,. ,... ,. .. ... j i;.,. i fal in the winter. is hai.l for y.,u.t- people i.. :.!... i,..w much "!d people ' ii' ''.'hi " ,'' , " .' ' '' ::i,!y '' i h-.v ;uv sua,, ill l,..ve ,., l!i::rrv .(1V ;U-,. ;i ju i.j vi it i:i im-ii! r.-i.-l 111,. I !ial! net tai;,' an.ii I, i nin:i lias a l . u '";";; I j.i.-! illlii' I ll Mil,!.'! i-,ia and !'ii'.:. Il.it 1 iii v, r c.iiil.l i m 1 ! i . 1 i t li.i ; ,, i!, n:t a r.if Ui'i" liil. . or ti. ;! ;i ia::u culd not u ;:u l v !. .!!'. ' ' ""' , . ' , ' ' V : i ! A ! "i . V t , 1 i T V V ! V 'l . - ., ,, , . . ii i c I li. v u i! I i u I i. and 1 am ils of I'nil.s haw Li-, u ili- voiv. A i sonu-i hin:; in-t li.ilf sn ;: , , ,.t a ,,.ai, ;,v v.h,,,! th. ,.vA U) ,,,.k (u !us : ,,.((.k as ilS iu. s ,ld !.-,,. , ,,..,,,., , u,,u)(1 ' i:. p.'.'i'ioas fi'W oin::::-.'s lml ' .' lu-t I Wo'ii.l i:t' lots ni' il.OIH fro-;, i. !. i;V a :,,,! p ,!i; v to uait nut ;i .-..ii i 1 1..! ui -i in. j- ;t r n.M-is. , ii,. v. - nav,- ,-oi.n. i...u- -. ta.it is about !ar :-i ou v.-r w il Ii lii.-ai. Weil, i ili.-il Mr. ( 'h-vi-!-,r ,1 i, a I.-..- a;; i i ,. .! y.e; ..J. . i.. i, ;. , ,,1; :. m ;!.. v. .- :e o.-.:.--. , , . . ,-1 . K , .-. . . "... , ., i n l a:.d i- l:i..!o :.! I ':-.t J: I - vf.. I . : :. : : .: i. :. : i. ea l: i':.: t' ..- now; , l: al-V , ... ; ,. s o i'. or..i : l I : 1 i ;e vn. cl e, v .1' ti.e !. ter .l.'.i..:;.r.l won t ,e of ill. If, 'V .j.- : ..: t- tv- o! v,-. ,i :. - v..- ,i IM civil law al .-aoaiil i ver f .;.!., i.i..l cl i do.- :,t our aces-I eioiu ia biu l hardly as (, U.I a,la-e l.S V.eti .- , i , . -a c.auicli , oiilv ..I., '-ia d the. i a .vo are a !i..ppv pea- I o lie i.i ' : nil n ;a i, I.!.. . v. . . l a yi ar , . . I' -'.Tib: j Ciil Ij U'..: i:'.-. a. c i . I. I'iIi.:.. ! - -'1 his , nn is 1 ..ai .a: ti, i . 1 l . ' ; ( . i sh tie o-i : d a ae, ! ,0! lion , HI'!" :i'..-U-.l . A w;s :i. a .t; caoe a ; ! t---i:'" b ' !- .'.,!,. I.,,.( Stopped. ,!.,.,:- . I , ,!,. ' 1 i"t: t" t.. M -s- et -- I'- i'an!" s',,,.-.;i..; be ii .st . aiptot . , - .h K '"' - oo. ,ai tbe ,s. Ml of... , . v. r l.als. si.,- it i a kc. i'.'ikllltOl!. l rtTt-1?wi,.irmwre $ ? X ' Afc . M ; Kg ?A 'J . m ' 3 j i H a n TSae busiest H have ever gathered: anil the most perfectly orasiized faeilhlesi f thV IinSllieSS To-day the Popular Store is is at ire, i ( AU-wool douMc-breasted Black Splendid oak rocker with bather . . , - n, h.vio. Miits S i.oo. worth ?to.o.. bottom 2.2s up to .uo. A nice ,f l ' ' I ,' '..!:, A ,..od Miit for;,,;,. Moms chair for $7M. Our leader-' ', ; ' ' ki, , , (v,:vo.;!5 h, ..10 The lY mce .hree;lce suit with . i t:c tor .?iu ou ever .iw. 2ix24 tor only Mvth). ... ..,i,. , n i ., v , bhoe;. You all k pi vl;.;t ourshoL's are. UV iiie iv-t '. h--, m.uie. ( :ir :.-; ." hocs tor men and ladies cari lv beat. Men's lh ', i.-.'.s. c ai j aeetits for c, e: . ,u-.i .io;;:i ,j. Mct.-.oii tlats. i:,.:: ... t;;; M . -;:e to. ( dirias. .. ' A lv.ii;-'.:ui picture t',x2o with acatt call for in China t;.m the I, I ''' ' Sn.il!ei anes cheapest t. the best. See our dis - i :n r' -v"' l r'-'V l 10-cem China. j We want you ehfhh'i'm, You j , I -.i V .-:.,!. ..o.a belo. d i.iieiv 10111. .'.;! 'I'- ! s tinlil scl.lt tea slioi: 1,1 t ,, !. ,(,. !,, as.. Chaiidn rlain s i '.'..dm. Ibepr. .tieti. f from I' r'.l v. 1.; .1 ,1. lilii'iu.i j.-, li..ill : 1 ; 1 .. v . .. 1 . !;;;., Aorti; it.seo-t. i nr.-.ue tiy ; i. II. i'ilki!i'.,loli, dru-.;!?,. i lie 1 ;,pe i ear l ow. l' l l iap iny epe, I-, I:.ic its elu liie power. p:a..t a! I'a .M:..ra labs i op.-r- io lie. ov i . ii..:y 1st, with a ea- p.-.citv of ::.:!! borse p"v. er. The ,-;.:ap .nv ..; .-cts to fnriii.-ii pow- ii- ti v. ratlin mi! s. a silk mill :i:i.i s, i.a-r plants at I ayclte- Iiie. When vi a want a ideasint nur- 1Vtl tr... C! eaber!aii;'s Siumach i ;.. .... T..'..' . TI...,- to t;a.e c.ad produce 110 nausea, a. ..,.,,( j,,,,. .lisaer, caiile cf- i'ol' s,-.: ' i v C 11. I'iiklle toll. The It sid't:f has selected YV. 1. I iucbaumin, of New ork, to be ihetirst I'liited States Minister to 1 1 .. - - , , 'aa inni. I e was imios to Ar- e.ait liu. i;,.pnb!i, under Mr. Cleve- a:i.!. t onsul t-elieral (iinl friends had hoped to see, him iv y1'. ecive the app' aiatment. Tin- increase in tlf revenues of .the llabdeil postoilice is some- ti : i mr reuiai kalile. Ditrilie- the ,. tt. . i.. .. I ' l - I. r.. l , ,1 i life ill. 1 l-.,.l- ill. more than doubled. In is;i,; the lee, ipts amounted to j'Ja.CK',, will;,' lliiw tli.V are ii ver S.i t,.ii.", a: '. '!' ltet l.l'oiits last V.'.ll' were ') here .-::-, i", N i t Ji Car,.lin , p. rs, with a . iieulatii'ii of ,' ! '. 1 J 1 opies. (!f this number t . aia" 1,1' 'I'll ii!::' da i I ii'S of t he :-. at ',"e,'t 111 ia!, 'illation the ! . tv -on.' all. ft a liailies by ;.';; : i ; il... . .. m-w.spa-p. ' PC are lienioc, oie, It! He pa1 !'. "01, :to li:.!, ',:.di'i.t and 2 - I,,, sidiiiiivjt'. torpedo bo it V-' ca.iii is stid aM nnd at Cur- ;!.i!v ;, t!;(. ,., ,1-ts Of (I,,, , . ,, , , , -. . , v, i.'.-hia.' 1 el to 1'itil it oil the ., ..,.J, f;,i- beila; i.listiccessful. ! l. o p. .i-ltlil ll,: . lalV USi',1, il;t , '.! . . ,', , M....,;,, clily about three ;. ,(, so tiriulv is it ia.b. 'idea in the sand. Altoth-T t u'. it is to b,. n.ad'.' m hcu the tiiies J , are favorable. io t.i.ie a i.nu ri v me nav. Io (aae a ('obi ri Due Dav Take l.av Ib 'Uio (Juinine Tab!. ',. !1 ,!.au! refund the ia.;',-. it : t la;;-, o. cure. r.. . (if. Ve '! si -.untitle U ou each box hie 3?ors"cri season we have ever known, (he . ,.. . tllftt IS W. L. LoildOI. & SOU tO-lfaV. your service. Furniture. , ill .1..:.. r... wiiuiiii ciiui5 iioiii .n'k. i" f--'- Stoves. V. :Ci,,., ,,.. ,hC.,., u illi it, tixiur'es onlv H,vo'rth $1?. Gu.ir the g Hlsaaac Cup. jnJ S.U.,,.? ,0 Til, beM lo-ceiii cup and siuver y, ver -aw. . e liave evt-r tlv.ni: vou ,OU to come and see know you are always welcome at . I 1 .M) S.M.I:. By virtue nt an s;.mi !;: ay, lC.rti i.y or .iam-ai.v, . '"''...1. ' ii-.i'.! 11: iM.-jr-i-c.. t.. u!il 1 1 ' m;ii!.ii g 4,1 H-r.-i. una n ..a,i-r '.i.t.-, f..oi,.Ti- 1,.1-mm 1.. nn. I.ic Vi-t. i:c vi-U! Ai.-. .(.!..,.. i i; u.h g !.. u.i r A - ' '' 1 i;i. a hi i!t nn. w 1 R.i,.... mi I ..!inT.t. ,-a..i.! ,,. c.;ra i , 11. a. i.i'xnox, ('. in l Is. I I . 17, '.,!.t. -. -. . . ; NotiCO To 7:'1C Puijiic. , ,,.r,., , ... a ,s .,r . ,,.,.. ,, ..... ; ... ,-, ,.... , .,... Ull! , , ,;ul uri-u. .! iiaw n-r ku .wii ..- ti,. iivk...i I !hi 4 U..- ... I., wx ,w .1. ni.mi.- ,"- , .t. ... ,, .., ,, ,. ,. ....... y a.j.,....! H ;.-r : ur v- I., in T'i, er-. 1;., -a, .'i ..'h- ii'... !. r ui, : i 'ii,. , i, .v, in. cm. ..ui ui ! i-1- i--t -c. ..! .-t, t ..: .-u.i i.ri-u-.. "'" COM.V.ihSIOMIkS- i:.:lNSUS. In ii.-.- pin wi::, :; . . ; a,,. i',i... i, w i:. 1 ! i i, k ',, a,, i. . ,: i e..n: , pi i:. l - . : . :..,;l. an ..r . ,.. !,- ! .''.'.''. s. i;. m...',''i .''u '.v-. iaa ,-..W''' 1 1,v 11 'l"i '" - mi -r n, - : "v..,y..!1..uum,.r..f.UvMlH.,u'l In m-... :, i.u.; i U.I..HU,', aai.-i,, i ri -vi-.'ii hh i;u- v ' .i.,..v,.t 1,111:1.- 1,,, .1. n. Ai v. .vt'iai. ,1.,...-,.,. ... i.'i.-., in r. ' l;.;'i . UMVi ilr 1, 'Hi, T. vv. sii.tiovi:.- in n- .vn -.'. t-r :,',1" ,':'v""!'!"ll"l''. ,-. .a - ii 'ie.-"ii ,.n: ..1 .1. llu nill,. iiavt'll. a, ' .V I.. 1. IH M.I.I N !' 'Uyi .1 r.ei.i.si. n,.i , i- . 1 I : ... 1 .!,, .is ini'ii.1 ,.r h. nl.l "t Ili'HlUl, '.' - la' x. i 'a .It i.ni i uIum'.Iiii, v n. t- ia,it ai i , a '.it l.;.o I .'J. fin ' it. w. m V! ll.. ii:v.. . ii t ?.' i a a. . i K..i...i..t -.int ... u ' ,-'k ''. f '-o-r ,l. fU.'.lh. ..UHiiimLer.ll iil it L,!itiz.itl..ii. 4, T.-tm. ii-... . H," '."Hi.l kh.s h: H'...!..ti M I..,..,. ... .-r: I!" I ' . "U.i'h , ;,' i.u I'.'.'l . TTT" v i. :e.e,a.s. h.!..;ir I'. - N (em '. . tfifl.i eirrk , f tr ;,,h;-.1. 'otu i; i ciii.n; ions; . llava.s ,1'i .iia, ,i . ii ii. i ., .- h: r ..f i, ,'i,e.' K N .i..':ii. "i., ,,.,: : : . i- i; ,r ; ut l - a .1 I!ii4 ''li.ni". i.-.l!,' .n;a oih''' t. i".i'lil ;!:':. nil," !, Ui" li 1,1 . .-!,,.! .11 T l ,. ..t .... t. ,'" ,! t. , s.i, ; ti.i. .... ''- "-''', w. t. s ri'i'i-n r, V.tni! . it. S. .l:ii. .ii. iIih-iI. A --. w ii.vk a--. - .A.?e f h. a. II lis greater and kvtivy illlii eves he Tovs. 1..CVLI lililK Oil 1...1I I' 'I . is. We sell the be-t : - r '1K'h' s !h' dolls troni to o.i .;.- i. -. Mi , I'l'.in.t, Bisijue. '.in .i':.! i'i 'it! .b ess dolls are beaut it id. Glass Ware, j !':. I. .j,.,, j5,,w j. y,,.. , n, N p :. Pna4." sjj our I, went li our stock and hrln all the 11? f Mie 0. BoWi n h i no kij. a;--r,i.t n ri nn m ki r ,jv i ran iii iiwi . WE VAWTTi 1 -- .... . , . , . , ,.; i"1 .ii' :iiu.iM..i 1 , vi .1 ,1 h't Imv the be--t ( a ':!' AMi f f :, i.a.st v v, l:i .'';;) - ;:. i.) : ;i. the '..nest p:v.lac!.-;i ..KbK- IN ill:' W. M'!.!h I. io ;,-t eh tliinc' i:.e '!! be , selection v.bh:h i; .-.e. rich i; v.m w .i;.: . T) ' " Q " iV 1, J O O " N ' rr-TD-i vi ii i ilii t vi. s, t I - W'H-v.d. , K,Jj'an(; '' a... . . ' ' iW-.--- rc:' '; , I ',IH . :fc Vi. ' ' , 1 . 1 ' ieS , 3 1 S ' i ne s ! iiee3e i TH I ! I M j i 1 I i Monn!ne!3ls and Tosnbslones, . . .'it iMl I Invest stock we Silver Ware. : '.;1;1,.- mIviT lioel "1 We hi. ! i I .!; rh ii- v lor a ? Co'afeeiios&eg'iesl ., N;:; . !'-.; . '.bin; , ... .!. We iiave - a;-.,! . ci v ii v hi.! rC-!t HA! I - iC tr.ZU . i ' i.u 1 ' ! k in 'V u hi, re t. l-'! V '.', : !NC, of i 1 1 Id O'l'llbS s i " liv here ' w m.ihe our i :c i 'ceCl iii view a;!! Me i ".'.!. ..r.d M..U- W AN i an, i ; iir-ii!d:s. ... i ".r'f, v, K ; n 1 1::: : ' .a -at lor vttont; : . . -t . :a to it. hmu to ! : ! : . :; t ,'i.. dJ;c s : i:::,titute, t"-1 ... r' r Vi M.tittH ,.0.tl...li...t......0 t

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