yrm:miM i ri wii 1 1 imw it 4 a l)c vC.-nthnm ficforft. t IE' '. l)c Ihati)nm tttcoib M. A. LONDON, Kditor ninl 1'rnpriUcir. TERMS CF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance v:t:i a cwristj.im At I'hris! m.is Innr l"H:. . i iii;o "l.m.il ut.l iih'Ii" lh.' ati:.'i-, air;, "Ami in .H i' on i nil" their im-.-.i,. I hi:; Across tin sky' ti... ;doit( At t iiri.tinu Inn.. Iaiiii! years n"u. 1'ln im.i. f i hi.- in I'm .. m mi- - ml all ill,, oili.-i il.n. i.i'snli. M IV III!' Ii.l' Vi.U :llu.ls .ovldi lis laughter all Itiinie.i'il wi'.Ii tr.u.s At I lii-itm;i lime In I'm m .' ars. W. 1!. itinphv, in t'liii.',ii..i- Si. XI.- !ACHMSMMST?RY - PTOWk 1 1 1 : 1 1 T l'.YKS :imi I iMi-Htliy .Ian.- it.... ..i- tin. iir-;t titiii- B on riit-Ni miiis I-'.vf. 'I'lii'.v wet-.' In Ini; liiiri i.-il nvi-r i-liy stt-i'i is in a it. Hv- ity v.a..:i. au.l iln-ir .iit: lilllti' iiSMi.iiitK'li will) fiuli ntln'f ill Lit; v i. ki-r l..ik ! ii::tnrally li-.l t" :i .Diivir.itii.il. 'liny v.vr.' iL.IN I'm.. tliy .Inn.' a liiu' l a ; lu.i.y. In. !:;!' ami ponrly ilnss.-.l; Itiiu-l.t Ky." a ttin ly rlotlii'.l yi-iiii- l.i.i.v. uia.si' l.ti'ln lints f rln-.'V. ami liair u . tv tin' work of i Krrnrli .--.rtisls. I". r..:I. y .lain- was u"-iii-j to iin i t a " lilil.. in.-tlH.'-" in an lai.t : Silll' li'lll'llll'llt ll.lll..' nil l!:i- l!".T.W. ; nml llrlL'lit Kii' wa ..!i Ii,'!- way t.i iln- Ills ir... lisit.iu. Iii'.i,' mi I!:.- Vi'n ; Siili', t!:.-iv t.i . ! -n a:,il i li.v,. In - i'.v.'n- j ami say "Maiiiiiia" t" : !i . u . 1 - il.ttilii. r if n r: -Ii i!'.i r.1; int. I Itfiv'l! l'i- 'li't IK -t ll.'h.'ll t'l !l"t : j pour l' .r..!liy v. !n :: -In- i'i-::i:ir!;. il that tin in '!' nrn: i.ii i-i l!n- Nuali's atk. Ht tin' .. li..- ;.! i.!' I.i.x. w. li- v..-.. j t tin it tk.'M' ill tli ... ami ratlnf ni If. ly ith.mI.'.I tl.f p l tt!f ra-' l al.y in IllP roii'i-r as !if !ii::i .I away in .lis rust. At tlif i'..t the next .'.mor tJe- driv.-r he ark. w i'lt its fl..py ani- roiim. 1 1 imiN. - i I tin :-f was ,. !.!.. t in in ilit- linskft. li..i-..t!. lit'i.il Ii -f In-ail ami put In r paint".l la. . !..s(. t,. tlf rat- of Brmlit i:i-s ail w l.ispi'ivd: "Vmi aiv pri'ttii'f tliau I .-.in. I know; I. lit i-aii't j W( In' fri.'..Is, anyway"; I in-wr tal!;.-il I to a f-.r--iu'in-r l W'f hail mmih.' ! tlolis from ( kill i :i'. our il'-i' irtun iit SfVITal Wfl'l.s u;,i, . 1 1 1 I i-o-.il I'.i'l tin-I ilcrstaa l wlial t'--v sa'nl. Mow il" ' you hIiiiI your i-.m-. if t way wlion yni ! lii iNiwiiY II. v i. ;.-f it is." '.rii;lit ! Kyrs .at it an.! . Uf.l at tin- !kil j littlf paliiifi! i'.f of Iiorotliy .lain- with i- iilfiit aim;., 'flit. "Vou ilon'i pif!.-;i.! in fall yours. -ir a 'liristu;as pr.-si'i.t. 1 hopoY" slio sai.l. "V..U :mis liau- !' . n put t'-iri lln r in tllf ilark. 1 .l.ni . .' what i.asiiif jroii t-ari li , 1 in r. ":i'f." ' .. li.'Vf iliat 1 am liai pifr than y.-u arc to niL-ht," sai-l li.irothy .lain-, hut her I'n iiiivi-r.-.. "iVhyY" aski-.l 1 .-; r': r Kyi's. "Mo'i't yotl know that 1 at:: -. in to li.f ill o u- 'pOKOTIIV J ASK OLD-R Tl 11KB I'ltllAST ANP TUt: t'A.NnY lK)tl IN HK.lt IIANO." i of the linest houses in the city, and he ' show n to mi uihers of the 'IixiV " "What do ymi mean hy the 'pur.'"' qnoried Poroihy .Iain-. "You poor, liesh'rtf.l. iine.hleated lit tl( lliins." Kti ill l'.risht Kyrs. " Tell mo. where mv jcti uoing. tn.y way'" r-mvr -T-rriT -TTm'-'r rr- r-l '!il-!;i;:'-;!iif1':i!;ii; f ivl-;.l;.i ' ' '.--in- oi AAVI. I'll IMiOUO, CHATHAM .t I'l.iisiin.i 1 1 . t!..it mini-. ;.n!.i I'l... ihiiisi- .! K'n'il wnl I send Tit.' Inwiitf wi-lns ..I a liii i.'l Thai l..i..iii. ... in tv imi . lu'l M.iy l ( ill l.-l im:i- I'm." Tli.il i i.i.i i l.i-il.iy. ?F - TW? - D?LLeJ: :iiii -i t:ur '.. liiiii' .l. iiiii.' It.'.'il. ' mIii.. i' iii.itli.-r .I...-. ;i J : i n t'.u- a liv l in-'. I :iin m atii..i.- I., s'-f li'-r. Il' .-.-Mi- I.i-i' i-t it!'. r. In ii .!i ' ..iii;.ht ti." t-iiil til" rl.l I f I r : 1 1 .1 . : 1 1 i.- 1 1 . '. . I iv.l l.is-1 v.-r Wfll sli,.-.. h.r papa ilinl. anil !.. Impfil that I w Mill'! i Ii.-..'- hoi- Up on I'liri'-' mas pay. If .l.-ani.- is III..' hi-r iii..i!'.r 1 am ii.-lnu P. oo lnT." i:,-i.i.i r....- ., ... ;.;,.. in- il.- I i . :. : :al iiiti i riit.ti-.l to say. "Yi.il1 tni:-i M" a in'-.l-'iiary ra Laky th--'i. how rnmi. :" "'nail's what I ma." i-ri-.l PolMtty. 'aii.i utih'.s .l.-iMiif .-iifi-ts too iaii. li of a iv-.: I.ril.y. I h.-i;.'o iliat I w ill niakf lnf happy." P.. ymi think that lh.- II. t!.' -1; I w la-iv .voii nr.. ii..iii will ..f you':" llriiilil Ky. s lanvnl ui'f:si!v iu lh.. ln. ami wa. slow to aiiswor. I-'inal y sin- saiii; - ilon't know w hi llii-r in will ..vo in.' or not. I ilon't car.'. 1 am pivtly a'n! thi-y wiil show nil- in i i: j l.o.ly. I l.ki- tin- jil.-a of iiioin MADONNA IN CONTEMPLATION. CAKI-O DOIiCf. !f".'-tc0 ' v t . ji . T in h sh soeiety, ami xtouT worry ahoiit tin ir lo ins me." Poroihy .lane kn-wv iiothins nhout soeiety. ami did not fuily uuderstaml ilrishl i : es' id. a of life. All she I rotiitl think ulmut Wits .l. niiie Uil. ' am! whether or not they would I o j happy tosethi-r. "ot that his I'rrin h loil out. IJill." sii.l the ilriMid to his a-sistaiit. as tiie wa.oa siiildeiiiy stopped. It starti.-d porothy .lane, as s!,e had nl. out laa.h- ii, her mind to tell lilislit lives thai she had luissetl en- ti:i ly the iihji et of life when s!ie made love si"-oiidary. Ail she had time tu say. as she put an unshapely ras hand in one of llrisht lit p', w;is. "Make tliat II; t It sill love joii." Itut l'.risht lives tossed her head seornluily as I'.i.l ran with her up the hrow nstont stops. If jtui ever ui't up into hish Kot-irty all on me." were her partini; words, toiiiplaineil hitirrly to the driver ahont heins overworkeij lifter he had h imh-.l porothy .lane over ti Mrs K I. on the tilth tloor of tile laist Sid. tenement house. Mrs. Kertl took the ras hahy mnl uuietly sat her in tin lirephnv. farins .leiinie's litlh hinl. Mirll Mrs. Kred luul kissrtl tin t'o. - 'I.t..1.'.', - room. 1 mrothy l'Miki il ar-aiml ( hristiiia iirri.-'.l-.. At lii.-l s!n- saw 1111 one rhv, ami lifuini I" f. .1 lh.- re - sponsil.ility whiih I, a. I 1 ....--11 llinist ilium her of hoins liHI.. .leimie's hole fhrislmas. rinully. Imim-viT j-ln- spied 11 liil!" pink . : 1 1 1 . 1 dos. and ti.1.1 11. . 1 1... 1.., 1 v. is ill...... r..i- .1 1 1 1 . i 1 . Tin- 11. -t iiioniitis Mr.i. 1 peeped into tlic rimni in time in see Jennie i'linp around in mi efs;n y of joy, w itli Porothy .1:1111 1.iki...1 rinse In hi r luva.-.t ill!!'. l!'i- pin!; randy ik'S in In I 1 i : ( II.?. Tin' affection of l)i i liilil f..r I inriitliy 'I- Misnif.K i-i h run siMiriUNi i:i..r." .lam. Hivw li"in ilay In ilay. until tin in lcliliofi talki-.l alio.'! it. U'li.-r.- or .1 . -ii 1 1 i. - will li-ii uliy .l.itio was wi'.h h.-r. r.ri-.-ht Kyi--, on t! 'Iff l.ati.l hail ., ,ar.!ti: fit. U 'In-n - !n- .- rri fil a t ,.. mis,. vjn- I'oiiinl i.:.i i!i....- wfif u.-my t !nr pi-fsfti! -. rn. t ! in- tl an h r s,.;i' ninl. rni.-ivi.vi r. a li!ll. oM i-nl.h. r .i.n ., i... . ... i . Ail h.-r vi.ioiis of . ...uinu' out into ('.islil-.n.-ihlf s ..-l.-l.v f:i.- .! away ln-'..iv 'a w.-.i. tia.t iii..-il. SI. i'..'i-r w.-nt j i.ui ,.( ilnors. hut lay (iirknl away hi ;, i-t...v. I lay .lip. a lllllo f..N i. rrii r. iai. took In-r for soniftkiiu' oN... l:. i'..r,. hi- was throiiu'h tho l.loimi was fr,,m l:. r rhfi ks ami ln-r hair i . 1 one ami w.-n- i-hi-wv.l off. So llif M,.t ilay Ilriixlu Kf was j i t !....; v.i; ovor t ho tup of thr ;i.i harifl il. tln l.aso nifiit an awav w In n .l.-inni- IIiiiI. with porothy .lano in ln-r sinus, rali tlf hasciin'iil hoil. Shf hail i-..mf (,, p.( tin- washing, r.rinlit liyi-s iv- osni.-a-tl Porothy ;i( i,i,, (. and railed ..in iwi'li all her liiiu. r ha-isliii:iess ' r"s!ied ami hrok. ii: "nl,. you ih ar i "1.1 ras hahy : you w are ri-hi after all." j Thru .Ir imi" w r tit a w ay. and I he ! lis if-ver met m.-ain. New ..rk M ul and Kvress. I 1 1 1 1 i ti M Ilil... or Jii-l I.. fore liiUlinas. i -"M ! I' idevpiiij; ehild and ;:;.! mil II 1 1 III fefi I UMl) L s COUNTY,N. C THURSDAY, Di;CiiMliKK 1 (Hiristinas Gnomes , While - vt n i r. lus !m slot.- ( : lii'l.. m, tlii.losi. nl pri-soiins.-s, lairirs, j pi.." s. I'mks mill otln-1- rldrileh spn- it.-. S -den. whirl nohow seems as j mmh lt:cii- Anderson's .-..ntitry ns I 1 ii-ninnr!:. is PretiHnrly ri.h in sm-h I'LA 'l! IMS, M A! Msir ill Till; IAH1..I: Ira.liiioiis. In Swiiloii lho littl.- pio pl- aiv km.wn as iiiionu-s, ami aiv w. ir.l. inioh.ipi-ii lilil. men, i iinonly seen as miiier with pirk ami other uleiisils for .hhiu- into the earth's fastnesses. These L'll"!lieS lire helleV- ,.eiit or in: li. ioii:-, a rniim to . -nuili- li.nis apparently, ah.l hew iteh or in ii. l) as faii'-y. or a sort ..f fairy jiistl. e, proinpls. Th'-y ale supposed to ho ::ua:.lians of mineral Uvns-iivs e...l, sil.-r a-i.l piv.-ious stum s. l ulikf llie litli- m -n. tin- u-ini.i.iilfs or "knly f.iiri.-s" ar.- heautiii:! little i-ivatmvs. Ill fael. the Ulio'lies ...... -m to like feU.i- - Ms.., p 7 ... ilA'-fi' A TMK M.:nr is i.o.s i. nine h -:i u: y. ami lln-ie are hair raisin-.;, shiiildi r piovokinu tak-s aho.it ih. theft of II,:.- alio mat litlie sill to ho in.-i.tf a .pi... 'ii of lho none world Al o. however, there are the Usual moral stork's of tin- p.u.1 little ills who v. . re rev. a r.le.l hy these tiny mill il.i: ensil-ei I'-. Th" r.d ..r sra.v or ev.-n flii ii ir-vi-n .,f .heir has sarin. -ills ami 1 1 - -if heits a. :-l hil -'.I. s seem to lu'ilo- t In-Ill al na.st i.;' . lira I at t.-iida lit s upon Saaia flails or Ni.'hol.is, n.-i ... him as yo.i wiii. fotaiia v. ial AdM i lisef. A Tel! CI rh'.mis Tree. !t Towers Si.tv Fe?b ani ConLa'.ns 10.03J Toys. l':-oi:.l-iy ihe !i:-is fiai-uaas n to he s ...ii i:. I... lid n li..v....!a -. says t;...e!i 1 '.-ti . . . is ihat wim h is ei-i-i e-d aiioiiaily al Hie fr.xslal I'aia.e. Kitr pl...i jraih .-. i:is a very -j-ml i-l-'a of this int.-i .-.! Il inoii.-l. I The on.' seen ii: tne phoiosraph i -ity feet l.iuii. Al'li r ih.- ir-e is s.-. ! lashed in;-, an upiijii; positioi, thr-' or lour days ar.- upi.'.l in irimaiin il wi-li iiiiii,..-.."s toy-.. It is iin.i :. .1 that ...;i:.. of 'he hiuser tlfes have e.irr.ed 'I '.V;.' ' vi-i'..--' .-... Iv " '.1 SiXIV HI' Tltl.U AT T IB ri.lsTAL 1'AI.A i;, I.ONl'UN. ns many as 1 . ti m i to V.'.itoii tons, lan terns and llass. I'li-.-lnil on the t-.p of the tr.'e. just ninl, r tin skiss roof, is an artisiie statue of I'allier fhrisi laas. dressed ill all appropriate eloak. ami i-iirrviiis two l iiimi .lark I! ,ss. l"p to two years a so the fhrisimas trees, wlii -ii have loinieil 'ine of the prominent features diir;lis fhristmas week lit tiie I'llaeo. were presented to the roinpaiiy hy the Aivhhiskop o! f iiuti riuiry. It has hrrii the ui.ii.in of the frystal I'al.ue .tuihorit i.s to distrihiiti the toys with wlii.-li the ti s are ile-eorat.'d to hospitals and to the oor rhildrm of the iii iyhhyr-Uooti. A MW's a if 7i n r U li 1 K y n - -J 6 By Anna Ka'.Iiari.ic (firesa,& 0 4 tt. ccFYnr.i.T. i bv roar. m bcinner- f.cnc. aiersil; j.jjinirniTajr mrnrwrnTMi wnrrfi7y- (IIAI'iiil! XVI. 'ol:l:lni, il. 'I h.ivr IMI ha. I inueli :!.-.i'aiiitam-. V.-ilii tiie iin:i ae W lil.-h Ike hlltal ymi r- m; t s. hill if (he happiuei-s w lii,-h 1 (-(.. fiieie is finiii him I eau oliiy say tlial he elinse a mi' h- . mip'.e t i h. Mow il upon. Al.'. Peii.MW is a irii"pl taati ami Miss li.i.-vs is a il'u-il woman. Why shoiil.l lin y mil aiipreei i;e r;o Ii other':" Mn llie other side of lho mom t In MihjcrtK of these l.'inarks w.-ic listen. In In lho mm i.- ami w hlspei in;; tin.rt s.-nl. li.-. s into eai ll otli. l's ears. I' 'lipid were ihere he li-at'l wor.'s W llil-h Slllely had hei-ll iillirillllleil 11 li lil - his aiispiies l.el'ore. V -t they ar ilways ii"w. "1 hoe ynii, riimiiiriiia, I love yon. I lo e you! Po yo.i ihiiil; you ran trust i:it- (o ma!.e .it happy; I if. m i ; .uii lo answer m.. at i.mo. only do m i I'or'iid ni - .spea!.!:.:.'. Yi.lt are so Lean Id'ul. ...i In until' ;;K" A soH s;... v..,s ,,.,h ri p!y. "1 kei.w- thai i'.f thm- is sh . r r s'm-e We wer - stra- v. i . i:t: l 1 kln-W !:i .1 h -ins of yniir life of y..u. liui su.-h a leu. outif as Inn i-.lit tis t':;--t to-.'fl !i. r is eipial lo a y. ar oi' rn:, !:"! f- .iipan ioM' hip. f",' in il wivo .'.;h ileath ami lift'. I loved you w hi a I t ;:-.ir,'i.t ji.u w . re iie-i I. ai.d m.w. ilia! I t.-m li y..i. and ln-ar y.ai ? i . -. : 1 1 -. I am nri.'i d I y silr!i iiv.-- -.vis. Ii'iin- .ffoii-u-s hat f..; Ii:e lh.le is i iih'l:-.' of in-f.v.t ill tie' World loll hoe ar.d our two sri v. -.'' "Aii!" was a'ain 1 1 : - i: un.titre.l p'y. "Is love s., w,-i-r: i. l:sa!i. i in- f. r .a!., : v, I would ..'h'.i'.v I . lii v.- s "Will I ii-.iY Si e'll.V i,..s ii n.'a .-Idly .i-., '.- '.-a.-!i ai ." !:::' v. .11 w ill i i - 'i i the t :i. I . 1". ai.d ail my life al veer s, rvie... I have i.ui P.v.-.l I heie;v no. no. print. I siLOa .rina. how ri. r ymi may i-milo. I h.uo m-M-r . v, n ' l!.oll.!t t l.-.l I I Iov .1 heft.-e. Yoll a V '. mv tilsl ador:ii:"a. I! I n deep ahva.Iy ,1... I , ,.. ,1,.,: I ...1 ins 1'i.e.v ft-.. in heaven than y.n'r love: n..; fame, not 1 oirn ii"! we.-.',:!;; m.;!i ins hut vol.. you. you:" Siie mlsal ha - r r. - i i, . n -' -tl ; In r lips l.a.l till, lit -I aid h.-r .'. s I,.-,.! na.,,,-,1 radiaiitiy, hill i.ei re the words i niid i'-Mie fr.nn la r iips ii ,. was a sudden hi;sh in lh" n.;:-;.-. aed ua : il;;n oil" wliisp r.-r pause! ;,ad s'aia-.'d hasiiiv toward the door. A sirauei r v..:-: e'e tr.ias. a ie:a:ir!.:i!i;i. m-i:-. i'l who." tail fo'.-iu and .- .uiliv .-arr:-".'.' a1! !: i t;i-iil!eii,.-:i!. Ii'.i: no; a .;'. : n t' ej ku w. rn S i t en tiie h S.. - S. Who w..s he'.' A !..;-. a a. ';. d the i!:i;iiir iiit'Vi li lh - It'.aui win ii If ei-o-'i.l til., l iv. .!. -i I a' I t'ai; in whi. 'a 1 ma,!,. !iU l i n p. ;!' :;.." e'i!.-.l . -.-l.ant . Win. -.. a- la-'.' A 'al ! la- lie II sri t".. d t" a.iVi r, .;;,. tl: ie v. i;!i 'a pi;;;...M'. I: w: hir a lai'M; V. ..s t ,-' "i. af. I i:t I !i.! : : ,,, -i I y . ; . e :-i.r. I. I'li-t I I ih. :, p" sent in rails,. . some: !: 'as ;!:ev saw in ti" s; r." M:. ;-. Th - was i!,.. yi;,l . -i . i: i a ..;.. v. ,-r Ins a I: i:ii i -n ,'.'.:. Ii !' :. i-.ay.-d a.; hi-. -. m:i..., . sii-a'-.' 1 I'..;-" hi-a to l ie v.1.1" W: .low . : a i iis heaal'I'ii! o i i 'a.; lit. N'.i an .;, ,- ia tiie l-ooai 1, ui !'"!I iwi i hi::', to th -'.-1..-1 i; a's -. id. : i . etii'i'.:..'! :i "i I s: . v.-. ias !.. . I. ii .. ! : -In. h id 1 i a . a a :i'i with lii I.e., ii;:ii on 1: r f.i.-e. :n !. pi rh.-ips. w in, a , ,;, ', - on eu h r ih,. an. I sit.- f, ar, -I. if .iid not i a. tv. i hat h- r seei-e- i.a- - ,' Ti . seiolal ;.. ins li'.-i "..ii ;. the h-s.es-. I'l w! .I, li:,- .,-;t at'.l was i- i. ;:. sh foil; .1 i: ,1 , "liVll-o !'"." the s'r.'-.er I w ir. li. 1: '. . . ' ihuii t was -. . i'. w ':' h I In! v. . i I ' , , J ; ' !.:. !i ha ! i o. h.-r I'.w I ..V . "i 'I'-iaii iy. : i W-:s I,'- ; a-. ' '. "I ',:p . .! ' ' i "II IIV '! i wr. ii. .i ; ..a v rei. I I -ii ; , : li s v,;:n t-t 1 ..-.. r:i - 1-1 lh" r. mill, ,. had taken the i . J . i... 1 hi'..i:.rht I -!i -i v,-i I, : i, ::i.."ii-r p ' i i.n i ai! :r. .." I !' I ..I;; I :it 1. 'I I .Mid f s W i re v . f pas: ei a .aian'rally .1 U'-'U ihi. " s!i.- I'. I-i i'l the ri "Yell l-.o-t !' I- oil "iuit ' e rat". S' : I, ti. a i'. Si-, I- .,' and (he tolor !' T!l sl;-...-..e;-. i'l a I"'-. Mr i I : -r-; : '- .aid i- -.! .' hard (,, v- I a.-. '-. tli- r .ii. ! it.!-, her la-in- I. not .i h.-i-rass-i d. ie,-!; u;i In r ... r,-rne,. ; i;,; . fiiii-he.! it for her. "The name en ihat rr.'-d is in'no." !: d. . 'aiv I. "II.-; a p..?raw. P . yell liiel iiT-yt : sir: t'S" in it'.-" ! i A I' i XVH. 7!:I. I !!:-! S I I f - t!! V. Anythias itrai.T" in it? U'-ll. v..-. th -re was siam'lhiiis slrainse ia ii. A luiii'.nir rose 1 hr. -ash ,ui the f.. .ti'. mil. witii on.- ,-u , oitl, ra -!i !i,..., I tii'ard toward the artisi. who hitiisel' ! l--"e Ihe ii:-"i.- .'list -.pi-!;, n. He had i ::. and lh"-' a all were ready to ' . ' .1.1 ill his ,. .ai j.i i-v at this hi- i-.i.-i.' i!Mi oilu. I '..I. of o; f les own I. ai.:. into tlrs liuiiie.l in li. tin y v.. ro not p-rpar. d for the vivid oxpre. si "ii of inconiprclicnsii'le rnui growiui: I . iihtf. NO. 1 . T TA1TO A",,,or IZ "r'mUr" ...o.,l l,in wl.i. li I, is i . 1 1 : 1 1 1 . : . 1 1 1 r ?o f.il'- , il.lv lo :,,.! It was as If he h.-lll e.-eiveil a s!e. k In V hi. li thi-tv was ssiiielhi'if; lii.. 1 :!!. hut the slip he ool; foi waiil and the jjrslliro wiiii h In- mailt sliowvil lliai the fear was iml for hitnstif. hut for another: and lie., question immeiliati !y rose in eveiy iniml: "Win. is this olht-1-, aliJ what is iliere to f.arV" 'l h.' i iiih Man w hose introiluetinra hail aroiisiil all this i-urlosity v.as ti'iaii while sianilin in a courteous: way hofurv M .-s Aspinwiill. who. alter ill., first instant of hesitallon. had niveted him with yi-iitiitif warmth Hint une of her finilkest smiles. "You must pardon us." :tid she. "tli.. se'-m'i.y: iliieoiirle.y of your w. l eome. I 'il I linn- Is aiioiher I la miltoii Peirraw in the inrin, ami the name hi'in-j an iiuilsii.tl one, my lii-t tlaui'jh; I was that you Wire s-ikinu an intra- j iim-ti 'ii In him. Wiil you si;. Mr. I ;r,uv, while I read Mr. MorrS- n The stian-if -aii!--d and h.,v.e.l ami ! t-.ok i)le M'-ll olfel-i l lii 'It. lie Mas in la. d --.'re.' i niiiarr.'.-i'd. at.-l iT . - li- eioiis ul' a) ih,. -jiaiais l.-v. ! I lOo'i j hiai. did la.! :-law it. IP'I ri.ap- he . -.v;:s le.ij i'iil,..i-iols ni' thelii. 1'or, lie , .: aieiit his alii u.ii.u was ri-h a.'.-.l ; i.y tin- pri'ii. -eup.it ion of his host. i lie tiirnnl at on. .- toward the window- seat Willi an ea-.-rnns:. that lua a- il:.. i: li";i::i:.i 1 h.,1 h ap into the t i ks , of lie- wa,. !,; nl ariir-l. and t'aui-il 'i.i-i,. wa i-.. no !...p..-;-tim-.:e,. in h; ! '-mis ;-. cor any r unit ion t -. I : i that w liieli is ai-i ..nl. I Ly : :i ;...i.-- j , ' la i''i- I'ali",- lo Mid.h-'i'v ;. . a!.-.! , I h-atuy. all l law... wi'.i la d pass -.' s-iii:- I 1 "' ' '.'' In '! I I' e'r l:;st jotilh 1,1 j ll;l' '' :II'V ---" ' ' hie ! "''" h.-arl. f. it lha: iii.il n : ii v. h.i.l in If 1 ill,. !'' .. ,: wi'h -I;', M-.-ot I II.-.;, -ton I'. :i'. v.. an 1 ihat In ii.,. v. -y '"Ii : of hi. ill, I'o.lu. ! t..i. 1 .. e; .i i ll:- ill a ii:.!'iia lia I i.. !. i ':; .Vol! .1 el' e.il'' .., ei.'l.v a li..- r ! tli -Hsht.-. : Vor wa t':is s, i i 'v u,,l, ' i , :; j I.y il h'.-.-t ..( ;. - i'.t. ;; -.. 'I !: ,;:s'i ; her a si la.'";. .: mi , in a I i-.i-.i;-.;!- w .,. - We r in r .lai I. -" l ii.l .-ail M.d p. '.-:.. I has v- silly her ii;..- v. -.he nam.. I..- s,, ..::.- .1 p. l ,. il s s.ei ethim; ia if a: M:n .,ii w !,!. ii j I.:: re. lieu e-.p;-.-. !: ! !l re v.-as ..'.! ,!.ii- a-.-l ti.. . ! !., : w i: ', .a" thai ,1 I.'. I fell H..I inoas av.lor '." ai"i rei' of I 'd If. '!"'h a n v.- lo,,. a, this ' -a - I o 1 ; I I,- h.el i... in-..,. . a'. are I'aat I he i lae . i v.-;-s t.-.i i-'.it- iiai: i. w; ill. I. I I. a! ..ei : had h a:m .1 l a :: 1 . ii ;,I wa ;. -! !''- 'r. a - hi- 1. oa : at,.) i.i i i i '! ;s '. i ry ; 1 'W .li d I: : ii. li. i own I. :. II s a . I ! 1 1 . e to ila ' .ei. I !. if rf ll- " Th" "Wd- I 1 : .1 v. aii 1 T 1 I -.i ll -.. A - ' t.i ,1 a ; . ;. .! I 's a i .1 .I r til' ' .-::. . .'. Ii. ha 1 !' .l I I',.- I I - i -s.-.l li a .-', i ,' ll" ;.-. . s wh'.-li had -ai..' th j .'; - ;:. . vn ra-.-. ! at i f the I I ,et; ii i, -! ai-o; ai'.l. ... -h. -t i':s t! :.; h" ! .'' ' . l ilil lh- laae w h i e 1 I e- a im! s i irii' h nil:, hi 'f ii i: . . " h.-u! 'is l,-;t, la- i . 'ihi-r , ,,',.; : , . ss. l or ,P, I, , , : !.:. ..,; p.. ii a . it of ;o.;-r.oMi.ia ; i d -. .a hi, h Hi', ia t!.".e t- :: tor .';.i'k,. 'I-I have keen sii.'i.-'. n-'y a-..-.., ,' . I'l,. p i-s-.teid ,!. ;'.;!. t -t hi h il- . i.aiT inani'i-.te 1 I-i route ai- .".! n w l:o; i ii. a i -.;.( i;.,w rr- ',! d as his I'ti.iire t, i if. As M:ss Asninwall. ilmr. ;", .n. ei thled mr law sin st from oim p-a-son to ai, ot!:.-:-. l.e follow nl them with a ! in nil." -a"f. t'.at jiro-ei.tly t.u.i; mi a prw I're ns h,. pereei ved tln-ai tutnins t" ward Ida. .(If ami his l ..v s.!f p-.s M-.si , a tu! apparrutiy jnel;..i:f rein paoi 'll. "Mr. I'rsiiiw." let'iarked Ml...; As pin wall, lvfrainins fjr nrioits rcasen fioio laisinj Uer eff W tbc jjazi 'Wlijrli HATlS GF ADVERLSiNU. One fquarf, uiio iiiffrti.ui St." ( )iji) nj i'iri', two insertion l.fSO One MjuHre, oim inuuth J..r! For Larger Advertise- mpnt I i hp rill llcn- ' tracts will be made. . ;ii!.L'ht have p'-.o d a w a: noi", ti lir.r had hlso I.u i ii. "allow :,: to pr -seru In ,v,.u a nth . .-a. i of i.. i:l-ooli UJIoe. if li, ,1 .: j a. - a.lislie . aliiiiL-. Our I'rieinl is ii' - ' itii.-r i f whi-'- worm . 1 1 1..1I.-I ii Hi' have ! : , .-1 i-il , ' ' si'.i! r. pi. an-. i. u; -ni. u ti il." -,'i .i'!i :'i:in al l.el si I . 'It wa.' oil lo-e.i'.in! hi.) i!-.-..-;.-.. tl .it I ni.ll.ii' -s:-il ;.:wtl eur-j.n-- il,. .ii v ,.:.r ilil ,-o.lui I ion." Vo', ar.- v.;y pa .donah!.','' ri'i)'-'11' ii'ie s.raaL'er. polil -ly. "I have hi':inJ ..(' Mr. ii : ; ,-. la.m.v l.i.o's, a'l.i iiai i-.l! f,i:iii to a., i i hi'i:.'' 'I I al t ii-l flow ni-il. V i:.i W.'S tl:-'. ill ii.i- par a ilia. ' naaial.al '. !rt i". en fniii em i li.i had i very ivasori to h.-ii.-ve hi::! to Iv a villain. Va 't ''' m.-lllll. .-' P nC,:1; 1'iat tin- sivi:t !.... i i eu ;i' i i. e:.',ieei. ir was il ills .. v.hii-li, if a-io'iil. hiiil a eh. i'i. -s thai was. rie-oui I'liil). ai.,1 a lai e wi.i. ii. if u-i-.i i: I :-.' ha.l noi siinil hilwii-ii lion and its pa si ii','. o,iM have made hiin his ini.l.ni'ntr.t !l.l.,i!--.-. Tile .'liVsoay li." til" thlliB thai. -.1 him. Not .ahul'llii:.'; I.i.s v...i-,P, he r. jili.-i. wiih s.-:.-,-i !y viultsii siif-.isiu : "Ami 1 have h.ard of ihisi jr'.nlle man many titn, ." Th'-n. seeinri that thr other did not wime, hr ad !i"l, h's p.eiit. dly ; ' At ha.. I so I ain !i"l t.. think from his appraram-e mid n;:in- I-ivlih ntiy a. ii iiished m tin- prt'i-'l.fi he lad ii --elved, : he ueiiih-iiiaii Klare-I a; 'In- nr;Ui ;'u.- :i inouieiit. then Pn-ii", i-iwai-l the siaiiorina. Pi: lilfiin !i .y Ml A: j.lii'.v.ill. .-liil titi'ihs.Tvaiil i.. I in- a1' ,-! ii-aah- sisns wlie i III-' ar.'lsi imi i i'-.Hy niaiio her. opi-..'. he;- i p li-spial; ' he fo i leal w-.n ds tii' i he ii "-e. i-iy in' i-i :!'i"i Ion. w hen 1hi h.l'- ." I ie r hy lltterh,-' it hil.'iselj'. S;.;i'..:':i'a Y:.!l'. allow Pie t) ..-"-s-'l.t hi ym. .Mr. Pe.:. .w, ui I,;!".-.--la::.." Ii:-'.,. '!y mi i vpres.iou of iMirp:-.:.-,: .-.I i.,r . very i':i.r. Ta..;ii;!i wr .ilil al- of il..- sln-.'.-r h ih" in: e "ii, i. r w '.Mi li.- t kt.ew la rsl'e ! i t liia 1. ni'. r.-allv i.mnvn in '!'; !:' :..; ly lho simpi.- em- hiiiii atiie ! f. :;,; I y i "i- p.ii-enis. a-,, hear ln-r : i ih-es.ei!. tl'-a. in this p; ;!:'.. vay hv ti:, -a; ,. -!. I,..,) .!.-:;!.. !v ii-. .-iiie.-i . I lin- "I. I'm. spy ' ri'.i v. . iii'.-o.l it. This lho rpi;iker hail pi i iiil. hut w;i.,t he had rau io'ilii-il f.r. ai.d V. i : Ii. . olal.'.s a; this; tli. !,-:; i.:,. lia 'it. lip raiiy -ii ioh. ills sol. -tiO-.-es-.;"! wa; lh.. 1"..'. ..f i-i--r:);i. .;::'"i. li:.:; ra:i: alio i1 . . oill.t--oU'i. i-fl u,' 'I., two p.iM.i.s i:., . .. im e.i. 'i'l'.i:. rlie sii.ii: r was rn-i ,;;... to hear a i!';f;er- I--' oai.ie was . on, in, aiei real ria- ; ' !''"- ! -'( ins , i,.,i-, i- j j :'"' a.' "-' v iu. ,' .-he ;;:n.! i'-';- ''' VVi,k; 'J'"'" i f'- ' '" "'' I" ' " '' ' : !i ' ion I 1 1 p I . "I tlih.k." .ii i .".'.-' i '. !, :!.t-ij; le i... ill-... I. th-'it to. I a hi.M -I ., a;.' s. :.' ;o I..-.;, t lii.-n t, li.,i I v. iai.-"... ; '. . ar t ' . a . : .- .'ate I .n:v--.l lay M.-. I o .;..-. .' .: - lo ;!... s' -m. "i.-:- i ..'.'. " f:i.. :'-. 1 , .' i ' i i i . .- ; h had hi. !l "iii I- the p.. "i.ai ': .v .!i-.::v .!' : I '. v.-, : I. !. ! :.l 'if !' 1 a i ill all 11 II l'.- i".;li!v ti e he:. ll i.ir il o " I i. I than i'..l ; Man w IHi ids t il' !! :ix 'i' lir. . si.oiis i.i'" y:.:; t i p: "..'ii. Ti. ha eoiiti:,t;f!. Tlif I'r'.l t iii-.tnicrit. Tiie la st iuvi nu'iit any m .n a,... i:' a, indie Ions i ompliniiu' and tlivrr. -New Yelk lie..

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