IS 4 'I '1 'J 1 THURSDAY. J)l'H'.2t, I'M),'!.! m i LONDON. Editor. H. A MFBBV fHeUTttKI t.U'ltl reduction to Cuba Will be MERRY CHRIbTMAS! . mxU Wllu.issills n tll is. All Christeinloiti will rojoii'e I.uiil as as cotii.l have been tomorrow iu eolebrutiu.r the anni-' -xwtfil from a "staiul pat" re versarv of the birth of Jesus f',u,is!.;,t .Most of l , . v . . t he democrats tuvorcd tin' lull as Christ. Once more the J".V"w . n,,. that could be obtained Christiuastide has come, t!n hap-. under the circumstances. One re-i jiieat season of the .year, when ' publican, Senator I!. ml, voteiP the duties, the cares ami the trou- '-'-'aiiist it. Pe!'.,re the vote was ta ! ii . i ,i if . i i , ., i hen Senator Pailev and Senator! bios ot our dailv life are laid asule . . . . , , , Spooiier tonii opposite sidi'S ui a. aud old and youu-, ncli and o,-r, tl,.,.ltt. t!ll, an-1 srive expression to their better thonty of the President ami Sen-, feelings. Hard indeed must be'.tteto negotiate- a treaty which that heart that is not softened called lor the reduction ot' the tar- aud mellowed at this joyous seas on! Whether this be the tru ' date of our Lord's nativity matters not. It is the -'eiierallv accented , . . . . . , ami has been for centuries, and . liotlnuir can ever change it. It is eminently riylit and proper that all Clllistelldom should alpropil- l,. ,n,,r.if., ,m ,.i.. ,1,, the birth of Him who came to re deem mankind, and is the great est event of all historv. ; Take awav Christmas a-id what au empty void would be left! What would the world do without Christmas? Around it "e clus tered life's greatest pleasures :i! I tenderest associations. Year after year it is eagerly looked f n.atd to by happv youn' hearts as the acme of human, and oil hearts are mellowed and wrinkled faces are brightened at its tender memories. Christmas days are the green o.ises iu the men;-! oried of many, whose j .unity' through life lias been, .is it were, through b.tireti wastes and arid, deserts. , The cii'l.ane of Christmas 'i.'ts 1 is one of the most appropriate' customs that irtves pleasure to; many. As ou this day we ci :u-, luemoiMte the greatest of all irifts, , M'hou (ioil pave His only begotten Sou, it is peeuiiarh appropriate; that all mankind should strive j with o-ifts to gladden each others, hearts. IJut remembei that it is; not the. intrinsic value of a Christ mas ift that is most appreciated,1 but it is the kindly motive that prompts the u'ivor. And above all do not sordidly civ, in order t" be iven something better. No more joyous set ne can be imagined than children opening their Christinas stockings or car olling around a Christinas tree. Did you ever elijoy that supreme delight? If so, you will ncwr for get it. Christtnas is a reat occasion for family reunions, when the "dis persed abroad." return to the home nest and u separate,! lovetl ones meet once mop. .around the old h-tailhst uie. I'iiiltiiiood' happy days are th. n n c.dled and old associations pleasant ! v reviw d Witii Cliristmas w ill ever be as sociated dear old Santa Claiis with his reindeer and jinIucr bells. What other mythical character ever gave so much pleasure? Sure ly no pagan idol ever had m ire devoted and deluded followers, and this delusion is so mii-h en joyed that it is a pity that it is ever dispelled. To each and all its readers Tin; Ki: o::i extends the greetings of the day and wishes for them, one and all, a very merry Christmas. Kl'Mons of w;ir just now are very uuseasouable and inappropriate to an occasion when is commemo rated the birth of tics Prince of I'eace. Increasing: alarm is being- felt as to war between Pussia and Japan, which might involve sev eral other countries. And on this hemisphere there is a war cloud iu Colombia, which may y.-t give trouble to our own government. The Colombians are picparing, it is said, to coerce Panama just as the United States coerced the South when we seceded, ami if this uttempt is made the United btates will interfere. many Pnited States Senators and ... . . pr.uu inent business men were JIII.K C hristmas is the era of.SH.n .llailsr t, audience, The kindly feeling and good, wil I, yet case came on appeal from the tle strauge to sav inort; crimes are cisimi of the Circuit Court for the committed ami more casualties I t rU-t r.f M Uii -j .t.i. which was , ,. to the ettect that the purchase of occur during the t hnstmas holi-. thl. irri...l.r ,)iirt f UlV stock of days than during any other week the stock of the two railroad eom of the year. So' many per- panics constituted a merger and sous indulge iu debauchery and wai contrary ti the Sli.-i man An- dmnkenness at Chris' mas, ami ' tI,1n,st 1:1 u' ( -V?,'",'v "-t'"ri'1 .. , . , ,. , Kimx represented the government thus degrade ami disgrace th, :u- Ml, JullU (;. j,,u,so ,,f p,il Helvcs on the day of all .lays when .nlelphia. ex-Attorney (ieneral they should be on their best be- 'Griggs and othc-rs r. preseiiting havior. It is passing strange that t,ie -'"inpauie.s. there should be such a desecia- , , ,- T "" ,4 ,- i Oil last I'lldav night tue ties tion of the tin st joyous day of all , h-,,ve,i ,,, , ;,',. IM1J(..S ,.,-ti..n the year! I vi Dclsuu, in Jclu:. t u ct uutv. Washington Letter. f Fn.m Htfillttr 0-'n-w,.iii.InT.l Washington, 1 W. 17, lHO.l. 1'y ;l V"'H "'" 1 Cuban reciprocit y ui'l passed the Ornate. Alter it receives tin PiesiuVuts nin.ttiiie, tin two years lly lit ftr ill ami to muUe this treaty con- titiircnt on the approval of the - House. Mr. 15 ulev said that as all revenue acts should originate in the House, the President had not this rL'ht. .Mr. So, inner, iv- iMihlican, was enthusiastic m his '. , , i , . , ,, t ., di ieuse u! the administration, but it W:IS ..ej-erally l.-n i tt.l that he put forth tin- weaker .u -rutin id. llefi'mtu." to the lvcel.t decihion of the democrats to be bound bv e tiu'iis rule, Mr. M.uley declared that henceforth there would be no W hit" House Senators ' to be found on the deiu, MtlC side of the chamber. rem S. Heath is scored aain in the report of Holmes Conrad and Cliuh'S I'onap trte mi the scan 1 i!s ,,f the Washington post olH.'e, which has just been pub lished. It savs, -. fir as indi cated by the papers submitted to us, the persons ili : ect !y responsi ble for these frau Intent euiplov luet.ts were I'eMV S. Heath and (leor.-e W. !'mm r d'I.e V.( It also tl les to sp.insibibt V pUc , U er.d s of tl'.- I-,.-tormt-r Post Charles r.mory th continues to lice, but takes the sta'Ute .,: ot to be brought nias'e- (i Smith. Mi. He. protest his im: -.c C.lle 11. t to waive limitation so as i to trial Asst.iiit Postmaster (h nera! Ib'isto'.Cs ,e, the ; .. - r.i i sc.ili'l.ils h is b 'i ll si lit in to the i-oet;;iie:it pil:dl!i' otli.'e and A lii be Lli. II t the public ill .'l tew days. The publication of the report : is decide,! Upon by tie Ib Use Coui'altt and Po-t II uds P,,s!,.:'i v. i: id f CoU.'l'eS.s will be s.lpj.lied with several copies w hich he may dis. pose of as he sees tit. Mr. iiris-: to-.v stoli'l advisnl the publica tion of the entire report and It is said that he intimated to th Collll. ilttee that his iep,,rt had been too nitl.'h edited at the White House, and I hat ctltiili p. Its of It re toned d " II b. tore the sv - nopsis was pi.i.dshed. S, -r, (lorinau and th, r deniocr.dic le.l.l. I's ale detel 111 I lied tl. it the public shall et at the bottom of !!, postal ff ill Is and the.V will coiitliille their a.-ltati 'II for ;, ( 'oiijressional invest lu'.ati. ,u. Democrats of the h.'l dec: !,'! to a voaiphsb a:, etf.V.M-.e nr.' 11,1 ttio;, liy le.pli: tug sllbaiis si ,1, to ( 'all, -lis l llle Sell it, . i i . f! 1 1 1 1 1 , t he duly cie .sen lead.-!-, il ls tbllS I.e.-!, sUC'essflli ill efT -i ts HI Ur,,ttlll' to'et!;er III .lelll- I-' C .'Ie . jaie t . act as a unit oil the p'l'.oc ip'.-s: . e.s w i.ifji vi ill be tb.s.-llse.l tills t'otlHl!.' Wllit-'!1 ,111 1 ! la the issue, , ,f t !;, ,,.t camp ii 'u. Ia this wav the minor ity W ili be l ett. l able to.,;, pose the r.-p'.lb! leans, who however they may di;l'-r ii. bvidu iliy pi the pri mal y st i-,-s of the e .utriv.-rsv . al'A.l'. s U'.llte oil the pobey detej - mined by tju- m :j ;ty party. I. m h-r Williams, m the, is coidhh-iit of democratic success He s iv s, i'he th-m , ciati.: outlook is more hopeful than for years. The democratic party is more nearly united than it has been for a long tune. It coiues nearer moaning something.'. Conservative business interests hstl'llst lloosevelt. His strenil- osity is s i near recklessness that it w. -ii It I reipnre an esj ially pan I attorney to mark the tl i iV.-l'enee." the National Neirro Sa!:Vai.'e League has just held a meeting here which was brohen up o , r the question of fiidorslUg' lb.ose veit. Smdi a resolution was voted down and those who favored its adoption boiled the mei ting al.,1 organ:, -d another. The tight be tween the factions will be earned on, aiul it may i-'-siilt in sendiuu' two liegrt) delegations to the 1. . publican national convention. I'll.' case of the N'olthern Se curities ( oinpahy against the United States has been U'-tl l.e- f 1 1 ix the Supreme Court and the lecisinu of the Justices is now iwaiteil. pining the two days' scaring the colil t Was cltuvtletl by hose who followetl the tri d with ;Te:it interest. .Mis. Iloosevelt, J Successful rlylnR Machine. j Norfolk. Va., Dee. IS. A sue-! ; cess. ul trial ot a ll.vnitr '"l""'' was made yesterday near Kitty j 1!;yv?:.- ( - 1,v, X iH.iir iin.l Or-1 villeW rn.-ht, oi Dayton. Ohio. The iu ich'ii' ile w three miles in the : I face ot a wind that was blowiu- at a re-isteivd Velocity of twentv- one uihes an hour, then .rracefudy descended to the earth at a spot ! selected i.y the man in the navi-: irators car as a suitaDle lamlm-I place. 1 he machine has no bal- j !l,tl,1 '" ll,,t J."' U force ! from propellers worked by asmall engine. Dunne the trial llbr.r ( Wright occunieil the operator s , seat and steered the apparatus. ! I-or three years the ri-ht- . have experimented at Kitty Hawk with their invention. 1'hey chose , that mt because of its isolatlo u and the absence of publicity. By the merest chance t he success be- came known as neither of the men is reads to make public the de- ie lb'ht be'in from a plat- form coiistiuctel on a hi.'h sand- lull near Kitty Hawk, ther- was ie. startin- app.u.itus used to -ive niotnentniii to the hut-e bird- iikeall'ur. When ail was rea lv Wi i-ht took his place iu the car : in the centre of the machine and his brother released the catch held the atl'.ur to the top of t he tncliiie. I ( iravitv did the rest and whi'e' a rush down the slope' was om-i on the IriMu'.itor st Uted a small' mil-.- 'i in. ii in.ii nun. -asoline eli-ine in the thaT of the car. Uv a system of pull, vs and co.,.s the en-ine put in mot,,,., a ; sn-bhtded propeller .lir.etlv be-i neatli it and another tetid. d hol 1 tit.i'dy to the rear. I he first : . .. l . : . . . i I . . I " ' in. i. .1" i !: e.eai..'ii ttl "l.t II I: . 1 . st ill hethall 1 as I he ii!i,h ! p!,,pi-o. r increased its e!i::i e s the machine la.lllallv p. ! !. !e, I Upward and soon h.ui attaiie-d a height ot s:tv feet above th roiling dur , s. A sti;V w in, I was blow ing up tie cast and the start was made di 1'eCtU Ul teeth of it. bllt the 111 I 1 1 . ' l t , eo.e i " ,.o .. ii it .tii. ... ibtlicultv and ll.all.tallii tl all even speetl o! eight IlilleS all hour with .-as,-. The -li. all t nd of fisher fo'k .Ha I coast guar K w!,,. hav.-l.e.-n curiously w itching the con. for stni'tiou of tl..- m.achiia months, f , low et h It with ec!.ni. ttions ..f won, h-r: but it soon drew a ,v ay them an I welit 01, ia it, lligl.t through the' air ahcie. T,i. first mile imt coy. e,, and then Orvilie Wrigl.! declared the ll.vel.tioli was a sue The Wrights h IVe Used the box kite 'd, ; in their invention, mid ( th.-ii :! ii:g machine is r. allv an 11,111., !,Se kite. With plopellers a!ld steering attachment. Its frame is ',o ul sti.-tched with canvas, ami its di::;,-:.. ions, as accira'.-iy is can be s, i i;,-, tl are h. re l IVi P: w nlth fe.-t from tip t.. tip; ,'lept h ! I ol.i 1 1 !i t to l' A ft et; Ie Ight ills, :, feet. Ill the Celllle of this :' is constnn tt d the ll.lV.g.oor's car, W hi!.' the erg;!.. below it s,-i y.-s s ball , st. I ir, ,-t lv I., ne.tth the car and al ranged to push iipw ard, is th.- ,:, n.i iis. pr, pelh-r used for i ! , v a t 1 n g" the machine, and extending horizon tally to tl..- rear is th.- propeller that g:v s th.- forward motion. A 111 1 h-r spread with canvas, ,-- tended la t'.-et forvvar !. and, spread like a ti-sli tail, kept tie u i a- 1 1 1 1 ,- straight w it h t he wind. Thet-itai ai'eaofthe inachllie's surface i.-, esa 'tlv ttotj s.piare fe.-t. A Perilous l.ape. s, . l .1 i-ii- ,-muI i.:.-t-rv.-r. N. C Pec. P.i Charlie Velliou, the eight -Veal-old soli of M is. Leu Vein on, re sidue si-v,-i! miles from this city, f.-li thirty-live leet a rod, lin.-d well, and when the alarm. -d neiglibois hail sent a man hur riedly down t,, bring up the sup pt se.i! v dl'owned and ill lligled and, he othc to pi,,,.! ,i,e ,,.;:,:;, to time of pos,a,,.s, I,,,,.; wiiiiam M.irw.n .I,.;,, i... i . . vt l v a,,,,, r i on t he c!:ari.'e ot aetuig as ,iL.'et.t i "'.ii . 1 1 1 ; ii s a ! 1 1 a! at t. 1 . t. rs.'iu ; . . . r . , Instead of l.Miii.' tdevatio-, !,.,(,. . (I eoi.rsition with'' itflit-J I, ami .-lira: list K. wl.el, the end ,.f the p:! f. .t Ml was M ,. ' , v ',, , JJ j j, I lA. , r,,KN1., ) A I It'll, president of the Stindald reached the machine cont, nu-d its ! , ! " , , ;, , o ' ,..iattle Company, for the alheed boy the little boy was met hall disease bv a system of ''dlllglesS w hen a child shows symptoms of' w ay climbing out to lit. and light, healing," but as he is not an os-; croup. Chambei Iain's Cough lletu 11 sail he tlldn t "Loll -I' be- te. .pat ii he w as convicted in the eily given as soon as the child cause be didn't want to frighten Superior Court and appealed. The j becomes hoarse, m even after the nam i. I he boys presence ..! -ippeal to the Supreme Coin t call- dotipy cough appears, will pre-, mind and coinage is something ed into question the validity of. vent the attack. It never ails, remarkable, lb' had fallen head- chapter t',',17, of the acts of I'.IOH. and is pleasant and safe to take, foremost down the w.-ll; missing w hu h ih tines w hat the practice '.f For sale by (1. lb Pllkington. ' tl..-, t wiiicli hung -tiled, and pil.llged to the bottom through ten feet of water, bis h it being h it sticking in ti.e mud. so great was the force of his "hold up." When he ..rose to the sm- face, he immediately grasped the well chain ami began to climb. A small cut on his hand and some torn clothing was all t he injury he sillier -tl by his icy and perilous experience tie was thaw iieg Vafel', it was ' lie irly dark, and being col. 1, the' little fellow was in a hurry, so he was throwing one hand high over the other to biing the bucket up rapidly, lie lost his balance and went headforemost to the caver- nous depths below. s.x Personsi;Phyxi3tcd. San r rancisco, )ec. 'Jo.Six persons were asphy dated by il- buniiiating gas last night, and the col eier concluded that the eases weie all accidental. Iu most in- stunces a window w as op -n in each loom in which gas was eseap- ing-, and the coroner called atten- lion to the fact that it is popular- l v supposed a fatal result cannot ensue where fit sh air also has en- trance. Terrible Railroad Accident. I Kansas Citv, Dec. 21. In J ' wreck todav at Ciodfrev, Kan., of 1 t. "Meteor" a St. Loins and San j (.Yancisco fast train from the! South, nine persons were killed! ,.,,,,1 ;) injured. Of the injured,1 f,,r ,,r,,bablv will die, while four-1 t,,(, severely hurt. i j. ',:lvtVVi .', fiei-lit brake-1 ;,,,,, willst. fajl,.(. to thur the! ,;lssenL'er train caused the wreck," ,.lsi Ill)t !,,. f,lUlll. ' he wrecked ,,..,; was ,, ,,f t. fastest and - in t, s(,rvi,v. It was made ,,,, ,,f twi bai.'LM-.' cars and one ,.,,! ,.arf a stll(k.-r. two chair cars .u ;l s,.,.1(.,. hen the train ,eai he.l (b.dfrev it was runnin-at fn t.i iu;"ik. lip lost time, ' . ,.ew of the freight train that ,,lteedi d the Meteor left the sjtch open and the passenger ,,.;,; ,,ft t, t.;u.; an,l n,lied (, ,wn embankment. The .s,.,.jM.r turned over, and so fast was the train runnini; that the ,vi. ,r Til -1 Hi I Inl'UMliI i:ti'';U( I'JIT! landed neat Iv (Ul fei t oV the road' ., befor.- it stopped Thesh ep-1 r,.m lined upii 'ht and not f , ,,, ,sseii.'ers ii"t his car w ere in-! ;',,. ,. The ba 'a-e cars were . eompletelv w ieek."ditid the sino- j i r W;S 1,.(HV d auia -ed Five of I Kill,.,! Were in" tlie forward ; ,.Ml ,,f f,,. s.,.oker and four of , u.,.(, ; ,!,., jstai.t l.v. ' "" " ' The Czar Reewlu- Orjan. s;i st,r.. Dee "1 Wil- ,.,.., , j ,, .s lVK:lU :ls r,.(.eied i , ;:J, , ce bv Czai Nicholas at ' t..,.lV. ' 'l,,, amli.nce. w hich ! i ,,....1 ,..,: r. ,:..,,... .,v . . ,.,o-1 ( n t he sue r -d t he ,,...,., , ,v Ambassador McCol . . u , m, 1 1 1 vest.-r. a y w as nil- Ii I ,e most eUlli ,a!lC llialiliel' t r....i;.. . .. .' Kl.i t...-i ,i I ! ,1 friendship entertained! ,v ,,a , linn an l ny ti.e iius.siau . t,a( ( go, ul i elat ions always Xlsfetl be- w fen the t wo nations will never ,e tlist;;,b,tl. I Ie g ;M- ev itleli.-e of the deep st int. in and ae(u.aintance w ; J, al! I HIS Mi f ie l.lte.l States In r. sp. nse to Mr. Prvati s Ui - tpiirv .-, i.i-rn.iiig progress of pub- : I,.- n.str:: inu, iu Ki.ssla His Ma- i jesty gave a minute description . f , ti.esvstelii ot education Ul the!. . ,,, i,,; j, ,,,;,,.,., j'ued number tutt eii. ........ 1 , , . . I ... I f tl I ,, . . 1 1. ... . , ..' i' i'' .. ..J ..:,,,.' ,.. M, IV,-.,,, -,s elder? lined ... Mr. Prvan wis enter? lined at '! I.,- ... lot V.-C ,,...,. tonight. He will leave tor Pellil ton; t now. Sioux Cdv, b.w.i, Pec. 21. Aii Pel t hat h ;s .o par i! !ei in i lie snrj it'ai wt i :.t w is pert. .1 it St .lost ph's hospital t. dav bv Di. William .l.-pson, win. has the; chair of surge! y at the State Pni m Isity. .John Noltsroiti, of Pali i.c.iv. Conn., tell Irom a load of I, iv. sti on his head, and j la. ,, king his ek. He was almost . p . 1 a! '. Zed fol s, , r.ll Weeks, and! I r. .lepsoii ti cnie.l to operate eh , ins broken :a ck. Accordingly a 1 p It, u of tin- vertebrae Was re- , lie .veil, the I o-e tissue was clean ed out and t patient is ,1 itn- 1't 1 1 acl'i . 1 n : well, will, every Prospect of leCoVt-rV !i i'.e been pel ' I'lliCt v.-ry. Op. rafonsi 1 for the i.-liei ,,f M di.:h ic.d ;on of the lumbar i tel Uae. i .11 ! no other case is I. Ie-w u in v. , ;,-h t he cervical Vel'- t .-! il'ae local . .1 so near t he obloli- gat ,. the seat of the Vital I ... V ti, ,,s- I, s I i, . .j,,!!,. leliitiVed and lepbiced. ' Important to Dcttnrs. V-li.' r t.. i lo l ! ii:m-:vit. Andrew ( '. I'.iggs, w ho was jr,. dieted ui (iii-eiisboio for practic- lug liietliciiie and sill gt-IV without license, has gamed llis case ill the, Supieiue Court. "Pr." I'iggs held i I llliself nut to the public to Clll'e diall be construed to mean. The court holds that tin act is nneoust itut imial in its at- tempt to provide that tlm practice ,,f medicine shad be enlist 1'lied to mean the management for tVe or reward of any case of disease, phv si -al or mental, real or imagi- nary, w ithor without ill ugs. .... rami aaiinung oi iiuiiman. s, m.i ... s,.w iii,.rv..r. 1 lJ..Vitiaii. X. ('., Pec. 21. One' ,,f the Moodiest battles in the his-1 tory of t his town t-.ok place this! evening at 8:.'iO between Town! M arshal Thompson and M r. Cul p, j night op.-rator for the Seaboard, un one side, and (billovvav and htl'lZ ? , 1 j.i. iiiiit-n, tun ni.itiit-i-., came from Cumberland county, today, and proceeded to lire up on mean whiskey and -began looking for trouble. Mr. Thompson suin- int. lied Mr. t'ulp toassist him iind while looking f(i the negroes were tired upon with a shotgun and Winchester, the officers returned the lire with pistols, killing both, Cu'p had his hat shot off him. but escaped injury. Thompson was uli harmed. --T Uvtiuni r Headen have tried to i:litipiitt your Cliristmas wants, and they now liuvo ready lor your iusjiection the most complete lino ot'Xnias (Jooils ihat tliey have over had. Tlioy have two osjiecially strong linos that they wish to call your attention to. viz: Fancy Parlor Chairs, and a splendid line of Ster ling Silver and heavy Plated Ware. -5rnon't fail to see their goods before making your Cliristmas i.iuvhases-f BYi(Jjr& IIEADKN. l).nn.Urtl nfli.UL , v. ,Q .... ()m:lIlil. Sl'1'-. ,),',, 18- 1 llp I'mted States trraiid jury today 1,s r,'l"" 1 111,1 t?"urt' n" tiirnniir nineteen true bills. These indictments atraiust Cnit- States Senator Charles II. Diet- 1 'V1' 1,,, 1,'-,'tl, 11 '"s"rf ,,f " '""hbn to the L-ovenuneiit to be ued as a pi .stollice; former Adjutant (ieneral Leonard . t'oll'V for alleged einbe.leniel.t f -ov. mnient funds; Daniel Lassett, Neb., for al- l''A, l"''J"'V SWeallll- talsely li"m.-tead entiles; f-naer lt'' ",'t"1' blliott Lowe lor a!!ei:ed conspiracy to I ribe a I lilt- '''' Stlt,s Senator; Postmaster .loliti M Iteliell. ot Alma, .Nell., I'lrit i'lll' l.illl With illegal sale of Hit .eiicinir of "He! nuient amis. 1 lie o'li.-r ItidlctineMs were i'uihir t that .i.iii.-st Alh-n, but I not involve eW i.sive tracts oi land. Girls Harnci! t Death. N ishville. Teim.. Pee. P.I. - Sev en ale dead and seventeen l,' "VJ V ' ," " " a (:,lv ,!,:,t 1"'."lu,' "at '! ' ""V"' s ,, 1 '.'.iV ,V' f ., ...... ..- I I'l ' Itiel.t Malnl.toli Was Iir-t n. mber of the faculty of the I'liivt is.ty " "' ' ' .''"''"", ' people, appi Is. d ot t h. 1 1 Ui for t he education of I !t,l dl i.oa- lloli. lie l.e.ilil tie sclealns ot the won en and, rushing to a win dow, which is jus. across the str. it from the dormitory, s iv. the (lames bursting fiou; the east ern .-ml o! the building. Pr. H .m- Idoii h.tsP ne,! o foice an t ntlanee i into t.i.- l,:i:;d:ng, but w h.-u he ..leached the door the ti ig l.t.-iit t! ',: inmates had begun to hurl th. in - s..Im-s from the windows. S.-veial of them were killed iu jumping or "r .rushed to. hath by those who follow..,!. Ss-vcn Eiiilt-rs Exploded. St. I.oiiis, pec. 21. Seven boil- . is in the power house of the St Louis Transit Company exploded ' .o,i.. ...... . i.., :"'J.i! ;'."- S,. XVI", !'1" the '""l-ling. the expl.-s loll broke w uniow-panes several ,cks away. 1 l.e Uriel; walls ot tl,e boiler house Wile thrown lilt. ward and the heavy tiuss roof, af ter being t brow n big h i n the air. . '." ' 't'"' 1 !' U l U' " v,"r 1 "' !'". impi isoning 2u emiilovi es. All the electric ligh's went out alnl tlai l.n.-ss ireveiited pionipt work ,111 rescuing' tin' injured, whose ! cries could be very plainly heard.! ! i' ne broke out in one portion of ' the debris, but was extinguished ' hefole much headway was gained, i - He (v)uiek. Not a iniiiute shoul.l be lost dlllggist. AN OLD ADAGE SAYS. A light purse la a heavy curse" Sickness makes a light purse. The LIVER Is the seat of nine tenths o( all disease. ter uns n lis , thoroughly, quickly safely Washington. Baltimore, I'hilaJel I restore the action of the P"'-. New York. Hostuii, Pittslmrj;, and LIVER to normal condition. Give tone to the systcrn'and r-gl soiid flesh to the body. Take Mo Subslitute.. Toko Laxative urcmo uuinme Tablets. Seven MiUion boxes sold In bast ii -sCllISTUS FiYNUM & HEADEN'S, . , 1 " Arduiore, 1. T., Dec. 21. John Scott and Sam Yietorv, farmers, fou.'ht with m ,,.s at Wooslev to- day, both beiu' killed. The mi s- nndeistaiidini.' arose over Scott's cattle bicakilirf into a tield of Vic- tory's. Application For Pardon. N'ii i Iht-ii i:iv.i. uiit win i wiM.ii.,.ii,v,.r.,r .,iv.nili',r..iiim i-r ih. ,",!lli71' ' lll.....rl..1,lrl. l-,-. cj SOIMIIK UlI.I,. Valuable Farm For Salo. iX s.iTri;l.V. llVi'tt l.V of J.X- r.MiV. vj i I win , i ii,:i ,,,. i , ,, I'O'.ni"-liv!,-1 !! I ! r v hi, ', i,e m r::: .,, , . , ' n in iisn.,.! r itn r,-t ,i:l, ,t , ,:. , .m.,,,:, ., t ,.,,ril, ,.,.. Hll., .Mt.-r ,-r .., .1..,..,,., vr,B ,.,v, n "iiil - wl I, lii t-ri-t lr. iu ,:.tte l-v . inli.-r Jl Ii. ivii. T. M. I'.t.AM.. w. j". 2ziNsTririz's i.i vi:i: v sTAiu.i:, iiiiiei juii, - - n. p. It: A MS U IP!'! AT K t AS M .'.',!'. Id. KATL. Passengers cariied with ib.ilv betiveei- Pitlsbort.ainlChap. I 1 1 iil by a w Lite driver. T. Pare onlv NATURAL STOCK LICK! Cuvc v.'iir lloii.'S ul Citth- :i.::-;:v i::tc:bi tor th: ni ..ii fp tl'.i'ni in ,t ;ioi::..d ci:'.diti -ti. r.X. IxTTV S NATl'SAl. STOCK LICK b th.- mi! I L-k. n.:iPi:.i;ti::.'J l v l is x C. ipp.inv. Wi.i oii..ilvm. N. C. Soi.i bv C, K. pilkMP;!..:!. W. I., bond,-;) S,,:i ...v.d W, u.h :'hcny,, N. C., i tluT JciU-rs in the county. SPECIAL RATES via Scr.ljor.rd Air Lino. (Vmuu-riji-ij: Oct. I.'.th, lOiM. till .'.ho.ud Air' Line P.iilw.iv will P'-u.' "!i sale tomi-d titTks'ts t round trip winter .ill Winter Resorts in the South and Southwest. !'u kets will lv Sold up to April :t "th, pi 4 with return limit May Ost, l'X'l. l:or further u'd'ormntioti i'.pply t Local Acent or .uhliess ' . P. Sviirn. T. P. A., Kaleiitli.N. C . AND line. The Link Coiiiieetinj; The ATLANTIC COAST LINK il 11. PALTlMOlIPtt OHIO 11. II, ( TILSAPFAKK A OHIO KY., F.AIK)Ill A lit LINE 1IV., ANT) SOl'THLllN 11A1LWAY. Rr'lvcJr.n all Points vi t Pi.lnwti.t '. Fast Mail, Passenger, Express and -ici.itni Koine reiweeii liitiuuuiKi, Butlalo and all points North, South, Last and West. W. D. Di'Kr, Gen'! Mgr. C. W Cur. Ass't. Gen, Mgr. W. P. Tauok, Trariie Mgr. To Cure a Cold in One Day mentis. This siffnature. V- We tly ul.s.ilti I'. S. n:i, f ort irii mm Hcti.t m.. lcl,tki:ii it r .l eu.i ; ::,m.t; n Iu: ' fri'iT. :Mft on J :iV:itiil.aitv. T . r (, c 1' n. flSlosVBTlDsiii:, CO'JZll C.VLY C:.-.V!CE P. M I PKN M.W VOKK, TAA1PA, ATLANTA. NPW Oil I. PANS am. LdiN'iS SO ("Ml am. V. ! sr. '"W ;oi. MM mavw I .1 lm;v . . " -. Jt It V .rt . r r. 1 u , n i-. ., an ; i ie'- - a ! .... - : 1 1,. : :i 1 in, . l . , rt: v .1 tl .- . ii. 11 s Ht ...(., ' tl an; '" ' ' ' ' I i i.J Id 1 '. , III .- II. ;.rt I- ., si lire ' II .- t. 1 jl. I t " x"U.t. i " j ;.. ."" .n. ni ' ':!!-- ' ' ' .'M. ' : Mic 1 -v 1 i.-. . ' I. -I' m ; . (.in ' I- o, ' :... ,. r. .vi , " ' ' : .' e : l; it) : ' ' 1 " n . rid ' s . i - " . .- i--i. t -,.'i r I k-. t li'ii. ' , ; ; , i, " ' -' 1 - 11 ,n- vi I . . ... f- -.'. .. .. ( JU J V- 11 I . . . T V I 1 A S '.'..111 f II 1 ' ' .. .'. :i s. u v k o .. - - . to-,,,"' Z " " e.. i.- ; s ,- ,. rm sj. ,n " w '" '' ' t . . . - t ... ,; tf, ,'TO " I- i, I'll ki ' ; It. J.". i. ,i 1 v . ! i II n. II rout) ;; s . ., , ;i .. , ;.jiim . '' " " '"' "" '" 1 v '' -" ' r i a is p.,. '. I ilr,,. i, .. ,1, r, : tn " i.-evi. ' : t -..- t:. ,,, " e-1', ' ' 'I '' " I a:. MM .n ! v . I it . " ! ,,j .t .... ..-a i: s en it it urn x" " i m i, .i urn tr oi ,. in I-.11 1 i, Hill lr tii.-.hlii I ',' Hi; ., . r v i. .' tl.. " '. i i r, I ! V :"t m e v.. ii-ir'y a w I1 i' v pro C '.Jaui Vr v. I i , it I . :.: ,Ui tr .- t - I ,x v - j , i, v uvs, 4i-.--.ri ??trr Ar M.'tt-i-iii!. - -i i:. i in s j.Vitic rort!i!:ot:ncb No ... !t.M l.v V,-reV,, vi' s. i. luisrui. I 10 rm Nieh.ia.. it :t" i ni ! an urn M-i. ,.l-;,..i..V. SI'!!,;; M-:v l.4 , ' v..!. nir. t W i- ; ru t M pro " lo'.aiin """4V0i.B ail- e .X e it, :t ,m ' t'l.i nl s i t Ily l.-o.i ,. n trtrm r vi . i ,. .. . m n :i .m t.r. ..-.., a .in ,i I n " ' I 's'. i " "lipn, i !V,'.ri":".. " '-' t n i:Ti ' I n-u-i-i. ii .1 ; ni " l'i' '.' U- 1 r.t T 45 am s.-ti-h.-ii, Mli i-t " It s n, .:iro I v l iti. i-.-i . s v I. a i-, , ., , i; .., ' lift i.m. ii :ii:, mn U v.- in " -n -tut " 11 . 0 i.n. 1 l.'. ni " vih... ii r, t o .im .1 1 o ( m i. i fin icli ' - ii ..ui i ,i yut ' Wl ,-1,1, k.;. ,, .x W Mi ss ttm I'ltheii.-ir lis .'t: f ( 19 m irN.-t v.iit.o l). s.s c. f too en ' 1 1 H,!oi la N X I ;. S tr. i in 6 Ilium "NrwV.ik ' 13;iu l"COtviu ., f Nu M I v T'tn -. S .vt. I.y !.rn in tm m ttik-ifiiiir i .im 5 i m .lit- vu, ', H 45 ttm 8 t'O ,m " .sitvitt.ii;,!, iii i ii as am e-nina-l.t t T .r. .m 6ii n " linii.-t HJnn ' KellUlt'l 11 l-llifH " U:.JUl 'J'JOkII) l.v liiti.'ii.'ii 1. 1 :i; ttm llnSani ' Ut-iii..ri...ii " ItiiKm l-i.r..iii " N.llll.l " .145HI1I l.Vl:U ' v .-ifisLtiru 4 ? iia " Hi, i n i, a ci:,u 4 il ,.ic " wslai.(!i.i ' s II j- liiiiiuni :.t.m l,t.ili..ti l l;u II i.Vi.lll II AV , iu I lilln I.'J.tilit 1 lit, .tl 2 .'ti n iu Ar N. V ik. I't'iai. K. II. 4 l.l fin Ollnntn N. .,..- f It.tiiy I n.-r.i Mm l iy 'lit. t-. tl.t-ti-nt Ilit f. TKUNS I.F.AVi; l'lTTSUOttO p. in. lt.00 a. ui. Titiiiis A i v e ul l'it Islioro 10.45 a. iu., 5.50 . m. . ,h"'y 'rt"i'' 'J"V 44a ID tHallj- Ei. SuL.lay I or i ifkfis. s....f.i-i-. ere., npply to ZcK P. Smith, T. P. A., C. It. tiattis, C. T. A., Yarhoruuh House, Kalei-h, X. C i 15. M. P..e, A-cnt, I X. C. Cures Crip In Two Days. ,v & ?n eYery SS- XsyrV'triu BOX. 25C