r: h V: a i k N v r i r . T) v lev. 'I'. A. C.iifJit Iiiitu will 7lLltlfl hnthnUt iLicmrU laM 1 1''1 "Slltl Christmas services V!l)CVMjaU)cUU ,,. Kpisc,.),:.! church at eleven Til IT USD AY. Cumnock Jottings. Cumnock, N. C, Dec. 21. 1 1 . i : . . l l . . r i i i i i ., ., ii o arc i in v i hl; hhs hi nan ! Hi' ; tomorrow ( I' inlay. I ... ., , ... , ... . . l... . . i unci we.lllior HOW .Mill 1 1111 IS 111 "Ullll fanners wlio were ghul ili inniul. f .. . . , I',... I I. ..ii ..,.!. ... li iiI-imiiu "I I ,1 Xl.nls u I s.imi LOCtll IllM'OrdSt siuvri'ks ;iiv iniw regretting I"' hole and the small boy's heart that thev did not wait for twelve beats fast. M,v (-,,,,Kn(wi mid a half rents. The children have begun to Mi:nit C hi.Isimas. , have their mammas darn their ),..! i..i n, v,.iir fiml The postonieo nt tins place stockings s.i that OldE vou in debt to your preacher or will he open ... Christmas Day Kantii may not slight then for fej only full I ail Hour urnni. i no in- tins, l,aIu'1'- part ii iv ami half an hour after the There is a wry notioenh! 1) IJ 11 ., ,.,. .' I .1 llilll1 1 ... I. ..,,. l" I 11. 1. ) il"Ml I l - il HI III Ol fill II 11.111. I 1 f I ..... for sale, here a car man m u"i h : J 4 1 ft iWji iirLi TUP. PIPES! n mm i riic busiest season we have ever known, (lie biggest stock we - . - - .? ...-in....... . eh tram. sfari't-iii'ss of our hi'st g.-iitu- hiril, H .r I . II I 111 I IIII'T I'll Ill 1 IIS SI'I'tlllll. Mllll M , i r. nauuriiton jinn- was - - s aUl1 Inuleh- lnuitin- partri.l-.'S so,,,,. (avs tl... hunter has not i-njoy,! his $ -Do not il.-railo yonrsolf ami a t.lVl.v ivlll- up la- usual amount of sport. i ii ;.. .. it i i i . tti. i .Airs. Amanda s.-.i-ovi-s isitiii 11 iliso-raiv vour liiaiinoiKi i'i utoiMioi n nar.vis oi ins l'imi ami . - - - n drunk at Christmas. kill,,l four parti.ls. Who can l'r"" h irrov.-s. at Starr, i . ,i .. 1 -N. ( ., tho past wri-k, n tui niiiij p ..ill ...1,1 I'i'ilt tills.'' 'i : . '.41 Hi II. I . illll i'S ill 11 Mil Mil II 1 1 w.. ii i i.. 1..... ..t i... I I.- i ,.i ;.. .1... fk 0 II I IIMtll 1 1 I I I HI in 'ii ' i' lll'l .siill. I ll-ll, Mllll JMll III l Jit. 1 1... i . .!. ..r i .... i; i ; ii ... 7 c . UIir , V , ,. V a ".t ::r ,a;:;i -vis o,r i;, " ;.,v,Vj,..7; Tf,,.., N.,,h Ibr bus ness tBiat is w. l.. ionuoai x, i.o-ac T in host wav to lliaki) VOU'- i i .... ,:. ... , t ... . .v ..: ?' - ," I 1 !,. oliunav llllMil. Dili' was liiui'i ii n aioiuii.iii, Duiiiuii hi lai on .mi- t If happy is to liiako boini'Doo) ,,(1,,.',. j,, Israel," ami lirlovril ly znja, has urrivcil near hfi-c to visit- rB1 . fl I ,,..k . eo it , ! 3 1 f O B tVfcI -,T I' C.T fore, and is at jour service. .'fl . . . . ? l Satuiilav. She wi'S aefomiiaiiie iirpatlv to the oiijovineiit of t lit i . rnatly ro'jn t to hoar of liy hrr son. 1'ieil, w ho imt in the a Self el.st ii- relatives ami spend the holidays, i ' I I I ' Ml . I I. aner men ae win leiurn. The "lahor situation" is cans-' ltiroiiveiiienee ill iniuiiig eir- all who knew her. Tho isditor of Tin: lli:o.U!. is i;,, ,illlis ,,. Slls. in luek. Me has been given tw , ; ,,: i,,,..,,,, ,i... . 1 ..u f.- l.ic ( 'lii-UtniuK. 1 . . . '..'., - 1 II 14 Uieoiiveiilenfe 111 mil tuiai jxiKi ..... v (' ii isHnas liolnlavs, iis niany pa- i.. t. t i, i , . ,, , .1 ..II I 1 1 1 " 'S "ll Sl'l-UIS II. llt I'l Willi', l.il-j, What a pity that the kindly pers do, hat is the ol,l ivhahle j,,,,.,. in (lt;lll;lll(l l..t. :lhl f feelings aroused at Christmas that never fails mi its Weekly vis- ;uv Aly ,,,, w.,,s cauimt continue all the year! : its year after year. will try ean earn fmiu si.:!." to .f Uev W L Hives has heeii ()iil..st Sunday Mr. .Joshua uu perday !n iv.aii.t tins is mmli ealledfo'r another year a pastor l'i-kard. of ( )rau,.e county, was iniv than ean I- ma,!- on the of tin' U.ptist ehuivh at this married lv A. I!. N'nrw I, .i. J'., tann. A 1,1:111 ('a" sale money lu re mace. .. . . i it Furniture. I'oys. W'.' i.l ..n.! li'-n 1 r.iins ! it-, i i;i i . 'A.iU"i:. I.' Salves' I .n..l,t..i' .,C Mr ; 'ri.i.iiiiisi.u. economy to il. so. Such continuous col 1 weather , i f . i.l .. ;,, tuunsLin lltere will lie a Christmas treat Novetiiher and Decemlier has . ii :lt Methodisl eh. e a .speci'li i V li''l. Mr. .)o;es lias , , at the .Ii-t!;..;!lst i luneii l.t re rarely ever l.een known in this - - .M iss i.iz.ie i .roous. ii m. mis dn-t,,,. .;V(. 1 , t . Tla re will in ra section CliiUuMi'.s ,'h.nrs tioiu oc i..CVi;1.u'1" l.i ii i. lii'i-n te.ichiiu- here this fa!!, has lieeli el, ..till a leailal' in the , k. , , ''' el.vle,i a leai ia r in he ,,, .v,Vl.n,,v j. ..jj -The tooting of tin tnimj.rts ,.,,,,!,., scIhh.I at ...l.M...r... Si,.. t!lv ilVlt(, ,,.,....,! id the p ;.ppinir of lire crack, rs ,U;,J,. tinnls iuio hi-ie, j,,, .,. ,.M.n.isil!, iio'.iti'.'e tin! near i.,ipi'oiica t who reirn t tu have In r leave. MI(VI ,sS e a .sjii'iH-n o iiih. .nr. .jones, - - I Fayett, villi', an I nil are conii- s-il I he K-t Ill.l.ic. ( i ti.-i 1 ic.i'i !'; in.ii a.ui i.uuc. it a an uu Chlistllias. I , ,. n . .... in.:. t- u .r,. Iimmov t. . h-iv,. a c , - ."11. 111,1, l I'll I lll.''' l!MS t ' I l No hotter time than iew to ' ,.,,. V- v, :,s .;,.,; ,,f !,!,,, !,- fro:n Sn.nll ?. A. Salmon, of pn- !i;it vii owe T:i;: I!::ro:::. ::.!;:. ." ;:, i !,,. Te.!.!..! Court a! ! I n-m-t t c, tu;fy, ia-.t v.,vL !!;. Kin 1 reader will you not tak- !I doi j !i. .-.ml was s :;!,:. t . , s,, m! s,,.i; t Ii.- i i .; !,t w i 'n M r. .1 he'd to this at!e 'hi:i!V ..i:e .-ar i:i I he I Vd, ! ! i-m a! 'I- Dums. :r h -l'-. ;:tnl r. !i;;-..-,! ,:l.;:i!a and to li.u a line of .-.'.Dil '' ''!- i'"'a" Ma .mioiu ami I ay- ' " All-wool doiil)h-.-hiv.itAl Hl.iv'k SpK'iuliJ o.ik rocker with Lv.tln-i Cheviot suits ss. mi, wm th lo.oo. hoiioin 2. up to ?'i.uo. A nice A r.i.. ,1 -iiit loi.s-vi.ii. .Morns cii.iir tor ,.,o. ohihuu(. r,v w, ...,.,, i',il- H ( eico.it-tospj.r.n The K-t- "av lhree-pii.ve suit with Ll 'r'un.;-. t' lun i S.-: T,i one lor sio vu .-ver -r.v. J'.xJ-l loi "in', m vim Shueh. Vou .ill know wh.it our shoe .ire. JMfl)ves. . We ell tin- !-t .1.1 ' .Ml., I'.AHi ""ii, .... Slen's I Sals. Vni k;iow i"e .uv i!i..- leader- oti "" ,'e:i'-. I !.r.-. W'e ..re .I'.'v'iU.; ..r tlu- :-;et..n ll.a-. JIS3!)i8. S- 11 I are. !-,- '"-ilver -in J he excelled. . pl.iie or.lv ..a '. s i i o di -lies, . -.hei ii-.vcl- liMtiie-.UHeevl. ''.ii'. 1 i, oi'di"- ( e.i.a in.uie. 12 r.'.vhe: W e : . i ii'-: ieeiveJ .inothet i. ; :,.i.!e. Nolli- . ieUer lor a ;., v.- nil I.-..C h.ur and clo-;:u .... . Wi i:.rw I h,n.t, l;i-.;iu-. .ni.1 Cl. ih.Ou; -!:-- I'1 e-ci'.i t!i.;:i a m.e nun. 1 lie) .ire-- .hi:- .;ie iv.;:,l:!i !. r.ile.l !..!::i Ill's li ' -Spec id har.'iins in Dies- all 'I he :,i l is Chi!!ii;iJ'. II its. Sli Ladies' .J.i. l.eis ,a .). K. Weather- , Hpoon's, S.tnfot'd, N. C. , i - M.eoni . I.I..S,. ....;-. ,;1V ,, ,.,.,,s ..,, Jackson, of W luteville. win ! , ,.,! win 1... di.-tril.uie. pleasdl to learn tun in- i- mac: better and is co:;v.iiesci:r'. n.hr:-:' PicJcjres. the 1 oiidavs .haw M . A Kvniiiie! picture I'.M.M 1") cent- up. t;.- i'.ail'Aav traicl is i-rv i:ii;i'!i on .; , i f ll... Mi lh'i I- -1... ;.., school will i:o!, ei V - .'..,,.' ',. . ,. j,.,.' ;l I, ...,. 'Ill,v,ls, vth.'l.,.,K li'.lllle s'!."U. Slll.illel satei.'i.ei oc'ocU ( hiislmas ,, j . . ,,;,sS , M .,, , ,i -H"iii .ours., it is much i.Meir t,n the ,ij la mi l!ii .; ' ... .1 'I'l 1.... !... .S b ,11 i ill li".' ill's iniil".!. : in-i'Mf Cups and ..!.!.-..-; in; to H'-c. The he-t io-cent cup and -.nicer yu ever saw. We haw cvers ll;:'.1- ;"li i cm call tor in China.' Iioin the cheap- t e- X'.-.: he-:. cc on'' di p!a', ol !u.ce:it China. (ilassWaie. CoiiltH-lioiieries I'ltchers. H .wk Vusc.-. I i-he-. ' ' l: amp . !n-. All !i. pe-.iiid 'nee-. Ste ot;r l"-cei.t hue. ' :.! 1 ruil-. .M! kind- of candies We liave 1" d I" eat. e.iid ever) auioi... 'he scho ars as on.'.-s i,,r ri'jul.iviiv in atti'!iil.;l:i-e iIimii.l" ( '!i ns! mas in i m in- t ha! t he haiais !i I.... M 1...U .-. .' -rl... I tl V..II- ...... I...... .. I t I I ..!.. M is ;i iiki'-isii.i.i- in ii... ...... Si, lias We nut vou to eossae mul see our slock and briny; all the Mr. Joe Matin has r. -st-mM t hi p.iM eai . m.iv have n.i-in y to -of llaur .''ovfhuthli'iioim1 - ii ere w :i! i e a ..an m -t i ,, , ) IM.-iVir'.'.f Mr"'''': SISi ! k e hi 1 d ii. You kaiow vou are always welcome at .sl.i.Mr-n.t.-d inhisplac, .dPitt-l l,.,!,...N...i,,. A F.; AMN'.Mors. ' .V A d . on M in.l.iv liielit. 1. - . !:'! Thus far we have not heard I;!t.r -jst h. Woik ie lir-t an. 1 , 7, 7.,., ! J any llepchlicaii pane; pra'.si.u,' ,., ,,... . , i;, 'ii-hm. n!s in' "L "l : W'ff W W tf -JiV? W fM !...;. IU.ii.son for r. fasin- lo s!ia; il ,.f U,K., ,S 4, t ilVrTlli: Itimi:!.. 5 ttftt 1 B 88 fjl 3111 t with a un-iM :A Mark Hanna's ;im ........... f :1!ll ,r,, H . i KM - fin. R r f it M 6 g g 1 U .Iii,t..'i. lt.iliinsoii for i. fasin,' I rat w ith a :ie-i;i ;.t .Mai l. Ilann.t s ;im t..i. lial.'plet. govern the:;..-. I'. --Holiday C'ok and Xn:as' iiov..:ies an 1 X :. ;s t r i .ma- rnnxi:. ;;s. inen'.s. S;i .vi :! p: n-.-s :,. vi:i :a ili.iools. .J. It. WiM'.he.-p .ion, Enfold, X. C. One of tin- nni: a.-c.-pta!.!. ("..ristai :- lii esei !- , .-c; can i- im is ; year's sal.s.-ipt ion to 'la: Itr.i'oi::. to soun- Clia! h-imite now J : vino in anoth. ; conntv m S: Jts weekly visits will he like a let ter from home. ; v is;i i S. ( '. e.i.i-!;nelv. ( ). Ii. I'..- li is -one on Ler ci..;,;..'.. at I.o. i. lii Mr. F W !! v 1 f i-uMv i.r.r.i s at ; .r e . . o ; 1 l ;. 1 l lllie. w iti, II ( i i ii-: a- l.e s'.r.n.e and ii hi not to , !.:. y . ..o; !,. :.....! the Ch-ist- when : ..ii-jht to spinal il : .u.;i..c.c in Mi ore County. ..av than that.' the l.iMli ! it !o ih.-.nh the i .m I t 'i'' o !' '"-V I i is son .)'e.-.::s ('!-i isl f..r s.nin-" tie wo; I.l. Miss Mary I'.vi un. is p.-ndi'i.' If .v.- 1 1 ;it the i! instead of e i.-t n;:,s h,.;i. h.ys with ivla- I '-'d dl l.ew-r el.j y I he l'S at V. insloli. .mliil.rss l.f e.l.MI i.O 111. lie is -.-ootl to n- an,: so pati.-n: -Ouv former townsman, an. . , ,, . ., il,,,,,,;;,:,,,,,!. ml!, ou-d.! to 1 ve 1 .John Ahnham l.enj-. ..i.m . iii . !,:, iMuntv. and V. i-s more ;o-. s. rve hiu. l-t! week at Ii oeUh. w i..-r- lie nmi iji:3 , 3s,1..ij is us, tin- in Vance l.e! U- im-m i take a slroiej hren livnu .or oicrinii.i ie.os . . , , i ....,.;,.. ,,,,,,; Ho was liltv eieht years old anu i ' l,.,r of ( i, . I I . ahstaiu flora tin was .me ot the ;wn sonso.u.e Mr. .1. D. ..ll.er. dr.. of Pin- USI. late Isaac Lone, w li . was a uier-, ;;i is k ,, tl. h.,!i,i , chant here lor many yeais. ; w;t( nuiu-, Mr. I'iv Joshua Clark, the white man ; W. Iki.uni. ..i.i i.. i rooeiniv oioii.Mii o. ., c, . f It. SUN- S A.h S. A I.!:.- liv i,;iie ol an ;.!' ..ra.rf l'.'. ' T ' ' "' "' ' "l;'"rl ' ''"rt '' ' 'i' t. on aV a! la on, I', .ill .. des ooiu (. am- " " on. ;:,-..; V. h.e Hi.i cinncii, a ;- v i i ' l : ! v , 1 1 1 1 i rw or l AM l:V, 1 -1 A IAj A X X O H X ( ' K fKXT! sli.niae neji .:i.:. .Mr.. 1". !,:. -..:. Co!,'. assatli'.eit wUh a r.'i i. : i , - i i ,,.,i ti :,a Co,,., M lie of ' !. .-I": .ii.:, i" illel.iv O-speCtci ':-' '""'I'- ,' , , I...J. il V in I. li. .-. i. euro .oumi airs. ii .i -, 1 1 ;., -in. knock m oil chanee I, a a noilar, .-.lai WE WANT THE WEN I .-)., t ii,-i I,.. i ;il;l1"'",;!:"r Who ae inteieled in vio.id dotlnui; .old allot!, ! k:i w where to iJ;; ZJZul eesi inn tin-!v: t .Yih At i 1 h. Ilk I ! ! St i( )Mi . ,, .vi. n:i the tme-t pr.-ductio'i- iioin the -!iop ! t;-e .n'l. im.n i.:.mii::,i ".II.! I" )k -,"S I It i IK . . II W I ill.. -I.N .1 .1 i... v ,.! ., , ii- ......... Ode :n t!:,- dsmiiu room und en- - - . . i.a.i . 1 1 III ... i ., , , . . ,., i !. I. i n , I ! ,. :isl. - -l in nil. - .-HI I ' 11.:. a Ih I w.-.l." .i.ul.l 1.1- M i'l; . . . , . ' . I. .Ml ,1,1. i ... ', i e -I -.' icing ,"-: I. ,1,1 ,.-. .iul 1,1,1. have the chauue . I!. . I.oMioN, the ..... a..., i,! ,,,,,,,, ... I,..-. IT. l.'in. c. mi i I--I n.-r. .-m l .sou.etiiil.e 1,) eat. lille she - -'--.------was i tla- act of Uin- some- HoV.CO (OT.IO Public. l--rl-.-.-! i.-. a.- 1 : i c. : .. 1-. Here tu. ike our ;!i,: -.villi :!u: ..id'-ct m ;eve and we see" the -;U' .'let u: view when niekiue tiie nice all ,'i,r Joihiu i- p"Ced ;h.t iv.en will -ce 1,'n.inci.il a..', aih.iuc a- ve!i a-..Jv.-.:ilave in :V-pec: ! ' 'e and Mate rial. Ii "U w..n: .;u-.i;n;::; in '...iu c Aprarii t vi. i. eo ms K i s. jail to servo a four months' teiiee of the Federal Court fe f alcoholic Ii. i U I I' t ! i,. , h, V ll t.Me o' s IIS to lll'lllk. .1 . .' .. I I... . .... .1 1 - .' ' . 1110. IOI llilll lie lliilll i.e. ...... r to do aiivthme- wt'otig. let l.s ,,.avy blow across the 1 a I with a ;'-'1'!'; ' " ' ' v r- ,-n , -. , T T ' ' " T T "-. T V ti;::. a deaf ear to him. ' .t id.' which felled her toti.e lloor. V''.'' !';. ''V.'''':?V" ".T V . . AN!1 'V -k! . Viohl not to temptation, !. scleiuued and caned I he do.e, ..,,, :-, , . r ,..n-i.. i-. -r-- 7. ,. . . v .... .,v . wU I'or i--hl::nr is sin. ..... , i i . ..i i . r or l'li I ! U1..'- is - n. w iicli ri itel.eil tlie l.i so l.e 'ii.-r.-ii. aoi n i i.-i lli,- i nri-liiias lii.ii.i ivs wiiu lis . , ., i , .,- . ". , , .i ,...!.-..!.. i ,. ...... l tenee ot the l'cil. ral i o:;ri ior n- . ,. lcllll,. ,... I .:l ;n 1 1. ,,ui v. u-.,,. ,-ni ei . .-;,. .Men v. -I King le-.-.r i.e n a i in - - - -' - licit (list i nr.!-.', esc.-.po.i ironi ja,, ,,, m,.s .1Vl.s j visitii,- -Vim si me io c )-.e nor a:.,i w in. .s,.,-,-;m,s ana ran i; i.er ass.siane.'. ...,rv.r .,., , ,,,, , ,i; H last Wcdnesil iv nt-ht. He was ,'.'' k .' , , ivil ... " Ki;Slr 1H i:!l.M. They saw the lie-in le.-.Mng the v , ; ,,, i-M,-,.. . , ill il ill lli.it .11 111 i'dill tl'iioik. . , ,i t not confined m a cell, ihll ll'LT the ' . . house but he outran them ale I i' - ! ' ".. "' .lie. ;iiiil when tin' iiih'l' went HI vo,l ,-.,-..- M,, . ri,..v.- o..M,i. .iD.im wash's! in the woods. IJIoihI- the jail at dark to feed the pris- js '., L. !V;lt , .(,. ,'':-, ,. ';1i,.;;,i.s ;-.nd " ' h'-uials from ..'ouesbo-.o w. re tide oners, it is siipp,is,.,l Chuk slip- j.. visit ..n. aiioth.-r. C.n-' r".'!', i' .1 f. i..i -r.iphed l'..r nial weiv on the mci-ii, ' . i.,,-.siii ... !;,-v ran 'lie r i-.r. .. i ni me iraxeiiii I'l'-TO-D TK ( l I IIIi.KS AND IT itMH I'.ltS. t Ct. , !--). COMViSKiNIik'S' O.i'I'N.SliS. ......... i u -. - -. . ......'' . , - - . . : ...v .. ...i-i,. '. .. u II,'! k I.. ! . 11 ,r ! I .' 1 1 1 ' V e, .ni'l-'H f'..V.P-.'... v ViM;: s '.'. -.V ..'.K,-'.' . ' . , 1 V ;., - ' 1 - . eioli, sani me Il.lM-llil.' man. , , I. .-ol.-s wh,n ' n,"!.".. . ...n,i , a- l,.r-i-i ,-rafv ; "C1" ,'. V: ,: ' ' ;'. 'Cj -'t''S& - iTi-V..- -Only one m-.iv day now to -' ol t hrisimas visitors ,v .,i(i j i;:,;t , .;, tU , , . u k u . n . . . - v . t x f , X got those pr. sent s. Do not put it A.non-th.-n. e are pleas-: , ( , u ,,at, iix. ;'' 'V.'V' " "--1- ' .'v - X , . V olVany loii.er. .'hey can finmsh J?- (S ' -s at mcd men are n:::: Z':::: ITI tl:' ' y,iat . k hondon .V Sons. A Uv. . U ..., . f ..., V).,. ,,t ( h.ifhan, s,, ,,;,,.,, ,ull, lv Inl!,,s around - . 'K S Vy K' ' A thou- i they have sold so many Ci.ii. tt, . 11;-- '' ,.,,!,,,: rablnts. In an eatn, way "p '..,, ,i.t ... ,! m-m.!-....:.-! ,i:,u,Mii,.'i;.'.:i,.i. ...o- r.V.-V 'Ife'X hevet.ll havesoniet!:;; i.-ft for 1 Mastei; Ibi.ry 1 ; he, -d .1- ts t ,,iU,it ,,. til!.,. j t!it. und d hen eg i t Vl t I u .ri k0:x(' " if. A picture mak. s a nice pres- '"'-'b..:; Mr. kkar k llan,l:tou. s,;! ,,.,, ,,,,, il th. :,,!. - -severely dealt v '! , . ' j ... n. AT.Vil ... fe," : - J tone that is useful asell Vkb':-s ci.u,Jv. Mes.r.-. . k j ilt ,.v..rv ho,,hhi. The "'-'iwh, - I .. ul e. . ,1 . - - iVte ' housi. All kinds of furniture. ' r:n , ..I.ohd-m, V. ork; & ; . aiihe (;;;;'Vi;; ' , - .,, ; ;. 10 -A wh.te citizen ot. his county ,;ut,(. Koll'mv f NVw Vlk; " 1 ' .; , ,- as capt iired and carried be- u,,- ., ffe. ,vf . came here hist weekto.e . mar- M, Is;l:1 f tl rili. , - J ; -.;' ;.!; forher.hut was re Ieas,l. S- , Sx nage l.ceiese. .I,.-, '-''- v-rsitv: Messrs I-red. I vnnn. U,(.iirll is t!l(. !Mst n.elanel.oiv ud he as not the man. , u u,,.,,,., ey to pay for it, hcoir.'.c. t giw , ,. , N()( h. ., froni Tr.nily ' ,. , ,.v . , 1V. j,V(1 . vvll,,,. vu; -- ; V- !' : X . M a nmrtgiiire n a pi- which he..,, i, yn. f ,.,., I'1" i ,, -.-I t" ' ' , ! ri"'' f " " xl .d he had at home. Not Wing ( Jivi.isIk r. Feinal ' ' -I le-e; Vl iss 'At W,tU ur The sal,...,, men of Kaleigh will , i.. v.. noi.t.iss. - able to get the license with the j' . ,,, f," Pad. .ad, Ken- "" ' "'" fr'S' ' 1 ' ,'t t l"i'" 111 ." ' '-" j ., nronnsiCl mortgage he sorrowful- t ; v M ss M it!. ! ' i e ,f U?"1 " Metropolitan hall Christmas night , ' - ;.v : .f-A; ! .. i o luiivi. .hiss .u. in. i .i,""" i oi 1 1 'ere is no u si i : i trvin" o stop ., i -, i ,i i. ,, .1 , i ' m. u.'-t -r i -i.r-i ; iioii-i,. , ly started home when a o;H.v ..... J: ,kill.,,inIli: Mr-. II. K. -Wrw !!:' 1.. than the pie ml - -h-r white chihlic. o. tl3.',w ,..,. ... . g siillh.-lelit to l Ml V t lit . li,-,. i, so ., ... I ............... j,,.,, (K.vernor .Wcock gives n I ' t,J" I hapni. from l.e.l Springs -Wade- ljlllt.,. ;n.v it's ,.lllIlit I, roiled; T..ui. ejouin.. my. aeconipanied he lus s.i-i....l xvjM.n i-),..s,11,,1. ,;.v ,.,,., f,is SutVi-ivrs from sciatica shouhlj s ; I,n,.UI all a merry mat.'. Mi. J. A. White, "' Alex-.there is stewed rabbit; Col. Tom not hesitate to use Chamberlains ,.,. r .ndon ,V Son audi ia. a.; and Mr. John H. An- ..j,,.,,, serves iu'-.-ed hare; and Fain kdm. The prompt r-lu-f Ironi ,,,,,,.,, ,c m ,i.i.:,, T .l.il. U. V. lU.VSI, he went on his way rejoicing. w;i,;., von .-ill a a Christmas, . h. I Uo ,V ?n anoi ia. a.; ami an. .nn ii. an- K,.llall Sl.1Ves iiiL-ged hare; and l ain lialm. 1 he prompt r-m-i ironi ,., ,,;,,.,.. c ,,.,.i.: iinn- u-iiiit viinr cotton seeil. 1 hey ileison ami laiuiiy, o ..w i oik. a... snm- ('.mil ,1 i n,s on r.i!. pain which it ailonls is ii.ar.v ...,i mu.? u..i...i.-i. will lay yi'ni 'Jk'eiits per bush.d bit on toast. W- are living eheap times north its ,-ost. Vvy sale by in trade or 'J'J cents cash. Largest , Shot Himself Anil Family. ; and indigestible. The inllux of ti. It. I'ilkington, druggist. ami nest siocu oi gooos in in .- : the Chatham county laiiiut is the . . county for you to select from. Cleveland Ohio, Dec --: W,-M ..pi.U-mie of the year: and w , uf Mo,"-,ntn Ii''ZZu...li., They try to keep eve. v tiling you lioseoe Derby, a m lehinist. about (.Vl.,.( is suehthat 1 can almost , ,', ' , .'i,, ' i, uekh -,1 Tsi 1'"' ....''...-. may need to wear, eat, or use iit 4--. y.-ais old. exterminated " : Sl,. t. ,.ars ,.f State Auditor Dix- k,ll, ,,la U " ' .i,.-., . . . --k ,-. ..,..X. I, f,.ni 'I'Im.v oae the wife, three eiiildren and himself., i l I., ...... l'ltul.s. , ,, ,,.,, ., a ,.: n.-.i-i,. yim mini, "i i ...... -.. - , , , i . . .oil . I ( 1 ,1 III. jtiii,;! i .Hiu .--ii.tiiti ii . highest prices for all kinds of pro- 'I he crime is believed to have been ((j )iV , ,1,,7.. ' due to despondency over the mi-; ' . .. 8ee3ev Cure a IM) VOF KX W W II A I IT SMJI I, leile'.e-a j:-"u i:. in all vX'-i-e bu -troni; d: ink or d, n :-. :.-t..u- !i i-eiyoi:- - -tern t it not!!: d .oiidii:"':. ai d in ;.Uc-a man to hi- o: : ;'.! p.i: i icidars adv're li, ir.u iiul ci. ;,i.'- T M .1 KZCLEY ETSSTITUTE, .rt.,.n?-i.njf u . i" J ,l.li ..i. l i.ell . I -el ,. lj...ul ..I l;.,iliilU-iU. li, 4 illgllL'St JirUVS lor ail lillliis Ol pio- i no n inn- is oeiieveu u. e.i.e ... - ., , (. . jV l( - , - - - dlice. 'due to despondency over the mi-; 1 f : . ,w ii il pi,; (mn, fro.s k-ve.ished condition of thefami-1 ... . ( ..,-... s- , ! hen you vva.it a ideimaiit pur- () f all the thristmas trees v .s , t(v ,,,. ,1(1f; Asl.el.on. I on nr. Alex S d gat ,ve try lumiberlan, s Stomach rl. tt,uw, .,,, that will enjoyed this week -. (-.istnl..f i(i0 j-j',. w jf,, was ; and w ife, coloiv.l, near Met huuic, 11!K jlv,.r Tablets. U hey are easy . w.k. m..,Ks.ww.-r..i ivm mine will give greater pleasure .,( . . ' sj.(!.,s si,,,M,jn., ,v ! Wll't to church last Friday leav- to take and lU'oduce no nausi'a, kh i .-h -. ir.,i.. .i.-o. . i u,.- n.-i.i. than the one !o be given by the ; ,';;u;,r; V, ,,',, rf . i,,gt o smaU children at home ,,.;.; rot,Hf,. disagreeable ef-; , buties o tin- lp.isco,,', church thl, ,.hiln v.o,e hilleil as tbev :.y the ch-tlm g of he ,(,( FWsalebytJ. It. IMking-- - ,M.,,mT()FS- -it this place to the inmates of tho . , , . , . .- children in some way caught tire, .. Vt'llll. 1 t Kl.l'l IUUS. . ... 'i This i- tho first ran tl.r.-ii'.rli the I.oi.se in the , , A"1- ; J , v), , ur, r r , ,o .L.ici s'i,.:,. that we have ever daiMn-ss l t.n e..ily morning ; , . , , a - - , n. ..,.. s..i.,u,.,iry V ....-". .. ... ,n. li,,i,i T I if. 1 1' im !V loss ... , r, , ,. ... , ... . , . ... ... I, .l.ll l,,. n.l.mt w.l. I ...,IH' ! :i,.-1 ii r ! i..' .'l ..f I., i-io- ..iv..,, to those un- ,S-'i;Vi'. ".V" ' "" u H,.v..U.T to lescue its sister.: do ClllC ;. f old in Oik' IV. V. , i parent. I lie third ein.n was kiu.-ti ' - ' i-" " --" 1 "' forlunate peop.e, ami it may .i ,r H nisi-ini c, do- Take Laxative Uromo tjuinin - - ' ' " : 1 -" ;; I ho Inst one ever s.'e'.i bv some ot . . 1 l,e i II li l.s oi i.ouis.aua (in . 1 , , -a. .. a; ..-1-:.-.. I m i u -i ' I em linn-ill.' then what u de- "'' blat, ,1 w ill. g. eat ceremony last I almas. ,il iiru: isis i eiuui i i ne In ht'it wilibe to them. audi... ' woik at New Orleans the cecteii- iii,'iie i! it lai.s ! cure, k W. r -I l -:rlUT, fhddreii could, iije-y it more than Congress has taken a recess nr.-. nial of the ttansf.-r ot Louisiana '.rove s signatui. i- i-u I'M'.. -"X ' ,.,.,.r . ,:. v :. j . ,,- ..i-m V ill th. se helpless old paupers! - til the 4th of .lauuai v. I i-y Fiance to the United S.aU-s. ... k v uy.. v.-. DURHAM .MAIINLK WORKS.f : Monuments and Tombstones, : M!.F!C.N ND I I A LI AN ,Ahi I I ;;; ; he-urn- an 1 ; .-in - tinn'-he.! "ii appliciln IE wwWV'rWJHIIllllll

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