- ...4.. Cough "My wio had a deep-seated cough for three years. 1 purchased ro bottles of Aycr s Cherry Pectoral, targe si::c, and it cured her com- p'-tcly. ' J. H. Burgi, Mncon, Col. Probably you Know of cough medicines that re lieve little coughs, all coughs, except deep ones! The medicine that has been curing the worst of doer, coughs for sixtv r si a years is Ayer's Cherry 1 Pectoral. Tercet:::.: .'...$.. All drsjriiiU. C.l.oi't ..-er.- tt.-s . if ',,1 s;y Ullf i. thou iii o ..v. ;e be ;:.. v. u ti.it o (alt. 1;. t!,r u.n'; ViVe it. II. Uotit, UtV II tth run T j. y . .1 i a k ci'.. L.nf i, ntii. , P ?Ktm Younsr Man V VV 7 TO j -V h. tl woro yea s.-t?- al.- .', tho 500 FREE !H,,".i!i.,.?7oU!:,, i - o"".': ' -vV.ivciy.-GA -ALA. BUS COLtEGE. Macom j P.tt-lAtrK-l 1 I .-1 ai Odds and I: nils, Mtluiimli th-' ii. : rit'.fio mon of Aus tria :uul ti.Ttn.my nf'.isvd t.) t:lko the lto HiMlolt Kalh aa.i Iiuj wcalli' i- ;ird U"th(l!:iki oroplirsics s-i .(,i.-l . llis tuimo ww c;iisl.;.i:iy i:i i'..r ii.--.k s;ia prrK, lllj'l tHMU' .! i!K'!illc'ii 111 think that thTo n a korii.'! it riiiii in Irs f tbooi ii-s. w'uii h tiro ha.n1 on the a-s-x-nmptii'ti. that t!a-' ii'.i".:J i ti t i : . : the oart'i has it.-- ith an I I a..! . Iiilluru- cd ! the sun a:i ! the ta.v.t.. Th-- now Iri.-iii U.n.l V t wilt iat -ltd t NwvvmVr 1. ..f.-l t: !.;y z fcr.K'ta of lan I An.' '.o . m t ii - int ';. puso? Ion tf th' ti.iii'.-. the C i.i.ti mt'tit livmii! tho t!.'!i' y ; t i - r'.r r.bu on easy toniiv 1 1 ;!!. :'-t --.'1 In' very f lu-riftio I i t.ikilii a. I. i. :.- uf tho in n I.i.v a:i I ttitaln ; :i"i t many tl: m':ui Is of ; ..a v. ':. ,. thy h'ivo !..-cn ;':.y.;i- -vnt l v i; rations wtU "o t ti- ati.i t lt-a.0 tu r h . 1 1 ..-In! Ii- -a. Rose Peterson. Secre tary ParkJale Tenr.is Club, Chi' cago, from experience advises all young girls w ho have pains and sickness peculiar to their sex, to use Lytiia E. Pinkhaai's Vege table Ccmpounil. How txi.'iay biiaiitifuJ yrojiifj tfir!s ;c Telop iav.i vtori, listleia and n,pe''.M woa-.i-u. siuiulv bi'f.iiiHi. soOi. ;,'t at!e:. tioo baa aot Li en pai,: to the. r piiysio.il dtfvelonnjont No woa;a:t is m.'r ;t from itr.s.oal wean:. est ,-in.i periiii'io p;tin. and youtl i-: i :;st ' !! lii: id'.o Voir... nlniod ao';'..i l-.-i'inef :iy -.il l '1 physieiily at we-I a morally. aiwun r W'.mrtn, Siifc Urtiifi-xh I.'. ''rd07i. Col Iii: ;i',V'j.'i, N..J., s;iy.: "I taunt, v. '. woi'.i'i .t,-'1,i and te',1 yon t-iat, ty fo'l.iw'u your kit-.i ud vioo. I feel ltkr a new per -on. 1 was alw.'-i'ii tliiu and tie' Irate. ::..( o wt alt th.it 1 ct-oald hardly do any taiur'. Mea btrualii u wa.. in or. a'ar. " I tried a ho'.tlt vo ir Vc -rt '.!i! CiMliptivlll'.t and h ,;ai! to fee! Offer rijfli. away. I ctnliaued its u-e. ard am uow well znd strong-, um,'. men- atruat regularly . I riint-Ml sa v i aouj.'h for what yoar ioo!?e'me d:.i fur me." - J.5J,)0 f-rt-t " i.' : - a! if ate-w Irtt-t tni) ytiij-osncvl ,M'i.7 -I 1'. s:rr J.. til. Ly ilia. 11. i'inliliain's 'sot.ible CoKitioaiui will ci.ire any woman in tho luutl who sui'le. . from womli trculilt-s iriltaiiiiiKilion ot the ovurics, uuil kvitlnry iroublos. mmS'WJM SHOT GUN SHELLS are found cn every American farm where there is a live boy. tew Club loaiirc with black powder. Nitro Club and Arrow loaded w;ri any binokelcss powder. They are "Duck KiHerv." Catalogue free. The 1'nir.n Metallic Cartridge Co. BRIDUHPOK T. CONN. tcney. .H I BrtuJway, new torn. THESE IS NO 322 SLICKER IM'&' Torty -eor5 a?o and after irtorv years of us on ine eastern coasT,. lowra VVcfDroof Oiled Coats were introduced in tlvz Weil and were called OlicKrj By the oioneera and cwboys. This -3rapric noine has c-me into such general use t!Sat it ia frequcnty thotrt wonofully applied to mryy stistitutes. You want the ?cr,xne '. Look for theAcjnof thei ish.and naineTcrver on the button?. MAft IU fit HI ANB VTU.1W AJJ .J COLD tY REPRtseNTATIVt THADR a rut world ovta. I U TCWR CO aOSIOM MASS USA TOWW CANATIAN C0,lj.W T0I0NT0.OH lillllMJW-'-"-" II Miss CURE BLOOD POISON CANCER. Aohlnc Ilnnaa, Sltirilrac I'atii., It.-hlug bklu, l'hiilt lotting Sorra, Lie. If you lave I'liapirs or Oif-.'iisivo liiup tioiis, s.p!o..-li-.'s, or .'.':'j'-.- t'nUt l-.i-up-tioiis, or i'.t-h on the . ...i, i-V-tcim ; SacII' iiis, (ll.o-ds ;-v l.,u. I .,', is in any i.i.i. in' ih lio.ly. old .-iv, !'. .;.-,. C ilium. ., l'diiii" iiini .V-lu s ii !!...:.' or .loin--. II. nr r Kei.i.'-.vi M..i!'.; cii, .r.kU'i.t .Mi1 M 'i;h. t't.iri or I'ii.. :.:. iln-u. .. have U'ond Poi-ui. 't.a.' H : ie Hloud Im'.iii lit I! It.) Soon a:i S.-te, 1' i'p and 1 -J i t;-i. Will la'al perfect v. A. lies :in.l Pu,. uusc. Si'!ii!i; .;- ! and perovt. ueier i j it . it" turn mid;'. HI'.!:, elites t'ath'i'is ol ail '..lull. S'.; clival. u.; .siv.-L-i:i.:i. K.uii:i s-'tv. IVy I "Vent, .tt.cr ai. !e fat:. h.ul::.;; in- .v pert'e. t.v. I; you li iw j n-i !.. :,: ; ':rp'-.. tt.ul. oAadcn j K'.arids, mi o;n ..tin,. a,; i ''' 1 '' I Halm aul i livy ! I : p.ir i'. :.-r. tin y .level,-;, ir.:o l.tm-.r. 1 h .ini. 1 t--r .argi o a tie, incl::,i in .nip e.e ii i: i-i I ! '::. i t ir Mi-::;-.' i .rv. Stai live !y writ.i.B ; i 1: -....; if.UM Lo , iSt.tu 1- !i . .V..aii:i, . I ila. li.-r.i- tr oi.-,. ..!. i n:t'.tul .!.;. e .m 1. 1 :n ::.T. j li.iw f',i aio f-o s.-ri -.- . . . ' "t hftio uffr.l wall plli fur IMrt !t for. I Ol-tf vi 4r ;m ArrU 1 l -f.i li.;:-fc. i n urri I for - nti;.(U ii i ! I o 'i-u: 9? "f A w. '- 1 li. I .-.-.I 1 t( p- . . l. t- i-i !-. d-i li . .-nr fi. .i ftt th.- (-.'.. t tec: I.Lo new n : U: am. Jl. . 14.1. Sl-":ir.R o"r t. ' . c...' or N V. miM. sax. tts hk'.uhs esses -h tf : I r ink. L' ,v c'.Li r Ii.. 'ltrrlt TU: ... , t..;; -i,- . i I : , ' v'. . : '.), ; ;' -;;!- tllrl.al Hi. rase la '1.' rod. i s ha-; cm'.;" a na'rkid ; of in- rt.i ! i t y iniii'ii '..oal fhi'.i ! i'!:ii- .'--: sln'p.y e;-"a,-: aff, , a: th" ,r. --'t c. i-":al,!::' r. !i. a. i t "io;-,, i.-t t-i - - i Tif.ie.l. i m'-M er-iiit: 'i; -!. Mfl'ti. d to il: Ii!l IVw-Mn- In Win'rr. : ;,.: ."., -s i'-i-,"v .'r-id d'l .' t'i wi-r,'-. - '-vi ' . f fa t'"it it ' a' tu,. In' i'i I r. n ir, ',' n-n h-ir 1 a- 1 r. :-'h M.i 'h ' t'"' I'l 'irv. I .w'.r. r f-..m fie II of ni ir- -a". If Iv. r? ;.,,,. i u-,',1 ri n- -a oi- ,':-',- ir I t';, iinl:.r.' r , -.-i'1'v -i" ,'.l -i" ' i'ne 1. thev w il ii .: t't p. Hi.i'ax. n U. f'.-anKii. I 'ie t -r-i'. fi M Piit.-h uti :" rm i-i -i-1,'ed !ii ti i-'.ie of n'li. ii ! art iii eiie .-iipoTiii soli!. or Mrs Wlns'n '1 o'.illl Mv-a ''" - 'II I th'.n ..'tath" f!. -i) 1 1'" lil.cn tluii.aliavs '''i."nr i'i-. !". a t- Pirio M10 oe2Tn:n7 i-' liland ah-ni't Ph'MO r.prol O'd m'h, itiM-k. t ii.i.i". ele., ran be dve.l with I't'TNAU Y; ::i t:ss Urw. F.ftv k .-! f i!e,-i-a are given hy ' Aim r-eaii ,o1V;,m. j li""" 11 r" e:t"!i- f ' " too tii .'!! " "".en .: 1 Aviai ie, N.. Uiii'iea' ,,;s. Mil. .1. . J.iu" .1. 1 ') '. I , 1 Otie Prr-.-tl in .l.'V .o.J i'i ' l-e ' o' t c. II. !. OliKKN's 1N1, "f ,! . .'! 1. li.l. I t"'i ,.nly s t '.'.'sstiil lro; y s, i 1 i-;-. ia I w. ri'l. seetiieir lihnr.il i-.T-t in .-. iierlii u.vut i.'i anotiior colnaiu of tin', j-a.-er. ipo pici'iou t:onea loat year I LOiilCiiLfURAL J: f: 1 I'.Millry Il.m. Mi;no i'.'ir.iil'.;. .n.il o t'l'i a uliito v.;i.!i ir wi. I I.m i: ,. :;i, s: i.-U !.': v,, I: ii.n!.l b .!!:lu,l l: :. ' v.-.'iN .1.' ;!.o 'oul;ry ho!i, hri' -.' :;:t sv.i'ji, . i . w : I In rli'iin llu'lli of ..!. ! .iti.l lirt. :-.!nl tin' porch s l-l-i; (..: ! : :-:u. li.. lv.it .! : ;i i at if v, V ; ah; i !. .i: k ..)., J.c 0 ill l'. - !l:-U'ii:t-.' : tli.l. I.y i. -h;l'.i!l i'-o l:.nis, an, I .ulu' aii-l I., -t i'c. .- :: '.! :i:.:u'. 1....U,...- .i'lo. i - ;, :'.) fo I or .i !.' u I'l.i'.il ai'.v ti a! .:'!. 1 ii v o l'': nfii-'.i'i'.N ' cs .-. .'I'l''" 1" is..-- '. I'A j i" .! -!! :l! :. of fo'i'so. "i I ! -"' : I tho l.-i: :i)o.!-, j ! a p- r i'l ' . t.ri.i- off i i " I of f. v '.a.SU I il" 'i c!a ill i t i!!','-' a i:';'o. l-ttt yo'i ; ,v uii i ki-- 10 - or .!". Mo,-.. !' ':i:i - M liioi'i i li.tt tl. '.v 1.; .1 '' .I n..y r.r :i u;','ii'. 4 - ' I'-'' ; "i ti".: I :i . tir' !!-; I 't:'tt: '. l -'-h'-l Mt tl ni-i-4- ' V ! ''in t.i tl.'. vUlit i'i ! " ' -v,,"r '"'v- t"'t " -: ' ' ''''''" nr t ti- l. 'a:'M-:'' -li t'li ."it ' . ' : ...i v. :: li t: When of .'.'N"f -"' I'- r .lay f'.-ei"l:'v ,; r 1 :' li'.i I u !: -n tl -e ;ii ,- t . . T ' Ka-'ri-l I" in ! his :. I Kan- is i ..!!i .,!:,. lis lhar Kaip-as falf.i is an ev: i-ii,,'!. I'.-it 1 1 i lioinihs : '- ii'O Ju - ' I ,s''"' '''" ' " ''"'".' ' ' ' ' i""' "-"'; ' v ' ;"": il:.'!i - 1 1 1 pi: -li!': s, Willi firs, and wi:!i shot-; -.1 -r of waier sill.- I v- V":ifiy n!l fnrii.rrs l.at, . In, I. 'il that to inakr tip' l..-f L'iil'lS 1 irniss .hirinu ti',s" !i:o!ilis sicao I .-..-I, i-.ti,! ho t. .1 ; "i,l !.: si--i;,-h .1 it i; .:, ,'r.il.:.' to rha" I",-. -,!s wi'.oliiall.v ..",, ",n, i:r!i!"i:o' r.irly, ami :ift,-r all, t!in h"st way, if you are fallen-in- s,.rrs for Aiiiiist or Septonihrr ni.i'l.et. is lo riiriirir-neo away L'.nk In tlie winter auO not ftwJ tot mijcli eorn, hut Jnst tepp tlit-ni crowina; :iml tliou kr-(-i right on iu tliai v;iy ii;.l'.lig . U'.o i':-.lir :'':. M'li. Ho5 I il.ulel' lin.1 M rltllT. A 1 : 1 1 liiii.li-r n-i'i'-l'rr t-i t i 1 1 t ttl. 1 tiuif o:in iu I. .a! :it a 'T.v usoilorsiit' j Mii'.i. uf s.-i-ni vk!uo to. rcoi-y 1 ;l i-1 : : t i" iu.1 .:: h-i j-tit'oti V . .'li .os l.i s i'.-,, i rs 'I hi- iili .t i. j on!-iiii'il io It'." ;i i 1 n : tiy 1 1 i ij rut. A 1 - it r.ii 1; ';i (' !"i-.r, il.r.-o ninl ' o'.ic li-ilf m-.-. . iilo iir.l ;!:;'. ;, .! it. ;. I Ii . .1" ; Ii l f.:;-oi':; tV.iir.r i :' !' " t'V j ;'. .v. !i . :uif. . i!i ! i:- l: :.'ii:i ; i$3 Hit T-'-i'r !'i o.' in ..i i.,.M M, t:.o I,- of to,.- hali t i:. :il r.o li ci:!!. arc tl !: : I ui liown to alhiw 111" ill o.' ion .it m'-i led. I' .i:.;l Infill l'.i-. nod .". t I '..ok ;:'! jo-n.-il t-i :.!,-. ar- in.;. i!.!-..,. ;,h.; ...r , N , ;.: ;, x pf !, ;:, . , t si', tour ivi-: in , .j,,, ;.,nu.,i f,-.,. i'-,-t :'p-.."t :.titl oxictitl I ,.,.vcii for, ;:!-.. il ..'. mui. r.ii'.l j Ikoj: 1 . w-o!! I. i-'t.i. 11 is :i .rot.u 1 :,... !', ol ..-; F l it i llititl jtli.it Mi',-'tfls .tic l-:U!. at any ; i,,.;.;lt ,; Js t ,l..:l!. pnllcjs for hlr.tii,! - ; rack up. II i. a 'o-t ..-l in f.-ont ai.d a liltlc In one h-.o raven i.nvor nalli lo. Ill i;.-.ini: scale ht .' io il;:!i will o:li imio i"'iinil. a Int.;. Iio or .-.".orii Miiall n-'s, cahi' of i i';mi ho w i vl'i i! aim i!r; en itilo il n;;::n. lo io;uu wnti 11111 iii'i i"'. Il.vik- li.-.-.-s ;.t i hrilillt. I:!, h i ! 'i -o t- rlid of ropo and lraV lip M.I, I -cilo li.-.i.,' , ;'ii lo hook 'd ! l ii :n , i a'.'.o c! - I.: o. t". 'I'hoii lvY.Io jio i.-y f : "'.a sa: l ril ai..l 1!".' ciit.i " , . ;.!.; o, i a. ami c..:u-.'t i 'n ... ,. , v ... n .!:; i !., r;;l ,- ai'.i - a!o v , . a 1 ,-. in- , ! : : .: i: , ,, i. Iii'ii o;. :! tan:. . ,. -a. ,,,. i.!., o - . '..! I 1 ! i', U 11. I '.'"lil I I t !' v'., .,1,1 f..'l ' i d i "i tr,,' .- :'t.l,-- I. iv f -f: l li' h-'ti si ' ".- i ' ' -1 v.!" : :. 'kM . : "1 i i ' " 1 1 . " s',. ...i, h ! v :'.-r !' ; !, r '.,i'-a h. i!- '- v. I or i i. .1 r,,!,l J.i ys under t w !l t:.-- i--: r..us ;.i t l ilt it l. . .Hy ! oi.lr-l '. ! in u 'a:,-- ,iro 1., ... t!,;-,.U'!l ." " a'- I..V V l'..i,l'i-v Noir.. ', .I ,- i.- i., !.s i'r . 'y mi vi: An ., n maliy daik ri.:. a'-s ; ...1 ii.- I- "I is .il- . w ,'li tu- j ,v, !, a': 1 that ll,, . r is in.l.- -s ., i V.'l.'.e-.. i:.,,;y eU". art ia.thrivil it j I m:,,ii1 1 1,.- ,'. ..1 ti.- evci.il.- and at ; 100:1. 'I..,y sa,,ui.l b.- Ivpt ia a . iml j I phi. e. iii, .,., 1 ., lard I'f'i.ii s-t infert.l-e--,s I,,-, aiise tin y .lo not trst III. -111 h-iore sotiiii!;. Hen. e ih. y are ui.f Ulipolni. .1. If rei n, oiils, hiicku hear or any other -rain is fed. there shunM h" A mixture of wheat hrau, as the ;,:.iiu aloi.r ii loo hravy. l'o wis that are ti lie dressed for market should In killrd by blri'dint; in the roof of the mniitli and picked wdjil warm. Tesas Fariut;rt SISTERSOF CHARITY Use Pe-ru-na for Coughs. Colds, Grip and Catarrh-A Congressman's Letter. IV.V1 WVVlhVWlVWlt.lVllt . Iii fn-ry lountry of iIip t-!n',i''.l wori-l, S -.'era oi t h in'.y miv Uno.vii. o: oi.lt d.i "..'lev mui -lt-r fo :'ii- n,ir; ".i.tl aul intil l !.'.-f.:al iii'i'di of tho tiiaia'- i oiniiii'.tf.l to j Ifr r cart, loi L thev a!ro imni'ii-r to vlifir ' hi.ili'.t i,.od. .! ;!i io i i.oiv t !i i i.l i ii to tali,' i it,- o' i aiul i i pioto.-t ii-v.i i !iin..'.f an, I diar. t t '., - v ;..,' ana orii a"il -. e t :..ic i-iu. i , I. a iiov.r f.ii.'.'.a - i..'.'j.ii d. I i ll.i,i;:ia:i r, in. my . -ter- :i in. :: I ., S sti-i fr.o.n A.i ,i'i '.i.e I n.'., I i oi .,: h. A !'", ! itveu: . reu.i.l ' . 1 t ' I. ''-,' : -li ...OU 1,1 Ui 11 M .. . n :..i i".l'iv,i: : i v a. lin .' iii i ii, ( oi ii in biiti. o ' in ' Ii.ui- Sir:-- iV. uiMiiei il uho iin. ti Uf I'i iiiii 1 r i''fi iiii;i'iiiii Linmnlllii. mi,) I,, ut .. Tim m il'! vi mr 1 rcn : nr' m.-i fis'Ot't.iri. sh'-laun 1 IJI'MI 1 till f. uku miiTniimi "or . - '-; inr ur 0, in- :i ( libit' to tl 1 a'10 in i , ... - . ... ., 1 ,.,,,,,,, rn, t.I. a 0 t .tir.f ... II. ,,TW,,!. a, , a, 1 ,:' ve,f,'. S - i I i .tr.'.v . ard . i I I ''a '.a 11 eu- , r - ,: .,- - :, r 1. i T. I'iiuia M . . t 1, IV' I vm Factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells. It's not i'ntitr.ent it's rot ti e price-- that makes the most inle'.iirient and successful shots ahool Wmchesttr Factory Loaded Khotsun bhills. It's the results they give. It's their entire reliability, ewnness of pattern and .uniform shooting. Winchester "Leader" shells. load ed with smokeless poAder, are the best loaded she'.is on the market. W'ir.cheMir " Keperter" '-.helle loaded v. ilh smokeless powder are cheap in price but not in quality. Try either of these br.o.ds and you w ill be well Um J. 13e Mje to get Winch titer Factory Loaded al'.rUs. Jil Itlt MULLS TIU CUllCW J.arU. S ''don't indiqestiom and ru''';i IL0c'iM ltlieuli. i :..u i li .. Mm i i t ii in an .r'in . A Co rn.itn nt'.MtJiy r '':'. ju.-it .Ma .1 :a ll, i ll':, sa.. - t!.-it (i "in .It'.'Ill. i!l i 't'i' ' w..:. Vt li fe'i ::.''.. i i. . i :.;:ti m i. niii.i th, it w.-t" ho.s i-. ia Unntany al t',' t" d of th- 1 :i-.t y..-a:'. atid th" rep.il !. !!..'. s t.i:o it woul'J to tiiili' iiii to sr. ".io u.i tho neei-ssa-y hrsi s at lh; put hu a i-f a w ar. Tho nut ii'irili, s. lii.- .-t' : . r ittiti.'-ip! a i ua;o i!,t:Jir ta.Ti of aut.iinoliilo rum. which, th" Ii p.-.-! .,a... e.-nii ! I,- n:a :. pr.at a 'liiiatajo for th tran:;;ortaeti of atutiititi;':'"!:. '." ! pro ! i, ts. et . : WHAT SICK KIDNEYS CAUSE. lilDNkV t'.l.Ml I. VlM'.s. Ilia hc-.is, lirirtl.fo Hi:rae, Intl.un nia'iotiof the Kidiii-vs. lrn.sv ; (swrlhlif; of the liiah's. r ho.l i. ! incessant pains in the back or ! loin.H. I 11 LADDhtl Tliol IJl.ES. III j fliinitnation of the bladder, in , tlitined passages, pain in passing 1 urine, incontini air of urine, too ! much or too liitle urine. ! L'rio Aciu Tnot ni.FS H.'ieumatisai, G'uvel, (Juiit, I Gall Stone. Luniha';o. Nrrve Ttioi ni.Ks, Neural pia, ck'iiuii a. Nervous t'oUapse, r!iTpIess!)is, Meiam holiu. Many other disurdt rs are caused directly or indirectly by faulty kidney at li n, and run be rcai hod and cured by 1 loan a Kiducv I'il's. This since with across the alwais nioruiu nie to : if I sat .low time it arise. li..:in's remedy ban cured every coin ft" W lT a! AltfillllMnuiwMM- (y mwwlm if Im4" (km-GmMlM, tM km w plulut recorded ah-, c. and over jui iijsa,,ici ahle ai hiu- lclt nt iirrcuic of the '.ro'.o.o.-. " OO, WO ICMIIIll'UlUia JJtovc on JiL. iurprisuif; menu 60 cents per box, of all deal era, or mailed on receipt of Tric. by ddraing loster Idilbura Co.. Builaio, N. Y. . iiiani, t'si.o, i'r a me lu.ik wrilu-u hy ! lililui.ii. 'ilie ioiiowiffci lfttrr ia tr'im CVngtt-. iiutti Mrcl ikon, ot N ipolt'on, Ohio: 'I In- 1'i-iiin.i M ,lioine l'o . lYi'mnoim, O : l.i'iitli.ot-n: ''I haif u-d m'hi.: i l"'j I oi Ira ol IVnuia J tr aii-i u-t-i i-ici.ii t By.v m h-'e.-iu ,1 tli.-rrl y J U a i.,y the In .t.i. .iinl ; i;j., X4TS i tee. fii.i'ia 1,'i.eir i ii t; a i jfi&.i coiilmiu'd u ni',1 f -: . . i l.i.i.. a 2 i ii,,Tif ,: '.loin '1' M.'-el'n M"'kl-""' J (i, " h ,1,' ,..VuVVo.mi :::in laiiit mid oiiiu.'i.hh 111 1 lie I in li .1 . "-"-. " ';. t" . ", ..p.'' "i .' i in, .i.i.-a .ii;, - ui oi u.i- o.mi.'.ry. If :." '! ie.ne r-n.; t I t: f.i i. v ir.i,.. Uv.,l t!.t l,- ol INiiii.i . - (,,,,,;: g,t,,. i ;;..,,:., .f 1 ,10 - re ,,l.li he I . .'I ;.. . - : 'ii !r- v 1. iah.c adt i.-c i :if I'1" II ''.-' 1' ! t of l he H.n a. .in . .1:. : ... in, I 1 CHAMPIONS StIOOL. rSYPEWRITFRS CHEAP! 1 ' I ,. t-," ri.-s ,1 iu. ii i e ! rll mkl 'lt '1 It- !' 'V Ilir t'iS I'av. r "i . ,mt r-ri.'i it r.iw-. J. UilVlliN, ., . ..-v.. N. '. .jV Lt..- - lltTtEL. b.-'' J'-NH.H J.- " 5uf',:... B.n ii At;an. L. A "l ; iii. .it li mull nt. A It V"i:i .: tin nuiiii t.t. s". tnii, '1 i.: :ii. tiir 1.-.V i : i I::;,. !! ! r,f tla I Hi.c i : ;tl l'o: tal I'nai!!. nhi.li tioA n.. i.'..l, : .;! must i.oty ,'o in:rv in the w rl l. will .., t i! e I H--'ti". SiYiii 1. w'l- ;v li e hav 1 oU: a:- I. at- .! oy ll.ce a.- , j.n in:, :r.a:l:):ial prize c.i:::;ii ! . : 1 , :i w.'ts a'., o i!:.', 1. an ! It ia no.' :'eKi.-t' d tl.a: :i.:t'j;i i hor U- ('c t-ii'iis a e ! a f'l I. '1 wo (.h-a. '-i i oiapcti: vs ca l f,.. Fiv'.'.-b artlf mi- av.ai.leti p. I.,, a of C.OoO fr.iio-s i;tii:. ut :i tin at lireisioa l,a;i n : yet b-ea tak, a. TBR FlkST niDNEY PILL MADE. THE ORIGINAL DISCOVERY. THE ONLY GENUINE. VVi II Nkioiiiioiii. the will II n. McC'AttvrK of known ji-vcltrof West Main Cherry Strrtt. l'urtiand. Ore Street. v thi'vilie, Va.sa.la: ,11, jnsieiUr of freight cum " s me four veiirsai;.. an attack for the i'nitisi '"liii.entJil Com of grip sottird in n.y hack, and puny, gays "1 used Ikian's I hitif aiiiTercd oil and on ever : Kiducv l'iila for backache, and a dull, heavy aching small of my back. other " symptoms of kidney trouble v hirli h id anuoVid me for months. I think a eld 11; re severe in tin It was dilh'oiilt fori was responsible f-'r p or slraitrhteii, and tro'ihle. It sciim a to n for anv !i inth of mv kidnevs. I loan's was hard for me t Pills root, d it out. lt.is I took tun briy. s of moiitlis since 1 Us.- 1 'ie Kidni'V I'il's 101. 1 tho 1111 to dale tin v tin ! DOAN'S KIDiNEY PILLS. cm Our money wlnnine IWk. wt'in n hy men who know, till you all about Potescsh Thf y art- iirpilfil hy every mnti )io owns a fo ld and a plow, and i lin desires to Ret the luuat out of llinn. l bcyaprA. Pen.l rrwt.-tl rank (.KKUI1 KAI.I HOItkl Row York-iB Ksmws Ntrel AtUnU, Ha. t'j Co. llroa Ft. liiimtiH I'nlnili sair tho lu'Kt dyhpcpala aiciliciiiv f or iiiutlo. CJ - lititiilrt'tl iiillllous at iiiiiu nave Peon rold iu tho Ilnl tt'U ?lnlfs Iu a siriklr yoar. Uvery IIIimikj ;ir!-iln; from 0 disordered Ktoiiiarti U rrlirved or cured hj ttiflr Uai". St cominun U it that diseases orlijlunle 'rom thp atoinnch It nmy hi safely ai serted there n no eondiliou of ill Ilea I til that iv H I tint lie hent tiled or t'lroil hy the oot nslonnl use of Itlpai lal'iiloa. I'liysh'laiiN know ihein tiuil sjnak h'H l';y of ihelli. All ilrumiittt Hell them. Tho five vent package i eiaui;li far an ordinniy ooeasloii. mui th. Fiiinl'y ItottU. aixty ffnts, ronlalua a hoiM'hjld mipily for n yonr. ni i;enetalljr gives tclief within twenty ii'.nn.'ea CAPSICUM VASELINE It'll' LI-1 ctu.i.a I'oiiti t. icmus) A snbtiiuib foraiiil 'ipcrlt-r to in um aril nr .il'.y 11UMT l)I.OU iu imi n: :HT I n.o-t,l''Ui'a.f smu. t lie ntiu-.i,i. ma atnl uritliii't'tjuitl.tt ,of tii..ti'tit-teurt-vt uiul -rv f it I. H will nI,i, tti.. io.iiIihi" eai oi,t-o,HUu Irlu'Vi, liuu.lt, tie illl'.l P i.tt.n-:t. t' li'-roui. 111 n I it an tlit !"' m il a.tfeit rxirnial Lti.tur.i 1 rtt.-trii L ii - ,w 'latta.! unit lit-k itirti.it 1.1-ly f,,r paini tu ;i e ct.cH not .touin-l: B ' il ' 1 1 iL-ii'e.tl'.iTuniii;.i ai okoiii on i,,r u. ,oitl it il !n f o iiul to I e in vi.lu.tt I'," ..liln M'l'H" 'Oil""")' nw.lv e h . m ;i i!-,iii- or i !r ,l.-ii:tT rr ! t "i l"','i l.i-tni'iini to'i-i a 0"-i 1 .tosuhi: . a ' ll'onl r- 'i 11 to', 1 ' y null. Nonrlulv ih.mId...,r,.,.t.M..vl....,..,..M..u..l:.r.t'o I :7 S!.i; St rent. N t. Vtj J . u y 13 oa ui nnn i o -r " v: 1 ' ilLLOvi f:ic t f-.- i. i. o i IV A l-l O .IU --"l'. : 'T'" !- -AM..- ir.. ' '.W'I'.V HORSE POWER HAY PRrSS CoriOM FR1SS I'or tinll'if COl'uH 4!I I ,U V. i. la .or !: . H i. Henry copjland, ft if. i' uma, Tua. tents:':':;'-?? t .Olmli,. 1 V'.RAWFURS Wjiniiid lunullllr. i i.r 1'-.. I it. li Ma l-Af.l f : I I-, i ' .iV-:-.. w I .' yW t-. .,it.',ii, ..i...: -I St. x . :S-'t,"-''7 !V :-. rts. . ! v.l.'ili I :s I .'. at! on at' in 1,'itii.rd atal Ha li,' fei '' t:u area at. t "i - nir half "f tl'.,' to prisons umi :r ti urth i f it. It i ,i Tun I ih.'-t of th- ty or r '!' I re i :. 1 ...ia-- : -.gar f.t t'.'r;ea of .-i; da. a!! i i t ':' r: thicv l:Au .i t Ii. i a in.'.'.' I iu a Hij.ar T-'!-t. l'h,- f fii'T 'iiiatic.' luirJs.er, l.'iacz I'.im. . . vi r. . It. n oh-iitd tha'tiuaii ol i he h,.-.r ( of 'ho -Mis. Tho I" I -..if tr iti..ii.::y - i :',!'iii'i. nlihnaa't i ,oj j ur.itivi ly M-i.!,.: is aii-oa. :y iar iiioro ia:' ie l int ti .'i the race i'.i;.ir in t'U. try. The t.s.. i,u. t'"" p:o i tee al::.isl ; iio.o iai"i '.i'i--. annually. ,!':." ft 'Ai.ic.'i is ep-i. led. Mrs. C.iioiict: VVm.i.ack, Jr., of Lhuiri. N V.. wifo of C.Mrjre Wiii'iiee, hrokrr. of West Wuler Sirttt, and living at 017 Baldwin street, snva: " In March, l!a7. I was cui'rd of kidney and bladder trouble by liran's Kidney Pills. Mjr physician said at that time lliat my life could be r-aved only by an operation. NiirLl after i'i,!it 1 had been kept aw:tk f,,r hours at a time with ter rible puiii in my back, uad tho secretions from the kidueyn were iu as bad a slate tu pos sihle. 1 sulorrd with hciuor-rlia-es frt t)Uciitly anil was iu a vv. ,i't state Knur boxes of I'o.tn s Kidney Pills cured 1110, aa 1 i now '.'la'lly rt-rininrsj tho remedy, be. .111.se durinr tho lin,.- which h is siece 1 lapsi d. 1.1 ti l v ce-.ru 1 ars, 1 have net . r had tile s!i-llte.sl si!l of it return of lite trouble." tne wl. il.; srtrlo hi Kid - .v.rl :n. at.-i e. a no II 4 ' 1 . .. .i.-.a -i r:.i ,,, ii --- , ,, ..inniiia, ,-r-