fiT IT i 7tf v'- The fatal toy pistol got in its VLUialliam JUCttJttl ( deadly work hist Friday, as i im- - unl nt every Christmas nowaday. THUKSDAY. Die. .11, : Reports from all over the United W8hln(toa Letter. tr-rnmiur Rnuinr OirrMiniiiii(. Washington, Pec. 24, 1003. War with Colombia lesulting A Blizzard In New York. New York, Dec. 20 A tlriving 8fow 8tnnn Accompanied by fu rious 8jnallx that at times rose to almost hurricane force, struck the II. A LONDON. Editor. -States show that it victims are from the action cf the ndministra-Icitv earlv to-dav. Lowerii)"1 Mack munis ; not confined to nnv particular ; tiou in recognizing ranama and ,.lou.iH Di-essim? down on a bank j section. Many boys Lave been preventing tlie Jiogota govern-j0f 8PH f0f, nj the dense character ki led and manv more iniured bv T "l " e r r the snow-fall combined to pro BYNUM & HEADEN'S. Rynum & Ueadon have tried to anticipate your Christmas wants, and they now have FARKWELL OLD Y EAR! To-day being the last day of the ' this dangerous toy. iflo.'l natural v makes every : three hovs were wouiuletl anci one there is the yreatest ent hu- Ui.A ur.ra nhn...- one pause and recall in remiuis-! was killed by the use of the toy ! siasm in Colombia, men and wo- j the rivei fronts. During this pe- ready lor your inspection the most complete line of Xmas Goods that they have ever had. cent mood To many unusually kind UTi.i.j ,. nwu, ... ... .... - ""i : mice ior a nan an noui so uccp a MlflL'u l),,,,,,.!,, fr,,, Hiii uilnniw unv ll.,it ; i ..i ii. i i: . i:i ;.. ..11 I - uaiMicsa tuai iigiu.-i wric m in mi there is the greatest' enthu- the down-town streets and along siasm in Colombia, men and wo- the i-ivm (mufx l)nrin this ie- d its incidents and events. I pistol, and vet a bill to prohibit : offering- themselves and their ri0d WAUy frrv haul lost their , the past year has been ! the sale of so dangerous a toy i fl"tl,7 . htil,tp for tl,e,J1ur- bearing completely and the bar-; 1 , ! 1f . . 7. .,-",! Pose of retaking Panama. Pies-i,ov resounded w ith the whistles and generous, was defeated at the last session of j(jei,t M while to others it has been hard lour Legislature. and harsh. With many it will ever be recalled with joy and pleasure, while with others it will arise as a ghost to haunt them with Us dead hopes aud sad disappointments. Manv who started out at the begiuuiu Sixty Killed Or Wounded. arroquin, in spite of the ! f other vessi Is cautiously irron- jfact thut he was not reelected, has!nisr t)iejr w.iy through the gloom, j put his private fortune at the dis- jjne Brooklyn boat, heading for , ! posal of the goverumeut ami his the Manhattan side, found herself ! act has lieeu emulated at JjOirota. I (ff tin ItuMoi v several blocks1 (Jrand Rapids, Mich., Dee. 27 . Recognizing the calamity of such n ! f. oni her slip. " Ocean steamers Tonight the death list resulting conflict the European powers hare j tobouud in and out were compelled j from the head-on collision be-; advised Columbia not to become str,n and lie to until the darkness ro Pere Marquette Hail- j involved in a hopeless war with ; lifted. '1 ho ferry boat John (J. and lieneral tween tw ,f tl.a i-u..r full nf i j f ' ioau passengei u noi rwi me i. niieu .Mates anu ufuw.ii i Lai'lisle, carrying immigrants ot tne year iuu 01 nu ( , ...,.,!., .vmun.r i nu..Uc n.a...Hvl,.ulA,.tr,,i l....J, ; t i.m : . i i.. .: i .7. i... , . f II 1... , , WIV-' J J-- J 71-1 .", v.. . ..v... v..."' ' " -IIIIIIH J,IMllilU,limNni lll'U hm; uuuiiu .....v v .v i stamis at a, witn .im persons in- . wno is s'l They have two especially strong lines that they wish to call your attention to, viz: Fancy Parlor Chairs, and a splendid line of Ster ling Silver and heavy Plated Ware. LKm't fail to see their goods before making your Christmas purchases- BYNUM& IIKADEN. in- who is sMll 1 1 Y ashiuirtou on his utudmlwu.f 'I'umkki F (h lialterv side. Around many rauuly heartli-jm several of them probably j forlorn nnsniou sends the same ad- j unt both vessels escaped witlr stones there is a "vacant chair tatally. vice. He has eveu received a hint ; ,,,ht damage. The darkness lift- AttempteJ Lynching In Iowa. Council fluffs, la., Dec. 2D A NATURAL STOCK LICK! : and many a family circle has been1 It was the most disastrous mm the Administration to return : ed almost as quickly as it settled won 01 i.ouu meu ana noyssur- Ciive your Horses and Cattle v ti, t impU. .1.....1, 0f i wreck in the history of the l'erejut once to Colombia and do ; a,,d the snow'was succeeded by rounded the county jail last nitrht what nature intended for them and orowu uj uit uuimiu) m. i i j jillKluette system, and insteiul of his best to prevent hostilities. ; Hies, high gale and a rapidly "t inulnight aud battered in the keep them in a normal condition. some loyed one. lo other am-1 MujX Cllliseii l(y limu-H careless-. Although he is convinced of the i falling lemperature, the leercurv h)ors in au attempt to lynch two pFTTv n,tiidi m v i irv ilies a new life and joy has been neSs or mistake, is charged to . hopelessness of the struggle and ' jjoiug down l. ilegrees, from 34 negroos, (Jeorge Williams and. wK.t'a inailkal MUCK LICK given. While some have mourned high wind, winch extinguished , is commander-in-chief of the Co-; to 1!), within three hours. So Neely Zimmerman, charged with Is the r'all.ick. Manufactured bv others have rejoiced. Thus it has tlie rea smnai ugui on ine o ner lomoian army, ne says i mi ne can-. n,,t.p WIW the gale duriiis the ai- .iu.iiuk i ui x m. I.jck Company. Winston-Salem, X. inn nimnn 11 un iniiio .-; itTixion mat many peoesi iiauf ". "i " rioKI ev ki. V. Pilkmi;ton W was to stop taackinc- Panama. They have con- Were thtown and inVnue install- when Congressmau Smith up- j London S Son and Wo'mblc ci , 1 I ... M '.,...1'- ever beeu and ever will be. Our Wtlst.,,oluul tl,UI1 lives are like the uncertain glory ; , lvtvlve ,ltMV ord,.rs. Two tidence in the American people of au April day when sunshine. ! minutes he fore the tram rushed and feel that they will not prevent and clouds alternately rlit over us. ; by McCord's the lights were 1 them regainiugtheir territory. So The past vear has been a re-' burning, says the operator there, it isquite possible that Colombia's . . V " . I but iu that brief interval the bliz-' rash patriotism combined with markable one in many res ,ecK I e$ti,isrui8hea the lack ..f tact and tlw haste of lewed from a worldly standpoint ,t .imj tntlu No. 5, ttashed by the ; the republican Administration will it has beeu a year of prosperity, station to crash into the east- j involve thiscountry iu a iloar War There has been unprecedented bound train No. (, near east Paris. ju t lie tropics. tivitv i all iudus- he trains, which were two ot the Admiral Iker.chairman of the finest 011 the svstem. were reuucen isthmiau canal commission aim to a promiscuous pile of brokeu and twisted timber and metal, with dead and injured puiued down and crushed by t lie frag ments of the heavy cars. Five cars and two large loco- ces were seriously injured. i.i.'-" iHi.mui.wui .iuifi.viw.itfB l.incherrv. Pittshoro, X. C, . . - oauoc.s ..usuam. .H one o, other dealers ill tlie COlllltV. -assaulted women. lhe mayor A Younjf Crook Jailed. ' and all the policemen at Council i Salisbury Dec. 2S. A young Ululi's were unable to dissuade professional crooki" giving his the rioters from the attack upon 11. I'.hviod K. I lorton.of At- the jail, although the policemen Inula, thorn. di he had passed un- repeatedly charged t he mob. (011- der the aliases of C. T. Ward and giessmai. Smith armed just and We MimtlynU;iin f. . oiij Forriitn Hcml iniAlel.sfci-tuii or i liotocl iiiTiTtu n loi frvcrvtwrtoa fti niiil. litv. J. r fre tcoi. TRADE-MARKS SdECIAL RATES via Seaboard Air Line. Commencing Oct. tflth, ja, the as Seaboard Air Line Railway will growth and activity trial hues. The earth has abun dantly yielded up its increase, and the products of the soil have beeu bountiful and remunerative. The farmer and the mechanic, the pro-' fessional man and the wagearner; have met with a fair degree of success, and their labors have been ' fairly rewarded. ; There has been rapid growth aud development iu the arts and' sciences and representative of the Administra tion on the istjunus, has returned here and will make a report to the President. W. I. Uin iiauall, the American Minister to Panama, J. M. Arnold during the adven turous week which he spent 111 this city, whs ariested yesterday afternoon on three warrants, charging him with false pretense and two with larceny. I'poii arriv ing here Morton at a hoarding house on Xmlh Main tinguished. lie reported this tact ; and then there was but one action to take. The collision was inevi table. The dispatcher called f.r 1 surgical aid and gave orders to hoi, I the train over the Saginaw branch at the depot and get the 'wrecking outfit iiudei steam. the lauding of any armed force, ' ( , ,,,..,,,.. f :,nfa These pettv but to wait for Colombia to make ,,ajs ,y () means satisfied him, tin-: first act of war. Nothing is d ,,n "Friday night he made a said about wailing for Colombia . .llve stealing a diamond to declare war. The President ,n1(.i valued at !rP2.". from a f I- thinks this is quite superfluous. ,(i,v H1.mjUir ,s,. h-dg.-r. Mr. Alarmed by Sen ator Hoar's 'J'. P. Stewart, an employe of the speech and the hostile criticism Climax barber shop. of the united democrats, who have- members , tilling al ready gone. This had the desired effect and inside, of half an hour the jail grounds were deseited. Tin; militia was called out by Congressman Cousins, but the crowd dispersed jiefore the sol diers reached the jail. has arrived on the Isthsmus. and motives were jammed hitoa space whs received hy the i.ltieials there. (JStlv,.t i,0g;, business at on.e jail Heps aim urge.i tin ordinarily occupied by three He is to soon present his creden-; ti,kii,g orders for clothing among f the mob to dispel . tials. Neither he nor the Panama . 1. .....,., ,,,;n ,,,,i,;1i I.m south thein that Sanders I,. str. n across the railroad right authorities evince the least con- ,,f t; ,.ity. A number of persons if v, iy from fence to fence. , cein over the fact that the I'nited t,,; advantage of low prices he When tram No. .'i, bound west. States Senate may declare Lis ap-' y,.,.d jim paid him from ?1 to ..1, ; , 1 i... 1, . i ;,,f.w.l .if nointmeiit as minister invalid. ; ti : t-.,.,.. 11.. i.l I ,,..L iu eveiything that ' (n.,ltne(i ,,erator The orders to our shn.s on eachi.'.f s,J,tL ,ind eh.imed to reore- tends to the comfort and conven- ,lotitietl the dispatcher, then found side of the Isthmus are to prevent s0lt thn Moiitgoinr i y Supply ieuce of human life. Len the poor that his re 1 light had been ex- are now provided with many com forts and conveniences not dream ed of by the rich not many xears ago. Indeed so wonderful is the world's progress that nothing now seems beyond the power of man 1 ... 1. ' 1 . 'Theytheu waited for the word it in their power to prevent the Above all else the past year has t,(ey k,ew Illtlst t.onw. ! ratification of the canal treaty, the been oue remarkably free from; There was no chance of the fast- republicans of the Mouse have de-wide-spread pestilence, famiue riming trains to see each other cided to aid their patty in the ,j thn t'ove .'iiin iIkio'is through the dining blizzard to Senate and support the adminis- of destruction that s often atUict the mob rushed iu the front iloors place on sale round trip winter of the jail with railroad iron. He tourist tickets to ail Winter Pesorts rushed through 'he crowd and se- ill the South and Southwest, cured the attention of Sanders, Tickets will be sold tip to April urging him togo home and let the .'loth. I'M with final return limit law take its course. Sanders lis- M.IV list. P.MM. tened and then started for home. For further information apply to Congressman Smith m muted the Local A cent or address Z. P Smith. T. 1. A., Kalehjh.X. C Suffcrinx At Sea. Norfolk, Dec. H John ton, of li vnii even slow down and iu few iniu- t rat ion t all costs nt.. wi.r.l i'didm t'ii.111 t lie I'dliil Hi'- i.uiiii. it 1 iss.l 111st i t nt i. iii.-.l I v the human race. And by no means f)f N() - tfiy t., ...h.-d by the required two-thirds vote, the leant of all the blessings of the: together and there was awful loss, the House will pass a joint reso past year has been tie1 good gov of life. jlntion calling for the payment of eminent which has gladdened the' c . . . . -.. !he inoi-ev mentioned in the trea- -"""i juui.iw... ty ami aiitlionzmg tin- riesnlent The mortality from Texas fever ; to comm. nce the constructiou of !...s been reduced from T." ner c ut. the canal under the Sppolirr act. gratefully and pleasantly remem- t,.,. .1,..,, ....... 1;.. ,...,,. Such radical action m the part of bcred, an I because ot these Ul hearts of our people. For all these ! tilings the year should be siugs which it has brought us we should all regretfully say, as if parting with an old frieud, -Farewell Old Year!" rUPPY NEW EKR I'efore the echoes of the sad farewells to the old year ! . e dit d away are heard the joyful gie. t iugs to the new year. Today we say farewell to the old vear and servative through the me repuoueaiis w 111 1101 ie n, . work of the Tex is and the Mis- saiy as the tleinociats will pro 1 souri experiment station aliuit' , there has been saved to the cattle to prevent the ratification of the ' interest- of Texas nut l'ss than treaty. Mr. ISoruiau'h display ,,f : three hun-lred and fifty thousand strength has alarmed the republi- do'lars. .n;d the work is now only cans and torced them to j well started P.ut more important the radical methods tin y are. wii- than any direct saving are the new ling to adopt to carry out their possibilities of Texas as a cattle purpose; but the nation wants the country. The open-range and the canal and while the democrats long-horned steer are rapidly wish we could have obtained it 1 parsing; aud iu their wake are in a more honest 'nanuer t hey w ill ; coming the small stock-farm, not pieeiit its construction, ,.s. I the Hereford, and the shorthorn, peciallv as the evil has been done ton. V:i., mule of the schooner Colombia, which arrived I... 1 .. t . ...1 1. v m :ih washed In '111 the If the treaty t Vi 1... i,.. sh;, Sat urday and lost a few miles north of Hog island. The colored conk was almost lii Zeii to death. The Colombia, commanded by (ieoige W. Hudson, left Wiuhapeagne Satltradav. loaded with ost.s, for Norfolk. Just before leaching Hog island she eiicountored a bliz z iril that turned day to night aud swept seas overht-r. Puiton was on deck at the time and was swept U.iTih Choir On a Strike. Montreal Dec. 27. Melville ' chinch, tht! leading Plesby leliau place of Wotsl.ip ill W est ' Mo. ml, lhe I is:nu,;able lesid.-li! ial . si'.biiib of Montreal, was without , tlie ser ices tf a choir today. In! his sermon on Christmas morn ing l.t v. T. W. infil I, pastor 1 f t he chun-h, severely criticiz-d the l!.i!l.bel s of t he choir fur eating ! candy din lug the seisice. As a; result of the ciilicism, a deputa-' tiu n f 1 tin the choir waited npojr the lexelend gent leliinll on Sat unlay and requested it ie' traction. This he refused to inal.e' and as a result the choir, with out aiiexception, went out ou a strike. 1 His U OUCHT TO I It 8 YOUR PROPERTY IN Til K i. s. im wm to. OCUCtE C:.!Lv''a'?.ViCE UK'i t:i;x m;w yoiik, TA.MI'A, ATLANTA, XFW OK IdlANS am, POINTS son 11 ami v. MM In etlect April 12th, 1113. Souti''.!)c.:nc!. Tl. patty is a pall-Car. Home cull - ii s I V e the of ad N 01 th :aiii.e.l iii paid i.M-l' aoij not 111a he use 1 men puei vt.. ....-, 4 ;1 , M ,.v . lid leach of as - sistance. The Columbia anchored off Hog I 1 and rode the gal until to-d iv. tier M"S terribly fintn c without food all day Sunday, lh. conk is iu h. pital iiere and am putation of frozen limbs maybe necessary. Fmmken Frenzy. S( .Mil t., S.-W Khl UlttM rv.T. Forest City, X. C, Dec. -JH. tlaither Trout, a man nearly sixty years of age, and well known iu crew su!t-"T"il ......., m' " Id and v tomorrow we greet the new year, With improved breeds, favorable ami the republic of I anuma has just as in monarchical couutiies, ' climate, winter pasturage, praoti- been recognized by ail the nations at the death of a king, is heaid the cry, "The King is dead," and fa week or nioieby attempting to burn his horn.-, thretil.-iiiug his family and striking his son with a stick of wood. Police were called iu but the frenzied man was not secured until he had smashed sev eral windows of his home and overturned the stove iu lhe kitch t n. H is frenzy, like that of Dr. .lay, seized hi in early iu the morning. and ..-.age .Lilian It was iind Sl.OOII.IHMl III losses im. I I here is not one contested claim against if ! A h l"scs paid prompt ly. F.xety pin. lent man light to insure his piop ir;y. Fur terms, Cvc. uppU to h. i. nmi k Sept. in, l .)(:. I t r T rl. V Ii R 1 tilUi.o i i I 'ul ly - r.r A I. 1.) . i m ! I n, - i m Ar Tin i.i t i it y i l ls II- I in . I. . 1IM- Wl'n In I. II Al ' h.irl. Hi-. l.r, .-i.h. A' It.'iin Ar Ai.t'u-ia c w c Ar wm.i-ii e tl.. r'). k tt v Ar v. I.,,., a in j; N Ar i ii i... i . I t N.H.I.VIH,. N ( ,l 1.. Ar Vi ini l.n 4 I .-. .1 M f. 7 li 5 . . . 7 -.'l m I'Allr N . ii l. ilium 7 '.tail J III KM ll- ,1 nil 1 li ra 'i jt n 4 :ii ii 4 51 ir 7 UK y -j .n '. tn m I i.J m 4 '.4 n V II .nu II f iit C(0(T0 N... II t ! ii :t i-.n tr. tio kid cm im f. .en 1. 'im I 'H i iu 5 ' I ..Q S 10 (. i m v is .m 3 .' 1 .m in 3i .rn inJnn .1 4 1 ii hi in an 7 Sti Am T7"-Tni ( '.Sum l. Vrli. i M - ,.i.ii";lA nwiii hiT; I 16 l a: ;rt! C k St I. IV Ormr. e.'Jin li Kit and except England and Holland who are merely holding nil until the 1 1 v no expensefor hoiisin: t he cheaoest and best Mesh pro- diicin r feeds: with a home market ' question of the di isi m of Col.nn- theu the joyful shout " Long live capable of absorbing the entire bia's debt is settled. Senator the King!" I home product, and a great city of Hoar's resolution, calling on the Today we "riu out the old"' er.port near the future highwav of administration to show whether Bnii ,,' ,,.,. a .,; ; in . the world's commerce, the stock ' it had previous kuow ledge of, or andtomoi.ow we nug m the ; ,riVxHS W.-t.-dnly en- aided, the Panama rewlntiot,. is new. Aud thus it H ear after tei iug upon a new erea of growth causing much aunoyance to the year as they chase each other in aud development, and all of this . republicans. The democrats in their too rapid flight. What the serves to illustrate once more the sist upon debating it, and the the new vear may have in store- important truth that the scientific rules of the Senate cannot prevent . , . rJ,m , f p .,, i man is the practical man. From the speeches of tlie opositioii. for any of us no man can The TJWH Cllttle Fevpr: H-.w -Xow the republicans propose a and it ia fortuuate for ns that the! u;ai L v;, ."..., f Ki.,l,t " measure ouite as hitrh handed as ilo,O(Kl,lxi0. Inh, u from our I. Mm .in - I... l)..,r 1-t W I . .1 .. .. 1 .. . H . 11 1 s 11 . . r, .f .l 1 , v t Iim H ol I a Tlio n:Ve luiwit . ' u.. u.t.u u i I'M. V II. Ill r-? .-Miuir- i oii.s, . .. ... keii. We can only wish for our ; iu the Atnericau Monthly lleview inotiou to "proce A Sky-bcraper DniMing. Xew York. Dec. !S. The tallest building u earth is to be erected iu lower liioadwav, if th- present , . ii '.. i plans are cal lien our. onii ne, stories below the street lexel, for-: ty stories high from the entrance When you want a pleasant pur to the top and surmounted by a gative try .. hamherlain's Stomach sixty-foot tower, the gigantic n-w and Fiver Tablets. They are easy building will have a total height to take and produce no nausea, of 013 feet, making it over tw ice griping or ot hwr disagreeable ef as high us the fl it iron building, b-ct. For sale by (!. It. Pilkmg and almost as tall again as the tou. Park lb.w building, winch at Piesent hold the record. This building would extend one . i'ii tbchi-i..ii. uw-rvr. full block on Hroadway and its Maxton, Dec. 21 . The eight cost iucluding the site will reach year-old son of Dave Fairly, a ne- iKl.lMfJ. The laud is said to gro living a lew miles irom Here, Ijeeu secured, and the com- shot and killed his 12-year-old sis- I. X niprv, .1 A: W AM .nu. S Ar aMm th 1 irr..il7iM.t i ii ir. h AND POTOMAC AVTD iii. i..i sv-iiii,.-rii riiT V I'.l'l l-li. s I, ..ri.ii W,..,.i, I'ortsne.ii'ti gt. n V A W S II Hiilil7iiv IIS :(,- Killed His Sister. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Al Nrir V'.l k. 0. II. 8. C. ' I l llsitpl 1,1k N V I- N IS 46 m Sn V.'ik " IJi m f 40 1 a u i m mm c 1.1 I ne I.' i i 'n ;c 4". IU I SB fl o uqi '.0 ra in an ; m l-.'.r, 1,0 Iftpii 1 1 :r .tn I it 4itnin :3:u 1 m i i m 11 11 -.31 I .' f : m 1 O .m s.o .m i -s rui :jni C l m S0O.B H 0I 8CCiB . v. Hi y:if.iiu 10 ::. .m 11 i m M S M nm 3 .'0 am M Mill 7 liwui t readers that all their brightest , ,,r reviews lorjaimary. hopes may be realized and that. Fatal Christmas FMial. liiol may lie the happiest vear of 1 r 11 , ; liessemet their lives. May they so profit formation 1 by their experiences daring the Clear Dlutf of the killing of John nast vnr us to li enabled the Parsons by A. J. Lnckheart, at Is-tter to enjoy the coining year. i . . . -i illation of the building within one ter t-iiay. ine parents were n-.i;.... ..r ..i....t;.-o i.;...." : vear is nromiseu. always in order after the eomple-, - tiou of "morning busiuess" audit Monument to Dr. Wiley 1 Christmas tree festival given at a To each and all we wish a very , w;w .9 s;UltV n.-iu. It is Happy Xew ear! I alleged t'-at Parsons became dis- onlerly w hile the exercises were . iu progress and Lnekheart halted The Progressive rariuer has .i.. hrlVIins :111,i f.,,.,.i,i him. from home when it dispute ; arose between the children, lhe I girl was goiug to cook an egg aud ! ii.a I ,.i .;..... ..i ii i 4 . I ...... ... hit- .'viri irii. i u i t-ittril 1 u iz IU Ala., Dec. 2fi. I. ' o oeoaie. 10 pre- .o. ! shoot her if she did. She reachedhere from vent .ublicatio.. of speeches crit- mstou-Salem, Dec 21De-, fiJ , ,( f. , icis ngrneao.niuisirat.ou tne re- signs have been askea lor "'e . Ti, Mr, as sl))t in t,1(Tue(.k ad publican senators intend to con- handsome monument to be erect- , , . .. .,.., Ti,a i, i claims t tint he thought the was not loaded. tinue the discussiiu iu executive 1 over the grave of the late Dr. sessi,,n. Calvin H. Wilev. in the Salem lu ii recent speech nn the tariff remeterv. The monumet will be llepresentative John Sharp Wil- unveiled next May, during the liams, the able democratic leader commencement exercises of the in the Hmise, said that the goal city schools. Dr. Wiley was the iu the tariff reform race is not free first State Superintendent of Pui-! lhe Sticbmond-Waebington line, The Link Connecting The ATLANTIC COAST LINE It. R. BALTIMORE A- OHIO R. R., suu chesapf:akea ohio ry., -i.SEADORD AIR LINE RY., AND SOUTHERX RAILWAY, Lt Tump H A L lijf " si. Autfuntine ' .ta'MM..i.viip , snvm.i.H.t " c- lun. l.m " Humli'l ' K iiilisrn I'tprn " l. llHlcltl. ri.- L llii..i,.rs..u N'.rlinii F..iobiirg - III. l;m. ml " vt,lllul.ln W H lijr IiuMIiimtb run " I lil i..ri.liln Ar .N-w V'.rH. lonn. II. n. I KnU r.m rooim lUnni i mi .n 9 id uiu 0 I-en I 3 ni it u nm 7iK-m &floia Kj.Mini lixsim tvlom l:Sm IIUkbi vinm DUpn liniu I 11 nm 6 m Hta 4 .ir im 6 :u ti m 4 a .ic lOilmra NHni II ism 1 M .m 'I o mn 4 13 .m 6 30m' IKl.r I .f-.l suliilny. iOuirnl Ttn.o. llUvsirrn lime. 1 1! A I X S I E 4 V K PITTS U(K0 ( 3..p,0 p. in. 9.00 a. in. Between all Points via Richmond, Vn. Trains Anive at Pillnhnro 10.45 a. in., 5.50 p. in been bought for T.-J iO by a new When the affair was over Parsons trade but a tariff for ieeuue onlv, be Instruction in ortli . aroiina . . . I I I i . 1 4 ...III I vn. company, of which Mr. Clarence attacked I.ockheart with h knife am, mm me cnan-e m.oui.i w ue ro ,..,-i,i .... '!-"". Fast Mail Passenr v.. anJ 1 i"7i ""I'l &'u'e'V. , ., .,.,,, ns H, l .ir lfr ih- 1i.iil.liii.. carefully and gradually effected ed under the auspices of the pu- FOR TORPID LIVER. rasl.Yiail, r-asscnger, Express anJ , ",A.'rr , , I.ockheart drew a pistol ud shot as not to disturb industrial and lis of the Winston graded: A torrid Uv demure, th. wkott re.icm Koute lY ween Richmond, r. ,- t ,4,. er. The readers of that paper, t;...t,.H . i,.,,' .,fu.r 1.......... commercial conditions. He added schools. A Imndsome sum for this! iyrtero, prtrtuce ashni6;ton, Baltimore, Philadel- .Du,. tp.iira. which is the liest agricultural pa- h.uiself len cut in several places, that democratic members of Con- purpose has already leeii raised. , bICK HLAUAtnt, pnia, iew 1 oilc. boston, UttstHirg, ; . . ; L'ress won . inake an eHi.i. st i-f. Itwi Im largely increaseil ly ! ItvSOmSta.COStiVeneSS.KneU- ""'"" an puims ui 111, ouu..,, - -it., fort to revise and reform the pies- uext May. j mdtism, SdlrOW Skin and Piles. L,st and NNejt- ent iniquitous tariff. Mr. Wil- ' There U no better remedy for thre D DlKE Gen'l Mcr bams is also a champion f rfc- Be Quick. tTITUr V. W CLXP Ass't.Gen, Mgr. iprocity with ( anada an 1 his x. . . ,. . . . 1 TaLa Na SiihtStuttff . i-ur.i.vjcn, mj,.. sound and lu.Hlerate views on the -N"t rnmnte should lost i aKe OOOSulUl w p TAYLOR, Traffic Mgr. ta. iff wiil attract many couserva- hen , tdnld show s symptoms of. tive interests to the democratic ''V'"!' nau.neria.n s n. -u ., 1 ; tl(.. edy given as soon as tlie child becomes hoarse, or eveu after the " crmipv cough rippears, will pre- The Sidvation Army, in keep- vent the atUck. It never fails, ing with its annual custom, dm- and is pleasant and safe to take, een cut Hi several places. per ever published iu this State, are to be congratulated upon Mr. Terrible Railroad Accident. Poo continuing as its editor. He! Cotinellsville, Pa., Di-c. ia oue of the most lemarkable With a terrible crash anb a grind- meu this State has eer pr.Hluced. u'Tt tb ),,,'ues"t' ,i,i,H!1 , ... , , ... the fast through passenger train and although barely twenty-one fri,,a pittsburj-t Xi-w York, on years old he has al 1 tady attained the IJaltiruore A- Ohin railroad, a national reputation as a writer p'oughed into a pile of lumber at not surpassed bv any now re- J'"'"'1 llu"i ' loil.'H west nf ... .. . u." . ... , Dawson, at 7:4. o'clock this eve- Bidmgin this State. He are proud , :, ... is Mril,111,-.i ror iii-kiMn. M-ji-iH-i-i.. etc., t Zel P. Smith. T. P. A.. I C. H. Cat lis, C. T. A., Yarboroiigh House, Raleigh, X. C IJ. M. Poe, Agent, Pittsborn. X. C. of him as a I hathamite aud mah; j,Vea were lost aud U0 rsoua iu- tribute,! Christimts dinners to 23,- For sale by G. R. Pilkiugtof. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LaxatlVO Bl-CmO Quinine Tablets. JB fiVJfy on every for him continued succesa. J jured. 000 wf Xew York s poor. diuggUt.

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