r a h St M , Trt v (iIl;g(gl;all;amlRcforb - - - "" ' "' THURSDAY. Dir. 31, 1003. Local Records. Farewell Old Year! Happy New Year! Don't forget to write 1904. Already the afternoons are growing perceptibly longer. The annual "swearing off' season has come again aud no- is the time to turn over a now leaf. Mr. Dewit Hatch has pur olniHPil nf Mr.O. D. Ueal the house and lot here formerly belonging to the late.ur. Ij. A. iranivs. Hanks. After the unusual interval of ill lit last have auother leap year. The ladies will once more have a chance of pro- posing. On last Friday night the inu- 8ic scholars of Miss Maggie Home eave a- musical recital that was much enjoyed .by present. all who were We hope all our readers en joyed the Chiistmas holidays and will return to their daily duties refreshed by the relaxation and recreation. If you are indebted to W. L. London A: bon pay uih.u wnai joy owe before the new year I hey want tlieir money, a..,, $ uu j to come aud settle promptly. , One of the haudsomest calen dars for l!)lH that we have seen is the one sent to The Hkcoud by our esteeniHil couutyiuaii, Mr. J oli u M. Mclver, proprietor of Uulf Holier Mills. A Christmas tree was much enjoyed at Hanks' Chapel on last Monday iiiht. An appropriate address was iltdivered by Mr. K. 1'. Johnson, county superinten dent of sclmols. The IJook Club will meet at the resilience of Mr. 11. A. London Tliursdav evening, December ;jlst, at I 'M o'clock. Kach p. rsoii at teuiling is rcipiested to represent tlu tit le of soum book. The first quarterly conference of tltH Tiitsboio circuit of the Methodist church will be leltl here 1'Yid iv, January 13th. llev. J. 15. Hiiriey, t'.e presiding elder, j will pr-ach on Sunday night. , , , ii i ! I he colored people will have ! a grand celebration hem to,,,..,-, low (I'lldayl 111 col..lue.nol,.tlo..: .I Lincoln eina.Hipauon mw.,.- Illation, which wi ld into ellect the liist ihty of January lMi.'L on ; - Allhongh tl. v have had such ' a riifcb of busii.ess at W. L. Loti- ,1..,. A- S,.n'u t(,i,i- till Inivo ii . inn. iilete. stock and will now begin to receive new goods daily, bill can i always find what you want at lh l'opular Store. On Wednesday night of last; week, one of Chatham's loveliest: maidens, .Miss Sankie Henderson, 1 church, wishing to extend the aud Mr. II. (. Dorset t were mar-1 Christmas happiness to those who lied by llev. J. H. l'rizelle at the.lle UMlIlly tivcilooked, went out residence of the bride's f nher, i to tho Home and prepared a beau Mr. Hezekiah Henderson, of Had ley township. The next session of Pittsboro Academy will Iwigin next Tliurs dav. Jan. 7th. with Mr H. M. Lon 'i..i.:.J dou as principal aud Mrs. Thompson as assistant. Patrons 1 . i . i it...... .1.1 I are 1'eiiUi'Sietl in Mean men i-niei '"r 1 I . . .. .if dren on the openiUL' day so tllilt they may be classified aud Leg;in work immediately. -A white man o. this county I one day last week walked into the j .p.,;Keiits. When all was iu readi-: with heathjuai ters at iliniiigton. BherilFs ollice and inquired of ,..ss tin- invitation to "come" was Tin: ItKcoUP extends its heartiest him if he did not have a warrant ; l.ialded far and wide, and with 'congratulations to the young cou f or his nrrest. Upon investiga-1 f... ,.vi.,.i,tiiii, nil tl inimdes ! oh and w ishes for them both a tiou our ohliging stieritl lound that he did have such a paper for the idhu sent here from Wake county, and the defendant, ex pressing 110 desire to secure bail, c implacently gave himself up aud was escorted to jail. An exciting political eam i)iii Tu will lie carried 011 iu WOl. 1? 1 .. V;,.,.l.ui.h...l A 'n: i:r,: T elected and in this State there I The presents and good things the robbers securing and des will be 'an election for Governor I were then disti ibuted and there ; troyiug about "28,()00 which was ., 1 nii,ir KiniPi-iflieprs. liesiileH' the legislature aud couuty offices. Theretore every citizen 01 inainam i niirlit to ut once subscribe to THE' Itvronn aud keen well posted. Tell .i.i.dihor ;to subscribe jour iiti,,iiuor 10 u . I -On Christmas Eve the house; of William Merritt, a colored man in Williams township, was ilea-' troved by fire together with "-M its' contents and his sixteen ; mouths' old child. He had gone : liuuting aud his w ife had gone to li siirinr-. Ieaviii!r three small; children iu the house, and when bhe returned the roof was falbug iu and the flames pouriug out at the door. The two older children l rau out uuhurt. 1 Mr. Paul Farrell, while squir-: rel hunting two miles east of here ft ew days ago, ran upon a well- rown fov which he shot and crown los which ne sum aDu itlUil I noii evammatiou he found a collar around its neck evideutiy piaceu mere uiuc umti a-o. as the collar bad partly cut . .1 . l 1. A . into the auimal'a neck. It is nup- o Us native wilds. - -' The Wiuuio Davis Chapter, Henry A. next bat- urday, Jau. 2nd. Hynum &. Ileadeu tliauk you I for your liberal patronage during f l. nast vear and solicit a coutin- uance during the comiug year. ,ii,.i,;. ,,,, ,,.,,,,1 Ail i old wince o'l'l". v,"a Mary Palish, recently Uieil at our county Lome, who is said to have been nu inmate of that institution since the year 1851. rKI.SONAL n EMS, Mrs. Mary L. Powell spent the t 1-1 i I I i It 1 - .1- noiidayb wuu reiuuves in ivaieign. Miss Margaret Home is visit ing the family of Mr. A. H. Mer- ritt, at Mt iry. , . p , f, llaleigh, is liere on a visit to his college chum, Mr. Isa-ic r. boil don. IniuWi(ion to the Christmas visitors mentioned in last week's paper we are pleased to note the: following: Miss htta l'rizelle, of , ijitlieton reiuaie ioiie-; iv, .uiswa I Annie and Namio jko-fcis ""'I Miss J'.tnnia Taylor, of llaleigh; is m (..inter of h.cl.mond, aud Mr. Dewit Hatch, of Hamlet. CHltlSTMAS DAY. llarely have we had so gloomy weather for Christmas - as that , J!jliu u ,aJ ,)(f()1.(, (,av. .,. ,(t aI)(l ,., with K,(;rt intervals until the NV(,n U()t niilli r tllt al tel'liooil. oiids were heavy and all nature shroudetl in: gloom, hut the temperature was unusually warm. Our streets were almost desert ed and there was very little of I lie hoise that usually char.iclei ies Christmas Day. All the stores were closed at noon. The usual Christmas services wcic held at tile I'pisciipal church, where a most appropi iate sermon was preached liy licv. Thad A. cises and a iiiiiuiici ot presents were, given, as follows: a hand- j senile rug to the pastor, llev. J. II. Frizi'llc; a gold-headed cane to the venerable A. i. 1 leaden, Lsij.; !a IJilde to .Mr. .M. T. Williams, mi- pel lliteiiih'lil of the Sunday st-hnul; l4 jn di (l. ,( y lH M.( , u. ,..,;, ;l ,.lt. r;u.k , Ml. l ,(V ,S .-iuihI.iv schm-1 , . ... , M, i J. I'. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tin- turiner si'i'ii-l :i re land ft. .Mr. W. M. Kiilmnks. the!." ',,l'M"t ' ' ' ''" V. IfOlNl Y llOilK ChhlSlMAS J'liLK, it is on in to reaiiu in.it there ! are g row n-up men and women iii ; this laud ot ours vtho haw never .seen a t hrisiiiiits tree. Such was 'the Until at the County Home uli- ; III last rtaluiilay, w heu .some ot tilt latlles ot the L)lse(ii;il tiful Christmas tree. For one day, at least, the scenes of pover- I ty and ilestiliitlou were transtorm I The Wiuuio Da jm- nnlav. Jau. 2nd. I tili nun .11 Ihn Hldlcr .. .in-.. , ... . theSn,l:,;'"selu,,,l ii'd' :is.int ' . .'V, . ,,(X' '!'.' n ,1! .. '"7 .'-'"P Aith lllS best 111.111, Mr. Hamp- ; I J :. V 1 T Jl III; .Messrs. I. . t rane, oi i n- ' Vt.,.,,, T hey met under the' exercises, consisting of songs and i ,- i; n I ,.imln.t h-; . ,, . -V , . , , .. . ' i.i i i dianapolis, ami U. Ij. i.tinneiu, i .,, .,...) iVer united m the ho v recitations, ami the scholars were m:. .. ....:.. i im ,. : n .um tiiiaui m tut. '"i;i lie tted I., e-.niK' m.d i.i-hi .i. ' 1 ' . , " ' bonds ot matlllllouy Ly liev. ! i i Vi i I ; " i ,i U'reel; Messrs. C. liyiium Clegg.o w jji, j lt beautiful! At the Methoi 1st church t he I f i ..... i;.,.ir I , - , v , ' : ,: I , i iiof (.ueeiislioio, and lieorge I , t and very lmnressixo ii.ii.ii-iiu.iii nun oiiuii.i) ni niiiii e..,.,,,. 'I ' f,. Oil,., I I he l -i i i -V i i t.iin.i tn.i. ii 1. 1 ..,.,. .v.. il.ioi. null ioiiowiu 1 ! cercmoi i y . J he bride wore hand ed into happiness and joy, diidj.,!,.. those who bad undertaken this! 'phe bride is the only daughter mission ot mercy came away feel- more than repaid for their . lii ill lilii e.'iviier lieliinil I hem " , ..I..... .... ...,.l.,i..: l'-t.n noiii u,iniiui.. , 1 nreeiation i The tree was very prettily dec-1 ,.....i..,l ,ni .. nr .im down wit h i,.s . oranges, can dv. nuts ami were present. The festivities l)eg7in with a march around the tree sinking-"liiifhi-t' Around tin Christinas Tree." livery one present w ho ' could walk "p'-' th-ipated in the opening- feature. Then after prayer there was a talk bv llev. Thad. A. : Cheatham on the meaning; of Christinas and its messag;o to the l,,r. was a L'enerous sutiply lor all. After another prayer and sever ai " .' i" V , , , ; -"-. flared over ami an ien wun nap- py hearts. Those who were ill or bed-ridden were then visited in t,eir rooms and presented with tlleir 8,,H,.e o tllP lnid tlliu-H. : All who engaged iu the under- takin pronounced it a very hap- i,v occuhiou and thev feel ghuL mit they w'ere vu.Mld to t.,irry tlf ci,epr r,f ti,e Christmas ueasou to (lod's poor. I " ' Twelve Killed By Dynamite. yavf.H I)rc The p-ple of tbiMcity ua it!4 (.uviroiis have lPn in the h.diit d explodiii'' fire woi ks aud bombs dunui' the ioiiiu inu Christmas season. I his year, how- ever.the police authorities forbade the use of dynamite. Notwith- 7 "'; : fitantiiug uns uueiui. imu mr. lice discovereu am, scquee eu I IT 111 II I I Milll I IH 111 LI II I V fl till III 1111 111 . ---i - dynamite. Ihe peop e of the v.l- lage of Ke.na rinaeu cue vig- wflJ injured. . - 'Vr - - . heap hi i:i i;i:ics. j At the cIoso o every year we ,. ,,rievt.j iu lookinir over our .subscription list to see the names of so many who have died during the past year. Aud now at the close of tins year, we aie aam ' reminded of the uncertainty of . y VA"r the IJ!!,1U!,S "f luuy, of our subscribers who have died tarniir i,(.;, Some of them nt the beginning of the year were as hopeful of long life and had aH'ai brwle by the groom's parents much reason to be us any of those ()U Wednesday evening from 9 to who liave survived. During the twenty-live years and longer that we havo been J HK llKCOld) RCV - I I 11 r I ! .erai nnimrea oi our suoscuners have died, and in looking over our old subscription lists we are ; saddened, as well as surprised, to finil so feu- nf our oriiriiuLl sub - 8cnbers now living. l r those of "the old guard who Lave surviv- ed we have the kindliest feelings aud a personal attachment, and we sincerely hope that the coming year will deal gently with them. lovely wediijc ()P f the prettiest U'C'ililitirrM ever witnessed here was solemn - (.(iiicsd,! v everiniLr ot last 1 week in the Methodist church at tllis ,,,.W.B w Mr. Jeijry Atwa- . ter Uvimm led to the hymeneal altar Miss Annie Moore Luttei- loh, in the presence of a arge nnmher of interested and adinir - ing friends. The chancel and al- tar railing had been beaut ifully decorated in festoons of trailing ce.lar ai.tl ivy, the decorations be - ing green and white. Tabus and other potted plants were tasti y arranged, lorilllllg a lieaul lllll liach- : ground. Above the heads of the , bride and groom a beautiful arcli t 7 . ., : wan t M uieii ieai tin hihiiuuiiii 'L-15." otllilluliiiiir r UV Irt.V'olfli ini'.l.l . . I .r I o t he strains ot .Meiiiieiisnoii s sjster f)f jj10 wedding march, played by Miss(1(, wethlin" .Margaret Jt-.l lie, the .ritlal Jiariy, preceded liy the two Utile II' girls, Misses l-.uiily Tlun.i and Myrtle J'ilkiugton, ei.i the churcli two by two in the "'"j ' ', fol- lowing order: Misses Lizn room J. X. I i bride and her maid of honor, Missj ! Margaret Creel, to tin accompli- I nying strains of Lohengrin, ni-J teretl. llev. J. II. l'rlZ.'Iie, the bride's pastor, after the li:.il ll.ig.' iiliial ot I he Methodist chinch, lil.t to i tie MiiMnsmi hi iniiiiiiiii - Illt'lit Spoke made of "Hearts and Mowers, the solemn wonls whicl (lie nappy couple n... 11 al.i " f, tin, lieaiititul ri! g ct.reinonv being- used. The bride was at tired inlibirty silk, triinmed iu alitloue lace. Her vi il was fastened with a iilaiiiol.d I j.,.,,1 ,.ail brooeh. the L'il't of the ,, ,.,., iu 1 she carried a shown ! biKiuet of britle's roses. The maid j ..ii.. n.n.. w.iv o.il,. ..i-.eii silk and cal lied caiiiatlons. The ; hlldesinanls woie white . rgall.lics' and carried carnations with maiden j hair ferns. 'i .,li!.f..l,. fi,.r tLo ei.iemon-' It-: tttiii ins nest i an. i 'i . i vlor. and alter them the i,y the bridal'ii'dly diove to tiiejt fire to the house by playing;; residence of the grooui s father, .Mr. C. W. Jjyiium, at Dynuin, .where an elegant reception was i tendered the new Iv lnairicd con of Mrs. Delia Lutterloh and her sweet disposition and loveliness of i 1. . i iiii-.ietef lave elnlealetl her lo a ; ------- . . , r.. ..f 1 ii i i-i it iieiiils. ... I he groom is the sou oi Air. t . . Jtvnutn and holds a responsible : po- sin. m w it h t ie American I eie-1 graph and Telephone Company, ioiij life ot wedded bliss. Bold Bank Hurglars. Tort Worth, Texas, Dec. 27. special from South McAlester, 1. T., to The l.ecord says: "A bold bank robbery, attended bv a desperate battl between posse of citizens and rol.liers, oc-i curred at Kiowa, a small town Hi miles souU, of this city today, 111 the u.iiik "The men sained entrance to (til Ikiii k buildiiitr through a rear i,- ; """r-" , .,:,., 1 , .1,. ttimt ,u ,vife wiuuow. 1 n.-nii. . ....... glycerine made no impression on the safe, but t bemuse aroused the residents of the town and soon a posse, composed of 50 men was congregated in the rear of the bank. "A volley of shots was ii.- d at t, building and it was at once re- turned by thesentineh of hie rob-, bers secreted ou the outside of the Kti netnre. An almost incessant 1 tire was kept up for half au hour, 'during which time the robbers continued their efforts to open the safe. It required three discharg- es to open the door. 1 he hird ex-! P Osum was terriiic mm num 1 ... , ,. , 1 .1 .. r. completely d. in and inner p i t ing. Most of t Hetelv deinolisneii urn hhic f the bank build- iinimr n.oni.v 1...... i.,..,.1u P.r.. 011111.. .....-. - - . """... . " . 1 . .. "" Vf.,,. looting the I'V llli' itiiiti ----- " r ....i.iuiiH lHft bv the front r,tK m. ...ii - oi loblxis was n.juicu. Bvnura Locals. Hyiium, N. Dec. 23, 1(103. Christmas was observed quietly and iu order. No drunkenness to mar the pleasure of the occasion,. Quito a number of socials were ri Vi-n on tl.r hill 'I I pe wiled the time away with in- w,''d games and with mirth. j One (,f the leadiug social events 0f n,,, villae was the reception temWi.d !iV Hei.rv 4 Hvimm Ml. The parlor, hull aud dining , ,00,n were most tastilv decorated j ith hollv. mistletoe and other of 'llif. KPnunn'u floral nllYirni.ru I " w ..v.. ... At ton fhr .r,iftcf tt ore invited -inf.. i, ,..,?ifl .i,;,,,,.,.,,,,, !,U1(1 ,pf1(,sl,i,.Pi.f poi.mr.se.l ,f fl,o loading dainties of the season I.. .1 ..1 : 1.. 1 'el... l,o..,tv .,f tl. necusinn was vei v !,uut.i, enbanced by the presence of' the lovely bride. The occasion was par excellence in every particular and will be one of the beatiful social events of life to be remembered by the guests. Messrs. Walter Harris and Joe (iattis leave Thursday for tireens- , l 4A lii business with i i I u.Z V ir ...ij i.:. last sermon nt yi (!ieiwl Smunv .;, n ;u ...;.i. i,t Lvp Kiv"n Mr. Haes. He is an I aUl, ,,miui1(.r .im has made many 1 f,.j,.js j (Ins section, j Avery pretty wedding took ,.iC0 flt ,.s K,lt(! stroml's in ; (lis (.ullty ut p. m. Tliursdav, jxvh(,n MissAumV, daughter the late jj r Sidney Stroud, was led to ,till, l,vmolienl ,dtarby Mr. Joe W. ; Al ...... ,.,, K.-ilemmm nf !,,. ( wtter Co' The p-irlor ! ....... "i iflll ,. '-Wnrated with .was neaui iiiiii.v netoiaieu wiiii evergrei-ns and mistletoe. .Mrs. iJjlZZle Woillble, of Lockvllle, a bride, lay. d march as the i...:,!..! ..... ..........ded by Alice. 'oiiiM,. 1..1,.. s:ti-,.,.,i ,.i,.l m;uu j Mann, entered the room. The i briile entered bv one tloor nccoiu- I 1 I... I. . ,,,;, I f l,Mi.r Miwu i " " Uessie Jiainia. i he groom came some cream suit with veil, and was indeed a very lovely bride. After the marriage the bridal party repaired to the dihing-iooui where an old time wedding snp onr mis si'Hi il The fable loaded u j, m1 t.l1jl.,.,st del ic.nies of ; ,u. M..ls,, jdVoided i.mch ph-asuie i tliii tri Is hikI ii- atles Dies. jent. Alter several hoins of fun i aud pleasure , the friends nf the 'happy couple wended their way ! to their le.spcctice homes, wisli I ing for t belli a long- life of unal loyed pleasure ami happiness. I lloijJX Adah:. CTiiU i cn Hui tit J to Death. j La(!ralige, (ia.. Dee. "JS. Two I l.adrangr small negro children were burned to death 11. a cabin, seven lili es from hde last Saturday ill -lit. '1,'.v olt '' ,IV l,,eir nu. ther anil it is supposed they witn a nro m a siove. Exterminated His ( amity. Hudson, N. Y., Dec. 'jr. Josephus Phillips, ag-ed 51, t llollowville, touight committed ; quadruple murder. He killed him- . ... 11' .1. I!ll If sell and Ills lliree ciniuieii, lie . . . had leen accused Veste ( av liy .. . , I ins iiin ieen yeai oiu tiaugntei in j assault, ihe otner cini'iion weio r rain;, age eleven aim v ai rte, ien. Tonight he lit thu lamp and then,1 ' going into the loom where the; i oldest gil l lay ill bed, he brought it he axe down on her. This he fol-. lowed by both the other children, j (All the children's brains were! knocked in. The murderer then j j left his house, aud going; to .the barn, hanged himself to the l'af- ters. Suft't erers trom sciatica suou in . ... , , , not hesitate to use Chamberlain s , Paiu Halm. The promit relief from : pain which it affords is many! I- .1 ! ,.,.( v 1 1 times worth its cofct. lor sale by ti. U. l'ilklll,'toU, druggist. i mmm . ' Wadesboro Messenger: Jll r. J town- V. Watts, of White Store !,ui., .ui.""-""-'. . . ' several shot taking elfect in her head, left shoulder and right hand. Mr. Watts, with his gun in his Imml, was leaving the .house by ( way of the front door open w lien, i by some means, one of its barrels was discharged, almost the entire load .f bird shot takiug e ffect in the head, arms and shoulder of Jds w ife, who was in the yard about thirty yards away .wis. Watts is seriously, but not dan- gerously, injured. ; . . j Found hroien to Death, ,..,,.' ou - T ... 'I'linn.u.in u'mu tmoiil frozen muu ....... - - - - to deatli yesterday in a raom ei era miles trom nere. iiionipsou was on his way home Irom town, 1 . 1 l. .i.,,. en bv the blizzard of Saturday " 1 r 11 " ht aud took rciuge nri no cao i ,n where he was found, and me ill, where lie W Its foUUll, alld met ..; Wil!.:.ni Wilson, w ho , . j To Cure a CulJ in CJne iJay. Take Laxative JJrorno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the nioney if it fails to cure. E. W. (jlove's signature is on each box 25c. : ! Application For Pardon. k..h.-.ih b..r.i,y Kivn u.t h,.,,u. -mi.-u ui u, """' t" '. "... of smii. ci..it.m r-.r nm i"",1"""f ''. w8 ' .'.uri "'". l- TZ SOI'HIE HIM.. ii OTJ.CE TO ClilJDlTOl'.K: -J Vt vlris iiunllfliil ax ftlmliitKlratnr t Hi", "" N '''-" J"'""""'!. ii.Ih Ib u. ii.il.' '-'u ,... ... m i.icui m i..in.f iin-ir nmwty. ti.iu s .v . miii. 1 w. r. stii:divaxt, Aclmr.lt. S. J.iliue'rll.'luo'J. Ally. W'linurk k Unset, Notice To The Public. I' iBi.r.li rol by Hie Il mrd "f Cmmiy OmmitH.-, iiI' Iiitb .f Chn liiim O'Uiny Hint Hie ('..unty i brlil!v ovor Uhw rlvxr kii"n as llio Ily ."l ' lirMizu Imaud tlm mniBli' liT"liy hrhIii ci.iulrmii nl Hiul all imrw.in ar ln'iliy f.rbll'lrn to rmm ! thurwiii. ami It In fur bor '.rlorw.1 Hint a nutlrn ' f.f ililn n4iiiinnitii.n iubHsbl wn a werlt l'ir tuir wiu kx In Tliu Cli'itham I:t":orJ, eiiatham , (lrv'r nti'l Thu Cliatliiiin Ultlzxn, ami also a; ta...y bf 'Lel at cit.'b cu-l fit aulU brl i. , Tbla Lice. Dili, l'.D.t. I I AND SALE: By virtue of an -i nribT "I Ibu siijrl.r 0urt il Clialbiim w.unty In tbo imixo nnilil. J "T. II Ijimtinili, Mt n lnl-irit..ri.f A. T. Lambi-tli, ts. It It. Harumve ami wife-." I will to ibe liljjhi-st bl.bliT br eftfb at ibe n.urt bmifo tlr In lltlfib.r., N. C ON TITK 1ST DAY OF KEMU'AHY, 1904, It 1 lue tb" llrit Joy n( rbriuiry murt. a trm-l uf im.'l lying an-l Ib-Ihb In Wllilann t-wiihiiii. r'1""""" "'5-'"n""'"' "i ""'. K- " " ru"u'" H""1" ' ' ,,.lk,., M x ki-ii' ..ru-r. iiiohto wmi in i.. Kt:k "t tiif -..i ,u.k ..t twnli U il.-nr.ii, eS!.t U,c ell i.f iiltrii i- .. ar tbi "lit mill kI'k. il .ii I'j ik.Ioi tn a el n" hitbi c:i.''! biiiritili mill cimpi'l lllll ruin!, tni'iii'i- wl'b U'l ui I j. ! in Hi" Ural bIh ll'Hi ('"iii inning "0 iirri-! iii.ir'.' or Ii-bh. 'ihll nu.'t-'tllbt'r UMJ. 1!. II. JIAYES, i.itiuilfilulier. AM) SALE. By virtue of an '.itrt uf i b utiam .im bi'U&i. Umir In "111 y 1 will HiVklll ! Ulnli..Mi.l SATfll.'.AV, KiTII HAY OF .l.Wt'AI'Y, ! l!'i I. lMi ira. 'in "f I n -I In !;!,:' tnwii-lilp, j nitciif ibi-iit i'i'Ii'hIuIii to m-ri-i mi l 1 1,, iiib'r jiiiii'HK. t.iiiinily I.. I lu'lni! to ibu I 'll' Mm.1 I'll il.i.ib Ann in. 1-iTfi.ii, atnl nilj'iliititi; ib-biti-W j 'I J. In i A iil lli iiii.ii W IlltfiuM' uiiil i.iln r. 'Iitiii nf wib". iiiii'-iiili.l h-Ii. inn ihinl In I MX Ml'inlli- Hll-l ihiii Hill J lb IWi'iVi ill.ililb H:b llllt'ti-M 1 1 .III fcUbl. II. A. I.oNpoN, ! lie.'. 17. I hill. C..III b- 11. r. ! i Valuable Farm For Sale. i ON SATI l.PAY, lliTII DAY of J A N - ; 1'AISV. lirnl. I will n.lt III l.llblll Hli -.I'm mi 111" ifvill." 11. Iln blbl bM'l.T 111" Hill lllll' tlll'f til"'.', ii :i- lln I. II lll.ili l .;i.v, nliil it-l I.i M w . Il...i. i vn-lili. i'"ir.n. iilu,' I iimi'i nf nlm b 4 l ih'i im 1 1 III in i.'in il I lint, lb" ri'it l-lml w "II j ii I ".I ! Hi' l ul l lUi ii nf i:nru, i iumi im I i.ai. r . i"! . I Ti'miii. " tin!-li.i'r rimli in.! ..iii'-b i!f III iwivi ' U "lltlm Wl II IllKT"! lli'lll ililU ill ll. I iJi'i'i liib.'I illb, i'JlU. T. M. lil.AM). I AND SAL I: H y virtue of an 14 i.i'ii .r "I iln Miimrt ii " i.'.mrt uf ibi'liiiin uih in iim .I.-... uii.iii.! -. 0. i-ri'iii im.i i.i tier h 1 lit iniu an I iitlnTN," 1 will u i Hu iFIUST .MOKPAY IX fr.lllit'AliY, l'.MU, i tit tlm I'ouri b iiimi .1 mf 111 liiib ii). N. C. : i 6 til Ulill" Mb till) fnll.iWlllg llllillK 111 ('ninny nf Cli-ill.Hiu: I lint 'I r.'i' i: UivliiuliiK ut n b . kr.ry nciir Hie lai-ii r.'iti'li brm rb, t'l'i-rHil'. ci'iiiur, I'linuiii.; - llnl Willi bill 1111 ii.nlri 'o II atllku 111 ltlllU't'l. j ri.rmT. tlli'll' i) Mllll Dl'ilrl .-i II . n .illl. .'I Ji'iiliicn OitBl .i6 i.i'A l.i.'l r liKo III b.ii'ir. lllii-. llli'lio ( nitii lb" Mil I l!U" in'i i ! in a mkn In li'Uy's j llli". ilii iii i wl.ti I. Ii Iln" li"ltb I'J il"(!ri'i w -nl i 3i ii:ii inu llli-1. ; uu In .1 ilribi, ibi'iin iinrib j 3 ilt'i;ri'i i iiii-l "lil' " nwi'i'l inn mi lb" I'.li t I m il Inn. "li. uu ii " ilnivn mil 1 I niiii'l ill lllii lll.b'lri blK nU H (lll'l'i'l lllll III liHlei l tiuitl uii I UK. m hi ' iiln liirt I.i m'ri'ii n. ui" "f lhi. ' Klv n 1 Tini'i. l:"i:liii.liiif hi ii lil 'k.iiy mi Ki t arnmi crn-n, ini'iu u niiiiii .1 1 ii"ifi"i'3 rum .1 cb.ilim innl ' 1111K1 id 11 I in". I'li'ir u ii' Tin .11 cltnllin i.T'i.-iitli iln "ii" k I" 11 l" r-lrniliiili, llu:i.:o ui. ibu iiii'iii"li i iii "t Mul l rn "k in tba bi'Kiu uliin. r.miftl. In-; I'.n hito.h 11:. 111 nr :i-i. I lilt .I 'IT ci: Siiiimiiil In wil l iMiiiiiy hii I s.it.l flt.iii i.u tb.) wi:i.th ut U.iw river, n.lj.iluliti' ibi iniMn i.f nil In lix. linnii" .Mmirii mi l oiluri, klinWII HH lllO I'urt tri", II' tllllliK "3 Hi lt'H mill ' ll0'"l "'" 0"H'ri-',l l" J W- liiiich by Jiit j M. liklliii. ti iiMli rrn.'l. lti'ln; Int No. 5 In tbo41vniin n J lb" Imiiln ui Hi" but imtii'rl lirlijlii, Ih i;Iiiii1ii ui 11 bl.'k'l V CiTUT i'l I II. Hull (llO-I'll. tllll' l1,..,, ,,,,,,.., ,, ,. ,,,. , ,.. l0 B1ukniii wniinmii.i.u- nue. uhucb iwi 40 1 i.oii'B to niiiii iiick..ry, ibomi' im iini to j km, n. tb--a., -i 1 n s... ui.'u, w,-.t vaib tii.a llim 15 ji.iIm toiim firm Mmb u. ontluiu 1 BS BCrri r n'm rrii't: If. lux ll So. In Hie HTB.,n uf tb fwlil Urlubl Wid, bi-Kliiiilin i n bbkury. rr I urr nf In! M i. S. t lien. r imiitb with Unit Him li4 ! pulrii Ui a xnnll bl' kuiy . Uiu' HKxl Willi mink, ' ml llui'fi 41 iiuiei 1 1 a h'.nke, ibi-nrii u TUi 1U4 ' i- i-m iu iin'f a. iiikiht wi,i wim .Hid iiu nui an.. ..t No 43 ik.ii. t.. b.-iiinning. lvlilnllllnK,,w sor..9. sun, 1.,.: uri..2 m uumiw 3 a. mki divi.i..,, tmuDiMM wm.e .k m i,n.,,,-. i.e. , Z:Z::2?uZl tbciii'e ii'irib SI ii. o In '.iln.r, lliencw wini la .,,,..,., ,i..kw.-..i. ib..m nnii :n ..i t,i : mik" m Meit..o-8 iiu',tb-n withhu uu e.i .... 'fM n s-1,lll,..u,,rnPr ,.. immH.r e, rimtitneHouiii wun tx&t mm 104 i. ia t.. a !( m irki.- imo. iiwn mil 1 inn- 4-1 j ii 'lo t ml imk. bin ."'riiir, tlinnivt nnrth wbh bin utiil tlun'or'n Hue Ml i.ln to Krnl.-ti mik ! cnrii.T t(t tiuiulior i!. '.b.nn wit wlib tbff llui f ! !nl J I' it t" Ix glnnhii;. r mtalklug 'JJ acn'i, I Elilli lt: D"lng a l'il ui ulil trucl ciulnlnliit! AN ut 3.t n"ri-n. tl iibl.nt: B 'iiiiilnl "n thi' iKirth bjr the W Ut"h b.ii'1, nu tbe enil by I.. M. Wnlff. uu th miith by J. M. Oilinu nl n tb wont by Mury Ann Lilly, i.inalK 3S -r.w. TiMi'ta Iit: IVIiigiiiibHll lutr. hi In a tri-l nf IhiuI C'ii)iliilnB ten aiTiwu K'iln'rKi.u'8 i ri fk i ,,.ii,, il... Inn. In nt .1. II I'.irrall am. C. A. B..1.11. Tl. own ti.m AHi.l lar.t4 wilt hA Mi.ld nn tbe fnitiiwlnlt trnnn: Oiii-.iHlfi'ab. rinalii1ir lnnl m.'nibn. .In;. rrt iayn.'ii:n 1.1 1'ar iniTflst, uiie riwri-ji'ii uu'll iuriba niiui.-y l ii.ll . 'I lile lHi;oiubr 31, l'.WX K. II. HAYKS, Cviuil'lml mur. THE FOPOLAR STORE i HAPPY NEW E MT Our iiany friends and customers for the liberal patronage given us this year and solicit the same for 1904. WE HAVE I IMSIIEI) the most successful and larg est .fear's business in the histo ry of our Store. Wishing you all a happy and prosperous New Year, L. LONDON & SON. ! FALL ANNOUNCEMENT ! WE WANT VVh - ;ue interested in good clothing and all otlicts to know where tc best buv the best COME AND SbE THE LAVISH SHOVVl.NO ot ! the titled productions hum the shops ut the OKLA I ESI U. TH!:S ! MAKERS IN THE VVOKLI). W E WANT THE MEN to buy here jtnget clothing they'll be thoroiighlv s.ilistied with, .uu! we make .our selections withth.it object in view and we keep the same object in view i when making the price all our c I t li i n g is priced "th.it men will set : ti,.an.,ai advjntaiic. as well as advanta.ee in respect to Style ii. ll you want aintliiiii; 111 VN'e.uini; Apparel call iosi;i: i s. Cross and Linehan uo. I'P-TO D VTK CLOTI1ILI1S AND IT'IiMSJIKKS. Oct. 8, I 'jo). t 1 1 1 The 9 Keeley Cure .SI.S .ft m DURHAM MARBLE WHKS.l , ? 1 ID-a.rlia3CL, ILT. C. t v Moiiuuicnts and Tombstones,! I AMHR1CAN AND ITALIAN MARHI.l: Iesijns and prwes furnished on application. j- f YEAR TO THANK THE MEN a ui .via le- 1. J: 3 . f Si., A ?'ll! Tl I DO V01 KNOW WHAT IT D0F.S? Ii relieves a person from all desire tor :4ni)", drink or drills, restores lis nervous system to its 110rm.1l condition, and reinstates a man to his home and business. For lull particulars aJJiess THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, Creensboro. N. ft.

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