immiftrrtrixftai She lmtl)am ttrrord. il)c Chnthnm Rccorfc, 11. A. LONDON, Kditnr nuil Proprietor, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One niinre, one. insertion ffl.tM) Out! niuaro, two iuHtrtious 1.10 One Kjuari', mouth 2.B0 For Larger Advertise ments Libera! Con tracts will be made. VOL. XXVI. PITTSBORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, iN. C, THUKSDAY, .JANUAKY 7, l.MH. NO. 21, AJJATTER of Millions. 'By Anna Katharine Green, g ' CM A IT Kit XIX. fOMnniiriti sums: than a c.wr. ok 1 r.ixrr.T. When t!:p young artist sat down to breakfast ihe next morning lie found a Ho iii lying I . siilo lii.s plate, ll was from Miss A-piuw nil and was to llio effect that silo had Willi'!! to her frit ml Mr. Munis for a precise de scription r.f J ho gentleman ho li td h'Oli ii'llll cllnUgll hi introduce to lief llOtii'C. This was satisfactory, ami proveno'il fin- artist i'r, :.i sending a letter to Mr. liyrd. .!- In Lad t uiiti inplatoil. Tor though 1 1m! no doubt In lils own Miiul us to tiu Motility of this stranger b had t, desire to put hltiisolf in a false light in coiinoi timi wit'i 0110 witn inoil mi a :!.!! if a tongue ami hold tit tiio iii s :n - nt such an impregnable position. II" ib'tcrmincd, therefore, to wait ami take no measures t,f his own ti'l after a reply had haon root ived from fli'volatid. 'I'liai is. unless ho MIW sh'tfs of immediate peril menacing liis iloar one. In which case h,. would 1:01 writo at all. hoi telegraph. ''Ii.. mmiiiiI of ( ii'iii-t Lalis clicking (l'"'l M.'-S .s, Wall's (.rotltld.- v f- Mill I'lo-otlv'y ad ll',;' exeils,' ln needed f"'.' an i aily '. i-i; IL.r,'. Crossing i lit turf 1:,' semi found 1 1 i : : 1 1 f within view .( !!: briahl ami ho. rfii picture which tin' herodm II. u oi' tins ;:! :in hi- made so familiar lo us. yie while div-sc. of tl." 1. idles, the vt-lve'y vi : ilu'V 1" ilio I IV. V i'10 gi.l-e of li:o ovor va.-ya-g I" iM'iih-iii, tin- i;'.;it enjoy i;' -til. all v.,:.' there, r.iit h" saw 1:oi hing l'';i : solitary man ami Woman (salt if uc.i r tin- shade of M neighbor isiu tr :: I. '. Willi t midy i:;t n per . a dim: 1 v. ry ieni nrc of liis si iviur face, ami ; h . vi'li 1 oi'i-osp'.iHliiu p' mmhv ' fVitil Li 1 in- 1" " liifaimi.t ami 111:1 U -i;;-- !. an: ii'i:l ovi : y ;'.l'iti:do. His rival Irui.i 1 '! '. idii'i.l had I-'t no tinio. An . i y I 1 ynial his pnv,-, r M ont:c. nl 11atnili":i I'.'-rav,- dro-.v hail:. Not lor him was this 1 !:ao of I'lath and .'o : out him tho potty oivilitios of tiii tmiiiiiir: all atol ,1 todioiis and ilo.ojiliV" l. 'i;o. If sho rnltM sllliii' )!!. ili! afior iho appoal ho had ma lo k T tlio niiil I'i'fo','.' tio !i slio was not 1I10 woman ho liooim-d hor: nor was li'-r loyard ho hopod il to ho. Ho- was la's', and ho would loav" lior only ho r.nii.I nol loavo lo r. I'aSo or tri".'. : h w as tho woman ho lovod. ai.d ho 1 1 nld no iiioio ! away ar.d loavo In imV r (lie sodurtivo in'lu- !ioi. of tliis jt'..'.i:nproli.'ii:-ili!o strnnaor tiiati ho would havo suifi'iiilofod a pot lanili to tiio paw of a Wolf. lie t'noiv loio hliippi'd at a loilaiti scat in tho inlidlo of tho lawn. ami. not rarins wlo'ilio.' ho was sr, !i or not sat down, i:nd t.'.l.ii!. a poifit and hook f:-ofi 1 is 1 " l;'i. I u'an. to all nppoar j: !'.. i 1 il.-.i'.v llio i 1 :io I him. ti.iil. iiiy a l.tii-'lili!-; voioc was hoard C .11' Ills sil'.lllno.'. uh, .Mr. 1. p'::v,'l Wha; n ili.-ap-I 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 ! 1 oxpool.d to too a patnro f' hiil i.n 1 tall -y. loof and spiio, or at ofi-. a :;ii.'.'.ji of Kills cirolinn rotinit m;o poor ii'".p:o: hall, atol. lahold! t nly a mill; while pa:;.' nirots my rye!'" Ilo nr. mil. 'no of thv li'rhtostdioart rd :i!ld fl'i she-! Ioi:i;od of the tunny ;iv uii'!. al'i'.lt him stood nt his side, "1 oi. , I irii.s'p.ii.-r. " said ho. "Ymi want t.- a pii iuio? V.'i ll. wait a moment nod 1 wdl sh'.u' ymi one.'' Ait I wiiliof.t analyt'.ins liis motive or loiuiliii iho lost of iiN impulse he fiiroi'd his pim il to travel o er t lie :if t. )oa ins thereupon the linos of a oimf nam e that was nt 111" same time ,o:h fmoil !e a;:d proud. When lie had iir.ished it ho showed It to her. "Who is it':" ho a:-ked. "Why. ymir namesake from Cleve land." site r. p'.ied. with a nilsehievotis lilt of her iii .nl. "It is very eood, only jon have not flattered him." "I leHVe that for the ladies to do," he pravely retorted, and with a smile she could not f allium ilored hit) hook, put lr in his packet and offered her his rui. "You may wish to possess tills Mime clay." he lauplinl. tapping his liilio.nitly the place where lip had put tin i-keieh. "hut roinemhpr that you wiil have no claim upon it If by word or fioMitve you revtnl the secret of its making." "Mo you rman the picture or your iK.'i'.f'" she rsked. "for your hand is pressed over hoth." lie iM.i'd into her merry eyes, cau-.-ht tlo- iiiomi niary contagion of her f:lee ami smiled. "That i fir you to decide." lie re Joined. "If ii is a riddle I think your Iirrspieaeity may he rclieW upon to tlve it." And thus, with a cleared hrow. but Tith a wildly hratins and rehsuious Lrrirt he drew to tiie players. He T"as welcomed hy or.e joyour, ar flaim. hui he noticed 'with a fen.- of hMRilistion. hard to endure, thrst a ('.rzen c.irious lanrss passed it.:n.r--l i i 1 t frrni his jo thaf of his n .w .jratftidy "rMogrhired "rtraT. " He rt etralned blmsclf, howerer, and ring ling out Mlsa Aspinwall paid her such attention as his distraction would al low. 1'hc result was perplexity to many minds. For no sooner did tho signorina liehold hernvlf forsaken hy one tvho upon the evening before had taken an ludlsputahlo place nt her side than she showed a vaeue uneasi nes which soon made Itself iioticrnMc to every eye. I'.nt as the morning pro crossed rii-il she found herself a mi'i li izt:rj J !iv !:i r lat. hwer n politu'.vss vouU ttiiow, b gained -more waiter A,,lhor C."'w!-".or''k'" over hoiself and cndotl hy playins Ihe rolo of general mpiette. .Meantime the s!i'am.'iT had lu'eii pressed into the name, possibly ly iho secret allies of tho artist, and was Imsy witii the du ties of the same. Ilo did Hot lose sinht 01 the simnirlna. however, and those tiiai watched them hoth roll that if the artist was unwise eunuch to carry his piipio licyuiul the hounds of politeness he would I'O in danjrer of losini; the prize ho had cvidoiitly sot his heart upon aiiiiiii.'. 'i'iie t;anie which wa now In progress had for oppoui'tits: Miss Clinton and Mr. Ilcurnw ii::ainst .Miss Astinwnll and Mr. IVrrall. ll was an evt nly mat' hod and diiterly opposed eotttcst. At olio nionioiit the former couple ap peared to ! in th' advance, ami then hy sum;' lucky slr.iko the latter came to the front, otdy to fall hack npain ii'idi r iho iithor's jmlioi ms play. So lively vins iho siruuule and so skillful the opponents that the nt 1 1 ntiol) of the whole sun 'mill : liar parly was Dually drawn to the sport, greatly to tho re lief of iho siioiii ilia. wim. if she had not lieirayeil her cmisci iiisui ss of tho iMi'iitiny In which she had lieeii suh jicti'd certainly showed l "r ploasure at liie tmuiiciilary respite fiom it l.y a toiling play on tiio part of Mr. I'otrail. Kousim.: lii-rsoif from tho atliiiido of 0 iitoll!-h hiiiL'i'nr wliiiii slio had as hiii'ioil umli-r the talk of one of Miss A'pinwall's tleolarcd :ii!;ii!ivi's she cast 1 nuii!; lo..!; acio-s th, t.i'iii inl to v. ht r.' ilio ailisi slootl lo. side his ir.ur or li s a!.- .I'm loil hustles. It wns hut ii li. hut ho s..w it. ami taking It for in iuviiat ion. f.i:-;ot his air.'or. foririit rcsolvi -i. fiir'ol cvory'hii: I. tit 'no'.', and only wailing to sc that his rival was jit-t piiNiu his mallet for a hlow li.- Lowed his ti'li' it to Miss AspinwaM and staiiid for the honoii upon whieli mii tiio perjileing olijecl of Ids adora tion. Ilirt s. rt ely had he lakon three 'tops Li'i'i :.- foiii d c.iti front eil hy Mr. I'.-, rill. "I'ako my innllet, Iiograw. I entreat yt ti, and l.nisli this aui". I have just i'i'. l ived a toll i.raiii which di mauds in slant attcl'tioii. No olio can heat that Cleveland chap hut you. !i in. then, r.r.d ilnii't forget that Miss Rogers' eye is oil yon." lo ioio the ni'ti-t oi'ithl reply the mal lei was thrust lulu his hand, young l'errail was off and a do::eti voices were crying: "Whose mm? U.-nf that 111:1 t f play if you can." He iravo t'ir sisnnrina one glance, grasped his mallet and tonic his .-land hy his hall. Tlio play alliul.d to had Li en 11. l ie l y his rival and m 1 mod to il 'lonaiif the game. Itut he a iiae ;.!.:yer. tn.i, and ai:er havi:..' t;:kt,u i;i llio lecithin of til ' M'V.'ral halls ho tool; his aim and ma !e iho inns brilliant sfoko of the reason. A chorus uf uoi'l.iniatiotis arose, taen a silence followed, broken only Ly the click of the mullet ami balls. When it ce,!s,., ho had separaied his opponents' hal's by the full width of the union. 1 and cviiijueii'il his own and his part m r's iiuiii:i;li lie- last two areh-s. Miss Clinton now advanced to the ro--;uo. Coiil, 1 die hut hit a I. .ill ihp gamp might bo saved. othe.'W'i.s" it was irreiricv.'ibiy lost. WmiM she hit one? Many 011 the lield thought so. but the aii'sl tlid int. lie had "wired'' l.or too i ff 1", lun ily. Ami so it provttl. la making hi r si-eke she drove her ball against an aieh and confusion was the I'csulf. She had L111 to hit her part iic;'s hall, put it out, and Ihoii tlriv her own to ih.. slake, l'.ii! she wjc nei vous. .iinl only succc; del in put ting her own ball out. '1 he odds were now entirely In favr of th stranger ami Miss Clinton. I'-ui when Mr. Iiogiaw came to play sour unlucky twist of his mallet sent hisS bail on one side of the wire in.-icad o2 the oili' V. and his opportunity to re ft ove th game was iiKt. So now it wa the arlisj's turn again, , and as ho hail but to hit the stake with his ball many thought the result as goo.i as (let iiled and prepared to clap their hands. lint to the inomei'laiy U'i.v.i 1 i 1 lit of every one he ilailnl with liU luc!:. ami. instead of driving Ks hall carei'ully to iho slake so!:; it v, hilling aiT'ii-i iho lield in search of li at i f hi-: inivt I'sary. Mo did no! t it ilio mark bo had v: himself, bat li ai fomplish a purpose that was .'i.'itir to bim than ai.y (tame. !is lail stiipotd not three ft".'t from the Orri'irina. ::i:d though hi - waichfn', vi pvideii'ly nidi '. 'stood the iioeivc v::!i'h I'rg'il him and ff'.'.t Ills ow-i !.!! ::nvc .11;: iclv !r th.- fair." dir-.'.Ioa lie i.".d th.i riiji-i. r.iii'.v ti v. !is!i, :: "I.ovp ni TiV. l drop this fellow. Ii:s idmlrrtion you nnd w.i.l.-r n re. 1 will nit spe yon yield to it." -wns alt. tr.if It evidfiitly war tiOugl'!. I.'cr face shiT' l fvst .' ;;- I':::'.:; lii.e C.e.:i::. Il"t t'ae fi..c v-a -re cf mirth. r.r.i rl - f-va.-.d V; 'If , :.: -1 t.-i jo'ti !-i ill.- r'!."r.i! lav :'.; :: lil- ' l allo.t the Mranter cs i: '..;. I Iho ariist ha'.iug sacrificed llio :'r.;:e r..! a w'iis;'i r. 11 id b-.-.icrificed more? Th r " ::s ave y riasoij ',0 b. lii ve so. for the '; had hecoaip rigid ."fur ii-r lauuh, and then liir,iiissve. not lifiiag hor eyi's from under lier b ."id liriiiimcd hat, and only nnwc : g iuntions after 'iv.g startled by ihe illnce wlilcii ollQwed tbom. And j it. ihnugli hoth of her lovers felt thla roldness and suffered from it. licit her (coined disposed to abandon the Held. They lingered, chatting, 0110 on one side of the ground and the other on the other, and neither had nny eyes luil for her who seemingly saw no one. Itut nt last there came a moment when the long strain upon them boili was loosed. The artist saw her move and moved himself, when suddenly he perceived what had occasioned her change of attitude and iiu'onsiileraleiv paused. His namesake fiiitn CI" olaml was np. pl'tiachillg her. Would ho ho w eh ouie? The artist held his hiv.-iih. -watching U'.i'lil both with burning eyes. fo liioinenl he thought she was going lo turn away, but the next she looked up, nnd though sho glow slantingly pal' she cast upon the stranger a le-aw lily smile which made Hi' ariisi's loan drop like lead in his I 1,1, "I have lost Iter." was his Inward comment, and ho turned on his heel and left the place. And so he continued to .'..!. upon th" mailer for sniue hours, then a fie came, it liulo perfumed fob', into which was crushed a fot-.ei no t o;. and though it had r.o siaaatin ' and horo no address ho fob it was frn;n her. and read the words It inclosed wi:h an e'rnlii.u easily to be no: eeived. Tin y w ere Liu I wo, but tin f tw'n words wore; "Trust nn'." cnArr 1:1: X.N". ni;w .iiii ami iiai A man in love is tai-er to l ilievo In Ihe truth of the '..! . t adored, hut Hamilton Iiegra-.v p.n di re l . n ; o.r tho s'l'llol-ili,-;' note before 1-e cnllld co:i!i. to ;u:y th i'uiie cadi;-Inn ill re gard to it. Trust In rl Wore iho e words the ph-.i of .1 co.ii"iio or tin- il sp.-iiiing cry of a thr ah pl'-xcil Woman? In her oil p. and her maliii' r he had beheld e-, id. ;;.-, s of n struggle between ,,-.,, and son, - op. posillg pa;-sioll ho ctill',1 l;..t cVell suliieiemly to naa: lint v. as llit coiitiiei a worthy ouo. and s'i .uM ho uphold her in il by an imlulgeii -. which ifiahl speak mo", cf weak 110 -t th in of true Manly v mpati y '.' it" covhl not ib t ide, for h's own pri lo was engaged in Mi' ('eelsimi, and a man's prides di. s hard even in ihe of his own aiToi'iions. Cut as llf iiiah; apprcaehed tho i-v-oot appeal grew in force till it over whelmed his doubts am! renewed his confidence. TriM h.-rl Yes. h,. could trust her. bin iouM he trint hims.-lf? l'loni tho cxpi'iic: f the morning lie kmw that ii would bo absolutely perilous to his self -control lo suMoet himself to a furth. r sight of his rival's triumph. Thou-,h it was Misery lo sit siill in his improvis, ,1 simlio w hile this 01 Ii.'!' man enjoyed fr.a aic.-.-s to her side If felt ii 10 be w N.lotu lo thus sac riiiee his feelings till the 1. tier '.'.ml Cleveland came to scith !: poslilo'i of 1 his interloper and give lo bituseii' that advantage In her evi s which nuili and honor must ever possess over de ception and revealed fraud. lie. therefore, replied to her note by saying hp would trust hrr so far as to leave her to hrr new friend till ho cuilil subtianliaio tint co' wl.Vh ho had so freely eprc -ed against hi'ii. and suppl. mt ah d this eomaoniiouiion by a line to Miss Aspinwall. in whi.-a ho express d thanks for h-r kindle -s .Hid i'i:trea:i.l t si,hraii"!i for :h feelings which ii ili'ei d hini to r- niain for a few tlavs from her Icuse, or un til si c ri reived sin li word fro: 1 V M hit's as wo-.iM make il agreeable f..r him to return there. Tiiis last clans,- beliayed ihe Y! niolive for his coi'd'iet, as hn had meant it should. The re-uii was a .pei dy response from h's gpneror.s llOSIl ss. "Iiear Mr. Prgraw You may b" doing wisely ami yon may 110!. of that you must bo yeiir own .lu.lge. Mr. licgraw, of Cleveland, wi'l not nay away because you do. and m'Icll n;l.:- chief t an be done ill Ihrv ilava. l!ov- pvi r. you have 1 im firm frieiid her". who will no! allow matters '.a proet tr.o far wiihout warning you. Mav I bo allowed to i.i:-.s thp hope. i!u I hat 1 shall not he'plleil to ad dress you till I can ii.clo-... Mr. Mor ris' loitt r? Yours sincerely, "Illl.AIlY ASl'INWAT.T.." This lellrr. wiih it-, ilirect proril-o. nut new lif - Into 1 :m. He felt tint Willi this g.m.l friciil on th" watch i-e could rest in peace for a day. at 1 is;, find rose the next morning foil of lyn,, only to find his spirits imni'-lia; ; 'y dashed by the following ii::e-;pi . -t fpistle: "Mr. licgraw rml IisS Kogcrs lo a long coiivers,". iiio; hit 1 veiling s, npan the window s, ll ..inch we : fe-1 is dedicated to you. Tii ,u ;h tl. was nothing in their f,;':mo:- v.i:' was o'icii to the criticism of th 1 exacting person pros: u:. half of 1 :.un and all of th wlio s: t'a. an felt chagrined at this 1 -; i t-.i. of a growing inli'mii v c.n il; par1, i'vo pore-ns will-, if ha!'" y.n: say true, si'.mld r.f ver have bad si r-.u a.i a tli-r-Hii ( -siii-i. "It is. perhaps, r.nly fair t.i add tr Mr. I'cgraw his tin-p of the lr .i; ... harlatr.n. and parted from Mis i'i rs last evtiing v.-iiij a grtture of T.nch respect as if he had Iicct tn';; ba p of a ipir. n. If. A "So loUeli the worst." th-r.uht a'.-.lsr. "Mar.n.-r r,":i i:a:,Os0 uivn : wr.mas. My fi'-lir': v.- cTtnlnlv dargiv." Ard h- had avoti-e-r s:r; g'e with h's ii-Me. I; wa y'. by the apoe.i'-1 v, n maid witii ii nls 1 arle 1 fr., f m; s 1 ii 1 1- ' I ' l-"o IS u 1 ho f-'timl "II th re-vi I -. St.e-k'e ;. .'list nt Ihe top of the o'i', 'n il. S r.f our gues,s prt.pi st. . ride ami a 5 tile ere to day. It might tint b" 1 vise- for you to bp found already u .he gioiind. sUci. Iii:;g. li. A.' To be tontluiKd. , . ... Why runner sliiiulil limn. JOA. Hi- rapidity witii which llif J sctiliinciil in favor of na O I O 1 iiii:i i aid to the eommor A roads of iho country has "pfgjsj' spread, and the eagerness Wn.l o 1. a -ll tiio proposilion is W eli 'Ollle,! since iho introduction of the lirowiilow bill in Congress, have not only loon highly gratifying to ihe friends of the measure. Inn surprising and asionisli ing to its opponents, writes Colonel .1. li. Killobrew. The trill Ii is th" great body of the fanners of the land are slow in demanding what they are justly entitled to. Had the same Iiceessity ns the want of good r.'.nls among farmers existed in relation to the manufacturing, mimic or com mercial interests of the country, such a necessity would have long since be. -il recognized and met by adequate ap propriations from emigres-. Tho tillers of the soil do not work in i .oe ei'i for their own advaiiecincnl. I'.y the 1 1-1-siis of 1!i!Hi the whole number "f p-np'.c iibove the ago of ten teal's otigag 'd ill gainful oe.-ni-ations in iho bnio-d Stales w as 'J'.'.ni I.I 17. I if Ciis number In. "s.l.7i;"i were engage! in agri -ultur-til purs-ails. No other speeili .1 o'-.-upa-tion employs so many. The uiana faelitring ami moehauieal pur-uhs em ploy T.i is.,".! it C pi"--ons; trade and trans portation, I.Ti-.i-i.l'iil. ."lid plofe-sii.nal service, l.;::.s:.7.'.;i. And j-t the farmers of the coimtry. that contr.l'iKo moro lo its permanent prosperity than all (niter classes combined, ha o the -i.a-'e est niuoiint of consideration in li.'" inatier i f coiigi-esslomil appropr'a,' i's. Ill nil tin' history of th" pa-t 1- d a lion oT tho country but few eff.T.s have boon ueiih- to eipin'iixo ihe bom 1ms of congressional apnroprial'.oiis. I'nlil the rural mail loiiti-s wove es tablished a living In th. uniry rarely roeioved direct bene'its freui 1 1: e money expended by the general goi ru. incut." except that for the agricultural department. The commerce of the county felt tho cx-iih oration of fresh and ln-iy lift' and igor from the improvement of I'm rivers and harbors, but this ex ulieraneo would have hoi :i vastly in creased and half the money appropri ated for rivers ami harbors been ap plied in aid of the Improvement and maintenance of Iho public roads, the very foundation of commerce. It must not be imagined that anyone proposes that the government shall enter upon the work of building public , highways without ihe co-oporat on of' Iho State, county or other politcal i subdivision. The policy rf the govern inolit should bo to help those communi- j ties 'hat help themselves; to stimulate, action .Mid enterprise rather than te ' repress it by appropriating money 1c those eoinmunii ies that do nothing for. themselves. Automobile Topics. StcM Itnnilnny n S11 . The laying of a ir.u k of broad, flat, pteel rails on Murray street, between Uroadway and Char, h sire, t, was ac complished the middle of last. Peccm her. it being tle.u 'lit that Murray str-'t'l ofi'cretl the sc. crest testing-; ground on account of the heavy truck ing through that thoroughfare. Tin rails have been in use many months and baiiisbrs driving through Murray street have learned ihe advantage in using them, and yet the roadway shows few signs of wear. ': A glance at the cross-sectional cut j will show iiow the I'o.ullicil is prt pared ( for laying the rails. To cighte u by eighteen inch trenches are dug and j filled with one am: a half Inch broken ennss section in urt nt. k iahwat. siolie laid ofi'r a layer of 'old paving stoiits, and top-dressed Willi three Inches of tine gravel. The rails arc laid mt 1 his and fnstemd together at their ends with tisli plates on the sidts and bottotn. while thret'-ipi.ntcr. Inch tie rods at intervals keep them parallel and properly spaced. In building a country until, thp earth is graded up to the rail 011 each side and filled in slight iy higher in the centre, so as to. give the general contour shown in the cross s, ciioii. The rails used In Murray street are forty feel long and one foot wide, with Ihmgcs three inches wide on ill" under s t'c and threi eighth inch wide on the top. The rail is three -eighth inch thick Hear the flanges, and a trifle thicker in the centre. The slight flange mi cadi side of the lop of the rail lends to keep a wagon wheel from riinnig .ff witii any slight side pull, while it can no criheless easily surmount the flange when the driver wishes to run on or off the track. The rails are laid with the alternate joints on opposite sides, slm jinr to those of a railroad track. The distance from centre to centre is five feet six inches. Thp weight of the rails is twtnty-tive pounds to the foot, or lo- tons per mile, and the estimated cost of n mile of track, including lay ing is JI'KM. on country roads lighter and narrower rails weighing but I') in- n.ilo inn he used, and, wiih steel at SIS per ton, this ligii'p can 1 e i nt in half. Win 11 om-c built, a load of this type w i'i last a generation if ti e ealliieU p:Pt !' it is kept ill repair at slight ep Compaialive trai l ' e tis hive .lonioiisiraled thai :!: powir 1 1 1 1 ; I to haul a wagon on .1 steel roioi'.v.iy is less than olie-fniii 1 h that lieeth .! 1. e 'iio oidiiiai stone road. -New York !''.. Kansas fit . do., alone has J.'ii'i.ow, tKiJ lnvfgil in Mexico. t-jousehold alters lii-i-p Tins lliv. Tans, kettles and cake tins. etc.. will last niii'-h longer if v. In n washed they are placed before ihe liiv for a few minutes 10 g.-i quiie dry inside le ioro being put nw.i.v. If left damp Hoy so, hi become rusiy. and In a short lime are unlit for use. I':lsj - VI ,i,lt Uot iiv S,uti. Horax soap will remove ail hr iK of SpnlS ffolll l!""l's. carpets, painted woodwork, etc It is ea-ily made by saving all th" bits of so.,p which accu mulate in Hi" household, mid boiling tin e dou 11 wiih a lew leaspooiil ill- of borax until il 1 mm s a joilylike sil!- Sla nee. Tin- Arl nf ( imkliiK rumpli hi nn,l iinli. Cm a ripe winter squash in half lengthwise, take out the seeds, bill do not pare. I'lace the hah cs in a baking pan with a little water, cover and bake in a moderate oven for an hour and a half. A iiiarier of an hour hutorc the Stiuash is to no re'iiove the cover and with a spoon take out iho water in iho pan. Sprinkle w.ih plenty of sail and I put a generous lump ol butter in ea.-ii i half. Kct.iru L the "von to brown j slightly. I'un.j'kia t k-'tl i" this way j is oven heller than sqiia-h. I'linipkiu : i'.-.iiiir'-s long, slow rooking for several i' I Tin- Sulky Suit. I Tf there is one thing above am.;!. or I that is the cause of genuine mental : profanity al this season il is the iv:u- sal of that n s-ary condiment, salt. ; t" part company with the shaker. 1 Many things have been suggested b remedy the trouble, lino hotclkecper at the shore, where ilampness is nl i ways p resent, says Halt baking tho sail : thoroughly in the oven Mid i""':' niix ' ing it villi one third the itiantiiy of corn siai-.-h, wiil olniat" the dill'muliy. tnhers suggest that the shakers li st I in ihe ovi n for l'.fieeii every day. but the maj irity of ad.:--.' ' ju-oeiaims ihat the only real way t" get 1 around the trouble is to put the shak ers away during the dog ,;.iys and us" individual sail collars. , Novi riln doss one plan that has been found thoroughly si esful is t hak" j the salt welt and add cm starch as ; suggested. Then as the shakers are ! tilled add to each olio a small half tea- tpooll of l ice. I This keeps It stirred up and prevents lumping: aNi. i-rves, when i.'bti!iy shaken, to ktni' 1; and loosen the salt from around the holes in the top. Fur flit' (itlt-st Kimiiii. Ill others rooms in the house devia tions from comfort are p.-rmi-.silii". bill ll.e sliest room must be perfect in its appe I'.tmenls. The following sog gestioiis for lilting up ibis roe: aie given in a comprehensive article ,: The 1 ii linealor: The ideal gu st room is arranged with an adjoining bath and dressing room, but win 11 plumbing . on., c;in:.s are impossible a small room for bath ing and dressing should be provided. The 1I....1 M'l-ing should ho .-!:. sen from ihe Persian rugs iu ib-.-p colors. ,,r malting may be us.-1 if th" eond''i"iis demur.,! it. The wall covering si." lid be a plain or two toned hanging of some ntioual de sign. I'm' the bed. iron may bo ciiaiiielleil to accord wiih the s, heme of the furnishings, or brass ,.r wood may be chosen, and the bed linings should he the v. ry best that one's means can afford. Thp pieces of furniture should comprise a lounge f.-r day use. a bureau, a eh f foiiier. a night stand, a dressing mir ror, a folding screen, an easy chair and foot stool. 11 slipper chair and rocker, wiih washing arrangements either sta lainary or 111 liable In suppliing ih" necessary small articles of toilet, pref erence shield b" given to simple, sub stantial ipinlilics. P.-ml; shelves and a writing ilcs'.-. or tab'." are a 11 --,;), ninl. of oour-e, they must be with fresh volumes and magazines and Hdciiuate stationery. a Vjl-Vi.i. Hy. , ;pi a...A Saffron Cake or Urea 1 Two ipiurls of llour. one taoli'spoonfu! of salt. one. half cup of butter, one tab! -s; o mi'ul of nutmeg, one-half cup of lard. half package of currants, two cups of yeast, one leaping tablospooiif nl of saffron, steeped. Scalloped l'.ggs- i'h"p four m- live hard boiled eggs tpii.e tine; sprinkle the bottom of .-. baking dish with I'm.o crumbs; shrill. !e in half the eggs; pour over a he,',,' white sauce and 11 little chopped meat; when all is u.-d cover with biiiiored crumbs and In the m on. Ham. chicken, veal or fish may be used. West Indian Pepper Pot -To a gallon of water put a gill of casserreepe: salt to tnsie; a sm.-i'ir salt bag of Spanish pepper or a i'.o?.,-'.i large ones, and every kind of fresh incut and C . . 1 . raw. Cut all this meat up. put into a fruit kettle with the water ami r.i-v",-. recpe. r.nd cook from six to right limn-. I'ut into a deep dish, ami egt v. I. le warn',, with potatoes. Spanish Omelet-Real tnnv r-egs un til light; add P. them three tabh-.-i fills of n.d!;. r. litile sail and p. : p,-r; put In a filing pan on- ic.isp.i.cit ul nt butter; wl.-n let add ihe i ag inA.uri and let on. k slow iy u;,i, a I !,.:(. brown crust forms on ihe boiioin; lie n add half a cupful ,, utiiccd hi.n mixed w illl a litllo finely chopped pat s ley, or onion and green pepper; fold l lie omelet In half, turn out on a hot p'ai tor; sprinkle r,cr de'lUT'l paiblv",'. OZARK MOUNTAINS. Buhl fu He tin- Xlo.i Aiiclciil "T Hill-on All ll. it lor I in-Ill. M. 11 are speaking in wond ring words of .1 til M of ihe grandeur of II. cre-t. of the awe inspiring eum't.s of the West, of iho Andes and Ihe Alps', but no man has .Mr l,.kc! upon a scene more im iliie in il,. .light and pro found meditative imagination th m 'lie rugged hills of ilio lou.-r d.ark-. II" who climbs lie- .lura stands u a peak of the modern v. ..rid. bill tic man who stands upon if.- log :la of (iark County :-.,. s upon hi ml old that the brain be ,ne s . : ry in a',!, mpling I" tie as-ae lis l1 ' - !' li.i a-ia. lueiit b" made in ip-i.-hs u--t in thousands of ,-ar-. The Himalaya Moui.laiiis hive, dur ing some thousands or 11 i'.iim s "f years, poured their deposits into that body of water which mo know as tic China Sea. ami by tiling il.o b;.s-, ..;' that s-a have d. posit. ,1 s,, unieh al luvium thai the llmptre 1 f 1 l.ia :. with its untold population, leov ,, ci pies the space o or W l.i.-h tie- W ..1 r Oliee tlio.k el U I ! I es t i : ,. 1. I . ' .. t" your maps and moo h.c.v la'-g" :hc low lands ,,f China arc; ..... .; . tore lb" iiepth of Hie allin ial ii. p -ii in th e low lands, and then . oinpi eliciel. ,f y..ii can. I!;" ages dm- i g which 'lo- ll.i . . hiya Monmaiiis have b -eii bu-y lilbng Up ihe l ash, ,.f th.. sci and by w.-s, f the I id'-s and i. , i-llow .,! I he i .'. ' I s heiMing lie- land of china .: w e i .- ,m it 1, III. iy The brain w. ,.f the . ffort We are im-apahl" of nr. h, 'hpii-..- -u h almost time, an! y.-t wo iio krnw- that the ,.!' .si., are the yolinge-l raitg-s on earlh. and that the lowlands of Chin a belong to iho last ,'.a -. We may grasp a; a f.,. :s by comparisons sinm-tim"-. if Himalayas are ila- tee narl.s are the old o'" m-.iit;'.' i'i ra'.gi s. and bet w n ,!,. da-es v. l- e'i gave tlmci blrill lie lb :;;. M "ii'.l a P..-. lie- At.palnelii.-iiis. tit" A : iiiitt"-. ll- Alf'S, lie' An.!"s. ', a.'as, ihe ' " ea-sians, the Caii.-a-i'-. 'lie gr al loom -fains rang ,,f Australia as.-l A.-ri.-a had 1 Y.-i tl.e--- Were I- t i. I -iid ! ;;ly by - n;in- nt ''!' ating cp'osio;,. but s',, y. s.-r. !v. t. nd. r'y. as it b-eo-, s motle r car.h 1 i d, , I 'i' her giattt n. Thus, by analysis, w,. arrive al th age of Ihe (ir.arl.s. yi t fail to , ,t r - bend, for v. o ca'aa.l tin :isiire th-.r me a. -ill li. tght imr .i.;ure the stormy world. Wo can simply imagine a huge ball hung in spa.- rapidly r. - 1..P. i!.g. ellloh.peil ill 1 'ids. tic fa ill in cease!, ss lorn ats d.-,- .ndti g and the wide ocean rolling free and un broken, save where tin- nz irks breast, i d the wav.-s and liu-'cd ihe tide bad; lll'Oll herself. Si. l.'Hlis lilohe Mellio- era l. Cieil i:vii riiin til. Some ciii l. ns ;. - ,s with ' ml arc imw being laid" a; I ' sii.ou' ii. ihe oba-et being to asci-riain to wi.a! cxtetil. if any. it is in. proved by being k. pi ft r a i ei'ialu tin e m .;'.! waP".-. Tw.-n-.v ;., . f ca! taken from the sane- :.".!p v. re lii s! .hi id d into three par:- '.'. . w l.idi eo:naii.ed t. n tons each an i i"n. 1 Hie of tuo ten-toil lots was lo M ilivid d live juris, ea.a e,-n:ai;.i".g I wo lofts, tiie.-e al'.-.' being pl.'i.-d in lin- p r foraic.l I o-;.-s v. , re mii.:. in the -' i. Th" other t'-n ion lot is als-. lo 1. di vided into iivo parts, ea- h catainiftg two tops, but instead of b ing sir :. in Iho sea. t! re if" m be kept .ea laud ami will be . 'Here.! lat pa ul in The nne ton hn was burn. .1 a few dai s ago. and a thorough test is now being made of "us iplalifii s a- shown hi eoni- bllstioll. In iv,!v" months tee in one of th" subiin rg -d bo . s and that in one of the 1 ox- - v t.h !i have been kepi on land w ill bo burned, and the result will be en pared w ith that which was obtained when III oi; toll was burin d a few dais ago. la this way the s 'en lists and the i.aval a tr Icon : ;os of la:.. land ati' coniol nt iha' vin" n w and iiiiporiai'l facs can b - 1 . rm d in regard to the i;il. hti. s o1' i oal. Tn l.lglit Tiiliio-ls. I'ltosphorcsc'iit lui.m is and st.--. ions are Hint' suggest ',1 for im-'.r.f.g p .bi.e safety in li.e Prri-i lube. A torn; aiy has offered lo pi iiiL ium-muis bands o i the wails, on exit ill. ,i's, etc.. wh. , li would obi iate il l dai g, r Iroiu ti e sad llell cXhllgUisiill.g of lie' e'e e ric p -lrolelilll I'.' other ,ll case ol ;,;e or any ol' m-. id, i.i. Tic pl.-s h ir es. nee is produced bi a t o c.ii g of , al ciuiii monosiiip'aiiie. i.i. .ail. d by x ing sulphur and i i sf. r -! ,i. ci. eini I i llitlehsh bele -. a el lie", l e e costing m ry luilc lies..,-, lgiif.-g tunnels ami state. ns sufi -.ii'.i : '.' eliicrgencies. the phosphor -eel, p.:,-.: eolllti ho 11-. .1 for ll.-cripiii'i-s I 1 : graving the la lier ol. gla-s and i.i.f g the lines ,,f the ! :P i's w ll e cal cium iiioiiosii'.pl.l'ic. 'I iiii- indi. .i!i"i as '-Tlus wai oil! " Weill. ! b eoi. o 1 : tuitions in t If fit II "I' la ill' o of I ; o ordinary lights. The l'.-u. i us phosphorescent for a "'I'M lerab. . t.fn" as osidi.a t i"ii. I ra n storming the s;; ., stance into i.mi Inui.tiotis saipi a! of hmc. only sets m very gradual. y - rittshiiig Pi'o-s. Snrnno I.lki CIn,l. Sorrows arc often like clouds, will' , though black when they aie pa- ng on r us, when lin y are pas', bei-oni" as f thi'i were the gan.ails of i.-.d tl.r-'.wn off in purple and gold a: n; 1 !.. st . 1 f each loan had the sp.rit of self surrender, lie 'p,rli oi t! " cr.'s-. i; would li"l man r P bim V. i'eihir 1' Were ll.iil'g lie- Hoik "f tii" n.aihspi ing oi- on" of th - i-;i. -i..r parts, l! i- his dipy to !-y 1 b" h :,i so!f, simply iry to do his or. u dm". IVIcr I'erreii. the guide who t tho first parly of tourists up tin- .. : terhorti. is still alive. He has made the asccui iony wu Uuitn. mice. Our Budget of Hu"0R- Tin- Way of It. 'J In- ,l, I. . r- are ii inslly set, vet- thev may I"-. V, e 1. !.,. ..ui , hone of 1. O. V. U. Cise el 11. 1. P. , ll.irpei b llozar. TIiiiI'h lllBiTcllt. T! Id hull II give you Hail CoI uti. I. 'a tor boiling mi a horse race." , Wo she won t. This time I yvon."--f Constiliitio!!. (iiinirtiiiilty. .'," -aid the boarder who Wtsi I'm! of quoting things, "opportunity, kn-.. I.s one.' at every man's door." Ilnhl" s:i,ie.i Siopay. "an oppor le.n.:.v pi pay n.y board bill knocked !! ; i d-.r four times In-day." I'hll a ! i -l.ia I ul-lic la dg. r. Tin' s.ifl Answer. Mrs. Hap '. k -nli. ymi needn't talk. Voi'ro n-.i pine perfection yourself, would lain- i oil know." Ilin i; -No my dear: but when i ,-i're ar.'iind I'm inighiy near per Mr- il. I'h Il'iiryl -Haiti. n. Ane' No ( liain-e 1'iir I'.nvy. Arei'l ih"ie some jealousies in lo-'!- piegr. -- '. e ell. hre club':" . i. in. 1 1." answered young Mrs. " ,',.! s; "w l.t n we buy prizes wp arft ,;!'.. ay- careful to select things that ., : ally wanis. so the win f.-r iv ,1 mo be an object of envy." Wnhii:gl"!i Star. A A't'itrnhi I nr ( niii-lpsy. 'Why d , yon sigh .i r great riches?'' 'Well." ai -Mct'-l il. ' udld niannercil man. "I d"ii't value oiom-y for its own - al; -. bu! P 1 kind .,' like to be ill a position w here the t-obi rdimite cm-P'i.ii-s i f larg" enterprises will say go..,! in.iruiii.-. ir." instead of 'step ,-.' " Wasiiin-.ion Star. .Minks- "That was a finished speechX delivered last night, if I do say it uiy s. . I " I'.ianl s ,r.i,h,r il-uibt f ulii i - "Yes, I s'pnso ii was. There was a time there, III,, Had., wh-li I began to think il UCVCT would be. "-New York Sun. Olisi ii-Ulltllis. I.ady i.-ngaging a f mini "Ard yo'i . I'eier at table'.-" .tames "Yes. muni." 'And ymi know your way to nn Iioillice'.-" , I a u a s Well. li. urn. I know my weight t a pound or so. but 1 hardly, like in say to an ounce." lVarsou'9 Weekly. ' aj Small I'.ny r.iilrrlnlii Hl ' nrlo. "li. .lohnny entertain ymi nicely, I'm-lo Abm r. while I w as out V asked the niece tho old man was visiting. "lie did very well." was the rather (oiistraliied answer "lb' spool most ..f the tan-- making me promise to let I. in come to my funeral." 'Iiear litile fdloii. lie's so thought fill." Chicago Kecord-llcral.l. Ttie I.ntest of the riillnsoplier. "A groat big able bodied man like y,oi ought to be ashamed tn ask a si ranger for money," said the well to il. i citizen. "I know I ought," answered Mean dering Mike. P.ut. mister. I'm jes fi.-.m-ally too kiudhearled to tap 'imon, do hc:ol i;nd lake it away from him." - Washington Ki cuing Slav. lllilllioileil. 'I'hcy dug the biiiised and battered f..riii of iho inventor out from under lie- ruins ,,!' ids tl ing machine. 1 want to say," he whispered 1. arsely. -ihat my invention is going 1,i be a niagi'ili' Cllt success: I hllVO found ill ,io-l what ails il I" Waving ihe singcus away he eon 1 in lied to I. ilk I i tiio li porters. Chi cago 'I'rihuiic. j Another Theory. ...-e-si;y." leiiiiirked the man witb toe i:i'..ii,e ipmtatiou habit, "is tho lienor of inn -ut ini." "Ti ' re's where you've got a flat wheel." said the contrary person. "In. .a ntion is the parent of necessity." "How do ymi figure that out':" "I'lCll. take the telephone, for exam pl -. There was no neeessiiy for it tin nl nfkr it was luvcided."--Chicago News. liiuil. iipiT.v. He -"So the eligagoinelit is broken ofi V" M e "Ye-.. He told hef be lliollght sl'e -'lollltl stop t'olld'llg lli'lels ami read something more snbsiaiitiitl, noiiielbing ihat would improve her." lie--"Well:" Sic "Well, the Idea of ii mini Inti mating to his fiancee that she could be Improved In any w ay I" l'hi!adcl- idiia 1'1'rss. 1.: An Ifiol to All TIiIiirs. , 11 v.