l,f (SltatliwniUnirli THURSDAY. .Tax. 7, iw. Local Records. uty boaul il euuca- hist Monday and tliev did what we In. vii ni vir heart lot a fount v Doitrit of education or a county board of commissioners doing, mid t liitt was working until midnight with out extra compensation. We coin llllilll 1 their irood example to other in auo Bvnum A Ileaden want your cotton' seed; '27c cash, iHle trade. If you owe liymun & 1 leaden miythiug they want you to pay it. Easter comes this year on the the apportionment 3rd day of April, a little earlier than usual. hoards. 'lliev Could not mci ami. .. ..,.,.... fi this Christmas, which is they had not yet heard from he to Cmnu,,,H m(lit- State. Treasurer, iney win hold a special meeting and make H'liSOSAI. ITF.MS. Cuwitiock .I'jttinss. Cumnock, N. C, Jan. 3. 'J he new year has opened up and work has assumed an awak ening. The holidays passed pleasantly without one single act to mar I lie pleasure of any one. i Then; was a very noticeable' scarceness of intoxicated people verv long to sue the day when this ruinous practice will ho entirely j discarded by the young men of : this community. anlwUnelodsaheaVas;;;; aunt Mr, W. J. Calvert, at Ports merchant in Chatham. mouth. , ,t i .... 1 Mr. Woodson Powell has re -ltyiiuin A iieanen iihm- mi Wharton Segroves killed a fine Miss Lil lie Hill is visiting her wild turkey Christmas day aud shot at another. Editor (J. 11. l'oe, of the Pro gressive Farmer, passed through linrti .Ini'llur ( ' 1 1 t-i.r m 11 U 1.1 vinir. IllU lJVllUUl tv Iie.mcii wn - on . , . , . v ... ...... hand a full stock of the celebrated ' "vwit ,,f 8eveiuI father near here. We note with Geo. E. Jsisseu Co. wagons. weeks to JNoiioik. pleasure his successful orgaui.a- Miss Anne M. Taylor will leave " "" , today for Jacksonville, Florida, '"ter. bet tor known as on a'visit to relatives. "T '" ' ;h1 at the residence of . H. Wicker to Mrs. Dot. Mrs. II. A. London iroes today to Williams, widow of the late L. C. 23rd. Jt was a Hymim & Ileaden have just received another lot of furniture. They are leaders iu the furniture, line. ' :i 1 1 :..:i I n-:n: n ... -";.RnS0T,r J' . 1 Dr. Isaac Jackson, who is critical- runaway affair. iNoiioik aner in ner cui-to.ui i . . . - horses, which will arrive here to- ' M ' morrow. All our Christmas visitors have ,, . , l returned to their respective homes, -Poe-At water Mer ( o ut ,.u uf to buy your cot on seed and w will return to- pay 28w cash or UOc per bushel in . SCHOOL FUND. Kepoi-t of Re ceipts and Dis bursements of School Fund for Year ending June 30, 1903, To Cure .1 Cold in One Da v. Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. (rove's signature is ou each box Application For Pardon. Kotluola lii.r.'liy given Hint Bpplliii'loi. will lm iiihiIp t" tin- Cn.vi rnoi' uf Sorlli Ciiinlliin fur Uio piitilotiiit lints mil, whu wiw coiivlili-J uf tu.m aliiuclilcr at Pel.ruiry term, ut Clmiliaui biii-'Tlur Cini rt. U-K, 'Jt, 1UDI. sorim: inn.. r( Qrij) THEP0PDLAR ST08E ff (L. ) HAPPY NEW YEAR trade Never before have the public roads of Chatham been in as good condition at this season of the year as they no w are. r.ynuin A- Ileaden h ive one of the' best stocks of clot him.'. They ,v mid be glad to li.te you inspect them before you bay. It is publish. -d that ex-Slu-r-ilT Samuel M. .Join s is to be post master at Sanford iu the place of our funnel- enmity man, lr. Naac II. Lutterloh. A very respectable colored vo:n 1:1, named Oct, mi i'aylor, died h"ie on last Tuesday. She came here from Kali'L'h to teach sclio.il over thirty years an Hawley, the Pittsboro Jewel er, is still at his nld stand ami ex pects to remain. His woi k gives satisfaction. Call and see him when you come to town. All work guaranteed. For live minutes before 12 o'clock, on l ist Thursday niu;ht, all the chinch bells at this plac.i were tolled sad and slowly at the death of tin old year, and tin :i tliey merrily rang in the la w ye. ir. The old stvin.' "X the d.ivs lengthen the eulil si reiu t hen.-." Hi'eais to prove true this ye n, for tlius far it 'S colder each il iv. Yi-st. id.iy lie nil in ' the thcii:iii:n cter wis down to tea decrees atioVe .i -ro. Our sportsmen are bagging quite a lot of rabbits these days, lPceived (leueral State and "Molly Cotton" is very much, al,d Couutv Poll Tax, in demand. ; pkocived (Jeneral Prop- Capt. W. J. Tally made a lusi-j Clty School Tax, ness tri to (Sreeushoro last Tues- :l."rom Finos, Forfeitures lay. aud Penalties iu the sev- Miss liiz.io Segroves was : eraj courts, thrown out of a buggy and badly Vmm State Treasurer. From Fxaniination fees, From sale ol school property. Insolvents Collected, of Christ which wc ri'W.IC SCIIOOl. KXl'KNSKS. In another column is published injured diiriu- Xmas a statement of the receipts and disbursements of the public school fund in this county for the fiscal year ending the litMh of last June. This is the first time that any such statement has ever been published iu Chatham. Hereto fore t here u as no law repiiii:ig such publication and the taxpay. eis did not know auvthinvr about the expenditures made Irom the school fund. The last Legislature, however, amended the school law so as to require tile county board of education in every county to pub lish anui'.a'iy "a financial state !i)i :,t in like manner as now re quired by law of Hoards of Coun- lr I wion isil. ,!!.! Tin I.LW h:L ' -: .. i i . i i ill : 1 1 .. formally years required the com- 1 m. mi ia,.,u.y let'iiled pushed on to 1 1 reehsooro, winch We fail. to learn the extent ol tier injury; Wc hear it rumored that a new saw mill will soon be added to our locality. The names of die promoters are witlield now. There was a deal t h mas weddings this year hope is a sigl an old adai;e riages make harder tones. Our society folks enjoyed sev eral Ciermaus dining Christmas, and tipped the "light fantastic" until the wee small hums. We may now look out for pledges as many will be made and broken before another year shall come. We were pleased to hear from good authoi itv that the Durham Listed by lieg. of Deeds, Total from other sources $ 11580.50 0573.58 1CR20 3477.85 83.00 2.r).()0 lil.OO 13t.3'.l 2153.3!) J AND SALI-:. By virtue of an nr.lcr uf Hi" Bupcrliir curt uf tmihvn Lnunty 1 will ug:iln hell at lUt court li..UBe .lum In 1'IUaluiiM on S.UTKIUY, KJtii mv ok jam ai:y, VjiH. tw.itrm'lncf liiinl In HlKB-tfc lnwitKiilp, hup of ilium iniitBliiliii! 4i wypm nucl llin ln-r IMihitpii. fnriucrly IwlmiKliiK l" li l u Mrn. Kllr.ilimli Ann li"tmrwin, niid Hilj ilnli'i: Hip tiinli ol J. lill A Ol Ilium. IJ. W. KlKSili.'H (Ul'l olhOH. IVmiB of hhIiv (nnwtliird cubIi, mm IliirJ In nix niMiilliii hiii) one third Hi twelve uiuhiIik Willi lliiereil from nalo. . A. I.OXIION, ). 17, 1W3. Coma Isul uvi: T TO THANK Valuable Farm For Sale. ON SATlTilMY, lOl II DAY OK .1 AN VAIiV. 1SKH. 1 will hoII ill imhlli! nui il m on Urn irml-'! lo Hip lilKliiitt hl'MiT Uin viiIuhMk i hi m known hi itio .1. H. IIIrii.I .lo'. bIiu iU'iI In Ni'W lliiptointilp, poiitiiliilng i:rt bithh of whl. li Vi Hi.-r.-ii U lu urlKlnnl foffnt. tlm rout lining wnl I Bilnp'K l to ihn I'uHlvail.iu of com, coituu mul oIIht croiii. Tornm: OiiP-liBlf OBBh biuI onr-tmlf In twrfvo nonilm wi ll IniiTi'M Irom diuo nl hbIo. DLVi'inbei 'jIlIi. I'.'iil. T. M. 11I.AND. Total Dalauce on hand as received during if better times, as tln ve.ir from June .'Sllrh. savs, ".Many mar- uuyi to July 1st, 1H03, $151 t5iJ.ni per 3,"!l8.3(i I, AND SAI.I-: Bv virtue of an county lu tlio rami oiiltli d ' irlulitralor..f . T. i.Biiiii'tii niul win-." I win bi'II t tin iMsh Bt Uu url ltoti-o di! I'. U I.HIlll'I'lll, 1- v. it II ll'iriiii vc litKhiMi in l '.! l-r in l'lti-li T i . N, c. last report, Total os Tin-: 1st day or rr.i!i:uAi;Y, l'.iol, 5187157. !)7 or many years required missloliers to pllOIlsu a oeianeil f" , . ,, , '. . 1 for colored. statement showing "the name of wi! umioni.tedly he a gieat i.ene- , LnuHe every individtialwho.se account it to I hat ham at large and tt. her siUlswilitl, has'been auditetl, the amount j business men csi.ecially. ' Paid for school house -Disbursements. Paid teachers of schools for whites, Paid teachers of schools for colored, Il In-tin: iln' flrnt ! it of k -i ru-iry inur'., n ir.n-l ot llll il l llIK Bil l lii llll! ill Mil. I llllt li Wll-lllji. Cll.l'.linln ool.ty. Iii-nlunllll! HI a !C.!tk.. K 1 t uui't'.'ti ii'iii.'r, rtuin.iii: rtouili ti "f lo li mnH.i, M.T. Ki'll -i iMiniT. iliutic. ww. l.li ml- In Btllk" oil til" Wi'St iMllk "I iTivit, Illi'll-.',' lu r'.li i iltyro -' "ii tlm ! to "f tlio iilti'li ! It :i 4 i"1i-m In n B'lilin i;or ll.n old mill m i'. I tlienee In n moiiiIii-hhi illri' jtl hi 1'.' 0"liw to H m-ikii I Initio nU-io'l tlm l.iili-lnli mid ci,.iiol inn rui.l. D775.41 wlili n.-ii'l rod lui polKM iii tlm (trot ia Hon. iMuiiiluluK "il Hi-n il n:ori' or Iran. lUls Do.i'Uiljer U. I'.MJ. It. II. 1IAYKS, .u:ulB(.l.iiir. Our nanv friends and customers for (he liberal patronage given us this vear and solicit the same for 11)04. WE HAVE FINISHED Ihe most successful and larg est .four's business in the histo ry of our Store. Wishing you all a happy and prosperous New Year, 3251.(58! 1071.71 ! -- I'o '-At .v. iter Mer. ( . wish to tli. ink their cu-toniers for the. patronage iveu tin-la the past) year. They expect to greatly en-j birv'e their stock t lis spring audi trust that your pttronaue will: correspondingly increase. ; The new year was ushered iuj with most delightful weather.' ltarelv heve we ever known so; cl.iimetl, and the amount allowed." The State Superintendent ol j Public Instruction thought 1 1 1 ;i t ' the publication of so tletalleil st.tteinent by the boards of edu ,c it ion would Cost too much, and issued a circular to tic county ' bo il lis of eti ileal ion ail lsin.r t !;e::i to publish ouiv the con. h iisei I le pi:t tit'fo! ':'! o required of the county treasiiii'r. AeconlHf.'.ly ; 'the co,;:,tv bo.iids over Ihe Stale :::e o!e i'.ij' the State Siqu-l lii'.en-' de::! and ale cot pub'.is'iinj the 'detailed "il .:a lie ia I s! ateaiellt which the law seems to require. I Amnymovh. sites colored, 'paid Co. Superintendent, Ipaid for Treasurer's (.'oiiiinissMiis 1A percent, 'on sl."7iil.7!i. Mileage and per iliem of (.'ouiity Hoard of Euu- c.tt ion, Ctmniissioncrs' Mestinj. The cou'ity coiinuissioiicrs held their regular monthly iim-i-1 iiiir on last Monday and Tuesiiuy and au dited the follow iiej accounts: A. 1!. Cl.iik, jail fees, $ 5:5.10 James A. Thomas, on ac count of stock law 1.50 pleasant a New 1 ear s Day as j '. 15. (iilnion-, insolvent was last Friday. The sun shone j fci s bright and the air was balmy as a (irahain Johnson, for labor spring day. May its bright sun-j at county home, shin ? be typical of the coining j Sallie Ann Williams, for year to all our readers. hacoi . , .... . .. V. Ij. London A Son, for , lai'Ti' lOl Ol V uni t n.ue tn- cii away free at V. li. London A Son's. Now is the lime to gel you a nice China set. For every cash purchase they yive you a ticket and you are entitled to a piece of China wi.re whenever the tickets amount to one dollar or more. le s-ure and ask for your ticket. 5.05 Consr.it illations. Mr. John II. Culloin, editor of the liai hind, Texas, News, has wiittcii a let;, r of congratulation to the Inaliufac! lirel s of Chelu be Iain's CollLili Keiileily as fo- Ioas: "Sixteen yeais when pApenseS of CoUllty our lb -t child w as a b.tbv I s;jbj : to cl'iJlipy siel!s and we would be very urease about him. We began 1 1 s i i i j- Chamberlain's Cough Kettie.lv la 1SS7, a'.d find ing it such a reliable Kcnicdy for colds and croup, we have neer been without it in the house since that lini". We have live children and have given it to all of them with good results. One good fea ture of this remedy is that it is Stoves for colored, not disagreeable to take and our Repairs for whites, babies really like it. Another is Kepairs for colored, that it is not dangerous, and there Wood for white, is no risk from giving uu over-: Woo 1 for colored, dose. 1 congratulate you upon 1 libraries for white, the success of your remedy." For; Kent for colored, sale by (i. 11. I'ilkington, druggist. : Total for ot''r purposes 44(53 G35.00 23(5.5:2 I AND SALK:-By m J orler of Ui,i Mipo! lor Coin' CoUllty hi iln i'hi-0 enaild"W i .ll.i-i h vh J. X. OiliUu an I oiIhtk, virtue of an nil ot i bn loin i o. nrinll iiii l 1 will o l tile MUST ut tlm 88.85 MONDAY ii .'..url !i i'imo i PI- to ll'illl' ' nicy IN FKl!l;l'.U:Y, 1 '.Ut 1 N . was lo:ud ot Kilticatioii, in cluding fuel, stationery and postage. Paid for taking census, Probal ing and I'ecordilig, lients for white, Asst. Superintendent 3 . days, Pioaiil building school i house, Stoves for whites, 1 5.33 58.1 1 On last Thursday night, as the old year er.pireil, the wife of Mr. Charles Freer, of this township, 'cntlv "fell on sleep" aud she was i- i r... ii... t.,iV.,..i,i Z 'a longtime X had teii i n.at.uuu Ilecord. for pub in t now k irt IS II I'" supplies YV. Miami, for molasses, C. D. Poiriis, for meat. . . . J ini Alston lor cotlin for Shadrack Alston, C. 1. Moore, for repairing stock law fence, Harrtdl's Printing House, for blanks Chat ham Observer, for publishing Haywood bridge notice Chatham Citizen, for pub lishing Haywood Mridge notice Insurance Commissioner Voting! Total disbursements, will make a very tine showing lialance on hand July this year in the way of receipts. as i 1st, 1003, ;?o lis he will turn into the Slate Treasu iS.10.eiy over $150,000, during his fiscal 3"J. 10 year, which ends on March 31, j this being a gain of some $14, 2.(io '000 over the previous year. 1.00 11.40 Mi 715 10 30 (50.27 0.00 42.00 (55..SS 23. (55 331.05 015. 215 74.0(5 41.85 10.00 2 00 772.32 $1(5004.31 27(53.!7 Total ?187(7.!7 Tlie fores-sins' is a true statement cf tlie Schccl Pund re ceived, and. d.is"bu.rs- 'f ill l't'.tH Hie following Uiii'la In b:iIi! t clrtMoln: Hrt Trik-n: Hotlunaii .it h Li le ry i.mir itw I lo- I'.ii. li l.i iii li. Icirnli's omul', riiui.li :)! wl.lilo- i ;'...... il Hlnl.ii 111 Ilinl...-. ojiicr. u in Willi HiKiii'n i!-oicii il unnii'i ':i( ;7.' Ji .li'S In 14 'llkf 111 Ito.'li' ill.. Uh'II'-o K .III III ' I. II- I". - 'I'l I" II "l"kl III IH)' lini'. 1 1 'Miio lei ho in." ton i ii a ii. jiii i H wi-i-i M .o:.m 1 1 ho i mi In it iralti. tln-ii'.-o noun i:l tli-nrii-N rni t o .l,n t,i n ! uiu "ii uw ia. - fiiH-li ! r in.-li. n.i ii i' ilown Hill I in hi -I. MN 4a inn iii.li'tH mi: on ilav.-i llm-'ji' .on-n to tin liti(tniiiiie, i-niiiiiliitin; I.Kii'Vum imim- or Ii-hm. l-oo ii I Ti ni t: Hi-itiiiiilin: in lil. k n y mi itol.. CTH HI i lt't li, tl.Olli'K .KliUlll 'il 't ilHCK'I'U I'llHl rliHlim mul .'l llnli- lo il l'lll '. tliiHli t' II Till . h i-liuliiH i-roMlin; Uu- iwlt lo ii ii.T-tiiinion, tli.-.i i ui Uio mi ni. Ji rlni; o! tml.l ri-"k ; . 1 u in-in i.li.rf. oini.il. Inc 191 th ii.orf or ! Ililrl Tr on Situ itnl In milil iMiiniy nml ita Htti) mi lo wit'MiH ol ll iw r.ver, u ljoiinun a.i Inn Ih of In Iik1. UnTieo Mooio iin.l oll.o kll 'VUI UU til" l'lH tllU". I- 11' lIlllllC "'I ll' ll H llll I Imlm; Uu, siiniocoliviyivl l I. W. lliu.n Ij .htm- 8. llonklUK. Kourlli Iril.M: lliMlli; lot S". fi III tlillv:l-li osi & son. i T , v i - i s if ,.. it.n,iHotiii.ii....ii.oiM:inir:g,l., i. hi , . I :i 5 WWIJlkH -fiPl fti.i.ki,-.-.,i...-riot.No in. .i.i iim-i i a i iM. i!-lMcCv fT-lfaiSm. I to,iiKkilii wlillniiiliHiir-i lino, ih-i i i j ?4JKWS B Ci I .-? -liinli'niM;ldMii ik a ski penses, t'tc, S. M. Ferrall, for services as commissioner, Make (.loodwin, for taking' care of Neal Certain, a pauper, (J. U. I'ilkington for drugs C. M. Covert, for carrviug Jim Harris and Alton (ioius to jail V. K. Mrooks, for services as clerk to board Found a Cure For Indigestion. jr,J I use Chambeilain's Stomach jaud Liver Talilets for indigestion and tind that they suit my case o ii,) better than any dyspepsia remedy ; r-r-i-.,,.., r- -( 1 1 have ever tried and l have used ; ed- the Treasurer imanv tiuierent remeiiies. i am o 00 'nearly fifty one years of age and j have sutl'ered a great deal from indigestion. 1 can eat almost any thing 1 want to now. (ieoree YA . Hinorv, Mock Mills, Ala. For sale by U. li. I'ilkington. 17.50 21.00 from a cancer, rest. She leaves three young chil dren to mourn their irreparable loss. She was buried in the Pres byterian churchyard at this place. School Books! V. L. Lon don .t Son are agents for school books, the only place you can get them in Pittsboro. They keep a large stock on hand and sell thorn at the contract prices for cash. They also keep a good stock of writing paper, tablets, box paper, invploie. slates, ink. pens and :i. i.:.... , ,. wl, in li.il,,f mio-mitf store at the uppu jii uoi"( . , " ' I A . ;' ,, t r... - T.. . Unit;.,., fo.- fllO Ul.iroll 1.11.1 (111. uiuumr.p, imu ,ionu . iuic- i- " .7 ' . Italian be appointed ferryman at ! ran out and while attempting j A vent's ferry at $1(5.(5(5 a mouth Boy Crushed By Wagon. 5.00 Hiiis liil to tlio Charlotte Obm-rvpr. .05 1 New ton, J.-.n. 4. A sad accident j occurred here today, resulting in tlm death of Plonk Shruni, the 10- 10.00 year old son of Mr. I',. P. Shruui. I The boy's grandfather's team was 20.80 hauling lumber, a colored man n.M.i'o.i, tt..,f i i Tim. ..ii driving. .Mr. rviiomou rsiuum ami exempt from poll tax on account and his little grandson were in a ..f infii-mifv store at the upper end of town utationery line. The colored people had a grand emancipation celebration at this place on last Friday. They paraded tlio principal streets of the town with two brass bands accompanied by quite a number of gaily mouuted marshals. It was a well-dressed and well be haved crowd. After the parade exercises were held in the court to hiii. ill hl' koiy. tlipin lili kory In I lit III i t lot No. 4 llirni o wi'-t i 1: III it line l"i ii.i-s to Hi.' tool Btlitloll, o n:. null. uv IllT.i nioiv or ll"H. Illll ll -l: li llii l"t No. f. Ill Uio i-.-.vml. It or tint hhIiI lirlKlit l.i ol. lirciiiiiliii: lit il lu. kor. i-i i -m-r ol lot No. '. ilifii.'f BoiiUi with Hint lini" I 'l (.olr t ill HMl'lll III' k ! ll 11 :i"l Hi ll tilH'.l.- t'.l llni'H t' ioJ.'.t t i ii hwCii'. llii'ii' u north I' ioi'h to ii rlno li. Inn" "f .hi. a, llll'lli ." VV.'l.t Ki ll xnia lint' mi I lln." of No 4 ii iioli a to L-t-j; ! i.li :n; . iMntiilnlni; VV'n ii'T-'it Mxih l.o : nvinn lot nuinU'r 3 In milil illvin.oi, ana lii-Kiiiuan; it whito oak In Vi'Uon'a lim". llltJlli-0 soulll Willi lilrt llll-l UlllC.i'l UliOi'H l"-i H l . k 8iaulsli oiik. itii'm-.t 'mi'l I' il''" to ll ll'iin-, llit'lit'e uortli ill '"U'ii to ii i-itltir, tlit-iu'it ivo.1 li I'oli-H 1.1 iiilogw. Kul, tiieii''!' i.orili :u j' 'ifH 1 1 ii BUiki'lll MtStoii H lini". tlii'ln-i' Willi Inn lllit' him Ci noloH to tifKiiiiiini; i-oiiintttlni: ii'it-it. hvviic.li l.ui: ll.-nih' tot nuin'ii'r 7 In wtlil ill vIhIou. iH-glniiliii'iii n'lilui", oirni'r ..I lot uan: ) f 6, i iiimlnUHouili wall Unit lino ltil l-'U"--" I" "i Htiikx lu llirku' lino, tlu-in-tt eitnt mil i liu." poloi to rod oi.k. his i-irnor, Uioikm ii Ttn well his ml liuuti'r'H line 101 pi l.w li Hpunlili ".ik corut"r hit niiuitii-r :i. ibt-mw wti wlili tnc llnoof Hill lot to tii'if luulntE, t-onimuini; 'ill hi-i im. KiL-htl. Lnt. Dfli i purl nf eiii.l tr.n-l vvniHlnliiij m-t . - j atiout W iii-ri'H. SeCtiOni Mu-ailii: Biumlt-l'intliBiiirili by tlio W. II j Union lnU'1. on tin" Hint I'y L. M. Wolff, on n.o ho u Ui Ii) ). M. t: iniiniu l on tin' went ly il.iry Ann Lilly iitHln 33 H'-ioh. Tniiih Lot: Iitiliit' U'--hnll tutori Ht In a tr. t of tninU'i'iiialiiliis tfii :n'"n l!"lntrou s .-ro-k .1 1 JolniiiK tti" inn l.i of J It F.'i r.ill ul i'. A, Ho. 'ii. Pout IU from J It l ei i nil, t lio oilier hull ta int; iint"l t y l, IitihII. TliBHiilllaii.lt will l "l'l on tlio foU' Wli t: rp .t 1 I tt-rniH: tin. -IihII owl', ri'iii'iln ii-r In hix ni 'iiilo-. 1 rC'lStirei' 1. OUllt y InUlI'll (if,.rrH pyn.,.iiiH to in-r lniiimi, line nwr.u-'l unill piii'i'linHo in ini-y ih pnld. t"?x. cf the aoxnty Board, cf Education ior tHe Sclicol "3Tear en. ding" Jvine 30, 1903, as req.TJ.ired. Toy 51 cf trie Scriool Law. J. E. JIILLIKEN Tlio s Keelev Cure 1)0 VOl KNOW W II AT IT D0KS? Ii relieves .i peiNon from all desire for strong think or drtit;s. restores lis nervous system to its normal eondition. .uul reinstates u man to his home and business, bor lull particulars address THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, Rreansboro. N. C DURHAM MAIIBLE WORKS. Moiiunieuts and Tombstones,! Education Chatham Comity. ruin Ui i-cinliir -it, I'.ii'J. Tht town of Wilson sutTeivil from a destructivo tire on last Sat urday night. Charlotte Ohsorvor: While hor mother was away from homo yes terday morning at 10;H() o'clock, to climb on tlio wagon Ins foot nliiped and ho fell. Tli wagon, heavily loaded, ran over his head, crushing the ukull. Mr. William S. Crane, of Cali fornia, Md suffered for years from rheumatism and lumbago. He was liuallv advised to try Chamberlain's Tain Ualni, w hich n. li. u.vvr.s, Coinii'l-'iil'ini'r. U KICW ANP ITALIAN MARBLE. Designs .m l pnees tuinis!ul n application. The Foreffohtff is pifltfisiiett in ac cordance ieith Sec tion - ot chapter Vl.lor the M'uhlic Hjrtcilll-il urn: I" iu i mi ,i i ii ii i ii i'v i .. ; liouse, consisting of musio and : lorrence the hve-yeai-ohl : lu, tlul uml it effected complete i Ii auirhter of Matririe lorrence.1 -i'i,:., i;..;,.,..i ,c f,. I colored, w ho lives on South Mid- , . (j jj rilkiugton, druggist. I.airs of 190JI, ast Rarely lias there ever Wen Idle street, let her dress catch tirei " " , ..LL.i.i li Hinininl was fatallv burned. The Durham Herald: The five-year- i COUSt mitl bit tilC 4 ....f.,,.. ou o,.r.m r(.,t .in bif i mother is a washer-woman, and old dan'hter of Mr. W. E. Duuue- Satnrday night. It was unseas onably warm all day !"atun(ay, the thermometer showing a tem perature of over sixty tlegrees, but before midnight a very vio lent wind bcLran to blow, and by wiiiirise the tomneratiire had fill-1 State Superinten dent of M9ubtic In- left the child, w ith two younger I gan, of West Durham, was so hor- i hihlren. at home, when she went, ribly burned at an early hour yes- i out to col led for her week s wash-: terdav morning that sue Uieil at i I . .... i r .1 l -i.l -.!'.... 1.. I I....I ..: .1.1 1 1.. If . . lllg. ilieuressoi mo nine tru i an eat i.v ooui mm uim, Ml i tt t'l IOII cau'-rht tire m some manner, iiiniuio skiii mi tut' untiy in ine nine Uhe was fatally burned before the, girl was burned hikI she lingered blaze could be extiusruisheU by , throughout the day in great suf- len fifteen degrees below the freez-j people who had been attracted by ' fcriug, but bueatue easy as uight hi:,' point. I her Hcreaum. I iipproached. R P. JOHNSON. County Superintendent. CVIRGOLINA) liiiij(itlliMMIIIl'..JtiWii)li;m Hiajaayyiiwyijg' BgnilOT8iaSI!

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