OPEN LETTER TO PUBLIC, Free and Independent Labor Should ' . . . Be Qlyen Protection. ' Ju'st previous to adjournment tho 'f-x'ri-ittive commit to.- or tin- Citizens' Industrial Association which -.ei-i-titlv asscmhlcd at Dayton, Ohio, resolve-' ngainst mcnilicrs placing On1 tiiilu: latu-l tin articles of theii- own lmimi facturo. Thy also took Kfoun.l in on position io the eiKht Imr.r liill nn pcnititiK In Cor.pres.-., They pii'Vi.l.-il lor the formation of a labor int'o: n.a turn lmreau tor the use of iii.-mU rs. platform was adopt. -il as an open let tor to th" public which says: "The present condition of industries has become so deplorable by iva.-'.'u of indefensible methods an I claims oi or itaniziM labor that the ttie has com. when the depluyin;; interests and citizenship if the country must take itniuediatc and effective measui . s to eatlinn an l enforce those fuudam-.-u-tal principles of American Kovern inent guaranteeing l'r e enntpeti! r conditions. "In its demands organized l.ii-.-r is seeklliK to overthrow i:i,iv -dual I'l-er-ty and property ruliu. ih.- priu ::::il props o! our novel 'nil- in . Its tcfilm U for sfeurini; this rev nirtien-i: y ,-,:i 1 s ciHllstie chance in o:ir ' tistit nt on .-re also those of p!iys:. :ii w.irf.i: i lie jtiiise of this warfaii- tb-- in b .-; i terests of ihe ua'ioll tllii.!'.: t'ue lit ; year have been injure .1 to an i; repas.c j 1-le decree. M.uty funis have -o , I driven to bankruptcy an.! t'l" ease., .n--lunutuerable in wh:.!i wo -!, n.u i:-.. a 1-ave In en disabled and even tnur I -re!, while numerous families have !--:-, rcnd.-re-l dc.Mit::t' l-y reason of tl-e tyranny and s, .lit loii.s attack-. utcti . icty by ihe strike ori; mi.'.i! .:.'. . eond:tion of anarchy has extst--.! . e-a. tinttoitsly in s States for iii.mtHs past, and in fa- t. tl-.e a-is of 1 ,w!e.-s. t'.ess i oniliiitt' .1, tb.e sr.. red u.i:ue of labor are it" such r--ur-retne that the piildi- sene of t:n ., enormity has b-.-ome b'.unte I. Ti.o period of prosperity ";';ir nbout by the unr--. trvti-.l o;--- a:i-ut the law of Mitudy and d. tiv.n I :- ' 1 In ins ile.-tioy- .t by the a :s e.' v ' -i of tint itnze.l la'-or a-i-1 as a i- - ft we ere now - uu:'r-'!i;- -i v.i". the p.'s.-.i'il.ty of a peried .'.' .!i i r ;-!. !:. While we lit. -i-' -t:i;-!iut - .ill;.- : jeet to beitii; ekiss- i a- e". ::::,-. if if)!anizatior.s e: Liter that '. illlete-i upon law ft! anl '.' :i- !'.' lines. et wi- are unaiter !ii opens, -i , to the pres.;;' i';,!'.. I : lite i-t' . : i.-a .- ' lioyc. tuij; eti-i !! i '' ing carrii-il out ! tin- puijero f i.t- ' hor union--. We. t ili-t'i't'.'iv. Me... lie rapid orcai!'. it:- a cf ;.i- lieve ill tin- !'. l'.tet!an--c cf a!-.. I I order aa-l the perpetuation i- e ' ' ; free lust :i -i: ions to ilie oitd fiat H-v may yieid their ft:!! a:: i pi- -r ;n:'-i-'nee upcti tie- .'.c-f. ;.- - ! i !, t. a ; It is nu'i l!:iv!-.-li t'-e u .;, : -a. : of ' orKainzati-ui ll at wo . a ;;o;c :.. . v f ri is.- a l-ot. -ar an-1 t-.i! 1 ' ,, i:t.Pt-T ovi-r pii'-'ii- t ia nirat ae i .: i evi ;. ; of pub!:.- o:!i- lai;- to I e-1 ' the riKhts of t-.e n-rtc.i:- - it-. ; !! ; i an l-e us-sr- d i. 't . it- deli: labor, i ! r -:hi - ' ;-r." : : . t-ro fet t.-d and !.-:-.:.; tt :' . ; i i-'a nature ei-.-vci.t ,! ire:;, - , ::.u t into law." So, "0. ...-tii-c. Kvorybo.'',- . t'.. .-i c ' tiltH Ifllh-ci-. :-i l":.- , -t-- 1 pv?ry!-.-!-- d .p.- :.,e l-r. ;. . ... , teirn-i'."." h iv,'; .' . i... . j W.. , Htiaui ! !.i i.i.d. : - -!.-.- : ,-- . t a.. U i- u a i - i - ..- ; .' .- - .line be: . c a ' aa i . - . ; . I. t l-ll.ia IK l " V ,ii ale-, re- tin- .-i-i- :.. .v, l-c- , . - a -. aa r? ha-naui i: : -ar t ,, while .ieitne i" ; I't-ra c; -,r,-a . : a--:--on-v vriiitn: !.:'.. . put u,- r.y the I ii. -ci: -. A'.tcauun ii c.ila- s i ,: line Advprt;i d ;r ta, : l'reia!. -i.t !..'.- --n , tia-a-aads ea I i. ae... uenes and --a pami.ti : An Ol.t Kill M lav st't-ih,; '.ilat ei . aik. ne i-r . .-a .' e..inp; ,iiia .a i ' " .. I'lvvn-e ai I .o ' : - I fi ! lei.u U!i I M I . renndv fer i -a. e. -Mimi-ia-a. At .i: : -. JV , ;. . Aui'-i ; -.a-; a: . ot .f-e- . i :v J. - Ii, tw'-i M 1 ' '!. the run ECONDHAND ,12-h.p. UPRIGHT ENGINE. I ii ml mi I I'Kll.ll I I'lUI.IIC I.',- ir- 1'iinrr. I'llUSH.H 'f A H Itli lIX Also 34 b-i-i ('i-.;. ti t-t d-ul.te I.-;C.!a - I :.--mi?, iism.1 ohiy two v-'-ks tt: .1 Ivv i : ,1,,'h I'tliiev.s. Ail or pure o! ilt'-V" at ;i l ar-:i.". AMr-ss. I'IKDMONi, -if li. ,:t.; C !1 l: I. " T T 1. , M 'l;T'i i Mi'H.IN X. Cotton Must Have Potash Futash is an cs-. tuia! ; whiih mttst l-e a Mci! i . them fti- to .ti-v t.irtri'T w1... , .' (ir.RIAN KAl.l V.-()U!s5, Set. lurk-VS Xd.-nu strvt. .-r ,ll..lo. ( .1. -. : s,fc f.ra CROUCH Marble and Granite Co n o rs ij rs ts , Vault, Miutaiv. Itt-ttilsioTo.. e-:r O':: :- -t .ui' Detith Masks n spi -itiltv. I.Ticn r-.i-aaj r AT LA NT . , G A mYPEWFlTFRS 1 CHEAP! n,l-i. il Miteh ii. ot ; nit nk-." k-"t H - p.irt my t-il. lilt, r e-'i- - ,f "s t,jr 'tuli'K J. I!. It A 1 1. l ti i 1 tl JI5 ECLD FILLED WATCH FTP FQ Cents. s-i,ii vi , vv ..... i- .. : .,, ,. .. 1' D I V '.I -J. l est. ,,. .Vl- i .: ( 1 I . W -r. u..t U ' ti AGRICULTURAL. I A Ui-iiH'il.v I'm- roittlrv IlitciiMt-, 'I her, nre dilTi-r.-'it remedies for til (lire o' diseases and ailments to which I poultry ate subject. It is a matter of I iiiiportau.-e that not only the remedy. Inn iil-.i the pta-por manner of appl. ins j ll" ,..-lHl .CM. ..I I'.illU I l-e I'llKl-lt l . ., ,, ",. ,. .. . , the attack of injects, sevi-ral varie ties of w bc ii in, ike a specialty in par ticular -!' prey itu: upon and am; yiuu ottr ilotiievti -at.-il ai-ict:es of fowl-. One 1'iiria of iii'e.a attacks the leu', i:. : , : a loiUne-at -a the s.-aiy cover ii:ir. and soon preuu- iia: an uiivicluly known .is "-cily b.-i." Ker- o-.-lle Is the lisilai rlia-d. and is tit" j proper ea when riui'tly : I'piied. as it ( iloes the work etTei n'.i'ly. but iin- I p;-op--rl,v applied it soa-i-ii:i-es causes :-:-'l! tr..!.!'l-. I'ie- proper time !" I ai-piv lu-- l.etes(i-e is in t!a- ilaytitne. ' and i he pro) ii-r way -it t eii her dip the shank in paint the remedy on with a (!,, !; i.rtili: i'i case care : -a-.ld ! taken not ;.i all nv the oil re. i c ly . II.-- 1 1 n iuu ii. I it I.i-.IM So, I. la',,- t o o:!:.-r I'-.p can b-- rov.-;i oi, the l.o -i lii. il will atl-Mil yrealer :i, l proiit tl.aii lb l auala. some may e..--:ie to lic-tr.-i it. Much the sod laay be ,!,-!;-... e-t by -posinc it t- l'r- a-u w-T h.-r in the wii.ter ( 'nt ii,- ;',. ..'. -.viti, a disk or cuiaway '..-row. i-r-i".-.. to imp i in" sod in-.o -! .ail b!o. k. 'I'i lip tiles,, blocks wi:'i si.,i. p;.e, harrow that w ill 'rii.u tl-eni to the si-.i-faee. Kepeat this s .-r.:l t.iues I'.uni.u tin- w .ntev. ,. v.;o to w to the frost as I..; i.l-st - is killed. I'.V spfiee l!-ot of il u ;U l.e ilc. id. K-ei 111.' so, Si. ft, d .o pfeVeilt U'l'W illrf III;!. co'.tl plan,. i. u- o.i-!i. I'iit't eorti ar.d cub ll bill I-.. lie plow s or lo,c b v I : i i 1 "-. 1 . a 1: :i.e tre w :.o: !e .1 w !:-.. ii !' 1. v..; in :1 st. t ,1 aid i- id a-.y p aaii.y i .iv i! be' con, - -laiaiii r :i a.l 1 . be! l'iaat, ' r -i'.'.i Ml I past .1 r.-r l l'o .1 .1 z s d or i Up..:, it w I...-- th.- so. i f.,-.-i... Ar . ui'ii: Pimlile l l.l, -s , ;;i is 11. e t'.l.T, .1 s :VV 1. v.-- Aft. r -o pastlifeil -A:..- ia ;'!! iv.-ly nu s show:; it labor s.i wins; ,' wood. 0 Vv '- 0 Pi.fpt, a- il 1 V s.w ri-Tsr, w.i meii ,ii ot.i-i ai a '!'!.- two cross strips at ! are l.ur lifteeii iie i s abie to saw- as -1 for any s.,ve. TI. is j ise Sholllll ... ,;..;, ;e j .1 be bra- , as .hovvn ! t-.i;a'. ! ..lo in ti.o en-. I ;. - leu s- !:.-:i, win. h th lece- was h- a! to. ell.. a s bar: rs. but the round poo tiiia.itiiy us, ,i in the eoti ' I i -vvi-r with ha h thi 1 o-I.eii on either sale, if It via t-i t'eilll- th. cost HITei-t of Kf-i-tillMM- on ;r.i.ii. I The last hay crops from the plots j on wlaoii the dilTeivi.t rotations are ! ,':,' caiTi.ii out ennhle the Khoil. Island experiment station to show I for the sea sot;, ; tin- six year rot corn, potatoes. v .in,! mn.-i. th- j I II IIS follows; ' year in the real iu tin- havi itioii in I -. -rras. j elds of ; ' ,,r j and .-I., -s 1 n was :: -. at d two -third tons per the f:h year of rotari..:, font and one carter tons pet- acre, and the sixth ar "si tons p,.f acre. Tin- fertilizer 1 "i;. ii t., these pints has been at tie- poiitiils unfa ids id phosphaie ami ! J-'" poimils muriate of potash. in another part of the s'arion land, aa txpc:-;,,. ia : i I'.etertoitie tlie worti. n! I'iffer.-'t.r : mounts . f ni-foueti has been carried on for the past test years. ii:. - piot lias received no nit'om dur in, that Ian.-- of time The second pint has rceived fertilizd r wbicl) con tain;?.! the e-iulvulent of twenty -ot:. ro'iud of nitrniai. per acre. Th? ti.;-.: lT -t 1ms received fertilizer which c.i- tallied nitro::-.;! at the rate of sixtv- thr-e pounds p,er acre. This is the li' ih v .-;.! this land has lnn in m-n-at-i! yields as shown by this year's i-r ips are .piiie retuarUaide. That from the pioi which l;is re e-ived tin lotro-i-n ibirin- the ten years was 1.1 tons per acre. That If. in the p!oi recivi'i-; the one-tlnr-l ration, or vveiny H-i" pounds i;:ir.--,'!i. cave 1.7 fi - a W h'eli ae I icr-l. Which h;t! .-.. ivi i he full ii'U-.iu u; Uij -tlirce ponttlttf trnwf. per nere, enve a ylelA of 8.7S tons per acre. Much the same results nre beim: obtained by men throughout the State, who are top dressini; their ki'iiss lauds with tiilro Cell more liberally than formerly. Wnler lit Hip liirti. If one has a pump located in or near the barn time is. i f course, no ditlieiii ty in obiiiiniiiu' all the water needed for all purposes in the barns. If, how ever, it Is necessary to carry water for the to.-k. tin II seine plan should be put lu opera: ion whereby water may TO SAVE KAtN WATl-ii. , obtained tor other pur Slleil as wau'eii wasliiui; and the clcanim; of harnesses, without carrying it any e,reat distance. The rainfall may be utilied by placitx a barrel wlia-u is water tight en a bo or other platform and. by the use of a simple and cheap troiiuli. curry the water to the barrel from the eaves of the barn roof. A faucet should be placed in the barrel, as shown, to that the water nai bo draw n off readily when wai t nl iier the top of the barrel is placed a frame, i-nvered with the liliesl mis!i wire obtainable. This will keep out M-raiin mid small animals and v-t permit siilliei.-iit air to circulate oo. i!ie water to prevent it from beeoiiiui-; s!a-.--,iant The iliitstratioti shows tl-.e i Inn, which is an cxniletit one acil eiy ii:e.pi tisive. ring K.,.,t r..... ( know s the dittb-til-T I 1 of v., s;, roots as to facilitate the S'ce then Mrs. Hick ha t a i-;in- , A )!t U.1V(.,, ,H,.o,-, use is 1 .-iiall.ri.-,f them in w inter. S-.m... have I much of b. r time to executing -,,..! vi!, white, anil litis- toilet a Mi le. -..s .eiiais coavef.iei.t ill the I Ma.i- sty s o-b-rs. ,-les In silver gilt in Louis XVI. pat bai iis. ..:,d c-asLpi, ,,iiy store the to .., I Mrs. I ii, k does n.-t . are to be wailed , u ti. paialsouii titt.-d in ins oiiisi,! -. nf course, the out- i a jew. !,-r. 1-ut n "ci'atis.v.e. -.ati ,1" ; i,a -s nr.- fa-l..o hen y for a w oiiuin to ,!.-,.: met tied is j;..t I'iwaVs il-,- ,..;;. Ms t-yi'-g b r.-vive the '!d t:l..e )-c.- j ,,n( (lf wlir, ,, Pride is t.ev-r lie- rents wail s, U-.-cp i'.i its so-aa-l i.uiil.iioh w le a stored in that teal. lie- as hy ;-,i y other proec-s, !:-.: Wilt the season VVe',1 illh.11,1 ll :!-.-! tie- r-iilllil is hard and f.ov.. I.- 1 a M-I iliSlii abt laaiteV to a ll.e 1 rop wlait wao.e.t for Us--. 1: ; .'aruo i :m is saeod iii-iiie :h-- birn liaii ss t;,e i icat. oh ,- so situated as T. ! mail iin- ii.tli:-:iee of ."i'i t vi tt in r.-t.ue! s lie -i. W i - ll tlie W e.. li e! i- . w. t .-!y ,.-..!. :. .1 cans, s ;i.. ?. : i-.C ii- I. . ll.C. ll.e two lllii. : I o av . .1 1. w ha ii are heat ot c I !. X 1:.:' f o il. of w is t, s'. : ts .-i sit 'a ,i iaai,!i, r as I. oil, of f. k laov li : la . l-.-ps ,s j I if rail, l.ur t :s thelll. wiit.-li :iii i r is ta i! piati for si .id. The b. liV s.tW-ilUs-.. .,- ,i i bin. bar the p.'o U. :v nv, He, .1 up. am! ilo la.; let tl'.-ta : -kin-- ilia! so th- rr eplit-'le is n-.'a. ! ti.-y can lie talo-n i-u; , .iu.Li.lity ilesir.-d. am! ;i; a . !:.-;oli better than if i s. v. ill t,i, f free.e Hi if I 1 Keep until the next j d vv. s !:. l-ivett potatoes, both ' V. io-.e. tli.i.V be thus ,:v ' ar. fill hat t'ae pai-Uilii: s ; v . M ..stun- siiouiii . s ll. ii a . s poss.tiie. At the :i.- tl e tlieiilty i to p'.-t- ;!. v hi.-h i. the best ii, ate- -. vv hi!e wo. hi ashes ar- ia t 11:..- sawdust is il,.- ii.-t !;:,, e. I. nt not .-.jit. I to dry : " is i eell -lit. 1-Ut so:::.-- a- vo. Wl-.-at chaff js c--..l straw when em in half-inch It .s be-t to lio sll.-i; Worii. ,t il..- time of harvest:!:-; the sf s'P, n. r; I'.irm mill lliiriti'ii ..tpa. ::i tetiipi i'atlire makes cream skita iiiiik does not make ii-tod I- aif r- II. tis otter if Kept pirate t V. etity live e.u-h. ' breeds sh'tllll! le-Vl l- 1- !. p; saa.e Hocks Wi'li slliail bfei-ds. to- f-i-d Wi',1 Ke.-p a cow ipliet loll are u.ilktiii.. and save ti-iu- A win pel's. ourin-; ehaiii;.-lai-ti-.; acid. Tl the ml-iii' in milk s decreases feedii.-; .alue Tinware for ke pitiK tnilU is prefer able to stone or earthi-nw are, and cheaper. Yotim: chickens should be fed four or live times a (lay. und at rcctitar lu- ti rvals. -p,,., many cows should not be kept: comfort should not be sacrificed to iiiiiul.el-s. A cow with a lout: p"dii:rec will not V(illp pu. iie-.l.ook unless slo- is proiluei-r. When hetis aeiUire tie- f.-atl.t r-pu.l-iitL' habit they should be sent to i-.a.-Ket at once. K.iosts for poultry should a.l be b'nved on a level, so that there can be no preferred position. Fee. I the layir.c hens at day break and sundown, and keep t'aem workini; t!ie entire titu between. I'rain the soil of the orcLarU so the r--iots will ito down deep nnd thiis ward off tL(- etTe'-ts of drouth. T: es bliould be trimmed r l;?-i .'.aucs ia such a manner that ui.ii prunins will cot be rei-Uired late. Many an orchard is starvea to C ,.t!i lirovvinj; tries must lie fed just il . same u any other crop cr plant i fed. I'm- settiiii out in a dry sod tl: plants should be well roote.l a., stocky, as it must depend on its owi foots. With all fruits the mistake is ot'tt uiiu'.e of plantiir: too tinny varic'. e an 1 iti this way increasing the coat o. -.fowinj;. A CLEVER CRAFTSWOMAN. Mil ralltli A. Itli-k, mt l.onilnii, l)i-iKii I'ntiiiie it-il .rltlli" .li-w-i-lrv. That royalty in llu-.-land looks with l':i Mir on the feniiiiiiie invasion of many of t lie industries of today is evident from tlie fact that Kiin; l'dward ma terially etieouruces the enterprise of Mrs. Kditll A. Pick, a London woman, wlin has taken up the niakini: of .jew elry on a purely artistic basis. The pretty home at No. 77 I.adbroke road. Noitiiiu Mill (late. London, where Mrs. lick perform her duties as hostess, ies no hint of having in its precincts a jeweler's bench mid furnace. Yet here is the place where Mrs. link prac tices her art. I'j stairs is her I i ir work- room, which, in spue oi mo use io which it Is put. is very attractive and shows the hand of the mistress in every small fiirnishiin:, however prac tical Here are made the beautiful ornaments in told, silver and enameled wot:;, liejeweled with rare stones and fashioned into odd designs-, which so caiuht the fancy of the Kins. At a recent exhibition of the ' Arts and t'rafts" in Loudon Mrs. pick dis played a curiously wrought and very artistic peiidniu. which atiracteil wnie- pread attention. It was distinctly in .lass Py itseif, and net only was the desio", attractive, but tin- euileliees oi clever and careful work made the or nament doubly so. Kiiiu l'dward. whose love for the artistic makes him fill ! i.-idv viet;m to the beauty of an bie. t of real art, heard reports ,, tins i wonderfully tiishioin-l petulant. :l "l determine.! b -co il. When he ibd. be j was s . ph ased Willi the pretty bauble j Hint he I'.csTnl to meet the fair do I signer. wl,..m lie immediately n...o.l to , fashion so-:. o jeweiry f--r j -vive the e',1 ;:i.,e jeweb i every tnan was a crafis-i.-t t'li artisan, and w h-ai irit out by the Ih i .. i,..a ,1... in or :ir. ,-v di-1 1.- pie nlis.-1-.test ,:. tr.oreoVi r. v pi. i. e ob.ii c: a crii U.-t ', ..t A short mi-: is of l.el of nr.. I. -id : and Mrs lc. i-: i, the ells exhibited :o 1 till e. ..s ". The i-riftn i t iti.!:v.-p..i. t. ' present some c,-:i,:.i.e. . f evervdi'V use. s", r a t.i.-iii.-t .mo ;.,e-.l l! atf -rs. a. v, ho i-ti's tie-' t.ot-,1 pan -as xliib.:;- :- rt his la- ,-. lael several -reel.' . 1. lilies ,;, l.Ue. ba f e!'illii-;s tt- she bad "Arts aa.l 'rafts." i e.i l.e t-i oiv.-il a diploic.:.. - she lin'.s i-.i;-e cu ll-. 1:1 the L-cilstl "ll wort.. ;t . 1 ar-'.-r. V. n f-'-v i-f !s ,.; w. '-, :-r.- '-la af.l. and V W.t!. t' i t set 1 - f ihe . 1.- t.T e -, t' - "t! !.. r -i tin w I'ti,,. orii. :.-t! a:.d th.-. i- : a. Perfiiiiii "Fit lor t OiK-i-ii. r.-l-tlllllfs. s.liV.s ;,!..! Ill, Ull'llts llll V. l-e. ii anion- the p.- ia! luxuries oi tin rail Wol. ill tro:n the t il.-- ot .Ic.-t-ei . to .-tils I ti.. 1 by w h-i. We are . -in. pa.a.-i .... the pr nt liav. I't-'ci..::- .ci.::i tiunr- largely ;n ..! rn -i-k-.i . :ft doubt oriirinate-l in the u-- "f " l.oih n.cii and wici.ei: :;s a protection a.-aiiist ,io sun wh. ii pi .-pie w ent about in nature's -arb. No self re spect ii.u woman with any claim t" fashion would Iie'-va-lii.vs be willnuit her sp. soap aa I ream, and Hi ' who do not care t-r perfume usually have a sweat or ai-iiiatic essence Pa use in the bath Ih.- llnmress of K-.ts-ia. iilthoii-.-h in niaii.v ways by v itai.t woanin. is -a yi ar on toilet -h, r favorite per:' so:. al use. but si apar'tiieiit-J vapor. of s . h tloW.-i-s l. .i.-aiis ti-av ti ll, .nun a... ::s p-r-. ,es to ll.IV c hel .1 With tile l-ssell- l 1 '..'.. ar.d tuber --. ll-r l"il-'t ''" is perfUUieil With t.ishlv uatltele.l vio lets. M.d bunches ' !' these a"- la;.! tinio-ai; ln-r linen, and me w, 1 twice a day. o-iecii 'lirt,n.i of Spiha .s par ticularly fond of a t tain orchid 'vhi. !i is round only in tin- rh'.i.ippiifs. hut siti-e the Spanish A i-e rican War she lias disearded this , os,ly perfume and has used pi-ail iVISpanne. r:ire.ii-n Sylva. i.'i'.-'H -f Ib.iim.rr.a. wl.o is instly pr-'iid of lu-r clear, un-wtii-l.leil eotiipb x.o n. wi:'.. Ii is charm itii; with her white hair, attributes the softness of ll-r skill to the Use of a lotion made from , ! tain thovi as -row u in an tr.. known w.-.l. and collected by woiiieii sworn t" sectiey. This is a pretty story, but savors somewhat i f w.tehes. charms, and simples of olden times, and bears with it a thtv.-r of invstet-v hardly in U.-pin'. with the pres-t,; day: and in all probability far men Sylva's fa-e wash, if not made in the tlruir laboratories of icnuatiy, is made in those of I'aris. Fhlon For There was a time when there were but two materials that were c .nside'.vd suitable fur the weildil. p.wu. namely, silk and fa tin. F.ut today the brn! dress may be selected from a variety ,,f fabrics. If a silk or satin be chose t. it must be of the handsomest, but ;. iac- -own is still more attractive, while one of chiffon or Liberty -auze is daintiest of all. When tin- last ar. made in either the tucked or shirred styles thev are fascinating and very little triuitiiin-; is required. F.veii tin .i. expensive India silks, in the ivory tint, are used with chartaiu-; results. The sea foam taffetas. t..o. may be used, but would be more attractive as a foundation for the fine sheer woolet.s eilinp and voile that are so favored. The lotii;. un'omken lines of tlie rrincess mode make it a favorite for heavy satin or silk, and fortuuateiy the design for tbe fruut of the waist Is not so se vere as for-Kcflr. Lace may be draped in surplie? folds or arrar.;ed in s'uon lio'.ero form, and forms of the material t are sometimes used to soften the rather severe lines. Ferhaps the best like.! 1 .na'.erial is crepe Ue 1'liine: it falls in j se.-h -.rarel'ul lines and is Mi.'Ccstive t of the most artistic possibiiit.t-si. Th- j question of M ils is an important one. and many pr f. r the simple, nua-lor led tulle veils to those of costly l l. e; i er- taiuly the tulle veil is the most be. om- I inc. White silU Ptoekinns and while j satin, k!-l or !:i. p clippers ;u- worn , ft'ltb Uie wUUd wvUvlin gowu, 9Mi j white suede gloved, preferably ""Itb the niousquetaire wrist, are the correct hand covering. The Delineator. Uinta I-'nr Ml.lillf Age. Never let a hard fabric encircle the face; chiffon mid tulle will make you look years younger. If you wear .stole or boa do not let it be a w hite one - at all events, let its lightness lie toned low n with tufts of black. Some lovely ones now worn have a covering of Irish lace with a band of hand painted satin down the centre. Choose dark colors, but not always. When you do relieve them with lighter never let the collars of your dresses make a hard line around the throat, our grandmothers knew what they were about w hen they had those soft, charming squares m' net or iiiusliu. which they put on be fore their bodices and let their soft folds assert themselves. Many a ton pronounced double chin Is due to the collar band being too tight. Middle aged people may look perfectly charm ing till they drift into the grace and charm of old nu'e. but they must take plenty of pains. Tlu-y can hardly take too much, it is very easy to look well in youth, when anything mid every thing is suitable, says the (Jiiei-n. I'.e careful in your choice of color; few people look well in any shade. The new lltirgundy is so becoming to the dark beauties and hopeless to many of medium tint. When it suits it is p.cii liarly the line for the middle aged. It looks well in voile, in tulle, in soft, clinging satin: abjure it in straw. It is most imperative to be soigne in mid dle life, well stayed, well petticoat. d. and every garment well cut. Tilt- llllilt-'H Trilli-llliR V.;g. I "or the bride, one of the very nice'd gifts is a smart and useful dressing 1 traveling ba Hue in ,ark blue leather has ivory and silver ,-, t ; t i, .SCI i,t it can cost jf J(i j, -pressing cases for , . .' ,aM. been kle-vvn to cost "sol"'"'. ht .. ,lf ,.,.. ,,, specially ,,,-.., .-unl for v.-ry f.ivnf,-! ti...rt:tls:. called on to do so strenuous a thing, and it Is safe to assume most peo ple who travel with such expensive nalia nre Usually accom- ,..,-, i.. ., ,,..,, ...riiied servant. l.atiied l-v , , , , , en a w edditig tour or i The h-hter bass wei-li two and t a half an-1 three pounds. Tln-y ate on I aiumli.iiiii fram-s. and the 1- ather is of the l:crh-,er -i-aib-s pi-skiu, si.tikc- j skill. Ulofocco. , The t.ev. est ilress-i:- cti-t' is desU'ned i see. ,al'.,V for the lllltl'lllii'.'i'is;. It is I v. -v fa', ii'i'l has b.-i.l. s all the til- 1 I t.:.-. t'-e i r.l.u:;ry travelers, many arti- I ,1. s specially Useful to the chauffeur! and . haiilTeiise. The lightest niate-inl i -' for 1-a- tii'iim; is tortoise shell, and - i'.l,:. s ;ui,, ui)t .".ppli'ines OrtlB- u:, tit the she!!. l'.'.-'Ud tortoise s.ei! In j a purple lu.'d l,.t- is tiui!o t . ,ia.:i;: j. in i n.-. t. Oilr Wurkliie Wt.iiifii. j The laru'est nun. bet- ot won, en em icovcs in iiiiv hi, i work ate ill thi I "tiit-l Stat-s I'. siolli.-e 1'epartmelil. Mote th.aii ..lie third of th. in are past ; iiiiihlle and some are past seventy. i Tic-v till all kinds .d positions, even ; ii.a' y of the rural free delivery route l-i-l.l. til!.-,! l y thelll. T.t T.iiili Dri-.siiinkiiot 1" l'iiivi-i!lv. A department ot ilres-maKlm; has p. , ti i stal.Ksbcl at Kuskiii l uivi rsity in ilb-ti Kllvn. 111., and the new cliinr has been teiiil-ted to Mrs. olira liold .': : of I'hi.a-o. win. was awarded the ".'..! mciail by the International Kxhibiiiou of Fasliiotts in Vienna last not eot'.titi.-il to liuecrie. ee taint be tinislied by a l'lboW nil!!.-. s skirts pre bin -.isautic is often but a section of lliilb-s. I III- I c.ol'.tieill-:. Knee-ibpih rulll-s oft.-u rejoire in shirred tops. Kite's of shirred velvet are applied to one lace robe. la: .-..seniles are the ereat chic for l.oiiis XIV. coat suits. liui'-roidi'tcd panne is lovely as a final:-; for a tine fur coat. For itilayii:-; in fur lace m ist be deftly ninnii-'e.l or it is lmpcc-ss. I 'in-le-iiaimles are by no means rde-c.u-d to garrets and ash barrels. Ami:.-! sleeves in till manner of varia tiotis m e ;.t evciiiiis dress feature. lace collars are nluiost th craze here that they me in Faris. Airy fairy effects generally are the tiling fur house and evening dress. A furrier has -aineil quite an effect by trluiiniie' mole with eiiuine tails. Wisps of tulle or tine lace are enough in th- way of sleeves for a daaei'ij; Ill-ess. A handsome quality of mohair is iis.d for the most admirable of shirt waist suits. l.aee is rivaled by rose quillings lor cd-ir,-: and triinmin ehiffous am; frills -etieraily. Coats vary from biu. bul.-y i-rcatiotis to sniart. slender promenade models with sun-: coat sleeves. Well made coque poinpor.s are anions th prettiest of trimminps for hats to be worn with tailored rigs. Braids and tassels forn pretty finishes, and are ns easily added us they are removed when tired of. Embroidery raid lace applique arc bo;h used tor tie Intur fronts of soa;e handsome fur oat l:iv.ii& dou'-dc ':t r.ts. :'in:p!e and more effective tiuin fretrs - u a white 1 louse suit, trimmed wi'h soutache brail, are two lands of the braid, set across the front and curried around the small white pearl sha'..;; buttons. Imitation furs are to be seen In chil dreti's c'.othiii-;, and a coat for a littl. ;rl is made of a lonj:, silky -napped wool, with black tufts set here ami there to represent ermine. There Id a twuuet ot tUe UiuterUl to UitcU, Two Nurse. la the Soul's chamber, reft and bare, When the soul may not weep, Comes stealing in tho Nurse, Despair, And drugs It off to sleep. Hut In some watch, ore night ho dead, Another takes her place, At dawn, above the soul's dim bed, Hope bends her beaming face. He. "It certainly was a pretty weililing. and everything was so nice lv arranged.' She. "That's just vlat I think: and t no music was especially appro priate." He. "I don't remember. What did tliev play?" Slie. "The Last Hope." 'Christ mas Lippincott's. Whiskey is nine-torn hs profit to t no dealt r and ten-tenths poison to the drinlii r. EVER f WALK IN LIFE. A. A. l'oyee, a fnrnu-r. living three a ml a half miles from Trenton, Mo., says: "A si v. r.-eol,! set tied in Hi kidneys inn d."Ve; .p,"d s i illl-ekly that i" 1 was o'u :.. lay Wi.-. l, mi in-- eo;m: !' the y ti li n in n.y irl ba li a u .1 sab s. r,,-a t,:i:-- 1 wa iii- ibl to ".vi'lU at .11. ant! every make, -'.if; I trad and ail the lie .liciin- I t-n-l. hiel i l the slilo, st i fl'i .My bin l l out il.'.le.l Io uiovv Wi .!.' lilitil I be- lc.'i t :'..!-, 1 'nan's i.i.'.ii v l'.ii-. a- d I n. list say 1 was la- re ii.;... ll: pr.s.-il r.n I tnil ili. -.1 : l.-'i, .- 111 - I a- 1. .-. In-ili-ap; ea i i i i railualiy i-.a.ii it tin. illy st-pp..!.- I ion ti's I ici; y ,'iils s-.i 1 t-y all deili. I s o- l;:;;;'. .1 .- - i of pi :- e, :. .vats, i v 1 -. 1'jst, i-Mo '-'i: i. ..., r.Mff.i;- n. v. I'rati -e I. "is ins- ;.,., :;: , n.s;;.,!i.. tioa i f sj sii:.:-i.i: ., es a o vv tyo thai il.-v ;., I by V'Va! iir ..- i Maa uas. 'I'I , : b-.ill. a vv !:.:: - :i : ' : ;. ,. vv ,1: l ave a"!.:. tit of '" -. Tli- eon-tr.t.-t --alls for tv . 1- . '.- an b cir t: I..! r". nn if-ii-i. c . i: . r -v-1 ft'.i,' l'la,'i:i !:!-. i'l t 1 1 -.-i- ! i .-. i -. r . . ., . wiv . , -. 1 -,' ...... ;-. I : . ,- .- . t. ,--,,-.' v ,.- 1 .... 1 1. : ,a- i -v e, t'l- e. ts-ae t- I ;t. -. v. , il,,.. t-o .. j- i- e.,.a.. I v-.i-i aav - i ra- ' in. . - ; '. i - - - ,'t tj.. ir'a '. It. I -V '11. . : ...iv ' se 1 P. eness js t'-- r -s c-.a i-1 i I. -s. t-,.. ,ae , . . -t-r-l t. '- f. r ".ii ". . iV.aa i'.l.' i:i 1 re .'I'. II- il ' .-ll'HTl-.lVt :.'-!: ' t'a'la' ct I .an '.! .it n.'t! : .ii r' i . ' e vv ; !1 aiv i t e ll .1 1 1 ' :'. - i r e- . ea f I .'I'a.'i- 1'.. .-- ".'' C "- r ; ,.. .reinv i ,t ,r--- .r-. s. , i-M'-irs f-.. !'. I." n-srv ' ... I' 'l-.l.'.O. h.l Vs Til a'.vVo.s '; '..' ,. .. . ; in- i. in -r f. it.iiti; 1 1 i. ti. t. 1 '! s.-1 is tl:,- n an v. !,, s il ,. -m taakin; f.a "i-N. f. r it is ,..,. ,,f loci's let e.i;-; 1 1 inv,,;-, ,s i : - rt t y thin---. but alove all !n t':.- ..-.v. r -f '.-.a-, --nt f f -ti- 's s, ;r ., and appivaiatin-; vvli.-it-vi : is uo!... ntid lov.ibl-' in an-il.-r n. an. Thomas lilt: lies. V! ''- .-r aci-n" - . t. ': ..- a -v :. 'is- i .!- -' c's ' . y ' ' '',r:'' )'r.. . Kt !'. t.t !.. t: :t r- i .. " i. n. !' i. Ti,r Ft, -. !-,:. w.;: .,-il ,,;..,:! -l noa a H v ,-: a -:' :;.::: t- IVi '-i- t!u yi ir In Wla-tl cv's "io-'cnr-ii-i .'.- ill Ir tt;'in-.-i,'-'.ti-" r-t'i.-. - 1 i -I'sia bi u iei tl m.hU iys ant i. -a .-s vn ! i -. '' . i ''.". e l naiav . :e- er.! n. to .'. ia. is the e. atitry . "t-aai n.t ' '. p ci'-'t s. 1; ti eii oa-.v ;i '-s i .is tlie troi'-'.t-.. .!.., -t-i- .Ii m: Tixi 111 1 ! Tit ( ot ot:. . w nr.- i: - ice' i t'.- ' a r.o-.v . .t nt ev v.:.,.,: t it .ti i . v .;. U -as"t -.-r,s. -sriir- ' rr cti l,-iv.-.l n.v life t'lr- e v.-1"-. av iiii-.'i'.- vii 1: i" IllNs. XI:,-, le s;.. N.-rv. ; i. r. '-. it t- IV). Coughed 5 "I had a most rtuhborn crugh 9 for m.inv years. Ii deprived me J of sleep ar.J I grew very thin. I . then ti'istl Avcr's Cherry Pectoral, B and was quickly cured." 9 K. N. Mann, Fall Mills, Tenn. Sixty vears of cures B I and such testimony as the it above have taught us what Ayer's Cherry Pectoral i will do. We know it's the great est cough remedy ver made. And you will say so, too, after you try it. There's cure in every drop. Three ili: : lie., !0o. tt. AtUnirrUt. ei..,ult dcctr.r. If ho ny Ink It, t!i?n tin ft li iftm. It if tel. yi.u nut to tLe it. ttiu dun't take It. lis kauws. Lrfiv it witti Sim. V. ie wllllni;. ! J l AYt U l'l . I-ukcII. MM. CAPUDINE m m mm Mao Hft Irkn.M and CURES t-"";,:-;'.-,; ALL HEADACHES i:""h '.; C.ct ob btlB or bn io.-. e nd ioc Uittl. ILiucid.) Ml. i,V SlirARAW FURS WeLnled ttiruu January uin 0 ro Mukrir, Mink. ft. Hi R. ocn !iiKrn MikQ9C oNh pclt Wrl; a : ifurkMrdt.Mtla M. C li.cluntl.O 1 ' it'-'rvS 9 it ft i &: .ruw f- w RIFLE (S, PISTOL CARTRIDGES. " It's the shots thnt hit that count. " Winchester Rifle and Pistol Cartridges In all calibers hit, that is, they shoot accurately and striVe a good, hard, pene trating blow. Thi3 is the if you insist on having the time-tried Winchester make ALL DEALERS SELL WINCHESTER MAKE OF CARTRl'XJK : 'I write to l yon know how I pprclt yon? Cncrt tf. I fomm tkttig thtm Irttt Novrtn ber ftn-i took two ltn cont boies nwi tai;til tap worm U ft Ion. Thou 1 enmmonroil tkiTnf them itnln ftn-i U.u-uy. April 4th, I pa"l auothor Ittoc worm ft. Iiiiig ihi nvt-r a tuouftiiiid "in ill worint. PrfTloud to my tnkius 1'aMt-itrta I iiin' know I hat) a tapo-w orm. f always had a atuall llltvui. F. Brown. 181 Franklin St., Brooklyn, N. X. yC The Dowels jt xSs CANDY CATrURTlC Ploaxanl, PalataMf . Potent. TantoCWul. rifnt Kcv.T isiokon, U'akn r (irip", lui. a. 6c. Nrer S'lti in It'll k. The (fntilttf tuhio; itn:i.pril V C V, uarHutnct) to euro or your tmuicr hack. Strrling Remedy CoM Chicogo or N.Y, 594 ANNUAL SALE, m KILLIOM BOXES FOR WOMEN A l'. --!..n pl-.y-" i.ia's "--' 'feS'Ssff- ov. iv -.vhi Ii i le.ia-es and ---s-' in i's' all liiilairau.i'.ioa if the mucous 111 :a!-. ..11'- rtil' re-.i-r iel.ll1 -I. Ill Io. .d trt I'lll-.-ll! . f i 111 le" i'i ; V.'.x tine is inv ilu.i! 1". I'srd asaii-n in-it is a lev i i.i'.ioll ill fle.iiisit .'.lid hi.oi-";; pevvel ; it Kill- iill eillllS vvlli h i .in-, ia1! i ill and ili-i iuis- . I lions lailsot letti rs fiiiiu ivioneii prnve I hill it is the ici .itesf em-e lor ii'iieoi l'liii-a ever discovered. !'.iii:ie never fails t t rule ' 1-ii-..itati'i, nasal eat. mil, sou- s -e Mo-ath .in,', sote i v. s. 1 van -i t'n - e .a-oa-i s .-, e all i .nis.-.l by intl.iiiiiii.i'..oii ci i' i i.. a. - a- iv tit1 'a -, -. I 'or cleansing, h Itec.ln.T and pv-sel-villi the let ll V. ellal leue tlie Win hi to pi'iidllee its eill::l. I ..:.. spe lail-l . i V : -1 y '.V 1 It" pr-- i.' . a 1 a.! !'..-.:iii-'. .on! thoii- At tl:ii:-..i-".. or -i i-1 post ;..,-;. 5 -. , ; i. A liii'oi" trial iaeUiieiinit In. ok of ilisiriii lioi.- iilisoli:!i-Iy in e, W rite Tin" R. F.ixtoa fa.. Dent. Fiotr.n. QrQr 1,000 h'f a if Ycong Men IO UUAlIf T roit ;)!) I'osi rioss C U R ANTE E O IN WPITINO 500 FREE "-"'VVX GA .ALA. BUS. COLLCGS, M.-COM, C l!;a:iisTali..esnte 'lie l.'st ilysjiepsht iiie e'er nuiile. fA It in-lie, I naiiiuns .if tll'tll IlilVf ItOlMI snitl ill the Illiteil Statts iu n pltuli' yeiir. I'.very Illness urlslnj from n ilisoi aleii a! stointieh In leliiviil or eureil hy t'oir use. S. (till III. .11 Is it tli.'lt illsi as. s u ii;in.lte from the s!-i:i::leli it limy I sately n sertetl iliese is nu ioia!l:i.ii nf III heilith that will le t he 1. Ii. till . I IT etiri.l ! y the eet ils unal re,, of Uipat s r.limles. I'hv sieiatis vv tlietll .' lul su::k highly nf them. Ail itiitj-isis si ll tin tin The live i-i tit imeliae :s eiiou'li for an otilinaiy oei -asioti. atal tlie I'.ltnlly I'.ottle. sixty e n?-. eetilaii s :i liousel'.nlil supply for n year. n iteneially ftives relief vvitlnn tvvi tity minute. CAPSICUM VASELINE tel l I P is lei.i.Ai'siiii t. n mill Asnl'siituti'I'iiriiinl eiin riurte iniistaiilor nil.. I.' lo-r il.. ster, Kl't wilt in. t t.lter lilt' in.. -t.t. -it. 'iiie stun. I in- t.iiii..,!l..i ini;jii,t lair.itive tmiitti sot t!isiii-tii-i. ur.-vvoniii r ftll. ll VM.l st..;. tie- I. n.t ii ii i' l i- .-ll oltci I ri'ilev e In .el iv-tu- ri Hit i-c i title a. i 1 1 . . . ni tilo 1, t H a - Hit- l-i-sl iiiel iii,-t .. Mi It, i iiu.t.-r-' rrit.iiit k i.i.vv lonlsii tist- iK-xti-rtui rvtat'.lv lor .:l. as in the ei.i t i'ti-1 - tottii.i ll -ill. lu! I riji'Mlli ll ,e,ll-tir:ll.lf a t:U k'. .in v . .111- l-liiintn. A li e-1 vv ill jirov r vv hn l vv.- claim tor it, unit it ;!l I..-1. m i'.l tn l.e i in .!',. o in tlie;.I.M my i . t.( l...n -i t.-;l.. ln-tof till nf your i.ri i. ir itiii: I'l a i- 15 .nmil ili-iis'ists.-r ni'.i-r ili uli-i -. or I v ii-litii,-1 at ton..: nt-i -.u.'1' . l H lll-.-t.l y. llftt'l''l'ti.V llcol. No title I. Iinlilil h.-n-eelitft liy Hie pa !. te 11 11 ' is t I , eHrrlt-soiir Inl.t'l. It s- o" i,,tv. '.hit is Kctiuiiif. ChOSRIIKOl ilM Ml tl. Ci , stni t. m:k ihik t n THE NEW DIXIE COOK BOOK ted ami t iilm ii.l. -I -at i. .lis- . Vi-tv l"! l.-'iii-ati .1 tae tin .rn at.-r ir....r I nt. trtii'tiv.'; la-e.-lv ,v t, .-.-.I n-.-h , - v.. .! kte.v. II In. Ill- of n. -o'lltl. if V.I Ms VANIK.-.1 S2.75. EXPRESS PAID ANTAKLRL Dixie Cook Book Pub. Co. ATLANTA. G A. 5fc Dropsy CUREO G I v r 9 Quick Relief. Ittnom a'.l swrlltnc in s to 50 davt : eilet-m pti-tanei-t cute itt 'i.ito todavs. Ttul It'-itti-f nt K-.-.en fre. Nothing-cat-. '..? fa. ret Write Or. H. H. Ce-jei- Si-,. Sctcialiii. Boa n AtU-ii.ti kind of cartridges you will get, A i- tlM tf Smckcles3 Powc'or j f 3 Nil BO CLUB rll & ARROW J-l m SHOT SHELLS fg If i ' .'.(' rvryvvii' ie :.t . J ' I ' . '! . 'he Ir..---' h ot- j . I j ' l"1 itit..i:t.';am;-.:ts. - , -- j Ir '-! ::: tt - ; , ifAvr n v st;.n -jut t-krjsU : ;';-v;wi,-.;:,f g:jO Specify U. ,M.C. I The L'nion V.oi..l!ic C.triri Ifi Co. I HriJKt port. Conn. i rr.ivvV i'P i ILi IS