r ' THTITRSDAY. Ja. 23, 10 04. Local Records. Look out for the X mark and renew your subscription. Poe-Atwater Mer. Co. will re ceive thia week a cat-load of Silver-Flake flour. A very valuable horse of Mr ' PERSONAL ITEMS. i Miss Myrtle Moore is visiting: her sister at lloekiuirham. Mr. E. L. Haughton, of Jones county, lias been here for a few days. Mr. John H. Anderson and fam ily will return to New York next Saturday. General News Items. Capt. J. 13. Bnrwell dropped dead at Statosville lr.st Tuesday. The North Carolina Association will meet at St Press ljouis INSOLVENT LIST. The following is a list of the taxpayers removed from the coun ty or dead, who were allowed as on tln Kith of May aud visit the insolvents in the settlement with Imposition. : ex-Sheriff J. J. Johnson: The sales of the Kaleijrh dis-j Baldwin township. peusnry are said to averao about Frank Andrews f2.33 I'A Harward L J Johnson , Will Lynn.... E G Marshall (dead)... Jno W Norwood Oscar btrowd S400 a day, w hich is about half . N S Brown Miss Eva Arnold will return in what was sold by the saloons. )ock Baldwin.. a day or two to her homo at Pa- ,. .. . 'EFCates ducah, Kentucky. lhe cotton nulls in Alamance f w Cute8 county have agreed to curtail jjUtim. Cotten Messrs. James Kidder and lu- their production one-fourth be- . ., I: f. " j i . , . , ... t. . i i. .i ii .i vijauii; vywiiru, , B B Wa,roner s was cuokcu it , gpi soii Ainery, oi oosiou, are nero ciiumh oi me uigu june ui cuiiou. : ja8 pd-j-j death, lastSunday, at Chapel Hilljon a hunting trip. , ;r B j,, ; ; ; Mr. Junius Alston, of .Vance Southern liailway lias beMin. '.lames liadUy county, is visitiug his uncle, Mr. This is the road w hich Mr. N. (lideon P. Alston. Duke aud others of Durham will r T mi i tt build from that place to Apex. Mrs. Lonnio Thomas, of Ham let, has been here on a visit to When bilious try a dose of Mrs. Martha Hatch. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver T, T IT . ,, , ,. . Tablets and realize for once how Rev. J. H. Frizelle and Mr. Ar- quickiy u ,irst up-to-date un-di-thur Londounttem edtlw Pythian clU(j wi C(.lvct Hit-lioriUr. For convention at Southern Pines last sulu . G 14. lilkiu:tcu. Friday. i J I Smithiield Herald: Mr. W. J Mi. Ii. H. Hayes and wife, on Thorne, who lives in the southern last Monday, went to Kershaw, utirt of Oneal's township, killed South Carolina, to see his mother the largest ho; seen iu that sec- wuo is quite hick. turn in many years. Ilio lior . , ,, weighed l.OIJa pounds gross, and Mrs. Harlowe Taylor and .Mr. .,ii.r ,,.i,,,r ,i.-.mh..1. The hoo- (ieoro Taylor will j,'o to Bun- W11S 8 r,. i"iu-hs hnv- and 2 combe county next Saturday, r,.,,, ......i ,..,,,s across tlm where Mr. Harlowe Taylor has Kh,, alders. The head alone weili joue for his health and where tl r)(; plims. Our reporter says they will make their home. lllt; ),., looked more like a nnile ...... j lyiujr down than imythin else. siriiiiiou COUlT. The February term of Chatham superior court will heyin next Monday. There are 24 cases on tin' criminal docket, ol' which the most important is the case against Sam Watson. Tillett Watson and Newton l.'aviness, three i-oloied men, who are charged with killing another iiero, named Ed. 1 leaden, at a neirro festiv.d in Hickory while eatiu Inventory Sale to J off on all winter goods. Bargains in every thing. Come early. J. 1 Weatberspoon, Sauford, N. C. Cotton at fifteeu cents makes those farmers who sold at ten cents wish that their ' foresights were as good as their hindsights. When you come to court next week, be huio to renew your sub scription to The Recoup. If you do not come, aeud it by some ueighbor. Oar former couutynmn, Mr. T. J. Murchison, who has been at Knfnrd for a few years, has re moved to Greensboro where he is clerking for I. L. Blausteiu. The county board of educa tion met here last Saturday and apportioned the school fund at $1.30 per capita, which is five cents more than it was last year. 2.33 2.C4 2.33 3.51 3.0(5 3.41 If you do not receive a paper next week you may know it is be cause yon have not paid what you owe for The Rkoouds already re ceived. "A hint to the wise is suf ficient." Poo-Atwater Mer. Co. expect in li.ni.llrt neveial of the best! brands of fertilizers tins season. Get prices from them, if you want one bag, or a car-load, before buy ing elsewhere. Look at tie bargains you can gft at Byi'um & Deadens when you come to court. They have reduced the price on all winter poods to make room for their upring stock. 'iiutaiu township, last Novem- On the civil issue docket theie are !! cases, ot wincli i. 1 it most important is that of J. T. Web ster, administrator of Charles Webster, against the Southern Hallway Company. J Ins suit is foi $30,00!) damages on account of the death of the plaintiff's intes tate, who was a liremait and feil !r , .. i. .,...,. ii... (,., Dr. D.ne (Dentist) will ie at .illir0 K:.Vl.r:il months a-o. Guff ut Mr. T. J. Han-m-Mon s Th(i pr,.xui j,,,,, wij h residence prepared to do all kin.ls ,,(.lirv j, iity.Mt of N(,v of dental work Wednesday, r el- j )oni(1) I,,.,! ,,, 4M.urt in inary 10th, and will remain until , j.,,,,.,, (.Vj ,a t1(( tim, ()f the following Tuesday noon. H,e deep snow. We hope that no Poe-Atwnter Mer. Co. 8(.H "'1' "calher will .cconu, any him the Chattanooga Chilled Flows; ; '"'x' week, double-shovel anil sub-soil plows, j - Aliiny ol Cliainam s oesi. i.o !:1VKU .vn-oiN rsn. I l.'pon application of t!e Bvnum .Milling aad Mi rcioil (impaiiy Lfudi;e Walter II. Neal has ap pointed I 'apt. W. L. London its r.-ceiver for the purpose of st-t aud closing mi Us i am entirely c pay the "Ch ittauooira flows are the superior of any make sold in the county. When you come to court next -i-i1i it will nay you to drop in at W. L. London it Son's and buy itling its debts some of those cheap goods t hey j luisincss. ; are selling. You can buy any This step was taken because the j kind of dry goods cheaper riirht company w.shed all its creditors i now than you will again for years! to be paid equally without any of! to come. them obtainiuj- advantage over! I the others, l he total indebted Nexl Tuesday is the tradi-1 1ss js a)((;it lO.OUO and the as-, tional "ground-hog" dav, when it H(ltH ,.stimated at about S I is said the weather will foretell' ,,,) S(, tj,.lt t,very creditor should ' whether or not the winter is half p.,jd j full. Tli- company; pone. As it always rains on "Turs-1 ;l v,.,.y valuable roller (lour1 day of court" we may expect that , mj ull Haw river at llynum and the ground-bog will not see us H j.,,.,, (,.,, w;tj al)1ut shadow on that day. worth of goods. I Scotland Neck Commonwealth: Some days ago it colored man named Will Turner died about two miles from Scotland Neck, and investigation showed that he was a genuine miser. He lived alone and owned the little home he lived in. He was found stiff and cold in death sitting up by the lire. He was clothed in rays but had good clothes iu the house. While hedied silting ly the lire in tatters he had a leather bed iu the house with plenty ol' cover. To the surprise of all lie had consid erable money, lie had S in his pants pockets, SP2 in his over coat and SUM ill an old shoe un der the house. Prisoner In Her Ow n House. Mrs. W. 11. Layha, 1301 Agnes Ave., Kansas City, Mo., has for several years been troubled vvilh severe hoarseness and at times a hard cou;li, which she says "Would keep me in doors for days. 1 was prescribed fr by physicians with u noticeable re ! suits. A friend u'ave me a part of a bottle ol Chamberlain's Coiih lleiuedy with lusti u -tlons to fol 'biw closely the direct ioi an I wish to state that after the first day 1 c.i'iM notice a decided chaii'e for the betb r, and at this time after usinir it two An k, have no In si t iti.ni iu saving 1 lealize that 1 is lor sale b druggist. u red. O. '' 'i Lis remedy It. I'llktiigton, Drowned in the furtbay. The town commissioners, on last Tuesday niirht, elected Mr. Thomas W." Hackney town con stable in place of Mr. George Taylor, who resigned. They also decided to issue no license to re tail cider in less quantities than a gallon, after the 9th of February. The company was about two years ago Luther 1. By mini as and general manager. Cumnock Jottings. Cumnock, N. C, Jan. 21. Several breakdowns in ni.ichiii- W. L. London & Son will re- erv has caused slow work at the ceive this week a car of the cele- mines for the past week, hratad Parry buggies and surreys. A young negro boy died I. ear These goods were bought for cash (ju( the past week from ncciden- and every discouut saved, which tally being shot by another negro is money in your pocket. These Imy some time ago. The one w ho buiiea and surreys will be sold did the shooting has left and is very cheap for cash or on time. Let , suspected of bein us show them to you. Richmond, Jan. 2:2.--llobert M. Bhinkenship, general manager and superintendent of the Old Dominion lion and Nail Works, was diowiud about noon today iu the forebay of the horse shoe ileiiurtmeiit of the works. ""(j The fact did not become known (for thne hours, when a search led incorporated' to the lindinu of the body inside with Mr. i il;t casing of the ponderous water president wheel which operates the machin ery of the department. It is sup posed that Mr. Bhinkenship slip ped and fell from the top of the forebay, whither he had gone to examine some timbers, and was suck.id into the water wheel. The body was somewhat mutilated by the revolutions of the wheel. Monument to Gen. Gordon. Atlanta, Ga., Ji.n. 23. A move ment for the erection of a mouu- uilty of mur-' mcnt to the late General John B. Gordon was he'Min here today when a committee to be known as TV frTv v ves "f Southern Kailway, was in town the central exec, hst of the ' tP' ,f this week looking up evidence in was appointed for uty who 1 ave re. m e I e- w. )f sul(Sl.ri tious to d were alio wed ! as iih 1- February term of our ment fund. Snb-i - county court. He was accompa- the receiving oward a mouu committees are to be appointed iu every Southern dering the boy. w , ... ... f . Ill imi'tiii i r lished a this couuty oontlir find vents iu the fiual settlement with ex-Slier.tt jon. sou. - , l)V M w. lh siler o Slier;city. der that unatna.ua i.uouianou - does not increase, when so uisiuy of her citizens move away. Mr. U J. Lilly, of this place, j c of Co(on , ! has purchased some valuable res--For the past two weeks the jdence property in Sauford, and o,.... ,.t. sanctincationists have been hold- wi 1(raodol it and put it iu good j dmmgton, Jan. 2. -The bilg ing a meeting day and u.ght near 8lllq,e for renting. !" Vif 'wil Mr. Lonnie Tysor killed a inin.t,n for a foiei-n export was hog last week. It tipped the j,. Ht t,M, uillsethis scales at 43a the largest we have! ,.. ,.i ti,.. lii-itwh hte.-mi- heard of bein-killed in Chatham sij ..0l.,,U)())" uilioh sails to-1 county. The hog was uot over; v,. (...........d ,v ith 17.o:!S i one year old. i.-.i. . t million and .i : Pigs are the highest we have I qiirti r dollars. The loading of Tho entire ever knowu ttieni to ue in tins i ti10 cargo in the face ot apparent JTAUis WM Bray Wm Brooks William Foster. . . . aas H Hicks B D Lowe C. F. Meadows.... J D McKithan Jehu Mobley Benjamin Poe Dan Poe J W Price Churl ie liay J A Rogers Junu Siler Chosley Siler J T Salmon 2.33 'John A Womble 2.85 c A York 2 33 2.35 2.39 2.33 3.43 2.33 2.39 42.34 BKAIl CIIEEK TOWKSIIIP. J R Andrews $2.33 J E Beuuer 2.41 S A Caviuesa 3.18 K It Dunn....;. 2.39 Daniel E Ellis 2.33 RPHilliard 2.33 E It Hiuson 2.33 I 15. Kidd 2.42 Eli Need ham 13 Charlie Wicker 2.5ti W C Windham . 2.(1(3 Geo Low 2.33 .45 2.33 2.41 2.33 233 .27 2.32 2.37 .35 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.45 2 33 2 33 2.33 .4 2 33 2.52 THE POPULAR STOEE UD SEE 533.25 $27.40 CAm FEAll Tovssnn'. Alex Atrey K V Barker.... J II Dennis (Hover Guntcr E J ( luuter .V G ll.uniltou C S Harrington J F Johnson J A Jackson W It Minis J A .Mann W C Stone .1 It Stephens Jas Smith J M Thomas John Thomas .lesse Thomas (dead).... 15 A Wilkio ii F Wilson Ueslon Crump Chai lie Crump (dead). . . Richard Crump Thomas Clegg Clem Clark. Amos Edwards Tab Edwards John Foushee Wm Grillin Wm Harrington John W Harrington (dead) Ii J Judd F.mery Jackson Arch Lhss.it er. . . Geo Marks Jr. . . . Arch Marks (land sold;., Ilidriek liosser Wm Smith Anthony Speiiee A E Thompson Gieen Thompson M nryir.en Womble John Watson NEW HOPE TOWSHir. Dan Beckwith J R Copeland Marcellus Evans Henry Ganis James Hearne Lonnie Jacob (dead) J It Johnson Philip Johnson F C Nye Lawrence Stone Mollie A Thomas W F Tillman (dead) A L Thomas N A Wilder The Low Prices lliey arc offer ing at W. L. London & Son's. These Iov prices should make you feel good, when you are $239 rof fill r hip-li iti'ir s for nil voil --- j,. have to sell. Every lew days we will toe showing goods in the front part of our store at and 2.89 2.33 2.33 2 93 2.33 2 48 2 33 a. 88 2.33 2 33 2.33 2.33 2.33 7 mm (Concluded next week.) Tax Notice! to reduce ready for will have our the this $2 33 233 2.33 !l ! 2 C4 come forward and settle al once. A 2.79 2 33 3.31 2.37 2.92 2 35 word to the wise is sufficient J. R. MILLIKEN, Sheriff Chatham County Pittsboro, N. C , Jan. 25, 1901. 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.33 " . . . t7 89, n e are ironic stock, making large slock we I am compelled to settle the taxeSP''lg for the year ljo), and all who do e fj4 ie lrgCSt hUSinCSS not wibh to pay cost had better 1 " - last year we nave ever uone, and now (his leap year we want to do si ill more. This w eek we will offer a lot of men's and hoys' hats for 25cts cash, some of them worth $1. tv"o want 37-omr tracLe and will giro tii.e "best "bar gains pocGi"ble. "n77"g will "be g-lad. to see 37-ovL wli.etor 3rom. want tc "tanr or net- "77o arc always grlad. to snow 3ro-u. at tno op-o-lar Store c r p i VOTICK TO ClU:i)ITOHS:- ; 2 .1'.) 4.20 .'J4 2.33 2 r2 233 HavinR iju'illfiel ns.linliin: n( Murk llynum. df.pnHi'il, ihis Im m unliry nil i:rll'urinl lili tmo In 'prciioiil Ihi'ir i-iHlnn In Urn uii't r:ci- 1 f r pnj im.mii n:i np lii-f. n Hip ll li iI it "( liimnrr r.u5, r ilil i uniliM will lip plun'l lu'i.nr ui tin Ir loo Ai'i y. Thld J.m. 11, 1-J"4- N. c. Y.vnpoi'.oi oii. Ailmr C .T. A Mmk lHnuui. AND SALE: By virtue of an , order "f tlm fiipitrlur "oouii ft i lm-lnim uu!y III llm'ciu-o eiitliled o. rrrnill i.n.l , CKNTRE TOWSSHir. Moodv Purns C U Parrel 1 I'aul Perry Henry Wilson John WilMui Samuel Lland .las DeliiiitVeureidt (deadi Henry Hooker Kenty Prince John Hived Lee Taylor CVLF TOWNBUir. 2.45 ! 2 331 2.33: 2.G8 $'J8.3i j $2 35 3.04 ' Mt Plonnftiit church, in Paldwui township, and nearly fifty nel sons have joined them. 1 hey purpose buildiuj; a church there, and already an acre of land and Si oi) have been riven for tliat object. Western Andrews $2.37 Wm Cruthtield .. 2.33 Oscar Clark 2 95; (.Seortre Hicks 2.33 Hilliard Haulsey .17 Luke Heath V 33 Carney Hooker 2.33 Dock Headen 2.33 Sarrv Haulsev .43 C U Marshburu 3.31 T W Marshburn 2 33 JJ Morris 2.33 C T McNeal 2.95 J W Xall 2.50 J E Oldham 2.52; Sam Palmer 2.33 . It H Poe 102 U M Snipes (dead)..'.. 2.33 UL Thomas 2.50 C 15 Temples (dead) .... 3.12 Z V Tally 2.33 Jim Thompson 2.33 Hi.rri.son Thompson 2.33 Willie Wicker 2.33 stock of wida of the Bynum Mill- Hection. Any kind of an old pine , . inaur,uouut.ible dilliculties, the Biuu ui ,," . ,,ii, lirimriiiiT Fmin flinm to fivi i. ,:i....t .... ,... i-O i mi excitable and irregular market, is retrarded as one of the most ro- ingaud Mercautile Company is '"' . ".u: nl,l nt post, iu order doll. -i J i. nomn.iiiv'u brnTT! The Raleiirli and Western Kail to viu3 u " , , - ; . ....7..1...1.1. ;..i ,.f ISOW 1S your cnaiue lor way is li.niu mi m iir- .vn mi mm h.imh- n'liiuiiiii.niui-""!"" . a I 1 1 I 1.. ! nreat bargains, as these irooas uie roau in oruer io oe reany m pui must be sold. First come, hist in place when the sprm' opens, served, so hurry up aud et your Jim Hart, Jr., is improving fast choice of bargains. from his hurt iu the mine some time airo, and is able to resume B. P. Wasrouer & Co. will have I1S .,.u.e aii jrasman. on am.fimi sale fit Tittsboro on Tuesday and Wednesday of court ami will have over one linn- the port. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The most uniform success of We "poor souls" are just per- this remedy has made it the most ishiug for eggs, but cuu't pay the j popular preparation in use for :.. .. . il. .... ti... ii ...... .,, ,1 i .i i ..Mil.w for sale, f . urea no, ...... -; - - 1,,,, nil the time. Aow wont Everybody come. l he l ae tt we be ;lad when sprin-time ar great variety and will bo able Jo 1M ,,i(Uipg.. k(l nit anv miu s wants. 1 here will , ,i,,., Ikl 1IO bv-bidders. and nn fciiiiii!iid at 10c ner dozen. anv liorse. " ANi'NVJlOVS. bowel complaints. It is every where recognized as the one rem edy that can always be depended upon and that i pleasant to take, l'oi sale by C U. Pilkiugton, druggist HADLEY TOWNSHir. ( N Andrews Thaddeus Stephens (paid bv W II Clark") I V, Degratleureidt..-. . . II U Alston o -el , 'L otl.018 va J. v. ilrlffln u 1 ,.thfm," I will m Hie 33 o'jj;) FI118T MONDAY IS ! i:ilI!l-AItY, 190 4 2 37 Rt Hi cmirt Ii ine 'I'N.r In Mimlmrii. N. C. i'S o 'yi i V t" I'lC'll'" nil" Uis fallowing .luu lB 111 wall n"'r- ! coun'y ! Chvlinni: l' Hrl Trm-i: llii:liinlnR nt a Lirk"ry imur iho 2.54 I IMw' l'ulfli liriin-li, Fcrnill'j curniT. ruiinti.it 2.50 ' '"I '" h' l!no t'l'"l' ' 8t'lku m -HiHiiil- 3 33 ' 'fniKr. ilmnoo wlin Hian.l's ll.ie W'uMi 1 ilfiincii V'l'l i ""sl 'i'3 v 'w '"" l,lltl"''1" """n'" "hp. ilii-ii.'o ' ! Willi lllf lll I lllll- iVi (li'H lo a n-.ko In idij'n 2 33 nnp. ihon.-o with liU lliio rih 2 1i'crfnn wmi ,85 i 'i I'liiw i'H lil 'k, until lu' drain. Himh-h nur'h 2 33 ' " i-.vl c ! in ii Kum mi tlio " 1 1) ! IM'-K 1'illrll I ninrll llirtl'K Jiiwii Bul l iTHU.-l. i:m ! in iiii in IfiH l:r. on illnvi llui- U7 i 'ili' M Hit 2 33 ' Lfjlniiiiii;, ''iitlliillilt.i: l-S m-rci n.i,-i' T Iisk. i'.miiI Triti'l: 1!i.b uitliiK'ntt lili'k ry "ii'l. " " er'lll I'riM'k. iliino .ni'.li 21 Si Jf'ri'HS 'ii' -I i tuilr.H anJ 10 links M a pin. thi-n.'O n nti . u i'li:il;, rrnKBlng iliu orc-k to a i.T.t:inii"ii. umm-'i up ILo inpaii'li-rliiKM i-f hhIJ ort-ek to iliu lu-ln -ulnit. cun:.V...Ini: l.l ,t mum or !8 lUlnl Tr ot; Slf.iHi il !u Balil oiinity nn l sni I btata on lln wa'i-rH nt Haw rlvsr, al"liiliii; ilu l.vils of tt'll la T o, ilmrRi Mo .ro ami i.il.i-r-. known as llin I'ok irin't, t-ntUnlui! "S a'-ns mil liolnc Hi" "t u o nvoyeJ to J . W. Uati'h liy jfw 3.20 j Frurth lrai'i: Pr'.nc lot So. s lu jth dtv.-l n ol 2.39 , 'ho Ian Is of lh lalt li.lnrt Hi Iclit, Ih'cIliiIm; ut ' 33 a hi. k"i " n."r I 't No 4ti. -mi .llNi- n ruu .) .. nlnn u.'Uili to Sj.arr,,w'rt mid B u' lino X-1 i ioi , to imtiikoln Willi im H n.u'8 llu. ihmuv i-ai ;i " Hilrn toMUall lii.kory, ihiiiro pit (. !, to a 2.33 ' hl.-kory In Hik lino i lot No. ihrnot wi'-i wi:li 2.33 Ui Iliu 3 p.lKS to ilio llrst .Btailon. i-oiiiuiuini; O 33 'i 'Ti ninn ri or !e-. lilt iitt-'t: ii lot .o. i, in in1 ihviiii- u I., tlic aald lirltlu hind. l"vlnnlin! at a hli k jrv..," T ' , in-r , f l"t i. 5. tln'ii T sotitti vrltli Dial lino i"l $27.29 poli-H to a un ill 111 k .ty. tli-ii.-t kki: wlili mm k - el lln.n ,:H 1 1 a B'akit. llu'in-a iiorili P po'PB to a piiia In Iliu or so 3. ineiiM w."i wiiii Hill Iliu and lino of Nn 45 polt'n to I iv.i.iiiuir. ; flitli I aii: ltelni! i n niinitier S 111 al I ilivim mi and boftiuninxal a whlti oak In Mi'tion s nnt. llioiuv sou'li Willi l.lti and tluir,tr'rt llu i:i (,-l' H n a Bpanliih oak, ilieucu Wen H poli-M to a ;puie. thorn- nortli 111 pi'lf! to a ctlar, .tlii'iu"! p-wi l'i poll to a Ii'BW iod, tliiiv n r:li '.11 f l a sink lu Moliou' Ilin. llone Willi his' l'.ni fnsl C'J iu'loa to tiHtutilui; i.iiut:itiiltiic 20 a tpi. Ui'Ti nth lii: 11,'Ii.k lot uun.lii'r " lu sal 1 dl tIhImii, l,icliiiilnrai a'pln'.C"riipr of lot ntmenT C, runulng.souiu wPh that llm liU p ,liM to a Blake lu.Marka' line, thfurt iiHHt trnl IHu 4 pil u nd oak. I:la o irnr. ilnu,- u rlh will, tila and aunlrr'a llur 104 pol to iu lh oak corutr loPnunitnr 2. thtni wt't wlib the ltnot Bald lol to.l)t'liinli)i;, containing tJ ai'ro. Eiluh Lit: llplng a part ol eai tiru't luutalning about 35 acri'a MuthUit:u unild on th north by tli .W II. llHIcti Un I, oulhi rival by L. M. Wolff, on 111" iouth by J. VI Orlftliiaul uu the wt'st by Mury Am I.lliy.'cfutalug 35 a.-rc. Tenili Li t: Bi'linji n-'-lialf Inti'ns' Ina tra-t n land contalului: ten aonw-n tv,.lcf!i,,n'ti cr.'i'k ad olulng the lands of.J. R Forrall.and C. A. p.oii. boiitht from J. K Feriall, lb" other half trim owned by w. O. I err ill. The Bald Ian Is will be aold on the fo:i,'wli' terms: One-half eaBP. remainder lu six nionlh. deferred payn.enu t.i bear luteriBl, llile rweryi'-l uudl purohiwe iin.uny 1" paid. Thin Pvoeiuher it, l'-WJ. j B. II. HAYF.S, ! Wi L , lqpon & son. eit -NTifv-j-1?- - ''l,l. tr. v"V 5 wV X" 15' t Ki ' i i v 2.33 : . ,:-a- f A:JMl-mm The 9 Iveelev Cure 10 vol' KNOW WHAT IT D0KS? Ii relieves a person from all desire for strong drink or drugs, restores hs uervous system to its normal condition, and reinstates a niau to his home and luisiness. For full rartiiulars address THE KEELEY INSTITUTE. Creensboro. W. C. $32.15 $233 4 50 2.33 SPECIAL RATES via Seaboard Air Line. ComuieiK'iiK K't. l.vh. iiiM, the Seaboard Air Line K.ulwav will place on vile round trip winter tourist tickets to all Winter Resorts in the Nnah and Southwest. Tickets will 1y sold up to April 3.uh. li;'4. u. ith tinal return limit M.iv Ust. io vi. l-or ruither mform.itioii applv to Local Acent ir address ' . p. sv.ii!!, r. r. a.. K.i!;ec!i, N. C. NATURAL STOCK LICK! Give your Horses and Cattle what nature intended tor them and keep them in a normal condition. DR..PETTY S NATURAL STOCK LICK Is the r?al Lick. Manufactured by Lick Company. Winston-Salem, N. C. Sold by G. R. Pilkington, W. L. London '& Son and Womt le &. Lineberry, Pittsbcio, N. C, and other dealers in the coi r.ty. l-i er. i? 10.04 HICKORY MOVSTAIN" TOWXSHU'. J W Cmnpbell 12.33 Goorce luvaua & V (t Uropn 2.33 John Jordan 2 33 j Albert McDonuhl 2.33 Joab 15rook3 2.33 Simon CruthfielJ 2.33 Malfus Hayes 2 35 J W Harris 2 33 Sam Headen 2.33 llichard Crutchfield 2.153 Jas Jones 2.37 Jus Siler 2 33 $30.33 MATTltrwa TOWNSHIV, T II Alston ynl go to the highest bidder.