attain ljc hatljnm ttectui). l)c Cimtlinm Kccorft. H. A. LONDON, Editor nd Proprietor, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance. RATES GF ADVERTISING. One qnare, oco iiisetlioii SI. Of) One Kq'iiirf, two inscrt'ous l.fiO One square, cuo month SO For Larger Advert i v. tnents Liberal Con tracts will be made. VOL. XXVI. PITTSIiOItO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C, THURSDAY, MAIiCII IS, 1904. NO. T.). Cpttam A-MATTER 'MILLIONS. By Anna Katharine GreenXAn,h"VUr"r,"k" J 0I0MT, 1..0 KOBfUT aOHNCII'S tOhS. t'll.M'T KH XXVI. Continued. ' You iiiir.'.nilly wish me to accom )iaiiy yon batk to Now York." proceed- J lie oilier. "I do not wonder nt t bis, and, Indeed, it is my own wish to re turn there as mk.ii hk possible tli.'it I ii:iy make such ex):iii:ttfons us will place me ii(.'ht witli the authoriti -a. Itui before I leuve this (own I demand the nill-K. of sltnilnf. 1 lie deed which .hull Miss KoKen beyond tile pow er of these wietehes. I have already Hm-i'ii uiy lawyer, mul, loinon-ow ui'ii nlii-.. mi 11. I Imp,. 10 In- in 'i posh lion to visji Miss Itot'or with Ihis im portant li i , l, my pocket." "I I is il scrlnis step," objected (he (le- Ircllie, "hut if vi it " "I :im 1 . solved." "I do not sie thai ir,. -vi lit you from resolved upon have lie- llchl li akim.' il. Jtut It l.i i I " see:, is in ine. von might wait 'When Wiililn.-f haves Iht in coiitin tied dati-ar'.' You ask too nun li of my .'cncrnsiiy. Mr. Cryec. will wnit ihl., one nl-dil. Incuts- il is impie-slbl,. to do mlii'l i-e. and 1 1' 110 atleliilit N Made ( 1 1 .11 her life I may coln-chl ! d lay nil I haw shown in, papers in the -upo: liiii fnlfi.1 of police, lull il. mi tin- i.uii-ary. tin. I in the inorniiiu I i!i:'i ii'i;- atMinpi n.i heeii inaile tip'ni ."'Is-- linkers' life iliir.iu' Ihe nlulil. and that he; position is really ns riiii:i is we have reason in fear, then no pow er mi eaiih siiiill restrain in- from put tiim 1:11 1 in! to lnr ihitifi hy making lie. 11. e lll'l.-pillillile invill'l (l .tr. I II'- lain y's 111 iilinij leu .ii- a h'.i'le lii-ineil man. w.i j 111.' lllli--rs ell.lnisiaslie eotl.lilelll. j "Y'lll eoliiminl 11. y hi(:iiis ti spe. t. I aiii lint in a p.i-iii iii 10 .iy more: I j wish I v.viv. and I wish -" this he I a. Mi d a- h, ii'.i.'d a en lain hiiyard and tiMHaU1r.1l look in the . ih. r's nuin- ; len. ii e "lil. II I I ellel Ulldet-lood ' lour po-;iii i. iiinl v. h;il ihis I 1 1-f I -. 5 -. -: 1 : 1 owe- In i'U-" ' I'll y v -i;i i,.liMu apart. Mr. Cry.-,, l-avi'!.? nil.eiiaMii inward Ihe !; l . ' Mr. !.".;. aw in rifiire spoke frankly; 1 Have I ion 1 1 1 si i- myself clear';" "Vis Mini lie. I 11 II. In-1 a ml that Mi-c l;.i'.'. I . i- lo rerei'.e lll lt l'e' whii h ' Ii II. list he I ' I' Kl iio l tll l'l Voll. lull I .lie. im: v. ! eel liiili win tin I her ohii i. itini,- v. i'I iiu'hi !- ii personal ih-vo- '.ii whirh will lei. ine of lay happh ; l.e.-s. M. li.'iii'aM's eye. whb h had heid i the uiir i's re imined. fi ll with vayue i liolll'l". I Tiiat nin -lion," said he. van be ho; irr mis w 'i r.l ! i morrow. I f you will I il'ilM',- l:!i by helm: present ill ihe iuier- I view vtmeli I have reijilesled .r Mi--l.'eueis oii will thell h:IVe tiieop'iortu iiiiy lo Irani wiial is ai pteent io iiiurh of an me .1 liiiliiv lo ine as it ran be to you." Toil " "1 in-a'i i;. Iiim.iv I want your plee!ie. I b' l V il lid Wa . ai'i 'III loilski! I'lie ho or set is II, .1 .in mi. here, and v.'.' w.ll ... 1 1 1 to Ihe house louelher.'' Tin- arlis-, assured of his rival's ear-tie-lie --. ,1'jain shook his hand and pri -pal'ii io have, lie hail his own illleti lioiis will. t"L'i!iil to (be iilybl. ami Mils only anxious for the npporiimiiy t'i earry Iheiu eui. !Mr. Mecraw likewise viib inly liinl his. and a f"i the de lec.ive. he no duiibl was not withoui hi-- l Ian also, for, when he saw that this inter lew whieh I have jll-i ile--eiibed was -ii an end. lie slipped for ward wi'h Ihe remark : "It is I. ne. but I must hum up I'.ynl. I am anxious to know whether or not be has e.illarrd his man." "Ami I." said the artist, "ani (join to louse in. Miss Aspinwnll and ask her to lake Mi-'s Holers Into her room lo liiubi." "And 1," lidded hi- liaineMike. "am Roliijt to pile,, her minimis like a poliee sergeant, happy if I an be of any use in preserving the safely of one who, without iiny dect fault ef my own, has been put in peril ibrourdi my ef forts in her behalf." All three went down stairs. At ihe front door Ihey stopped. A man was iitsl i ntorint; in whom the artist and th,' ileteelive veeoiinized Mr. ll.vid. "Well;" asked Mr. !ryee, iausiti ln fore his colleliuue. "Ah! you here'.'" was the ipiiek re ply. "That Is cootl, but -" The youiij; detective's words enme slowly: evident ly he was ureiitly astonished at -ctini: the two Mr. 1 lepra ws in such amiable conjunction with bis superior. " I have not ihe best of news, to gi; you " "Why';" "What;" exclaimed liny, one and all. "Mns the man escapp.IV'" IHimhfoiiiiiIrd at llus furtber evi dence of their mutual tniderstuiidiui;. hp looked from one to the other and answered, vehcmeutly "Yen. How did you know aboui ii': lie Is gone, and I t atirmt tell whithir." Mr. :ryce nt once turned toward t:, two tenrieuieii. "Then 1c indeed behooves us to been Die alert. If he has Rone, it is in her direct ion. and If he means mischief he will attempt that mischief tonight." And beckoliinc; io liyrd he led the way into the street, followed by his now Ihorouhly aluriutd companions. CilAl'TKlt XXVII. fKi-BET fKOlKI -IORS. ilelectives mid the lenruw. oil :e: liie .piaiUis of the ITei eland '.: .!! It.ilK'd olillildlilt. I ill tilt foji llb A4lIUWul)' Jivtisc 1 JUL. As tie y Lurried iilon-; I'.yid to ask his superior if .Mr. Dernw was I111101 cut of tin' machinations of liis vah't. mill Lcln- assurrd thai he was the .voting detective showed a more candid front mid a -avaier willingness to P iik. 1 1 : ! story was simple and uraipht foi win I For days he had perceived, without lii-lniyinu 11. ihiit this valet, iiii he Hilled llim-clf. was a dotllitflll char ai ter. Thnu-li th-rc was every reason is .-ill must in !!iowled-:o for a police o'tii i r from New York to believe a pr oil ly To ii.tiiie 01 H.iiiiiltoit l)c-.raw lo lie ;it ihi- I'oi'iiiii of any harm whirh iiiitiht ineuace Mi-s JJutrrrs. he whs as sured, l.y nil he saw. tin; man to he MOM feared ill llii-i ijne was the Vidi t alid Hoi the Ina-nr. that he set h'lii-cll' Ihe In-k of follow iliU the fol u on all hi- in-r. - i ii:.i i i'.ii-. :i ml a- . T;,i,tv ,.,, ,,. 1 tr,.n- hoiirlv more . . . . . . siisiiei(iiis. li.i'l ev. 11 iruiie. his usual I'll l iialious and i p.-lily kepi the fellmv ill ij.'!:t. 'J'i.e roll- i!eiii e w;is that. on Ihis Veil- evi I. iie.' ii" had h ell so toiliiiiiit" a I" et'Die iijioii him in Mr. J'eiaw's M.ld'o, just as Ii.. l'o'.ll iliu -..mi! hillu' into thai yenlleiiiiin's liiiiei--. Com ile i d that Ihis sotii. l hhi'.' In,:-i,ii h I "iniileil upon him an I him, leu ihe f-llow was I and in iii a ilr. .' I. is Ii.iM'I- and even nut n, p -IZe s an p-i.v niel was out of tin window I hi. i.e. n , i,tiilil,j-S:::-.,;. .1 l!:- he l oiil'l r-i ov-r .11 ai to,. I li a v '- made iii... a !r. 1 1. lit", Mr. 'nil , aid 1 1 - i had I ai-, io i:,, t!-. i.i.iai I ie.l i n.. ili i ani'T o!' il s III . ll'U III lln.l.K liiis n el' valiiahle time, f ir d.lli'.' r..,s I ..!: he h-t a in. mi II' !l II.' v.:s I s r.-.'il; ,. I e .il'imelle.. I he mi. I ii." .nan h.iil '.-nt siilli h;. h. IV'lll -h.ll III' I. II I I" II,. 'ike II dlll'. llll I'o I him In ii."',,- iluiii l.ei p him .a sh'.hl Mm tin I ill. I .1... and del. tli'Oili III- l.'ll.iv. lei I, on a pretiy i ''a-- ihroiiuii ih w'..d- ail. I l-ra in '.! thai 1-11. u in ' o i .- I ill loil-.l.. ill I Ills p...i!' . ' i. i '.. .,i.l ihi, uuli l a sinv;- of the ::ia.f. h- ; h- tra I i" In. I. all. I i in- 'ii . In : by il. .l:..i ii. I. and iieM by ll.e II ivy- ;r.l a f l I ha ! sla- iil-l -l,u t I'e. a v a; l.i.l th- io..n leinpt .. a lid oil - it i-llllll'.' bjie e!:' 11 llloll-hl ,'lppr.ll'' I ! H I. n -it: lot- In slipp'-'l like I.Lihilill,. illio ., s,, lull of shadow an. I - .an.ii. ::i. .1 by seerel .;l-iii;. - ami l.v-way- lhat l-l: - salt be.iliiii tel liiimiii d e.-ible Ill t!i ital 'h.i beilr: Will eilllalit. ' '111.11 is. I till deter, iv I." eVpiailir I ' I ill- mm:.1 mi ti-l an.:;. I ni . I i h. -n ml he i iiliiioi ' a poo V. . lie II. V nay !.. -, ii.- . for In a- I. Ills ai ile j from ii.w ii. i. : I I av.- i inn 1 1 : . i -1 . ; Hi... in i i IoIIl' 'emaill . onrealril j -mall as thi- To iiee shall bin".- h!m m:'-. !., j mis. -hi. f. in I lie oi'o per is lie i'i. in' hi.1' alwiiy- I'li-i .io it y ' "1 am !i..i v. 'in . !aii"e,l Vr. i .'r. J at li innl io s;ii I-. i iloii't ihinl, ;i , .'I j more. Ail h ur a::.' ill thai." i "lie may male : l'is h .1. 'a.! a.ii .'inl io ii il I I lioiulil lei -;! iia-ieo.' I lee 1. :l tired in. in. 'on -, nialkably 1; -s Ii i'ti'1 piesent." '1 lie i . o J i, r., w .- : their eyes vlealncd .-.It':: olllil 'iill-'v oil l'l 'h"!i tie y ai riled i all's h,oi-e ih- . h.,1 I'll- itl.-l .. ..i.i lioihin. nut and their 'lep. e salewali: ..I Ml.- A-l''...- . A - I h- iioer .or ivliiviuont iiad )"Ul; p. is-., I. 'pei 'i , to liml l tie premise- d.n heii-d ii:d Ihe aale-t lo-ed, an. I ili-y wi-ie ileie Ho. dl-appoiul.-.l. .Nowhere, l.i .liill-e or visible. Illiel ' Vl h.ll l)e-ra w. ire reel V h- ho'i "I hi'i mo-, was lucre any livm All il.ii U and all w .-hall We do:' of Cleveland. e lis- eiioiiuh pleli.-il Mr. "We have lor .. roo- in-. ; and y i " .'ib'tiidy in. i, in.. I mi plan. nti-l posed Mr. ;rt aitisi arou-e ihe In ifin )y in piociire re, lirmly. "We se. ill le.lsi soil:-.Ill-llleS ,l inlet view wi'h Miss Aspitr.t all. If-" anl lieie hp 1111 lie I lo the urti-l - 'Mr !'i ri.iw thinks he can s. ml her a i.n -iif.e without imdiily iilai inini: her, h t ililtl do so. As the -it will, pel hap-, be show bis face ill tie i . ani - km .v I an. Ii llll te lb: h it do y.ui think, -ii ' "'That it will be wiil moi-h l-r l.i. o try," was ihe arti-i's reiolnde: . "if billies comes l.i tlie door, w- ale all rifihl: he is discreet ami w iil iii.bii.'i II no luiiici i s-.iry n i l il I.- , t.ei I;' ii Is one of the oilier servants. I ca.u.o; ;Moiui-e im Hindi." "There is always i,-k in eiei.i i1:." euiiilked Mr. Hiyc Us hope thiii it will "Uinu. aii'i l .lame- ii ho m, -wers the summons." The arti-t ol.t-.i-.i. ii.n-.. iuat -,i:. loiii.le rltiK which alA.iys ul...-i- ii .'le,ii.llt. ivlnle Mr. 'Iiyte Mopi ... c.l '.he opportunii y to post his lemaiiniit -oiepiiliiolis ill po,lioiis he I li. n I ! .est i alculaU'il to coliii.iand a full 1 l.-w f the house, phu iuj; Mr. lieRraw In a luster of liecs near the from doer am ilynl In uu ni i'iir thai overlooked 1h.i1 the bill k of the hou-e and that side o il containing, as he li.i.l been told, I hi nmn occupied bv Miss Uti-ers. 1 1 1 1 id s. If inuinled lo .iciomp.ini the ml -l. .f the) Here o fiolun.ite a-, Hi nail. .11 i lllli.Ilce lale 1 on: . I'lie DUulllions, wLlih LiiU kvUuUed snly t.oi loud nnd linll. Iiroulo nin! ihan one head to Ihe windows nimve .ill when the door w;is opeii-d it wa -James they saw. ntid lo liiui Mr. I ' lraw found it possihle to -ay: "iJon't he alarmed, .laine-. do , .a want lo disturb the hou-e. Inn I hav it tnes-at'e for Miss Aspum-nl; that will liot keep till Unit liili-.'. Will von it--'. h.-r to eimie down'.-" Tin- MTVatii, who laol i ti ! his IlliHticss' father, bowed wiliemi a shade if surprise on hi- re-pe. ti .-.i fan. and uslieriiifr the two i;eii'ieiie n In, iin l oily shut the door i'lid ii.'. i ii way on liis mi-sion. .1' there was a failir 11'ht liillliin- in the hall, li.. y Were liol left eliliiely ,11 ilarkur--. fa.-t for whieh tln-y were ib.iiii.iu) when a few mlnules later 'hey In-aid a faint loiiH'all appi'oiieli. and 1 . J i 1 I sooner than lley epeel.d. the s;iL;,t ami ee-anl form of Miss A-pinuall ileseeiiiiin the Mail's, in a Ion- iron n of flowered silk, hut otherwise in tlie same trim in wlii-h Mr. Io-raw iiad observed her early ill the evi iiin;.-. "Oh," hhe i ried, hurriedly ii lv -m-In'. "what ha-- oeeuried';'' Mr. Inyriiw, snii!l:i. pointed to ih-lHit-iiry, v hose door stood invli'ir-'iy open. "May we einet ;' Mie looked lirst at Hie artist then i.t his ( ollli.)llioll. " I In- bol'se is not on Ine, iheii'-" she n.'iiiely renin rked. And lieekotiiin: to .l inn - ho had followed her a; a ili-tatee. she . our maiided him lo liule the lamp on the lll.t-iiry table J'.ut the .Ola:!:, loiwanl. observed: "I think I o. lid make m. . ir.i I!i;his. hai v e ri in -l ii jmi v. .'I pill-doll Ihe illtill-aill. Iilililam is I'M'..- io wai. li ihis lion. I am Mr. ;r;. -e. of the New York oote.-U' e io: . i-. aod I have been led lo think, fiom in tin slanies urn -;ii-y to stale ::i mis moment, thai mie l your ii..-u rnn---.line diiiliii-r lo iii-bi fi' in an im-. ru puloiis man !m ha-, i r :!.ink. la- ha-. ii luoilve for her il.-ath. If. 1 h-n iore. 'you il.. liol ohjeei (o in 'jilal'lia 0 a 1 1 1, h.-r iii!.--ooe I should like to play the pari of proteetor. a pail whieh. a- tlii' te man her., will tell you :s no n. v. for me o ii-siime " "Ah! nnd till- -,i. I Hie only liee.b-d o,i.' lo .k .1 Mr J.I-IMV lo l.n.ov w lei it i, a- "Is Miss lie-els-, llo ilolll ' ' ''Ye-, a lady whom I llo- seen, but w ho claim- my ilo from her n.-niie and t h- ei I i! she -I il I li Is- " "Alld does -he ,:.;,,' yo.lf I" pill seed j in !;',.: . v. i a a ! -.U .' Mr. Ietra-, lull ol s.v ii,. ., i.-1 in. "I Ihinl. inn." liberty. ""i- a ::"i w re a le.- le-p ll li.e , -- .be i M. I,- I'. all. Then I ile ;ns, iio. 1 d"iiii oini in.,.-- of i.l- Vi.lel. The l".i"el' h.i i 1 , ,vi I' 111-, i ' iill we had a li-ht :o . p, . i i.ei i Mr. Morri-' rei ommeii'iaia'ii. while tec lat ter has -lien lokell ol b-ii! a Iiim.-i 'lesper.'ile villain, witii mi' :i,i..u- of liie Worst, not otiiy iiLiiln-i I.I- Inasler and my-elf. bin u:::iiii,i ibe iunoien; si-- norma, who. ;i. Miss s lie .-llppe a ... iil 1 lie V, . il.ii I, I, el ill-- by I i -. -ialnl ' an ..I. -. !i be I. "I' lo leap an ,..r:-..,;i,.. ,, mom y " "Hi.- 1 II lei V" -le 1. pee, c.l. f; I do lie- k.i..-.. tba, I im, i "bis ..I . nili'. r hi-- . a!"i. I . he I lie in., li : ha , i.a :-:-. I- 'he lionble in N. v York ' w liie'! t e' He tol l Ine ' "We Ihll'k -. " i : "i'-in; hi- iii,r-ic, name "No Thai . . Mr !V"rrv j. e, I 'i's- '.villi iho-e Ji'liii! -.iri- ,,:'. ' io! ile.i Mere ie.i i epi !). "i-ibk' i. ne on in- . on wary, ih-y .i..l o'ie ,fii u . a ion iil h.iie tlie oppoi io'.-Iiv ,.i i;,;r lit: (u-nioi row u hen l.c ',; 1.1,1- ..o,,--. il'. lllll he i.ib-l no. l'l. r, d wl Ii lo- IcsiLie; ami made wooU--. and . "i.ien lihlteS lll.lkilll; ll.ore, plC'blli'll Upell i;.is very mlii. I 1- ditHcub toi me i make .'oil nmh'i -t .iid all thi- In ' ooli.ilit. bin it loi iie- ielb.w - ii. 'ii.sed in I ,M ihiii Mi - ICoU-l's -iionld liol live I ill 1 1 it . I niim ' A malkeil pallor i-ible iii-n m ine illll ii'.'lll ell i Ins. faintj i ilblluileil liaj,. oeli Ihe pile e of her tiso. l Heel by olor She in-tliiftiey .hex. neare-- be art'st as ,1 lo appcid lo his prolet :ioli; bill bet hinkin.; he: el. -tepped 'link, and surveyed bolii seinliuicii ivilh eilial ci iilidcilie and rouniiie "And where i this ilii.iu no 1'" she iskld. "We lanuol say; bin we tldnk he 's on or neur your grounds." "I will call up Outlaid ami Henry nut the coachman," she cried. I5ui Mr. (iryce stopped her ivuh a nesture. "No." lie ob.tecied. "We lime t'Ur aids without: all We need is n place near Miss Koers' door w here Wt; ran waicb In silence for any dauber that may ap proach her. I know the house is locked." he exclaimed, as she opened her lips to utter some word ol sur prise or astiiranee. "T'ltt Ihe plot of whldi this valet is undoubtedly the u",eut is a deep one, suid may involve some totally unsuspected person as an accomplice. It is to save her such a continceucy that tve propose to sit up to-night. The valet -will bo taken care ef by those -without." "I understand, or rather I do not un- lersttand," responded Mis.s A spin wall. Rut I am willlntr to rely on the jinli metit of others wiser than myself. I o ivhnl you think best. Keiitlenieii. I am .villinu; to trust to Mr. Doirraw's d!s. ret Ion " Hie drew back and waved her hand 'ownrd the stairs. "If yon think it in lispeusable to watch Miss lio-a'is' oof, I will show you where it is. Hut annot I do the watt hing for you':" "You run do belter," suynested the rtlst. ''You can take her Into ymu wo mo'u." "That is ii ae; I mil do Unit; she Will lie sale there. ' IV be cohiiuutd. Is AGEIOilLTURAL I S,,e,l Iitch. j When draiieii- the land, whether ! with lib - or dllche.-. tietier resnds wili ; b" obtained if the dip-lies or tiles arc j lis strai-ilil iis it is possible to bill" I them i:vey f m il made iii a drain as si-.s jn pet n.ittin an aecuimiliitioti of solid niaite-. as welt as imp-dins tiie How of wat-r to ii eerliiiti extent. Hi It in iirc Sim. l". u nf I.hIIiib. The ipiii kest cure for the habit nf e-- -u i ititi- in fowls is decapitation for lb" table, but. tifienlinies a fowl is too valuable for this Ireiitmeiit, und il may be worlh while to prepare a li'-st like the one shown In the illus tration. The bollom of the lii-tl is ill NtT Tt rlllAF.NV EATIXCI MOOS, two palls. The l,ir-ei piece slants to Ihe r.iir just etiou-b to cause an CKK lo roll down u. A class nest ept Is inad ' fast to the lower piece to induce he b, n to lay on the bare nest. When the hen has laid Ihe and turned M'.iltiil to peek It she is lUliell aston ished Pi see il roll ..or (if Si-Id - -(If- un" .In. Id r.-irmer The t e tit AIimoIiciiIii. (lie of Ihe lies! niethiuls of keeping maiiilie is to have a pit, with eenient bottom ami sides, nn th,. solid por ti'U.s kepi wet by piioipini; on tin- heap from th.- drainiiiL's. for if the manure is kept daiup there will be a final dif feroi're in its value. Kxp'-riinetits made show that a h-ap carefully mate :ue, and kepi wet lost about thirteen p-r cent, of i's niii'oeceii, while another heap, not hepl wet. lost about twenty four l.ei- cent, ot its nitroireii. Manure, even when kepi wet. nil! be more val uable if. in i ihlition 1,i the cut straw und s,il:s used as absorbents, the ma nure is liis' covered with dirt and marl, a layer of manure beine followed by :i layer of marl and then n layer of iih-orhi ni-:, the whole well trampled. 'I he loss of tiitr..--!, wh-ii s-i-h a plan has l.oon ti '-led tlid hot exceed two per cent. Marl is perhaps the cheap est ai',1 be, i absorbent material, as i; not only -nics to prevent lo--. bin Is eh an. easily handled and costs but Very little. It can be Used boih Iii the stall- and in ihe 'leap, and applied free. I.v. Ii really eiu ii lies ihe manure as well as preset-vine; it, for the icason that ii contains plum food in an In soluble condition, which becomes avail able for 'l. int-: vhen used with the 'olid iiii'l ii'iuid tnanuroe. -rhilndeliihiii r.e.'ord. ( U.-illcillioil of I'.iilil. In leelint; animals, the fanner, by liis l;n.wleil-e of Ihe difference be- ttti 'ii l!es!i-fof:i,in- foods and tlms( that form fat. is ciiiibled to so combine litl'eletil foods as b provide for all their wants. Kiiowint; thai the "alliu- liiiimids," or niirorfeiions looils, produce liiii-.-le ilean m.ati mid mil!;, in order to allow io. heat and fat he must "balae -e" 111- foods for the purpose of liioiili'.- Phi mil'-h d' the one kind and no, (-iioit.ii ef ihe oilier, en an iiicv a:i'. Iil- proportion of iiiliop-iiolis I.m I- to ih- arbonaecous is ns one to si. or rather, he should add six times much of Ihe earboiiae. en- as be l'".s of the llitloueiioll-. The conditio,,-:, however, affect the proportions, f. r ii an animal is highly exercised, as , ihe i-i-e with workint; horses in slimmer, tie i.lirimeu may be iiiciensed ai, ! the rarbon l , n, i iil-l.e,i : but if ihe Weaiher is veiy cold Ihe proportion of c.-ii bo. i. e toils matter, on the contrary, should be increased, lty a knowledge of lie- con:-"-.!ion of different foods the lariaei- who feeds for mill: will rerr Unite ihe laai' iiiii iillowed to bis inli ne. s iiecordiiii; to circumstances, nnd no i without an object in view as is !': 'lucnlly th.; ea.. In fatleiiiiii, his ici liiiii Is be will ii-o the tat forming foods. ..ilowiii.' only -o much liitroji.'ii on- matter as may be necessary for tie- evi-teiiee of the iiuimiil rbiladel phia U-onl. A ..l i ii l irlii)Kr.l .Haniire. 1'... an t xpcrinienr roiiductcd ill the tii'mta Kxiierlinenl i'arni. which las'. (; ner a pi'i'ioil of v-ars and which Is leooitcl in the fanner's Iteiiew. it iv:. - proven lln,'. an i.iial iveiiihl of fro-li siable mi.iiiire and ef well roiled mamiie applicil lo !' the principal ci - .p- of the l.irm iie,' praciicaliy ( i'i i, r ll'l- a slih! dilTereilce Ihmiik i' !.,!.,, ol the fle-h lUi'.IIUI-e, -i'ls .lame- M, l ailye in. Ii is a groat mis. !..:- lo b 'iic'.e that iii.inilfe wastes !o aw , ',i't im, n sp, upon th-land I 1.. tl'MI. ,e-e is eo'l-i,e':ll(. el el i ., e will be very little of the clemeiils i ape by cviipora I" not tecoiiiuiend too heavy li" a:i i I . i i .-1 1 i i 1 1 at one time. We seek to hive ii divided s., that jt will cover ; . .lit iaiid cveri si . '.ml year, if p..--i'i''. It' the leaimie : reasonably ili.'.i. -o t.iiit we - , t have it iieor poraled into liie siulaee Soil with the di-- or spade Iiiiiioh. rultiViitor or Kai'i: plow in the sprinu. and to about the same depth as we w ish to kow our, n. Its indirect value to the uroivinc crop is yn attest. l-'ai myard luamire Is the most natural and perfect plant food available, and it him Indirect re nilts that no coiiiuicicuil can jiive, heeailse it lohls to the soil so much vep'table inii'te. so niiit'h bn inu!, by which iav ami sandy sods i -p.' l-illi .ii' .. i.ti.i bi li-iii. tt. 4'.nn.i) not Just jfi avidlubie no )ut j food, llllt wheiievir I here is il ilei ay. I iil(r of ! -, 'table lli.'llter lie -le i-' u' I nays a certain decree of heat forme.!. We sec this very plainly in to" manure i heap. Then lei ns have ii,i- la at j formed in the -oil. tin- -.roi.'.i,-j plants may deriv.- hen-lit j": . s. i it. nnd Ihe soil will be made more I mellow, crumbly at.d porous beeause ! "f lie- heat alid moistute.- Mirror ' I-llt lllt r. ( arc of ('(ill's f ret . Anion): tin- farm horses -. hion-h'i-.iL the country ii is snrpijsjn- ,,,w jv-.v there are that are perfectly sound. In lookim; tor Iii- reasons p,r iie exisi inu conditions we -hall lind sevei-.u c. uses. One imp..' taut cause is i,e breedini; of nusoiinil animals, whi-h iratisnilt the jin di-posii inn p, unsi,i;i;,i. ness to their offspi-ii;". There is still iiiiother en us, , ami it is in connection with this thai tie intend to say a few voids Ringbones, enrns. spavins, etc . are doubtless f rt ijiii ntly due to hp k ol at tention to the feet of horses while they are youiiK ami to the lack of attention to Ihe feet of older horses which lire not shod n-L'iil.-irly. We often see Un fed of youni.' horses ltowiiii: Inidly out of shape, which condition we may at tribute to in-elect on the part of the on tier or to the fact I'lilt they do no', appreciate the importune" of the iio 1 1on. When ihe hoof froj out of shape the li-niueiits anil joints of the limbs are under a constant strain an t liable to sprain which will probably result In a permanent injury. .lust now wl tl nits are 1 iii' put in the'.:- winl. r .ii;irters is a suit able time to s."- tiiai their feet are properly triiu.ncd. 'I bis may be done on a solid wooden th.or with the u-e of the chisel and hammer. The hoof should be trimmed to the proper shape and the fro-; should lest on the -round when the horse Is liol shod. The lirsi requisite in a amnl horse s sonml limbs. Whatever oilier uoo l prints he may have, lie is of no laluo if h" lias not !or.s to curvy him. Then, if aii.vihii!-, can be done to ameliorate the liability t" mi-oiindiii'Ss. We will nil admit that ,1 deserves every i'ttei, lion. We therefore tnist that our farmers w ill si e t,, it Unit colls' feet lire attended to. Indianapolis News. If.o mi, tr Whmi .litcli. While Wiijioii jack; arc coniparaliic ly low in cost, snme f ii,,. cheaper ones- are not desirable. If one has some leisure durii." lb" winter a jack sudi ns js shown in tue illu-ti-iiiio-.i can be . otistrm ieil readily .ami at very little cost. The lumber used should be of s-llU" li.-.l-Jl t.nval, : i 1 1 1 1 the foil il. Us should be well made. Material two by three will be slioiiii- enough if of uood lumber. Th" upristht piece should be i.boii! I no and one-half feet lon liiid be uioi li-cil into tin: base, nltled-h il may be atiio -bed In :i;iy other de sired way. Til- base is three feet huii; and the npiisti.l pi should s:u into it one fool from the t inl A lolll.- llloVlise should be ctll ill the upii-,hi as shown, and holes made as show n, so lhat a pin may be d to plm : the lever bicker or lon er lo I t the hcicht of the various xvattmis. line cud of the chain i- sjapicd to liie base ; as shown, and in the cud of the levt I is placed a strnni; l ook. After the j win el is raised lo the d( sired height j a link of the chain i -lipped over ;lie , hook in th- lever .Hid holds il in posi tion, Indianapolis Xeiia. I urn, Nli'.. Il is doi.i". what needs to be done at the ri-;ht time lhat make: -ood butler. With manure and dm or ihe skillful farmer loed- to 'my bn. fertility -aie in bran. I'i, si drivinj: nnii.cs itilf hoi-e- un less exirit are is taken alter each -putt of .'-peed I 'airy -.nek .iliilel be illi.i'ir.i if a mixing of bred- i-- .a;e! --'i pei mltt. d lo no on. A bad disposition in :ciif rally the result nl animal d in. ma: m ui and hai.dhavi. No animal, no matter bow ndi bred. should be used for br tin- in. lis. ti has in, pi Idlial men; H.-ivini; the ("imliii. .n ritiht m hen th- seed is sown is an .ii pori.MU ilein in sivurin-. uood lieriuuiiilio.:. I he oniy way ihe crass nop can be cnitililted i by prep.-irim; ihe soil ill .1 line tilth before sum int; the seel. The horses that arc li-l able to stand bald ill;' ill- me ilmsc which work steadily every day in the neck. I'lie din and sweat which a. cumu late on a horse dui inc th" dai should net be allowed to remain on over i i i 1 i i . A hot' with a short nose, a thick .tend, short Iocs and plenty of an t lull-: room i- liem iaili a ipiici aid tood grower. the average faruier linos il to keep a variety of stm k in order lo use 10 the best advaiituKo all of the prod ucts of the farm. In niakiiir; the best quality of butler 11 is essential tli.'it the cream should have a tinift rm consistency us well as uniform ripeness. Ashes, salt anil charcoal should be l.i pt w here the tdock can help them--tins Tln-y assist dip'stioit ami -haiptu 'le appetite Kiii'sus 1'iiiiu-vl'. A W.Ui; N .'At K . oniF ,'I).lll,th, For .Molltei'.. rabllelle i;. .la'-k-oll has wiitl.i) It ittle book of "J'on'ts for Mothers." linn which we cxtrad a lev.- "Ib-n mitsets of ml vice. I'on't omit to estab!i-h ,.i ti.'1 vty M-iiililiilil; illiplii it. eollt'del,.-.'. i'bsollllc Iil-l. alid Ihe sweet ililercolliv I'ossl .le b. l ween llioillt r ami hild. 1 h.ii'l lty lo divert -h-i! oh- le : . . 's your rlL'iit. I x .n't aive baby -"ii.etbii,:. b'la.i-c !e clie- for !t. Wall I.Util lie 'lops, ,11. 1 lie li uu.' il if it is wise to il.. so. e.l'iuctle sleciri oe iiiii',,, , . Iloii't Wheli liie tWO Vcar l'::le.-ol,e I bill i! IS not. Iloedh--!,! has be ll s l-e:lei,e,, ..let look a spoon hurled '"' " v" ','l,',' " vil.lU to the Moor on 11;.. -mi let thai , nraei-: need of mir '.eiiis reminded of baby is too voiinc t- nnd, and." ; l"'kii:u afK v our raeth al tools oi ".m Insisi .piietiv but lirmly upon tl:- sumo : uioii pobiei;,-s... and iidvised to sharpen hi-eis pi.-kiii- it up. nnd in-:-: for ; "'-I polish :h"ii, .p a bi',.- In n lot I n !:tce hoiii if necessary. Ki-.-.iit lita'C I'i s. vruia caii be learned at tin early ane. 1 l"u't offer bribe- as an inducenu in ixtnniiiB (.im. oo.l behavior. N, if otie woman in ten realizes the Iioii't Use Imrrifyli,- tbre,.'.- to .-n- ! impottatiee of asc i-iainim; am! making 'ni-,' obedieir e. Teach rij.'iii fo.- rinhl'.-; a careful study of the one particular lake. ; color most, beioiniii:; to her. and of al- I ion', permit your children to mi.-bc- i ways havini: a toii. h -i ii i'ltro-biced mi jriv at lable. The well ordered tin nl : som- part of her dr.--. iie-uis cverythiiiir to older pcopie. ' The auburn haired woivriu look- I c-t 1 ..n't overlool; an nntl'itth. ye- weiah ! in i.rowti. shiidinu ii.:- ila- imi.- of her iii-efuily betiiieii ii 1 1 1 1 ii t li I u i in - i'lid hair, or iii li'li dark Lirceti--. i vivid iimuiiiiition. It is often a hair- 'Ihe yellow haired niv 1,111 wer.r fed. plit'imr task, but tin mistakes simuld )), -reens. p.o. are deliu'lit fill on her: i" niioi-. also .crlaiii wll.c.v- and bl.-u-k. White Iloii't tolerate ' s.H.irlnes-" or "flesll- is less li, .-ii'.n.;;.;. but she II.U.-I b" brll- II -.,'' Correct them gently, but linn li.n.i in umpicxion or el.-e most i. II y. l'..r Ihey rctlect upon y on , cite as to tints to wear pays ;-.i:il i.,n'' see too miirh: blimliie-s j- nn 1 biu.-s pi ndvaniiiLie. I'.lues. particu idi.iliii'ue al line' Holi'i hear too 1 :,ri.v ihe pah' and cold bi'.,--. ;,;,. best iini 'i; d'. iitiiiss i- el'eii a blessiiiii. adapted to Li'iin-tics. lioji't iriticise eiir cbildrcii in I Iio j The woman hair is :i iln'l vr"seiice of others: remember ilr y "are brow n. and whose t omjd' xio'i and eyes -eli.-iiive plains" ; ml bruised when yoll I :i:-Iec it. i To Alniil Wrinkle. I (111" sr.-mlmolhers used lo date tlie I .erioii of their lost girlhood by the tirsi I r rink!-, but ihe woman has to be seen a.wadays who would have ihe -oiir.ii:e : ' sa.V tliat wiih b. r first ivrail,! comes ! ,!d at-. . :. would tell yoll ihe! she is 'roiid of thai little faint line. I'.ui. a- a rule, ill health is iii'-weta- 1 d" for those ibsa-l-ecable littl- lines . ml. indeed, ii hea they are i:iii:y in : 'ii-.mber. th. i :ir i!i-ti-urin- I Many ate the methods lha' h.i v .. ii trie I P. mrlte tin- skin s Hi I la.r i'-Mi'i. i A '!! r "f the-" ni.-,l,ii- . ,e uo.,,1. but as no two .-kins are ahu -. cadi !.-e. u ires a dibereut tr.-atiueiii. ! Tii-re j- a treat deal in the way you na-h imir faee. lnsiead of v. a - biii - d"Mnw.ii,s. lis niaeiy iu:ie "iil "f : -very homh-ed do. il should be washed ipiiards. and -cntle friction u.ven I" .he I'lirts most hiply p, wrinkle. Sprayh't; the face with soft hut iitcr it niiihl Is- ..-ood. The bf-t plan of all is to 1:011: Mi the ly w.ili good, wholesome food, which wiil. In il turn, noiirisb the skin and ('11 out ihe fare in the parts where t. riukies generally come. - I'a. c powder olllv -leeliclis the wr i llklt .- A 1 iil lltil !"!: mil. omen Ali-xttilri.'H r,-i. O'ie..,, .i .xaii. Ira. who has iniiilc In-.- j "' ls ""l '"'-l ;l nrii vi-, l to Heiiiuark. the land of j unless it is artistic, which the .styb-h '.,-r ..nil I i- f I ef docs. !r has dress never K nnd if will nndo,ibi,.,!!v s,',:-. and b'-eeds. She ,.,.s- l"..k tiueer and t;,sh:ou, .1 - th. i-s ... Nn..; skill in iraitiiiif t ln-tu. labs.' "I years. i.n.: !!:, pel- which she ha- sl,.,;ii her, Mew Well ;he ..Jd pictures stand the ne a'!'i" of ivoiidcrlul u ,. ks. j b'-t of lime. Your hair should b Cm ll.eie wa- ..n- d-u upon n hid; her dressed ill the simplest fashion. Aval Mi.i-slv ...nt'. es Unit lti mi. n she I "'I onianienls that are stilish, cva. used :o .;,,, loa-itit; eves. It w.,s a p rated sleeves. 1 i-;ht. I.ittl- collars, aid pei-fotniiiii. do- nai I "Mi- j an unnecessary amount of jewelry. I..-." ami it was the ratio as a society s.-arfs of lace or some delicate i iii. rial:. cf. Imitation cards ,11 -iT-at Wii" rial loosely lnm iiroiiiid th.- neck S.'.-.tloll" hells, s used to l.eilr Hie stnincc "'.- beeoluih". lo every one, and prelum I ,.1. ......,.,. ,.fi-..t. V..,o. P. . I. Ii I aiii.outieenieiil. lo inert lie o,,'' Miir.-" Tie tollow'un; story of this remark. ildo feature is oft. n to'..! by the itneeii. itccordiiiii to nn Ku-lish conieiiip..rai y. I'poti one occasion, n In ti bidden t" .an y a bai'dkercleef to the uio-l beautiful lady in lb lot in. II." mischievous lellow spr.'lli'. Up to (iiieeii icioria iind laid il at her feet. I I he hitler Ian-bed merrily. Ilieked the I d.r.1 in the faee with her own hamlkcr ! h.ef, and bade lulu do his duty l'..;- e-tly. Thereupon. Ihe ilo-; picked til hi- ii.'tidker. hief. and, in ".real bumil- iii. appro.i, bed Queen Alexandra, then 1', in.-, s.. i.f Wales, lay down and I'll . .1 the handkerchief befoic le-r." 1 i -!: 's VVet oiiip of Woinrn I'lt.rHiciiiii. Iiier- exists a prcitHliee in i .at ! Hr" 'l"r' variet'aled than usual, at,., lirii in, a.aiiist women as pi -, .-,' iaiis I """' ' individual tastes as -,! 1I..1 -ui si-'is. a feelin- which Is , -pe "Vc In s er done befoic. eiiilly stroiiy iini"titr iiicinbcrs id' iheir Silk lace, velvet and mou-seli: , own sc. Wounii in Ihe I'nited States waisis are ijuiie popular Ihis .ii,,;,., !'.: tidl.L a- plivsieiiius or siir:.eois a: .- hi a :'.ir 'ictb r position. 'I lo re is li;tl" or no prejudice acain-i them, bi".. like other v.oincn workers, ihey mii-r siand or fall upon Hicir own a. r. I-. Some of them are prosperous u.,'i, bci s of ihe . oinuiimity. nf ur.i'luales ol the Women's Medical Col ;-i,'nf rciitisi li.iniii.seveniy-sjx stated Hi.- iiioneiaiy value of their practice in i year: Twenty four made Slnon a i ear or more but less than S.'otm: nieidv as much as .fj'ino. and less timn s:;,i hi; ten as much as Solum, and l"-s then snth'i: (jv,. as nun h as lott. and less :b in sr.i h nl: three as mu.-h as s.i.oo anl hss than four re o .ri'd sioiis i.iiiiiu; from $1."..imki to sjii.ihhi a icar. Ten reported less than Sitiiin a year. The aicrni;e income was i.eie.i i., I... s-'io? ::n Indoui'ieoiy tlicre is a larm- tield l' f m" r,,,"r ,,r "' Wllt,wll eier.i where for noinell of the medical " "oiess en. and ii is jut as certain These changeable effects are. f' ' :' ..' ihey are here to May.--Medical I '"l,s. even more lovely in heejoio ... i;ecerd. ' Some of the very pink violet sin" . . I shot wilh white pie beautiful tninm. Pm iiil KiitniHir. I and a soft dull blue shot with a brow i The or woman who is freiinently that niiiiht be described as a ratliei ' n l '" mil at social etiipn tie may I deep thampaKue ii most efl'.-eiii c-l'C-be sately nut down as one who ifj.k.Uy Willi triniuiing of heayer. huliitu.iny unkind and inei-.n-i'leriile. Says tlie liusloli I'., si. i:iioUel!e i : il ivility Mithotit v. ld.-h v. e do not liiivo polite s. ;...-. I ; i ; n. :; - n. -es-iiry ..s a s; i of public dr. -- ' I"'.l' -a! "f .hiii I ra r;r..e',,,,-i,e-- of i haiac I or il.ii rero-ll-'.es the li"lli. el' the Olhe:- o!.e ! I Ollr COIi-id. lelio'l. There ar various 1'nl a ts and ei'i'i iiieii '-s in social lisac lhat Would r.-.'t'l s'ltlieiellily ollVclilii.iial I" be p'.'.. lieed by ill!. Willi i. ill" cdllciilional S'.-i i : I it - ami t'ne abundant rirenhitioii ot literature, f.illoitcil by the social nib aula"."-; enjoyed by ;h" n.a--i s i,f Ann .'a. 'lis, i: wntdd .-.."m that we -iioii ! not. -tdy take pb-i.surc in r-iMi-i'i:: oil'.' -,,ii.-l lili.eli. I-. bill should i njey lie- c.'inpaii.,- of t . a bred peoph only'. Sli'-il .11 ..l ie I" i i ai, t -say oil So- I.i'-k brilliancy, lm.y siill be most at ifi'ellve. but she -In, ill, I avoid bri'.'ht hiicd .r -liit-rimr Inns. I'ul! browns. i.i iil.-yellowish nor reddish, should be -ele,-,ed. Avoid the satin straws. Take the (lull iini!'. N' w Yi-rii News. Y':ni ami I'atictes. p,,..,,- :ni sashe- play an important j (arj lli::lly t-.;l"t1. -. , , urious Hat old .iu-'- .i.i.l i i iii. i.- ,u t.,n. ,.,lsi.i; .-n-rled. i , .(,K .,, t.,,.1- ni,,. .;, ids. still , ,., .,, ,n ., 1:,v,,r,te triminiii". ; ,,. velvet r.'iicule. Willi in , ... , ,, ,- -,,t, r silver, is hl , ... ,.,. .,-.,,. i Afp rii ioii neepii"., f-.o.ks appear p , ,,,, ,.,,. h, ,,,. l,-n,.v ,,,.,1 s,,itly j ,-iitii labri. s. j .ttractive cravats for om ol door j ,-,. miide out ,.f a cenbii iit.oii , , ,-,. ehih'oii. , x,,,,,,.!,,,,. el,:'i',,u v, ii-cis are : ,,, t:, i.,;,- tti:i t :.r" :u the moineiii ! i-hiin- l'iirisiiiii Sable hat have ibn-lopcd ,'i.!,- a (l..w, Vll:il. wi., ,lU ,., ),,, ,.., afford j ,his ever becomiiit; fur. j c-0;ft'ures are bciti-; l.Mt-hed well up n ,,.(. ., ..,. llly itly Waved. ' ' j i,,,,,, vr i-muo-mpl. inkrn. . . . .. . ! II is never l"" line to eate in.ii pe- i lure taken, so reiiiembe- ibis f-r a leiure er.-asi'tii. Ilo- most eia hoi '.' I e i ' msn.-. ,.. j will look as well in twenty year.-- su it docs the day you have il tala-i:.- j .ow York Kvitiim.' .lournal. Silk of all kinds is bciim worked into winter frocks and is coveted foi' vi-:-iut; eostuiiies- as much as for I .--.. -Wl ill . 'Taken as a whole, th- scu-oi 's '-,yh - I I wo piece suits liie worn ('Mcti- neP and these have mad" one or uvo waist. almost iiiilispelis.ible. A hiii'1 or round ne, U may be used with Ihe blouse waist, whe h is (i. '.:,.' Ill havadere style and sMthcivd win-', it joins the round yoke. A bu. I. l..-ii.f is llllisibly clleclcil. illld it filt"d liliilr. t'lics tupport. The new soft taffttas .ire much in evidence- in laic costumes, and thi ebanu'eable or shot effects are parti' o larly chic. Hlthoiudi rumor sa.vs that fickle Paris, has exhaiisie.l ih" 1" sources of the bh"t silk. 1 irst tf all, one must el.oose oc ' taffeta xilselv and insist upon Lai it' ll iinnlity nbsoluiely with... it stirtue. Chiirminu color srhemcs may be t'ou'ii in the Rhot silks, either in vai.vit'1? WW'yy.r.TllliejJJ41MtJIM'J4

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