Sl)c tChalijam ttccorfc, 11. A. LONDON, Joaitor nail l'ri'j'rietur. TERMS GF SUBSCRIPTION, 5 1. 50 Per Year. Sltictly in Advance- RATES CF ADVERTiSINS. Cue Kj'iB'e, ODe inwMiiin SI ' Oue rlj'lutf, no liCtl 011a 1 n1 One fcqunre, cue tnoiitu i- For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con VOL. XX VI. PITTSBORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C. THURSDAY, MAUCII 10, liU. No :w. tracts will be m :! AiJATTER 1 r W S 4 of y r r MS. 4 j By Anna Kathartae Green. Au,hor VSi'T., j COFYHIOMT, 1.0. V KO.CIIT 10NNt 8 80NS. maitki. xxvii. 'oiiiinued. " A nil I w ill stand urn I' nil." remarked lilt' detective Sin1 nodded: looked (ii Mr. Jepr;iw, w In) bowed JiiW. "I will remain lu !." MiiJ In-. If I run wanted, a word will lirlnjj itjf. . t : 1 1 1 n .nu kot'i' mo company, and neither if us will ji'iiuiir ;iny liirht " "P. i-Ii.iiis that will bo lis well." mill'- I :nur,d Hi.- lady. Inn she pivo him .in' , ii,,.... '.,L 'in.l .urn., I .,i ,,.,.,1,, I a I Ii-!- It'll ' 1 1 i ' him. She may have fell anxious al'oin . i. -In- it. ay have fell aiioil-; alintll 'hi-. -Ii. hali",e;- ihe feeling was. Jt n.i le he: -ti p heavy atnl Im.ircriUL' 'l li.- .liipcr hall of this old faslii'iiii-d .ninny inaiiMoii tan frmu tlic front to ti'i hack i.f tin- lunisi', ami was so spa- ".ii- thai ii was carpeted and fur :i -l ed like a i.ioiu. Over 1 he froul !...'i- : :! wa- a ivi ess h.'h'iiii; a il--i. Hid ihis w.i-' niade .-till More of .1 re l ; .'a I l.y ;' vn'.e i iirt iiu strum1: aeross ! 'il'd i!: - : i'l Mr. : fll - h. e ! -i n . Ties i- v aiiiae Eioiind," in. .... It.- ,ii ... ii,.- il.,- . in--r.i, , , , ,, ., i,.,i,... '. la,, .'r.h v..,, ,,!- take ihis lifted :::;- :.;,; nrd place ii .m t.a Tiall i , (i-,w u' ., the h.-ll " I uill." ! ,ii .--It t'e. s.l id. and j. oeecded to il., -or of I he i lunoi 'ma's i-l i - i-1! win. h slii ".phiineil t lia i omi'i- i',i. main laii'.-.'i-e load. or, li-iwn i Ii- leu. tin i w.i- a sinalh".- .uie al i.e .i: i 111.- : v. 'li.-ii. l-.'ini; in a .lie- l.ciwieu a i-'.-rt un side en i-ii'i- iii'h.i ,o u-e. and Ihe Miriou-o,,,,i- i,.,. Ii e.i-e. wa- more in I..;., 1 i.v her -in -I- than ilie one in l.i. I In n - in- .i hi il,, and. aftei '. , Hi... i in. ile on i he ial.le he had i .la:., i i.ui pi . ..-.led Willi i a refill -p. I-, i i .:". -o i-- d'.o.-. upon r . !i -I.- lil.ll. : I... I :-1, o .v...ii... ,ii--we,-e,! i 1 . i ...... .,...:.. I .... 1 .- .:.., aa. I ,.ie i.i.i i..:,ioiu'l' ! I i:,,., : ,;:-.i .... i i ii n ti I M I .: v " a -- i he i -ply 'I a ui lent ,i .. : i1 ...! v ,:-. . wiii you in.' ; 1.... ,11. ,..-" t .:.' . i -ed the -ieiiioiam: ..ien.ui. - ,i. ..: i:,l .li-, lo-..:e- I"' in licl I .. a,. ..p,..i.-i. I am iicivoiis iind ... I ..... I -i.o'.dd he Lilt sol l'. 1 I have not even wiio had not l".fl; h"! hair and oni.r sh, iliisiir-.l s..filv and - I 1 ! i'a.e (i.-.i-iiallv nwa. I'.ul i ,:!,e:-d.. I Hoi noiiee Sh" w:i-- ai a -I and Heel ed oiu inlo I lie hull Mi"- .,jnw ail - shoulder, as it t.n.i oi ih t'"ar v 'ii--i had in i ..-.-if th.- mind of oiiier .'.: nr. 1 .-. ,i di.-ln-h he- Wii.ii do I hiiirV ' sii i : :il'llied el .ii.'lli nw ad. ui;:. i:laii ed Li Th' ' '..'.l llol llilia lo 1 . -. . n in I :;- (piavier v t ci. e - d ie.-i .Hi - J i!l -he t. iiov- ,,,-rvoii,. I am." I I' ll -i: iv. half ll-'icl ! -isimritii. " do no I C,.i-i -.a id it. 1.11. I lllilik 1 IN'M1!1 f.'li n.! a- 1 do to d;iil. lit", -diine .-lie il.- - in keep you -1 1 1 1 1 -: 1 1 1 y : I ilia iildy :;l l.i -il on lie ed-." of my Led i'lid ' l ' ' I ii e ll leal is ii, lies, leas. m .11 Hie ::. w ii.-, it,, h-mld P.- toiret no-. I .ai, coi ti" l.avim. yon here awak--. and oil .i'liiiiil wish it s,ee me j.n. I.i.i.w in: thai I should he constant!,' :t!i ion. ah... li on." 'Put you di n'l I; now how p -.. iilni; I ane- muiiiiiii'd tie1 -iriiinr.iia. hi -iiikinp l.a.-i, nu.1 ii'eniblinK .'Xcc-i sim ly "I have i-pelis w hen only soli iiid. i . in rein ve uie Siu h a one is lip.. li no ii' i i:.'hl. If I should pi ill!. i .i.i;, ii,-. in I slioiild he tempted i;'k aloud. 1 have so little colltn l ." . i myself w hen I am nervous.'' " Villi .Mill will nol let me slay here'. ' The si-nol ina looked down, seeniinr h 'ini'.ti' by Hie olher'n pen, I'-atiiif; pl.ilice tdi." she whispered ai lust, "you ai. ii woman. 'annul you uiulersiaiiil i la. I there lire limes when we would hut out eVcli Ihe slat's from pel rill.; iiin our windows-.' Mi. D.'yr.iw-. n.' i 'h'Vfiiin-1. has asked for a special in tei'vii w Iniiiorrow I do tint l;ii.'.'.' whin it me, ins; but I tremble, for-" She paused, and her head fell till l.e: t hill lunched the Powers fading lipo:i h.-r breast. --f'.itt T"U not guess the re-1. Ililaiy'r" VIi-is Aspinwall iliollcjil sin, could, bill did iu, saj so She was busy s:ckiii-' for expedients to induce her liicnd lo accept ihe T.fiiti1; slit- pii-f-.. .,l h.-r. 'nil she found none; aid ,iu ai hist that her presence eid.i ilisiiuLeil Hie unhappy sill, she piv, le; a lender kiss and moved sofll.v awiiy. -jiving: Open jo'lr door and speak, if ,..u Deed me 1 shall Pol be asleep," The si-mo ina looked up as if to an swci. but closed her lilH ilpiin, and. aliei one olhcr f i iplileueil phi nee up nu.1 down Hie hall, drew back into her own loom and closed the duoi Mis--.nn..tll passed on lo wliele lin i aiiin- : ioi d . I. i..,i voliic nuh me -he Itlils ui t.,t. Klnl.t " llu Ifljj yL served, in low miics. :is sin- c, unit. I behind tin- curtain. "As sin1 seems I inrltatid and low spirited, I did li.'i like to frighten li-'f further; mi I del Hot till Iut why I Wiiuti'il her com pany, or slop to nrpn her too persist I'titly. )il I do right'-" "Julie right, madam, wv must watch lirr whom sip- is. I have no doubt a'l will pass off will, ;unl tlial morn i uc will come withuiit :ui even! ' " " .v""1- 'f'"' " rcllllllll Ill'lfV" ... . . .......! here. You inpiie me uilh so iiiucli ,.ft there had h-ani his wan.itia. Tl - ;i is us. d l.y lie- daughter, hut nioro fn--cotitideiici-. And then. I feel that 1 I he turned to .Mi. i in v. '.! it h " .- : n 'lent ly l ii-- la.-.' i - specially made. In oiih; io he one oi the watcher-; for. ' word of .niiim-inki!;..!! t a' t - I" ; ' - ' "'' wedditiis veil of the after all. this i mv hoi!-,1 and ; Ii- my ! control. ainl,f. .!.- . iit'i ' a;' in I - ' "t .i:e.-i of Italy a si.lendid ex-,-..esi ;i ii 1 1 mv .,!:.,-.. iv in re I can 1 nm. i. fiH'inei' .oae. 1 , i;, . .!- of 1 !;. !i iu-1 i '.n:'.i no liecdlt pom t l e of the rr;itesi serviee to In r. ' "Then conic here. Miss Aspmwnll. after von have sati-lied ilie curiosity of that pci'von whom I see looking mil of ;i door down vender 1 'hal! oii'y i i quire ef you .-i leiice ; th" take iiini'.i my-elf" 1 ill 4 ! She th.-inked him with i! li-.ui!'-. and ins h Had h'.iii'ied down the hall Not en.- p.-r- ni j t h-.v would l.a'. iv.o o) thive hi hers, had l.y i noiseless wa lllis time found the co.iraL'e to lillhe U I limit, lie, ' h. ir doors and look out. and for each :1 v'"nl "f ''-Milinni I ion j ,i'1" v-"-'; l',,ll'";' ,a,ur',l "r !-'""1'-- '"K ,,liU "l''''',' !'"oli s,',,i'''1 ",,l" '" t.,: V n-ll .nint vas limy i - e - - i stored she i-aim- hack. and. iliopmn into t he seal poiul1 d or.i l.y I In-(h tei t , To (ioi in her wa.v was .'iiieuer, ive. .'Uhled hel-el' t.l lilc lllilll'.-er of 'j-,, iiii,,-,!,. i:.-i i e,s , ,r si .,;i hc' li:o . -w.l.chi'l's gathered lo protect the siii ' n-enis e;i I'.v :i si ;h. m.'il ui'lu -e lmiiiia from the unknown I' un-.'! ll ev i , pi, j,,-,.- i i-oci wiii. I: h-r i .- l.eiicvctl to nienai " le i j iiaiiii ;ill. shrank . ... !i"i v.-p i-ta edinu Will they sitecei'il. ol will he;- eiioMiy , ijj., --..x'i i y, l Id i -I--1 ii'm-i if lo r. prove iiioi-.' .-'.Pule l.i. in ihe. and Iiud ' mam where h- v.a ,-i:i.l iaer. ly i . d a way to apnr.iai ii lu r. uotwithstiiudlii;: ' aftei ln-i lis si, uiided anion.: tl.-' fits theia ueilid 1 a!'- J mtiliv diicc.iy lo the i,iii-ic '. o i'. -i.o lif'ed and "it .i'l-rn :'..-.:'.: 'i il I'llAPTKl: W'YIir. soimd-d l.l.e a i.':i li d sh- as Willi- i 1' 'I Hi, h,, 111', "..'ill Lv i wo bilia. I wilil-lilH' hour" oi- -o Ihcv seemed lo n.i.i.v ..i, . i... .-I in.- in l.-.i- . dim i ner : o-1 li-teloo:; 'vi'h .livi.' Vl itieiii am. l:i-: lot any -cas if.ili- j iniLnlico in Mia hall L. lore her. iind. I " -ei ouilly. loi soine.hiuu, hardi, auiouul iuv io sound, w Ireii ei.n unit j i .11.-1 with ii ...ill,: offc. . Iestlih',1 !,. 1 In r o. ei'w rou-iii nerves Hint 'he tie lililll who IlllcoliSi lolls'i' . ., ,.--, I ih p"Wt l' i" move h"r w.i- viHiiii her walls. har wtl.-li i ii, in,,. ., 1 llnlii parliik.n- oi nei an.i-iy. Pain ; and p'easuie oti.-ii minuic : ti.iiiie v ;,, oiisi u,i,-ii.-ss. ale . I loii-u s,... i kn. w l.v the shaip thai i.:.v : ami ih,.,, -....-. he Hint his ' houthl- all i iu Ly lor I Ihouthl- all i -in Lv lor lo thai lea. .'haiiiL,., where Hi"' Leaiiliful stiaie.c sliimLc:.1.!. ei she ,-oul.l m-l hut iX pclleli.'C. III.- pl-olilc.-l wnllleil W id. i thai ii-1-uiiar ib li'ilit which i nines v. ,:ii Hn- -.',,-,- , f a l., !i,ve,l one's pres,,,,,-.. l-lach inhillic Lroimhi .Is own expel- , cue.- ... In :; ami yai. if Un- defi'ii,. ; ,v ho -al a! hoi sal'1 had Lchnil-lit I." ! lin o li.s head Ml he! .Ill n. ii would im. have hiani a si-ii from her ; " "'''I'V.! h and -el lips ol disei'inetl a wand' ri i'i d-'i'lic--. ;!iiii'i' I'tini he; hrip and sieady cc l"- piissed ll wi.s now two o'clo. k and iii'.1'11- stairci.-.' i,.,i. v.- .v ...inii.-i I., ii... iiomi i sliowlv sir-i f ..ppre.i..i;. Culy Hi-.-sound el s'v. i.v i'.u ho'i-hs swislnaj; aiiainsl the walls was f. Le heard I'i-ni v.illi.uil. wiide within, li.cic wu:i iioihinv. to dis: tin- absolute .serenity of ihe place, i:n less il was Hie bcalini; f Hilary's bean and tin- Hci; of Hie jrrcat clue'. in ih- library below. j The . nrliiiii drawn in front of In r l.t ri';. I falls o.iilioiii a wrinkle, and is! s.. iianspaieiii Ilia' she sees ihe li n-' ! of Hie candle Lev,, ml huruitif: b!i- i j huxy star throi.'.'h lis incsiiHs. On ilns : star she Inc. lix.-d i:cl eyes so steinlil.1. I i Lu si., s..., ....tiii.i.., no-, even the det.tivo who stands so near her. wiih his ear .mil Hot his eye bent to 'vaid the hull. Are I hoy wnstin;, sirengih in this, breathless waieniii'; lias Hie dangir been overrated, an. I would liny be belter off in their b 'ds and asleep'; Surely yes. for here is no sign of lurking mischief in the space about th"ni. and the hour crows laita And yet- what sottud was that? l'id a hinge creak, or is fancy, to lorn robbed of its prey, chcatine. our over s rained senses ni last ' Hilary Aspinwall asks this iiuestioti. but she does not betray her anxiety Ly so much as Hie Involuntary cat. h inii of her breath. She feels that Mr. Oryce is listoiiiue. ami that is eiiou-li, Itm her eye is on the star I have spoken of; and. suddenly whether il Le fiicl, or only the effect of her im ilt. Illation she perceives that slur (.'low cloudy. Sunieililug is passing between it and her: soinelliiiic. that prows in ize and obscures the lifrht .f the flame, mid finally casts a shadow on the cur tain itseli. The sound, which is like the tioftcst step, fills her with a horror that would unconsciously cause a -brick to leave her Hps. if Mr. Cryie were nut clo-e at her side. As ii is, she can hardly refrain from cal. liiii'.' h!m hv the arm and asking him if lie heirs ami sees this person approach In". him. It'll his silent and ininiovaMe liuure invites no suclr display of fit 1 ii, i- it tul lixe.l but ireinlilim: she w inches Hie shiidow t;i owiti upon the iirtsi in till, lo her secret smpiise and I Iii nii'.t sur.i bit' relief, il assumes Ihe proporliiiiis. nol of a man. bin ..i a Hiint and Kliieeful woiiliill, whose oiu lines ihe is .!,. she Will know, if . t'i't Mr tliVve is innvlui' lie baa ( J WeU itilouti. ilie spinv Uti l.t He side of I lie curtain mid now pulls Hint curtain back, iiud she sous nothing that relieve-, her. t lj ou all it is tile lipi-c of tile sipinrina which stand- now in the j I'ontve ol' tli.- space before li-r, rather whaf tills lie-- with dismay, and . the blond in iciror Iut J j -:i it : for inn ! tipile ill- h"i I'l'il.-i fill tfti'.'l i- I' i ''id, ' as if molded ill .lay. and in those wide- pen iind starim: eyes llirn- is no look f lif.-. 1ui riiiluT l lit- dull ul.i--ii'"S" I of iini'tnisi-iftiisne.-- .hath Yi i she I stiunls uiivij;!it mid lu ivrs witn swift. niicri'iii Mops di.-ri'tlj lownnl tli -in. "A soioii.iln!i'.li;.-l ! Sin- i v:i i U : IU in Iut -Ii-i-iiI" w ii i -1 n' 'il tin- di i"i -livi-; mnl ho wnti-hos h.-r jf hi f-'li )ii own s;ood --.'iii' and l r.'i ;:n o ! !:' j.i'--n'ssion vniniislii"l tin- fav;:i-i'.i"ii of lirr iin'i'lnniii'iil iiiii-"a-i. I'.ut, .iuM as it i'i".in'd as if sin- wi-ri' Ui'iit iiioii ilin-rtm !ii-r sii i into t!" ii ri'lroai, .-ho ji.-iu'-s luiii'. mid m--s hor foot ii tin- Ma in a si-. Ii:-iantly ho lnolio from the sjn'11 iflil. li Ihi ind him, and iittorinu a low wliSdc that siai'i'i'lv ilisii-,i'iii-il tli - s di-iii- a- n:ii' !i us tlie rustling of h"-. dress :uainsi ilin I.,.,- i... 1... I i-i,-,- .,. :1 ;.. ,i... i,..i. i . . . .. ii.. Me.'lll whi!1.'. ill the had he! ..I'i:, li'- Iieuraw and .1 .1 in.-- inn-l in ih shadow I'liole hy ihe ii! iiny d.i1.:-. -11:-veyiiij.. nilli won. hiinu ilid s!a '.I'd eve-, ihe pre.---.1 and au:--:c :t..i. ''!: ... 'I . i ' ,: .,1 . i!'tit io- Ii:.' w-uii.-iii :ii win -. itn ". estv tie-v were s'lpp. .1 io I iie-.v Ii with its 1'ol.cs ill'1 1 hair, coiiiit.i.. comim:. l.y a.-;1. 'l - 'wn the dim siair-ai-e ;:, i .- d,: hail, seeillu l.oihin--:. ''e'.r.n .1 u 1 o'l . - ;ive a lire:1.;,!! ill purpo-e io ei.i.r eniiiiv i ;i 1 1. ; . .-llel- n: 1 il. oi' !.! !.' i for on:1 I oil pli '-amc::! a:;d the H'-mU wide i mad.- ihe a .!'- ).,-ai" lea1.! li" lo . ". , . ;-l 1 1 , 1 it . "... had 111. t li!" llt-.'...ll. f'T loiit-i- li.i.l -in- :e-!,ii.-d iiu1 tints . - I...X lii Its ,;.-ee ( i I : 1 1 -in' tlll'll-'il. an I, ; a old an en. oiim.-i h- lo-ial h i- --elf forced I. . l-Mv.i- ill lia-!-' I" h - "''j :' -ll"1'"1 l: ion it l in- lihi a i v t i' Cii w : ii ml' jil..:.. .('.., ,'i l.y I.e dour and ii'ove down i.; iial' into le.olis v Here lie eoU" I II - o-.i " -a i v- ':,'m; iiun- I'1!. I,-,-. Il1- ill" IH'1"' i ,v ' ' '"' "' J .- - , inu her iii sj-i.t, i:.. ; :; lr..nli .i!: pii.-.i-.e. in li-l wid; -. ; I had reached tie- door h' ld'e-' n 11 ; lll!l' v. a-i n. - perceived i'.-urn d: -'. al: I had 'a".'"" ! ly tiuie lo draw liiii-.-ll i:;i la.-im - i h" '-iil neiore sic was no ii n, ei. w.-ii:-: ': alea-iilv I :i:i:l i.l .1 si.iewaj . s .v.-.v,..-. i-anei. -:d Idled Ihe iovev's Lea I i '. lib I yroi i"1"1'' mn:i'-:-' . . ' " I'"" '"" n .... i .... and lend ner : !: slipti-'ri o ml hnlilii. I i oi-,. u. i oa; her hand aa 1 I'"1'' "I' papn- 'inter lyui". Hi Allien was oi i. nia..e I'-H li"'' ' 1 " --o i-hur,' .h:,i i in regard to it. ihal in t a.-.- of Mid .' it need it void, I serve verv well as a d -Kor. MisdoiiLiim.' hea ilil-io 'aiiis. i ; e iirlisi wa- aboiu to icur h f.-om la r a rasp, wli-ii she turi'.etl in iiu-' ciiaiiiciil way. and Lioii-ln ii .I'i-.- ly '"' idm. willi a class.-, h,,n.. ' v,-, h'-i eye- thai .oiuple'.cly pa:-, him iind made innn -a. nt Imp I.eavin n in his hand sli- H- l.t awav atiam. ami uir.'iitiiu ia toward the stall cas '. lieu in I t v eclid tlieiu in the same sjiiia ;ii;e w..y ill wldcii she had come down When she was ileal the l..i lie louul breath In return the whistle ivi'j.'h had been oivon liiiu by Ml tiiyc-. bill he could do ii.i mere Ile was .ncr w heliued Ly the lok-n win' h he h id just received, of In r reciciiilaiu of his presence, thoiiah that re.M.ui; ion .vas seeniineiy nbiioriiial. 111;.1 t'a1 vision o.' :t clairvoyant who set- wiihou, I.;..,; ,: i; iiud knows without any i.ia'iift -' cli'o.c of Hie factillies. Meanwhile she liad . facia . I the up per floor, mid Hilary Aspinwall and Mr. tiryce Lehel-1 her shadow reappear 1 1 1 n til Hie em i. un. l.;r ::' a' lirst it y.'ows siiiiiH-l ami simillei as sh tlnals away Hfiu H.eiu down l In ball. In another nioiiieiii ii will disappear ililil'ely. but soiiiclbili1: aiariu:. Via. Uryce. and he flings the ciuiain sliarpi, asiilc. anil they sec nol only the sv aj. 5 ii jr forin of tin1 sinniiiiii. bin unci- u.-hine tlgnre of ;i riiiiu .reepinv i;i from the back hall and pam-im:. wit a hand upraised and im n:i. ana an- .1 redly in her paihwa.v So threateliilli. is the -ipil ami s sudden ii rv(h.iiou th.-t Im an in stant Hilary A-plnw ::!t siamls ap palled, ami even Mi liri... who s us'iallj so lcady I.l a.'iion iind I'earle.s wh.-ri-vei ii was i ou-cii'i ... rcinaiiis rooted in his place l.i i.-ui injr bin un oil i try can save ihe si .; ,. ina. and an outcry nlleicl in the t.ti of one ill her con. Ill ion may i ause in.1-;-m-sH or sudden dcai l To be 1 1. in unit tl Wlim a fellow I. lis lu- l.csi yrl I isn't Wnrthy t l-.ei hv probabh l il'Vs 11 ..; 1 1. dun 1 lip Hi Mai Veil. Tin- nin-t iiiii". I laiif of all the to.---. t-; . - of hvidal attii'- is In- veil, oil' which tli'Mo luniks an ai-oiu;i ,' seiitiiio nt ate! romance, whether ,.. v..-i in- :i wivi. i.f lull" of a iiriec- i, i I ,,,n,l.. ln.-n wliii-h ! ost iis wi-iuht in riiaiii'MiiK 'J'ii'-l'" have lie, n eolllitle stones in which the wedding veil has jilayed :i iiiomineiit iru-i -iuce the days when tlie sailor youth hound for the South ern -o as hroiiht heme to his ln'troliied M laii'.i h of the ura-'eful whi'e roitilline -till Uuuwn lo th" ieasaiit a mermaid's lace, and th irirl, already n worker in poinis. iruiUUe 1he pretty seaweed ill u i-;i tiru h"l' weddiiiu veil and thus im lo.liii-i I fee deiie.ii" -iiipre wiiich In ill'.- siMi-elitli e-.n'iliy W' u.I Kuril;!.-. worn hy 1 In m:.i'v .,r ih,. roval families ol Ku- il... '.i;.r ,,f i n. i,i,,i'ii.r as pi-cpar...!. 'I he ili-iiin was of reiiaissaliee .style .1 ,,..!... III., wlioh ' ih- -,,::,-. with tl xceptiim f oi. .- .,!:. r, which was of the plain I -m i ieade n.i .-;,. will, small spo;s. ! ,T, wi'h a li.'V loi-M-; tins was for OVi ;.,' ,!,.' face, the me,'.' chl 1 ., M 1 eh , !-i,ed i.-.riio:, ha.iii.i.L.- al the Lack the !,.,u n-i,,',. Th- Lri.ial veil of ijii-cn Alexandra was of lioaiton lac spalus applhiue on 1 nr'chin.. net. th.' ' national em- hle'iis, treai'-d ill il la w.-re us.-. I as the paiti i The veil oi- Oil. 'fll Yi- UM'.-il manner. I , , : i:i w a mail ".: lv-cv. oiii Ii 1 vet. and exa:t!y mat. lied ra- 1 1,- on-h::-.- !a-e dress, v. I.!, h w a- w orn nv. r soft white satin: liiS dress was of I p. niton guipure -iliat is, ;!... it,. i. i t - were unified I'.v Lars, o! Leiu aplihoued on to ii. Philadelphia lavciiitn; Telegraph. VllMOIII lit H' l J'.' -t. . i l s'a uid marry. .V wif" . el y ;r d iiioihe:-. -he isal h-'l- Le: t. Uetiied e,' t !;.-. L.i- l.irihritht she is like an idiirli-ss llo'.v. r. or a b!os---oii:Ioss tree. 1 .1-. no: advise n,y 'jrl friends to n aii-y f..:- til.- ki- of marrying nor for ii lioaie. Marriage wiilnnif love is I'i aaeaic-1 i.iis'ak.! in the world. Put ii;-;-.- ar n :r.. foolish nirls who throw a.'.' ay ihe love of il xhi man simply L ail-,: they are not iplile sure that ! i- ihe i-IlIi!, or willi a vavaio ,.'--i tliat s,,m,-ihinu Leit.-r may come il-iiL.. sjiys the liidhinap"!:.-' Salltinel. Yefy nlt-li When il is lo.) late they loi, I that after all he was the riuht u:.i:t Th- inera;:.' ii'l does not take l-ive hah' seriously eil.Ui:!i. :-!i" is so ii-.- l io -.-mi serious love affair.i tin- ,!.:- -iiidin-s I believe they ;:re called - inai v, in-n ui" n-.ii in.. - - j. .,: is warped and she tinds it iil'ii.-uli to iiualyze he:- fe.-lins-. I si y lo all mouier-. iry io ,.-rV y.iiu1 ei;-!s t:,-,n these lurierstaudinys. ( .v ,.), t!. hh.-.m oft t!e rose niiil ; :i-i-c its swi ai t res-lines-. Ul course, ii iiihl up Uirl looks on every I ; li v. I- :ll sle1 !i:e- - as a possible husband l ; Ihe riah1 man i- sure to come Fume day, idnl willi that day hi view I say i-i '.'very '.111. hold yoiii's-P' in d;miilied r adim -s p. na ft it- I-"ve Is the irroatc-t th i.-.; in the World. Ho not lei ii si;:. . .ii:- i.iisp. r.iiiipi.rl your- s-ll in a way nun w::; u uie iinai u c iiiies ..n i-aii with cl -ar and uti lei'liii.' ,!i' 1 -iiient vecu'iiize him. 1 iieii ti.iirvy ,i'.r.i. A'.io.t tlie ISnth. Ne-cv li.itlie when ovciiieated. I in i. a: proi :i He- b.nh beyond a rt .'.s.ina! !- blue. Nov. r bailie when cxhausiod find fee!:ia, ill. Wad i!ioi-i.' than two hours after a in. al before baihinp 1 1' v.iii are chilly ami a eo!d bath miiUe's m.,1 shiver it is not the best .-! for Mm to Ink.'. Iieli iiie n.oiile bad better not bathe, ti'i il sever. il hours 1 ; o r ttreaktast. I n'v ihe ben ipiickly, using a dry baih bru-ii r a finki-li towel to btim- XVeariiis frinues. Inn for dilfcrelit n-a-:ila it: circuhilio!). miiis. in told weather one should not go. nnally it. has come lj pass Hiat ii on for s iiii,' time afici' a hot bath. j trailed skirt is alum-1 a curiosity oa i ipimoiis inner as to iiu; rciuuvc uiei - 'is of a cold or a hot bath. Neither ml will do for all. Tin' individual nii-iitUiinli must he consulted. Med al authority maintains that children ::d eid-i'ly persons oujflit never to .lilie in w.iicr below seventy decrees .'.-h.-i'lihcil. Where clealiliness is the main i.L.i'vt, liie water should be from x-'ciny-iwo th L-rees to idnety-eiulit t. "trees'. W here the bath is to Serve as ;i powerful stimulant, as in cases of illm-s. it should be fnuii nincty-ciiHii lie'-rces to 11. "i ilcKI'ees. The ieinperaiure oi water for a enhl baih should raiip- from thirty two t.. dy-live de-U'ces. New lliivell lit gis- 1'lnnts Nre.l lbiiui Air. I lie woman who bkes to convert her li.iii-,- nun a conservatory always puts off ih.' day of "si.irsniK the furnace" i - Ion;; as pnssiLie When the chil tl- n beiill 'o slice;'..1, and Ihe eiiliie tau.ily complaiiis "i iheuiiiatism. sh -fci . s iii. I'm mice heal seems to rciiioM' a the dampness from the air, and that , i-i.mtltion sn'lve to Ihe ; health of plants is not found ' Ih' dutifully may be overfome in a; ii . sere by ' phi. imr pans of wat-r i i. on . I the fiii'iiacc. , i. side the I'un.n.'e ' p i, s below the if -iisicrs, or unyw In n- :a ,: r ii.hl evanoiaiion niiiy be induced . I' lis will soiicn ihe atiiiospliere and help the plants in breathe. 1'iilius. rubber plants and nil other pott.. I lioiin' i lams should be well giuiide, from 5rui;ht(. but ki'i licht nnd well vrntihUPd idaip-. I'mi'l 'l.-". a lall Iilnnl in a dnrk roriii-r. Ii nr'y look Woll, ''"I it will .liooi and pi-i'ial-l.v dio of iisih.v?:ialiuii I'latds ii.-nal- iv s;i-ow wrll in a kitchen, lin-.-iii ' Iho i-vaiinratioii of water a-- tli'- l-' t:-1 imffs mid hoils on ihe ranL'i-- I'd is 1'iivir Iiisnatch. 4 ari iik Vulil l lolliri-. Any woman 'itli a limited .'iiiii"iit mi which to dress should learn th' aliio of lonUiuy after Ii r chillies ami lOlttiliu' theni i-.iicfillly ii way eac h lime thev are worn, i-i umng ui's s:ie i.i lite! Ii'"'' towns will hist twie. a-- l"i:. ami looli Well to the enJ Sew ui a seam the minute u starts to lip. I'nsteii on a Imt'on of a h-.oi; and eye if they are loose, and don't use pins if yeo wish to preserve our jrowiis. Tor 1h protection of lipht dn liiiliK your closet with uidileached r.i:i--lin sheetitiL'. Have plenty of hooks ai d skirt hangers-ih threecent m.o,!.-ii "lies are uie oesi aim i.nn- no - 1 1 . L'own after you Ii.'ivp taken if off. a !': yon Imvc l.rushed if it it i II-'V. ,.,i :t lie a k' ii iieciiiin o l. Hie . le.Hiel-'s lietore ll 1 too ll.n.V to he remedied. y,,u will he repaid l'"r your trouhh1 and always have soim -thiti'-' ready to wear. AlfXiiliillH Lovr. Ini;ft. (.Iilei'll Alexandra, who has made her vearlv visit to I lenmai k. the land "f Her ll-in""'i. is lono o's. ...... n" '. '' ,' "' '"', sesses reat skill ill traini.n: them, and fin- pets which she has t'd'oiil !" i' ai'e H of Wolldeltlll tricks. Mil 'Here was one ,i.,K ut.oii which le r Ma'csty confesses that in va.n -I.1 """'1 ' "piw eyes. It wa- a ai.toii periormiiiu .! iiiimcd M.tios. and it was the rune as a society .. terminer, invitation cams ai '.n I.ondoii houses used to l.- a! to - sirntit'e annoiiiicenieni lo m . iloa Minos.' The following si. uy .. this remarkable crealuro is olfii i"M hv ihe lllleen. MeeordllU i" all Kn-l.-h cotitelliporary : rpon "He occasion, when bidden lo t arry : haiidkerehi. f to the most beautiful l idv in the loom Ihe mischievous fellow sman;; un to Ouecii Victoria ami laid ii at lid- feci. Tim latter lauuhe.l nierriU. (poked ih. dou in th'1 face with her own hiinolo r . h'.-f illid bade bim i!" his duly ho': i-sily. Therein ..n ihe ia pi k'.l i 'i Ids handkci-. hi. f. and. in ureal humii jty. iinnroaeh.-.l iuc.-n Alexandra. H.. i; the' Princess of Wales, l.i ih'WIi -v d idaced the ha" 'ker. Iiief In foi'e h-r.'' - I.esli'-'s WeeklV. t.l MhW.. "i'U ( tills. If very soft i ni ls are desired-Id 'le riii'.dets whih cover H" leinnles- ii i-lietlel- to use only water. Let the ba;r lie well,.,l aiidtlried; then ' l ilie luck well wiih water and shah" it out. Shake umil half dry ai d put in kid roll-rs in sii.-h a way that all Hn hairs am exposed to the ah. When dry. lake down, and a very nice scl of Utile tiuulets will be found. 'Jim eret of enrlim.' the hair mi tin' kill or other curler is to let it remain up until every particle of moisture is Jiolie. Hair will often apt. car to be perfectly dry. when it in reality ' -outaius a liith dampness. Then it is taken down too soiiii. with Ihe result that it iuime.Pato ly loses its curl. New Haven li AcuillM Vu.ol .l.lilltrrHHOl.. The State I'cderatioii of Women's Clubs of North Hiikota. '.m'" s:rom.'. is lendiii'i its powerful selilim. nt against tlie use of adultt iiitits in foo.'. ami for the proseciiiiou of those who viola:, the law-. The federation has nun ed to devole a portion of its time lo tin special consideration of load.- Y hiit I-i Kilt. , li.'V" a led bat. ves-if you dnii t ll:iv'- x" n'orl ' 'v,'r.v occasion. No f-'fiip of triuiiuiiiu is too old of too small to bo brought inlo service The very rich and the very poor an ,(,,, ytreet. l-'omiiiinity uuiles in prob-slim; apiinst this full, round skirt Paris is trying to thrust mi the world. The natty impics so many women wear are as satisfactory a bit of head p'lir as wo have had for a hun; time. The averap- woman who can have only one dressy s'n.le. wisely chooses white and wears a white hill with it. After .ill. a considerable number o.' people p't nloiii; happily without eilln ." a velvet piwn or a white broadcloth coat. Sleeves, evidently. are piowiu smaller, and tin1 inconvenient pull be low the elbow is dimmed to ipiit k ex tinction. The riillle sleeve, reachim; p, the elbow, with a tipht-tittim; nmi. r sleeve, is n satisf'iet..ry and becon: mn substitute. A black velvet piwu has very short -leeves. They are mere shoulder caps. . nt in points, ami almost li'-lit litiin. The inidcrsleeve is of the heaviest Pu- n lac.-, tiplit exccpl at the wrist. nere iney are siu.ii.ia . ....... P'wn is cut out a bit at the throat to !'' Knimpe ot Hie lace. A smoke pay crepe de euiiie p.wn is iimde with nn Etmi jacki t over a whi:, luce blotnte. The jacket has n bonicr of rich K'O.V luce, three narrow box pleats. runniiiK from Hie shoulder '. ihe e.lp nnd n build of lace iiiscriio.. hnrderinm the plems. A picture hat of p-ay Inee mid ostrlcli feathern iicconi paide till gown, v ,;.vv.v.v.v.v.vv.v.v.j HOUSEHOLD $ MATTERS tluiti-v i al.. 'J'o H, li. .i'.e ii. . .1 a I 'll : ": i-. t v. ) cut.!' .- o: T.ili fcll- d in'-1 a r lei. II rind . t . l'.--...i- - h-';:;i hi ill ii etlpSUi l ii.t-i ii!'.- ii--: Hi' - w. !; ;.' i .-( Then . :! !..:. c'lo iuii i i i :i l .'.-1 '. ; Ol- cold. T'lllll ta Ptit ii. i ii r.-vii.y 1 : : ' e-foii'.-.h of 8 lUiil '-f I 'tie.;!. ell :lilo V. !;0 :i:.M ! rowi t ' n;. i ; , i :- .-iv .! l! fat a s:..::!i n'.M, n ,S:i -. A'!-! half !- li.ti- .1 vi'n ;.-i : a f:.t. a le f;i'iii!l- i.i:, , en:.-, i.ii'i oi; half ii- i::e. - .i u :r. 11 i'. -v' : ! potato- - ho;:. I ::i !.-.: .. !'-::. . tl t-liiin- end -.1' !.,,: : :i." 1:; .-: : elioii.i to la!,- i-- i 1 h1; :: !. .' -I '. (lie d I ('.nine I rutii)ii.ii. If may I" a p. ,li-l -i ill la-ar w a tell'!' i' el... .1 w: .. Us- i pn L k -; liiis :ia i:i ai y 1- -ci: o! . Oi' White ill la.TS th. in i l J 's' c .v. (lUiiee oi and'tiv Mil., 'll pi"' ;i!;d w 1. ...l-e '-. -::d V.'d iill .il-.' "I' 1 sd 1 in .1 s are I -,::.l of 'Si -,,;.,. I I si:;:i- i far s-,;.. w,,n tw A . a. I v p.: t -.1 -il d ClCl.l le ..l.t. V tell p. '.!.; -. . t.;- s.rap, d I;, pel' t'. ta-!.' laiimi. I-.:.:.. in n.iia !,....;. i t.ibh-To .:.: i:l hail' tiiLl. -j , Hi" eh.,-.:..;- .1 . ! : .; p. i . li 1 :l . a I p:,i! lie. ap.l boll lu :w l.,;,,r le,!d lall,: Where a s..i-.. fpl,:- . as i.e thrown on a t-ai uesir. d llali a I-..;..!', il wii.-'u coior if iluan ; . fo'e W.asla.iu ji wai.-i'. ! v , ;. li lii be -r i: ::il . 'I i . i i- a -a n :p iii s,.:ia- : V, ;!il ial m..! vi-e '-nds w;ll hold ih-ii-! for thr- horn -- I e- i i' r r :: I A s , h 11-!'. l-dl'i li' ''" a oil. :i CaCll V. i.i ll liji ei i .. .a.i ii-ia - a .'I.l" to V.''1' I,!"- -s i-l S. vinih. '1'-. l:i:;ke - I 1, j Hoi, Be't'll lln r.'iii.'.ly v. dii a :- dV Ll li-ii iiii-,.. ..; a:;::. II rl::ia- .a ti.'ir To iK ii. !'. ijiiart "t v il. r fill two y...a!',.. sileils. I'oiK th" sll-ll- sir;. in Ihe iai the sin 11. ;;; pel.;, V. : : 1; clips, a hi whip; .:aa l':ml.' .1 Era ted P.!t..i fi'c.ilu ili.ll." ilii.'. il Is .-,i:a peeii-d .111-1 , il v. e ill ll, lb-1.-,. , . i : ,oii l ,ie lire, . .a!..- ;!;. . !:;:-- ..m . - ;h-. .i'i..-. - a- .,i , I ba.i. , . ;,d "'in' In I 111 of p d ! el'i.-l. r: Cher- - and v. ' p:" d d- ll. sail !.! ll iill- The laiiisle s : hauM b- Pi-e.l .-ri li:i and M-l ..- Ml the i.i- i ;. . Wh-n '.: d. in.x v i h a l,:i, w hip...d i real'i. spread lli-1 i .'.'id' 1 on a sii-,1 of .r..w n hi cad, , ni li;.:1. an 1 sprinkle hiibiiy v., Hi : he ;;r '.al !,-'c- before pros'. ., 4 -.. : . . .,:al si . , dow 11 close up.,:: a "To ma I.e i-. i . : - - " s.iv - -i ',- ; a.-:- i:. a i l iitiis-.-u ...i.:-. !..:. of ba.o,- a;::i u w '" the ."ii. it p .s-ii,:-. two i. . coliip: e -.-.1 J .a-:" pdah of - .iii.iU tl'.-id all,., of . Siir well and bo '.- al ..!!"- Leave the bollh-s in ;i w ; i.i ! :ep ra. a1'", ah. ut scvtnly ihe:..-. I-:1 twilve hnin-s. Then pla-c on lli" i.e ..r twelve hour., ivlii-n it :s ready for n-e. 1 .iPmi.vs Hsu siphon hollies, r-n.-ii a- . al b.ii.a i e. I wat ers con, .u i'.e. i' I" .ilie-- are ii .' . I- I. bur any Lottie or civ v :il do :" ii.-Lily iorl..'d" N-w bouses sin" a" ' t' laii-ei rooms and le'v-i' ef ih1 .u. I le lia-.,:. which in lll.dlV of '.I- ...del h.Cll - - i eliou-li sj .lull l.ll llll the u ten k"i it 1ii.i!I i-ooin ,.:!. .da-t 1.. u", n n iiu.i i i. ;- n ov la-e jt is ,, i... ll-cl by - i,:' i'i l.i n-1 v , w iai ol . l l! : ton. i -' P'r" ' ; low II s - a " bast celilral tecepl. ni in lii.or. i. (in- nn- only d tl iavnrile !";. i . and Ui'dial looiv an ii O-lill. Vi 11 c iini-y I .'" . w lia-h ' iv - nut i.-. ,'.;). in c i f ill. se ha.-iuialik' h..lls. - - i Ovk Budget of HumoPv Where Good Meu 'T s ii I'd. a'as. f Urf ;) Jn l.'ilt Ifliini!-- fiiri.r" V In''1 -ii it. a ins' uii'ina-n i i ' i'.11! J i : d'.iiiiim.1 in, r liami'. The Iliulty. "In y.i;-- bachelors clui- what i; l-O 1 far marrying ' ' "Ma: riafrc."--Towu 'Topi' -. Arinut ratic. 'That .-.tU-r id' your- ioou- "-i- '' ijci-iia dly ari-toc liiti.- d-.j: " Vi-.. He's n smalt set'., r. ' J.iterai-y Iut luiaii'ii'-. "VV'l y ii.. yon think be'1; I"1 a r.i : t : ai - mcii-tv -II. I s for pl:oi..?:-i.phs -i v.ii. wiih .i id :: a f.dd. d ntid l--:.i-;' ' W illll.l I lie l.imil. .Pre "I w l-h Mm voii'-l :':-".:!'. a i.-w house f a- Hi"." Arehiteet "Sou . c I li i Ii a il'1"'.!' ii' tl, .I'-and .h.llars--' thon-.did dolla;-- del J'!.,--'. Sin 'j -w I.e i nil s.iv :.' it.ip ---:''. . 0 , to le P a 1 1-i'c' " l:",w;ie-"Ycs." T ." 1"--"!!"iv ab.iiit ina a;.' ':' J!'-..WI,. - !: ''-.' -n'i I'1 1 11 ,!"'' f i.,--, . .. Sh- merely ;:' "- l'.-! del: Id ' Pro-. II Wu His Mm- lliJl.-r "Was tha' y.-.u- - :i 1 ' a,- y.-i v"i y.-st. -rdii;. V i'.alc -"The yoiilifc. elniji w!,-. v.::s '.:!' il : liie advice lio'-V to su.-eeeil ill hli-- jii -s and to maii" place f"'-- a in i! . world'; Y.-s. tliat V.'a- : 'l1-'--' j:,,-!-:i Tin' Ken I Tliln-j. The Owner - Silt hiilT seller. lie d'.n't do iiuthii-' . '.- but jest s-i ai ml." -Now Ymi. A a. Il.llttilli-s-. -After all, what is !i;,pp.m - "( In. that's easy." -Well, what is itV " 1 1 appin.-ss is a condition Hi.;'.'l really appreciate til, 111 v-.U I- a a point where you Pave " look '-a b, i ."- -rhi.-ilrfo Pi.':-!- of Hie lint. . "Hill." persisted Hie Milld1. ".L s in; iti.ssil.le lor a ball to Le treat, r 'I. ;a the V hole." "No-, necessarily." .plied tlm s.-i'." I froiii S.i"cille. "Whin's ihe Ui.ilicl- - j w iih Hie star's p ti t in dr.-ma tlh no Pally New.-. Two nt Ills Slliiliu Voinl-. ! I I - Youi1.:: Man -"I doii'l lake !'.!- ' (l-f.lil. to myself f if Lam... ah!" t . m 1' I filer than other poop!" ' i '- '.' ' -is a Kill " Miss Sliappcip1! -"Y.Hi aciU.le.l you.' nii.(.e-!.v, 1 presllllle. by dliip'lll app'-i-i:io.."-(-!il.-a'a. Tribune. Not s.l ltilil. -l In ureal man vtisln d oni aiai s-. -'!-ph .1 With the wild eyed inn ii-lcr, "What have you iber.-" .lemamled ii... -leu! n an. "A . till." hiss, ,) Hie sir.-l'i", r tlh. then, il's not " Lad: 1 lii .ii;;al you had a camera "-rlm-aiM v-vv s. ill. (ll I l.litltOtl. i-; lv. r. .If. "What ! "'.' "'' '' do'.ii- now':" l'.aliy Moore-"SitMi.u mi .iari1 I'aiv't ri. Jr. "W ha IV VV h.v . I ti...n.ic ;e was jlliiae ill one of lie' t -.. courts ' I'allv Mo.,!'- - "11" i- "- ) da-: A a a -u-iili iiu- milt n inf. W ile ' How foolish incii am -. . i i... l-v. lanae a'- i bucket shops!" Ilii-baud "Itill the.v .i'li'l -.en'.'!' on the Siocl, llM-hitii'-'.'. my ih ar." Wife- "Then w h.H do Hn V t!"'.- ' lliisbaml "Wtiy, i in1) ooei.i'o t l i' liiiu News. Why liny I'mi'i stiiinl II. ea-ianan i 'on t y" v.-j Ha- Mroi.p'sl animals are ;i!l e-.-ia inns, the elephant be!!: 'he lin.-l pov. t : fill V rariuM roiis l'rieml - " 1 hai-s ri'.ilii. If they wer.-n't s-j sifolii' ila; l,ct fl would I"1 iiLle b. stand a ve" table diet." - Itosi,,n Ti an-eript. I'r.'tly I'.ini- Sinn. "Altinuiuli 1 have p' lilted pill Hi' Idol-view.-' s:. i.l the poiuooils ..Ilie. lolder, "I don't want people io i!,a, i 'in in the habit of lail.inv. for publ cation." "They won't," replied tin- npoii. "when tiny see Hies., remarks . print." Philadelphia l.edpi. j-Ss