$f)e Chtttljam ttctorfr. il)c Cljatham Ucrov&. M. A, LONDON, EJitor and Proprietor, "TERMS Of SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly in Advance RATES OF ADVERTISING, One fquare, one itierticn 81. 0" One fc'l'mre, two iuBcrtloun 1.5" One square, cne taontb 2 5 For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. VOL. XXVI. PITTSttOltO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C. THURSDAY, MAUCH 17. 1901. NO. III. Q AJJATTER I SXtt t taaic 7 VVAiJAUii o. Bv Anna Katharine Green, cov.igmt, !. ' 1 1 A I'T KI! N.VVIU. Continued. No wnich r ih" il"Kiiiv stand- ! r.fmliit.-- tliiii Hilary forces I'iirU (In1 f-lirlck that rises h Inr lip". IH'ittlt Is l.overinp doubly over tile head of tin' no tle-y impel iii puard, ;i ml noihinp llll'V IM.I (1.1 Will SlTVe to ellVe lllT. WMl II.. I p'.lilldii'U spllil (if lllT mother m c I - peril and stop 111' Hit .n"ioiis pill thus hurrylnp upon Iior .i!:iV No. Put other tit If I peat licili. Mire nii.l potent; Cor ,iu-l a- -li" Moats uiiiiii liu' assassin 11ml lli" 1. 11-. r- of the munl'-ious wrcb li do;. 11:111 o iiphtly 1 1 1 1 1 his uplifted dapper aiioi.'n. l"i in creeps in behind liiln. 1 ml I'.yi ' h youthful, ah-il. fud of fir M 'i pu.p'i-c. Illnps Idm-clf upon iii' 1 i'i I'ldiil. iiiiil. wiilimil n word o." w-ir.iiop. pinions him in IiW I wo stioi,-; : in. I 'i.' -Iii ii k v i.ji Miss Aspinwa'l I 1 1 I'M n'lli 1.. r -train ill her i.rro, r. v, froiii I- r iips in li'-y relief, iiml nt tin- 'oiiml iiv si-iioCu.i. who was now ,- l-i e-i upon lli two s;ni;.p!iiip iiioii. l iii'i'i!. inn! tbiiip cut licr arms. At the -1 v 1 1 r lliliiry i:it- it forward, aid hi ;i 1 1 . 1 1 1 : i'i" b:.!' was lined wita trlp'tilem ! f.u-. 1 "ry 1I01.1 haviip ji. iii ii ..- I.y :i spcii ill ihe-o sound, .' I rouble mill iliiiii r. I 1 1 1 llihr.y -.-.'' .iii olii fa- lli:-: I tl.i' "-i'.Mll'l il'.'l. I'..! il:. ill'fl'.ll. ivhi, tni-iiii i i-. v u v. n'.-h i'i'.- iii'il li n ! I'lil'i'.l i'i: 1. 1'. ii'.-. -I .iifrontcd lh.' two nun -ti ii'.''ii,'. to. t) :i ---i 1 v h'-fo.v '1 : H'ir one -I'l'den!'.- awaken d ''r.'.ii ; Win i":r. t ' 1 1 - :i v. o -,. di'eatn of lea! If. Si. iii.-.ii. I.I'll W.I -l si, j, I "hi. cot!- ii I! plalion ft m i. .11 -ii!- saw' ihal ,lir .! 11.., I'.-. ! Hilar..'- anus :ilio:;i l,..,'. .;i.il only n.i.i.il v, i,i-n Mi, 1, n if.-. ,liii-l-)- - inn . 1. 111I1. 1 mil - Ii 1 1 i i.i.-iliy urn.' V-il Oi ).,....,-... l,-v f;,.. ill" li:;,I of !' Ji-;i-'n iimi li M .11 l;i-i- f !!. Th-11 'i 1 .niii- In In r-i-ir. mul -tnnii:i!.r down li- nl no lli'.. wi Mimii. .'itni ( lull liiijj 1: '',) lii-nii .1 liiiL-'i'i l".iiii''l lotvnwl th" 1I.1..1 1.1' I.- i- lo.itii lii iiv 1 In. nvni ' ii-i h.nl v;i. il I,:i:nl iiy.iinvt )..- ! .-iniil.ii! 1.1 tl- -5i-.-i.t-t Ii of Iii. mi- - so-!, iii-.l .i!!iu- to". inl rhi. villi. slii"il nir i I j vcriri- mul liini. f 1 ill 11. (I'I !,. li..- lil.nl lli low. ' ' . 1 i-n:r .win. rin- ij.ii-ii.:;i .i- it.iti-a i,r 11,1 linn. Miii I 1 (-j!!if ugttli: floiii lif?r i.-iinl-i-v iim i-. .-111(1 Miis iiotr prv-irii v III. tin- VC.-I I -Willi1 tin- y rul r. "No." ( iim- i:i ip iiiiulli-il totit i'i mil ymii.t. idio. riM. wlio tin 1 Imiunli 1! i'-iwi: i fi. i i!;i- I'iilloi n,:ni. "In is 1:.,. -iiii. "Ml ii i- in oil siiiiiy. You 1:1 i 0 il f". 1- iiii. n. in: iiiiy i-i-.ri'." 1!m: In 1 i.in.:i v-;. in. 1 so i-nsiiy 1 l'.'l-.l. T:m;i-,l: -li- il'il lint nn'llk. 'a- wi.m11 slii.l. I'.i.ii liiiid in f..iit. mi.l i- i'nii'ii 11..; !. kin whither . -.' w in;: in i!.-. "W. i-lil i!ni I joiy iiniiii ill my !!iu- 1 1 i in;in'.-" pili- vriiiiin-il tiin- i)y. ;.ii.-i :i sioiio-.vluu iiiiinfni j.iiii-i . "I i-ii oi:.l I'lii- to ;VU liim w'liiit In- t. liiliio. nil'.'' " !';:!. my inn.." ..ii. ;i Li ii-Vuliii: ii. n 1 1 In f 1, ,,., , "1 a. v:y t;i:ii 1.1 Inivi- ymi ... him." Anil Mr. (inn .-.ii-iijioil Imwiiiil with Miiih .-ill nil of .iinl'.iiity Unit liln. l'oti;iil lll::t Ii! f.-n-. ' ii. -rii-iii- ninl iinik tho 1'iiii' I'l llil ill 111 w. tin. Ill II IVofll. Hi' Inl h-.i to tho stalls, down wliii.il wi'tii. til-milling very mtiili. htit oilit-l-ivlsi- s-imiiiiki.v oimiiio"i.'il. Luiniiu I'.i ! Im 111 lit in iho Iiiiil I. i-li, iv, mul tin turin- of Mr. Itynl .mil Mr. Iiiuiiiw wi ic ' In- ii-oii - t.-i i.ili m iiliovo Hint of 'I:-- pri -Hiii.- 111m... Sin- i:ms,cl h!i -i ii i ! ( il In i- lin er. 1. 111 iiiiiiiitly re- i-.i'ii-il lii-r-i if iiml wont on. s-miliii.-f litiK- Mi.lly ;is Shi- pilled lilm. Till- HI. 111. ll..il ivllimo W'lists III-- I. .ilnli tills Imii h.di mt, uilln'il lis f;'.-i' -,i w.nd ;is hci- light t(.is ii--1 .o.li-llill. "Why. it K- iii.- iilct:" .-in., die,!. 'Tin; I'l.-Hi ho siliil 111- Whs ;i (lotco imh. iiml wh. wmncil nio--" Sin: Mint n,.. 1 111 1 li- 1. mul Ini imiiuiinu In i.-iiiK so t'li-.H tlnit till- dnKKi-r. wliiih In still in I 011-ly ( llll. lioil. tell froiii I'i-.- limnl un In tilt- liiriist ui tlu' iii.in 11J1..11 w ln.nii : li,- was ciif-iii". Mr. Mynl sir-tclii'd foi-lh his Ii imi r.i'd t.iolv it. She d'nl in il noli,-., sin v.is lookiiiK in tin- face of 1 In di sii-r-iiTc icsiissiii mul Inr l!it niovi-il 1110 1 h:iliic:i!ly. l-tit no sotiinl liiiiui Iri-iii llit'i'i. Tin- wiciil:. win. did iim si(,n ill mi.v v ny (X li din- liy hii niislil lilno. n.iii-d l.niR :it her i ut'ioiily. "You un- down." said he: "iinl. tiiiii is no loiittcr. yon will noon m I'll tip :ijratn. I am uot the niau to kW'iUIC." "Vl.;t a foarml writrh:'' sin- nun-t.'.-.-tl iilld iiiiiiliy fnilinl tongue o fill- r: " Tin iv Ki-i ins 10 he 110 jjnod ii-iisnii why ymi slemlil iittack IIH'. Wlnit li.tv. I -1 mo. uhut lins Hiiy of ns lion- tliiit y - ii should i-oin-i lure with n kuife':" M.- I.iiiuhod i:ud Kiized u!um liim 'ill evil ( yes. "Tlii'ri arc sonic ln-r-v.m iiiii uiu-s-i." lu 1 ricd. Then wiih ii sort of liriivudo 1 (iiitiiuii-il: -.(i ni.'i! I'" why I (.inn' here, nils-'. I cnu conio 1 1 iiioi'c. mul that oiulit 1 s ii tit 1' you. .nil (Invs have liogmi for yotl. misn. Ml I i.iiiiiot ircviit It; the pnlli I ..vi l' l ii toy ninny for inc." lic I.m.k d us If she did nut 1111. In - .ml. .-is if sin- wantcil to iin slio.i I a f'lithii'. Hut hi t' lovci'. who I h I i 'v.itHUulJJllt-J hr auy oi.i)rcrsmj..ni Antlior of "Th Korkn Inn," htt. KCIIIIT OHMl'. SONS Willi this i'ihii. :oliiliid Ht this ninl : Tut Iii-iiii to driiw- her 11 way. "1'i.inif." In- ni'U'd: "this is iu iilnci; for you." Instantly tin- wr'i h. who hrd not shown 11)1 to this iiohit. nny real siliM' of hi- -iiiiiHlon, lous d and looked af li r l.i'f. "Ah. im:" In- 1 rlc.i. "you may lo--yi t. i;i von o'i !m k has not yet cotue." Siic -tml.'d. ilioni.i'ii Mr. ifii-.Mv's illlil ntid I'li-Ued w ildly liaeU. "lie is luad!" si,i -whisi"ied. nnd li:iii'ii'.-l I- hi'1.' In I'sili' from tiios- Winn sn- ill 1! til. l-ti il in f.-liov. in- h in- l,.-li: i.l.ole. -he I iii-li-l. v.l.o I'.-r--. WT' iisnin ip Mini s-, o);lll In 1 ,-::y: I ' Is ji nil a ill am': Hid thai man :ry I to kill 'r" I "Yes. ilmHm;. Imt i.rovideiii p was w :ii' liii-; i.M-i- you ami you rn-nii-d. , Mow i-iin T eiie-s my toy"? Mow in ! lor inv tli.il'kiiili. "You un- net l.lll'iV" ,-:l:- iisknl. "You did no! i; v iiiiy siiMLuli- "ilh iliis tiitin'.-" "No; I Inc.- I" n In i;o il.mui r: iiml lis. for ill" 1..-I l: W lOll:. 'Ill- fi'llfiw ! 'id try t" n.i-nii my win-, imt he whs . del-. ic. On you rializ: that. l"i ' ii lislainliii- ::h h'. life talk. It is he. mul not Mr. I'.i iv. who has licet at ' III" lioiloM of !-':! Ill' Ilollhl.i V T.iell I ii is 1 -inf. i-i d tn- voiii- vm io'.i- Inmne.,;:." j "H. '.- Wi:.,i vii -ay'.- Ml'., ih y : fl.l.ll.i l.l'l I il.'ll .-" j "Yi-s. tini-mrli Mr. lies. raw's 1 .:..ii.: , iim. I1-- h:i li, , -a v;y frnnk and .- I P.llt 1 i!!!-. not tl il 'l lllioil his ;-.-I ffi- ! -iiive. Hi v.'iH toil Jon ml you wish to Wi. iiv in-n.oi ii.iv, i.a.'. though it ': hai l i'.i-,- im in ri !;um.'!i il-.''- my error" -li'' lolli-hoii do" 11 ill" ji'.ll.illsy. i-ltslliteil , his 1 oti'ir mni l otlliliUi'.l hlavi ly "I j .i.u-l li,..l th'-i Mil'-t his has : Ii'iiinli ,1 hi. ,.' i!i:.n on .1' us, end that ' yi-ii .:; .- .i-i-fol-i.y . .n : nil lie to he : iiii iei 1 NY I- ;! . (ii.e o) ( 1 viiliim -i iioliii. Mr. Hyi-d. 1 and y. ,1 " i ItU' Inn- In. f 1 ! talk I'liiln i'. TIioiil-Ii j various iiimm. s of 1 1. ! l-iicd li.--iiiii into l;ri. mot H'!l-lvr iii; iii i'i M;-- AsiiiinM.il end 1 i- I; hi in ;id- t-i li.v ihis tlni' the lnm-c li.nl vmi looms, in (U'i'sj , '!iil!.'- iisi. o sel V.lliis Wl re ' .!l:iwi.,j; near, an.! ii" f. Il iloit it w.ls 1 i!;.;.- ""or ninl in f'S'ii- tin- liun j dl'O'J .'illXllilH i!n u'iils wi,;..l. lilf : 'ici-iiia' il!'ilvtMin,i frmn danuer iiad j ciilleil fni-il. Be-ides, !ti lionor, he I iiii'.i'hi ;i : t (ill Mr. I'cui'uw had re . i''.ili-. n: her ih" .i'itioii sh. whs 'i-'-'-- iliii-l tn i... flip. . Siuiioi !na alili. lioor l.ii'i! fi'a-i.ll.-.s. iniiiit le.-l v.-ry ilitfi-i'-i -n.Iy fi-niu tin- wealthy Mi-v U-v r' i ..:ili ti.e wo, 1.1 at Inr feci. I'o-v . .mhl iii- i:i hilt till. I.N s,nnl..ithy cvc'l ! .VlUlld l.i'i'lll s'.lll-l till. 11:.- to her tlli'll. iiiin ii inn 1 1 hi- !''.". No. wliai'-vef il I ".is-. Hiii. ho would wail till the 1110V ' row had (tin an. I sn m. .No one slioiihl j .'! ox. hjjii of t.-ikiici iiiivmitiij:.- of h r v.-.-!l.i:ess. Sin I. in-w h" loved h.-l : j .il.d tl-at was 1 h'.niiu. Hui i'i:.' Ih.it i di ornl'.iil 10 1 1 11 1 1 row! j Mi. liryco, who had omi.niietl ! lii-iii lo tin- iiijn-i- Inill, now .ldviiin i il. ! "i i-oa-iili-r iiii ila'iU'-r over." mi'. I In. !' "iimi vi-l I siiiill w'iil. ii hoiiile Mis-. i:v-i-' dooi till ' h-vi :i o'i-Io.-' to iiio:--iow leiiriiliiu-. Have y..u any ohioi-iion 1 I. tin.-., miss'." j "1M1. no: iiii. in:" Ha-- Inr eap.r ! l.--i.ili.-i'. "I l:.ivc I. nt l.eeil afraid he- fin'c. ha' I a . 1 now. Hut why till ele ven ';" "I l-ilievc ji-'.l li.ve .1:1 !'. lacnicllt ior 1I1.1I hour." Sin- l.lu-h- l ilci'idj ..inl ll:. w .1 '.!' ilaiuc i!iiii her iijinl'.iiuoii. 'T ill. I not know ih.., I hui: -mii u oi" il." sin- iia.d. iiaiviiy. No one answered, hi-.i r'n- d'-'i-tiivt -'.lili-d '.(In voh r.tly tl.oli h"i. "YoU life a Vft-y loltuii.'ili- J0III1C lady." he ol'si 1 vcd. "if villiiiiioiis lai n do strive io ink1 your life." Tlise v.fn'ils sct-med to lix 1 lie itisli uiion her cliwk. and laado (lie r .'uuc of Miss Aspinw all's roon. which was iiiiw offered In r hy a ti-uii'i' '' tiail ' idy. iimrc 1 im 11 in 1 't a 1 ilc. 'l do not know v.-lial all this tne.ins." sin- said jn withdrawal, "mul I 1:111111. i .vail to tind out. Mi-- Asiiiiwiill is iieekoiiiiiy and I .1111 only ion ul.oi l li.v to siiiiii. ila(of iiiiel. w here I i-i.u iliiu'.. 1 oHi.iiiiulil. .,. Iii -iin.'.'' II. 1 iliic WHS il 1 III Js I liluerill-. 'Ciliid. iiiuld ninl take iiml are of yoiirsclf. 'I hound men have In a kiionu lo e-i-iHie, and " She did not ,v what, mil her (i-ail'u; j;laiiie toward the -lair "Ciiealh whi.-li die w i--t h n w lnnn mic alluded si ill lay seemed t 11 s.ito. - thlDR of the iW. iy that yi t atlVi-K-d bor mind. Aud fv-n ai'tt-r s'uc had riasscd throuh tiie door in-M op'.-n for inr I.y hi-i I'tif-lnl did h--r last fetid took -el-Ill 11 S,IV lo iiie e ir:-iUlle-l iirii-i: "llew.-ii t-:" "All!" thoiiyiit In, tilth mindful of iim wiirnlni: iisclf, "will in eiisi sin h a ionk I'cliilld her when she klmws her- Si ll the IO-s.s..iir of tlit'l c IllillioUs':" Snine titii" laier. Mr. Itynl c.iaimd how he 1 nine to iiiii-jir -o i,iioriuncly at ihc In id of I In- ha- k siaina-i'. As you Will lelili-mlicl In- had hceu ap )i. .inn d 10 wineli li e ha k vviiu'ows and side ( ntrainc of the Inoi-e Ilea!-ills-. h'.oiiI iwo 1.'. 1'i. L. .1 p ml" hird call whii li crtiin not from the l"c:' lull fmui the i-.llh li'ilii i 11 si U ti iliis side of till hollsc. i li.i.lllil' i.lsielnlls ami vliiwli-d urn of ih- arlnii' in which he Iho (oucacd Liuiflf. jusl it) iituj , to discern th' form of n man i,Nap. pcnrliiK throiipli one of the lower win. (lows into the hoii-c. Ucfogiiixlut; tin- vnlci. ami rcalixiiiu (ill that his preseneo in that ph nicntit. lie ruslicd after iiiin and cliiuhcl Into the Si'iiili window. Me found Inin-M-lf in u narrow hall, nnd tn-xt ininuio (aim; upon a toalrciisc yd iiv-akiiii.' wltli the nssnssinV sioalUiy luad. MotilillliK It more quietly than Die other had done, he 1-111110 upnu the lectio wliU-it we have already dc serllii-d, and tints, as far 11s man could j see, hccnine tin moans of ilclivcralite I to 1111 otherwise doomed human 'neinn. ! Mr. PeRraw. of Cleveland, had not moved from the v':""'' wliej ho had ln.f set to wnlcli. (TIAl'TnU XXX. A OCEAT HL'ttil ss. It Was the Iiour ni wiiicli lawn ion nis or i-ro(Utt wa usually In prosre-b in MI-js AsiiitiWiiU'x fctouiiiis. Hut no iiiUUi.s occupied ihc yilc-ts lli- rmrii. Iii'. Ti c Kii itt ex. it' in nts :md hroki-u rest of the niiiiil lielore had preveiitnl early rising on their pan. and not etc: of the doors opening on the wid" hall had yet swtin;: hack under tic wateii fu! eye of Mr. !ryie, wi-o Kii 1 1 K :i statu- in front, of ihc 10.1111 m- npi.-d hy til- simioiina. Ten inlmli and even Miss Atipinwall hi fsell' was tut 10 he .seen! Hut In-fore .1110! lor half hour had Kissed mor" than one hriirlit linu'-o had sli pped into tlu- hall, mul in ihi- r'"! . or thai of the cr-'at house sniall group were liiilhrriiii.'. i''aily te resume 1!n talk w hich had not I. cm exhaust-d hy hours of sec ret whtpi rin;; fiom pMloi! to pillow. At 11 i'i tia i'i r to e!evn on' dooi only remained shut, ill" ihio-,- nim:: v. Idfli r.!l eyes vcsteil. for throuirii i1 I hey I Xpei tl-ll presently to iippl .-ll til h'-roltie of the preci-ditii; eve, a h'-roii'.-.lronnd n horn this frn.-ii iici atl. 'npt in murder had wov. 11 ,uh mi atino--plii-i-i of roinaiiee and in.v-t"iy tout the i-omiiii.' of ii (ilri with a trr.y of livc.-ii;-i.-i-t cau-ed (piili- a shiuli of disiip lioil.l lllelit lo ias Hl'i'lll-'li Ml" t III "lie;, laidines l"Inu snppofd m I-- nlmve stie'n inniiilan.' want.--, or m h a.-t to l;r nore them nt ceiialu perio.1- of pi-e'i-liar Interest or cM lt' iiieni. Hut. this touch of selitiim nlal j'- i-i i ij In ihc y. tiny men ,-u'ii wiuueii of ih lio-.tsi- was soon lost in tin- surprise li.ey felt r,i scc'iii: Mr. i;ryi-- suddenly rou-c fiom h's apathy, take the tray from t In- (.ill's hand, nnd after Mir-viyiiit- iis coiiii'iiis wi'i, dii". carry it !: hlinsclf to l lie siyuorhia. .vu ;is till:; astonishiiietii in any wise dimin ished when. In a minute later. In- n ap. pe.ii'ed with the tray and haii'lin,- il liiu k in the ylrl remarked: "Mi i Koiiii- isiriii fn 11. 'hii.p Im cuys tlil-- iiuiriiiii'. A 11; I of l-oilcii c!.'.'. it' yon pknsc." All 'nlerfeleln.e so liiill'.li" III'.!.-! mean something. What? Cniii-iiy y.ev ifiTl.pailt. mul !t Wi.s ii so; i y disup. -oil'.t:Uellt 10 til" I'HJitT Wi-.tellilS Willi the hreiikfast hell ritii;. summoiiln tlieiu all to the d'nim.- nioin. Aiiolhi'.' hell rnotf i'loiii II. i- 'line: ii Wiis t'ii. otic 1 aniic' ti d with tin front il nr. As Its i ho,-.- ecas il one or two of tin- yoitnix tnei! who slid iiu-"i-red in ihc hall h. ln Id the il..o of her loom open iiml tiie .-iuimrlua ap pear. Ah. how Irish sin- lookid. n.'-i-wiilistiiinliiii: In r uiirlit's adieiitiin s! Or V erc In r I'lusln.s the sii-'na! of seme cominjj event l.ot disenniiei-ied with I'm sur.iniotis ili-y had ju-t Iniird. Tin-y would wait a minute, and they did. iiotiu-j with a -;rtaiii sort of stu- I" filetioll lloW the filled iletietili' Lowed us she passed Iiiin, and wiin what a look In followed her down ih hull to the top of the staircase. Wa tiie old f'llow sniilleti? No. h was impressed hy the sisrin oi Ihi-yonn- vlil poliisx !' an inicnicw irom which she would return t!i" mistrcr- of .1 I'm tune liir;jc noiiuh to tui:k" l: it (il( l-ll illllotif; In r fellow.-. At the head of 1 In- stairc-isc she m. i Hilary. "Mr. Di'isiaw, of Cleveland. wali for ymi in tin- liluary." thai !,:dy aiiiiouiocd. ' lie is not aloiie; did yoii expect 10 sc him alum ''' Tile siKltul'itifl (lr W hack. "Who is with him';" si,,, ask.-i'. "I have yolt to ritid mil." rcMiilnd t'ne other, mischievously. 'uiily I iholljiiit I would warn you to e eel more than one caller. Ah. how lovely you look in white!" purusitcd Hilary, with a idiort slph. "No 0111 would think you luid not slept a wink ail n'.chi." 'Ihc .sipiioririii MMlicd iind i-ml: thi' 01 in 1 s arm. "Mow kind you me!" .-,.h! siie. ami looked no child -Ilk w it!, her iiiiivi i lii'. lips half part cil that the slimmer v.oin-1111'- heal I wanned with 11 sweet i"n-p.is-ioii sjk siic drew her down to ,h. liiil aiy dooi . "I must to my nth 1 pues.s." iv. nnuk"il llilaiv. ' hut my hean will 11. niiiiil with you." And 1I101111I1 siie i ohUI not kunv and mild not --itess what this visit pi.rieml mI id.e went with evidciitly reluctant feci toward the dininf; room, looking tiack I1101" lliali once upon tin- s I i c hi . w liitf-cliid tiu'itri- st.inilins- doul-tfuli.v In-fore llie lihrary door, us If in dn-ad of an interview whicli mifr.it have a di-iiriiiillina lliflurnce upon ihc future fa', of nio-.e 1 lui 11 one in ihis i;e:it lloltst. When the siiiiioi ilia linally slim ouiiiid iiiiu.ipe siiili'i.nlly to open tie door and pass in she was si.inlnl to olisci ve three "lil li'lllcll pi s -lit. mid was i;ivuiiy confused, n.iiwilli- la inline iii" wautinu .-In had 1 eied when she p. re-, ievd 1 hat one of ilicn was the aui-t. Surely ihis w.i- n d ihc interview she had e.iecn-,l v hen Mr. lM-mtiw. 01' 'Icvelainl. had .-el ihis hour for sayiiiu sonn-liiiiiK to h r of -pei inl iiupiirlaiK .-! "lo ymi wish to s, e nn-V" wa- 1 un sciliciill.v the uesion Willi wl"eU sin. Ilii.-l the pn'Ctiiltf she rei eivi d. .--: win. 'S I coDiUU"J. A M In AiItiiiii i'. Xoi "i Carolina has math- a t'real Mc, I-' inlv.iiice hy putliiii; !', lnrce l-i.-dv ( her convicls to Work hilililiuj; lnn..ila roads. A tine highway, titty miles in extent, a.-ro the l',l.ic Itidi.'- M.oni lale.s, from N'kesti..ro to .1. flei .11. in Ash- County, is hciiu laid, or rather cut llirouKii ihc hills, ,y ltd- c!i-s 01 l-t'ior. 'file purpose of this i.- 10 open up lo trad" with the rc-t of the S'.-U" 'he weniihy northwest, it; s.- lioi:. This is II pleat entile plowing com.iiy. nnd the people v.ln ri -i.h- Ih. re have 1,(1.. t"fore In oil doiiii; Im-ino-- v. I'll ill" ViiLiiniiiiis. 'the mountains formed i' hariicr which w.i- piiieiiemly in-u:-lil'iuiilaliie for trade purposes. All entuiiiiiiiit'.i s arc more mid more "oilihm to leaiir.e Hie In .S-it.V of l.ir.'- in hiphwiiys for trade if liny would have trade, l'oor highways mean ism '.al'oii, Iii-iilm it..- aiid pp'i inciali-iii. Ideas, a- well ii- tmilcHa! Iieti"liis. fo. low tin- line of " li-a-i t--i.-'a-;." They filler, li:-It nod stop at pins!--.:! hani'i-s-. Tin- lopopiiiphy of a c cm try det-rmiues lari:c,v llie 1 haracti-r of it- tiihal'it.-.iils-. laic!; 01' niiimuiM--.".-lion with iicihlioriiiL' coinnoiiiiiies pre Vellts l-Vplllsloll. 't he cl.lllioi of J 1-nS peril,'- v ill imt run ov. r nns wi,. n ii can tind a sinnotli loadh --d. M-i.i.il. -I' ial and lil.it"ii:il il- -.i'!i-ni" id id 's" (! p'ii'l upon the ' Iiara- iei of tin- phj-l-ieiil i nviroiiiu'-iit. A I'liuiin'C'lly wlii"!' -h-ils iei' in a -In-)!, ns does an oysii-r. m-vi-r pels licyotnl tin; s'li'l'l'-! slap" in miyil.ii. p. Tin.' pood roads id. a i- s-pri r.ditm lliimipiioiil tin- country. 1 l.-ofpiit Ins d-iuoiistrati d that -In- i- v '-h. a. !1;.. o it. Sin ,n made ." '.".i li'-iiniih u'. Tin -e stlolMd lie IK sl',, ,;,ti the nu!. n ays ar-,. iiln.vi; -r i t i ; - t 1 . . V 1 1 1 1 1 -: JoUll'.ll. Aslo J(I.(IO.OOO l ..r liuo-l :, :!. 'J in; Kx'.c-.jtii '-. ,u in i t ; ( f tin Stain Convcnlioii of Si pel visors, or uaiiizid o prninoii lie- iniproveiiii'iit of hu-cu ays in New York St.. te. ndpt. III t!.-e e.-ii!lltotl-; TIM the Stale slioiil 1 appropritite si'i.Iiimi.iiihi ni the conii.'ip s.i-fsiou of iim l-cyNiaiui'i f.if tin' coi'-trui-tien of pood roads U.idef ihc pr-jvlslos ,,f 11,, I'ipiii- Ariusiioiip a.-t; f:.iyyi to he avaii.ildo ciieli year until l!""'-. That the advocacy of tin- n.-.t ii is-ti'-mil amendment pruvidli ;; fur a IHN1.1H111 l.iimi i-rtt" for road iniproe-incnts-, which wa- aiopl. i ly ilic I.ep- islil'lire ill Ihe I-'l-t se-'-iell .-t'ni wi)1 .ice up fur tiiiiii pas-a-re u; llm -"s- i-;,.l i f l-lll,",, lli' eoniii.n. d. Jml.i--inp tin- l-ill petidii in Con-Hre-s providing In;' an appioj-i iaiioii of NJ i lull 1 miii ,j- llie National M,ve;n-uu-iit for lii-a-r wnpon icaiis'. Tin- coiistitiitiiuial ;iinct)iit:i-e.t pro viliiii; for a S.'ii.cmi.im'ii I.,. ml i-sue, w!:.ei has piisscil thi'-'llph i-la- l.epls l,':uro in eiiii-i .,11. in e of Mipporl 1 1 I 'rp:t!ii'i-'tioii ha.- piveii il. v. ill 1 rovide fo-,- tin e.i:M; Ui l i-a: of 7,-.ii li.il-- of Hood roiids. Of Hie money thus i.ii-cd sj."..ioo.iiiii.i will pay tin Slat.'.s share of tie cost and S17.rHKi.iMm is to he loaned the coioiti'-s ninl S7."iiK""Ki io tin- towns t. pay their shun That sum cannot In mud.- availal'l- until I'.-"! at the very earliest, and tin; apprnpi i 1 i"i of .-iii.lllMl.llini j- pii.po.ed so thai I I ill si V ' 1 iniprov im n:s may lie . im i ie. on ill Ihc illiel'Vill. An Km nt It. not Hull. In -. Thai llie lies l ipinrter of the iwen-li-ili century will he a preat era of load liuildii.;.-' in this couiiiiy now M-eti-s prole:1ie. All pctsoti- who hav, pili-U serious IhoilL-Ilt to tin- iUestioi an- iipi-ec.l on tin- following proposi tion: Thai I ":td huihlitip in ihc I ' is i t -cd Stiiteb l.iis been preally ncple. ti d ; that we an' far behind other civilized l.atiotis In this respect: that the peiicral improvement of i!n- liiphways ihroupli. out the country would do more to pro mote the welfare and happiness of the pinph? thmi any other work which could In- nudoriaheti; mul llmt the present Is an auspicious liim- for in-,-mpr.ratitip a i.atlo.i.'il pood ro ids earn paipr. The last of ,he-e pi-opo-itions Is In fionio respects t'.e most important be cause on il rests the hope thiit tfonie IhiiiP is actually poinp to he dmie. The last ill.irter of llie ullitli nth eeilliiry v.as the i' real era of railroad Imililinp. but linn has now passed iui.i history, of course, we nr.. siill lutildinp rt.il r ad ', ai d will continue to build Ihein for apes, but iniiT apain mi the eimr tnolis siiile of tin- last ihirly year-. Tin- necessity end tin- o;ii.rtiii;:!y In lonper i-Nisl. 71." clii rpv, '.no enthll t-iasin. and ti apitat heretofore di rected to llie biiildiiip of railroads i now scekinp other ' Iiaiiiu ls. one of which i- 1 he loiiiiiiii "f impivvid highway. m ; fj itiiioit Fond Kurmi-i''' lliinn. Si-nntor A. C. l.attiui-i'. of Son tl: Ciiroliiiii, who is stumpim.' Uelawiivc in the interest of co.'.d roads, under (lie auspices of tl.,- Slav Miphwav Ci .in mi-si. n. In. lied hi- .-.nilicliee at tie Siaie capital iiflel i: liupilip spi !i in advoi :i y of natiiiuat 1. pislaiion ex ! leiidiiip lluaii. ial aid from Ihc Covctn incut for perinaiu ni ioa 1 buihiinp in , this coiinui. Kvery mmi in the Miidi- euec arcs, -m l ,;i-t hi- vote ill faor' Of the lue.isiirc. j Si tiiilor l.iitlimer siaiiv, d three w::ysi ill which Ihc fi.rtne.s of ilii.4 couiilry! loiilil impr -ve their - oiMlUi.oi by pood road-'. I'ii't. he (-.'ill. I make s-j.,",u e day wiih l is team in hanlinp for road ' builders Ihrottph dull p. rinds; second, I In c mid decreuse the ' .-t of hauling! his irn,ui( IS ni'i'l' dill r.isds ill the lle 61 p.viplatii I'otiilji Jusl .ne biilfi third. I h could rc.iiirf mi iicrease of, nt tbt rrry lowe't. Si an :e i.- I'a lh'.' value of his land. Hy luiniiir siiine life and indnMry into your rural distriein. udd Senator l.altiinei". you i-iin slop the stream of y-.'-.ii in-n v. ho .iv icaiii.p 1 tie fat iu for llie already over -populated cities, winie they eonfi'-iiit lunl i.in'id condi lions nlal I'linp a moral ih p.-neraey ilpo'i 1. ur initio... Cud roads hi-intf (lie rural 1 i'izoo- co-( t.ipeiher. fi TH "et'TVEPN MEALS." CLOTH. Aii-i.'i.- 11, it I.. Willi I In- 1 me ni Ilitilll.V -"li-ll'-l f"l. When Ihc iplliu-.' I llde is cleared Uli'l res.-t at every in-id. ii iippearu nee hei iv.. en iii j ,-! inaiter of concern (0 the hnii-ohi 1 ci . .sii--..i:illy since the o.-:'.:si.i i...ii spread, which cen tainly Ii.nl a cosy, homey loo'.-, is tic boor I ill till . resotit. Tin hiplll.V pob i- hcil Mtrfaee of the table ii tllollpht In be it, ol!i;imeTi(:l that li 111111 not In . i.v. "eil ii . and iii iinseiiieiiec the Imtis. ki"p.-r has ;i in w- aiiNiclr ill tho "fire 1. f lliai s, :ie hiphly polished top. A hot di-h. a liitie Inn wnt r. a drop oi' .leoilol pl'i'din-e ." Il'i.lk oil ij'; siir- I'iie.' ivld"!. i-, aiiytluiip ii it oi ininii'iilal and which i- i.nl easily n-iii.ivi .1. Pre 1 -1 HI i' 1 1 1 a ry iin a.-'iiv- :.ii. I'i .oil'eil. ami thick "ilU-h el'iile" or table pad- an ii- iU-peU-.i 01". A - 1 ry I hi. K coiloi' pud i- lv-i". 11 i -1 11 -ci :; ' I y for tie piirpos.-, 1 biili Willi i,si.--.-lo. tilth mills proii a si rct help. The iisIh os ma'.s un; -lipped ini-i .'I'll'i'iiib-i'.-il linen cases and Ibu- h-coiin' ornaiiiciital. or i-in- I'loilh led pieeis ill" laid o i e- tll"tl. llea- y i i-o. heled mats ;ir.- cfteti Til -pl-.jed. and mats of co'lcd ios"t lin es an- n-ei nl. oe ;,. -.ni 1 1 ..f 1 In ir ihi.'l in 1, S"Uii-liii-es ;- tl,:. I; bli'i.lo t I- laid un. ib r the repnlm- bu-li co;h: in f!-. tin: hoii-.-l;.-! per till..-- nerj p-.'s-iiil: mens to protect ilc vmni.-h of Ik'. 1.: .!.-. itni tei- I"!' 111 i-1 displnj ed. so iii. ei.-vi r i- r Ii mi d t . o!-enrity. xml a npiiir or i i:. ! of en." roldi red linen of P illei.l.. rp '";) or of n iIs-nil'" l.i. i, t '.. on l.'it-.. is pit' in tie- re'ltl-e, i'li.l a slii.-'ll lull hilteis'ol'te .l,ip,'llere -!:i.il- tipnil it. Till- i- the only di COIil I ior .idmi--i!-l". of 1 11 the table is "11 tiniy bill-, tie' -ei ur'- ,y,. -l.m i;,f upon it- mi , . : liiie surface. The cl,1). ilieii ah. f. r'oi-i.lcii 1 ' '"ii. h it. '-Main's, oft"' 1- Iii cry. m 1 rul-oitip .in '. pol:-a-imi ::iej ilnstinp :o" add. l I" th' Inm li "cpci's- tasks, oh for tin- -U..H.I old -! iys" wIku "ll.il V-" Wl-l-e III. I "il! It"' s-utd'e" Ml'l rldimi poor fl'.'.l I ; - ( I "i.e. 'pel s t'J b-jitlj! The elcL'.-in atl-l the ehicol- ilti'liess i,iil (-.111 l.e S"el'reii hi llie rich only inn! hi h we try to iinii.te ii our bii'ii'ih-r nay I- driviup wotin u to it: spalt. 'I in- "pi-'i" hi i.-oiin more and tun! .- in ci -.:: ry t" vc'i'-M liie bard. j worked w. hiii. 11. and she ro-.vs b-ss mi, I ! s oliii.li...'.;. li ir."' I ri" l'r'-.. 1 I' ii.i Iiilitf I-'er I.'lti.iii.v ia-em, "f.ov.-rr.'.neiit oili.-i.-us !ii oar ci-iiniry j who are -'Cpi...v.':il lo Ick out f .r !ep j rosy eases 1'iri.ilrly eiirn tin Ir nioticy, I for tla-y sue c.'i:-'iuiily poiiiij to th j iiai.-t n i,:ote plii.-c, iu tin; islaiiils," i s ii l I i.ti!.-: T. I'. i.civi.l, of Honolulu, 1 iii lh" S! oil I am. "'rile pi laiily for j lln- ili-ea-c i-' I'iir.i.'siti.elit 1' ill'.' leper -eitli-u-.cnl at MiiioUni. and - irrnit U Hi.- di-ciid of this enforced n-piir. iio'i froiii limn a. d l..:i.lred that pe.ipb ill ihc fi'.'-t stapes ,,- i!e- disease will I..- sici-cte! f..r uc'iiihs ratiu-r t.-.an pivc ll "iu ia 1 1 l" lln- oilieiiils'. I know cf 11 I'l.in via v,:i- lii.l.li 11 in a cave hear hi- In for line yeiir before he was found out. "All sii-peeis -ire lak.-ii to the cen tral Mii'loii in Honolulu ami i samim-d I.y il board of ll.i'.'ieal exp lis. If the virdn t is that th cm- examined has tin- iii-c:.se in -oft of inlliietiic, te iiii or political pud. im consideration- of v, ( .-iiiii or (i.iwer can k ep the pmieiit from ioiiiinp the ranks of Hie h per colony. P is only by such iron clad rubs that the whole imputation is in-ut-.-d fi'"o.i"!u I'i.iiii tin- spread of til" ilis.-as-.. ""-V.-!-l.!ilpl0!l !'ost. haii-ttd I'ltv nf Moi-fcH. Very lit ' !- of ih" world r mains un known. Tibet will soon be us well known as bii.n. Un- s,i, red '-Hy of l.bnssa as li;!!. r f a mystery as l'ekiii. A Jill -im: li .1 vel.'f, M. Tsyl.i- kniV. lias i- t.ii InilTli 1 il tn tiie do-praphi'-.'il Society (..f Si. I'- lei sbiin; a pretty full ur- 'Hint of I.I1.1--11. w here tie slaved for ov. r twelve i.ioiiihs- l einp mi Oriental scholar and professedly H I.a 111:1 it- by relit ion. 1 1" found tin; hind far h-s p.ijiui.in- stein is ;om inoiily Mippo.-ed and a l;iu-i intnleiablo prip'"rtion oi' i'- 1 ph.- in-uks. I.has-ii. In r- port-, ha - no more than lli.ll.i'l illlciliil.lli'.-, and '.l-o tliiiil- of these iii-- ' o:in 11. M. 'I'-ybikoff niin!, 11 rciil number f o'.servMlioiis 011 ihc cliuii't.- .if Tdi"l, and bus hro'.lplit away -c.-ral Til-Iii" I k- ..11 pllilosopliy, im dieiiie. a-I'-oiimi.y mid hislmy, sides colli la.nis of pra vers ami iiiean. lalioiis wiitn ii li.v n in Vtiied l.imns. I'll:- hilicr .b pm tni 'lll- m e tnileii luote iu Hi. 1. a of I'i!., that philosophy '.Iiii Sl lcll. -C. I "II. loll Tele- l-I'pl'. V'l-.tnttiit- ii' l.'iil. An i-'X.-iii-ip balloon voyiipe lin- be'-ii liiiide by il.t Conile do la Vaulx, I tic Coiiiio li'Oi;!'. I'.-nn in. Mr. Hutli-r and C. S. Ho!!- I I'" party as, nded in the unii'iiiii- 11 -..iii dc- eio Cljib's park in tin I u'i oti wiili 'ii. Ii In- Comic de la ViinW inn." h's record i on m y ta I'nis-i 1 In ibre'" hours. rl'.cl-e u. -i briplll sllllsbilic and i;ri ill I , al above lli. clouds, but ililck fop; at Hie d.'Sei n: l ie- iielonaiKs were un able to s. " tii- p'.-oiilid and were driven al.iiip w ith 1:11.1. ii 'phe llireab nlnp tlici.i ciciy iii.imi-.t. i:v. ntiiitlly tin y odliiled with tics in a wood iicar t .-uti 1 iiml im one was hurt. - Indian-apoli- News. I.epislali.e.i iiimni at the IradillJ n.imii U tieli'p coii-iib-ted in New Ymk. nil) iiiiii v wii.. The lust way 1.1 !ueet a false fi'--er-ti'n i to prriit all of it y.ui can in fairness and Iic i! tnei c',cs..jy d, nioil-li its vital part. it may be ,-iiil, lilted tha'. it' lllpbef 'li.icmio'i meant, more -elioiiiisliip. if liiippim-s iicmit in 1 eoiiH'i.tnii m. and if 11 -i i-i i; t - mount mere housework and .'1'ilil l.eiiviop. lh. -n the hi-'her .du r atict: of w. li wnld t "I l"'"l lo hap piness in man iai.'c. Perhaps this is wl,.,; the iibjeetor liavc iu iniiid-in wiiicli ia-e thiy t'.iemselvrs n 1 11 little Idpher nil- eailoti on all those sub.ii el Kvery proL-ii-s-ive faeuiiy of a ol lere or university t"-d iy know-- tha: education tiieii. fell ib vclopmi tll of a'l th" faeuliies. iind il.nt pirls r, : that imii mor" t Lit ti biys ..hce.iii-.-they ale to be lnotlii : say- Charloi Perkins (iilniati In Suce-". An ineri'ii-e iu all (lii-ei ion-- la .i"!' po'.ve!', knowledp". skill and experience - these tend to make a w is, r and mop capidile wonian. mid a i-l-.-. ;, ;i I : voinfin w iii be ha iipicr ill inarri.'iP" that, an ilior::'it. wiak one; mdess -and pcrli-ip.- ibi-i i- what iluy mean nab it is assumed thai rn'-t; a' er.-ip-poorly, tliar lh -y ;n-e lw. e.i:ive. vieiou- thins;-, and tl'al mi im i'"-i'd varii'ly of u nman won'. I bo mi -craiiV m nr- t'no-cof ihe'.ld kind v.-ere happy in i li.-ii iun.ii .11.. e. This i- tiiiinii at hoili 1 ml-, and ipom-nue. i- i .e 1.1 suri'.y bli-s. . mud I'ln!- may b" hap pier tha', n -'.yi.-ifi;. Im' he d" - n! look Min-i r mid i'ai ' '. Tt-sl r lipal ln(ra-i-r. To kl' OV llie.-, t" cr,c, I i:i'.- ,-i,.' ell Joy iim !i i- to-- -ec; i t i.r .:.-. ire.'! I ca'atoitie.- m-e n"! tl. met l Vi fc ,:-sl- of I'",', ii II.'" . II. til'les of I envy :l':i:- 1',,-n llif Ut.i.ivie.t-.'.- liuii o'lr e--t iii-: ill ; 'iii - arc .".a.ehiiip la -v. w--!ic-,i'it (;'tr-e! ves h"- a -..iil"i I'u'l.i bt-.-ii ilip . -ft'.- -t. Cln . i'folei-- ,i..'-r I'.'il" skie.- and M!l-li.".' m i.-- i -'y ." ri'ih'i ! ion of tic 1 I" ' l-i !j 'I' ill.' Mirnlllldillps. P is the li' iy day i.i.'i the hard f..:(1 I hat lest ihc r-ai oiii ip.- mid -msuiii" of the heart.. s; ( , --n, ( b ni Ic .vniiia 11. Ii js while nii jn"- pati"tiily tnilii.p fit the Hide tusk- cf I'fe thar th" inianiii.' iiial -hap" oi' tin- "i-e:-t v-l-.o.-of PI', dawn op -il- yo'.i. . i- while yon i.e.. resisting litile i.-n.tiiii-.a- O-al Jc l .-.I'- prowlti;- .-trouper. V'c an tiot'c of us porlei-'t.-b: t'oi-v.-.rlii, but i' p'.'id inanj' of m; ',.!. cionplai'i nny ,-it. oai scli e- in ibe ".hiss .-lli""iln'.'s Ml"l eli.erl'iliiy thll'ii thai 'i are prcti;. ne.ir it, I CIV '.''.r, Ild.-il' . (.fter V PI'"'..' W i eiioiih to aieb-rsbiiiii tin :: si-.'i'.ii ciilii-.-- w !::.t are t'lei- '.e.t w.irini L-: Iim t- iM-nl al iiit -i a!- : .- -in off !: . 1 -!). hiioionl toast of time' -MHi',.;' .-nei j I-'lirmer. A Hair l)rcKln Mnt Ii. i Twenty ytiunp women, mosi'y nirc i !oitiiiij. ill- 1 i',11 '.Mill liands-i;-.,!- hair j bai.pinp down their ofi.-ks. sat ill il r-iw j in i'i.. 1 chair.- in a 1 irpe hall i'-- 'cln-r I iiipln. A cr.i'd of 1 i.'.ockcr--, im i'id:n." d. pniics and r. pn ""titativc- of the ! Mini-try of Commi-r-e, path.nd, bn ! llPnWl d Mll!leiclit elbow room to I tv, 1 ; -r tm n armed Willi bin-lies ami combs who flood at attention, ami then at .1 -i-iiii' all -et to work ai oine to lo III.' hoi1. -' hail. When il iplarlcr of ;.i. h.iui had elap-cd ani'tln r simial was "iver, and the competitor- all c.is. i their on r iiioii-. some of 'he coitfiii.'s belli-, left nnlil.'-hi'd. wiih stray lock- lia'ipinp down. The jury of Hie Syndiiiil Cll.-linbr-r of Coiffeurs, of Paris, which iiad ,-irranpcil tin- ooli tes!, then examined ihc heads of hair and awarded iibmit a dozen pri.-'s. iticitlil'ln; il prix d'homieur piveu bi the Minister of Commerce. A bail follow. al. iind the lad!.- who had kindly bni their locks for tin ontit.-.t did not lack partners, each, cf course, ilaiicioc the tir-i waits with tin .en politer wln had dressed Inr Inur -Philadelphia pveninp Tcloprjph. r.rlttl,. l liiB,i Nulls. Tr i- (llnio-l iillpo.-sihi' li keep blillle utiiHier nails In n shapely coiidiiinii. i in-e I'liitinp di:. s i:d improve matters, ninl if ib-iraci.-' piva'iy from Un- iip peitialn-e of Ihc linper lips, l'.epin at the rooi of the evil and feed ihe nail-. P. fore n-tiriup rn!i tin- nails freely w ith sv eef oil or Vaseline end v. car loose kid Plnvt's to proiecl the 1 lothinp al"l beddinp Th: ploi .- should ! p. r J'.icn i.-.l at the palm- mid lln- mi. hie of itic lii'L-cr- 01 mini:! 11 t'r- e 1 -in ,1 1,-1 lion of air. W -ar aim . - w hcii.-i cr p"--sil I" while stv.'.'pilip ..lid illl-MI'li. 01 noii. it her railii r eoar-e win k, '.,r ihe texiiiic or the skin Is thus pre-01 'd ami daliiapi- to tin- nail-, pnniite.l. Alter Ma-biui; ili-h. s M .ish lh- hands in di .ir warm w.iiir, lin-c in cold Wii'.r. .iimilil llie ami- Mill: a huh I'ascli'ie ami wipe a way all si.p!ns. Ketp up the lir-iineiit of the n.rl daily foi ji in.nitli. and ymi ill -re iiiioi.c.l improi n.i ni. - N " llioeii lii'Ci-ter. Imnntiw; llftnu-ti nt IIS- (tr. Tn the ea-e of woman and ihe bar. II. - Law .toiinn.l dors i best . look al Hie li.all.-r from llie point o i. -. of public nil. list. I, .i would the went. in barrister affott th" adiiiitpstra II f iilsliee'; It Would be il bind ralne. ' liei, w e consider iviih what ?"n! iind mi'lation, with which the h pill proi 1 cdilips lire comlilelctl 111 ..ur 'tuirls. Imii' keen and close and per-si-U.-il is lln- sirup-!.' of inlvo.-iiey w hich they involve, a cliaiipe iu the direi lion of ibo lady barrister i- Piialiy to be tleprocnted. lnlrodii 'e channiiiir woni i 1 on the eeiic. and whet man Willi the ordinal- Instincts of chivalry but mii-t lower his laiice lufoic such an ml. I'rs.uy, must fed himself ;n j jj. .I'lmnt'iffe. dnrinM. nr "t lm!f lit" f.plnlnp Vti-enetii? And w:th Hos f':,. inp the efiici. ncy of ou prett y.-'."n.. with it- free and i-iiial terms of , om iat. iis frnnlc eTcl'Hfip-- of friend'y 'lllVi.'ls, Ultlst lieeils SUffel." To li-re.ip Voiii- Ni'it,-. livery pirl wants a pretty iieck. So In !" .-ire some cxeci-i's sin- may ir to ilevilop her.-. -If wiih if sh-- i.- "la of the tiiil'ortunato thin pirl- S:;:ud erect, witii th- arms il th-si.!-.--, tlu-n Iiii tliein up vertical!;., ibawinp i'i ti 'hep (.reii'M. Willi llio a i-Mls ill li.!- ;ci-itioii i-iii.-e i:i'n linloes, throw the head me L lom lrnp at '!' same i,.,if ih" bam!- r I the La- k of llie head, iilld let oil' lh" l.-e-itti .1- I'.'- arins coiii" slowly down. A second 1-' to rai-e II"' arm- above the head In front id lh" I'.'d.i. with lie-baud- relaxed ami lh" lei.'i;- cf the wrists upwiird. 'rii'.p liiem hie'., ami j downwiirds to lh" side--, lln n up above I Hie head apain. Tin - taoi "iii'-m-j itiii -t be done lo vly and h:'ri.,oiinus'? , i rot in a (',li. li or jerk; v ,iy. r-w-l York J,"i i-niup .lournal. j To Took stltlit. I Nothii-p I.- pr. ttici- and '."!'" b. . o.. J i'ip M a fair, sliiiiii' xvoi.-ii'it it!i ii . pi-. tiy ciimiilrxion ihaii while. '"', ! '.vhiie iuu-I be . a "-r-iil.v av-'-b-d I y ! her sister of too i.tupie ''hiirn:-:-j P. Inch is the !"' I"i lie- stout I wonian. r.pei-laMy if -he I " "(' tia i black-eyed ami l-ka-k hiiin .i t;i'". A jt:hi.-k powi, will mal." Inr look -'.iuht.' jll-Mi i'liylliMip else, while pale b!n I lipid pray and nearly oiei'v sea l,. ' : red "ill It:...'" I 'i- -I."., i.h .-!"! H' -'h' j i.:..s- in ii. s-'-t.biy sctf-.'.ss..r j A M.b.'lled sb:l'l" of i'i'.". le'la l I''!"' I and "li , s.i--i a. " ;'h '.'::',; I: ''.'- '' I be :'!' illll.-l-.'.'Ol. sly -.Vlo'i. hy 'he - !)'.' j -.Mm. an. Mho wii! fd--" tn 1 li.-iui" i'l.d th-- I'hib. r -h.-.-l"-' of pr--. it u- d in ! ! cr ilioii al t the thrift and s! ai-p- ! i. ;-;.- Ii-!pfn 111 (iilliil hhoe- th" :''. ' Jef b r -'Z'-.-Moui-1 Not"-. leniler I'r. i. j I i,.' : f. r are v. ry p:.;i:ful ":-it ; i . ..jiii; ... special i.tt.-in ii.--i dmi.i. -i I tre.-ltl. !!.: p!V.ll l ileh lilphi Wl'd V Op r-r-'. Hath.e the ti'1 m waiin V..II.-I- ! wIl'Yll : heapi'lt; t-aspooiiflll I..) borax !ifs I n milled, wipe .;:.' idry and .s. rape al! . .-.ll-ms -poi- will. pnii'i. stone, then dip th ni in "-"H w m r tu pieveid. takii.L' cold. To hard--, feet ; sal! b-nli is i.-in.'m. bh-. Aft-r ,l sp-.iipe the fei-i ;: : :"i!,is with .-ib-oho!. To i. ilm-- swollen n .-1 ii'-o only nioileraiely warn: ::i-r mul an a- t: inL"'lli ID.-o'e bv I M o ..Ulli-cs each l" I lo.-!-: -::'i iind powdered einm, m.N : .. jalld pillt ll'J t ' te:.-p"-" ! Ill- t" t '1'' I itu'O- w :;." . j Not ?:rMu! . il-. ! Kicl'V breb- -kes- ,. have som-th:".' jn..- a-id oiipiu.'ii In h"i- ci.si.ii". f(i; I lh..i i.ce i-ion of o, cit-ioi,-. Jtei" ;s : pr. iiy idea that v i'i 'a' ' "'.." ' ! : J i ii w 1 "ilil c i '.i' is- lo lie ' ' .l-'"'al "! th ' V, il Y-.i: emi have any winterlal t'uit yu cj,-(.m' that is soft are! t-.imy. 'lln". have wreaths of pal i.-.tnl- paiiio-.l ': the Inosi dclii'iiie shiides .-Mid (lowers The coiivt ni ioual oi ai po I, loss,, i, is ;ii'e, el oolir-c. tin- lilo-l ilpplopi i.lte, b-t tile pale tiii'.-d wreaths i'.ie ciiarieii:a ai, ' lel!ee il.. all whbe of the I'I .11 :.-1 I briil" iM'.ir- . I 'i'li't f-or ltoii-t iiinr. I ilh! -h.-ldcs- ni i civet .m-lile iii in pieturc-o.i- style with d" p poii'p d hie" iill's. la oliiir. dei-p-.iewcl"d pinile. on lot's:, tlowiiip .'lid pi-,-n-f-fu" Iim-. are much favored i". b"ii.-( " .'l. j I: ml ninl lllos.iiiii IIT.-.1.. I Sdv . ro.'hc', "diupl" ilaiip'cs" nr.- in -tab favor that bud arid blos-ooi of. I. cl- il, chifloii liirry oill the same ch a iu ti iiiiiniiips fi,r evciiinp die--. Altoier l.n'(- iiwl:f. Al'a-v,!- lee L'owir- il: aScliiV.n. pul-plll-e. Il i-h 1(11 lb I.ili-s.ll'icc lac - are '.voiii ii- ii. ii.'Ii ii- i-i'i'i Tin ;.' ;i! n::i.U over "!t Uifli 'as M-iled ill clii'i'-li. X i lii li i-n ni' I in- iiimbty. N. -r vv i re V ell et-i'li-' 11- d will, !. t-te:- clii ..! no;- of lln. r uu.d'ty. i H ii kl. s of tut on lint-. Th" .lapi.m -. m-i-iii-.i- :- ' ..;: their o"lle. 'II ni".-' eiip'n: p. '-iis a; - t ',.h lln- -liiilili -I. ri-h--"a!c bow knoi- make hand-oti'.-hair oi na inciil-, M llhle'i y 1.-. - le:- " inter a-.-. bile bits of tbiiius iu v, ln i. Mulls .ire veil, Xii.v bn.-. bni ion Illlt'l.V liphtot lllilll illl'V look. 'I'll., or throe kinds nt fare he a an '"in I - In i in the best shoulder o.U.a- Sir.ippnn.s of mi. hid ami . ut i h.ie are ainoiii; the inosi. ai.-ei-pted li'im illill'-:-. Crccr velvet leave- arc l)-"i! exten sively for the decoration of evciiln; powi -. Tip- of jet or meial lilnsh tin- emi- of lln- o-trich 'pull, 'vhh li is .suppose I ;.. -In. IV oil the 1i.il . A levival iu the way of ilies- aicc--ni'ies -no ihe many new rm hiiips ,e, Ihc neck nnd sleeves. Ilieie is no liiuil i. the hand b. .. ha ii'lainc-- anil pin-es. iiml nearly nil are ijuit.- expeli-i i c. Slllild fill's ;i', U'ellci .1 ill eic,, l ed with lini vpanples. whih Ihi-li like lit-illiatits when in molioii. One of Ihc button fad- i- to stud t ollai and lu ll vtith biitloii- i ".-...ohlinj; ;ohi HI -t""l nt il li-.tils.

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