l)c Ijatfjam Hccorb. il)f Cl)atl)nm Hcror&, H. A. LONDON, Editor ami Toprietor, Terms of subscription, Si. S Per Year. Strictly in Advance- RATES OF ADVERTISING. One Kinare, one iceertion $.M One isipiftre, two iuucrtioim 1.5" Ono sijunre, cue month fill For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. VOL. XXVI. PITTSBORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 21. 1901, no. :;. It t A TIT 7tT"TI?T IJ Millions. I By Anna Katharine 6reent f corvRtcxT, ieo. iv UAI'lICli XXX. . .miillllcd. ' We ill'." was Mr. Ho-a-aw'-, earnest V'- i' v ; "ni t only to exres our jilensuro .ml your iii'ovlJfiHial esoajie, hut for .-nrtluT purpose, wliii'Ii. If utiesnooted o ' '. v. i.l, 1 hope, relieve yon from ill flli-llur .1:1 urci- of any Mich stones is sl;i, tied yotl and the lest of lhis homo last niuhi. Yon have uevi r ''i' n ;'i ..' to conjecture, I dale il.V, wh yon iiiiij -:!'.-.; oi' your ilatno Iuivi. 'm . ,i - city, tu perils mill distresses m' m.; ii-! in.-irv UK 'til t: V" X'.," ;he rejoined, ulnncin); askance i; Hie ;ui:-r. - have refo.i;:iizcd the i i le;t n i r-Uetui.ied to iiciounf tor i ' i:i :t ho tiint yoti -tin toll me?" ' I i.-.t.iil.'y liili. .Miss lin.irers. Il is I wicked Woilint; mill il still lie 1 i:-ati Iiiiw handed tot:eth voal tiie o iis.Hi.i. union of :i 'lie! V. . ' !.. V i : '.. 1 1 i, t I y which a ii'iii jitopcrty tn'mi- .1 ivor to the yomm nit! fn-.iiimite i-ti.-iiu!i io fttltlli in ii pc-ion oiri.iin ild'nilte ootidi-Oil- of these rollilillotm Is that ii! hic hecis chirsti m il l.y t li .' Mi'i'.ny I!o-;iss.' " ' sue ixelaiMtd. s!i( inking k iiinl i i---!!'!' il:-:ni:iy. "TlMI '. I'M: VO'I '.! lit t I'l'MIl- yon u:- " ; IP'" '.1 L.' Willi a t:uW. I;;-." 1 r. -ht 1 ;io. !1 yrtt thai yo't nrril not .'. -i-'.i iii i'.;,v f i; ni.-r lsii:--- s 1 1 1 vli-li-iif I'i'oin tl.11' -.i-fti. : 1 1 1 : t yi'ii v.-rj'i' tin '-In'- s i n I i m ti!(i' Birrs, ami tliflt i i In :'!;'(. slmnly a iMs;!ii" Mimi'-y, lull il voal mi - -'. if. ;!)v!-.-t'nr'. no loiiirci' ( ; lIMi'illlu' ht lull'i iin' in you. vlit ! yoiiv di-at;i r.Mf.M !; t:i t t!,'o '-nil -;-. a tor-. !.;: -. I'o von uiu'- r!;v.ii! i: i ." -iie mill loin i d. "Voi: I- I ii,- Jiess. r .., ii...r I, niiey? At d c. ii- ; i i i .in! it. and w h.ti !- i in i in n fur it?" is rt:ciln n1 yoil. ' eiav. -Mr. liei.Taw Il Is vmii--ii i'i" .hilii n! ;i iaan iw. v. a l.cai l is si . .iy '.- 1: ,11 .. i M-l.r I s,i,Mlld ell.l- I' . tl::-;e. ' I s'e ! -'!.; 1 rt slml'uit 'i. .hill-,' - ViMtM l.eioVi J!'.'-, I h:id ii.l.' liilhi; r.lOAiniit 1 iVe i'e;'i re i"...l ;liis ; tilsi -iii.!. Veil la .;c on. i .-ii u y '.I'.! 'liiid iikt iovi!.. lit'.' Ul("!' JJiLiUs ..i'l w!iiniiiji' lietpiej.-nisj vo'.J upon iv. i lain- tiier. villi itlini'f.1 Oipi.ii i'liw..)-. Li. i ihe : ' r t i .-1 m', hileni. I. nie.::, !. ,.,n.! foihciit' leliin. ii tiiii'i jh i-i-. eyes, 'i'i.. (, .( nl. .. i .i. I,: (1.M. was . tttdl.a.t-'. v iiu i' lly ta"'.- l !.- it lov.r like V :.. 1 1 : ! - ii is tilc-e'at.!. l.f-- :nl- il'-r. e I In.ve ii.. hell.; Io !i..i'd ..' i : i !. !.; he-aiis (! vhi. It. flv . oe ... il i - signed '.on v. Ill he man v. tea m three m'tiioti dnlhos' '. e'h d I ;.'! .IV. Illefe i tioihiey ii. I . ioi. -i. nor .a voir, aeceplai.' i. t:. !:. . .-linili,' c.-l'se il luilsii o I.., y,eU' f:K' U of !o mine. H i-' n.u.ly . vii'i in.ti'e 1 y a i Ti M ;o: I' t'-e 'c.er.ii! I,n l.c.irs the n.'iii.e end ...at.- of lie rhai.it il. -:!..-. ' rile l.eiiiu I..- la.;; lovci," till," Si.e -led Vlll, .1 r.tl.-l.ill!.' ' 'r ik. "w ii )u,t n.u,i oiip oni! Illltny I do hot i.io.w Il iNV TO l eal' stlch Uood !..:(t;iio .le iie. Three mill'ious! Why. :i is intcdib;. I I nliiiam v.'fit',- to llrve It." "I'ft'hr.i's th! eeinH'iH.tn will help yU do s-e.' ho saiilcd. indicfitin the si;vn;rc-:- v.iio had ii.eoinpinh il hint, "lais I- .Mi. Walileii. Miss Ho.m.ts. He is i -iwyi i . iiiid will explain to y.jj ihe i "ciinie.'illth ;s of thit; tnattcr." S5i fei'- 'd ilistriKiicdly. She vra lookiit"; ;.t tit:- dre.l which had heeii hatiiji .-,1 tu h r. and stancly Meined to hi;:!- tliii l it: odiic tiou. "TSiti this inuiKl.se (-ift is inaih ctil in yottr eair.e.'' sdic declared. ' Ilo-.v thn!7 You nre not the dolio: of tli'. vast ari:i.unt of money!' P.- smiled rmis.suriiitfl.v. Inn to his r; i -. !s wati h." ttl oyc there wns sad iitss i:. lis sinilr. as there were wi den. ui glowing discnii; .tu'einciit in hl-i w!',:.;.. manner. "No." I e I's.-ure l her. "I am t-oi Ii: donor: tii.. "Jft Is made through inc. in t n it l.y me. l et me ti ll you ui.t story le-.o.e W( ,iny further. Mis .'. oiinw.-ill cm hear it hitei; yoi! alone .ii-.' cone:; ne,l ! it noiv." And drnv.' 'Ui; '. a seat he took hist plate hy h'-f hide iitnl heL'.-n his relation iti laii siitaao sindinr to that which he hsd cin .iJ vl li; Euakia j his disclosures to 'iie dc'ee.ive the rilht h(fore. Sle: ;sitied wlili wide open eyes, ihfit evci and iiiiou lined wi.h tears, of W'lile'u -he svc:nrd lnuC'iisi-Iotis, and win In; i'ild !i!c-llc,l her hu:d si. Ilk in ! hfiiiuiii n! rev. : h- on her hreasl iind iciii iiio d .'i ihis pisiilou so long thai Mr. ) -..i:i . ; at le a se.,ture to the h'wyir v. lr. il i ttiseil hi'il to iitlietiy icave tin! mo!.:. As Mii.it :;s I lie door had closed npi l hit. I the forni.T vintiired to tiiku her 1..1U.1 at:d sur, with visible eino- i int.. " s ii'-.'iit yoti cut in the titst lar, .'ii. T! ,-e.s, ,,; y f.,, ,ln. ,iiiposu vvii !i is teveiiicl l.y ilii-i story I llHV.' iisi ici.iled. Ion in sttidyliiK yotl chili . i'i- T l ive ieiirneil to love yott. an I niy i il ram from making you the pro I -...-itis. m lovu Jiv itSiu; iq uif iiCiU 7,rVT.hI';,f;,r'',"-T' no.tUT iohnhch sons. :lli ilislilirt i'l lu'linl M. i. h li.ll id - in io ".Iinrc tin' I'tniniii' wliii h int rti; -cd to iiU' fn tiliiif whciv my .iuili;uii in direct oil." Startled and lolii lied in lie. tiM-i: . i sciisiMlltics she cast otic wild look lie hind her. Yes. the artist 1ml n.it h I'l with the lawyer; he was stiitnlini; where she hud lasi seen him in the drop re-ess (if ihe wii'ilow. '(h:" sl'o inn al'.ne." l'.iil l his .f roii.olisiraled. wo an ;' I'e.Tiiw knew a- il as hIk did. "I 1'liow il," lie caimly u joineil. "! I'.iccd Mr. Mepniw to iieeoiMpiiii.v inc. heeatlse I wished hilii to 1"' il willies to yout division. My devoiion and iliis mom y lamiot uo toBoiher. .Miss llo-i-er.s. hill if you tc! me to oar up this deed -- " His voice sank, hi.-- ! ili' and Mimix I'r.nnc in Mil. K d. The nrii-i saw ii and iivi:il.icn. '.-. W'onid she I.,- pi.ioi' .e.-aiii-i sncii pas. sioll'.' Wollid ill- o.vii love or even tliis uviit a n.'iiiti n, lii'iiiiy scivc I., hlilid her tri lei'ole and iiv.-ited (piaiiiies i,;' i',,; tuan'r Yo. In; (onl'nsjou which nverwhi ho- her i- lint that o .i'iirci i:tlMiii. and when '.. j -peaks p . with :; -nh of ' :i :inil pIVl i.il i"ll. "Mil!" she ei'-. 'i'l v. ( pn-i.ini, I Von lulr placed nic!" j Tile h.'Mld wlii. ii '!.! i'. r- .,,. !. . ! npe'lcd. j "Nn." Ui,. iiie ii:iiili i-cn'ii.d-"A ' word I'iciii ii'e n il! Munition liaci: lr I Wi'h'i :i. 1 i xp'-cli il in i::i'i io alii i ! ii. I only wiheil '.' 1 e pei i'ei iiy i'rr.n!. with vet;, and L-.ilili lee h.tpji; nian'- I i-el In i tiled 1 v my not loo your i . Oh. no," si.. ;l I only feii iintk alicrcpl h ii imv ll.inV. I '..it. I.tr j ln 1, 1. 1 .ii-M. . I -nail... ill '. ; l;e mo -. i.HCl'. 1 Alio ail,...-. : .. le Ii y or In t i i iiihi't.L. ce.i . . . .is -, m w.:- 1. 1. 111". I t a,. ; : 1 - d'-n v. as in tie ion. iliiiy siaiii.l and Yaidl. n im a i".':i. I" Siuilni'lilll :e o. I'.c.i .laeiei il! for.. 1 ui sc i . 1 ll. tilili:; -a'.'i ..!. it v. a . Ii ; -nia I '. OtiU. . 'e-,1 ; i hi e. il'.'O 'ii.. ll!l.!. O'.;. il I..-.. ' n! lileiio!.'. T!.:)i. ii.ti. .'. .. i.ii.i.,.-,: ,;,;:iv ill'-.t'i'l liVl'f l.'-l . !.. tu illipi i'f-ilin III'' iiehflU'S''!' v.-it h Lot iie!!' iii y A. ii-i.h'.i sllil.li'iily ti. hiive .li intii'eil iiiCiliUo iiihl !ieiiit. l'..'e.l III'! heilUly tool; Oil (ii!;. niiy iii.d 'nef slip ('haia-!'".-. Slio was Hot i' ss .''I'tliii'.'lhie thus, t .ii J she lost mj'IiO Hf tie l '." i 1 1 ! I U frfilet' w'nicli liild Won her tile l-.ve nt tlr. j healts. j 'fill' liliisi. . 1..I Mil i wit. i eaii',1 1.1 ii.ivi :w., si- iti waii 'iiiu i.'-i .n.ie fi.;va!il l.'itii . . cii-vaiuiiMiini-. S hilii i I ' I n : in.ii' i'.,ir .- e h": ie ai'.'s .sln '.v. hut Ihe ll. ' ; . c: .liili ail .!' -. (iii-t ! i-l I ( ii. l; ti'.e jiije,. o! Ir ' .!. i U 1 t illld lit.' si",;! i.l.'il. c.i in oil :; Ille'lH ll! in. I- p. !! ! i- -1 ' :::.rr him wsiii id l.y Mi. I dt.iw ;l u.i ill and laki' I, is ' 1 ii m a w. j -HHiity: WV... will ,. ll lt..a,j--' the ! -imi'ii ill.i now i l je.l. " cj!it of h.-r I di ill iie,. lniirli' p rn! t'lc no tiiiit this I is Hi n all a .ii eaiit. ' j lasliilitiy, the ('Icvehlnd i.iii!i'!i..iii. jw'th line te.ci a'nl C( in rosiij , .hciai't.; jlhut lie wcnhl t:ii fot Mis, Asjjinw.i!. laud !uki:i il'-- lawyn' iy :it iir.ii : i1'..mv "itm .n:t. iciivin:' tiic ii.-ld io his rivai ! 1 liC IllllS, i! Olill"- nj.lilj j illlll Clilspt'd li e I1CW-Uh1i!i the lutlid. "ftivntiriiiii!" lie cXclaiiii' i I i.'O'ore your prosjie.iiy is ;i IniWitid. Iielicss hy "nil! Xi (it'll known to 'he wor'd. I love yon: yon know that. ' Mid I have already kt'd n.y heari a! I your feet, ltnt you wi-re not the mis I tress of inillloiis thin, a in I knew no more than 1 of the miod I'm tunc which j awaited you. So do not feel that I I hold you as honed to me in ihr siiehr i'Sf ileictee. ht'CMUsr ol' any expression of r.pntit tiint may have esuipwl yon. ! I.ove that inlt'lit hevc moved you then j i::ay iiat move you new. and tlmnh I itlze you nlwHj-s. and ever the same. ! whet Iter you he rich or whet lief you he poor. I I'e'l that P is only hoiioiithle ill lf.e to await a tejily to my Miii until oii have tiecoine ai- u.-ioiacil to your weallh, and ii'iiiind :ln inccssjiii s f your ncv: jmsltinii. It oi -iv iimnllis fiotu iuw von still li nn uil.i r Hie el l isi. Ilaiuilli.ii Iteuniw - " "Ah!" she inti 1 1 tti'teil. with a nai vetle chin miiiely in keepiiif; with her Mushes. "1 ciiunot wait six mouths. I have no hoiii'.'. im mlviscr. no lu-otector. I should make a thousand mistakes. I'esldrs. why not he altogether happy' since fate lifts giveu its th? oppnitu uiiy." Was it possihle? 'u: iniin i .mid resist such all upJiCal? He "acd uooii ii er with i.ilturo. lie covered Iter hands with kisses; he nil hut took hoi in his arms. Inn did not ac-cpl ill" iinth she proltcli il him. "I liiniiot," he (lied. "Ii would he like l.ikitm advaiilanc of ymu inexpe rietiiH'. Waii three month- ilarliu, ami If then " 'J'he ciiiiitnee el Miss As.inwiiil in- lerrtipted hint. lie drew hack, lint his fin ( hi it a.i i.i a joy "hi'ii iii,. niihle 'vonii'u who ewered could no; tuist.ike. 'Tardo'i me." she cxclaiincil. and would have withdrawn, hut Hie sjj.. uoilnu held out her arms. "o," UvJ W'JjJsiK'IVtl. "eiU'.C Ml'. Do- craw refuses to tain- in.- .n ins t-tmi-ji t IIIUMt !l0k til Villi fill t!l:ll tliiillct which tnv new dillhulili 'k 1 i.pei.iiively demand. Sec here, Hilar..-." .u-.i1 shV Jihiei'd hfforo Iht tile (locniiciiis which ' hitd liiado stleli :i -h;l h ! pn-j- timi. i U APTKl; XX XI j I NAT. Wot:!.-. ' Il was Im I Iiiiij hefote M . - A-pil' ' ivi',!l' h'Hisc w as il,..' -i i iti of lively ' i oiiuiainliitions a-.cl j.i..nined f. -liv-I ity. Stli li i,i;.id fm inn,. I'l'niiis l" ii'. 'of Ms iiiinate- Wa- . erlainli i ails j for Hindi rcjoii iiej, and as t i ei th. y lit h T ill utti-.u win iudiilued in ! wile meinlicls of w.-iilhy end inllttetv lilll lilinliies liter.' W.ls hilt Utile l ill ottsy tuixrd Willi tiic univi isiil t - . u 1 1 f Th.-it is. no .jealousy lis reir.iide.l In i;iii!ioiis; 1 will not say its no:, :, . ..i, cerniitu Iter In amy , ; p.nw-er .'.; tin hearts of men. I I'l 1 WO (ei'liltl'O 1 1 1 ("is 1 1 ll , lei :. j i hetiist ires mvinly ciin.-pii tioti--. Mr. j 1 1,'stiitv, of t'lcvelaiiil. alicioiy li. , r :ye 1 ! oviih lues of wishing to h pari, while lh" artist, nl; ieuiuit p;itlakiii- in le r i iaippine-s and pride, was m- n hi t iii n". hy h'-f side. 1'i l tier i iehc . ,l'.i j iiiio. "i w.i si. i in one nt' Ii i' c,n:i- . iiisli nioeds which .if i.n.e imitel aiei I I' p. lieil il lover's al'.ejii inns. I'n -1 around her colli. 1 imi .lei.-t toii.e. ! lliiaiy win v.iis somewhat (.:,! ! ii, very -yir.p.'itli- tie. did inn ciiii-,1'1 n i.e.' lli-!s (.llr-i'UUI Ini- li.atu :. .si r w.is tiet'.i up ill she Win.' ii 1 f'-.a'd '. ' i the dnUoi of ihi li'.hilei in,!.!. .-a -. -, . i il.ip- ill SO. I'M 1 '!!."'.! ' e ..or Iht' max- : liettl.ts with hi. !i -i.e i. id hilii." ic ! I' Li-aldi'd ilii.'. Sei r ini I.i .'.-.:.e I poil'lnii III v illi h r.iiliw!:'.l V'Hii iiis re ; ii"f ami iiiniiau-d iiihi-'s inoi , . l-eil'liS thai si in le I ;' wlii.ii : 1 the s",U',s hittli: I',. -'I.h ;i ,Vnl:ti.' ::- thai llld"l- Which );. seel ei!.. ll'.l. l. i Yi t l.o out could itci ii . :!.. Ilil.iiy of ' ei.itii try. n.iwevei m-K i he Uii'.itt :'' : 11 ihtlie ii. In li.-f ! 's- ei"! I .'. I .!..-. ' fa-'-iuali!!" fi:.'!,,! I'.u. on!) .U nii'. i; -..i ;-- .1 -. i .. . 1 We. '.'.ini n:'Ve ) ..! li i.i il -nl'.lt.i 1 il, . ' n.'itilie aid i .t.-,',t.i.-i,i;tei.-, .I,. lii i-l : o. ic. r do her i.-mi. . - -it tie. t:n . j miii 'civ liotoki-u lieit - '.:' :;- nil'' li" si 1 11 -1 nl eie Ihilikin:. In. 1 'ion I. of le i t.'-niv a. .,ui;-. 1 . .! I As -he si,s ;,i ht r ..;, ,la i . a : h. i.e't.''-' see.. .:1ii;..i-i l.e.iie.l r,t:n.-r ii:. , i'i.w.'h -s -! i i . -1 it.i . . hi en i h "own a; li : ;:'(.; t.v Io.-! oe rry ..e.t. ui!oii. ; , (!(:. to u- ii.e cn.li. .I.t'l.'tll nt "el. ! i.itiv -Wivlee- ; iiiid iii-an. S!i '-..'li..-. hil! Mini .-iit'h! imi -iiiii. '.h'.. ' : i.h. ely raised I', i. I.iniid !,.' jll.iii-ll" II. Lis lllne let'!.') :'.' tl'll'-. I.e. I i. I. !;n: li! ...-orn ii' ;oi true c-;pt-; -.oi: " I, eliiiL". 'ail i.llij 111 .l's-iiniu ci ; I.i" n Hi "' i ili-i.iiii- :i ti:t.i : 'ii ' . 't .'i'ii'ii -l:c !s n. iw . i i . i t !u n : I il. I M.e i- chid in a -nl. -1 -1 i t . l i !.' ."' i Ji'.i:-.. v.-liiic A l l : i.-,:. ..! ," i 'taltieoi ii'iii! I h" i,i; .' ,n 1;.-: !e: 'i.i. ' li'.M i-i,.: tti.'Vel' .'iiok.-d ail'.'- ! i .1 , l.l ' lli.-V i I ' i " i i - tr.oi'e ill: n.i'. ,t''d :.. i "uie I'ltil of eye., .;! '".:.;. '." VeV -i" ile'd i l.ioll' i'l'iiV.' W it li i'.'Vl'- .dli'l ICvi.ilu i'le-e : ..Vis Wrie i'ais.1 oi' Hi! !; who o! l e i joy she thus saw iwr:i!c ' t-ofote ta-: ; lead tho tilltil words of her own hope. Anoiher p.-rs.'ti i.',-i eivcil lit" siuti,.', ; ilia's htiruiiitc 'f:nny aiid re-is;,, 1 p a- li.ii'j as he could. I. in t'ti :li sn:.. ' Untied to ll- ( li.'.nc- .Hid p;s...,l i : i. ; -; IV to III'!' side. l "'ol!!l'." he ei'Ionl-.i I I 1 1 1 -1 i.,e a lew wot !s wlili yell I .:' re V.e , III, . i iii,, m cm throe months of s, ,,i ;-:t : ! l.e.tve lhis clow, I who have wot -hip, ,1 1 viiti loi.; tunti-.il. and i! yon loiisi n. i hall invi-ieil with ll iv,ei-s we wii! wit'k 'oil .lie polv'il i.'ll"l'e the vilies hl'l-.- ihiik'si. and wiii slink. down !', ; li'.llr- l l.oll.ll to '. HI. i .1 ' lip l I '" Vnltl f. el." "I ..it,, not in; u-r.." -I,,, -aid :,u. . friend lip .It llis s;,j,.. ; ,,,. l. si : lint Win ll tlo y had wiii.'li'awi, : Ht. li ill h II wa- nm- nf 'n -' he s-. .!,,., ! lint Will, it Hewers he i-ifti t d h f. 1!" 1 had ii i-ur l" i.xvivss and ... ole ii.'sie i 10 Utter ll, j ".SiLllOi-itlit.' said i.c - piilih.i. iie-. I v lll hoi- eUl yoti hy ihm imnie wli-ti I ; (nil ilKitiire tile liitht to use ii duiicr--j you have never told nte why you s.i I suddenly left tile house in - site, l." Taken nhltek. for she had cxpecl-d j different word from llic-e. .- I f . i -i el's looked at him with se.iVci :!:.. alii! 'sliitlli!;.' tl'ouhh d ey. s anil ini- !:" ed !"Why do you ask i.i.' liml imv: I wa.' not thinkiiiL- of iinytltii'u i i.e liml." "H lilllso yon iiie li'M l!l lite p" is- ures of the piesitit, while I am '!' ccrti'd with tit., ihiimeis of tli - p:--.. Why did you (Iy Ire.'ii h no- in ' -days; wits p liecan-c you f-'.irci !:, telll nior; thai! you trusted ii" ':" Her head fell, sin- inol.l.- 1 a ipoc!; -.'!. and tli ii as he -iii! -to ',1 .i lin-i ex clain nil: "Hi wa- a hilii in:!i. I (hired n o linger .tnothir day l.''i'e h, . .eld visit inc. One '.-limpsc of his hed been enough to t lioroimidy nlart" o:c. I th-d and Inn ini my sei i in . ''seMie it I'hi'e r I could lind. The I'Hii'.i. iii'.'iiiiipiinli'il me. hut I soon caic.- to four her also. You hud sown tin seed of distrust In my heart, and I -rev m Us afraid of every one. So I ran ;r-.ny again and i-huic hor. ." "Ahiue?" Alone. 1 kticv, thai lliiary A-pii:-wall had a coiinirj seat in t Iii-- '" in. and I liojied she would so,, m.d ,ak.. pity on me. Vmi will not tell la : liia' I cal ulaicl mint, her friendship : such an exiciit. will you?" "Oh. no." he itiisivcn d. -uiiliii- to'.' her look was quite iicous .n its shame ami ditriitiv -r.i-.t Miss A-oinwa.l would' undd stand she i- o t-nly woiiiniily " "I kllOW. 1 Millll l.lll I h.lVo snlUO jpiide iind 1 acini us if ilc 'iio':;u I ere a sin pi i- " "I see. Well. I will k ( yoor cotilt d' ii'-c. only you niu-t ' 11 tin- mie thiti.t: !iloi-e. Hid you ever stlspei t tha' M-iJi-lolli wns not really an liiilhin?" To he coutumed. , v.JS .v.v.v.v.v.v. : HOUSEHOLD ? fi MATTERS V.W.V.V.V.VsVsV.W.V ll.'ll'. I 'll- ilu- (u,,l,. Twentv ilmu-iind difi.l'iia ..,-.. uf Jtl ii. !- j. said In I'e a eollsef.-ative - til", :(c ( !' the i nlitent.s of ;i s.nule hott-t J iifiii-'lit.u ilepal tniclii. A him,. ,f,,. pni'iiuii ni t'ie wares are invciilio;,- t.,, hiihlellill" kitchen illl.t ililii.iy ,o,;i Wnlk. No cook or i.Hllldress Willi ni . (iiieii-.c ', it w ill do Per '.,-. .-, k ii! i'n at. eie;:i. I.iin.riotis mannci. w hi I, he friend iiie fun i.-l!,-,t widi ".-hoi'i , iii." 1" to si'tito ctlds. , ;. U t,,- (Onkili- fn-, l,s ,n,j ,j , ,,; ; ... ,.,siy hn uie Il.lde. II is -ii. ply l s.-i. ,, wn.,,1 perioral, d wi'h rmunt onies h; ennnuli io .ui'iii! the lonv hamlh -. The had; h..s -, f, w i y.-- witli which to hiiiiy it. An cm. hoih r alarm clock has e. din! marked v. i!h -. v.-n tniiniles and ., ,nu iliiit Weill, i wake life cook if she were iish-i p. Ii ..a-,, 'oe at any minute olihi'i '.lie liinii nf the dial, l'.y a ':! ' ;-nl n.nli'.:. il.;. hand points ofi tin- -eei, id- nrtii the jony niir.'iuuees ' ilu.- no." A liitio Iron enntrivati-. lle,t s.-i-ews ti. th- kitchen t.i'.le jiares, cores a ed sli.-os :,, apple while a per-.-en ,- iili a knife '-on;. think idiont it. Wilii i, ntore ( inii'sy lo-ikin ntachin:' pi n- arc -helled ami "'unkcd "V'1!'." A i r!. h. nl i-inl I'oi.i! insti'tit',!,:,; di'.-v.- t'tc lit:;cr truii ihe luni into Mi ii'dividiiel slu 'I -hape in a ,wii,k tin::. A handy ,li -!," of pnpier n.achi: hii- . d:isi..!! ill ihe middle Ihfntl-I, w l.i-h ii cot a elni.-h hiimlie. Ti'i.- I- to aeenliiii.civ the -eienlief with .-Oilp. li.-ifd soap ail!! d...r nee.if'il... A sefeW liflv , .- huh!-' tile hl'Jld of !'. Sel OV While , Unas it (., I,.: .!aee. .Mf I .-;; V- il'Li ("::-'. wiiipj-iuu . ,'i.'!u rial Inakiliy iiiiiy.-i.i iii-,- d". ilu ve - jn, end le i: ' i';i"-.-. t'i.- e.-.iiiif. To .'.' i pi -- !.)! ..t in r prm i.-mns fri"l: li-e ail';.'. I l.ll;.. SV.'i'miiee e;l. iiet ihi-- is ten.-,. sati-l':ici,,ry tlun, a i !! -! 'if. ii tc.iy lie closed wi'h !t do i The a l.o:;; l ii lie .iiLiinei in' iilllslliilln! I-' l-ni: and nimii' lep'h i-tnl " id'.!i. . J j v Al I .e ll clri i- a -i ; jr.. nf -ileives In. I'll oi ilidi heard-' iv ,. oi eh.-. :;,.!r! !' , i-i'-, ihe ,i-.-. , itl'.'i i a pieie- ni i! t'i" I'llii.!. Ill,- TI helves i;l!-.'oe. Willi pi- to V il'- I"i' liniiio: -'..ilioW -.hulf U : -in.:!:';' :-.'. '1'hoii llhiv : il -z-V ..peli -pa. V ill tho eOiiti' i Irt SV-VlVil '!:: liide- '.it's 01- Mike. fi lloedOi!, The from is a door oyiul." downw,!',-, iind fii-;er,;i:tr at the iop. A sirnui; w ive passes iiii',i tlie -ov-tid-s inside. U!rotii.h tin- hoi iiiin hoard and lip nil ih" ..ppnslie sid- . lioln etuis (oi l.iiiiiil'ln; ill it loop. To henii the .eii;,,, himUs are li'sei'i.il so ;,s to enter ilu- joist-, ami the W ii-.' loop'- ctlUitllt OVi r ihem. f.on In. iriilo' iiie In ix h ill:- -icniii' r. I'l.'. two will ii.'. It '-hotlhl l.e hni, ii within e.i-y reii.h. l-ti! mil' I not ench the will! in iii.i iliiiii; ai- it liii!l'4-'. - Atnciiciili A- i ici'h i'l''-,. - 2r9V'S"'' 'C'' sfcl2 ijBlNTs' roR,wTii ii ) . )! nOUSEKE.EPF.FsL. I: saves titi.e iitnl -li.iiiilh whet! hctiini.' up ii sj,;,no tn n-e ;i snoou Willi a perforated howl. A v.-o Inmcii of cotton pressed liriiily into the tip of thiriih ami linger of kid gloves wiii I'lvvent ripi'liijir nnd postpone tli" day f slii'liliim'ss indef initely. Ho i.n; fail io -iuo the I'lsi p .i'ts of old U!i'.h i -I, iris for wash r.-i... lhiund with white ht-ah o. wiiii" rihlion they may Im il:i;n;y emui.t;;i for even i lie .'nine I'lioii:. A Slll.lll -l I III'"' ini. ht ash ,,.,t -nii-lv for the pulp,'-' i- eouveiiii nl ior eleali ii". spnts t'r. 'in iii'i-niieii--. I; js els,i Useful i n wash da;. IV r ni.i.-lc- v hieh iuo loo ill to run no the washhoari!. Sin h thin;;- ii- h :i".v I. ; ' . -1 1 1 holders mail" of .-clival " oi 'is of cloth can he laid ,m i in- hoard and s, i iihhe.l voii'i with ilii- ii tisli iind stroiii: suds. Saiierkfiiut is 'in r : i liti; wiiii fresh po; ' . However, it i- w l! to retudii her tl.i.t kin,;! will ii"t keep well ,f you iemnle too mi!' ll of ihe .i'li c; il wiii ii.it keep II in mo arm place. Oi; Ihe ot!ic, ii Hid. ii is not injured hy f'.'i i r.ilii;. ils i i , i - ini.l.i Miopnso. We have a loiii.iin fa-nily In our inwii who make a Lane! i f sauerkraut cvciy fall, which li's-,-. tiuLii ;ii; wi',.cr it:,(il late In tho ! p'.'ini;. A j;Jld so.-'ll lOi ii n-o who hillC li'il.-il work to ilo w i'.!; -.in. ir Ijiinds. ',ll t as tendinis !ir;-s. j: aslies. etc.. is made hy meltin. -nine -nod soup, as castile. hy cl!'!iiiii it ,n sliuill jiiocc. inolsteoiiii: it wiiii viitef and s. ititia il cii the sieve wh'-re ii -.vill .r.idiiiilly llie'r. Who'i il . iineiers, ami thoie ii'e Ho htftips. elir io Indian lin.il nii.il It 's ;hi. I. and inht mi'' lenspnnlilul "f lictiil- of l "i. nii. I'.-iit lllili! it is li'M; i hen po;:: fi..- mold - I'arni J.iui-.il. 111.- !l's - m t !iu Si :l icilli :tl ,;i Si. e! f ni. '.i'lic lilillihl ri-.-i.i "J. -e" mc I" i -iii a ! . ;;!- in il nest vanes Those .'i'.'i'.cs ' nt of live pes's, iGooi) r j I K 0 A I) S. I l.t'tniK iVniiiib iti-tior ..v,ol.. III! farmers nte a class eon JjJ sei vaiive in i Ii. ir views I) I O iiU'l slow to move. The ( X ''" 'l"'i'' 'hittkhia lit-! and "MOW ilie'r liilki.c,. aficrwrrds. I'n! so,, , ".Ttsot; the j'.i ; t,i,.w of lids cuMiilry have li, eii i .nl iur and ihink-in-.' .illicit load itnprovciiii nt :'ini tin I'est Will Ll -cell!',. a! Illtl'll (le-il'lll l.-uli. They have considered local taxation and l.il.or as tin ni'-ans of I'tiildim. yood i..,.d.-. and hav,: foutel this lotiu' tried plan io lie : failure e (pi ill limileil loiiilities. They -vi Miti'iicl Ihe Sl.ilo aid plan .Hid have el'- -rv.'il llie itrc.-ii aihitnee made na dir il. Finally ;hcy have lueii study ina' Hie iploMion of Xalional ;tid and limy )ipiear to hare i oneluded thai "it is iiie way they lntu have sotiuhi.'' "The Or.lli'e" in it- Xati.il.ai lin'etinu ill Iloclle-tef last NoVelldlCf caille "111 wiiii the foliowiim sir.iiiu nml niieipiiv. oeiil declaration: Whereas, The I uitcd Sist.s lir.v. d iiliii lit has expended va-t atuonnts of money in the inijit oVe.nciii of trans io!',,tlinii facilities !iy liver am! hnr'i'T appriipri.-'tii'ii-i, .mil Iris io:,;un vn-t ;rtes of valUidile Intel in nid d' ill--oonsti uethit! nf I .lilrii iil-'. ie- c!o-i . he i! l.'esnlied. 'Ii.e! ihe .al ioli.ii i.v,,l.i:e i'.ller- the ill.ill-ill'.lll'ill nf a N.lilo.ta' poliiy for ilc imp: o eiiieiil ni hiuh-way- and the appropriation hy 'Vie uio- of a lih-i-a! iit ioiin: to s,,;,!is!i a oinpreheiisive y.--tcft "i load im ploCelin tit llirntl-.'ll the .ii ..'l'l-i nl' the IVilernl aii.t Slut.' u'.vet na.et.t-. siijjLe.si hi? that Ilii- U' tn-ri'I fca iincs .;' wliat is tcnnoil Hi" lh-o'vidow hill ein-h-.'ilv ilu' ess, I'di. il I'.i'iiii'cs of -I'.-h poii.y. ' IP'-olVco. 1 1...' 11 ' e..i! ll..li i.i', St.tic, I'tiomi'it ntid Sn'iotiliii.i'e j d-aimc to take iii'mnpi ami vioruiis i action Upon this ii,itioi',,ini nin'lif. n!i,l llclehv a ,0 hoi'i.- ill" I.lvi-lllliV (' illl'.llillei Of the X.llinli;,! IP.'.'.i.-.' to I .i.eimni'.iie mid .on, In, : an au.'-ssive I cnmpiiii.n in -eiiiriie: I Ol. r.i I aid l-r I iiiijit-oveiiir tit nf highway . Al . that nil" l.i'sll-lal ,'Ve I nllllllll'l C ll- ,-lltilol'-i-. -d 1" .Itll 'J' id! Ihe i'lfol'tlliiii..;! pi,- -in! !','U..!'.!ii,i.- .li" in.,. I laws en,. ;;,e -.s;c:i.i nf i'.'.n! I tl i.lil.u io Ihe -ev, ..,: Si.!!"--, llni Mi.i: -'i ll il.fnrio.il i"!: oe pillili-Ie'l! ill -I! ll l'"l'!l! .1- til" .'.,'.,; Tin -e r im, o;i-' w ill -. ; 1, 'on, ,on a v.i-l l'ni e that move- i; i "-:-; i'-di : In,' i! 'iiU-t In- ''.-IO' liihc-.. ,! Hi,: '.in: Xaliniiiii ('r.iii.e ii.-u.iiiy i.cls w Ini! ;' -.-I al ;. ;-,'. h. i.h' i- i' i- a Son. l -eiLi.t law. tin' clceii..!. !' a Villain. :l li. p.iii. no'tii of A"!" n'ture. o. pa--.;i.'" a ic. in. an. i . i.i ; hi. ';'.' I'!' - hi l..i j t; -'. in j."! VC ' 'elm - lie ! ' ,ii il.lii uie tiiin,.-,. I Tio Vc i- a i'i,: in!! '.-'o ed Hi i '-.. J , ;li,'. H,,. Wait,.;- f, It'.v.W:.!. Ter.liesie,--. .v.ld tho 11.. II. .la .'..' i 11. ialllliKel'. ii.eulher of the Sslin'.c fiolii Now 11 iliips'idie. I'.pi'l'i priariiij. "- to lion. Hon un tin' pari n! the Nilti"!'.' i t ;.iVcriiii,ei,t ,:s National .ml io l-.i hi ilc; watnii '.o.ol-. Thi moll, i- t-i I., appi ojii'h.ioil a. i... i, a t!ie Sim. - .." . ol di... io 1 llci: . .jiili-itioti. i Xcej.t ii::'. lie State -ii ill ,,ee'v h-- than S'.'.'.o . (mm! j Ka.h S ole leeciviii- Naiioiiii'. id j frum the i loi . ; i.ineiii must .old : lil. j iimoiint t,. tine -ni.i i.c.i.e.i. ihi- will, ther, I'm ... . ..ii-,. ih,. si, ii,tii a ,,i' I s s ooo.ooii ;',,; .'oini-, nm! will 1'iiii i I fi"i ! l" ;ihi miic- of i-i.lcii.i-d ! ;r:!;:v,;.!;!r "::;: ' which will invi-i' Im i.niddv, will ii"i i... :.n.-.-i.,i i. t.-..s. ..i-.s,.rii.a . ..u,s :.n.i ni whi.-h ti.- I'i. i nii-r inn iiiiiil tie- -.ti loiiiid. It will In- a s.'i'"at ad niili'Ue to lliu-e hviiii; iie.il' n. h'.si !l Will i'-- 11 fill' Ull-.lill' lu'ValilitKc '' tile liole i-OllllUy, ilL'i'.lll'.C il Wiii ! (I M I'll'lerl'l'. o'o.l. ct h'ssoi, i'.lid s.1 1 ! 1 prove hi cv. iy olio that it tii-.il!. hard Vni'td which cu.i he used ihe Vdir linmd. no iii.a tier wimt the rains are, is a uoo.l r.ud de-irithle thiliii; it will make everyone who sees this road and who ns,.s if want mi.ro roads .ins; like it nnd ii will cause loads jest like il to I," l.tlill. While iiii'lti' lie- lhownloiv iiiil -.he 'niiildiiiit of I'lOii!! to Tnoo miles o; -iiieo-did load is a ivai ihinu. yet it seems to many ihat the .- ent''s. ad' aiii.-iue of this hill is :t v.oiiddliii n'o.i.-i t ics.oti which 1"" In oil' i mil. s of tine toad w ill IC'edUce il! every !!.l!c nf th- l'liinll. t .'l I ll C t'HI IItci'. 'flic N.it i, iiii-.l iovci-nnn in iritc- the livers nnd hi".l"'r- sonic s;;i.ihk.ii ;i yea;'. ll i;ives 1 1 . i ,-iti, s -lent J. III. ii,- ioli'n! illlls. ,i,st,,i, . -. eolir, hotlses, etc. It nives liiiiiit:! e i ni'i-rs iri,tcctiiii, hy the tariff. It nice- Ihe Vie l.il.s il, il Iheiv I'iiiii-iiie- !S1 pi.o.Ki.i .i yenr 'i. pclisitois. Il li.is 'in.iiiid ll- ci'iiiii i" 1'iiihi rail ways iii'd i-iict. ? .fin uli'tils of i,n lioi'.s of ii'-iv. el I. in;!. ll hn-. hoiicicr. done inn i.ttie fir tin'- 1 .line.' and fnr niici'ltui'O. The t.ii l.,.,' is iii.-- hacklioue of ihe '"ii.itiy: is lie who f,rd- the enine populilii.'il. i.l.d lie is l,o iollie;' s:l-.i-!ie,l With pool' l'n::ls. At Ins; it i.i- a- it ;lio 'y I '..... t i lovi-r.itai-io Mn- - -ill v. to do .i,;m - lliint; Id- Hn- f.i'.iec'. A led lins: I .ecu iliiro.ln, , .1 hi liloMlllolX i.i Si" 1 .1 MHI.I I! I ,s ll.lilillllH of ." Ihi- hid to I .e that 111" X.iii" .nliie'.hiiiH f", (!'.-,... .-all. il iiie 1'. hi, il i.ppl Opi in ll s Net' ii aid In; lite i- Ti.e fai un".' i aiits . .in,! he I- .!e!ei uni,, ,i ,ll I ini i 1 Illlil'Ol spidt in. a- '.ve'! i-- fnr ihe Ii.e in. a in, dcr '.i!iai..i '-non ..' mi ill !'' la Ki.-n .mi. in'ie- I" io.-i.e liilldi. nli l ' ..Ill '. ,'c ol l;c-.l pialc t.llloi.s li.n 1):, I. ! ...e. dm in, 'ho jcitr i'.i'i'.". Some ill -Hue,! US-tin.!! ; l'..i"l! .1.' ieaililil MeeUly I iii ! Il Willi Tin :, w,i- e dr!i-'.w i'e! --. uni : -1 n - 1 ;: t... ,. p.nlc li.-itli and a hri-l; i-iih-W'l.n o -ci ihi-- to '!.,:,:' !' I;."' - hid-I , , , ,.. . ah I'.hol and coal Mate! so !'; ie reined . M -1 .... 1 : . . i : - Mi ! , , -..,:,..,;!-.. i,t,, . i !i,.,.'l ain! sioiic llo lh.,'s. h"!'s. - ) U I,. I I, .e. ' . I Hi . . l.,...'.' .ll'. I. I.V. Ail il-H illLOil -p;r.' i'i.i;;n.' ,i'0.-e V:.- all e e ; n.i.,. .'..Itll ii.i, -linitii! " . p'di'' 1 I" ! lie ;1,,U .' " l. .11,-' , Ol-iil'Ki'll 'e-. h.ed-. I" l-CIII I I.V Mil 'illlll- illl'l ill" When e -pud'- i- ..,11. , I .1' the Vcl.V ,.S:1.-1 -idc nf the illlliel-. 'I'leMI (111-! mild-'-t i, .spade. !l'"i:'i i.:h . ni'li' iiii-io . w '.th t,. ten m piuvilce .out wipe .' !' v i- a mailer )': tie u-oiic-n'.. to 1" a'l -up.M Mi, nil- iarii-I.-' hlliuhe'l at M ilh ell, c, ntint, ,.:i! nr. :ve li.eini. the il'-idc of nil kid iiini' !il;e nil old tunc -i." ! -nn ., uiend ' wi.n i.dioini pnvdei' n il! ,lsn ass:-. Unit h.-l-'s chest. ' o, pt e-ervio" lil.-lii i'lnl', ihe i ifcel-: ' Ynilli.u hnlii s h. Vc .'i-i ,i.,. nr. -i .u.d . ii..r-1'.ie on'il ' cllfe - ''I'l'c, lei. A 'i iivU tfd iiiile a- wnrni ns lie il j ex.-. lien: i.-ifiLS'-nl sohiiiou is lu.n'., hiolhcrs now i.d.i.v-. ..ml ..ll ihe w lii.h' l.y -leepini; i. Inilc liai'dfu' "f wlliu He- cliiintie is iit-iiy for ,h. tie ', oak hark lii iii.l. i.i any Inn. '" frankness heini; n'vn -i-ier m iinilt . in .,,e t Uiiii "I i-.i'i.-.' i'.ir !w" ! olid mo: ml foe in i.!fe.teii"ii. "i ei. tic ; till ir lioiiis. Stiaiii the lildd. who '' fiil ihe; '.' ao ll"'.; lie- l.'o. rdc day. ' sho-.th; meosiil- iil'.m on-' i'ild. ili'd lie- iu-'l e i.ieviniti! , e, e mil-' fee-ivi.'e ' add one "ilu- e of alcin-l. I'.H' i'-" a i!-;. i pniii fi-r i"il' I'm eiinin. i ! I..:n :. l.o.tV he.viii;; e -pi il.kli- 1op nee -i.i'.-h .hi, i', i, ;:..i.o ' i. e'"i keep i'. n I phnc Moislen II- niilnai: inl-i i ..oi s. 'hand- ivjei ilo' solmin.i several I ill'- - 'I i.e leei.'i ,,i I, ... s le . each il l' a, oi , 'i'' i ' '.V in'." ' liiirr'e i-s. and i.. ii:-. .i'l -li he p.d'.i- . , B 111,' il. ill "I ,.. in, e. : 1-1!' !.,ehe I "'? tli ..ti, ihe v..,i -die- we .!' . ' I'.-l , r (li.n.i.1.1 in laut.lci. ;l; Icie! li e m el. lh.it s' i ei.ei.ie. . ';,.,!,. i:r: What line .', i'o. I.I 'i I M.U! .s'i!i .1! I'.'.il' - Mieiii -ei ! sii;,,;i.',i. :, ".0 lo l,.."!-'' I. li !. 1 .'i.'e i,;. i" I:-! c i'.h'in. -' ..f fraiiki 1 !!U ,' iil 'i .lie! I. lie, ,1,1 . I,' !o!i..li; . on. ti!,. - tin,'- I'1!, sirai-a-iy ii: ie li-i' I hc 'l -ih eli : i- th-i-.o-.li.il-ii, si '..oiU'i.y . Il'n !' I . a- ll I '.!-,' - on; !!,.!' I,,- ilivn real:..- ih.i: -:,., ii, .- oi-il:" -ft pi e " he- ' II piiill. The ii-.eil!ll..t!-ll' I I , - i -. p hoot,,:. u ilh d- ,!i ,". '. iv, !.!,! '., eiiel .; ml l,i,l!e.l,'' :l,ii! lie 111.' '':, d 11. I'l coll' se of !.. iiiiv . .;. r Is.d 'ilir't -.1 ii. lli.il 11. i '-. e. eh ' '.' e 1':: il 'he 11 "I I 111. ' ill!e- :. -!,. h;, : . n .i.-ee... leoli'il,'- , S. ;.! Kerni..;' V i-'Wce ni lie heel- .'I eiil!su I. le u , A -I." X . 10-1 ail :'.,h" h- le t. .!,:, ' Sole, ll , I,. ,'i! he S'irs. ".il'e .'.'.Idnli- With M.e Pel' lli'tlcl'Illcil ilitl. ''Id I'll-I.V ask fm- ir hiuh cleOliiii '" it.aK ol' till I ileeis -.'I' -p. ' We -oil e Ule.l' li . i.l '.I'e he .; .le le - hli-h. A In ' .- 1 - .; ,,, :.i,,,s M-t lie ' i:ie .i h'V -i 1 '11 . ' ..le. .,; h.ly th:. Th, .''j! I,.,' ,. - ' !' -h..'.-.. IH, -ess th- ',:..". ii ni.ii.nl.!' ' nicii. hn; '! i ol lie in n ,'( -!- w i ii on l,e . - - il Hill' ,1 .. pi en; 1 1 I ..-ins XX . h" 'n -".'.' ,.i i'l eoii.e " I (nl-. "' .nil.- . . oli-.'i !,. el- 1,, is! hel in. ,.'. e:.d ' ... l ;, e . d,:, o ' -, ' i.i-- ;. !;.. ;.'.! : i, d -h . mi.. . - it. i.l ... .Ic- IV.,.; e ii.i;;!.' -I Ilu- W.r, Holtiel. Will .i '-' cd ' i'lohl.t.-lphi ' lid n''i- I hi .mi,- en A I'.uin le.o. I'heiiolis of Siil. iied ,1- ih I-. . ; lii: iHllii.ili. , iiiili.li'.v llifilli? '., de vt-aie ill. 'il'l'l l' pil't ol III" slet Ve. have now aliiindniieil their .itm -h'timi ami h .n taken tin their place on the In. ut p-.te.'! nf ....'- and leaks. I'le" .,:i I like stiieh'i! sil-aji-. .atii 1"'.' ' It : !ncl! ..loi i'l. I ill In sill. ,:,iT the P.. lien or leitlnliho. -. illli' ll icl. t" li" 1. ll these iillldnm On I luCI ' t - Till- 's r.i.,;lil,' ll'-t e c, i'n ii.e:- .1 i.o I'lol.i i- lis, i. i'ln- .s 'in , with ii -i'n." i l.iilc i' ! i ici i'l n elotl, cll'.ii'l ll n .itClpioof 1 ie ' ion heavy. il is .U.itt,!.. !:,:.',' alni -i"" s ; ii ( I i iii -'it a lid idii- , i-i I. . ll. in-!,!" ; I'lic .'..ill he- a l'"X finid pi. .d.n "d i v j 'I sirnis-h! panel, mn. Pile -I'e hci ill ..lie H l!h 'ie- ell! " o - i . !'. Ii I 1 Tiic coal li.is I, i ion d !,. .In -In'ttl- j del - ..!lli lil Il'e - iii ."I 1 I I"' 1 I .'Oil'-, nt . nlll - . oil ,!..i..le l..e.l sled. I I'.efo Ih, l.lo. i! )..,.' .l.iiel' !-!- hoi . oi I!"- should, : il.- 'i mi- i -nieii iit'h j Ci. e ... L. ! "l.-'l:. " I:.' !. ! ii- ... ! III' , lii.nx . P.. :e .. ' II lie- .:',.. d' -' i'l -eC.,s ,,f eoillloi-i.ll'l - lull!,--- Wl'li- ' ','i'cii into t '.oiny . nil- 1 ! ro'ii le. lmi t p.uiv. nr u.int ,11 -py.'ld .( ,l! i'll!i,"l!l "i -i.i. hcil 'lo.h. Tin it Iihii (.oh to l'l!;-eii-lioi-s and a sin-h Vuiti-iti siiteh"'! io I e , iilht -idi . 'I le i'l.ilelile.ii s nl tie el ieeiil.' lill- '.I'.lollS sewed .1 'the h ft side ' I end. r ihe h.i 111 eioilk. Which ."his r.'l .: ' il - l I s', ,,s ; j,. ; W III II till- Illlll. Is I'M' l ei, . .....'.-: i . mis einl'iiti'.is-ii.i. i;i linos, lion !e--il! - !i"iii several tnosi cm, ci.,,!! liciiiH Lrci'cral ile'.clily. llc-ioii-ncs- iind iin),ail'.'il eii-, n) 1 1 ion. ( He sin,, ih.it the uni holes in wai-isl ainl other siariii.'iit-:. especially coal-, are Millie'cniii Ino-e. I'i'imiiit .,i this .oilil wji 'l. , ( I 1 1 1 I c.ll,-' ll'l .. in. ill - inu pi i -pn .iiimi. I'.nii.l tii i'n- -y-ti'in pi ; i.-o '-l I 'll!..- and ii-ui '-hilii, fov.?S. I- . a-ii.V i-i I ol , in" 'e.l, If one is ..f an ,.'"-. ! ':: i, ; I."ille !' '.VIM 'I' i ii.nl olo'.ili.'l ' !, . p. i -ole i'l 11 1'..:,' Illl'l;' i'ell li -. ' ... ii lis, l:.',' llni. Ill' ni c! Ilii 1 p. ioi'.. I,-, ih, ;,.,: il.iili al".l lii'lidy on the i;l e'.nd. v.'i,:l; Icviii ami -lowly, aim -i.;!t N.ie -o- i.e.- Sro.'y idi'ii'id l"ni I '.' :-.;.-. iv!i th. i ion::- "!' '-h"i il.. .v.- dciieciive sti;!i " ' ..,-e n.:.!.: Ic .1, j -!,.!'. ;;llll Oe ,- ilfO '.'te-t.',. Ili.'i -IC til. '.! I ih' p! 1,1 ed. 'I ie '.!, . 'id h ii- -if.l.illi' iii-i,. W'!. - e .', I I -."-.'-'. Hil pll.t 1 1' end. .' 11 l'ci;;;e 'i -l.iilc itle s." , ' -! ho -pld;, .. i,i,,i liie-'eh s-. s.ii p- line ill .plieK ilfe .ll'lienti' ' . 1 . eel .1 i.l-.l .(.'il'iii'li. I 'll red i. ini- .-.; .in ii l.il.le.i V, itil ,;- o . U-.'ie.l. i'h -i ll! '.)!! ''ed Le!'- Ol-. - . ,.-; :!.: 1 ,,,,,, ll I .,1,1, til lit -ltli-llllM-ll.il. We hel c .' 'ei!cv fl.'l,i a little Uil'l ill I-. iy i, lliie. oi hi , i isii I" Ho' "i ' of .i.!lie! il' '.-..i,i, IT is a Olos- elrld s -i. in,- -ic s,,ys. einiosl tmrii-.l e ill iholl-.'ll.i- HI ...ills ill I'll"-' Who i , . ihe -in 'I.e. T lie-.' ' .do- a:o '"i le l ', -v.- h ,il.. niie- li'i:' i!"' keep- e I- I.,.,!' Ii.-o . v.- fie-cci ! , ...'. i- e -. ii.e ! "id, 1- MI.'O-l! i-e .... ... .-.'i. .id !.- -"i'i !; . '.. '.. . i! !1- ..id Me. "eel- "i i. X'.. tl.Vc-; '-, 0 e'. ii.l..i le lais, a'.i-l'o'y i'l Lewis i,.i,i i io;-); . pcii;;'i'!i ie '1 he lOdiioi'lil! i to li.iV.i ,t telopd'.!!!' phuv ,u ti,.' Lews ami iiti'K i.ciiiei. del. ii. T'. tie ml. i ov.. ntid after win d to I',' pelToil.lolltil efeeled ill thili eil. Tie. -lellle is To lie el' I'loll.c. heroic T' ei ' 1 ,- . . i,n l.iiiini; st,ii,.r. ;,. . . -veiiil.t: -Hppc! is -!' 'o',.,- ', ' ' ' "I oliicn. '.' l-eell V-i-.- '.'.. c-e IO 1 1 !' dill Toil ll'l , d , ;,, i.-;,. d ....... s. I'i" iin'iiue oi' til" ". ' --; i j 1 1 'i ' i ;- :- ' ino-nrleii'. and '- "'lo-'.-l- .! . ieo i-ill- .1"' -all"1 head ''I ; , e.'.i. em-, i i'i,- iu-ol i- truly I'nvi -'"". '' , . e...n. 'civ OlfinW. "Ci i'i fi.r II!:- 1,1.1 ,l,e '..-. n.i.l. .' lid!-! I'C Sold, vc" "' !l!l I'llie Slell I-!' siippcl- M-ll "e '" : j,. C. in : 1. i'i.'Iil on ill: .OOl. el'.. . iti, nolh - . ! ill' -"'' alni ' I' ' i,, ..! fi-..;.: . ,-io, ili-teiv Thev ,,f.. '" I . i.ii-i'n l- ! :, i-s-iiii;. itii'l arc -ni- , p,.-cii i ..- in dip '" '"'; ihei" ,; : ,. :i,:,.'. 'e, -hppiliii o. ,i!v, -i: .!.. ; A i t .lll'.l -iil'l in; I id's Icilli 0 i'lislil! !."l ll ; to e f lei UillO.i -....ot,- !!' Velvet or i hn... , .:, s.j.:.i 1 elt.e-.s iitli-r lill i'l" i Ul,u, are ;, liinO -lyh tov sti'.'hlif io;i I will I'i l.s.-d fn'.' i lOxtim; -"I '- H , II n-t ..ll'lllililf 1..HVIIS Inf S il,L I'ni.li IS 1,1 Jil-C.-t liclliiiloi i't pil-etO. ni i i,i,se,tue'! Iy ii i- a i.-ri eXjuii-' : i: in n in-. ! 11. .11. hp:. ii.i. IV .il' - -''Hi', l.l-llii' ! -on, ;i,.p"! ' : - of i.li. I. -i! ; l.d -el.li. I Tin..- e"d i;.iii....iis i.spic .fO- on c I- -Is ::i n.tl t .. .U-'!i.l "Id, l.is.. . ,1 'I'i 'I.i. d v;ie)'l,e h;.- and a -.treat many .. -'.en in lhis ii'i , selle tlllliL lll-V j ii 11 I', "Olo ; s ; w r:!i'..:e. ' Sliiircd n.'iil- I'.i it'!" tllC slnei: ii.i-ts uf ;'ji -i ns..,).. .nil irt- tCcli ii . .iii ,1c ii. te: sft -elks and thiu wool . tlie i .ir. "... nun h in i ogu. ( ' H-h uii-'ie..' i.-ltv .ti l sln( h tel. ::l'e d.ii-il.v e h'.itions ' i (.; 111 lilll, en-iOI.K -. V'OCtl liliOO - !i; ..i i cp-ct i hei i my 'ic o l,i,, , rashioiiildo v, e.e.i w.ar i1 wiiii. I'lii:.. "iinin.ii-! "'. hue. ci- i" dc chin - nr iinc-' Ilo- eoed.' i.iivn i . !i!-n eii uiiii ih.'ir cloth o, nll-e-. Ihi'licl.ii le. .linn H n"V.li-. hoi one o. n-ai ilh rcs-y -own; for el'tc;' .i!i widi.lis .-ire pojiiihir li'.nil w'- ;o llihluin- j for lrn "iiin- In pi, tin colors tlo; 'are n.cil as land hardei s and -kh h. I lids t'.l. hlilL-. ' !'. Iiie I'olllJIiUiott ! , ildem- a V n miiii'iie'd wi'li !,o. i ;ii-e; l;"lt to t-e-lL' cnljje uajijifc,