i fclic Chatham flfrorfr. H. A. LONDON, Editor ami Proprietor, i RATES OF ADVERTISING, I One feiuaro, 01,0 insertion $1.00 I Oi;e Mjinre, two iiiacrtinna l.M 'Out: tij :mc, trie mouth 3 CO For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con 1 tracts will be made. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly En Advance. VOL. XXVI. PITTSBOKQ, CHATHAM C()UiTY,N. C THURSDAY, .MA KCII .!!. I'.t'M. Mo. Che 8 am : Q AjtATTER D Lwlions.X I Bv Anna Katharine Green, Au,l,or ;J'1.btJ'.or,"h" T ccmicMT, ,o, t nogrnT loMmm 10m, M CIIAl'TLK XXXI. Continued. "No; that is. I linvc not thought very iniit l! about It. I took It for granted lie was what In- said he was. Why';" "Iteoau-i' 1 had jt strange suspicion trtst nl-.!,! when 1 saw tlii follow who attacked ymi lying mi the illicit- in ili,. foot of the .-ialr-;isi. Though I had lint noticed it before. I thought tin 11 tluit In1 li.nl nn eye like the Italian wlmm I nv for .1 iitliMit,- In yniir looms. If dun )H Sfi. iii;( . is Montclli ill disgni-c. ,ir. wlmi Is more irii:i l1. Mnnti-lli v.i this 111:111 In disguise, then ihe two milters are one and the pint iig.'iinst j ,m I- m' ..nir standing " "It lii:iy l i" she nckiiowli dg.'d. "it liin.v In-. Iti,t it is all over now. Why think of if:" Itci :lt!Si' I 1I11 lln! foil lit MK.' ft boll t liiui: nor do y.iii. for :ill your seeming gayoly. 1 have e might yon mure llian oni-v glancing In visible apprehension toward tin- door, as if you feared n re newed si-iit of your untitle tons perse. Vllli'l." "lid I lift 1 :iy myself like lliaf:" she n-kc.I. then .-tupiii il :uui exclaimed with siiilihn conviction: "It Is hi'cause gnat pleasures never seonl quite rial I (iiiiiiiit believe that I shall lie lillowcd tn np into tills immense fortune xvi.lio-.it -omr disaster ( dampen my h.i . 1; wmi'd le like tin- wmi tiers of a fairy pile occurring to an or dinary mortal. " "I'.ut yiMi ale iini a innrtal: yon arc a witch, or 1.;, i- nf the fairies themselves: so you v!,.ii, !li v,. in y,ur happi ness. I'Ulj"- Ic grew mure permits here --i ;! iini wain yon to trust it mi lili. oil a- to I' r.'i -Uless. This fellow is in iistotlv. Inn he li'iiy manage to cs ape. nial ihoii'.'h urn certainly have nothing nii'te 10 liar from his cupidity ymi may have fur his r. veie-i'. Me will neve r lorgel that through you he has lust, as he thinks, the possibility of iiainllliig an iiiio.i 11s,. sum of money " "lo ou wi.-h to terrify i.ieV" she in clined. l illi a frightened look. ".NO. ll'i; Imw ,-.in yon tijliiU of it? I only wis, ;.i warn you. mi that If you ever h.-ue ii.isun m think he is In any way 'iisi-".il iii t!..iir.- you harm you v. ill noilfv the p illc ' ami iiroi tire a ;:iiaril!aii in Mai. li over your afYiy. I lannoi ret .:i pe.-nv unlesc you prom ise in,- ihi-. Will you? ((therwise 1 fhilll not In- a' ! to sleep at nlijlil." She Mailed. It was iJmust a 1..0I smile; it e-tiaiii!)' was an appealim: j one. I'.ut h... had llxed Ihi- buiimlai ift) to his Kviupiitliy, and would not ovei ctep 1 hem. "I'l l mi ise a. 1 ." ... pi i i-iied. "In take va.' el' niy.-elf':" sh. 1 lied. "Ah: i! is la-y to dn tiiat. 1 am 'nu i ;s to huw il;e world and yo.i thai I eau h ar t'.e . oilers my i tif!- ' lien uud iini :' n- n y old friends." j ll w.is i li;'.:-.i.j,:-'y said: ii eanie i.'-:e ! dew in hi tl.!ii .11., I oti'.IL- !,o;: t . j He eai!j;!ii her li:i -nl ill his and pivv j it with more iiian filerelly warnii! , hilt in I1i.11 ery a, i drev.- hie k .'I'm'; n.ade Ms Heal Low . "'oii make jt ton hard Im no'." h- a niontl:Vi d. ' To hflifiiil par.oi!-i'' se mar. and yet to Tie' ..ne ; iv-straincd from enjoyiiii. i; hy the n'ef! soh-ma of seen 1 i-miii, , i it'tiire i:i Mieli nn iinpetuuus uatme as min--. I shall therefore turn my hflek r.pen th ntes 1 may not enter, ami not till Ihr-e IllelUhs have ellp'i'd will yotl Me me a.iraiu. tlood live, deaies' of voini .1. oodliye." And he was J-'or a moment -he stood in that how er or fiieneiy where he had leri her. eonraeously .ii:iliii as lmi:r 11s he was within slyht and liahle ti turn Ids fm e (igniti for a farewell look. Imt when the trers hud quite hidden him. mid his ijtilek slip was uri longer to lie heard on the traveled walk, then her lovely emiiiteii.inee fell and 11 startllna look of (are took the plaee of her former Xpression 01 triiimpli. While Hits was Mil! vlsllile mi her fiieo. .and tiefore sin had rein hed (If door whieh led into the hou--e, a youmr man stepped out of this same duo, mid confronted her. It v .is Mr. liyrd. l'ir an instant it seemed as if -he did uoi know him. for though -he paused she did not .-peak. Hut as he l'oweil with Bn.it lespee! her smiles eame l..,iek and she greeted him eor il lolly. "Ah.'" said she, "1 was hoplnc for uu oppiiriuiiity to express my ohliirntion 10 you. From what have you not mi veil in ':" "From mote than you think." was his somewhat f-nleniaticil reply. "I have news to pive yon. Miss Roser. The man who made th attempt, upon your life last nisht Is df-Hd." She recoiled as if he had struck hf r. I.'end ." she repented, in incredulous tones; then, as she naw that (.he bad riot mistaken his worus. and that he meant what he said, she suddenly Hushed with an owi whelinlni; and nn eontrnllalile joy as uiimisiak.ilile as ll Vas appareinly iineonsclous. The detective watcho, her curiously. "How did it happen?" she now cried. "When? When?' "lie tried to escape from us at tin depot. He fell under the cms. Yen need never fear any'blnt? from him gain.' Phe urn-d her fnee atvut. TToTOrs tiv iui hi'-Uin fioai this day of triumph, aud yet tin Uorror robbed "Von Hie veiy kind to coino anil tell me," M10 srntcfully deelarul. "I refiret to he o'diyeil to," he replied. "The man was merely iiciliif; for an other. That other we know, hut can not 11 ml. We had hoped her aceom plli.e'H apprehension would lead ulti mately 10 ihe disiovery of her where nhouts, hut his death roll ll ed'eet. ually of tills linii" 'To whom do you allude?" ankcd Miss Hop'is. "To the woman ;' your name in New York in hchalf of whom this wreteh has worked -in adveiiture-s; the most nnhappj and least resiectahle ef any who hear your name." The lair an I Prilllant woman Ix'fotv l'.ilil shiliMered. "I.uive In r in peaie," she pleaded. "Io not fy to extort anytidns fro, 11 h.-r. She will he nuhaiipy enoiitjli at the failure of her -i lieuie. Ii is not for me. In the eiijoymeiit of my (rood for tune, to wish punishment to those h ss foituii.it" than myself." The Imw which Mr. Ityrd made in iii sympalhy and ndiniratiiui was as ele gant a- If iiiade hy cilhef of. the I)e traws. "Ymi aie tern-roils." said he. and said 110 more. She cave him a quick lank. .She was .vidi'i:tly surprised to see such man tlets in a man liclanKilij, to liie pollee. ' Have you any muuiandsV" he now nske-.l. "No." kIii- lelUii'.'-d. "no eoiaaiaiids. our jolt will hear from me acain." And villi n-unlle that ni-iesteil i'11-tui-e lieu ills sin- tir.-ncil to so. hiu vas slopie,l hy ;i liiail i-ntri aty. "I hi'C." said he, very Ki'avi iy. "that yn'.l will not consider any sen-he which 1 may have don(. yoi: deserving ,i. any further leeomiltloti than ynu tiianks. I was workinc in the way of my doiy. and shall consider it a ;avor It yon will 1. 1 the matter ii-oji" "Tlien I vlll." she frankly i-e.oiiu-d. "hut It Is a pity that you will tint allow me in ili.'tif,'iii.ile my t;oo 1 fiaiune l.y a jiii'i v.hieh any one wouhi regard a:- only a luoiier rei oirui'.iou of n service nircf ill and make sure of tin- wo.'o.in v.isiiiiiii which I inisiiit nol now lie I he-fore you place yoiu honor and h.io--lamliti; here." l aities-, in her keeping ! :r.a let'. ac.;:i "I ai.i paid," .-aid iie. 'T am paid." : a friend's pari to yen. I l.ottl.l so He was -itch a entlenian that -hi' ! hate to youi faun' and toe sol, oil' found it i in p. iK.-I' il, to coiv.radle; ot to press the matter fur; her. thiii-ioie, so-.jl 'd once more and la., i She. van- ished. He stutid a ion;: time lookiui; in thv liiice.icii she had yone. That ulcht she tec ived note: "I hid nooi! liVv ;o tire. I'eday. Mr. Cryce tells following f Hairiutioi, me thji :h, vaei iv;. s i.i'.'id ill is try iiii.- to c-c:i '. So nioruiiij wl.il-' '. So ouo -I'vioii:; dan 'i:r path, li.u ronieai. rer i- out of !u r the I'oi iiii'-ii-'se. Siio may take' up his vi bsi aa;-' and seek to can y it iluouvl!. Ii yo i i vev M.( it, r. It oi," ) eiililp.-e of her ii.in l id in, e ,-'. i' euaie.-' i liefore your .-. r.otify m... oi, what i'- i l etter, tel-m ,j,i, (ll Mr. Hud at police I I aihpiai Ii i --. She is now voiii' "i il aeiiiii-'. I mi'lin -o mini, fiooi Mr. IV' raw's cles. r jiiioiis of li'i- won . ii' who kipt the hoii-e viie-re Mr. Iii-laacy died. It is id. aiital with my p-mcir-liratice of this aitendant of your?, only the Cleveland woman could speak Kite-!i-h. a q I have no doubt the New York woman could have done if she ion' in'.:; forced to it. S.i. if your memory of her does Iini eXt'.Uil lieyotld 1.1st Oi- toller nhe tliu,. when Mr. Poliim;.' dii'di he sure she is ihe same woiicm:. "I l.avi' ymi in Nii-s AspinwaiTs cue. May nil (food aiieels waleh over you bolii." f'H A t'TKU XXXI!. 7ttr.- rrr is sows. The suuiiip'i- has pa-.-ed and autumn has come. As Hamilton I Km aw -its in his studio, the brilliant Unfit of tin exquisite Sepumher day shines on his last ureal c rt'eirt and hritiits out lis mati.v lieatiths io the ehservant eye. It i the pi' ture of a young irli i lyinp nslc-op r.pou a coueh draped with white and Kold. The bkcte h of it we have seen, hut thiii is the finished pnlntitiir. "How beautiful!" This Ik the remark of Mr. Ityrd. who is looking over the artist's idioutder. Mr. Ih'siaw sighed. It was the iirst time he had let any other eyes than din own rest upon this e-anvas. "I!iit does It not possess too strong a rose nihhiuce to the original to be ex hibited publicly?" pursued tho detec tive, quietly. "It is not for public exhibition. 11 in destined tor my own house and ruy own pleasure." returned Mr. Pepraw. "I have Jet yon see it. but I thall not show It to many eyes. The man who raved her life is almost n brother to toe; t'uat is the reason I make uu ex ception In your favor." "I understand and appreciate your confidence. It is not misplaced, but will you pardon, me if I ask If you In tend to marry Miss lingers. It is from iki idle curiosity that I ask." "Will idle marry me? That is the question. Ityrd V" The detective, shiftinc his position into one that I'ouimandeil a view of the I other face closely seruHnJed It It j fore replying. I "It Is then a vital tiling itli you; you really want her for yotrr wife':' ; "More thfil I want nnythlntj; more than I want fame. I cannot Imagine oeetipied with this picture. I could not have livid all summer without a sisht of her fin e. " "I am sorry." Uji-il lienau. wciuhin Ids words very carefully, "that she is -so rlclin woman." The other's brow Itniiiid. : "80 am I." "Yon hud rather sin- had Dot had this money?" "Much rather." "Yet you will not lei it -t.ind in v jii: way?" "Not It' she loves me." "Pon't you know whethei sin ., or not ?" "No. liyrd.-' "I thoilKht ll was quite evident that day in Juno when we were all toelher in (Jreat Han-lneton." "Yes, hut that Is tlnve months an .1. She Iian heen to Saratoga since, and to Mount Desfit and Newjiori. Siu- l-as had the hoimim' of hundreds, ev.-n hail an offer from an I'nlish peer- or s, the .'lpl'r. say. Do you thiuk her lik ly to remain uiichaiiced hysuch mail;i -i and continuous adulation':" The detective looked Miiliartn-sed. hut answered him quite mavely. "If siie Is the woman yon lu lieve -. to he not hint; would he likely 10 chaiiKe her. I'.ut " lie hesitated o lout' thai liie n;;:.-i who really experienced a certain lief in making these coiih'dciu 1 s. fi ' irriinted. and finally asked; "What do yon 1111.111 iy thai liiit." Ityrd? Have yon any reason to think he is not a true woman': Itav,- ihey heen talking scandal ;:lio;;t inv il.ti- liDK?" "Far from it." was toe q.iiek , "She Is universally , oii,u;i tided. I pie note her jiraeo. her L-eiitl' iie.-'i and tier dignity, aud womhr if it wa- -.i . study for the stase which ha-- made her so filled to sustain the part of a Wand lady. No. she has hu; t'-w ,!i tractors so far as I have I.e. n ahie 10 learn, and I have taken .-. i-lm; in hear tin' talk nl'out 1; er. f,,;- 1 v.-ns 1 it ested III seeinp lltnv In .' H.1rU:c wei'.l i hear the strain of sin ii irood '-. itii' -." ' But that 'hut?' What did ye 11 .. an hy it? It sticks in my ears." "Yes. 1 made a i ilrlak.- in usiif. h. 'specially as I . iiniiin n-a'iy say ! I did so. I'erh.-ips liei-aus.' the us-.ial i- there is in iiiarr.vinu a wetiuio m' 'o much wealth is ausra at .1 in hi r e.i-" l.y the siidiii'i'vc' -epiiri'd it." "That wn tc.'icd "You kr.o.v, lie-.' ii'.ht hearti .! fell, tilings se; :oti-ly, ai and mini:,. I l.vai iound.itiui in Thcri'ioi-c. wli.ti wi.it waiclt h" i j of your life Hucriiii d t. .'1 Illiej.a.J. ; or selll-li woman." j "They will not be. If -! i lite at all It must be hccate-i .il". I have painted pi' tut ; am not yet ilist in tny j more eminent than myself '.:er homage." , liyrd shook his heael and poi table- mirror suddenly ;: front I the art!-;. "Kvi'iy man docs ten loot.- like :;,:: 'he remarked, poiiiiin; to Ids fr mi' ' .etlei'tiolt ill the yia-s. "She uinl.ii.l.. .' i-dlv loves yon. but There h: thai 1 .uNerahle Toil' again." In- lait.iieij. "I lie mil w,.i, !e r you in-.' at. cry. ! .'a ' oisiitVeiabi". I know." Tiie (iitin locked kri-iity ill e- poscu. nni ii was pot exactly will, an ! --'er. If I'.ryd's cbjei-iii,ns were iiiii -.-1 pi'ctcd a.id (-.'iletilated to wound hi J k.:i n; -t siis cptllillit;es, the maioier i i J ilileli they were tirired was so c.-iiiili.i land sympatheiie that a mote ira-eio1.. j man than lu-grnw would have ln si j 'ated befoie taklnv otieiise . !r v.i ; . fear which had been aroused in ni,n I hy his companion's Word.-, or rathe:- dread. The futinv. which had looked o rosy nil hour aeo. was l,cee-.noi-darkened by siiadows he neither nn derstooel !lor Wehoilled. "You have heard sometliinv aiiainsi Miss Koiiers." he- litially allirmed, "and are tryins; io break If to me." lint Horace Ilynl shook his head. "N'o." lie declared, "you are mistaken. All that I have heard is In her favor. I have iibsoluti'ly tiothine to tire aenlrisl her. only kMi you to be careful, mid to blind yourself to her beauty and her wealth till yon know the depth of a nature that may will have been sreatly tried by iiiis muM c te.od fortune. Is It askinff too muih? Am I tidiiSKiessiinr the buuinls of friendship, or obtruding loo nnn-h of a detective's cunt ion into the imp. iiions artist's affections?" Hamilton I tenia w did nol immediate ly answer. He was cnsairod in drop pine a curtain over the exquisite pic ture of the sinorina. which he may have thought was beim; tobbeil of some of its sa, rcehiess by this free uilk collect nine its beautiful oriuinal. When it wa quite hidd. n he spuke. To be continued. tinperor Vllllilii' Hocnc t. The I'ru6fcian budget pi oxides for the conttruction of a new royal palace at Tosen. This will bring ibe Durabtr of the Kaiser's residences up to fifty three. He has already the Chateaux of Bellevue and Mou Bi.lou and tbe Koya I'alaee lu Berlin: the Koyal Palace, the new Palace P.abelsberpr. Sans-Soiicl. the Marble l'alace, the Oranuery. the Star Pavilion. Kelvcdere, Saero. Char lottenhof. Wlldpark, I'aons and Alex androwskii. iu rotselam and neighbor hood; numerous shooting boxee throughout the country, and imperial residences at Hanover, Stettin. Hresl'in, CoblcDtj!, Wiesbaden. Konisstur-?, Os uabruek aDd elsewhere. Lord Acton, vho died recently In London, had the finest private library In England, consisting cf over sixty HVQueerL- H Italy WW. ' I'l K I in -laic .!--iiii , ll.'it AN USTER I DI: A or MAL'GtPY'S. i;i;i:uy i.i:v ' NdX ran dow n ',!: -tcli.-i of til" ., '.... 'nil lelii:. her jacket as siie . went, r.ii-y, her : little fo terrier, '. In-ari.in tiie I ..i i i li ' of tl'c fi'oii! door, rushed a'-otiml ' !.o!l-e , i;l ill- ill- ! louothe: to.y lal. I" i. elllle. di ar. ..ii mu-l ii : :o ne thankful thai ; . in-lead of bavins old -clioi.lioom all : '- -o lic uillili! 'lilt- ' i o.l .I.i.ltl; ii'"' And l-k oiie.pe'otlv. ;r a 1 and Wit- - i dash- ' i hi Wl, ll i'.h ii-ie of i it- tit i! uiM'i lay ('.! 1-.,,,!,. i-ie! Ill" : a- .-he fine!, id it tin-ee i"lt. .'li'tiost cooolinj: w i:!i I'.-iii an. I looking over ibeir ii' ill. ,'Xpeeled -ollle one Malory cbeek-d h. r I iliel,, ami tin Ii looked il, Ii iioin v.lijcii i!e-y had y'vi Pi-en tea iua ol.l Mi-. llioi,lit. mill sure eiiouiili. an si uoi I in Iui- door slink- '. ih- r-cedilig buys. While l-.'.t ii.- dirty, cii-iieveli-il looped alld pick.' I lli 11 call in whie.'l a siekly g.-r-ecu ur.iwit'g. W'i'li tr.'in!'--lie tri. io -iraiuhleii lie- ml. and i, fell io i the i-il;,'!' oi' the r could - e that l.,...n l'i-ok.'ti oft -he went on. but pa il a .i io. ,i ml M .n -j. ibe iiiaiu still: had tn ar tin- r.i Tlet way tin- io. .-iicss of the morii l. and i:' ihe l,!r,l-a'..,-.e I.er -an- a. li.l n-it bear tie in. I I'e Mllillilid oiii l! ll l -in t lilSCll- i.d set oil loot. their Sun, i. ii girl- of the l.a-i. r m I- ; i 'iW i i x - I ..l"t,-'-r-. . : I J t MVEFr JUSL'. i!.c l-ol.; .-,i ihe nouniiin ii-vo'K.. , I !... Lord of the f:.T,--i! ... .; Sovereign of the 1. f:y pi.. 1.- 'll.ine eve; tov ..:(! i',; v- u!,:i.: have the Iiccik-. of 'I :.v i ijictless iii;d fnow) '. (l 1.. : ;. i i soften tiie horror for mornU who ) t!.n,i',. 'i the fioi-.cn nays ; Wad iheia, :c ;-i t t1 cm 1:1 the (iaiCi.rO.ii paths; .ir.J if any ;'.,o::U I'..,! Ly the way ar.d lic, rcr - l.im e.to pitiful aims. Softly ijaad en: lata gentle cold fchroud ; aim as toon he, al'andons Ins earthly body, nuy lie .-vitr.. Gctl's thr;ne. O Wes-e.l On.-. I.".ir prayer ! I.o.i's TiiOJ or. ;.il tin. dee ! f l.-fo'; fin 1 c.:t the noils tho.tt'.!- th.-it 1 spttaij; fro.n hi. h'.r.ri, and ...;:;.. r li.-.r.i frajr.int iuo.:nt.iin flowtts Ufcic ''. c ft Cod, th.it, when his s-pitit rc.rl:t t'-.e Ur the ! .crd, the Lord m.iy ia His inli -.:c an welcont-: hi.-ii. An-; may i!k :,v..:d,n ! that crowr.i the Alps irii;,'' i; .ia c a. tion of the Divine li.i, er.f..!d '.:: glotious vaee for eva' Aiafi. Mm frcfr''- ph.. pall.' ii;ii-i' c -ex 1 ftTJPVi;,.. "w-S.-i CHRIST IN lir.THSKM.VM'.. bl'oke . ' 5TVv " e.i" - ' ,.-,,v...ijJ H Jn. fousehold patters .ol I. ii, Mir . .'via ' i lii If i tll'l Ills of I . .. ' '. tin :.. iiiuli- o one alld one l:a:l i ! : ir- i I - al.. d milk, let soak i.al.' an hoi.: lie ', a.! t one fins well Is i :i li.tn o up I' Hour, half n ten I -fi! ,.f -.ill. lour 1 . v i I lea-lifioliflll i t'.-l,; c4 p..i.ii. .ai "ell and cook i .'t-ti I el li, IV Ii. 'I ! I.I 10. Hi' 1 Hke. M.-- ,..,:i a cup in.' entire wheat Hour. I on. 1 1 j ; . -1 ol vhi at ;'.'.i, three level in.-, oi haiiin:: powder, one .'il .'.' s,.Ii :'.id two tal.de- of sii:.'.i: . Peal one vnts. iuhl ..m i ..i,e ii.-.li' i a.iitil- of mill. .1 1 -I' -1 of nieil.'d liltl- i"t. in,...- it-,-- i poll ihe Hour mixture; j 1" -ii v. , 'I a, ., ,ke u a rii!ilh'. ..- ' i .o !.ii..-:n ttlel l;i. e lilf!',nn, I S i s haji ,i (op (.f ii.iik, pour ii over ! I--', ii ol oiii lucid .-ni let stand (! tall, .ii.- I in i. add half a cupful of 1 in!-! !..;, d I, c. I mpful f flolir, I h.-ii'" .1 ,.;' -,11, two tnlde- ! -i ii 'ie ti: . i. -ui'.ar. llilve level tei' t 'On,..- .-, .,t ' .if..! iii. whiie of the ' ",k .,' . I.. '.'.i d i. ...a, I,, eve talile j ' i i. euef and the v hiie of the ' ' -; ' e. i -'.'.It !':', I ill llilllilll .;'(0s, I;, a e'e 1. . twecty e.itoi'e-. 11, ,11. mil it . -.in. ... l. ii. .i Op i : 'iu;t,-,'. aijil liie -u ::mi l-e-it v.-,'ij. then i : oil, i,-.n .main: then ii-... i. :.-p..o,:f.d of -nil. a i .-!. i ile luiee of .me . 1 -.,! ,r. a. iini'-: just ' ,e. .!,! otte-fourtll e-.lpflil f,'...-i. ;! lloWi i,; .1 'ii,.: v.. t. .-iui -'.!' -lowly c: i: n.lX 'l ' thh-k-U. -!..' miioite. if " :. ;,.' t: wi'l clll-dli-. I . : ; , S.oiirod all ill" ."ppollll- . . i : ; 1 1 1 :l,il,s e- a i.ij sua -cd embroideiy . llnTiliUliH' ;i " .i.-.tna.-U fu;i' V..i.!is!fe doth .1 '-Mi t. I'.inr. lhr HousewiveJ .."'.: '.-iwv i i ' - -pu'ri.,7 the clotte 0 'i. eo;i:- and tie to- -I a;- iii ih" water am! .! '.':- w.il'i i- bjile 1 . ,1, .;.' Him :iif . iot'e . Oie -OoiH.! !" have 1m eoli.e -l.otte,' . ie.-l '!-. '-.. -pot llpoll till In ! I ! .1 ill. .Hid tile spot 1 '. , el ihe -nrfilce ' !: ' o, in M alia W; t.'l il. .,.,i-,... !.,. '-..ii J,:,; i; . ! o .- la r on n laiiuiii e.s ti. pi. like towc-ls. pit - .'.i ! 'ei- lat'eiully; then ... - - '.', li.ai - liu'ouuh tile 'fie v It,, t il' they lull I;. ! .'!! ;i -iiv. - a ileal i - e,- '.'..',)i ni your - e ! . a-;, in.' My -.. oured itei -lake '. ii:ick!itne. All ii.-.., i-i,e, are kep n .-..(. I, a- ted I'm! a lirisk ,...' i:i .in bo made to olil :. I...I :.. r :iom m.-iaii-n to tin i"v . ..o , ..i !i.e,M !ways t.,ko i ; - dn- oi.ii n in re y-u hai 'f: ; i'l.e,.,; .i,,.e l(. lei.vcs. i Id- . . i -;1 . d'.ls; ft, .n seatterillg ." ii. !,'! eien: ,i to i:-old l.illl:ls. K- I - ;i v. in no; oaiy remove liie i.;.i; iini: .'ll,-.-i-- iii a -on of rim . r. mi l no si.;. ,,. a pori-cii. .1. bath -,:,'.. 'a:. .1 viii s.iUt off f'ic white ii. s olil- i"i!e on :ie iiin d liiiti, ""s. A,.p'y m'i'i a etoili -al..raicil in ii" thi ll ..lid .llili Willi, 1; fill:. Tollow v itii I:.., vni-l and -"da. I -1 a . i. .11, i'l-i-brii k 'ii-,. .oi of the '. i n:'.'- ' . ii -: -t'.d. and oil will re ..r e : ! !,. ,; . i,, ie. 11 uateh longer. 1 ii-n,.l i;.ni - in , I 1:01 only adtnif- 'e .1 1 ,e 'I'" I10ll1e.11 ot ll,e iron, hilt ' . I- in. I- ! Ie- la ai l i oni il - he 'r,' V. I" oe. ;. H.'i i f.io . ., of heal. 1 et. in - ti - ! 11 ii. the - othing iron . .'! 1 "1 .-, ' ! "! t ! sl.. 'I II' k"o f lo-ks. K - '' .,. m, 1 ,, i,-r !:. i .!!.: dup'a'.ea bv !artr Cc.-..- - '.ii'- AKMi'.aa ype. ,