4l)c Cba-bnnt Record II. A. LONDON, Editor ftod Poprietor, RATES OF ADVERTISING. One nqntre, one inerHon f 1.00 One nquare, two insertion 1.60 One nqure, cue month 3.6 Por Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, v $1.50 F'er Year. Strictly in Advance- VOL. XXVI. riTTSBORO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C THURSDAY, APRIL i I. I!MH. $lje Chatham Utcorir, Curt itam no. :;:. AJJATTER of Millions. By Anna Katharine Green, oyiiomt. , y miai'iki; wxiv. s VI W I I. All-. 1 ' As Mr Occrnw rushed front Mis' Rogers' pro-ciuo n woman wan iinsMiip throuph t lie npniiist whom he In flTrrfnil.v inn. Shucked :ii liin dis rmirtpsy bp dm" bat k. surveyed with startled air the woman he Iind jostled find mechanically Mi etched fort h hi arm td th'itiin her. JSill ln'. without Tir:t ir-ins 1 1 , t . 1 1 1 1-. - or Ills muttered w-owb, f apn!op.v liiiii'iipl up stair.', fili'l'if he had tin , i use I'm folio" in: lift 111' eellhl nll'V Vein doubts .nm fenr-1 lit tin- exclamation: "It i t lu' f'oi lupin's.-! I .in 1 111' i: '. tli' I'onupn she is ilipnlscd : ib' i-- veil I'lis'.iiiM'il. ::inl look like :i ! rs.i it;iiii' "nikinp ivoiunn. but I know her walk and cntiiioi In- (i'.'fi'ivnO tij the stii'ii of br shoulder. " Sli-' ;i. join:, up 10 Miss li-riffi ' j 10otli. She li.nj evidently colli" firnn 'be streel f.e,' -iii- v-nf u hoiiliet and 1 Inns; clunk. Inn wml up Willi an nsMMTil .'ind .lei tisinioi .1 stcn like one! fniu'liar with the v." v. I I ' My darhnp!" liUMitin iie: "i- m.i j And nut le r i .- alone hut hr i hand- i '" darli"; ahe.tiiy nndev the pa - o" till-j lietray tin loiim'et that is eninc on! Hlhuy's hamln-riiiii-j: itilaiy's "elf. it'nont kilo" ins it "' i n i'hin p.'t. l-'in-ilny i".-l hy instant ! wn Ms: .tenny It..ers In Id in in r hand 'ii.nit pirl online alo'if a' id- j with a Imitip lomh mi til" linmlde I Hilary's Im-ket which had in soon morn' lo he -lopped h' l. mrteiial. milr to tly .- t: n i ti to the lieh. vav hceine.f iniei'i hansed " ii her Who it tint wmiiMi 1. 1, i. iu-i jtioi tip':'' ll-' .T-'.td. , "11. ai is Mi-s ha 1 1 1 ii 1 1 . ' he -jh l leMti iicil iii evident sin pri-e. "She i me- m i i v day to nrrintc Mi's fioC' '. ' hair for , he evening." II" .i.'cd auha-t. inoilitie-l and pi i - phi.-il. Coicd h" iiave hern inisia!.'! n Hp " a not i".'i.l- in think Ihiti T- Ih! Woman ." fi 'i-net '" I;.. m mired riL-ain She ak l-j.u.i- n. n a- i i..- i at ii ' insatisa. i.ny am-v . i , Ihe r.irti'.;ii'-s.. I i. 1 not. iail.ii T-! tended thai he . mild t ot. Was- he mi- taketr. II, h.oke.l te'Va'-d tin i:n lor door and hesitate), ever in hi-- 'Ifo hefore had !o known w hat ii realty vii t,, .nn-.'i;:. -x iih an overinai-ieiiiiL nntuil-e. Ii, !.ae the sipiiorina with hi-ilouiii in in- iiiind se ined ini i liie. Inn io ha.-k: II- dared not do hui. tor ii wmild certainly hiim. fen hi- pnip .e. No. -,e must tru-i , ''i Hi'"''-!- i" poli, v. he , .mid no- j leiildl. wilii i, liiliisell'. hill ; . "' lii'ii-e!' ;i" ay. he i ii-in , mo ! I'm fleet i-1. t . ami tiii ilnmeilia !- in sean ii 1. 1 Mr M-.i ,1. 'that i.. ntn mail ie,,j,d thi- iiiti la CMi.e with an o... ssi,,, ef mingle.! i-un-'!'se . "nd atif.n lieu We have Pee a r. hiu; foi tin Cie tiifiie'c" -aid im. '1.111 never thoiiul-' f IckiiL- im ii.n in Mi-- Ko'.'cr- I'OII-.-. SI, i i. oi-2ili-,il. yon siiy;" Aiiinoao'.i . ,1 Hie "oinan I -ii" i- 'in. II,: v, v . .iti i : Ah. ii i iluii.i.i.1. nd in ii"i pi !;! ili.'-s h looks ipiii,- ? pe. i.-lhle. ll I .1.1 Uol lnel ill ri "iv s,n'it.M- i ..udi.ioii I do im t! lid, 1 lii.nl. 1 i::i'. i.e a lai'l'o' i-oin niic. f :: Il " ii- :l'e o.diien .-hrinkiiiL' "I In i.el v thai icii.e iii-' .oiik ai in-r ' ; n. von .-!" trail that a--Mie' ' J mi ii:.-n ii i- - I ' V- Iln' io. I tilouuill I -.IW a ,ii-e ! T" s i" i." 1 I" Ann"'!.- hill what I iim , -ir-- of i I hat I f.-!t a "real, phy-hiil i I vti'sinii i;t th" siclt :!' lu:. .i:i-i tie- i l'llllsioll I X I" ' I i i. I'd "iuii I to-: j hfbelii tiie I'm lusufe's old liphli"s in i ouiiiiH i-en v ith my with Miss j ICopcr' youiiiful niioci'iti r ami i Wniltr." i , "A ml i- tin- ail ' j ' "Ali'.' Hut ii ,s pin..ii ;yn'. t- i tiiiik. jou in., into He- niiiit.'i !P I lii' iol'"!- I -! a!l not !. . p till I h"a,-; wlicihu 'hi- 'icatute. who rvjd.'iiliy i Va daily a.-, -. to Mis- Kofi ;--. - -H j hones: woman oi iim." wiM so tip iiiilii' diai. ly to i heil- "Ami if il i tin- I'm iupiip.c '.-'' ' Sli- shall hi :o"'tved ifipr." "Byrd. I trust rou. You kuow how mm h I hvp a; .fake and bow r'.io jlhle I ronsi.h'i hit fear. Vott hv. vp.jrself -ai I that you thought it po!. Mp that th- I'ci tupix -e woulfi he like ly ft ' .irry oi;t th" .:,(. me yfontell: , If shr La !"t i'l I;o" f mikiii j tPTthinc out of the h'-iress she fan. at least, -how lit v Imired and Wr"flk I,. ; levinpe Tir -e i.'i-'iifiieiJ are 11 fill Jicti . We " ill " atcii in i.-' "And I niiiy slecpV "Sound'y." 'Veil at' ii pood i'i now. Byrd I Iievei thought tlip day "mild '01,1. 'het. I' would he n inattei of -aiisfflc-th.n to me t" have a friend ftinonp th" police. Pyrd smiled, hit' omPwif)i nm striiliedly. II.' wen evidently rot in s famnd inp.i.i a- nu:i!. Hut I 'p-S-flTr did n-'i ppii Pive this; hm tnird tvs) reli-.fd r.n4 bp was oh.nesr ;ngry. "Srnll I Lri froro yi'i to-oisii'":'" 1 " ikerj. "Yf. it tia rr it- anytuiD? " 'l.-'u;. yon; olkPlwj? not " "T'o n I win po." ' All lipin. iuii ti l! inr on- is 1 til - . Wis lid. voiniiii so ditTciCliI I", a,' p.'aiiiii.i' from the 1'iiitiipU". a- t.. I 1 !' 1;. ,11 imp. open Miss Ko-.vl T think .-he was. if i-he iiow. d :. -lull, li skiil in .ilteril.K ll. r lomliti . ju-l to.'tin.Pi- :;- l e did her vjjes and m. j,- i s. i.m." "I do nm liiiuU it is lie I'uitiiiiii.-i . " 11 ! iln ih t.-clive ' Sic- Wvuild ma 11,.. -0 p.e.ii .1 l-l. fol mil. vrilpiuu. e I ... v , "ill s.i- Sla .aiiT die. iv. th p..,r cVi 11 U' slir .an the hiipht ii. t i' L'-i ol'l liii-Ui -j. " . r. v. .. etT And 1 lie ; u pfii led Mi. Irpraw d:d not In. 11 from ih" i n simple locket. Ii was t,o only aiiii-h-police ili.it nlpht nor tin ue.t. nm mi j ,,r ii ni lry " hi. h In r admini li.'id v.-,- ill tile days that elapsed biTulc Mis . -pili"al! reception Haiti. 1: xxxv. in 1 mil 1 111 i;r.i t ft ni". ll Will '.' n'ellil k ,llld I i 111.' I'"'. Mls- lt"rT- I" die-- f.ii N'iss Aspinwall's leeeplioii. Sli' wn in liei ronui lniie. .'Hill I'efme )l'- jiy spir-iij llpnn II eolleli iwn dresses, mu' i f plain lunwii eluth v lliell V e well kimw. and I lie nll;iT of 1 Idlest wlvi-i tii:ii Inn! Iutii linniedly 1j1.nl': dm ill' Hie I'l el ei k. Slie i L-.izinp .". 1 lies - lire-se- and deei'linu Hie n"'-t iH'iiiieiitini- iii(-tlnii of her life. Tl1.1t ii i- ini'iiii iitinis ymi ean dis.rni fin in tin jili-mlieil tXpi'i'is-iiin of Iier fare, mid t'u.'l! she lli'sll.lles is .'fptally evidi ni irmit the smxiety wilii nhiih her eye pa-ses from cloth to velvet and 1'i'nii velvet to elolli. as -he listen ;i ! 1 ft tin 1 ly ti. tin micui ui imi- of her in 1 1 and the prninpt imjs of hei .tinliitiui'. jr.. Wlin,. they finally p-tv The i iiiesiioii i- hetwi-i n love mid wealth. ' i W h ii I, will -la , l.i'o-e. which. hh h ': I i she inn.-! soon iVn", -mine: ihe clock ' i of , lo p.-.ssaL' "f lime. Vol mm h j hiifei can sin- lami t till:-, weinhiim ;: ; j :iifi a-r ihi'e two heavy alternative. I l-'ear, fa-oin:iti..il. ae. temh I in--, nil ' i vpri': -ions and all i inolinii- -innv i'neinselvcs in nun upon her file. That she loV. him -he kl,o". t ha i i ; - he will m i i e,. mh a wild a ml ! ' :aiic linoh for any oilier man i ipially ; n-nain. hut lia'l -he -aciiliii every-! il.iu lot him'' 1- ii riahl to do o? , Is p vi-e .i do ; I- it safe !o do "'' ' .'li" ti.s-p- the .-i v. i ami hold ii up ; a.-ahi-t her tinoa. Ilnw "arm it ; ; i'ii I-, ho.v naliiial and ho" ..iiitahh io : I hei tine. Im- sivie and her amldi ion. j i lliu t,n nhiin ,!.,th i o. s i,.-r t!atn es j a:.i... ami hef..,.- -he kii..w- ii the w-h ; v. t m.. diopiied in a heao mi the lli or am! -he ha tin- . loih die siiaiiini to hei i;- ;.- t and In i 'h i i-hm i iiiil'V. : Km iu-i at thi iimiii.-i: ,i !,n-', 1, i- ' In at .! ;H the ihior ami -in- tlin-.- the , hi. - on iiii- n. 0 .in. I iami- palpi anus , t iii..' mi" i auuh' in ii auiliv ait 1 1 is ! only ihe hairdiei r "ho ionic- . ry ' Ida;.. Im. ! . pre,.- i- an ini. n up ' ; , nm. a nd i ho j min t heire. im w . j i l.y ' (ihe !o-s of In r tioiiuiifui ,, ,!,,; whii-h ! had Lit! a mi.tc lit l.eloie iiiil.-d hei i eiie.k ,vif,i n.s.- Tiniiim: lnr Lai I; ' I i..,ii holil (jl eSi.es !.' Puis (he iliiim'.'i'i i.i i ami ire to aide In i i.-.timi ! .j I- nd'na over .. i lii'.'s-in-.- tal ami j nine :-.-ninv Ihe I.-. k of In -r loin. Iiaii !ilt .le lie: 1 1 : . J ; 1 1 .- , . e .lie iooks lip ;n -itipiie nn.l drops il,.- i nr'.iiiL il- -.-. fri.'ii i.e.- hand. 'Iii' "-oiunn ! -1- . - .'IiIvmi.-Iii-. to-.i iiid he. !- i. " ' ' ! '"' ; - ii,m - .. a p':i-iiil f.n i I ' . . 1 1 . i . ;ri. "ho. to meeting M!- I .-I -' i , ,- ilinp a i -mu o and -. -. "I hope 11, iiip ilIriSfi?,. n-il p ll-.loll lo. imi toy iiipiou r i l.ol !.' loiiav und h-cunl 'hat I Wi-nhl ,! :iio Iiaii in' ic-oVm..:-. h . I- i: '".n ie.cption oiiir.i i . Ai:.4 d s i ii 1 1 -1 1 ! i ' 1 '. !:k if hitii m low' ' I5ppr lei i: ine.-nii and sat down with a -mile. i i'e lies!) von e :ni. iiv iy icaii'.. w t v ! com"; i hoy i himed :n --i will, lnr I l.oopiu- -1 i.- : !"".'" siiid li "! tin. ...in- m : i ... .piie:, and I " i-h m I . .ir.-?-e.i -imply. Inn hei otnin-Jy sile !hl-hi"i -.-I Oliullllv. Im ;.iwy. ihit th. jounj; iiaddi i . mild int re-n a n ln r admii nth.i. 'Ah: "hat IctitifiP l.a!,: . Ka-k. : ii w.ivy. s0 mill t -i.ill fiL-e .',.ii"lii n rmikiiip i:n-d inoisf-lle look like ji fUCfl.- And he; deft fit, cot prted -are-irply .-inong the pica: curl I tl'.wing ovr her hsnd .in 1 wii-i-. s 'fi-v I'OPr-i-- irtniaii' il ! sinii-! suddeDly she a -kPii ! '( youi e,t.,!ft,: "My iei .' w: ..t v.... .:.! iie;. j n'.itt"- wiili i T e.iritict t..;i. ina.i.-me s"iie T'.iu ! 'he if hAd, vii l-.l. I S- 111-ii'iiip -t"i j 'It'll, fliel" ' efe doctor- "iii: he. la .i.p-ht:" "Alld sdn.' -"lit J oil Li ,f lo iia v ; ' j th r I " on "i.e s'dc How cnuhl -h" Ve. iiiiitiemois,! li.-. Sue did im; f.,i ! t p joy Iter ha 1 'piiu s if sin- Knew limt P I that you would ep .! t:- Sh" i" I ft i.-nd " a-. siifi.Tinp IV". 11 a ! I tiinch r,ioii'.'ht. i a iiiadaii ' ' -pail. !h" 'hpth said miL-nancy i f "And it ill'-" 'which she 1 mihl faintlv ineastirc hy Ah. eili. sin may nm inc inplo j the Piiintimis gnjiwinp at h' 1 own I fee! very had f'-r iii.niam" ' h-'i.rt'.' She conh v,. t: thoiiph she wa- Tlie Toiin J holy made :' "'htci nnn . j 11; from perfect -In had advam-ed "l is distresiiip." -fi i.i -in- Imi ini tints tar. it least, upon the read to 1:1; I ripht eyes lost nmto of i iieit l.rlilianer 1 -eiti-lmesc that hei fri. r I - . a.- now indrcd. they i-pi n;ed to . imill.ite I fceupif d hn tinv tb.i'l IiPi own. Sh" -'Tetir. H.ij the hei secret doul ts of i .-orjlii nor ipoore it; she would m.i. fjis -iP hnir.Irc-.sei. rn.i .nial the ;: anj- it bnvf shared the r'-.-urs 01 Iipcraw.- When l.e; h.iii w.,s dir-sed she di- I ii ised the pill atnl pi. p. ied to 1 i'e... ihe 1. ' ,,;' hr. taii. 1 ai.,i:e. Th. I li t ill', - " a hi loi" ir i nil Ih" hei. 1 -i: -p.. , i.- ... ;-i:m.: a pi.!..', j and took t'.p the p' lill t.lo"tl . i ni; j I " ill U' ih.' al li-l's oiiilc." s.inl -tr . 1 . "d upi'i .t. ioymisii . .:mu..l the p.n 1 I' .'III "lli'll . oll'.-l V. i'l '.iii deli., 0.1. I a HI a,.il: ilip : -In did ,. ' I'i .- d"l.plu 1 rill . omp. Iis.i'e no im a. I I .-mi!. I . i l . I hi- !.."U oi" disiippo niiii. iii I , .mid i' .1. :o: a" the -a calla in 'I. envois,, i'i -.oil: lake fie plot o. i.e l.o i.e. 1,11-1 lie II Ic:- . I" a.l - I -iim . in hi; ..'. 1 luW t:m f lid j would risk mure than weal', h t.. li!ir Ii i 111 nlways in'iir inc." If slip did lint say I lit': i- nurds sii lluuipht. tlii'iu. and Ini linpcrs iK w ami the 1its was up. and -iie stood. ' I. id and in lur liphl mind. I tu in 1: .11 1 1 v own irnnpe in a lie pin--. ".Mi! this: if lift f 01 V sin- inv i-iifil .-inkins on lnr knee. :iinii in tin 111 j titud.' of prayer "I will imt i.pt.i ; iliia: I cannot: whereas - " Sli. threw a iimckitip pl.nu-e ai t lie velvet, and. lisinp. lump it up in iln- .losci and brought fori li lm Uuim-i and plnve. Suddenly her liand th'" t.i her I lirfifi I . 'T have liirpnlt.-ii 1 1 1 y tall-, nmn." said sin-. j She went to liri ili.-.wi; ;i 1 1 look mil ;fc,n lt.-i- cnr. mid sin- Jvi )'.;ur-il to clasp it nhniit Inr lieeli wiili ; 1 1 1 ;iir ef latisfai tioii. ilien slir lu iliiiimlii her i If In Ink'' :i pi ep at Hie faded fur-pi't-me tint v lii' ll .i:r li in -lull witiiin I il I'.nt nlnii sin npiiini tiie 1'iiki' -I,,' did liol linil 'he ineiiimia'. (lower whi. ii she had oinr placed there. Inn :t rail' d paper. Stirpri-' d she dp ii mil .-.ml unfolding it 1 sul Muse word'' hei'me she tealied what tin it pre-enie nie.ini "I am not tn intrude injs-li. r.m to forpet I hme wi-hes or ln.pee. I ;,n, li lellicillhei' that he hoes her Mild that il i foe he)' happilli'S- tn love I, in:. I am to etieoiirace this mv i,nd t" ! nd all my inthi"nee tnivat'd th" pi-.'-cra linn in her of those eliariniiii ipin lit ii -which in Si!fi'sitv made her iov. l. . and who'll, if icid- il in ln r v. ealiii. ivili make Ini a mate for ih m. Id"- Tins is my iiiinre task. May (Jod uive n"' -Ireii'lh n anpiit niv-eir of i Ihm- own. for tiiey had tlnin in-t alike, aini 1 hy this chani e had l-he ' tuiiihii d npm; ih.it dear friend'- sunt m a ihoiupii; i when n r own fale huiii iremlilin-. in ihe halaine. .Icnny llouer- -ant;. o .- eoiuo. upon a hall and le.".d tin wm.'. aaiti. ami iil"i.-d a iiv a- -lie iiad i hem. ihen soii'oul wiih sinhicn. ihl and ias;om;li erief. iln n hid her i.n -villi ini hand- and at Mills I'm man minutes, ihmiuil He- eloe!; poke. "ilh ev ry Iii ii il inaii", ol ! lie vapidly pa- iim time U'lnil e.i la I ilniitin-- W'iiai . ,,!, ,. v he l.nt of pai ii"'.i,- an ' , e.-,ii . i ,.- .0 " hi. i, -he had i,.;,-, , ,, i , omp iiiioi'.-iiip "iiii Mr ir.i" : iiiidei-i.iod m." a- iie ,,,., , . ,vj,,., ,.,.,iain too:.-- .. ,) ,,;,i:;.e. up,,n hi: ,i, ar ni.-iid' ,,,, ..nam e had mmim Sh p. r. cive.i ,;,, .., .,,ef had nm h-. n ,1 l.v .,.. ,., i,.( ,. .,,t h,.,, u iii, ii. i,up. ,, ;, .nd'iciily , ".nnaiii .), j, ,, .-,.,lile: ..n the h.-a;; i., ivi..- ' , iin.ii,- aff". i'oii old h.liy lunai hv i . :. ,.. ,, n n. h of In . or... j-ei-ii ami :, .-rt... t ,,;' .,.; oi .i ou-i !.-', t!,; .t... ,,,,.,.. kiu. .... , ,. i..,, i,,... m . ., .,,.,) , y; I'm ueif n! miime ,.., ,,,, :IU iiuniiliaie.t in In i ov. c. iiniatioii in- "lit ;i ! --ii Ihe im". - . eiiin y lru'.'l" -In- had iu-i h" n . p ,.',. ; ,!," i. in. piit'iiiu hy ..' ,., ,.rv v, pisli eon-i'hi :i ' i' iM-y.i ,v ,,,., . . (,..,) j,,., ,., ;, "Hililij "oitld ir. : haw Im--.. : r . s.-vcn day-." -. !.:lu"., .t.'iiny, wt i;l .up in l.i.t.o t . in-t -;- 'in th- iiietini: ol In i o" II " Cllkliess -Sli,. " i 'l. i :n " --.!'. tin- ri'.'hi ay ai mu e an. I akeli ii. Sin- lev. him IH"', ihae i d". Sh- is Wol'.lli.-I of Iii. I- ill. in I :l. . she would make him a 1". n. r wii. linn h'l liioiiii'ni- Ih"' m lie ti.n" "ll'l; -in- ami J I -.y had hmipiu .he" ... k'-,-. I h.-.v " en in a e -lor,- :ie,- ilnl. .'Hid Iii" v. i'tll' had -: : I :,ihaiC'Hlsy ei" d iiein to hai -.." "tn- ih'lia i'likc. which lii.y .mild .ii.i -a- a -yr.ih"! of ll.-ir miMial affn :i... . They derided lllmo iV o lo. k. ;.-. iih lit. . hi make and 7' .-.ml lli'niv ho'.ipli! on. and i l.ispcd ! ai-o'it .ho lly's lie.!,, and .I'-mn !ia.' omipii; toe min. ind ila-p'd it ahmu Hilary's, rial 1 1st"" had lin-y seand iln homi la-, iwei n il'.eiii with a pil'i ami a snjil,- ! Wli ti ih- -eei nd ci in I p" i-cli- ,-i i illlle llit k' (- had l" i I: infill" she i niiid I'I I'll. I'll' se t Ill'IO.-hl il lllll-l lliivr li done iv hen -he ;iiid Hilary la-- :'-'"'""i ' ec.-i-n ii'-j n ;! 01.01. "1 h il'p'l i.t'-K'-is 1 tin m..v. aim as t a' hf:d lis-e.l 'I'e tfh' for "nes tne pos.,,,v o, one m me.., v!ns "ikfn tip the w.-onp lm k' i " a '-"V- Rut the "n ;pfi ' iM-d to. "IniW ' f thi1 nii-take wore iinimtioi tatu. T!,e rch.itipe lr,, hen made in some vav. .mil a ri vohit imi had foliow r-il nhj.-h iia. I .-hakei! h'r to fin .nle of her h-inp. Hilaiy loved Mr. I l.-p-i ,1" . innl in would ov.- Hiiarv if he.- "" U mi- jwoithy h'-airy were not ever t.. ':.:... it....- ...ii.i .!.,. let ot ii... hitii. Mow . mild She had hei wealth and a eore of 1111. ra.-tcd pleaiiitp hcfitre hr. whCe Hil ary had ta'ted e.f every pi --.-.sure f-.nc that ef whi.-h she wr,s aiour t" roll in 1 Hilary t'n'i h'i'i to h relf would - ,, - ia .joy in -.In- . ,1 pt.v ..i.t h.lciP hei. wl;i'o ln- .-.''Ihi i.n.ipine many. 'ci'Vph imlie -o mo t umc a s,;:-s'- . .. as this i f his !. t Ah. i- ,h, t il l. e stfiipir ii'io'." ; 1 - -: i - 1 . '.;. 1 ': ". loi ill a tew ;i:,;.u'i -. i'h a dm ;- 111 iil'd .eiellly tli'li VI -mils lli'ill" 1 he , i , ui'i-ti.li' i s. :inv II. has ,-, n, .' iln- . !! ii -iln her ! a- he.:,. un I - aim Ii.i I't'l mi in. ml! . Hi', u l,.i 'i m.-iiii i.i'i. I., him. , .-appointm, m l.ilni-ch ..ml po ii.'.. ;,appn, s .l II I.I t V . ,V-Jllf. Tu hi' coutiU'l d. 1 inDTn .1 J? V lrCi'i'T4t ih" DhIiv I rriiilini.p. la larirc si.uk n( fnwl.s over "inter il 'I lien- m, p u siiit oa the farm 1I1.11 'i 1,0 '"u iM"i'1 11 " ''"'all." mm Y niti.v.!- tie, Hi- pleasure -n u'ives s,,,, j'are and l.il.'.r. fm' they mu-l he kepi Kin. pti.tit- .,- i..i-iiiL -.,rk or opoiat ' in eoinid imi. In older to fliin mil I nt- a d.iirv v,.; h is 11,0 produce; fl",1; '"',,fr f""'1" 11 of Ih" i.inu more c.i-ilv marketed I ,""'or in ,',il '"' "m " when fed i i. -, k. I,,,, (ho tact o( j "' "Vrint. ami those who always hut converting it 1 n-m. milk or hntter "' f;l!l "u" "'":,II.V l,"''1' 'tl-ti'd. enham es ila value and inreasr. the ' " Ipoi- his -t..ek till sprinp In ptolil, j,, .p,.iim, 10 :,e lahrn- ex ! 1,0 ll"',i.,' ir "f ""' co.'k.Teh penne.!. 'i Ii. i .- i- ih. , fealui e in i Hl" "", '"'""I "" ' """i T hav. Mo. k r.ii-n." and one ..; ,e -i im-I M ' poriaul. nhieh i- thai the farm lie. when Hi. y h av. hi- phn-o Ih" . it" tmti' s i'i, ,e, , v. : v M ,r. T . ,,.,',, . I toim i' n ,o reeeive,. them doc III. I ha When I'ljinpiitini; , 1,.- a. I u.il proiils oh. j " "'i"1- l""l i' 1"' (allied ,. -h.iuhl ..'!.:i;ate ami outer ,lis ,ri" '" "", r'lJ1 '"" """''I l';M' into the a mi tl.e i ahio of im- I .'ivoi.Jeil many lilll. ihuimiltii s thai I'Iom ic.""t- m. nle op,.,, the i: in. i '"m" i" lllr " ar "" -Pril'i: I"11" Millet "ml, l i 'ii ; 'I i- relished hr th hen liml inih -- uiiin ,o lipelv is one o the h. -. ,'i'i p.- In I'e.-d jl j. I.. 1 I'.iod wfiv to h" nulla e-hrd ttlMW IH ". l.h f' the d Inn t. 11,11,1. lllll-l Iim i'" p'l "l. At.llet i- illmost a fail"i.liu ii- .'.in. hnl sin.-,. hr seed !--so small, tini" is ..s- diinper fr.-m leedii.i. it. 1'' . .ii i i pven to the hen- he I. .re li.il," hclh'd. Hi. y "ill Work o : ,; i;.-tiiinr a raiu at a lime, nnd -o far apart thai the d.inpi-r of 0 "i l'. '-diiiL I- l.i.l h less. Co" pea ire hifhly . hy hen, hill, like lnillet and lou-i h" fed with .are. t'lovov -e.-.i . l-.e h n fai prniiiie. ill;, plopeit.e- .-in. I. "hh the olhes. tll'l: ! he fed in ii.dl )(lf -. All killll-- ol -'Oil.-! t'.'n - re Coed for h'-ii--nn.l if " ire in fe.iliup V e " ill t;. j , -nltS l'lolll Ih'.lll. r.iiriiiu llellinv Irntih.. All old pear m :,p.!e tree ,ai wiiiif. tunc- he held top. 'Ill-r many ji-arri ;:nd Iliad" o hear -. ii lid pood i-ropT hy iililinu h.o-k I "i v s..erdy. ;ind phlu fiiit ih" !ari;f In. rows "ith nioriar or i-.-iiiei.r. i iio-ei-oii i'iit IPilli-lin 11 de ri'.. - . -- I Uio.l: All deeayed ,,r ih a im. ma! :. i- -l, ..n. he reimo .-d Iron Ih. ...-.-ii and ith -harp fc-itlP.' ' ' '-.': .!' di-e:sed Wood .III ao.'.v Mnii: . nid haiirlW'ioil c;, I li. I'i o,-,.,'. inolsiiii-' or other iiiim-iou- f i . M . .: .an am np-ir. the ti'-wlv . xp'-s )...! !-. h" "huh- eaviiy shmih: he 'i ; i,.. ! ":tii a ; ( i i t; mortar, mam h 1 1 i 1 1 .a..- part of I'm Hand cmei'i v j'h th-, : pai -i-.if i h-an. sharp sand. lo-i ii. - ni'.i;..: i-.-s hiid lime to heemr." -'iii. 'on' a..' hard, a .intiiee coat naiie ,.: ,,:,. ;. .:; .,i ..-;,n.l and one fai i of ", ',: : i -.h'.iirl i." aihird and the l-nrl.H . So f.i. e ! .,- 1. 1 eelu-)e all luois. to . from -.1..-op "'-.!u .. t!:.- uv. An i,,lditio ,ll sa leplli;-.) "ollld he had iU I iii .ilinp I h' in -hi" .. i in e i v;iy with a . o!'. i -llh'o.. i" -ollitii.;, el; polllld to in -.v -aiiii-.i- "i "iii.-r. afe tin di d .-.I..-1 h.'l- I...:, renin' "d Will! j a '....n-je or ehi-e! ai d hefme Hie ep. i fall! Ii.il,.;: i pi -lireo I- Io the C;l i I V. l.re.-M I .mI I'm I'l.iilli v. I A!', "I." i, .:i.-- :-iii-.., pei!.; ii. ..--- - j flld.V fol rill '- ep; p -. ! ij... jo aihil;t 'h:'t '.' i- t:- --rlj p." l! P.--CII ! ' I. ui : !l d i ini I. i.iev how to 1 1 -1 : :! In the ii. - Ih.,,-.- ,., I,, :, I'liiimiph i: ',. . a .ii.r.i'dv I..-' .:'. ., 'Iv . ilil.IL :t i- -.. If fed on th" ami waded. l i-en that way v.-.nM.. . The aow.'v. r. i- to 'he preen food n- line a r.'l ..I ah. -nt one ; i." hi. -in a ml 'I-.- mash. ci'i-lot". po- ! -.lO'I. 11 I,;:-!'. I -h.til.t I. p-. p.i: la .third. ..' . "icpn-iu. p- ta'.lel ; Chid : ;h"-, : ll" -n taii.e. I 1 i-a ip. rf.. , ,,f up tine lie' llliV la" "ith tl :,.h oil" t:ll!P and iiit t 1 k t h- nt l.rfor.- mix- il:.-. -ii"..:pc .honhl !".!- .e r.-d 1,1". ami iic.v P.. mix- I wiih the mash uli'i- ciioppiiip nne "; iiimp up so that tin to"!- !,..-. pn-k ., : t when ,, in- chiif-l. Whiie nn.-: ' -ii .lami the 1. -t leUil- ...!"..' !, in f.i ilitip Ihe pfcii t ... :.l :.i . tn ,!' ...inline, daily, otia-r- pr.-f.'t- ., I. . d it oliiy t"o or lilleo !'.:-. :: ". . The f jlu tli V of f. -.tu.p .1. n. 'ai upon tin- results ol, t.i'md li"u: ihe 1 iii-io nlar Hock, ihe tna:ii iiimp h.-i. p 1,1 teed '' ofh-n eioiiph i.n.'i -., -.nne form lil the iim" tl." !""..- .:: in i'i! li n"i. : T t. , -:-jc. (.fir. hot I.H.. A handy paidni pate , ,.. le a I " ami. un!iy .pot. In count tin') w it'a p. ,- ,e-. rip-oo. Iht'linp i iwo hy two i ''' ffl'th. s'lli'hi'e ah.T.l- preitf-y i..I 1. m f. t 1 I'.dinp is three hyll1'-' th" fl"li"l.t "ith v It ll to chill, liii-cp fourth- in- : .-i; f'-.t. Saw in n -l.!!i'!':''r;'ji ! ' ' i : ; ' t .' , 1 ".- " - : -.'i ' 1 t :..i- i. .; : : I'll! K'.' . laihnp tnre.-t -ll iiteli so :,s , leave paiinp .-.i n , ; I, i aij ii,u on. II,,-.,' s,e ..'.I i.np-p-v tir- rtglitreti in. io- loop, vvi-ii llirceh.'!.- in. Nail I or hoit ol; la; I'"-- to nail on i-i.i.i ct-L eiph; in ' s';ap hiripfs oa end. r.;nl s.i" . mi t..i of pnliiip'. ,.h hook:, ...: rmh. n inside of p;.-iie .jj from the end. I'ut ,;. " ;et fioin otbpr "). Hi ce a pleee of iron pip.- !"ei.'y itict-.-s I-mp. font i.e in s jn Ii.ti.-i t. ;. et in protind so as " I to I. a-- ."! .!; ; im h lilt Of p,-..-.l:.l s.x toe! I -ht il.eh.-s f-.-oln other p..t. M l'.- . -: m lit in pip" m at. inr l.oi t;pht. a: '. .!'ive I'M. -tiiples in I. I: a ' 'I al ;. p.-. , "a! Uo in e:d po-!. Iili.i llli'ir r " Win n lie. . --.ii.l lo i'.ri'c "I' l- i'ii Mi:...!ph. sin, ply !-l "ad i fi and i: .!';. i side, and hit posi ii.. I . I iron i.a - ,i ,1 toll have lots of I.-..U-. to : i .iip.li. . S. f'tibt-u w , .n i in '.' 1 1 i.. I'.iiv i ii e si... p 'I la lail ll. is- l l' , iii v.hnli hi pni j " I--, I'm il.'t-u ih ( ,rr,-l Bi'e f i!l. and the ninnher of cond hird on hand are more tnitnero'i. Al Ihoii'h we have icpeatedlr ment imiet 1 thi" enntion. v t (here are those win ,v(ii till stii'C ," I'ni'i liasr. ,t( nhif r I ttllif- tliti lil 11 Cw ;tli' hirlicl' Mini llii! hf"- f..l- s A h'.ecd.'i' will not keer tnp Hip lull the nreeiler- Ii.iM' larp' tminlur-' of vntiii' slin k o . haml. Tin y sell at ica-oiiahh' rates, and the luiyei stands a ihame of ettiu.' the host. ' as fowls cannot always ho hi Itid until I Hilly frown. Another idantau'" o( 'lie opiioi iniil' "l .,jn o- i n- .""' forwnrd l.y lih.-r.il feeduit a ml pood care. Thi i- cry de-irahl.' i! tin y arc intend.-. 1 to lay i 11. -(.'mni'- iii nt I'ai uier. f llmnly W Ire SI rcl ll' l . iln iinis fin-m- then- i- iimr" or less wire to he handled, either in the "av of plltlilip Up di-.idiliP lell'C- Oi lieh lisp. lm prape vine---. A riy strci.'hed "ire is always makiiip Iron hie. lm! there i fo need of ha.inp Ihi- iiiinio am .- "h.-n iln Ion", i i I us. I r.ll pi I may h" easily iii'd'' "illi the help of a him k-niith. and : nt-'W i n t. 'I in- hamlle is two fi ct hmp. of or" and one haif un h -tuff, ho! hard w 1 must In iis.-d iln Iln h.-iii y end of Hie ham Ih. "hi.h 'honhl he formed a-- slum n. fa-ten n pe er of strap iron " ith r.-v - io pi nt t; "il-e I'l-oill lOt'll.p ililo the "noil T In- -li..tt .-trip -h.." ii in-; al.... ii " detail lira" top of ih" halall .-lid m III" . 111. i- iJ piece of i, on -i n n im hi -loiip. otic half inch thick .'imi sev.-.i Iphths ol an 'la I-. '.'. i'l". m .-, d . .ellt ov. -ce, ei-.-h'h- n' iii. lll'-ll .'lid a h"!e i- hor.'d in iln- tint -id" mi" inch iv. I Tl.u t.i t iron hr i.,, h.dte.l mi to tin h ilnllea- !:.'" 1'. -o that it v ill wii,p :.-... and the iio , .-..nip!-:,-. I: ;. n il" !' f.:i and no: 'i- lo n.-s : 'mil - III 1.: i-.ip I'laiiliinir a r.itilltv Hon... '1 h. ,-i iff i. -. i. t ;. - n hen I'laiiioiip a poiih',; hm; , ; " : . '; -It'll'.. -."I. hi- "d and -pa- I. a l.c hide lo re -la." ,..-..:. th" pr..;;.'! dm imp tin- p .- .1. , art ; th. ' i '.-; th" In" t- 'no-, ..I' lie, - III 1- '.-pr. .-ot lined u .-; .-I tin- time, ev- u y,n.!-i air ofl"ii m' la. avail tlr n. Ac l-i p- i ly. for th" hird lo l .- ai.lo to t V' . I ntti. a-nt ly t. inaiiita-u p-ond he.iiii., tiny slnmiil h.avc iia ample ammu.t , of floor space, this, in lad. i- - pr.. i poiiant that if h ai'.-a r- Ini.il-il t" t s'n.l'.l propoii an. to e.-oh I"-,:. ,.,1 Ih- hoil.e e.'iiiiioi mi veil Ii." 1 idarp-il, ,, ' , .. , . l ie J ock s nmld L. I.-din "I In onh ; to -' ' - " ' admit oi -p ic tor f.-dinp - "l-htitp. du-tiiip t....-l,np an.l in ,np t i;l..;it crovdilip nn -.ll.l." I""l are leiptit'eii for each In n. A l nn 1 111 .- J. 1. hy Pa, I'.'.'t. Hi. ,, foil'. . t ,, hl. pe fn, toll ps. Noll.al l."ilip .,- . - o..i,!c ', In.!' ,':l:y iip-'ll' V (-- olnll', i'l to the ht-alth at 1 v -1! h'-itip "r poii ;;.v a :il:-hii,e. it s li-u I ill'.v it di; ttirir featiicr- f uuv. ami hy "a.- ii'S r'leiitv of "iinlo'V phi-- fii.'il'S tl"- olth Slid ' t )." il.." ,-. thi V . an. " It'; diililip ho. - p!-.. .ly phi. i .1 il- i:'.' Hi- full he, nil- of it in "inter. In -iim t tin it hah.ial an- -ho'ihl h. liphted -.tat io hio-iiiip!i!v t ei.l i i.i : id and fi" from crack !hr-.in.h v iih h iin- "ind ".'in steal ami chill li" ui. I lo ir peri ,e. s'ni.idd et-i'laltliy h- C empt from draft- and impi-u. t: aim i. S H-ine . old Th. !,.nii. I.e ...,, r.tiiu.-'l that h pullii.p a mirlain ,t- I"'"""" ' "!" " "-'"np U'.wp hinpi d door In timit .f tin I'.." I ! th. most .at inpht. tii.-v ill I..- ' ;r tnally i.oxed Up in a in:' 1 1 space ami still eti jov c"iiifortihh .piai I. i - a.-hifvp this, a platform should he h .oi not mor than tlftcn lncln- below the per. he, ct tr.Mt-T.c-el ltur.l.ci . and ve: tilation provided hy wo four-irnh wooden p.p. oi.e of whnh enters, tin ,. .. .- .1.- .....I ' , i. ..: .a '" Iin; i I .'II up in'ai' Hi" cmmip overhead ditinses fi-.-h air. wl,'" tin" i.i h.-r. -t.-ii-linp near the droppiiip th.or nmh i lh- p.-r -he i xt.'tid thro'ip-h iin i.i out ,.f .h.-i ami thus ciinies off the foul a r I'.v Ii i r , 11 Si the la'lol coinaii! a diuiaii all.ltipi tlli'l l .1 ti.,11 copper .illsl al Ihe to"!-. ;h- "armth i:einri, u-.l In tiie poultry t'utv will ho coii.tuiini i.iieil In th"' ail il.-nh .f i .,m jj hv.-l.v thai; .rrai.-.i -Th" Kpiiomist 1ii-r- .. ul. n.l 11 oiHl.ton I'ullmlie. in i!i- Vpiteil Siatvi. 4 44- ; . - a wii-.t sriit n un;. 73 H IIV G J &WORTH KJyOWINGj I.OI.P ' I. ..pe,.. p. Csi- e 111 I! ' I - - 'il epeele. tn .olid a t.'nded CI. .1 da;.. in l.,.;.l. .,. h.-n e -hori li'i!-. ai d In;., II..- ". .rl-1 .'li ap . n.'.i-:. i: i u- ic I . I ,h" h-i-.-'hy . le.pp. ' i .-am eolllP i.ilda! ill" 'I lie l'i,:,.,l i.:,r ..!' Imi -, 111111:11. fa. i 'lieil i-.i- i.:u ii "e.n in mcrici were load" h a lii iii ol . Ii'ieina ' el s at liockland. Ma-- Iln- - lal'illcl "IT" and th.y ill.' li.--.-ll i.v sixteen ill. In - Imip. I he 1 1... i, i mu.. si 1 1 . 1 1 1I.lll.ner. 1,.,- ,1. , i,. .1 lo pr. heilll, . , the Iv .'iln- . lil apt., .(at. I. ' -I- !, 1 I'1'!' orderiop :!- IS I II - t I'e O- 1 1 el ion ; ' I I.i M i. - is-lle.i .. .1. vvoin.i i, in .. life lllil.-i .crlaill :i"e. for h.-r !.. i. ii;iv ; :, .lap:,,., ; .i. ii I,. . nod al i l- -t. d H11--1 in ll'nl. Turjoti. 'So: II l.V li'" Pl.l.e ,,' I Kill". 'f Ih" .1 - 1 hi- -.' a- ll." " ,,.v in "hi'!, :: '.' r. oarl- anh- pti-m:er re. . "til siPlo-.l III p.-..l .l ink ;.. Kicl'i . hn- -in. II.- l.i-io, i III ;.-i- Ih v.ii- :i hali'l-'ic' ha ; d e oi k lnp ' : Md.-lit Of ihe Kr lf Si ii, n. a:; , imt m, liuishil.p In- inai i. "lil. - a o'l-i-i 'i-pn ',d. hi. la immediate!' p,..'. ,. .. L i-tr' !! "it;, a if. old i . d.ipp. rain! i i .iiu;"T "i ' fi.rp-ed paper- and pa--.-, a'.d ir-:...n a l'!ll .. I- of ! l.h ir- a v.; hi ;.:aini:l ." i " !:" h "a- .narked i ic ..upl.m.i .y eon. 1 -iiinio.ile s;i" -ii'il li.rei limiph' IP . Incrdi red and -'.ii - mi ti " hipln'."' !n lotiin in i.'-fi itn In, In p - stall ci,(.i-iiu and ;i ma' :cr m i.a- '.':i,-!i. Ai hi i i . 1 1 i y !i:ii:-h".l apari .la-n' - K II he i':-en-".l l.nj.ll i'i.-j"la,il : lo a i ,n I" ..f most ri -i.'-'-i.ih!" Irieiid-. : e ho i". v. r --peciei tin- -mil", i" of hi , -vi-.. 1 1 i' i - .-apiiii-.- "a- .rni". hi a i -inl' : timr i i p..--;,.-; whih : ,i. vi- hitpaiii.np vii ii a tin 1 1 ; r i . h.iiif. 'Iln- I..H.-I- point, d !.:tu ' :it in a I dot' . live, and "S'J.'iii'.ii II" ai ! 5 .-l.-.l iiial I...., ml hkr a da i.pe: . - wild - r A; ihe prchii.iiiai'v e. un.natimi j he i i. I'll --, d o. a i-.llp -.'l ie. nf I'.lllltel'. io-. ho: .: mi d i.i i.iui'h ; - J.nndoii : I'iidv Mail. The l-olit. Ilitli.i.i. 11. :. ,- a . harm I : .-ti" h I ....I.. lii.pl;-!- v. i! imi I" ' ! v ai;'; d a il-'lida . "M..-t I.X.'lli.-.l Sit it - ''. I -: ii. i.ifial!' ih-'no, . v t i -: I "l toy ll'"-'. . i, if,-. - ;. -p,-ot til. i'. I f.ppl '.il' I ll-.- . h inc.n v of jour n,.i-i. ; ; ul po-i ll.-ti '-.Ih tin- m '.: .ii:-p, ,-ii-p in;e,.,.i oi a;. .--I.'in. a'..: iln.!-" i--. p. .it'll l.y i.ij s. it a--::... I- I Is. I u lo "" i iiiiml I sliall i" f ' "d I -.in 'o : -'ll.-,p limi I'm! I a,., a-l.il - n:;;'..l.l m .!'!' dm,.. i-.;, if I it-. -it tiia' i do-!' ' si,... i . e -nili !'..;.. I: ' . v.-rttol;- l; d I :. iniiinph: . I..' ... I an ulfe, i?i-- f r--in Ihi ". hoi! . :.- . : ma: ;. n. 1 have the In".' I'ai .';! ; ,t'..ip- tov-. ii . n: . h aiph; ot -il : -ei- X " App.l.-elltl.V ....', '. a; 1 ' in i.',.'u- .-pis'h . 11 a'pii, h . "Old I ' ad ii::" ',,.- ho nitl" 1: ;; '.'iip'r hat pvaphi-- pic ; . :. it ..f t! ;,i.. ,, , ., ,M. t. r- n. Ti- I'..! -, - 11"' l et"" l ife "' Arilmul. 1 P.r v;ii:.-iii: I'.i-'.'.id. , . 1 tr" "or ill,..'' ,,,,.,,, 1l;.t f.iv,.d a ,,i.-,;.,,p ..I i .. f t., ...... .a tin- S-,. ,e! I.. iln 1 : , l.t'.'ll "I l III ,,, .. .,, .,,.,. , . el'y ... .cini - ".,:. -..n 'a' m 1 th" Inline -tat.- " an "1;..- ll" d ' ;x ...,.., . ,. " ... ,.1 "t, iii fit;. u ' .... , ,1. .....t ,lni-l; 1 . Oilhl !". hr I P- i"' " .i-d ' ' n!. tie, i- niil.o-1 ot 1 1." prop, -it ,..1. la- 1 1. ni.. Ho I 1" 111. ;..,l:;c "" 1 " 1 1 1 il l"V" M.i l-Videin-e I ll' ' . ..',! . I" ' I ' ' 1""'f tp. -a.. ..i '! '!:,.! I o; n iind i-.-ai. -l m li.ii'd-.iip. '. p. ma Par-i ' ;i:;ni. in.i: r tic ' .:ui r a tor fol ined thai a'lima! Ine; r', ' ,i1e Pt ii-- h iin'.s .-I' 'l ai. " .jl.,,'i' -- mi so:,.. . ..mi ' i'i"' !' d" a : ''le il 1 ei .1, tin';.". ' ul " ! "i"1" ' :- ' - ..' Iln ill. I I ml' . ! . . I '-". ' ho I a- .-. d Pt Wl VV -aan- I, - a- ;! i.p. oh -T or oi" l , II:,:,. v :;- .: n 'ilk:.!.'. oi" j.,,. M... .. ; . .... ,.- I, . ; p.,'.: , I..",-, la: .i"'h i I. a h"!'!, fm ' I " " 'a a m i . ar "i ..t' . t " i ' l " hi "pia-a" ,r, tiij r... an o- !: r I'll'.. h m-- . Ih-- Hef 1 l.v,.-. -I i ini- th- li.'-lf . ' i - " t il! inp or fmil lai.pnape p. -mill. . m tl,; l-nnlli ; .I'd".-, a! -" P- a;'-'" i d tn l sin.i. An.' ( nfni p up- 'h" fihotr v. id I-. i - '! .; ' list i. i h. ohl holy " .Olal V. a ,., I: " li" til'"-. f S'ltp im' i 01.,1'p. I.".,r('ifc I ' !'! 1 hi'. . ami -. ...i i ' ' : .-i-- - t- .'- i'"d-. jami ad i1' I thai I'e,,-,,.-; I nati.iii- an I ,. -t" ; ! ' , ';',a. c. - I.-h-h.:i Tit- ; I'.:t. short Had 1 ring li. .ay .- !"i:p',' . o. sl.m -. - yon h'l - -l' il : .! e 0'-;.-l"i i 8 . , : i.i " - v i!-.'r. - -"in I tal;. 11, i-' " , 1 ' ;" ;';'-h' I il-e. '. i'. ; . ' 'I 'I" -t:t. r a is .111 l;::,. I : ! e p 1 I Im-p ; day u I ...'it'...!: i- : --.I -i'.- a ! tllltt il I... ':'. . ; Si. !.! ..!nj, ip'O", '; h nil- ..Inl a h .!1; :' li: li i'l'lp. .-'. !!t ' I. hmii -; ill S. f. ' . -I.li'p Il-e h'l Pes! da' ha;. i i pi 1 1 1 . n h.m - r.:n' 'h -hm,".! live; :! Tonic i. ii : :"',.! 1 Ihe hi!,ei day has Iw.-nii oi h u-.i- iind i' l.iif and the shone! 1".. hoar- and : half: iit -'pitzh. IP. a ll..- ' ::.-! th.y i- three UoU.-h-' jiiui a iiaii l.....-m ". . n,.:'l li.-: ''i . i, ;nie.. i. . ;"ti:ia lor I'iiliilip :l t- h p! a : r r ov, r ho " ii '". ,,: i.-.llir e.- ;, i I.LMPr'l IIKI. I i i i " ' iii lo hi- ir.- A io..il inal l.milei. " iOMS- UK MMi-sa.-liiisclts Miph Jl "uv (.'(.mniiM!ou 1 eiltrl'- O rY o ins into .sympathetic ami j( hearty , o opcrati.'ti Willi "MOW ll"' fri- nds- of (lie Hr-iwu .. i.iii. which propose the orpanizn tiot; of i nalion.'il road hufin; fi ml iu ,i.....ri:lii..ii of SJI IKW -nm lo he UP. in em i j 1 1 1 I ion " ill, th" dill. Tent Stnl"" lm- ro.-oliiiiildiup. It i entirely in hat rnon.i villi Ih. purposes oi that men" nr.- on the main nun-lion, let propose ipiite a initiiher of niinm iuucniliueiits-. In o I'd. -I' to harmonize the hill "Ith Stat" l.i", and the law "f our own Sta!" in partiiilhii. The mipinal hill ef'litli. ! "itii our on ii statute, imi' It i if -I. as il pio' ides .,- iidvci lisinp Mild c.'iilr;o-i,ep h the oiieip.l ot the pood load- Iniiea'l in-lead o, the Ma .-arhn-Mll lliplnvay r.oiiniissioii. ami llii'l I wmiid pri v.iif Ho State troio I'.-.-mi lnp a hen' li' iiirv tind" T it.- I'-i lii a at present fotniulaieil. I he ri.lTlils-!.il! of 111. Sill" I- In tit i- i.ildii'd tnaii that of i.ur own lo ui.'ll'.c i f praciici! -upprsiina - for th" hpite; nient of Iln- hill It hi" achieved inure pr..poition;illy if ind al.-ol'lletv lliuu any olli'T, iind in th" .r..ee.-s of cdu-ratiir- vaiinti- . oiiil'iunil ic:- in puod i-"iiil IniihKi.p- i' lm- al-.. "thmnted i'-s.-l!. ll is now t.uih.iiip h.-tter rmiiN apd huil. hup ihctu mm" eei.nmt.ieall.' than '-.nen til. .-.it' rp'-.-i" " el c lil-' llllde'-takeC. all'l l'- eVpel-e; Oll,'!lt .. he of p'f.iil liilne in a'n practical attempt to hroadmi and even naiioii-iil:;.- tin- mo', emrlil . Tin- .'..imiiifsinn La- -'-til :i drafl of the J'.rnwtilnw I'il! wi:i il- "Wii -iiPLe-l'-d : mcinlnietit ' to c i t y t'epi e-ciitati' and I tiitt'd Sla'. Senator, vith nlii' i . th.l't y. puii.i ht in ils siippori. A- i- r Ins a!;-":olv -aid. there ai ' I n.i (ucstima to he scllhd hcfoiP tin- hii! -hmild I"' fnvor.ihiy r.-pot led. v. Iia n arc; n a piope. -cc ic. fm h- i iov. rnni'iit l i-npap-- in. ai'd. if i :-". i- it lAp"lliet ' Ihlill ill" -e ljt)l j t ...ii are a Iln ma l i n lt iim'. it -1-111- to Vs. . . 1 j. -3 ';-i v . ly iHi.-"cicd m tin; coin- i Ini -:. ill's J.lialv-i ol Ihe proi'Il-i. I' ; i .e-teiids tint ' Joven.im i.t aid is no I 1 -v liiitip in the t'ni'.ei. State, and j I :.d it Imt In" 11 exieiid.-d .it (ho proper ! till"' liiiiiioiis of in to- of pprluctivc lai"! "mild now .o in a -tale "f uatuic iii-leiid of -I'.ppoiUup a populati'in t'f 1 1 1 1 ma t 11 h 1 (-mils." I" I course, we arc H'l familiar "ith the fii.-t Ihat ihe duv . ' ' 1 . 1 1 : ' 1 1 ' is a icpuiar iind lih.-r.'il slip ! -.' . 1 of iintiual seiirin,.- for th" im p: ..' 1 iin !it of liv.-I.- and halhor-'. l il.ivi-- 1. im ml., r tin- princely on . 1 -sailis illid P'lallt-' made .i the Iran- mil.. nia! I'.-iilroad companies, in or ." r to th-M iop the pleat W est atnl " " r.l'c s'-n-ihle .u tin 'itlue and even the vital imporlnm.-i- of this policy to our national fo-pcriiy and intepnly; lm' in', o u. any of us are a ware that Gov. 1 Mill:"!'' aid t" the coii.s(njcti"tl of hiphv it - w;i" nm ..f iim earliest arts a ni iiofiz-d hy th" 1 ;..v .rnnient for the ;iilcin.il development ,,f tl oniiti.i. In the commission's hnef it is de clared that "the hllildiliP of fl l"il'l f:mn tid' water in the Ohio counlrv was a pel pro.jci 1 el Washinptoi, " 11" did rot live to so - it noled upon j 1"P in i-ll .-iu-1. n ro.-ol was hecun f inl i soi en years biter it wa completed a! ...sl m ihe L'lilted Siatcf of ... i.iii I'm' thirty-four year? snhciiienr 1o tin'! tilii". it was the ope front hiph wji over vhi.-h pas-e.l the mail- and j th" hulk t-f the trade Hid travel h"- ti ti .he Ka-t aiid tiie M'csi. and like j ti e (mu nun pahl I'm Alaska, the pni 'f ha-' prne "ii. repaid to the pcopi (Jf ,),,. ,-oiiiitvy many fold. -1,,.., . . ... 01 .(!.;. tl. ih I ,,,.,',;.;,,,', ,, ,r cxpedienev of (!, 1 , , . ,, ropes ,,,,, ,c COIimilsSiOll Ptlte-i I , , , . , . , , hn momv .iniirnnriate'l f.e, ,,..-,.! i. hr.p'eiy w.i st ed ,01 the tr. -mi th.-U lie heal i oadiua-ler dm" not kin.'V how to wisely expend it. wln l" n s in :!,..-, Sti,tes where aiil has. 1 n (iivrn umhr seieniitic direction for tin-, purp. -e. "it hi- worked a revolution. Iim toads hilllt ha' i,. 1 ll " U'O-t skepli'-al thJ tl'.ey ll"t ,,s- !,-.;-. to uiniiitaiii. ! lit ro.tt-e v,; oy y the cot of haulinp from twctity llio to fifty per fi'iit " That the nation should 1- rep.'inl fm- exp"c.ddin c ' tin:- L.I'd ni iiicna .-d pr-p. I .t.' . Jimri'.J value.- and a peticral r.'-Kilip "f the moral, the vdipion- and the prim (.'llimial tone of it people." " 1" no; i ili.iii'i. There 1 zi linos t a do . r I "ih'" ! ihff.T. in '- l"day h'tHC"!! the olil."' "In. Ine tn a i;ood road ami ih" mi" v, I,., I, o-- on a had one. They ha'n d Tier, nt n-piiiit'..ii.s iiml rlifTei en' standard- of Icisiimss (hmd ro.ids .-" anionp . iv ihzatioti's hc-i. iui-' i-iiari' - It.. -ton rrai.se; apt. f'n.ta liiii, lirflcirnt. ('..-t.i Kica is dclicieiit in p-..od roHih. iici-i.'.e .-f lh- towns ata a", ay from th. i'H.rn:ie the eomili.ui mean- "f e,., pj au.-e for passengers is hors" unci inu!.-1-. for freislit. x carts. l.'b renals rluiii-p the ramy se-ison br.-oH) very bad aoT :u pljces aiujost ,ujp;,t sahlo. f XX'ork of (ioH.Bntfri. Coid beaters, hy hammering, ran re duce p. !, hiives so linn that 'JS2.IKH) mu-1 tie hihl upon each other to pro-dm"- tin- thick nt""1 of nn imti. yet ezieh leaf is so perfect and free from huh -i that one of thrill laid up -u any -iirf.i. e. as in p.hlitip. pive- the appmii inee of solid p'old. They are -o thin that if formed int. i n In ml. '"tni woi'ld only oocnp- tin spine of a (duple h .f ' f i. .ui'ia..i paper, i'lul ail omnvo lolii.e of i.u inch thick would have in many papes as the hooks of a well Ht'n ked lihr.uy of I'xt volume with 2hi in get ii. v:o h