Z)t hatl)nm Hccoib. l)t O.ntlinm Hcrorb. H. A. LONDON, Editor and Front-ic-tor. RATES CF ADVERTISING. One M'nerp., one ii. tertian 81.00 Ouo M'iiira, two iiihcrt una 1.S0 Ono tuiuaro, (.no mouth 2 50 For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Con tracts will be made. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, $1.50 Per Year. Strictly en Advance VOL. XXVI. PITTSBOItO, CHATHAM COUNTY, N. C., THURSDAY, APKIL 2S, i!)0 I. no. :;: AJJATTER MILLIONS. i By Anna Kathariue Green, copvsight. 0. av iiaptli! xxxvn. Continued, was sorely l.csci: 1 h.-ari tiiiil I. cca lorn and trampled ' She v hii h upon l.v iiiintlii'r felt a Ihroli (11 life al the pruspect In-Ill forth in Ii-t liy tin , good man. Hero was refuge, here was (iolni'i'. here was lialin I'm' her bruised pride, lit' was lii in-ii m I ill-, inn. ami u." i 11 distinguished presence. Hi' would guard lii'i' liimnr. :m:I ho v,iu.l i.ui ak ! her to give i hi'r million I'm- a j whim, only to si-din In -1- w in'ii iic iiail ! tdiovvn herself willing 10 iiiaki- the! eacrilice. I Sin ill 11 1; iiiiii Mill Willi a 1 . : 1 1 1 , wist 1 in mai f. n - a-Kvil M Hi- v, nMiil lake hrr wiihoii. explanation. For reply, It drew her to his !i' ..11. ninl when tin- little i li" I, mi ill" j -. : i I r mantel stunk II o'clock that tight, ii sounded in tin- I'.iri a i'l 'ini'ly 11 gaged couple "Wln-ii lit- Iiail I t i n g"iie a In i" While ("lait'cllo. In'l- iil-tid. I'llii lril. "I beg your pardon." said t 'laird 10. "Iut a gentleman calli.l while yni wi ll, talking witli Mr. I'i .a. aw. 1 could not 1- 1 in in in lii'-aitM' you had !m hidden ii. Imt I though, if ymi knew liis iiaim- - " Sin- lliriist anoiiii'f tai'il under her Inistri eye. Jeiu.y road ii. and then trail it till. Il.ii'iil'iiii In-gravi ': llaniilm'i I 'i'..r.i V Who v, as ho': Xn, Hie gi-is'onian to win-ill li- lia-l just engaged In tm'Ii'! IHi. 1111! (Hi. 110! W'iin. tin-n: N'nl tin- ariiM'f II llii, jniii" ami gone wti.li .-In- bar.cro.i lii'l lii't' away for a com fori i'l:.' word': Yes, ve. ti'. face i,r 1 In- gitl 1 l 1 her wlinl ihis inisi-ranle cud failed to tin. Hi" had I'.-.-n here and sin- A wil.l scream wt-iii u;i in-in In-r lips, ami sh,. lay. in i!i" iii-m moment, -.i ii'. 'li'ss anil illl'll lll oll tin- lli'i'l. t HM'Tl.i: XXXVIII. .l:.M1IK VMt VII'.;. IMA. .Icntiv lingers ..i-i.ril all tlia. li.' ici.pard'r.ed I.y lie,- m:i! l -:i ttr..;.c tli.'lu, lni! was iu 1 i!;-n..-e.l to Mil. mil lO l.l.' COIls.llUClli I's of her f nil v With- out a snuggle. Sinn' ihe artist si ill lovi .1 h slit- Would I'li-i'i thai love tnnl ii.ul tho return, whatever ii might Wight t ost tlit man w lin Ii.nl tak-n ad vai. age of lni' moiia niary weakness to li ml lit-f in himself. To l.r- ak aw ay from th- man v. iio IhM lu r 110th. that .if miht tiy to tli" 11. an lm hi-M in-r In-art. was -:' ;i-i- li-.in, all 1'it pin aiM'. To ii;s,.. !'iil;iiliin'iii 10 il'.s llopt' :lnl to inaki' 1 "I t l iny of lliis our-io-i. sin' w ii a l o r laoalifasi ;n wriii' lu-r l-fif.it ;.! a Irliov. lint when r-hi: .. Mi,' to i.il..' tin- pan 111 llt'f ll.lliil, -la' la: 1!. L i!. li. Ins was mis so 1 a.sy a tak al'n r all! I f she hail reiiiilt'ii al times fn-iu ivini tip 1hi million thai hn) roiiie In lur in so wotiileffiil a way. Imw mo. !i tnnie ioa noli hatl sh" for reeoiliiii: from an net thai not only meant tin- sai iitiee of In-r folltino. Ian the lietrayal of a seerel that involwtl her lienor 11ml every claim to h'ippili".-s wlliell she pus tsesseil. I il mil think she eniihl have liroeeeilt'il with In-r eoiu'i-isioiii if flallt-tie Iiail Hot liimijl.t her at this liiie.il ti!-ur.eiit a l.-iler. whieii -rave her the j m pi in neee-saiy to t arry throllh her proieel. It was frolll the 11 it is 1 ami ran thi:: "My r.est l'.eloM'il Ymi have rei'usctl to see 111''. Is this lieeailse I Imve ronio tint lati-V l'ailiin;. I h.nl my ex cuses. I will explain thrill In yoll if yon will t;ie me the opportuiiiiy. l'o not jtiiliii ine without knowing the faets. for whatever Imlifi't'ivneo I may Imvo shown you. I here nvnw that my litMi'l lias lieen healing wiih yours throli for throh. over sim-e the mo moot you tlrew my eyes to yours, ami tlliltle me see that volt welt- willii",' to ifivo up all the world for th devotion yow artist Inver. lIAMII.'ntX KKt.KAW." Sueli wortls. eoiiiiiij; at this moment, tiiiule her patli plain In-fore her. or so the desperate ehild lliouu'ht. A tieiy ardor of tlevntiou awoke within lief, and tliotiirli lu-r Ireinlilim; was not los-(M-neil ami her eheeks took nil the line Of fear, she seiisi-d the einpiy sheets lu-foro her. and tra iiserilied the limn Inn words whii-h she knew would ef fectually sever all connection lietweeu herself ami her true-hearletl In-iieiae-tor. It was noon when la-r letter was completed, mid her feverish eyes and pallid lips evinced what the task hatl tiren to lief. Hut she itave no evi dences of Hi 11 1 -hi ni.'. and folded up the letter and addressed it to Hamilton Pejjr.iw. Kst.. with unyielding determination- Only when it came to her takin-,- from a certain secret drawer the deed ami various papers upon which her fortune depended, did she show flD.v sinus of weakening. And then, not liecause of any secret loiiRinps townitl the wealth represented by these various documents, hut liecause she did not feel tpiite assured that she had Mid fill that was necessary, in her Ions but not exhaustive letter. She had told her secret ami repudiated the polariy lepncy. hut she had not tunned her successor. Should she'.' Hail she the i-'u-ht? No: but it would be so filensi-iir to think that the dear little ijehoo! teacher who hatl every virtue and fery fhartti save that, of an tin. hdltir. tjsalf. uliould reap tuo l'tnellts that "-tie iio lonsv Al the tho.. .! c It iba tock a reluiioi) U wuultl vltit T Liia tiy ud IM toi Author of "The Fonakcn Inn," Etc. hobckt lONNraa ioni. hers"lf if she was worihy o good fiirtiiiie. This resolve one;' taken, she lucked u;i iln- letter ami the deed toiscilier, ami (Intineil her siiiiph-st street K:r- n-'-iiis. Her Hist move was to eonstill a directory. It was a successful one. fi.r almost al liin view she lij;hicil pp. hi 1 he address .sh - Miuylil under the inline of 'Koi.'ers. .It ,'iiiuette: teacher." 31 111). elated with her anticipations, she l e-ii'il. herself to the stfe.-l atul Hum I ei- named. Ilk'' n fcniali- Ilaroitli .it K:i -. 'niil. Sh.- was foriinuite in limlinu the ymui-i schoolteacher at hnine. She was r-hi"-. d inio the parlor. In a few min utes, that seemed lomr to the impatient visitor, a li'hl itnd iilmnst lioiimlinc ;'cp w as iieanl ill the hall and the dour opened, ami a pretty, br'mhi ami archly s-.nilini.- tiirl steoil before her. "I wish In ee Mis .lellliy KoKefs." she explailleil. "I am .lenny llugi r." Onr .lenny faltered back astonished, men burst out with th irrepressible ixcl:i'ina'.ini: i'.til si .' is lame! I was told thill sh,- lii.ii'i .1 fearfully, while you---" 'I'lie ynunu till lu-foro Iter broke fi 1 ih in a merry laimli "Hh. I have been lame, but last .lime I hail an operation iierfoiincil upon 111;' i'U if. ami it cured me entirely, and now I .-an even pirouette see!" And ll-.i' !:!V iniiii: iliiiiL took a whirl , t iiieili the I'ofini. pailsim; suddenly. . 1 liov.vvcv, 11 ex. l.uin. Willi irresistible ileinu.-cn, ss: I'aiilnn me: I tun fot tfel linu niy niaiiners." The sieiiorina we mu-i call In f so aam for the nonce experienced n straime selisatl'm. Not l.-ime, this -iill! Th"ii it was surely t. oil's prinideine tl-.ai I -I her here. 1I"W stiatiu'e it all was! The mistake of coiis'nleritii: per-man- tit a defect llmt w as only leinpo laiy had turned Mr. Hemaw's att.ti limi f roll this I'looiniiiu' trill. "Yott must wniiili-i who I am and wlii my eiiatnl i. Well. I liave tin i .iauil: I only wanted 1,1 know you--p. rliaps because of j oin name, which is iileniiv.il with niy ow n." ' .leannelt - tinner';' " 'Virginia limfl't:' Inn we a r- both called .lenity"- at least I am."' "Ah! I.nw cut ioiis! In ineel one of my own name. I meat). Ami you are so"--"beautiful." she wanted to say. bin lin ked the 1 oitrave. The sium-riii.i smiled. S um how her heart felt tplile li'nt. "nil. 1 like you." she i mpeiiioiisly cM-laiiin ii. "i fee! as if we were eld lii ml. Have ynti ii'-ver experienced a';y rnpleasauii-.ess from the p is-, . sinu of this nanieV You know. I sim pic. that it has been much in the pap.'ts of late: that unusual prosperity a well as ailver-tity has been the pur lieu of some who have held it. and ill, i it is a doubtful blcssllitf to be called Mcunv Honors' just now." "I know that a proniisinir siuuer of lliat eanie has latelv become 1 1 - own er of a larse fort tine. Is that th" ilotlblful blessing you allude to';" The atihn-ss of her look betrayed the innocence of her heart, but the shr uni'iia Inst her Voire all the same ami lnsiialetl some minutes before reiua'k- 1 1 1 u: : "I nave the money, yet 1 am ready to part with it. It is not always an un iiiitiKated joy to hold it. Hut. money of itself is piod, tlo you not think so. loo. .leaniiette'" "1 do. Virginia, so fjnctl that I can in-ver have eiiouh of it." she linmhed. "It is not thai I am mercenary." she protesttd, "hilt that my pay is so small and onr wants so lari. I should like " She paused, while a Hush dyed her earnest younc face. "I for not." she resumed, "'that you were not as poor as myself. You cannot under stand ' "Hut I can." broke in the sienorina i-uiicrly. "And I am as poor as yourself- or soon will be- for I shall have Uolliinji while you " "You will have nolhitiK''" "Xathiiiir Inn what n kind husband will jslve me. but that is evorytliin. j it not':" "1 do not know." retorted the other. tiiaiiiil.v. "Some day I may be able to answer when I have uradiiated in other line tiian that we learn out of books." "I have faadnatcd." whispered the MLjnoriiia. Then, suddenly: "I am the tiinaer you alluded to! Will you be in y friend':" "I. your friend!" cried the other. "Will you be mine':" "Will I not':" exclaimed the siguor Ine. And the two girls uliilcil into each other's anus. Impelled by an attraction that was almost irresistible. When the (tiyuorina went away she wore almost a joyous look, and the first task to which phe turned her at tention upon reaching her home was to take out her letter to Mr. I'ecraw ntid inclose in it the following note: "If you have any hesitancy as to where to place the large fortune thus tin ow n back upon your hands, let me surest that yon remember the little school teacher, who is no longer lame, nml who, as you must reeognir.e. is as worthy as I am unworthy, anil as beau tiful as any one who bears the name of "U'lgers. " CKAFTER XXXIX by Mis. Ihitinn. called on Hamilton I e craw at his studio to give him her reply to his note in p-rson. lie greettd her Joyously, but perhaps his eyes more than his wortls spoke bis trrcet lng He directed her atttlitioii to one of his pictures, which he called "l.ove"s Ite.ility," ami taking advantage of Mrs. Dm Inn's considerate preoccupation with the sketches she saw everywhere displayed, he tenderly asked Jean nrtte, "Can yott guess who was my model for that":" .fenuy's eyes met his. and ho thought he never saw her look more glowing. "May I guess thai it is your iiniiv.' wife":" she whispered. With dilflciilty he suppressed I lie im pulse to clasp her thru a id there to Ills heart. Hut he pressed her hand, wliieh hud somehow stolen toward his own, and his face told all tin- rest. "Oh. my darling'" he breathed. "Would We were p'olie fur one short mlntilt !" "We are." she laughed. "Mrs. 1U1 lie.i is very short sighted, ami so deaf when she thinks it best In be that she cannot really lie looked 111 as an in truder. We can talk unrestraint illy and ilia I is a great privilege, for we have much to 10 each 01 her, have we not ':" "Much; we bac .0 plan for a life time." lie deciar- d. "And you have to explain why you ieit lie for 1 hive days hovcrim: be tween hope and despair." His face fell; a sh.iilo v flitted dark end ilin alouin-.: across h' satisfaction. He sighed an I re! in latit iy admitted that he had relied upon tho Judgment of a friend who had conceived an in explicable distrust of hef. She fell ,, If an axe had bicn laid at the root of h-'-r hnppiui-ss. Sh-1 falteritmiy asked who was this pevsoli. and when In- an swered "Mr. Hyrd." her eyes looked wild and her speech sniiiiilut thick. She nressed for tin explanation of this man's distrust. Ib-r lover replied thai he did not know. He e'lly told hey why le had not gone to her after lni loving revelation at Miss Asninwail's Teccpiail!. "I yielded to his earnest entreaties." lie said. "Mr. Hyrd asked tut- to Avail a wtek until be could substantiate his doubts. 1 see now thai 1 did wrong. 1 should have trusted yott implicitly. 1 withheld myself fv..t 1 you for three ilayi. Then my love triumphed. I went to him and told him I could tun and would not believe 1'iai you wev not all your mvci 1 fate p.- niiseil. ami gave as an aVK'ii-iein i'l your favoi th -fait that you w -.e ready to i-ivo up yn-.n g-.-.at .'.i.taue to plci.-e my wh: i. He was overwhelmed, and eiuifes-- d that he had n total tuWi tuicepiion of your charm -ter. Ties was at S o'clock. Jenny. At !.:'' I was at you:- house. Ther" wire lights in the parlor, bui I was i-ot admitted." "It was through a ailsia: e." she nnr. riiureii. wiih lowered head aial brow tm'tir.l away. "I " And there sue paused. How could she go further": How cxi'lain this siluiltiellV 15 side. !i- felt weak and shaken. Tint any man should have distrusted her ami made her lovt r share her doubts, if only for a few davs. was teiiible to her. She did no know how to hide h.-v Hg't.ltio't. ttor i'.'',v io keep bark I'd' teals. "I love you so," he said, forgo! 'in-.? Mrs. Hulion's preset'' e. which, iml 1. old lint obtrude bself. 'and my tru-t is so completely restored! I can tn-nf doubt yon again, imr will I ever in the future listen to any one's words against ymi. Jenny, Jenny! my tiieeii! my life! Look around, five mo you" hand, breathe sweet forgiveness, and for get " At this jiim ture Miss Aspmwnll i-:--tere-1. and great was her astonishment ni the scene before her. "Mr. 1 lepra w! Jenny! I did not think to find yott here together." sh-ejaculait-d. with a pointed look. Jenny seized hold oT a small table near her to steady herself, and cast an entreating glanoe upon her friend. That friend did not see it. or failed to understand it. "I have just come from an interview with Mr. Pegi-aw. of t'levelaml. wl 1 met unexpectedly ai Tiffany's this morning." Miss Aspinwall continti'il. "He told me you had engaged .voni-sep' In him, Jenny, and I came here." Hi r full. Mve-t look at the artist told why. Hut nobody saw that look. He and Jenny were both absorbed in the one wild glance each had cast upon the other at the utterance of these fa!a. W ill ils. "What' facts are these':" exclaimed I he artist, after one terrible moment "You have engaged yourself to ley rival, and now come here---" I can explain it." into- nip"-'! Jenny. "I can explain it. II- ca-r.e when I thought myself deserted, of fered his hand without conditions, mid - and -I listened to hill'.' "Ami are you solemnly engaged to marry him':" sit-inly coniiniieii her lover. "Not now. not now: I wroie to bi'n to day, after I lit aril trom yen. I enuld not keep my word to him when I found that you still loved me. and I told him " "What':' she did not answer. She was sway lug like a 1 eed. "What. Miss lingers:" "Ah!" Her cry rose from a wounded heart. She turii'tl and tied toward Mrs. Imt ton. "Take me home:" she cried, then suddenly tottered and tinned upon them with a drawn ami frightened fate. "I have no home." she moaned. "I sent the ile-d with my letter; I have neither home or friends." This was too much for Hilary and too much for him. Thev both sprang ami caught the unhappy girl in their arms. "You s-rn him a letter and the deed '" he vepvateJ, but this time In ;Uiv TCiji- "Wfcftt A'.d k vpiyV To te is.tiiiuA NhU'.iihI Abl li Cnail Itiiil.lliii:. vni UK hi I crest li.aiiilfs'eil ill J , the imvemeiil ... s ' :,.,. i S T 8 tia.ional aid ... r I l.nd.!- 1 ig i iiicr.-asmg annually, j a x HUesiT.m in the next Cnngi-ss. It is 1 Their parents hi.d .U-.I when she was p.enlrd out bv the enthttsiastir h-a-l.-rs ; ''O' ""i'-"- as a boy had fared iu the movement thai' xa-t s'lins ..." prnbl-m of Mtpportitig his sistci-tnnm-y are ask-'il in l-appi-,,p,-ial-,l l v , '"id hinis.-lf. aad by prodigious ft every Cnngri-ss for tlre.lLin.. river and j f'"'l I"'1'"1" s:"'"!''"'""" ' harbors, in maiiv of wlii-h mea.r,e' I"'1' hn-k-l I"1' ti'ithmg. there are hid b n schemes whereby in- 1" IS" 'tniugle l.e bad won Ins way diviiliial and int. .rests reap .urge pro-j " s'.icee. lie had gained an honor fits, with but litlb- ciirresp-iiiding ad- I al'l'' i".-.ulati..n in his profession, vantage b. imliviili-.als maliing use ol I M'H' -v .'. he was recogniy.ed as a such improved means of uanspm taiion. ; moral force in llie coniinunity. a lead Kxpciisive pul lie buihliiiL' are erected , ' f i:i ev-ry good wor!.. Margaret was in citi.-s wliieh are an iiiloi'iiment p. sure she could help Mini now. If she the city ninl creditable to tin- libcraihy ! c.-ihl ut pr..iii-'.e the reforms he be- of (he ih.vcriiiueiit. but I.. ll i-n : liexnl in. if si: ml ! 1:01 mix hi col- struetion of which ilio rural pen;.,. h- ,u. at ha-l help him f. be have contributed wiih no a.h a nUg ! eoiufonabli . derived. The fact is also cited that the He: h-r l-a-.e had been sn long at (iovei'iimi'iif iu tno past has pra-iiea!i. ' '1st. tl l! al .she ami her brother w ere donated vast tracts ' lalualilr laud io prarlii-aiiy s;i-.ingci . A she came to great railway coiporaiiiin in aid in l.i.ow him in th- f.-iiiuiiir intercourse the budding of great iratiseiiiitineiital ; of evi v i'ay. h - no ilinls ami 111:1 n s.vslems of railioatl for the il- ei.-i- in ; isn ;ii-si a mu-i d a ml then atinovcd tnelil of tin- cmin.ry through the ;ni b -r. lie x.i so "old maidish" about proied Iranspiirtation fariii'i. pn ' M- arrang -.i-nt of furniture and the vhleil. Ill this ennin et ion it is arga -tl . t.fdcr.i g of the household way, he that Ihc building of improved roiil-l -r w;,,s . fii-v ai-nit hi fond; he had improving t iratispiii-iaiioa faei.i'ii- : mi-Ii e.i irrit.nii.g It i'-k of pulling his between counties and Stat- is a I. -.it- -i.-jr,',! Mercart i's nerves were l.epl ititate cxpeiitliiur.' of na'i"n.-.l firn's a ' eoi.siaiiily oil clg . She eiu'.ed by s the dredging of rivers ami harbor, p.-.-sie,,,,:- li-'ise.l' thai she was very iiiding th- building of great r .1 il -v iy : nnliappy. systems or in the coiiMrneiioa of cx-j Then, as it l.ef-'!!. tin- grave r.r.J pa pensive public I .nih ling. I'n-nt br.u !e r tin I vv ii li an aecidetit that In recent year Slate aid b t".n! tlireatcia-l his . I: was many building has bet 11 established in i!:- ' ,-,-, .,..., -,. he r. tci-i eil 01 con.-ioiis-Males of New Jersey, t 'niim-ei imt . ,;,... IPs hand wcul feebly In his Massachusetts and New York. v,;ih i ,; ,-, ,. uiggnl at it in the way preliminary sp-pn in other Stabs. 1 :i : i !i:t t Margarei had always found so these four Slates I'l In mil' .if ioa- have been built under contract w ii h th" Stales, representing tin outlay, in- eluding preliminary and org inlzing work, of over . I f.in t i.i m u. is ex- pecletl thill great progn ss will be i made in th- near future iu this malLr. rc.lchitiU sot-t-a. r el- lilt-:- t-veiv Slat-. 1 It is bin a few year ago that a sag - trust ion to have r-.a.N built by St.-u.-s ll!- t--ail id local nrg,-.!i:xa I inl-s Woilltl have iu-1 wliii far h-ss e.ie..ui,igeia-..nl than doc (he nali-nii-l road building inovcme'it m;-l i t tl:-present time. The main f-aiin-- ..' su.-h a poln-y nve embraced in the Urowulovv bill, a rceeiitly ii.tro.liifeil iu Congress, audio ' which we have r bill appi'npriaicil ntlv referred. This ' . ... . , . . . ... i .- imu apiiropriaicu .s.m;ti. mm- cit.-n oi . tin- years IPiil. l:ni.. and 1 . ; to be i x pelitb'd in stales thai inak-- an appro- ! pfiatinti of a similar iiin f'-r the same purpose as is their shat- nf th iHHi.tHiii appropriated by lie- N'.iiional iniii.ipiii appro niaieii oy n" a.h una i . , . ,- - (bivcrniiiet't. he has: n ha- iiiiri-. . , . . , . . butmii oi llti amount is ;h,- opiiiatioii , ,- , ,, , - . "f the resp.vtiv.i S iites. those having. , ,-,,.,. i i - , n population of 7110.0011 or I -s b-iiig eii- litled to SJ.'.ii eon. tin less tiian sixn'r! Slates coming into this 111. The bn! nuce i divided according i" pi.:.ii!ati-..i Miimiig llie f; tiiiiining Sia'.i s. New i union- un- 1 , inn mi og .s.a;es. ,m- oi-U ge.ting W.l,.s.. u. largest Mim awarded ,.. anv S.a,,.. Any State r..itio,r I.. ,, 1 ii,.. .- ,:,....,,,,, ,ii,-ii... 1 ' ''..'"" ' Ihe lirst and second year named may make ptovisiou tliiring ii.- tiiird year nnil n ivr iu that year ih-- entire al- Intmetit Inr that Stale. 't he dirivtioti of the etit:- matter is to be , the hands ol a nat,o:,;,l g,,,t mails bureau. 1 -rented by the bill. v. lueh .-ill ..1..'. It. I, ..,,1... I dor the'law. In Si'aios'w'i.rr-' a m a'.l depart m-'.il exist, or i. h.ieafier ts tiiblisheil. th" expenditure of Imih the national and Slate apprnpi iaiioiis may be deli-gjiletl to Mlell St. it.- board by tln uatior.al luifcrm. All roads are to bo b-.ull upon speciiiraii.ia and bids subii.iiied in the u:al tia-ii-.er .-f ro.i.l " " ",s ' ,K '';" 1 ' ' " lull is to client! -age the establishment f State road bureaus anil ihe building of roads by Slates, us well a the gen eral stimulus given to the cause of I t tcr roads. It is claimed that the I'niled States is far beli iml many foreign oouir.rics in is liir behii-.d niiiiij- lorelgll roilll'.ries 111 the .-onstrii. lion of mad, l'rai-a" ha J.lt..'! mil,- of wagon road, built ,.,! mainlaiiietl by the National (invern- iiieut as national roads at .lie expense of the nation. Italy has about miles of wagon mad built and main- lained bv the National Covernm-nt. ." . ... . .. llie 1 mien Mates (. 0 vcftltlieiu: appro- priatrd las, year WW. for nv.-r ami harbor improv-ni.-ii'. wliieh shows .... lack of i..i.,v-. in that avet.i,.- of iraiispori.ill.ui. an i il pavs the ve ter- ....s ..r :t. i-;v-,i vv.,.- ...i.i tl-ei,. r-iiniii. Sl til oiM.lh-ll a.in.ial.v The., fuels .1 re '. ' . . : . . ..1 pr.imineiitiy staled I y tin- advne.it. m-i; I'.rnvviilovt- bill as evidei'.-e that other counlrie are ttiov in;; in ihe mi; ter of national aid to r-ail building and thai our own country 1 not niggardly iu approprialioii. for su.-h in,-,tt,r a are lecognied f.-r linaii.-ial support by jurtiover.iiiie.it. They m e also cii.-.l t.i demniisira Ie that the amount appropriated in this bill is not an unreasonable of extrava gant sum compared will, the int. -rests involved. When th" condition im posed hi the bill am met. should It be come a law ami the St ites appropriate x like amount, we will have .-iis.t nit ..Hint ipplied to road improvement. Tho principle involved in this tnatfr is set forth in the bill is one of a larger nit in the management of public at' - j lairs vvhirh is in , d w ith the trend if ihe tunes in all peblie iin.l indiv id-j nil iioiiiers. When tin- town assumed I he managem-nt of mads pi cv iuisly I k hi by the highway district the broad- tiiiig policy began to be iid -pt-d. 1 '..it-i tl"- Slate assume! t hit ant Ih-i I iy I oini.'fiv held by it.. ;.,wn and co-v Uv,1 Ntwluiial Covv.ii'aivut 1 !.5vd u: a prtrw !:i U buiWlng av.A i 4iiiiuht at .':. n.-'S liidvj i li in bo with tf S'.nve.f-tt tn Kjnv iz" Ihe coj-I of ri.ails bet ween city ami n.ii. iiuil will have the enthusiastic support of all lliose people really inter- j ested in rural growth ami development, : -Mirror and I-'. inner. UNDER THE MICROSCOPE. Wlnit M iller I'lillili-i its Att.ilml 11 L iru Til in. t mitt 11 l oving Hun t. Wh -n Margaret Ilalsey tinislied her '""" ;" seliiinary, she fury Hi- ""' "" '''7"" l',,'s'"' UMi"'r 1 "l1"'- mi'- at the seminary, --hi' fury ill erti. In- l ad ih-voleil his life to lief. i-.iiiio.vitig. Now she shed tears of 1 (imki'uli -,es at sight of the familiar ,,,,,ti.in ' -( ;;it night a personal t ev elat nm I .. i il.. i,livi.-ian ilievv : r '. .,,; , "Vieil -brother's Ireov - , ,.v ,(,.,, nmeh ou you. Mii . ,,' ,i,.,, I n .i,. il; n!;iti.!v. I I '. ...Isturbed of excited, ! ' , ,,.... oeruiiarilics 'itnl v..:i have ... .'i,.,.,,!,;,,-;..;,...: I have':" stammered ! .n., j ' .'.-r".'; ;,,,b.s. We all have thein. i .- ,. ,..,. Vonr brother ' . . ' . . i., ri, ln ,i nature t , ., ,; , ,. ),.. ii in heilth bull , ... ,,..!i,.,, I . Ill Wl 1 ii-'w I imilei-stali'l. W hat are H.-y. ,1.,- ; tor : "You have a iiitefll'.otK iiabit of liinl- ! ing fault ineessanily siir-ly. ymi are nisel iii of i: and a shrill voice. ,. , ... ,, n.vir.l vv hie h must h" i " itatnig m an tuv.iini. . '' " . , ... ... ,. ..,. Vmi il,l not hia-vv r, : Well, ol caul '-, i i i i ,, it esseii i.i tli.it you should know ' ,. .. . ! and P.-v to amend yours inr Ihti' is, ake "o:,ifi:eiv mid with a humbler face ' '',1'';;-1 ! turned p. her duly. Now hai sh- knew ih-r.- were nnnes in lni i 11. 1" ii ' ' '- " -- ; " '. "x,;,.1,,,:'s-!-!"-.i " '.' V"oCb-:" '-' two ; 1"'1' s sh..i"teomii.gs. !it. ,..,, .ay at; I v. .-.. miii ed his little foibles. 1111) way. a : . . : .. 1 1 1... ' .... . "'. ' - ,''""'! V-Yotith's Compaiiioii. I WORDS OF WISOCM. . M mll .. ,mvi,.,;. so - ,eir conseiet.ee. , . . .ill rani.ie, sing a i"i'i.-ii'"o t i U'vn 1. a short -meter practice, A i,:'n tl"' urn stumble oe,r the I moral law until he tries to cross u. t js n,,- (asy p. be happy when y.-n ! i ,. ,; -i a good deal hardi f I when you afe ti"t. j T1,,,' .,,,,;,, , ran speak in mta'g , ni ,,hv., ,, ,,s v.h, have I tin-si weiglit 0,1 the sir,,",. , , . . . , .,. I IllllVill" ill- naon o. ... .... hie. It is just as ca-y as lying unci! ou K.vt the hang of It. -Ham's Horn. ... ',.... . . 1 1 1 ' ,,, ,.,.,. , 1 . i i-i,il.l..li,l,i. 1 1. ......... 10 earn 1 ;.l iio-ie- vv e ate i'ir.i- ..i 1 . j ,l '. 1 ... , ,,f It occupies a par. of th- Mi.se, C Aiv'logv. ,,, the 1 mvers , ol I e 1 - -Mv.u.in. and k under tin- , if-c ... . V l'f- Mwell Somnie. ville. ' ISlyi'lol-isy '""' "I loarning. -nm us -i"'i 0,. ... .... . ',,, . , ... ,,. . 1 i.v Professor Sonunerv ille , pons n 11 1- ' , , , , J dufing his traves , hmng.i K:" "'" : '"unifies, especially Jap.1.1. t j learue-l. rcl',:..-! ge.i.b man. and is es- i .- . 1 .- ..... 1. .....ti. i... 1 i,.-. in j pec.aiiy 1 " ........... ; t. -rested him tl-epiy. and he has be ! col.ie utlile leaflic.l ill H philosophy., ........ .,.i.. ,.. i-idi oietiibi.t i 1 t:.s i.tnito... lias cost omit- ni.1.1 - . j these va.uaoie hum ...... I rough! by him I'-otu me 1 ai '"',- i hav e icc.iit.y in-.-ii pusini... 1- 1.1 i ittiiv cfsity. l'rof.-ssoi- Sommerville ! has been delivering instructive hi- j I lures on Timldl'i-ui in litis uiuiuuim TYii.ple.- Light of I 'lun ula. III. I' I" lill'lt. A Strang', im i.len. i rrp.-rtrd on n rrttain railway, wliieh we will not mention by name, and ill" lawyers are s-t at a pretty riddle to solve. When the passengers alighted from an after noon train lit 1 . the ticket collector at the gate slopped a lady, who was passing through will, a hobble deli".v son. by iln-remark, mat i-oy 1.1 you. i too big f"f '' ticket, mum. 1 "Well, maybe he is." n plied the lady, with a touch of suf- asm in her tone, "hut he was not when we left town; he's a growing lad. and he's had plenty of tim- since then!"- indden Penny. - )n valu-s of live sto. 1 ill tl!" I tuteil t-.Nt.fi tinie v..i dwivaMi lor tut yesv lf03 ot SiSOSii V. '-V trtRi vl. toii Wii-i fakH t0S V0. s. .:i:.$.9S Or m fi 1 1 1 1. 1 jiuiuuii Pif ttff W-C'stttrft'4 Hal l ing mill I 11 tlltlK. I'oir.Vil.g is all oeellp.-llinll wlii -h has paid i:i i-v.-ry .-.-linn of tin- Initril Still--, and has 1 .-n a'-eoinplihfl 111;.'.' i' tlMarulii ; w ii. -ll MYi'lhl lml h:. t o oeeurrc'l. II. ' i ,.r;i.' ,- v li" niaUe.s dairy .ng a sjin-ialiy gradually be- come. weaiiliiir be.-.-H!-,- hi- farm ill-i:,,- jutllig luetl of the rural il.slr.cts creases in It-rnliiy every .vnir. and be- , in tl,.- riles in s'.-ir.-h of a so railed cans the r. ilile i liable him to s.'ll the I - , . ! ehain-e." and beli ving that pre. !u. -ts of hi farm at price inii.-h uili:. i being sapped of it oner above their real vaill,- in the form ft -Mrs by thai im.veui--lit. the Slate I le liiiiK. biittrf ;i . eie i- -. '! I:e valir-' ! pal-in. cut of I'ublie Instruction, iu its of t.- biitief pm iu.-e I a ii'iual'i.v in i la.-t bulletin In the t-arlier. says that this ,-oiiiiliy aiii-iilf's -. .v ; SJ hi.- j liny can inlliietiee the boy to stay on mm -i-i. ami iln r.- is a ho:i- niarkt-t I ih.. farm and to work out it problnns. for :-:l iliat h.-is b eii proihi el. but a I "li will Lea ad d.-ty for mi. tnitinnal Miia'l pr-iportioti In iug 1 p-.n;i-.l. The i lii'e wh.-n :,'l our ymiiig f irniers come con-tunpl 1011 of butler '. -tiu-.it 1 al ! to town: vvh-li Ihe small, well fill t i -iil'imi eigliiei-n .niiiil per v-iir f'.' j v;iti-'l liniuesteail give way to landed each inhabitant, and the ''Cal .miounl I r:atcs." the biilleiiu :i s. prodlleeil i ovi-r l.-J'i '.i -ni.i'.iil pun. ids. I 'I'l... nrrcssity o L .-.- 1 1 1 :-. ihe boy, i,a of which over twenty !'"!: pi r ee,:t. is ,(,., -iinn vvas tit-- siibje i of :i ills, lis mini - .a the N-riii A'la.n.e Sate, til'-' ;n a- j- what .h" tcieln-r ea:i tl" for ty : tr per t -ci. -i W-.- N.u-ih central ; iln- cominuiii.y. A teaciier's power 1:1 uri. . . seven p -r 1 1 -.. i.i tie South At- , 'i. riiiiuiiig tiie industry of a com Ian. Slat- . t ' -veii p.-r .- i-.. in t!i-. ' mnt.i'y pes in ma i i ug her selioidroolil Soit:'.i Ceiitral tlivis.oii. ar.-l I t:r per .a l.t-.y workshop, win:-- lie- right of cell', in the Wt i. 1 11 i:,v-:s...ii It may ' ,,, I;, r ami the in ' i I i t y of Inmost t-.il be still-il ills. 1 -,i,:.t ,. :h.v - f r-lit. "f ! n;-i. taught. the pro lii.-i i. mad" ii fa tin farm' being tin- s,,n,. - r,.,m which the larger or 'ii 't l i'.its ..!' lotti'i- i-i 1 1 1 -. Stu ill Tout' 1 V 11. ni..-. li i ei'Te i thai I-n Klll.-U-C fee! of llool sp.l.-e -1,'fll'l be al lowed fur each f-i-v 1 ;,i planning ii poul try hou.'. and on Ihl ba-'s a le.u-' for ivveiny In ii w.ei! I I. ab-.ut ten by ; u .-Ml l'.-.-l ii,s.,l ... r-n-iily Ihis is a s-i . mi-;- .in ie. al w Io : 'm -p.ic.- is pfov i-i-.l f a- a -ei-. ,-. I ..- ; -le-l: in tin- bill, r i i ::i n: ,- ll 1 - '. in i h- bolt. . p- ! v. i'l . . as ji". 1, -is Us- ii a !.i .si . .. -- ' I . t . .-: lag pur poses. I'l-oini!' .! p "I'.irj ie--ti l.iim that six ;,,,' re-- f..r ,.,.-!, I n i-i Sllllieiein. I '..r Ih- novi.-e we advise! .he let. s.,1,;:,,. 1,-i Whatever to- .liu.-i.siot.. if n ter;il-li!ng !-r-l i pr-iv cl-d. rare fiiit b 1K-1 lb.it :!i- fills,- i. H.e I'l-.t.n I (iraogh: i.ial -f-'i i.ii.:... In i: -- . eddt r seeti,-,-. ev.-ry -e.i'-i-y lioiic sh"dd I- l.n-1 i:''.-'.- w -!i laer.-d paper at the b.i--k ai d s ,1,-. Tli fi-;it fltaV I"' ..tV;-.-i'lge.I so i'l.'ll I'nrillg tin- warmer p.-rlo ..f li'i.-is-in i- - an 1 .-..v. I vv.mi v. uri i nig i brunch Whieii th- m-i'- r iy - h. -y e.-ie' -it: i the Mini.- a p.-.-s.-.. p'.i. e foi "'"'''''"" --I f.-r i s.-falrh -.ary that th- n ' - da.lv. s.-.u. l'': fug sl',,1 ir will ' 1 -!"' 1 aa-it i th-.! ''.'- tie- tlo-r. r;s' h.-n- w iil it : tel. in th !:'ii i. i ".!'. I coi. V :-ei VV i:. to U' til- ill I p'.hi ; ! !"'..-. ;i is tie - .... f:i ir a m.e-ri - , ;;!.! we as t : .. I.:.;-.. v. itn. r. tie , ! Ho- at tl '" , lav lii - 1 i-l nf th- ... U'Uh: I'.'iii-I !.-. .-..'. it ; Irgh 1 1.0. !i i- i.;- sk.-t. Tiie.i lay .. s.-t it in tl- 1. id.1! - " ','!l a -id d I pob . I! ai-T-. f ; -: . : l.-.-t on tic ! s':..n e. :.i r.a.ii : v. , log and i li -otv la 1, ; ... Hinder lie- I- - v-Aay'.vv. z. ' --s-v-' -v i-ii V A I I K.:' l: A K 111,1 l.-:ili.i,g the p.-!-!,.- mi. I, lie. Then !i I" p.i. leg III : ifo-ai the X. using th- Cpposile s,i as I" Hull, l"g in th" ecu: 1 e as a l esi and : ne I 1 b-:ii log as a fool!-. -P. I' fa I 1 i,,,,., and tie -oil I ; , ' 1 j- Kiv.. . - ,. 1 ' - ,., ',',,., ): e !' ' 1 a V is k. id !': loan any .eiiath ti-b.-ing .:iel all. r.-.i-'--itout-.il I" .-! mil i In law. and i.y IS'iVilig r more 1.-::.. tin 1 r ark will lioi.l a g.-"l load 1 I rv ,'. ... , Tx ,'.... 1 of n... .... .. 1 load of 1 av 1- r. A tv .1 nt in.! id si-iliims. I'hefe ..IH be 1 bi.-i-li.e,, b. our bnoining Ins own s, a. prov o .1 ! ,.,,- :; all In; I; i 1 1. ! roo I niai. I at h,.u . , , 1 , t . t : a a agi ici! idif, e.i.l'i:-, ,'e- l-.lr-i id' ..dvan ov r .: .s. and ti-ial ioiti a. ils .. linn of the . .. -ntty . t. lat.es iu ihai si . ; e-:i -are in iitng f.-u 11 r to tuajiv 1 ' tlo ti, .-:;!.: 1.. a null ter ,. t. . . . a , .1 . "Ue. il.t-re a 1 ... 1 .-' -. . ni. , oiiiiiion lag. s Ml ra.-h 1 . , br follliil .a :! .- South .- a. iv. images mat" wi'b ihe i ln- fat -if. r of ll ill olhe.'s 'I I ' " te tllllliflbi.V t'lls 1. gained in hi wan long grow ." g sc.i Ihe far Nofih ab. I No-..wci talks of lite a.ivai .age. ,,t I.i. v Peal sn t on: Ibe n..i I. of b" tlm i-a.. s .,b , M-dtll" S.al.'S le'l - ol If" .'.iV ..t'llg. s ,,f by n.aik- . and ti .'...'ll one is tint li til : aii'l I. i iii" advantages he name. -,i l,..ioL- ili- case v In not Slav th-re and w.ek ..ul vour salvation'.' The Norilo-m i g.-lng s.,il. th - Kasl-ru l'a : I - ami ' i. - Wisit It-t.-t !..- . ; ii..,,, tlx f.ri c-r. r'.-i-!; w.'' bj itv iigtc; h .y'vt'. c-i I pels Ih- han? nf ili-ii'. fn what don In- tmiu I y Iln- chain..- unless lie Has a barrt-.i farm for a fertile nneV If one is doing fairlv well in hi present loca- t ; i;,,,, nr if tin- lo -atioti is a fairly good .!U,si,,n of the loan more than il H of tin- bn a liiy. If von have half a , -h.-iin-e. w-oil' otll tbe pfobh-iii where yoll in 1 : -I will be solved oa-ief nml sooner ii ;-n by s.-rkiiig pastures new. I.irp till- tin) on Ho- t'llllii. Toll, liing- on the s, ady migration of Th- bulletin wlii-h i being s-m n;;i l.v i'l- State Siipe i-inleo'lenl ileal with ih- relation of the icaeher to th s, I--, a --r pair. .its ami the locality. -l ie- 1. a. ii,-r. tin- bull-tin SilVs. ollgilt j I,. I.- ,i mis-iotial v . h.-inooinii.g nir- blllei,; cleliienis . -1 udla uapoils New s. A ll:iiiil.v I '.i i-in Wilijio.. 1 - .... ,fi-" )j v. -' VTV' " -1F - - s-, l'il-s :in I Corii. , will always be tie- .,i,ling pig-1-. bill il ran Iu -. rr l-.'l i'lon-. j 'v tie- fool t- d.-v '.;- J-mtu- h-.g. A -vli '.luoii n .-.rn is imt lueeiieap- Itll-'U f 1 i in scs I iii-i-- iy . in N. W. Agriculti.;- -I. When yi.ii I ."! liy i'ig to grow pigt.v ..i ru alone. y ei an- iiying to ii.ake a b-ne oiu of I i. a;. -. ! ihai is , -oriy a.lapieil lor the ! p'lrpo-e and e.iasr.piriiily oii Itave a ; r wi ak fr.i.e el a lew i-xp-nse. I j find n.-:lii',g iiritri- of cheap. : than w ii-ai 'a-ri s as a siipplemeniary l e-.l. . i, g.-oiiad alii readily inixi s uitu a i.iji. .. is apii.'ii;:iii:: a n.l helps so gr..vv 1 ..lig fraai. wot !.. I f sii'-t oiash , . a I and ; li: M li is 0: n .-, ina ble, I . a g:o-e,. ;i i.. :.i a very g I stiiiit.-. li l.nwi -vef. be f. it aii ..V I" slllii'l iw- 1 s-lll--.ll'ii get .ii-ie.v that is 01' a I..W w-r.itii- and sells .-. Inc. pri.-... have :i gf-'iiinl and mix . il tl-.. slj.irl ': i.-s I . ii, nut (!;. ai. 1 .. ,. ! iiy .-.g. I 1-111 nrariy l e.v s. Low , . r -I! 1 la- baflry for -logii to buy and 1 prefer ... to al.V 1 "l.sid, r.lbje ;.!!l'i.!llt of - y A 1 .--,. pitn.pl.i.i or S'irasli-. ;. ti.e.r e;is.i.i 1..1 woial -r for ihe pig u in 1 ping I, e ! i.ri i ..v : :! giving him j... - I ii.;i : I 1 fa -I. a p.g vv ill : tilt. i.ii : ; ; i.i 11 1 ie- farm and 1 1 - 1 ,- ail ,'.. ,:! ei 1. r for tin- va .. i i v g . I: . I .in a 1 a ., u feeding ' :'.,. ,, . a: .. y it 1... has t-i-n ar . - -:e -.! t.. a alii ; 0.1c. and -re t'o-.V I li- ;! I:- vv ill 1 eiisli pis n.ra I. , I " has ,. . a obi. g, d to so" p it! :l "I hole, g.ve Mai a dry. dean nest 1 ..... if h- will iioi pfoiit by it. Wo ... ,!! have 10 take less imuii-y f-f our ..',iv tu- coining year tian vv e lave . 11 g-iiiiig lite last two years, there, e-.-, ;i Matels lb., pig ra ier iu hand 1 i.o I ;. iiiiuost ,,, pr, duee p. irk more h' .'piy. atld 1 kle-w of iln better Way -.a to f, ed lb- pig a greater varioiy -f !'ee, ati'l give ll'lll better Hire. r...ii..-.v tii..i-. I '..ll'l tie-le. t lliose l i-o.en eoii.bs. I le v ii-.i your !!. , ks ,.,,, bad. ' See Ina". tie- 1 1 1 e 1 1 b: : t '! is in gold j .oi,"i lei your egg i-hill. gather them roe or four (mi a day. I'hilled gs never hat. It. The ''.II ItliT VV li" ..ii has Iio till:.' care for ft poultry is tad inii.-h of r.-.r ner. iio, .1 . a: e and feeding "f if-lity uioi-e than liiy the ci.isl to ,y tain.ir. 'I I-- .'.amp and changeable weather, ry .-omti-'.'i at this line- of the year, -.ngs on colds -ml r.rap in lb- poiil y y iid. If they are promptly at - -! I io ai n: '. ymi v. iil e v e ilia.s- ' Th- w.-ig.:' of gg- . ai e-1 ntu and j ,.lr '. ill' pallllds I" .'' ::"i-. A I p.. ni: .d i ggs vv ni go as :.,r a a p. ,r,e. I el meat foi- any l.tiely. 1 link i f ib when you arc feed. ng and car ing tor y ,,ur b-vv I. fir lut and lat and many other p. . wl s in tli- i iio i i i ' i 'tis. i.i . is In be sine that your sunk ami la.-ilili" al-:-,,.,. floill ge.ive itel'i-.-ts. U.'llietl.lM'r ii 'd irittli "I'b. ii vv iiaisorv r a man snuriii, ilial shall In- .lis-. Lap." Tin- - oil 1 1 V l.ii'.ii ss is al! rigid a ll'l,'; il Wo rolllll:,' oil;- . pel II I i-'I, Wl'b- i in ibe litnils of o, ir i.ipa. ity. Win n j v.e iXcecd tlll.se limit VV. Ihld Oilf s.'lvr ill llnllble. p'lbiips Wiliin.U I c i alizitlg fr.Uil Vvhelict.' the trouble ram-. No si-li.sil.lc et'lse h is ever beell of- , ! ",fd for k-cpill. l ill. tow Is. Tlior- i t'-'ghbied low I should he in tin yards l'l -very I a una" as vv-li a ev.-ry up- ' : " ',;' 1 " !''"" "! H '' "' lVI"" '-"t tht-"i.vl'bli.'d ttttll l line 010H-. '.''" I.''"!"- Ri'-U tvUtja tl"' 9V !lr ; 'tt i ili-i s 1i".k1; V iU-

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