TIME TO ACT. iviiM Mi rmolr nohes flftd Toft ire III jwaya tired out, depressed and feerVSbs when Sleep is disturbed by pair and by tinnary ills, it's time to act. The kidneys are sick. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick Ikidney s (quickly and permanent ly. Here's prt: Marsnall, ft. No. 1, Dawson, 3., saya; "My husband's back and hips'wervs so stiff and sore that he could not get up from a chair without help. I got him a box of Doan's Kid toey Pills. He felt relief in three days. One box cured hiaiv" A FREE TRIAL of this great kid ney medicine which cured Mr. Mar hall will be mailed on application to any part of the United States. Ad dress Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by all dealers; price 50 cents per box. The board of lady managers of the St. Louis Fair has decided that when it comes to auditing accounts the ser vices of a man must bfc called in. Some Bombers of bomrd resented this in ferential acknowledgement of male su periority, but Mrs. Daniel Manning, who leads the organization named, was inexorable and insisted that only a man has a head for figures. On account of the high price Of everything in St. Louis the ladies of the board have voted themselves 1X0 a day for per sonal expenses, instead of the 1 6 al lowed at first. Having a Flc-nlc. There is something particularly enjoyable bout going to a Pic-Nic. The very word Pic-Nw brings pleasant anticipations of & good time. Th idea of going out to the woods and field or down by some brook or Sake, with luncheon to be served on the crass and under the trees, has a peculiar fascination. The fresh air and exercise contribute to give a hearty appetite to all and everything at luncheon seems far better than the finest course dinner that & French chef ever served. Wooden dishes supplant Dresden china, and paper boxes silver trays, when the "good things td eat" are spread upon the ground. Pic-Nics are never complete without the sandwiches, sweet white bread with a gen erous layer of meat between, Libby's canned meats are ideal for Pic-Nics and outings. The cans are so easily opened and the contents so fresh and palatable that no Pic-Nie is a success without Libby's "Natural Flavojr" Food Product. When a young man tells a girl he loves her for herself alone it's equivalent to an injunction against interference from the rest of the family. It takes a fast man to beat a board bill. . So, 23. Young women may I I 1 r I 1 ar I f Id b U iness and pain, says Miss Alma Pratt, if they will only have faith in the use bf t Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Beak Mrs. Pjnkham: I feel it my duty to tell all young women how much Lydia E. Pinkham's wonderful Vegetable Compound has done for ma. I was completely run down, unable to attend school, and did not care for any land of society, but now I feel like a new person, , and have gamed seven pounds of flesh in three months. ( wopmmend it to all young women who suffer from female weak ness." Miss Alhu. Pratt, Holly, Mich. i - FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO YOUNG GIRLS. TrlPH? &?lB thl! PWiod Of lif are earnestly invited to Tlt! Platham tor advice $ She has guided in a motherly way S? 5 Towns women; her advice is freely and cheerfully given, and her address Is Lynn, Mass. SSiS?" H? letters she is receiving from sq many young girls Mrs. KiTJI?!. i eT5 th4t ur grl are oten Pea altogether too near the v- ienUrnCO nowadtty onr publio schools and seminaries. v- j0111." allowed to interfere with studies, the girl must -.be pushed to wexront and graduated with honor; often physical collapse follows, and it takes years to recover the lost vitality, often it is never recovered. " ' A Young Chicago Girl Saved from Despair. u'??EAB Has. Pjkkham:--J wish to thank you for the help and ben 5 , recelvd through the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- JL.ivr jt-ius. IV5 w neaith and I trial. " Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the one sure rem edy to be relied upon at this important period in a young girl's life; with it she can go through with courage and safety the work she must accomplish, and fortify her physical well being so that her future life may be insured against sickness and suffering. S5000 FORFEIT 1 we cannot forthwith produce the original letters and signatures ol bore testimonials, which will prove their afeolute genuineness. Ljdla B. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Macs. Befkd"wbrk Bad for the Eyes. lii'a'ny physicians are "down" on beadwork and they recommend mothers to discourage their little daughters in trying their eyesight over beadwork. Do not hasten the" day when your daughter must go to the ofcuiist to have her eyes examined, for prescription glasses. The long curriculum of lessons in modern schools, the claims of textbooks, music lessons and drawing lessons make quite enough demand on the eye sight of a growing girl without the tin necsssary claims of "fancy work." FiTS'riernianontly cured. No fits ornerrous nefe after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great NerveRestorer. $2 trial bottleand treatisef ree Dr.R. H. Kline, Ltd., 931 Arch St., Phila., Pa The man who manages to keep out of debt, out of jail and out of politics is a lit tle above the overage. . TJae Allen's Foot-'Ease. It la the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Tired, Aching, Hot, Sweating Feet.Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, apowder to be shaken Into the shoes. Cures while you walk. At all DrugglstB and Sh6e Stores, 25o. T,-.t. ainanf ativ onhaHfiito Snmnle sent I Fbeb. Address, Allen S. Olmsted. LeBoy, N.Y During courtship a girl is often unable to express her thoughts, but she makes up for lost time after marriage. Mrs. TTinslow's Soothing Syrup forchildren teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma tion allays paln.cureswind colic. 2c. abottle Give a hungry man something to eat be fore handing him adviefc. I l,msurePi3o's Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago. Mbs. Thomas Roij riss, Maple St., Norwich ff-.Y;, Feb. 17, 1900. A chauffeur is a man who runs down pe destrians and runs up repair bills. . Advertising a Town. The marvelous growth of Seattle, Wash, is credited mainly to newspaper publicity. The business men of that community raised a considerable sum to be expeuded fcr space iu Eastern newspapers, and the returns were prompt and generous. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it in curable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment,. Hall's Catarrh Oure. manufactured by F. J. Cheney 45c Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure tn the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts direct ly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the System. They offer brie hundred dollars for any case, it fails tb cure. Send for circulars nd testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney 4 Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. People Must Be Told. A. writer on advertising says it is the aim of nearly every business concern to have a special and original feature. "But when such a specialty shall be found it must be advertised. No arti cle can sell itself without the aid of advertising." avoid much sick wnen 1 was about seventeen u years old I suddenly seemed to lose my usual good vitality. Father said I studied too hard, but the doctor thought different and prescribed tonics, which I took by the QUart, "Wnt.hnnt. Tfllpf T?s3r11nrr iMia rlo-ir in the paper of Mrs. Pinkham's great cures, 1 ana nnaing me symptoms described an swered mine, I decided I would give Lydia E. Pinkham's Ve&ret.fi.h1n Cnnirmnnfl a I did not sav a word to the dor.tor 1 I bought it myself, and took it according to directions regularly for two months, and I found that I gradually improved, and that all pains left me, and I was my old self once more. Lillie E. Sincxaib. 17 E. 22d St., Chicago 111." AGBICOLTDRAL Barn Wliltewash. A whitewash that looks much better than the bare boards and which will stay on about as long as a coat Of paint' is made as follows: Siake half a bushel of Quicklime" witii boiling hot water. Add two pounds of sulphate of zinc and one pound salt, these be ing first dissolved in water before add ing to the whitewash. A pound of lampblack and a pound of raw amber will give a pleasant dark color. It may be applied with a spray pump. .Settlns a Gate Post. Have a large solid chestnut post to begin with. Then aim to make the bot torn of the post immqv.abie: Tamping hear tiie surface is bf little use; Make the hole large enough to leave a six inch space all around the post. Place the post, brace it straight, then put in about eighteen inches of broken rock and pour liquid cement (three parts Portland cement, two parts sand) into tLe spaces, making a solid masonry setting. The rest of the hole may be filled with rocks and earth. To Prevent Growth of Horns'. ' bne Way is to cut tbero out ,when calf is a month old by raising the skin in a flap, and removing the small button which is loosely attached to it. The flap of skin is laid back and a plas ter of tar laid on it, when the wound soon heals. .Second, aid best way, is to apply stick caustic, or lye, by dis solving a small quantity in water, clip hair close oyer button pi' horn;, that ydii.cari feel Under the skin. Apply the liquid lye by rubbing in well over the horn. If done thoroughly, one ap plication is sufficient. I have used the above for years, always to perfection, and consider this to be the most hu mane way of dehornfng. C. W. Nor ris, Cedarville, W. Vs. Lice on C-ittle; v ' In the majority of cases, it inay be truly said that negligence is response "ole for lice on cattle during the winter when they are in tno stable, although there may be exceptions. If you find lice on the cattle get rid of them by applying with a bru".h a mixture com posed of two parts f lard to one part of kerosene oil. Apr ly this to the spots jvhere the lice have been at work once a week, and a fevr upplications will eubdue the vermin. Then go to work to prevent any more trouble. Clean the stables thoroughly, using carbolic acid as a disinfectant, whitewash the sides of the stable and let a libera! portion of the lime get on to the floor. Then groom the cows oc casionally, at least, and see that they tret exercle daily either out of doors br in a protected shed. Take care of the cows, and there is likely to be little trouble with lice. Dishorning the Calves. Twenty years from now it will be a rare isht td see a cow with horns on the dairy farm. Experience has thor oughly demonstrated that the hornless cow is the safe cow, nor is she injured in the slightest degree as a milk pro ducer. While the adult cow may be safely dishorned with the modern im plements now in use, it is best to start In with the calves that ui-c to form the new hel'di Get a stick of caustic potash frOm the dru store; Wrap ft piece of cloth ft round one. end of it, then cut the hair from around the spot where the embryo horn may be felt on the head bf the calf, rub the l'ot and all around it for two inches with lard, then moisten the etick of caustic potash and rub ' it around the embryo horn several times, After finishing the job put the stick of potash away where no one will touch it and be injured. The calf will not suffer in the operation and the horns will be destroyed. Care of Geese. Geese generally start laying In March or Api-il and heed Watching as they will cover their eggswith straw or hay. The eggs should be picked up before getting chilled in cold weather and kept in a quiet and cool place and turned every few days until ready to set. Geese eggs can be hatched un der hens. When the eggs begin to hatch keep watch, and as soon as a gosling comes out put it in a basket near the stove, repeating this until they are all out. It is best to wrap them in some old flannel or woolen cloth. If lert in the nest the mother is liable to trample them to death. When they are twenty-four hours old place them with the mother in a coop with a board floor and feed them with some stale bread slightly moistened with some milk or water; also give water to drink. Keep them in for two or three days, after that they can be put out every day when the dew is off. Confine the mother and her brood for the first four or five days to a limited space well covered with choice and short grass, gradually enlarging the run as they get- older. Feed four times daily until they get fourteen days old, and after that feed three times daily with corn meal cooked and stale bread. fertilizers aiirl Manure The annual controversy is going on over the relative values of commercial fertilizers and stable manures, but the farmer who uses both feels that there is no need for him to argue the mat ter, having learned that when he has filled his soil with humus by the use of stable manure and with nitrogen by growing some of the legumes, then he is able to use commercial fertilizers profitably. Years ago when there were more protests than now against com mercial fertilizers, ' farmers generally considered it extravagant to use such fertilizers and stable manures as well As a result the constant and exclusive use of the commercial fertilizers used up the vegetable matter in the soil and crops began to fall off. To those who are skeptical regarding this manner-of using commercial fer tilizers in connection with stable ma nures, the best advice that can be given is to select a small field and try the plan. Use any crop desired and give the field the best possible culture. The results will show if the combina tion was profitable; All farmers know that at times some one plant food be comes exhausted In a certain soil,' while it remains fairly rich in the other two. essential plant f&t)df:.,,tl. .stich cases the remedy is obviously id' use1, the greatest proportion of the mixture, or apply it by itself if necessary. It is the old story of ascertaining what the soil needs and then supplying it. In dianapolis News. 11 .U2T2! SeiefctinB Breeding Stock. In selecting breeding stock, rid mat ter what class of stock it is, whether horses, cattle, sheep, hogs or poultry, the breeder should be careful to se lect only the very best specimens. No fowl, male or female, can be de pended on to produce strong, healthy chicks which has not reached full de velopment in body and feather. An immature cockerel or pullet cannot be depended on to produce chicks equal to those from, mature birds: tfor thW reasori I much prefer hens to puiiets as breeders; hnd when I want to use pullets as breeders, i mate them with a cock bird, and mate cockerels witi hens. It is a fact observed by all bieeders, that as the stock grows older the plumage has a tendency to get lighter, and you will often . see dark plumage birds moult out feathers of foreign color, with feathers tipped here and there with white or gray, indi cating aloss or weakness ef color ele ment: Such & bird, if itsl past breed ing iiits been .all right; and does riot show too much off color, may produce! a good percentage of well-marked plumage in the chicks, but there is a risk to run and it is much safer and more satisfactory to discard all such birds from the breeding yards. It 'is impossible to have every bird in the breeding yards a perfect bird, but there are certain defects which may be' bvefcome by proper riiating; for in stance, a breeder may have an ex: cessively large comb, or may ,be too leggy, or some other slight irregularity, but if this is the only defect it may be remedied by mating with bird just the opposite. So that often a slight de fect may be reduced by proper mating. --W. E. Kemp, in Farmers' Home Jour ual; All ilan For Hen House; Elaborate plans for poultry houses generally result in abandonment after a brief trial. Two things seem desir able: A rather warm roosting house, where windows or doors may be thrown open in summer to admit much air, and a scratching shed open to the south, yet protected by wire netting so that thieves will not enter nor fow.ls escape. Large houses are bad. The size twelve by twenty-four feet seems a good one, giving a roosting room eight by twelve feet, and a scratching shed twelve by sixteen feet. Windows in the roosting house may iiave glass or simple wooden doors that may be fastened open in summer will answer quite, as well, for the fowls will live mostly in the scratching shed. Nesting 12' 16 SCRATCHING SHED RoosrS" Vi 8'xi2' boxes may be placed along the back wall of the shed, high enough to be kept clean. Simple earthen floors raised up a foot will answer, though if rats are bad, cement will save trou ble. In England the scheme is to have Inany small house built on this gen eral plan, but smaller and movable, scattered all abdiit the the fields and many hundreds of laying, fowls thus segregated. That would be ari. excel: cent summer scheme iu our land if thieves did not wrork among them too much. . i 1 ; s i Ferrets will destroy some rats and drive others from their hiding. Where many cats are kept rats will not stay. It is a help to build so that cats can enter easily beneath every building that has a floor. Feed the cats milk at the barn, encourage them to live half wild and rats will move on. Joseph E. Wing, Hog Notes. Charcoal given to the sow will cor rect scours in the pigs. A small handful of oil meal will have a good effect on the system. The hog pastures must have shade, or shelters, and abundant water. Young sows that do well with their first litters may be considered good brood sows. Drain off the filthy wallowing holes and give them a bath of clean water to plunge in. Get the pigs, out on the ground as early as possible, as they become crippled if kept on board floors. If the April farrowing sows are well fed after farrowing they will have a second litter in August or September; The sows should be well supplied with water and salt, and ashes and charcoal should always :'be within reach. ': Watch the hogs and be sure that they are not lousy. If lice are found, spray the hogs with some good dip' or kero sene emulsion. When the pigs begin to smell around the trough, give them some milk and oats or middlings in a small trough, in a pen not accessible to the sow. Twenty-four hours after the pigs are born give the sow a slop of wheat middlings or bran. A little warm water or milk will do no harm at any time. In castrating, make the incision at the lowest possible point, so that the pus will drain out. You thus prevent '"pus sac" and hasten. the healing pro cess 1.. .... . . Z-.. 24' DOCTOR ADVOCATED P&nU'NA HADE MRS. EVA BARTHO, 133 fiali 12th St., New York City, N. Y., writes: "I suffered for thiee years with leucor rhea and ulceration of the womb. The doctor advocated ai operation which I dreaded very much. . nd strongly objected to eo under it. Now I am a changed woman. Pertina ijiired me: it took nine bottles, but I felt so much JhiDroted 1 kept taking it, as T dreaded an opetatioti so inuch. I am to-day in perfect health and have not felt so well for fifteen years." Mrs. Eva Bartbo. Mrs. Senator Roach, of Larlmore, N. Dak.; Mrs. Senator Warren, oj CJieyenne, Wyo.; Belva Lccktcood and Mrs. General . Longstreet, of Washington, V. C, are among the prominent ladles wo Indorse e rtindi Miss Helen Rolof, Kaikauhrf, Wis., writes: . "Several times during the past two years o rmcre my system has been greatJy in need of a tonic, arid r t those .imes Pe runa has been of great help in building up the systeir. restoring my appetite and se curing restful sleep.' Helen Ro!of. Miss Muriel Armitage, 36 Greenwood Ave., Detroit, Mich., District Organizer of the Royal Templars of Temperance, writes as follows: "I suffered for five years with uterine irregularities, which brought on hysteria md made me ,& physical wreck. 1 tried doctors frdm the different stho,V of med icine, but without any perceptible' Change in my condition. In my, despair 1 called, on an - Id jurse, who advised, me tdlrv Peruna, and promised good resulfs( if I would persist and take it regularly. I kept this up for six mouths, and steadily gained strength and health, and when 1 had used fifteen bottles I considered myself encirely cured. I am a grateful, happy woman to-day." Miss Muriel Armitage. Miss Lncv M. Riley, 33 Davenport St., Cleveland, Ohio, writes: "I wish td add my indorsement to thou sands cf other womeri whd haVe been cured throi.ih the uce of Peruna. 1 suf fered lor five years with severe backache; and when weariec or worried in the least I had prolonged headache. I am now in Veal Loaf, Vienna Sausage, Ham Y Are Among the Many Tcirpting Luncheon . Send for our booklet "How to I Libby, McNeill I I fl ' - Luncheons' j CtES IMfSrKFSlA, SICK HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS, NERVOUSNESS wRirntoi w a n FREE BOOKLET. tfrfttfr.-JSS. m i i mm PHRASES USED BY MODISTES. They Vary With the Years arid the Seasons Just as Styles Do. A woman who ordered a "gown" at her dressmaker's a short time ago does not do so now. Dressmakers who cater to fashionable folk arenas careful of their phrases as a professor, and every few years the style' ia ex pressions changes. For instance, she would not think of calling her place of business a "shop" or a "store." To her it is a "salon." Nor does she sell "gowns" or "frocks' "Dresses" or "costumes' are the" latest tennis. "Costume for ceremony" is the queer sounding phrase that means a .special ly ornate affair. The modern dress maker never uses the word "coat." It is called "jacket." Nor does she deal in waists. "Bodice" is the proper term. She refers to the "models" on i.le. Ths richest baby in the world is said to be the little son of the late Harold Brown, of Providence, R. T. The death, within a few days of each other, Of his father and his uncle left this youngest he possessor Gt a for tune which is estimate! :tt between $40,000,000 and $50,C00,00d. Could Yon Use Any Kititl of a Sewing Machine at Any Frloe? If there is any price so low, any of fer so liberal that you would think of accepting on trial a new high grade, drop cabinet or upright Minnesota, Singer,. Wheeler & Wilson, Standard, White or New Home Sawing Machine, cut out and return this notice, and'you will receive by return mail, postpaid, free of cost, the handsomest sewing machine catalogue ever published. It will name you prices on the Minnesota, Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, White, Standard and New Home sewing rna chiues that will surprise ybu; we will make you a new and attractive proposi tion, a sewing machine offer that will astonish you. If you can make any use of any sew lng machine at any price, if any kind of an offer would iuterest you, don't fall to write us at once (be sure to cut out and return this special notice) and get oiir latest book, our latest offers, our new aud most surprising proposi tion. Address Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago. If the average man had his life to live over again he would probably make more mistakes tkwi ever. CURES MALARIA, CHILLS aad FEVEPv. ELIXIR BABEK "BABEK" Is the oldest, surest and best remedy In America for mal adies of malarial nature. Its a posi tive cure for MALARIA, CHILLS and FEVER. Only 50c. bottle. KLOCZEW&KI a CO.. Washington. D. C . IS Write for testimonials. OPERATION KNIFE UNNECESSARY. MRS. EVA BARTHO. J perfect health, enjoy life and have neither an ahe or - .in, thanks to Peruna." I. ucy M. Riley. ' It ia no longer. a question as to whether Peruna can be relied o . to cure all such cases, fhifitjg the many years in which Perua haS been a to test in all forma and stages of acute and chronic catarrli no oue year has put this remedy to greater test than the nst year. If all the women who are suffering with any form of female weakness would write to Dr. llartman, Columbus, Ohio, and give" him a complete description of their symp toms and the peculiarities of their troubles, he will immediately reply with complete ditfectjcfiia for treatment, free of charge. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The liartiitafl Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. i Libbys Natural Flavor. Foods are U. S. Government inspected, perfectly packed canned foods, and are ready to serve at a moment's notice. loaf, Boneless Chicken, Ox Tongues Meats. Ask Tr Grocer For Them. Make G?od Things to EaLfJ & Libby, Chicago STORE FRONTS For all kinds and diies of Store Buildintrw. We fnffiirfi ah fftatetial efctwin Into the construction of Store Fronts. Write us about yfc"h.f propojedotlihl Ina" nn state dimensions nd stvle o' front and we wiU send yo.i,' JPHliS 41 V t'II AK;K, an elegant Blue Print Plan, and quote you an extrenie low rrioe ou one of our popular Beautiful, Zdvoi-lfvstixi.g' Modern Store Froiifs. We give you all th' style of an elegant New York or Chicago store at moderate cost. Send lor ('ntalogu. SOUTHERN FOUNDRY CO., Owensboro, Kentucky r a npeflcnv Acts on Atlanta, On. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST. w I tried all kinds of blood remedies whitb failed to do me any good but I hare found the right thing Bt Inst. My face was fall of pimple! Ana black heads. After taking Cascarots they all left. 1 ato routinuinc the use of them and recommending them to my friends. I feel fine when I rise n the morn inc. Hope to have a chance to recommend Cascareta." Fred O. Wittcn, 76 Eim St., Newark, N. i. PleeTli. Palatable, Potent, Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe, 10c, 85c, 58c Nevei, sold in bulk. The gennine tablet stamped CCC. Guaranteed to care or your money back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or H.Yt 593 ANNUAL SALE, TEH MILLION BOXES j . According to a Berlin dispatch. In the !New York Sun, Dr. Wolff, a well known authority on the subject, calls attention to the high mortality from cancer in the beer drinkiag districts of Germany. He instances Bavaria and Salzburg, both great beer drinking cen tres. Both of these districts show high mortality ainOng cancer patients. Or. Jiggers' Huckleberry Cordial The Great Southern Remedy. Cures all Stomach and Bowel Troubles, such as Chronic Dysentery, Cholera Mor bus. Bloody Flux, and also children teething- It seldom fails to make quick and permanent cures of all stomach and bowel diseases. See testimonial of th late HEJVR3? W. GHATy. Dr. Walter A. Taylcr, Atlanta, Ga. Df-ar Sir: This Is the first certlfcate that I have ever given as to the merits of any medicine, but I take pleasure In recommending Dr. Blggers' Huckleberry Coraial. I consider It the best remedy that I have ever used In my family for Stomach and Bowel Troubles. 60c In vested In a bottle of this medicine to be used In the beginning of any stomach trouble will often save life as well as a large doctor's bill. I have a friend whose life was, In my opinion, saved by the prompt use of Dr. Blggers' Huckleberry Cordial. Fcr sale by all Druggists, 23 and 50c per bdttie. (Signed) HENRY W; GRADY. Atlanta. Ga., May 23, 1887. Haltiwanger-Taylor Drug Co., Prop., Atlanta, Ga. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of 8wee Gum and Mullein will cure Couehs. Croup and Consumption. Price 25c and! a bottle. KTPAXS TAETTLES are the best dye pepeia incdicice ewer made. A bun- i area muuoneot mesa cave Deen sola laasisieyear. ixmsupatioa, Heart burn, sick headache, dixzinexa. hat breath, eore throat and every illness luruMU? irora nisoroerea STomaca are relieved or cured by Rlpans Tab- uirs. uno wm Kuueraiiy Ke reuei withiD twenty minutes. The live-cent package isenougu Cor an ordinary occasion. All druggists sell them. So. 23. CURES WHEHE ALL ELSE FAILS. JawMsJrWAAJn I Best Cough Syrup. Tastes 3ood. Uae in time. Boiq py druggists. jj The Bowels - CANDY CATHARTIC ill r I i i in warm bams witn And gentle anointings with CUTICURA Ointment, the great Skin Cure, and purest and sweetest of emollients. It means instant relief and refreshing sleep for tor tured, disfigured, itching, and burning babies, and rest for tired, fretted mothers, when all . else fails. I Sold throughout the world. Cutieors op, 15c., Oint ment, SO-., Rrmlvcnt, 60c. (in form ol Chocelt fottT Pills, lc. pr vial of W). Depoti: lxndon, 7i Cnrtef Jioum 80.; Pan., Due ! la 1 ix ; Boston, 1.17 C"lmbll Are. Potter Drug It Chem. Corp., Sole I'roprietOJ. aaScad lor " How to Cure Baby Humors." ! Cotton Must Have 1 Potash is an essential plant food which must be added as a fertilizer or the soil will become ex hausted, as is true of sol many cotton fields. 1 A . :rc&WSiJ.ZS ti 1 lira v Tt-iwv., j .... . e nave tooks giving valuM'Ie de tails about fertiliz ers. We will send (hem free to any farmer who asl s for them. GERriAN KALI W0RK5, "ew York 98 XaMn Street, or Atlanta, .--8Ji So. Broad . FREE to WOME A Large Trial Box and book of In structlons absolutely Free and Post paid, enough to prove the value of PaxtineTpilet Antiseptic Paxtlne Is In powder form to dissolve id' Vtater non-poisonous and far superior to liquid antiseptics containing alcohol wilfch irritates Inflamed surfaces, and have no cleansing prop erties. The content of every box makes more Antiseptic Solu tion lasts longer goes further has more uses In the family and does-moregcod than any antiseptic preparation you can buy. The formula of a noted Boston physician, and used with great success as a Vaginal Wash, for Leucorrhcea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all soreness of mucus membrane. I In local treatment of female ills Paxtine iaf invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash we challenge the world to produce its equal for thoroughness. It is a revelation in cleansing and healing power; it kills all germs which cause inflammation and discharges. All leading druggists keep Paxtine; price, 50. abox; if yours does not, send to us for it. !on't take a substitute there is nothing like Paxtine. Write for the Free Box of Paxtine to-day. E. PAXT0N CO., 7 Pope Bldg., Boston, Mass. .SAWMILLS' Our Latest Im proved Clrcn- tfUnil milL.UlarBwMin, with Hege's Universal Lop Beams.Rectllln ar. Simultaneous Set Works and the Hea- oock-King Variable Feed Works are unex- alla1 far a er r r-v sivpi.iriTT. BUXABII-- ITT jt"D XASK OF OPIBATION. Writ for full descriptive circulars. Manufactured by the SAXZM IRON WORKS, Wlnston-Se iem,.N.u. 1 IIOII cm CURED GrVSS QuScic Belief. Removes all swelling in 8to2 days ; effects a permanent cure in 30to todays. Trial treatment given free. Nothingcan b? fane Wt. n. U U Cr.nn'l SoflS. iZ. SDeclalltts. Box R Atlanta. 6 John W. Atkinson ( Co., RICHMOND, VA, Paints, OilH, Varnishes, Ac. Try Thel' ".Standard" Ueadv Mixed House faint. wca;VeVie Thompson's Eye Mf f ill If wi r r vi J i Dropsy