Sir? (Eijatitam 3Rf tath THURSDAY, September 15, 1904 Local Records. -' Tlie rend commissioners .will meet here next iionday, the 19th. Head the appointments of jlov. E. W. Pou aud 'go to hear hiin speak. -Only 25 cents for The Record until the election. Get all your 'iiei"-libois to subscribe. ue l One thousand cords of dry pine wood wanted by the Chatham Cotton Oil Company. The heavy rairi yesterday in- dicates that the equinoctial storm is a week ahead of time. The grading on the Nev Hope Valley railroad is very light and is being pushed rapidly. Poe-Atwater Mercantile Co have just received a large stock of winter shoes, also a full rubbers. line of Farm: for Sale. That valu able faim near Pittsboro owned bv Mr. Speuce Taylor, containing lit acres. Apply to H. A. Lon don, agent. Poe-Atwater Mercantile Co, have just placed an order with a manufacturer for one thousand dollars worth of shoes for their store at Bynum. -If you intend buying any car- pets he sure to see the line ot simples at Poe-Atwater Mercau- til Co. s. Carpets sold bv the . vara, or cut ana made to order. Mr. B. N, Sim ins, the Demo cratic candidate for Presidential elector, will speak at Pittsboro to morrow (Friday) night. "He is a capital spanker and we hope there will be a large crowd to hear him. The Republican executive committee of this Congressional district has not yet been able to find auybody foolish enough to be defeated by Hon. E. W. Pou. No br.dv seems to be willing to be come a victim. Cotton gins pre so liable to I. e that every one oujjht to be insured. Now is the time to irsare. For rates, Szc.T apply to II. A. London, agegat of the old re liable North Carolina Home lu surance Company. Our neighbors in Alamance will hold their annual county Fair on the 27th to the 30th of this mouth, and many Chathamites will .'iiteiid No county has a more creditable Fair or is more pro gressive than Alamance. Miss Annir- Taylor is- now in Ij.iitinioie i.uying stock and per feetiug herself in millinery art for W. L. London & Son. She will rt-turn next week with a very eons- j plt-lr- stork and will take pleasure in snowing you tnrongh nerstcc k. The Holler mill at. Bynum wiii be closed down for the next ttLi days. The Chatham Holier Mill Co. will have the mill put in peifect condition, so that when it starts agniu they can guarantee en tiie satisfaction to their patrons. For Side A sixty acre tract 4 laiies west of Pittsboro, near the old May place, formerly owned by A. M. timet t. Aiso a tract of 5$ acres near Lockville formerly own ed by Arthur Dickens, on south side of Deep river. Apply to H. A. London. There are nineteen applicants fr the position of mail carrier on tiie- rural free delivery route, which is to be established from here via Bum and Moore's mill. Ou next Saturday they are to stand a civil service examination, to be held here by the postmaster. Mr. W. H. Duhling has two or three pear trees of a new varie ty, called the Lincoln Coreless, that should be grown more gener ally by our farmers. This is the first year these trees have yielded fruit, and the pears are of a supe rior quality. - As usual W. L. Loudon & Son are the first to show new aoods. Thev are daily receiving their new poods, and have endeavored -to sustain their reputation, which they have had for nearly half a cent my, by showing the best and most up-to-date stock that is shown in the county. Frank C. Poe will go North in a few days to purchase goods for Poe-Atwater Mercantile Co. -The decline in price of cotton is - ng an appreciate eneci .u l'nce of dress goods, &cand these i'mng an appreciable enect m tne goods will be cheaper after the present rush on the market. Poe Atwater Mercantile Co. believe in the adage "goods well-bought are half sold". As our road commissioners are a non-partisan body they havej th people of Chatham at the fol aiinoinied I? 'uoinrea iiennn lan as we aa Democratic read supervisors. We legret to hear that some of these J-lepublican supervisors, in order to make the road law unpopular, have neo-Wfpl tl v. ur-icticu lueir rutins &u uk , , ' o.,i- i i inrl. . -r-. i to make people complain- aboutiffeak a CT,, LPn; n dhe8V them. Any man mean enough to HflrPef VV, K? &S a lmment try to make nolitic-il cmifil ju i way Z Po" Personal Items.. , Miss Bettie Gordon, of Wil mington, has been here on a short visit. l I Mrs. Y. L. Hill and children, of Duplin county, are here on a i visit. Mrs. Mary C. James, of Wil mington, is visiting relatives at this place, j , mouth, is this place. J. Calvert, of Ports-visiting- his family at Mr. W. D. Poe left Thursday! for Wake Forest to resume his college studies. I r . , n I Mr. H. M. Burns has returned from a visit to his sou, Mi A. M. Burns, at Roxboro. I I Mr. A. H. Bynum has gone North to buy the fall and winter goods for Bynum fr Headen. I at n-n- i r m j Mr. William L. Morris, The Record's foreman, has moved his family from Siler City to the for- jmer residence of Hon. T. B. W omack. Mr. H. Baffin Horne, ot Fay- etteville, is here on a visit for the first time in ten years. He is most pleasantly remembered by our older citizens. ELECTION BOARD. The county board of elections met here on last Tuesday, all the members being uresent. In ac cordance with a petition asking for it, a- new election precinct was established at Mt. Vernon Springs, the boundaries of which are de scribed in another column, beinp- tie southern Dart nf Matthews township. Frank Gorrell was un ponded registrar and John G. Hauner and WT. N. Page were ap pointed poliholders. Mr. J. Geo. Hanner was appointed registrar i at Siler City in place of N. A. Jones, who lives ia the newly es tablished precinct. It was ordered that the county ballots be the same size as they were at the Inst election. The petition was refused to change the voting place in Oakland township from Osgood to Goldston's mill. PLEASANT TRAVELLING, The journey from this section to Washington City is now made so quickly and comfortably that, instead of being fatiguing, it is a pleasure. i lie S. A. L. runs a through train so that no change of cara is necessary and its train service is the perfection of rail road comfort and speed. It runs .1 a Y ) . la on tne . A. Jj. s own track to !lihuir!u! ini'l Hienre in Wnidiimr- ton on the track of the well known j son expected to arrive R. F. & P. So irreat- is the travel I hl' on the same train and while on ihe bitte? road that an addi- i I,ls walked too near the tiwnal or new road is beintr con- rail road track permitting the in structed between Ltichmond and ""Hg tram to strike him a ter- Washin-tnn. Leaving RatMgli after midnight a passenger on this tram arrives-t Washington al 9:50 a. m. We left Vas'uinrton alter supper ou hist Friday night and i ;jvrived at Pittsboro before break- t fast next movuiug, and had a com forlable night's sleep. UNDEliGEeVXD KA1I.KOAD. While in New York last week we enjoyed the novel experience of riding ou uu underground rail road or "subwav" as it is called. Tt is not vet comoleted or open to ! the travelling public, but will be ! next month, i Through the courtesy of the ! president of the company owning this railroad a ride on it was giv en the editors who were in ISew :ii iuo ruu ..8 ,w .u iork attending the Democratic na- ; Clonal editorial conference. Abou York tion an hour was suent on this novel ride "and the distance travelled was about twenty miles, All that time we were mauy leet unc er ground, and whirling adong under the great city of Kew lork. - the entire lenj Island, about ;th of Manhattan ten milts long. There are four-tracks in the tun- i nel, which is about fifty feet wide-1 to work satisfactory between Chi aud fifteen feet in height. The ( cago and St. Louis, a distance of distance underground varies ac-' over 300 miles, over a section in cording to the nature of the sur- which there are numerous electric face, in some places the tracks be- lines and cities with traction sys iug from fifty to-one. hundred feet terns, below the street level. This vast - tunnel is blasted most 6f the dis- Mr. E. B. GreBham, of Chaidotte, tance through solid rock, and a member of the class of 1898 has therefore cost a great deal, over established at Wake Forest two two million dollars a mile, scholarships worth seventy-five Throughout its entire length the dollars each to be awarded annual nnp1 is briddlv lighted bv elec- ly by the faculty to worthy, mdi- tric li-hts. and is well ventilated. ! The cars are like those used on C3 ' the elevated railroads and are pro- rjelled by electricity. About every third of a mile is a station, which is reached lrom aoove oy wiue stair-cases and is lighted almost as bright as day. This underground railroad was madenecessary by the great crowds fiA piPvate.d railroad cars that are running from one end of New York to the other. . Public Speaking. TTnn V. VV Pou will address lowing- times and places Goldstou, Sept. 20th, 1904. Siler City, Sept. 21st, 1904. Bynum, Sept. 22nd, 1904. Hon. E. N. Simms, Llector, will Carter's School House, S.?pt, 1G rittsboro atH Sept. 10r Working The Roads. Editor Record: oome weeKs asro tnere was a communication in The Citizen say- ing in substance that the public roads in the Ronrhwpsrprn narfc of Williams township had been im perfectly worked, and intimating that, the road fund had too many - leaus in that division. Now, Mr. Editor, I am no road politician, and am far from trying to inject any partisan feeling in the road business, but J am per suaded to believe that communi cation was instigated by a party ; fP?"?"18? the supervisor of this division is a Democrat, and, if so, let me say that the other supervisor is a Populist and I am told that the roads in that section are not worked as well as they 1 1 . i 1 1 1 were under the old road law, ex cept one road; all the work or nearly all is done on one road, and the tax-payers are tired of this business, and the citizens of the north-ea3tern part of the township will ask for their rights in this, matter. . Away with politics in the road business. Let the superintendent remove the supervisor who con tinues to look to party in the road business. The roads m the north eastern part of Williams township are greatly neglected. A half day run-over is about all in one year. Fair Play. Conductor Fatally Shot. Special to Charlotte Observer. Durham, Sept. 12. Passengers who came in on the Norfolk & Western train tins morning tell of the accidental shooting of a Pull man conductor mn the main line of the Norfolk & Western road at Lynchburg, Va., this morning. At last accounts it is said that the conductor was so badly wounded that he cannot recover. The acci dent occurred in this way: At Lynchburg the train crews on the main line change. While the prop erty of an express messenger was being taken of? the train one of the crew accidentally dropped- a gun belonging to the express com pany, one of the kind carried by the messengers, and it was dis charged. The load of buckshot entered the left side of the con ductor who was standing near-by. Killed By Train. Special to Charlo le observer. Spencer, Sept.. 12. Mr. Jeffer son Lewis, of this place, was struck by north-bound passenger train No. 40 here Saturday night about midnight sustaining injuries from which he died last night. rIr. Lewis, it is learned, had start cd to the depot to meet a grown riCc biOVV ou tiie ;lcli o1 the "e;icl Stri'ck and Killed by Train. t Special l Jewd ai.U U!).-e; ver. AkI-.pviIIp N IV Spi.I 19 "MVm j --- I' - !jno. Clontz, of Alexander, was run over by a -freight train near Gor man's bridge this afternoon at 2:10 and so badly iniured that she died thirtv uiinntH uf tPvxvnrds. 'Air. and Mrs. Clontz had been to .i store at Gorman's bridge to make some purchases, riding on horseback. They left the store and started dow n the track to- gether when the train came upon them and Mis. Clontz was struck. Mr. Clontz escaped without injury. Tl e Democratic primaries were. ! held in Wake county on last. Sat- Iiekl in Wake conutv ou resuUed jn u tiou'(';f j C. EniDto le nomina- ton for the ; Senate and A. 13. Stronach, Percy ij. Olive and 11. E. Sentelle for ! the House. The old sheriff and istpr were reuominHted; but a w q COmmission- nominated. The announcement has been made that the DeForest system of wireless .telegraph has been made gent students of promise When troubled with constipa tion try Chamberlain's Stomach nnri T.ive.r Tablets. Thev are easy to take an(i produce no griping or other unpleasant effect. For sale by G. li. Pilkington. A son of Frank Partin, of Wake county, was smothered to death while playing m a pile of cotton on last Tuesday. The bank at Murphy, in Chero kee county, was robbed by burg lars of $4,500 one night last week Better Than a Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on the affected parts is better than a plaster for a lame aii(j for pains in the side or Balm has no superior for the relief of deep seateci mllScnlar and rheumatic ,n, Fo, sale by G. E. Bilking ; . Missionaries Murdered. London, Sept. 12. Six mission aries and five sisters were murder ed in a recent attack by natives llPon Trappist missions in Germ? n New Guinea. In a fight that fo - ri i r p. lowed fifteen natives were killed. Personally Conducted Tour To World's Pair St.' Tumi. Mo j Tuesday, October 4th, ,1904, via Seaboard Air Line Railway. The Seaboard Air Line Railway announces a very attractive per sonally conducted tour to the World's- Fair on Tuesday October 4tb, which will be in charge of Mr. G. H. Gattis, Travelling Passeiir ger Agent from all points- on its line and connections within, the State. Arrangements are beine made for special train consistin l . . of Pullman Drawing RoomSieep- ingCars and vestibule, high-back day coaehes to run through from Raleigh, Wilmington ana Char lotte to St. Louis without change. The route selected is one of the most aitractive in the South, via Atlanta, Chattanooga and Knox vilie, the route ot the Dixie Flyer, passing the battlefields, between Atlanta and Chattanooga, around Lookout Mountain and through the beautiful farming country of Kentucky. Rates from Raleigh, 15-day lim it, $24.80; ten days 18.50;, from Wilmington, 15-day liiuit, $26,25; ten days, $20.40; from Charlotte, lo-day limit, 24.95; ten days, $1S. 50. Rate for double berth in t.00; two can occupy berth, making charge just half. Leave Raleigh 4:00 p. m., Wil mington, 3:20 p. m., and Charlotte 7:25 p m , Tuesday afternoon, Oc tober 4th. All arrangements will be made for hotel accommodations at the Inside Inn, Exposition grounds. Pullmans will be rrovided for the return trip and everything will be done for the comfort and pleasure of those who avail themselves of this opportunity to visit the great est World's Fair ever held. For rates from .other points, schedules, Pullman reservations, pamphlets of the trip, address the undersigned. C. H. GATTIS, T. P. A., lialPlcrl h, N c. D Sl.CO for the Campaign. The Daily News and Observer will be full of the latest campaign news from National and State Democratic Headquarters until November 8th; it will lead in ad voeating the election of Demo cratic nominees and in preaching old-fashioned Democratic doc trine; it will also be full of fresh est and best news every day.' Its Sunday editions will give Mr. l).oley, Dr. Kingsbury, Dr. Whit aker,. Literiiry Notes, and bright special correspondence upon topics of deep interest to every North Carolinian. It ha s s iecii 1 facilities for get tiiiir the lht and latest political news and ought to be read b every Democratic voter in the State. One dollar will send The Daily News and Observer to any address until the Io ember election, and will give- at the the fullest returns showing the election of Alton I. Parker as President and lloberr B. Glenn as Governor. Send in your subscription at once. Address, JOSEPH US DANIELS, lialeigh, N. C. RFPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF PITTSBORO. AT riTTSRORO, IN THE STATE OF 'SOUTH CAROLINA, At close of business Sept. 12, 1904. KEsouncEs: Leans and Discounts, $43,799-63 Overdrafts, secured 1,216. 47, unsecured, 237.02. 1,453.49 Stocks, securities, etc.... 1,462.47 Banking house, furniture and fixtures... 1,390.83 Due from banks and bank ers: 4,762.08 Checks and other cash items 337.46 Lawfui money Reserve in Bank, viz: Gold coin 420.00 Silver coin. . . . .-.270.30 T National Bank and other ' ' US notes. 871.00 1,561.30 Total ..... ...... $59,767.26 liabilities: Capital Stock $10,000.00 Undivided profits, less Expenses and ta'xes, : 1,634.69 Individual Deposits sub ject to check.... 21,362.80 Time Deposits 16,730.92 Cashier's checks out standing 38.85 Notes and bills redis-counted..- ' 10,000.00 Total . . $59,767.26 State ofNorih Carolina, Chatham County, J ss I, M. T. Williams,. Cashier of the above named bank,, da solemnly swear that the above statement . is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. -. -M. T. WILLIAMS, Cashier. Subscribed to and sworn befoie me, this 12th day of Sept, 1904. (i. K. Pileington, -Notary Public. Correct Attest: W. L. London, H. A. London, E. H. Hayes, , " Directors. T7s7"e have made a '-mighty effort in" choosing gtock this season, and buying has not been stinted. Our buyer has just returned from New York and has bought all thej - - h newest merchandise, and now we are ready for this great ' ' Fall Campaign of Merchandising. Nothing has been slighted and no department has been overlooked. j We will appreciate your NEW ELECTION PRECINCT. Ordered,, by the Board of Elec tions for Chatham county that a new voting place be established at idouut Vernon Springs in Mat thews township, and that the ter ritory embraced in said new pre cinct is as follows: Being a portiou of Matthews township included in the follow ing boundaries; beginning at a point in the liandolph and Chat ham county line in the road lead ing from old Brush Creek church across the lauds of J. M. Jordan and others to Springfield church "to the John Cheek land; thence with and including the following lauds, to-wit: Those of. John Cheek, Dowd Cheek, John Woin-Jle,- George Harmon, Thomas Bray, N. A. Jones (home place), Mrs. Fanny Jones-, James Brewer (home place), William Stanley, Thomas Price, Josiah Dark and Thomas Daik to the line of. Hick ory Mountain township; thence with Hickory Mountain and Mat thews township line south to the corner of Matthews township; thence with Matthews and Bear Creek township line to the Ran dolph county line; thence with the Chatham and Randolph county iir.e north to the beginning. And ail qualified voters in said described territory will hereafter ! register and vote at Mt. Yernou Springs, which is hereby declared and ordered to be the voting place for the said precinct herein estab lished by this order, and a new registration is hereby ordered of all voters in said precinct for the election to be held on the 8th day of next November. Sept. 13, 1904. JACOB THOMPSON, Chairman Board of Elections-. Notice By Publication. ORTd CAROLINA, 1 la the Superior Court. Alumance O.uiny Hut. G. Y.v b'-rough, fcdmlnlMrator ot Geoi g w. Sj-lTester,. agalcst - Fordyce J- Sylvester, George A. ster. Wallace E. Sylvester, uud Mrs. S. Weti n aiid husband. It Hpt-earlug to the satisfaction f-f the'tourt that the aUuve named defendants Are a.l uou reel c;eu?b of this Biaie and cannot, sfier due diligence, l.e found therein, ai.d that they are necessary lartkB lo thl." epFciai proceeding, which is Uist tuie by the plalniiCT for the ea!o of his intestate's laudfSituaie In Aiamume county, to muke as seta for the paynieut vl debts due by said George w. sjhes cr, the defendants being his only Intra al law: they are hereby notified to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court oi Ala mance county, in the-low n of Graham, ou Satur day, the day of October, 1UU4, and answer or demur to ihe complaint Hied herein. ' J. 13. KEUlVODLE. Cleik Superior Court. AND SALh: By virtue ot an order of ihe Superior Court of Chatham coiinty I will Bell for caeh al public auction at the railroad depot in Siler City o i SA1 TJitfJAY, the 15th day of Oci bor. 1904, the follow!: g real es tate lu iitidlcy township and known as a part o the Oeoi ge W. lUevts land: J One trnct brBiiining at a stene in S. P. Tet gue's corner and running east J3i p'-les to en ash on bank of Varueli'd creek, thence down the mean Utrs of said creek lo Stephen lenley's line 85 poles straighOi thence west a few degree south 112 poles to a stone In old rad thence north 94 poled to the beginning, and containing about C6 - And another tract beginning at a stone in 'league's corner and running east 131 poles to a maple, Varnoll's crek, league's corner, thence up suid creek to a maple, W. N. Harris' coiner, thenco west i.6 2 3 poles to a stone, Clark's corner, theuce southwest wltji Clark's line 82 poles to the beginning, and containing alout 26 acres. j The salrt tracts wiil be offered for sale separate-, ly and then together ss a whole. Sale to be ciuiirn.ed by the court. i sept. 13, 1904. JOHN T. BRITTAIN, 1 - CommissioDer. Notice to Creditors. Ilaving qualiiied as admr. of L. B. yHklngton deceased, this is to notify all creditors ot the estate to present their claims to tho undersigned on or before the 2sd, day of AlJGuSX 1905, or this notice will be plead In bar ot their recovery This Aug. 2J.-D. 1904. - S. G. YAKHOROUCfH, ADMK K. U. Hayes, ATTY, " inspection of oar Mammoth Stock. as-CHATHAM'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE; & rockville LOCKVILLE, N. C. Capacity in Twenty-Four Hours Three Hundred Bushels Wheat and Four Hundred Bushels Corn; They can do your grinding well and quickly, or .if' you have the time you can talk over The Coming Campaign with the best people from Chatham, Wake, Harnett and Moore counties. They all have their grinding done ihex. Give Them ------ ' f ; The Keeley Institute, Greensboro, N.C. FREE Mill Name.. . . . Addresss . . mi. mm. Pittsboro Academy. H. M. London,. A. B., Prirr Cipal. MrS. JaS. A. ThOITip SOI1 Assistant, ' 117th. annual session opens Monday, September 5th. 1904. A first class College and Univer sity preparatory school for boys and girls. Courses in -Common School branches, Latin, Greek, French, English, History, Physics and Math ematics. Thoroughness in work es- ! pecially emphasized. TUITION $1.50 TO, $3.00 A MONTH. BOARD REASON- A.U.UAJ. FOR PARTICULARS in Chatham by. F. M. Farrell, Pitts S THE boro N. C, who will furnish designs ADDRESS PRINCIPAL. PITlfcEORO N. C " . -I .6-I er Mills a Trial. CUT THIS OUT TO-D AY MAI1IT TQ Bex 166, G-resnsTsoro, 0-! Please send me your Illustrated Hand BookNo. 26 .."3.' KNIGHTAND ROACH Greensboro Mr C. Dealers IN Monuments AND Tombstones All work guaranteed. Represented on application. July 7th, 19C4. 3m -"'f 3 if H i ,4 I 'I, 1 n U ii i-f !