II! :s.f : p 4 S 1 (ii i ;Uf -- j. 1 1 1:1 i.- T TStJRSDAYi December 29, 1904. '. . - H. A. LONDON, Editor. , FAREWELL OLD YEAR, , The old year is almost gone, its -Jays are numbered and its; end is j near, and we mnst all now say Farewell Old Yeai.'- v With many it has been a year 'l of .happiness and prosperity, and f s they will regretfully say farewell ) as if parting with a kind friend, j VWith others it has been a year of : 'sorrow and adversity, of sickness and snffering, and they will gladly say farewell. . - And such is life. Thus it has The JapaneseRussian War. From The CharloUe Observer, Dec. 2$;h. The Russians still hold Port Artbur and the situation in 'the interior of Manchuria is practical ly the same that it has been for be vera 1 weeks past re-euforce-ments steadily coming us, but no determined hostile movements at tempted. This, in the main, cov ers 'the creueral situation in the! far Eastso far as can be determin ed from the news received during the week just past. ., . - The news from Japanese sources j to the effect that the ''Sevastopol, i Washington.. Letter. - - rFrnmour Rezular Correspondent.! Washington, Dec. 22, 1904. Congress has adjourned for the 350,000 It is said' that over Christmas trees were sold pi New York Cityjajst week. Czar Pomises Reforms,, St. Petersburg Dec. ' 2G. An imperial ukase issued tonight makes decidedly liberal promises under a number of heads. It promises a full and equitable en forcement of existing laws; assures the Zemstvos of the fnllest possi- The Christmas V accident and Christmas recess having, appar- -Homicide recora ior uisiauuu kMT rti-onmnlisliuil vpru little d n f - - Missis si n d i j a ten killed in ..New. ing the two weefcs unte-noiiaay uneaus, uve juiai ;A.iuky ..- raeasure of self-govejnment session; but actually many pre- fire-works in Louisiana, and lour & th& ejlforcement of tlie laws limiuaries have been disposed of murders or homicides, six murders existing in their behalf; pro- ana a programme oi iu irat m uwnnwco----- i. ----- militates a scneme 01 wornmen the session has been mapped out ( of the victims being negroes. insurance; extends the . liberty of and tentatively agreed upon by, : ' " ' - : -the press, and promises a full le the leaders oi ootn nouses.- iicciu DissoMtioii Sale omy is to be the dominant policy of the session and private legisla A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro- gal trial of all persons accused. the last liussian warshipat Port t wiU stand litlle ciiauce while truding Piles. ..Druggists refund IvMtnr narl hpn tlisahlpn is o.nn- , . -i i.:ii monp.vif Fa7n Uintment laiiS 10 firmed, the liussians admitting m l nnnillarlv cal!ed ..Dork bins will cure any case, no matter of how n. General wav that the Japanese ; :!. - : " j:tt5n-irt.,o-.y c.,;i lonjr. Standius", in -; b to 14 aays rn J i MAP JL U1JUUU1U VjV. II 1 oc i-v . r- . . assertions are correct, lhe con tention is maintained at bt Petei These are the Public Buiklingand. Uirw application gne u, fi,a rfilQ,. onVI TTnrhnf hilla. hnth rest. wic,.. it your aruggibi uus.ii i. some are happy, others mourn "While the bright sunshine glad of thft nedo boats are vet seaworthy and ; A ,,' aiwtiv mpmlwra and if . Medicine Co,, bt. Louis, Mo. I . . . , Vl. ii IV uuvvw ' v J " - - - - . . . ver been and will ever be. While ! w " ru ariuu i iiiet:u ; tiie leaders carry their plans to a can oe repaireu. a uiap.-iiuu iiuui successfl issue-both will be" lelt the Russian capital speaks of "the: strauded-ou the 4th of March. coming ngni uerween auiuuhi ; p - f ia;ma n,id oeusion bills 7 . . IT " will also suffer from the narrow sburg, however, that several of wuicuU8aally carry numerous jt send 50c. in stamps and ill 1ivrr vaskaIh and ome tor.! x ?j4. iu :-i be forwarded nost-paid uv Iraris 7 'appropriations ueHi , ; A 'l t':l 43ens the pathway of some, the dark Tosro's fleet and the liussian sec lmtda rast a shadow o'er the oud Pacific (Baltic) flpet,' thus ' 1: t k T fl.o 1 i ti orn fi tro ' showing that it is desired that the ; margin between federal receipts : lipk jiix (fl L LlltJi T .1 m , , .o(-.r 1 B -..v,-:T v m T ' ana expenses, an iu iiuiuiui?ii- a .- - - - nee : 1.1.-., ln.wi rf Holv Writ let us "reioice with ? Z"Zl" rT.TS": ! tiQ headers are ceierminea ue.,u " . , ... " .now en route 10 me uuij.. .c.j , to icrease taxation nor to those who do ..rejoice and weep .means business. But it is to be with those who weep." May we all profit by the experi ence of the past jTear, avoiding: its mistakes and misfortunes, and "while enjoying a continuation of its pleasures may we all escape a repetition of. its sorrows during lhe coming year! To each and all its readers The Hecord extends its best wishes doubted if the vessels ever get to gether, despite the evident pre parations now being made by Ja pan to give the new-comers a wel come befitting the diguity of their station. The JaDanese have evidently K,foVi ,,t rooiiir mpn.nt tnstarvp thirty years, on pv to increase taxation nor to is sue bonds to meet ail unnecessary Treasury deficit. " The most imoortant legislation thus far accomplished is the Phil- 'ippiue Public Improvement bill, whereby the rhihppine Commis sion is authorized to guarantee 4 per cent interest, for a term of bonds issued to Zt desratecover the actaal cost of constrc- going on far!tiou,.of.a ste f1 r,l norbnt Philippines. I his measure has out Toessel, for m fighting has been 1 .1 : t. i. some uays, aim several iluijui uuib - ',', j-.i.- ...:n k the e y.nna .y it points have falleu iut? tbeir bauds. - 1. r .irtvn orri'.ii-irQi rr .11111 aui w u - - w tui triiuu aim an iue nappiesb ,f their lives! A State convention of the friends of temperance will be held at Baleigh on the 19th of Janu ary. The object of this conven tion is to form a programme for the temperance campaign for the coming year, and to urge the legislature to take no backward tep in temperance reform. So much has been accomplished in this State duriug the past two years in the cause of temperance that all good citizens should be encouraged to push forward the ood work until the whiskey traf fic is entirely suppressed. While there k not much more that can be done by legislative enactment, yet steps should be taken to in ure against any unfavorable leg islation. From our knowledge of the coming Legislature we lo not. ear any legislation adverse to temperance. The truth is we do not so much a'eed auy more temperance legis lation as we need the rigid en forcement of existing legVation. What is now needed more is the strict enforcement of our present prohibition laws, and this can be most effectively done by cultivat ing a popular demand for their enforcement. For the proper en forcement of any law there must be a healthy public sentiment fa--rorable to it. sources, was sent in to St. Peters- i Honse after the reees , A itlio ugl burg that the Japanese had lost f President and Secret y 203?Metre Hill, but this is not ref an the n l f J1 l confirmed and reallv lore-on its to the development of the Pm U - face a denial of its kccnraey. This Pef. ifc f ue;il f jUJin!" L - the Senate because of the loose capture, it appears, w--is most 1m portaut, from the tact that it com manded the harbor and led to the destruction or disabling of the re maining liussian war vessels, for it has not, so far, proved a key to the capture of Port Arthur itself at least, there" is no record of any thing of the kind being expected of it. The main advantage to be gained from . besieging the port, however, viewed from a general standpoint, has already been at tained in the disabling of the Rus sian tleet. This, of course, -does not take into consideration the moral effect of the fall of jPort Arthur, for when that long-expected event takes place as it seems certain to do some time soon Japanese securities and prestige will likely rise and Russian bonds and prospects fall. SCHOOL FUND, j Re ceipt s"a 11 d D i s -bit j'seuve iits of clA4Ml---:; Fund for linear eiid- FCR T0RPBD LIVER. A torpid liver deranges the whole - system, and produces SICK HEADACHE- Dyspepsia, Costivefsess, Rheu motissn, Sa8 low Sksn and Piles. There is no" better remedy f at these " common diseases than DR. TUTTS - LIVER PILLS, S3 a trial will prove. Take No Substitute - . COMMISSIONERS EXPENSES. itig June 30, i In accordnnce m-hh. secilon 113 of yiio ' Code. I, W. e. Brnoks. cieili ui ibe Bird or county a ro : m tesl'iiprs of Chadmm eounty. Jo Jvereby cortlfy that lhe tAU-rK'.vg if a irue and correct Stalmceut tr iho ear eu llug November 3l), 190t. of the ac counts, Hems aud nature of all cnnapensutU'it I lowrfd by the, Board to the luei.bera thereof re-, epectlvnly, the number of days the Board waB In pesalcn, and the distance trareled by each mem ber: . ' ". :. E. W. BLAND. ; 27 flays 88 Cotxtmiael'iner, On account of Bridge, : Ou acwiint or paupers and lanatlcs. On account of Home of A. and I., On account of stock law. Freight, telegraph meeuuge, &c , The partnership of JJynum & Headen will expire byjirnitation Jan uAry 1st, 4905; In order to close up the business their mammoth stock of goods will be sbld at a " " - ' " - for Jthe cash. No one need apply for credit.- "All of those who are in debted to the'firm of Bynum & Headen will have to settle on "or before January 1st, as the business will positively be closed up on that date BYNUM & HEADER ; The business awUI be reoiganized and resumed in the same old stand after January 1st. under the management of A. Headen Bynum. , Nov. 10th, 4904, . ' -. - . ' ' Important Sale. .. r . As executors of W. B. Gilmore, deceased, we wiU sell at public: auc tion " at his ; late residence in Siler City, on Friday, January .27, (905, all the personal property ff said de cedent, and two houses and Jots in said town of Siler City, one of them now rented to Noah R. Harris and the other occupied by the family of said 'decedent. " . ; - - Terms of sale: The personal prop erty all cash, and one -half cash for the. real estate and balance in twelve mnn ViQ Intflracf ffnm Ci1j 135 00 - Title reserved untij paid ip full. fi 00 , Uec. 2, 1904. IN. A. (jILMORE, James E. Goj.dston, Executors. ESTIBUIED IM1TED RAWS Double Daily Service: BETWEEN :EW.yOBK, TAMPA, ATLANTANEW.OK LEAS and POIN', S SOUTH -jtkti WES 1 In effect Jan.- llth, 1904- Southward. 2 00 1 60 Official Vcle For President. It seems strange and surprising ihat more crimes shonld be com mitted ana more accidents happen during the Christmas holidays than during any other week iu the whole year. We might fill every olamu of this paper with accounts f murders and other crimes com mitted at a time when is commem orated the biith of the Prince of Peace. Iustead of "Peace oir eart h, good will to men" as proclaimed . by the Angelic host to the Shep herds of old, Christmas seems to sreate crime and cause men to stain their hands with the blood of their iellowmen. It is a sad commentary on the flepravity of our human nature r -that men should thus debase them elves and disgrace humanity by urch desecration of the joyous Christmastide! Chicago, Dec. 22. The o0ici.il canvass of the votes cast Novem ber. 8th for presidential electors was complf.ted today, when the result was announced iu Minne sota, North Dakota aud Washing ton, The Associated Press is, therefore, able to present a table giving the official vote of all t lie 45 States. The total id 13,508,4.06, against 13,9GS,574 in 1900, a de crease of 460,108. The ballots were divided as fol lows: ' - Uoo9evelt,Pvef)ublican,7JG27,G32. Parker, Democrat, -5,-080,054. Debs, Socialist, 391,587. Swallow, Prohibitionist 200,303. . Watson, People's, 114,637. Corregan, Socialist Labor, 33, 453. - Holcomb, Continental Labor, 830; : -; lloosevelt received, over all; ' 1,746,768, aud over Parker, 2,547,- 578, In 1800 McKiuley had 4G7,- 016 more than all the other caudi- m aimer, iu which the railway clause was drafted and was only saved from defeat at the eleventh hour by Senator Spoouer who is recognized as the best constitu tional lawyer in tire upper cham ber and whose knowledge of rail way law enabled him to so redraft the railway clause as to eliminate the objections of those who saw in the original measure numerous loopholes whereby dishonest rail way officials miaht have seriously defrauded the Philippine jjovern meut. There is now on the Senate cal endar a Statehood bill whirh will receive the hearty support of a large majority of the ltepubhcans and which the majority hopes will become a law. Substantial! it provides for the proposition, making Oklahoma and Indian Territory 'one Stati and Arizona and New Mexico aii--otlier, but providing that eacbimiy resolve itseif into a Kingie State when it attains to a prescribed population. The bill is cerium to meet with serious opposition from the Demoei ats who believe that the area of these territories war rant, their being represented by eight instead of four Senators, and also from Senators Alger, of Mich igan, and Bard, of California, lie publicans. It is impossible to predict the fate of -the measure, Received General State and County Poll Ta Received General Prop erty School -Tax, From Fines, Forfeitures and Penalties in the sev eral courts, From State Treasurer; From 1st Hui dred Thous and Dollars From.2d Hundred Thcms- and. Dollars, From, sale of school prop erty, Examination fees. Listed by Re of Deeds, For Rural Libraries, -Total Irom other sources Total. -. Jj. E. JJOLUSS. 21 ilays is Ciimmlsslohf r, 445 mllfs travele t, On account ot Bi iOges, , Total.. S. B. FARRELt.. 4690 50 11 ,JftJ"R " Cominlss onnr, v 210 milea traveled. ' 78C4.22 49.87 1246.97 .2935.80 12.15 3,00 35.82 120.00 233,97 203.00 $ 42.03 2 2 30 118.00 $162,30 $22.00 10.50 30.00 -Hay- IT'XECUTOKS'. NOTICE ingquallUed as the es"cyitnra of tl. Iat will and testament pf W. B OllnJore, decessedj we hereby notify all persons Jb'tldlug. clnrtna agat at eaid dece'ieut to exalblt the same to as pu or ber fore Derei ber 29, 1905. Deo. 29. 1904. ui A. eU.MORfi. JAMES E. GOLDSTOX. I New York, PER Philadelphia, Baltimore, " W aalnnKK.D, W 8 By " lslfhmi.iid. SALUy Peteiaburg Noi 11 UK Brndnrson " LT haluigli 8. A. L, . .ouihuru Plues Uamlet Lv Columbia Ar fiavauuali - Ar Jacksouville Total. received during the; . ' year f ronv July 1, 193, ' ol.l two State I to, June 30, 19l4. ; 16901.33 balance on liana as per last report,-' ,2763-60. Total, ' r $10721.93 On account of Erldgoe, . Total, ' ' ; $62.60 The Board was In nefslon 27 days No unverl fldd accoun'.B .were audited, V. E. B' OOIH, Begl.itar of Deeds, an-l ex officio Cletk of the Boar I. OUR CHATHAM FRIENDS 4DMINISTRATORS NOTICE Havln? qtiaUfil ad ttl adminltttraior of ; Jume Sprulil. deceaaed,. I lereby uotlfy all kh i soim holdUU c alms agilnst 8tM. decedent to ; exhibit the san.e to me on or te're the 4Kb day of December, 1C5. S. a.AHaQHuUa. December 8, 1904, B AND SALE: By virtue -of an order, of I he Superior .Court -of Chmb&in county .niade iu the (-pw-lal p"tre;dlr.gs entl lcJ st. Augustine Ar Tampa Dally No. 57 12 66 m 5 25 pin 6 40 pm 1 W) pm II oo pm 11 4i pm ' 1 67 am 2 i5 am - 16 am 0 20 am ' 7 5m " ' V 60 am 2unptn "7 Wi m 9 15 pm" "633 am LV Kw york. S TPllt PlilladtlpbU Ko. 88. - t7 66 am 10 16 am Dally N. n U Kl Btt 7 2(1 an 84 an ltliCntc 21S. 2 62 1I .6 lu 6 41 pic 7 10 in 9 Oi l:g -lu aO im 12ii am 4 45 am 9 10 am 10 60 pn - 6 3Jpm : Ho. 41 1 25 f 11 liOpOl New York O D 8 ti Co MuOpn . Baltimore, B S P Co 16 SO ara WashlijRlon, k W KB rortsmouth 6 A U By Weldou - I ." ' Norllna ' Henderson -' -' -Lr ltaielKh ' Sout hero pines Uamtet . 9 an am 12 )2am 1 Stfam - 2 2" am 4 15 A n 6 20 m 7 35 am Wllnnln- ton Ar Ohiirhitle, 10 I B am Ch-tiir . Greenwood D. F. Grife. administrator ot Polly nn Owe, i Ar ,tH, j airfllnwt IT T .ltd n!hArw 1 wITl 1 ftte catsh. at 1.2 ro , on t Saturday, January 7, IGG5, Are cordially invited lo examine tt the curt. i .usi dir m pitmiiro, the. uwi . ' j described in the peilili fl Tiled ttierrJu. lying on OUT fSeV StOCK. Of j Indian rreek In Bear creejt towHhtp, Chatham County, adjoining t he lauds of Waller t art alid 'oihE, ai-d tK'hmjrlnt? to lhe ntat of ully Auu GrHe, ud kiln w 11 hb tae Alvia Oj-ose lnad. December JUi, 1304. D. .F. GKOSfi. . Comuilsblotter., r AiigUMUl Ct wu Ar Macon O o. fi 10 30 am 123pm 2 5ti p.m 3 To pm 6 pM 7 M m 6 SO pm 9 25 nra 1 1 65 m 1 40 pm 2 10 pm 4 no pm n 16 pm lo 4ii pm . 3 i fm " 10 43pm "1 10 ant . 3 A3 am .6 35 am 8 30 UEQ Fall and Winter Goods but it is cor tain to cnusume a larre amonut of time and that .in itsehf will accomplish the ends of the readers as it will render less desirable- legislation impossible. Soon after New Years the House will si)d to the ISeunte impeach ment articles against Judge Chas. Swayne, of Delaware and Florida. This will be the first impeachment case .tried bv the Senate since that of General W. W. Belkuap, Secretary of War, in 1S76, aud that, was never carried to a con- dates and 859,981 more thau Bryan. cln?lon cretary Belknap s The vote for Roosevelt was400, 822 more than for.McKinley, while that for Parker was 1,277,772 less than for Bryan. McKinley polled more votes than Roosevelt in Alabama, Geor gia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maiue, Maryland Mississippi, - New Hampshire,JNorth Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. Hoosevelt got .more thau McKinley in the other Z- States. . .' . Parker received more votes than Bryan in Delaware, Georgia, Mis- resignation was accepted by Presi dent Grant daring the .trial, - It is roughly estimated that the im peachment case will reach the Senate about Jauuary 12 and will not be concluded for four weeks. The present plans are to sit as ja court of impeaohmeht-from 11. a. m. to 2 p. m. each day and take 'up legislative business at. 2 p. ra.; The case .is likely to be attended with intense interest, not only because of its novelty but because one i of the counts in the -'iddictmen;!is certain to be the falsification 'of Paid teachers of - schools lor ...whites, -Paid teichcis of schools ior colored,-- ' Pa:d for school houses and sites colored; ' Paid Co. Superiii:endent, Paid for Treasurer's Commissions 2 per cent". Oil 231)30.00, - ' Miieage and per diem of County Board of Edu- cauon," .; -Expenses of County Board of Education, in cluding fuel, stationery and postage, . Paid "far taking census", lient and selling lots. . Fuel and., supplies for - schools, . Deeds ' ; : . Stoves and fixtures, Libraries and cases. Repairs for "school houses Paid-.on last-year acct., Money tet.ped to; parents, Probating and recording deeds,- :: '". Asst. Superintendent, Board' bnddine; scnool Publishing "Treasurers Extra appropriations by Board "-' Total for othe'rpDses'' I -. itf n t I S nt toU kit. sissippi, New Jersev, New :York, expeuse .unu a ina.u u.u, Rhode Island, South Carol ina and freely charged is not uncommon WmK Vfvmnk wlnlo Rrv-u, rrf among i ederal luclges wao are al- The present low price of cofton is as hard on our farmers as it was during Cleveland and McKipley'a administrations, when it got down ' to five cents & pound. Five-cent otton then would buy as much as even-cent cotton will buy now, ' because then everything a farmer bought was much cheaper than it is now. Labor also is much high er now than it was then. Those prejudiced partisans who blamed Cleveland for the low price of cotton in 1894 are hard up now -with all sorts of foolish excuses for the present low price of "Roose Telt" cotton. They realize now, but are too stubborn to admit, .that the old, law of "supply and ? demand regulates the price of al 'most everything. more than Parker in the ,f emain ing 37 States. :. - The Iljepublicans made gaics over their vote of 1900 in 32 States, and the official figures showiosses in 13. The total gains of the Republi cans were 732,048, aud the total ; losses 312,249, net gain, 419,799. ; iue jjemocrats poitea more votes iu eight States than in 1900, but less in 37. Their total " gains were 30,792, and the total Josses 1,291,491, net loss 1,2G0,699. lowed a maximum of $10 a day for expenses whenever they leave home to hold courts, but who are compelled to swear that their ex-, penses have been "incurred " as itemized." If Judge Swayne is found guilty on this count there will doubtless be other Federal jurists who will be compelled to reflect that tuey stand in slippery places. An interesting specimen of na tional busiuess methods was call ed to. the attention. of your corres pondent today. During the fiscal year ending .with. -last June the Government -paid for rented build- Thomas W. Dewey, the abscond-! ino-s in Washington $341,236.94, mg cashier of the New Bern bank It is estimated that this sum rep- i i i t 1 ... 1 tnat laiiea oveia yar ago, nas : resents not less t nan ten vex " . The Legislature wil I meet pext Wipdnstlay. Lieut.-Gov. ..Tm'uer will nreside -over the Senate ,.unt:l returned and given bond for Jiis cent of the value of the property rented while. the Government can borrow appearance at court for trial. .. rr, - n V r all. the money it needs at per nt ' i i vt-Ti t i cent a year. llierefore,if-the Gov- Mayor Charles McMillan, of 1? ay- ,n;on nn -v. . u -j , i ., , , :J ernment were wise-enough to buy I . -c, ., J , . land ana erect its own buildings. uu yy -:Vreveu if compelled-to borrow, the : . money to do it, it could proeure On last .Fiidav Mr. Pearl 'Turn- '-the same or better accommodations er, of Davidson "Voun-tv, '.accident- for-S8)412,370 on which "the "iuter-l Xiieut.-Gov. Winston is -sworn in : ally -shot himself in the abdomen -est at 2 per cent would be $G8,247.-1 on the llth., ' - ; anu tlied in n few" minutes. ) -saving of $273,O0(ra year. ' 975G.9G .3-176.53 15 00 443.89 460.61 114.90 30.15 74-75 59.00 315.98 40.9 30.80 01.50 327.06 11.15 7.20 7.44 18.00 243.00 10.00 124.41 1396.79 We give special attention to the wants of the country trade and keep a nice line of Dry Gobis, Notions, Shoes Hats, And all kinds of Groceries. . Ar MoniK-'y . A ft w p . Ar Mfllln A In 1 ft N r vw.0rlni.i I. ft N 8 20 pm 3 65 m 7 13 am 11 lOitm r .wHhvlllr N r ft t L. C 0 nln". ' OH I' PC Ar v.eini lils . a 45 fin .' M hit Northward- LTrVmi hU X. G. ft-St f. r. 12 5'wciv NHxIivllln AND SALE. By virtue of an T.lTufiUo tttipfrl.ir cmrt of chaHtnin o.mvy I sell at juiil.c hjii- Inn hi lhe !ro :r. M. K. Siiu.u. In .New Huyo tnwushlu, h' l-i i.'i-loi oil " - -'l' ! SATURDAY, ' JANUAKY l iTn, 1905, -Highest market .price.- paid for aiHi im 'pa t u imii ji-ng " .' . rV,ifr., 1r.(M"i PVmoT. fr' rttld Jy 8. ttWHtWHUHl ia sow H;pe goods. - : - otrrcu UU 1U'C .W oaniwa vii' l103p.lea ion In Vlca'B anl O. M. Slire tOjCall Oil US " j s'irc Mler. ThBiice.vIihO. M. Brosi'a Hue north i 78 p.le to a elfte Id -oil's line, Uu ftoo Wpsi 1(W Thanking our Chatham custorri- -.!.le to . stake In Janit-8 .Ip.iea line, and ibence arc fAr -n-isf nMfronpo-A ve hone a" wlibiimfsiaiw 78 ive-milrBt nation. ersiorpast patronage ue nope ,a Tliere l8 exwplod tlie oMne,,j pUie ,,u Bbnul 23 continuance of the same. . - ! acrra .t hji inmi that ui it;irf u ima. -" " across Hie stunvp, -wlifdii liaA litrototoro been boPI SABFORD cotton mills j jrtr.rr.'.cr.r NPW Ol lPHi.fi, I. ft N Mo. - " Montitomerjr. a ft W p 9.80 jiln, 11 40a.m" ft mi Km : 5i S f. CO B t SQ am 1 W pm 4 vo tra H'Witfhlp, jij'.'l lioo-TllMa art loltowti: BrslntiUii; atiaRte& uimhuI p talei Uattheura corner on the et fIUd of Beaver t-rek. aaS runnliiz east with I ( I IV f Treasurer, SANFOIiD, N. C. -; aiImimh t .Vr A'-hMis : r"iiwool rinfuer 8 a L Iiy IvPliarlolIrt ' w i t. lort-n Haixlft Ri'Uthprn Wnes ralelEb. S-A L Remlerson Norilna weilin - Por:sni"Uih Wnfhlrptn-N ft WS B -.' BaftlTjore B86 Ar New York. 0. D.' 8. Sl 'Co. riillnricliilita N Y P ft 8 46 pra J KewYork " V 815im 10 in .m. ij poTiMa ? prn 2.V7.J.D) j,1123i.m fi 15 pm t . IM rr 1 17 pm '4 am T5 pm"" 5 01 ao ilo in' " 10 an pm IV'Spm -;1 M in .-. . 2 (l am . S in am fi 05 am -7 50 am 730 pm lt(0nDi 12 37 I m 1 40 pm 3 oo pm 5 30 pm 0 51 ia 6 30 m 5 01 tin 6 10 am 8 00 am Lt Tampa S A L tiy St. Auirastlne 85 0 p m 7 30 am NnS 8 SO am 0 20 p Total disbursements, $15769.58 Balance on hand, July ". 1st," 1901, - : 395-35 Total, " " ;; V $19724.93 The money was refunded to parents on adcount of sicljneas and children being unable to at tend school. Vouchers signed b committee and ordered by Board. To the State Superintend ent of Public Instruction, Raleigh, N. C: The foreeroinsr is a true statement of the School Fund received and disbursed by the Treasurer of the County Board of Education for the school year ending June 30, .1904, as required by Section 51 of the School Law. J. R. MILL1KEN, Treasurer County Board . Education Chatham County. R. P. JOHNSON, County Superintendent. BANK jjiliAnS-Carr - -Wm.J.Hol!oway-President Cashier THE BANKOF THE TOWN Wt Strive to OUiofe ana Accomodate mm mas DEPARTMENT We Issue Certificates - of Deposit bea.rin - FOUR percent Interest f opens you an Account 15- FIND HtHF AFF nrDACIT RAYFC FOR RENT Burglar S Fireproof Vaults r&j&nt Ifou .Carry the I f NOTICE FCR PARDON, Notice is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the Governor of North Carolina tor a pardon for j General Fearrington, who was con-1 victed at February term, 1904, ot Chatham Superior court, and sen tenced to the roads ot Union county i or two years. Dec. 7, 190. MARTHA FEARRINGTON. For Sale. On Saturday, the 31st day of be . cembert 1904, 1 will sell at public auction the lot in the town of Pitts boro formerly belonging" to Miss Ann R. Waddell, deceased,' and west of the lot of Mrs. H. H; Fike.; ... . This lot contains nearly one acre, and on it are two dwellings. " ::-; Terms of sale: One-half cash and one-half in six months with interest from sale. . : Nov. 30, 1904. , . , U. A. LONDON, . -s s Executor. Jaoksonvll ' ' . 9 00 am . 7 M l' havantiHU 1 15 in UlOnrp O-lumbla 6 59 inn ' 6 30m Hmnilet IU 30 pin 8001 Southern Pines 1115 pm ; Sra Lt KHit-lKh B.'L -larthm li:m Uemleraoa - a 4tn : 1 00 pid ' Norlina' - vaia u ry 1 M m Petersburg 'M'ra ' "IWp Klcl-.mi lld 6innnr'. 4 55 p re " Washlugmn WflKy 8 50 ia H 36 m Baltimore tKB-i liasiim 11 23 pm Philadelphia . 1 40 pin J Ar Nw Y-.rk. Penn. R. R. -415pm' 63Um Kote. t Dally Except Sund iy. tCeuiral Tirr.e. Eastrru Time. 1 1 Send model, sketch or photo ol invention tor ' freereport on patentability. For free bcolc, . PaSd TRADt-r.lARKo r P ullman Drawing Eocm: Sleep ing cars on all through trains, New York to Atlanta, Jacksonville and Tampa. Tickets on sale to all points, Pullman reservations made upon application to any Ticket Agent of this Company, or at the: UP-TOWN TICKET OFFICE, Yarborough House Building. C. H. Gattib, T. P. A. Phones 117, . rr , Raleigh, N. 0. C. B. Ryan, Gen.'l Passenger Agent, Portsmouth, Va. ... Jas. M. Barr President and General Manager, Portmouth, Va. TRAINS LKAYK P1TTSU0U0 r '3.50 p. m. 0.00 a. m. Trains Ar ' ive at Piltstoro : iu.45 a. m., 5.50 p. m Daily except Sunday. ' Ar. Moncure 4 V) p in " 9 Daily. tDaliy-except Sundy. FITTING GLASSES. If you'are unable to visit our Optical office and consult our spe cialist, we will sei.d you free a sim pie method of treating your eyes at home on receipt ot a postal card. She Rapport Optical Co., . '. Durham, N C Take Laxative Bromo Ouinine Tatiets. 1 y Seven MHBpnToes sola in pasn s morons. i ins iioi,w?v - - - - - S.i i III ii I i i m I . . wmmmmmm m 1 . Caret Crip in TwaDays. on every box. 25c.

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