STOPS BZLCHiNG BY ABSORPTION NO DRUCS-A NEW, METHOD. A Box of Wafers Free Have Tou Aral Indigestion, s-toroacli Trouble, Ir regular Hart. Dizzy Spells Short Jtreath, Gas ou the Stomach? Bitter Taste Bad Breath Impaired Ap ftctite A feeling of fullness, weight and pain over the stomach and heart, some times nausea and vomiting, also fever and ick headache? What causes it? Any one or all of these: Excessive eating and drinking abuse of spirits anxiety and depression mental ef fort mental worry and physical fatigue bad air insufficient food sedentary habits absence of teeth bolting of food. If you suffer from this slow death, and miserable existence, let us send you a sam ple box of Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers abso lutely free. No drugs. Drugs injure the stomach. It stops belching and cures a 'diseased stomach by absorbing the foul odors from undigested food and by imparting activity to the lining of the stomach, enabling it to thoroughly mix the food witii the gastric juices, which promotes digestion and cure the disease. - SrKCiAL Offer. The regular price of Stall's Anti-Belch Wafers is 50c. a vox. but to introduce it to thousands of sufferers re will send two (2) boxc3 upon receipt of 75c and this advertisement, or we will send vou a samole free for this coupon. This Offer May Not Appear Again. 1293 FKEE COUPON 128 Send this couDon with your name and address and name of a druggist who dees not sell it for a free sample box of Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers to IIccl's GKAr-E Toxic Co., "2S Third Ave., Kock Island, 111. Gice FuU Address and Wri'e Plainly. . So?d by all druggists, 50c. per box, or ent by mnu. A jolly father of a family is about as-jolly as some of the jokes he tells. ULCERS FOR THIRTY YEARS Pa.ta.fal Eruptions From Knees to Feat Seemed Incnrabls Cnticura End Misery. Another of those remarkable cure by Csstieura, after doctors and all ,dse had failed, is testified to by Mr. M. C. Moss, of Ciainesvjlle, Texas, in the following letters t?"or over thirty years I suffered from painful ulcers and an eruption from ray knees to feet, and- could find neither doc tors nor medicine to help me until 1 used Oiticura Soap, Ointment and Pills, which cured me in six months. They helped me the very first time I used them, and I am g'-ad to write this so that others suffering as I did may be saved from misery." Courage and caution make a splen did r0rkin2r team. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, ai until the last few years was supposed to fee insurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed Joeal remedies, and by constantly failing to oartt with local treatment, pronounced it in curable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Care, manufactured by 1'. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cura on the market, -it is taken Internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonf ui. It a-ts direct ly on tne blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for aaycase it fails to cure. Send for circular aad testimonials. Addre33 F. J. Cheskt Jb 0., Toledo, O. - Sold by Druggists, Too. Take Mail's Family Pills for eonstipatioa It is very exciting to kiss a girl be fore she likes you. So. 49. JOYS OF MATEKN1TY WOMAN'S BEST HOPES REALIZED -Mrs. Potts Tells Eow "Woman Should Prepare for Motherhood The darkest days of husband and wife are when tfcey come to look for ward to childless and lonely old age. Many a wife has found herself inca pable of motherhood owingr to a dis placement of the womb or lack of .atrength in the generative organs. Airs. Anna Potts Frequent backache and distressing pains, accompanied by offensive dis--vhx.rges and generally by irregular ausd scanty menstruation indicate a dis placement or nerve degeneration of th$ womb and surrounding organs. The question that troubles women Is how can a woman who has some fe male trouble bear healthy children? Mrs. Anna Potts, of 510 Park Avenue, Het Springs, Ark., writes : 3fy Dear Mrs. Pinkham: During the early part of my married life I was delicate in health both my husband and I were very anxious for a child to bless our home, but I had two miscarriages, and could ofc carry a child to maturity. A neighbor wUo had been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's "Vegetable Compound advised me to try it. I did so and soon felt that I was growing stronger, my headaches and backaches left f had r.3 more bearing-down pains, and Celt like a new woman. Within a year I twrame the mother of a strong, healthy ddlO, the joy of our home. Lydia E. Pink faam's Vegetable Compound is certainly a -splendid remedy, and I wish every wman mho wants to become a mother would try it." Actual sterility in woman is very Tre. If any woman thinks she is ster ile, let her try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. -.-Her advice is free to expectant or would-be mothers. WHY TAKE CALOMEL? When Mozley 's Lemon Elixir, a purely vegetable compound, with' a pleas- t;i ant taste, will relieve you or .biliousness, and ail kindred diseases without griping or nausea, and leave no bad effects. 50c. and $1;00 per bottle at all Drug Stores. LEMQM ELS 211 Rm "Oxs Doss Convinces." r SOUTHERN TOPICS OF INTEREST TO THE PLANTER. STOCKMAN ANO TRUCK GROWER. Will It Pay? W. H. R. Jackson. Tenn., writes: I have some shoats that would weigh about 100 pounds gross, that I can get four and a quarter cents for and have corn that I can get sixty cents for. I have a Japanee clover pasture. Which would pay best: To sell now or feed for six or eight weeks when I can prob ably get six cents or more net. Would It be best to grind the corn? What is the best ration for brood sows with pigs one month old? Answer: If you have good growing shoats and are quite sure of gettinj six cents a pound for them in the course of six or eight weeks, there is no reason why you should not feed corn. at sixty cents a bushel to them at a small profit. If the price of pork drop and you could not get more than best to sell the corn and the hogs. Of course bv sellinz the hogs now you take no risk from the feeding, but four and a quarter cents is a low. price for pork, and as you say you have good pasture there is no reason why the hogs should not make a gain of a pound to a pound ; and a half per day on clover and a ration of corn or . corn and bran, though it is not so essentoal to feed bran when they are on a green crop. As a rule with a fair price for pork, wtfich six cents would certainly be, it is best to finish the animals on the farm and get the top market price rather than to go to the expense of selling the hogs and corn separately. Then, if you feed the corn at home, you keep the chief part of the fertil izing elements contained fhereiu on land and that is a considerable- advantage, more sometimes than we It would not be necessary to grind x,. ,n td ni. it i r- ticularly old and hard. They will shell S.A-1 - a-wa. - C" it for themselves, and if it is this year's crop digest it quite thoroughly be cause' it is comparatively soft. Brood sows with pigs one month old can be fed to advantage on a mixture nf nnp-third corn, cue-third oats. bar. ley and bran, and one-third middlings. x rom hi Tint inn of corn and bran, or bran and middlings, oi?orn and mid dlings will prove satisfactory, pro vided the sows have the run of a good pasture, and jou can be guided in the purchase of the foodstufls largely oy the market price. If you have any skim milk available let the sow have what she will consume, but do not al low her to gorge herself, and feed her cnroroi nf meal ner day. ae- cording to her condition and the draft which the pigs make on her. Knox- ville Journal and Tribune. Cotton Seed anil Meal. The cotton seed problem is now be fore the cotton growers. Shall they sell to the oil mills for cash, or ex change for meal, or keep on the farm? They Avill do one or the other. What is best? Consider some of the lacts connected with seed aud their pro ducts. The following figures are ap proximately correct: A ton of "seed, GG 2-3 bushels, will yield 740 pounds of meal. 300 pounds of oil. 000 pounds of hulls. 40 -pounds of linters. 20 pounds of waste. K i . The cash value of these products at the mill, where the meal shows seven per cent, nitrogen, is about $22.00. When the mill pays seventy-five cents a hundred pounds for seed it has a $12.00 margin to work on. Suppose the farmer should exchange his ton of 'seed for meal. How much should he receive? The usual price of meal at this season is about 522.00 a ton cash equal to the value of the products of one ton of seed. At that rate he would receive 13G0 pounds of meal for his ton of seed. Is that a profitable trade, or not? The hauling both ways is worth $2.00. A ton of cotton seed contains 76 pounds of ammonia. 25.4 pounds of phosphoric' acid.; 23.4 pounds of potash. I. The commercial value of that at a port is $13.25. The expedience of many good rarmers Is that seed used as a fertilizer are more satisfactory than the meal, . or commercial fertilizer. The commercial value of the plant food in one bushel of cotton seed is twenty -one cents. Should the farmer sell at that price he will lose his hauling and trouble. He will lose if he sells ls seed for less man twenry-nve cents a ousiiei. In exchanging for meal he should get at least 1500 pounds for one ton of seed. No farmer can afford to sell his seed f6r cash with the expectation of buying commercial fertilizer on time in the spring. Chemists will teil you that the seed are worth as much as food for cattle as the meal. The mistake that most farmers make is that they give too much seed. Ey feeding the seed to cattle and saving all the manure the greatest benefit is derived. Let farm- Current Happenings. A persistent process server finally served a subpeona on H. H. Rogers in the suit of Missouri against the Stan dard Oil Company. A blizzard which swept across the northern lakes and the Michigan pen insula caused much loss of life and property, particularly in vessels, . and buried the country under 15 inches of snow. .. Major Holmes Conrad is said to be preparing the papers in the suit which Brown Bros, and the State of Virgin ia are to bring against West Virginia to secure a settlement of the. State debt. The life insurance investigation showed that the New rork Life and the Equitable Society had been made to supply funds for stock deals and that the profits went to individuals; that, non taxable stock was loaned to friends, and that companies were milked in other ways. " FARM fiOTES. ers test the value of seed and meal for wheat. Use thirty bushels of seed on one acre, and the same value in meai or. commercial . fertilizer on another acre, and see which is better. Charles retry, Spartanburg Co., S. C. Food Value of Alfalfa. Alfalfa will enable a farmer to out down his" feed bills. It is a great sub stitute for bran, offal and other mill feeds. It is the best feed for the dairy, for all kinds of yoiwig stock. Hogs, winter well on it, with but little grain. The following is a summary of a most interesting test by the State Experi ment Station in feeding., alfalfa to cows: 1 The cost of producing milk and butter can be greatly reduced by re placing part of the concentrates in the daily ration of the cow with some hness rich m protein, such as alt "u ur . 2 A ton of alfalfa or pea hay can be produced at a cost of ?3 to $5 per ton, whereas wheat bran costs ?20 to $25. As a yield of from two to three tons of pea hay and from three to five tons of alfalfa can be obtained from an acre' of land, it is to see the great advantage the utilization of such roughness, in the place of wheat bran, gives the dairyman. C In substituting alfalfa hay for wheat bran it will be best in practice to allow one and one-half of alfalfa to each pound of wheat bran, and if the alfalfa is fed in a finely chopped condi tion the results will prove more satis factory. 4 When alfalfa was fed under the most favorable conditions a gallon of milk was obtained for 5.7 cents and a pound of butter for 10.4 cents. When Pc" hW . fd the lowest cost of a gallon of milk was 5.2 cents, and a pound of butter was 9.4 cents. In lo calities where pea hay grows well it can be utilized to replace Avheat bran. and in sections where alfalfa can be grown it can be substituted for pea hay with satisfaction. 5 These' results, covering two years' tests with different sets of cows, fur nish proof that certain forms of rough ness rich in digestible protein can be substituted with satisfaction for the more expensive concentrates, and should lend encouragement to dairy farms. G. W. Koincr, Commissioner of Agriculture, Iiiclimond, Va. Pertinent Question For Farmer. How much do you suppose it costs you a year to repair your wagons and your harness on account of bad roads? How much docs it cost you a year for sho?s and clothing that are ruined by your children wading through the mud to school? How much does it cost you a year for medicine to cure your chil dren's colds contracted in wading througlthe mud to school and church? How much of a damage a year to you is the mud that prevents your children from attending school, or damage to them, rather, in the loss of an educa tion? How much damage to jou is our bad roads in preventing your reaching market with your produce? You are perfectly willing to spend plenty of money in the buying of reapers and mowers and other farm machinery. You are willing to purchase fine car riages and harness. At the price pota toes are to-day one load would be the average farmer's tax for ten years for good roads; at the end of that time the wads would be good and you could vote to rescind the law if you wanted to, and you would have good roads and no tax for thirty or forty years, the bal ance of your life. H. A., in Southern Cultivator. Leavia? Clorer "With Too Much Top. J. A. L., Tazewell, Ya.. writes: "I have a fine clover lo't and the roots are full of nodules. The second growth is heavy, and my -purpose is to let it fall on the ground. Will this smother out and kill the clover for r.ext crop? Is the fact that this land is well suited to clover auy assurance that it is also in oculated for the successful growth of alfalfa?" It is not advisable to lot second crop clover .remain on the land during the fall and winter, as it. is almost certain to gne,. out the crop It woukl be .better for you to cut it for seed and thresh and feed the straw and chaff to sheep and lambs during the winter. They will do well on it, and there will then be little danger of smothering out the stand. The fact that the roots of vour red clover nlanfrs show n birr( mimber of nodules is not an insurance hat the soil is inoculated for. alfalfa. It seems that there is some specific dif ference between the bacteria which in oculate red clover and alfalfa, and so far as we know at the present time the one will not act favorably on the roots of another plant. It vvould therefore be wise and expedient for you to pro vide special inoculation if you intend to sow this land to alfalfa. Answer by Professor Soule. Only 1400 Russian pilgrims went to Jernsalpm tins year. Reflections of a Bachelor. It is true that ' the average man would be satisfied with enough but but he never gets it. If a man wants to marry a girl it is a sign that she thinks a lot of others do. ' Most anybody seems to be able to catch a crook, but the best lawyers and the sternest judges don't seem to be able to hold him. - ; - v. Some men mearly select the' lesser of two eveils as a sample. Sympathy is all -right in its way but it is a 'poorsubstitute- for beef steak. Love your neighbor as yourself, but don't forget to lock your back door at night. It isn't always advisable for ? man with a sandy complexion to -engage in the sugar business. - If you ever get . acquainted Avith yourself the chances are you won't find your company so very agreeable. N CONSTANT AGONY. A Wet ,VlrInln'a Awful Distress Through Kidney Troubles. W. It. Jackson, merchant, of Tark ersurg, W. Va., says: "Driving about in bad -re at her N brought kidney trou bles on . me,- a d I suffered twenty i years . wiiu Biiax?., crampiu;; pains ;n J the ack and urinary disorders.. I otfteu had to Ket up a dozen times at night to uri nate. Retention set in, and I w-s obliged to use the catheer. I took in mv bed. and the doctors fail- ing to help, began using Doan's Kid ney Pills. The unue soon came rree ly again, and th pain gradually dis appeared. I have been cured eight years, and though over 70, am as ac tive as a boy." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. FjSter-Millnn-i Co.. Buffalo Js". IV " Te" Japanese Government is printinc a complete record of the war. Iteh oared is. SO minutes by Vfoolford's Sanitary Lotion; never fails. Sold by Druggists. Mail orders promptly filled by Dr. Detchon, Crawfordsvflle, Ind. $1. -Besides thirty-seven ships of war the United Kingdom last year launched 712 new ships. - Cures Blood, Skin Troubles, Cancer, Bloo Poison, Greatest Blood Purifier Free. If your blood is impure, thin, diiased, hot or full of humors, if you havu blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching, risings and lumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin diseuse, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) accord ing to directions. Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop, the blood is made pure and rich, leaving the skin free from every eruption, and giving the rich glow of perfect health to the skin. At the same time, B. B. b. improves the digestion, cures dyspepsia, strengthens weak kidneys. Just the medicine for old people, as it givs them new, vigorous blood. Druggists, $1 per large bottle, with directions fdr home cure. Samjjle free ud prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and special free medical avice also sent in sealed letter. B. B. B. is especially advised for chronic, deep-seated case's of impure blood and skin disease, aud cure after all else fails. Some men mearly select the lesser of two eveils as a sample. FITSpermanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great KerveRestorer,$2trial bottleand treatise free Dr.t..j&tiS:,tLtd.,.t31ArchSt..Fhila.,Pa Forest Gate, England, has a three-year-old swimming champion. Mrs. Winsiow's Soothing Syrup for Children allays pain, cures windcolic,25c.a bottle Emperor William was recently photo graphed again. Jdonot bslleve Piso's Cure for Consumn tionhasaneiuxl forcoagas and colds. Johs F.fcoTEB, Trinity Springs. Ind., Feb. 15, VJOO. The heat developed by the firing of heavy guns is remarkable. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullen is Nature's great remedy Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup and Consumption, and all throat and long troubles. At drug gists, 25c., COc. and $1.00 per bottle. SAT THAT IS FOND OF HUNTING. Massachusetts Animal an Adept at Re trieving Game. The firemen at the East-street en gine house have a black cat which is remarkable for several things. It possesses six toes on each foot, and during the past year it has had about two score and ten kittens which have all had the same number of digits. The cat also has become a follower of the hunting game In more ways than the average feline has aspired to. It has an excellent record for. hunting rats and mice that can be found about the premises, but it is also a hunter after the fashion of dogs. One of th firemen takes trip into the neighbor ing places for hunting birds, and wherever he goes the cat is sure to be with him. Whenever he brings down any game the cat is there to claim the quarry. It is said that the animal will follow the person In question for miles in order to get the game, and it cannot be deceived, for as soon as one of the firemen in the house starts out with a gun the cat fs always- a faithful fol lower. Yesterday one of these trips was taken with some success, and the cat seemed as pleased at the results as was the hunter. Springfield (Mass.) Republican. Most anybody seems to be able to catch a crook, but the best lawyers and the sternest judges don't seem to be able to hold him. THE -COFFEE HEART-' It is as Ianr-rous as the Tobacctt or Whisky Heart. "Coffee heart" is common to many coffee users aud is liable to send the owner to his or her long home if the drug is persisted in." You can run thir ty or forty yards and find out if your heart is troubled. A lady who was once a victim of the "coffee heart" writes from Oregon: "I have been a habitual user of cof fee all my life and have suffered very much in recent years from aliments which I became satisfied were directly due to the poison in the beverage, such as torpid liver and indigestion, which in turn riiade my complexion blotchy and muddy. . 1 ' "Then my heart became affected. It would beat most rapidly just after I drank my coffee, and go below normal as the coffee effect wore off. Some times my pulse would go as high as 137 beats to the minute. My family were greatly alarmed at my condition, and at last mother persuaded me to begin the use of Postum Food Coffee. "Tgave up the old coffee entirely and absolutely, and made Postum my sole table beverage. This was six months ago, and all my ills, the indigestion, inactive" liver aadicket'ert'ctlon';. have passed away, and my complexion has become clear and natural. The improvement set in very, soon after I : made the change, just as soon as the coffee poison had time to work out of my system. "My husband has also been greatly benefited by the-use of Postum. and we find that a simple breakfast with Tostum is as satisfying aud more strengthening than the old heavier meal we used to have with the other "kind of coffee." Name given by Fos tum Co.. Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Read the little book, "The Eoad to Wellville,". in pkgs. REGULAR AT CHURCH SERVICE. Two Philadelphia Cats Have Pro . nounced Religious Turn. Opposite Hunting Park, on Old York road, resides a family, Tdrpey by name. The Torpeys- own two cats that are different from other cats In that they go to church. As regularly as Sunday morning arrives the pair of felines may be seen following the Torpeys to St. Stephen's church, Broad and Butler streets. No matter what the weather or transplrings on back fences', the. two pious cats brave probable attacks by impious mongrels and set an example that many hu mans would do well to- follow. Neighbors will attest to the truthful ness of the statement that the church going felines spend the very early morning hours of Sunday in licking themselves into that state' of cleanli ness which Is said to be secondary only to godliness. Their fur is glossy, their paws immaculate, and not a whisker is out of place. , . ... Arrived at the church, the cats con tent themselves with peering in at the door. They are seemingly content to delegate the praying to their owners. Then they slip into the vestibule of the priests' nouse adjoining, curl up and doze until church is out, when they follow the Torpeys -home and live normal cat lives until another Sunday. Philadelphia Telegraph. Your Flour Goes Further Here's a pointer on getting more baking to the dollar from your flur. Use Good Luck baking powder, which raises the dough better, insures light, crisp baking, an develops all the nutrition of the flour. No chance to spoil a batch-of baking with Good Luck baking powder, for you caa always depend on its 'strength. You know just how much raising power thc is t a spoonful no guesswork, no soggy dough, no wasted flour. is sold at an honest prices Notice this coupon with IN CUTTINa OUT COUPON FOLLOW CUT OUT THIS CAR AND SAVE IT. GOOD" FOR VALUABLE ARTICLES. EACH CAN. Address: The Ocpartmcnt Stone or THE SOUTHERN MNTG CO.Dwuwin BSI Rkmmomc VA.U.S.A. )M euTTINO OUT COUI C PN FOLLOW THIS UHl j RIFLE AND PISTOL CARTRIDGES Winchester Rifle and Pistol .Cartridges of all calibers are loaded by machinery which sizes the shells, supplies the exact quantity of. powder, and seats the bullets properly. By using first-class materials and this up-to-date system of loading, the reputation of Win chester Cartridges for accuracy, reliability and excellence is maintained. Ask for them.' THEY SHOOT WHERE YOU HOLD S a renovator of soil and as a food for stock, the cow pea is unsurpassed. To get the larg est possible yield of cow peas from any given soil, a plentiful applica tion of Potash is necessary. The best methods leadings to certain success are fully explained. in the 65-page illustrated book, which we send free to farmers who write for it. It tells of the remarkable results attained with cow peas nourished upon Potash. '- ; Address. GsiuffAK KAXX W0EZ8, Xork 03 Nassau Street. or Atlanta, Ga. 22 So. Broad Street UN ONE DAY im rnmiiip r is guaranteed to curs AlllHrRIPlNr fe?a grip, bad cold, headache and neuralbia. J-.. IH1 Iwon'tsellAntl-OrlplaetodesIrwbo;os'tmrBt(It. Call for your F. W. Dimmer, Every dc 1 has his day and the watch dog has the night. A FEW CUTTING REMARKS TLe purpose of a saw is to cot. It should cut easily, cut cleanly, and cut with every movement. I prefer an Atkins Saw. Its blade Is "Silver Steel", recognized the world over as the finest cruicible steel ever mads in ancient or modern times. It is hard, close-grained and tou&fc. 1 1 holds a sharp catting edgs longer "than any other Saw. Its hlada limn .effect) r from thick to thin, from handle to UpVnThni it, and does not buckle. Its temper is ntrrnrt. When bent bv a crooked thrust, 1t springs into shape without kinking. The AtkinsSawcnts and does it best of any. We make all types and sizes cf saws, but only one grade the best. Atkins Saws, Corn Knives, Perfection Floor Scrapers, etc., are sold by all good hardware dealers. Cataloguo on request. E. C. ATKINS D. CO.. Inc. Large" Saw Manufacture la th World. -Factory and Executive OiSces, Iacfcatpolis,' Indiana. BRANCHES: Kew Tort, Chtoeo, MlnnMpolfa, Portland, (Oregon), Seattle, Sun Franciaoo, Memphis, Atlanta and Toronto, (Canada). Accept jio Substitute -lanrt on the Atkins Brand fl """SOLD DY GOOD DEALERS EraYWHB"Tl 1 So. 49. John White & Co. 10UISVH.LE, KY. EiteblUhad 1837 TTTrVrt aaftet prl r raauiarraw FUR3 and Hides. fc "liwlns. GOVERNOR X lakes ' Use of His Family E - i jr CAl'ITOt, BITILUIMO, SALKM, OKKUON. Peruna is known from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Letters of congratulation and commendation testifying to the merits of Peruna as a catarrh remedy are pouring in from every State in the Union. Dr. Hart man is receiving hundreds of such letters daily. All classes write these letters, from the highest to the lowest. The outdoor laborer, the indoor artisan, the clerk, the editor, the statesman, the preacher all agree that ,Peruoa is the catarrh remedy of the age. The stage and rostrum, recognizing catarrh as their great est enemy, are especially enthusiastic in their praise and testimony. Any man who wishes perfect health must be entirely free from catarrh. Catarrh, w. well-nigh universal. Peruna is the best Ask Your Druggist for Free OD ONE SPOON UTHPDIJ m tUCHMOND, U7 u Baking only ten cents per ponnd can. picture of a freight car. You will find one outside. vuc our tne coupon, insiae or can yon will find the Good Luck, gift book. Pick from the gift book the premium you want and we will send it to you in exchange for your coupons THE, SOUTHERN MFG. CO., Richmond, Va. THIS UNC TMEY ARS SEE LIST IN H E T E fl MOWEY BACK. IF IT ESXT CUBE, .D., Manufacturer Springfield, Mm WEBSTER INTERNATIONAL DICTI0 THE BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT Useful. BsJUtte, 0. TiSSttnr TTrt to Data and Authoritative. Noothenift will bo often be a reminder of the river. 2380 pages. 6000 illustrations. Recently enlarged with 29,000 new words, a new Oasetteor, and new Biographical Diction ary, edited by W. T. Harris, Ph-D., IX.D., u. 3. Commissioner of Education. Grand Prlzo,World's Fair, 8. Louis. Get t&e Best. Webster's Colicffiato Dictionary. lrrot of our bridc menteyltogalar d TninrfO(titio. UlSparaaiut U0l illustration. nr.TOior uicvonary n rmwet rrea. E O. & C. TffKIERTAM CO., Springfield. tlyss-M ssaaaaw TOR WOMEN troubled with ills peculiar to " UW. ttovu . wvuvuv uuu VC1UUB1JT csssf ul. Thoroughly cleanses , kills disease germs stops discharges, heals, inflammation and local soreness, cures leuconhoea and nasal catarrh. Paxtice is in powder form to be .dissolved in pure water, and is far more cleansing, healing, germicidal and economical than liquid antiseptics for ail TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES For sale at druggists, CO cents a box. Trial &x and Book of Instructions Free. The A. Fj xton Company Boston. Mass- WAVW U U U VJ U U . Vre. U U M U MUM ft S m i jot m m m - a -vi jut r hi I Vg"tg'tractiT . Bill OF OREGON PeriHia in For Colds A Letter From the Ex-Goveraor Oregon. v The ex-Goyerr.or oi Oregon is an trrf admirer of Peruna. He keeps it ually in the house. In a letter to ft Hartman, he says: State of Oregox i Executive Department f The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbiu n Veur Sirs I have had oocosoi : use yof$r Peruna medicine u j family far cold, and it provedul an excellent remedy. JL have notlnH occasion to use it for other allmeVr Yours very truly, W. M. JW It will be noticed that the Governs ays he has not had occasion to use Pom- r " -.1 ri i tm - . v Una ior oiuer auuientg. j. ne reason lor thit ii" Peruna Almanac for 19Q6. " ' - v. - iiu n Coll, Li on hi. Wt't, Powder on the back of every can W. L. Douclas 3-J&3-s?SH0ESK", W. L. DoUglas $4.00 Cilt Edge Line cannot be equalled at any price. W.L. DOUGLAS MAKES AND SILL MORE MEM'S 3. BO SHOES THAU MY OTHER MANUFACTURER. C1f1 finn REWARD toanyontwhocM $ I UjU UU disprovs this Itatsnxnt. W. L. Douglas $3. SO shoes have by their Cellent style, easy fitting, and superior weartof qualities, achieved the largest sale of any tSM shoe In the world. They are just rood those that cost you $5.00 to $7.00 the oslr difference Is the price. If I could taice yoa kit my factory at Brockton, Mass., the largert Is the world under one roof making men's fl" shoes, and show vou the care with which evtfT pair of Douglas shoes Is made, you would reilit why W. U Douglas $3.50 shoes are ths M shoes produced In the world. If I could show you the dlifereno between U hoes made In my factory and those of other makes, you would understand why Dour $3.50 shoes cost more to make, why they now their shape, fit better, wear longer, end sr m greater Intrinsic value than any other S.VM shoe on the market to-day. W. L. Doufffmm Strong Mm do Shots tor Mon. S2.SO. 02.OO. Bay' School DrmmaShomm,$2.BO,S2,S1.76,$1-W CAUTION. Insist npon having W.L.P"l las shoes. Take no substitute. ione genuine without his name and price stamped on bottom. WANTED. A shoe dealer In every tnirn eberj W. L. Douirlai Shoes are not sold. Full line samples sent free for Inspection upon request. Fittt Color Eyelttt uttd; they will not wtur brauf Vrito for Illr lrfstrsted Catalog of Fall t7' JJOUGJLAS. Brockton. Msss. W.l CONCENTRATED tin Orchard Water... A SPECIFIC FOR DYSPEPSIA, 3 SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION. The three "Ills" that make life bard Nature's rreat remedy. In ue lor alow a century. Sold by all druggists. GRAB ORCHARD WATER CO iwiinnw uni Ioola.ille.Ky. A Best Cough byrup. Tastes jww. - u Wd by df - 1 . SMOGS - j0- tit mf ll' m IP fillll YfLiig5&M I1H t.. Grab 7fc riintf) f'Dropsyis ' it- Removes all swelliuj " X Cys; effects a rrmne fa JK 3L in 30 to 6o days. TruJtres T Write Or.rLH.tW iGs