President Explains the Object of the Simplified Spelling WILL LEAVE IT TO THE PEOPLE Carnegie System "Nothing but a Very Slight Extension of an Un conscious Movement," Says Chief Executive After Charging Most of His Critics With "Entire Ignor ance" and Bidding Them Defiance Hedges, However, to the Entente of Promising to Drop Changes of They Do Not "Wholly or Partially Meet Popular Approval." Oyster Bay, N. Y., Special. In a letter to Charles A. Stal lings, Public Printer at Washington, made public President Roosevelt wrote that if the changes in spelling advocated by the simplified spelling board and put into use m official documents meet popu lar approval they will be made per manent. If not, he wrote, they will be di'opped. The president's letter iollows : Hon. Chas.'A. Stalling. Public Print er, Washington, D. C. My Dear Mr. Stallings: I enclose herewith copies of cer tain circulars of the simplified spell ing board, which can be obtained free from the board at No. 1 Madison avenue, New lork citv. Please here after direct that in all government publications of the executive depart ment three hundred words enumer ated in circultr No. 5 shall be spelled as therein set forth. If -any one asks the reason for the action, refer him to circulars 3, 4 and 5 as issued by tlie simplified spelling board. Most BITS I NEWS WASHINGTON. The Director of the Mint purchased 200,000 ounces of silver bullion to be delivered at the Philadelphia Alint at .6705 per fine ounce. Patent attorneys have made a pro test aga'nst delay in the work of the Patent Office; they are obliged to wait for months to obtain patents. President Roosevelt asked the Postoffics. Department to investigate the Roosevslt Home Club with a view to issuing a fraud order against it Chief Wilkie, of the Secret Service divisior of the Treasury Department, in his annual report shows that dur ing the fiscal year ended June 30, 1906, there were 356 arrests made by officers cf that service. Postmaster-General Cortelyou and his assistants believe the rural deliv ery service can render great assist ance in improving the public high ways. The War Department .as accepted the resignation of Second Lieutenant Clarencs A. Eustaphieve, Twenty third Infantry, for the good of the service. The r-signation of Lieu tenant Albert S. Odell, Eleventh Cav alry, also has bee.-, accepted. The State Department has dis patches from President Escalon, of Salvador, President Cabrera, .of Gua temala, and President Bonilla, of Honduras, offering thanks for making peace possible. - 'resident Roosevelt Converted to the New-Style ; Spp 0 I 6 . V List of 309 Words That Hereafter in AH Messages and rwuments From the White House Will Be Printed According to the Recommendation of -the Matthews Committee. ' 9 OUR ADOPTED ISLANDS. Word has been received at Manila, P. I., that native volunteers captured Armof. s Sanchez, a chief of the Pu lajanes, in the province of Leyle, near Baybay. The escape of .ne bandits from Leyte, P. I., has been cut off by troops, who will also prevent the ar rival of reinforcements of Pula janes from Samar. The situation is great ly improved. The Unionist party at San Juan, Porto Rico, unanimously renominated of the criticism of the proposed step I Tulio Larrinaga as commissioner of is evidently made m pntirp (mnmnoe x-orto xmuu to me uniiea oiaies uon- of- what the step is, no less than in entire ignorance of the very moder ate and common sense views as to the purpose to be achieved, which views are so excellently set forth in the cir culars to which I have referred. There is not the slightest intention to do anything revolutionary or ini tiate any tar-reaching policy. The purpose simply is "for the "g-ovcrn- ment, instead of lag-ging behind pop ular sentiment, to advance abreast of it and at the same time abreast of the views of the ablest and most practical educators of our time as well as the most profound scholars men of the stamp of Professor Loundsbury and Professor Skeat. If these slight changes in the spelling ,oi tne three hundred words proposed nuviiy or partially meet popular ap proval, then the changes will become permanent without any reference to what public officials or individual xprivate citizens mav feel: if thpv An -net ultimately meet with popular ap--ITT3-1 they be dropped, and -mat ii, an mere is about it. They - representing nothing in the world but a very slight extension of the un conscious movement which has made agricultural implement makers and farmers write "plow" instead of plough," which has made most -Americans write "honor," without .IX1, SOmewhflt. flhmnf A 7 gress. Concessions to the short stature of Torto Ric ns has been made in a general order just issued by the gen eral staff of the army, providing that five feet two inches shall be the min imum heignt of men admitted to the Porto Rico provisional regiment. the Manila and Dagupan Railway has extended the Antipolo branch to the town of Pasig. The extension of the steam rail way - service has met with instant favor with the people of Manila, P. I. Manila is very much American, and is used as a sort of maritime pound into which may be dumped all the beachcombers and incorrigibles and undesirables of the Orient, provided the statement is made that they are American seamen! The Union party in convention rt San Juan, Porto Rico, resolved to deny the demands of the American Federation of Labor that labor candi dates lor the House of Delegates should be included In the nomina tions of that party. enrvorfl nntic u, and which is even now making people write "program" without the me just as all people who speak English now write "bat " "set " "dim," "sum," and "fish." instead f the Elizabethan "batte ." "?ttp " unuiue, -summe" and "fvsshp-" u and which makes us write "public manac, ' era, ; fantasy" wason." msfpflri rf , rmhHr.V almanack," "aera." nhsntr" aou oi our irrcat-srand-lathers. It is not an attack on the language of Shakespeare and Milton because it is in some instances a "o ing back to the forms thev used, and m others merely the extension of changes which as regards "other words" have taken place since their time. It is not an attempt to do anything far-reaching or sudden or violent, or indeed anything very peat at all. It is merely an attempt to cast what slight weight can properly be cast on the side of the popular forces which are endeavoring to make our spelling a little less ioohsh and fantastic. Sincerely vours, - -J THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Negro Commits Suicide. . . " Anderson, S. C. Special. Jason Thmoas, a negro on the plantation of Mr. S. C. George near Hunter's Springs, committed suicide by shoot ing himself through the heart with a shotgun. He borrowed the gun, lay down on a quilt in his cabin, and by means of a stick pulled the trigger. The load entering his body causing immediate death. Despondency over the loss of some money ad general bad luck seem to have been the cause of the taking of his life. Many Complaints. Washington, Special. Discrimina tion and unjust rates are the 'charges fijed with the itnersrate commerce commission against many of the im portant lines of railroads of the coun try by shippers. The complaints, each involving important points for the- consideration of the commission, were p aced on .file and it is likely that both will result later in hearing Sheridan Still Aground. Honolulu, By Cable. The army transport Sheridan remains ' on the reef where she struck. A combined attempt to pull the vessel from her perilous position was made by the tug Fearless, the revenue cutter Man ning and the steamer Caludine, but despite all their efforts the Sheridan was not moved. The inter-island steamer Helene arrived here with a -number of, the passengers of the branded transport Sheridan, includ ing 20 women and ten children. DOMESTIC. The Chicago postmaster went to Washington, D. C, to consult with the authorities on the formation of a national labor union of postal clerks. The Court of Appeals at Albany, N. Y., declared the reapportionment of Congress districts under act of Legislature constitutional. The August Grand Jury, of New York City, adjourned without hand ing down any indictments or present ments against the ice companies. It was admitted that President Hippie, of the wrecked Real "Estate Trust Company,of Philadelphia, com mitted suicide. Mrs. Roper, of Brooklyn,, caught around the ankle by the anchor rope of a balloon, was carried head down ward 500 feet into the air and se riously injured. Robbins Reef and Oyster islands, in New York Bay, whose ownership has been a subject of contention, were sold for $80,000. One of the reports of the conven tion of the members of the Bar As sociation in session in St. Paul, Minn., scores shyster lawyers. It was announced that the funds of the Presbyterian Church intrusted to the late Frank K. Hippie, presi dent of the insolvent Real Estate Trust Company, of Philadelphia, were intact. , Accused of swindlingJohn H. Bun ker out of $200,000, Lucius C. Ma son, also said to behead of the "Love Syndicate" of Mrs. Izella Brown, was arrested in New York City. Through his secretary President Roosevelt issued a statement indors ing Herbert Parsons in his contest for the Republican county chairman ship of New York City. FOREIGN. Rebels under the lead of Congress man Campos Marquetti captured the town of Cabanas, on the northern coast of Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Wholesale deportatioLS are being reported from St. Petersburg, 230 ) persons having been banished from the capital. Conditions in Russia seem to be growing worse; the list of crime in creases despite the arrest of many revolutionary leaders. The Kaiser's first grandchild, the son of the Crown . Prince, Frederick William, was baptized at Potsdam. Germany. General Rennenkampf has been appointed successor of General Skal lon, governor of Wr.rsaw. General opinion in Cuba is that if there is any change in the Presidency it will come through United States intervention. A remarkable instance of the feel ing of Buddhists and Shintoists to ward Christians is furnished by the action of their leaders, who have de cided to contribute voluntarily to tfcc cost of rebuilding the Christian Church wLich was destroyed in vne disturbances in Tokio. Two chief "lieutenants of Carlos Mendieta surrendered, causing a serious blow to the Cuban revolt in Santa Clara province. Neither the Cuban tobacco nor sugar crop has yet suffered from the rebellion, but its continuance would cause heavy losses. . v- . ' Brazil is suffering from an over production of coffee and the only hope of relief is in extending its for eign market. . In a riot at Brescia, Italy, over the suppression of the Floris Cup auto mobile race, sev persons were in jured, and the municipal authorities were forced to rsijn. President Roosevelt announced his conversion to the spelling reform movement. He has issued orders to Public Printer Stillings' that all mess ages from the President and all other documents coming from the White House shall be printed in accordance with the recommendations of the spelling reform committee headed by Professor Brander Matthews, of Col umbia, and backed by Andrew Carnegie. Spelling reform had its greatest impetus when Andrew Carnegie made an offer to finance it. For many years professors and others have been laboring to have the public accept reforms in the spelling of cer tain words. The public, while admit ting mat tne existing spelling is a philological monstrosity, "refused to take kindly to the suggested changes. vvnen Anarew uarnegie announced himself as a convert to the reform the matter was discussed more than at any time within the past 100 years. Mark Twain promised to take it up after Mr. Carnegie had announced his conversion and had agreed to finance the organization of reformers calling themselves the 4 Simplified bpelling Board, of which Brander Matthews is the president of the Ex ecutive Board. This board announced at the be ginning that it did not" propose any radical or revolutionary scheme of reform, but simply wanted to make easy the spelling of certain words. It selected 300 words which it asked the public to accept. Following is the list of 300 words already given out by the Simplified Spelling Board in which changes are proposed : .. KEW FOE1C. abridgment accouter accurst acknowl edgment addrest adz aflixt alt ho anapest anemia anesthesia anesthetic antipyrin antitoxin apothem apprize arbor archelogy ardor armor artizan assize ax bans ' ' bark behavior blest bluslft brazen brazier bun bur caliber caliper candor carest catalog catechize crater cliapt cheek checker: chimera' civilize clamor ciav'gor' cliff); ciispt clipt clue coeval color colter commixfi comprest comprize corfesr criticize cropt crobt crusht cue curst cut las cyclopedia . dactyl dasht decalog i defense 4 demagog demeanor deposit deprest develop dieresia dike dipt discust dispatch distil disvrest' dolor i domicil draft dram . drest dript droopt dropt dulness ecumenical edile egis enamor encyclopedia endeavor envelop Eolian eon epaulet eponym era esophagus esthetic esthetics estivate ether etiology exorcize exprest fagot fantasm fantasy fantom favor favorite fervor OLD FORM. abridgement accoutre accursed acknowledges t . addressed dze affixed although anapaest anaemia anaesthesia anaesthetic' antipyrine antitosine apothegm apprise arbour archaelogy ardour armour artisan assise axe banns barque behavioui blessed blush cl brasei'. brasie.- buim burv calibre calliper candour caressed ... catalogue , - catechise centre v chapped checque chequer chimaera civilise clamour clangour clapperl clasped clipped clew coaeval colour coulter commixed compressed comprise confessed comptroller coquette citicise cropped crossed crushed queue cursed cutlass cyclopaedia dactyle dashed decalogue defence demagogue demeanour deposite depressed develope x diareesis, diaeresis dyke dipped discussed despatch distill Oistressed dolour domicile draught drachm dressed dripped drooped" dropped dullness oecumenical aedile aegis enamour encyclopaedia endeavour envelope Aeolian p. eon epaulette eponyme aera aesophagus aesthetic aesthetics acstivate aether aetiology exorcise expressed faggot phantasm p iantasy phantom favour f avoui-ite fervour liber iixt iiavo? fulfil fulness gage , gazel gelatin gild gipsy gloze glycerin . good-by gram gript harboi v harken heapt liematin hiccup hock homeopathy homonym honor hui'-?' f hpght, KypuTenuse idolize jmpre&t irtil jalt judgment, kist labor . lacrimal lapt lasht .leapt legalize license? licorice liter lodsrment lookt lopt . luster mama maneuver materialize meager medieval meter mist miter mixt mold molder mo 1 din z moldy molt mullen ' naturalize neighbor . niter nipt ocher odor offense omelet opprest orthopedic paleoriphy . paleoiothic paleontology paleozoic para fin parlor partisan past patronize pedagog pedobaptist phenix phenomenon pigmy plow polyp possest practise prefixt prenomcn prest pretense preterit pretermit primeval ' protest program prolog propt pur quartet,- questor, quintet rancor rapt raza recognize reconnoiter rigor rime ript minor saber saltpetei savior saver scepter septet sepulcher sextet silvan simitar sipt skilful sitiie skipt slipt smolder snapt , somber ' specter splendor 6t3dfast stept stopt strest stript subpena succor sufBxt sii'fate sulfur suaiai supprest bur prize synonym tabor tapt teazel tenor theat tho thoro thcrol.v thru thruout tipt topt tost trail sgr est trapt ' tript tumor valor vapor vext vigor vizor wagon washt whipt whiskyi wilful winkt wisht wo woful woolen wrspt fibre . fixed fullness , ' gauge gazelle gelatine guild " gypsy glose glycerine good-bye - gramme gripped harbour hearken heaped ' haematin hiccough hough homoeopathy honionyme honour humour hushed hypothenuse idolise impressed - instill gaol judgement kissed labour lachrymal lapped lashed leaped legalise licence liquorice ' litre lodgement looked lopped lustre ' mamma manoeuver materialise meagre mediaeval metre missed 1 mitre mixed mould moulder moulding mouldy moult mullein naturalise neighbour nitre nipped ochre odour . offence omelette oppressed orthopaedic palaeography palaeolithic palaeontology palaeozoic paraffin parlour partisan passed patronise pedagogue paedobaptist phoenix phaenomenon pygmy plough polype possessed ractice prefixed praenomen pressed pretence preterite praeterm't ' primaeval professed programme prologue propped purr quartette quaestor quintette rancour rapped rase recogni.-e reconnoiir' rigour rhyme ripped inmosr , sabre saltpetre saviour savour sceptre septstte sspulclire sextette sylvan cimeter, scimitar, eta sipned skillful scythe skipped slipped smoulder snapped sombre spectre splendour - steadfast stepped stopped stressed stripped subpoena succour suffixed . sulphate sulphur sumach suppressed surprise Eynonym? tabour tapped teasel tenou " theatre though thorough thoroughly through throughout tipped topped tossed transgressed trapped , --' tripped tumour valour vapour vexed vigour . visor waggon washed whipped whiskey' willful winked wis' ed woe woeful woollen wrapped Reflections of a Bachelor. Our idea of strong will power is that of a man who can fast until he starves to death. Women ought to make satisfactory angels because they are so fond of "harping." It doesn't cost half as much to live as it does to make a favorable im prssion on the neigbors.. Observe the edge, and take the lin en; observe the mother, and take the daushter.-rrom the, Turkish. 1 Pointed Paragraphs. Any kind of a woman's hat is in style if she pays enough for it. Lots of men would rather hold a public job than make a living. The man vho lacks polish doesn't always lack humanity. It's funny how much more crowded a flat seems after you have been mar ried a little while. Adam must have been mighty glad he didn't have any plumbing to try. to fix for his wife. .;:-'-'" -CUrrent HaPPenS'' President Roosevelt, according to a -Washington authority, will let Pres ident Palma "go it alone" against the . insurrection in Cuba, and is in clined to favor a change of adminis tration. . J.Raynor Storrs Wells, appretiee seamoh; United States Navy, and son oi a millionaire, is to be discharged tor the good or the service at the ex piration of Ins term oi lmpvisonmen at Portsmouth, Va. , . Reflections of a Bachelor. After all, a woman's effort to beau tify herself is but a vain attempt. Men who brag are those who for merly squandered. Some spinsters advance step by step until they finally become step mothers. Many are trying to get their hearts into paradise by putting their hands into other people's pockets. Items of Interest. North Dakota Solves the Adultera tion Problem. North Dakota seems to have found the key to the Question, "How shall we protect the people from frauds in manufactured products?" a plan which is applicable to foods, -bever ages, materials used in the arts, etc. A new law has recently gone into ef fect designed to make it impossible to deceive people into buying inferior and adulterated paint under the im pression that they are getting real paint, viz.: pure white lead and lin seed oil. The North Dakota lawmakers did not attempt to absolutely prohibit the inferior pigments, or mixtures of pigments. They adopted the slogan, "Let the label tell," and then left to the people to buy whichever they wished. " Under this plan, if any one wishes to buy a mixture of rock-dust, ground quartz and other cheap elements which are found in many paints and so-caHed "white leads," no one can object; for they do it with their eye3 openl" But if they prefer genuine white lead and linseed oil, they can be ! sure of getting it, for none but ' the genuine article can bear a label which says "pure white lead." In all other States mixtures are of ten sold as pure white lead which contain little sometimes no real white lead. It would seem that were this same principle applied to food, beverages and all other prepared articles, where deception is practiced upon the buy er, the question, would be solved. It would leave us free to buy what we pleased, but would protect us from unwittingly buying what we did not want. It isn't what a man owes, but what he pays that keeps him poor. Mrs. VTinslow's Soothing Syrnpfor Children allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle Let not the sun look down and say inglorious here he lies. Franklin. FITS, St.Vitus'Dance :N-?rvous Diseases per manently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. 3 ti-ial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. ft. Kline, Ld.,931 Arch St.. Phila., Pa. Lawn Mowers' Hospital. Grass-cutting machines of every size and shape, from tiny hand ma chines only six inches wide up to pony mowers of thirty-inch blades, meant for service on bowling greens and lawns of manorial dimensions, are now pouring into repairing shops for "fixing up" . for the season. Most of them require the aid of the mower dentist, for their "teeth" are worn and blunt; many show signs of severe usage and cf having been out in the rain- for prolonged periods. A thor ough overhaul works wonders. The machine that looked so disreputable and "seedy" on entrance to Messrs. Green's "hospital," in Southward street, is sent heme in gay fresh paint with blades agleam and keen almost as razors. While foreign machines stand repairing badly, the English lawn mower can be rejuvenated from year to year. London Dally Mail. Another flood ' visited Winchester, over six inches of rain having fallen from Saturday night. Representative Maynard, of the Second Virginia district, declined the joint-debate challenge of Col. George C. Cabell, who is makin a contest for the nomination. The-Circuit Court at Martinsburgr VV. Va., is considering the appeal of the Hannis Distilling Compauy from the decision of the county court on a question of taxes. '. Current Events. A number of vessels were driven ashore and wrecked on the Great Lakes. The assignment of ministers of the West Virginia Methodist Protestant Conference were made, at Fairmont, W. Va. The Standard Oil Company has, it is said, taken steps to acquire' the principal distilling plants of the country. OLD FASHION. Tess-r-Oh, yes, she's certainly get ting old. .'.' Jess Yes? ' Tess Yes, she's beginning to com plain that the styles of bonnets and gowns are not as pretty as they used to be.- Philadelphia Press. Alabama held primaries to nomi for Cbief Justice, two United States Senators, two:aer. nate Senators, three Congressmen and a full State ticket. WORN TO A SKELETON. GOOD WORK. Employer Jimmy, I let you off yes terday afternoon because yu said you had some necessary work-to do, and one of my clerks says he saw you an hour or two later at the ball game. Office Boy Yes, sir; I was rootin fur de home tea. -Chicago Tribune. .General Vonliarliarsky, acting mili tary governor-general of Warsaw, was assassinated. A Wonderful Restoration That Caused a Sensation in a Pennsylvania Town. Mrs. Charles M. Preston, of Elk land, Pa., says: "Three years ago I found that my housework was be coming a burden. I tired easily, had no ambition -and was falling fast. . My com plexion got yellow, and I lost over 50 pounds. My . thirst was terrible, and there was sugar In the kidney secretions. My doctor kept me on a strict diet, but as his medicine was not helping me I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. They helped me at once, and soon all traces of sugar disappeared. I have rezained mv former weight and am perfectly well." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. x. . . - The beauty of nature is simnlv mat oi obedience. Where can one be happier than in 'the bosom of his family? Young. CAPUDIR1E It ftctt Immediately you feel its ffec in If ml -.... - J 1 . uiiiiura. , A OU UVa 1 INDIGESTION and ACIDITY susns3AvriMSs; remoTing tha cause. 10 centi. $5,000 ii m auara ai vom. write Quick GEORGIA-ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE. Macon. G. GUARAN TEED RY BANK DEPOSIT R. R. Fare Paid. NoteiTake 500 FREE COURSES Board at Cost. Write Quick TERRIBLE SCALY ECZEMA. i options Appeared on Chest, and Faoe and JecK Were All Broken Oat Cared by Cuticura. I had n eruDiion amiK nn mv. nhf and body and extend upwards and down- waras, sotnai my Beck and face were all broken out: aiso mv arm and tha ino. umos as t&r as the knpm I thought it was prickly heat. Hut soon scales or crusts formed where the break ing out Was. Instead nf nninir !.- - e - i sician 1 p .vchased a complete treatment of the Cuticura Remedies, in which I had crea; iaith. and all was tafait.nrv a year or two later the eruption appeared again, cny a little lower, but before it bad time to spread 1 procured another supply of the Cuticura .Remedies, and con tinued their use until he : .re was com Dlete. 1 1 now five rears isinep (-hp laf attack, and have not seen any signs of return. 1 hftVr Trior 'a ith in t f i'mum Remed'es .'or skin diabases than anything I know of. imma J. YVilcon. IJimmh Jowa, Oct. 1903." Sin is an intruder and not a ten ant m the heart. A HEALTHYOLD AGE OFTENTHEBESTPARTOFLIFE r Holy tor Women Passing Tbrough Cbaoge of Life SHE HADN'T. Fair Buyer Our club is going to give a lecture on socialism. Have you any literature on the subject? Clerk Did you ever read "Looking Backward?" ' Fair Buyer Read looking back ward? How absurd. How could I? -Chicago News. Health and understanding are the two great blesiugs of life. From the Greek. So. 36-'06. GOOD A?!!) HARD Results of Excessive Coffee Drinking. It it remarkable what suffering some persons put up with, just to sat isfy an appetite for something. A Mica, woman rays: "I had been using coffee since I was old enough to have a nip of my own at the table, an-' from it I l:ave suffered agony hundreds of times in the years past. "2Ay trouLie first began in the form of bilious colic, coming on every few weeks and almost' ending my life. At every attack for 8 years I suf fered in this rray. I used to pray for death to relieve me from my suffer ing. I had also attacks of sick head ache, and began to suffer from ca tarrh of the stomach, and of course awful dyspepsia. "For about a year I lived on crack ers and water. Believing that coffee was the causa of all thi3 suffering, I' finally quit it and began to use Postum Food Coffee. It agreed with my stomach, my troubles have left me and I am fast gaining my health under its use. "No wonder I condemn coffee and tea. No one conld be in a much more critical condition than I was from the use of coffee. Some doctors pro nounced iC canoer, others ulceration, but none gave me any relief.. But sjjjce I stopped coffee and began Pcs ttfm'l am getting wen so fast I can heartily recommend It for all who suffer as I did' Nam9 given by Posttira . Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Bead the litUe book, "The Road to WeUvUle,'lhere.'B a reason." Providence has allotted us each at least seventy years in which to fulfill our mission in life, and it is generally our own fault if we die prematurely. GE comes all too quickly to her who suffers from the diseases peculiar to women. Pain, weak ness, debility, soon leave you but a wreck of your former womanhood. WINE OF nuui I WOMAN'S RELIEF relieves female pain, cures fe male diseases. 1 was scanty, had numb feelings, and was terribly nervous every month, but Cardui has made me feel so much better," writes Mrs. J. Brandenburg, of Hunting ton, W. Va. Try it. At all Druggists. . cu WHITE for Free Advice, stating age and describinKTour symptoms, to Ladies. Advisory Dept., Chattanooca Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. W. L. DOUGLAS 3.50 &$3.00 Shoes a BEST IN THE WORLD W.LDougIas$4Gi!t Edge line. cannotse equalled at any price . To Shoe Dealers: W. L. Do u (las' Job bing House is tbs-most complete in this country Sendor Catalog Nervous exhaustion invites disease. This statement is the positive truth. When everything becomes a burden and you e&nnot walk a few blocks with out excessive fatigue, and yon break out into perspiration easily, and your face flnshe, and yon grow excited and shaky at the least provocation, and you cannot bear to be crossed in anything-, yon are in danger ; your nerves have given out ; vou need building1 up at once ! To build up woman's nerv ous ftstem and during1 the period of ohanffe of life we know of no better medicine than Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. Here is an illus tration. Mrs. Mary L. Koehne, 371 Garfield Avenue, Chlcag-o. 111., writes: " I have bss1 Ljdia E. Ptekbanf sVegctable Compound for years in ruy fcnjily and it never disappoints; so when I felt that I was nearinsr tho change of Ufa I commenced treat ment with it. I took in all about six bottles and it did mo a great deal of good.- It stopped my dizzy spells, pains in my back and tho headaches with vrfcieh I had suffered for months before taking the Compound. I feel that if It had not been for this great medicine for women that I should not have boor alive to-day. It is splendid for women .old or young, and will sorely cure all female disoi-ders." Mrs. Pinkham, daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., in vites all sick and ailing women to write her for advice. Her great experience is at their service, free of cost. I When you biry WET WEATHER CLOTHING you want complete protection and long service. These and many other good polnta are combined In TOWER'S FISH BRAND OILED CLOTHING .WU VU1 MAKW Jk m to buy any other JOWEt CO BOSTON UlA. TOWK4- CO .. .Mm SHOES FOB EVERYBODY AT ALL PEICE3. Men's Shoes, $S to Sl.SO. Boys' Shoes, $3 women's snoes. .uu co jsi.ou. Misses' & Children's Shoes. $2.25 to $1.00. Try W. L. Douglas Women's, Misses and Children's shoes; for style, fit and wear they xcel other makes. If I could take you into my large factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully VV.L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater value than any other make. Wherever you live, you can obtain W. L. Douelas shoes. His name and price is stamped on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and inferior shoes. Tales no tubati tuts. Ask your dealer for W. L. Douglas shoes and insist upon having them. Q Fast Color Eyelets used; they will not wear brass. fcWrlte for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Styles. W. L. DOUQLAS, Dept. 15, Brockton, Mass, You Cannot all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal con ditions of the mucous membrane such as nasal catarrh, uterine catarrh caused by feminine ills, sore throat, sore mouth or inflamed eyes by simply dosing the stomach. But you surely can cure these stubborn affections by. local treatment with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic -SSaS-SSSSBSBaSBBBBBSBNSSSaSaBBt BSSSMMMHBBSBSS BSBSBlBBBBBBBBBBSWSMaaMvaSBVSMBSB which destroys the disease gei ms.checks discharges, stops pain, and heals the inflammation and soreness. Paxtine represents the most successful local treatment for feminine ills ever produced. Thousands of women testify to this fact. 50 rents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Box- THE R. PAXTON CO.. Boston, Mass, TtLtbRAPHT, SHORTHAND AKO 1 BookkeeninixPeixmiiiiKh Short hjtnd.TvDewritfnff. Telegrapby. Kmiroi.d Main Line W ire connectrd to tuoileire; Irani Uollete to pen it 10:1. PoMitiona ruura.n Iteerl.Write for irt cntait.if.Th'i Aaiericbu 'i.'vKrut r . BSOWARCH STUMP VtA Vi i Dill I FDV rill Vail Iff"'' Rn,p.ntAuH . i imr.Ot log& blso ad'fs. Monarch orubber Co.LoneJi',e'Ia-' CASH For Your Home, Farm. 'P?J Lands or Rnslness. It you wantq'" ' list your property with me. Co-oprt!on aoestno work. 1 have desirable Homes and Tlme.L"5 VV sale. Address 3 J.SE A WKLL.Real Et"- Elcoe.ji.L.. WHITER If aiaicted with weak Tea nn Thompson's Eye Water