Sbc Cbatbam IRecorfc. he (tbatbam ffiecort). hTa LONDON EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Per Year STRICTLY IN ADVANCE f RATES OF ADVERTISING; One Square, one Insertion $1.00 One Square, two Insertions.... 1.50 One Square, one month 2.09 For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Contracts will be made. ' VOL. XXIX. PITTSBORQ. CHATHAM COUNTY. N. C, THURSDAY. AUGUST 1, 1007. NO.. 51 nrif Items Gathered Prom All Big Run on the Wachovia. S;uibury, Special. The run on the W;uhovia Loan & Trust Co. Tlua-lay morning made the State fcit up and take notice. Messages from all sections came and the stupid, if 1K,t malicious lie, started Wednesday j,hnws that truth sometimes feeds up on crusts while falsehood fattens at Liu "'.Hca:i feasts. It took a long time ;iri required a great amount of wis t;(r:i io handle the situation in a way to Loll the confidence of the deposit,'!-. There was 'a Avhisper that a run ,a the High Point Bank had been started. The story Avcnt on wings and men and women spent uneasy hours. They were there with hysterics and tin ir i-eriticates of deposit. But Cash ier Snider and President Lee S. Over man were there with the goods and as i'a-t as one man took out his gold, ether men Avith faith came and back ed up the institution that is entitled to all the confidence of all the people ct the city. It is doubtful if the bank has a cent less than it had when tlie lie began its circuit. All those who called on the bank for their deposits were paid promptly and after the si-ore was over, many returned their cash to the bank a?ain. Only Female Deputy Marshal. Greensboro, Special. While it is not generally known the Western dis uiet of North Carolina has one of t3:e few perhaps the only lady deputy marshal in the United States. There is nothing to prevent a marshal ap p lir.ting a woman, but it is not sren- C7 4 i ;y considered desirable for one. Tin- woman who holds that position in ' is district is Miss Nessie Myrick, a niece of Marshal Milikan. " Miss My rick went to Salisbury to serve a res training order upon Mr. Ilayden Cle ment. Assistant Attorney General for the State of North Carolina. The or der is ore of the many processes that Lave been issued since the beginning l the litigation relative to the euT forcemer.t of the State's new rate law U;ss Ma rick recently served the pa pers in lieidsville in the case of Jas. P. Richardson & Co., against the Am erica:! Tobacco Company. Reassessment of Railroads. The corporation commission makes public a statement of the re-assessment of railroads other quasi-public corporations. It shows that railroad property has advanced from $70,077, ool to S4,412,S33. The assessment of the Atlantic Coast Line is made $30, l''0 a mile; the Seaboard Air Line $20,424; Southern Railway (all lines) V2)..j2; North Carolina Railway di vision of Southern $47,373, giving this division a valuation of $10,573,762 against $0,680,000 by the last assess ment. Ninety-nine other quasi-public corporations are assessed $7,072,616 against $6,173,428 by previous assess ment. Girl Drowned While Wading. Newbern, Special. A distressing accident occurred near here in th? drowning of Bessie, the 7-year-old daughter of J. J. Rhodes, captain on a liver steamer. Rhodes had taken n family to Wilkinson's Point for a la3T's outing and they were having a most enjoyable time. The little girl went in wading and stepped in a doep hole and sank immediately, The strong current took ber ' down the stream and it was with considerable difficulty that the body was recover ed. The body wa3 in the water an hour and a half, A Hint to Hurry. Goldsboro, Special. An official rue has been served upon the several railroads centering here, by the Cor poration Commission notifying them that the union passenger station for Goldsboro must be completed accord ing to the plans submitted by the rail roads and approved by the Commis sion last January, by November 26 under penalty. Found Dead in Road. Newton, Special. Monday morii ir. about 9 o'clock Mr. J. P. White of Mountain Creek township, left his home near Denver to walk to the house of his son, Mr. Locke White, about a mile and a half distant. About 11 o'clock the farm hands of Mr. E. D. Bamble, on their way to dinner found Mr. White lying near the path, with his head in a branch, lie was dead and the supposition is that while bathing: his head in the en deavor to cool the intense heat, he died or fell and was drowned. Fire at Lincolnton. Lincolton, Special. Fire last week burned to the ground the planing mill and cotton ginnery belonging to Messrs. John and Caldwell Motz, en tailing a loss of something like $6,000 with not a cent of insurance. In ad dition to lumber two engines, two 25 horse 'power. engines and a patent dry kiln Avere consumed. One kiln of lum ber belonged to Messrs. Keever & Mc-Corkle. res- v - Sections of the State 9 Zeke Lewis Not Guilty. Monroe, Special. The jury in the case of Zeke LeAvis the second of the defendents tried in the Anson county lynching cases, brought in a verdict of not guilty after being out an hour and three-quarters. After the Verdict was announc ed Judge Peebles requested the juriors to take their seats and said as there were only tAvo more days of this spec ial term, the regular term of Super ior Court beginning next Monday there would not be lime to try an other case. "But," he continued, "if we had time I would not try another one of these eases. There is so much feeling here in t&xor of the defend ants that the trial of airy more cases noAv wottld be a farce. "I suggest lo the solicitor that" he moA-e for a re moval to some other county. Lynch ing Avill never cease in North Caro lina until there is a strong, healthy sentiment against it. There is u- doubt that this lynching was commit ted and Ave have 23 men indicted here for the crime, yet a great many Avell known citizens of Anson county have admitted here on the stand that thev had contributed money to the defense There is a strong popular feeling here too in their favor and I tloiiH see any use in prosecuting them further here now." All the rest of the defend ants were required to give bonds of $5,000 each inside of 15 days for their appearance at the next January term of Union County Superior Court. Drew Money Out; Got Robbed. Spencer, Special. FolloAving a run Avhich was made on the Wachovia Loan & Trust Co. here a customer who Aviihdrcw $00 Avas robbed of tne snvne Avitlnn a few hours after he left the bank Avith the cash. There is no clue to the guilty party. II. JT. Hackett another depositor of the same bank Avas robbed of $30 by a room mate Avho skipped the country. The run on the bank began early i 'the day and continued until noon, all checks being paid promptly and with out the least embarrassment to the bank. Conditions became normal in the afternoon and many depositors returned to the bank with their money In Deep Water, Reidsviile, Special. Dick Scales a colofed man of Madison-, Avasdroivh- ed Avhile seining with Mayor McMic!:- acl and a party of citizens near Madi son. The- unfortunate affair hap p?ncd at the point Avhere the Dan and Mayo "livers run together. Scales stopped into deop Avater and endeav ored to swim to the bank. The cur rent hoAvever Avas too swift for him and he was droAvr.ed before assistance could reach him. It is believed that he cither died from fright or heart failure before he sank. Verdict for $5,000. Asi-eboro, Special. In the case of M. W. Parish against the High Point Randleman. Asehboro and Southern Railroad for personal injuiies the jury has just returned a verdict for fivo thousand dollars in favor of the plaintiff. No motions made in the case yet. LaAvyers Spence and Moffitt and other parties to a supplemental bill in equity AA-ith a reference to the rate bill, Avere served Ayith a second installment cf orders and an auxi liary bill. Court Avill continue next Avcek. Coast Line ' Acauire3 Fa2etteviilc Fropsrty, Fayetteyille, Special, Thursday afternoon Harry Walters, of Balti more, one of the largest stockholders in the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad conveyed twenty-four pieces of valu able -property in this city to the rail road company, Girl Burned to Death. Morehead City, Special. Tues day morning about ten o'clock the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Guthrie Avhile in the act of starting a fire in the -cook stoAe took the half gallon kerosene oil can Avhich Aras filled, and began to pour oil on the Avood, Avhen the oil ignited and ex ploded in the can. Bond Refused Rowlands. Raleigh, Special. The application for release by Dr. and Mrs. D. S. Rowland, under habeas corpus pro--ceedings, Avas refused by Associate Justice Conner, of the Supreme Court He aunounccd that as the burden Avas on the Rowlands to show their inno cense of the charge of the murder cf Charles R. Strange, Mrs. RoAvland's former husband, and that as this had not been done, he remanded them to jail for the next term of court, Avith out any prejudice to either them o;' to the State. Life -Crushed Out. Durham, Special. Charles Greeii, a young man, Avas almost instantly killed at the plant of the Carrington Lumber Company in East Durham Thursday morning between 10 and 11 o'clock. He Avas caught under a number of very heaAry doors that were leaned aaginst the wall in the salesroom and so badly mashed was be that he did not Iire but a few min utes. Young Green Avas about 15 years old. SENATOR PETTUS DEAD i 1 1 i rr- Alabama's Senior Senator breathed His Last at Hot Springs, This State From Effects of Apoplexy, With Which He Was seized Friday Morning Entire Body Paralyzed and Consciousness Was Never Re covered. Asheville, N. C, Special. United States Senator Pettus of Alabamij died Saturday night at 10 O'clock at Hot Springs this State from the ef fects of a stroke Of apoplexy with which he Avas seized while at the breakfast table Friday morning. His entire body Avas paralyzed and be never recovered consciousness since that time. Senator Pettus arrived at Hot Springs about a week ago from Tate Springs, Tenii. Up to the time of the seizure he Avas apparently in the best of health. At the breakfast table Friday it is said he Avas unusually cheerful, and. When he Avas stricken the guests of the hotel thought he merely had a fainting spell. Phy sicians Avere summoned from Ashe ville for consultation Avith the local physicians and it Avas seen that there Avas no hope of the Senator's recov ery. His relatives were telegraphed for and they are iioav on the way to the death bed of the deceased. Senator Pettus celebrated his S6th birthday at Tate Springs last week, and on that occasion his unusual vig or Avas the subject of comment. By a primary arrangement of last sum mer be Avill be succeeded in the" Sen ate by Ex-GoA-ernor Joseph F. John ston, Avho Avill serve until the Alaba ma legislature meets. Mr. Johnston was born in Lincoln county, North Carolina, and has many relatives there. Murder and Suicided Charlotte, C., Special; Mrs; Madge Powers; Avife of Harry T. Poav ers a Morehead street grocer was found dead in her bed room in the north end of the store building Sat urday morning about 7 o'clock. Hard by her lay her husband, uneonsciu-is and dying. A pistol lay AVitliin a few inches of PoAvers' right hand. Blood oozed from a bullet hole in the for.j head of his Avife and floAved freely from the Avound back of his right ea- Murder and suicide every bit of evi deuce pointed that Avay; It was plain that Harry Powers hrtd for some whim of his Own, shot his Avife dead ill her tracks and then turned the gun on himself. Dime novels, ciga letts; cards and Avhiskey Avere amorg the ornaments of the pitiful looking rooorn. Whiskey, emnty bottles an I a half-tilled glass sat on the little ta ble by the door. The entire affair is a very tragical as Avell as mysteri ous one, and Avhiskey coupled Avith domestic troubles is doubtless the cause. An Historical Event. Norfolk, Special. In eommemora tion of the establishment of the house of burgesses, or legislative assembly in America at JarnestoAvn, July 30, 1619, there Avill be held at the james toAAii exposition on July 30, next, the Iavo hundred and eighty-eighth an niversary celebration, one of a series of many historical celebrations at the exposition. The programme includes addresses bv Former Vice Acllai E. SteA-enson of Illinois .and Representative J. Warren Keifer of Ohio, former speaker of the house cf representatives. Bad Head-On Collision. Petersburg, Va., Special. A head on colision occurred Saturday night about 9 o'clock a short distance no:h of Stoney Creek, Va., between Atlan tic Coast Line train No. S5, "Florida Special," and second section of No. 80, northbound. Both engines Avere badiy damaged, the mail car stove in and the head express car on. No 80 derailed. Engineer BrndshaAV ou No. 85 assumes the blame, saying that he forgot his orders, Quo m-n was killed, College Destroyed by Bolt Winter Park, Fla., Special. The music hall of the Rollins college Ava: struck by lightning and completely destroyed. The equipment Aras par tially saA'ed, but four pianos and the splendid domestic school outfit Averf burned. The building and its- con tents Avere insured. President Black man being in the North no statement respecting the plans for the future can be made. Fifth Rioter Found Guilty. , Roanoke, Va., Special. George Phillips, indicted by a grand jury for rioting, in connection Avith the smashing of Greek restaurants by a mob tAvo Aveeks ago, Avas tried in po lice .court and fined $20. He.Avas the fifth man found guilty of rioting. Thomas Divers, Avho Avas fined $50 and given 30 days in jail for the same charge has givei notice of ap peal to the higher court and fur nished bail. Run Through and Killed By Pitch fork Prongs. - Winston-Salem, N. C, Special. News was received here of a pecu liar accident which occurred at Ker nersville late Saturday afternoon, re sulting in the death of Mr. Dewitt Marshall the 19-year old son of Mr A. F. Marshall a prosperous farmei living near Kernersviile. The youn man fell from a load of Avheat-straw and struck a pitchfork, the prong of which penetrated his breast, kill- Aii2 him almost instantly. Til CAROLINA WINS RATE FIGHT Governor G!enn Succeeds in Having State Law Enforced THE PEOPLE GENUINELY PLEASED Officials of the Southern and Atlantic Coast Line Meet With Governor Glenn and After a Conference of Three Hours a Treaty of Peace is Made By the Terms of This Agree ment the 2 14 Rate Law is to Observed After August 8th and Ail Indictments and Prosecution Now Pending Against the Southern Are to Be Stopped. Raleigh, N. C., Special. It can safely be said that Governor Glenn's office Avas the centre of attention not only of North Carolina but of the United States. The line betAveen State and Federal sovereignty had been sharply draAvn and the situation Avas tense in the extreme. The ten sion Avas as to Avhether the State should Avin or lose in the rate case there A-as no happier man in the country than Governor Glenn Avhen at 7 o'clock in the eA-ening he an nounced that the law Avas supreme in North Carolina and that the old State is the first in the Union which ever resisted a raihvay and stopped it; There Avas a rattle of applause as the GoA-ernor made this ringing declaration Avhile he smiled like a boy and people pressed forward to shake his hand, the first being the armless president of the Baptist Uni versity for Woiiien at Raleigh, Rob ert T. Vann. Officials Arrive. The incidents of the day began with the announced arrival Saturday of private cars on Avhich Avere the general cd.nsel of the Southern Railway, Alfred P. Thorn and Alex ander P. Humphrey, and President Thomas M. Emerson, General Coun sel Alexander Hamilton, Assistant Gencial Counsel Geoige B. Elliot, of he Atlantic Coast "Line and George Rountrce Avho represented the Coat L:i;c -toekiiolders. These officials and a P. or.-leys conferred together and Avjslieu to have a conference Avith Gov erujr Glenn at 11 o'clock, but liis aihr.ueys, ex-Governor Aycoek and Speaker Justice, of the House of Rep lesentntivts, Avere not present, so the ti"i e was ilxed for the afternoon. Pre-ident Emerson had to leave two hours beloie the conference. The meeting as in the Go-ernor's office. The GoAernor desires that reporters should be piesent, but left the matter to the railway people, who objected, so he icqucsted the neAvspaper men to retire, A Three Hours Conference. The conference lasted three hours each side withdrawing to prepare pa pers for signature. At G:30 o'clock the confei-ees left the Governor's of fice, all smiling. Speaker Justice Avas the first to announce the result and said to the eager reporters: "All is settled except the three laAV suits and the 2 1-4 rate goes into effect as soon as the Southern and Atlantic Coast Line can figure out the sched ule." A quarter of an hour later the GoA'ernor came out and read to the eager little audience the folloAA-ing agreement which'is signed by Thorn and Humphries! The Agreement. "First, the raihvay puts the-2 1-4 cent rate into effect not later than August 8tb, next. "Second, the State to appeal from Judge Prichard's order discharging parties in Asheville on Avrit of habeas corpus. "Third, the Southern RailAvay to appeal to the State Supreme Court in the Wake county case and if the case is decided against it to take it by Avrit of error to the United States Supreme Court. "Fourth, that both sides co-operate to haAe said eases advanced and argued together and speedily deter mined. "Fifth, the State at its option to indict the Atlantic Coast Line in one case. "Sixth, all indictments and prose cutions noAV pending to be dismissed and no others to be instituted for any alleged violations of laAV up to the time the neAv 2 1-4 cent rate is put into effect as far as the GoA'ernor can control the same. "Seventh, the GoA-ernoi alvisci a1! persons against bringing any penalty suit pending final determination of j the question, involve and asks the people as a whole to acquiesce in this arrangement. "Eighth, the suit pending before Judge Pritehard at Asheville to be diligently prosecuted without the State's having any question of juris diction." No Contempt Proceedings. The GoA-ernor stated that Messrs. T' o"d TT,.rr,nhiev. also, as coun sel for the Southern Railway, under time tiiat it Aviil not inaugurate con- j i , : i x ... v ,L & J J NOR State officers in connection with this rate liiigatioH and that the road will do Ayhat It can to prevent the inattg uration of 'any such contempt pro ceedings." This arrangement betAveen the Southern Raihvay and GoA-ernor Glenn is also assented to by George Rouutree attorney for R. Nelson Buckley and other Atlantic Coast Line stockholders, complainants and by Alexander Hamilton, general coun sel for the Atlantic "Coast Line Com pany, except that they do not conse it that the Atlantic Coast Line shall be uxlictcd in one case but as to that leaving the State at liberty to do as its sense of duty may dictate, this agreemnt being signed by Hamilton and Rountree. ARREST OF MR. FINLEY. Very Sensational Development h.t North Carolina Rste Case Trouble. AsheA'ille, N. C.j Special. The cli max in the railroad rate matter Avas reached Saturday morning Avhen W W. Finley, president of the Southern Raihvay Company, Avas served Aviih Avarrant at the Battery Park Hotel, charging him AATith aiding and abet ting in the violation of the North Carolina passenger rate laAV. The warrant for President Finley 's ai1 rest Avas sworn out by Police Cap tain Lylerly at the instance of Po lice Justice G. S. Reynolds and Avas serVfed by Polled Officer Branch Wil liams. The neAvs of the arrest of President Finley spread like wild fire and soon every one on the streets had something i'j say about it. It Avas the one topic of conA-ersa"tion, the sensation of the day. President Finley, howeA'er, did not pay a visit to the city police court, as Avas in tended Before the oflieer serving the paper could execute the command to "Have the body of W. W. Finley in police court" a United Slates dep uty marshal served a Avrit from the United States Circuit Court on the police officer and Mr. Finley the mar shal and the patrolman found their Avay to the United States Federal Building instead of Justice Reynold's court. The Avarrant served by the police officer charged Mr. Finley as president of the Southern Railway Company with aiding and abetting in the violation of the State rate laAV by collecting more than 2 1-4 cents a mile passenger fare. The Avarrant Avas issued under the common law. During the hearing on the Avrit of habeas corpus before Judge Pritehard considerable testimony Avas had rel ative to Avhether or not the applica tion for the writ was made before Hie Avarrant for Finley 's arrest Avas serv ed. Mr. Finley avs savoi'ii and gaA-e testimony. lie said that he verified the application for a Avrit for his re lease after the officer had appeared in his rooms and served the Avarrant. There is a rumor that contempt pro ceedings may be begun against the parties Avho are responsible for the arrest of Mr. Finley although noth ing definite is known on this seor Portsmouth Hospital; Washington, Special. Because" the bid of the George A. Fuller Com pany, the only bidders at $246,500 is larger by $40,500 than the appropria tion the probability is that the de partment's plans for the addition to the naval hospital at Portsmouth, Va. Avill be modified so that Avork may proceed Avith the construction of the buildings Avhieh are very much needed Congress appropriated !"200,000 for the Avork. Chased to His Death. New York, Special. FolloAving. re peated murders, assassinations and fiendish attacks upon girl children a NeAv York mob .went crazy and Avhen a man slashed the face of John Black man, a motorman Avho Avas repairing a car, the crowd pursued the slasher who, terrified at cries of "lynch him," jumped on3, a pier into East river and Avas drowned. Only the ar rival of the police reserves prevented the crowd form storming the jail on Staten Island for the purpose of wrecking vengerance on Joseph Nop wyak, 54 years old, charged with at tacking a 5-year-old girl. A Murderous Society. NeAv York, Special. Fifty prom inent Armenians Avho met in secret Friday night for the purpose of call ing a mass meeting of their country men Saturday to raise funds for the extermination of a blackmailing so ciety inspiring the murder of several of their number received a communi cation warning them that further ac tivity against the organization would mean death. Hot Weather in Georgia. Atlanta, Ga., Special. The' hot weather of the past Aveek continued here, the government thermometer registering 96 degrees at noon. The summer's record for the present sum mer was reached Tuesday afternoon, Avhen 97.5 degrees was recorded. Ma con suffered under 101 degrees at noon, and other points in the State showed temperature almost as high. An Adventuress. London, By Cable. Mrs. Josephine Leslie the American woman Avho cut a wide swarth in English Society on the strength of the professed friend ship with Avealthy Americans, and against whom J. Pierpont Morgan testified was sentenced to five years in prison on the charge of obtaning a large sum from Miss Anuie Blount an Irish heiress under false pretenses. HAYWOOD IS FREED , ft ' ; End of Trial of Secretary of the Western Federation Miners OTHER CASES TO BE PRESSED Probability of Acquittal Was Freely Predicted After Judge Wood's ..Charge Wa3 Read, but the Fact That the Jury Was out 33 Hours Lsed to the Belief That There Would be Another Outcome. Boise,. Idaho,. ,Special. In. the bright sunlight of a beautiful Sab bath morning William D. Haywood, secretary and treasurer of the West ern Federation of Miners, walked K free man acquitted of the murder of former Governor Frank Stuenenberg Probability of acquittal Was freely predicted after Judge Fremont Wood read his charge, Avhich was regarded as strongly favoring the defense in its interpretation of the laAvs of con spiracy, circumstantial evidence and the corroboration of a confessed ac complice. It was also freely predict ed that, in the event of Haywood's acquittal, the State would abandon the prosecution of his associates, Charles H. Moyer, president of the Federation, and George A. Pettibon.?, of Denver. Statements from counsel and from GoArernor Gooding, dispel this vieAV of the situation Governor Gooding said: Surprises the Governor. "The A-erdict is a great surprise lo me, and I believe to all citizens of Idaho Avho baAC heard or read the evidence in the case. I have done my duty. I have no regret as to any action I haA'e tiiken, and my con science is clear. As long as God givc3 me strength I shall continue my ef forts for goA'ernment by laAV and or ganized society. "The State AA'ill continue a vigor ous prosecution of Moyer and Petti bone and Adams and Simpkins when apprehended. There Avill be neither hesitation nor retreat." Application will be made to Judge Wood to admit Moyer and Pettibone to bail, and it was stated that, as to Moyer, against whom the State is ad mitted to haA-e its weakest case, a favorable consideration would not be unexpected. Not the least interesting of ihe comments made Avas that of Harry Orchard, the confessed murderer of Stuneneberg and the Avitness on whom the State chiefly . relied it proA'e its charge of ?, conspiracy among certain members of the Wes ern Federation of Miners. When told at the State penitentiary that IlayAvood had been acquitted Orchard said : "Well, I haAre done my duty. I haA-e told the truth. I could do no more. I am ready to take any pun ishment that may be meted out to ma for my crime, and the sooner it comes the better." End of the Trial. Judge Wood, at 10 o'clock Satur day night went to his home, leaving instructions to be called on the tele phone in case the jury should arrive at a verdict. The jury in the ease of William D. Haywood, secretary-treasurer of the Western Federation of Miners, charg ed with the murder of former Gov ernor Frank Stunenberg, retired to consider its verdict at 11:04 a. m Saturday and Judge Wood immedi ately ordered recess until 2 p. m. The reading of the judge's charge and in structions required just an hour, and at tbc end of that time the t twelve jurymen filed from the room in the custody of Sheriff "Shad" Hodginsr and six bailiffs. Georgia Treasurer Charged With Lar ceny After Trust. Columbus, Ga., Special. Captain O. P. Poe, treasurer of Muskogee county Avas arrested here on a Avarrant charging him Avith larceny after trust. The amount involved is $2,685 and the transaction Avas a private one, inde pendent of his official capacity. He gaA'e bond in the sum of $4,000. Thirty Men Arrested for Trespassing Greensboro, N. C, Special Upon a Avarrant issued here 31 employees of the Western Union Telegraph Company were arrested for trespass ing. The warrant was taken out by John May Avho objected' to having poles erected on his property in East Greensboro. The men Avere carried before 'Squire Collins, Avho required bonds of $50 each for their appear ance at the trial Monday. The case is rather interesting one and is ma le doubly so by the large number of de fendants. Iron Miner's Strike May Be Settled. Duluth, Minn., Special. While there Avere no developments in the iron miners' strike situation on the Mesaba and Vermilion ranges the strike on the ore docks, it was said may be settled Sunday or Monday as the railroads must have creAvs at work at Duluth, Superior and two harbors to handle the product of the miners, should they succeed in open ing them the first of the week. "it Late JSTet&j' In 'Brief .t M!Wn!l MATTFBe flF IWTFUFCT It X nilllUll IimilLIIU UI IMILIiLUI v Reports of disastrous floods come from the West. Washington officials believe Japan Avill engorge Korea. Senator Knox is reported to be plan ning to oppose Taft. ! .. ...? Mr. Robert K. Whitehead dropped dead on the stret at Suffolk.. The Haywood defense, argument began at the trial at Boise,' Idaho. ' Dr. Mark Twain arrived from Eng land and Avas beseiged by reporters. More than 400 miners Avere killed by an explosion in a Japanese" colli ery. , The Georgia legislature is having a warm time on the prohibition question before that body. . the Government has decided to take steps to wipe out peonage in the Southern States. The convention of officials of Bu- reaus of Labor Statistics has begun at Norfjlk. . . Judge Pritehard overrules the act ion of the State Court in the North Carolina railrBad rate cases. - The three Italians convicted of kid napping and murder at Hahnville, La. were sentenced to life imprisonment. Premier Clemenceau, of France, was drenched Avith hot Avate"r Avhile sailing OA'er Paris in a dirigible bal loon. Several members of the Korean cabinet and one of the elder, states men Avere arrested on charges of ii trigning. TAventy men were thrown in the rh'er at Lovane, Ohio, by the collapsa of a bridge, and at least three were droAvned. ' - A Persian merchant was assassi nated on Union Spuare, NeAv Yoik by an Armenian who said he "acted for his country." A telegram has been received at the American Embassy in Japan report, ing restoration of the open-door pol icy in Manchuria. The steamer Columbia of the Saw Francisco and Portland Company, Avas rammed by the steamer lumbei schoonerSan Pedro and sunk with a loss of over 100 lh'es. Mrs. Cora B. Gore, 22 years old, a bride of G months, Avas drowned at Moundsville, W. Va. She is supposed to have walked into the lake Avhiio asleep. The speech of Attorney Darrow for the defence in the HayAvood murder case consumed most of the day Wednesday and Avas a most bitter denunciation of the autocrat ic practices of the State and the mine OAvnevs. The trial of Dr. and Mrs. RoAvIatul at Raleigh, N. C, on the charge of poisoning engineer Strange, first hus band of Mrs. RoAvland, groAvs more dramatic. A strong case is being made against them. The sloop yatch Mira, Avith Har old Vanderbilt and the Duchess of Marlborough formerly Miss Consuelo Vanderbilt on board is overdue at Norfolk. It is supposed the yatch is in some one cf the Maryland or Vir ginia rivers. Memphis has a social war which greAv out of accusations th at a ) rom i nent Confederate woman had shoAvu Federal sympathies. The naval board of inquiry reports that the explosion on the Georgia was caused by a "flare-back" the result of a premature closing of the gast cjectoi. Mrs. Charles W. Fairbanks, wife of the Vice-president, and her two sons were in an automobile accident but escaped unhurt. Col. J. Edwin Browne, of Baltimore was re-elected commander of tho Army and Navy Union and was pre sented Avith a jeAvcled medal. The four armored cruisers in the Orient including the Maryland and West Virginia will sail next Aveek frr San Francisco. The National Pure Food Congress adopted a number of important rec ommendations at Jamestown and ad journed. Walter-Stanley shot and killed his friend Preston Flinn by mistake al William, West Virginia. Claudius Wolfe of Evansvillc, W. Va., and. Samuel Greenbaum wera drowned in flooded streams in West Virginia. Judge William Hodges Mann will retire from the service of the Norfolk and Western Railway. Negroes who had robbed a booth killed tAA'o Oklahoma officers and a race Avar is threatened. . TA-o-cent-a-mile railroad rates went into effect in Illinois, Iowa, Missouri and Minnesota. A reform administration went into office in Louisville. Senator Foraker criticised the. In terstate Commerce Commission in a speech at Maimisburg, Ohio. ' William January, called a real "Jean Valjean," Avas finally released from the Federal Prison at Fort Levenworth. "Peddler" Palmer, an English prizefighter, Avas sentenced to five years penal servitude for killing Roll er t Choat.

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