HURSDAY ROY. 21, 1907. Local Records. Leash for wheat. Lockville Roller fjlsoffer $ 1.10 a bushel for Rood wheat. Lwaoted: By Lockville Roller mig second-hand bags of every kind. L-Iiockville Roller Mills will clean rir customers' seed wheat without ; large. LAt water & Lambeth will pay $1.10 cCh tor good milling wheat at their JliU t Bynum. 1 G. K- Filkington invites an inspec- ttou of aa up-to-aaie nue oi souvenir V ... 1 ... (Vll l, .. i.,t nnnMC, IHJSIM1 IU1U.1. van mui. I The attention of the tax-payers of dhalliam is called to &uerin xiiuien's 7-Uoe. published in another column. .-Blank notices for pasting land for i tie at The Record oilier. Also chattel -Wiraees, mortgage deeds and war rlnty inty deeds for sale. lAnv ladv who desires an education snd -who is really without meant; with Which to pay for it may write to J. M. Eludes, Littleton, N. C. I Next Thursday bein Thankstiv g Day the stores at this plac? will be ijoscd and all business suspended, as H customary on every Thanksgiving ly- (0nly a little over a month to hristruas. It will soon be here and already the little folks are eagerly ooking forward to it with joyous an icipations. Dr. Thrie (dentist) will be at the ollowing places and times as stated be ow: First we?k of each month at Pittsboro, 2nd week at Jonesboro, 3rd week at Sanford. I At the recent State Fair, we are leased to note, Mr. A. R. Norwood, if Baldwin township, was awarded a remiurn of ten dollars on a fine nair f young mules which he had raised. Why send your job printing to Wake county, Lee county or any other ld countv or new countv. when vou an have it done right here at The -5 rd office just as neatly and cheap ly? Did you ever hear of a cat catchinsr abbits? Mrs. M. A. Y. Wheeler, who lives near here, has a large Maltese wat which came to the house some days ago dragging a rabbit which it had caught. At the recent election in Virginia Capt. J. H. Wissler, who is well known in this county, was re-elected to the legislature by an increased majority, although his opponent was one of the strongest men in his couuty. How about your rugs, art squares, earpets, mattings and Sinoleums for the winter? If you need any of these take a look at the stock at London's. They are showing an exeeptionally at tractive line this seas on. Levi Poe, who escaped from our county jail two weeks ago, was captur ed last Saturday at Raleigh a d was returned to the insane depart t ef the penitentiary, from v. hich he wcaped several months ago. The grocery department at W. L. London & Son's is lilia 1 with standard brands of the freshest stoek kept in town. Heavy and fa icy groceries thai are guaranteed to be of rh3 bjst ar? -he one kind you will find in their stock- Mr. Samuel Perv. of Hickory Mountain township, died last week, ged ninety-five years. He was the father of Mr. John W. Perry, who is himself seventy-three years o.d. He was the oldest white mm in this coun ty., so far as we know. No clue has yet been found as to the burglars who broke i to tae store of W.L. London & .So on T ies Jay Bight of last M eek. This is iho first attempt ever made here by burglars to blow open a safe, and this unsuccess ful ffort is not calculated to cause a repetition. The many friends of Mr. James B. Riggsbee, of Rigsbee township, sym pathize most deeply with him i i th death, on last S :rurday, of hU 17- veir- old son Ernest, after a short sickness with typhoid fever. Rov. It. 5i. Li e berry conducted the funeral servicas a Lyatra Baptist church Sunday after noon. All the criminal cases at our court last week were disposed of in 0. 2 day, and none of them were of m ch im portance. In view of the fact that we had no criminal curt since last May, six months ago, this is very creditable to our good old county and is another illustration of the be'.efits of prohibi tion and good Democratic government. The Sanford Express states that Mr. Frank D. Jons, of Gulf, has re tired as superintendent of the Durham 4 Charlotte Railroad and is succeeded by Capt. John L. Tull. Capt. Tull is inexperienced railroad man and is pleasantly remembered here where he made his headquarters for some time three years ago while surveying ou the extension of the D. & C. Road. Judge Ferguson was much pleased ith the grand jury's report last week (published in another column), and wanted a copy of it sent to his coun ty (Haywood) with the hope that his county commissioners would buy and work a farm in connection with their county home. Chatham has cause to be pleased at the successful working of our county home as shown in the Iftodjury' report. We are requested to announce that the stores at liynum will be closed next Thursday (Thanksgiving Day) . . Miss Julia Hammock, of this t1o died on last Tuesday of dropsy and nearwiisease, from which she had suf fered for some time. The local branch of the woman's betterment association will meet at graded school building Saturday after noon of this week at 3 o'clock. We regret to hear that the dwell ing of Mr. Ruf us Ellington, of Rnfk , Rest township, was destroyed by fire j on last Tuesday night. - The K. of P. Lode at livnum will meet tomorrow (Friday) night for the urst time mi their new hall. All the brethern are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Mr. Henry Straughan and Miss Ila leruson, a daughter of Mr. A. V. Ferguson, of Hickory Mountain town ship, were married on last Sunday by Rev." L. It. Dixon. The Record ex tends congratulations. Our public spirited neighbors at Siler City expect to observe Thanks giving Day (the 28th)iu gra:id style. Among other attra3tions they will have Governor Glenn there to make one of his eloquent aad soul-stirring speeches. No doubt, a large crowd will be there. On last Wednesday after r oon, Mr. John A. Williams, of Oakland town sir p, met with quite a serious acci dent. He had ridden a mule to his son's home, ;:bout half a mile from his home, and had hitched it when he went in the house. Shortly afterwards he heard the mule trying to break loose a id he went to the mule and caught the bridle in order to hold it,' but the mule jerked Mr. Williams' arm out of place and threw him on the ground breaking his left thigh. Personal Items. Miss Maggie Allen, of Raleisrh, is visiting her uncle, Capt. J. F. Alston. Mr Clarence H. Poe, of Raleigh, spent Sunday here with his sister, Miss Daisy Poe. Mrs. W. R. Jones, of Goldsboro, is visiting ller mother, Mrs. Nora M. Bynum, at liynum. v Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hayes left last Wednesday morning oa a three days ' trip to Richmond, Va. .'Mr. U.S. Brewer, of Carthage, has been here on a short visit to his moth er, Mrs Mary C. Brewer. Mies Nettie Haughton has gone to Asheville, where she will spend the winter with 'her sister, Mrs. W. M. Jones. Mr. Curtis Wolff, who moved from here to .he Eastern Shore of Maryland eight years ago, is here on a short visit to friends. Mr. Robert L. Montgomery, who moved from this place to Durham over 18 years ag t where he is freight agent for 1 he S. A. L. Railway, has been here on a short visit. Midshipman J. J. London, of the U. S. S. Georgia, will arrive here Sat urday for a visit of a few days to his parents, before leaving with the battle ship fleet next month for the Pacific waters. At a meeting of the congregation of the Baptist church here Sunday night Dr. H. r Chapin and Messrs. J. W Moore and B. M. Poe were elected dele gates to the Baptist Slate convention which meets at Vilmington wtek after next. The friends of Mr. Walter Jerome, a son of Rev. C. P. Jerome,- will be pleased to learn that he has bejn re ce .tly eec:ed headmas er of Trinity HigU Scii'iol, at Old Trinity, Randolph county, where he has been assistant headmaster since the opening of the fall term. Superior Court. The .rial of cases on the civil issue dociiet was begun oa Wednesday of last week and the following were dis posed of: Simo.; Tinnen, against James T. VY rig ut waa a suit on the official bond of defendant, wiio is the co .stable o; this township, lor unlawfully en tering and searching his dwelling. The jury rendered a verdict in favor of the defendant. W. J. A. Cheek against Fred. H. Williams and wife was an action to foreclose a mortgage. This case, at August court, was referred to the cerk of me court and he made a report in fa or of tne piuLitni". Tne defendants -l.o.i exceoii ns to me Cierk's report, and .1 trial by jury naviug been asked lor ; he jury rendered a verdict in favor of ihe plaintiff for the full amount de ma. ded. M.tnly Maish against Southern Rail vay was a 50 penalty suit for failure to settie a claim, in wnich the plaintiff was non-suited. O. M. Dorsett and others against H. K. Dorsett w as ti:e title of two cases one for the partition of lnnd and the other for the conversion of personal property. Both cvses were compro mised without a jury trial. VVVA. Cameron agai stthe Atlantic Coast Line Railway was a $100 p nalty suit for the loss of a shipment of hams from Spout Springs to Pittsboro which was compromised by defendant pay ing plain iff S53'aud costs. R; W. White against Seaboard Air Line Railway was t 90 penalty action for delay of freight which was com promised without a trial by defendant paying plaintiff $45 and costs. Es elle Ray against A. A. Ray was an action to declare null and void a divorce secured by the defendant in Indiana. Verdict in favor of plaintiff. Caesar J. Alston and others against Aaron D. Alston was for the sale of land for partition among the plaintifis and .he defendant as tenants in com mon. There was no contention as to the title, -but the defendant claimed $250 for improvements allegerlto have been put on the land by him, And the plaintiffs claimed that .the defendant should be charged with certain rents. The jury gave the defendant $43 for his improvements and charged him with f76 for rent. Caesar J; Alston, as administrator of Caesar Alston, against Aaron D. Alston was an action for the recovery of a mule, and the jury decided' in fa vor of the defendant. It was late Saturday afternoon when the last of the above cases was tried and there was no time to try any more,and the judge departed on the afternoon J train for Carthage where he is holding court this week. Grand Jury Report. The grand jury last week ma4e the lunowmg report: "We the committee of the erand jury for the Fall term 1907, respectful ly suomit the following, report: The committee to visit the home for the aged and infirm report that we found 34 inmates, 19 white and 15 colored, which we found were well fed, housed and clothed. We recommend that Willis Hobby be chained when the Supt. thinks it necessary. We find 3 head of mules in good condition, 16 nead of cattle in good condition and 84 hogs in good condition. One two horse wagon, one one-horse wagon, one wheat drill, one mowing machine and rake, one cutaway harrow and farming tools necessary to carry on tne work. We found 180 harrela of corn, 50 bushels of wheat, 20 bushels of peas, 120,000 pounds of forage. We una tne premises neatly kept. The court-house and jail committee respectfully submit: We found the j lil neatly kept aud were told by the prisoners that they were well fed, fur nished with water, soap and towels for bathing and were kindly treated. We recommend that the jail be fumi gated as often as is necessary to keep down odors arising from the habits of the prisoners. We also recommend that iron grating be put over the un protected windows and entrance door. We recommend such repairs as is nec essary, arising from mutilation of the building by a prisoner in his success ful escape. We examined the county offices and found them neatly kept and to the best of our knowledge correctly kept. We recommend a safety vault for the sheriff's office for the protection of county books and papers. We' sug gest that the custodian of the court house look after the piping to the stoves in the court-room. All of which is respectfully submit ted to his honor, Judge G. S. Fergu son presiding. JACOB THOMPSON, Foreman." A Loved One Gone. On the eveningof October the 26th many hearts were saddened by the un timely death of our friend, Miss Luna Gunter., She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gunter, of Merry Oaks, and leaves many loved ones to mourn her absence. Mist Luna had joined the Baptist church at the age of fifteen, and for three years had been an earnest Christ ian, ever faithful to service. Last year she entered Kiug's Business College at Raleigh, and but for her recent illntss would have finished the course in a few weeks. While in Raleigh she was a member of "The Dorcas class" in the Tabernacle Sund.iy school, and we are informed that she is greatly missed by her co-workers. The funeral service took place on Sunday afternoon and the remains v. ere laid to rest in the family cemetery neir her home. We know the separa tion must be heart-rending to the fond parents, but in their grief we com mend them to one who knoweth their sorrows and is ever ready to heal the wounded heart. A Friend. Merry Oaks, Nov. 18th, 1907.- Woman Killed by Lightning. Ut. L 5uis, Nov. 16. Mrs. John McKiunon, wife of an employe of ths Giencoe Lime Company, in bt. Louis county, was almost in stantly killed by lightning, which struck her while she was sweep ing the floor of her hdmej Thurs day. The bolt entered an open window, and did not damage any thing in the house. About ayear ago her oldest son was killed while at work in the lime kilns at Glencoe by being struck by a fall ing rock. Accidentally Shot His Brother. Meadville, Pa., Nov. 18. Thom as, the 13-year-old son of Hiram Stafford, was accidentally shot by his older brother yesterday and instantly killed. The boys were starting hunting and as they pas sed out the door, Thomas ahead, the hammer of his brother's gun caught the door casing and the gun was discharged, striking Thomas in the back. Collision Barely Averted. From the Charlotte Observer, 17th lest. What might have proved a dis astrous wreck was barely averted yesterday about noon on the Sea board Air Line 7 miles from this city when the incoming passenger train met a heavily loaded freight, the two engines being stopped luckily just before they came to gether. Tjlie engineers caught sight of each other on a long stretch of road, and were able to stop their trains before tha col lision took place. Had they met on a curve, which was immediate ly above the result might' have been fearful. TAX NOTICE! - Last Call In order to give the delinquent tax-payers of the County one more chance to pay their taxes for the year 1907 before I begin to levy and collect by process as re quired by law, I will attend at the times and places, as stated below, between the hours of 10:00 A. M. and 3:00 P. M., for the purpose of receiving your taxes. I am compelled by law to settle with the State Treasurer by the First of Januarj', aud as the State tax amounts to about $12,000.00 and I have only about $2,000.00 on hand, I will be forced to do something that I have never done before go to levying right after Christmas. On the First Monday in Janu ary th School Board will make the apportionment to the several Public School Districts in the County, and I will have to have! about $5,000.00 to pay those teachers who taught in November and December, and must . have their money as soon as the appor tionment is made: Silk Hope, Wednesday, Dec. 4th Siler City, Thursday, Dec. 5th Harper's X Roads, Friday, Dec. 6th Goldston, Saturday, Dec. 7th Goldston's Mill, Monday, Dec. 9th Lockville. Thursdav. Dec. 10th "v Buckhorne (Dam) Wednesday Dec nth Merry Oaks, Thursday, Dec. 12th Tom Kelly's, Friday, Dec. 13th Cole's Mill, Saturday, Dec. 14th Please come forward and pay your taxes, as this is My Last Round, and unless the people do better than they did on my first round 1 shall be compelled to collect by process, as the money must come. JOHN R. MILLIKEN, Sheriff of Chatham County. Pittsboro, N. C, Nov. 20, 1907. Sanford Express: Last Saturday we were shown a scrap fronf a piece of cloth that was recently made up into a dress by Mrs. Louise Gilmore, of Oakland town ship, Chatham county. The cloth was bought more than twenty years ago from Mr. W. S. Russell, who was doing an exten sive mercantile business at Cum nock, then Egypt Mr. Russell charged one price for his goods and sold good material to his customers. Why che material for this new dress was left in Mrs. Gilmore'8 trunk all these years was not explained. Evidently she was not as fond of dress as is the average girl of today. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE: Having quati'ie J as administrator of the estate of Thomas J. ivey, deceased. this is to i.olify all persons navmg claims against said decedent to exhibit the same to rae on or before November the 21st, 1908, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This November 21 , 1907. FLETCHER E. STROWD, Administrator LAND SALE. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Chat ham county rendered in the case en titled "Nora M. Bynum, adm'x of JL. li. liynum. vs. O. C. Bynum et als.," 1 will sell for cash at 12 o'ctocc meridi an oa Saturday, the 30th of November, 1907, at the court-house door in Pitts boro, N. C, a tract of land situated in Baldwin township, Chatham county, containing about six acres and des cribed as ioIIows: Beginning on the public road leading towards Chapel Hill ar. the northeast corner of the home place of the late L. B. Bynum (now owned by Mrs. Nora M. Bynum) thence in an easterly direction with the said road to the line of the Metho dist parsonage lot, thence south with said line to the corner of tne parsonage lot, thence east with the line of the parsonage lot and J. B. Atwater's and I. A. West's lines to the public road, thence south to the land of the J. M. Odell Mfg. Co., thence west with the li.-ie of said company to tne line of the said home place of L. B. Bynum, de ceased, thence north with, said line to the begi'imng. This Octobert30th, 1907. H.M.LONDON, Commissioner. H. A.'London &Son, Attorneys. LAND SALE: By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Chat ham County in a special proceeding therein pending, entitled, "M. J. Wil liams vs. Tommy Williams et als.," I will, on Friday, the 29th day of November, 1907, at the court-house door in Pittsboro, N. C, offer for sale to the highest bidder the following described tract of land in Chatham County, North Carolina, bounded as follows: Bounded on the north by the lands of J. F. Williams, on the east by the lands of Adolphus Williams, now Matthew Williams, oa the south by the lands of Martha Kolly and Har mon Sears, and on the west by the lands of Tiney Williams, now Mat thew Williams, containing twenty acres, more or lessi Terms of sale one-third cash, one third in six months and one-third in twelve months, deferred payments to bear interest from day of confirmation and title reserved till all the purchase money is paid. This Oct. 30, 1907. . f , R. H. HAYES, -Commissioner Womack, Hayes A Bynum, Attorneys. YOUNQ MEN'S S UITS . iin exclusive patterns 1 jji$ - I fcsl KWCUROltM. A jr 1 i Jf .3 Lb CROSS & LINEHAN CO., RALEIGH, N. C Gents' Clothing and Furnishing Goods. Our New Stock of MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS Eclipse all former efforts Our Fall and Winter Lines are Now at their Best. Come to see us and you will be suited. Orders by mail receive prompt attention. CROSS & LINEHAN CO. Sale of Fine' Farm and an Excellent ... Water Power. Under and by virtue of a aiortgaga executed by J. D. Brooks and wife, Carolina W. Brooks, to John P. Mo Nair, which said mortgage lagether with all the rights and titles therein contained, has been duly transferred by the said John F. McNair to the undersigned, which mortgage is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chatham County, in Book E. CM Page 562, record of Chatham County. The undersigned assignees of said mortgage will expose for sale at the Court-House door at Pittsboro, N. C, atl2 o'clock MM Saturday, the 23rd day of November, 1907, the following tract of land situated and being in Hickory Mountain Township, said County, adjoining the lands of W. C. Burke and others, bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock on the north bank of Rocky river, near the High Rock, ranning thence N. 30 E. 222 poles to Gunter's line; thence with his line N. 25 W., 86 poles to Peoples' corner; thence with his line of marked trees to the fork of the branch; thence down the branch 134 poles to a walnut tree; thence west 116 poles to the river; theace down the river to the begin ning, containing 296 acres, less 100 acres heretofore sold and conveyed to William Burke, which deed is duly recorded in Book D. K., Page 387 rec ords of Chatham. Terms of sale cash, time of sale, Sat urday at 12 Mm November 23, 1907j RALPH JESSUP, W. C. TROY, Assignees of Mortgage. The People of Chatham County are cordially invited to inspect our stock of -7 WEDDING PRESENTS, -' ENGAGEMENT RINGS and everything kept in a first-class jewelry es- tablishmentwhen they visit Raleierh. We. make a specialty of Watches & Jewelry and repairing and engraving All goods sold en graved free of charge JOLLY & WYNNE JEWELRY COMPANY. ; 128 Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, N.C. The young man who is looking for correctstyles in clothing, something dif ferent from ordinary patterns, will find just the thing to suit his.' fancy in our Fall and Winter Stock of Schloss Bros Clothing. We have them in . double breast, three and four button sack, and made up of the latest materials for this fallV trade. Our line of cheaper clothes is full. Seevour Raincoats, Overcoats and extra ' Pants. win k Carter Furniture Coffin Co., S ANFOKD, N. C. Our Chatham customers are in vited to examine our stock before buying elsewhere. A Full Stock of All Kinds of FURNITURE And COFFINS, and at PEIOES TO PLEASE YOU. Gall on us when you want any thing in the FURNITURE line. NEW FIRM : New Goods- : :0: Atwater & Lambeth, Bynum, N. C. Have opened a New Stock, full in all lines, of Dry Goods, Gro- Wies, Clothing, Shoes, Hats and ! Millinery. Car-load of Wheat Guano for sale.' mm m Coffins and 1 :: caskets:-: A full stock of Coffins and j Caskets always on hand and sold at all prices. All kinds and sizes. B. Nooe, Pittsborc,N. C. Jan. 26; 1906. E. D. Nail Co., SANFORD, N. C, Our entire stock is be- ing sola at only Ten Per Cent Profit Great bargains offered in all lines; ' Shoes, Notioni, Dreu Goods, Hats, Sewing Machinet, Buggies, Hardware, Ac. Remember that omr IMMENSE STOCK is ALL on a 10 per cent Wsis. This is an experiment, aad if a sumcent volume of business justi fies it we will continue these low prices. FUj Free Norserr Catalogue ud' I Pamnhlot cm "TTaw to Plant and Culti vate an Orchard'' mailed ITA1t)lW MS- STTOW off nromntlv J1.... " True stock, free of disease, m seaJe, crown xmu. apnis sna outer diseases, mm cfeaa and thrifty with good nets clear of root knot. etc. arre stock ox Apple. Poach, roar. Mot Trees. Roses, etc. l Write today. W. ifcip prMivtlT. CknMf rc4. Sat eli.r uruy4. !. m ikjiet Bitsar ci. hm l c. btoMidMa ISM. Tram mtIo. bow to 7TbS, &, N IL CaUSTIIII Busuumm direct -with WmsUmffn 4mm, mmuy una tjtmt me jpattnt. Ntwrt and lafrla(iMt Pra;'.1:a ExchirMlf. Writ or some to u at BU Math atrnt, epp. Vattoi Ptatoa WAHITO)N, D. C. mmm