THOS. CALE, OF ALASKA, MEMBER OF U.S. CONGRESS. Well Known on ths Pacific Slope. Bit Washington Addret is 13 li 9th St N. W., Washington, D. O. ' CONQRE8SMAN TWOS, CALE. Hon. Thos. Cale, who'wft& elected 'to Congress from Alaska, in weH known on the Pacific slope, where he has resided. His Washington address is 1813 9th St., N. W Wasniagton, D. C. Wahlngton, 2. O. Peruna Drug Co., Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen: I can cheerfully reo ommend Peruna as a very efficient remedy for coughs and, colds. Thomas Cale. Hon. C. Slemp, Congressman from Vir ginia, writes: "1 have need your valuable remedy, Peruna, with beneficial results, and can unhesitatingly recommend your remedy as an invigorating tonic and an effective ad permanent cure for catarrh." Ms.n-a.-lln the Idea.! Laxative. Peruna is sold by your local drug gist. Buy a bottle today. When another man has it, it seems like a fortune; when you have it, on ly money. So. 6-'OS. That Dry Hacking Coug'K needs attention. Ask your druggist for Brown's Bronchial Troches, which will quicklv relieve the cough. "; The cheapest things in the moun tains of North 'Carolina are sunshine and moonshine. Only One "Bromo Quinine" That is Laxative Bromo Quinine. Look for the signature of E. W. Grove. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25c. In three years 'the gold circulation of the Bank of Japan has increased $5,000',000, the silver circulation $4, 000,000,' while the note circulation has only increased by $S,500,000. $100 Reward, $10O. The readers of this paper will be pleasedlo learn that there is at least one (treaded dis ease that science has been able to cure in ali its stages.andthatisCatarrh. HaH'sCatarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the Wood and mu cous surfaces of the system, thereby destroy ing tbe foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in dome its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to Cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold bv Driiirfrists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills tor constipation. A Little Hasty. Numerous complaints had come be fore a certain public official In re gard to the quality cf fcod served t the iiunstes of one of the public in itiations, and he determined to in restigate for himself in order to se If the matter really required atten tion. Making his way to tbe particular building in question just about dinner time, he walked straight ovef to where the kitchen was located. At the very door he encountered two muscular looking men carrying ft huge, steaming bciler, "Put that kettle down," be ordered KwiommlTr "otii? tVio men nt nnpo nhpv. ed. "Get me a spoon," be- next com manded. . .. ' - The man- that brought the spoon was about tb say something, but wa ordered to keep silent. "Take off the Hd," was the next command; "I'm going to taste 11,". The two men were utterly cowpd by the ofacial's brusqueness and won deringly watched him gulp down a good mouthful. - "Do you mean to say that you call this soup?" the official demanded. "Why, it tastes to me more like dirty water." "So it is, sir," replied one of the men, respectfully. "We were just scrubbing the floors. Credence should be -given to - one skilled in his particular profession. PANTRY CLEANED A Way Some People Have. " A doctor said: .. ''Before marriage my wife observed in summer and country homes, com ing in touch with families of vvaried means, culture, tastes and discrimi nating tendencies, that the families using Postum seemed to average bet ter than those using coffee. "When we were married two, years ago, Postum . was among our first order, of groceries. We also put in some coffee and tea for guests, but after both had stood around the pan try about a year untouched, they were thrown away,nd Postum used only. "Up to the age of 28 I bad been accustomed to drink coffee as a ro'ut tine habit and Buffered . constantly from indigestion and' all Its relative disorders. Since using Postum all the old complaints' have completely left me and I sometimes wonder if I ever had them." Name given by Postum Co.; Battle Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to Wellviiie." in sks. "Ther' a rea son " -PfiiiilPii v llll OSEVELT IN SCORCHING WORDS - - ATTACKS THE Washington, D. C. Never before, perhaps, in the history the country has a President of the United States defended his -olicy in such' impassioned language or mads such a bitter attack n his enemies and predatory wealth in general as President '.oosevelt does in a special message which he sent to both houses of Congress. H?s message was ostensibly ing legislation for the protection of the interests of the working man, but he makes itTthe instrument by which he flays the Standard Oil Corporation and the big railroad and financial in terests of the country who are opposing him because of his policies- places the blame for the recent financial distress on a few men of great wealth, and plainly intimates that there is a con spiracy against him by the reactionaries of the country. He does not reih pns jot from his determination to curb trust abuses and renews his recommendations for the enactment or legislatioiftha't will give the Federal Government supervision ol the financial and physical operation of railroads and control cf law-defying ' T,AnifflTAWB Advocates the immediate re-enactment of the Employers' Liability law, limiting its scope so that it shall ap ply only to the class of cases as to which the court says it can consti tutionally apply.' A change in the Sherman law so as to regulate stockwatering and gam bling. Passage of - a comprehensive act tvrnvidinff for comrjensation by the X o . . " SOME INCISIVE SENTENCES IN THE MESSAGE. I do not for a moment believe that the actions -of this Administration have brought on business distress. .. It is due to speculative folly and flagrant dishonesty of a few men of great wealth, who seek to shield themselves from the effects of their own wrongdoing by ascribing its re sults to the actions df those who have sought to put a stop to the wrong doing. But if it were, true, to cut out rot teness from the body politic I should not for a moment hesiiate to put the knife to the coriuption. We act in no vindicative spirit and we are no respecters of persons. The "business" which is hurt by , the movement for honesty is the kind of business which, in the long run. it pays the country to have hurt. Certain wealth' men whose conduct should be abhorrent to every man of ordinarily decent" conscience have during the last few months made it apparent that they have banded to gether to work iov a reaction. . Their endeavor is to overthrow and est men diseredit all who honestly administ- The administration and those who er tho law. ' I support its views are not engaged in The amount of money the represen j an. assault on property. Th3-.'Presid9Ut refers wltn verj strong feeling to ;the attacks that he says are being made on him through newspapers ar l public speakers con trolled by tho Fcandard Oil Trust and other combinations and says the key note of these attacks upon his efforts to secure bonesLy in business and politics is that they are unnatural and unwarranted, and business panic is the penalty. Like Plea of Gambler. The morality of such a plea, he says, ,i3 precis3ly as great as if mad,! on behalf of the men caught in a j gambling establishment raided by the j police and means that no effort should be made to prevent a repetition of the J insurance, banking and railroad scan- j dais in New York, the Chicago and Alton deal, tse successful effort by j the Standard Oil peoola to crush' out every competitor and to establish a monopoly which treats the public with a contempt it deserves so long as it permits men of such principles lto avow and act ou them with im punity. The "business" which is hurt by the moveniert for honesty, the. Pres ident says, i3 the kind which in the long run it pays the country td have hurt; tbe kind which has tended to make the name ''high finance" a term of ecanctal to which all honest American men of business should Join In putting an end. The opponents of the measures he champions, Mr. Roosevelt$ays, single out now one and now another for special attack, as If the movement he is engaged in was purely economic. This is not so, he says, for it is funda mentally an ethical movement and one which must be persevered in until the spirit which lies behind it sinks deep into'the heart and conscience of the whole people. His purpose, he declares, is to secure national honesty in business and politics and equality of opportunity for all, and he will not be swayed from it by attacks on him. . Laws Will Be Enforced. The laws, the President insists, must in future be administered as they are.,at present, justice being meted out with an even hand to great and small, rich and poor, weak and strong. And he adds that there should be no delay in suppleme-utingi91111069; NWith regard to the, termer the laws now on the statute books with others he recommends.. Referring to the' financial, situation, the President, says there is a natural tendency to feel gloomy and fright ened at the outlook, but he declares there "is no justification for such a f eeling, as there is no nation so ab solutely sure of success as ours, and we must certainly succeed. Not. Responsible, He Says. The President then disclaims any responsibility for the business dis tress, saying he does not believe for a moment that any actions . of the Administration brought it on. It was cue, he says,-to the speculative folly and flagrant dishonesty of a few men cf great -wealth, who seek to shield themselves .from the effect of their own wrongdoing by ascribing its re sults to the actions of thos9 who have tried to put a stop to the wrongdoing. "2ut," says the President, "if it 7,-ere true that to cut out rottenness from the body politic meant a mo mentary check to an unhealthy', seem ing prosperity, I should not for a mo raenx hesitate to put the knife to the corruption.". . ; He advocates the immediate re-en actment of the employers' liability . iaw, limiting It3 scupe to interstate employmsat to conform to the ruling of the Supreme Court; urges legisla tion providing Jtor compensation by the Government and employers xgen erally to all employes for injuries, call3 attention to the need of some , action In connection with the abuseof, injunctions in labor, cases by the courts and warns men. of prppertyjthateaj LAW - DEFYING for the purpose of recommend Government to employes injured in its service.; " Action, to. secure better control oyer business"', concerns engaged in inter state commerce. A-certain measure of Federal con trol over physical operation of rail ways. - Action in connection with the " abuse of injunction in labor cases." tatives of certain great moneyed in terests are willing to spend can be gauged by their recent publication of huge advertisements attacking with envenomed 'bitterness the Adminis tration's "policy of warring against successful dishonesty. : TheTbooks and pamphlets, the con troled newspapers, the speeches by public or private men to which I re fer, are usually and especially in th interest of the Standard Oil! Trust and,of certain notorious railroad com bination.' ' 7' - Corrupt business and corrupt poli ties act and react with ever-increas- , ing debasement, one on the other; the comiPf ,hf d ,f , ration, tho corrupt labor leader, the rebate taker, the franchise trafficker, the manipula- i tor of securities, the purveyor and protector of vice, the blackmailing ward boss, the ballot-box stuffer, the demagogue, the mob leader, the hired bully and man-killer all alike work ! at the same web of corruption, and j all alike should be abhorred by hon- tnat tney cannot affora to trust tt cannot anything but the spirit of justice and fair play. Mr. Roosevelt assails atock gam bling and the "cornering" of the mar ket. He says there is no moral dif ference between gambling at cards, in lotteries, at the race trackg and gambling in the stock market. It is just as pernicious and in degree tbe evil worked is far greater. President's New Platform. Roosevelt's platform, as he states it in this second message, is as fol lows: "We seek to control law-defying wealth; in the first place to pre vent its doing dire evil to the Repub lic, and in the next placa to avoid the vindictive and dreadful radicalism which, if left uncontrolled, it is cer tain in the end to arouse. "Sweeping attacks upon all prop erty, upon all men of means without regard to whether they do well or ill, would sound the death knell of the. Republic; and such attacks become inevitable if decent citizens permit those rich men whose lives are cor rupt and evil to domineer in swollen pride, unchecked and unhindered, over the destinies of this country. "We act in no vindictive spftrft and we are no respecter of persons. If a labor union does wrong we oppose it as firmly as we oppose a corpora tion which does wrong; and we stand equally toutly for the rights of the man of wealth and for the rights of the wage worker, "We seek to protect the property of every man who actg honestly, of . every corporation that represents wealth honestly accumulated and honestly used. We seek to : stop wrongdoing , and we desire to punish the wrongdoers only as far -as it Is necessary to achieve this end." ' The Administration's aim, the President asserts, 1b to control law defying wealth, and he asserts that corporations and men of great wealth have banded together to bring about a reaction from this policV, hiring writers to attempt to overthrow and discredit all who honestly administer the law. ""Flays Standard Oil. The Standard Oil Company and the banta Fe Railroad he specifically de- says: "The methods by which the Stand ard Oil people and those engaged in the other combinations of which I have spoken , above have achieved great fortunes can only be justified by the advocacy of a system of moral ity which would also Justify every form of criminality on the part of a labor union, and every form of vio lence, corruption and fraud, from murder to bribery and ballot-box stuffing in politics." In advocating laws better to secure control over great business concerns, especially great common carriers, Mr. Roosevelt says the Interstate Com merce Commission should be empow ered to pass upon any rate or practice on its own initiative, even to prohibit an advance In rate pending examina tion. . He says the' Federal Government should exercise supervision over the financial operations of interstate raii- I roads, and must also assume a cei I tain measure of control over their i physical operations. He favors traffic associations After qTuotihg from Lincoln, "with malice toward none, with charity for all; with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in," the President says r "In the work we of this generation are in, there is, thanks be to the Almighty, no danger of- bloodshed and no use for the sword," as "We strive to bring nearer the day when gr,eed and trickery and cunning shall be tranmled under foot by thos9 who fight for righteousness that exalteta a, nation." RICH ECZEMA SEEMED KCU3AH.E. Body ; was R&w-eJMscJuraed from Hospitals as HopelessCtatlciira - Remedies Cured Him. Fmw the if ef three manias watil fifteen years ohf, sty sea Offeers Kfi was made Intel!! by eeetca ft tts jrerst form. n spite of tcwrtJfflWts fee OttBSf gradually spread until W every f Sft e his bofly ra quite raw. . He used fcWf hhnself dreadfully in his sleep ant the agony he went through -im quite beyond words. The regimental doctor Jfr6n6uiced the case hopeless. We had him in. hoe pitals four times and he was pronounced one of the wont cases ever admitted. From each he was discharged as incurable. We kept trying remedy after remedy, but had gotten almost past hoping for a cure. Six months ago we purchased, a set of Cuticora Remedies. The result was truly marvelous and to-day he is perfectly cured. Mrs. Lily Hedge, Camblewell Green, Eng land. Jan. 12, 1907." Too many men attempt to make an arc light show on a candle light in come. ''- . -. " V' "' " - - THIRTY YEARS OF IT. . A Fearfully Long Siege of Daily Paid and Misery. Charles Von Soehnen, of 201 A St., Colfax, Wash., says: 'Eor at least thirty years I suf fered with kidney troubles, and the at tacks laid, me up for days at a time with, pain in the back and rheumatism. When I was up and around sharp twinges caught me, and for fifteen years the frequent passages ' of kidney secretions an noyed me. But Doan's Kidney Pills have given me almost entire freedom from this trouble and I cannot speak too highly in their praise." Sold by all dealers, 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. A man seldom does much good in the world until he stops trying to do harm. A Remedy For Neuralgia or Pain in the Jf erves. For neuralgia and sciatica Sloan's Liniment has no equal. It has a pow erfully sedative effect on the nerves penetrates without rubbing and gives immediate relief from pain quickens the circulation of the blood and gives a pleasant sensation of comfort and warmth. "For three years I suffered with neuralgia in the head " and Jaws," writes J. P. Hubbard of Marietta, S. C, "and had almost decided to have three of my teeth pulled, when a friend recommended me to buy a twenty-five cent bottle of Sloan's Lin iment. I did so and experienced im mediate relief, and I kept on using it until the neuralgia was entirely cured. I will never be without a bot tle of Sloan's Liniment in my house again. I use it also for insect bites and sore throat, and I can cheerfully recommend it to any one who suffers from any of the ills which I have mentioned." A sure thing about politics is, that you don't have a chance to be popu lar unless you are in it. For 12c and this notice the John A. SMzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., in order to gain 250,000 new customers during 1908, will mail you free their great plant and seed catalog together with 1 pkg. "Quick Quick Carrot .10 1 pkg. Earliest Ripe Cabbage 10 1 pkg. Earliest Emerald Cucumber.... .15 1 pkg. La CroEse Market Lettuce 15 1 pkg. Early Dinner .Onion.' .10 1 pkg. Strawberry Muskmelon 15 1 pkg. Thirteen Day Radish 10 1,000 kernels gloriously beautiful I nower seea. 13 TY.t.1 $l 00 Above is sufficient seed to crow 35 hi of rarest vegetables and thousands of bril liant flowers and all is mailed to you POSTPAID FOB 12c, or if you send I6c, we will add a package of Berliner Earliest Cauliflower. John A. Salter Seed Co., La Crosae, Wis. A. C. L. People troubled with "swollen for tunes" appear to dread the remedies prescribed by the government special ists, evidently preferrlngt observes the Washington Post, the swelling to the poultice. Piles Cured in O tu 14 Days. Paw Qintment is guaranteed ' to cure any case of Itching. Blina. Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refcnded. 60c. A man will remember the kiss be failed to get long after the others are forgotten. So. 6- 'OS. One of the EnSferrticifa of the happy homes of to-day is a vasx fund of information as to tho best methods of promoting health and happiness and right living and knowledge of the world's best products. Products , of . f actual excellence and reasonable claims truthfully " presented and which haye"" attained to world-wide acceptance through the approval of the Well-informed of the World; not of indi viduals only, but of the many who have the happy faculty of selecting and obtain ing the best the world affords. One of the products of that class, of known component partsj an Ethical remedyi approved by physicians and com mended by the Well-informed of the World as a valuable and wholesome family laxative is the well-known Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine, manu factured by the California Fig Syrup Co., - only, and for sale by all leading druggists. x B16 M: ffieSile We ; THIS MAN'S BAGS ACHED FOB TWO YEARS. Cared by Minard's Liniment after all ' else bad failed we want you to send postal for a ' -' . . Froe Bottle. Minard's liniment Mfg. Co., Dear Sirst- I write yon these few lines te let you knew that I thank you for your sample ef Min ard's Liniment sent me about a week and a half ago. I want to tell you that I have had the back ache nearly two years, and could not get anything to cure it until I looked in the paper and found your adver tisement. I had spent a good deal of money and did not get any satisfaction out of it, Now I will tell my friends-and neighbors about your great remedy for all aches and pains, for I am feeling O. K. now. You can publish my name any where you like and I will recommend Minard's Liniment . Yours very truly, f oseph Perry, 33 Ingrahanv St., E. Providence, R. I., Jan. 7, 1908. . ' The above letter is one. of many telling of wonderful cures by Minard's LJniment, and we again offer to send a special bottle Free to all -who send a postal to. Minard's Lim ment Mfg. Co., So. Framinghamj Mass. When a man begins stretching his conscience it soon grows out of shape. FITS, St. Vitus'Dance :N ervous Diseaseb per manently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. $3 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. R. Elne, Ld.,931 Arch St., Phila., Pa. If you stone your wife you go to jail; if you don't rock the baby you get worse. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullen is Nature's great reme dy cares Coughs, Colds, Croup and Con sumption, ani all throat and long troubles. 41 druggists. 25a., 50c. and 1.00 per bottle. He who has the power to command will be found to have the desire to obey. The very wisest advice: take Garfield Tea whenever a laxative is indicated! Pleasant to the taste, simple, pure, mild, potent and health-giving. Made of Herbs not drugs. A right of action cannot arise from a cause tainted with fraud. More proof that Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound saves -woman from surgical operations Mrs. S. A. "Williams, of Gardiner, Maine, writes: 44 1 was a great Bufferer from female troubles, and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound restored me to health in three months, after my physician declared that an operation was abso lutely necessary." . Mrs. Alvina Sperling, of 154 dey bourne Ave., Chicago, I1L, writes : 44 1 suffered from female troubles, a tumor and much inflammation. Two of the best doctors in Chicago deeided that an operation was necessary to save my life. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound entirely cured me without an operation." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the I . and has positively cured thousands of women who uave ueen woutueu. wilu displacements, mnanimation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion,dizziness,or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sicls women to write her for advice She has guided thousands to health Address. Lynn, Mass. CAPUDINE B I I removes th cants. II Vfr t" loothetjthe nerrei and mm0 relieves tb achei an 4 COLDS AND GRIPPE 'r:' ;';! headache nJ Neuralgia alio, Ko bad effect, loc, 25c and 60o bottlea. (JjIqcid.) . When a man's success meets his ex pectations the latter are usually on their return trip. ' - HTllUTCn ntt Hotid Sari flni-Iap WAR iLLl Any kind any qnnnt'ty. any TT where. AVe pay freight. RICHMOND HAG to.. llM.Cry 8. , Richmond. Vaw John White&Co. Louis v:I!?f Ky. Established 1SS7. Highest market price paid Xqt ta-w FURS and HlDiiS CousattaaloB Light SAW MILLS LATH AND SHINGLE MACHINES, 3AW3 AND SUPPLIES. STEAM ANP GASOLINE ENGINES. Side and Centre Crank Engines LARajsTocK LOMBARD Fawdrj, litshine ind Bailer Works ni Supply Sbn, AUGUSTA. OA. If afflicted Vrirh weak eyes nse Thompson's Eye Water Mias fnf, mMn f5 lu Sihrough the change that exerts such an inHuence on her future health. . Nearly all suffer, at this time,Jrom symptoms which Wine of Cardui has been found, in thousands of cases, to prevent or reliev Soml clnlc t Headache, backache, irregularity, Itoh cured in 80 minutes by WooUord' gaSSrvLoSon. Never fails. At druggists. Every presumption is made against the destroyer of written evidence. GeU at tbe Joists frea tte For Rheumatism and Dlood Diseases RHECMACIDE (Liaui). Large BottU (12 ounc)...l. Medium Battle (5 ounces).. 8 RHEUMACIDE TABLET. Large Bottle (100 tablets). .fl.00 Medium Bottle (45 tablets). .SO Small Bottle (20 tablets).. . .25 RH E UMACID E LINIMENT. Per Bottle' M ""BOBBITT'S CHILL PILL Per Bottle.. -25 B0M BY DRUGGISTS OK SBNX BY. HAIL OR KPRE8 PBBPAlB ON RECEIPT OF PRICE. DobbitlChem.Oo.,Props, BALTIMORE, MD., U. 8. A One hori a shortu fSriTe also (INCORPORATED) Attn f.'B'.ftH V AMD Kit it. 1 teoon nooKtetung, snonnanm, rvnmatunip, vy jkoh. cenajor Home Xmdy Circiiaf I Charleston LARGE TYPE WAKEFIELD Second Earliest CABBAGE PLANTS T AM ON MY ANNUAL TOUR around the X Open-Air Grown Cabbage Plants at the following prices, viz: 1,000 to thousand; 5,000 to 9,000, at $1.25; 10,000 or more, at 90c.. P. O. B. Megeett, promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed. Ask lor prices on 60,000 or panying all orders or they will go C. O. D. . Address B. L. COX, Eth ei, S. An average crop of tobacco extracts from the soil at least one hundred pounds (106) of Potash per acre. To secure a full crop of good quality TOBACCO the fertilizer should contain at !ast 9 actual Potash in the form of sulphate. . We have a book, on the subject of tobacco that ue mail to growers free. May we send it to you ? GERMAN KALI WORKS ' New York 03 Nassau Street Chicago Monadnock Building Atlanta, Ua. SHOES AT ALL PRICES. TOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. MEN, BOYS, WOMEN, MISSES AND SSSSSISM G SHOES AT ALL Sl iSPRICES. TOR EVERY C2Sa5 O fm L, Doufflmm makos and ssffs mora ect mmn'mZ.BO,93.UO and S3.SO shoes man any otnar msnutaoturer in turn J$g world, beoauBO thoy hold their "553 shape fit battof, trejtf Ion oar. and 9 of ore a tar valua than World to-da v. W. L Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Be Equalled At Anj Price ncr- CA IJTI O V. w. T DongrlM name and price Is stamp! on bottom. TUe X Sold by the best shoa dealrnt rntrrwhen. &tuiea bated Catalog free to any addreM. NO MORE MUSTARD THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN Capsicum-Vaseline. EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE , PEPPER PLANT TAKEN DIRECTLY IN VASELINE . . ..v. DUN'T WAIT COMES KEEP A TUBE HANDY A QUICK, SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN.-PRICE IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBERS !ApE OF PURE TIN AT ALL DRUCCJSTS AND DEALERS. OR EY MAIL ON . RECEIPT OF 15c. IN POSTAGE STAVPS. A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other p' and v.i'.!. rxt blister-the most delicate skin. Th'e pain-allaying and curative qualities cf the article are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve lie ad ache and Sciatica. We recdmmend it as the best and safest external c: . " irritant known also as an external remedy for pains in the chest ar.d rtcxadi and all Rheumatic. Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial will prove what we claim for it, and it will be found to be invaluable In the household and for children. Once used:no family will be without It. Many people ay "it is the best ofall your preparations." Accept no preparation of vaselire unless the same carries our label, as otherwise it Is not genuine. Send your address and wa wll! mail our Vaseline Booklet describing - our preparations which will Intorestycu. 17 Stat. St. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. New York City mmmmmmmmmmawBaawBmamBm m4mmmmmmmmmm4m mt0 . w " " ' "" r ' "V " 1 rrr- ' .aPliANWa THAT WILL MAKE Ear'y Jerse Wakefield. Charleston Larue Type Wakefield I am located on one of the Sea Islands of South tJarolina, our climate is mild, just sufficient cold to harden and cause plants to stand severe f reezirs after settinr out in the coWer sections, guarantee satisfaction or money refunded. Express rdes to '' fieSrEScSfS- lalPrlCiS:H 1'000i!,S'0CO !! 5,000 to 9J0a&Mi i0,o6dTand over at $1 Specuu price on large lots. Send your orders to . Teltenpa Offlei, Tenrs htii, S.C. . Martin's neip me,. so. I took Cardui and iutew:;;r. ''pir wiii lait ..v.. .. w.tumuap AiMtcine Ce..CfctUaeos. Tenn. Ee. Wlnatow'iSoothlng SytuBfo, thlnffof tens theffums.rfln.T Hon. allara rain. cniria -win A nr. Many a man's euecess is dm numerous predictions of bia Grown from pure bred sa Onalit and aat&P.k. See. 1,000 to 6,000 at $1.50 perl Ma 6,000 to 10,000 at$1.25per I'ffi 10,OWto20,OOOat$1.00perio$ 20,000 or over at special raff I rwtee delivy in good conditio?" N . B. I make a specialty of a er,2 cabbace plants containing loo MCh 2 Express Offlc. for $1.00. y 0uthtf ARTHUR W. PERRY Younff'o leland, s. c. Tea am OR Booklet, Parlor tarfl dime "WHIZ." A 11 laalane Hs aansf lv. WJ BUKAX CO., KW yort A School wih Repu?ationfor JJS Hijh GraJ LAaeMT.THEBZat. - he strontut f J' S iOHOOl. IMTHHSTATk nn. n?T-lSfa-1 EarlyJersey .WAKEFIELD The Earliest Cabbafe Grown world with any of the best-know (Jandler liulldin CHILDREN. any other Xo Sij''-KhH". inullml from fuctrirr to anv rs-t of t'..o V; -M. I ' W. X SuOtiLAS, iirot ", ' . PLASTERS TO BLISTER EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITANT. f TILL THE PAIN " AX SUCCESSION illlt For Said n varietif j r; 1 .000, at $!.5U rrl s. r am I 100,000. Cash accom- C, BOX 2 awm aa l i u .wumjemgi " ijfl I !iri;! I Henderson's " Early Larly Succession WInninir Statdt Suiv.wcr Point. S. 5. lev nittc Phut. Martis's hW. I - ssrA nfof rorJ crot rrfUf nnr Trv. d Medical A!v!ce, Address: Ladies ii! thin