A TEMPERANCE WORKER. Says Pe-ru-na is a Valuable'' Nerve and l)od Remedy. '.. :- -: .-.- : : : : x-. .1 MISS BESSIE FARRELL. MISS BESSIE FARRELL, 1011 Third Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., is President of the Young People's Christian Temperance Association. She writes: "Peruna is certainlv a valuable nerve and blood remedy, calculated to build up the broken-down" health of worn-out women. I have found by personal experience that it acts as a wonderful restorer of lost strength, assisting the stomach to assim ilate and digest tne food, and building up worn-out tissues. In my work I have had occasion to recommend it freely, especially to women. "I know of nothing which is better to build up the strength of a young mother, in fact all the ailments peculiar to women, eo I am pleased to give it my hearty en dorsement. " Dr. Hartman haa prescribed Peruna for manv thousand women, and he never fails to receive a multitude of letters like the above, thanking him for the wonderful benefits received. Man-a-Sin the Ideal Laxative. Peruna is sold by your local drug gist. Buy a bottle today. So. lO-'OS. No matter how crowded time may be with events, there is always room for the nimble rumor. Only One "Bromo Quinine That is Laxative Biomu Quinine. Look for the signature of E. vV. Grove. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25c. Een Napoli. Here een Xoo Yorka, where am I Seence I am landa las' July, AH gray, a' ogly ees da sky, An cold as eet can be. But steell so long I maka mon,' So long ees worka to be done, I can forgat how shines da sun Een Xapoli. But 0! w'en pass da boy dat sal Da violets, an' I can smal Hoav sweet dey are, I no can tal How seeck my heart ees be. I no can work, how mooch I try, But only seet an' wondra why I could not justa leeve an' die Een Xapoli. We must regard with profound satis faction the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States though we regret to sec that one justice dis sented to the c;Tcct that any State may constitutionally enact a law pro Mbitlng the use cf the national flag for advertising purposes, insists the New York Tribune. It is as sounfl in morals and in patriotism aa it is in law. Proverbs and Phrases. Black ambiiion stains a public cause. So. 10-'OS. Said the man who had skipped his board bill: "The inn-keeper is out." A hundred years cannot repair a moment's loss of honor. Italian. The less money a man makes the more he has if he isn't married. Mrs. Yznaga cut off the- Duke of Manchester and left her entire for tune to the manager of her estate. 4 OLD SURCiEON Found Coffee Caused Hands to Tren ble. r The surgeon's duties require clear Judgment and a steady hand. A slip or an unnecessary Incision may do ir reparable damage to the patient. When he found that coffee drink ing caused his hands to tremble, an Ills, surgeon conscientiously gave It up and this Is his story: "For years 1 was a coffee drinker until my nervous system was nearly broken down, my hands trembled so I could hardly write, and insomnia tor tured me at night. "Besides, how could I safely per form operations with unsteady hands, using knives and Instruments of pre cision? When I saw plainly the bad effects of coffee, I decided to stop it, and three years ago I prepared some Postum, of which 1 had received a sample. "The first cupful surprised me. It was mild, soothing, delicious. At this time I gave some Postum to a friend who was in a similar condition to mine, from the use of coffee. "A few days after, I met him, and be was full of praise for Postum, de claring he would never return to cof fee, but stick to Postum. We then ordered a full supply, and within a short time my nervousness and con sequent trembling, as well as insom nia disappeared, blood circulation be came normal, no dizziness nor heat flashes. "My friend became a Postam en thusiast, bis whole family uslnff ,it ex clusively. "It would be the fault of the, one who brewed the Postum If it did not taste good when served. "The best food may be spoiled if not properly - made. . Postum should be boiled according to directions on the pkg. Then it is all right, any one can rely on it. It ought to become the national drink." "There's a Rea son." Name given by Postum. Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read "Tha Road to Wellville," in pkgs Tlii WORK OF CONGRESS Doings of Our National Law-Makers Day by Day. Aldrich Bill a Target. After passing the penal code bill the Senate on motion of Senator Aid rich advanced the emergency currency bill to the position of unfinished bus iness, giving it unquestioned right of way. Speeches on the currencey billwcre made by Senators Culberson (Dem ocrat, Texas), and Nelson, Republi can, of Minnesota. Mr. Culberson outlined a number of amendments he will submit to the bill; one providing that after Janu ary 1st, 1909, every national bank shall keep on hand in its own vaulU the reserve of lawful money required and repealing the permission to keep a part of the reserve in other nati 3nal banks; also making it unlawful to deposit public money in any natio nal bank to be used directly or indi rectly by the banks in speculative dealings in stocks and bonds or to supply funds to any operator on the stock exchange to be used in dealings n the exchange and making it un lawful for national banks to make de mand or other loans or give credit on their books to operators on any stck exchange to be used in dealings on the exchange. Denounces Aldrich Bill Mr. Culberson then denounced the pending currency bill, which he said, would give additional power to thos? vhose machinations and lawlessness support and create such financial dis turbances. He contended that the bill would make a market for securities, which was what the "financiers" want. "Whatever the cause of the finan cial crash be," he added, "it wa.i inexcusable and unwarranted by con ditions and in some of its phases wa criminal and infamous." Contending that there was no industrial cause for the panic he cited statistics ex tensively to bear out his contention. When the out-of-town banks were calling for the money from the New York reserve banks, he said, $251, 000,000 was loaned out on demand notes on stocks and bonds. What was needed, he continued, was not more currency but honest and legitimate banking unassociated with high finance. Money Fewer Dominate. In concluding Mr. Culberson de clared that ike money power has always dominated legislation from the "packing" of the Supreme Court of the United States hi the legal ten der case down to the law passed last year, which gave the national banks without interest the use of $230,000, 000 of public money. Senator Nelson's speecfl was an ar gument in support of his amend ment providing for the guarantee of deposits in national banks. Declaring that the trouble with the country during the recent currency exigency was not caused by a lack of money, but by the difficulty of keep ing it in circulation, Mr. Nelson analyzed the banking conditions lat fall and drew the inference that the crisis originated in the East and riot in the West. Dalzeil Defends Tariff. An exhaustive speech in defense of Republican policies was delivered in the House of Representatives by Mr. Dalzeil, of Pennsylvania. lie refer red to the several political speeches that have been made in the House and said that the most noticeable thing in the discussion had been tha measure of credit the Democrats are willing to concede to President Roose velt. The issues in the coming campaign for the presidency, Mr. Dalzeil a3 serted, would be found in the records of the parties and he said: "The Re publican party invites the issue upon every ground, on that of its profes sions, its achievements, its consisten cy and its loyalty to principles and pledges." Democratic Doctrine. Mr. Dalzc-11 declared that the in destructibility of the Union, which Mr. Coekran attributed to Andrew .Jackson, was the antithesis of Demo cratic doctrine until 1S65. "Until that time," he Fid," Democratic doc trine continued to be the doetrine of the Kentucky and Virginia resolu tions of Jefferson and Madison, name ly, not only that the Union was not indestructible, but that it represented only a compact from which there ex isted upon the part of individual States the right to withdraw." If, he said, Mr. Coekran was correct in saying that the indestructibility of the Union was Democratic doetrine in 1861, "then he has stripped the Democratic party of the South, who fought to destroy the Union, of every vestige of claim that in so doing they believed they were acting within their rights." When the people of the South mav!e war on the Union, said Mr. Dalzeil, they either believed in Mie doctrine of the Kentucky and Vir ginia resolutions, or they were inex pressibly wicked and deserve the con demnation of history. As to Tariff Revision. Coming to the subject of the tar iff, Mr. Dalzeil referred to the bene ficial effects of protection and declar ed that under it the United States 'iad grown to be the greatest of man ufacturing nations. He did not be- : iic-ve that there was any necessity for i i general revision of the tariff laws. "I believe, however, " said he, "it s well to recognize tne claims 01 those who think there should be sonic revision and he said he was inclined to believe that unless there should he a change of sentiment, in the meantime the. Republican convention in Chicago will promise that the sub ject will be considered. If the Re publican party shall prevail at the next election he believed that the tariff would be jievised at a special session following immediately -upcm the inauguration of the President. SPRING HINTS FOR FRUIT PLANTING. Look over the orchard in spring, and if you find any dead trees, mark them for removal later in the season and send in an order for some stand ard variety to take their place. The way to keep the orchard up is to plant new trees as rapidly as old ones die off. In ordering new ones, be sure to select something a little bet ter, if possible, than those which have died. We have so many choice varie ties, nowadays, that one cannot afford to plant anything but the best. Set out currants .and gooseberries if you have none . already growing. No country home can afford to be with out these delicious fruits. If the old plantation of them seems to be retro grading, make a new one, in some oth er part of the grounds, and let the old plants give one more crop of fruit before uprooting them. - -" Strawberries can be set in spring, as soon as the ground opens. If you have old beds of this fruit which were neglected last fall, go over them and cut out at least half of the old plants, using a sharp hoe for this purpose. This will give the old plants a chance to spread a little, and you ean expect a fairly good crop of fruit from them. But. as soon as the crop has ripened, spade up the bed, and plant something else there, de pending on the spring-set plants for berries next season. Have you grapes? If not, plant some this spring. We have no heal thier fruit, and every family owning a lot ought to grow a goodly supply for home use. Do not fail to set out plenty of raspberries and blackberries to take the places of old exhausted plants. In order to secure good crops of fruit of any kind, it is necessary to have stock that is strong and healthy, and this can only be secured by frequent plantings. Never allow old plants to remain after they begin to show signs of failure. From "The Country Home," by Eben E. Rexford, in The Outing Magazine for March. MY WIFE'S LONG SUFFERING WITH NEURALGIA was ended by Minard's Liniment after all else had failed, writes J. B. Phair, of Uou verneur, N. Y. To prove that it cures neu ralgia, rheumatic pains, stiff, tore muscles or joints, wc will send a special bottla free upon request. Minard's Liniment v South Framin?ham, Mass. Proverbs and Phrases. How small a doctor's pills are when compared with his bills. To those swayed by unbending jus tice, a beauteous race still flourishes. At present I live in hope, but the issue is in the band of the gods. Pinder. Itch cured in 30 mimitf by Woolford SaniUry Lotion. Never fails. At druggists. $ Black care sits behind the rich man on horseback. Horace. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum aud Mullen is Nature's great reme dy cure Coughs, Colds, Croup and 'Con sumption, and all throat and lung troubles. At druggists, 25c., 60c. and $1.1 per bottle. To have the approval of one's con science is always "worth while. - Brown's IIroncIii.il Troclics have a world-wide reputation for cur ing coughs, sore throats and relieving bronchitis and. asthma. Men enjoy doing anything they don't have to do for a living. FITS, St. Vitua'Danc-p :N ervons Diseases, per manentlycured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. S3 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. K. Kline, Ld.,931 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Blue are the hills that are far from us. Irish. Mrs. Winaiow's Soothing Syrup for Ctuiaren allays pain,c. res wind colic, 25c a bbttls Current Events. John W. Elliott, of Lexington, Ky., hired a special train to get himself and child out of Huntington when his wifo chased him there. Governor Hughes again urged on the New York Legislature to removal of Superintendent of Insurance Kel sey. Alice Stratton, 8 years old, was run over and killed in Richmond by a negro driver, who whipped up his horse and escaped. HKK (JOO FORTUNE After Years Spent in Vain Kffort. Mrs. Mary E. H. Rouse, of Cam bridge, N. Y., says: "Five years ago I had a bad fall and it affected my kidneys. Severe pains In my back and hips became constant, and sharp twinges followed any exertion. The kidney secretions were badly disordered. I lost flesh and erew too weak to work. Though constantly using medicine I despaired of being cured until I began taking Doan Kidney Pills. Then relief came quickly, and in a, short time 1 was completely cured. I am now In ex cellent health." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The man who has the courage to tell the truth usually has the bravery to defend it. Billion Dollar Grass. Most remarkable grass of the century. -Good for three reusing crops annually. One Iowa farmer on acres sold J3, 800.00 worth of lce an 1 lad 300 tons of hay besides. It is immense. Bo try it. FOB 103 AND THIS NOTICE send to the John A. Salter Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., to pay' postage, etc., and they will mail you tae only orinal "eeed catalog published in America V'.Vrvn pies of Billion Dollar Grr.3s, 'r.. ii Wheat, the sly miller mixer. u the dry soil Injuria tor, Victor:?. Kf jie, the 20c a ton grean food produca:-,- Silver King Barley yielding 173 bu. per acre, etc., etc., etc. - ' . And if you send 14c we will add a pack age of new farm seed never before seen Crosse, Wis. A. C. L. Pin Recipe For Colds. Mix two ounces of glycerine with half pint of good whiskey and add one-half ounce Concentrated oil of pine. This latter comes la one-half ounce viala packed in tin screw top air tight cases, which are Intended to protect it from light and retain all the original ostone. This simple mixture Is to be used in doses of a teaspbonfui to a table spoonful four times a day. The bot tle should be well shaken each time. Don't use bulk oil of pine or Imi tations of Concentrated, which are often found with similar name and 'style of package. They are Insoluble and work havoc to the kidneys. Any druggist has the Concentrated oil of pine., -' ' ' ; , . . " All -acts are" presumed to have been rightly and ; regularly done. Hog Cboler. The greatest 7 drawback to the hog industry which breeders in this coun try have to, pon tend .with is what is known as "hog cholera" and "swine plague" ' Hog cholera is a highly contagious disease and unless . checked is liable to carry off a great number of hogs in a very short time. Mr. A. P. Williams of Burnetts Creek, Ind.,- .tells of . an experience which he had with some hogs that had the cholera. "Five - years ago," says Mr. .Williams, "I was in the em ploy of Mr.J." Di: Richardson, Lafay ette," Ind.T.as his tarn foreman. Some fine hogsthat.I was feeding took the cholera.- . 'I gave them - Sloan's Lini ment and did not lose a hog. Some were, so bad they would not drink sweet milk and I was compelled to drench them. I have - tried It at every opportunity sinoo and always find it O. K." Write for Dr. Sloan's free book on the treatment of Horses, Cattle. Hogs and Poultry. Address: Dr. Earl S. Sloan,;, 615 Albany' .'street. Boston, Mass. : ; J No . man can transfer a better title than he has himself. . -" What Causes Headache. From Octobei to May1, Colds are the most frequent, cause of Headache, Laxative Bromo Quinine removes cause E. W. Urove on box, gfic. He who possesses land also posses ses that which is above it. CURED HER THREE CHILDREN. i . j. , Girls Suffered with Itching Etienu Baby Had a Tender Skin, Too Relied on Cuticur Remedies. "Some years ago my three little girls bad a very bad form of eczema. Itching erup tions formed on the backs of their heads which were simply covered. I tried almost everything, but failed. Then my mother recommended the Cuticura Bemedies. I washed my children's heads with Cutieura Soap and then applied the wonderful oint; ment, Cuticura. I did this four or five times and I can say that they have been entirely cured. I have another baby who is sc plump that the folds of akin on his neck were broken and even bled. I used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment and the next morning the trouble had disap peared. Mme. Napoleon Duceppe, 41 Due luth St., Montreal, Que., May 21, 1907." The cheaper advice is to get the more it costs you to follow it. Piles Cured iu G to 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to cure anv case of Itching. Blind, iileodin j or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 davaormonev refunded. 50c. Afloat. People who don't know what they want are nevertheless" 'quite apt to know what they don'fc want. There are lots of women that the others would never speak to if they weren't afraid they'd miss the things Catarrh Cannot Re Cured With local APPLlCATi058,as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken mternally. and acts directly on the blood and mucous sur face. 11 all's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed ot the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send lor testimonials, free. i J. Chenet & Co., Props.. Toledo, Q Hold by druggists,' price 75c. - Take mil's Family PiNs for constipation. ..."" OVER THE FENCE. Norah An' ph where do your mlsth. ress be goin' tonight? . Bridget Shure, she didn't inform me, but f 'm the looks iv her, Oi take it she be goin' to wun Iv thim comin' out parties. Harvard Lampoon B IS The laws are read so as to apply to lliqse cases which most frequently oc cur, and not to exceptional cases, they say about other people. You ought (o be tuti.slied with nothing Ickh than Nature's laxative, Garfield Tea! Made of HcrliH, it overcomes constipation, regulates liver and kidneya, and brings Uood liealth. Mosf'Hquor would improve with' age if men would let it. Thoro is OnJy Ono 66 That io MOI THE WOltLB OVER TO Always remember the lull name. ior tliia titrair on every . box. . TP hi lip s&L dim tLlLdja LL I Do Constipation May te permanently overcome by proper personal efforts vitMKe assistance of i ne one iruiy oenejicuu itwjuvc remedy, oyrup of lies ana Jiutrotvxjm. which, enables onctojform regular kabitfi ctailv .o that assistance To tta may be graclua)) Ji$peneawdK no longer neeclec) astkebestof lure when remedies, when Yeamred, arelo assist nature ananott 5upplanttnenatttn. al functipnvfuh must depend ulti mately 'upon prober nourishment, l. io . - . . ' - manufactured by ike California TlO SiTOTJI Co . ONLY SOLD BY ALL LEADING JDRUGCISTS one size only, regular price 0$ ! Bottle CAPUDlftE m p f It remoTei th cum. ft m M frfjQ tooth the nerrei and mm relieYM tbt achat and COLDS AND GRIPPE;'.' BtMdstefcefi and Neuralgia also. No bad efftxitB. 10c. 256 and 50c bottles. (Liquid.) The Lay of the Lazy Man. -Breathes there a man tvith soul 30 dead, Who never to.. himself . hath said: ' ' Tomorrow- morning I will rise Before the jsun lights up the skies. "I'll set" this clock so it will ring -Before the birds begin to sing; Its strident bell will me awake, v An early morning walk I'll take."- And when.at aiijUngodly hour Next morn, tfie clock with all its power Made noise enough to stir the dead. And awoke the man upon the bed Breathes there a man, I now repeat, Who wouldn't churck it in the street, And back into the bed then leap, And with a sigh go ofl to sleep? From the March Bohemian. Beware the geese when the fox preaches. Italian. After suffering for seven years, tliis woman was restored, to liealth by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Read her letter. Mrs. Sallie French, of Paucaunla, Ind. Ter writes to Mrs. Pinkham: " I had female troubles for seven years was all run-down, and so ner vous I could not do anything'. The doctors treated me for different troubles but did me no good. While in this con dition I wrote to Mrs. Pinkham for ad vice and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, and I am now strong and well." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, dizziness,or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Don't besitate to write to Mrs. Pinkham if there is anything about your sickness you do not understand. She will treat your letterinconfidence andadviseyou free. No woman ever regretted writing Iter, and because of her vast experience she has helped thousands. Address, Lynn, Mass. So. 10-'08. proper cjjprui,andnghi living generally. To get its beneficial effects, always buy the Genuine "When I feel bad," writes Mrs. R. H. Cox, of Jasper, Ala., "the first thing I do is to take a dose of Cardui, and it relieves. What a wonderful medicine Cardui is! I wish I could put it into every home in the world; When any woman is at my house, and complains, I just give her a dose of "I am glad to tell other women what it has done for me. Before I began to take Cardui I was very sick with female troubles, The doctors said I needed an operation, but I took Cardui, which cured me sound and well." Sold everywhere Try it WRITE FOR FREE BOOK BSSsSSSS5SS SAVE THE CARTON TOPS and Soap Wrappers from "20 Mule Team Borax" Products aad exchange them for VALUABLE PREMIUMS FREE 40-paae illnstrated rntalnejac of 1000 articled sriTen away t'RKK, Atfdrrisa PACIFIC COAST BORAX CO., Mew Yerk. llf ANTFn eean IT ana Bar aas R arias WAl.ILU Aiy klnU any qnantUy. aay fl where. We pay frelgrht. RICH HUN a BAO CO.. HO X.. Cary Sa..JBIkaaad. Vaw OUR A OOLB IM OME OAW Look Sto. CUGARLOAF Cotton A. J The progenitor -of King's Improved, Simpklna' Proline and Toole's. Get the Original Sugar Loaf Cotton Seed If you want the genuine highly improved from where it was first improved. Price fl per bu. 10 bu. 90o per bu. Cocke's Prolific Seed corn tl.60 tu. Booklet frse. SUGAR LOAF COTTON FARM, Youngsvllle, . . C. GRIP lets down tne bars. The trouble la it stota do warning. The Btas of the serpent warns you Annamr hilt Orln UTfl gtres aa alarm until its poison has undone the system. Weak lanes mean consumption; weak heart, heart disease: and weak kidneys, bright's (Bseace. Take JOHNSON'S TONIC In 39 minutes It eaten the Mood snd begins to undo the mischief, and In one day the Grip victim is placed beyond the dangex line. Use nothing else. Johnson's Chill tt Fever Tonic Co. A.Q8NTB (without aonur) WANTED. CABBAGE AND (INCORPORATED! On of the best aonlnnad sehoola in the South. MORS raduatxs in posinosa than all SHORT AKI. TELEGRAPH A WD EH.LI8H IU 1IIV d' A MT'ITS VH Address KINO'S KTJajIlTKSa W mito teach Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Itnmanship, ett Charleston LARGE TYPE WAKEFIELD Secoaa Earliest I AM ON MY ANNUAL TOUR around the world with any of th beat-known Tart eti3 of Open-Air Grown Cabbage Planta at the following; ptieea. Tix: 1,000 to 4,000. at $1.25 per thousand; 5,000 to 9,000, at $1.00; IV, OOO or more, at 90c, I". O. B. MeKgett, 8. C. All orders promptly filled aad aatiafactioa guaran teed. Aak. for prices on 50,000 or lOO.OOO. Cosh aeoompaoylBg all order. Address B. L. COX, Ethel, S. C, Box 2 which Insures full-sized, highly-colored and . finely flavored fruit. ..-, Send for valuable book, free. Prepared by experts. Should be in the library of every farmer and planter for ready reference. Send for it to-day. Address GERMAN KALI WORKS New York 93 Nassau Street Chicago Monadnock Building Atlanta, Qa 1224 Candler Building SHOES AT ALL PRICES. FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. MEN, BOYS, WOMEN. MISSES AND CHILDREN. I EjSP We L- Dougta ntakmn mnd mattm mora , men's $2.S0,$3.0Q and $3.SOehomm zr. nan. any otnei mamsratstui'or in thm &er' world, becauso they hold thtlrm7&& snaps, fit beftar, wmar Sonomr, and gggo. aro cf greater valum than any othmr mrr almaa fa thm world to-dav. . t W. L Doug!as $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes Cannot Be Equalled At Anf Price ' -S J X I V . W. U Dougla.8 name and price lg stamped on bottom. 1 Shoes trated Catalog free to anj address. NO MORE MUSTARD ma fi,umwurit, and MODERN Capsicum-Vasdinc- EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE i PEPPER PLANT TAKEN DIRECTLY IN VASELINE irssisai ""LT WAIT COMESKEEP mbldSJrAX SEDY CURE FOR PAIN.-PRICE 15c. DEALERS on 5v F ,FSiiAI:)0F PURB TIN AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND .jrfl ?R BY, MAJL ON RECEIPT OF 16c IN POSTACE STAMPS. KHtll fLZd ,uPer,or mustard or any other piaster, and will not ai5Slfanet0?.k,n;n ThPte-aHayiDad cJatrvo cvaUtfea of tfco iSef-n rfUr K tti toothache at once, and Telleve Head tSn w.? f' We rcommn it as the best and safest external countcr anSrS! ?0u an,cxteraJ remedy for pains in the chest and stomach wL riir C,1f ur "d complaints, A trial will prove what SS? f2T ani" w,n fond o be Invaluable tn the household and for th W ' n w111 ot It. Maay people say it Is tha !. Li!,y PPons." Accept o preparatwn of vascHn nls tne same carriea our label, as otherwise it is not fenoine. 9nd yow Mr and wo wHI malt omr VaMlIno Booklet etoaorK. OMP Prtto whloU will Intoroot you. nsutost. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. in. York cm YOUNG MAN OR W0MAJ Better Your Condition. FoMiattafwharayoaare yoa laoaid t.w mediate adraauge 01 oar buuaest tai tttZZZ. aoarae. It pate tae tact of .ossi uS? drcaau of youth, and briagi tt bag tl ? .ii moh of erery ambitious itusnt, a w, Tlja otherwise sasmed to hold nothing but toll Pr. Oar course is iaevpoaslrs aa aaiUy sJ5 d. after which we place our graduate i positions where, they "Make gvod ,,'" cannot eems te Portsraomth , write for our inl"! 8TUDT C0TJKS1 which will solrs to yoi if, oetUrmeat, the queitioa of your rising tf, SNAPP'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 317 Hi2hSt.. Porlsmniitn . : . John. WhiteQCo. Louisville, Ky. BstcbOaked 1887. Highest market price paid for Raw FURS and HIDES Weal CenanlealBi If afflicted with weak vjyea, use Thompson's Eye Waler BEET PLAMTS For the next lew weeks we will nil all orders for CaeUs, and Beet Plants at the following prices: 1000 to 4000, f 1 2j 000 to 9000 J 1.00 par M; 10.000 at Me per M; special prices ea Urr lota, cash with order or C. O. D. if preferred. We guarantee ittia. faction and safe delirery of plants. Wo hare all the leading Ttritit the Early Jersey Wakefield, the snott popular early Tariefe; t Charleston Wakefield a few days later bat rery desirable fer carde p luting:. Ib the later Tnrietles we hare the Succession and the Lets Flat Dutch, both producing tars flat head. Plants bow ready tm shipment; oar personal attention giyea te all orders. THE CARRCARLTON CO., BOX 100, MEGGETIS, Sj, A School with Reputation for Do ing Hih Graii Work. . . TBSLABOI8T. TBI BSST. The stronrest HeuM WRIfi FOR HABDSOXS CATAUO'-U. oth rOLLEOC. lKAletah. X.C , Charlvtte. Yi'a rew oy M.axt. Bern jot uownt iuly tHrottle WAKEFIELD The Earnest CakkH Grown "uccEssIorT ' CABBAGE PLANTS ForSale fl If so, yon no doubt received free, one of these buttons from the S. C. exhibit, given you by tho N. H. Blitch 'Co., the largest Vegetable and Plant farm combined in the world. We will be glad to have your orders for cabbage ar.d garden planta of all kind raised in the open air. Special express rates. - Prices, as follows: 1,000 to 5,000 at $1.50 per 1,000; 5,CpO to 10,000 at 51.25 per 1,000; over 10 000 at $1.00 per l.COO.f. o. b. expraw office Kereett, S. C. We (nuute count, mkt food ill lcna-fid shortage, and give prompt shipment. All seeds purchased from titc xr.ott reliable Seedsmen, guaranteed true to type. We bare extra early or li-rgs type Wakefield, the Henderson succMsion an at tch T&rieUes of cib bag plants. Send ail orders to ff . H. BLITCH CO., MejflCll, S. C. of all kinds can be made a source of big and sure returns to the grower who will take the trouble to look into the vital subject of scientific fertilizing' and the value of JizdusKtlV. Tkr Set Stili.tltHt. mailed from factory to any part of the worM. Ulu VT. JL. JiOV&lZ&a, Urocktou, Mats. PLASTERS TO BLISTER EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITANT. ar-i annua TILL THE PAIN A TIT WW tt a wnv A g 1- - X'