(: . . Jp- ArKlL 15, 1908. - I Local Records ,;t rhUW and there was" Tt w s qlte ciiiiiy ana tnere was At frost on last Monday morning. riiff?it Ira on s ; purin? the past few days vegeta- inrc.A ereatlv and it has tlon na - - , , . ' fine "crowing weather. n-mted for cash, hens 9 cents a. y : j .hi.'kens 20 cents a pound, by: 1 , Tvrnc at Womble's store, Pitts- PetciByrue boro. Therei ' ----- 0- , nvr iinnnnr nr. Loon between the Byi uum and Fair- view team?. ,Tlic annu il E ister Monday picnic , the vou'itf people of this place will ; JebeldatHaywoaJ. There will be a: vJl came i ""- 1 T)ai't sup un 11 you sea v. m. ; . :tvsfinL) 01 u-su m ninvt? r n-; HIM 1000 to mate yourseitL iwu irum. b-iseball club was organized here gat with the following officers :' gam Toe, capi uu-, n. ju.. uuuuon, manager, ami F:e W. Bynum, coach. "-" " i... it -r x j GotoG. R. Pilkmgton's fr sou- tpnir postal carus x iwsuuiu -ciigii gihool, Confederate Monument, etc., ! allkinds of comic atsd fancy cards, j Mr MiJ. Cooper, Of this town- -Ta arrive this at London's, another shipm?:i' of WiVx. Over Shoes )tm; 1, i i lo.v a i l hi,'h cut or but -toael Vici. T-iija: loithr, Taa and Gun-metal leather. -There is quite an epidemic of Mo one div t M3 week shot an i kilh d I Al ater for Plttsb ir ynum I a 'reowl wai h ms -.sur-d 4 feet and ! respectively, and the catching of David 6in fiffo:nup lotip. Wh c m beat j Moore for the home i'3 we the measles at Gl dst on and vicinity. Not!annal 6esSion Gf the only the caua.sn out many grown pjrsjn-i are sis, am iae sctiooi is ai- BDitbr -ken up. 0 e of our it. F. D. mail carriers tavs there is nothing the matter with our county roads now, only that they ire very "holey" in some places and need a lot f "righteous" work. -The small children and mothers of this community will have a picnic Easter Monday ou the farm of Mr. Spei.ce Taylor, near here, to which all ire invited to co ne and bring baskets. -There will b an Easter egg hunt it Mrs. . M. Hill's a; 4 o'clock Sat urday afternoon, given undar the aus -pices of the Episcopal Sunday School, to which the little paople are invited, the admission fee being five cents. Tha elojln? exercises of the Mt. Giieal public school, three miles north eisc of Bynum, will be held tomorrow iflernoaa and night. Shoit talks will be ma Je in the atternooa by Messrs. Jis. L. GriSi 1 and H. M. London. -S?:tha 10 blacii and blue suits at W. L. Lia 1 in & So l's. Tas nobbiest suit yja ev-'r sav .n griy, brown and faaiy W)rsi-:di for f 12.50. Extra pwu iTii : nts, whita vests and a full lia-3 of ojvm' m i youth clothes. -The Cj if -i l?rate vet-erans of Lcc wuaty m:z at S.inr'orl 01 Wednesday of last .vek a id or iiz3d a camp, Earned i:i ho.ior of Gi. Rinsoai, with liuu'o-Ti a id eleice 1 Cap!. J. O. A. Kellycjoi-n-ridir aril Cap t G. W. Avent adjutant. -O ily a few moro day 3 ii v.htch to PI" your pjn rax, as the first of May wil sooa i-e here. Ask your neighbor if he has paid, and if he has not urge him to pay at onc-3 s- tha he may Vute at t'13 p.-j-u dti election on tha 23t of Mty an I at -lie Nove.nber eiecti u. Iasteil 01 buying fer.ilier on .a 14 d 1 3 uy s many of oar rafcH) Mr. Itufus B. Clegr, of this LJa, up. r :e,iily ex:hai2fed or bar- wrdbralon of standard fertilizer oi la-si year s insn j o fr.0e3a1rlei.rai ajd a hdf bushels of comiield peas. - 'e are re-juesied to announce that aoiJky, niiif. ,vi 1 jvM in the grove at ft:. H)p3 Academy, Elur on ft-ilurlLV. iril lsrh linger we auspice j of Ui3 Woman's Belter -at Ao:urioa. E3ryb3dy is ex- euobrin r a .lasket. There will a? 11112 J b 1,3 ball iu the aftemorr. Eistcr M day comes so late ' syear we hope that the weather on j 11 day may t3 more pleasant than toqu3r1t.lv is at Easter. As is the d toaia this county Sister M011 ""ill be observed by the young 13 a-idsoni of the older o.'ie3 a. a oll and there will be many a pic- til (,.!-. . nshing frolic. We hope that 11 will njoy t.ie oesasioi to the un Host. o Tno train ?i the Pittsboro branch bow'!!. :',:!l!0",ri1 Air ne Railway w eaves h re In the morning ai-a:50, ur,lngatl:,0i .n The 4 f'clocIc returning at 6:C0. and UeWS 'ile lu1e gWe about otw liOUr thpf ialfl2,tiui-ia Ralegh than w ,nuero"edid, bat on the v. hole ha. k our lt'pe like it much hof , ' c -c jingrnan now reis in ""CI. !Slllnv :. . 're dark lZr the ausPices of th Winnie th ,7 .nal,ler f the Daughters of ti ,n'eiJerac; there will be an enter TV 'll'JU Ut ti,e court-house" on next anr'p?- 'll?ht by Prof- Tom Lindsey, araonded by those who have heard hum? er'?- "is thrilling stories, hjf raonologues and laughable Ml hn ?aUOnS are greatl enjoyed by totL ueathlm- Admission, 25 cent Mlt and 15 cents for children. -The registrars for the prohibition election are requested to call at or seud 10 ne Ke?Ister of Dea' office for the regls raUoa books, at once, as ihey must be opened for the registration of voters not already registered day, April 24ih, closing at sunset on May 16th. Rev. E B. Mott. of vioi who has been spending the winter at Sotnern Pines, arrived here Monday and holding services dailv in tlL -picrt0l b ces aaiiy m the Episcopal church at 10:30 in the morn- ing and at 8:0Q iQ CY wi. - 7. .? . 10 - tuyuc is oroiauy invited. He will conduct tti - . ill conduct the Ritr the Episcopal church on Sunday at 11 o'clock. ' 11 o'clock rp. j The township executive commit- (tees for the prohibition campaign are orgmuzing tnroughout the countv. Wa ;are requested to announce that the ... committee for Hickory Mt. township will meet at Hickory Mt. Methodist church at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon and the Cape Fear township commit- tee at the same hour will meet at uure in organize, ah committees u.ireaay organized are requested to "vi iai. omruay aiiernoon ana er fxt. an orgaaization. The school boys here a train crossed bats with the Bynum boys on the "Old Field" diamond Thursday afternoon but were beaten by the score of 7 to 1. Both teams played well a,nd in batting and fielding the liines appeared to be fairly well matched, but iu base-runn- inK and general "team work" the Bynum boys proved superior. The v vjws iiiu anu uriiigs Personal Items. Miss Maggie Brooks is visiting friends in Burlington. Mrs. Edward W.Pou.of Smithfield, is visitiugher sister, Mrs. N. M. Hill. Mr. R. H. Hayes is attending the Fayetterille presbytery at Aberdeen this week, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. London, cf New York, are expected Friday on a visit to Cap . and Mrs. W. L. London. Mr. Paul J. Barrinj;er and Mr. Fred- W. Bynum wi l attend the Carolina- Wake Forest base ball game at Chapel Hill tomorrow. Mrs. W. R. Jones, of Wilson, and Mrs. R. S. Stallmgs, of Charlotte, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Nora By num, at Bynum. Dr. John II. London and family, of Washington City, arrived Friday on a visit to his parents, Capt. and Mrs. W. L. London. Mrs. French Strange, of Atlanta, G., arrived Friday to be with her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Inrie, who, her fdends will regret to know, is still quite sick. Important School Order. The Board of Education of Chatham County, at its April meeting, made the following order: That no public school in the county shall be taught in the summer months, except where it is taught as the beginning of the winter term, or in connect ion with it, and that by section 4123 of the School Law of 1907, "the school term must not he divided and taught during dif ferent seasons of the year, unless some epidemic or other providential cause interferes with the regular term." Lee County Items. The county commissoners of Lee county decided," at their meeting last we;k, to have a court-house and jail built as soon as the contract could be made, and for that purpose authoriz- u.i the i-aia f.f CJ i-'ity bonds to hi. :u:imjtii not excoedincr $i0,000. The court-house and jail will be erected on the site mentioned in the act creati ng the countv, that ii, about half way be- twpp.ti the two towns of JoneSoro and San ford. There U some difference of opinion as to the wisdom of having the court house built this year and placing so heavy a debt ou the new county, and " . . . 11 2.- the Express say that tne .-commis siouers have made a mistake". The c mnty board of elections have ordered anew registration for the vot ers In that part of Chatham taken for Lee county for the prohibition elec tion, with Messrs E. M. O'Uonneu r t. Tucnn and T). E. Las'iter as egistrars. Free Oil Distribution. Wetke pleasure in publishing the followiner communication from Mr. U. M. Connell, cattle tick inspector 01 tne U. S. Department of Agriculture, whose headquarters for the remainder of the year are at Pitrsboro: "The U. 8. Department ef Agricul ture has placed at Pittsboro for free distribution 3 barrels of crude petrole um oil to be used in greasing the cat tie to remove the ticks. The infested cattle should be thoroughly greased one rer week, and it must be remem bered that while the cattle are being creased, it is necessary to examine an the cattle on the pasture at least twice per week, and remove all ticks that may haw escaped the oil, and burn or o:berwise totally destroy them. "As a result of your trouble in ob serving the precaution herein indicat ed during the next four mon'hs, ana no ticks allowed to mature on your cattle and drop on the pasture, your cattle and premises will be free 01 uck bv September 1st. "If every one will do his part in get ting rid of ticks, the cattle quarantine will be removed. Very Respectfully, B. M. CONNELL, Inspector." - i - ' ii' t Letter From Battleship Fleet. , j Letter For Prohibitta. Vattle?biP flee spent ( Editor Record: . I several days last month target practising at Magdalena Bay, on! Will you kindly give space in the northwestern coast of Mexico. your valuable paper for .a few The following . extract is from aiwords from a son of the old' letter written the nn H 17th fi March by Ensign J. J. London to w m u a. a b. vr xi ms parents here. Ed. Record. "Magdalena Bay is an ideal place for target practice. Most of U is well protected from the ocea an. The climate is ideal. They have had here only one rain in nine years. We wear white cloth ing in the day time and shift to blue clothing at sundown, as the nights are chilly. We are pretty well away from civilization, the nearest Californian city being 500 miles away, and the nearest Mexi can city is over 100 miles away, over a rough trail. This part of Mexico is practically a desert, and the village of Magdalena has only about 20 houses. Since the American ships have been coming here for target prac tice, the Mexican government has established a custom-house here and made it a port of entry. Noth ing can be cultivated, the only source of revenue is the exporta tion of a weed from which dye is made. At present, enterprising California merchants have set up small shacks ashore, which sell cigars, fruits and novelties to' the bluejackets. Very little liberty is given the men ashore, so that these merchants are losing a great deal oi money. No liquor is allowed to be sold ashore. The fishmg here is excellent and can be caught in large quantities with either hooks or seins. "I suppose you will hear before this reaches you, just what we are going to do. Our latest informa tion is that we arrive in Frisco about May 5th, spending our time after April 10th at several places along the California coast. They are all planning great welcomes for us. A recent dispatch says that we are to leave Frisco July 1st, returning home via Manila and Australia. This pleases us greatly. Going by Australia is out of our way, but they are very anxious to have us come there, and, as few of our vessels have ever visited that country, we are lad to accept their invitation. I am afraid we won't visit China. or it is there we expect to get most of our souvenirs, silks, etc., for those at home. "This coast has always been spoken of as a very attractive one for navy men, so we all are antici pating a great time. We jokingly refer to the "corn-fed heiresses out here, and figure out the chances of any of us catching one. "We are now connected with the outside nrorld by wireless telegraphy, and every night the air is filled with messages to Point Loin a, the nearest station, 500 miles away. The newspaper cor respondents are allowed 40 words apiece, and necessary messages from officers are sent through. "March We have had our practice and other smaller annual practices, such as boat eun prac- tice and mine-laying practice, and are now awaiting the completion of tanret practice bv the other ships. Meanwhile we are takin this opportunity of painting ship, to look spic-and-span for our vis its along the California coast. We to have Admiral's inspec tion within a few days, when the shio and all shiu drills will be iu- pected by Admiral -hiinory and iare staff of officers. We did not do as well as we hx pected with our intermediate uuns, but with our double turrets (8-iuch gun turret mouuted over a 12 inch gun turret; we did excel lently, Cook, my claBRmU', mak ing a. record and winning the uavy prize with his double turret. His crew of about SO men get ever $900 divided amongst them lor winning this prize. Most -oi the ships are doing better than ever belore and the standard has been raised with every calibre of gun. "I visited the beach recently with a party in dinghy, and climb ed one of the steep peaks asnore. We carried our revolvers and snot several hundred rounds at cans, etc., on the beach. A peculiar kind of shrimp abounds in this bay, and when the tide falls, it leaves these shrimps in millions on the beach, so that at this time of the year a very bad odor per vades the beach from these dead shrimps. They are not good to eat. They are red and about 2 inches long. "All the annual boat races, both sailing and pulling, will be held, on April 10th, before we leave here. We started training today for the Jamestown cup race, which I have written you before, is for officers, one mile. As you know we had hard luck in the last race, though we came out 3rd, but hope to win this time. We pull every day at 7:00 a. m. and at 5:00 p. m. Most of us are glad to get this exercise. I certainly am." Anglo Saxon: There was filed a few days ago in the office of the Secretary of State the longest trrant ever recorded in this State. The grant is to Rockingham Pow er Company, of Richmond county, the property being the bed of the Pee Dee river. There ara about 3 500 words and calls in the grant, and there is in it no mistake, either of letter or punctuation, aad not an erasure. Tarheel state? Ihouffh absent from her good people since 1896 J cm still cherish a deep love and ever will for my dear old mother state. Ever since the prohibition ques tion has been before the people of N. C. to be settled on the 26 of May, I have felt a profound interest in the outcome. Now that the question is placed in the hands of the voting classes, and they are to decide upon it so soon. I want to say a word through the columns of the Kecoed to my friends and brethren in the churches of my dear old native state. Brethren we pray Thy Kingdom come, l hy will be done. Do we mean it? Honestly do we believe it to be the will of Qod that the saloons shall be the licensed plac es where men degrade their bod ies and loss their souls? Suppos ing there ai5? people whocan drink a glass of wise or whiskey and commit no crime, supposing there are people who cm pass a saloon day after day and not ever feel an impulse to go in? We know there are men who can not do either of these things without yielding to the fascinating cup tfiat cast both soul and body into hell. Let our works show our faitb, and prove it, and let us say that if wine makes my brother to offend, I'll use all my influence, all my earn est endeavors in every direction, as well as my vote, to remove temptation from his way. One soul is worth all the taxes of all liquor in the entire state. Let us look to it that we have a right estimate of value, as sons of God, showing an appreciation of that high posi tion which we prefer. II. D. White. Afton, Vo., April 6, 1908. Economy In 1908. Pure Linseed Oil costs much less sold from the barrel than it does put up in Tin Cans as Mixed Faint In the first instance you pay GO cents per gallon-in the second $1.60. Now mix 3 gallons of pure linseed oil with 4 gallons L. & M. Faint and you have, ready for use, 7 gallons of the best paint made costing only $1.20 per gallon. Done in 2 minutes. W. L. London & Son, Pittsboro, The Lambeth-Crutchfield Co., Moncure, L. & M. Paint Agents. Over 2,000 persons have been drowned in destructive floods in the province of Hopeh in China. Prohibition Rally at Harper's X Roads Editor Record: A Prohibition rally and basket picnic will be held at Harper's X Uoads in Bear Creek township on Saturday, May 2nd. Every body is cordially invited to come and brincr vour baskets and let us have a good time for the cause of prohibition. Speaking at 11 a.m., the speakers to be announced later. Respectfully, B. B. Phillips, For Committee. Low Rates aud Mileage Books Yia Sea board Commencing April 1st. On April 1st the Seaboard Air Line Railway will put on sale In tra-State rates in the State of North Carolina at the rate of 2 1 ! fPiits per mile, and as soon as pos sible thereafter will issue Tariffs showintr Inter-State rates to all points South of the Ohio and Po tomac rivers on bases of 2 1-2 cents pr mile, it being understood, however, that the R. F. & P. will contiue to use $3.50 rate between Richmond, Va., and Washington, D.C. Two thousand-mile books Inter State and interchangeable will be sold for $40.00, good for five or less people, members of a firm or corporation, only one person be ing allowed to use it at a time . One thousand-mile books Inter State and interchangeable for $20, for rjerson whose name is shown on cover The two thousand and one thou sand-mile books sold at rate of $40.00 and $20.00 respectively, will be erood over practically all oi the principal lines in the South and East, including the Southern Railway, Norfolk & Southern, At lantic Coast Line, R. F. fc P. W. S., Aberdeen & Ashboro and Bay Line. For further information apply to ticket agents or C. H. GATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, No. 4 W. Martin St., (Tucker Bldg.), Raleigh, N. C. DMINISTRATOIt'S NOTICE: r Having qualiiied as administrator of Stineev Clegg, deceased, late of Chatham county, State of North Car olina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under- sienedonor before the 22nd day of February, 1909, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All otrsons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This February 22nd, 1908. MCI! ARD RAMSEY, Administrator, Long & Long, Attorneys lioylaii-Pearcje Agessts for the Bountifully prepared to meet all the demands, incident to this great show of faahioss ou this Easter occasion. Smart Hats, Swell Costumes, Parasols, Fan9, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, and Hosiery. The Styles are widely different from the past and are of surpassing beauty. Come and investigate or make free use of our Mail Service. New York and Paris Hats The greatest display of fine Picture Hats, Dress Hats, Street Hats and wide brim Sailors. Tks largest stock, handsomest designs, the swellest in Raleigh. Our Own Designs and Adaptations. Original designs and copies of the French models, retouched with that "air of independence" and 'dash of style" so graceful, characteristic and becoming to the feminine beauties of our grand old City of Oaks. The price consideration is far less than for the imported hats, vieing so closely in materials, make-up and finish as to be almost undistinguishable. Ready-to-Wear Tailored Suits. Materials are all Wool, Fancy English Worsteds, Two-tone Serges, Panamas, and Hair-lias Stripes. The styles are Prince Chap. Hip and Fitted Coats, Butterfly and Semi-fitted Cutaway Models. Scores to select from. Colors are: Navy, Copenhagen, Tan, Grey, Brown and Black. Skirts are full plaited and circular gore with tailored folds. Another Bunch of $4.98 Skirts. This new lot of Separate skirts comes in Voiles aud Panama Cloth of new design, Fashionable colors and Black. Other Needful Accessories. New Net Silk and Lingerie Waists, French, Austrian and Japanese Fans, Chamois, Kid and Fabric Gloves, Jewelry Trinkets and Tortona Sball Goods, White Goods, Laces and Embroideries. BOYLANPEARCE CO., SS3 W. L. LONDON, President. BANK OF PITTSBORO Offers a safe depositary for the money of the people of Chatham, and will pay v n 1 interest on all time certifi- fOllF lCF vCUl cates of deP8 it, interest payable every six months, j ALWAYS CARRIES insurance ' , burglars to cover any loss by burglary. All money deposited jn this bank is absolutely safe, much safer than keep ing it at home where it is liable to loss by fire or burglars. The success of this bank has been lemarkable. In five years it has accumulated a surplus fund equal to more than one-third of its capital and is paying a semi-annual dividend of five per cent. The directors are the following well-known business men: W. L. LONDON, W. R. BONBAL, H. A. LONDON, W. J. WOMBLE, R. H. HAYES, B. NOOE, J. B. ATWATER, A. H. LONDON, J. L. GRIFFIN. Seaboard? Am Line Railway SCHEDULE. Effective Jan. 5, 1908. Dirpot Line Between New York, Florida, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, New uneans ana tne Southwest, subject to change with out notice. Pinrea f?iven below are for the information of the public and Bre uot guaranteed. Trains leave Pittsboro as lol- InwR!-No. 1388:50 a. m., con necting at Moncure with No. 38 for Portsmouth -NortoiK, wmcn connects at Weldon with tie A. at Norfolk with all steamship lines for points North. No. 140- -4:00 p. m., connects at Moncure with No. 41 for Char lotte. Atlanta, and points West. No. 41 connecting at Hamlet with No. 43 for J acksonvilleand 1 iorida points. No. 139 will arrive at Pittsboro 11:20 a. m., connecting with No. 38 from the South. No. 141 arrives at Pittsboro 6:30 p. in., connecting with No. 41 from joints North. Trains between Moncure and Pittsboro operated daily except Snndav. On April 11th tbe Seaboard Florida Limited between new York and St Augustine, Fl rida, will be discontinued. For further information apply to B. M. Poe, agent, Pittsboro, or write to C. H. GATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, No. 4 West Martin St., Baliifb, N. 0. Co. Nov Ladies Home Journal Patterns. eadiness Raleigh, N. M. T. WILLIAMS, Cashier. sufficient agai ns t m ueu-wi mm In The Presidential Campaign Year &SJ IN EVERY ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRY. A President of the United States will be elected this year. Who is he and who is the man whom he will beat? Nobodv vet knows, but the Thrice-a-Week edition of the New York Work will tell you 1 1 every step ana every aecaii 01 what promises to be a campaign of the most absorbing interest. It may not tell you what you hope, but it will tell you what it is. Tlie Thrice-a-Week World long ago established a character for impar tialityand fearlessness inthe publi- cation of news, and this it will ma intain . If you want the news as it really is subscribe to the Thrice- a-Week edition of tbe New XorK World, which comes to you every other dav except Sunday, and is thns nraetieallv a dailv at the price of a weekly. The Thrice-a-Week World's resrular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and tins pays lor 156papere. We offer this unequal led newspaper and The Chatham Recobd together for one year for $2.25. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50. Artminiatmtnr'R Notice Having qualified as administrator or William llilliard, deceased. I hereby ntitv all persons holding claims crninst sai.l decedent to present the enmA t.n me or mv attorneys on or be fore the 1st day of April, 119. 11. C. TILLMAN. Womack, Hayes & Bynum, Attorneys April 1, 1908. lan-Pearce Co. C. :0: Every citizen of Chat ham County ought to Subscribe to THE Gimr.1 DECOflD Only 3 Cents A Week. For Nearly nan tub ' THE RECORD Has Done Its Utmost to Promote the Pros perity of tho people of Chatham, and deserves their hearty support. In its columns you will find all the latest County, State and General News. :Q: The Record The year 1908 is an liupui icii a c vivVr- tion year and every voter in Chatham ought to keep post ed by reading The Record Subscribe Now! THE RECORDJOB PRINT ing Department is wsll squijp4 to do all kinds of job printaif such as Envelopes, letter Hd, Bill Heads, Statements, Business Cards, etc. All work turned out promptly and at reasonable priees. New Type. New Press, 4 an experienced job printer. 0ms4 in a trial order. n IK ) I ' - i 1 i ! 1. i . Y t I V i I H '. 4 ; I- I 1ST- ' I r 1 ? ! 1