A .' -J .' i: ftbe-Cbatbam TRecorb. lie A. LONDON n aVD propmetob. , incrO IDTIflM . v5 OF jy"-" . D ' ffifTLY IN ADVANCE VOL. XXX. PITTSBQRO. CHATHAM COUNTY. N. C., WEDNESDAY. Al'RIL 22. 1908. NO. 37. RATES OF ADVERTISING; One Square, one Insertion...... $i.oo One Square, two Insertions.... 1. 50 One Square, one month........ a.09 For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Contracts will be made. 1 jy- r fAR HEEL TOT ICS Gathered From AH Sections of the State - ANOTHER FOR CHARLOTTE ted Father Shoots Daughter. ial- Enraged at his ,,,vil!f. P 11 . 1.1. -ktii: i, 1 (jailUIliei, jcinc, uevaasc ohool girl prank, Dr. who recently came York, fired two shots wounding her, and ' ; the revolver on himself, . tV( muzzle in his mouth the trigger, dying almost ,v gadiy wounded as she was r"0 bullets embedded in the Spinney ran from the , ; rnstaii's to the principal's ho fell. The tragedy reception room of the Collegiate institute, a boarding school in this . 1. , 111 Hit iri'ta A Peculiar Case. Raleigh, Special. A peculiar se qual to a remarkable pardon case transpired at the executive office of Governor Glenn in the absence of the Governor on his eastern Carolina pro hibition campaign. . Ed. Hester, col ored, appeared there to report that his brother-in-law, Henryr Bryant, an escaped convict, had come to his house in Oberlin Friday night and that the officers could get him there. Being questioned, it developed that Bryant had come home with both feet cut off, his story being that he Avas working for a railroad in Roan 1 T T -1 1 oue, va., and was run over by a train. Private Secretary Arrineton Plans For Big Mill to Spin Extra Pine Yams. inanotte, special. i?or tne pur pose of spinning a very high grade of combined yarns in fine counts, from 60s tolOOs, two-ply, in warps, skeins and cones, there is now in process of organization another large cotton mill to be situated somewhere in the en virons of Charlotte. Those interest ed in the movement are the following named: Messers. W. W. Hagood, H. C. Henderson, W. A. "Watson, Paul Chatham, H. C. Sherill, J. L. Sexton, John R. Pharr, D. H. Anderson, Thomas J. Lillard, Mrs. M. K. Hunt and others, with some out of town stockholders. The authorized capital stock will be $250,000, with $100,000 or $125,000 paid in. North State News Items. i::"ui to the shooting is not no witnesses, prior :iS there were while still conscious, Dr. That the county commissioners will be liable to indictment for failure to Swinnev had been a t . - comply with the mandatory provision - iiau a icieuuune conversation witn 1 f v,a -t;f;v. f xr-tVi fom p:iM -.um "liai the sheriff of the countv and thev lina. Section 44. Article 9. if thev J -J j 7 v decided it would be best to leave the fail to levy a sufficient special tax jiiiOn property in their respective coun negro alone. On being assured that ,. . . . . , F . . ties to maintain at . least a tour his brother-in-law would not be months public school term is the molested. Hester objected strongly. I feature of a lengthy special letter saying that in that event Bryant would be left on his hands. He in !,- rive but a vague account ,..,.v. viio up to a few years ago b.tn a prominent physician in f Ycvk city, has for some time ,1 r KOOr lieaiUJ. auu ui 11 is JUSTICE Ifl INDIANS President Roosevelt Says They Were the first Americans" WE MUST TREAT THEM FAIRLY ' . - Oklahoma Commercial Club, wiv Brass Band and Flaming Banners Visits the White House in the In terests of the Removal of Restric tions of tho Sale of Indian Lands. being sent out by State Superin tendent of Public Instruction J. Y. Jovner to the commissioners, countv sisted that the officers of the law superintendents and boards of educa- 1 1 11 kr mm in nana. a rpmarKfln e i uA no tu loffa tn , , 1 I I L1U11. aSIVO IUC lAkll O W aei. his mind has been unbalanc- J phase of the ease is that Bryant was it that the necessity of a levy of this When Dr. Swinney called on his granted a pardon by the Governor special tax is fully impressed on ur at the school he was shown j March 16th and thereafter it develop- the commissioners and that the com- ' "h ' Vent ion room, and a few ort" hat the negro had escaped on missioners be fnrnihed with accu- ) 'fc. U V- u' 1 March 2d. two weeks before the par- rate estimates of the amount of don was granted. There was a repri- special tax necessary for this Pnr mand to the officer for not reporting pose. He gives instructions in de the escape and the pardon was revok- tail as to the method of ascertaining ed. Brvant was convicted at the I the amount necessary. TllKs later his daughter came down went into the room, closing the behind her. She sat down at the her father sitting beside her. ,n hmu- later girls and teachers . SP"? termf .ot stealing chick , , , , , . ; ens on a wholesale scale, he had a e startled by four shots ringing , cave in a railrf)ad cut where he a second atterwards Miss ; k t his chickens until disposed of. with blood streaming fvn j The cave was furnished for living i 1 .1 .nU-V. ' in t n o .'1 o li 11 n 1 10. 1 fAi 1 Irnn c TV ATP ; wounds m tier ueau, caiuc iuiii-, " a v-tl .v.i,o u the rwm. In a few minutes . in stock. The city has been infested . -i' W confusion reisrned, school . bv chicken thieves for some time and :, am; ihilf'V. Is and women teachers running here there, but Mi;-s Robinson, the incipal, speedily restored order and this "find" stopped it largely foi Everything Printing Company, of Greensboro, changes its name to the Harrison Printing Company; A. L. Fairbrother continues as president. The Summerset Undertaking Com pany, of Salisbury, capital $50,000 subscribed, $25,000 authorized, is -bartered, the incorporators being T. W. Summerset and others. the Anson A charter is granted nuite a while. Governor Glenn offers a reward of $50 for the arrest : .,;k- cnmmnnp.l a nhvsician. Miss Georsre Goodlet. colored, charged with Brick Company, ot adesooro, capi vJnr.Pi- w.k .Jrsneratelv wounded wife murder in Asheville April 11th. tal S10,U0U authorized, 5pl,OUU suo ,1 there is little chance for her re- J The sheriff of the county reported seribed, by R. J. Beverly and others The room in whieh the trag- j that the negro had fled the county r occurred showed signs of a hard and asked for the reward to be effer nih. Chairs were overturned, ed. ;,1 the piano stool, with one leg, uktii. was Ivir.cr in the middle ox the j Syrian Peddler Jailed. -iE. The father was lving on the Wilmington's New Bank. Wilmington, Special. The Ameri can National Bank of Wilmington, recently authorized by the Comp troller of the Currency, organized bv the election of W. B. Cooper, presi dent; George O. Gaylord, vice presi dent, and T. E. Cooper, formerly of Mullins, S. C, cashier. The directors are Maj. John D. Shaw, Rockingham; V. Sibury. llclly Ridge; Herbert Mc Clammy, W. B. MeClellan, Cuthbert Martin, George O. Gaylord, A. G. -r -w -w- m -n rr, W AfnsP rame to the home of barren. J. J. IJ opsins, x. x. cooper. s ....v ' -" - I S T- 11 Gastonia, Special. Joe JVloses, a Svrian we-ldler. was before Magis trate T. H. White, having been ar rested near the Ozark Mill on a war- rnr-t. sworn out bv Miles P. Bell Li" at f.ie side of the room, face inward, v.ith the revolver, with i'.:r chini.hers empty under him. The traptfii murder and suicide v.-ere re cin.- to the school Dr. Swinn-y ! ging lum witn at tempi ea cumm ;d.t a revolver and two rounds of " al assault -on Bell's wife, Mrs. Mat- nn-:s:s a: a pawn shop. Although ,1C " i, i,. .Holland. It 'is charged in tne war- AVI ' 'lii . (1 1 v, a lit 1-1 UM 11V..1 vji Viert r,n, in lmiv wprp tnta IV . -xia. XJeii. nu wuv irnrcnor-Oii ', . t in rnqHtn tl-firrpflv W eSL OI UaSUUlIit UI1 ae wts ti;c tat her-in-law f bers of the family his fitv. an, since his -raturn from mad indecent proposals to her and few weeks ago. Dr. S win-, laid bands upon her; but sne escapeu 1 made his home with him. the Bessemer I . i t 11 i 1 L 1 . of Dr. J. City road, winie an ine ouier mem- were away and York C- a Large Scale. from his grasp and ran to the home of her father, about a quarter of a mile away, screaming for help as she rTM, CTTViari OtCI TW1 51 1 t ll O I ftp ttnooin Tha KrllthPrTI J . r . . ' ' " - i n i . - 1 1 rj i - - i i i .-. i , . , , or icrnn a Association held , , Ar. orroct W. riuasrins. J. T King and W. B. Cooper. I he bank will have both a savings and com mercial feature and .exercise a dis cretion under the national banking laws. The chief executive officers will be bonded in $50,000 each, with other officials in proportion. Busi- will begin May 1st . Washington, Special. "After all gentlemen, he is the oldest American f all of us; so give him a fair show; give him a chance." In these words President Roosevelt spoke to the members of the Tulsa. Okla., Commercial club, who with a brass band and flaming banners, call ed at the White House Friday and made it known to the President that they favored the removal of restric tions of the sale of Indian lands in the new State. The President told the club that he irould help them to see that they got their rights and he wanted their help to see that the Indian gets his. The Presidents remarks were as follows: A Homestead of 40 Acres. "It is a great pleasure to greet you here. I take peculiar interest in your State; it is a great State,, and it is going to be a much greater State. 1 endeavor to find out what is really for your interest and then to do it, I went over very carefully with your Representative this question of the removal of the restrictions and came to the conclusin that substantial jus tice won d be done to both the Vi dian and the white man by keeping for the Indian a homestead of 40 acres of good agricultural land and allowing him to alienate the remain' der. I do not think it is to his ad vantage or to yours that there should be large tracts of non-taxable and non-improved land. "I will help you in any way to see that you get your rints Now, I wa;:r, you to help me see that the Indian gets his rights. I will help you in any legitimate waj'; and I will do my best to try to" see tint the Indiai '.s not kept as an obstruction to the growth of the State. But you know is well as I do that there are plentv of Indians who are not .yet as well able to take care of themeselvcs as Hie irst of .you ex.:e.ve!y able gen tlemen of Oklahoma. You cannot af ford, in your own interest, to do less than justice to the Indian, and I want you to make it your work to see that your own State courts, your State of ficials, carefully preserve the rights of the Indian, and that you try to give him the chance to which he is entitled. I will do all I can to se cure him that chance. Give the Indian a Fair Show. "After all, gentlemen, he is the oldest American of all of us; so give him a fair show; give him a chance. GOV. GLENN WITHDRAWS governor R. B. Glenn, ef North Caro lina, Makes Formal Announcement That He Will Not Be a Candidate For the Seate Against Mr. Over-ran. ialeigh, N. C, Special . Answer Jg many letter daily inquiring my itention. I desire to ay I will not oe a candidate fer the United States Senate, but will support the renomi aation of Senator Overman," is the final announcement by Governor Rlenn, in a statement "to the people f the State," issued Tuesday. Then follows a lengthy statement of the situation and his attitude. In the premises he declares, that to be Sen itor has been the greatest ambition jf his life. He retired from the race lix years ago in favor of Mr. C. B. Watson, in the interest of harmony. Mis friends now tell him the masses f the people are with him and he iould be eleeted, but the contest would be fierea and would do the State harm. He wants no harm to ;eme te the State through him, hence this announcement. Commenting on Senator Orerman-'s lesire for a renomination as an en levement of his first term, the Gov mior reviews his "strenuous" ad ministration as Governor, adjusting lie State debt, caring for the insane. mfreing the law against mobs and tynehingw and bringing speedy pun ishment to offenders .efforts io rin lustrial progress, upholding State lOTereignty and demanding the obed mce of all citizens, fixing railroad rates fhat are just ,resistin freight fiseriminations and now striving for State prohibition; declaring that he, too, would desire that the people en lorse and approve his course. How iver, Mr. Overman could expect re jection as Senator he could not as THE WORK OF CONGRESS Doings of Our National Law-Makers Day by Day. ? lh)rl iarn Sninnors; ffiHti:m in the city last week and pent a large part of their time dis nissin'r the curtailment nroDOsition. It was found that half the spindles repi-esented had been idle for some ninths past now. and the meeting passed further resolutions regarding fflrtailment. which, when it was voted to keep their actions secret, are un- wstnofl to nrnvidn fnr continued urtailirient on a large scale. New Enterprises. The Orinoca Telephone Company, majority Gf ab0ut 600. Craven Names Connty Officers Newbern. Special. In the Demo cratic county primary held last week E. M. Green was nominated for the House of Representatives with a about 600. Lane, the of High Point, is granted, a charter present register of deeds, was de $5,000 capital, with C. E. Spurgeon, feated by S. H. Fowler. F. S. Ernul, W. A. Motsinger, YV . L. bwam ana the present treasurer, won out over others incorporators, to establish and ree opponents. All other county operate a telephone line between j officers were nominated. I he only High Point and Davidson. special interest was over tne omces There is also a charter for the of register of deeds and treasurer Ratorc. I onA VinvH worlr was QOne DV all I. I U. U. V, 4- U 1 U1IU V. v Resolu tions the. Bailev Lumber Company, Hsnnsai nf u a ,t,;ti QT-p!ville. canital $25,000 authorized and "J- UH lltuiw, n " I 7 1 ' T 1 T $5,000 subscriDea, Dy isaac rAiivy, s"lin? for about half last year's fi "if. The meetings were secret. Kls. E. c. Murray Dies Suddenly. ?,urlinrton. Special Mrs. E. C. lurray, of Vincent, ten miles north BGrii!iotonj ed at her home Wed "cwlay. T)pnTi, ctiMpti. and it supposed that heart failure was 5 cause. She leaves a husband, E. "av .Murray, several daughters and "ft. among whom are Mr. W. A, -Hurray, Qf Mebane. candidates for these offices, vote polled was rather large. The M. Bailey and others, The Tar River Light and Power Comnanv. of Wilson, is chartered to take the place of the Carolina Light Revenue Cutter Goes to Float British Steamer. Kicked in Face by Horse Hon, Special. The six-year-old s" of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Redwine tad his riose broken from the kuI1 'o.l the plate of the skull brok en by the kick of a horse late Thurs day afternoon. The boy was taken a hisphal in Charlotte, Drs. Press If'.v and Gibson, of Charlotte, and Aslu-raft, of Monroe, performed an "Juration and it is thought that the little The i -"ill n in u r, ijii fa V,-;, f'a s badlv lacerated and he will ar. Norfolk. Va., Special. The United and Power Company, capital $1,000 gtates revenue cutter Onondaga left subscribed and $lo0,0U0 autnorizea, . , fi mies the shareholders being M T. - h t liams, F. A. Woodard, f. l,. vvooaaiu m w r - flnd others. shore of Vrgmia, to assist m the at Another charter is to the Cren- tempt to float the Britisb steamer .- t n Q.r f Hvfnrd. cam- Glenaen. which stranaea wmie ma i (tin nnn riv k. H. Crensnaw. iv. ing ior liXl rpivjuvuj ' tt w;ii:n,D 1.V T. T.nrio- and others xi. .ixiixxo, " o i,i; f!TiwfinTi I Aiiegnany rucijuuiii;u,ii vvun,u.v. Jim Smith is Not Guilty. Sparta, Special. The Republicans Aftpr delibratmg tor twenty-ioui f Alleghaney couviy neiu u vCiJ I, the United States Court jury harmonious convention here Tuesday Saturday afternoon returned a ver- or the purpose of electing delegates diet of not guilty reiurnea vex- to tne &iaie, cousicsb .. ino- Jim Smith with conspiracy in the torial conventions a PovPtinK Officer Hendricks, nassed endorsing ....-iLi. nf Stokes I f T?nopvelt- Tatt was enuorbou o m tne miunuwu .u - y-. Yf , inn? T,-o I hpino- ineir vuuw. ii r county, on lJecemoer uiu, 7 V Jlirlfrfi cnoncer B. Adams was vlmnlv Smith had pleaded guilty to , R. t chairman. The - cimuiowi -yJh. r- - xu f JlUfU. distilling, and 101 iaifPC n the eonsrressional conven. n A t.nrtoTi(ip1 i ,,.m-q lnetnicrfii TO VUtu mi DUVU ov""v" I tILIlI lii" " . " 1 r 1 1 . the S. G. Parsons, 01 asub cuumj. iovernor. The temptation to run for Senator aas been great. The people have nade him what he is politically and ie would not fear to put his destiny n their hands again, but he feels he is doing right to keep out of the sen sorial race to prevent bitterness, and ;he still higher motive of helping hu manity by getting into the campaign for State prohibition untrammeled by the accusation that he is seeking per- ional advancement by riding the crest it the prohibition wave into the sen- itorship. He believes the people will approve his course in enforcing the rate law, in calling the legislature together and in now fighting for State prohibition. Ee realizes, he says, that this is the ;t flood tide" of his political career and that in surrendering this oppor tunity to take its crest, he is surren dering forever his ambition to be Sen ator but duty is higher than ambi tion. He will get into the campaign for the May prohibition election and battle in the campaign in the Novem ber election for Democracy and State's rights. Want of means and new burdens of recent affliction, he says, will prevent him from carrying out a cherished work for the youth of the State and tie him down to a life of toil, but he will be ever ready to. work for the interests of his be loved State. Enjoining State Official. To meet conflicts between the Fed eral courts and the State authorities such as have arisen, during the past year, in Minnesotay North Carolina, Alabama and other States the Senate committee on the judiciary reported a bill directing the method of proce dure in cases where an effort is made in'the Federal courts to enjoin State officials from enforcing State laws. The bill is a compromise between measures introduced by Senators Ov erman, Bacon and the late Senator Bryan, of Florida, and was reported by Mr. Overman. It has received much attention at the hands of thC committee and is intended not only to lessen the frequency of injunctions in such cases, but to modify and soft en the process when it is resorted to. It prohibits any one Federal judge from granting such an injunction, but requires that all applications for such orders shall be heard by at least three Federal judges, two of whom shall be circuit judges, while the third may be either a circuit or a dis trict judge. It also requires'at least five days' notice to -the State authori ties, and grants direct appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States. The text of the bill follows: Text of the Bill. "That no temporary or interlocu tory injunction or temporary re straining order, or decree suspending or restraining- the enforcement oper ation or execution of any statute of any State by- restraining the action of any officer of such State in tne en FOR PUBLICITY BILL Prompt and Favorable Action Strongly Urged v CONGRESS SHOULD PASS LAW Petition Signed fey Committee of the National - Publicity Organization Will Be Presented to the Senate and House. Washington, Special. Congress is nrged to action on legislation requir ing the publicity of campaign funds in a petition which will be presented o the Senate by Senator Culberson, of Texas, and to the House of Rep resentatives, by McCall, of Massachu setts. The petition is signed by sommittee of the National Publicity Organization and respectfully ask l,he Congress to enact at the present session a, suitable law for the pub ticity both before and after election Df campaign contributions made to national committees to be used' in in- rluencing the approaching election of November 3d, 1908. "The association has limited' the' scope of its efforts to securing pub licity of contributions made to nat ional committees and Congressional committees formed to influence in more than one State elections where members of the national House of Representatives are to be chosen and to promote by all appropriate means State legislation designed to accomplish in every State the same purpose of publicity. Co-Operation Necessary. "It is thought that the wisest forcement or excution of such statute 1 th d f preventing election cor- ruption through money contribution shall be issued or granted by any cir cuit or district court of the United States or by any judge or justice thereof upon the ground of unconsti tutionality of the Statute, .unless the application for the same shall be pre sented to a circuit judge and shall br heard and determined, upon issu made and 'proof taken by affidavit, or otherwise, b;r three judges, of whom two shall be circuit judges and the third may be either a cireuit or a district judge, and unless a majority of said three judges shall concur ic granting such application. When ever such application, as aforesaid, is presented to a circuit judge" he shall immediately call to his assist ance to hear and determine the ap plication, one circuit judge and one district judge, or another circuit judge. Five Days' Notice. "Said application shall not be heard and determined until five days' notice necessary for the hearing has been given to the Governor and At torney General of the State and such other persons as may be defendants in the, suit. Provided, that if a ma jority, of said judges are of the opin ion at the time notice ot said hear ing is given as aforesaid, that irre Two Killed by Lightning. kr. i.n.-:n r c;i TTSirroo I narahlft loss and damage would result I have no sympathy with that maudlin . , fari11Pr wiin Hves near to applicant unless a temporary re- sentimentalism about the Indian , , o r-iw a t,po wpw straining order, pending the period of which is the most intense the farther by lirhtnino, during a storm required notice is granted, a majority you get away from where the Indian . . , Tues(javQ I of said judges may grant such order, is. All I want is that you shall not but the same shall only remain in only give to the very able, very ad- Farmer Commite Suicide. force until the hearing and determi- n:d Indian the sire? tlw.w that you . nation of the application,-upon due give the white man; but that the In- Mt. Airy, N. C, Special -Mr .Dud- as has faken j dian who needs to be brought along ?y Creed, a respected farmer who m j bg tak(m di.reetly uvea near mis cny, cumuuncu auiciuc . - - - . ttjj Jr. -i v o .ii- to the Supreme Court of the United Tuesday morning about 9 o'clock, e" . 5 , hooting the top of his head off with OL ilum, tt"-v. U1UC. . "a F arantms or denvinz. after notice and a snotgun. lie was an inausinous 1 v. . - iifT man and provided well for his family. - 'W. . miBirUM' ' -1 fv.rrt injunction or restraining order m While it is not certain, it is thought , that brooding over family troubles ouc" , S , " " in caused him totake his life. Mr. CVeed 3&JVSm tf" ULljcr vaacs cAtt u muse ui o oluiuaua character and criminal cases." will be not through 1 national laws alone nor through State laws alone, but through both methods; each co operating and not conflicting with the other and both making the best and most effective system. There can not be any doubt of the power of Congress to do what we propose, nor any: doubt about the power of the State to provide the additional regu lations desired. "The National Publicity Bill Or ganization is non-partisan and hopes that the efforts to secure the bene ficial laws so much needed 'will not become involved in the controversies of political parties. But it is impos sible to overlook the fact that the present minority party will impose upon the majority party the weighty responsibility for the failure of any legislation, if such failure shall en sue. To avoid such a deplorable poli tical issue, should not the members of both parties unite in postponing ail propositions in which there may be a sincere division of sentiment and in passing through Congress without further delay a bill upon which all cordially agree?" Four Men Killed. for a decade or two, needs to be edu cated and trained until he can stand entirely on his own feet ,shall have your help." The club members were accompan ied bv Senator Owen and Congress man McGuire. The delegation which numbers over a hundred, was greatly pleased at the attitude of the Presi- married his second wife a year or two dent and the assurances given by him. aff- Woman Violated Dispensary Law. Snartanbursr. S. C, Special. Mrs. I 1 - - 07 - ' Minor Happenings. W. A. Kroll of the Government Printing Office, was suspended for Senate Ratifies Treaties. Washington, Special. The Senate Friday ratified treaties as follows : Donie Lyda and her two sons. Chin politi cai activity in the Sixth Mary Jor general arDiirauiou wnu j.w-7 1 ana rsua .L.yaa, wno nve near aPu' ian district. nn.- -"ortusrai: two coucuuw" 1 neno. were conviciea in me ocmiuib - ., ... m Uaied .t the confee at The Hage h t! .larof o.a, e .fi relating to tne ngms ing. ine aispcnsaiy iaw. xuc ucitx.- (j iv nnnor dinensarv case antral cowers in naval war and the da&nts were tried in their absence and South Carolina liquor dispensary case limitations of the employment of tbe Court left a said sntence to be force in the recovery of contract 0pnec when thy wre produced debts; between the United states anu court Great Britain concerning me nsuiu- ln Resolutions were the administration this offense Judge the risoner. to serve four years m t Federal prison in Atlanta. Victim of Peculiar Accident. fc'n-lington, Speeial.i-A very pecu Ilar :ci(ent, resulting in death, news f which has just reaehed Furlington, 'ff'urre, at Oakdale, a country vil ;a;r(' ir. South Alamance. A child of ;u'-- ll. M l!01li lj('(;i. 1 - 11 tilled wiLii ia.111 "ttici. j. was rescued but died from the !'(:: s. Smith was playing near him! fell into a hole which had dug for a telephone post and c'n filled with rain water. Diamcnd Thief CapLured. Strickland Greensboro, Special. - Eugene . ... - exceadingly t-i.i 11 a vminor wnite man auuui -. , 1-1 Wincinn.Ra em J ni oc 1 20 years 01a, ciaiuuuo .--.. as his homer was arrested here for the theft of diamonds from the jew elry store of R. C, Bernau & Co. The arrest was made as Blackwell was boarding a train for Winston-Salem and on his person was found a $225 dLmond ring which, he admitted he had taken from Bernau 's store. IS early Ccirplstcd. -w;,." srwMAl. Prof. fmill-v and thy whole surround ,ntrv Roonld feel exceaaing of ti.e fact that the excellent 'iftt-n thousand doiiar graueu n Lucani is uearing completion, and i)V the last of next- week will be turn ed over to tbe building committee. All of the workmen but the painters have been dismissed and they have 1 j. , r. fVio TTmt ifiQ in waters conwsusuua iu 1 ed States and Canada, and for extra dition between the United States and t'no. Republic of San TVlarino (in Italy.) : Postmaster Kills Himself. Reidsvillo. N. C, Special. Friday mornin"- Postmaster James E. Martin committed suicide in the rear of the Leaksville postoffice, Avhere ho had gone to take up mail for an early morning train. The report ol a pis tol was heard, but no one knew any- tvno. bout Mr. Martin's act until , v... -, . , , some time later, wnen ms Douy wa discovered. News of the Day. The Potomac Rover Railway Corn- President Roosevelt is waging an active campaign for appropriations for four new battleships. The House debated the Naval Ap propriation bill most of the session. RAnresentatives John Gil. Jr., of Warrensburg, Mo., Special. Three men are dead and another is fatally wounded as the result of an attempt j of officers to arrest F. O. Hawes: The dead : James Ryan, city marshal. Night Watchman Basbashan. F. 0. Ilawes. The wounded: Night Watchman R. P. Pullbck. Hawes, 22 years old, son of a Johns on tounty farmer, was returnifij home op a Missouri Pacific trair from a trip to a neighboring town, and it is believed, suddenly lost 1 hi mind. His actions were noticed1 by the passengers, and Warrensburg of ficers were a6ked to meet the train. City Marshal Ryan and the two watchmen met Hawes as he got of? the train and attempted to arrest him. Hawes drew a revolver and be gan shooting. At the first shot Mar shal Ryan fell dead. .Other shots followed, and Night Watchman Bas bashan fell dead, shot through th lungs. Night Watchman Pollock was shot in the abdomen. ' Hawes wa shot and killed by a negro porter. pany has been chartered to build a Maryland, and Richmond P. Hobson road from Keyser, V. Va., to moom- j sre to speak on naval anairs in me ington, Md. The authorized capital House. is $150,000 and the incorporators are Messrs. Cockran, Belmont and L. P. Probe. J. J. Benter, C. xi. Chandler made arguments on the Me- Geiger, C. M. Burkett and Antone Ca to CompeL publicity in cam Korn, all of Wheeling. p&jzn funds. Mr. Bedell Parker, a wealthy citi- T M r,:si.10 of Mecklenburg coun- zen of New York, has purchased the Wright farm, near Wheatland, Lou doun co'vity, containing 500 acres, for $50,000. TTT 1 . .' 1 1 lnmn rn O T"! 1 1 V.fl fi WUIn. Will auua win I , rrr tj . -r,. . -r, j i. I roommate. W. P from Cairo, iu.. to onsioi, auu m hajigei at Norfolk tv Virginia, shot dead Bearl Mos a negro, who tried to assault his daughter. Leo C. Thurman, who killed his Dolsen, and robbed to the Jackson's Nomination Sent Senate. Washington, Special. The nomina tion of John W. Jackson, to be post master at Columbia, Tenn., was sent to the Senate. His previous nomina tion had been withdrawn by the Pres ident because of charges of undue political activity but it was later an done all the work, except the paint- , Bounced that the record showed lis DQl lVi t w " ing on the interior. Coal Dealers Jtfiset. Knoxville, Tenn., Special. A joint meeting was held Tuesday by tht Kentucky-Tennessee Coal Dealers' Association and the Southeastern Re tailers' Association. Fully four hun dred visitors attended. F. A. Hobbs of Bar Harbor, Michigan., president of the International oCal Merchants Association, delivered the leading ad dress. Gov. John A. Johnson, of Minne- sora ure-ed adherance to the Consti tution in a speech at the Shiloh Bat tlefield The Massachusetts Republican Con vention omitted indorsement of Taft from the resolutions, os it was fear ed such a plank would cause party strife in the State. Theodore Marburg, of Baltimore, made an address before the American Academy of, Political and Socia? Science in Philadelphia. Negro's Body Found Hanging to t Limb. Fort Worth, Texas, Special. A special to The Record from Atlanta, Tex., says: Jasper Douglas, a negrc was charged in a warrant sworn t with having criminally assaulted his step-sister, a girl of 12 years. Sun day morning his body was found hanging to tho limb of a tree neai this place. The verdict of the coro ner's jury was that Douglas came t -his death at the hands of unknowi persons. Bristol Democrats Endorse Bryan. Bristol, Special. The Democrat of Bristol at a massmeeting last weei appointed delegates to the State con vention, which meets in Roanoki . June 11. Resolutions were passed in dorsing W. J. Bryan for the Presi dency, commending the administra tion of Governor Swanson and in dorsing his appointment of Judg Williani F. Rhea to a place on thi State Corporation Commission. 1 i 1 ? ' -t .-3 J i 4 ':