aaaMI0aaaiaHHMaiHHMMaMBaiaBaaMMaaBIBaaaaaltaaiMli0MaBnalaBliaaiiaaBaaBBM AN HONEST DOCTOR ADVISED PE-RU-NA; MR. SYLVESTER E. SMITH, Room 218, Granite Block, St. Louis, Mo., writes: "Peruna Is the best friend Bick man can hare. - "A few months ago I came here In a wretched condition. Exposure and dampness had ruined my once robust health. I had catarrhal affections of the bronchial tubes, and for a time there was a doubt as to my recovery. 'My good honost old doctor advised mo to tako Peruna, which I did and in a short time my health began to im prove very rapidly, the bronchial trouble gradually disappeared, and in three months my health was fully re stored. "Accept a grateful man's thanks for his restoration to perfect health." Pe-ru-na for His Patients. A. W. Perrin, M. D. S., 980 Halsey St., Brooklyn, N. Y., says : "I am using your Peruna myself, and am recommending it to my patients in all cases of catarrh, and find it to be moro than you represent. Peruna can bo had now of all druggists in this sec tion. At the time I -began using i it was unknown." Peruna is 6old by your local drug gist. Buy a bottle today. JOHN WORTH KERN-- A SKETCH Of HIS LIFE SCRAP Highest V Prices Paid for ALL GRADES OF SCRAP IRON. & i BJX 466 - - RICHMOND, YA. FOURTEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE MEN with teams are selling our products to FARMERS in thirty -four different States. Seventy useful articles that country people need. We furnish the Roods and give agents time to turn them into money. Address, J. R. Watkins CO., Winona, Minn. wood. nioK Airo steel. LOMBARD COMPANYAUGUSTA. GA. So. 30-'03. Don't be afraid to be polite at all times and under all circumstances. It is no disgrace to be called a gentleman. Hicks' Capudine. Cures Nervousness, Whether tired out, worried, overworked, or what not. It refreshes the brain and nerves. It's Liquid and pleasant to take. 10c.. 25c.. and 50c.. at druz stores. 'South American." by a South American contemporary: I After shakins- rianrls at ths fwi-r ) j uuwu i the ether day one colored man inquir ed of another: "Didn't you marry de widow Jcnes about de first of Jin ' ary?" "D.-vfs me I did," was the answer; "but I've dun left her." "Whr, how's dat?!' "Well, de fust week shs cailsd me honey; de next week she sulked around and' callei m old Richards; the third week she cum fcr me wid a flatiron and broke two ribs, and I'm gwine to keep right away from dar.' London Globe. , ; " " OXE-EGG CAKE. One end a half, cups granulated rugar, half cup lrutter, scant one cup sweet milk, two and a hair cups-slf:-fd pastry flour, one egg, two and. a half level teaspoonful3 baking powder in sifted flour, flavoring. Beat but ter and sugar thoroughly, adding a little of the milk to help make creamy. Beat egg well and add then the balance of ' milk. Just at this point beat the mixture with the egg beater, which makes it fine grained. Add Cour last. Indianapolis News. Asks the Richmond Times-Dispatch: Isn't it belter to remove the caus cf hoodlumism 'with email expense than to ti-r to reform a distorted life by jails, Asylums, punishments and police? Whether a child's tendencies lead him io poor health or bad morals the playground is the best remedy that has been discovered. DROPPED COFFEE. Doctor Gains 20 Pounds on Postum. A physician of Wash., D. C, says oi his coffee experience: "For years I suffered with period ical headaches which grew more fre quent until they became almost con stant. So severe were they that some times I was almost frantic. I was sallow, constipated, irritable, sleep less; my memory was poor, I trembled and my thoughts were often confused. "My wife, in her wisdom, believed coffee was responsible for these ills and urged me to drop it. I tried many times to do so, but was its slave. -Finally wife bought a package of Postum and persuaded me to try it, but she made it same as ordinary coffee and I was disgusted with the taste. (I make this emphatic be cause I fear many others have had tho same experience.) She'was distressed at her failure and we carefully read the directions, made it right, boiled it full 15 minutes after boiling com menced, and with good cream and sugar, I liked it it Invigorated and seemed, to nourish me. "That was about a year ago. Now I have no headaches, am not sallow, sleeplessness and irritability are gone my brain clear and my hand steady! I have gained 20 lbs. and feel I am a new man. "I do not hesitate to give Postum due credit. Of course dropping coffee was the main thing, but I had dropped It before, using chocolate, cocoa and other things to no purpose. "Postum not only seemed to act as an Invigbrant, but as an article of nourishment, giving me the needed phosphates and albumens. This is no Imaginary tale. Jt can be substantiat ed by my wife and her sister, wfco both: changed, to.. Postum and are hearty .women of about 70. "I writ thia for the information and encouragement of others, and with & feeling of sr&tituda to tho is veator it Portaa," Naao ti?en by Pottum Co.. Eattla Creek. T&ich. Read "Tha Road to WtllvlUt," U plcgi. ' ""TbtrVi a XUa. BCD." Ever read the Above letter? A new one appears from time td time. They are genuioe, tru and f ulj pjtumt& Nearly 59 Years Old. December, 20, 1849 Born in Alto, Howard county, Ind. 1809 Graduated from TJni- versity of Michigan. v Iteporter for the Supreme 1835-89 Reporter for the Su- preme Court of Indiana. 1892-6 State Senator. 1897-1901 City Attorney, In dianapolis. Defeated for Governor. 1904-Again defeted for Gov- ernor. 1905 Received complimentary vote of Jiis party for tfnited States Senate. Denver, Special. "Gentlemen, you will have to excuse me, for I must go and buy a present for my little boy. I remember that this is his birthday." With this plea, John Worth Kern, Democratic nominee for Vice-President, left an important conference of Indiana party leaders here the other day. "Well, I reckon-that is about the only political confab John Kern ever left until it was over," said one of his fellow delegates, "and I don't suppose there is a thing on earth that 1 w ... coma have dragged him away except some duty or pleasure for his fam ily." The plea of Mr. Kern for absent ing himself, and the comment thereon by his close personal and political friends, well illustrates the two most striking traits in the character of the man whom the Democratic party has chosen to be the running mate of William Jennings Bryan. First of all, Mr. Kern loves his family. Next he loves the swirl of politics, and over in Indiana they tell you he knows the game as he knows his alphabet. There will be hundreds of thous ands of voters asking: "Who is this man from Indiana, a man who never was in the halls of Congress in an official capacity and never had anything to do with Wash ington affairs except as the rank and file of American citizens have to in with themf In his State he has never held any higher office than Su preme Court. How then, did it come that he should be singled out to be '.he team mate of the man from Ne braska, singled out from the scores of men, some of wider fame, . who were mentioned as suitable for the Prssidency of the United States Sen ate and as quite suitable to the Chief Magistrate in case of accident?" Probably the best answer is that Mr. Kern is, heart, mind, muscle and soul a Bryan Democrat, and that he can come nearer carrying Indiana for bis party, in all political probability, than any other man that coulii be named. Every delegate from the Hcosier State will tell you that when the long whiskers of Mr. Kern shake with the fervency of his political pleading from the rostrum, every toss ing strand of them is said to lure votes from somewhere. Twice he has been the candidate in Indiana for Governor, and twlo he has polled more votes by 12,000 man any other man on his ticket. He failed of election in 1900 and again in 1904. They were brilliant failures that have become political assets and thrust him to the fore as "the first Democrat of Indiana." Him uu. uis nne prowess a3 a stump speaker and vote e-etter. h ever, it is safe to say that Mr. Kern would not have been chosen the nom inee for the Vice-Presidency did not he fit the Bryan program and per sonnel like the glove of the debutante. Not in any sense is Mr. TCp tn he considered a frequenter of clubs. His soc:ai instincts do not run quite in that channel, and yet he is credited with bein one of the b.-sh ; j cleverest tellers of stories in his State. He has a keen spnsn of hnmnr and enjoys lhe sunny side of life as much as anybody. In a circle of mends he is nearlv nl the floor and given sway to lead the conversation. He is a member of the university Club of Indianapolis. Nobody has ever disnvprprl that hn has any hobby but politics, or any recreation but commingling with his family and friends. He i ops not nlav ?olf, go fishing or hunting or follow my game but that which was pictur esquely played here in Denver last veek. In that lie is aln'mno. i?.i,t - Wa -le loves his law books and Anon. nents on political economv. Tn ihi be seeks the diversion which tha iib-c or the quarry offers to ethers. ne 13 rugged neither m stature nor n health, but when it paigning he can "make" more towns and delieverc as many speeches in a day as the best of them. John W Kern was born TlpxvmTioi- 20, 1849 in Howard county, Indiana. His father. D. Ja Virginian, who removed to Shelby vuuiy, anaiana, m 1S-J6, and ilved here until 1846. when ho rrnvaA -he new Northern country. juts, jiern Bony. Indianapolis. Sne.Mnl "MV tt. wite of the nominee for Vice-Presi dent, wai notified of the nomination of her husband at Denver. Sh wn at her home, 1836 North Pensylvania street, with the children. "I had hop ed," said she, you would give me me good news that Mr. ivern had not been nominated. I, of course, appre ciate the honor conferred nrton Mr. Kern, but I cafcnot understand whit conditions n't Denver Viava nn'jpn thai would cause him to accept the nomi nation. Mr. Kern has injured -hi health in past canrbaisrhs bv his ac- tivity and it means vastly, more to me tnan any political honors. 1 am sincerely sorry, although I suppose J snouid not ay so." Kern's Sister Sells Produce. Roanoke, Va., Special. Mrs. Sailie ii.ngie, only sister oi. John W. Kern of Indiana. Democratic candidate for Vice President, when she came to itoanoke market with a load of pro duce from her farm near this city. "I have been trying to get John to quit pontics," said Mrs. hingle, "and the last letter I wrote him I again asked him to get out of it. His re ply, which was received but recentlv said: "Don't be uneasy, there are no Dees Duzzmg m my bonnet." Mrs. Eiigle and Mr. Kern now own the old Kern homestead in fVrvin's Cove, near Roanoke, and the candi date's lather is buried there. IWNAI DED BY A MOB Kidnapper of Young Child Hao Mighty Close Call SPIRITED AWAY BY OFFICERS Wretch Steals Child From Camp Meeting and Spirits Her Away in a Buggy Hundreds Join in Search For M&n'and Girl, But They Ara Net Apprehended Unitl NightfnlL DEMOCRATS READY FOR THE BIG BATTLE Candidates and Their Weapons For President William Jennings Bryan, of Lincoln, Neb. For Vice-President John Worth Kern, of Indianapolis, Ind Mam tissue " Shall the people rule? equal rights to all; special privileges to none." Planks in Platform State's rights: labor disputes on same footing as other cases in issuing writs of injunc tion; immediate tariff revision; in come tax; enlargement of powers of Interstate Commerce Commission and physical valuation of railroads; publicity of campaign contributions; popular election of Senators; guar anteed banks; criminal prosecution of criminal trusts; condemnation of imperialism; denunciation of admin istrative succession; improvement of waterways and good roads; condem nation of arbitrary power of Speaker of House of Representatives; prohi bition of Asiatic immigration; nat ional bureau of health; economy of administration. Events of the Closing Day. On receiving the news of his nomi nation Mr. Bryan declared that if elected he will not be a candidate for a second term. The issue is joined and the Middle West is to be the battleground Many Democrats fear that the at- Glassboro, N. J., Special. Charles Hemphill, .'a young man "whose homo s ln'Clavton, near here, narrowly ts ;aped being- lynched by excited resi dents of this vicinity who haci been vrought to the paint of furv-bepanso demphill hart knidnapped Cora Gar ton, a 7-ycar-oId child whose horm :-s in Millville, N. J. Qnly a quicS icticn of the police auihorities ii secretly removing Hemphill to the Woddberry jail, it is believed, saved lis life. " Hemphill on Thursday last ioined Holiness camp meeting here and be anie, it is said, infatuated with th ?hild. Saturday he hirpd n t nA ?oing to the home of Rev. Mr. Jarrell Tnere the child, was visiting, offered 'o drive the clersrvman to thi nam v meeting. The offer Wa5 nnrorf o.-l an A after leaving the minister ot u camp. Hemphill returned to the Jar rell home and told Mrs. Jarrell that be had boen spnf ft. r",. tti . vwm. , JACiCIl Higgins, aged eight years, -was at piay Tvun Lora at the time and Mrs. Jarrell not suspecting anything wron bundled the two children into tho carnage. A half hour later Helen came running back almost exhausted an i told the pastor's wife that after riding about a mile Hemphill slapped her face, put her out of the carriao and drove off with Cora. ' CPItE FOTt KCZF.MA 1 ECZEMA CURED BARIUM WATER DOES Ii it eithor at your home or at Springs 6ana- trea. Barium Sprinsi Co., Barium Spring. N-C A Wonderful Thing. Mr. Brown had just had a telephone sonnection between his office and raouse, and was very much pleased with it. - - "I tell you, Smith," hewas saying, ' this teleDhone" business is a wonder ful ithing. I want you to dine with mo this, evening, "and , I will notify Mrs. Brown ,to expect you. Brown (speakine through the tele phone) My friend Smith will dine with us this evening. "Now listen and hear how plain her reply comes back." .. Mrs. Brown's reply came back with startling distinctness: "Ask 3-our friend Smith if he thinks we keep a hotel." Home Magazine. ECZEMA CURED. J. R. Maxwell. Atlanta, fla.. &vs MnfT&r&A ILffAriT YvHfH Oi invar, noli r f la despair, when a neighbor told me to try Euupuizs a iiTiraiKE. Alter using 99 worth of your txtt xikx and soap I am completely cared. I citiot say too much In ua praiss. - ijitikmi ac aruggists or Df mail 6O0. Soap 25o. J. T. tiavpTiixa. T A, 1 C 1 Prince Jarine pf Spain, was christ- 1 l - enea in the chapel oi the palace. BED-BOUND FOR MONTHS. His Lucky Day, - Damitv County Clerk J. Robert' Set tle says Sunday is his lucky day. His little daughter was born on a Sunday and last Sunday a hen batched six teen chicks from sixteen eggs tor him, --Fayette Democrat-Leader. . tack of Permanent Chairman Clay- J ion on iioosevclt will induce the Pres iVnt to take the stump in defense of his policies. Each Defeated Twice. Denver, Special. The ticket is completed. Bryan has twice been de feated for the Presidency. Mr. Kern has twice been defeated for Gover nor of Indiana. In two former nat ional conventions Mr. Kern has been considered as a candidate for the Vice-Presidency, but failed of the nomination. He is a close nprsnnnl friend and a supporter of Bryan, has been steadfast in the convention to liryanism through all political ad versity. V Happy at Kern's Home. Indianapolis. Soecial. The nation of Bryan was not received with any evidence of enthusiasm here and in this respect it was identical with the nomination of Taft, but when it was followed bv the spletinn of Kern for Vice-President there. 'wh evidences of generous enthusiasm on the part of the Democrats, and notice able disappointment on the1 part "of Republicans. It was generally con ceded that Kern's yelecrinn xmnld act as an inspiration to the party in this btate, and as it is conceckd that Indiana will be one of the hnttle- ground States thia year, Tthe Demo crats were bouvant and the Renubli. cans correspondingly depressed . Berlin Estimate of Bryan. Berlin. Bv Cable. AH tha pers print the news of the nomination 1 1 1 v, . .... Dy ine uemocratic National Conven tion at Denver of W. J. Bryan for the Presidency of the United States, dui most or them without comment. The Boersen Zietung, National Lib eral, says: "Mr. Bryan upon the whole is a very sympathetic person ality. - His Great eloauence is due in his speaking his convictions. He is a man 01. weight and a magnificent agi tator, but hardlv a statesman " Tha Morning Post, the radical Democratic organ, says, Mr. Bryan is far below the late Grover Cleveland in ef manlite'capacity. Quebec Waits fcr Prince. Quebec, Special. The quaint old city is in a flutter of anticipation over the arrival of his royal high ness, the Prince of Wales, who will sail into the harbor next Wednesday aboard the new British battleship", the Indomitable, to inaugurate the 300th anniversary of the founding of Quebec by the French navigator Champlain. The coming of the fu ture King of England is'a significent event in which all Canada is deeply interested, for aside from the pegean try of a royal visit it is a notable ex pression of the st rOn O" linn He n rwi istmg between the Imperial govern ment anu its American colony. Great masses of troops are being assembled here to do honor to the - 4UVU- arch, and to take part -in the Cham- piain exercises. The harbor already presents a stirring naval spectacle. "n ine ntisii battleships Exmouth, Albermarle. Russell ami D the cruisers Venus and Arogant, the xiencn Dattleships Leon Gambetta and Admiral Aubre, which will be joined by the United States battle ship New Hampshire and later by tho Prince of Wales squdron, the Indomi table, Minitaur and other ships the whole presenting an assemblage of the latest Dreadnaught types of three foremost naval powers. Police Abandon Search for Pitt3burj Woman. ' Atlantic City, N. J., Special. The local police department has given up its search for Mrs. Beyers, the weal thy Pittsburg woman , who was re ported missing on Saturday. It was stated Sunday that Mrs.- Morgan, her companion, intimated that Mrs. Bey ers is stopping at a beach front hotel and that the latter has requested that her whereabouts be kept secret. fcpe Abandoned After Physicians' Consultation. Mrs. Enos Shearer, Yew and Wash ington Sts., Centralia, Wash., says: a or years 1 was weak and run down, could not sleep, my limbs swelled and the secretions were troublesome; pains were intense. I was fast in bed for four months. . Three doc tors said there was no cure for me and I was given up to die. Being urged. I used Doan's Kid ney Pills: Soon I was better and in a few weeks was about the house, well and strong again." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. When j'ou see a man advertising his virtues it's to' keep your atten- iion 011 nis real character. Capudine Cures Indigestion Pains. ..our Ftomach and heartburn, no matter from what cause. Gives immediate relief. I rescribed by physicians because it is sure cuctun". inaj ootue iuc. Kegnlar Bi.a jl". uuu ouc., ai au aruggists. A man who will not work will work others. Ohioan Dead at the Age of 100. Wells ville, O., Special. Alexander G. Wells, Wellville's .oldest resident, and the son of the founder of the city, died sullenly from the in firmaries of old age, his 100th birth day anniversary having been celebrat ed June 3d last. Mr. Wells came from a long-lived family, his grandfather having died at the age of 103, while his father lived nearly 100 vears. Tc Drive Oat Malaria and Build Up the Ssystem Tak-; tho Old Standard Grove's Taste less Cmn. Toxic. Yo i know what vou lawns, .f iormaa is plainly printed OU everv bnttlrt. tlik-nrinnr f. ia c;fl uinendIron in a tsisteloss form, and the- tucLiu.u iurm. r or grown people Habits are part of our life in youth nna an 01 lite 111 manhood. our Dealer For Allen's Foot-Easev. a powder. It rests tho feet. Cures Corns Bunions, Swollen, Sore.Hot, Callous, Aehinii bweatiag Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's 00 1 t-Iuu-e ms kesnew or ticht hoea easy. At all D. ugg-.sts and Shoe stores, J cents. Ac cept no ubstitute. Sample mailed Frbs. Address Allen S. Olmsted. Lelloy. N. Y. The ocean is not the only body Clied with breakers. When a man plays fox sympathy, he loses if he wins. Sherman to bo Operated on. Utica. N. Y.. Srjefiial. Tf. is sfafod for James S. Shei man. thn T?pnnhli- can nominee for "Vice-President that no extermination has been made as to when he will undergo an operation. His physician visits hini twire dailv and is carefully observing his con- tion. jsxr. bherman is permitted to spend about two hours each day with his secretary in cointr over hia cor- respondence. Schooner Two Sisters Lost. Norfolk, Va., Specal. X special to the Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch from Washington, N. C, reports the sinE ing off Maul Point, 15 miles below Weshfogtojj, of the eehooser Two Sigtera, Cspt. T. U. Oredle. Tbe acbiSSer struck a eubmerffsd. buoy, wmca tore a great hole in her tottoai, causing her to go down within a few iimc. vupiain ureaie ana crew -1 1 l ..a 3iung 10 the ngging until rescued, nrey lost all their persona efvets. . Hearst Not to Support Bryan. New York, Special? That W. J. Bryan is not to have the support of William R. Hearst is indicated by the attitufo of Mr. Hearst's two news papers, the American and the Evening Journal. The two papers announce a loss of confidence, on their part both in the Democratic party and in Mr. Bryan. - ; 46 Guns Fired for Bryan. VWashfiigton, Special.- The nom nation - of Mr. William J. Bryan as Democratic candidate for . President 6$ the United States ws celebrated by the Petrecratio cluhs of the Dis trict cf Columbia. oa the Washington HonAiment srroaadB.;. A crowd - of about 200 pereos gathered; to wit ness the demonstration. The announ cement of the. nomination wag follow ed by. ft salute of 46 guns, one for each St&ie, . ' . Lightning Kills One and Injuries As other. Macon, Ga., Special. An electrical storm suddenly broke over Bullards, 17 miles from here Sunday afternoon and a bolt of lightning killed -young Dan Harrell, son of Frank Harrell, and fatally injured a negro, besides shocking many others. Young Har rell with others hatli assembled to play a game of base ball when the boit fell among them without warn ing. : Another Oil Can Explosion. Winston-Salem, " Special. White starting a fire in a stove by use cf kerosene oil, the twelve-year-r.kl daughter, of William Owens, of this City, was fris-htfullv h,i result of the fill VS1 tfi-vrSlrrf-l-ti-fcrt T'Tirt gin is m the hsopital and her con dition is serious. Her life was saved by timely arrival of neighbors who smothered out tho tvho vt, u V4. 4UIIIS. Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pickham's Vegetable Compound. Read What They Say. M iss Lillian Ross, 500 East 84th Street, New York, writes: "Lydia E. Pinkhaui's Vegeta ble Compound over came irregularities, pe riodic suffering, and nervous hmAwhua after evciytliing else liaa lailod to help me, and I feel it n. Hnt.v tr let oiners Know or it." KatharineCraig,2355 iiaiuycico jsc., uenver, Col., writes: "Thanks to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound I am wen. aitersufferinc for months from ner vous prostration." Miss Marie Stoltz- man, or Laurel, la,, writes: "Iwaiiaarun- aownconaitionandsuf- ferod frOmunnrfi)nn indiffostion. and nonr a!w(i,Ia(Um T .Jit. m Pinkham's Vegetable Compound mado nia well and utrnntr . iiiss .nen ai. Olson,. 01 u jn. xL,ass St., n.e wanee, 111., says: "Ly- aian.. rinKnam'svege- LaDIO Lomnnnni onmri me of backache, side acho. and established my periods, after tho best local doctors had failed to help me." FACTS FOR SECK WOMEN. Foi thirty years Lydia E. Pink- nam s vegecaDie compound, made irom roots ana neros, Has been tho r,l--A-A 1 X 1. .11 tuauutiiu Aciiitjuy xui lernaie ills, andhas positively cured ttumsands of T-rnnn nrn 1, - 1 J. 1 1 T , i w v iixcu. w jliu iiti vc uceii tro uuiea wltn displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges- tion,dizziness,ornervous prostration. W y don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkliam invites all sick women to -write ner fop advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Tynn, Mass. NEW COLLEGE AT MllLEDGEVILLE, GA. Ona of, the First of It Kind in tht County opens, eeptemoer itt. XT lllol irovlllo na Tha AmArtun Cotton College, an institution tor the education of young men, farmers, warehousemen, cotton buyers and oth ers, in the science of classifying and grading cdtton, has been instituted fiArn Viw Prnf T H THrlrinson a.nd Mr. R. L. Wall, the well known cotton Duyer ana expert, ana win oegin oper Hoti3 on fientember 1st- Suitable miortun . Via va heon SAClirpd find a. ' large attendance at the first sessions - is assured. Tha new cnllesra la one of & verv few of the kind in tho country. Classes will be taught by correspon Afrnre nsi wall as hv nerson and thia feature is sure to become popular. Don't be afraid of experience. He is the nest teacher. ITCHING HUMOR OH BOY. Tils Ilands vrero a Solid Mass, and .Disease bpread All Over Body -Cored in 4 Days by Cuticnra. 'One dav-we noticed that our littl tuv was an broken out with itching eores. We first noticed' it on hia little hnnrl TTia hands were not as bad then, and we didn't imnir anything senous would result. But the next day we heard of the Cuticura Remedies beine so rood for iteh;nr-anrui T I 1 . .. .. . Jjy mis limfr- tne disease hsrl anroarl all over his body, and his hands were no thine dui a soua mass ot tnig itching disease. I purchased a box of Cuticura Soap and tme dox ci cuticura Umtmeat, and that night I took the Cuticura Soap and lukewarm water and washed him well. Th him and took the Cuticura 'Ointment and anointed him with it. I did thia every eveninz and in four nichfq h wi sntiMTv cured, ilrs. Frank Donahue. 208 Fremont dc, ivoKomo, Jnd., Kept. 16, 1907.' - r The less money a man makes the more he has if he isn't married. CUnsS AIX ITCHINQ ERUPTIOXS. Olencoe. Md.. Nov. Slat 1907; "T liuva hA Nzami on mT na.naa tat i 1 in mil k Vm inea eyeryiaing. x aave Deon using tkt- TltlHt 4 aftVM ami tTlA rA.nlta km rr... tl Signed, Mrs. M. Harvey. Tsttibixs is the . m 0 1 . Bureac, oaicot, peeaiai cure lor eczema aad all othar skin dlseasa. Sold bv Am. gisn or aeni dj man ror sio. by J. T. 8Hvr- tbi.ik, iepi. a. savannan. ua. Don't be afraid of failure. Kpn nn inougn you rail a dozen times. manentlvctll-ed hv Dir. K1ii' firaat. "Kftmra Restorer. S3 trial bottle and treatise free. ur. u. li. Kline, LkI.,931 Arch St., Phiia,, Pa. Some men run into debt but don't even try to crawl out. 5fl Winsmw'aSnnMiint. SnrnnfnriifiAiM ' ' " ' " w-wnii KJiupwi V1U1U.CU ceething,sof tens egnms,reducesinflamma- t-2 1, - s rtfc . ... uiuu, ptuu,u. jes wiuu couc, ca DOttla Don't be afraid to bcin at the hot- torn. It is the safest way to climb. A Golden ODDortunltv ia ui.:rcu 10 a lew- investors, xne ct rLj- Kjcnmond AliDlng Co., a high class mining concern operating in Sonorn, Mexico, and whose mines are very rich ia gold, need oiu.uua more wnn trnion tn inotnii machin ery (already paid for) and complete devel opment. Will pfill Pnnnnh atnolr at QH oani per f-haro (par value tl.OO, none sold for icssioaasu cents; io carry out tnls plan. Adjoining mine is ryirg 1,000,000 yearly. Tbis is a high -class conservative investment wnich wiM produce great returns within one year. For further particulars address G. Lenox Curtis, Tresident, 17 East 5th St., New York City. ' Girls who are worth their tre?rli in geld are seldom given a weigh. One of tho Essential of the happy homes of to-day 5. fund of information as to the bit JL?4 of promoting health and haDninT10 right living and knowledge of th" best products. fa the Ti Products of actual excollence ; reasonable claims truthfully . nd and which have attained U acceptance through the approval 7? Wen-Informed of the Wcrl ; viduals only, but of the many whft y the happy faculty of sohctlJ.S ing the best the world afford,. One of the products of that class known component parts. remedy, approved by physician, and '1 mended by tho Wcll-Inf0rmi nj" Worldas a valuable and wholc.ion- f J, laxative is tho well-known Svr,m" f. r and Elixir of Senna. To gct it, effects always buy the genuine, factured by the California F,V sTO. only, and for sale by all leading dru CC8 to SSI Paj s Board.Talttsn aad Ka ZSmt for efKIne Kaathsot HIGH 8CHOOL Fortsojiand rMty. Kciiorttd y boat 4a tr. At foot or BIbo Mi: Mb(bI ceatscenoiy. Ko malaria. Mineral water. Opeea AstlB, 'C8. Tcr eataloaae write to W. D. BURNS. -W&.Srg :a-d PIEDMONT r Products Libby9 Vienna Sausage You've never tastPrl the best sausage until you ve eaten Libby's Vienna Sausage. It's a sausage product or high food vahm' Made different: Cook ed different: Tastes different and is different than other sausage: Libby's Vienna Sausage, like all of the Libby Food Products; is carefully prepared and cooked in Libby's Great While Kiichen. It can be quickly served for any meal at any timeiIt is pleas ing, not over-flavored and has that satisfying taste: Try it: Libby, McNeill & Libby, tbicaoo. Ko Clue Yet in Drew Case. Troy, N. T.. Bnnday tn Teal Pond mnrder mvs- tery, although they, cleared up one of tao uncertaintie 'of Hi n whereabouts Qn th day bsfcre she teatal vaha to eatabUaCi the iUH 11 tho girl's slayer. . Where sir spent the night of. July fc:h, the da' OH PhlPh ahi r.M .!.. r. i. ew .xork, is a question. the atithori es are Uriable to answer. I '- i win in inn hf , a-iai?T, ,r tiolUra reward for - any cue of pneumonia is B9 t&miiy Mhert they ue Goose Grease as directed. If you ever Vnow or hear of ny $ueh Cae. bleksa ialorm us and we will pay them the reward. GOOSE GREASE LINIMENT CO. . ...ii. Grcn$boro, N C PI EDIVIONT COLLEGE DEM OR EST. GA. Healthful menntsin limtlnn 'RAml.. . H(iU 1 l UI uu vuuvg course.--; special eonnet In Butinem. Domstin Rr!.nM nnA V,..;. U 1 j . " - . u.iviivr HfKDlfiei, jmuuuuio prices, x or cacaiosna and rurther infoi' m.ttion aidresv HENRY C. NEWELL, km Preflimt A.T rtJs.TeM IBnMeHfA DaaM - .a n Pacific Coast Borax Co., Hew York, "c ftKMts wanted. . Write for moeey ntkhit plat, toilet Mmm Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body ontisepnically clean and free from uo healthy germ-life and disagreeable odon, which water, soap and tooth preparation! aione cannot do. A germicidal, disin fecting and deodor izing toilet requisite-, ot exceptional ex cellence and econ omy. Invaluable for inflamed eyes, throat and nasal and uterine catarrh. At drug and toilet stores, 50 cents, or by mail postpaid. Large Trial Sample WITH "HCALTH AND BEAUTY" BOOK SENT MM THE PAXTON TOILET CO., Bostoii.Mag. F NOT EMPLOYED- Ton Can "Work for us nnd Earn From S3.00u TO S10.00 PER DAY aurtotf tha summer season, teed JMT Rddrftps on postal for FREE DESCRIPTIY K CATALOG and ur monar.makine offer. Pi.-aant aud ttit pioymai.i for any lady or ufimlai em SJ"-' Braistreet, or any barJotia Bn O. n. Beblasesi A Co., Box 77. cbsrloite, THE DAISY FLY KILLER uroritntM UM sad affords Oomfyrt to erery holno-ln dipuig toom aiid all pi"' where flirt troubl"too; Clean, neat.," I Will uv. ' J injure anytW 1 i f tn and you will cr be wltliosj them. If nrtM by dealers. HAROLD OMSK, U9 OaEalb iTe,, BrMklya. & If afflicted vrtth weak eyes, nee TbompsoD'sEyeWer So. 30-'03. FARMS J? ?, aJ"cent Oonrtie?. Banner f.irmlnyiertW frr !i-a.u r8lro snying that r row.. nlthj cctt- ti. Ji " ,3:0,, wnt price reatonsble. t HrS?hrfi,0.cltjrV,doli Prorert . the r. ilroni center tt tiV?ei?itf ,U cJ priws. Hrita for dewnr ltOBXXSON Jk GRACKi Tidalln, Cs. American Cotton College J"?0 of Farmers. Clerks. M.W. MillccgevH'o - tt a vww.js-- Boyers, Manufacturers? and theV-w1" ' MP'nt?' Wwohou.emen, Cotto and put the correct raiuSion T7-' TjUn f old' who re unbIe to c our wmple rooms. oVu week? -J?",0 Clt0a- day schol-whip. will complete you. Bi demlnS COW'9 und,r exPert cotlon B . Sept l.t CmSJ.Jn. Session openl ' 1 " mv w rouna. Write at once for furtfcerparucu!arj J FOR' MEN MSBV IMimfA mmi4 t. J. Wfifl t CCOlfa cm Taa -fa. . 3 taeseehoci ftadjly, writs tha met. M - - find for directions how to tecar FRED. F. HELD CO. Brockton, Ms 1 '