. Modern Maternity. A little girl's mother attended a number of card parties, leaving the child at home with the nurse. On one such occasion the child's attention Tvas attracted by the plaintive cries of a young calf. Running to the win dow she exclaimed, "Poor little calf cy ! has your mama gone to the card party and left 3011, too?" October Delineator. Fortified. "I could tell a tale that would make your hair stand on end." "Very thrilling, is it?" "It is. Shall I. tell it?" 1 "No; I haven't time to listen to it. Wait a few minutes. My uncle will be in, and you can tell it to him. He is baldheaded.y A virtuous woman is a crown to lier husband. Bible. VGID RISK IN BUYING PAINT. You take a good deal of risk if you buy white lead without having abso lute" assurance as to its purity and quality. You know white lead is of ten adulterated, often misrepresented. But there's no need at all to take any chances. The "Dutch Boy Paint er" trade mark of the National Lead Company, the largest makers of gen uine white lead, on a package of "White Lead, is a positive guarantee of puritv and quality. It's as depend able the Dollar Sign. If you'll write the National Lead Company, Woodbridge Bldg., New York City, they will send you a simple aad cer tain outfit for testing white lead, and a valuable book on paint, free. Handsome is that handsome does. -Goldsmith. So. 39- 'OS. Hicks Capadine Cures Women's Monthly Pains, Backache, Nervousness, and Headache. It's Liquid. Effects imme diately. Prescribed by physicians with best -results. 10c. 25c, and 50c. at drug stores. PLANT YOUR WASTE LAND WITH TBESS. It May Mean a College Education for Your Son. Planting j our waste land with trees may mean a college education for your ion, a wedding trousseau for your lit tle daughter, and something for your old age, says George ' Wilder, in the October Delineator. There is hardly a farm in this coun try that has not some waste land. If there is, it isn't in good old New Eng land. By waste land is meant land practically useless to the farmer land that is looked upon as worth lit tle or nothing. In almost all cases it could be and should be made a .source of revenue. Today that land is useless, practi cally valueless. Seeded to: pine, forty years from now, when some son, yet l be born, may be twenty years of age, it may bo covered with timber and worth approximately from two hundred to two hundred and fifty dol lars an acre. This estimate of value is based on the returns from pines forty years old and harvested now; while, if the recent tremendous in crease in timber prices continues thro' four more decades, the returns from seeds planted at this time will be something enormously greater. There are scientific ways of start ing a pine wood and there are easy ways. Both begin along the same course, the gathering of the seed. It takes two years for white pine seeds to grow. They must be gathered from the trees just before the cones open land this is from the end of August to the middle of September. The small cones, about a half-inch in length, that are now on the trees will be the ripe cones of the ensuing year. Cones Avhich are three or four inches in length now will be ripe this fall. Much more can be told about this subject than this amateur planter knows. The Forest Service of tho Department of Agriculture at Wash-, ihgton is only too glod to give vou all kinds of information. If you buy ten dollars will buy three or four pounds of seed. Three acres, forty years from now, may well be worrii four thousand dollars. Think of it! Isn't it worth while to do it for your old age or for those who may come alter you? And isn't it better yet to get your small boy to do it? . Forty years seems a , long time to wait to get the return from any effort forty seems too long for some peo ple but nothing worth accomplish ing is ever accomplished in a moment and he who builds for tomorrow a far-off tomorrow, is he who really Lnilds. AFRAID TO EAT Girl Starving on Ill-Selected Food. "Several years ago I was actually starving," writes a Me. girl, "yet dared not eat for fear of the conse quences. "I had suffered from, indigestion from overwork, irregular meals and Improper food, until at last my stomach became so weak I could eat scarcely any food without great dis tress. "Many kinds of food were tried, all with the same discouraging ef fects. I steadily lost health and strength until I was but a wreck of my former self. "Having heard of Grape-Nuts and Its great merits, I purchased a pack age, but with little hope that it would help me I was so discouraged. "I found it not only appetizing but that I could eat it as I liked and that it satisfied the craving for food with out causing distress, and if I may use the expression, 'j filled the bill.' "For months Grape-Nuts was my principal article of diet. I felt from the very first that I had found the right way to health and happiness, and my anticipations were fully realized. "With its continued use I regained my usual health and strength. To day I am well and can eat anything I like, yet Grape-Nuts food forms a part of my bill of fare." "There's a Reason. " Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read "The Road to WeUville," in pkgs. , Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest INTEREST ' STICK TO ONE BREED. If you have started out with one pure breed, stick to it. Do not be led off by a foolish desire to cross it with some other breed or to intro duce scrub blood into the flock. If a change is to be made, get better blood of the same breed as the on now on hand. ' KINDNESS OF HORSES. With the balky liorse try kindness. Take a hammer or stone and tap the bottom of each front foot. Give each nail a light tap with a smart tap on frog of foot. Drop foot quickly and in most, cases the animal if spoken to will start quickly, his attention hav ing been diverted. Farmers' Horn Journal. . THE CLOVER SEED YIELD. A correspondent ciks if as much elover seed may be had from a field which is mowed for hay as from one, which is pastured. That depends al together upon the time the field is mown for hay. The reason why so many fail to get a fair crop of clover seed is that they wait until the growth is too far advanced before the cutting is made for hay, with the result the season is cut too short for he clover to mature a seed crop. Indiana Farmer. WEED INFESTED HAY FIELDS. Too many mowing fields are in fested with various weed pests which appear rather to be on the increase. In part this must be ow ing to the use of inferior grass seeds, and allowing meadows to remain in grass too long before plowing and reseeding. All such fields should be harvested early in order to prevent a more ex tensive seeding to weeds. Those fields that produce little but white daisies and weeds should be marked, "To be plowed another fall," and should go through a thorough prepa ration of cultivation and fertilizing, that will fit them to produce abun dant crops of good hay in a rotation of reasonable length, say two to four years. Farmers' Homo Journal. SOWING GRASS. A reader In Warrick County asks: "When is the- best time to so'W grass seed?" If there was only one kind of grass the question would be easy to answer. If timothy i' meant, early ia the- fall is the better time, so the grass can get a good start to enable it to stand the winter. Sow blue grass as early in the spring as possible. Or chard grass should be sown in March and red top in April. A gcod rule would be to sow when weather and soil are in suitable condition. Earnyard manure is a' great help to grass of any kind, and you are not likely to apply too much, especially if it is well retted and pulverized. A liberal spread of such manure will double the crop of hay, or will pas ture double the number of stock on blue grass. Break the ground seven or eight inches, and harrow thorough ly for best results. Sow twelve pounds of grass seed to the acre, twenty-five, pounds of orchard grass and three pounds of red top. In diana Farmer. THE MARKET END. The producer who looks into the market situation of the great cities is always impressed by the great mar gin between the price he receives for his goods and the price paid by the consumer. His first view is that the middlemen are looking for too much profit at his expense and that of the retail buyers, but when he looks more closely into the business and notes the various losses and draw-' backs and incidental expenses of the jobbers and retailors he feels less cer tain regarding the rights of the ques tion. The middlemen, especially the re tailers, do not seem to. be especially prosperous. In fact, failures are rather numerous in that class. Their losses in the shape of bad bills and produce which spoils before it can be sold, or which has to be sold at a sacrifice, are evidently large. But after looking over the situation the producer will probably feel that the margin might be cut down if only a better system of distribution could be arranged. The whole subject of handling produce in the large market centres is worth a great deal more attention than it has received from official sources. The Boards of Agri culture and also the Interstate Com merce Commission might look into the matter to great advantage. The producer would like to have his views cleared on what constitutes a reason able margin between the wholesale and retail price, including various jobbing prices. It would aid him very much in forming a plan for pos sibly handling produce in a way that would place it. fresh without loss or damage in the hands of the consumer. At present it is hard to arrange such a plan without putting other people and other sellers "in the place of the legion of wholesalers and retailers. The working out of a more practical plan for the distribution of farm products will be one of the agricul tural advances of the future. Amer. ican Cultivator. Competition For Engaged Couples. Nearly a hundred engaged couples took part in a novel shooting compe tition which has just concluded at Argovie. The competition was lim ited to lovers who were engaged and willing to be married as soon as pos sible. The distances were 300, 500 and 1000 meters, and the scores of each pair were added together. The prizes were a complete mar riage trousseau for the woman and 40 for the man. The winners were a young man named Glauser and his fiancee, Louise Mathys, aged nineteen. They will be married on Sunday. London Express. THE NEWS IN BRIEF Items of Interest Gathered By Wire and Cable GLEANINGS FROM DAY TO DAY Live Items Covering Events of More or Less Interest ' at Home and Abroad. ' Foreign Affairs. Chancellor von.. Biielow welcomed the Interparliamentary Union. It is thought that Great Britain and Germany will stand together in preventing extreme measures against Castro by Holland. Syen Hedin the Norwegian travel er, gave details about his trip through unexplored Tibet. Cardinal Vannutelli, the Papal Le gate departed from London amid the singing of "God save the Pope." The cholera continues to spread rapidly in St. Petersburg. Andrew Carnegie has written a let ter to the Interparlimentary Union urging universal peace and assert ing that Emperor William could abolish war. The Prince de Broglie has aban doned his wife, an American woman, and their child and says he will sue for divorce on the ground of infidel ity. A case of cholera has developed on the transport Sheridan in Manila and the number of cases at St. Peters burg has doubled in 24 hours. The German Foreign Office has re ceived the French-Spanish note on Morocco in a friendly spirit, but with caution. LaAvs .to give the Jews greater freedom are being drafted by the Russian Cabinet. . Political Bryan, in two speeches delivered in Delaware, directly charged the Republica ns with relying on the con tributions of the Steel Trust to elect Taft. A number of Marylanders confer red with Chairman Hitchcock on the sitation in this State. Democratic Vice Presidential can didate Kera began his Western speaking tour. A candidate of the Boston and Maine Railroad was nominated for Governor in New Hampshire. According to the New York Press, Wall street has picked Chanler as the winner for Governor. Governor Hughes was renominated by the Republican State Convention in New York at the dictum of Presi dent Roosevelt. Bryan made speeches in Delaware and New Jersey, and in an interview at Philadelphia declared Taft was dodging. Efforts for harmony were made In the New York State Democratic Con vention. The Delaware Democratic State Convention nominated a ticket, and the "drys" talk of putting an op position ticket in the field. ' John Temple Graves, Independence party candidate for Vice President, challenged John W. Kern, his Demo cratic opponent, to a joint debate. The Republicans are representor as feeling confident 'that they will cerrv Nebraska. National Affairs. The Wright aeroplane was wreck ed at Fort Myer, Virginia, yesterday. Lieut. Thomas Selfridge being fat ally injured and Orville Wright's hip and several ribs b?ing broken. By new methods of economy the battleship fleet will save nearly $100,000 worth of coal on its cruise. Revenue and customs receipts are rapidly increasing, showing an im provement in the country's business. Secretary Metcalf has run up against an old law. which limits in crease of navy-yard employes near election time. Miscellaneous. In a sham fight between four sub marines and a cruiser (he submarines scored a complete victory. E. II. Harriman says he favors an increase in rail rates, not because he needs it, but for the reason that it would help the weaker lines. The Great Council, Improved Or der of Red Men, elected officers. Emma Goldman, the woman anar chist, is going on a lecturing tour cf Australia. An effort is being made to bring about an affiliation between the En glish union of enginemen and fir? men and the American' brotherhood. The former Western manager of the E. Mcllhenny Canning and .Man ufacturing Company, of Chicago, ask ed for a receiver. Judge Pritchard, in Richmond, sustained his findings that the South Carolina dispensary system is illegal. Mrs. Edith Bebe, widow of a vic tim of the Monoghan mine disaster, committed suicide in Buckhannon. Norfolk has a mysterious ..child abandonment case. Burton and Conquest, the negroes convicted of rioting in Onacock, were granted new trials by the Supreme Court. Confessed Murderer Arrested. Jacksonville, Fla-., Special. Wal ter Ledbetter, a negro tramp, was arrested by Sheriff Bowden, in the settlement of Marietta, and confess ed to killing Mrs. Norman and her daughter there Saturday. As soon as the residents of the settlement learned that the negro had been cap tured, there were threats of a lynch ing, but the negro was safely lodged in the Duval county jail, where he is under guard. ' A speedy trial is now being arranged for the negro. ONE KIDNEY GONE, But Cured After Doctors Said There Was No Hope. Sylvanus O. Verrill, Milford, Me., says: "Five years ago a bad injury paralyzed me and affected ' my kid neys. My back hurt me terribly, and the urine was badly disordered. Doctors said my right kidney was practically dead. They said I could never walk again. I read of Doan's Kidney Pills and began using them. One box made me stronger and freer from pain. I kept on using them and in three months was able to get out on crutches, and the kidneys were acting better. I im proved rapidly, discarded the crutches and to the wonder of my friends was soon completely cured." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. "Some men," said Uncle Eben, " ain't satisfied to quit when dey's done bought a gold brick, but keeps payin' storage on it an' holdin' it fur a rise." Washington Star. Hicks Capmline Cures Headache, Whether from colds, heat, stoinaca or nervous troubles. No Accetanilid or dan gerous drusrs. It's liquid and acts imme diately. Trial bottle 10c. Regular sizes 25c. and 50c, at all druggists. t Advenutre. "I see," said the old friend of the family to the charming actress who had just come in off the road, "that you have had many adventures in the past year." "I have had ray share," 1 "And how did you enjoy them?" "To tell the truth, I slep through most of them." "I didn't suppose you were as blase as all that. How could you?" "Ask my press agent. Perhaps he knows, for the fact is that I didn't know I had most of them under he told me next day." " . After Quantity. "I hear you have changed doctors." "Yes; I have one now who is much more reasonable." "You like him better?" "Well, he gives me twice as big a pill for the money." In Self-Defense. He ceased to use the hateful weed To please his wife, but then He wore so very large a grouch She made him start again. BruUdly Frank. "One thing I like about a dentist." "What is that his absence T" "Xo. When he pulls a tooth hjl does not claim that this hurts him worse than it does you. A Soft Conclusion. "He went against his will." "He wasn't hurt, I guess." "What do you mean?" "His will is so soft." T The Simple Expert. "You saj' this is fine tobacco land?" "The best in the world." "Indeed! Pray how many boxes of cigars will it grow to the acre?" A casual inspection won't convince you of the age of an egg or a wo man. Cleanses the System Effect ually; Dispels Col ds and Head aches duo to Constipation; Acts naturally, acts truly as a Laxative. Best jbrMennten and Cnild-ren-ybungand Old. "to get uVB enejicial Eects Always uuv the Genuine which has the jull name oj the Com- 1 CALIFORNIA Jig- Syrup Co. by whom it is manufactured, printed on the jront of every package. SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS one size only, regular price 50? per bottle- THE J.R.WATKINS MED.CO. WINONA. MINNESOTA Mokei TO Different Article: Xlonsehold Ifrmcdlra. Flavoring Hxtractt allKlndi) Toilet Preparation, Fine Soaps, Etc. CANVASSERS V ANTED IN fcYERY COUNTY 40 1 earE;cperlence,S3, OOO.OOO Output BEST PROPOSITION EQM2 AGENTS m Says Mrs. Pigford of Teacheys, N. C, "Please accept my thanks for your wonderful medicine, Wine of Cardui. ;It is the grandest female medicine on earlh. "I suffered for 10 yearsl with pains all over. The doctors said they were all caused by female trouble. "I have been taking Cardui for a long time and find more help n " that, than in anything I have ever taken. I am now able to do all my work. I will do anything I can to help you to sell Cardui." Hi , The benefit that ladies get from taking Cardui cannot be measured or r1f;r5Hf A In ntrrAi It l-i1re. Ikm U: 1 1 n 1 1 P81 v""'' wiuo. ii all times seem easy. IT KM DEEP CRACKS FROM ECZEMA. Could Liav Slate.PpTiHl fn fir.. xianas in ureaaiul state Disease Defied Treatment for 7 Years " Cured by Cuticura; "I had eczema on my hands for about seven years and during that time I had used sereral so-called remedies, together with physicians' and -druggists' prescrip tions. The disease was so bad on my hands that' I could lay a slate-pencil in one of the cracks and a rule placed across the hand would not touch the pencil.1 1 kept using remedy after remedy, and while some gave partial relief, none relieved as much' as did the first box of Cuticura Ointment, i made a purchase of Cuticura Soap and Ointment and my hands were perfectly cux-ed after two boxes of Cuticura Oint ment and one cake of fcioap were used. YV. H. Dean, Newark, Dal., Mar. 28, 1907." Father Would Be Sorry. Rachel, who was four years old, was admiring hser baby brother, who was three months old before his father re turned from a trip abroad. . Looking up at her mother, she said, "Mama, won't pap'a be sorry he isn't any re lation to this baby October Deli neator. Beware of Ointments For Catarrh That Contain Mercury, ua mercury will surely destroy the sense of sinell and completely derange the whole sys tem when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be' used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting Hirpptlv linon the1 blood and mucous surfaced ' of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken in ternally and made m Toledo. Ohio, by H J. Chenev & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists; price, 75c. per bottle, take Hall's Family i'illa for constipation. He Apologized. Henry, aged three, was left alone With his three-months-old brother. ' His mother, hearing the baby cry, re j turned to find out what had happen ed. "Oh," said Henry, "I choked him a little, but I asked him to 'scuse '.me." October Delineator. To Drive Out Malaria and Build Uj the System Take the Old Standard Grove's Tastb LKttt Chill. Tonic. You know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing it is simply Qui-' nine and Iron in a tasteless form, auu the most effectual form. Jtor grow? people and children, 50c. A mind auite vacant is a mind dis tressed. Cowper. ANTIDOTE FOB SKIX DISEASES That's what tsttkbzn r is; and it is more. It is an absolute cure for eczema, tetter, ringworm, erysipelas and a'l other itohing outaaeous disease. In aggravated oases of these afflictions Us ourws hare been phe nomenal. It gives instant relief and effects pert&Naest cures. 5ta. as, druggists or bf BtfeA faun . Ti woprBWiB, Dept. A, Sck TUUtt, Gs, OCTOBER IS THE BEST TIME TO START A GABDEN. Work in tke Fall Means a Long and Glorious Season Next Tear. In October, when leaves and flowers are dying, when Nature is closing her eyes for her long sleep, it is only those of experience who cry: "This is tho best time to start a garden." There is always a setback to a gar den started in the spring, because it is not long enough from th 'ime growth begins until the hour oi bfooni to give many plants their full chance to expand before sending forth their flowers. A plant must almost reach maturity before it blooms, which in deed it only does that it may form seed and thus perpetuate itself to. poster ity. To start a garden early is often the secret of success. By preparing the beds and borders in the autumn, difsring them out about two feet deep, placing inverted sod in the bottom and finally filling them J up with layers of manure, light soil and top-dressing, much time is saved in the spring, when the irresistible not-a-nuimte-io-lose feeling is in the air. Besides, there is something about a well-settled bed that flowers like better than etie that is quite new. If in the spring these autumn-prepared beds require extra mulching or ferti lizing, it is a matter that is very eas ily attended to. When the beds and borders are made, the garden should be cleared of all surplus material. The roots of strong weeds should Ufe lifted, and a light dressing of manure spread over the places that are destined to be lawn the following spring. The October Delineator. drf;KWv? rt'tf v naif? M The Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILI TONIC, drives out Malaria and builds up the system. You know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showine it i is simply Qumme and Iron m a PUTNA Color more (rood 3 brighter and faster colors than any cau dye any garment without ripping apart. Write M lis BLhs uigin uvci UiCH lidtU 11U1C5 HI1U HiaKcS , , -'ft' ,Vq iu : JJCiM Ik KEEP TOUR SKIN HEALTHY, TxTTEBisf x has done wonders for suffer ers from eczema, tetter, ground itch, ery lpela, infant sore head, chaps, chafes and other forms of skin diseases. In aggravat ed cases of eczema its cures have been mar velous and thousands of people sing its praise3. 50c. at druggists or by mail from J.T. SHUPTBiif a, Dept. A, Savannah, Ga. He gives , twice who gives quickly. Goldsmith. H. H. OnxEN's Song, of Atlanta, Ga., are the only successful Dropsy Specialists in the world. See their Hbera offer la advertise ment in another column of this paper.' The campaign begins when the money begins to rattle in the tin cup. You won't tell your family doctor the whole story about your private illness you are too modest. You need not be afraid to tell Mrs. Pink- ham, at Lynn, Mass., the things you could not explain to the doctor. Your letter will be held in the strictest con fidence. From her vast correspond ence with sick women during the past thirty years she may have gained the very knowledge that will help your case. Such letters as the fol lowing, from grateful women, es tablish beyond a doubt the power of LYDIAE.P2NKfr3Mi'S VEGETABLE COftHPOUD to conquer all . female diseases. Mrs. Norman R. Barndt, of Allen town, Pa., writes : " Ever since I was sixteen years of age I had suffered from an organic de rangement and' female weakness ; in consequence I had dreadful headaches and was extremely nervous. My physi cian said I must go through an opera tion to get well. A friend told me about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I took it and wrote you for adyice, following' your directions carefully, and thanks to you I am to day a well woman, and I am telling' all my friends of my experience." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills. and has positively cured thousands 01 women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, 'fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, dizziness,or ne rvous prostration. THE DUTCH BOY PAINTER) STANDS FOR rami vuau 1 1 znm ' IT IS FOUND ONLYON MADE BY V'-r; 01 n riif-w ' PROCESS. So. 39-03. Learn Telegraphy lata i' jj la ' ll National Telegraph Institute, (Dept. A. N.) uFil:. oK&Bffa. a American Cotton and Business University and School of Telegraphy, Consolidated MILLEDGE VILLE, GA. PnTTON We guarantee to complete any one with good eyesirht in 30 days how to grade, classify. VV A AWH. averuKe. ship, buy and Bell cotton, and be able to protect themseires in any first-clam market. We also teach how to srade cotton by a Correspondence Course, Our sample rooms under expert cotton men. Alt samples expressed us graded FREE. DUUIIVE.t.rinU id es nrvoffrrniMr' MtRCIAL LAW and all LITERARY branches. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING. Greaa and Electric T"l 1 J D Tl Under lOiagiaHu; aim ivauiuauuii(. Main south. Kxpenses reasonable. Write for Catalogue, tasteless, and the most effectual form. .. - '. JW.U. FA L E other dye. One IDc. package coloru cji fibers. The? tor free bookl3t- it How to uye. i:ieac:i and Mix IMsftl I I I I liini'llliiraMsMli'saai I fi rilTTT VisiiBwr s is r-'-- "'inr' You need it, if not always, at least lalana manses L,s ot AsieMg Jl 0 131 ( A dose in time will save nine. So you had oetter keep it on the shelf, as thousands of other women do, so as to get its help when they need it. Cardui's pure, natural, harmless, vegetable ingredients, make it a safe arid pleasant medicine for girls and women, of all ages, beginning just before puberty. It has relieved the 'constant suffering of thousands, and' helped them back to health. Try Cardui. Druggists sell it, with full di rections for use. MRS. PIGFORD, Teacheys, N. C MriaaslllHui Musasauant ill 1 1 $100.00 pll REWARD We offer one hundred dollars rfiwflrfl fnr any case of pneumonia in any family where they use Goose Grease as directed. If you ever know or hear of any such case, pleae lnlorm us and we will pay them the reward, ffrtficr r r Creenmboro, N. C. OTTON OftflFORTS The JVetv Kind The Good Kjnd All Grndes. AH Colors. All Prices. Why bvy diriy rags, Mr. Merchant, when pure, raw cotton costs the same? buy at mm AND SAVE FREiSfiT Our salesman is locking for you-fine line samples, fine line prices, fine line goods : : : . t AIT FOB- HIM! -THE- SOLE MASlTACTrHERS CHARLOTTE, N. C. W. 1.. Douglas make and sells mora men's S3.0O and &3.50 shoes than any other manufacturer in the world, be cause they hold their shape, fit better, and wear longer than any other make. Shots at All Prices, for Every Member of tho Family, Men, Boys, Women, Misses & Children W.l.DovlM $4.00 ud 9S.00 SUtEdg ghoeaeannot 1m equalled at any prle. W. L. Donglaa $3.80 aad $2.00 ihow fcr thi bMt In the world Taft Color Eyelet Vied. ExeluHvelu. WTuke JV Nuh.tltute. W. L. Douifliui name and prine la stamped on bottom. Sold everywhere. Shoes mailed from factory to any part at the world. Catalogue free. W. L. DOUGLAS. 157 Spark St.. Brockton. Mm. A. CURED Given Quick Relief, Removes all swelling in 8 to ao days ; ettects a permanent cum in jo to 6o day. Trial treatment given free. r.otmngcan dc laircr Write Dr. H. K. Green's Sont. SaecUHstt. Box B Atlanta. Op AGENTS to HAXDLE IIIUi'E8T FIRE KXTlMJUlSHERSi !?peciai Martlrur Uffer ; Exclusive Terri tory ; S75 toSJiiO Per Month, THE ALCA'l'UAZ CO., RICHMOND. VA- M . ' SOUTHERN C0TT0N0 110 Droosv Young Men nod Ladies of ambition should master Telegraphy nnd R. R. Accounting in one ofcnr lnnritutes. Great noarouy of opera ton. We operate five pchooU under airert supervision of Railway Officials Main-line wires in all our Ft-hoots. Positions absolutely assured, when competent. Work lor board. Prospectus free. Single and di le entry, Kuset system, recog- mzeu dv unsm. pa. men to be tne best, uum- three expert Telegraphers and Train Dispatchera, line Ruilroad wires. The best equipped school in tha and state course desired. - For adults and children. 50c. - S YE S lyo In cold water better than any othrr dyo. Yon) Coioi - 3. MO.IUOi; UliVVt CO.. Ouincy. Illinois. rlllas -"Mlff aaiill IMsjtflTi' i wnenever you are out of sorts. 1 if 11 ii iiifl 1 1? Wirt f i .J' m ''TM G 189 f