cu owthe )owes; cXeawses To e fe beweJvovoX O nANUFflCTURCD BV THE CALIFORNIA Fig Syrup Co. SOLD BY LEADING DRUGGISTS 5QA BOTTLE I ABIES L Treui Itus Mnl iou FKEK a 50-ent Box of VITA SANA, "e tment for reman iiikm"- " EDWIN MERCER CO.. Dept s. L'KTaorr alien He Liked Fig Latin. Nealie when a little tot was visit ing a farmyard. His mother helped him up to look at a pen of small pigs As he looked in, a little pig near him jumped up, putting his fore feet against the side of the- pen, and gave a quick grunt. Xealie turned quick ly and said: "Oh, mama, tell him to say that again!" The February De linoator. In another column will be found the advertisement of the Nashville Seed Co. These people are not only in position to aid and encourage far mers in diversifying their crops, but are also ready to answer all requests for information on the subject of farming and trucking. There is too much cotton in the South and not enough hav. corn, live stock and garden truck. " TUBERCULOSIS MEET Convention Held In Charlotte Organize for Extermination PLAN A VIGOROUS WARFARE Assembled to Make War on the Great White Plague, Tuberculosis, its Prevalence, Costliness and Fatality Bemedies Pointed Out. If your blood is out of order, you run a risk of taking a germ disease. Rheumatism, LaGrippe, Pneumonia and Typhoid Fever are germ diseases. "Rheumacide" is an ac tive blood purifier. It cleanses the blood of all impurities. It gives tone to the entire body. Pure blood prevents germs from taking hold of the vital organs and ex pels them from the system. 'Rheumacide" is put up in tablet and liquid form, and is sold by druggists at 25c, 50c, and $1 per bottle. Liniment, 25c. GROWTH OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Nearly 23,000,000 Children Are Now Studying the Bible. Whether ia city or country, housed in its own magnificent building 01 pining in a dilapidated mountain shack, with thousands of children ci by taxation in order At 10 o'clock Tuesday morning in the Selwyn Hotel in Charlotte, the North Carolina Convention for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, assembl ed. After the preliminaries were done in due form the doctors plung ed into their subject with great earn estness and zeal. Space will per mit of only the gist of the arguments in favor of a vigorous warfare against the "great white plauge." Dr. J. P. Monroe said Tuberculosis is the greatest enemy of modern peo ple and that it must be exterminated. He held out hope to the afflicted that cures are possible. Dr. Harper said that it is esti mated that tuberculosis fatalities ex ceed those of war, famine, plague cholrea, yellow fever and small-pox, all combined It was set forth that even in our own nation 55S people die daily of the di9eas"e and that North Carolina shares only too fully in the propor tion. Its courses are understood to be, hereditary tendency, lack of suffici ent clothing, living in infected houses (which should be disinfected) lack of ventilation, lack of cleanliness, un sanitary invironment, lack of proper food, etc., which can be summed up in the term, Ignorance on the part of the people as to the nature of the disease and the' means of prevention and cure of it. Poverty was given as a cause and a result of the malady. The cost of the dread disease as brought out is an eve opener. When it is considered what is the average earning capacity of victims, together with costs of treatment while linser- an average estimate of $3,000 each is placed. Probably 200,000 people die in the United States every year, of this malady. Thus $1,000,- 000,000 worth of productive energy is cut off from our nation everv year. The remedies advocated so unani mously and forcibly are popular edu cation on the subject, means of treat ment of patients and power to en force laws of health. To educate the people Dr. Williams advocated a small, well bound, neat book of abouf 50 pages, composed in readable, attractive style, also a smaller printed pamphlet as well as other forms of literature. These should be gotten up by the legisla ture and distributed by county co operation. These books should be taught in the schools, the teacher having had suitable training, and alo frequent lectures should be de livered m the schools on the subiect. Hospitals, sanitariums and colonies seem to be the means of treatment for infected. These, it was set forth, should be maintained partly at least tnat no one with barely a baker's dozen, the Sun day school is to-day considered the stragetic center of the great church militant. The Sunday schools of the United States alone are attended by about 11,500,000 pupils and 1,500,000 teachers. Given a voice in affairs of church or state, this would represent no mean influence. The latest sta tistics of the Sunday schools of the world show 22,739,323 little Chris tians working their way through the grades of Bible study, learning the needs of the mission field and being graduated into church membership. Ihe February Delineator. would .wait too long to apply for help through a feeling of dependency but could claim it as a light. To . any objection on the score of costliness is rebutted the immense loss now sustained by the ravages of the disease. A city like Wilmington it was es timated, would .have about 80 deaths a year. The cost of the sickness and death, together with the earnings of these persons in normal conditio; and average life being about $3,000 would bring the city's loss up to $640,000 annually. It is estimated too, that in a hospital or sanitarium at a cost of $175, the average life of the afflicted would be lengthened by ten years. It is a recognized fuct that there are those who would not submit to Important Information. With the twenty-second of Febru ary looming up in the middle dis tance, the young teacher thought she saw a good chance to inculcate pat- laws of gaffit to their f How men notism in her young charsres. "Jsow. i i . what little boy can tell me anything about George Washin-tnn ?" she asked sweetly. Then selecting the f ectually benefit them and boy attached to the hand which seem ed to be waving the most frantically. she said, ''You may -tell, Willie. ': "Please, mum, we git a holiday oi his birthday." February Lippin cott's. So. 5-'09. JOY WORK And the Other Kind. Did you ever stand on a prominent corner at an early morning hour and watch the thrones nf npnnle nn thofr way to work? Noting the number horo; Dr. W. means of safety to others. In such cases law wxd its proper execution was thought a necessary expedient. Among contributors of papers, etc., were Dr. I. W. Faison, Charlotte: Dr. J. E. Brooks, of Aberdeen; Dr. Wil liam M. Jones, of High Point; Dr. S. Westry Battle, U. S. N., Dr. W. J. McAnnally, of High Point; Dr. A. J. Crowell, of Charlotte; Dr. James A. Burroughs, of Asheville; Dr. Charles T. Harper, of Wilmington,' "Dr. John Roy Williams, of Gres'AS- N. Lambeth, of the culosis, in their sputum is found the ferm in large numbers and when ried, reduced to dust, and blown around, it can under favorable con ditions (but not easily, it is ture, for it with difficulty can infect -man) pro duce the disease in those in whom it succeeds in getting firm lodgment. "Street spitting we cannot hope for a long time if ever to stop, but if we can" only teach that to spit on a sidewalk, and not into the road way, is improper, Ave must and prob ably can trust our good friend the Sun to continue at the old stand un doing, out doors at least, the bad effects of man's carelessness. "It is indoor spitting that is dan gerous and which chiefly spreads the disease, and this we cannot too vig orously attack and seek to. eradicate. "Let the spitting habit be but once stopped and let all sputum be prop erly disposed of where it can do no harni and scientists all recognize that in fifty years or less tubercu losis would be a rare disease." How to Prevent Tuberculosis. 1. Destroy all sputum. 2. Disinfect all houses where there have been cases of tuberculosis. This should be done under the supervision of the Health authorities of the town or city. 3. Let the State see that all houses are built in such a manner that the inmates will have plenty of fresh air and sunlight. 4. Educate the people to the nec essity of properly ventilating their sleeping rooms, stores, shops and offices. , ; 5. Dr. Lambeth says: "Let the public school add to its curriculum a coarse on feeding the human animal. Time could easily be provided for this, moreover, a little less study of the dead languages and a little more study of the living man would make it all the better for our bodies and little worse for our edu cation. Let the course include the physiological importance of nutrition. the nutritive values of all theavail able foods, the economic value of sub stance offered for sale as food, and methods of preparing the cheaper foods in a more palatable manner." In other words: Pure air, proper food and plenty of it; and the de struction of all sputum will prevent tuberculosis. Tuberculosis Can be Cured. 1. An early diagnosis is essential The patient should know the truth. The doctor should tell him the truth; and no time should be lost in seek ing wise and competent treatment. 2. Some cases can be successfully treated at home. The best places are the hospitals, sanitariums, colonies, resorts and dispensaries. 3. Medicine does not, hold a very large place in the treatment. It is largely a matter of properly regu lated living for the patient. The physician should be the teacher and the patient the pupil in a school of health. Implicit obedience on the part of the pupil is the only hope. Hundreds are being ciired in this way. 4. The convention asks the State to help by providing a "North Caro lina Training School for the Treat ment and Prevention of Tuberculo sis." The idea is to give a short course of instruction to the patient and then send him home and let others come, till finally the good news is spread all over the State. What the JState Should Do. Dr. Williams: "I advocate that we request the State to furnish sufficient funds to provide literature for circulation among the people, in which will be incorporated the instructions which the people need. This literature should be .widety distributed, sent into all homes, and be so written as to be easily intelligible. "I advocate the publication of a book, of forty or fifty pages, cover ing in brief, the subject of tubercu losis, compiled so as easily in telligible to the most ignorant read er. Let it be attractively gotten up, so as to be worthy of a place in the library of our people. "The State should provide the nec essary funds for the publication of such a book, and for the distribution of it. It should provide for supple menting the book - with illustrated lectures, to be delivered by compe tent men all over the State. "This bock should be placed in the schools; and teachers who have been trained for the purpose, should be selected to interpet it to the child ren. The child has an impression able brain, and this needed instruc tion would be sown in a fertile soil, to bring forth, in a few years, nn abundant harvest of good for the con trol of this disease." BABY'S SKIN ERUPTION CURED. Was So Sore, irritating and Painful That Little Sufferer Could Not Sleep Scratched Constantly -Cuticurn's Efficacy Proven. "When about two and a half years old my daughter broke out on her hips and the upper parts of her legs with a very irritat ing and painful eruption. It "began in Octo ber; the first I noticed was a little red sur face and a constant desire on her part to scratch her limbs. She could not sleep and the .eruptions got sore, and yellow water came out of them. I had two doctors treat her, but she grew worse under their treat ment. Then I bought the Cuticura Rem edies and only used them two weeks when she was entirely well. This was in Febru ary. She has never had another rough place on her skin, and she is now fourteen years old. Mrs. R. R. Whitaker, Winches ter, Tenn., Sept. 22 1908." Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props, of Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass. HUT""""" klAU ff I f ABBAGE PLANTS Frost Proof mad Guaranteed J to please purchaser. AH varieties now l In Drices on large orders. We srive auicker and rnndv for shinmpnt,. Hmi.ll lots sl.2Snnr M lots of 5.000 or over at fl.jjO per"M" and special By a European process flour is compressed into blocks for preserva tion. The treatment kills all form of larvai life and prevents ravages of insects. Red, Weak, Weary, Watery EyeV Relieved by Murine Eye Remedy. Compounded by Experienced Physicians. Conforms to Pure tood and Drug Laws. Murine Doesn't Smart; Soothes Eye Pain. Each day should find us doing things better than previously. Ac quire the habit of promptness in every matter, large or small, which is left to your care. prompter service than any other grrower in 9.C. and we solicit your valued patronage. Write for our "BOOKLET" on the growth and culti vation of Cabbasre, written by Geo. L. Sands. The GEO. L. BANDS CO..Box S.Eantowles.S.O. JOHN WHITE & CO. LOUISVILLE. KY. kstabushkO tear Highest market price K.FURS and HIDES Wool on Commission. ONION SEED 60 cts. alb. I Per Bailor's catalog, pose 129. f 1 ! I Largest growers of onion and vegetable seeds In the world. Big catalog free; or, i send loo In stamps and receive catalog ana 1000 kernels each of onions, carrots, celery, radishes, 1500 each lettuce, rutabaga, tur nips, 100 parsley, 100 tomatoes, 100 melons, 1300 charming flower seeds, lij all 10,000 ker nels, easily worth 91 of any man's money. Or, send SMe. and we will add one package of Earliest Peep o'Doy Sweet Corn. , SAIZER Stg CO.. Box A. ft. la Crtssa, Wis. iw r ti mill ii - i r - - ram ma m nr i n itii r r-rr Do not neglect constipation, for this con dition poisons the blood and leads to chronic ill health. Garfield Tea, the roild herb laxative, corrects constipation, keeps the blood pure, and the health, good. I asked my stenographer whether it was" David or Solomon that wrote, "I said in my haste all men are liars." "I don't know," she said, "but if he had lived around here he might have said it at his leisure." Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days. Vazo Ointment ia guaranteed to cure any caof Itching, Blind, Bleeding or i'rotruding i'ilea in 0 to 14 days or money refunded. 60c. Loam to show a thorough interest in a customer or any person ap proaching you; try to look at the matter from his standpoint as well as your own. OPTEX THE CASE. Women Struggle Hopelessly Along, Suffering Ilackache, Dizzy Spells, Languor, Etc. Women have so much to go through in life that it's a pity there is so much suffering from back ache and other com mon curable kidney ills. If you suffer so, profit by this wom an's example. Mrs. Martin Douglass, 52 Cedar St., Kingston, N. Y., says: "I had a lame, aching back, dizzy spells, head aches, and a feeling of languor. Part of the time I could not attend to my work and irregularity of the kidney secretions was annoying. Doan's Kid ney Pills brought me prompt relief." Sold by all dealers. 50c. a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. S A k. l-WH RIP1 lET" FOR THE AAIM 8 niNE HAIR v- mi i DUienTperrinnetaisif5 Eye. Ephootic ! Catrrhal peVer. P SPOHN'; Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color. Re moves Dandruff and Scurf. Invtrorates and prevents the Hair from fallinff Off. For sale by Richmond, Lynchburg. Va., and Baltimore, Md.. Druegists or sent direct by XANTHINE COMPANY, RICHMOND, VA 1 per bottle. air pie bo tie 85c by mail. Circular Sent on Req-ueat. YOUR PATENT by our new method. De monstrate it to the leading capitalists and . .... ... . . U.Iann QfiM.Miflawlan New York. Write NATIONAL PATENT NOVELTY EXHIBITION CO.. 1023-5-7 Real Estate Bld., Phila..Pa SELL- CURES COLDS and GRIPP Relieves the aches and feverishness. Contains No AcetanSllde Business Maxims. Don't ask the girl to share 3our lot untilit is paid for. No man's quarrel is goad enough to make vour own. It's a wise boy who learns what he ought not to know. TpTin WPrfl fnrninor i V rm eil rrrsei nlAn because it meant their daily bread, and the others cheerfully and eagerly pursuing their way because of love of their work. It is a fact that one's food has much to do with it. As an example: If an engine has poor oil, or a boil er is fired with poor coal, a bad result Is certain, isn't it? Treating your stomach right is the keystone that sustains the arch of health's temple, and you will find "Grape-Nuts" as a daily food is the most nourishing and beneficial you can use. We have thousands of testimonials, real genuine little heart throbs, from people who simply tried Grape-Nuts out of curiosity a3 a last resort with the result that prompted the tes timonial. If you have neT sr tried Grape-Nuts It's worth while to give it a fair, im partial trial. Remember there are millions eating Grape-Nuts every day they know, and we know, if yon will use Grape-Nuts every morning your work Is more iikely to be joy work, because you can keep well, and with the braia well nourished work is a Joy. R(ad tho "Road to Well ville" In eYerfc patkase-'There's a ReasgnA - -r ' ' ; - University of Virginia; Dr. Charles L. Minor, ard Dr. Paul Paquin, oi Asheville. What the Convention Wan. It was not a doctors' convention. The doctors were the leaders and teachers, but the membership of the "North Carolina Society for the Pre vention of Tuberculosis" is made up of all the citizens in the State who want to see the extermination of Tu berculosis and will band themselves together and give a little time and money to carry on the war. The membership fee is $1.00 per year and iverv citizen of the State should b "tarollad. Send jour name and gifi to Dr. C. A. Julian, Thomasvillc. N. C. Four Articles in Its Creed. 1. Tuberculosis is our greatest enemy. 2. Tuberculosis can be prevented 3. Tuberculosis can be cured. 4. Tubereulosismust be extermi nated. How People Get Tuberculosis. Dr. Minor: "We know that prac tically the only danger of infectior i " j j i i arises xroxn mu cxpei; tuna nun. ui. those suffering from pulmonary tuber sion. Georgia Lumber Company Gets Big Veridict Against Soui-rii. M.-cor.. Ga.? Special. The Stuart Lumber Company was Tuesday awarded a verdict! of $9,448.43 ngains! tbe Southern Railway ct al. ..'Ms suit "w?.s instituted in connec tion with the famous Tifl Lumber Company suit versus the Southern Railway et al., alleging overcharges. Special Master in Chancery Taltry submitted the report. Took Him on Probation. Elizabeth's father had died when she was a tiny baby, and for four j years she had ruled her mother and every one with whom she came in contact. Much to her surprise she was one day introduced to a "new papa." She looked him over care fully, then, after much coaxing, she j cilmbed upon his knee and listened as he told her of the many nice things he would do for her mother and her, finally asking whether she would love him just a little. She looked him squarely in the eye and said: "Yes,' if you do all you promise, I may like you, but I tell you now, if you try Deafness Cannot Be Cured &t ivaI annli citiona as thevcnnot re ach th ttiseased portion of the ear. There is only one wfi v to care deafness, and that is by consti tutional remedies. Deafness iscansed byan inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. Whenthistuoeism flumnil von have a rumbling soandorimrer- feet hearing, and when it is entirely closed Eemt ness is the result, and unless the inflam mation can be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will be dftstrovei forever. Nine cases out of tea are caused bycatarrh, which is cothingbut an inflamed condition or tne mucous eunaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any asa of Deafness ( caused b vcatarrh ) that ca n- Bot be curedby Hall's Oatarrh Cure. Send for tircnlars free. F.J.Cheney & Co.,Toledo,0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. The great majority of errors are made through carelessness. Learn to care; be exact; strive to have it ab solutely right making a mistake in business is like falling down in a foot race it is a set-back. A this very remarkable preparation is nor called, ia the greatest Constitutional Remedy ever Known for Brood Mares. Colts, Stallions and all other horses; also Distemper arsons Dcgs and Sheep. This compound is mad of the purest ingredients and not an atom of poisonous or injurious nature enters into ita composition. Many persons are now taking SPOHN'S for La Grippe, Colds, Coughs. Ki ney Trouble, etc., and it is always safe. It expels the Disease Germs from the body; tcU directly on the Blood and Glands. SPOHN'3 is now sold by pearly every druggist and har ness dealer in the land, and any can get it for you, or send with remittance of price to tho manufacturers, who will ship to your order, express paid. Fifty cents and ?1.00 a bottle, and $5.00 and $10.00 the dozen. Record of Annual Sales. 1st Year i-3 Bottles Sokl 2nd Year 4,364 3rd Year 4th Year.... 18.150 " 6th Year 40.284 " 6th Year 72.3S0 - 7th Year 100.532 - 8th Year 124.500 - 0th Year 172-485 - 10th Year 221.760 11th Year -287.620 - 12th Year 378.962 - 13th Year 608.720 - 14th Year 8,200 " Send for our Booklet of twelve (rood recipe for family and stock medicines, FREE. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists and Bacteriologists, GOSHEN, IND., U. S. A. Entirely Well of Eczema Tetterinc Did the Work.' "I had eczema on my chest for seven years and It looked like a piece of rusty iron; the torture was almost unbearable. One of your salesmen offered to pay for the Tctterlne if it did not cure me. I used les3 than three boxe3 and am en tirely well." Clem Kinard. Ruffln, S. C. Tetterine cures Eczema. Tetter, Ring Worm. Ground Itch, Itching Piles. In fant's Sore Head, Pimples, Boils, Rough Scaly Patches on the Face, Old Itching Kores. Dandruff. Cankered Scalp. . bun ions, Corns, Chilblains and every form of Skin Piscase. Tetterine 50c; Tetterine Soap 25o. Your drurjTist, or b- mail from the manufacturer, The Shuptrine Co., Savannah, Ga. Advice in an advertisement is like a stick frozen in ice ; the skater stum- have tou for our husband ! "The ' ?es ?yT xt but nobody stops to dig February Delineator. Avoid being influenced for the wrong by other persons, have a" pur pose of j'our own, weigh counsel, but act from your own best thought. Opposes Increase in Navy. Boston, Special. A remonstrance against a further increase Of the United States navy, signed by 224 clergymen of -arious denominations ii Boston and vicinity was sent to Congress Monday. It is the belief of the ministers that ncval preparations have grown so enrniasly as to be come a distressing burden on the richest nations .nd an actual menace to the peace of ihe world. Sen. Governor Chaotabe-in Elected atcr in Creon. Sa era, Ore. Spe.-i?l. Gov. George E. Chambeilal Dttiocrat, was on Tuesday elce.ed TTnited States Sena tor to sucu-icd C. V. Fiif, receiving a majority cf each House of the Leg islature, which v.-cd in separate ses- r w-z i fafSl : For Benefit of Women who Suffer from Female Ills Minneapolis, Minn." I was a great sufferer from female troubles which caused a weakness and broken down condition of the system. 1 read so much of whatLydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound had done for other suffering women I felt sure it would help me, and I must sav it did help me "fj wonderfully. My 2 pains all left me. I grew stronger, and within three months I.was a perfectly well woman. "I want this' letter made public to show the benefit women may derive from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. JornsrG. Moldast, 2115 Second St., North, Minneapolis, Minn. Thousands of unsolicited and genu ine testimonials like the above prove the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made exclusively from roots and herbs. "Women who suffer from those dis tressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. If you want special advice write to Mrs. Pinkham, at L,yiin, Mass. Shewilltreatyour letter asstrictly conlideatial. For 20 years she lias been helping sick women in this -way, free of charge. Don't hesitate write at once, aT it out. Mrs. Winslow'i Soothing Syrup ir.t Children n.flami:n. tivu,allaY8ivm,cuiisY'iMj cciic,2j a botiJc " A boy thinks more of a sore toe than all the rest. Breaks a Cold Promptly. The following formula ia a never failing remedy for colds: One ounce of compound syrup of Sarsaparilla, one ounce Toris com pound and half pint of good whiskey; mix and shake thoroughly each time and use- in doses of a tablespoonful every four hours. This will frequently cure an acute cold in twenty-four hours. The in gredients can be gotten at any drug store. There probably is a everything except maybe the woman. wrong side to right Every Woman Will Be Interested. If you havepains in the back, Urinary, Bladder or Kidney trouble, and want a pleasant herb ure for woman's ills, try Mother Gray's Australian Leaf. It is a re liable regulator. All Druggists 50 cts. Sam ple free. The Mother Gray Co.,LeRoy,N.Y, Many a pleasant flow of language is uninterupted by an idea. Only Ono "Bromo Quin'.no That is Laxative Bromo (Quinine. Look for the signature of JO. W. Grove. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25c If you cannot whip a man other way you may flatter him. any Itch cured in 30 minutest by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists. The average man is the one who believes he is above the average. CRESCENT PLOWS Combine Every Known Feature of Perfection. They are the test plows ever made for the work intended and are suitable fop every line of work od the farm. Llpht of draft, they save team, an; strong and economical in repair s no bolt holes to weaken, no bolt heads to wr-ar. st- Sold subject to .your approval by trial. Aslc particularly lor tnis piow at your aeaier s. it ho t t, t4- pnn1 iio l"i 1 1: nmA (nl t-M 1 r 6 UUIU1 Xvt 9LUU AJ ujo uv4 jvu U HI UQ RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. THE CALL-WATT CO., is now successfully raised in most sections of the country and heavy yields are obtained by j the use ot POTASH Potash gives vigor to the plant and insures a deep rooted, well set stand that produces large yields. All who have used Potash, say s Potash is Profit No fertilizer is complete for Blfalfa without at least 10 per cent, of Potash or 10 pounds of actual Potash per 100 pounds of fertilizer. If you cannot get such a fertilizer from your dealer vou should reinforce the low grade poods with 2 pounds of Muriate oi Potash to the hundred for each per cent, of Potash needed. Write for instructive pamphlet t pertaining to the fertilization of all crops, etc. German Kali Works, 1224 Candler Bid?., Atlanta IEW TOM 93 Hassan St CHICAGO Monadnoek Blk. Croup h nsiiras x and Wl Asthma A auick and powerful remedy is needed to break up an attack of croup. Sloans Liniment has cured many cases of croup. It acts instantly wucu applied both inside and outside of the throat it breaks up the phlegm, re duces the inflammation, and relieves the difficulty of breathing. Sloan's Liniment gives quick relief in all cases of asthma, broncmtis, sore wroi, and pains in the chest. - Price, use., boo., and Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass. Nothing New or Mysterious. "ASK YOUR For many generations Goose Urease ha beei recognized as a wonderful renaodUl madiuaa Ic treating and carta? Pneumonia. Grippe, Rheurr-attsm and Neuralgia. RICE'S OOOSB GRBASE LINIMENT is made from pure goose grease, with other valuable euratlve Ingre dients added. Try it. 25e At all Druggists and Dealerg 25o. 001 GREASE COMPANY, n. c. IF We Buy Hides and Wool Feathers, Tallow, Dee wax. Ginseng Golden Seal,( Yellow Rool), May Apple, Wild Ginger, etc We are dealers! established ia 1856 "Over half a century in Louisville" end can do better for you than agents or commioion merchants. Reference, any Bank in Louisville. Write for weekly price list and shipping tags. R3. Ssfee! & Sons. 227 E. Market St. LOUISVILLE, KY. 1 WE SHIP BEST QUALITY FIELIJ AND GARDEN SEEDS DIRECT 10 FARMERS AT LOWEST WHOLE SALE PRICES. ' WE SELL CLOVERS, GRASSES SEED OATS, SEED CORN, CANE SEED, MILLET, COW PEAS, S0JAJ BEANS, PEANUTS, SEED POTA TOES, CABBAGE PLANTS, POTATO and TOMATO SLIPS, ONION SETS, GARDEN BEANS, GARDEN PEAS, ALL KINDS GARDEN, FIELD AND FLOWER SEEDS, LAND PLAM A-vrri TTfTJTTT T7TT?R WRITE U3 ,1X1 J J." JUJA A ' " FOR PRICES AND SAMPLES. STATE WHAT YOU WANT. SLi So. 5-'09. erti Bizer MIXING MACHINERY, ANY CAPACITY. ATLANTA UTILITY WORKS EAST POINT, GA. TYPEWRITERS MAKES Sold, rented, exchanged everywhere. Machines, new, others equal to new sold at a saving of 30 to 60 jx-r cent, on manufacturers' price. Cash or monthly payments. Covered by satr.e guarantee as manufac turers give. Write for sppcfmnns of writing and Det prices. TYPEWRITER SAI,ES CO., No. 5 Cortlandt St.. Cor. Broadway, New York. NASHVILLE SEED 215 Second Avenue, North .Nashville, Tenn, o. Fa uro Dsygs days ; effects a TmatA SptciMislt. Bex B AUnu.w SHAFTING, PULLEYS, BELTS LOMBARD IRON WORKS. AUGUSTA, Gfc 3 a- o 3 Cures Thrcugli the Blood Pimples, itching Humors, Rheumatism, Blooo Poison, Eczema, Bone Pains. t K? B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) id the only Blood remedy that kills the poison in Kojri the blood and then purifies it sending anooa of pure, rich blooa airectto me bkiu surface, Bones, Joints, and wherever the disease is located. In this way all Sores, Ulcer. Pimples, Eruptions are healed and cured, pains and aches of Rheumatism .cease, swellinfts subside. B. B. B. completely changes the body into clean, healthy oivnrliHrvr, rri vinrr th skill th rifTi. red hue of nrfect health. B. B. B. cures tn f worst old cases. Try it. l.OO per large bottle at all Drug Stores with directions S M 1' i. f. itjsjs by writing JiliUUU balju lu., ihih, for horns cure. PUTNAM FA LESS" BYE i any other dye. One 10c package colors oil fibers. They dye in i cold water be iter tnan any lljinU. WritS?or fii Wfogt-iiov Wye, JJsaflh a&d JU Colors, MOffBOS UP-VQ Ctf.jLimiBfiZi-At Color more goods brighter an-? ?-' - ors than any other can qya any garment -m. . ., . apart, rrnn i'

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