Gbe Cbatbam IRecorfc. trfie Cbatbam TRecorfr. RATES OF ADVERTISING: H. A- LONDON EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. One Square, one Insertion...'.. One Square, two Insertions... One Square, one month , . s.o? ifi TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: 1.50 Per Year STRICTLY IN ADVANCE 5 VOL. XXXI. For Larger Advertise ments Liberal Contracts will be made. IORTH STATE HAPPENINGS W1TH N. GJAWMAKERS PTTTftTm?n nTT A TTT a f nniTrSTTV N C, WPNESDAy. MARCH 3. ISO!). WU, itf. L1LL1 IU Occf r cAces of Interest Gleaned From All Sectious of the Bysy Ta.r Heel State vuu pounas a year; putting on deal-I roneous in its belief; that the state rs ' Kaorno noar-liApr nnd all I mpnt of the pxnprt that no cash book in rtr. i iiiVy, aaua. - - - i- - drinks containing as much as one- I had been kept showing accurate re- half of one per cent alcoooi a tax oi i ceipts ana aisDursements oi iunus i& $20. ' I very misieaaing, as me cuuiimssiuuci TTofoc' Mil fnr the division oil does keen a dav dook in which is a Jtil iiOJO .w . I 1 , - .- it. i. j? 41, T cloture mtrt Tiir-I ron-rA nf nil rpppmts in detail While l me acis vi. i iic r i -.v-vii. " - ----i The followine are some of the new lie. private and public-local was pass- his bank book as Insurance Commis Doings of the State Legislature Con densedInteresting items from Day to Day. EDITOR VARNER'S EXCURSION. SETTLEMENT WITH SEMINOLB. pari- cf '-: as u ienc-i tin- eart r. la rev City v. sight fa nr.; and t, the bt-ou of Mr. Lcxin.: merulvi with r. lie ir.ic cation cultum The his ) party. Tak-.5 Train Load of Farmers Prom pavidson County to sec Mecklen. C riot te, Special. A selid train ef v,, psperous farmers, some of thein BCC! t--nanicd by their wives and -I- :-"n. arrived at the Southern de rot Friday morning from various the day taking in the sights city and having such a time nv cf them have never exper beforc. ; . a ... the only time m the history towii iii all probability, when .-. -. iri hnve taken it bv storm Tjv p;M-tv traveling on a spt-eiai tra'-.. r'urnished for their private Use, nilli"k:.owinir that they were the pj(,MS of honor and the centre of in ir)T., wtU ,-over they went, could not j,",, iubilailt fiiid as they began to p., Ait from the Cats iipoit their ftrrl,l Lore it looked as if they were io cover tlie aviioic iace ui me round the Scutheirt depot. A iiumber of the people of the no oil band" to see the novel .,t a train lor.d 6f well-to-do ?. shine of theni cbmirig . to their first holiday hi a city, . tiko note of the farmers in iiuie-light, where they had . ' i. . ,1 tlnouah the efforts . II. B. Varner. editor of. The - i 1 . nnili n luspaicn, iiu iwu cam of his party carfeully tagged l.lue ribbon." so that the pub ;.t be positive in its identifi the members of the agri-exeursion. ! Ian of bringing as many of Ih.w-f armors, as he styles his Mecklenburg, was conceiv- aml'tho selection of fifty or sixty special guests was accomplished threuul. a newspaper contest. The idea t" bring the farmers here at once bee n me very popular with the farmed of Davidson and the trip for many weeks has been held in keenest anticipation by many of them. The idea, as planned by Mr. V ar ner. to bring the fanners to the county and Vive them a first-hand view 'of the roads of this county, is considered the best method yet bv which to increase interest in good roads and to arouse enthusiasm for -Watr road facilities. -- The partv numbered more than mo. M'.ie'than half cf them were debated by tli? blue ribbon as Mr. Vai ner 's" prize guests, the others taking an equally deep interest took n.iv.mup.e of the time and occasion to see Mecklenburg good roads. After trc lev cars and into the county in automobiles, bmrgies. etc.. and viewing the conn trv around from the top of the Rcaliv building, where they eould view the Blue Ridge and other inter esting sociics. they repaired to the Sei-vyn hotel where speech making wo in order besides a luncheon at 12 p.:.d dinner at 6 o'clock. The pnrty left for heme At 9 p m. bills" offered in the Senate Monday: . Ormond : Amend article 8 of the constitution relating to corporations other than municipal. Ormond: Amend Chapter 1UU, ite- visal, relative to domestic insurance -ed on final reading. It is understood I sdoner shws all disbursements and a Uof it eoo from .kj.uuu to 4.uuu I senarate lecieer account shows ui- . . . . Il A .i ii. ' J 1 Southern Life Insurance Company Returns $109,735 and Complicated Matter is Alusted. Favetteville. Special. Consider- I comranies. able interest has been felt in a com- Starbuet: Permit judgments on plete transaction by which to the I appeal bpnds where bankrupts are bemmole Securities Company, tor I defendant, South Carolina has contemDlated the I Doue-hton: Amend 4097 Revisal re- transfer of a block of stock of the native to the annual appropriation for Southern Life Insurance Company oi education. this city. On account of misunder- I Fry : Incorporate Southern Assem- standings in the details oi tne trade the transaction was canceled, an de clared ''off." The Southern Life In Mitico Crrnitiamr tiris now settled with the Seminole Company for" the amount ot money received Irora tnat coi-porfition, by returning to the re ceivers of the securities company 109.735. This leaves onlv the re- tnnitiinop details to be closed up in . . . . i . i order to complete the nnai settle ment and cancel the entire matter. to the State in binding. hlv President Kluttz announced to the Senate that the Attorney General had fnmishpd n. rnlinsr that the power and authority of the President Pro Tem. to ratify bills in the absence ot the Lieutenant Governor was ample and sufficient. A resolution was sent forward by Mr. Scott that when the benate ad journ it do so in honor of George Washington. This was put upon its The members of the agency force of I immediate passage. if B.ii.,.,, t if- " ..t I ,T1.. the Southern Life are congratulat ing themselves on a satisfactory set tlement of this somewhat delayed transaction as it enables them to re sume the successful execution of the business which was temporarily in terrupted by this unfortunate compli cation. The following new bills of general State, etc -r Tko Spnfttp on Wednesday passed many local measures, received a great number of new local bills and spent two hours discussing the anti-trust legislation before recess,was taken to 3 n. m.. when t.hp anti-trust bills were under discussion again. Senator Or mond. for the Lockbart bill, and Sen ator Travis, for the irBassett-Blow substitnte. were the speakers. Sen- ator iocKnart stole armarcn on ine onnonents of his sub-section "A" hill bv rsffprinor it no in ampndment for all but the enacting clause of the Bassett-islow substitute. Amone the bills largely of local nature was one to incorporate Caro lina Railway and Power fomoanv. The House, after a spirited discus sion, voted 52 to 48 to table the Em- pie bill that had already assed the Senate to rohibit selling quail in the bursemens. of the fund for the inves tigation cf fires. The Senate consumed some time on . i J A, Af a bill to change the county seat oi Mitchell and on the Blow-educational bill and passed a number of bills of local interest. TVta TTrmsn. in rnmmittpe Of the whole, on the revenue act, decided to rprpflse the tens:on ad. valorem tax from 4 to 5 cents, and the poll tax from $1.29 to $1.32 so as to be able to increase the appropriation for pen sions. TVip snpp.ial order was the bond is sue bill for an issue of $500,000 for parrying out the purposes ot the Bickett act of 1907 tor enlargement f ih.P Rfatp TTcsnltals for the Insane. With an amendment by Speaker Gra ham the :;.'.II passed its hnal reading. I WELCOMED HOME Uncle Sam's Sixteen War-Dogs Drop Anchor In Hampton Roads After Circumnavigating The Globe Ships In Fine Trim. Two Fatal Accidents. Selma, Special. Selma and vicin ity was the scene of two horrible accidents Monday. Arthur Hare, the son of Mayor Hare, and a young man of bright promise, accidently shot himself with No. 22 rifle. The doc tors savbis bowels were perforated in six places, and very little hope is entertained for his recovery. Abra ham Batten, an uncle of the man charged with the murder of Charlie Brown, was found dead Tuesday afternoon, shot through the head. His gun was found on the opposite side of the fence, and it is supposed mat in crossing the fence the gun went eft it falling on one side and the body on the other. interest were introduced in the House Monday: - ' -Gaston: Amend Kevisai sou reia- . X" J J nf nn - Vive to the prosecution ana ueicusc bonds in cities and counties. Regulate the distribution of samples of proprietary and patent medicines from house to house. Dowd: Amend Revisal 2S70 in re gard to building and loan associations so as to limit their authority to bor row money to' an aggregate equal to one-third of the capital stock. McNeely: Make all roads now traversed by mrali mail delivery rnnlm r,llHp mflds. .... L t The revenue bill was, on motion ut Chairman. Dowd, taken up, the House oing into committee of the whole for this purpose. Representative Koonce tvas called to the chair. Whan Section 32, real estate egents tunc rpnehed. there was a discussion The consideration of the rvenue bill in committee of the whole for secowdreading was completed and the bill Dut throusrh ready for the final grind of third reading. The graduated tax on cigarette dealers nnd manufacturers was raised so that it Avill be $250 for 250,000,000 cigar rl rane-p nn to $1,500 for 500,- 000,000 iigarettes output.' This was a most important chansre. The House committee on public buildings and grounds decided by un animous voir to recommend the en alrgement of the Capitol building at a cost not to exceed $500,000 and the erpction of a new aericultral build ing to cost $150,000, the total bond issue to be $050,000. A great number of petitions were introduced in printed form from numerous counties of the State ask ing for an election on amendment to was reaciicu, mcic naa u i "'s xv " over persons not attorneys being tax- the constitution as to the homestead ed for drawing aeeas anu i-ouuaci exemption. for pay, but it was decided to adopt the section as it is now in tne iaw, several amendments being voted down. At 12:30 o'clock the committee or the whole arose and reported progress through Section 32. Mr. Hayes ofiered the resoiuuou that when the House adjourn it do so Ccttcn Mill Floors Settle. fnnpord. Snecial. With a creak and a slow downward movement, the three floor of the north end of the hi Gibson Mills, located in the north western pari uj. iu mj, - - -tvi.:f B i 1 1 cnriov -i in linnnr nf Georsre vvasnington. tieptn oi,pro..aotrv ma , TW thP. reve- afternoon, caused by the crumDimg i r,"" " nn, i-.i. ii k t,T mnplnnprv acts were maa cf a pillar wnicn suuscnucmy i nc ; 1 nrdpr n?rain lor luesaay pnncpH tllP rl Vine awav Ol Hie uca uid i mo cvv.u. " o CatlbeU Hie , ..I . . rt.oA it. TIM,.a tnnr rPPPSS till underneath the building, proDaDiy At :ou ... . i r i x fpl, -taia Q of nurnf affecting the lounaation. iuwc u v "o-" . traa The mffht session ut uu four hundred hands at work in the immense structure and when they T-ooVi-rvA what was taking place a mild panic ensued, although not one "-o . , wro cniironpil -with spicv debates on local fish and liquor questions, with the result that the bill to regulate the ;uen, anuuS" " I ". .'; ;r xtcp sustained the slightest injury, though placing oi stationery uC two or three youn- women fainted. and Trent rivers, Pamlico county, Uso or three 3ounp tj commlttee; and hill of 'Mr. Weaver, Woman wus mvu . ""r ; v,t WadPsboro. Special. Suit for tightening nepromu " With the unlucky number of 13 votes cast in its favor to 33 against it, sub-section "A," of the proposed anti-trust legislation, went down in defeat Thursday afternoon in the State Senate after the biggest argu mentative contest that has character ized this session of the Assembly and not inferior to that of the famous contest in the 1907 Legislature when, nndpr the leadership of Hon. Reuben Rpid. of Rockingham, sub-section " ' was expuncred from the anti trust legislation on the narrow mar- onn nf nnp vote. The Senate passed on final reading the genral educational bill, carrying innchinprv for special tax in all coun ties, with increased State appropria te for maintaining four-mouths school in every school district in the State ' . The House on Thursday cleared the E. Wadesboro Speciah-buit ror ofVrevent- calendar of a goodly number of local damages in the sum of $50,000 In as county M"- P vKawUa of wii- n third rPadin?. The two fol- been brought by Mr, Emma L. KSatbg low 7areTf public interest : Ready to Develop Power. Kiekorv. Special. Col. M Thornton'. ' president of the Water Power Electric Company, of Hickory, X. C. has at last arranged for his company to acquire the shoals above his. and having options on the riparian rights above it can now pro ceed with the construction of the dam across the CataAvba river at Hickory for the development of his proposed hydro-electric plant. The initial installation will be for $6,500 hore power. Col. Thornton has gone to New York to complete arrange ments for construction and equip ment to oomrcenec at once. Cotton Gin is Burned. Spencer, Special. A cotton gin be longing to Kluttz and Linn, near Bpenrer. was destroyed by fire shortr ly V r.;re daylight Tuesday morning, rutaiiittg a loss of $2,500, with no hiraraace. The owners believe the fin- to lmve been of incendiary origin 6 the plant has not been operated for f,-n Anva TViorrt is evidence that m?ht rirlpr bav e'otten in tueir n ve:k in RcM-an county. t tv ni l . iti-t i a cnnvi p i nm hl iliiiu cj ardson against f. x. rvnuf. " - .. . lpo,;t; Bictardfogn claim, that .e ha, been huor, -der blacklisted by the l juercu. ".m. . Bb. bill called dealer, Decause uj. aparch of premises. s a W 6f The Retail Me" TheuTkrcVnnty bill had passed ptrsi snle of liauor after chants' Association is a new orgam. r- I"" d tne gection zation for the protection of local to Pos. merchants and their rule is to reiua Kn two and a half dit to those whose names appeal .ewoa - - crc . - . waniwr ntrprea an on the DiacKiist. trt that made a the association w 11 largely aepenu " t nece88ary in on the result of the suit. "Krlled by Train. t-. c;ai n Broad street crossing at 7:30 Saturday freight trains, shifting and backing, ran over Hon. W. A. Stewart, a prominent at torney, crushing him to pieces, regular search warrant necessary in . . ;nr. aitai r re order to examine pieuiioco plaint made, but still the opponents were not satisnea ana aitei o bate killed the bill. av r-rrham to Have Faid Firemen. ham, Spocial Final preparo le re made by the board Wed- night for the paid and par- paid fire department, when a 'ination lxse and chemical wa rm d another 1,000 feet cf hose ordere. The orders were sent off . - . . -1 J! Inesdav. This made a total ol 2 GOO feet of hese ordered since the b iirninn. nf iho npw war. The new paid firemen will go on duty on Mon t nnr-Vi sfation and seven nmners to a company, who will bo partially paid. ' i '. tiai' Of:;,; Twenty Pound Baby. Wadesboro, Special. Wadesboro has the biggest baby yet reported in the State. This baby is the child of Walter Little and wife, well known colored people living here and weigh ed 20 pounds when born last Mon v.;i;i la BTnflrftntlv doing well. The parents aro the produest couple in the town. rA t arU Found. run v - . n , Qrm'ai A iar CI wasmngioii, . -- ctl OO which IS acroTPtJ'aLiiiL: oix.a---'. Vt of the money a" cu.. , irvtb Bank and stolen iioui mo v -n u . . TTprnprsville. ! Trust COUipaiijr UJu ' ' , C, was dug up from bneath a dcll ing Wednesday where it had been buried in that city by the robber according to aavice "" "tv detective bureau here Deputy Sheriff Robert Flint of Kernersville left here for North Carolina Wed nesday with Gaither Bodenhamer a voung man who was arrested b the Washington police charged I with hav ing stolen more than $2,000. . Train Eoboers Retreat. Winston-Salem, Special. Three masked men attempted a bold hold up of Express Messenger Tom Hub bard, who runs between Sanford and Mount Airy, Monday night near Mount Airy, but the bandits were re pulsed. The robbers entered the car while the train Avas siananig at iuc Ararat tank taking on water. lJiey called on Hubard to throw up his hands, but instead of doing this he sniffed out the light ana reacueu iot his pistcl. Awful Crimes cf a Farmer. Mnndovi.' Wis.. Special. Hans B. Hanson, a farmer living near Strun, put. Hip throats of his tour children, a boy and three girls, whose ages range I TVIm M TO 1.1 i:ill2J. i J. butcher knife. He followed this crime bv stabbing several horses and cows, firin the barn and house, and then cutting his own throat. After killing his children Hanson -went to the barn and stabbed several horses, cows, calves and pics and killed a cftt. KEW8V GLEANINGS. Abraham Lincoln's head is to ap pear on the nsw one-cent pieces. The Hawaiian Senate tabled the anil-Japanese bill probihiting aliens from fishing-. Jean Marcel Peyrque de Passy, who says he is a French count, is in New York City lookinsr for a wife. Premier Asquith told Parliament that no naval arransement was reached during King Edward's visit to Berlin. Thfi "Vpsv Klrppt T-icrhthniisp a landmark of old New York City, It was announced, was to be torn down to make room for a modern hotel. Dr. William .-syae Simpson ex pressed the oyJVn that a model dairy in Cpniral Park would raise the standard of New York City's milk supply in general. . The Grand Jury in New York City returned three indictments against Joseph A. Shay, the Ha ins trial law- vpr arpstprl fnr trvine tn aid a Pris oner to escape from the Tombs. A. Holland Forbes announced that he was having "a $15,000 dirigible bnllnnn lniilt fnr his wife. It will he the first real air-yacht, carrying four passengers besides the pilot. The publication of cable disoatches between General Blanco and the Spanish-American War showed that tVio inrprnmpnt ordered the surren der of Santiago over General Blan- cos head. Temporary receivers were ap- e Wasn- AMERICA'S RECORD BREAKING FLEET. -Rear Admiral Charles S. Sperry, Commander-in-Chief. FIRST DIVISION. CONNECTICUTT, Capt. Hugo Osterhaus. CANSAS, Capt. Charles E. Vreeland. MINNESOTA, Capt. John Hubbard. VERMONT Capt. Frank F. Fletcher. SECOND DIVISION. Rear Admiral Richard Wainwright, Commander. GEORGIA, Commander George W. Kline. , NEBRASKA, Capt. Reginald F. Nicholson. NEW JERSEY, Capt. William H. H. Sutherland. RHODE ISLAND, Capt. Joseph B. Murdock. THIRD DIVISION. Rear Admiral Seaton Schroeder, Commander. LOUISIANA, Capt. Kossuth Niles. VIRGINIA, Capt. Alexander Sharp. OHIO, Capt. Thomas B. Howard. MISSOURI, Capt. Robert M. Doyle. FOURTH DIVISION. Rear Admiral WilVwn P. Potter, Commander, v. WISCONSIN, . Capt. Frank E. Beatty. ILLINOIS, Capt: John M. Bowyer. -KEARSARGE, Capt, Hamilton Hutchins. KENTUCKY, Capt. Walter C. Cowles. ITINERARY OF THE FLEET. Left Hampton Roads December 16, 1907. Arrived Rio De Janeiro January 12, 1908. Arrived Punta Arenas January 31, 1903. Arrivel Valpariso February 14, 1909. Arrivel Caliao February 20, 1909. Arrived Magdalena Bay March 12, 1908. Arrived San Francisco May 6, 1908. Arrived Honolulu July 16, 1808. Arrived Auckland August 10, 1908. Arrived Sydney August 20, 1908. Arrived Melburne August 29, 1909. Arrived Manila October 2, 1903. Arrived Yokohama October 18, 1908. Arrived Manila, First Squadron October 31, 1908. Arrived Amoy, Second Squadron, October 30, 1908. Arrived Colombo December 12, 1903. Arrived Port Said January 5, 1909. Arrived Naples January 10r1909. Arrived Villefranche January 11, 1909. Arrived Malta January 14, 1909. Arrived Marseilles January 15, 1909. Arrived Gibralta January 31, 1909. Arrive Hampton Roads February 22, 1909. -Total Distance Covered 42,227 miles. Time Consumed One year,. two months and six days. Foreign Countries Visited Iiiteen. IHT 'IT Carthage Buggy Co., in Hands of a Receiver. Carthage, Special. On application of a number of the creditors of the Carthage Buggy Co., made to Judge "V. J. Adams in chambers here last Saturday niebt. C. S. Brewer was appointed temporary receiver andthe case was enntinnpd tn March 3rd for a further henrinc before Judsre Biggs, o ' on application to make the temporary receivership permanent. Reception to Legislators. Special. The formal re ception bv Governor and Mrs.rKitch j. - , to the members of the benerai Assembly was held Tuesday night psneciallv pleasing auspices, Uliuvx v . ' 1 hundreds of people ot Kaleign, wno have paid their respects to Governor The Senate discussion of anti-trust perflation, "teeth" and no teeth, or' rather what character of "teeth" c-Uoii v,o m'vpn thp present anti-tniot ouo" "v ' ,, 3 C TnoeitoY-. continued ior at i, -.. , -- two hours and then went over uun Wednesday, when it was resumed ad tVipto werrt two Bneeuutra iUUUllUUi. - - , , Senator Lockhart for tna onginat substitution "A" bill ana eenaxw Bassett, of the "Blowasseu buu -i.:i...4.. r nrhiph onnprRPnen. too uuva. hart bill tn taking favorable report at the hands of tne judiciary com Tnittpfl. A,,r th hills introduced in the iUUUUg Senate was one by Senator Lockhart, otwiino- the Corporation Commis sion to regulate hydro-electric com panies. . The House was in committee ot the wVinlp np-ain most of Tuesday on the revenue "bill, and the first going-over is not finished yet. The most impu -tant results were taxing automobile dealers $25 privilege tax; including marine railway in the aecuoii iums ship brokers; putting tne vu liverymen who sen mwc horses in six montns; iubij tax on sewing machine manufactur ers and dealers from $3o0 to $4o0 and raising the 50-cent fee tor eacu o ivin tiio peddiers' lUi t -ii T,ovinr free or paid shows i- lM-icinpss. and exempting vi: nion fmm the tax: reducing U11UU Hlu"" " ' , , o the tax on lighting-rod agents from $50 to $25; reducing me iot mn. i. t9.Kn to $1.50 and exempt- : ivhprfi drinking water is sold at a cent a glass; including un i. Vmisp tax of SlUU.ail Qr,r,!.n ;; mt packing wholesale ueaicia r house products who own ana ij iV v- r , The House Thursday mgnt passeu the firemen's relief fund bill on nnai rooincf nftpr discussion. TVio bill tn issue bonds in the sum of $500,000 for carrying out the pur- eo rtf tViP Rickett act Ot iyu to enlarge and equip Tthe State hospitals for the insane was laid Deiore me TT C!Ar.n-nl rTriVor'a rfP til A TT11- ii.. iv, i aaV nnpstiona about I pointed for the r.ssets of th it and Dr! Gordon for the committee Ington J' tl,t it wnnld include S'oU,- v '"'", "' ' trB 1 : V""w n . m the application or winiam Hep. UUU ODllgation aireauj mi.uw Durn Ruggeij, largmg the hospitals at juorgaiuui. WJ11!am Henburn Russell said he i ri:l. 1 no to pnnnB"h TOT I . . .u u v ana ixaicigu, aim i nopea criminal prnceeuiugs wuuiu u some appropriations to the other m- I oegun by District Attorney Jerome ments- then no further sums would Ufe and Trust. Company for moving be needed for improvements for the the effect, of the Washington Life to next itrii jcais. There were some questions Dy waj sskpd that brought out a most lorcetul derense or m um bv Senator Doughton. The bill pas sed its second reading. NEW IDEA Helped Wis. Couple. and Mrs. Kitchin since the maugura- lantg in the State and tion being among the Jnvited guests. J exempting all not handling over Mr T Tinth brftnehea of the Legisla- 4-1 Kl - ture Friday was read the report of the select committee appointed to consWer the sensational report of the mtttea nf thp. last LeffiS- lature that investigated the offices of sua Tvananror. Auditor and Insur ance Commissioner. The report is bv nil the members of the joint committee, including the Repub i;rtna nd is of great length. It finds that all the Auditor s warrnayi criticized by the auoiting committee were fully authorized oy law, ami a for the Goldsboro Hos pital for money to repair building, it states that no such warrant ana u such voucher number can be tound on the Treasurer's and Auditor's books, that the hospital owes nothing for furniture or repairs, but does owe for supplies authorized by the Governor AT M , I T J1 KrrAW and Council ot btate. in tne matici. of Fish Commissioner Meekins noth inc secret dishonest or disadvantag- ious to the State was done. Ac to the Insurance Commissioner the report finds as a fact the state- ment of the auoiting uuuumucc ovianoa nf any character ot die- honesty is disclosed on the part ot any one nananng iue tuuus ties, and that there is no suggestion of any such. TV. ctatpm ent of the expert ac v,t Tip conld not make an absolutely correct statement of this thmit ffoinsr back and checking up the entire business since Old Point Comfort, Va., Special. Enthusiastically welcomed by the mad blowing of the whistles of a score of naval vessels and a hundred or more other ships, this only to be drowned out by the thunderous sa luting of twenty-one guns from each of the sixteen battleships in the col umn, America's record-breaking fleet sailed majestically into Hampton Roads Monday. It was the fleet's home-coming af ter its circumnavigation of the globe the most remarkable continuous voyage ever made by the warships of any navy. President Roosevelt and Secretary nf the Navv Newberrv. who were the last to bid the fleet Godspeed when n left Hampton Roads December 16, 1907, were the first to greet it upon its return. The President and his party of uaval officers and ladies aboard the Mayflower, which was an chored off Thimble Shoal Light, about seven miles out from Fort Monroe, sighted the warshvs as they turned in through the VVinia capes, tnen formally reviewed them while they passed the Mayflower in single col umn. When the "fleet had dropped anchor in the Roads just above his toric old Fort Monroe, the Mayflower steamed in among them and Admiral Sperry,. the commander-in-chief, and his flag officers and ship captains were received on board by the Presi dent. All, especially the commander-in-chief, were warmly, congratulated upon the safe completion of their unprecedented cruise. Mayflower Takes Her Stand. It was about 9 o'clock when the Mayflower came from down the Po tnmnp. (inn the Chesapeake Bay and anchored near Thimble Shoal. Short- it doesn't pay to stick too closely to old notions of things. New idea often lead to better neaitn, buw ana nappmesB. . " tAmm Vr,r;:,, wotph A Wla. couple examined a iy aiter u o vivku. iud riisw tn them ana sieppeu uy or ine juuvuuwei iud.ut,.v i-ounda on the health ladder. Th umn 0f smoke almost directly east been fired when the Kansas, the sec ond ship in line, took up the salute, quickly followed by the others. The fleet, which has averaged about 10 knots speed throughout the cruise oi ,m. tVion id -mnnt.hs. passed the U1U1C bilUU . ' 7 i - President at eight knots and entered the Roads at six knots. Admiral Sperry Reports to President. When the Third Squadron had passed, the Mayflower lifted anchor cln-wlv nt a distance. Some time was necessarily consumed, owing to t.e current in the Roads, caused by the tide, in the ships set tling into their berths. Wn this was completed, upon the flash of sig nals from the Connecticut to the Mayflower, Admiral Sperry personal i iV,a Prpaidpnt and Secre- np tha Nnw and announced that he stood ready to report the end of his cruise. The report was men made in person, Admiral Arnold be ing accompanied to the Mayflower in launches by the three other rear ad mirals of the fleet and the ship cap- tains. . ,. tt'iio.-t?t,. tVio Tr-psi" dent's reception L' 111V v lllg mis J. - of the officers, the Mayflower started back to Washington and the officers and men as many as could be spared at one time, rushed ashore, most of them to Old Point, to greet the mem bers of their families and friends v, pnmp from various parts of V LXKJ Alt v v--- - the country to welcome them home. The other otlicers win De given temporary shore leave in relays of about one-fourth or. tne nuiuue i each ship at one time, until an nave i,i tha i-nnnd. After that, they will be granted such liberty as they can i r - 1 M il. n1,;ra rinpppd be sparea ior unm w buh" - to their home yaras ior uupwuS None the Worse for 42,227 Mile Trip, As the battleships cam in toaay looking their fittest and apparently none the worse for the wear of the long voyage of 42,227 miles, equal to i a t. . Ji.fnviia or mind the "Several years ago we suuercu from coffee drinking, were sleepless, nervous, sallow, weak, ana lrmaDie. t hnth loved coffee and 1,1 TT - ... , thought it was a bracer." (delusion). "Finally, after years of suffering, we read of Postum and the harmful- ness of coffee, and believing mat io grow we should give some attention to new ideas, we decided to test Pos tum. ... . "When we made it rigat we liKea it and were relieved of ills caused by coffee. Our friends noticed the change fresher skin, sturdier nerves, better temper, etc. "These changes were not buuubu, but relief increased as we continued to drink and enjoy Postum, ana we if fha rjpsirp for coffee. " " I junit ujks v. ' . .. ward over Cape Charles, and half almost twice the ,dtne arOTnaxne "HUl u,.c. . .. i ....iu i 4 nntbonties drew a an hour later tne warsmps, wuicu equmui, " " - ----- had been approaching under slow breath of relief. Not that there had speed in ordePrPnot to anticipate their been any Wrehenjjon at any time scheduled hour of arrival, came into of any serious difflen ties either in siffht and passed the Capes. At 11 the matter oi navigation Olglll, I- - - , n'pinrlr the flflrshiD Connecticut lead ing, arrived off the Tail of the Horse Shoe, at which point the fleet was left by the Mayflower when it followed tia nattlpshins cut of the Roads at the beginning of the cruise. A ,quar ter of an hour later the Connecticut was off the port beam ot the May flower at a distance of 300 yards. When opposite the Mayflower's quar ter the Connecticut's six-inch guns began the official salute of 21 guns m honor cf the navy's commander-in- chief. Less than halt ot these naa LL1U lllO. 1 Ivi vj. -o , , military work to do, but because the handing of sixteen of the most mod ern and formidable sea-fighting en gines of the world, the supplying thera with coal, oil and food at the different ports where stops weru made, and providing the ships with the pick of the officers and men of the navy while on foreign view, re quired careful and almost constant attention, from the time the cniiso was first projected, in July, 1907, un til the command left Gibraltar a lit tle over twtr weeks ago.. X&V& THE FLEET PROVES TO BE AN INSPIRATION OF RESPECT checking up wbwb uum . r . the establishmejit the qflifie 3 &- mtcresfc make it right. But when they honea f t fhe Postum according to directions on - . pkg ntful wa. dark and rich they government that a portion of the fleet liked it better tnan conee auu wco benefited by the change." "There's a Reason." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. -Read "The Road to Wellville" in pkgs. Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, ana iuu oi uomw was able to visit China at the time the Boxer indemnity was remitted by the United States. Incidentally, it may he remarked that after discuss- ii. - nf a dpclaration of ing l lie iucanuii vj- j principles with the United States as to the attitude of this country ana Japan toward China and in the Paci- fip the rie-ents of the Mikado were in , -n -ip. a more agreeable irame or mina ior affixing their signatures to tue aocu ment, after the visit of the fleet to Japan. Aside from this, all nations had op portunity properly to estimate the military" importance of the United States on the seas, with the result that the general international respect for this country went up on the world's market several points. it ! it -i lit ill ! 4 , ; t ii; !1 rl Li. tt 1 1 y t W I