-vv A woman who is sick and suffering, and won't at least try a medicine which has the record of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, is to blame for her own wretched condition. There are literally hundreds of thousands of women in the United States who have been benefited by this famous old remedy, which was produced from roots and herbs over thirty years ago by a woman to relieve woman's suffering. - Read what these women say : Camden, Jf. J. f 3 1 is with pleasure that I send my testimo nial for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, hoping: it may induce other suffering: women to avail themselves of the benefit of this valuable remedy, "I suffered from pains in my back and side, sick headaches, no appetite, was tired and nervous all the time, and so weak I could hardly stand. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made me a well woman and this valuable medicine shall always have my praise." Mrs. W. P. Valentine, 902 Lincoln Ave., Camden, Jf. J. Erie, Pa. " I suffered for five years from female troubles, and at last was almost helpless. I tried three doctors but they did me no good. My sister advised me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and it has made mo well and strong. I hope all suffering women will just give Lydia E. Piixkham's Vegetable Compound a trial, for it is worth its weight in gold." Mrs. J. P. Endlich, It. F. I. 7, Erie, Pa. Since we guarantee that all testimonials which we pub lish are genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had the vHue.to help these women it will help any other woman who is suffer ing from the same trouble. For 30 years Lydia E. -Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman" does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to its credit. von do not understand, write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., for her advice it is free and always helpful. It's a wise man who knows how foolish he is. Rough on Rata, unbeatable exterminator. Rough on Hen Lace, Nest Powder, 2oc. Rough on Bedbugs, Powder or Liq'd.253. Rough on Fleas, Powder or Liquid, 25. Rouh on Roaches, Pow'd, 13c.,Liq'd, 25o. Rough on Moth and Ants, Powder, 25c. Rough on Skeeters, agreeable in use, 25c. E. S. Wells, Chemist, Jersey City, N. J. Even Death often makes a poor selection. Mrs.Winslows Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces mflamm 'ion, ftllaya pain, eurea wind colic. 25c a bottle) How's This Tor Mud? Of all the yarns that ever came down the line, regarding deep mud, the following should be entitled to the blue ribbon. It happened in tb.3 place where mud originated. A man was walking along the roadside on3 summer day and noticed a fairly good looking hat out in the road. Reach ing out with his cane, he gave it a cut and wag startled to hear a voice exclaim: "Here, what the duce are you doing? Then he made the aston ishing discovery that the owner of the head-piece was under the hat, up to his ears in mud. "Great Heav ens!" exclaimed the man who had hit the hat. "Is that mud as deep as that?" "Deep!" cried the victim. "Why, man alive, I'm standing on a load of hay. May Lippincott 's. Difference of Opinion. Kitty: "Mrs. Carleigh thinks her son, Harry, is the salt of the earth." Janet: "Well, I can't see why. I think he is about the freshest thing I ever met." May Lippincott 's. ROOSEVELT IN AFRICA Former President and HU Party Arrive at Mombasa. HUNTING TOMN AT ONCE a, Crowds Gathered to Catch Sight of Roosevelt But There Was No Demonstration. IVUA EFii KHAM SALEME.V WASTED TI7 ANTED Active, energetic tnen torepre- sei t us. Profitable i ositims. Hustlera make bisr money. Cash weekly advances. Com plete outfit irce. "Write iir.rcediately for our liberal effer. w. T. Hoop & Co. OLD DOMINION MISERIES. Mention this 1'arej-. Richmoitd,- Va. I.A1) V AGENTS WANTED, ANTED-Lady agents in all parts of the J United states to advertise end sell Black Crow Stockcns" to we arers. Good com mission. Address. Black Crow tccken Co.. Newton. N. C. Clvarlottc Observer. A good newsi a; er is of course a luxury, but it is a preat deal more. 'J'bo Observes has a Ijfgo force of bright men who arednily gathering ail sorts cf i ewt It would be a tolerably dull man who c mid not now and then flad. opportunity for profit or improve ment in some of this news. No man should read the Cbsehvee for a year without find ing opportunity to make from at least S25 to 6100. Many do flad opportunity to make 1000, S5000 and SiO.OOO. The Obberveb's news gatherers teii of every nevr move that they can find .which is of commercial or in dustrial interest, f there is a new house to be built tbey tell about it. then the briok men, the lumber men, hardware icea and ether who read the Observes get the first ohanoe at the business In families where there are children the CpsEnvEa contributes to education. It U the equivalent of a school In furnishing whole some reading matter for the family. Its ad vertisements make money for those who look after their a lverti.-ementa right. If a man ha? a house to Fell he may be able to speak In pftrgon about it to 50 or 100 people. An advertisement in the Obskbveb, speaks to 10,000 people every day. Out of bo large a number there is generally soma one who wants just 6uoh a house aj the one offered tor salo. For iho?e who wuld make money, we ad. vise that thpy subscribe for the Obsebver. For those who would properly train their children and give wholesome reading matter to their fanlliep, again we advise the Oebebteb- Tho subscription price is, per year $3, Quarterly, $2. The Semi-Weekly Obsebvfb, per year, $1, he Evening Chronicle, per year, $5. Thg best vay to make friends is by m&king gocd. So. 13-09. " Talto Garfleld Tea! Made of Herba, it is pure, potent, hefJth-giving the most ra tional remedy for constipation, liver and kidney diseases. At all drag stores. Tho more money you have the more you can get with it. Feople Talk About Good Things." Twelve years ago few people knew of uch a preparation as a Powder for, the Feet. To-df.y. after the genuine merits of Allen's Foot-Eas haveb,een tqli year after year by grateful -persons, it is indispens able tQ millions. It is cleanly, wholesome, PBmg and antiseptic and givea rest ana ppwf to ureu ecn;ng leei, . It cure wb.Ho you walk. Over 80.00Q , eatiraonirUa, Imitations pay tho dealer a ftresr Broiir. OtLorwise voti would saver be Qfjarred rv substitute fq? Allen's Foot P&90, ths original foot powder. Ask fa? AUeo'a gqqt-hftse, and soe that rim gat ifi, Jt a foolish fleb that bitea at tfaq i&rne hook. FoPlCADACIIK-H!rJsCA517Dl?fB , Whether from Colds, lieat, Itoaiftch of Nervous Troubles, C&pudlno will relieve you. It's llauid-pleasftnt to Uke-acU immedi ately. Try it. loo.. 25c and 60c. at drug stores, Worry gives the undertaker more business than hard work. This Letter Is Worth Reading "Gentlemen: For five weeks I suffered Intensely from a bad case of Eczema, which covered my chest, stomach, back and both arms. After trying three physicians and one Bkin specialist, and by actual count twenty nine different ointments and lotions, I acci dentally learned of Hancock's Sulphur Com pound and Ointment. As I was willing to try anything once, I purchased a bottle of the Liquid and Ointment. The first appli cation gave me instant relief from that aw ful itching inflamed surface of my skin. I . persistently used this remedy for one week and at the end of that time I had hardly a trace of the eruption on my person. If any reader questions this testimonial as not be ing bona-flde and absolutely unsolicited, an Inquiry addressed to the -address below en closing postage, will convince aty one be yond question. Wabbem C. Gabes, 108 So. Ohio Ave., Columbus, O." Write II as cock Liquid Sulphtjb Co., Pro prietors, Baltimore, Md., for Booklet. Sold by druggist! Hi3 Proviso. "I can marry a rich girl, whom I do not love, or a penniless girl, whom I love dearly. Which shall I do?" "Follow the dictates of your heart, my boy, and be happy. Marry the poor cne, and say er woud you mind introducing me "to the other one ? ' ' May Lippincott 'a. FOOD FACTS Wljat an 31. p. Lcarnel. A prominent Georgia physiclaa went through a food-pxperieace whlcli ha makes public: ?t was my own xprlence that flrit led me to advooat? QrapsNuti food and X Hio know, from baring prescribed t to convalsBoenti anj other weak patienti, that ths food li & vonderful rebullder and restore? of nerve and brain tiesue, && well at muscle, it improves the dlgestioa and 8ick patienta alwayi sain Jutt &i I did in strength and weight very rap idly. - "1 was In such a low state that 1 had to give up my work entirely, and went to the mountains of this state, but two months there did not Improve me; In fact, J was not quite as well aa when I left home. - . - -- "My food did not sustain me and it became plain that I must change. Then I began to use Grape-Nuts food and in two weeks I could walk a mile without fatigue, and in five weeks returned to my home and practice, taking up hard work again. Since that time I have felt as well and strong as I ever did In my life. "As,a physician who seeks to help all sufferers, I consider it a duty to mane theso facts public " Trial 10 days on Grape-Nuts, when the regular food does not seem to sus tain the body, will work miracles. "There's a Reason." Look in pkgs. for the famous little book, "The Road to Wellville." Ever read tho above letter? A. new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human interest. Mombasa, British East Africa. Ex President Theodore Roosevelt arriv ed here on the steamer Admiral. Mr. Roosevelt was in the best of health, as were all the members of his party. The people cf Mombasa were in a great state of expectancy throughout me day and the first word of tho sighting of the ship brought them in crowds to vantage points where they might catch a glimpse of the distin guished visitor. The admiral, how ever, came slowly up the harbor, and it was dark when the ex-president, accompanied by his son, Kermlt and the captain, made a landing. They were brought ashore in the commandant's surf boat and carried to a place of shelter in chairs on na tives' shoulders. There was a perfect deluge of rain, but in leply to the expressions of l egret at the weather, Mr. Roosevelt said he was glad to get ashore in any kind of weather. The former president seemed high ly pleased when he observed the mil itary guard drawn up in his honor at tlra pier. lie replied to the guards' salute by doffing his hat and smiling broadly. The crowds on shore press ed eagerly forward to see the noted American. The people were not in any way demonstrative. It had been the intention of the party to remain in Mombasa for two days, but the floods have been heavy, and it was deemed advisable to leave Immediately for the interior. Tho acting governor cr the protec torate, Frederick Jackson, entertain ed the ex-president at dinner and la ter they proceeded to one of the clubs. As far as possible the gov ernor and his associates will meet the special instructions of his majesty, King Edwarda to show every con sideration to the disitnguished trav eler. KaciH Plains. British East Africa. Thecdore Roosevelt ha3 reached the hunting grounds and spent a night in Africa under canvas. A big camp has been established near the railroad sta tion here for the Roosevelt expedition and lions were prowling about in the vicinity of the tents. The camp es tablished for Mr. Roosevelt is most elaborate. The caravan will have a total cf 260 followers. There are thir teen tents for the Europeans and their horses and sixty tents for the porters. An American nag re nying over tne tent to De occupiea Dy Mr. Roosevelt. The canvan awaiting the Roosevelt party includes four head men, nine gun-bearers, twelve armed guards, two hundred porters and nine horses. DESTROY MAG ABA FALL'S POWEB. Chicago Sanitary Canal Would Cost Falls 490,000 Horsepower. Chicago, 111. Niagara Falls would lose as a source of water power if the sanitary district of Chicago were permitted to construct th3 proposed sag canal and divert the channel of the Calumet river, pouring four thou sand galls of water a second from Lake Michigan into the drainage ca nal, according to the testimony of En gineer E. S. Wheeler, in the federal hearing before Special Examiner S. I. Morgan. Such a diversion of wa ter would reduce the power of Niag ara 490,000 horsepower, according to Mr. Wheeler's expert testimony. Assistant . District Attorneys Wil kerson and Reed are offering the tes timony in an injunction suit brought to prevent the drainage board of con structing the canal without the con sent of the war department. The government declines to interfere on the ground that the Calumet river Is a navigable stream, CREATE CUSTOM COURT. Senate Finance Committee Amends Tariff Bill. x Washington, D. C. The senate committee cm finance has perfected an amendment to the tariff bill providing for the establishment of a customs court to hear cases appealed, from the board of apralsers. The court will consist of three members to receive salaries of $10, 000 a year each. Headquarters of the court will be in the New York district, but the court may sit in any of the other eight districts, whenever required. WTiile away from headquar ters in New York, two members of the court will be competent to hear cases. LATE NEWS NOTES. General. According to the opinion of well- posted farmers and cotton men, prac ticallv ill the MisslsBinni cotton crop has been planted. There is plenty of Eeed this year, all the mills holding back good supplies. It is reDorted that Great Britain Is withholding recognition of the nw Congo State owing- to the refusal of Belgium to communicate tne reiorra plans she has decided upon. At the banquet of the New England Dry Goods association in' Boston, Mass., Congressman Ransdell said the government should spend $500, 000,000 on the waterways of the coun try to make them navigable, i Editor Maxmillian Hardin of Berlin Germany, was fined $150 for libeling Count Von Moltke, former governor general of Berlin, in his newspaper. Loaves Of bread inRhode Island must weigh exactly two pounds and the price must be fixed at so much per pound, according to an act Intro duced in the- legislature of that state. E. H. Harriman will make a sum mer trip to Europe for an indefinite stay, on account cf his health. He will sail about the middle of June. The Pacific Northwestern . states are sending flour to the eastern mar kets, a situation almost unprecedented. The Paris nollce have arrested a r;hines student, on the French cruis er Bornia, on the charge of stealing secret documents relating to navat defense. He savs he took the papers to serve China and that he did not intend to sell them. James A. Patten, "the wheat king." left Chicago suddenly. The explana tion given at his office was that he had gone to look over the wheat sit uation in the west and southwest. Reports that Patten is ill were de nied absolutely. Colima, the big volcano in Mexico, is again in active eruption, and ter ror has spread among the people. Many have deserted tneir nomes. vi olent 'auakes followed the eruption. N. Joseph" Thomossin, . a French journalist, and one of tne tnree con testants for a jrize of $25,000, offered bv the Roval OlvmDia society of Am sterdam in a globe-walking --contest that requires a call at every country in the world, has arrived in Seattle, Wash. Thomassin has been thirty four months out of Calais. France. and has completed his walking in Eu rone Asia and the northern countries of Africa. According to the condi tions of the contest ne must waiK 75.000 miles within eight years. Interest at the Niagara Falls Ice jam centered in the huge mounds of ice at the Bridal Veil falls, where the bedy of a supposed suicide had been exposed partly by the drop in the water level and partly by the DGundinsr of the ice. which is steadily mailing down the river and over the cataract. AttemDts to recover the Dcdy were unsuccessful, uynamite was used to DreaK tne jam. Mrs. Elizabeth F. Noble of Mans- field, Mass., whose will has just been made public, left flO.000 to the Mid night Mission of New York, and the same amount to build drinking founts for horses and dogs in the streets of New York. CRUISE PLANNED. Navy Department Will Assist Naval Militia in Undertaking, Washington, p. Q. Questions con- perning the welfare of the nava,J ml? jitia of the various states were '6Xi- cussed at a meeting or tne Naval Militia Association with Beekman Wlnthrop, assistant secretary of the navy, It was decided that the militia of the Boutham Btatca will cruise during ths summer in one of tho vessels of the navy, probably the panther; On February 19 last the total strength of the combined naval mill tia crcE3 of all the states was 6,292 efnegra and men. Tho fleet of naval reserves comprises .-twaety-flve ships. CUOTJTED WUMANHuiLS SELF, Mrs. Dr. Mor.nlsh of. Atlanta Died Rather Than Go to Penitentiary. Atlanta, Ga. With Judge New man's sentence of two years and two days in the federal penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, for sending ob scene matter through the United States mails, still ringing in her ears, Mrs. Dr. Rosa F. Monnish swallowed an ounce cf prussic acid and died at her residence on Peachtree street, within three hours after her doom had been pronounced. (0.j.-)ij) CURED IN ONE DAY Ifnnrnri'M Cold Itemed r Relieves the head, throat and fangs almost Immediate' lr Checks Fevers, stops Discbarges of the nose, takes away all aches and pains caused by colda. It cures Grip and ob stinate cougna ana prevents rneumoma. Price 23c. Have yon stiff or swollen Joints, bo mat ter how chronic? Ask your druggist for uunyon'a Rheumatism Remedy add see how quickly you will be cured. If you have any kidney or bladder trou ble get Muayon's Kidney Remedy. Munyon's. Vltallzer makes weak men strong and restores lost powers, f The value of your services depends upon how valuable you make them. WHAT COLORS SHALL I USE? This Question Is Important In Paint Ing a House or Other Building. A proper color scheme is extremely Important in painting a house. It makes all the difference between a really attractive home and one at which you wouldn't take a second glance. And it makes a big differ ence in the price the property "will bring on the market. As to the exterior a good deal de pends upon the size and architecture of the house and upon its surround ings. For a good interior effect you must consider the size of the rooms. the light, etc. You can avoid disappointment by studying the books of color schemes fdr both exterior and interior palnt irg, which can be had free by writing National Lead Company, 1902 Trinity Building, New York, end asking for Houseowners' Painting Outfit No. 49 The outfit also includes specifications and a simple instrument for testing the purity of paint materials. Pure White Lead which will stand the test In this outfit wilUatand-the weather test. National Lead Company's fa mous Dutch Boy -Painter trademark on the keg Is a guarantee of that kind of white lead He Was Too Cold For Her. li Agnes broke her engagement to Louis because he was too cold and indifferent." "He doesn't strike me that way." "He is, though. He said as long as they saw each other every day, he didn't see any need of their corresponding.:' May Lippin cott 's. S6-1S-09. Some women retain their beauty to an advanced age. But women, who regularly endure pain, age rapidly,' for suffering leaves. its lasting marks on them. Nearly all women suffer more or less with some form of female trouble. It should not be neglected. Avoid the paintreat yourself at 'home by taking Oardui,-as thousands of other women have done. Begin at once and give CJardui a fair trial. m m m my". Mrs. Katie Burlison, Goreville, 111., tried Cardui and mtes:r 3 It Will Help You "I 6tiffered with female troubles, and was so Bick I could not stand on my feet. Finally I began to take Cardui, and soon began to H mend. Nov I am able to do all my housework and am in much j better health than I was before." Try it. . fc Try it. AT ALL DRUG STORES raj" It's the things we didn't do that we regret most. CURED ITCHING HUMOR. Big, Painful Swellings Broke and Did Not Ileal Suffered 3 Years Tortures Yield to Cuticura. "Little black swellings were scattered over my face and neck and they would leave little black scars that would itch so couldn't keep from scratching them. Larger swellings would appear and my clothes would stick to the sores. I went to i doctor, but the trouble only" got worse. By this time it was all over my arms and ihe upper part of my body in swellings la large as a dollar. It was so painful that could not bear to lie on my back. The second doctor stopped the swellings, but irhen they broke the places would not heal. I bought a set of the Cuticura Remedies md in less than a week some of the places were nearly well. I continued until I had used three sets, and now I am sound and pell. The disease lasted three years. O. L. Wilson, ruryear, Tenn., Feb.; 8, 1908." Potter Drug & Chem. XJprp., Sole Props, if Cuticura Remedies, Boston. Mass. Work to improve results, never mind your jobit will take care of itself. CENSUS OF UNEMPLOYED. Federation of Labor Wants Congress to Have it Taken. Washington, D. C Enumerations of America's unemployed by the cen sus bureau will be asked for by the executive council of the American Federation of Labor. It was directed that the legislative committee of the" federation make every effort to have congress adopt the provision in the census bill, providing for the taking of a census cf the unemployed and that the census reports be printed in the government printing offlce. Washington. An.interestinng addition to the mil itary records of the United States will be published by the government if a bill just Introduced by Representative Hull of Tennessee becomes a law. This bill directs the secretary of war to prepare from the military records inhis possession -a roster of all the armies engaged in the service of the United States in all its wars, except the civil war. A roster has already, been issued of the men composing the armies of the civil war. Senator Taliaferro's amendment to the census bill, which requires the collection of data bearing upon the naval stores industry, has been adopt, ed In conference, and the opponents of the plan have practically abandon ed hope. President Taft has ordered an In vestigation by the government of practically all western railroads, It being alleged against them that they fcavo made discriminatory freight rates against all the mountain cities in the west, principally in Utah. In a carefully prepared speech de livered in the senate Senator Stone of Missouri urged the withdrawal' of the Philippine tariff bill, favored by President Taft. lie said the Filipi nos wanted independence and should have it. The census appropriation bill, pro viding $10,000,000 for the expense In cident to the first two years of the collection of data for the thirteenth census, was introduced by Represen tative Tawney of Minnesota chair man of the appropriation committee. i The total estimate of the expense for oDtaimng me census wiu oe $i4,- 000,000. The Hungarian cabinet has resign ed and Emperor Francis Joseph has acked Count Acdrassy, minister of the interior, to form a new cabinet. Tho navy department has Just-Is sued orders lor tne armored cruisers North Carolina and Montana, now at Guantanamp, and part 9f Rear Admi ral Arnold s fleet, to proceed with an dispatch to Alexandretta, Turkey, tot the protectlpu of American Interests mere. More than nina million pounds of dynamite wllj b required for wor$ on the P&huiaa canal in ihe coming tiscai year, according to estimates of . division - engineers In charge of tho excavation. Bids will be opened shortly for the nurchaio of this ex plosive, which; ft to estimated, will cost about $1,000,000, The income tax amendment to the tariff bill which Senator Cummins in troduced in the senate places a tax of 1 per cent on Incomes over $3,000 and under $o,C00; 2 per: cent on In comes from $5,000 -to $10,000: 3 per cent from $10,000 ' to $20,000: 4 per cent from $20,000 to $50,000 and 6 . per cent on all incomes bove $50,000. Official announcement was made by tne secretary of agriculture that the communicable disease known as foot and mouth disease does not exist in the United States. All quarantines have been raiseJ. By the establishment of tha new artillery district of the department of California, designated as the dls-trict-of Honolulu, about July 15. Ha waii's defense will be greatly strengtneued. . J. M. Dickinson, secretary of war accompanied by a party of eight, in cluding Mrs. Dickinson and other la dies, has sailed for Panama from Charleston, S. C. Training of men in . the army sig nal service in the science of military aeronautics will be carried on this summer not rmiv a vr-t uva -ir- out ai jrort uioajba, Neb. , Statk of Ohio, City of Toledo, I Rf. .Lucas county, Fbakk J. Cheney makes oath that he is benior partner of the farm of F.J.Cheney & Co., doing business in toe City oi loieao. County and State aforesaid, and that said farm will pajrtnesum ot one hundred dol lars for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Franjc J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my f resence, this 6th day of December, A. 888. A. W. Gleason, iSEAL.) Notary Iubhc. tail's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney &, Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the beet. She Proposed to Boss. Newed (after the ceremony) : ' Tl met 1 -w -fSII wool 1 TT f lllM V T'll prove a satisfactory mate I" Mrs. Newed: "Oh, I guess jou'll do as a mate, all right. Now look me over and tell me what you think of your captain." May Lippincott 's. temal organic trouble. They arc usually ths result ol local coia cr lnimiumauou a niiiotlv romovpd hv a little Hamlin's Wizard Oil. Try and see. Resting when you don't want to is hard work. A Domestic Ere Remedy Compounded by Experienced Physicians Conforms to Pure Food and Drugs Laws II'". r i IV k. I D1 MMK II II, gists for Murine Eye Remedy. Try Murine. Many a man who thinks he is right doesn't go ahead.' Certainty, Convenience, Economy. Never has there been known a case where Mitchell's Eye Salve has not given notable relief. A pure, harm less salve for application to the sur face of the eyelids: the simplest of methods with wonderful results. The price. 25 cents, places it within reach of ail. Druggists sell It. A dishonest dollar costs more than e hundred cents. For COLDS and GRIP. Rick's Capcdijtb is the best remedy relieves the-achlne and fevarishness cures the Cold and restores normal conditloui. It's liquid effects Immediately. 16a. 25c aad We. fctdruz stores. A miserly father maketh an extra vagant son. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford'a 8anitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists. There are many wa3S to do a thing wrong, but only one way to do il right. VIRGINIA MERCHANT RID OF A VERY BIQ GRAVEL. STONE. Another Remarkable Cure of Serious Kidney Trouble. C. L. Wood, a prominent merchant of Fentress, Norfolk Co., Va., was suf fering some months ago with frequent attacks of hard pain in the back, kidneys and bladder, and the kidney secretions were Irregularly scanty, or profuse. Medical treatment failed to cure. him. "At last," says Mr. Wood, "I began using Doan's Kidney Pills, and before one box was gone, I went through four days of Intense pain, finally pass ing a stone, one-half by five-sixteenths of an inch In diameter. I haven't had a sign of kidney trouble since." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Fo&ter-MUburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. A cross man would be worth at least a dollar a day more if re would become good-natured. Do Your Feet Ache and Baro7 Shake into vour shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, a nnwdcr for the feut. it makes tieht or new shoes (eel easy. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot, Smarting and Sweating Feat ana ingrowiug iinua, puia uy ukiow and Shoe stores, 8a o s. Sample Sent Fa&S. Address Allan g. 01 rated, Lelloy, N. V. It is' unpleasant A to turn back, though it be to take the right w&y, Tftterlns for Pollen Oak. Mr. J, V, fchuptrtna, Savannahs Ga. Dear Blri-Tenoloaa 19 cV.a la itamt far a tots a? Tfittsrifis. I hava nelson. caX em mo afasn, Ana tnat is an that evsr has cured it Please hurry it on to, Yours rsspootruiiy, m. x: i&miei. -Montftiba, Tex., May 11, '01. Tfttterine cures Eczema. Tetter, Kin Worm. Ground Itch. Itching Piles, In fant's Sore Head, Pimples, Bolls, Rourf1! Scaly Patches on the Face, Old Itching Sores, Dandruff. Cankered Scalp, Bun ions, Corns, Chilblains and every form of Skin Disease. Tetterlne 50c; Tetterlne Soap 26c. Tour druggist, or by mail from the manufacturer, The Shuptrlne Co.. Savannah. Ga. You cannot save your pie unless you eat it. . . GET A BOTTLE TODAY. TABLETS AND LIQUID Cure Rheumatism to stay cured. Strikes the root of the disease and remoTes iti cause. 25c, COc. and 91.00 a bottle. Liniment, 25c. a bottle. AT DHDGQ1STS'. Cures PNEUMONIA Rice's Goose Grease Lini ment Is made of Dure poo&e prease (and other remedial agents) recog nized for (generations as Invaluable for Pneumo nia, Colds. Grip, etc. Try Fice's Goose Grease Liniment For these ailments It relieves speedily and cures permanently. 25c-At all Druggists and dtikn-lSc GGOSE GREASE COMPANY?;. You Need a Tonic il you feel languid and depressed all the time. The best thing to help nature build up the system is DR.DJAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE This great tonic it not a false stlm ttlant as many of the so-called "spring tonics." It la a natural strength giver. For all run-down conditions of the health it is an invaluable rem edy; imparts new life and vigor and builds up the entire system. Sold by All Leading Druggists In two aizs botila, 50c and 35c So. 18-'09. IT afflicted nil h weak yes nee Thompson's Eye Water Restores Gray Hair to Natural Colon tnrigoratea and prevents tbe hair from falling: off, Per Sal by Orugglats, or Snt Olroot by XANTHINE OO Richmond, Virginia tf SI Par Bottle; Sample Bottle ). Un4 for Clmlar This Trade-marh Eliminates All Uncertainty in the purchase of paint materials. It is an absolute guarantee jf -purity and quality. For your own protection, see that it is on the side of every keg of white lead you buy. NATIONAL LEAD COIKPAKY 1302 Trinity Building. New York 0 LD north state ointment Will cure your Piles, Eczema. Ervsip- 1 ' V, t . II . v- vaiuuiicfics, iuu, curt' iurS, Ulcers on the Eyeball, Granulated LitK Sore Throat, Colds, Rheumatism ntul Appendicitis, Corns, Bunions end Ingrow ing Toe Nails. Ask your drutretst for It. OLD NORTH STATE OINTMENT CO, Charlotte. N. C. ctt.M or CASTCA C!l PALATAL A pmlittablo, jgraternl, non-tri ilnn( ITactlre, pur Castor 01!. Prescribed and endorsed by physicians. CHILDREN LICK THE SP901 S!C ALL DRUOOHTI COc. or tnni'ed npon receipt ofpitra, PALATAL. M'F'G CO. 54 Stone STRsar, N. Y. ITCH CURED 'tetiEs" DR. DAVID'S SANATIVE WASH Is ruaran. teed to cure any case of Itch In half hour If used according to directions. Show this to pnr sons having Itch. If your doar has Scratches or Mange David's Sanative Wash will cure hira stance. Price 60c a bottle. Itcannotbe mallpti. i 'elivered at your nearest express office fro upon receipt of 75 cents. Owen & Minor Drat Co.,' Hlcbaiond. Vav, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, BELTS LOMBARD IRON WORKS. AUGUSTA. Gi RLD WEAM a 3 ie eel )WS ty K.r;.urt a 9 si A 1 1 Wg OO SHOES 50 $4.00 and SR. 00 hoe. tl.00 an4 68.60 SboM. B071' ShoM, (1.00 ta tg.OO Shoes Hen, The Reason ! Male and Sell More Mca'i $3.00 and $3.50 Shoff Than Any Other Manufnctnicr U bcauM I girt tilt wearer tbt benefit cf th laott emplti ergajiliatloa of trained parta b4 atilled sbcxmalieri In tb country. Tht taltetten e( t bt ltatbtrt for etobpart o! the tbot, and tvtnr detail f tbe inaUsf in vrtty d;t tmeat, il looked after tf tat beat tioeiE&kcri la tl. ih lBChutry. U I crsld abow yoc how catttuUr w. U Soagloa ahoet are made, Ton would tbto Mt'sriuad why they sold their ifcafa, at totter, ud sitr leaf: uao any our nu. Mv Milkod nf Tmiduir iki Jfttti tnntn tkm Xirl FltxibU and Zinetr M'tarinr than any cthtrt, tor Every Member of the Familyi Boys. Women, Aliases and Children, Ijono g aniune wunoui v, i,. i'oww nam tnd orleo etamccd on l ottom, act Color Eyeleta and axotativelv. Gatalofnu Malt i ree W.L.D0C3LA.3, 16T BFit&X 8TEEET, BROCKTON. HXii. Has Your Ddg Distemper? A lure aiul antttlve rare lot dtt- Aie is Da. cun t usTturM to mv CUIL Removes ill fyinptnmt Cure u certain and permanent. Get a bottle to day. Atdrvgfm'a; or, tend to m 'or If S0e end J 1.00. Send (or our fut hwk lei. "Or. Craft1! AJvkc." V. WTLLS MEDICINE CO." " " LftlaaMffaa. lnrlLi,a VJ A t - US ill iiu ars TNE PRO Uakt bit moo-r In yoar own Vnra. J 00 to i-'O 00 montb ntllf earned, no eipenence vr r neceenry. We back fouwilbourcatin-.ianfi h jiu 70a tbe Daitneee. . Elejant line 01 iauipn f 1 PANTS W SUITS $9oP W?S every rrmenl made to meaiure 10 y Mle Ot and workmanihip g naraniuea haetllng agent wanted In ererr tewn. I", '' Ire territory. Write or atODt'i oxiffit Flr ' DRfSl T1IL0RIKB CO.. IllHarrit'ia Slrscl. C'csfO - - - - - TaWaWWytTSSaWSyiWIt1 ' TOlLiT MTISEPTIS WOTHIKO LIKE IT FOR- f UP TPtTTU Ptine sxcelj sny dcn'ilf k I n& I SXm I n b cUanilng, whiten...? nd removing tartar from the teeth, beilclei dai-c j-ni all germs of decay and disease which ord.--s.i7 tooth preparations ctnnot do. TU P P 4 n I ITU Paxtine used as a roc J 1 I lib ItlUU I 11 WMh disinfect! the r'.u'Ji and throat, purifies the breath, and kills the ?'; which collect in the -mouth, causing sore iluoit, bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much TUF ETVITC when inflamed, tired, IflCi C.I ILd and burn, may be iasUi.it j telieved and strengthened by Paxtine. CATAnDU Paxtine will destroy the Ren Is A I All rtn &at cause catarrh, heal the n flammau'on and stop the discharge. It u a lemedy for uterine catarrh. Paxtine is a harmless yet powerful oermicide,disinf e5tant ana deodorizer. Used in bathing it destroys odors and leaves the body anLsepticsily clean. FOR SALE AT DRU3 8TORES.50C. OR POSTPAID BY MAIL. LARGE SAMPLE FREE! THE PAXTON TOILET CO.. BOSTON. MS. P U TNAM FAD ULESS ..D.Y E S ar.0 package color, all flbora. Ther dye In cold wat better than any other lyc. Garment wit&out ripping apart. Writ tor Crea boailet aow to Uy, Btoaob mux mx Ceiors. jaoiifttifi DtttU CO., iaiucy, lllia"'"

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