ESDAY, Dec 1, 1909. Local Records. 1 Today is the first day of the winter months and the weather is fine, cool, crisp and clear. -. Mr. C. 1. Snipes, of Baldwin township, has some cabbages that were set out nearly three years ago and are still growing. Sherman Alston will repair your shoes and harness or make Brio- us your JOB WORK, ; you new harness. Shop on Main we7au satisfy you. street above Bynum's store. . , - wo 1p . We are requested to annonnce 'AI?rc.:l --"itnat-there will be a meeting of at John L- Council's. I the Woman's Betterment Associa- ftnlv three weeks more to buy ' tion at the school auditorium next of- or and some at half Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. air. vj Poe's- Many a fat hoer utters his - ! 1 .4- l l r . T, London & Son can , w&isqueai meseirosty mornings, i .i i w ajiv I I if mil iv i i i it n i- w ft -. i-i s a price save ycu money on clothing, their stock before you buy. 4T a , I 1 ll' J 1 I See or nog-Kiinng. time nas come j a nd many of our readers are f eas I ting on fresh pork, sausaeres and Now is the time to buy iaees spare ribs mhroideries. F. C Foe is selling them at just half prices. ; No entertainment ever held at this place created more lauerh- -Now is your opportunity to 1 ter and fun than that given by the and castings cheaper ; llueiu 'inu on iasi ivionaay buy plows than factory prices atF. C. Poe's. wiMrorv Mountain township for sale. Apply to H. A. London & Son. , night. The impersonations and facial expressions of Mr. Litch- - A one-hundred acre farm in i field could not be excelled and convuisea ms auaience with con tinual laughter. The music by Mrs. Litchfield and daughter was very fine aud much enjoyed. You wi 1 find the best brand of groceries to be had for your Xmas cooking at W. L. London & Son's- x -Nice lot early cabbage plants for sale, $1.25 per M. Special prices on large orders. Apply to J. R. Rive3, Sanford, N. C. -Blank notices for posting land for sale at The Record off ice. Also chattel mortgages, mortgage and warranty deeds. We are pleased to note that ;the Methodist Conference" has made no change in the appoint- ment of preachers in this county, out all are returned tor another year, as follows: Rev. V. A. Roy all on Pittsboro Circuit; Rev. L. M. Chaffin, Haw River; Rev. E. B. Craven, Siler City, and Rev. J. W. Hoyle, Goldston. Rev. Dr. Gibbs is returned as presiding elder. Our noon train is from one to two hours .late nearly every day, caused by train No. 38 from Bir mingham to Portsmouth, which train has been late nearly every day since the change of schedule on the 7th of last month. If this I schedule cannot be run. as seems -Read the advertisement of , to be the case, then it ought to be the Carter Furniture & Coffin, Co. ! changed, so that passengers may at Sanford, and write for lllus-; know when to expect the train. In another column is publish ed the annual statement of the amounts paid to the county com missioners during the past fiscal year. trated catalogue containing de signs and prices. Anyone wishing to buy, eith er my store-house, residence or farm had best apply at once or they may miss the opportunity. As it is now the S- A. L. well mer its the title of "She's Always Late". On last Wednesday Mrs. Cary D. Moore, of New Hope township, cut her throat with a razor, but Origin of the' Rothschilds. The founder of the Rothschild f amity, Amseliel Moses Rothschild, kept a coin store at 152 Judengasse, of Jewish quarter, Frankfort on the Main. Before this shop was dis played a red shield; hence the name Rothschild. Amschel dealt in curi osities, art goods and old gold and silver. His son, Mayer Amschel, was born in 1743 and died in 1812. He, like his father, continued in the coin business. In the course of his coin business he niet a collector, the court banker to the landgrave of Hesse. This hanker was so im pressed by Mayer's business ability that he' loaned him money for in vestment, and it was in this way that the great banking firm of Rothschild was established. Elder Monthly. Will fa m Perm. William Penn is buried at Jordan., England. He was seventy-four years old when he died. The Servians. The Servians are "of the Slavic fam ily and came from Gallcia in the aer enth century. Their language Is also Slavic, but is distinguished from kin dred languages by the predominance of vowels, which render it soft and melodious. v JUST ONE WEEK MORE IN PITTSBORO. 7 Only a few more days left for you to take advantage of the opportunity to get 21 PHOTOS FOR 20c. (THREE DIFFERENT POSITIONS.) AN OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE NOT HAD BEFORE AND ONE YOU WON'T HAVE AGAIN SOON. 7 ' It is Better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them. CLOUDY WEATHER AS GOOD AS SUNSHINE. GEM STUDIO, - Pitt3boro, N. C, Over Dr. Chapin's Officje. The Federal employees are a inisrhty arm' of 370,065. A heavy snow storm prevailed last Monday in Kansas and ad joining States. Seven feet of snow is reported. in a part of New Mexico. . - - , T1 "I T" TV J 1 I UU 111 1.&1-. WCt v TT X til C J Appiy to r. kj. roe, ri-uuuru. i fortunately it was not a mortal ; wound. She had been somewhat & Lambeth at Bynum. They I deranged for two or three months, by the sai will pay cash the highest market SWS1 1 -P price de ivered at the roller mill ""i" a a the roller mill or exchange the best flour f or it, as you may wish. F. C. Poe has just put on sale his beautiful line of white goods and colored organdies. You can buy them at one half the price you will have to pay other merchants in Pittsboro after Jan uary 1st. The next term of the Federal court at Raleigh is postponed from the 14th of this month to the 4th of January, because Judge Connor will be holding the Circuit Court of Appeals at Rich mond. . A tract of land containing 112 acres, about two miles and a half from Pittsboro and on the road to Ex-Sheriff Milliken's, will be sold cheap. Apply for terms to I. C. H. Pilkington at Roscoe, P. O. When in need of bill heads, letter heads, envelopes, state ments, business cards, visiting cards, etc., write to The Record Job Printing Office for prices and samples. All work turned out promptly and at reasonable prices. The Woman's Missionary So ciety of the Baptist church here, as has been their custom for sev eral years, sent off today a box of clothing, etc., to a frontier miss ionary at Rush, Texas. The val ue of the articles sent amounted to about $45. TIT 1 i -r-vve are daily receiving our stock of Christmass goods and our stock will be complete this week. You are cordially invited to in spect me same. We have a nice Stock and von will havp nn troub le in finding what you want. W. " London & Son. -Atwater & Lambeth at By num are offering bargains in all lines of merchandise. They have fresh stocks of dry goods, cloth ing, shoes, groceries, wagons, buggies and everything you may want. Call on them and satis faction is guaranteed. Mann-Tillman Co., at Bynum, are still offering great bargains. Iney hr ve sold a large amount of goods v ithin the nast two wp.eks. at and blow cost, and they still jmve a large quantity for sale. .yme at once before all are sold, Jt you wish a great bargain. Thanksgiving Day was al most kke Sunday at this place, all business being suspended and bireets as deserted as on Sun uays. ber vices were held in the iinrmng m the Episcopal and rresDytenan churches and at ?i8fct in the BaDtist church. Mny of our townsmen spent the jjay hunting, and everybody took I'uuay;. The- weather was de ;2htful, for although the morn "gwas cold and frosty yet it was fattand the middle of the Dalmy and pleasant. cut her throat very badly, clean across, but not quite deep enough to kill her. . When found she was lying under the piazza almost dead. Mr, Moore is one of Chat ham s oest citizens and his many friends sympathize deeply with him. Many persons find themselves affected with a persistent cough after an attack of influenza. As this cough can be promptly cured by the usa of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, it should not be allowed to run on until it becomes troublesome. Sold bv all Dealers. Commissioners Expanses. In sccordance wi.-.h Stioa 1326 of the HeVisai, I, H Grady Dorse tt, Clerk of the Board of County Com missioners of Chatham County, do hereby certify that the following is a true and correct statement for the year A. D H09 of the accounts, items and nature of li compensation allow- said Board to tiie me iibers pectiv-ly, the number of days the said Board was in session and tiie distant e traveled by each mem ber thereo, . S. W. Harrington. 33 days as commissioner $ 66.00 45 days on bridges 90.00 2 days on accouut of Home of 5-20 A. & I miles traveled 4.00 26.00 Personal Items. Total, Mrs. H. E. Norris returned to her home in Raleigh Saturday, after a short visit to her parents here. N. J.Wilson. 33 dys as commissioner. 30 days on bridges 364 miles traveled Mr. Charles B. Wright will move his family Friday to Ham let, where he has been several months as chief of police. Mr. Fred. W. Bynum will leave next Wednesday on a three weeks' visit to his brother, Dr. Ernest T. Bynum, at Oklahoma City, Okl. Our former townsman, Mr. Lee A. Denson, spent yesterday here. Jb or many years he has been in the Weather Service of ths U. S. government and is now in charge of the Raleigh station. Our former countyman. Mr. G- C.v Durham, has been on a visit to his old home in Rock Rest town ship with his bride, he having married ou last Thursday Miss Sallie G. Wood, of Franklin county. Total, $180.00 .$ 6G.00 . 60.00 . 18.20 SI 44.20 A. J. Lane. 30 days as commissioner ? 60.00 days on bridges 14.00 3 days on 560 miles paupers 6.00 traveled 28.00 Total, -ai08.00 The Board was in session 33 days. No unverified accounts were allowed. II. Grady Dorsett, Register of Deeds and Ex-officio Clerk tc the Board. This Nov. 30th, 1909 BANK OF PITTSBORO. AT PITTSBORO, IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, At the close of business Nov. 16tb, 1909. Resources Loans jmd discounts. . $64,198.97 Overdrafts secured 188.00 Overdrafts unsecured 450.68 All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages 9,000.00 Banking lou3e 1,559.50 Furniture and Fixtures 550.00 Due from Banks and Bankers, 17,039.40 Cash items 2,386.84 Goldcuiu 1,080.00 Silvtr coin, including all mi nor currency 730 44 Natio ial bank notes and oth er U.S. notes - 4,962.71 Total $102,146.54 Liabilities. Capital stocV 10,000.00 Surplus fund 4,0 0.00 Undivided proiits, hsa cur rent expenses and taxes paid 1,00,85 Dividends unpaid 25.00 Time certificates of Deposit-. 45,333.02 Depo. its subject to check 39,221.31 Cashier's C.itcks outstanding 1 ,821 .86 Accrued interest due deposi tors - 694-50 Total 102,146.54 State of NOilTH C AROLINA, i ss -Chatham County, ) v I M. T. Williams. Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the auove st itetnemii true to the best of my knowledge and belief. M. T. WILLIAMS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me," this 23th day of Nov., 190!). O. It. PILKINGTON, Notary Public. Correct Attest: R. H. Hayes, J. L. Griffin, A. H. London, Directors. S0UTHERN RAILWAY, all Through Connections for Points South and West. Pullman Sleeping Cars on all Through Trains; Dining Car Service. "ATTRACTIVE EXCURSION RATES .to FLORIDA, CUBA, AND NUM EROUS OTHER WINTER x RESORTS. For safety, comfort anil court eous treatment, travel via. Southern Railway. Rates schedules and other informa tion gladly furnished. R. H. DeButts, Traveling Passenger Agenf, Raleigh, N. C. H. F. Cary" General Passenger Agent, Washington, D. C. Honor Roll. The following is the roll of hon or in the public schools of Pitts bero for the month ending Nov. 26, 1909: First Grade Jamison Glenn, Margaret Lanius, Arthur London Second Grade Will London. Third Grade Archie Lanius. Fourth Grade Harriet Perley. Fifth Grade Susie Morgan. Sixth Grade Henrietta Mor gan. . PtieVW "Full of Life" Northern Grown licrrr'i Seeds have a reputation of 3S years 01 .uceessful seed growing behind them. It pays 10 .ilant the best. Seasonable Specialties: I3E3AISS r.-.r!ieFt R-d Valentine . . $3-5 Bushel Rfure Extra Karly . . 13-25 gusl!e! New StriiiRl-ss Green Pod . $3.70 Bushel Ward well's Imp. Kidney Wax $4.50 Buehel Davis New White Wa . -75 5usL,ei Currie's Rust Froof Wax . t so Bushel PEAS , , Fxtra Early Alaska . . . $3-5 Bushl New Karlv Gratlus . . . . $5 5 Bushel liorford s Market Garden . 15.50 Bushel EMrlLVs I.i-htuinirExDress Ss.oo Bushel . rr.i. Tnfin and a full line of 1. 1. 1...- i of Uivvrst trrowinir orices c 1 -n.-.!irtii or submit a list 01 our requirem.-r.'.s and will quote prices, r.nv dirrrt from th? yrower Save Money. Write totlsv. Mention this paper. H. W BUCKBEE .L'SwiioeSt.. Roc-f'Wj Seed Farms, Rockford,t The wecnliar properties of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy have been thoroughly tested during epidem ics of influenza, and wnen it was f.nken in time we have not heard of a single case of pneumonia. Sold by all Dealers. Statistical reports show that fWino- the football season mat closed on Thanksgiving JJay, tnir t.fiirAP. nlsivers were killed and IJ-IIO-WV f 21G were injured. - If you are suffering from bilious noes fntlfi ti nation, chronic head- a-lio invAsfc one cent in a postal rl to Chamberlain Medi- cine'Co., Des Moines, Iowa, with vour name and address plainly on hA h.qc.k. and they will lorwara you a free sample of Chamberlain s fnmnrli nd Liver tablets. Sold by all Dealers Wood's High-Grade Seeds. Crimson Clover Th KIngof Soli Improvers, also makes splendid fall, winter and spring grazing, the earliest green feed, or a good hay crop. CRIMSON CLOVER will in crease the productiveness of the land more than twenty times as much as the same amount spent ra commercial fertli-ers. Can be sown by itself or at the last work ing of corn, cotton or other culti vated crops'. Wood's Trade Mark Crimson Clover Seed is the beBt quality obtainable, of tested germination, and free from impurities and objec tionable weed seeds. Write for "Wood's Crop Special" giving prices and information . about Crimson Clover and other Seasonable Seeds. , T.W. WOOD &S0HS, Seedsmen, t Richmond, Va. ' COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND. By virtue of an order of the superior court of Chatham c.unty made in a Snecial rrocsedingi whereto all the -- TT leirs at law o iue i-w v-u.g- Farrell were made parties for the pur pose of selling for partition the reai property of the said George W. Far rell, deceased, all of said lanas oeinK Chatham county, I will oner a. public sa'e, to the highest biciaer, a. the court house door in Pittsboro, in said Chatham county, at 12:00, o'clock, M., on Friday, December 31st, 1909, the following real estate, to-wit: A tract of land in New Hope town ship, Chatham county, containing 55 acres, more or less; it being known as the home place of the said George vv . Farrell, located about three miles from Pittsboro, N. C. and upon which is considerable timber, a Ave room frame dwe'ling, and the place is open., for t one horse farm, in good neighbor hood. T(.rm of Sale: Half cash, balance in six months, with privilege of pur chaser to settle at any time in full, de- frrAfi navment to bear interest from date of sale at six par cent, title re served until full payment. This the2 )thday of November, 1H09 J. 8. Cook, Commissioner. y AND SALE By virtue of an Lorder of the superior court of Chat ham county made in the special pro ceeding entitled "James V. Markham and others against William J. Mark ham and others," I will sell for cash at public auction at the court-house door in Pittsboro, on Monday, the Cth of December, 1909, the following tract or land in New Hope township, be ginning at a pine iii Thomas White head's line, thence north with his Hue 142 jcoles to a dogwood, thence east to and with Dr. Council's line 41 poles to a small hickory, thence south 5 1-2 poles to a stake and point ers, thence cast or nearly east 28 poles to a stake and pointers, Council's cor ner, thence south with his line 137 poles to a sweetguni stump near the Raleigh road, thence west to the be ginning, containing about (52 -acres, and being the same on which Mrs. Zanie Horton resided at tbe time of ler death. Sale subject to confirma tion by the court. II. M. London, Commissioner. November 3rd. 1909. 2fiSr; mu TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver deranges the whole system, ana pru.. SICK HEADACHE, -nvnAnsia. Costiveness, Rheu matism. Sallow Skin and Piles. Thr la nn better remedy for these common diseases than DR. TUTT'S LIVER PILLS, as a trial will prove. .(-- r m j( lake no auoswure. Sale of Brick Plant. Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me in a certain deed of trust executed the 4th day of February, 1907, by Robert H. Clegg, as will appear by reference to Rook of Mortgages in Book D. W., at page 652, in the office of the Register of Deeds in Chatham County, I will on Tuesday, the 30th day of November, 1909, at 12 o'clock M., at the Brick Plant of R. II. Clegg, situated on the Jones land near Fear- ington, Chatham County, North Car olina, offer for sale at public auction, for cash, the following described prop erty: I No. 8 Brewer Brick Machine and all the necessary equipment and ap pliances connected therewith; 2 dfrt cars and track; w.uuu ieec oi lumDer; all brick-yard tools of every kind and description, also 180 II. P. Atlas En gine and 100 II. P. Atlas Boiler; 2 open air dryer cars: 2 transfer cars; 1 No. 2 disintergrater; 1 Imperial brick ma chine and all appliances connected therewith; also all lumber, equipment, tools, materials and appliances of ev ery kind and description whatsoever used by said R. II. Clegg at said brick yard heretofore referred to. This sale is made by reason- of the failure Df R. H. Clegg to comply with the terms of said deed of trust above referred to and upon the request or the holder of said deed of trust. This the 10th day of Nov. 1!09. C JONES FULLER, Trustee. A snrained ankle . will usually disable the injured person for three or four weeks. This is due to lank of nrooer treatment. When Chamberlain's Liniment is applied a cure may be effected in three or four days.. This liniment is one of the best and most remarkable preparations in use.- Sold by all The greatest danger from influ enza is of its resulting in pneumo nia. This can be obviated by us in$r Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy, as it not only eures influenza, but counteracts any tendency of the disease towards pneumonia. Sold by all Dealers, WE WANT YOUR TRADE We -keep everything' - - , and ' ..will: save you money on every pur chase. Come to see ns ' and ask for what . : you want. We have it W. L. London & Son. . Li v4 T THINK i That a Man U. XL SL KJi"! U. 1.1 KJ JLi Has a great deal to do with His success or failure in the world. " But it does. If a man dresses well, THE , JMPKESSION GOES OUT THAT' . , HE IS A SUCCESSFUL MAN , AND GENERALLY HE IS. Let tis'cl ress jou up. We are still shoviiig and selling those carried over suits at HALF PRICE. T. J. LAMBE S.ONS-& CO., Clothiers and Fwriiishers. Durham, N. C. One Price. , Plain Fig-nres. LINEHAN CO, RALEIGH, N. C. NEW FALL STOCK OF CLOTHING t Gents' Clothiers and Furnishers. Latest Styles and Newest Models. : 7 Our Chatham customers are invited to mako our store headquarters whenever they .yinit Raleigh. Our Mr. J. T. Bland is always roady to serve his former countymen. ' Coffins and :r:casKezs:: A full stock of Coffins and baskets always on hand and sold at all prices. All kinds and sizes. B. Nooe, Pittsborc , N. C. Jan. 1,1909. Warm For Sale - That valuable farm situated l miles south :of Pittsboro in Oakla4 township, Chatham County, kaoWm astUeN. A. Gilmore plac, eont ng 2s) acres, will b "sold at prlvaU- sale on easy terms to suit th pur chaser. Substantial improvemaati, such as an 8-room dwelling, fC4 barn, etcM on the place. About ti acres in cultivation, 45 acres in second A rrr ttrca In ArirttJl oak and hickory. Situated within 3;i-J miles of railroad; good wate, and a healthy location. For further particular- call on or address II. A. LONDON A SOX; r, c o Attorneys, I PitUbere, W.5