To J&njpy the full confidence of the Well-Informed of the World and the Commendation of the most eminent physicians it was essen tial that the component parts of Syrup of Figa and Elixir of Senna should be known to and approved by them; there fore, the California Fig Syrup Co. pub lishes a full statement with every package. The perfect purity and uniformity of pro duct, which they demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical character, are assured by the Company's original method of man ufacture known to the Company only. The figs of California are used in the production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna to promote the pleasant taste, but the medicinal principles are obtained from plants known to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for saio by all leading druggists. Good fruit never comes from a bad tree. Portuguese. HIS DAYS X UMBERED. FOLLY OF ASSASSINATION. How a Yonngstown Man Disappointed the Pessimists. John H. Trube, 342 Harvard St., Youngstown, Ohio, says: "In spite of three different doctors I was getting worse, and was told I couldn't live six montns. 1 ney called it Bright's dis ease. My limbs were swollen so badly I had to keep to the house for nine months. The urine was thick, passages titot-o froniiont an1 scanty and my head wa3 sore and diz zy. I used Doan's Kidney Pills on the advice of a friend, found com plete relief in time, and two years have now passed without a sign of kidney trouble." Remember the name Doan's. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Fos-ter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The child that 's left to himself will put his mother to shame. Irish. Mrs. Window's hoottmig Syrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, euros wind eoliv '25c. a bottle. The wise too jealous are, fools too secure. Congreve. So. 49-' 09. For COLDS and OKIP. Hick's Capudixb is the best remrdy relieves the achinj and fev erishness cures the Cold and restores normal conditions. It's liquid effects immediately. 10c,, 25c and 50c, at drug stores. It Never Helps the Cause in Which It Is Committed. The late John Hay was not addict ed to many sweeping statements, but one belief which he expressed time and again was that assassination never helped forward the cause in which it was committed. It defeats its ends. The murder of Lincoln did more to check the development of the South, and to increase her dif ficulties than any other event. The anarchist who killed McKinley mere ly strengthened the conservative feelings of the world, and to that extent postponed the change which he sought. Prince Ito was killed in Manchuria because he had been at the head of the Korean government, and because Japan 's methods in Korea had been drastic. Instead of being an apostle of severty, however, Prince Ito himself constantly stood for modern, gentle and coneilliatory methods, at least as compared with his countrymen in general." When he was picked out, therefore,' the folly of assassination received a flagrant illustration. The murderous Korean was undoubtedly filled with motives entirely patriotic. Ito, like wise had been a patriot all his life enlightened also. He was the vic tim of large, unreasonable forces which often seem to lie beyond the control of man. Just as the assas sination of Ito is likely to increase Japanese severity " in Korea, and thereby undo its purposes, so did the execution of Ferrer stimulate liberal feeling over Europe, and thereby accomplish the opposite of what the Spanish governmenT intended. MISSOURI'S CHAMPION COW. Do You Feel Down? Run If so, you are an easy victim of disease. You can avoid danger if yon build up your system with the natural streagth-givei DR.D.JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE which helps your body do its own building up. It puts the whole diges tive system in a perfect condition. Regulates the stomach, imparts new vigor and health to the tissues. Your Druggist has it. Ttoo sizes, 50c and 35c CHILDHOOD'S BUGBEARC BANISHED When another said Cor Oil. too remem ber distinctly vbtt It meant, trouble! .Administering Castor Oil, the best, safest and nastiest catnartic to your cbi!dren vividly recallsyour early uohnpplneps and a realization of mother's difficult riniv. PALATAL, A CREAM CF CASTOR OIL look , sir ells. Ustei good; makes motfcsr's datycssy. Children I icktbs spoon, JSC All drocrlst nr msild. MDIRAT BRUG CO., C01IMBIA, S. C. 0. A SO. CABOL1MA. AQBKTI TAKE A DOSE OF pis CURE ui ivsn Kuwait m iutii&$ It will instantly relieve that racking cough. Taken promptly it will often prevent Asthma, Bronchitis and serious throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed safe and very palatable. AD DrasBwte, 23 cents. You Indoor People must give the bowels help. Your choice must lie be tween harsh physic and candy Cascarets. Harshness makes the bowels callous, so you need increasing: doses. Cascarets do just as much, but in a gentle way. Vest-pocket boat, 10 cents at drug-stores. 851 Each tablet of the genuine is marked C C C New Book on Consumption FREE TO ALL page, cloth bound medictu bonk on consumption. Tells in plain, simple language bow consumption, can be cured In yonr own borne. Write today. The Book is abso lutely free. YONKBRMAN CO. MSI Water sUreet, Kaiaeuuoo. lick - fKEMCALl w n ' i A Hotel Could Be Well Supplied by Princess Carlotta. Princess Carlotta, a Holstein cow in the dairy herd of the Missouri College of Agriculture, gives more milk than any other cow in Mis souri. In the last year she gave 18,405 pounds of milk, or 1,300 gallons. From this 727 pounds of butter vas made. "This cow shows the advantage of using good stock in a dair3" C II. Eckles, professor of dairy husbandry at the Universitj of Missouri, said. "At the present price of milk in Columbia, 7 1-2 cents a quart, she would have brought her owner $690 for this 3-ear. A cow with a record like this is worth about $1,500. Her feed cost $80, leaving a profit of $610. This is more than 40 per cent. income, looking at it as an invest ment. Princess Carlotta produced as much milk as five ordinary farm cows. The five cows probably would cost $200 to feed. The same advan tage is gained as by using an efficient machine instead of an ordinary one. The upkeep is greater, but the re sults are worth it. "A person's average daily con sumption of milk is one-third of a quart. On this basis Princess Carlotta eould have supplied the milk for a hotel with seventy-five guests." Kansas City Cow. So. 49-'09. TAR HEEL CHRONICLES Stone Crab Farms of Florida. Not every resident of Florida knows what a superior dish for the table is a stone crab. It is to Southern wat ers what the lebster is to Northern. George IJzotte, of Pass-a-Grille, fenced in a portion of Boca Ciega Bay some time ago ana planted his water farm with stone crabs to pre vent the extinction of the species. He is studying their wants and habits, and believes he can largely increase their numbers yearly. Capt. Cason of Pass-a-Grille, is preparing to fence in a second stone crab farm of large proportions. There is an enormous demand for the stone crab from the numerous visitors to the island, and the supply, though great, is being rapidly depleted. Florida Tlmaa Remarks the Kansas City Star: When the farmers understand the value of good road3 they will demand them just as the property owners de mand sidewalks and street paving Id the cities. SECRET WORKER The Plan Upon Which Coffee Operates. PIPE-VALVES FITTING AND SHAFTING, PULLEYS, BELTS. LOMBARD IRON WORKS, AUGUSTA. GA. ,LJjsT.!rwssi Dropsy CUFEB GIvsi Quick Relief. (Morel all swelling XtoM days ; effects ft permanent cure la S3 to today. Trial treatment tnvea ire. fwioincmn, oe um Write Or. H. H. Green's Son. tlaiUt. Bex a Atlanta, fie Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color? torigorates and prevents the hair from falling off. For Sal b OruMlt, or Sent Dlrct by XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virginia tVtca SI far ttle j,c Clrc-Urr Coffee is such a secret worker that It is not suspected as the cause of sickness or disease, but there is a very sure way to find out the truth. A lady in Memphis gives an inter esting experience her husband .had with coffee. It seems that he had been using it for some time and was an invalid. The physician in charge shrewdly suspected that coffee was the "Worm at the root of the tree," and ordered it discontinued with instructions to use Postum regularly in its place. The wife says: "We found that was the true remedy for his stomach and heart trouble, and we would have gladly paid a hundred times the amount of the doctor's charge when we found how wise his judgment was. "The use of Postum instead of cof fee was begun about a year ago, and it has made my husband a strong, well man. He has gained thirty-five pounds in that time and his stomach and heart, trouble have all disap peared. "The first time I prepared It I did not boil it long enough, and he. said there was something wrong with it. Sure enough it did taste very flat, but the next morning I followed direc tions carefully, boiling it for fifteen minutes, and he remarked 'this is better than any of the old coffee.'" "We use Postum regularly and never tire of telling our friends ol the benefit we have received from leaving off coffee." Look for the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time They are genuine, true, and full oi human Interest. " - News Notes Gathered From All Farts of the Old North State. N. C. Boys Victorious. Ashland, Va., Special. Thursday night in the college chapel in the enemies ' territory Wake Forest up held her record, in oratory and de bate in having never lost a series to any institution since she began to debate in 1897, in defeating Randolph-Macon College for the second consecutive time, the decision of the judges was unanimous. The question was: "Resolved, That the Federal government should se cure its entire revenue from internal taxation rather than from customs duties." Randolph-Macon had the affirmative and had her opponents at a disadvantage in having the opening and closing speeches. However, this disadvantage was overcome by th imaginative minds of the Tar Heel speakers who had broken several miscroscopes before they left Wake Forest in studying the actions of tht amoeba before he was hatched out. It was a spirited contest and eacha team fought its opponent un til the fall of he gravel, contesting every point and conceding no man as an authority. DEATH BY EXPLOSION Boiler Explodies, One Killed and An- other Scalded. v Tarboro, Special. Tuesday morn ing a boiler on the farm of J. P. McDowell exploded with terrible force. Joe Sessums, a colored man, was killed and Nathaniel Whitfield was severely scalded. The engine was wrecked and the gin house blown fdown. Steam pressure is supposed to be the cause of'the explosion. The boiler was of 30-horse-power, but was made to run a 50-horse-power engine. - - " Good Prospect For a Tobacco Fair at Durham. Durham, Special. A commite of the mercants Wednesday afternoon took up the matter of a tobacco fair in Durham with the result that a men composing it were President P. bring it her as soon as possible. The hearty recommendation was made to W. Vaughan, -who is accerdited with having more to do with the new Er win cotton mill than any other man, Messrs. W. A. Barbee, A. E. Lloyd, B. F. Kronheimer and T. J. Lambe and they are to confer with the board of tobacco trade as well as the manufacturers. The prizes for the best tobacco would be raised from individual and organization sources and it is hoped that theer could be as much as $2,000 given in prizes for the various tobaccos displayed. Little Boy Burns to Death. . Statesville, Special. A distressing accident occurred at Monbo, Catawba county, Sunday about noon when a little son of Mr. Jacob Oren was burned to death in the barn on his father's premises. Mr. Oren's fam ily are employed in the cotton mil of the Monbo Manufacturing Com pany and live on the land of the com pany. Sunday about the hour named tin little boy, who was just 4 years old. got hold of some matches and went to a small barn on the premises. It is supposed he struck the matches, anyway, when the barn was found to be on fire the building was so en veloped in flames that the boy could not be rescued. His charred remains were found in the ashes of the build ing and were buried Tuesday. The barn was a small building and con tained only a small quantity of feed Mrs. Lipscombe of Durham Cuts Hei Throat With Razor. Durham, Special. Mrs. Susan E Lipscombe, one of Durham's promi nent women, committed suicide Thurs day afternoon at the home of hei daughter, Mrs. T. G. Sexton witl whom she was temporarily living. The deed was executed with won derful nerve for a woman. Friends and the family had just eaten dinner when Mrs. Lipscombe went for hei afternoon nap. One of the ladies wanted her to come down and pla an old melodeon for amusement and going to her room found her lying ir. her own blood with her head cut hall off, the windpipe and carotid arteries severed completely and death un doubtedly instantaneous. General Carr to Speak. Durham, Special. General Juliar S. Carr has been invited by the greal commercial congress which meets ir Washington Decemger 6 and 7 tc make an address upon the subject "Opportunities for manufacturing in the South." This is the only subject assigned tc a North Carolinian. It is the favorit of the general who has been all hi: life a manufacturer and has wrought wonders in Durham. He will discus: the subject from the standpoint o' retrospect and prospect. He is al work on his figures now and takin; North Carolina and Durham as tin object lesson, there will be as de lightful a piece of history as the vis ,itors have ever listened to. May Gets Three Years. Yorkville, Special. Charlie S. May former treasurer of the city of Rock Hill, who was indicted by the Yorl county grand jury this week foi breach of trust with fradulent intenl plead guilty to the. charge and was Wednesday sentenced by Special Judge Moore to 3 years' imprison ment in the county jail. He commenced to serve his sen tence at once.. Farmer Slain by Son-in-Law. Goldsbore, Special. Inflamed by liquor, Owen Ginn, a wealthy farmer of Snowhill, Wayne County, entered the home of his son-in-law, Samuel Joyner, late Monday night and open ed fire upon Joyner as the latter lay abed. Escaping the first few shots. Joyner managed to reach his pistol and returning the fire, killed Ginn instantly with the first bullet. Earlier in the day Ginn made an attack jipon his wife and shot and " painfully wounded his young son, who was mak ing a valiant defense of his mother, and who finally worsted his father. Ashworth Acquitted of Killing Jones. Fayetteville, Special. The trial of W. A. Ashworth for the accidental killing of Daniel Jones has been decid ed, Ashworth being acquitted after n ten minutes' session of the jury. In August last Ashworth shot and kill ed Jones in a playful scuffle. The State was ably represented by Mr. Mclntyre. of Mclntyre & Law rence, Lumberton, Mr. J. G: Shaw. Mr. A. S. Hall, Cook & Lewis and the solicitor. Dr. Battle Appointed Sergeon General Raleigh, Special. Dr. Robert S. Young, of Concord, the Surgeon General of the North Carolina Nat ional Guard, has resigned and as his successor Governor W. W. Kit chin has appointed Dr. S. West ray Battle of Asheville, -the assistant seurgeon. Col. Young has "for over twenty years, been an officer of the State Guard, and under the law his resig nation makes Brigadier General, as he advances one rank. S. H. Kress & Co. to Erect a Build ing at Fayeteville. Fayettevile, Special Mr. Sey mou "Burrell of New York, chief architect of S. H. Kress & Co.,' own ers of the many 5- and 10-cent stores bearing that name throughout the country, has arived in this city to inspect the site recently purchas ed by Kress for the purpose of erecting a store here. After going over the matter thoroughly with Mr. T. II. Sutton, Jr., of T. H. Sutton, Jr., & Co., local real estate dealers, Mr. Burrell declared that a four story building may be ercted, the two upper stories consisting of offi ces. Work will be begun early in the spring. An additonal strip, of land has been purchased from Led better Bros, for $750. Bad Fire at Durham. Durham, Special. A fire that burned the Imperial Tobacco Com panq's cooper shop, caught the fac tory, burned a Norfolk & Western coal shute, partly destroyed the T. B. Tally wood and coal yard, broke out Friday morning about 4:45 and was was checked an hour later. When discovered, the blaze had enveloped the cooper shop.filled with the driest and most inflammable woods. The inhabitants of that district were un acquainted with the alarm system and the fire had gained such propor tions that when the companies re sponded it was so hot that it was imposible to show water on the burn ing center. Houses all about began to smoke and fences conducted a blaze all over the residence district. When the fighters teurned the hose on the houses the- saved all of them ready to ignite and conhned suffered a loss of $3,000 covered by insurance. Aged Man Victim of Assault. Rockingham. Special. F. G. Puncke, an old German who runs a restaurant and bakery in this city, was found tying unconscious under a stove in the rear of his shop Thurs day afternoon with two big gashes in his head. Charged with the deed, Elmore Maner and Alec Covington, two young white men, are being held in the county jail without bail. The injured man is still uncon scious and will probably die. There were no eye-witnesses to the affair and the motive of the old man's as sailants is unknown. Maner and Covington were seen running from the restaurant about the time the assault 'is thought to have been commited. Noted N. C. Editor Dead. Reidsville, N. C, Special.Col. John R. Webster, aged 64, Confeder ate soldier, once Speaker of the House of Representatives and editor of Webster's Weekly, died early Sunday morning as a result of the second stroke of paralysis which he suffered just a -week ago. Col. Web stear was a vigorous editorial writer and his paper had a wide reputation for the brilliancy of its editorial page. Cotton Crop Estimate. New. Orleans, Special The Times Democrat in presenting its corespon dents' final reports on the cotton crop of 1909, states that the concen sus of opinion points to a total of 10,625,000 bales. The figures by States are: Ala bama, 1,050,000; Arkansas, 725,000; Georgia and Florida, 2,000,000; Louisiana, 350,000-; Mississippi, 1, 100,000; North Carolina, 725,000; Oklahoma, 625,000; South Carolina, 1,150,000; Tennessee, 300,000; Texas, 2,000.000; toto.1, 10,625,000. YOUR TAiBLE LINEN. The careful keeping of taible linen will mean more toward a perfect table than perhaps the quality of the linen itself. The most exquisite table linen will look no better than the poorest quality if it be thrown into a too small drawer or closet. Just a pair of -tablecloths will go further if they are kept well flat tened or, better still, rolled on a pastiboard or wooden roller than a dozen ill-kept ones. All centerpieces, if not rolled, Bhould be spread flat, in a full-sied box or a linen-covered portfolio. The portfolio is a reliable addition to the dining room or pantry, and it may be made at home toy covering two pieces of pasteboard with tan-colored linen or crash, hinging them together with coarse linen thread or with narrow ribbon strips an inch in length, so that the portfolio will hold more flat linen pieces. . This, when filled, is tied together with ribbons and kept in a- napkin drawer, where even the sudden rush 'for napkins can no longer wrinkle the embroidered linens. New York Press. WM Ms Ybtil - Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent head aches, coated tongue, bitter or bad taste in mcrning, "heart-burn," belching of gas, acid risings in throat after eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred cymptoms? If , you have any considerable number of the above symptoms you are suffering from bilious ness, torpid liver with indigestion, or dyspepsia. JDr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is made up of the' most valuable medicinal principles known to medical science for the permanent cure of such abnormal conditions It is a most efficient livor urvigorator. stomach tonic, bowel regulator and nerve strengthener. The "Golden Medical Discovery" " not a patent medicine or secret nostrum, a full list of its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. A glance at these will show that it contains no alcohol, or harm . ful habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of native American medical, forest plants. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Props., Buffalo, N. Y. 225 CHEMICAL and Advertising Offer, 10c. X vfii i He that covereth his sins shall not prosper. Shakespeare. Your attention is called to the advertise ment of The Kawleigh Co., who offer prof itable employment to those who can meet their requitements. The Company's south ern business has grown so rapidly that they have bought leal es'ati and erected a large warehouse a? Memphis, Tenn., which is their bi anch from which all south ern trade is supplioi. The Company is old established and respon-dble. God sends nothing but what can be borne. Italian. So. 49-'09. TORE HIS SKItf OFF IN SHREDS Itching Was Intense Sleep Was Of ten Impossible Cured by Cu ticura in Three Weeks. "At first an eruption of small pustules commenced on my hands. These spread later to other parts of my body, and the itching at times was intense, so much so that I literally tore the skin off in shreds in seeking relief. The awful itching inter fered with my work considerably, and also kept me awake nights. I tried several .ooc tors and also used a number of different ointments and lotions but received prac tically no benefit. Finally I settled down to the us of Cuticura Soap, Cuticara Oint ment and Cuticura Pills, with the result that in a few days all itching had ceased and in about three weaks time all traces of my eruption had disappeared. I have had no trobule of this kind Bince. H. A. Krutskoff, 57H Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111, November 18 and 28, 1907." Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props, of Cuticura Remedies. Boston. Mass. Who is saitisfied is well paid. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. Dr. Detchon's Relief for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action is remarkable. Removes the cause and disease quickly disappears. First dose greatly benefits. 73c. ana $1. All druggists. There is no living without friends. Rough on Rats in Out Buildings. In setting Rough on Rats in out build; ings after mixing it well with any food de cided upon, separate into small bits, place on several pieces of boards, and put these here and there under the floors. Close up all openings large enough for Dogs, Cats or Chickens to enter, but leave some small openings for Rats to get in and out. One 25c. box of Rough on Rats, being all poison, will make enough mixture to clear out in one or two nights setting, hundreds of Rats and Mice. 15c., 25c 75c., at Druggists. K. S. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. Threatened folks live lonir. For IIBADAC'IIE-IIIrk' CAPl'DINK Whether from Colds. ITeat, Stomach or Nervous Troubles. Capudine will relieve you. It's liuu id pleasant to take acts immedi ately. Try it, 10c, 25c, and 50c at drugstores. Nothing New or Mysterious. "ASK YOUR For many generations Goose Grease has been recognized as a wonderful remedial medium in treating: and curing Pneumonia, Grippe, Rheumatism and Neuralgia. RICK'S GOOSB GREASE L1KIM&NT 1 made from pure goose grease, with other valuable curative ingre dients added. Try it. 25o At all Druggists and Dealers 25o GREENSBORO, Laid Wanted At Once-A Man TO Makt $100 Per Month Above Expenses 1UUU MI LJl oix Medicines, Kxtrarts. s,,,,.. , FerfunKs, Toilrt Articles, Stock and Poultry ii ( .'rjtil j' Polishes, etc. Ws sre one of the larrct iinv.rt, r, manufacturers In th U. S. Our cnpitnl aiW t,-,,)u, J One Million Dollars. We make over 60 nrndwt., ; .., antecd. Our factories have over 3 acres i.f fl,..r' ,lir, WE NOW WANT Xltr all dclireries to farmers and others from a knniij to the above; 1 a short, a nian al le to takn f,.;; , , everything pertainirs; toour business in hi riivjt jvl. every man can fill this position nor can n (' r,i ' tract with one who s too extravarant or t . I i ,.r ,,' younir. We want to hear from men who haw .rCU fnr successfulhonest, industrious men who ,f satisfied to make not less than $100 Per Month Clear Prcfit above expenses the flrst year, (1800 the second -r 24O0 the third year. ' ni If yon are fairly well acquainted in yonr Im-ality and yon think you can fill the position, low no time in riijn, ns for full particular as we are now rapi.i y Hllii., .jj vacant territory. We do not want to hear from m. n nUAn 21 or over 50 years of afo, colored people, r im:rI ret this position a nan must be able to fumih l or J horses to conduct ti e business, also rood lui. ,rn references, li you cannot meet thene renuircm.-M, d,,,,,,, write; if yon can meet them, write u; y.u arc t!;e i ,n w, are looking; for. The position pays bif is h(iui.ral,i0 ,0l permanent. W.T. RAWLE16H CO. 40 Liberty St. FrMport.ia. I GOOSE GREASE COMPANY, N. C. CURES RHEUMATISM TO-STAY-CURED. Itltenniacldc (liquid or tablets) removes the cause and stops the pain ouickly. An internal (blood) remedy, which has cured thousands of bad cases. At all druggists. Trial bottle tab ets by mail 2.'.e. Send coin or le stamps. Booklet free. Address.BobbiltChemicaJ Company 316 W. Lombard. St.. Baltimore. Jld. A short cut is a losing cut. Latiu. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford'i Sanitary Lotion. J? ever fails. At druggists. Variety is the cure for disgust. Doctor yourself when you leel a cold coming, with a few doses of Perry Davis Painkiller. Better lhan quinine and safer. Every one praises his own saint. Allen's Lung Balsam will cure not only a fresh cold, but one of those stubborn coughs that usually hang on for months. Short flax makes long threat. Distemper In all its forms, among all ages of horses and dogs, cured and others in the same stable prevented from having the disease with Spohn's Distemper Cure. Kvery bot tle guaranteed. Over 500,000 bottles sold last year. 50c. and $1.00. Good druggists, or send to manufacturers. Agents wanted. Write for free liookl Spohn Med. Co., Spec. Contagious Diseases. (Joahen, Ind. A hundred years hence we shall all be bald. Spanish. Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets first put up 40 years ago. They regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. Iietter Delayed 151 Years. There Is an unbroken rule that tha cellar of the local postofflce shall ba cleaned out once in every 150 years. The cleaner was not on to his job last year because, It he had been, ho would have found the letter ad dressed to E. S. Merrill, Winchester postmarked 1756, that M. J. McDen ald discovered to-day in the debris. The old postmark siows the cellar hadn't been cleaned out in "151 yer.ia. AVinchester (Mass.) Special lo the Philadelpbir, Record. He who keeps his own secret avoids much mischief. Spanish PNEUMONIA kills its tens of thousands. COWAN'S PREPARATION kills pneumonia by de stroying the congestion and inflammation. Quick relief for colds, croup, coughs, grippe, pains and soreness in lungs and throat External and harmless. All druggists. $1.00, 50c, 25c :VITALIZER RESTORES LOST POWERS. A weak Man Is like a clock run down. MUNYON'S VITAL1ZEH will wind him up aud make him go. If you are uervous, Jf you are Irritable, if you lack confidence in your self, If you do not feel your full manly rigor, begin on Ibis remedy at ence. There are 75 VITALIZER tablets in one bottle; every tablet is full of vital power. Don"t spend another dollar on quack doctors or ppurious remedies, or fill your system with harmful - drus. Begin on MUNYON3 VITALIZE! at once, and you will begla to feel the v'talHinaf effect of this remedy afti-r the first dose. Price. $1, post-paid. Munyon, Krd aud Jefferson, rhila. Pa. PUTNA Wo Buy FURS Hides and Wool Foatherc, T allow, Beenrax, Ginssng, Golden Seal,( Yellow Ron). May Apple Wild Ginjrer, etc. We are dealer 1 established ia 1856 "Over half a century ia LouisTiEe" and can do better for you lhn Scots cr commissi on merchants. Refeifnce, ear Baak ia Louisville Writ (or veca!; pcice list and shipping tags. ftl. SabeB & Sons. 127 E. Market St. LOUISVILLE. KY. si m Failed En 1 1 tti Ti im if-miniii if i Til i null, in i Health 1 "My mother died six years ago," writes Miss Ruth Ward, of Jerseyville, III., "and left me to care for six children. I had never been strong; and this, with the shock of her death, was too much for me. "I failed in health. I was tired all the time and did not want to go anywhere, nor care for company. I had the headache all the time and such bearing-down pains. "A very dear friend advised me to take Cardui, as it had done her so much good, so I commenced to use it and now I am in good health." - take EAR Dffl CC 44 The Woman's Tonic Women's pains are relieved or prevented and women's strength is quickly restored, by Cardui, the woman's tonic You yourself know best if you need it, or not If you do need it, do not delay, but commence to use it at once. Every day of delay, only lets you slide further down the, hill. Don't wait, then, but begin to take Cardui today, for its use, no matter how prolonged, cannot harm you and will surely do you good. Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept. Cfcattanooza Medicine Co., Chattanoosa, Term for Special Instructions, and e4-page book, "Home Treatment for Women," sent free. ssssssej Without Smoke No matter how sensitive your olfactory nerves may be, or under what working conditions you en cpunter the PERFECTION Oil Healer (Equipped with Smokeless Device)' you'll not detect the slightest odor of smoke. The new Automatic Smokeless Device positively prevents both." Removed in cn instant for cleaning. Solid brass font holds 4 quarts of oil sufficient to give cut a glo'vi'iir hcat for 9 hours solid brass wick carriers damper top cool handle oil indicator. Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japci in a variety of styles. Every Dealer Everywhere If Not At Yours, Write for Descriptive Circ .'-r to the Nearest Agency ol the STANDARD Oil. COMPANY (Incorporated) WW VM f It? the largest manufacturer of Men's Fine Shoes in the World Wear W. L. Douslas comfortable, easy-walking; shoes. Ttiey are made upon honor, of the best leath ers, by the mostlkl'led workmen, In nil the latest fashions. Shoes in every etyle and shape to suit men In all walks of life. If I could take you Into my I arse factories at Crockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W. I.. Doug las shoes are-made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer and are of greater value than any other make. CAUTION. See that W. L. Douglas name ami the retaH price is stamped on vuouuuom, laxe xio Substitute. M Color mnrfl ornrMh h-tirt.fd emi rno4AH wB mT Smr TUF fy can dye any Karmeut without rippln? apart. Write for toMet0Jlatr?0n ' a,?ti. T,he ln ,!,J wntcp ttoT than any ?t,,rr '.Vl'imi " -T w Yitic5 now to Vro. Bleach and Mix Colon. AltKlUOE ilUUti CO.. Oulucy.

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