tfXtfa ' Caot W. Kitchin has appointed L London a delegate to a convention to be held at Atlan ta tomorrow tor the purpose of S. 5 Local Record a wrnvFQTUY. FEBRUARY 9th, 1910. organizinc a National P.nttnn f irfJ-m""-- F n T-k i maau. x xouucts Association, ine purpose ot this movement is to promote the supremacy of the South's cotton production. The Woman's Home Mission Society at Bynum will give an entertainment entitled "The Cabbage Hill School" at the school auditorium on Saturday night, the 19th. Admission 10 and; 15 cents. Supper will be served at 6 o'clock. Be sure to attend and enjoy the occasion. -Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, and there is a tradition among the old Dutch farmers in the Piedmont section of this State that the weather on Ash Wednesday piognosticates the wheat crop. If Ash Wednesday is a bright fair day there will be a good wheat crop, but if that day is rainy the wheat crop will be short. We take pleasure in calling attention to the statement of the Bank of Pittsboro, published in another column. It shows the good management of its officers and that it is entitled to the full confidence of the public. Instead of hiding your money away in an old stocking, where it is liable to be lost and is doing nobody any good, you had better deposit it in the bank, where it will not only be perfectly safe but will be drawing-you four per cent inter-, est. When The Record express ed a pity last week for those vho would have to come here :his week because of the bad 'oads and bad weather which we usually have ' at our February court, some of our readers said we had missed it badly, for the roads and weather were better than ever known at this season. We wonder what they think to day about it? Yesterday was a.bout the most disagreeable day we have had here this winter, a cold rain falling steadily, chill ing and wetting everybody ex posed to it, and making the roads very muddy and miry. About forty persons stood the examination here lasg; Satur day for the appointment of cen sus enumerators in this . county. The result of the examination will be announced next month. There will be nineteen enumer ators appointed in this county, one' for each township except Centre, Baldwin, New Hope, Matthews, Gulf and Bear Cr., in each of which there will be two. In this township one enumerator will take the census of all those living in Pittsboro and South of the old stage road and the other will take the census of those living North of that road. In ad dition to those who stood their examination here eighteen stood their examination at Siler City. A bargain: 52 acres of fine land in Gulf township for sale. Write to O. C Rogers, Hope Mills. N. C. Tell your neighbor thatx he can get a pair of nice shears free by paying one year in advance for Tha? Record. -Mr. G. G. Beal, of Asheville, rived Monday on a two weeks visit to his lather, Mr. J. a. Beal, on Hickory Mountain. The wet weather calls for good shoes; buy Goodman's and Walk-Over and you get the best made. W L London & Son. For Sale One second-hand twelve-horse power engine and a fifteen-horse power bDiler. Ad dress F. E. Strowd, Frosty, N. C For Sale: Full Blooded En glish Berkshire Pig3 eight and ten weeks old. For prices, call on or write W J Durham, post office, Roscoe,N. C. Mr. Zimmerman, lately Copelani & Company, will here fore one week prepared take photographs ranging price from 25 cents up. Mr. L. N. Womble. of this place, has bought the brick store building of Mr. Frank C- Poe and will move hi3 place of busi ness there in a few cUys. Rep'-tiring all kinds Jewelry", Watches and Clocks, also Sew ing Macaings and Organs- All good material warranted for 12 months- G. L Kemp, Pittsboro. Mr. Paul Paschal, a son oi Mr. John T Paschal of Goldston, has successfully passed the en trance examination as a cadet at the West Point Military Acad emy. Trappers: Wanted a few live minks- Will pay a fancy price for large ones. Do not mind be ing slightly hurt by trap- Write Paul J. Barringer, Lockville, N. C. of be to in Ore Hill Items. Ore Hill, N. C, Feb. 2. 1910. Editor Record: ' , , Knowing hat you are inter ested in the progress of your county, I take pleasure in telling you about some things that we are dng at Ore Hill. Last summer our school board added two rooms to our building, and they have given me two more teachers this year. Now our Woman's Betterment Association is at work to make money to paint our building in side and out this year. Among other things, we are making an autograph quilt. Each member to piece a square, and then embroi der on it the names of all who contribute to this cause through her. I am making a memorial square for the center of the quilt, id the memory of the late Col. John R. Lane. I should be more than pleased to embroider the names on this square of many friends of Col. Lane. Yours truly, (Miss) Cornie Henley, Pres. Betterment Association. For sale cheap: One hun dred acres in Hickorv Mountain township, abut a mile South of Emmaus church. A good bar gain is offered. Apply to H. A. London & Son. attorneys. When you buy a wagon you want the best. Nissen's Round Hound wagon is the best made It is the only wagon made that has a mitered spoke. All sizes in stock. W. L. London& Son. Wanted Cotton mill help, weavers, spinners, loom fixers and beamers; good wages; run ning full- Apply J. A. Fowler, Superintendent Bellwill Cotton Millsi Wilmington, N. C. On last Thursday night the barn of Mr. Manly Durham, of Baldwin township, was burned with four mules, a wagon, buggy, reaper and all his forage. Origin of the fire is unknown. There was no insurance. For nearly 42 years, Rev. Dr. R. H. Marsh has been pastor of a Baptist church in Granville county. He was born and rear ed in this county and is now pleasantly remembered by ur older readers. -We regret to hear of the death of Mr. W. T. Sturdevant, of New Hope township, who died on last Wednesday. He was a prominent citizen of that section of the county and was much es teemed by all who knew him. If you vant a ice pair of scissors or shears pay up your arrears to The Record and one year in advance. New subscrib ers can get a Dair by paying for one year in advance. This offer is good only until first of April The Pittsboro baseball team was organized last Wednesday night, the following officers be ing elected: Isaac Fike, captain, Chapin Gilliam, manager, David Moore, sec'y & treas., G R. Pil kmgton, president, A. H. Lon don, vice-president, and W. H. fay lor, coach. Last Sunday night was one of the coldest nights of this win ter, the thermometer indicating a temperature of fourteen de grees below the freezing point. Up North the cold was intense and caused much suffering. Ii seems that The Record's old ffroundho? showed its usual sa gacity by going back into' its hold on the 2nd. ' The Woman's Missionary Union of the Sandy Creek Asso ciation will be held. at Siler City n the 25, 26 and 27th of this roonth, and' an interesting pro gram of exercises has been pre edv One of .the most attrac tive icatures of the exercises an address' by Rev- High t ,r ore. the accomplished edit of the Biblical Recorder. - - Snperior Court. The February term of the .. su perior court of this county began on last Monday and will continue all this week. The Judge arrived on the noon train and at once opened court. The following were drawn and empanelled as the grand jury: Isaac S. London (Foreman), J. W. Poe, S. W. Andrews, Gattis Dixon, Norman Phillips. S- S. Moody, J. R. Moore, J. M. Dis mukes, A. M. Webster, Jesse Rogers, M. L. Buckner, Ralph Harper, E. B. Fox, N. E. Bland, B- A, Clark, J. R. Gunter, 0. W. Stedman, R. F. Cole. The Judge's charge to the grand i 1 jury was a clear ana concise ex planation ot their duties and or the responsibilities devolving on them. It was heard with much in terest not only by the jurors but also by the by-atanders. Solicitor Stack was promptly at his post of duty and began the prosecution of the cases on tho State docket. Ihe following criminal cases were disposed of; State against H. F. Wilson: assault with deadly weapon: ver dict of guilty and judgment sus pended on payment of costs. : State against (Jus J5 rooks: re ceiving stolen property: defendant tenders a plea of nolo contendere and judgment suspended on pay ment of costs. 1 Stata against Joe Farrar and John Farrar: riding mules with out consent of the owner: defend ants submit and judgment suspen docTon payment of costs. -State "agkinst Joe Ad. Brooks: disposing of mortgaged property: verdict of not guiltj . The presiding Judge is Hon. C. C. Lyon, of Bladen county, arid this is his first visit to this county, but our people who have met him hope that it will not be his last visit here. He has made a most favorable impression up on all attending this court. r TrtiV new solicitor. Mr. A. M. Stack ' has macle a most excellent beginning and -has proved him self a most worthy successor to' Solicitor .Robinson.' , . The State, docket was- finished Vns mnrnintr and the trial of civil cases wa9 begun and will continue all the remainder of the week J , , " . Delayed Attention Costs Money. Your house wears out if not painted. It costs more to repair it than it does to paint. It don't cost much to paint with the L. & M. Paint, because 4 gallons of L. & M. Paint and 3 gallons of Un seed oil makes seven gallons of ready-for-use paint at a cost of about S...30 per gallon. You can mix yourself. Thirty-five years use in every part of the United States proves it. Atlantic City and Pittsburgh Fence Tests, made by the Master Painters Associa tion prove it. Sold by W. L. Lon don & Son, Pittsboro, The Lam beth-Crutehfield Co., Moncure. FINISHED, THE BOOK.'"""" Whan th Reader Got Through Thr Was Nothing Left. A queer character was a man 1 met once while in Kinsley, Kan, Where he came from I didn't find out, nor yet where he was bound. Prom his grips and general appear ance I guessed him to be a commer cial traveler. Doubtless he was.' When I first saw him he was buy ing a book in a Kinsley storeone of the late novels, neatly and at tractively bound in cloth, and he paid for it $1.25. His course aa he left the store with his purchase was what nailed my attention. He had the book in his hands unwrapped, having waived the parceling of the same as unnec essary. He halted at the door, bent both covers back and coolly ripped them off and tossed them into the street. Then he "cut" the volume as one might a deck of cards, about the middle, bent the two halves back till they met and then ripped them apart as coolly as he had torn off the cover. I was naturally astonished. Who was this man? Was he some ex purgator? Was the book a menace to morals ? I took a quick glance at the discarded covers. It was one of the best of the recently issued fic tion. My man tucked the first half of his book into the side pocket of his coat. The other half he thrust into the smaller of his two grips. And then both of ifi headed for the train. We rode together as far as Hutchinson. I purposely selected a seat near him. He raised a win dow and settled himself comforta bly and pulled the half book from his pocket. He tore off the first page, laid the rest of the volume be side him on the seat and read the single leaf. From the way his eyes moved 1 saw he was a "skimmer In no time he had finished page 1. I knew that, for he turned the leal And when page 2 was read I knew that, too, for he quietly crumpled up the leaf and tossed it out of the car window. And then he tore off the next leaf. And in due went the same route. And so it went on. All the way from Kins ley to Hutchinson he left a trail oi crumpled leaves. When he had fin ished the book the book wag fini&V d too Kansas City Star. GREAT COST SALE! ."""" We. Offer Our Entire Stock Of Pry Goods, Notions,. Clothing, Shoes, Hats, - Caps, Furniture, Tin ware and Crock -y ; ABSOLUTELY At COST We have in addition to our own large stock, the stock of f )F..CPOE r -selections: - . Hif A. J. BYNUM & SON. Feb. 1st, 19J0.'.- ; . . O. nIN.Q. I I We offer for the next two weeks our entire stock of Clothing at and Below Cost. Now is the time to SAVE MONEY on Clothing. r w 0 uiiic eariy ueroie your size is gone. W. L. LONDON &.SON. Land Sale. By virtue of an order of the super ior court of Chatham county made in the special proceeding entitled "John D. Council, "administrator of E. D . Council, against Celia 11. ConncU and others," we will offer for sale at pub lic auction ON THE PREMISES, at one o'clock on Saturday, the 12th of Mareh,1910, a tract oflandin New Mope township, Chatham county, bounded on the south and east by the lands of J. M. Williams, on the north by I. S. TJpchurch and Emma Ur- cnurch and on the west by Haskie Lewter, Albert Mason and W illiam j Henry, containing about 125 acres and being the land whereqn the late E. Dorsey Council resided .x This is a valuable; tobacco farm, about six miles north-west of Apes. Say Little Tobacco Plants "Mr. Farmer: . Give us a plenty of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers They will make us grow big and healthy, and thus in crease our yields per acre. These fertilizers are plant food for us, which means bfead and meat for you. They will put more money-profits into your pocket. (Signed) Your Little Tobacco Plants.' 7 Ask your fertilizer dealer for a copy of our free 1910 Farmers' Year Book or Almanac, or send us the coupon SALES OFFICES t Mai! m tkl CemM ViactNiA Cabmjha Crxmical Company. Pieaw ieo4 me copy of your 1910 Far men' Tear Book I tec of cett. Kamc. Town............ State , Richmond, Va. Nortotfc. Va. Columbia, Si C. Durham, N. C. Winston-Salem, N. C Charleston, 8. C. Baltimore, Md. Colamboi, Ga. Mootcomcrr, Ala. Memphis, Tcnn. ShxcTcrotc, La, Atla&ka, Ca. Savannah, Oa. Qtoiniarollna) tual Bej Insurance Co., e or NEWARK, New Jersey, is now Sixty-five years old, and the year 1909 was one of the most prosperous in its long and honorable history, as is shown by the fact that in addition to its regular dividend of over $3,149,000.00 To be Paid in 1910, this most liberal institution will also pay a special dividend over and above the regular dividend of $675,000.00. The Mulaial Benefit is no County, as it has paid about stranger in Chatham $50,000.00. ron the lives of some of its best citizens. All interested in the subject of Life Insurance, in this section, will do well- to call on or write, J. OR W. E. BROOKS, at Pittsboro, through whose ngency over 200 policies were issued a, in 1909 p.nd who believe they can furnish the. most v positive proof that The Mutual Benefit issues the rriost liberal policies cost consistently with safety. and at the lowest J. D. & W. E. Brooks, Pittsboro, N. C. C. r. tc; . Ti r- Important Sale. By virtue of anl.order of Jthe! Super ior Court of Chatham county made in the special proceeding "entitled T. W. Seagrovea, administrator of Johr L. Tysor against Florence Tysor an-3 others,", I will sell for cash at tht court-house door in Pittsboro, on Monday, the 7th day of March, 1910. the following property in Oakland township: One tract or parcel of land begin ning at atake on the bank of Deep river opposite the mouth of the Big Buffalo creek, corner of T. W. Sea groves, and running North 48 degrees East 23 chains and 17 links to a stake, thence North 45 degrees West,' 10 chains andj50 links to an ash tree cn the bank of Deep river, thence down saidjrlver as it meanders 42 chains to Terms of Bale one-half cash, and. bal- the beginning, containing 25 acres. ance in six months with interest. This sale is subject to confirmation by the court. Fred W. Bynnm, ) H. M. London, J Commissioners" February 9th, 1910. Real EstatefSale. By virtue of an order of the superior court of Chatham county made in the special 'proceeding entitled "Spence Taylor,?admInistrator of JohmW. Tay lor, against Allen Y. Taylor jand oth ers," 1 will sell for cash at the court house door in Pittsboro, at 12 o'clock on SATURDAY, MARCH 12th, the following lots or parcels of land: One lot or parcel of land known as lot No. 7 in the nlat of the 'Bel mont" land, about one mile north-east of the town of Pittsboro, N. C, begin ning on a rock pile N. E. corner of lot No. 6, thence south 48 poles to pointers, thence east 35 poles t6 point ers, thence north 48 noJes to a rock pile,, thence west 35 poles to the begin ning, containing about ten acres. Ooe lot or parcel of land beginning on Dr. L. A. Hanks' southeast corner on rock pile in the edge of Belmont yard, thence running north with said Hanks' line 18 poles to a stake, thence east 23 degrees south 39 poles to a rock pile, southeast corner of lot No. 13 in the survey of the Belmont land, thence west 35 poles to the beginning, containing two acres. One lot or parcel of land in the town of Pittsboro, N. C, beginning at the northeast corner of the old Riddle lot, thence north fifty feet to a stake near the old, thence west 65 feet to the old Burnett line, thence south with his line to the Riddle line, thence east 65 feet, to the beginning, being a part of lot No. 71 in the map of Pittsboro. One lot or parcel of land in said town of Pittsboro, adjoining the above lot and being a part of the old Wom ack store-house lot, beginning at the corner of the court-house square and South street, on the west side of said street, thence south 55 feet to said Taylor's corner of the above de scribed lotf thence west with Taylor's said line to his corner in Burnett's line, thence with Burnett's line to the public square, thence east to the be ginning; including all of the eld Wo mack store-house lot lying between the court-house square and Taylor's i line of the above lot. Sale subject to confirmation by the Court. February 9. 1910. H. M. XjOXdox, Commissioner. Notice of Service by Publication. North Carolina, I In the Superior j CHATHAM COUNTY UOUrt. T. M. Bynum va W, H. Glllmore. The Defendant, W. H. Gillmore, will take notice that the above en titled civil action has been instituted in the Superior Court of Chatham i County for the recovery of the sum of $265.00 due the plaintiff by account for goods, wares and merchandise re turnable at May Term, J 910, Superior Court of Chatham County. The de- I fondant will also take notice that a warrant of attachment was issued by ! the Clerk of said Court on the J 3th day of January 1910 against the prop erty of said defendant in Chatham County, which warrant is returnable before- the said Superior Court of Chatham County which convenes ou ' the 9th Monday after the 1st Monday in March, 1910, when and where the defendant is notified and required to appear and answer or demur to the jcomplaint br the relief demanded therein will be granted. This January 13th, 1910. Jas.iL. Griffin, Clerk Superior Court of Chatham. Hayes & Bynum, Attorneys for Plaintiff One c ther tract or parcel of land be ginning at an'old oak', stump North west of the grove, dinger's corner, and running! South1f82 degrees East, 18 chains? and 90 links,1 passing through the center !of the well to a stake in T. W. Seagroves' line, thdEtce North t2degrees; West73; links to a stake in said Seagroves' line, thence with said line North 17 degrees West 51 chains and 50 links to a stump, corner ofJWm. H. Seagroves, deceas ed, thence North 43 degrees West 35 chains and 50 links to a pine and pointers in said W. H. Sefcroves' line, thence South'2 degrees West 24 chains and 50 links to a pine and pointers in Thomas Johnson's line, thence with said line South 88 degrees East 18 chains to a stake, thence South 2 de grees and 15 minutes East 42 chains to a red oak, thence South 77 degrees East, 3 chains and 12 links to the be ginning, containing 971 acres. One other tract or parcel of land adjoining the lands of Emma Waldeh and others," beginning at a corner at the road at the" head of the lane Northwest of the dwelling in which Dr. David Watson formerly resided and running Northeast 86 yardsTto a little red oak, thence Northwest 380 yards to a little red oak, thence Southwest 8tf yardstoja" small hick ory spout, thence running 830 yards Southeast to the beginning, lying on the waters of Deepriver ' andcontaln ing about six acres. The above will be sold separately. Sale subject to confirmation by the court. This February 2, 1910. , H. A. London, Commissioner, The Ra leigh Furniture Co., g Dealers in Necelssities for the Home. Hi ft Furnitii re, ; House Furnishings Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as the admin Is- I trator with the will annexed of Jordan Tysor,' deceased, I hereby notify all persons noiaing Claims against saia decedent to exhibit the same to me or my attorneys, on or before the 26tb day of January ,;1M1. This 26th Jan uary. 1910. J T. TV . Se groves,- Administrator C. T. A. Hayes & Bynum,' Attorneys. Oi.r An Year Pi for prices when ibition: Satisfied Customers. art: Remember to call on us or write in need of anything in our line. The Ri ;-j 17 East Martm T.'E - GREEN, Sec. and Treas. any, N. C ffV I Executors notice: Having ja IqiAalified as executors of Samuel T. all persons holding claims against said decedent to exhibit the same to us, or either of us, on or before the 2nd day of February, 1911. All peraons indebted to said dece dent are notified to pay us without delay and thus save costs. ' j. W. Womble, B. P. Womb!e, J. F. Wamble. t (ft m Mr Land Sale. By virtue of j the Ipower conferred upon me in a certain deed of trust from Robert H. Clegg and wife, Agnes F. Clegg, dated January 1st, 1908, conveying the hereinafter de scribed land to secure the notes therein described, default having been made in the payment of said notes, and requests having been made upon me by the holder of said notes to execute the power of sale therein conferred,' I will, on SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 1910, at twelve o'clock, M., at the Court House door in the City of Pittsboro, offer for sale the following described land, lying and being: in Chatham County, in said State, and bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at an ironwood, ash and ironwood pointers, Mrs. Fred Williams' corner on Bush Creek; thence with her line 8 87 degrees E. 99 poles to a 6take in Troad, sweet gum pointers, Mrs. Fred Williams' corner; thence N. 22i degrees E., 67 poles to a stake, pine pointers, Mrs. Fred Williams' corner; thence N. 68 de grees E. to a stake and pointerson Chapel Hill and Fayetteville Road, near Horton's corner; thence South ward with said Road) 82 poles to a stake; thence West 29 poles Ito a stake, sweet gum pointers, Mrs. Williams' corner;" thence South (crossing railroad) 97 poles to a stake on Pittsboro & Raleigh Road, Mrs. H. F. Stone's line; thence Westward with said road 92 poles to Bush Creek; thence up the various courses of said Creek to the beginning, es timated to contain 88 acres exclusive of railroad. This , is the land which Jthe said parties of the first part agreed to sell to said Robert Clegg January 15, 1907. See bond for title registered in Deed Book of Chatham County E D, page, 263. Terms: Cash. H. A. FOUSHEE - . Trustee. This January 24, 191CL Re-Sale of Land. By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Chatham County, made in a Special Proceeding whereto all the heirs at law of the late George W. Farrell were made parties for the pur pose of belling for partition the real property of the said George W. Far rell, deceased, I will offer for public , re-sale, to the highest bidder, at the court-house door in Pittsboro, in said Chatham county, at 12 o'clock, M., on Saturday, February 26, 1910, the fol lowing real property to-wit: A tract of land in New Hopejtewn ship, Chatham County, containing 66 acres, more or less; it .being known;(a the home place of said George W. Far rell, and located about three miles from Pittsboro, N.C., and upon which is a five room frame dwelling, consid erable wood and timber, sltuatedjin good neighborhood. This sale Is made accessary by an advanced bid and.tho bidding will start at $401.50. Terms of Sale: Half cash,i balance in six months, with privilege' of ipur- chasertopay cash, deferred payment to carry interest from 'dayof ; sale til 1 fully paid. Bale subject to confirma tion by Clerk. This the 32nd day of January, 1910. . JsB.Cwk, Commissioner.