Wednesday, may 4th, 1910. Bringus your job work. : Lonk out for the blueX mark Irene your subscription. Harness, Leo Franks' make, received by Brooks & Eu- banks- newest i3 coming, and the . "i-i1 1 cradles are on hand at Brooks c: a L'n . - (,o V. Mann, at Bynum.has Jj'i ih " of men's pants which 2 I 1 1 1 i " a , visit to Coble. - .: Mr. and Mrs. H. L. f 1UUU1 till -'--TJ"i''ir"J"t i federate matter, w I oca! Records, J i bem? read and rerr Jja Will t assort!" ill Wanted, a girl: to run over- seaming sewing , machine at hos iery mill. Apply to Box IS. Pitts- boro. ; . , ,: . r; . - . : ; ; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thompson Tht prWc" r' 'l returned Friday from their ten- .4.. ii wiiv aiiu uiner norcnern wen woriny or points, emembered. - i -. , TT , .-Mrs. . J. - TTnrw T?oll orrl When you come to cfHirtTiAYt dren rt.nmfJ tn thoir iinma in week call, on John L. Council for Trenton, N. J., last Saturday, iruits, confectioneries and cool after a six-weeks visit to Mis. armKs.sucn as milk shakes, cocoa- r Fell's parents here. Killed by Saw Mill. Special to the Charlotte Observer. , Clinton, April 30. Geo. Coop er, a prominent farmer, was killed at his sawmill near Salem burs', ten milea west of Clinton, this morning1. He was walking near a large belt when he slipped and fell upon the belt and was snatch ed on to a pulley, which crushed his head iu to a shapeless mass and his body was otherwise mangled. oil at rock-bottom prices. e j ust received a large of picture moulding.. fttii-'.il line. Brooks & Eu- banks. -Before you buy your buggy via mrintr, look at a "Hackney" or -Parker." Sold by Brooks & Eubanks. - Bnnsr your clocks and watches to be repaired to G. L. . Kemp, next to Dr. Chapin's office, when you come to court. When you come to court next week be sure to renew your sub scription. If you do not come, ri if hv some neighbor. We are requested to announce : that there will be communion ser vice next Sunday at the Presby terian church at this place. -Bring us your job work. All work turned out promptly and neatlv at Tiie Record job print ing office. Send in a trial order. -This is election year and every voter in Chatham ought to read The Record and keep posted. Only 75 cents until after the elec tion. -Joe W. Mann still offers to pay one dollar to anyone answer in? his ad. in another column and making a trade. He means what he says. For sale : A Seargent's saw mill and carriage in good shape, used only nve montns, price reasonable, terms easy. Apply to T. M. Bland, Pittsboro. Mr. Robert C. Hatch has been elected town constable and tax collector by our town -commissioners in the place of Mr. W. L. Powell who recently resigned. -When you come to court next week make Auburn Bland & Co. your headquarters, where you can find a full line of fruits, con fectioneries and heavy and fancy groceries. -iters. Melville K. Perry and N- W. Dixon of this county have been drawn as jurors for the Federal court, which meets at Raleigh on the 24th of this month. Rev. V. A. Royall, pastor of the Methodist church here, is condjctinar a series of meetings this week. day at 4 o'clock Services are held each in the afternoon and 7:45 o'clock at night. The traveling public can rent stalls for their horse3 cheap next week and at other times from Will T. Johnson, southwest of court-house. He has just com pleted a large new feed stable. 1 Remember when you come to court next week that D. M. Smith at the old Love corner serves meals at any hour day or night. He also has 'cool drinks and heavy and cheap groceries. cola, grape juice, &c. The kitchen of Mr. John H. Thomas, near Bynumr caught on nretrom the stove flue, on last Sunday, but fortunately was dis-1 covered in time to be extinguisL-! ed before much damage was done. Our fields and forests are now ! most beautiful to behold. The trees are in full foliage, present ing a most attractive appearance, the djzep green of the cedar and pine mingled with the lighter green of the oak and hickory, in terspersed with fields of growing grain. - , The commencement exercises at Manndale Institute, 12 miles northwest of here, will be held next Monday and Tuesday, May 9th and 10th,; the latter day be ing commencement day proper. On Sunday, the 8th, Rev. James R.,-Edwards, of Sanford, will preach the commencement ser mon. The Daughters' of the Con federacy will meet .with. Mrs. H. A. London next Monday after noon, May 9th, at 4:30 o'clock. The members are reauested to bring with them materials for making evergreen wreaths which will be used in decorating the graves of the dead soldiers on Tuesday. At a joint meeting of the county commissioners and road commissioners, last Monday, a committee of two members of each board was appointed to in spect the bridges at Baldwin's and Fearrington's on New Hope creek and make " recommenda tions as to the advisability of re pairing those . bridges or having new ones built. This committee will meet today at the above named bridges. An election is ordered to be held at the residence of Mr. A.R. Phillips, in Bear Creek township, on the 4th day of June upon the question of levying a speMal school tax of 3D cents on the one hundred dollars worth of proper ty and 90 cants on the poll. Mr. A. R. Phillips is appointed the registrar and Messrs. C. R. Neal and C. W. Phillips poll holders. Part of the district is in Moore county. v . The many friends here of Dr and Mrs. William B. Chapin sym pathize with them most deeply in the death of their four-weeks- old infant son, Henry Tarlton, which, after a short sickness, occurred at their home at Towns- ville, Vance county, on last Sat urday afternoon, ine remains i -i.i n .1 3 were brougnt nere sunuay arm interred in the Baptist church yard Monday morning, Rev. R.B Lineberry conducting the funeral service. At the closing exercises of the Ore Hill graded school, held recently, prizes for punctuality were awarded to the four chil dren of Mr. Norman A. Jones, they being the only students of the school who had been perfect in punctuality. This is a remark able, as well as most cremtaoje, family record. The importance of promptness and punctuality should be impressed on all chil dren, for so many grown persons lack it so much. v Mr. Archie Poe, of Knoxville, Tennessee, has been hare on a short visit to his sister. Mrs. L. R. Exline. This was Mr. Poe's first visit here in 21 years. , Mad Dog Killed. One night, a few weeks aero. Mr. J. A. Stone, of Williams township, was awakened by a dog attacking his fowls. He ran out with his pistol and saw a strange dog, which he shot at, Never hesitate about , giving Cham ber lava's. Cough Remedy to ehildreav It contains no opium or other narcot ics and can be given with implicit con fidence. As a yquick' cure for coughs and colds to which children are sus ceptible, it is unsurpassed. Sold by all dealers. Mr. T. M. Fountain, of Wilson, had his right, leg broken, hi3 left shoulder dislocated ' and other wounds inflicted, one day last and as it ran away a colored tenant week, by being caught in a saw ran out of his house with a erun mill while it was running. and killed the dog. Mrs. Stone went out to see after her fowls and took up one that had been crippled, but not killed, by the dog and the fowl in struggling either pecked or scratched her hand, and a narticle of the foam or froth of the dog's mouth had got on the fowl and a small part ot it got on Mrs Stone's hand. Mr. Stone cut off the dog's head and sent it to Raleigh to Dr. Shore who, after, examining it, stated that the dog was mad. 1 hereupon Mrs. Stone Trent to Raleigh for treatment, m order to escape any attack of hydro phobia, and has now returned home free from an v further dan ger. ' HEALTH INSURANCE The man -who insures his life Is wise for his family. The man who insures his health is wise both for his family and himself. You may insure health by gsartS ing it. It is worth guarding. . At the first attack of disease, which generally approtches through the LIVER and. mani fests itself-in innumerable ways TAKE. To Get the Best Results use 0U - m Go e's ariters. CUT FLOWERS, WEDDI;BsuQUE!eiB FUNERAL DESIGNS. ;fc PAWS. FERNS, CUd0ara4 -. . 'ibsi B&iu ING PLANTS, CAC2lS'Mi AND TOMATO PL AHTl .'pit r All orders given prompt "atMs tion. phone, No. 94. Sanford, N. C. m j. mcphail; it; We have everything of Cole's makes Coffins Mil d In Stock. Superior Court. The May term of Chatham su perior court will be held next week and will be for the trial of both civil and criminal case?. The criminal docket is very small, tnere being no cases of much im portance, and all will probably be disposed of in one day, which speaks well for a county as large as this, t The civil issue docket, how ever, is quite large and not half of the cases on it will be disposed of. It would probably take two weeks more to try all the civil cases, and a special term is great ly needed. By consent of both sides the case of Stout against ! Perry will not be tried again un til August court. This is the case that was tried last August and the jury "hung," and was tried again at November court and a verdict rendered for' the plaintiff, and, on appeal to the Supreme Court, a new trial was ordered, because the judge erred in excluding some of the evidence offered by the defendants. The presiding judge will te n n '' Si And save your hpa?th, y MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of a mortgage executed to W. -VV. Hatch by James D. Brooks and wife, C. VV. Brooks, and duly as signed to us by deed registered in Book "IS K," pages 161 ana lt6, we will sen tor casn at 12 o'clock, on Saturday, June the 4th, 1910, at the court-hoaae door in Fittsboro, the land described in said-mortgage, situated in Hickory Mountain township Chatham county, adjoining the lands of W.C. Burk and others, beginning oa the north bank f Ilocky river, about the "high rock," running thence north i ) degrees east 222 poles to grantee's line; thence with nis line north zo degrees west ob p les to People's corner; thence with his line of marked trees to the fork of the branch; thence down the various courses of the branch j34 poles to a waimit tree; thence west 116 poles to the river; thence down the river to the tfeginninsr, containing 230 acres, sv- inff. however, and excepting about i-O acres conveyed by deed, registered oik pige3 314 and 31a in Book D. K. ii- sai l register's office. Jc RED. U. WILLIAMS, A. II. London May 4, 1910. Land Sale. By virtue of the powers contained Hon. Robert B. Peebles, of North- in a certain deod of trust executed by ampton county, who hasex- AT Y. Bowlinx and Lt. F. Bowling, changed with -Judge Lyon, who his wife, to J. Ii. Walker, trustee, the held our February court. The cotton seed oil mill at this place sold last week 2,000 bushels of seed to be shipped south for planters, whose crops had been destroyed by the recent frost and who had to re-plant their cotton. The Pittsboro Machine Shops, "atch & Glenn proprietors, are now prepared to do any kind of blacksmith and wood work. Special attention to repairing vehicles and farming implements, bood work guaranteed. . -Lockville Roller Mills offer in 500 pound lots bran at $1.60, shorts $1.50, oats 62 cents and corn 87 cents delivered at any station in Chatham or Lee coun ty on S. A. L. or Southern rail ed. Shipment from Richmond. Ush with order. Dr. Julius Shaffer, optician, paauate of Baltimore' and regis tered in the State of North Car JJ11;?, will be in Pittsboro at the i7fSn? IIouse on the 16th. and m Moncure at Dr. Strick land s the 18th, and in Goldston the 20th, for the - purpose of examining eyes and fitting glass- w wra requested to announce ; L LIiere will be memorial exer ;lses at Ebenezer Methodist 2jfQm,New Hope township, th? Sturday at 11 o'clock which if.f'f'c generally is-cordially 5 t0 attend. Addresses wu t0 the day will be made ' j x ii unv; ctvx i uiiiniK We are much pleased to state that the poll tax of the voters of this countv is better paid up this year than usual. . Sheriff Jenkins says that he does not think there are hardly 40 voters in the coun tv who have failed to pay. No doubt the number would be very much larger if payment-of the poll tax was not a prerequisite to voting, thus proving that this re quirement enables the sheriff to collect more taxes than otherwise he could collect. Next Tuesday, May 10th,be incr Confederate Memorial Day in North Carolina, the graves of all dead soldiers buried in the town fmptpries will be decorated with flowers The local chapter of tho TT. D. C. reauest, the school children and the people generally tn vith them at 5:o0o clock at the Baptist churchyard, every nnfi brme'inc: flowers, and , join with them in placing wreaths on the graves of the dead veterans buried in the various church yards. ' The Poe Fortaa Mr. Archie Poe, now of Knox ville. Tennessee, was here last Saturday on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Maggie Exlme, and also foi the purpose of obtaining some in- and bein formation relating to the foe family. It is said that - about one hun dred vCars ago a man, named Poe, executed a lease for ninety- nine years on some property in Baltimore that is now worth sev eral million dollars, and that no heirs of the lessor can be found. Mr. Archie Poe has some mtor- mation that induces him to think that the Uaitimore roe was his great-grandfather and he is belief. Mr. Hasten Poe came to this place many years before the War fiom bpottsylvania county, Virsrinia. and was the father of the late Oran S. Poe, Cooper Poe, Mrs. Adelaide Cotten and Mrs. Martha Harris, and it is hoped that he may be proved to have been the son of the Baltimore Poe. who is said to have moved from Baltimore to Spottsylvania county. - We sincerely hope that a rela tionship can be traced and proved between the descendants ot Mr. Hasten Poe and the Baltimore Poe, andthat they may have bet ter luck v than others who have hoped to get a part of the for tunes that have been said to await claimants. undersigned Trustee will, at the court house door in Pittsboro, N. on Siturdiy the 14th day of May, 1910, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described land, to- wit: A tract of land in Chatham County, North Carolina, in Williams township, the land on which F. J. Tilly and his wife resided when they lived in Chatham County, known as the Merritt place, a deed for which may be found fully recorded in book "C W'at page 160 in office of Regis ter of Deeds for Chatham County, containing 531 acres originally, from which there has been Po!dfTby s iid F. J. Tilly all of the said land excel t 121-1-2 acres:which said quantity, to wit, 121-1-2 acres, is hereby conveyed anl known as the "Dameron Place, " said land adjoining the lands of Vv . J. A. Cheek, Wesley Oldham, J. H. Williams, J. W. Atwater.and others." J. B. W alker, Time of Sale: 12 o'clock. This April 12th, 1910. Hayes & Bynum, , Attorneys. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Personal Items. Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Farthing were Raleigh visitors Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Griffin spent Saturday and Sunday with rela tives at Gulf." " . The Record is fortunate in cor-nrino-as its new foreman Mr. of Kaleigh, Make Yoar Dollars ExtenJ.v Our" asrencv -will prove that thirtv-flve years bijr sales aud nleased -'users of the L. fe M Paint will save, you dcliars, be cause when " painting with. L. & M. -irou are usiDir metal Zinc Oxide combined with White Lad. Zinc Oxide is imperishable, makes the L & M. wear aud cover like gold. Tbf L. & M. Colors are therefore bright and lasting. You ! wont need to repaint for 10 or 15 years; besides L. & M. Pamt costs less than auy other, . say about $1.30 per gallon. Sold by W. L London & Son, Pittsboro, The Lambeth-Cfutchfield Co., Mou Throusrh Connections for all Points South and West. Pullman Sleeping Cars on al Through Trains; Dining Car Service. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver r.barleswA. Brown, one of the best printers m ine Tablets will clear the snur stomach, State. - ! sweeten the breath and create healthy Mr and Mrs. James Uates ana appetue. xney prumutc Thev promote the flow of iUWrs. cf Burlington, nave oeen nere on aigesuou. W. L. LONDON & SON. aOEW.'MANN AT BYNUM caskets: A-Mi. ." , Has a full line of all kind3 of Farming Implements New Southern Disc Harrow McCormick Reapers and Binders, Cultivators, Mowers and Rakes. HE ALSO CARRIES SUPPLIES FOR Deering and McCormick Mowers If you need anything in this line, drop him a card and he will come to sea you. Also a full Stock of Coffins and Gaskets On Hand. A full stock of Coffirui aadl Caskets always on hand and sold at all prices and sizes. B, Nooe, AU lands Pittsborc, N. C. Jm.l, 1910 Moncure Furniture Sl Coffin Co. S-IbTIFOIRID, ISTOJSTiH: CAROLINA. yivnTriiw Large and Select Stock of FURNITURE in all Styles . Our UNDERTAKING Stock is Complete in Caskets, Coffins, &c, of all sizes and at Reasonable Prices. Full Stock of MATTING on Hand. Special attention called to our MATTING ART SQUARES. Try one. All ordersjby mail receive prompt attention. Carter Furniture & Coffin Go, Sanford, N. C. 35 i SOLI D CAR LOAD CELEBRATED RALEIGH COOK STOVES RALEIGH FURN!TU,ft CO., RALE.IGHN. C . MANUFACTURED BY RICHMOND STOVE. CO. RICMMCMO, VA. " 1 E would like to demonstrate to you in your own home, that the Raleiarh is a perfect, economical and satisfac tory stove for you to use. Your money back if its not. Cash or Time Payments. 117 VV Sold by all dealers. ATTRACTIVE EXCURSION RATES To FLORIDA, CUBA, AND NUM EROUS OTHER WINTER RESORTS. For safety, comfort jand court eous . treatment, travel via. Southern Railway. Rates schedules and other informa tion gladly furnished. R. H. DeButts, Traveling Passenger Agenf, Raleigh, N. O. H. F. Cary, General Passenger Asent. Washington, P. 0, 1 Write for prices and terms and compare our prices with others. - . We make it easy for responsible people to own the best stove or "range sold. N - ... - " - We Pay The Freight The Raleigh - Furniture Company, 17 East Martin & 18 Market Streets, . Raleigh, N. C - T. E. GREEN, Sec. and Treas. Land Sale. Land Sale. By virtue of an order of the Supeior Court in the special proceeding there in pending entitled "J. G. Bennett vs. Charles Bennett and others," I will at the courthouse door in Pittsboro, N.'C, on Saturday the . 21st day of Mav, 1910, offer -for sa'e to the highest bidder the following described tract of land, to-wit: A tract of land in Chatham County, North Carolina, in Williams township, bounded on the north by the lands of Charlie Lindsay, on the east by lands of A. Y. Fowling on the south by the lands of John vv. Atwater and on the west by the lands of Jones Kerson, containing 106 acres more or less and being the land of the late M. M. Ben nett and known as the M. M. Bennett heirs' land. Time of sale, 12 o'clock M. This April 20th, 1 910. Is. t. HA.YES, commissioner. Hayeg & Bynum, Attorneys On SATURDAYKMay 7th, 1910, at the residence of the jate B. II. Beav ers, in Williams township, acting un der the direction of the last will and testament of the said R. H. Beavers and the written request of the de- viseps thereunder, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder FOR CASH that parcel of land lying on both sides of North-East Creek bounded on the north by the lands of C. E. Beavers, on the east bv the heirs of W. E. Bar bee, "deceased, on the south by the lands of H. T.IIoward, and on the west by the heir's of Samuel Davis, deceased, containing about bo acres. C E. Beavers, Executor of R. H. Beavers This April th, 1910. J Hayes & By nam, Attorneys. Furniture and Coffin Co. Dealers in All Kinds of Household Furniture, Carpets, Mat tings and Picture Frames. Also a Full Line of Coffins, Caskets & Burial Goods, Cook Stoves and Hearj,3 Specialties. Moncure, N. C. Seaboard Air Line SCHEDULE. EfiVtive .Tin. 3, li)Ci9. ; Direct Luif'lit-.tween'NewYorl' Florida, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, New Orleans and th Southwest, subject to change with out notice. I Figures given below aro for tfct information of the public and are not guaranteed. Trains 'leave Pittsboro as fol lows: No. 138 9:00 a. in., con necting at Moncure with No. St for Portsmouth -Norfolk, whiek connects at Weldon with the A, C. L. for Eastern Carolina points, at Norfolk with all steamship lines for points North. No. 140- -4:00 p. m., coe nects at Moncure with No. 41 for Char lotte, Wilmington, Atlarta, Bir mingham, Memphis, and points West. No. 41 connecting nt Hamlet with No. 43 for J ackson ville and Florida pointft. No. 139 will arrive at 1'ittsboro 11:10 a. m., connecting with No. 38 from the South. No. 141 arrives at Pittsboro 6:20 p.m., connecting .with No. 41 from points North. . Trains between Moncure and Pittsboro operated daily except Sunday. v For further information appljr to B. M. Poe, agent, Pittsboro, or write to H.S.LEABD, 4i Division Passenger Agent, VNo. 4 West Martin St., . Raleigh, N.O. - mm ROCURED AND DEFENDED. awiw? or photo, for expert aeareii ua I free report Free advice, how to obtain pMenM, InM eoprrighUL etc- in ALL COUNTfllCB. Business direct -with Washington tmvf timt. mousy ana ojm tne patent. Patent and Infringement Prs;C3 Etttnlvalj. Write or eome to ua at IS Both BtrMt, epp. VbIUA Mate fata WASHINGTON, D. C. II

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