ftfo Wednesday, july u, 1910. . a - 5 2 5 5 5 5 -5--S - "5 2 a f LOCAL UKCOttttS. 'J notices ior posting 1 ..lion 1 1 1 iiiL ttiai,Kj, 1 - -J "( liLLLV .11. V Ap- in i for snip .ti' ana mux. i t The Record otiice. vr sale: One 30-horse pow- fl- pnnne and one 30-horse pow- ;r portable Doner on iu, ply to B-Nooe, Pittsboro. ill send The Record , "1 nrtw until the election Vnvomber to any new subscriber or cents or to three tor $1 Thp nuarterly conference of tiie churches on the Pittsboro L, will meet with Brown's Chapel church Saturday and Sun day next. Tn addition to the early cot Mnnms sent The Record , rrtv one was sent by Mr of Bynum, which he plucked July 6th. -This hot weather requires a nt' shirts and collars. W. L. London & Son sell the celebrated j ?on oranct smrib -auu. tuua. Wear Lion brand if you want tne best. The attention of our readers is called to the road commission- cvTipnses ana ine report ui ersanal Items. Mr. Sam Poe, of Rockingham is here on a short visit to his un- o 1p Mr "R M Pno . - - personal preierences anu preiu- MlSS Bessie Hackney, of Dur- dices and nnitfi on mpr vvlin will ham, is here on a visit to her sis- not onlv make o-ood countv offi- ter, Mrs. L. E. Farthing. cers but who -will noil the lar- Mrs. Lea Powell and daughter. &est vote against the Republican Mary Alice, of Norfolk, Va.. are nominees. In unity there is visiting Mrs. Mary Powell. , strength and with a united Iront - ja sweeping uemocratic victory Mrs. J. LImer Long, of Gra- m wamw ia cn ham, is visiting her parents, Capt. I and Mrs. T. L, Peay, near here- Countv Farmers' Union. the treasurer or tne pudiic scuuui fund to be found elsewhere in this paper. The Eonlee Telephone Com panv has recently been incorpo rated through the Secretary ot State's office. Mr. C N. Bray, of Siler City, and others are named as the incorporators. -The Record job printing of fla i now nremred to do any kind of Job printing, vnnr orders at once. turned out promptly snnable prices. anteed. For the next ten days we will ,fffll- lrirp lot of colored lawns nnrl orsrandies. worth from 12 1-2 ?; r-Antd tipr vard. at 10 cents These are splendid values and should command your inspection W- L- London & Son. T nr-lrv illp Roller Mills offer in r,00 Dound lots bran at $1.G0, - - - so senu in All work and at rea- Satisfaction guar- Masters , Radcliff e and Jack Lanius are visiting their uncle. Mr. Hasten Poe, at Morehead City. Mrs. Mary C. James returned to her home in Wilmington Fri day, after a visit to relatives! here. Miss Fannie Thompson return ed Monday from a visit to her sis ter, Mrs. J. S. Bradsher, at Rox boro. . Mrs. E. F. Marks left Sunday for her home in Lee county, af ter a visit here to her niece, Mrs. T. W. Hackney. Dr. and Mrs. S. W. Staley. of Aurora, Beaufort county, arrived Saturday on a visit to Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Chapin. Misses Carrie Haughton Lon don and Inda London, of Wash ington, D. C , arrived Monday o.i a visit to their grandparents here. Dr. J.P.Fearrington and son and daughter, of Winston, have been on a short visit to Dr. Fearring- ton's sister, Mrs. J. R. Milliken, near here. They made the trip I from vv inston in an automobile Misses Dora and Sable Palmer and Mr. Gus Palmer, of Gulf, have been here on a short visit to Mrs. B. Nooe. On Thursday evening Mrs. Nooe gae a very enjoyable party complimentary to her guests. Ensign J. J. London has been promoted to the rank of lieuten ant in the U. S. navy. He is ex pected here about the middle of August on a visit to his parents after a cruise around the world for nearly three years. Among those from this county who will attena the State Demo cratic convention at Charlotte to morrow are Messrs. J. G. Han nah, Jr , W. D. Siler, I- S. Lon don, Spence Taylor and H. M. London. nation for the various offices. . Letter from the Pacific. THE RECORD has no favorite The ' following -ieit' was written to for any of the nominations but ilis parents herd by Lieut. J: J. Lon urges all Democrats to lay aside don while homeward bound on the u. S. S. Chattanooga, at sea en route from Guam to Honolulu: ' You notice that I head this letter June 14th (b) to distinguish it from an other June 14th that 1 have lived through this year. And that other June 14th was yesterday! This thing of liv ing the same date twice in succession is quite a novelty. 1 have seen the time when I would like very much to wake up in the morning and find that it was again the day before! I can also imag ine circumstances where instead of re peating the day before I would be pleased to skip a day. And, no doubt, some of you at home would feel very differently from the way 1 do, if you were aboard this ship now. Wouldn't you like to be cruising along in a balmy, tropical sea? I know you would as long as it was smooth and you would like the idea of having a day repeat! This is the 17th day since leaving Ma nila ami we have five days more before us. ' So we are impatient for the l'Jth of J une to arrive, which is the day we are due to reach -'Honolulu, and repeat ing the 14th makes the 19th just one day further off. But really it doesn t matter to us whether a uay is 1 uesuay Mas to steam just so many miles and no m :r "We left Cavite, with our homeward- bound pennant tiying, on the :10th of May at : o clock in the morning, i on know that Manila is on the western side of Luzon, sot-hut you have to cruise about .300 miles around the head, or i southern end of the island, before vou The Chatham County Farmers' Union met in the court-house here last Saturday, 27 of the 46 local unions in the county, em bracing a membership of over 700, being represented- Although it was a very busy time on the farms, about 150 farmers from different sections of tne county were present. The principal feature of the meeting was an address by Dr. H. Q. .Alexander, of Mecklen burg county. State president of the union, which was listened to or eunesuay, tue smp with earnest attention by his hearers. His main theme was how the farmers could by co-operation and organization help each other and indirectly help the community and State. Much stress was laid on improved meth ods in farming and more intelli gent ways in improving the soil and all were urged to make their fertilizers at home. We wish his address could haye been heard by every farmer in. the county. Commissioners' Proceedings. The countv commissioners at their meeting last week audited and allowed the following accounts: W. L. London & Son, for supplies for county home$37 34 W. S. Teacrue. tor Acme tax calculator l .CO Daniel Reid, for TonrMc- Intyre's transportation and exnenses to Golds- boro hosnital 13 15 O. B. Mann, work on Har lan's creek bridge 2 00 B. A. Phillips, 1 day's ser vices to Board and mile- Count v Treasurer's Re port of Public School - Fund Chatham Co. 4.440 97 8,829 11 2G6 1,472 02 255 39 10 18 A Surprise Marriage. A telegram received Tuesday from Mr. Earnest A. Farrell an nounced his marriage Tuesday morning at Alliance, Pamlico county, to Miss 1 lorence Oampen who had recently gone there on a age. o 10 6G. shorts S1.50, oats tz cents aim cn -,c. rlol? vorfd nt anv Station 'in Chatham or Lee coun- visit to her old home. Mr. Farrell tnn S A L or Southern rail- left here Sunday on a visit to the road. Shipment from Richmond Cash with order eastern part ot the btate, but it was not known that he would re turn with his bride scsoon. Miss -TWp i an id saving tnax: UamDen has been the stenogra in ninety days from the time you pher for W. L- London & Son for hpar the first katydid m juiy. some time, and our young iowiis- Wo will hp frost. If it is true mnn. Mr. Farrell, is to be con thprp will be frost on the 8tn oi g-ratulated on winning so cnarm October. Keep your eye open ing a bride. and see if it comes true. Members of the Christian nvh in this countv will be in terested in the Young People's of that denomination ill he held at Amelia yv iiiv,ii . , irc.h. m Johnston Tnlv 9.0th to 22d. An LUUllLJ1, , fnmctino- nmpram has been III 11 LOLl'lf, 0 prepared. -Mr. William J. Weddmgton, of Concord, special census agent of manufactures, has been m this section of Chatham the past week collecting statistics for the government on all kinds of man ufacturing establishments. He will complete his work in this county in about a week. -The annual Sunday school conference of the Pittsboro cir will hp held at Brown s Chapel church, in Hadlev town ship, Saturday and Sunday, July 15 and 17. An interesting pro gram of exercises has been pre pared for both days and a large attendance of delegates and vis itors is expected. -Mr. R. L- Beal, of this coun ty, was fined $10 and costs by a Raleigh justice of the peace last Frirlnv for violating the cattle. quarantine law, having, it was charged, driven cattle infested with ticks on the public highway . The authorities are rigidly en forcing the quarantine regula tions and are determined to erad . icate the cattletick. hear of the Farrell & Mann, for barrel of syrup for county home 1G G. R. Pilkington, medicine tor countv home and i an e oo H. G- Dorsett, services as clerk to Board lG-55 Brooks & Eubanks, sup plies for county home ... M. J. Mann, conveying Will Jones to jail Di L. E. Farthing, ser vices as superintendent of health in small-pox cases Wilb'p Tnvlor for work at county home 13 00 Younger Farrell, for work s at county home 12 50 2 85 G G5 70 CO can set your course ior uie uiu eu States. Yve took the southern route, passing down through the Verde Island passage and out into t he t'acitic t h rough the San Bernardino strait. Thus fur a dav and a half we passed close to many small islands. Just as v.e passed through the strait we met the army transport "Sheridan," on its monthly trip from San Francisco to Manila. Of course we had to hoist our homeward bound pennant for their benelit. This pennant is about .100 teet long, having the colors and the stars of the Ameri can ensign, i ne ordinary commission pennant of a ship is about ten fr;et long and is down by all ships in eonums- 011. It was an old custom in the navy. when a ship was on a foreign cruise, to double tne length ot her. pennant tor every year she was away from home, so thai formerly you could look at a madron of our ships in the rient and tell at a glance the ships that had been longest t)ii the station. This custom has ben done away with, except that a ship now going Home alter a proiract ed cruise, Hies an extra long pennant. So when we leave a port or sight an other vessel we hoist our pennant and a large set of American colors, in our joy to let them know that we are home ward bound. 1 here are several men on this ship who were on board when she left New York in November, iyo-". To them the homeward-bound pennant means something. "When out of the San Bernardino strait we set our course X. S-"j il. (true) for ( iuam, distant l-r00 miles, and did not sight an object until we made the port of Aprai Island of uam. eany y the morning of J une otn. I ne weath er had been ideal smooth sea and gen lie breeze, with temperature about s: F. We had the usual tropical rain squalls, which would come suddenly upon us. "June loth. .o, i don t think you would like to be m my piace now. Muce vesterdav we have run into a strong Head wind, and it has not only kicked up a rough sea, but is making i his ship kick up pretty lively too. A head wind and sea makes it very uncomfortable Receipts and Sources. County Fatidit for the Year General ttbtto aud coun ty poll lax $ General properly tax Special county poll tax for schools .'.... Special county proper ty tax for schools Fines, forfeitures and penalties .. From sale of school property Private examinations. Property listed on spe cial book Poll tax listed on spe cial hook Ba). 1908 from ex-Sher iff Millikeu installment on loan funds from Lee Co Children transferred from Moore county.. Total county funds for ' Year 35,659 Local Taxes for Year S jecial local property , "tax (rural) 2,623 Special local poll tax (rural) 484 Total special local taxes 3,108 45 00 00 153 35 47 70 143 32 I -?'rv ' BUGGIES We have what you want at the right price. We carry a full stock of Buggies and Surries in all style springs, cuts and widths. We will be glad to show you our stock. Will sell for cash or on time. Funds from State From first- $100,000 ... From second $100,000 From loan fund For libraries For pub. high schools FU'otal funds from btate Private Donations For libraries .... .; For nub. high schools 1908 -'09 For prj). high schools 1909 -'10 Total from private do nations ; Total funds from all sources 23,710 Expenditures. Spent for Teartint tV Supervision County superintendent 799 00 White teachers 11,887 77 Colored teachers 3,620 65 Total spent for teachers and superintendent . .. 16,307 42 15 50 7 50 I 01 : : : : G3 S'l ' 43 Kar- 1,881 31 I I 1,501 02 II I 700 00 l I , 55 00 II I ' 750 00 I I 4,387 33 I I 55 00 illl ill Four 57 i a v Wr L. London & Son 1 250 00 55500i SAFE, SURE,' SECURE! All money deposited with The BANK of PITTSBORO Is Safe, Sure p,nd Secure. per cent interest paid on all time deposits. Collections Made Promptly. ank of the County. lluildinyx and Supplies 352 18 242 36 19 135 85 ( on board this class ot ship, and niate- Caut. London Better. The many friends of Capt. W. L. London will be delighted to learn that his condition is much improved and that he is now on the road to recovery. The oper ation, which it was deemed ne cessary for him to undergo at Rex hospital, Raleigh, Wednes day, was in every way success ful and he is rapidly recovering from its effects. It is thought that he may be able to return home in a few days. Mrs. Lon don is with her husband at the hospital during his sickness. Tf. was nuite a singular coinci- that Cant. London and his brother, Mr. H. A. London, who are the two oldest native citizens nf Pittsboro. were both so criti- nniiv sio.k in so short a time of pnrh other. The latter was re from his serious illness when his brother, Capt. London, was taken sick. B ; " County Politics. No unusual interest so far has been taken in county politics, al though the county conventions of both oarties will be held with in the next two weehs. Democratic convention will be held Tuesday, July 26, the pre cinct meetings oeing neiu uie Saturday preceding, while the Republicans will hold their con vention three days earlier, July 23 rd Clerk of the Court James L Griffin seems to have no opposi irm for rpnomination. There are We regret to near 01 u suggested tor the death of Mrs. J. b. wmianto, ui Demoaratic nomination for sher Williams township, wnich occur- Arnong them (and there are red Thursday night at wra doubtless- others) the names of hospital, at Durham, . wheie sne following are being discuss had been taken -for treatment. j H Duniap J. R. Milli- Her remains were mterreci on Jordan, A. H. Bynum Friday afternoon at and E. M. Fearrington. For reg- church cemetery. The deccasea , f deedg th(J names Gf jonn was Miss Ella Horton oeioie j Johnson, B. A. Phillips and Farmers' Institute. About 75 farmers were here Tuesdav to attend the Farmers' Institute, which was held in the court-house under the auspices of the State Agricultural Depart ment. It is to be. regretted that a larger number of our farmers do not attend these institutes for much information of a helpful nature can be learned at these era Hiorincr? Several subiects gUV.1V - iiii-I " v were discussed by the institute lecturers. Mr. A. L. French, of Rockingham county, discussed in a practical way the best methods to be observed m the cultivation and harvesting of corn. Prof. Newman spoke at some length and in an interesting way on soil improvement. Other addresses on different rihases of farm life were made. An institute for the wives and daughters of the farmers was held in another Dart of the court house. This was conducted by Mrs. W. R. Hollowell, of Golds- hovo. and Miss M. L. Jamison. They discussed very interesting lv subiects tending to the better mentof conditions in rural homes, such as better and more econom ical foods and better methods of preparing them, home sanitation, home fruit and vegetable garden ing, farm dairying, poultry-raising, the beautifying of the home and home surroundings, etc Pellagra Victim Cured. Special to the Ch-irloUe O server. Durham, July 9. The item has escaped the publicity that it needs, but within the past few days announcement has been made of the discharge of Mrs. R. M. Baxley, of Hillsboro, from Watts hospital, where she had hppn manv weeks under treat ment of Dr. Joe Graham for pel lagara. She goes away complete ly cured, the first cure reported here since the scourge was ob served to have been doing dead ly work. Beginning a little ear 1W last vear. there were observ- ' ed several cases and eleven deaths i wpt-p. registered. Within - the m and aoout uur- marriage five years ago. -At a regular communication of Columbus Lodge,. No. 10-, A. F. and A. M-, of this place , heid July 5th, the following officers were duly installed by Past Mas ter G. R. Pilkington for the en- t Farthing, W. ui unir p:- i . j - - ' Olllll-. 1 fc- M.: J. L. Griffin, J. W.; W. S. W-; W- K. M. Eubanks, Sec: K. M , . .1 ttt r i i r t u kit in vci nnn mms . i i 1 1 vj.cl v - W. jonnson, x. a. x inip? frnTT1 npiiao-ra e In that thne ISners, in addition to , MrBahad been -red . ! the three, members tne pres.-: , - - ollowi ent board tne names oi mot,Hnff nlon his Ferguson, C. D- Moore w . u .-. some r.m am began in- FarrellandE. J. Riggsbee are lme -Dr. Jpe "fp being discussed. For the. legis-, jections into the blood, lie has inrnrp T D Mclver Paoil J. Bar-: not accepted, nor has ne attacK lature O. XJ. muv ci, -lsH". -j. 4.u T nr. nrrn thp.orv but v,i t m Fnnst. are men- ea, tne riu&vL aiiy -rr T ,vWl his own tinned. In addition to me iuie-:: - -- j ones. Areas., x . tt. - - ; , i o--nrr there are aouuuess uuicio-.;-ou-"- - .. Connell, S. D. ; C. C. Hamlet and gomg tnere a mention- ' periments along the line R. H. Hayes, Stewards; R. C. whose name -thsthe nomi- ing made. VrV " 1 !- way anxuwitn More ex- are be- rially retards their progress. "Apropos of yesterday's remarks on days ueing repeated, I hear that one of the bluejackets has his birthday on the 11th of June, and so he haa to cele brate it twice, or rather Ins shipmates did for him, in which case lie dutn t especially enjoy it, receiivngthe custo mary birthday paddling twice. This repealing oi oirtnuays vou m nave soil ed me very veil as a kid. Suppose a steamer captain should cross tne date ine bound to the westward on his birth day, why the result would be that he never would nave a oiruniay: 'As I wrote the above, we entered the small harbor, called Port ot Apra, on the morning of J une 5th, and found there the navy collier, the l'ompey,and the ship stationed there, the supply. This is the only protected harbor m this part of the Pacific, the entrance being formed by a natural cnimnei, about l-")0 yards wide, between two reefs. The island of (Juam is a terri tory of the united Mates, Having oeen ceded bySpain in lSilS, and is govern ed by a naval otlicer, who, in this case, is a retired one, appointed by the secre tary of the navy. I was surprised by the size of the island, it being about 2U0 square miles in area, or about half as large as Chatham county. Jt looks no more than a speck on the map. It is the most southern of the Mariana or the ljadrone islands, which extend in a north and south line some 450 miles. The other islands belong to Germany, but Guam has. the only harbor and con tains about four times as many people as all the others put together. In VMi the population of (iuam was 9,700. There are a few of the aborigines called Chamerros, but most of the natives are a mixture of Spaniards and Caroline Islanders, imported there many years :ip-o. The neenle here seem to resem ble the litht colored .. Philipinos, but 1 hear that thev are a little better devel oped, "both mentally a'nd physically i:mv of them are enlisted as sailors at the naval station. "( hie of the main reasons for ourhold- iht! island of (juam, is f hat it is usad as an important cable center, hav ing four cable lines.. One line runs to ilnnolnhi and San Francisco: another in Vnkdhama: a third to Shanghai, and h;it ever stop here are the monthly aimv transports, a monthly steamship from San Francisco to Manila, and an rvw-isifinal vtassinsr naval vessel. "At; soon as we had anchored shore boats came alongside with many trop ical fruits to sell. They had pineaii ple, cocoanuts, bananas, oranges, lem o.w limes and mangoes for sale, the lemons and limes being very cheap about five cents a dozen. I did not get a chance to go ashore, as a coaling ship renuires "all hands" to remain aboard. oiil wp s?iii led next morning at day lio-ht ' However, several of tue officers -stationed in Guam came out to dinner with us and told us what a "garden of i-Men" the nlaee was, but, neverthe less, inquired if there were any of us who desired to relieve them! 1 imag ine it wouldn't be so bad for a young TYi-irried counle. but pretty lonely for hrtohplor. There are about ten oincers at the station and four of them are mar ripd si. nil have their wives with them. "Thp. climate is warm, tempered' by the trade winds, and the only draw back to if is the frequency at certain times of the year of tropical showers, liut, they say, all you have to do when it rains is to stay in doors." 1 To be concluded next week. Fuel and jauitqrs Furniture - Debks, stoves, black- boaids, etc Supplies 13 rooms buckets, etc Libraries Insurance and rent , Installment cn loan fund New buiklnjjrs, repairs and sites (white) New buiidiDj, repairs and sites (colored) . . Total spent for build ings and supplies 3,535 97 00 59 743 20 1,827 34 128 77 01 For A dm in i-st ration Treasurer. 2 ter cent. on disbursements 476 95 Mileage and per diem of county board.. ." Expenses of county bd' Census and commitee men Other expenses Total spent for admin istration 1,021 90 106 73 274 10 51 50 74 80 t W. L. LONDON, President. M. T. WILLIAMS, - Cashier. Ml JOE W. MANN AT BYNUM Has a full line of all kinds of Fanning Imple ments, new Sontliem IMse Ilarro-u, Mc j Connick Reapers and Hinders, Cnl- HE ALSO CARRIES SUPPLIES FOR f Deering and McCormick Mowers If you need ai-ytliing in tliis line, drop lilm a card and lie will come to see you. Also a full Stock of Cofiins and Caskets on hand. Furniture & Coffin Co. Borrowed Money, Etc Taxes refunded, remit tances ; 494 38 (Jvercharv'es, o v r - drawn 19QH 9 1G5 77 Total boriowed money repaid, etc 59 95 S--JMO-KID, jSTOKTTI Transferred to Public. High School Fund Apportionment from local tax fund 500 00 State apportionment 750 00 Private donations v 250 00 Total transferred to public high sc'l fund Paid to city schools ... 1.500 00 390 10 Large and select stock of Furniture in all styles. Our Undertaking stock is complete in Cas kets, Coffins, etc., of all sizes and at rea sonable prices. Full stock ot Matting on hand. Special attention call ed to our Matting Art Squares. Try one. All orders by mail receive prompt attention. Total exnendituie all purposes To balance ou hand for 23,414 596 28 29 Postage and stationery Ker. and probating- def ds Surveying school lotv Attorneys fees Tnt. ou in one fbor rowed Extra services of board Children transferred to Moore county Children transferred to Randolph county One half expenses at tending prin. high school meeting Total for all other ex penses -. Total tax on each poll levied for all pur posesT... Amount on each poll devoted to schools $23,710 57 49 95 6 40 2 00 45 00 72 89 66 60 7 50 22 50 Carter Furnitur e & Coffin Co., Sanford, N. C. 1 90 274 74 2 18 1 59 The foregoing is a true state ment of the!reeeipts and expendi tures of the treasurer of the Coun ty Board of Education of Chat ham county, lor the year ending June 30, 1910, as required by sec tion 4158 of the school law. (Signed) J. . JENKINS, Treasurer, Pittboro, N. C. July 6, 1910. BINGHAM SCHOOL 1793 1310 THE BINGHAM SCHOOL, A.heville. H. C. hai prepared Boy, to be Men for 11 17 J''""' located on the Ashrvllle Platan, 3 mile, from city. OrEanization MILITARY for DISCIPLlhfc. CONTROL and CAHR1 ACE. Boy. expelled from other schools not received. Virions boys remorad when discovered. HaHn. absolutely exdnded. R BmQHkX gopt ,8. Coffins and caskets A full stock of Coffins and Caskets always on hand and sold at all pnees. All kinds and sizes. B. Nooe, Jan.l, 1910 Pittsborc.N. Monetise Furniture and Coffin. Co. Dealers in All Kinds of Household ... Furniture, Carpets, Mat tings and Picture Frames. Also a Full Line of Coffins, Caskets & Burial Goods. Cook Stoves and Heaters, Specialties. 1 Moncure, N. C. Hatch, Tiler.