OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOgQ 8 Makea the skin soft as velvet. Improves any complexion. Best shampoo made. Cures most skin eruptions. Munyon's Hair Invigorator cures dandruff, stops hair from falling out, makes hair grow. XI tou nave uyspopsia, or any nvcr iruuuw, use Slnnyon's Paw-Paw Pills. They cure Bil iousness. Constipation and drive all Impurities from the I lood. MUNYON'S HOMEOPATHIC ROME REMEDY CO., Philadelphia, Pa. arm Topics A woman tells her troubles to a doc tor; a man tells his to a lawyer. For ISE YI ACIII5 Hicks' CAPCDISE Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or Nervous Troubles, Capudine will relievo you. It's liquid pleasant to take acts immedi ately. Try it. 10c., 25c., and 50 cents at drug stores. N Man will have what he desires, and will find what i really best for hitn. exactly as he honestly eeek3 it. Froude. One of the first necessities of our life is that wo grow upward like men. When we cease to aspire we descend in tho scale. Freston. Hed, Weak, Weary, "Watery Eyes. Relieved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try Murine For Tour Eyo Troubles. You Will Like Murine. It Soothes. Cflc at Tour Drusrsists. Write For Eye Books. Free. Murina Eye Remedy Co.. Chicagro. Gallant. She If I were a man, I should nev er marry. He -If you were a man, I should never marry. Tho Best. Hughes' the best: "Have been sell ing Hughes' Tonic for years. It i3 the best remedy for chills and fever, cur ing several cases with one bottle. Honest and valuable remedy." Sold by Druggists 50c. and $1.00 bottles. Prepared by Roblnson-Pettct Co. (Inc.), Louisville. The Summer Girl. "Ilow'd you like to be engaged to a millionaire?" "I was engaged to one all last sum mer, and he seldom spent a dime. I want to ba engaged to a young man who is down here for two weeks with about $300 in his roll." Quotation Marks. Senator Beveridge, in an after-dinner speech in Cleveland, said of a cor rupt politician: "The man's excuse is as absurd as the excuse that a certain minister of fered on being convicted of plagiar ism. " 'Brethren,' said this minister. It is true that I occasionally borrow for my sermons, but I always acknowl edge the fact in the pulpit by raising two fingers at the beginning and two at the end of the borrowed matter, thus indicating that it Is quoted.' " A New Version. Lawyers have a peculiar system of abbreviation, such words as trustees, executors being cut down to trees, exors, and admors. This practise led to an amusing s'iy on the part of a solicitor v;ho, somewhat late in life, abandoned his profession and entered the church. A few Sundays after his ordination he startled his congrega-' tion while reading the lesson by deliv ering one of the passages as follows: "I Ece men as trustees walking." Another Trrdition Exploded. Two Englishmen were resting at the "Red Horse Inn", at Stratfcrd-on-Avon. One of them discovered a print picturing a low tumbling build ing underneath which was printed: "The House in Which Shakespeare Was Born." Turning to his friend in mild surprise he pointed to the print His friend exhibited equal surprise, and called a waiter who assured them of the accuracy of the inscription. " 'Pon my word," said the observ ing Englishman, shaking his head dubiously, "I thought he was born in a manger!" Success Magazine. A Bernhardt Trick. Mine. Sarah Bernhardt, who is sup posed to be something of an artist as well as an actress, was recently call ed upon in one of her marvelous crea tions to enact the role of a sculptor, and to model a certain bust in view of the audience. This fairly electrified the critics, but when going into rhap sodies over the technical skill in han dling the clay which Mme. Bernhardt exhibited they showed that they knew little of the artistic tricks of actors and actresses; as a matter of fact, she does nothing of the kind. The bust is modeled and baked, and over "it Is placed damp clay of the same color. This the talented actress merely pulls off, exposing the beautifully modeled head underneath. summer Comfort There's solid satisfac tion and delightful re freshment in a glass of Postern Served with Sugar and a little Lemon. Postum contains the natural food elements of field grains and is really a food drink that relieves fatigue and quenches the thirst. Pure, Wholesome, Delicious "There's a Reason" POSTUM CEREAL CO., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich. ocoooocoooooooooooooooooo TEMPERATURE IMPORTANT. Dairymen are beginning to realize that temperature is the all Important factor in controlling quality; so what they at one time may have considered an abundance of Ice for all needs, to-day would be thought a shortage, Farmers' Home Journal. ALFALFA. Alfalfa is very long lived; fields In Mexico, it is claimed, have been con tinuously productive without replant ing for over 200 years, and others in France are known to have flourished for more than a century. Its usual life in the United States is probably from ten to twenty-five years, al though there is a field In New York that has been mown successively for over sixty years. It is not unlikely that under its normal conditions and with normal care it would well nigh be, as it is called, -everlasting. From Coburn's "The Book of Alfalfa." TUBERCULOSIS IN THE'PRISON COMBAT THE PESTS. Have everything in the poultry house removable, including roosts, nests, dropping boards and every thing else that goes to furnish a poul try house. It is so much easier to "ombat the lico and mites where these things are not fixed. They may be taken from the house, a little ker osene poured on them, a match ap- jilied, and the oil will burn without netting fire to the wood. Then if the interior of the house is sprayed with some good liqffid lice killer, and new nesting material provided, the both srsome insects will soon cease to be a pest. Where furnishings are per manent it is almost Impossible to rid .he premised of these pests. Indian apolis News. SCRATCHER FOR MANGY HOGS. To construct a practical scratches "or hogs, place two posts, five feel iong, firmly in the, ground and ten Hog Scratcher. feet apart. Get a small log and mot Use an end in each post, having on end six inches, the other twelv inches from ground. This will fit both pigs and hogs. Cover posts and log with old grain sacks and tack them on securely. Mir common ma chine oil and kerosene in equal parts and keep bags well saturated. Tha hogs will do the rest. Per Cent, of Sufferers Is Enormous and There Seems but One Remedy.' From several Investigations that have been made by the National As sociation for the Study and Preven tion of Tuberculosis, It is estimated that on an average about fifteen per cent, of the prison population of the country Is afflicted with tuberculosis. On this basis, out of the 80,000 prison ers housed in the penal institutions of the United States at any given time, not less than 12,000 are infected with this disease. If the Philippine islands and other Insular possessions were . taken into consideration the number would be much larger. Some of tho prisons of Pennsylvania, Kan sas and Ohio show such shocking con ditions with reference to tuberculosis that many wardens admit that these places of detention are death traps. Similar conditions could be found In almost every state, and in the major ity of cases the only sure remedy is the destruction of the old buildings and the erection of new ones. Keeping It Dry. An old woman of a wealthy New Jersey family was going visiting. The coachman, who had not been- In this country long, had just been equipped with a new uniform and a new silk hat. Before they had gone far It be gan to sprinkle, and the old woman told the coachman to fasten down the side curtains of the wagonette. He drove up to a hitching post be side the road and, dismounting, hung his new hat on the post, and begun to fasten the curtains. The old woman noticed: his. bare head and asked him where his hat was. "Ot took it off me he3d, mum, so as Is wouldn't get wet," the coachman replied. Less Lavish. "I saw 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' played recently."" "So?" "I think I'll read tho book." "You may bo disappointed. The book mentions only oue little Eva and one Lawyer Marks." Louisville Courier-Journal. A Treasure. "Your new maid looks very dis creet." "Indeed, she is. She even knocks at all the drawers before opening them." Pole Mele. TO DRIVE OUT MALARIA AD 1HI Hi V P THE SYSTEM Tako tho Old titiindurd UHOVKS TASXiiLliSS CHILL TONIC Tou know wbat you are taking. Tna formula is plainly printed on every bottle. Showing it -Is simply Qn!nlne and Iron in a taste less form. Tho Quinine drives cut Hie malaria and tne Iron builds up tho system. bold by all dealers tor 80 years. Price 0 cents. There can be no greater mistake than to suppose that the man with 11,000,000 is a million times happier than the man with one dollar. For COLDS nud GRIP nicks' Capudixe is the best remedy re lieves the aching anl feverishncss cures the Cold find restores normal conditions. It's liquid effects imraediatly. 10o., 25c., and 60c. At drug otOoes. BEGINNING 11IGHT. There are thousands of people be coming interested each year in the poultry business, while very few enter it with the correct idea3 of true suc cess aad how to derive the greatest i:rofit from their work. Not a few jf those beginning in the business are over enthusiastic at the start. They read a paper clipping or a re port from some large plant making a success and think if they buy a few chickens, dump them in an old. out shed, throw In a little feed between times, that everything will be peaches and cream. In fact, in the evening they start to gather the eggs with a basket large enough for the- whole 1 year's crop. It is needless for me to narrate the disappointment and dis gust these poor mortals have for the poultry industry. VETCHES FOR SHEEP. The farmers in this country are finding the vetch a very profitable plant for sheep and for other stock, and are beginning to grow it in some sections to- a considerable extent. The Canadian department of agricul ture at Ottawa has issued a bulletin No. 12, showing the value of this plant, especially for sheep, and in considering special crops for sheep it discusses in this connection clover, al falfa, vetches, rape, cabbage, turnips, mangels, corn and the several classes of grain. Each is treated separately in regard to method of cultivation and manner of feeding. Dealing with vetches the bulletin says: "Vetches, or tares, as they are also called, make eicellent fodder for Eheep, either as a soiling crop or as cured hay. This crop much resem bles peas in habit of growth and re Quires about the same kind of culti vation. Its vines are more slender than "pea vines and stand up better when grown with a stiff variety of oats. , Vetches are grown extensively for sheep feed in Grer.t Britain, and to some extent in Canada for the same purpose. . The writer, while raising sheep, always grew a small area of tares with oats for soiling the show flock, and in case of a shortage of .clover, vetches were cured for hay. The crop being fine in vine and very leafy is much relished bj sheep and constitutes a rich diet. . "Two varieties of vetches arc grown for fodder. The common vetch is the chief sort cultivated, bul the hairy variety is receiving some at tention. The latter produces the heaviar yield, but so far the seed having to be imported is very expen sive and few care to bother with it Indiana Farmer. A Large Volanie. The biggest book In Washington is not in ihe Congressional Library. 11 is in the reference room of the Geo !ogic:tl Survey on F street, where its huge bulk reposes on a stand made especially for-it. It is a dictionan and consists of half a dozen volumes bound under one generous cover tha' must have taken-several. calfskins t( provide the leather binding. It con talas 70S5 pages and weighs as mucl ns a high school girl. By contrast the fat Webster's Unabridged tha lies alongside this great. Jumbo of i book looks like a pocket edition of fh Rubaiyat. Washington Star. 1 The secret of life is not to do what one likes, but to try to like that which one has to do; and one does like it in time. D. M. Craik. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take. Do not gripe. The lamb that plays around a mint bed tempts fate. " Lydia E. Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound Chicago, HI. MJ. was troubled with falling and inflammation, and the doc tors said, L could not fret well unless I had an operation. I knew I could noft stand tho strain of one. so I wrote t.r you sometime ago about my health and you told ma what to do. After taking Lydia E. Pinkham's vegeta ble Compound and. Blood Purifier I am . - - - AiiiiuA j. qui to-day a well woman." Mrs. William voo vv . zisr, sr., Chicago, 111. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Con pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harm ful drugs, and to-day holds the record tor the largest number of actual cures of female diseases of any similar medi cine in the country, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on file in the Pinkhara laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints, inflammation, ul ceration,displacements,fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains,backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. Lverv such suffering woman owes it to herself to give Lydia E. Pinkham's vegetable Compound a trial. - If you would like special advice about your case write a confiden tial letter to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free, and always helpful. FOR SALE -SOUTH GA. FARMS 500 ACKEi, 150 ia cultivation, six-room reidenca. Best grade pabble land; ideal home. All oonvani -noes. If you destra choice land in south Georgia, see this place Wili sell at reasonable fUure. F.J. B1V1NS, Moultrie, Ga. GET A SAW MILL from Lombard Iron Works, Augus- H ta, Ga. Make money sawing neigh- 11 tor's timber when gin engine U idle tj after, the crops ere laid by. H NATURE'S SIGNALS. The first Indication of kidney dis order Is often backache. Then comes pain In the hips and sides, lameness, soreness and urinary troubles. These are the warnings na ture's signals for help. Doan's Kidney-Pills should be used at the first sign. A. Treltlein, 84 Rosett St., New Ha ven, Conn., says: "I was propped up in a chair for 23 weeks. So intense was the pain when I moved that I thought I would pass away.' The kidney action was Irregular and the , secretions scalded. Three doctors gave me no relief. Doan's Kidney Pills cured me, and for ten years the cure has been permanent." Remember the name Doan's. For sale , by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. "My WVl m QnoA tnf mrr TOO LATE. Dr. Pillem There must be some thing radically wrong with your sys tem to Tiave your hair fall out so.. You will have to diet Skantlox Dye it? I'm afraid, doc, there's not enough of it left to -dye. Doll House Library. A search for a child's short story, 'The Griffln and the Minor Canon," in a volume all by Itself revealed to a persistent city shopper the thought and money that are expended on the furnishing of dolls' houses. Book stores had not the story in a single volume, but in a department store one young woman interviewed had re cently been transferred from the toy department and was able to contribute a helpful hint. "I think," she said, "you can find it In one of the dolls' houses down stairs." Curiosity had by that time become a sauce to literature, so the shopper hurried downstairs to inspect the doll houses. Three of the most expensive houses contained libraries consisting of a score of diminutive boqks and each book contained a child's story complete. One of them was "The Griffin and the Minor Canon." If afflicted with Treak are, usa Ttapsotfs Eye Water One Side Enough. Senator William Alden Smith tell3 jf an Irish justice of the peace out In Michigan. In a trial the evidence was all In and tho plantifTs attorney had made a long and very eloquent argument, when the lawyer acting for the defense arose. "What are you doing?" asked the Justice, as the lawyer began. "Going to present our side of the case." "I don't want to hearboth sides ar gued. It has tindency to confuse the coort." Washingtonian. And They Wondered. Judge Nicholas Longworth, who used to sit on Ohio's supreme bench, looked unnaturally grave, and a neighbor, in recognition of his facial depression, named a pet owl "Judge Longworth." It was the very next day that an excited maid broke up his wife's garden party. "Oh, madam," said she. "Madam! Judge Longworth has laid an egg." Included Her. "Why. did she get angry at the stranger in town?" "She asked him if he had seen her daughter and he answered that he had seen all the sights of the place." Game. The Creditor Will you pay this bill now, or never? The Debtor Mighty nice of you to give me my choice, old scout. I choose never. You Know Them. "Is that a new hobby he is riding?" "No; same old frayed hoss. It's the new bit and bridle that attract attention." Good intentions are always hot stuff; that is why they are used for paving material in a certain locality. Convenient For Any Meal Post Toasties Are always ready to--serve right from the box with the addition of cream or milk. Especially pleasing with berries or fresh fruit. Delicious, wholesome, economical food which saves a lot of cooking in hot weather. . " " "The Memory Lingers" - POSTTJM CEREAL" CO., Ltd. B.-.ttle Creek. Mich. NEWS Of NORTIl STftTtL Late Important Events and Facts of State-Wide Interest Printed Hert for Public Benefit. . 30-Foot Whale at Morehead City. At Morehead City Tmesday after noon while Colonel Tate and son, and fiardee of Tennessee, were out In Captain Charlie Benmet't's launch rolling for mackerel large whale arose about twenty feat astern of the boat at ttho time they were near the ssa ibouy at (pli inlet, iai!utt two miles from Moreihead City. Caip tain. Bennett says the whale was" the. 6pecies known as the fishing whale ond was probably following a school of mackerel. From what the party could see of the wfcale the monster was fully iEirrty jfeet long. They think t'h boat tad just passed over the whale before it came to the sur face. The whale coming up so near the boat gave the occupants some fright, but after it was over they were glad to have had the unusual ex perienc of ft&aing the monster. Man Takes His Step-Daughter. John W. Rollins, of Mecklenburg county near the Union line, ran away Monday night with his step-daughter, a young married woman. When he left he was driving a light sorrel mare mule, about 7 years old, ottacSk ed to a, top buggy. - The mule and buggy belonged to itihe Sikes Company of Monroe, and they want them. Rollins is about 45 years of age, dark comjilexioned, with black 'hair and moustache, and has a blue scar over this left eye. He weighs about 175 pounds. ; Young Man Shot and Killed. Ben Hunter, a white man of about 26 years old, was shot and killed Monday near Altan, Union county, and his companion, Walter Stack, was shot iu the arm. The Efhooting is said to have been done bv ihrez brothers, Ous, Will and Winfred Belk, who had a long-standing quar rel with Both Hunter and Stack. The dead man got into trouble las year by sloping with his wife's sis ten The pair come back shortly afterward, however, and Hunter was living with his wife again. An Ugly Picture. Aquilla Powell, the young son of the Halifax murderer now serving a thirty years' sentence" in the State prison, is losing ground rapidly, and the hope that he would recover from the pistol wound, the day after he inflicted it with suicidal purposes, at Durham, has been entirely given up. He may have a chance in a thousand. The young man has been one of the worst of boys, though he is about twenty-seven years of age now. He has recently brooded deeply over his life, but has been allowed to talk but little since he shot himself. m LAT5&R Powell drod Monday night. Tihe .young fellow had never really rallied but grew steadily worse his liver having been pierced by -fhe bul kt. Buckwheat in North Carolina. That buckwheat, one of the staple crops of the north and west, can be grown successfully and with rpo fit in some sections of North Caro lina has been abundantly demon strated this year by the experiment of W. T. Simpson, one 'of the set tlers at the Castle Haynes colony, jus?t above Wilmington. So far a. known here, this is the first success ful attempt ever made in the Stata to raise buckwheat, and farmers generally will be interested in the experiment of Mr. Simpson. Fire at Saluda. The business portion of Saluda was visited by a $10,000 to , $15,000 fire Tuesday night. There is no in surance and much damage dope to the goo (fa saved. Railroad for Yancey County. A railroad will be built from Boon ford to Cane River, a distance of 19 miles from the C. C. & O., into the heart of .Yancey county. An . elec tion will be held on September 15 to decide whether bonds to the amount of $100,000 will be loaned the Black Mountain Railway Company until the completion of the . road within 12 months. Vanderbilt Settles Out of Court. Formal entries were made in the supcaVor count, 'Ashe villa,', on non suits in the two cases brought by Dr. C. A. Scheneek against George W. Vanderbilt. The suits followed the dismissal of Dr. Schenck from he. posit ion of forester for the Bi lt more estate. One was for about $8,000 a'leged to be due on back salary and for some $2,000 in addition, said to he due on open account. The second suit had to do with some insurance policies. These were settled out of the court, but 'the terms are not public. Must Have Sewing Machine License. State Treasurer B. R. Lacy. has given out information that may save some merchants a penalty of "$300. Sewing Machine Companies are re quired to" take out an original license at. a cost of $450 to do business in North Carolina, while a" duplicate of the license can be obtained by merchants- and deals-re at a cost of $2.00. All who &sll sewing machines of any make without having such' duplicate license are liable to the $300 fine, ' $2,115,164.33 Tobacco at Winston. In the twelve months ending July 31, the Winston-Salem tobacco mar ket sold 21,169,329 pounds of leaf tobacco, for $2,115,164.33, an aver age of practically $10.- The price difference was less than 10 cents a hundred pounds -as compared -ftith the previous year's figures, which were regairded good. ' " The manufactured product has in creased, enormously, 52,326,187 pounds being the output in the last rear, as against 40,62(5,254 in 1909, I gain ' of more than 28 per cent, Woman's Power Over Man Woman's most glorious endowment is the power to awaken and hold the pure and hones love of a worthy man. When she loses it and still loves on, no one in the wide world can know the heart agony she endures. The woman who suffers from weak ness and derangement of her special womanly or ganism soon loses the power to sway the heart of 1 man. Her general health suffers and she ' loses- end her power and prestige as a woman. Dr. R.V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N.Y., with the assistance of his staff of able physicians, has prescribed for and cured many thousands of women. He has devised a successful remedy for woman's ail ments. It is known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a positive specifio for the weaknesses and disorders peculiar to women. It purifies, regu lates, strengthens and heals. Medicine dealers sell it. No honest dealer will edvise you to accept a substitute in order to make a little larger profit. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEIJ STRONG, SIC WOHEN WELL. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and atrenstbea Stomach, Liver an4 Bowels. . HOSTESS - HAD TO OWN UP Domestic Secret Disclosed When the - Guest Could Not Be Served With Pie She was a woman Of resource and ability and when her husband arrived for dinner with an unexpected guest she thought she had devised a way to meet the fact that she had but one piece of pie in the house and had In tended hor husband should have that. She Instructed him that when she sent to the kitchen for dessert he was to say he could not possibly eat any more than he had eaten and then the pie could be brought to her guest without his surmising that there was but one -piece in the house. This might have worked out all right if the pie had not been so ex ceedingly good and hor husband had not known this because he had it for dinner the day before. When the maid cleared away the dinner dishes the master of the bouse said he had no room for dessert. The guest said he felt the same way. Then, when the master thought it was safe to do so ho changed mind tako dessert. The pie wa3 brought. When it was half eaten the guest said it looked so good he thought he, too, would indulge. - ' "No, you won't," . said the hostess, and she told the tale of the pie.. LEG A MASS OF HUMOR "About seven years ago a small abrasion appeared on my right leg Just above my ankle. It irritated me so that I began to scratch it, and it began to spread until my leg from my ankle to the knee was one solid scale like a scab. The Irritation was always worse at night and would not allow me to sleep, or my wife either, and it was completely undermining our health. I lost fifty pounds in weight and was almost out of my mind with pain and chagrin as no matter where the irritation came, at work, on the Btreet or in the presenco of company, I would have to scratch it until I had the blood running down Into my shoe. I simply cannot describe my suffer ing during those seven years. Tho pain, mortification, loss of sleep, both to myself and wife is simply inde scribable "on paper and one has to- ex perience It to know what it Is. "I tried all kinds of doctors and rem edies but I might as well have thrown my money down a sewer. They would dry up for a, little while and fill me with hope only to break out again just as bad if not worse. I had given up hope of ever being cured when I was Induced by my wlf e to give the Cuti cura Remedies a trial. After taking the Cuticura Remedies for a little while I began to seea change, and after taking a dozen bottles of Cuti cura Resolvent in conjunction with the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Oint ment, the trouble had entirely disap peared and my leg was as fine as tho day I was born. Now after a lapse of six months with no signs of a recur rence I feel perfectly safe in extend ing to you my heartfelt thanks for the good the Cuticura Remedies have dene for me. I shall always recommend them to my friends. W. H. White, 312 E. Cabot St, Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. i and Apr. 13, 1909." Advice. "Doctor," cried little Bingle, over his telephone, "my wife has lost her voice. What the dickens shall I do?" "Why," said the doctor, gravely, "if I were you I'd remember the fact when Thanksgiving day comes around, and act accordingly." Whereupon the doctor chuckled as he charged Bingle two -dollars, for professional services. Harper's Weekly. At the Shore. Polly I wonder how Choliy man ages to keep that wide-brimmed straw on in a wind like this. Dolly Vacuum pressure. Judge. Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Syrop for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle. A business man's leisure is simply the time he doesn't know' what to do with Why Suffer fmm Eczema? A Georgia Mnn Tells His Ex perience. I was afflicted with a very bad case of Eczema for twenty-five years, which was in my feet, legs and hips. Through all this time I tried different remedies and Doctors' prescriptions, obtaining no relief until I used yout HUNT'S CURE. One box (50c) cured me entirely, and though two years have elapsed I have had no return of the trouble. Naturally I regard it as the greatest remedy in the world. Yours, , J. P. Perkins, Atlanta, Ga. Manufactured and Guaranteed by A. B. Richards Medietas Co., Sherman, Texas Prsa rs Send postal for of Paxtine. Sutler and more economical liiaa liquid anSfsep'ics - WQm ALL TOELETT USES, 1 U Uatfcjtla) a Gives one a sweet breath ; clean, white, srenn-free teeth antiseptically clean I mouth and throat purifies the bre&th after smoking cusp ela all disagreeable perspiration and Lody odors much ap preciated by dainty women. A quick remedy for sore eyes and catarrh. .- A title Paxtine powder dls- 'i solved in a g'esa oi hot water maV m rlpKoVitful ant'ser.'ifT sr. Iution, possessing extraordinary 2 cleansing, germicidal and heal ing power, and absolutely harm less. Try a Sample. 50c. a large box at druggists or by mail. THS PAXTON TOILET Co., Boston, Macs, i "Having taken your wonderful 'Casca rets'' for three months and being entirely cured of stomach catarrh and dj'spepsia, I think a word of praise is due to 'Cascarets' for their wonderful composi tion. I have taken numerous other so called remedies but without avail, and I find that Cascarets relieve more in a day than all the others I have taken would ia a year." James McGuse, 108 Mercer St., Jersey City, N. J. . Pleasant. Palatabla, Potent, Tr.sto Good. Do Good. Never S-cken,Weaken or Gripo. 10c, 25c. 50e. Never sold ia bulk. The gen nine tablet stamped C C C. lluaraateed to cura or your mont y back. 919 IP3 TELEGRAPH OPERATORS New Sotith'ooTina Railway offices open soon. Short hours and good pay. Any ouo can loam la lwi to loer months. Positions Gaarantsed all wbo mate necessar7 preparation. l'cokkeeping, Shorthand, Tvpe-.vritinir. tlvil Service and Halesmausiiipolso Uitiglit. Lessons by mail If desireil. Position secured tor all graduates. Write at oncu lor fall information. Souihsm CoRiirisrcSal Sehocfs, North Carolina's greatest Schools of hnsln!-. Salis bury, Wilmington. Eocky Mount, Wiui.U)ii-r.-aleia. $6S to ?S6 pays board, literary tuition aud room rent fo.r .session of niue months at PIEDMONT HIGH SCHOOL "It is the best and tae cheapest school iu Iho state." E. M. Koonce, State Senator. For Catalogue write to WM. D. BURNS, Lawndaio, N. O. TELE6RAPHY We are unable to fill the demand for com petent Operators. Three to four months required to complete course. Positions guaranteed. Expert Management. Only School in the Caroli ias. Write for Catalog. CHARLOTTE TELEGRAPHY SCHOOL, Charlotte, fJ.C. Restores Cray Kair to Mature! Color; REMOVES BAKDKTF A3B SCUfJI' Invigorates ond prerents tlie hair from falling off. for 8qI b Drufcclste, or Sent Direct Of XANTHINE CO., Richmond, Virg fries l Par Battle; Smp! BettU 35c mia Send for Circulars W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 34-1910. i All ilff W' . THE STEADY WHITE UCHT The Rayo Lamp :t a high grade lamp, eld at a low price. There aro lamps that cost mora, but there is no hotter lump made at any price. Constructed ot solid brass; nickel plated easily kept clean: on ornament to any room In any bouse. There Is nothing krwn to iho art of lamp-making that can add to theyaluo of tbe KAYO Lamp as a HrI''- glTlnjr device. Every dealer everywhere. t rot at yours, writa 10? descriptive circular tD the nearest agency of tha STANDARD OIL COMPANY !nccrporleJ YOUHG MEN AND LADIES LEARN TELEGRAPHY! S. T. established 22 reurs. I!iz demand for our graduates. Students amJifV In few months. Positions paying $50 to $75 a month guaranteed. uiclc promotion. Writo today for freo UJus-rd'od catalog. SOUTHERN SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY, L. Box 272, NEWNAN, GA. ljiTCHEtlS EYE SALVE A